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Mahagenco Tender

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Competitive Bidding Bid Specification No:

CE/SPGD-P/Green H2/BTPS/-71


HDIL Tower, A-Wing, 4th Floor, Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051
Email: cespgd@mahagenco.in / dycespgd@mahagenco.in
Phone No: 91-22-26582424 Extn: 353/356/333

Tender document for Green H2 Project Page 1 of 182



Competitive Bidding for selection of EPC contractor for design, engineering, manufacturing, fabrication,
packaging, testing, supplying, erection and commissioning including performance guarantee test run
(PGTR) of water electrolyzer system for green hydrogen production including setting up of ground
mounted solar power plant of 500 kWAC capacity and FIVE Years of Comprehensive O&M of Complete
Project at Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon, Maharashtra.


The Maharashtra State Power Generation Co. Ltd., Mumbai, India (MAHAGENCO) invites online
Bids (Two Bid System i.e. separate bid for technical/commercial and price bid) from eligible
Bidders for setting up of GREEN HYDROGEN PROJECT OF CAPACITY 20 NM3 /Hr
Details are as under
Sr. Project Project Latitude, Project Area in
No. Component Location Longitude Capacity Hectares
1 Bhusawal, 21.04,75.83 20 Nm3 /hr
Hydrogen Plant 0.064
Dist. Jalgaon
2 Bhusawal, 21.04,75.83 500 kW AC 0.60
Solar Plant
Dist. Jalgaon






Sr. Project Component Capacity Total Price in Rs.

No. inclusive of all taxes
and duties
1 A - Hydrogen Plant EPC Cost 20 Nm3/Hr Electrolyser Price A
2 500 kW AC PV Plant with
B – Solar Plant minimum CUF of 21% Price B

TOTAL X = (A+B) Price X

Tender document for Green H2 Project Page 2 of 182

NOTE: O & M price of Hydrogen Plant and Solar Plant: 3% of price of A & B will be treated as O &
M Contract price, which will paid in quarterly bills i.e. for the O & M period of 5 Years. Successful
bidder will be evaluated based price X and not on individual price A & B



Bid specification shall be available for download on website https://eprocurement.mahagenco.in after

acceptance of vendor registration fee for new registration and renew Rs. 5000/- + GST and tender fees
(Rs. 11,800/- inclusive of applicable GST) through online payment gateway at
1. Start date of acceptance of tender fee by MAHAGENCO 28.07.2022 at 12:00 hrs
& download of tender document
2. Site visit Upto 07.08.2022
3. Last date of acceptance of queries/comments from 08.08.2022 upto 17:00 hrs.
4. Pre-bid conference 10.08.2022 at 11:00 hrs.
5. Last date of acceptance of queries/comments from 12.08.2022 upto 17:00 hrs.
6. s of Replies to Pre-bid queries – online
Issue 22.08.2022
7. Last date for Submission of Online Bid (Techno- 29.08.2022 upto 15:00 hrs.
commercial and Price Bids)
8. Last date of submission of physical support documents 30.08.2022 upto 12:00 Hrs.

9. Due date for opening of techno-commercial bids 30.08.2022 at 15:00 hrs.

MAHAGENCO reserves the right to cancel/withdraw this Invitation for Bids without assigning any
reason for such decision.
This is an e-tender. Offers shall be submitted and processed in electronic mode only. Physical copies
of required document will additionally need to be supplied for verification. The instructions to
Bidders /terms and conditions appearing in this specification only shall be applicable

Tender document for Green H2 Project Page 3 of 182

SECTION - I ................................................................................................................................................................... 17
INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ......................................................................................................................................... 17
1.0 INVITATION TO BID ............................................................................................................................................. 18
BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................................................. 18
1.1 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 18
1.2 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF BIDDING PROCESS: (ONLY THROUGH E- TENDERING MODE) ......................................... 18
1.4 CLARIFICATION OF BID SPECIFICATION: .............................................................................................................. 19
1.5 REVISION OF BID SPECIFICATION: ....................................................................................................................... 19
1.6 PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OF BID ............................................................................................................ 20
1.7 BID PRICE AND BID CURRENCY............................................................................................................................ 22
1.8 BID SECURITY (EMD) ........................................................................................................................................... 23
1.9 VALIDITY OF BIDS: .............................................................................................................................................. 24
1.10 PAYMENT TERMS ........................................................................................................................................... 24
1.11 SIGNING OF BIDS ............................................................................................................................................ 24
1.12 SUBMISSION OF BIDS ..................................................................................................................................... 24
1.13 ASSISTANCE TO BIDDERS ................................................................................................................................ 26
1.14 QUALIFYING REQUIREMENTS FOR GREEN HYDROGEN PROJECT: ................................................................... 26
1.15 OTHER CONDITIONS: ...................................................................................................................................... 27
1) REGISTERED OFFICE ............................................................................................................................................ 27
2) SOLVENCY: .......................................................................................................................................................... 27
1.16 EXCLUSIVITY ................................................................................................................................................... 28
1.17 INSURANCE .................................................................................................................................................... 28
1.18 TRACK RECORD .............................................................................................................................................. 28
1.19 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT COMPETENCE ......................................................................................................... 28
1.20 RIGHT TO ACCEPT/ REJECT ............................................................................................................................. 29
1.21 BID EVALUATION CRIETERIA & SELECTION PROCEDURE OF THE BIDDER ........................................................ 30
SECTION II .................................................................................................................................................................... 32
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: ....................................................................................................................................... 32
1. OBJECTIVE .......................................................................................................................................................... 33
2. DETAILS OF PROJECT SITE ................................................................................................................................... 33
3. INTENT OF SPECIFICATION .................................................................................................................................. 33
1. HYDROGEN GENERATION PLANT: ....................................................................................................................... 36
DESIGN/ CONSTRUCTION:............................................................................................................................................ 39
2. C & I SPECIFICATIONS.......................................................................................................................................... 40
3. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS: ........................................................................................................................... 40
4. GENERAL OPERATION CRITERIA / PHILOSOPHY:.................................................................................................. 40

Page 4 of 182
5. DRYING SYSTEM FOR HYDROGEN GAS ................................................................................................................ 40
6. BACK PRESSURE REGULATING VALVE: ................................................................................................................ 41
7. CYLINDER MANIFOLD: ........................................................................................................................................ 41
8. FLUSHING SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................................. 41
9. HYDROGEN LEAK DETECTION SYSTEM. ............................................................................................................... 41
10. PIPING: ............................................................................................................................................................... 41
11. CODES AND STANDARDS. ................................................................................................................................... 41
12. HYDROGEN AND NITROGEN GAS CYLINDERS ...................................................................................................... 41
1. SOLAR PV MODULES ........................................................................................................................................... 46
2. MODULE MOUNTING STRUCTURES: ................................................................................................................... 47
3. CABLE, WIRES & CABLE TRENCHES: ..................................................................................................................... 48
4. STRING COMBINER BOX & STRING MONITORING SYSTEM ................................................................................. 49
5. ARRAY YARD LIGHTING ....................................................................................................................................... 49
6. LIGHTNING PROTECTION .................................................................................................................................... 50
7. EARTHING SYSTEM FOR ARRAY YARD ................................................................................................................. 51
8. OTHERS ............................................................................................................................................................... 51
9. INVERTER ............................................................................................................................................................ 51
I. OPERATING CONDITION ..................................................................................................................................... 51
II. RATING ............................................................................................................................................................... 52
III. EFFICIENCY.......................................................................................................................................................... 52
IV. THE INVERTER SHALL HAVE FOLLOWING FEATURES: .......................................................................................... 52
V. DC BUS & PANEL (IF NECESSARY) ........................................................................................................................ 53
VI. AC BUS & PANEL ................................................................................................................................................. 53
VII. CIRCUIT BREAKER ........................................................................................................................................... 53
VIII. UPS, DC BATTERY & CHARGER ........................................................................................................................ 53
IX. PROTECTIVE RELAYS ........................................................................................................................................... 54
X. AUXILIARY POWER SUPPLY ................................................................................................................................. 54
XI. AIR VENTILATION SYSTEM .................................................................................................................................. 54
XII. LIGHTING FIXTURES ........................................................................................................................................ 54
10. CONTROL ROOM ................................................................................................................................................. 55
1) CABLES & WIRES FOR LIGHTING FIXTURES .......................................................................................................... 55
2) SCADA AND REMOTE MONITORING SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... 55
3) CONTROL ROOM ELECTRICAL WIRING ................................................................................................................ 56
4) DC BATTERY & CHARGER .................................................................................................................................... 57
5) ENERGY METERS ................................................................................................................................................. 57
6) SEALING AND MAINTENANCE OF METERS: ......................................................................................................... 57
7) LIGHTING FIXTURES ............................................................................................................................................ 57
8) AIR CONDITIONERS AND VENTILATION ............................................................................................................... 57

Page 5 of 182
9) SURVEILLANCE CAMERA MONITORING DESK ..................................................................................................... 58
10) FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................. 59
11) OTHERS .......................................................................................................................................................... 60
1. HYDROGEN PLANT .............................................................................................................................................. 63
GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................................... 63
2. SOLAR POWER PLANT ......................................................................................................................................... 64
GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................................... 64
2. PERFORMANCE MONITORING ............................................................................................................................ 66
3. MANDATORY SPARES & CONSUMABLES............................................................................................................. 66
4. INSTRUMENTS FOR METEOROGICAL MEASUREMENTS ....................................................................................... 67
5. TESTING INSTRUMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL & ELECTRONICS ........................................................... 67
6. SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION ................................................................................................................................. 67
7. SCOPE OF CIVIL MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................................................... 67
8. O&M PERIOD COMPLETION REPORT: ................................................................................................................. 68
9. OTHERS ............................................................................................................................................................... 68
9. COMPREHENSIVE OPERATION & MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................ 68
1) HYDROGEN PLANT .............................................................................................................................................. 68
2) SOLAR POWER PLANT ......................................................................................................................................... 68
1.0 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................................. 68
2.0 DEGRADATION OF SOLAR MODULE .................................................................................................................... 69
10. QUALITY ASSURANCE, QUALITY CONTROL, INSPECTION & TESTING SYSTEM ...................................................... 70
10.4.1 MATERIAL SAMPLES .................................................................................................................................. 73
10.4.2 INSPECTION & TESTING ............................................................................................................................. 74
3.2.1 STEPS FOR VENDOR APPROVAL ........................................................................................................... 79
3 USE OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS & INFORMATION ............................................................................ 83
4 PATENT RIGHTS ............................................................................................................................................ 83
4. INTER-CHANGEABILITY ............................................................................................................................. 83
5 PACKING & MARKING ................................................................................................................................. 83
SECTION III ................................................................................................................................................................... 85
GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................................. 85
1. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE .............................................................................................................................. 86
2. CONTRACT DRAWING ......................................................................................................................................... 86
3. POWER TO VARY OR OMIT WORK ...................................................................................................................... 86
4. NEGLIGENCE ....................................................................................................................................................... 87
5. STATUTORY RESPONSIBILITY & BID DOCUMENTATION ...................................................................................... 87
6. TIME OF COMPLETION ........................................................................................................................................ 87
7. DELAY IN EXECUTION OR FAILURE TO SUPPLY .................................................................................................... 88
8. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES....................................................................................................................................... 88
9. SUSPENSION: ...................................................................................................................................................... 89

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9.1 SUSPENSION BY THE OWNER .............................................................................................................................. 89
9.2 SUSPENSION BY AUTHORITIES ............................................................................................................................ 89
10. FORCE MAJEURE: ................................................................................................................................................ 89
11. PROGRESS REPORT OF WORK ............................................................................................................................. 92
12. INSURANCE ......................................................................................................................................................... 92
13. RISKS ASSUMPTION ............................................................................................................................................ 94
14. STATUTORY ACTS, RULES AND STANDARDS........................................................................................................ 94
15. TOOLS & TACKLES ............................................................................................................................................... 94
16. SAFETY MEASURES ............................................................................................................................................. 94
17. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL ...................................................................................................................................... 95
18. STOPPAGE OF WORK .......................................................................................................................................... 95
19. HINDRANCE REGISTER ........................................................................................................................................ 95
20. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR ............................................................................................................... 95
21. RIGHT OF MSPGCL TO MAKE CHANGE(S) IN DESIGN ........................................................................................... 96
22. MANUALS ........................................................................................................................................................... 96
23. GOVERNING LANGUAGE ..................................................................................................................................... 96
24. DELIVERY OF EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................................... 96
25. CE(SPGD-P) DECISION ......................................................................................................................................... 96
26. LIABILITIES DURING TRANSIT: ............................................................................................................................. 96
EQUIPMENT, AND MACHINERIES UP TO DELIVERY AT SITE. ......................................................................................... 97
27. DEDUCTION FROM CONTRACT PRICE .................................................................................................................. 97
28. TERMS OF PAYMENT .......................................................................................................................................... 97
29. VARIATION ......................................................................................................................................................... 99
30. COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION ............................................................................................................. 100
31. LAW & PROCEDURE .......................................................................................................................................... 100
32. CONSTRUCTION OF CONTRACT ......................................................................................................................... 100
33. NOTICES ............................................................................................................................................................ 100
34. RISK PURCHASE ................................................................................................................................................ 100
35. COMMUNICATION AND VISIBILITY ................................................................................................................... 100
36. USE OF RESULTS ................................................................................................................................................ 101
37. SANCTIONABLE PRACTICE : ............................................................................................................................... 101
38. EXCLUSIONS FROM PARTICIPATING IN TENDER: ............................................................................................... 102
AND SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ACTION DEEMED FIT. ....................................................................................................... 102
SECTION- IV ............................................................................................................................................................... 103
SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: ............................................................................................................................ 103
1. TRAINING OF MSPGCL'S PERSONNEL ................................................................................................................ 104
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2. COMMISSIONING – HYDROGEN PLANT............................................................................................................. 104
2.1 HYDROGEN GENERATION PLANT: ..................................................................................................................... 104
2.2 PG TEST AND COMMISSIONING: ....................................................................................................................... 104
2.3 PRE-COMMISSIONING TESTS ............................................................................................................................ 104
2.4 TRIAL RUN ........................................................................................................................................................ 105
2.5 COMMISSIONING OF PLANT ............................................................................................................................. 105
2.6 SYNCHRONIZING AND COMMISSIONING – SOLAR POWER PLANT .................................................................... 105
A) SOLAR POWER PLANT ....................................................................................................................................... 105
B) SYNCHRONIZING AND COMMISSIONING .......................................................................................................... 105
C) PRE-COMMISSIONING TESTS ............................................................................................................................ 105
D) TRIAL RUN ........................................................................................................................................................ 105
E) COMMISSIONING OF SOLAR PLANT .................................................................................................................. 106
2.7 COMMERCIAL OPERATION DATE OF THE GREEN HYDROGEN PLANT ................................................................ 106
2.8 CONDITIONS REGARDING COMMERCIAL OPERATION ...................................................................................... 106
2.9 PROJECT COMPLETION ..................................................................................................................................... 106
2.10 PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE (PG) TEST: ....................................................................................................... 107
2.11 REJECTION OF DEFECTIVE PARTS .................................................................................................................. 108
2.12 FINAL ACCEPTANCE TEST: ............................................................................................................................. 108
2.13 MODE OF EXECUTION .................................................................................................................................. 108
2.14 PROGRAMME OF WORK .............................................................................................................................. 108
2.15 STARTING OF WORK ..................................................................................................................................... 108
2.16 COMPLETION SCHEDULE .............................................................................................................................. 109
2.17 SITE INSPECTION & BASIS OF OFFER ............................................................................................................. 109
2.18 PRICE ESCALATION ....................................................................................................................................... 109
2.19 TAX LAW ...................................................................................................................................................... 109
2.20 PROCUREMENT OF MATERIALS .................................................................................................................... 109
2.21 NOTICE OF OPERATION: ............................................................................................................................... 109
2.22 REJECTION OF MATERIALS : .......................................................................................................................... 110
2.23 LABOUR ENGAGEMENT : .............................................................................................................................. 110
2.24 HANDING OVER -TAKING OVER .................................................................................................................... 110
2.25 DOCUMENTATION........................................................................................................................................ 110
2.26 GUARANTEED CUF DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD .................................................................................... 110
2.27 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET ............................................................................................................................... 111
2.28 DUTIES AND TAXES....................................................................................................................................... 111
2.29 CUSTOMS DUTY ........................................................................................................................................... 111
......................................................................................................................................... GOODS AND SERVICE TAX
.................................................................................................................................................................................. 112
2.30............................................................................................................................................................................ 112
2.31 LOCAL TAXES ................................................................................................................................................ 112
2.32 O&M CONTRACT RENEWAL .......................................................................................................................... 112
Page 8 of 182
SECTION V .................................................................................................................................................................. 113
ANNEXURES FOR BID SUBMISSION: ........................................................................................................................... 113
ANNEXURE – 1 ........................................................................................................................................................... 114
FORMATS FOR ELIGIBILITY OF OFFER ......................................................................................................................... 114
ANNEXURE – 2 ........................................................................................................................................................... 117
FORMAT FOR POWER OF ATTORNEY ......................................................................................................................... 117
ANNEXURE – 3 ....................................................................................................................................................... 119
DELETED ................................................................................................................................................................ 119
ANNEXURE – 4 ....................................................................................................................................................... 119
DELETED ................................................................................................................................................................ 119
ANNEXURE – 5 ....................................................................................................................................................... 120
FORMAT FOR BIDDER’S COMPOSITION AND OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE ............................................... 120
ANNEXURE – 6 ....................................................................................................................................................... 124
FORMAT FOR AUTHORISATION ....................................................................................................................... 124
ANNEXURE – 7 ....................................................................................................................................................... 125
FORMAT FOR FINANCIAL REQUIREMENT (NET WORTH) ......................................................................... 125
ANNEXURE – 8 ....................................................................................................................................................... 129
FORMAT FOR QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENT .......................................................................................... 129
(AS PER CLAUSE 1.13 OF SECTION-I) ................................................................................................................ 129
ANNEXURE – 9 ....................................................................................................................................................... 134
FORMAT OF UNDERTAKING.............................................................................................................................. 134
ANNEXURE – 10 ..................................................................................................................................................... 137
COMPANY) ............................................................................................................................................................. 137
ANNEXURE – 11 ..................................................................................................................................................... 140
FORMAT FOR BOARD RESOLUTION ................................................................................................................ 140
ANNEXURE – 12 ..................................................................................................................................................... 142
BID SECURITY AGAINST BID ............................................................................................................................. 142
ANNEXURE – 13 ..................................................................................................................................................... 145
(NON-FINANCIAL BID) FORMAT FOR DISCLOSURE ..................................................................................... 145
ANNEXURE – 14 ..................................................................................................................................................... 146
FORMAT FOR CERTIFICATION OF RELATIONSHIP .................................................................................... 146
ANNEXURE – 15 ..................................................................................................................................................... 148
ANNEXURE - 16 ...................................................................................................................................................... 152
PROFORMA FOR CONTRACT PERFORMANCE SECURITY .......................................................................... 152
ANNEXURE – 17 ..................................................................................................................................................... 154
TECHNICAL DATA SHEET .................................................................................................................................. 154
(H2 PLANT & 500 KW AC SOLAR POWER PLANT) ........................................................................................ 154
Page 9 of 182
ANNEXURE – 18 ..................................................................................................................................................... 168
LIST OF PROPOSED LOCATION AND CAPACITY .......................................................................................... 168
ANNEXURE – 19 ..................................................................................................................................................... 169
CHECK LIST FOR BANK GUARANTEES & BANKS LIST FOR BGS. ............................................................. 169
ANNEXURE – 20 ..................................................................................................................................................... 171
PG TEST REQUIRMENTS ..................................................................................................................................... 171
ANNEXURE – 21 ..................................................................................................................................................... 175
PROFORMA FOR ADVANCE PAYMENT BANK GUARANTEE ...................................................................... 175
ANNEXURE – 22 ..................................................................................................................................................... 178
DETAILS OF PROPOSED LAND FOR GREEN HYDROGEN UNIT ................................................................. 178
ANNEXURE – 23 ..................................................................................................................................................... 180

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In the contract the following expression shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the meanings
thereby respectively assigned to them.
1.1 “AEM" shall mean Anion Exchange Membrane.
1.2 "Affiliate" shall mean a company that either directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by or is under
common control of the same person which controls the concerned party; and control means ownership
by one company of at least twenty-six percent (26%) of the voting rights of the other company.
1.3 “Alkaline electrolyzer” shall mean the oldest established technology for creating hydrogen from water
and electricity. The name is derived from the electrolyte used, which is typically based on either
potassium hydroxide (KOH) or sodium hydroxide (NaOH).
1.4 "Approval" shall mean the written approval of the MSPGCL and of the statutory authorities, wherever
such authorities are specified by any codes or otherwise.
1.5 “Array” means a collection of electrically connected photovoltaic (PV) modules.
1.6 "Bid(s)/Tender(s)" means the Technical & Price bid submitted by the Bidder in response to the RFP
issued by MSPGCL
1.7 "Bidder" means the Bidding Company or Bidding Consortium or Joint Venture
1.8 "Bidding Company" means single corporate entity bidding for this contract
1.9 "Bidding Consortium/Consortium(s)" means group of bidding companies with one company clearly
identified as lead member within the group, who shall be responsible for ensuring the completion of all
the Projects and the successful fulfilment of all the rights and performance of all the duties and
obligations of such Consortium.
1.10 "Bidding Process" shall mean the process adopted by MSPGCL for awarding of the contract including
but not restricted to inviting Bids, selecting Contractors and adopting the terms and conditions stated in
the Implementation Agreement
1.11 "Bid Evaluation Sheets" shall mean the format of the Bid Parameters/Price Schedule provided in
electronic form along with the Tender Documents.
1.12 "Bid Security/Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)" means the security provided by the Bidder to MSPGCL
along with the Bid as defined in this document
1.13 "BIS" means The Bureau of Indian Standards, the National Standards Body of India, resolves to be the
leader in all matters concerning Standardization, Certification and Quality.
1.14 "BoM" Bill of Materials
1.15 “CCE” shall mean Chief Controller of Explosives.
1.16 "Capacity Utilization Factor" or "CUF" shall be based on Contracted Capacity as per respective site
location and shall have the same meaning as provided in MERC (Terms and Conditions for
Determination of RE Tariff) Regulations, 2010 as amended from time to time;
1.17 “Commission” or “MERC” shall mean Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission.
1.18 The "Consultant" shall mean, an Agency/firm who has been appointed by the MSPGCL to act as
Consultant for the purpose of work covered in the contract.
1.19 “Contracted Capacity” Shall mean 20Nm3/Hr Green Hydrogen with 500 kW AC Solar Power Plant or
any amendment, corrigendum issued by MSPGCL.

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1.20 "Contract" shall mean the agreement signed between MSPGCL and the successful Contractor
incorporating Terms & Conditions, specification & Schedule of work after issuance of Letter of Award.
1.21 “Contract Operating Authority” means MSPGCL/ owners Engineer who has been authorised to operate
the contract. i.e. Chief Engineer or Authorised Engineer.
1.22 “Contract Period" shall means the period from the date of issue of Letter of Award (LOA) up to handing
over -taking over of solar power plant for O&M after successful completion of PG & FAT and
thereafter 5 (FIVE) years of comprehensive Operation and Maintenance of the Hydrogen & Solar power
1.23 "Contract Price" Means the price payable to the Contractor under the contract for full and
proper performance of its contractual obligations.
1.24 The "Contractor or EPC Contractor" shall mean the Bidder whose Bid has been accepted by MSPGCL
for the award of the Agreement and shall include such successful Bidder's legal representatives,
successors and permitted assigns.
1.25 “Consents, Clearances and Permits” shall mean all authorizations, licenses, approvals, registrations,
permits, waivers, privileges, acknowledgements, agreements, or concessions required to be obtained
from or provided by any concerned authority for the purpose of setting up of the Hydrogen & SPP for
supply of power.
1.26 “Performance Security” or “Performance Bank Guarantee” shall mean the bank guarantees to be
furnished to the owner, by the Contractor in accordance with the format provided in this RfP at
1.27 “Commissioning” with respect to the Project shall mean when all equipment’s as per contracted
capacity has been installed and production of hydrogen gas with contracted capacity.
1.28 “Commercial Operation Date” with respect to the Project shall mean the date on which the
commissioning certificate is issued upon successful commissioning of the full contracted capacity of the
Project certified by MSPGCL.
1.29 “Crystalline Silicon” means a type of PV cell made from a single crystal or polycrystalline slice of
1.30 "Day" means a calendar day beginning and ending midnight.
1.31 "Delivery of Equipment" means delivery in accordance with the terms of the contract complete in all
respect, after approval by the Contract Operating Authority.
1.32 "Detailed Drawings" means the execution drawings, which will be furnished by the Contractor for
execution of the work that will form part of the contract.
1.33 "Drawings" means collectively all the accompanying general drawings as well as all detailed drawings,
which may be used from time to time.
1.34 “Electrolyser” shall a system that uses electricity to break water into hydrogen and oxygen in a process
called electrolysis.
1.35 "Evaluated Price" means Price bid (as quoted online only) of RFP as total cost of project inclusive of
all applicable taxes and duties and any other incidental charges till the completion of the project and its
commissioning and FAT and 5 years of O&M thereafter.
1.36 “Efficiency” means the ratio of output power (or energy) to input power (or energy), expressed in
Percent or product specific interpretation thereof.
1.37 “Electrical Grid” means an integrated system of electricity distribution, usually covering a large area.
Page 12 of 182
1.38 “Factory Inspection” means the process of inspecting the manufacturing premises, equipment’s, product
and marketing documentation, quality control, process validation, verifying the procedures and records
related to the activities of the manufacturing unit etc.
1.39 “Electricity Laws” shall mean the Electricity Act, 2003 and the rules and regulations made thereunder
from time to time along with amendments thereto and replacements thereof and any other Law
pertaining to electricity including regulations framed by the Appropriate Commission
1.40 “Fill Factor (FF)” means for an I-V curve, the ratio of the maximum power to the product of the open-
circuit voltage and the short-circuit current. Fill factor is a measure of the "squareness" of the I-V curve.
1.41 "Final Acceptance Test" or “FAT” means on commissioning of the Hydrogen plant and Solar power
project and after successful completion of the Performance Guarantee Test, the plant performance shall
be observed on real live condition for a period of 30 days on continuous basis for trouble free operation,
on completion of which the plant shall be accepted by the MSPGCL.
1.42 “Financial Bid” shall mean price bid submitted by the contractor online only.
1.43 “Green hydrogen” shall mean hydrogen produced by electrolysis of water using Renewable energy;
Including Renewable Energy which has been banked.
1.44 “Green Hydrogen Policy” shall mean policy (s) by Government of India for production of Green
Hydrogen/ Green Ammonia using Renewable sources of energy notified by GoI on 17 th February 2022
and henceforth up to bid submission date.
1.45 “Grid” means term used to describe an electrical utility distribution network.
1.46 "Grid Interactive" means a grid connected system which can feed in power to the grid as per the relevant
Indian grid standards.
1.47 “Goods and Service Tax” or “GST” shall means taxes or cess levied under the Central Goods and
Services Tax Act, Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to
States) Act and various State/Union Territory Goods and Services Tax Laws and applicable cesses, if
any under the laws in force (hereinafter referred to as relevant GST Laws) w.e.f. 01.07.2017, which
shall be fully complied with by Bidders.
1.48 The "Government" shall mean the Government of Maharashtra or the Government of India, as the case
may be.
1.49 “GTP”/ “Guaranteed Technical Parameters” shall mean a document confirming all technical and
physical parameters of a component or system, which shall be stamped and signed by the manufacturer /
supplier of the particular item and the Bidder.
1.50 “H2” shall mean Hydrogen gas.
1.51 "IEC" means International Electro Technical Commission.
1.52 “IS” means Indian Standards.
1.53 “ISO” means International Organization for Standardization
1.54 “Integration Point” shall mean the point at the 6.6 KV Bus bar.
1.55 Inverter”/ “Power Conditioning Unit (PCU)”/ “Power Conditioning System (PCS)” means in a PV
system, an inverter converts DC power from the PV array to AC power compatible with the utility and
AC loads.
1.56 “Irradiance” means the solar power incident on a surface; usually expressed in kilowatts per square
meter. Irradiance multiplied by time equals Insolation.

Page 13 of 182
1.57 “Junction Box” means a PV generator junction box is an enclosure on the module where PV strings are
electrically connected and where protection devices can be located, if necessary.
1.58 “KV” shall mean Kilovolts;
1.59 “Kilowatt (kW)” means one thousand watts; a unit of power.
1.60 “Kilowatt Hour (kWh)” means one thousand watt-hours, a unit of energy. Power multiplied by time
equals energy.
1.61 “Law” shall mean any valid legislation, statute, rule, regulation, notification, directive or order, issued
or promulgated by any governmental instrumentality.
1.62 "Letter of Award (LOA)" shall mean the letter issued by MSPGCL to the successful bidder or contractor
for conveying acceptance of the bid offer & award of contract.
1.63 “MERC” means Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission.
1.64 "MSPGCL" / Owner/ Employer mean Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited.
1.65 "MNRE" means Ministry of New & Renewable Energy Sources, a Central Government Ministry.
1.66 “MSEB Holding company “shall mean MSEB Holding Company Limited.
1.67 “MEDA” means Maharashtra Energy Development Agency.
1.68 “ MPCB” shall mean Maharashtra Pollution Control Board
1.69 “Metering Point”: The metering point shall mean BTPS 6.6 kV busbar of Unit 3 of Bhusawal thermal
power plant.
1.70 "Manufacturer" refers to the party proposing to design / engineering and construct as specified
complete or in part at their works/premises.
1.71 Module” means the smallest replaceable unit in a PV array. It is an integral, encapsulated unit
containing a number of PV cells.
1.72 “Month” shall mean a period of thirty (30) days from (and excluding) the date of the event, where
applicable, else a calendar month.
1.73 “Maximum Power Point (MPP)” means the point on the current-voltage (I-V) curve of a module
under illumination, where the product of current and voltage is maximum.
1.74 “Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT)” means the means of a power conditioning unit that
automatically operates the PV-generator at its MPP under all conditions.
1.75 “NABL” shall mean National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories, an
autonomous body under the aegis of Department of Science and Technology, Government of India
1.76 "Onshore Supplies/Services" shall mean indigenous supplies/services.
1.77 "Offshore Supplies/ Services" shall mean supplies/services procured from outside India.
1.78 "Parent Company/Holding Company" shall be construed as reference to any company or
corporation of which the other company or corporation is a Subsidiary i.e. at least 51% stake in the
subsidiary is held by the Parent Company.
1.79 Peak Watt (Wp)” means the amount of power a photovoltaic module will produce at standard test
conditions (normally 1000 W/m2 and 25° cell temperature
1.80 “PEM” shall mean Proton Exchange Membrane. A chemical solution used for the electrolyte in either a
fuel cell or an electrolyzer that shares the name.

Page 14 of 182
1.81 “PESO” shall mean The Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization (PESO), formerly known as
Department of Explosives.
1.82 "Plant, Equipment, Machinery, Material" means and includes plant and machineries to be
provided under the contract.
1.83 “Point of interconnection" or “Delivery Point” means the connection point at which the power produced
by the solar power plant is injected into the grid i.e. Unit 3 UAT.
1.84 “Price Bid" shall mean the total Bid price for Hydrogen production plant along with all equipments,
accessories required for processing, filling, storage, transportation, etc. & erection and installation of
Solar PV Plant including FIVE years of comprehensive O & M of both hydrogen & solar plant inclusive
of all the taxes & duties.
1.85 "Project" refers to hydrogen plant of capacity 20 Nm3/Hr along with all equipments, accessories
required for processing, filling, storage, transportation, etc. with erection and installation of 500kW AC
Solar Power Plant Solar PV Plant at Bhusawal, Dist Jalgaon in Maharashtra, India.
1.86 "Prudent Utility Practices" means those practices, methods, techniques and standards, that are generally
accepted for use in electric utility industries taking into account conditions and Law in India, and
commonly used in prudent electric utility engineering and operations to design, engineer, construct, test,
operate and maintain equipment lawfully, safely, efficiently and economically as applicable to power
stations of the size, service and type of the Project, and that generally conform to the manufacturers'
operation and maintenance guidelines.
1.87 “Request for Proposal (RFP)": means this entire document issued to the Bidders, which gives out
Instruction to Bidders, Tender Specification, Annexures and any other addendum issued thereof.
1.88 "Site" means the land on, under in or through which the works are to be executed or carried out and
such lands as may be agreed upon between the MSPGCL and the Contractor as being reasonable and
necessary for carrying out of the works.
1.89 "Specifications": Means collectively all the terms and stipulations contained in this document including
the conditions of contract, technical provisions and attachments thereto and list of corrections and
1.90 “SOE” shall mean Solid Oxide Electrolysis
1.91 “SOEC” shall mean Solid Oxide Electrolyser Cell
1.92 "Sub-Contractors" refers to a party or parties having direct contract with the Contractor and to whom
any part of the contract has been sublet by the Contractor with the consent in writing of the CE(SPGD-
1.93 “Scheduled COD” or “Scheduled Commercial Operation Date” or “SCOD” means 7 (Seven) months
from the date of handing over of project land proposed for 20 Nm3/Hr Green Hydrogen with 500kW AC
Solar Power Plant at Bhusawal, Dist Jalgaon, Maharashtra.
1.94 "Successful Completion of O&M period” means contractor shall fulfill following conditions:
1) The actual Units (kWh) generated during 5 years of the operation and maintenance is expected
to be more than or equal to Quoted Electrical Energy Generation (QEEG) in the bid offer by the
2) EPC Contractor shall demonstrate that Solar Plant Generation at the end of 6th year is more than
quoted 5th yearly guaranteed generation quoted for contracted capacity of 20 Nm3/Hr Green
Hydrogen with 500kW AC Solar Power Plant.

Page 15 of 182
1.95 "Solar Power Project Installer/Integrator" is a person or company that specializes in installing
and commissioning the Solar PV Power Plant and approved and registered by MEDA.
1.96 “String” means a number of modules or panels interconnected electrically in series to produce the
operating voltage required by the load.
1.97 “Sub-Contractors/ Sub-Vendors” refers to a party or parties having direct contract with the Contractor
and to whom any part of the contract has been sublet by the Contractor with the consent in writing of
1.98 “Subsystem” means any one of several components in a PV system (i.e., Array, controller, batteries,
inverter, load).
1.99 “Sun Path Diagram” means graphical representation of the Sun's height and azimuth
1.100 "Tender Drawings" refers to the drawings made part of the tender documents.
1.101 "Tests on Completion" shall mean all such tests as are prescribed by the specification to be made by the
Contractor to the satisfaction of the MSPGCL before the plant and equipment are taken over by the
MSPGCL and this also includes those tests not specifically mentioned in the specification but required
under various BIS codes and relevant Electricity Acts and Rules. The Contractor has to show the report
to the MSPGCL on the test site conditions.
1.102 “Tilt Angle” means the angle of inclination of a solar collector measured from the horizontal.
1.103 “Transformer (Step-up/step down)” means a transformer that converts the generator's low-voltage
electricity to higher voltage levels and vice versa for transmission to the grid.
1.104 “Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)” means the designation of a power supply providing continuous
uninterruptible service. The UPS will include batteries.
1.105 “Vendor’s Credentials” shall mean, unless specifically mentioned otherwise, the copies of Purchase
Orders / Supply Invoices or Chartered Accountant’s certificate clearly stating the extent of meeting
eligibility criteria.
1.106 “Watt (W)” means the unit of electrical power. The power developed when a current of one ampere
flows through a potential difference of one volt.
1.107 “Watt Hour (Wh)” means a unit of energy equal to one watt of power connected for one hour.
1.108 "Week" means seven consecutive calendar days.
1.109 "Works" means the materials to be supplied and the work to be executed as defined and set out in the
specifications and includes all extra work, additions, deletions, substitutions and variations ordered by
the Site-in-charge in accordance with the provisions of the contract.
1.110 The terms and expressions not herein defined shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in the
Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930 or any such Act as the case may be.

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Bids are invited under Domestic Competitive Bidding from prospective bidders by Maharashtra State
Power Generation Co. Ltd., 'HDIL Tower', 4th floor, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400051 through this
Request for Proposal ("RFP" or "Bid proposal") Number CE/SPGD-P/Green H2/BTPS/-71 for
Request For Proposal for Selection of the Agency Based on EPC Model for Hydrogen Plant of
Capacity 20 Nm3/Hr with 500 kW AC Crystalline SPV Technology Grid Interactive Solar PV Power
Plant along with 5 years comprehensive O&M of Hydrogen Plant at Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon in

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has announced a policy “Boosting the domestic
production of green hydrogen to 5 million tonnes by the year 2030, reducing dependence on fossil
fuels and import of crude oil, and making India an export hub for the clean fuel - green hydrogen.
Hydrogen (H2) is expected to replace fossil fuels soon and are expected to be future fuels” was
released on 17th February 2022. Under this policy, MSPGCL has planned to install Green Hydrogen
Plant of capacity 20 Nm3/Hr along with 500 kW AC grid interactive crystalline PV solar power plant
at Village Deepnagar, Taluka Bhusawal, District Jalgaon in the state of Maharashtra. India. This
Hydrogen (H2) gas will be used for turbine cooling of all units at Bhusawal Thermal Power Station,
Bhusawal. The project will be located at old hydrogen generation plant situated near Unit 3 of BTPS.

Details of proposed site is as follows:

Sr. Project Project Latitude, Project Area in

No. Component Location Longitude Capacity Hectares

1 Hydrogen Plant Bhusawal, 21.04,75.83 20 Nm3/hr 0.064

Dist. Jalgaon
2 Solar Plant Bhusawal, 21.04,75.83 500 kW AC 0.60
Dist. Jalgaon

1.2 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF BIDDING PROCESS: (Only Through E- Tendering Mode)

Bidder shall bear all costs for preparation and submission of his tender. Employer will not be
responsible for or pay for any expenses or losses, which might be incurred or suffered by any Bidder
in connection with submission of tender. A prospective Bidder requiring any clarifications on the
Tender documents may request online to Chief Engineer (SPGD-P), Email id:
dycespgd@mahagenco.in or cespgd@mahagenco.in On the date and time specified in the tender
notice, following procedure will be adopted for opening of the Tender. Bidder is also requested to
follow the online E-tendering procedure.



1.3.1 Each bidder shall register themselves at the website address https://eprocurement.mahagenco.in on
online payment of the vendor registration fees Rs. 5000/- + GST as applicable before the last date for
registration mentioned in the notification of invitation of bids ("NIT"). Vendor registration fee is non-
refundable. Contact person to support/ guide on vendor registration process is as below,
Executive Engineer (IQC), MSPGCL
Ph No: 9167640613 / Email Id: storesiqc@mahagenco.in

1.3.2 Bidder is required to pay online non-refundable Tender fee of Rs. 11800/- inclusive of applicable GST
on or before the last date of payment of tender fees. Overseas bidders shall submit vendor registration
fee and tender fee through international debit/credit card.
Page 18 of 182
1.3.3 The services required, bidding procedures and contract terms are prescribed in the Bid
Specification. The bid specification includes the following sections and Annexure which shall
collectively with the invitation for bids, and any amendments and modifications to the bid
specifications notified by the MSPGCL be referred to as the "Bid Specification" CE/SPGD-P/Green

Instructions to bidder Section Section – I

Technical specification Section – II
General Terms & Conditions Section – III
Special Terms & Conditions Section – IV
Annexure Annexure 1 to 23


1.4.1 Any prospective bidder (subject to having paid the vendor registration and tender fees) who requires
any clarification in respect of the Bid Specification may notify the MSPGCL in writing or by email
enclosing therewith copy of successful online payment transaction against tender fee at the MSPGCL's
contact details given below up to 17:00 Hrs. of 12.08.2022. MSPGCL will respond to any request for
clarification or modification of the bidding document that it receives not later than the last date of
receipt of queries as specified in NIT (i.e 12.08.2022).

1.4.2 MSPGCL will post the Clarifications (including an explanation of the query but without identifying
the source of enquiry) by way of amendment /revision of the Bid Specification on date as specified in
NIT (i.e. 22.08.2022) at MSPGCL e-procurement website i.e. https://eprocurement.mahagenco.in.
Bidders can view these Clarifications/amendments once they are posted on website. Bidders shall be
notified through e-mail regarding posting of Clarification/amendments on website. However, bidders
are also advised to regularly check MSPGCL website regarding posting of clarification/ amendments,
if any.

1.4.3 The bidders in their own interest may inform the MSPGCL in written about the payment of tender fee
by them & their detailed correspondence address with name of contact person, mobile / fax nos., e-
mail address etc. so that such clarifications can be sent to them by post/e-mail as may be possible.
However, MSPGCL's responsibility is restricted to only publishing such clarifications on above
mentioned website.

1.4.4 The bidder shall carefully examine the Bid Specification and fully inform and satisfy itself as to all the
conditions and matters which may in any way affect to work or cost thereof. Failure to furnish all
information required by the Bid Specification or to submit a bid not substantially responsive to the Bid
Specification in every respect will be at bidder's risk and may result in the rejection of the bid. A
bidder if, find any discrepancies or omissions in the Bid Specifications or have any queries with
respect to any provision of the Bid Specifications, he shall at once notify to the MSPGCL at below
mentioned address:

Chief Engineer (SPGD Projects)

Maharashtra State Power Generation Co. Ltd.,
HDIL Tower, A- Wing, 4th Floor
Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051
Email: dycespgd@mahagenco.in /cespgd@mahagenco.in


At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the MSPGCL may, for any reason, whether at
its own initiative revise the Bid Specification. Every time the Bid Specification is revised, the
revisions/amendments/revised Bid Specifications shall be published on website
Page 19 of 182
https://eprocurement.mahagenco.in fourteen (14) days prior to last date of bid submission (the
revision No. of the Bid Specification shall be accordingly enhanced). Such revisions shall be binding
on all the prospective bidders irrespective of whether they have paid the tender fees prior to the
revision or not.

In order to give prospective bidders reasonable time to take the revisions into account for preparing
their Bids, the MSPGCL may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids. The
MSPGCLs decision about the extension of deadline of submission shall be final and binding on the
bidders and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.


Before submitting bid, the bidder should inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and should
satisfy himself as to the nature of the ground and subsoil, the quantities and nature of work, materials
necessary for completion of the work and their availability, means of access to site and in general shall
himself obtain all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may
influence or affect his offer. Any consequent extra claims on any misunderstanding by bidder which
shall not entertained by the MSPGCL

1.6.1 Preparation of Bid

The bid prepared by the bidder, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid
exchanged by the bidder with the MSPGCL shall be written in English. Supporting documents and
printed literature furnished by the bidder may be in any other language, provided they are
accompanied by the accurate translation in English duly certified by an official translator engaged by a
court in the jurisdiction of the bidder and notarized. For the purposes of interpretation and evaluation
of the bid, the translation in English shall govern and be binding on the bidder.

Bidder shall take into account any corrigendum published on the tender document before submitting
their bids.

Please go through the tender advertisement and the tender document carefully to understand the
documents required to be submitted as part of the bid. Please note the number of covers in which the
bid documents have to be submitted, the number of documents - including the names and content of
each of the document that need to be submitted. Any deviations from these may lead to rejection of
the bid.

Bidder, in advance, shall get ready the bid documents to be submitted as indicated in the tender
document / schedule and generally, they can be in PDF formats. Bid documents may be scanned with
reasonable dpi with black and white option which helps in reducing size of the scanned document.
1.6.2 Documents comprising the Bid:

Following documents shall constitute the documents comprising the Bid.

a) The techno-commercial Bid, the price Bid and the Physical Support Documents;
b) Latest revision of Bid Specification published by MSPGCL & responses to the pre- bid queries.
c) Undertakings and Documentary evidence in accordance with Qualifying Requirement set out in
Clause 1.14 of Section-I and the relevant annexure establishing that the bidder is eligible to Bid
and is qualified to perform contract.
d) Bid security (EMD) furnished in accordance with Clause 1.8, Section – I.
e) The documents submitted under the Annexure-15 of RfP along with declaration of undertaking.
f) Copy of original money receipt against online payment of tender fee as per Clause 1.2 above.
g) Bidder shall upload only under Price Bid section of online Bid the scan copy of detailed prices
breaks up along with applicable taxes & duties. (Note: Physical submission of this document
shall be liable for rejection of bid)
Page 20 of 182
1.6.3 Bid Form and Bid Schedules:

The bidder shall complete the Bid Form and the appropriate price schedule furnished in the Bid
Specification. Bidder shall quote the Bid price for Component A – Hydrogen Generation Plant
and Component B – Solar PV Project in the financial part of bid. Bids shall be fully in
accordance with the requirements of this document and the Technical Specifications attached thereto.

Only a bidder, who has paid the vendor registration and tender fees as stipulated in Clause
1.2 above, will be eligible to participate in the bidding. Bids received from those bidders,
who have not made payment of vendor registration and tender fees, will not be accepted. If the bidder
is a consortium, the consortium may tender its Bid if the online payment is made against vendor
registration and tender fees by the lead member.

Multiple Bids by the same person (individually or as a part of a consortium) are not allowed for the
same item. Any person that controls (directly or indirectly) a bidder or a member of the bidding
consortium, any other persons which are controlled (directly or indirectly) by the aforementioned
person, or any person that is controlled (directly or indirectly) by such bidder or member of bidding
consortium, shall not bid on its own or as a member of a consortium for the same item for which the
bidder or the bidding consortium has submitted a bid.

For the purposes of this clause the term 'person' means any individual, company, corporation,
partnership (whether limited or unlimited), proprietorship, trust or other body (whether incorporated or
not), Hindu undivided family, union or association and in case of a trust shall include the trustee or the
trustees for the time being. For the purposes of this clause the term 'control' as applied to any person,
means the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the
management or policies of that person whether through ownership of voting securities, by contract, or
Documents to be submitted offline:

In accordance with the terms & conditions of Instructions to bidders as per the above clause 1.6.3
bidder shall submit the documents in original as part of response to tender for verification (duly signed
and affixing the company's seal on each page in a single envelope) before the due date & time of
physical support documents submission as per NIT, to the office of The Chief Engineer (SPGD-P),
MSPGCL. (Address stated under the clause no. 1.0)

If there is any shortfall in submitted physical support documents, the employer may obtain it from the
bidder. However, no additional physical support documents (Hard Copies) shall be accepted by
MSPGCL, other than uploaded documents or supplementary documents under e-tendering process.

In any case, Bidder shall not submit hard copies of “Price bid as per above clause no 1.6.3 along with
above physical documents submission, otherwise bid shall be Summarily Rejected”.

Documents to be submitted online:

In accordance with the terms and conditions of Instructions to bidders, offer/bid comprising of soft /
scan copies of documents stated at above clause no 1.6.3 shall be submitted and processed strictly in
electronic mode only.

Page 21 of 182
Bidders are required to go through the Guidelines provided at MSPGCL’s following E-tendering web
site: https://eprocurement.mahagenco.in/ . Bidder has to strictly follow the procedure of the e-
tendering process.


The bidder shall quote his lowest prices inclusive of all taxes & duties for design, engineering,
manufacturing, fabrication, packaging, testing, supplying, erection and commissioning including
performance guarantee test run (PGTR) of water electrolyzer system for hydrogen production
including setting up of ground mounted solar power plant of 500 kWAC capacity at Bhusawal, Dist.
Jalgaon, Maharashtra, including 5 years’ comprehensive Operation & Maintenance of Hydrogen
plant & solar power plant.
1.7.1 Bidders shall quote the following information in their bid:

Sr. Project Component Capacity Total Price in Rs.

No. inclusive of all taxes
and duties
1 A - Hydrogen Plant EPC Cost 20 Nm3/Hr Electrolyser Price A

2 B – Solar Plant 500 kW AC PV Plant with Price B

minimum CUF of 21%

TOTAL X = (A+B) Price X

NOTE: O & M price of Hydrogen Plant and Solar Plant: 3% of price of A & B will be treated as O &
M Contract price, which will be paid in quarterly bills i.e. for the O & M period of 5 Years.

1. Quoted Price will be A+B inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties.
2. Minimum CUF should be 21%
3. Project Contract Price (X) = (A) + (B) in INR .

Bidder with lowest X will be considered the Successful Bidder.

1.7.2 This charges/fees shall be inclusive of all taxes, current service taxes, incidentals, overheads, traveling
expenses, printing and binding of Reports, expenditure related to presentations to be made during the
execution of assignment, sundries and all other expenditure for execution of this services as per
"Terms of Reference", indicated in the tender Document and also the tasks the consultant may think
shall be carried out in order to meet the objectives of the assignment.

1.7.3 Any rise in the taxes and fees will not be paid extra subjected to the Clause No. 29 of Variations in
section III of General terms & conditions.

1.7.4 The Contract Price shall be paid as per the milestone payments as prescribed in the RfP.

1.7.5 Income Tax and Profession Tax, any other tax as per Statutory Provisions of Govt. of India and
Maharashtra State shall be deducted by the Employer from each invoice. A certificate in this regard
shall be provided by the Employer.

1.7.6 The bidder shall quote fixed price inclusive of all the applicable taxes providing the tax breakup. The
bid price shall be the sum total of lump sum price quoted by the bidder for entire scope of work. The
bidder shall indicate the Bid Price in Indian Rupees only.

Page 22 of 182
1.7.7 Price bid shall be submitted on-line only at https://eprocurement.mahagenco.in. Physical
submission of price bid shall not be accepted & such bids shall be liable for rejection.

Note: Bidder shall not include counter conditions anywhere in the bid proposal as conditional proposal shall
be summarily rejected.


1.8.1 Each Bidder shall be required to submit Bid Security/ Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 12.79
Lakhs (INR Twelve Lakh seventy nine Thousand only) along with bid in the form of bank guarantee
as per Annexure 12, issued by any branch of Bank mentioned in list attached. In the case of a
Consortium, the Lead Member shall furnish the Bid Security as stipulated in the RFP, on behalf of the
Consortium Members as per the Consortium Agreement. The Bid Security shall be valid for a period
of 180 days (6 months) from the date of submission of the Bid (online). It is to be noted that the Bid
Security to be provided must be issued from the list of Banks provide in the Annexure - 19 payable at
Mumbai only. The Bid Security must be payable in currency of India.

1.8.2 Scanned copy of the Bid security (as Annexure 12) shall be uploaded/submitted on-line on the
website https://eprocurement.mahagenco.in and original copy shall be submitted in physical to office
of The Chief Engineer, SPGD-Mumbai, failing of which may result in rejection of bid.

1.8.3 No interest will be paid on bid security irrespective of mode of submission.

1.8.4 Existing permanent bank guarantee if any submitted by any bidder with the MSPGCL shall not be
considered for exemption from the payment of bid security (EMD) against this bidding or Security -
cum -Performance Guarantee to be provided in terms of this RFP.

1.8.5 Any bid not accompanied by Bid security (EMD) or having submitted shorter amount / shorter
validity period than specified under Clause 1.8 above or the bank guarantee taken from the bank
which is not listed in the Annexure - 19, such bids shall be liable to disqualified.

1.8.6 The Bid submitted by a bidder shall be treated invalid and the Bid security shall be forfeited:
i) If the bidder withdraws/ modify his bid within the bid validity specified in the Bid
ii) The successful bidder fails to submit performance guarantee and/ or to execute contract
agreement within the prescribed period in accordance with the instructions to the bidder.
iii) If the Bidder fails to taken over the project land in specified time limit.
iv) If the bidder being the successful bidder fails to furnish the acceptance of Letter of Award,
within the specified time limit.
v) If the bidder gives any wrong / false information /documents in the bid for making the
bid qualified (eligible).
vi) The EMD of the successful bidder shall be returned/ Released after

a. When the bidder has signed the Contract Agreement pursuant to Instruction to
Page 23 of 182

b. Acceptance of LOA by the bidder


c. The submission of bank guarantee towards contract performance security by the

bidder and on acceptance of the same by the MSPGCL.
vii) Unsuccessful bidder's EMD will be discharged/returned as promptly as possible but in any
case, within one month beyond the validity of the bid.

1.8.7 In the exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original validity period of the bank guarantee
furnished as Bid Security, MSPGCL may request the Bidders to extend the period of validity for an
additional period. In such case the bidders shall provide the extended bid securities no later than ten
(10) days prior to the expiry of the Bid Security. MSPGCL reserves the right to reject the Bid
submitted by any Bidder who fails to extend the validity of the Bid Security in line with the provisions
of this clause.


Offers/bids shall be valid for a period of at least 180 days from the date of opening of techno-
commercial Bid. Bids with shorter validity shall be liable for rejection at the discretion of the

Extension of validity of proposal:

If it becomes necessary, MSPGCL may request the parties, in writing, to extend validity of proposals.
The parties shall have the right to refuse such extension without forfeiting their proposal security. In
case a party extends the validity then it shall also extend the validity of its Proposal Security for
corresponding period.


Payment shall be made in INR for Indian bidders. Detailed Payment terms are stipulated under Clause
28 Section - III of Bid Specifications. Bidders shall note that no other payment terms are acceptable.


1.11.1 Bid shall be submitted along with the tender documents and duly filled in with all sections
/Annexure/Appendixes/schedules etc. the online offer shall be signed by the bidder/ lead member as
per this clause. Physical supporting documents shall be signed by the authorized person of the bidder/
lead member as per Format of Authorization.

1.11.2 The foreign bidders shall indicate in his bid, the name of Indian firm, if any, who will be acting as his
representative in India for the purpose of liaison of contract and receiving of payments and will have
to submit the form of authorization for Indian representative as per the Format of Authorization. Such
authorized Indian firm will have to submit the form of Authorized Indian representative as per
Annexure 6 duly signed by a person authorized by the bidder. Appointment of such Indian
representative shall be subject to acceptance by the MSPGCL.


1.12.1 Each bidder shall carefully examine the Bid Specification and shall independently fully inform and
satisfy itself as to all the conditions and matters which may, in any way affect the work specified in
the Bid Specifications or costs thereof. Failure to furnish all information required by the Bid
Page 24 of 182
Specifications or to submit a Bid not substantially responsive to the Bid Specification in every respect
will be at the bidder's risk and may result in the rejection of the Bid.

1.12.2 Each Indian as well as overseas bidder shall obtain Digital Signature Certificate (meant for e-
tendering) from the list of Licensed Certifying Authorities approved by the controller of Certifying
Authorities provided on the website https://eprocurement.mahagenco.in The bidder in whose name
the Digital Signature Certificate / Registration is obtained can only fill up the tender online as the
same is not transferable.

1.12.3 Each bidder shall register itself at the website address https://eprocurement.mahagenco.in on
payment of the vendor registration fees as per Clause 1.2 of Section -I to the MSPGCL before the last
date for registration mentioned in the notification of invitation of bids ("NIT").

1.12.4 Each bidder shall arrange to pay the vendor registration and tender fee as per Clause 1.2 of Section -I
to the MSPGCL by the last date for payment of tender fee indicated in NIT.

1.12.5 Each bidder shall use the user ID and password, to login to the system and view the Bid Specification.
Each bidder is required to go through (on-line) the Bid Specifications thoroughly before bidding.

1.12.6 Bidders shall then fill the details required for the techno-commercial Bid and price Bid within the
timelines indicated in NIT for submission of the techno-commercial Bid. Subsequent to making the
techno-commercial Bid, the bidder shall provide the MSPGCL with physical copies of the required
documents that have been uploaded in scanned form.

1.12.7 It is mandatory for the bidder to submit the Bids through e-tendering platform and the bidders are
required to provide the "Physical Support Documents" duly signed and sealed, within the timelines

1.12.8 The bidder shall send the "Physical Support Documents" in an envelope superscripted to the address
given in Clause 1 of section I: "Physical Support Documents"



1.12.9 Each Bidder shall submit their price Bid within the time-period indicated in NIT on the e-tendering

1.12.10 Any discrepancy between the data/ details/ documents of the Bids submitted by the bidder in the on-
line Bid and the Physical Support Documents shall not be allowed and any such discrepancy shall
make the Bid submitted by the bidder liable to be rejected. No further communication in the matter
shall be entertained by the MSPGCL.

1.12.11 It shall be noted that the price Bid can be made only through the e-tendering platform. No physical
price Bids shall be submitted. In case a bidder submits physical price Bids, such Bids shall be
summarily rejected.

1.12.12 It shall be noted that prices shall be filled with two decimal points only. If the prices are filled with
more than two decimal points, only first two decimal digits shall be considered.

1.12.13 Bidders are requested to fill up/submit the online Bid data in the formats / space provided in the Bid
Specification itself. The bidders shall take a print of the filled-up Bid (for the bidder's record) before
the submit key is pressed on-line. It may not be possible to take a print thereafter.

1.12.14 Bids are to be submitted online and physical support documents shall be submitted in sealed condition
only. As such, physical support documents sent by fax/telegram/ e-mail etc. or submitted in open
condition shall not be accepted.
1.12.15 Timely submission of offer: It is advisable to submit the digitally signed offer sufficiently in advance
of due date & time so as avoid last minute trafficking at server. Offer received after the due date and
Page 25 of 182
time of submission shall not be accepted. In case, the due date of opening of tender happens to be
holiday, the offer shall be opened on the next working day at the same time.


1.13.1 Conditional Tender will be rejected outright considering it as non-responsive offer and Tender will be
liable to be rejected outright if it is found that.

"The Bidder proposes any alternation in the assignment specified in the tender or in time allowed for
completing the assignments or indicate any other unacceptable condition".

1.13.2 After the public opening of Tenders information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation
and comparisons of Tenders and recommendations concerning the award of contract shall not be
disclosed to Bidders or any other(s).

1.13.3 Any efforts by the Bidder to influence the Employer, in the process of
examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of tenders and decisions concerning award of
contract may result in the rejection of the Bidder's tender.

1.13.4 To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of tenders, the employer may ask Bidders,
individually for clarifications of their tenders. The request for clarification and the response shall be in
writing or Email. Where there is discrepancy between amounts in figures and words, the amount in
words will govern.

1.13.5 Prior to the expiration of the prescribed period of tender validity or such extended period the
Employer will notify the successful Bidder, by email or registered letter confirming in writing that his
tender has been accepted. Accordingly, Letter of Award will be issued to successful bidder. In case
Consortium being selected as successful bidder, the LoA shall be issued to the Lead member of the

1.13.6 All the communication during the period of the tender should be in written only and any other
communication alternatives such as telephone calls, mobile calls etc. is forbidden.

1.13.7 Successful bidder has to sign contract agreements with MSPGCL for contracted capacity. Draft
Contract agreement is enclosed with this RfP document. All costs, charges and expenses including
stamp duty in connection with contract agreements & other fees for preparations and completion of
agreement shall be borne by the successful bidders.


1.14.1 Experience
i) The Bidder should have designed, supplied, erected and commissioned of Hydrogen Plant for any
State / Central Government undertaking / Public sector undertaking of India of cumulative installed
capacity of 100 Nm3/Hr or higher, out of which at least one plant should have been of 20 Nm3/Hr or
higher capacity at single location. The commissioned Hydrogen Plant shall be of Bi-polar design,
comprising of electrolyser, hydrogen compressors, transformer /rectifier systems. The reference plant
of 20 Nm3/Hr or higher capacity must have been in successful operation for at least two (2) years
prior to the date of last date of bid submission. Plant should have the guaranteed hydrogen purity to be
maintained at gas manifolds at 99.99% (min).
ii) If the manufacturers categorically request to allow participation of authorized dealer / channel partner
on behalf of the manufacturers to whom they stand technical support with guarantee of materials then
Page 26 of 182
the authorized dealer/ channel partner shall be allowed to participate in the tender. In this case, the
manufacturers must fulfil the QR of the tender. Also, the manufacturer shall submit the performance
BG as per clause no. 1 of section III.
iii) If the manufacturer does not furnish the Performance Bank Guarantee, then the Authorized Dealer
/Channel Partner will have to submit the Performance BG equal to 10% value of order.
iv) In the tender bid, the authorised dealer/channel partner shall submit a letter from the
manufacturer with specific request to allow them to participate in the tender on their behalf. In
this case, the manufacturer must stand technical support and guarantee for the material
v) In addition, the manufacturer shall have to issue a certificate of authorization that the dealer is
their regular and genuine authorised dealer/channel partner having valid authorization for a
period of at least 3 (three) years. The authorization given by the manufacturer for a specific
tender shall not be considered for evaluation.
vi) The Authorised dealer/channel partner shall submit the documents from the manufactuer to fulfil the
Q.R. conditions.
vii) If the authorized Dealer / Channel Partner fails to execute the order then the manufacture along with
the authorized Dealer / Channel Partner would be liable for blacklisting.

1.14.2 Financial Criteria

A. Net worth

i. The net worth of the tenderer / bidder as on 31st March of previous financial year shall be
positive. Please note that, Net Worth means sum of the paid up share capital and free
reserves. Free reserves shall mean all reserves credit out of the profit and share premium
account but not include reserves credited out of the revaluation of assets, write back of
depreciation provision and amalgamation. Further, any debit balance of profit and loss
account and miscellaneous expenses to the extent not adjusted or written off, if any, shall be
reduced from reserves and surplus.

ii. The Bidder should submit the documentary evidence in respect of above. In case audited
results for the last preceding financial year are not available, certification of financial
statement from practicing Chartered Accountant shall be acceptable.

B. Turnover
The average annual turnover during preceding three consecutive financial years of
the Bidder shall be at least Rs. 10.00 Crores from the Bidder’s business as an EPC Bidder /
developer of Projects. Other income shall not be considered for arriving at annual turnover.

C. In case, certification / documents certified by practicing Chartered Accountant, then all such
documents / certificates shall be provided with UDIN.


1) Registered Office
Bidder shall have registered office in India.
2) Solvency:
The contractor must submit a solvency certificate of value not less than Rs. 2.5 Crs. for 20 Nm3 /
Hr. Hydrogen Project and 500kW Solar power plant duly certified by Nationalised or scheduled
bank. The solvency certificate should be issued as on or after the date of e publishing of tender and
should have validity as on last date of Bid validity submitted for this RFP.

Page 27 of 182
1.16.1 The Bidder can either submit the bid in his individual capacity or
1.16.2 The partners in the Bidding Consortium/ JV shall not separately participate as independent Bidders or
as members of any other Consortium /JV in this Bidding process. All bids in contravention of this
shall be rejected.


1.17.1 The bidder / lead member shall bear the responsibility to arrange for entire project insurance as per the
section III, clause no 12 and insurance of Green Hydrogen Electrolyzer and its supportive equipments
with PV modules as per the section II.


The bidder shall have good track record and shall not have been blacklisted/banned for participation in
tenders issued by any entity, Government / Semi-Government organization in any country as on date
of submission of bid. The bidder shall submit an Affidavit to that effect.


1.19.1 The bidder shall submit declaration of proposed vendors for material and equipment’s along with their
credentials and supporting documents for the items such as: Green Hydrogen Electrolyzers, Dryers,
Compressors, Water treatment equipment’s, Storage Cylinders, Valves, Flashback arrestor, Pressure
Regulator, Non Return Valves, Purity measurements instruments, Dew point meter, Gas Filling
Manifold, Leak Detectors, MCC Panel, Rectifier, PV modules, DC cables, String Monitoring system,
inverters, transformers, for the capacity for which the bidder is bidding for.
1.19.2 The successful Bidder should install solar power project from the MEDA approved solar power
project installer/integrator (SPPI). The MEDA approved SPPI should have been designed, supplied,
erected / supervised erection and commissioned/ supervised commissioning of Solar Photo Voltaic
(SPV) based grid connected power plant(s) of cumulative installed capacity of 1250 KWac or higher,
out of which at least one plant should have been of 250KWac or higher capacity. The reference plant
of 250 KWac or higher capacity must have been in successful operation for at least six (6) months
prior to the date of techno-commercial bid opening. The solar plant has to be installed as per technical
specification of Solar plant as per Section II of this RFP. Bidder shall have to submit the credentials to
MSPGCL for approval.
1.19.3 The successful Bidder shall also submit the list of technical personnel who will be deployed for the
Hydrogen plant of 20 Nm3/Hr and solar plant of capacity 500kWac along with their technical
qualifications and experience in setting up Hydrogen generation plant.
1.19.4 The details of the consultants / in house capabilities to be deployed for design, engineering,
installations and supervision shall be submitted to MSPGCL prior to start of the work.
1.19.5 Sub-Contractors: Details of the sub-contractors along with details of experience and technical
qualification will have to be submitted to MSPGCL before engagement of sub-contractors.

1.19.6 Certifications and Standards

The Electrolysers used in the Green Hydrogen Plant must qualify and designed as per the latest edition
of the IS/EN/CE/ASME/ISO/CCE/PESO and applicable relevant standards. In addition, Electrolysers
must qualify to following:
1. CE certified according to the machine directive 2006/42/CE
2. Manufactured as per the ISO 22734:2019: Hydrogen generators using water electrolysis —
Industrial, commercial, and residential applications:
 EN ISO 12100 – 1
 EN ISO 12100 – 2
 ISO 13849
Page 28 of 182
 EN 61010
 EN 61000-6-3
 EN 61000-6-2
 ASME B31:12

1.19.7 Warranty

a. The mechanical structures, electrical works and overall workmanship of the Hydrogen generation
plant & solar power plant must be warranted for a minimum of 10 years.

b. PV modules used in grid solar power plants must be warranted for output wattage, which shall not
be less than 90% at the end of 10 years and 80% at the end of 25 years.

1.19.8 Solar PV Power Plant

The PV modules used in the Solar PV Plant must qualify to the latest edition of any of the following
IEC PV module qualification test or equivalent BIS standards. In particular, they must meet the IEC
61215 standards. In addition, PV modules must qualify to IEC 61730 for safety qualification testing.

PV Modules should be from latest list of Approved List of Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) of
solar photovoltaic published by MNRE.

1.19.9 Authorized Test Centers

The PV modules must be tested and approved by one of IEC authorized test centers. In addition, a PV
module qualification test certificate as per IEC standard, issued by ETDC, Bangalore or Solar Energy
Centre / MNRE accredited Test Centre will also be valid. MSPGCL will review the list of authorized
testing laboratories/centers from time to time.

1.19.10 Identification and Traceability

Each PV module used in solar power project must use an RF identification tag. This tag must be fixed
only by the PV module manufacturer in the factory at the time of testing and before dispatch of
modules. The following information must be mentioned in the RFID used on each PV module (This
can be inside or outside the laminate but must be able to withstand harsh environmental conditions).
a. Name of the manufacturer of PV Module
b. Name of the manufacturer Solar cells
c. Month and year of the manufacture (separately for solar cells, modules)
d. Country of origin (separately for solar cells and module)
e. I-V curve for the module
f. Wattage, Im, Vm and FF for the module
g. Unique Serial No. and Model No of the PV module
h. Date and year of obtaining IEC PV module qualification certificate
i. Name of the test lab issuing IEC certificate
j. Other relevant information on traceability of solar cells and module as per ISO 9001 and ISO
k. All grid solar PV power plants must install necessary equipment to continuously measure solar
radiation, ambient temperature, wind speed and other weather parameters and simultaneously
measure the generation of DC power as well as AC power generated from the plant. They will
be required to submit this data to MSPGCL online and/or through a report on regular basis
every month for the entire duration of Contract period.


1.20.1 Grounds for Exclusion

Notwithstanding the above, deviation to the following clauses of Tender document shall lead to
summarily rejection of Bid:
Page 29 of 182
 Earnest Money Deposit / Bid Security/ Bid Security declaration, as applicable
 Specifications & Scope of Work
 Duration / Period of Contract/ Completion schedule
 Period of Validity of Bid
 Price Reduction Schedule
 Contract Performance Security
 Guarantee / Defect Liability Period
 Arbitration / Resolution of Dispute/Jurisdiction of Court
 Force Majeure & Applicable Laws
 Integrity Pact, if Applicable
 Any other condition specifically mentioned in the tender document elsewhere that non-
compliance of the clause leads to rejection of bid

Note: Further, it is once again reminded not to mention any condition in the Bid which is contradictory
to the terms and conditions of Tender document.


The bids of all bidders shall be evaluated in two stages as under.
1.21.1 Techno-commercial evaluation of the bids

At this stage, bids of each bidder will be evaluated on the basis of terms & conditions of RfP viz. bid
security (EMD), the correctness & validity of required undertaking/agreements/Board
resolutions/experience certificates/technical data sheets /annexure/ certificates/financial documents/
performance certificates/vendor credentials documents etc. submitted by bidder under prescribed
format according to the RfP, Bidders financial & technical capability as per qualifying requirement,
confirmation of technical specifications of the major equipment’s offered by the bidders, the
guaranteed generation offered by the bidder.

Bidder whose bid found complete in all respect and in line with RfP terms & conditions without any
deviations and which offers the required equipment’s/material along with guaranteed generation as
per the technical specifications mentioned in the RFP will be considered technically qualified bidder.

1.21.2 Price bid evaluation :

a. After the Technical Evaluation, the price bids of only technically qualified bidders shall be

b. Bidder shall quote the Total Bid price for Hydrogen plant and solar plant in the financial part of
bid as follows,
Sr. Project Component Capacity Total Price in Rs.
No. inclusive of all taxes
and duties
1 A - Hydrogen Plant EPC Cost 20 Nm3/Hr Electrolyser Price A
2 B – Solar Plant 500 kW AC PV Plant with Price B
minimum CUF of 21%
TOTAL X = (A+B) Price X

NOTE: O & M price of Hydrogen Plant and Solar Plant: 3% of price of A & B will be treated as O & M
Contract price, which will paid in quaterly bills i.e. for the O & M period of 5 Years.

Bidders shall quote the following information in their bid:

Page 30 of 182
1. Quoted Price will be A+B inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties.
2. Minimum CUF should be 21%
3. Project Contract Price (X) = (A) + (B) in INR.

c. Bidder with lowest X will be considered the Successful Bidder.

d. Bid Evaluation Criteria

As mentioned under clause 1.23, Price bid evaluation technical bid will be opened and evaluated
first. On opening Price Bid, of all the technically accepted bidders quoting for EPC of Green
Hydrogen Project, the bidder whose Total bid Price is the lowest, will be considered.

e. L1 Bidder is the bidder who has quoted lowest price (X) inclusive of all applicable taxes and

1.22 Bidder to furnish following document/information along with the bid.

1. Pre-bid if any in enclosed pre-bid schedule.

2. Deviation schedule duly fill for deviation along with cost of withdrawal, if any.
3. Schedule of Declaration.
4. Guaranteed Performance Data of Electrolyzer & solar power plant.

Page 31 of 182


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The main objective of this project is to promote Green Hydrogen. MSPGCL has planned 20 Nm3/Hr Green
Hydrogen Plant with 500 kW (AC) Crystalline Solar PV Technology Grid Interactive Solar PV Power Plant at
Deepnagar, Bhusawal, District Jalgaon in the state of Maharashtra, India.


Sr. Project Project Latitude, Project Area in
No. Component Location Longitude Capacity Hectares

1 Hydrogen Plant Bhusawal, 21.04,75.83 20 Nm3/hr 0.064

Dist. Jalgaon
2 Solar Plant Bhusawal, 21.04,75.83 500 kW AC 0.60
Dist. Jalgaon
This specification includes, but not limited to supply part , services part & mandatory spares comprising of
design (i.e. Preparation and submission of drawing/ documents including " As Built " drawings and O&M
Manuals) , engineering, manufacture, fabrication, assembly, inspection / testing at vendor's & sub-vendor’s
works, painting, maintenance tools & tackles (as applicable), fill of lubricants & consumables, mandatory
spares along with spares for erection, start up and commissioning as required, forwarding, proper packing,
shipment and delivery at site, unloading, handling, transportation & storage at site, in site transportation,
assembly, minor civil works, erection & commissioning, trial run at site, preparation of drawings in 3D and
carrying out performance guarantee /Functional / Demonstration tests at site (As applicable), obtaining Chief
Controller of Explosives (CCE) approval, training of customer/ client O&M staff & final handing over to end
customer in flawless condition in line with drawings/ documents/ test procedures approved by MSPGCL for
Hydrogen generation plant.


1. Hydrogen Production Plant:

The offered equipment’s/instrumentation herein shall be standard production type equipment designed for
installation of Class I, Division 2 Group B for Hazardous locations. All necessary license shall be applied by
1) The bidder’s scope also includes the following services at site:
a) Design and engineering of entire hydrogen generation Plant
b) Erection and commissioning, unloading, storage and handling at site.
c) Arrangement of all instruments and lab facilities to carry our trail run, commissioning and PG test.
d) Wrapping, coating and protection of all the buried pipe shall be as per IS 10221.
e) In site transportation.
f) Pre - Commissioning work such as flushing, hydraulic testing etc. Necessary consumables and
instrumentation as required for inspection and testing at works as well as at site including pre-
commissioning activities shall be arranged by the successful bidder at their own cost.
g) Monitoring gadgets, instruments and equipment required for maintenance (till PG test and plant
handed over).
h) All personal required during commissioning and PG test.
i) Trail run for requisite period.
j) Performance testing.
k) Painting as per standards and codes.
l) Final touch up painting at site.
m) Obtaining CCE approval.
n) Any other service required for making the installation complete in all respect and for satisfactory
erection & commissioning of the system as well as to meet any statutory requirement relevant to the
Page 33 of 182
package, unless specifically excluded from scope of services.

2) Bidders scope of work includes Design, Engineering, Manufacture, Supply, Erection, Testing and
Commissioning of 20 Nm3/Hr on turnkey basis.
 Two streams of electrolysers working in parallel (each of capacity minimum 10 Nm3/hr.).
 Two nos. of rectifiers (one for each Electrolyser) to cater the load of each of the electrolyser shall
be provided. The rectifier equipment shall be complete in all respects with air-cooled rectifier
transformer, thyristor convertor, electronic control and annunciation, filters choke etc. mounted in
suitable panels.
 Three (3) numbers of hydrogen gas compressors and drives. Each compressor set shall be capable
of compressing hydrogen gas from suction pressure corresponding to that of the low pressure at
generation point to the pressure required to fill the hydrogen cylinders i.e. 150 Kg/cm2 (gauge),
with pressure gauge, safety relief valve, temperature gauge etc. along with flame proof electric
motor, cell purging system, hydrogen gas buffer tanks.
 Two (2) nos. Dual Type After-Filters to prevent entrainment of desiccant particles with the
effluent gas from the dryer unit.
 One (1) no. Gas Washing Tank per stream or any other alternative device to remove traces of
caustic potash entrained with hydrogen gas. Each gas washer has level transmitters.
 Two (2) nos. Portable Hydrogen Gas Purity Meters. These meters shall be battery operated.
 Two (2) nos. Hydrogen filling stations with manifold isolating valve, safety valve etc. for both
evacuation and simultaneous filling of minimum 8 cylinders (total 16 nos.) shall be provided with
hydrogen at a maximum filling pressure of 150 Kg/cm2 (gauge). Each filling manifold shall be
provided with a common vacuum pump for evacuation of air from hydrogen cylinder prior to
 Two (2) nos. Nitrogen manifold common for both streams shall be provided. Each nitrogen
manifold shall comprise of four 4 nos. for complete purging of the hydrogen gas streams, along
with complete scavenging system comprising necessary piping network, all fittings, pressure
reducing station etc.
 One (1) no. Electrolyte preparation tank.
 One (1) no. of Demineralized (DM) Water Storage Tank. Adequate quantity of DM water shall be
provided by MSPGCL.
 01 No. Vacuum pump and high pressure cylinder testing apparatus along with all the accessories
for testing of cylinders shall be provided.
 The hydrogen plant shall also be equipped with Coolers, purifiers, H2/O2 separator vessel,
hygrometer and feed water subsystem.
 All other equipment’s as applicable along with all special tools necessary for proper maintenance
or adjustment of the equipment packed in permanent box.
 The design of the system shall be in line with all applicable standards, mandatory and statutory
norms. The required statutory & mandatory permissions & license shall be borne by contractor on
its own cost.
 All drawings along with design basis reports, GTP shall be submitted to MSPGCL for approval.
Six (6) sets of drawings and design basis report along with all relevant documents (CAD & PDF
Format) shall be submitted to MSPGCL for approval.
 Any mechanical, civil, electrical work or equipment which is not mentioned and included here but
necessary for plant shall be borne by the contractor.
 In the event of power failure/tripping/ inadvertent switching off, the hydrogen gas generator shall
be shut down ensuring hydrogen is released from the system and system is purged with an inert
 Differential pressure should be monitored and controlled across the hydrogen and oxygen line of
hydrogen generator to avoid internal or external leakage.
 The generation rate of hydrogen shall be automatically adjusted to the demand within the rated
capacity of the generator. If there is no demand, the generator shall go to into a minimum
production mode until demand is created. The generator output and status shall be shown on the
annunciator/control panel.
 The electrolyte shall continually circulate within a closed plumbing loop consisting of reservoirs,
Page 34 of 182
filters, circulation pump, heat exchanger, flow switch, temperature sensors and electrolyte module.
Automatic system shutdown shall occur on low/high electrolyte, loss of flow or high temperature.
 The feed water system shall include a feed water resistivity monitor, high pressure pump and
switches / valves for control.

3) Scope of supply & Works (Civil):

 Total Civil construction work at site such as foundation for Container, fixing of canopy/shed,
foundations for equipment’s, grouting for equipment, pumps, blowers etc., equipment, pumps,
blowers etc. as required shall be in bidder’s scope.
 Total civil work for development of shed for the Hydrogen plant as per the detailed civil drawing.
 Pedestals for pipe supports, however, auxiliary structure, supports components for piping is in
bidder’s scope.
 Also detailed Civil Input drawing shall be provided by bidder. Successful bidder shall furnish civil
assignment drawings.
 Bidder shall also provide fencing and entrance gate for Hydrogen Plant.
 Bidder to construct internal pathway/pavement for manoeuvring of vehicles for transport of
 All Civil drawings along with design basis report shall be submitted to MSPGCL for approval. Six
(6) sets of drawings and design basis report along with all relevant documents (CAD & PDF
Format) shall be submitted to MSPGCL for approval.
 Any other works required to complete the system.

2. Solar power plant:

 The item of work to be performed on all equipment and accessories shall include but not limited to
the following:

1) It includes Design, Engineering, Manufacture, Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 500
KW (AC) Crystalline Solar PV Technology Grid Interactive Solar PV Power Plant along with
associated evacuation works on turnkey basis.

a) The equipment and materials for 500 kW Crystalline Solar PV Technology and Grid Interactive
Solar PV Power Plant shall include but not limited to the supply, erection and testing &
commissioning of the 500 kW capacity.
b) String combiner boxes and String monitoring boxes shall be of approved make.
c) Required capacity of String or central type inverters shall be utilized in 500 kW Crystalline Solar
PV Technology.
d) Oil Filled Transformers of appropriate capacity, each of primary side voltage rating will be in
accordance with AC output of Inverter & secondary voltage as per technical requirement and
Associated Switchgear of approved make shall be utilized.
e) Metering and protection.
f) Energy meter & cubicle.
g) LT/HT Power and Control Cables including end terminations and other required
accessories for both AC & DC power.
h) 415 TPN Distribution Board for catering to lighting of the power station including
power plug etc. Lighting fixtures, switches, receptacles and necessary wiring for control room
building & area lighting (yard lighting).
i) Earthing system for PV Array, DC power system, lightning protection system, AC power system
for both LT & HT, equipment etc. for control room building, yard area, PCU, transformers and
HT switch gear.
j) Monitoring at dual string level shall be provided as per standard practice, along with
necessary details.
k) Data acquisition system with remote monitoring facilities (SCADA).
l) Transportation, unloading, receiving and storage of all equipments and materials at site.
m) Arranging to repair and/or re-order all damaged or short-supply items.
Page 35 of 182
n) Obtaining CIEG approval.
o) Final check-up of equipment and commissioning and putting the system into successful function
operation feeding power to the UAT of Unit 3 of Bhusawal Thermal Power Station.

2) Civil foundation work of transformers, switchgears, PV module mounting work, etc.

a) Entire cable tray as applicable.
b) Fabrication, supply & erection of cable trays, support, brackets and accessories in
case of site fabrication cable tray.
c) Galvanized steel rigid / flexible conduits and accessories, hume pipes, ferrules,
lugs, glands, terminal blocks, galvanized sheet steel junction boxes, cable fixing
clamps, nuts and bolts etc. as required.
d) Supply of necessary steel materials for field fabrication of cable trays, supports,
brackets, grounding system etc.
e) Construction of pathways inside array and main approach road, entry gate, and
fencing as required.
f) Outdoor cables installation shall be trenched or underground as per the site requirement & site
conditions method for trenching and undergrounding cable shall comply applicable IS.
g) Installation of module cleaning system.
h) All relevant drawing, data sheets, technical catalogues on each piece of equipment
/ devices and type test certificates.
i) Materials and accessories, which is necessary or usual for satisfactory and trouble-free operation
and maintenance of the above equipment
j) EPC Contractor has to make the required power supply arrangement for the construction purpose
on his own.
k) All statutory approval should be done by EPC at its own cost like electrical, fire safety and CEIG


1. Hydrogen Generation Plant:

1. Electrolyser:
Hydrogen shall be produced by electrolysis of water using the power drawn from the Solar PV
power plant. The electrolyser shall comply with the following international standards or equivalent
Indian standards.

Standard Title
ISO 22734: 2019 Hydrogen generators using water electrolysis - Industrial,
commercial, and residential applications
ISO 14687:2019 Hydrogen fuel quality - Product specification

Minimum Requirement:
SN Description Parameter
1. Hydrogen generation plant minimum 20 Nm3/Hr.
capacity (Nm3/hr.)
2. Number of streams (2X50%) 2
3. Minimum Capacity of each streams/electrolyzer 10
4. Hydrogen purity (%) at gas manifolds 99.99
5. Moisture content in hydrogen‐ gm/m3 (max) 0.05
6. Design delivery pressure at its rated duty point in 150
Kg/cm2 (g)
7. Dew Point (-41) (min)
8. Minimum capacity of each compressor 125% of rated
(Nm hr.) Capacity of each
Page 36 of 182
stream (Nm3/hr.)

9. Vibration level of compressor As per internationally

accepted standard
10. Noise level of compressor 85 dBA (to a
reference of 0.0002
micro bar).
11. Operating Temperature 60-80oC

12. System Efficiency Min. 63% (median)

Electrolyzers shall be based on bipolar alkaline Electrolysis Type Hydrogen Generation plant consisting
of 2 separate streams. It should be fully assembled, ready to run and packaged in a cluster of cabinets
connected in series or a container:

i. Cells in electrolyzer shall be connected to each other. There shall be provision to isolate any one of
the cells in electrolyzer. The cells in electrolyzer shall be of corrosion resistant material. One
explosion proof temperature switch in each cell for electrolyzer shall be provided for temperature
high alarm on the control panel shall be provided.
ii. Temperature transmitter or RTD shall be provided on electrolyzer to maintain the electrolyzer
temperature to a preset value by controlling cooling water flow to the electrolyzer through the
temperature control valve. One temperature gauge for local indication for electrolyte temperature.
One off-line specific gravity measuring instrument.
iii. The electrolyzer will be designed to operate at part load of normal capacity without any
disconnection and operation interruption and shall produce the hydrogen gas of specified purity and
iv. All measuring instruments, controllers, and control valves shall be provided.
v. Safety devices will be provided on each collecting pipe to release gas pressure in case it goes above
the limits.
vi. Electrolyzer will be designed so that it can be cleaned and maintained easily. Cells module will be
part of the gas generating station.
vii. Proper sealing shall be provided, while crossing the wall to avoid any gas leakage to Rectifier
Room. Provision shall be incorporated for minimizing electrical leakage between cells and from
cells to ground.
viii. Electrolyzer cells, hydrogen gas purifications system, compressor skid including instrumentation
are part of the vendor’s standard manufacturing skid system. The instrumentation shall be triple
redundant for protection and dual redundant for interlock / permissive for instruments installed
outside the manufacture’s standard compact skids of electrolyser, purification and compressors.
ix. The Oxygen generated shall be vented out safely/ provided with oxygen collection interface.
x. Experience and Performance:
a. Electrolyser must have proven history and reliability and stable operation. Contractor shall
provide the performance certificate from the owner or developer or any hydrogen production
plant of minimum capacity 20 Nm3/ Hr. where the proposed electrolyser is working
satisfactorily since last five years.
b. Electrolyser manufacturer must have supplied electrolyser at least cumulative installed capacity
of 500 Nm3 / Hr. or above per year consecutively for last three years. The contractor shall
provide documentary evidence for the same in the form of certificates from same manufacturer
as well as invoice copies/purchase orders along with delivery challan of supply for the year
based on which eligibility is sought.

Page 37 of 182
c. The contractor shall provide the copy of publically available / published data sheets of
technical specifications for electrolyser. The contractor shall also provide GTP of electrolyser
from the manufacturer.
xi. Manufacturing date of electrolyser used in the project shall not be more than six months prior to the
date of transfer of ownership to MSPGCL. The representative of contractor must be present at time
of assembly of electrolyser. MSPGCL may also depute its authorized representative at the time.

xii. Warranties & System Lifetime:

a. Material warranty:
 Material warranty is defined as: The manufacturer shall warrant the electrolyzer free from
the defects and / or failures for a period not less than 10 years from the date of
commissioning of electrolyzer.
 Defects and / or failure due to manufacturing defects and / or failure due to materials
 Non conformity to the specification due to faulty manufacturing and / or inspection

b. System Lifetime: The manufacturer shall warrant system lifetime of minimum 25 years.

2. Hydrogen compressors and drives

i) Design delivery Pressure 150 Kg/cm2 (g)

ii) Type Preferably Oil free, Piston or Diaphragm type.

iii) Piston type of proven design

iv) Diaphragm type with triple diaphragm failure

detection system.The side and oil side diaphragms
shall be of Stainless Steel.

v) Drive cage Constant speed Sq. cage flame proof type Electric
motor suitable for group-IIC location asper IS:2148
Class-I Div. II of NEC.

vi) Activated carbon filters 2x100% and required in case of oil

lubricated compressors
vii) All metal to metal joints shall be provided with “O” rings of suitable grade material.
viii) Compressors are provided with accessories as applicable:- pressure switches (low) at
the suction and pressure switches (high) at the discharge. A back pressure regulating
valve is provided at the compressor discharge to maintain a constant regulating
pressure at the compressor outlet. Normally the compressors will run in automatic
mode. The compressor will start compressing hydrogen gas when the suction pressure
reaches the setting of low-pressure set point and will continue torun until the discharge
pressure reaches the upper set point of the high discharge pressure and then go to
standby mode.

Then as the gas is drawn from storage and the storage pressure decays down to the lower
set point of the high pressure switch, the compressor will automatically restart to refill
the storage vessels.

The compressor includes leak detection system to protect compressor and / or hydrogen
gas system in case of diaphragm failure. In case of diaphragm rupture, a pressure signal
Page 38 of 182
would be sent to leak detection switch which will shut down the compressor. The
automatic operation of the standby compressor is not envisaged due to safety reasons.

ix) All suitable auxiliaries (as applicable) such as built in relief valves, Pressure and
temperature gauges after every compressor stages, mechanical lubricator, built in
automatic unloader devices, Water cooled inter coolers after every compression stage,
flow switches, pressure gauges in coolant line, sight flow indicators in coolant line, V
belt drive with pulleys, a transfer switch to allow operation of stand by compressor
automatically, suction filters, scrubber to remove any traces of entrapped electrolyte,
separator and filters, suitable protection device to prevent suction of water from gas
holders as a back-up to low level switch provided on the gas holders for compressor
TRIP, Mist Eliminators (if applicable). One number on- line hydrogen purity analyzer
at the suction etc. shall be provided for continuously monitoring hydrogen purity
before compressor and also to provide suitable alarm and automatic tripping of plant in
case, hydrogen purity falls below the preset level.

3. Hydrogen Storage:
The hydrogen produced by Electrolyser shall be stored in the suitable storage devices complying with
following applicable international standards or equivalent Indian standards and all the applicable
safety regulations including but not limited to the following.

Standard Title

ISO 16111:2018 Transportable gas storage devices - Hydrogen absorbed in reversible metal
ISO 11114-1:2020 Gas cylinders - Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas
contents - Part 1: Metallic materials
ISO 11114-2:2013 Gas cylinders - Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas
contents - Part 2: Non-metallic materials
ISO 11114-4:2017 Transportable gas cylinders - Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials
with gas contents - Part 4: Test methods for selecting steels resistant to
hydrogen embrittlement
Gas Cylinders Rules, 2016 as amended time to time.

4. Safety:
The proposed hydrogen-based system shall follow all the applicable safety standards and
regulations including but not limited to the following.

Standard Title
ISO/TR 15916:2015 Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systems
ISO 26142:2010 Hydrogen detection apparatus - Stationary applications Explosives
Rules, 2008 as amended time to time.

Design/ Construction:

1) The material of construction specified in specification are minimum requirements and material of
construction for other components not specified shall be similarly selected by the bidder for
intended duty which shall be subjects to customer approval during detailed engineering without
any delivery and price implication to MSPGCL.
2) The technical specification requirement for items which are not included shall be subject to
MSPGCL approval during detailed engineering stage. Vendor will submit all the backup
documents for provenances of the technical details selected.

Page 39 of 182
2. C & I Specifications
1. The bidder shall provide complete Instrumentation for control, monitoring and operation of
Hydrogen Plant. In case of any discrepancy in the requirement within the same section noted by
the bidder in the specification, the same will be brought to the notice of MSPGCL in the form of
pre bid clarification. In absence of any pre bid clarification, the more stringent requirement as per
interpretation of customer shall prevail without any commercial and time implication.
2. Hydrogen Plant shall be operated & controlled from PLC based control system. Operation &
Control shall also be through Local Control Panel (LCP), which is also being referred as Backup
Panel. PLC shall have redundancy at processor (HOT STANDBY), power supply,
communication system.
3. LCP shall have the provision of command (start/stop), feedback, hardwired annunciation facia,
push buttons, digital indicators, lamps, coloured mimics etc.

3. Mechanical Specifications:
This design memorandum is intended to cover design, engineering, manufacture, inspection, testing at
manufacturer's works, supply/delivery duly packed at site including freight, unloading, storage and
handling at site, erection and commissioning, trial run at site, Demonstration test, obtaining CCE
approval and plant handing over to customer etc. inclusive of all prevailing taxes, duties and other
levies of Hydrogen Generation Plant complete with all accessories inducing start up, mandatory and
commissioning spares as required for Bhusawal Thermal Power Station.

Design Basis

Hydrogen generation plant will be designed to maintain hydrogen purity at gas manifolds 99.99%
and moisture content 0.05 g/m3 (max). The complete hydrogen generation plant system, equipment,
layout shall be designed as per the guidelines of explosive authority (chief controller of explosive) of
India and other statutory authorities for the design and installation of the plant.

Note:- Contractor to note that the design philosophy has been prepared considering suitable design,
so the equipments applicable for designs as per manufacturer standard practice shall be supplied.


1. Designed for Continuous duty.

2. Designed for parallel operation of both streams.

3. Flexibility to operate electrolyzer in part load.

4. Complete operation from PLC based local control panel.

5. To trip the plant in case of high hydrogen level, suitable numbers of hydrogen gas detectors
shall be provided.

6. Set pressure to be maintained with the help of back pressure regulating valve.

7. Automatic operation of standby compressor as and when required.

8. To provide alarm & tripping of compressor based on suction conditions ("suction pressure not

5. Drying system for Hydrogen gas

Page 40 of 182
a) Twin tower moisture separating columns of regenerative design along with instruments.
b) Valves arrangement to suit operation of one column and another under regeneration. The
changeover operation shall be automatic based on PLC command.

6. Back Pressure regulating valve:

One number spring loaded disc. Operated self-actuating type backpressure regulating valve to
maintain 150 Kg/cm2 (g) pressure on the compressor discharge.

7. Cylinder Manifold:

One dual filling cylinder filling manifold, arrangement for two banks of minimum eight cylinders
each to permit connection and removal of cylinder (water capacity – 46.7 liters (approx.) without
interruption of filling. Accessories such as isolating valves, safety valves, pressure gauges, pressure
switch (to shut off compressor beyond set pressure) shall be provided, ”ON – LINE “Hydrogen
purity analyzer, trace oxygen analyzer, moisture analyzer at cylinder manifold, records of hydrogen
purity and moisture content and one number portable hydrogen gas purity gas testing kit etc. shall
be provided.

Nitrogen manifold shall be supplied having capacity to connect 8 no’s cylinders with accessories
such as isolating valves, safety valves, pressure gauges etc.

8. Flushing System

To be provided with necessary connection with proper isolation devices, nitrogen cylinders,
Valves, manifolds piping etc. to enable purging of the system with nitrogen duringcommissioning
and each maintenance work.

9. Hydrogen leak detection system.

Hydrogen leak detection and interlock system shall be provided in generator compressor rooms and
hydrogen filling area for alarm and trip of Hydrogen generation plant.

10. Piping:

a. All pipe to conform to ASTM or equivalent pressure piping code, and seamless type.
b. All high pressure joints shall of ferrule/welded construction.
c. All hydrogen vents will be fitted with flame arrestor.
d. All high pressure drains to be terminated through H2 traps and all low pressure drains to be
terminated through V-bends.
e. Cooling water pipe be minimum 80 NB size.


a) All the codes and standards shall be in line with applicable National/International standards.
b) One number trolley/vehicle shall be provided within H2 generation plant for handling of

12. Hydrogen and Nitrogen gas cylinders

This section covers the design, manufactures, testing and supply of empty seamless hydrogen
cylinders as per the requirements specified herein. Dimensions, material, design and fittings
accessories of cylinders shall be suitable for requirement of BTPS hydrogen filling station at Turbine
basement in compliance with applicable IS, ASTM. The number of required cylinders shall be as per
requirement of BTPS.
Page 41 of 182
Standard Applicable: Latest edition of IS:3224 and IS:7285

a) Water Capacity - 46.7 Litres
b) Volume gas - 7 m3(app.)

Working Pressure - 150 kg/Cm2


a) Test certificates for all the tests indicated in clause 9.0 of this specification.
b) Manufacturer shall furnish inspection certificate from BIS and approval certificatefrom dept. of
explosive Nagpur.

a) The offer submitted shall be strictly in line with the requirements specified in this specification



All motors shall conform to the latest applicable standards as listed below;
• Three phase induction motors: IS: 12615, IEC: 60034
• Single phase AC motors: IS: 996, IEC: 60034
• Crane duty motors: IS: 3177, IEC: 60034
• Energy Efficient motors: IS 12615 or IEC: 60034-30 with Efficiency class IE3

2.1 Service Conditions: The motors will be installed in hot, humid and tropical atmosphere
highly polluted at places with coal dust and/or fly ash. For motor installed outdoor and
exposed to direct sunrays, the effect of solar heat shall be considered in the
determination of the design ambient temperature. The design ambient temperature shall
be 50 °C.
2.2 Supply system and rated voltage of motors,

KW rating Supply system Rated voltage of motor

Upto 0.2 kW 240V/415 V 240V/415 V
Above 0.2 kW & up to 175kW 415 V 415 V

2.3 Supply voltage & variations shall be as follows:

Voltage variation (AC Supply) (+/-) 10%

Frequency variation (+) 3% to (-) 5%
Combined V & F variation 10% (sum of absolute values
2.4 During starting of large motor, the voltage may drop to 80% of the rated voltage for a period
Page 42 of 182
of 60 seconds. All electrical equipment while running shall successfully ride over such period
without affecting system performance.
2.5 Motors shall be capable of running continuously at rated output for each of the conditions
2.6 Motor Rating: All motors shall be rated for continuous duty. They shall also be suitable for
long period of inactivity. LT motor rating at 50 °C shall have at least 15% margin over the
input power requirement of the driven equipment at rated duty point unless stated otherwise
in driven equipment specification. The motor characteristics shall match the requirements of
the driven equipment so that adequate starting, accelerating, pull up, break down and full load
torques are available for the intended service.

16. Controlled shutdown:

In the event of building power failure, the hydrogen generator will follow a safe shutdown protocol
and safely vent the system. The H2 generation shall be stopped and power shall be removed from
electrolysis module.
Any Electrical work which is not mentioned or included here but necessary for the plant shall
be borne by The EPC Contractor.



1) Scope of Civil Work for 500 KWac SPV Plant Array Yard

a) Topographical Survey
Conducting topographic survey and geotechnical investigation will be under bidder’s scope so that the inputs
can be used for design and planning of Solar power plant.

b) Planning and Designing

The EPC Contractor shall carry out Shadow Analysis at the site and accordingly design strings & arrays layout
considering optimal usage of space, material and labour. The Contractor shall submit the array layout
drawings along with Shadow Analysis Report to Chief Engineer (SPGD), MSPGCL for approval.

The EPC Contractor has to plan and design the Array Yard in a proper manner considering the shadow
analysis. Contractor has to develop general layout drawing of Array Yard, Internal Road & path ways,
drainage system (ensuring no water logging in the Array Yard area). All design & drawings have to be
developed based on specification given in the tender, soil report, and relevant BIS unless otherwise specified.
All details water supply for module cleaning and sewage system shall be clearly shown in the drawings.

The EPC Contractor shall submit preliminary Design Basis Report along with the drawings for approval &
based on any modification or recommendation, if any. The Contractor shall submit six sets of final drawing to
MSPGCL for approval to proceed with construction work.

c) Land Development as per Design

Land development work of the entire area of the Project premises shall have to be done as per Design Basis
Report & drawings developed by the EPC Contractor and as approved by MSPGCL.The formation level of the
land development shall be kept at least 1.5 m above the high flood level of the nearby nalla/ pond, etc., where
storm water is to be disposed off. Further, the formation level of the plot shall be decided matching the
quantities of cutting and filling of the plot area. Any material required for filling for land development work
shall be arranged by the Contractor at his cost. Any excess material available from cutting of land
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development work shall be disposed off outside the plot boundary with a lead of 5 kms as directed by Project-
In-Charge of MSPGCL.

d) Power Supply for Construction

The EPC Contractor has to make the required power supply arrangement for the construction purpose & shall
bear the power charges for utilization of power for his construction work of the solar plant.

e) Module Structure Foundations

Modules structures foundations, Seismic factors for the site must be considered while making the design of the
foundation. The design of array structure shall be based on soil test report of the site and shall be approved by

Pullout tests on prototype sample foundations at site shall be carried out by third party institution in presence
of MSPGCL site authority and pullout test reports shall be submitted to MSPGCL for approval.

Foundation drawings & designs shall be submitted to MSPGCL for approval before starting the work.
Foundation digging of Module Mounting Structure shall commence only after the proper leveling of the site.

f) Road and Drainage

 Approach Road: Approach Road towards the land parcel is available but strengthing of this road is
 Concrete/Brick missionary drains shall be provided on either side of roads for proper drainage of rain
 The WBM roads shall be designed as flexible pavements as per provision under IRC-37. The
construction of roads shall be in accordance with MORT&H specifications and other relevant
IRC/IS codes of practice.
 One lockable, heavy duty Iron Main Gate of 6M wide shall be constructed. The main gate shall include
Security Cabin of suitable size.
 The drawings of approach road/pathways, gate and cabin shall be approved by MSPGCL.

g) Module Cleaning System.

A. Water Arrangement for Modules Washing:

i. EPC Contractor shall provide a permanent arrangement for module cleaning & washing in the Solar
Power Plant.
ii. The washing shall be with pressurized clean water and provision shall be made for water purification,
softening and cleaning as the need be depending on the available water quality & requirements by the
module suppliers for cleaning of module.
iii. EPC Contractor shall provide the suitable water tank as per applicable IS of adequate capacity at
the site for use in module cleaning for entire year. Contractor should lay down proper pipeline
network from Plant water source up to this water tank. Contractor shall provide the water
requirement calculations, cleaning schedule and single line diagram of solar module cleaning water
arrangement to MSPGCL for approval.
iv. EPC Contractor is responsible for operation & maintenance of Module cleaning system for complete
contract period.

h) Water Drainage System and rainwater harvesting scheme.

i. As per sites conditions & rainfall conditions of that region, EPC contractor shall give preference to rainwater
harvesting for required water arrangements.

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ii. The storm water drains shall be designed as network covering the plant area as per specifications. The plant
area storm water drainage shall be designed based on the recommendations of Indian Meteorological
Department (IMD).

iii. Care shall be taken to maintain slopes and to prevent water logging at the site. Proper water drainage shall
be designed. The plan, design and drawing shall be submitted to MSPGCL for approval.

i) Fencing

i. Total length of fencing work (including peripheral fencing) required for the complete solar plant. The length
and layout of fencing shall be as decided by the owner after finalization of the plots layout or during detailed
engineering after approval of topography work. The complete fencing work to be done by bidder may or
may not fall as on its plot periphery. Some fencing work might also fall on the other plots periphery.

ii. The chain link fencing shall compromise of G.I chain link fencing with mesh size 75x75 mm and of
minimum 4 mm diameter. The chain link fencing material requirement shall confirm to IS: 2721. The chain
link fence fabric shall have zinc coating of type “heavy” as given in IS 4826. The G.I. chain link wire mesh
will be stretched and attached by clips to 3 strands of High Tensile Spring Steel (HTSS) wire of 4 mm dia
interwoven in chain link wire mesh and kept under tension which in turn are attached to the fence post with
security nuts and bolts. The clips attached with HTSS wires shall ensure tension in HTSS wire to make the
chain link fence in tension. On every fourth post a clamping strip will be threaded through the inks of chain
link and bolted to the fence post with the help of security nuts and bolts. All nuts, fasteners, bolts, clamping
strips, clamps, clips, etc. shall be galvanized. Above the chain link fence three rows of galvanized reinforced
barbed tape with double edged profile, fixed with minimum 2.5mm galvanized bare wire shall be provided
in the Half Y steel post at a maximum spacing of 175 mm c/c. Reinforced barbed tape will be attached to
angle iron posts vertical height 400 mm. The type of section for fence shall be as mentioned in the fencing
drawing and details of scope of work of fencing in plot layouts.

iii. All fence posts shall be 75X75X6 MS angles spaced at 2.5 m c/c distance. All corner fence posts will have
two stay posts in orthogonal directions and every tenth post will have a stay post in the direction of the
fence. All stay posts shall be 75X75X6 MS angles.

iv. Concrete foundations for the angle iron posts and stays shall be provided as per the drawing. Toe wall shall
be provided between the fence posts all along the run of the fence with foundation as per the drawing. Toe
walls shall be made of brick masonry or stone masonry, both of minimum 75 kg/cm2 compressive strength.
All MS angles and members used in posts shall also be galvanized in line with relevant IS code provisions.
The minimum thickness of galvanization shall be maintained as 85 microns. Suitable foundation/fencing
arrangement shall be made in the fencing scheme to ensure intact fencing/safety in the water body/drains
entry and exit points in the plot area. The same shall be provided with a grid of 25mm dia MS bars grid
spaced at 150mm (C/C) The fencing shall be at sufficient height from water level. The toe wall for fencing
near water body area shall be made of RCC only.

v. Minimum height of wall shall be maintained at any point and height of columns shall be adjusted as per
contour of ground. Zero ground clearance shall be maintained by concrete coping at bottom wherever it is
required. 40mm diameter weep holes shall be provided at bottom of the wall at 1.0 M spacing.

vi. As far as possible uniform topmost height of fencing shall be maintained irrespective contour of the ground
for that particular site.

vii. The required design and safety calculation along with detail drawing, shall be submitted to MSPGCL for

j) Others

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Any civil work which is not mentioned or included here but necessary for the plant shall be borne by


The manufacturers for all electrical and electronic components such as Meters, Protection Relays, AC Cables,
Lightning Arrestors, Control Panels, Isolators, etc., and wherever no specific experience requirement is
mentioned, must have manufacturing track record of at least five (5) years.


a) The Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell PV modules used must qualify to the latest edition of IEC-61215 or IS
14286 : 2019 (Part -1 & 2 ) equivalent BIS standards.

b) In addition, Flat PV modules must qualify to IEC 61730 (Edition I and II) for safety qualification testing and
All materials used shall have a proven history of reliability and stable operation in external applications.

c) It shall perform satisfactorily in relative humidity up to 85% with temperatures between -40° C to +80° C and
shall have lowest temperature coefficient and shall withstand gust up to 200 km/h on the surface of the panel.
Also, the PV modules to be used in a highly corrosive atmosphere throughout their lifetime, they must qualify
to IEC 61701 : 2011-12 (Edition 2). Each and every SPV module shall be checked for conformity with
relevant standard and no negative tolerance shall be accepted for crystalline modules.

d) Modules shall be PID-free. EPC Contractor shall submit the test certificate by recognized global laboratory to
this effect for the model selected to be offered in this project. The Contractor shall also submit an IEC-
62804:2015 certificate for the modules offered to this effect.

e) PV Peak power rating shall not be less than 350Wp for crystalline module The module efficiency shall be
more than 15.00% & The minimum Fill Factor shall be 0.7.

f) In line with Office Memorandum No. 283/54/2018 - Grid Solar (“Approved Models and Manufactures
of Solar Photovoltaic Modules Order, 2019), dated 2nd January 2019, the bidder shall source modules
complying with the relevant clause(s) mentioned in the order. For detailed information, bidder to refer
Office Memorandum issued by MNRE”).

g) Experience and Performance:

i. Solar module manufacturer must have supplied modules of at least of 50 MW or above per year
consecutively during the last five years. The EPC shall provide documentary evidence for the same in the
form of certificate from the same manufacturer as well as the invoice copies of supply for the year based on
which eligibility is sought.

ii. Solar PV modules must have proven history of reliability and stable operation. EPC Contractor shall provide
the performance certificate from the owner or developer of any grid connected single solar power project of
minimum capacity of 1 MWac, where these modules are working satisfactorily since last one year and where
only the proposed manufacturer’s modules are used.

iii. Manufacturing date of all modules used in the project shall not be more than 12 months prior to the date of
transfer of ownership to MSPGCL.

iv. In case the EPC Contractor fails to submit documentary evidence for approval of modules, such bid will be
considered as non-responsive and summarily rejected.

Page 46 of 182
h) Performance Warranty:

i. Insurance:

a. The EPC Contractor shall bear the responsibility to arrange PV module insurance for entire contract
period encompassing all the probable risks associated with the PV Modules. All the expenses in relation
to such insurance of the project will have to be borne by the Contractor.

b. The insurance shall be in the name of MSPGCL and the policy shall be submitted to MSPGCL. The
performance warranty shall be specifically a warrant and indemnity insurance against excessive loss of
output of PV module.

c. The EPC Contractor shall provide the electrical characteristics, of typical solar PV module that is
representative sample of proposed modules, including current-voltage (I-V) performance curves and
temperature coefficients of power, voltage and current.

d. Modules shall be provided with a junction box, determined make and length of cable and connectors, as
prescribed in the IEC certification for the selected module. These shall be approved by MSPGCL

ii. Module Testing:

PV modules must be tested and approved by one of the IEC authorized test centers. Factory test as well as
third party testing of the random sample by the Solar Energy Centre is also mandatory. The cost of these
testing shall be borne by Contractor.

The acceptance criteria for all these tests shall be as per the applicable IEC/IS. Standard Industry practice will
be adopted with mutual understanding in case if no such guidelines are available in IEC for any of the test.

iii. Factory Tests & Inspections:

Factory tests and inspection of the modules shall be as per the QAP and applicable IS.


i. The EPC Contractor shall provide fixed type or Seasonal Tilt or Tracking type structure to hold modules in place
at desired tilt and angle.

ii. Design drawings with material selected shall be submitted for approval of MSPGCL. Modules shall be mounted
on a non-corrosive support structures.

iii. The foundations of module mounting structures shall be based on site related data, design calculations &
drawings shall be submitted to MSPGCL for approval.

iv. The frames assemblies (i.e. I channel, C channels, rafter, purlins, rails & bracings etc.) of the array structures
shall be made of hot dip Galvanized steel per ASTM A123/ IS2062 (grade E350 or higher) and IS 4759:1996.
Minimum thickness of galvanization shall be at least 80 microns.

v. All fasteners shall be of Stainless steel - SS 304 or higher grade. Nut & bolts, supporting structures including
module Mounting Structures shall have to be adequately protected against all climatic condition.

vi. The vendor credentials, base material test report, GTP & QAP shall be submitted to MSPGCL. Before dispatch
of material MSPGCL will carry out required tests on random samples as per IS from the accredited testing lab
the cost of this test shall be borne by Contractor.

vii. The Module Mounting Structures shall be warranted up to 5 years from the manufacturer.
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viii. The structure shall be designed to allow easy replacement of any module and easy access to the O&M staff and
P&P (Personnel and Protection).

ix. The structure shall be designed for simple mechanical and electrical installation. It shall support Solar PV
modules at a given orientation, absorb and transfer the mechanical loads to the ground properly. There shall be
no requirement of welding or complex machinery at site.

x. The drawings along with detailed design shall be submitted in six sets to MSPGCL for approval before starting
the erection work. The work will be carried out as per designs approved by MSPGCL.

xi. The EPC CONTRACTOR/manufacturer shall specify installation details of the Solar PV modules and the
support structures with appropriate diagrams and drawings.

xii. The legs of the structures shall be MS Hot Dip galvanized I beams or C channels as per IS 2062 (grade E350 or
higher) and IS 4759:1996. Minimum thickness of galvanization shall be at least 80microns. Design and
dimensions of the structure must confirm to withstand minimum wind speed of 158 km/h with appropriate safety
factor of 1.5 along with the reference standard IS 800 & IS 801. The design calculations shall be submitted to
MSPGCL and same shall be get approved from MSPGCL.


The EPC CONTRACTOR shall submit the QAP of MMS for the approval of MSPGCL.


i. AC LT Cables:
The EPC CONTRACTOR shall submit the GTP (Guaranteed Technical Parameters) and QAP for the approval

ii. PV wires and DC cables

The PV Cables used for interconnecting SPV modules as well as modules to SMB shall be XLPO and should
confirm requirement of EN 50618:2014 / TUV specification 2Pfg 1990/05.12 applicable for DC cables for PV
system. These cables shall meet the fire resistance requirement and shall be electron beam cured. Conductor
shall be electrolytic tinned copper class 5, according to EN 60228 or IEC 60228.
The EPC CONTRACTOR shall submit the GTP (Guaranteed Technical Parameters) and QAP for the approval

iii. DC CABLES (SMU to Inverters)

Cables used between SMU's and Inverters shall be of min. 1.5 kV (DC) grade. In case Contractor offers 1500V
DC system 3.3 kV (E) grade cables shall be provided. These Power cables shall have compacted Aluminium
/copper conductor, XLPE insulated, PVC inner-sheathed (as applicable), Armoured / Unarmored, FRLS PVC
outer sheathed conforming to IS: 7098 (Part-I).
The EPC CONTRACTOR shall submit the GTP (Guaranteed Technical Parameters) and QAP for the approval


i. Contractor shall design the array yard such that Module mismatch loss shall be less than 1.5% loss in
system power.
ii. Only terminal cable joints shall be accepted. No cable joint of two cable ends shall be accepted. All cable
plugs provided shall be as per IEC/IS standards.
iii. Cables shall be laid underground according to the applicable IS / IEC.
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iv. Wiring between equipment enclosures shall be made with cables, laid in trenches and/or cable trays and in
cable conduits. The Contractor shall submit for review to the Employer a cable route layout-showing
location of trenches, conduits and trays. All material for cable laying such as cable trays supports and
fastening material shall be furnished and placed by the Contractor. Cables shall be properly fastened and
marked where they enter enclosures by either cable clamps or nipples.
v. Cables in horizontal cable trays shall be fastened properly with clamps or plastic strips. Power and control
cables shall be placed in separate trays or conduits. Cables shall be clearly marked at each terminal point.


i. String Combiner Box (SCB) :

SCB shall be in compliance with applicable IS /IEC and EN and also equipped (but not limited to) with the
following: -
i. Online DC Disconnector/ breaker to disconnect the PV strings from the inverter for maintenance
ii. All components in the SCB shall be suitable for operation within temperature range of 0-70 Deg C.
iii. Fuse in each SCB input (both positive and negative) shall be provided to prevent the reverse short
circuit current flow. However, in case of negative string fuse is not required as per recommendation of
inverter manufacturer, string cable shall preferably be terminated with field connector with SCB.
iv. Surge Protection device for protection against surge currents and voltages.
v. Other associated items like cable glands, lugs, vents and items required for the protection and
completeness of the system shall be provided.
vi. The common collection bus bars should be made up of zinc/tin coated copper and shall be suitably
sized to limit temperature rise within safe operating limits.
vii. Suitable markings shall be provided on the bus-bars for easy identification and UV resistant cable
ferrules will be fitted at the cable termination points for identification.
viii. Bidder shall ensure adequate clearance with suitable insulated separator between positive bus and
negative bus if it is in same enclosure. Positive and Negative section shall be orientated horizontally
(Landscape orientation) on the either side of separator. Separate compartment for negative section and
positive section for termination of positive and negative string input shall be preferred.
ix. SCB shall be finger touch proof & adequate safety labels of instructions
x. The SCB shall be in compliance with IP 65.
xi. In addition to suitable surge protection, the string combiner box will have over-voltage and over
current and lightning protection. Adequate capacity solar DC fuses & isolating Miniature Circuit
Breakers or manual isolator shall be provided if required.
xii. The EPC CONTRACTOR shall submit the GTP (Guaranteed Technical Parameters) and QAP for the
approval of MSPGCL.

ii. String Monitoring System:

Monitoring of various parameters at each string level shall be made possible in the Control Room at site by
installing the suitable string monitoring system any fault at string level could be recognizable by that system.

String Monitoring System theoretical design, calculations and detailed explanations along with drawing shall be
provided and approved by MSPGCL.

Additionally, necessary facility shall be installed at the Control Room to enable remote monitoring of the plant
performance from MSPGCL's Bhusawal TPS Control room.


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Adequate Array Yard lighting including erection of poles, fixtures & cables as per IS standards, keeping the
general security in the mind using auxiliary power supply at location. Array yard lighting theoretical design,
calculations and detailed explanations along with drawing shall be provided and approved by MSPGCL.


1) Complete Solar Array with associated structure shall be protected from Direct Lightning Stroke. Lightning
Protection for solar array shall be achieved with any or both of the following two systems as per specification
provided in the following section.
i. Single Rod Air Terminal (Faraday Rods)
ii. Early Streamer Emission (ESE) Air Terminal.
iii. Suitable earthling and equipotential bonding shall be ensured for the air termination rods as per
applicable standard/ Equipment manufacturer guidelines.
2) Current carrying parts and accessories such as clamps, fasteners, down conductor, Test links and earth
termination etc. shall be preferably procured from OEM of Air Terminals if it is supplied by them as part of
lighting protection system.
3) Lightning Protection System for Solar Array with Single Rod Air Terminal

i. Solar array of plant shall be protected from direct lightning strike with straight or angled air
termination rods of suitable class as per IS:2309 to be fixed with the module mounting structure
(MMS). Air termination rods shall have minimum two clamps to be fixed with MMS and must
be capable of carrying full lightning current. Contractor to ensure proper fixing of the clamps
with MMS to allow lightning current to pass through the clamp without damage and to sustain
the rods during high velocity wind.

ii. Contractor shall submit the calculation to determine the no. and location of air termination rods
to be fixed on structure to provide the lightning protection to each solar module and structure.
iii. Earth riser shall be connected to that part/pole of MMS which is nearest to air termination rod.

4) Lightning Protection System for Solar Array With E.S.E Air Terminal

i. Solar array shall be protected from direct lightning stroke with Early Streamer Emission air terminal in
accordance to NFC17-102 (Latest revision).
ii. Location and layout of ESE terminal shall be in such a manner that it cast no shadow on the PV
Modules during operation of plant. Number and location of ESE air terminal shall be decided
during detail engineering. For this purpose, design calculation considering protection level III
(minimum) and Autocad drawing of the layout of ESE terminal shall be submitted to owner for
iii. ESE air terminal shall be type tested as per Annexure-C of NFC 17-102 (Latest Revision) in the manner
as mentioned in the standard type test report shall be submitted to owner for approval.
iv. ESE Air terminal shall be supplied with test link, lightning stroke counter, down-conductor, Tripod
Earthing, support mast and accessories required for completeness for ESE Lightning protection system. If
required, Suitable guy wire shall be used to support the mast of ESE terminal against the wind.
v. Owner shall test ESE terminal (Each terminal/Sample basis) before installation with suitable instrument
for functionality of terminal. Vendor shall replace the terminal free of cost if found defective.
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vi. Support mast for ESE Air terminal shall be heavy duty hot dip galvanized material and shall be suitable
to withstand dynamic and static forces acting on it without failure. Foundation for the mast shall be M20
Grade concrete or better with minimum depth of 1200 mm.

5) Lightning Protection System for Switchyard

i. Direct stroke lightning protection (DSLP) shall be provided in the switchyard by LM/shield wires.
ii. Lightning protection System down conductors shall not be connected to other conductors above ground
level. Also, no intermediate earthing connection shall be made to Surge arrester, Voltage Transformer,
earthing leads for which shall be directly connected to earth electrode.
iii. Every down conductor shall be provided with a test joint at about 1000 mm above ground level. The test
joint shall be directly connected to the earthing system. Down conductors shall be cleated on the
structures at 2000 mm interval.
iv. The lightning protection system shall not be in direct contact with underground metallic service ducts and
v. Lightning protection system installation shall be in strict accordance with the latest editions of Indian
Electricity Rules, Indian Standards and Codes of practice and Regulations existing in the locality where
the system is installed.

6) Lightning Protection System for Building and Enclosure

Contractor shall provide lightning protection for shelter/enclosure, Switchgear Room/ shelter and similar
housing per IS/IEC 62305. ESE Air Terminal shall not used for lightning protection of Metering
yard/Switchyard .


The Contractor shall design and construct the grounding system for protection of persons and material to allow a
safe service and maintenance work on the installations.
The earthing system shall be constructed to comply with the requirements of the applicable standards and
connected equipment. The grounding system shall be designed to avoid dangerous touch and step voltage. More
specifically and independent of the regulation and standards, the earthing system shall provide:
a. Adequate protection of personnel against dangerous voltages, currents and arcs,
b. Low earthing impedance for the transformer neutrals.
c. The fault currents shall flow through the earthing system,
d. Limiting the induced capacitive transformed voltages on electronic cables, circuits, panels and other
equipment to low voltage, weak current.

Any Electrical work which is not mentioned or included here but necessary for the plant shall be borne by The
EPC Contractor.


i. Operating Condition

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The inverter shall be capable of operation between 0°C to +60°C ambient temperature. PCU shall be
designed to deliver its name plate rating at ambient temperature of 50°C. (if different power ratings are
mentioned at different temperatures, then power rating at 50°C in KW at unity power
ii. Rating
Cumulative MW capacity of PCUs/ String Inverters shall not be less than plant capacity at unity power
factor and at ambient temperature of 50 °C and 0.95 power factor at 45 °C. Bidder shall also furnish
maximum overloading capacity of the inverter with respect to temperature along with inverter data sheet.

iii. Efficiency
The inverter efficiency shall be tested & shall be 98.0% or higher at 75% load as per IEC 61683 or
equivalent standard. The Contractor shall specify the conversion efficiency at different load say 25%, 50%,
75% and 100% during detail engineering, which shall be confirmed by type test reports
iv. The Inverter shall have following features:

Inverter shall meet the relevant CEA regulation regarding grid connectivity i.e. including LVRT/HVRT
compliance & grid code as amended and revised from time to time.

 No load loss<1% of rated power and maximum loss in sleep mode shall be less than 0.05%
 Sinusoidal current modulation with excellent dynamic response.
 VAR control with +/-0.9 power factor
 Unit wise & integrated Data logging.
 Dedicated Prefabs / Ethernet for networking
 Protection against
 Over current
 Sync loss
 Over temp.
 DC bus over voltage
 Cooling Fan failure(If provided)
 Power regulation in the event of thermal overloading
 Set point pre-selection for VAR control
 Bus communication via -interface for integration
 Remote control via telephone modem or mini web server
 Integrated protection in the DC and three phase system
 Insulation monitoring of the PV array.
 Ground fault detector - which is essential for large PV generators in view of appreciable
discharge current with respect to ground.
 In case of any fault in grid the inverter shall protect itself before any damage to inverter or
 Vendor’s credentials, base material test certificates, GTP (Guaranteed Technical Parameters)
& QAP for Inverter shall be submitted for approval from MSPGCL.

The Power Conditioners/Inverters of the SPV power plants must conform to the latest edition
of IEC/ equivalent BIS Standards as specified below:

Efficiency Measurements IEC 61683

Environmental Testing IEC 60068-2/ IEC 62093
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) IEC 61000-6-2, IEC 61000-6-4
Electrical Safety IEC 62103/62109-1 &2
Protection against Islanding of Grid IEEE1547/IEC 62116/ UL1741 or equivalent
EN/BIS Standards
Grid Connectivity Relevant CERC Regulations and Grid Code as
amended and revised from time to time.
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Rated capacity Nominal/Rated output power of the inverter (if
different power ratings are mentioned at different
temperatures, then power rating at 50° C shall be
considered) in kW will be considered as inverter
rated capacity.

v. DC Bus & Panel (if necessary)

i. DC generated by the Solar modules is transmitted through the appropriate cables from Array Yard to
Switchyard. DC bus & Panel shall be provided for the incoming DC supply from Array Yard. The
Panel shall consist of adequate size DC Bus/Cable which can handle the current and the voltage
safely as per the relevant IS/ IEC standards. DC panel shall be equipped with an adequate capacity
indoor DC circuit breaker along with control circuit, Protection Relays, fuses, annunciations and
remote operating and controlling facility from the Switchyard.

ii. Theoretical design calculations and detailed explanations along with drawings, vendor’s credentials,
GTP (Guaranteed Technical Parameters) & QAP shall be submitted to and approved by MSPGCL.

vi. AC Bus & Panel

i. AC converted by the inverter is transmitted through the appropriate cables from Switchyard. AC bus
& Panel shall be provided for the outgoing AC supply from inverter to Switchyard, the Panel shall
consist of adequate size indoor AC Bus/Cable which can handle the current and the voltage safely as
per IS 8623(Part 2):1993 / IEC 60439-2. AC panel shall be equipped with an adequate Circuit
Breaker, Protection Relays, fuses, annunciations. Remote operating and controlling facility for
Circuit Breaker from the Main Control Room shall be provided.

ii. An AC Bus/Cable & Panel housed in the control room shall be provided in between PCU and 240-
690V/6.6 kV transformer. It shall have Circuit Breaker of Suitable rating for connection and
disconnection of PCU from Grid in case the Inverter offered does not have in build Circuit Breaker.
The connection between ACDB and Transformer shall be bus bar or cable. It shall have provision to
measure bus/cable voltage, current and power feeding the transformer.

iii. Bus-bars/cables shall be of high conductivity aluminum alloy or copper of adequate size. The bus-
bars/cables shall be adequately supported by non-hygroscopic, non-combustible track resistant and
high strength type polyester fiber glass molded insulators. Separate supports shall be provided for
each phase and neutral bus bar. The bus-bars joints shall be provided with high tensile steel bolts,
bellevelle washers and nuts, so as to ensure good contacts at the joints. The bus-bars shall be color
coded as per IS 375.

iv. Theoretical design calculations and detailed explanations along with drawings, vendor’s credentials,
GTP (Guaranteed Technical Parameters) & QAP shall be submitted to and approved by MSPGCL.
vii. Circuit Breaker

i. Appropriate & adequate Capacity 240V / 380V / 415 V /690 V AC indoor air Circuit Breaker as per
IS 60947 (Part 2):2003 / IEC 60947-2 along with control circuit, protection relay circuit, fuses,
annunciations. Remote operating and controlling facility for Circuit Breaker from the Main Control
Room shall be provided.

ii. Theoretical design calculations and detailed explanations along with drawings, vendor's credentials,
GTP (Guaranteed Technical Parameters) & QAP shall be submitted to and approved by MSPGCL.
viii. UPS, DC Battery & Charger

i. An uninterrupted power supply along with adequate capacity maintenance-free type DC battery
Bank shall be provided for emergency control supply of control / protection system & emergency
Page 53 of 182
lighting. The DC voltage shall be as per requirement of and suitable to design of the system

ii. UPS backup for inverter station room shall be at least 2 hours and for main control room and
SCADA room it shall be at least 4 hours.

iii. Appropriate capacity Battery charger with relevant IS/IEC standards & protection and automatic
change over system shall be provided to charge the battery bank along with relay circuit, fuses,
annunciations shall be provided as per the system requirement. Facility of various indications &
annunciation shall be provided at Main Control Room.

iv. A DC power supply Distribution panel/board shall be supplied along with the Charger as per
relevant IS/ IEC standards.

v. Control room DC Battery Bank & DC supply system theoretical design, calculations, QAP, GTP
and detailed explanations along with drawing shall be provided and approved by MSPGCL.
ix. Protective Relays

i. The Solar PV system and the associated power evacuation system shall be protected as per Indian
Standards. Over current relays, overall & transformer differential protection relays and earth fault
relays have to be essentially provided. All relay shall be numerical type & shall be remote operating
and controlling facility from the Main Control Room.

ii. Detailed design calculations shall be provided on fault power computations and the philosophy of
protective relaying with respect to short circuit kVA calculations. Design & Drawing of protection
relay shall be approved by MSPGCL.
x. Auxiliary Power Supply

i. L.T. Power supply as required to provide essential and peripheral loads on a 24 x 7 basis shall be
provided by the EPC CONTRACTOR initiating necessary action with MSEDCL through MSPGCL.
Necessary separate transformer and Accessories, controls and protections for auxiliary power supply
shall be in the scope of the EPC CONTRACTOR.

ii. These shall be designed depending on the plant auxiliary power requirement. Design and drawings
shall be submitted to MSPGCL for its approval.
xi. Air ventilation System
The control room shall be equipped with appropriate Air ventilation or Eco- ventilator system
suitable for heat dissipation. The calculations for air flow, heat dissipation and other shall be
submitted to MSPGCL for approval.

xii. Lighting Fixtures

i. All LED lamp fixtures shall be indoor type & pre-wired comprising of Lamp(s) as indicated with
lamp holder(s) and Electronic Ballast(s) with metal reflector(s). The lamp fitting shall be covered by
Glass or Perspex material. The Lamp Fixture shall be fitted on wall as per direction of Site -In-
charge. Alternatively, LEDs may be used after submitting detailed descriptions of illumination
computations and test certificates from reputed test centers.

ii. The number of lighting fixtures shall be such that it shall give sufficient luminance level for daily
operation as per BEE standards.

iii. Load calculations and detailed explanations along with drawing shall be provided and
approved by MSPGCL.

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There will be a Main Control Room (One Nos) of adequate size for the purpose of controlling & monitoring
of hydrogen production plant and solar PV power plant. This control room shall accommodate all HT/LT
panels for both the plants, Inverter/Inverter control panel, ICOG Panel, SCADA monitoring panels, CCTV
surveillance, DC Batteries and UPS, store room for both plants, Office Room for staff, Lobby, Pantry,
Restrooms. The construction of the control room building shall be as per applicable IS. The Main Control
Room building shall be equipped with Overhead tank for water storage, with proper fresh water and sewage
arrangement and septic tank. Relevant standards have to be maintained for construction. The Contractor has
to submit the proposed drawing of control room during construction phase to MAHAGENCO for approval.
The building shall be designed to meet National Building Code requirement. All kind of Construction work
shall follow the appropriate IS/ IEC standards.


i. All cables shall be PVC insulated grade conforming to relevant IS/ IEC standards shall also confirm to
IEC standards for test and measuring. Methods of testing & make of cable shall be approved by

ii. The wiring for modules inter connection shall be with hard PVC conduit of approved make. All Tees,
Bends etc. shall be approved make. Before procurement, approval for materials shall be obtained from

iii. Only terminal cable joints shall be accepted. If the length of cable increases significantly, straight-
through joints can be accepted.

iv. Cables inside the control room shall be laid in suitable Cable Trays of approved type.

v. All wires used on the LT side shall conform to IS/ IEC and should be of appropriate voltage grade.
Aluminum or Copper conductor wires of reputed make shall be used

vi. Cable terminations shall be made with suitable cable lugs & sockets etc., crimped properly and passed
through brass compression type cable glands at the entry & exit point of the cubicles. The panels’
bottoms shall be properly sealed to prevent entry of snakes/lizard etc. inside the panel.

vii. All cable/wires shall be marked with good quality letter and number ferrules of proper sizes so that the
cables can be identified easily.
viii. Control room panel wiring theoretical design, calculations and detailed explanations along with
drawing shall be provided and approved by MSPGCL.


i. The plant shall be automatically operated and shall be controlled by microprocessor based control
system SCADA. Computer Aided Data Acquisition Unit shall have features for simultaneous
monitoring and recording of various parameters of different sub-systems, power supply of the Power
Plant at DC side and AC side. The drawings of SCADA structure & control blocks diagram shall be
approved by MSPGCL.
ii. Computer Aided Data Acquisition Unit (in the form of personal computer (PC)) shall be a separate
and individual system comprising of different transducers to read the different variable parameters,
A/D converter, Multiplexer, De-multiplexer, Interfacing Hardware & Software, Industrial Type PC,
which will be robust & rugged suitable to operate in the Control Room Environment.
iii. Two sets of reliable sensors (one for horizontal and one for tilted surface) for Solar
Radiation, Temperature & other Electrical Parameters are to be supplied with the data
logger unit.
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iv. The computer shall be of Server grade, rugged & robust in nature to operate in a hostile environment
with latest specifications. The computer shall have 52" LED Color monitor, latest generation Intel
Core i7 processor having SSD of at least 500 MB & 1TB HDD with 8 GB RAM & 2 GB dedicated
graphic memory card, web camera, speaker, mic, USB drive, scroll mouse and UPS for 4 hours power
back up.
v. The printer shall be of industrial type, rugged & robust in nature and of reputed make.
The printer shall be equipped for printing, scanning, copying and fax.
vi. The Data Acquisition System shall perform the following operations
Measurement and continuous recording of:
 All required parameters of hydrogen production plant.
 Power at 6.6 kV terminal.
 Ambient temperature near array field
 Control room temperature.
 Wind speed.
 AC and DC side power of each inverter
 Solar irradiation / insolation.
 Voltage of HT side.
 Any other parameters considered necessary by supplier based on current practice.

vii. SCADA shall record data for each 30 second and provide every 15 Minutes data
averages for daily, monthly and annual average of following parameters
 Radiation
 Temperature
 Exported energy
 Energy of each inverter
 Current and voltage on string at SCB end.
 Required parameters of Hydrogen production plant.

viii. All data shall be stored in a common work sheet chronologically at the site & shall be sufficiently
large to store data of the past 12 months the data file shall be MS Excel, CSV compatible. The data
logger shall have internal reliable battery backup and data storage capacity to record all sorts of data
simultaneously round the clock. All data shall be stored in a common work sheet chronologically.
Representation of monitored data shall also be in graphics mode or in tabulation form. All
instantaneous data can be shown in the Computer Screen.
ix. SCADA shall have feature to be integrated with the local system as well remotely via
the web using either a standard modem or a GSM/WIFI modem. The Contractor shall
provide compatible software and hardware so that data can be transmitted via standard
x. The Bill of Materials associated with the equipment must clearly indicate especially the details about
the PC and Printers, etc.
xi. SCADA shall be provided with reliable power supply along with backup supply for at
least four hours to cater to outage of grid.
xii. The Data Acquisition System shall be housed in a desk made of steel sheet.
xiii. If needed SCADA system upgradation shall be done by bidder at his own cost. as per requirement of
xiv. For the purpose of Remote Monitoring a necessary facility shall be installed to enable remote
monitoring of plant performance including all parameters.
xv. Cost of equipment, internet facility and all rentals for the facility of remote monitoring shall be borne
by the Contractor for the complete contract period.
xvi. The drawings, designs, protocols and complete Bill of Material relating to SCADA and remote
monitoring shall be submitted to MSPGCL for approvals.


i. Electrification of building shall be carried out as per IS 732-1989, IS 46481968 and other relevant
Page 56 of 182
standards. Suitable AC Distribution Board shall be designed to Supply AC power in Control room.
ii. Control room AC distribution Board theoretical design, calculations and detailed
explanations along with drawing shall be provided and approved by MSPGCL.


i. Adequate capacity DC battery Bank shall be provided for emergency control supply of control /
protection system & emergency lighting.
ii. A Battery charger of appropriate capacity with relevant IS/IEC standards & protection and automatic
change over system shall be provided to charge the battery bank along with relay circuit, fuses,
iii. A DC power supply Distribution panel/board shall be supplied along with the Charger as per relevant
IS/ IEC standards.
iv. Control room DC Battery Bank & DC supply system theoretical design, calculations, GTP, QAP and
detailed explanations along with drawing shall be provided and approved by MSPGCL.


Separate ABT energy meters shall be provided at Solar Power Plant. This meter shall be installed at
the point of interconnections i.e. 6.6 kV bus level of Unit 3 UAT and shall be as per the applicable
Grid Code and norms of MSEDCL/ MSETCL.


i. The Main Meter and the Back-Up Meter shall be sealed in the presence of representatives of
ii. When a Main Meter and/or a Backup Meter and/or any component thereof is found to be outside the
acceptable limits of accuracy or otherwise not functioning properly, it shall be repaired, re-calibrated
or replaced by the EPC CONTRACTOR at its cost.
iii. Any seal(s) of Main Meter or Backup Meter shall be broken only by
MSPGCL’s representative in the presence of the CONTRACTOR's
representative whenever such Main Meter or the Backup Meter is to be inspected, tested, adjusted,
repaired or replaced.
iv. The Main and Check Meters shall be tested for accuracy, with a portable standard meter, by the
National accredited Labs & The frequency of meter testing shall be annual.
v. In case, both the Main Meter and the Back Up Meter are found to be beyond permissible limit of error,
both shall be calibrated immediately and the correction applicable to such Main


LEDs shall be used for lighting purpose. The LED lamps and its fixtures shall be as per applicable
standards. The Lamp Fixture shall be fitted on wall as per direction of Site -In-charge. The number of
lighting fixtures shall be such that it shall give sufficient luminance level for daily operation as per
BEE standards.


i. The Control room shall be equipped with appropriate energy efficient (inverter technology) spilt air
conditioning system suitable for heat dissipation.
ii. For Inverter control room ventilation shall be designed in such a way that the temperature rise of the
inverter rooms does not exceed the maximum designed temperature of Inverters and other auxiliary
equipment’s placed inside the inverter room. Accordingly, the air velocity through the filter shall be
suitably chosen to remove the heat from the inverter room. All exhaust and fresh air fans shall be
provided with thermostat control.

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i. Surveillance CCTV system is required to ensure effective surveillance of solar power plant area (array
yard, control room, switchyard etc.) as well as create a tamperproof record for post event analysis. The
System shall provide an online display of video images on Large LCD/LED monitors located in Main
Control Room as well as at main security cabin in the site. System shall facilitate viewing of live and
recorded images and controlling of all cameras by the authorized users present in the LAN. System
shall provide interoperability of hardware, OS, software, networking, printing, database connectivity,
reporting, and communication protocols. System expansion shall be possible through off-the-shelf
available hardware.

ii. There shall be cameras installed inside and outside the control rooms, main gate, security cabin,
switch yard, all weather stations and all watch tower, providing round the clock surveillance. The
location and type of cameras are mentioned as here:

Location of Surveillance Cameras:

Following table states location wise types of cameras to be used in CCTV system.

Sr. No Location Type of Cameras

1 Main Gate Bullet Type
2 Main Control Room Dome Type
3 Hydrogen Production plant. Bullet Type
4 Solar power plant. Bullet Type

iii. Cameras shall cover the entire inside & outside area of all units, main gates, Main Control Room,
Hydrogen Production plant, Solar power plant providing round the clock surveillance considering the
safety point of view. No. of cameras will depend on the design of Surveillance & vigilance CCTV

iv. Design & drawing for the Surveillance & vigilance CCTV system shall be submitted for approval to

v. Equipment with better specifications shall be accepted.

a. CCTV Cameras shall have low lux so that the same can operate in minimum illumination also.
Cameras shall have both auto/manual focus mode and control shall also be both manual/auto.
b. The system shall be based on Stand Alone Integrated DVR (Digital Video Recording).
Specifications of Stand Alone Integrated DVR:

 Ability to connect Cameras as per requirement,

 Facility to store 90 days of Video,
 Capability to set the frame rate, contrast, brightness of each individual camera,
 Shall have facility to view live video (with audio) images in a monitor, in a PC and web
 Remote Administration: Shall be fully administrable/ programmable remotely through
client software and web browser.
 Recording rate per channel - NTSC/30 fps per channel, PAL/25 per channel.
 Configurable/adjustable recording rate.
 Full recording and playback facilities on remote machine.

Page 58 of 182
 Smart monitoring (Motion Detection).
 Adjustable motion detection (motion detection sensitivity shall be adjustable).
 Ability to convert H.264 video into AVI files.
 Date and time stamping of video files.
 Viewing for all cameras.
 Shall support backup devices like USB drive, DVD writer DVR Software must be able to
take backup in DVD writer, USB drive etc.
 Shall have live display, playback, record facilities.
 Shall have minimum 1 USB port.
c. System shall have the capability of increasing the storage capacity as and when required.
d. It shall have low maintenance cost and shall be upgradeable to inputs for more cameras, as and
when required, with minimum cost.
e. It shall be compatible with alarm system.
f. Cameras shall be C-mount type.
g. The firm installing the system shall have adequate infrastructure for providing after
sales/installation service.
h. Cameras of CCTV system must at least cover the following areas:

vi. All the CCTV cameras shall be of IP Base and as per Latest version and specifications of
Industry standards.


The hydrogen production plant and solar power plant shall be equipped with suitable fire protection &
firefighting systems for protection of entire equipment and systems as per CEIG/CCE requirements.
The EPC Contractor shall comply all applicable statutory requirements, safety regulations in terms of
fire protection.

i. Fire Extinguishers:

The fire extinguisher shall be suitable for fighting fire of Oils, Solvents, Gases, Paints, Varnishes,
Electrical Wiring, Live Machinery Fires, and All Flammable Liquid & Gas and shall be in
compliance with applicable IS.

ii. Fire Detection & Alarm

Contractor to provide Intelligent microprocessor based main fire alarm panel of modular
construction complete with central processing unit, input and output modules, power supply
module, supervision control and isolator modules with 10% spare provisions.

Fire detection alarm system shall include alarm initiating devices e.g. multisensor type smoke
detectors and alarm notification Appliances (Audio device). Multisensor type smoke detectors shall
be provided for below false ceiling areas of Inverter room. One (01) sensor shall be provided for

iii. Fire Alarm Control Panel:

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 Alarm conditions shall be immediately displayed on the control panel of Main Control Room.
Alarm LED shall flash on the control panel until the alarm has been acknowledged. Once
acknowledged the LED shall remain lit. A subsequent alarm received from another zone after
acknowledgement shall illuminate the alarm LED and the panel display shall show the new
alarm information.
 During an alarm condition, an alarm tone shall sound within the control panel until the alarm is
 If the audible alarm signals are silenced for any reason, they shall automatically resound if
another zone is activated.
 All alarm signals shall be automatically “locked in” at the control panel until the operated
device is returned to its normal condition and the control panel is manually reset

Any Electrical work which is not mentioned or included here but necessary for the plant shall be borne by the
EPC Contractor.


The manufacturers for all electrical and electronic components such as Circuit Breakers, Meters, Protection
Relays, AC Cables, Lightning Arrestors, Control Panels, Isolators, etc., and wherever no specific experience
requirement is mentioned, must have manufacturing track record of at least five (5) years.

1. Transformers of suitable voltage

1) Each step-up transformer shall be 3 phase, 240-690V/6.6kV (or with suitable primary side voltage as per the
inverter AC output voltage), rating (depends on design capacity of MW capacity of unit switchyard, design &
applicable IS), 50 Hz. “Two or more primary and One secondary” type multi windings transformers can be
used in case required as per design. The noise level shall be in accordance to NEMA TR-1. Transformer shall
have Off Circuit Tap Changer with tappings of at least +/- 15% with individual steps of 2.5%. The vector
group, impedance, bushing rating, HV/LV termination & neutral earthing shall also meet the system
requirement & shall also be in line with standards as mentioned in this specification. Air clearance shall be in
line with CBIP norms. Suitable Bushing CTs shall be provided to meet the system protection requirement.
2) Transformer shall be sourced from reputed manufacturer and shall be in accordance to IS:2026 or
equivalent to any other international standard. The vendor, GTP, QAP, designs and specifications
must be submitted to MSPGCL for approval.

3) Tests and Inspection

3) a) The Routine test of the transformer shall be carried out in accordance with IS: 2026 and report shall be
3) submitted to MSPGCL for approval.
2. 3) Lightning Arrestor:
3) The surge arrestors (SAs) shall conform in general to IEC 60099-4 or IS: 3070 except to the extent modified in
3) the specification. Arresters shall be of hermetically sealed units, self-supporting construction, suitable for
3) mounting on lattice type support structures. The vendor, GTP, QAP, designs and specifications must be
submitted to MSPGCL for approval.

3. Isolators
The isolators and accessories shall confirm in general to IEC 62271-102 (or equivalent Indian standard) except
to the extent explicitly modified in specifications. Earth switches shall be provided on isolators wherever
mentioned. The vendor, GTP, QAP, designs and specifications must be submitted to MSPGCL for approval.

4. Circuit Breaker:
Circuit Breakers shall be indoor type, comprising three identical single pole units, complete in all
respects with all fittings and wiring. The circuit breakers and accessories shall conform applicable
IS/IEC. The vendor, GTP, QAP, designs and specifications must be submitted to MSPGCL for
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5. Instrument Transformers:
All Instrument Transformers shall be indoor type, comprising three identical single pole units,
complete in all respects with all fittings and wiring. The circuit breakers and accessories shall
conform applicable IS/IEC. The vendor, GTP, QAP, designs and specifications must be submitted to
MSPGCL for approval.
6. Current Transformers (CTs) :
Current Transformers shall be CLASS A, three (3) core with 2 protection cores and one metering core of
accuracy 0.2s class. The Current Transformers shall conform applicable IS/IEC. The vendor, GTP,
QAP, designs and specifications must be submitted to MSPGCL for approval.

7. Voltage Transformers (VTs) :

Voltage Transformers shall be 0.2/3P CLASS of accuracy. The Voltage Transformers shall conform applicable
IS/IEC. The vendor, GTP, QAP, designs and specifications must be submitted to MSPGCL for approval.

8. Danger Plates
Size of each Danger Notice plates will be 200 mm x 150 mm made of mild steel sheet and at least 2 mm thick,
and vitreous enamelled white on both sides and with inscription in signal red colors on front side as required.
The inscriptions shall be in Hindi and English.

9. Others

Any Electrical work for switchyard which is not mentioned or included here but necessary for the plant shall
be borne by Contractor.

10. Warranty / Guarantee

a) The Contractor must ensure that the goods supplied under the contract are new, unused and of
most recent or current models and incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials
unless provided otherwise in the contract.
b) The warranty /guarantee period shall be as follows:

1. Solar PV Modules: Material/product Warranty shall be at least 10 years and Performance / power
output warranty of Solar Module(s) shall be for at least 90% of its rated power at the end of 10
years and 80% of its rated power at the end of 25 years from the date of receipt of modules on
Site. The manufacturer should warrant for the linear output of Solar Module(s) and degradation of
the PV modules will be linear over 25 years from the date of receipt of modules at site. The
Manufacturer Detailed Warranty / Guarantee clause shall be furnished.
2. Module mounting structures shall be warranted for a minimum period of 5 Years.
3. Inverter shall be warranted up to 10 years (standard warranty 5 years + 5 years extended
warranty). The warranty shall be for a period of 10 years start from the date of commissioning.
4. Transformers, associated switch gear and others: Manufacture shall furnish in details their
warranties / guarantees for these items. Transformers, CT, PT & switch gears, DC Cables, HT
cables, SCB & SMS and SCADA shall be warranted for minimum period of 5 Years.

c) Before finalizing the purchase order all warranty/guarantees agreements of equipments & material
shall be approved from MSPGCL. During the period of Warranty / Guarantee the Contractor shall
remain liable to replace any defective parts, that becomes defective in the plant, of his own
manufacture or that of his sub-Contractors under the conditions provided for by the contract under
and arising solely from faulty design, materials or workmanship, provided such defective parts are
not repairable at site. After replacement, the defective parts shall be returned to the Contractors
works at the expense of the Contractor unless otherwise arranged.

d) If any defects not remedied within a reasonable time, MSPGCL may proceed to do work at the
Contractor's risk and cost, but without prejudice to other rights, which the Owner may have against
Page 61 of 182
the Contractor in respect of such defects.

e) In respect of goods not covered clause above of this section, the MSPGCL shall be entitled to the benefit of
such guarantee given to the Contractor by the original Contractor or manufacturer of such goods.

f) During the operation & maintenance and guarantee period, the Contractor shall be responsible for any
defects in the work due to faulty workmanship or due to use of sub-standard materials in the work. Any
defects in the work during the guarantee period shall therefore, be rectified by the Contractor without any
extra cost to MSPGCL within a reasonable time as may be considered from the date of receipt of such
intimation from MSPGCL failing which MSPGCL shall take up rectification work at the risk and cost of
the Contractor.

g) All materials and workmanship shall be of respective kinds described in the Contract document and in
accordance with the instructions of the CE (SPGD-P) and shall be subjected from time to time to such tests
at contractor's cost as the CE (SPGD-P) may direct at the place of fabrication or at the site or at any such
places. The contractor shall provide assistance, instruments, machines, labor and materials as are normally
required for examining, measuring and testing any workmanship as may be selected and required by the CE
(SPGD-P). MSPGCL’s decision in regard to the quality of the material and workmanship will be final. The
Contractors at his own cost and risk without any compensation shall immediately remove any material
rejected by the Project Manager from the site of work.

11. Direct warranties:

In addition to the above warranty, the Contractor shall on best efforts basis pass on to the Owner with full
legal direct action, sub-contractor’s warranties to MSPGCL.


Scope of Power Evacuation arrangement

EPC Contractor shall provide 6.6 kV Overhead line/ underground cable (As per site specific requirement) up
to interconnection point at 6.6kV bus level of UAT of Unit 3 Power plant of BTPS.

a) Construction of the 6.6KV bay at the plant end and UAT end is in scope of the EPC contractor.
Total evacuation arrangement and testing commissioning cost of the same shall borne by the EPC
contractor. O&M of the evacuation lines (i.e. underground and overhead line) is in scope of EPC
contractor. Construction of the Meter room is in scope of the EPC contractor. Supply and
installation of the ABT meter with Automated meter reading (AMR) is in scope of the EPC

b) The contractor has to do the power evacuation up to interconnection point i.e 6.6 KV bus level of
Unit 3 UAT via 6.6 kV overhead transmission line/ underground cable with the all necessary
infrastructure such as protection switchgears and metering systems as per the requirement of the

c) This 6.6KV line shall be constructed as per state grid code. The nearest evacuation point details
are as follow-
Sr. Latitude, 6.6 kV
Project Location Capacity UAT Location
No. Longitude Line
(AC), KW
Village: Deepnagar,
Taluka: Bhusawal, 21.04,75.83
1 500 1000 m 21.04,75.84
District: Jalgaon,
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a) The Contractor shall operate the Hydrogen Plant including its associated electrolyser and all civil
structure and all related equipment’s etc. for a period of 05 years from the date of handing over of the
plant for O&M after completion of successful PG test & Final Acceptance Test.
b) Zero date of operation and maintenance of the Hydrogen plant shall begin on the date of handing
over to O&M after successful completion of PG test & Final Acceptance Test of the Green Hydrogen
c) The scope of maintenance work shall include the following:
1. Operation of Hydrogen Plant- Rectifier, Compressor, Vacuum Pump, Dryer, Radiator, Cooling
Water Pump, Air Compressor, Exhaust fan for these equipment’s power is made on from Motor
Control Centre (MCC) panel. PLC panel, Gas Detector Panel these ones are on from the ACDB
2. Water Seal Adjustment - Water seal should be filled with appropriate water depth. set the
overflow pipe to maintain this level and to obtain a slight continuous water flow. For increase
pressure, by raising the level of water seal overflow pipe and adding the DM water proper valve
will be open.
3. LYE Preparation - Lye is prepared by mixing KOH flakes (depends on technology) with water
approx. 200 to 300 Litres of Lye is required for one cell. Safety precautions must be taken while
handling with Lye.
4. Operation Philosophy - Hydrogen plant is powered by FOPH feeder. Required DM water is
tapped out from the DM make-up pump discharge line of Water treatment plant of BTPS.
Manifold should not be used for storing filled hydrogen cylinder, after filling it has to be shifted
back to cylinder storage room. Make sure DM water is filled in DM water head tank. Make sure,
Cooling water, Instrument air are available. See that liquid seal has water and mist eliminator
water level is adequate. Also ensure the electrolyte levels are healthy and gas holder seal water
level is adequate.
5. Ensure that after every 6-7 days of operation the following equipment’s should drain
completely- Knock out vessels, Compressor condensate collection vessels, All filters and catalytic
6. In case of Emergency- Press emergency button on rectifier panel. De-pressurizing system by
venting gas for H2-O2 vent.
7. Performance Monitoring System- Sensor provided gives an alarm if the hydrogen concentration
is above 20% of LEL (lower explosive limit is 4 %) and trip the rectifier and compressor if the
concentration is above 40% of LEL. Compressor, for stage pressures, catalytic purifier for inlet
and outlet temperature. In normal operation inlet temperature is less than outlet temperature and
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would be in the range of 5° to 50°C. Temperature would increase if oxygen content in hydrogen
gas is more. If outlet temperature goes to 80°C then we will have to check for leaks at the suction
of compressor line or check the purity of gas with the help of manual gas analyser (Call to
chemical department to check the purity through ORSAT) at the cell generation and at the gas


a) The Contractor shall operate the Solar PV Power Plant including its associated HT line and all civil
structures, Control Room building, Array Yard, Garden etc. for a period of 05 years from the date of
handing over of the plant for O&M after completion of successful PG test & Final Acceptance Test.
b) Zero date of operation and maintenance of the solar plant shall begin on the date of handing over to O&M
after successful completion of PG test & Final Acceptance Test of the Solar PV Power Plant.
c) Operation work includes day to day operation of Solar PV Power Plant including, maintenance of LT
lines, HT lines and maintenance of all Civil Works.
d) The Contractor will furnish necessary details regarding technical competence, qualification and number
of different grades of personnel to be posted at site along with proposed maintenance (preventive)
schedule from the date of commissioning.
e) The maintenance staff of the Contractor shall be available in the Power Plant for 24 hours every day
irrespective of whether the plant is in operation or not unless otherwise instructed by the MSPGCL in
f) The Contractor's representatives/employees shall conform to all general regulations in force at site and to
any special conditions affecting by local administration issued by MSPGCL or duly authorized
representative of MSPGCL. All employees of the Contractor living at site shall be deemed to be aware of
dangers and risks incidental to the conditions of the MSPGCL's land and works from time to time and the
MSPGCL shall not be responsible for any injury arising there from.
g) MSPGCL reserves the right to ask the Contractor to remove/transfer any staff of the Contractor from site
without assigning any reason whatsoever. Instructions issued in writing to the Contractor in this matter
shall be binding and the Contractor shall replace the transferred/removed person with a suitable person
h) All persons deployed by the Contractor for regular maintenance & operation must remain in proper
uniform while on duty. The Contractor shall supply uniforms, raincoats, toolset, gloves, gumboots and
other items required for carrying out the services.
i) MSPGCL shall have power to disallow any maintenance personnel, if found unsuitable. The Contractor
shall have to replace such persons within 24 hours.
j) The Contractor shall maintain attendance register for all their staff deployed for carrying out jobs on
regular basis and shall be produced for verification on demand by authorized personal of MSPGCL.
k) The Contractor shall ensure that all safety measures are taken at the site to avoid the accidents to his
employees or his Co-Contractor's employees.
l) The Contractor shall comply with the provision of all relevant Acts of Central or State Governments
including payment of Wages Act 1936, Minimum Wages Act 1948, Employer's Liability Act 1938,
Workmen's Compensation Act 1923, Industrial Dispute Act 1947, Maturity Benefit Act 1961, Employees
State Insurance Act 1948, Contract Labor (Regulations & Abolishment) Act 1970 or any modification
thereof or any other law relating whereto and rules made there under from time to time.
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m) In order to ensure longevity, safety of the core equipment and optimum performance of the system the
Contractor shall use only genuine spares of high quality standards.
n) The Contractor shall immediately report the accidents, if any, to the Engineer In charge & to all the
concerned authorities as per prevailing laws of the state.
o) The Contractor shall provide his maintenance staff at the power Plant for day-to-day operation and
maintenance. The maintenance personnel shall be qualified, certified by competent authorities and well
trained so that they can handle any type of operational hazards quickly and timely. The responsibility of
providing suitable Personal Protection Equipments rests solely with the Contractor.
p) The Contractor shall arrange to provide proper and elaborate O&M training of Solar Power Plant and
associated power evacuation arrangement to the MSPGCL's staff for successful takeover of the plant in
due course of time.
q) All electricity charges for auxiliary power of plant shall be borne by Contractor during the complete
O&M period (05 years)
r) The security of the Power Plant will rest with the Contractor for entire contract period.
s) The maintenance personnel shall be in a position to check and test all the equipment regularly, so that,
preventive maintenance, could be taken well in advance to save any equipment from damage. Abnormal
behavior of any equipment shall be brought to the notice of MSPGCL not later than 2 hours for taking
appropriate action.
t) All repairing & replacement works are to be completed by the Contractor within 24 hours from the time
of occurrence of fault or defect. If it is not possible to set right the equipment within this time, the
Contractor shall notify the MSPGCL indicating nature of fault & cause of damage etc. within 12 hours
from the time of occurrence of the fault.
u) During operation and maintenance if there is any loss or damage to any component of the power plant
due to miss-management/ miss-handling or due to any other reasons, whatsoever, the Contractor shall be
responsible for immediate replacement / rectification of the same. The damaged component may be
repaired, if it is understood after examination that after repairing performance of the components shall not
be degraded, otherwise the defective components shall have to be replaced by new one without any extra
cost to the MSPGCL.
v) The scope of maintenance work shall include the following:
Regular operation and maintenance of the Solar PV Power Plant including water supply pump, if any, for
a period of 05 years and submission of daily performance data of the power plant. The Contractor shall
keep a Record Book in this respect clearly indicating date of checking & comments for action etc.
1. The scope of operation includes injecting power to the 6.6kV Bus of UAT of Unit 3 of Bhusawal
TPS. Proper records of operation of Power Plant System are to be kept as per
direction of MSPGCL.
2. Regularly, PV Module Cleaning shall be done with a minimum of 2 cycles per month and additional
cycles as per the site conditions if needed.
3. Normal and preventive maintenance of the Power Plant such as cleaning of module
surface, tightening of all electrical connections, Line accessories, Transformers and
associated switch gear on the HT side.
4. Keeping & recording daily log sheet as per approved format for the Power Plant to
be supplied after commissioning of the Power Plant.
5. Operation of the Power Plant has to be in accordance with the availability of Solar
Energy and feeding to the grid. Under no circumstances, the operator shall run the
power plant damaging the substation grid.

Page 65 of 182
6. Contractor's employees shall use no part of the power plant building for residential
or any other purpose except for running the plant.
7. The Contractor shall submit monthly Performance report of Solar PV Power Plant
indicating cumulative energy generation data as per approved format within 15
days of the following month.
8. The Contractor shall preserve all recorded data in either manual or through
computer format and shall submit to MSPGCL quarterly.
9. The Contractor shall develop & maintain the garden on the nearby area of Main Control room,
Administrative building cum rest house which will be developed by
the Contractor himself as per aesthetic requirement including daily watering and manuring as and
when necessary and on regular basis.
10. During 05 years’ maintenance period, the Contractor have pay all broad band /
wifi/satellite internet & communication charges/bills for web box system & SCADA
monitoring also
11. Statutory charges for the execution of the project are in contractor’s scope and other property Tax of
land born by the MSPGCL. Contractor shall pay all statutory fees/charges for renewal of required
certificates during O&M period.
12. During 05 years maintenance period, the Contractor shall refill the Liquefied CO2
Extinguisher as per manufacturer's recommendation before expiry.
13. The Contractor shall provide and maintain an office at the site for the accommodation of his
personnel and staff and such office shall be open at all reasonable hours to receive instructions,
notice & other communications.
14. Once the Project has been completed, the Contractor is bound to remove from the Site all waste or
element resulting from the Project that is not part of the Plant; on the contrary, the Owner is able
to remove them with the cost payable by the Contractor. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to
keep the Site and roads within the Site clean and in a perfect condition,


As part of the performance monitoring, the following shall be carried out:

a) The EPC Contractor shall maintain the list of Module IDs along with performance characteristic data for each
module. This data shall be submitted to MSPGCL as and when required.

b) The EPC CONTRACTORs shall provide access to MSPGCL or their authorized representatives for installing
any additional monitoring equipment to facilitate on-line transfer of data/ Generation data.

c) Web-based monitoring shall be available. The web- based monitoring shall provide the same screens as
available in the plant. Also it shall be possible to download reports from a remote web-client in PDF or Excel


a) Contractor shall maintain the mandatory spares, consumables & various components of hydrogen
production plant and Solar power plant, 6.6 KV power evacuation lines for smooth running during O&M
period. Contractor shall also replenish the consumed mandatory spares during the O&M period to
maintain the stock. EPC Contractor shall handover the mandatory spares, consumables & various
components of SPV plant, 6.6 kV power evacuation lines at the completion of his contracts period.
b) The EPC contractor shall submit the list of mandatory spares and consumables planned to be kept at site
at the time of submission of final bid.
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c) The EPC contractor shall mention the source of supply for each consumable, spares and components with
all contact details.
d) EPC Contractor shall be fully responsible for maintaining healthiness of Plant with minimum downtime
section III.
e) EPC contractor shall maintain sufficient spare for any failure restoration of plant & power evacuation


a) Contractor shall provide following measuring instruments with all necessary software & hardware
required to make it compatible with SCADA.
b) Pyranometer: Contractor shall provide pyranometer calibrated by IEC test center for measuring incident
global solar radiation.
c) Each instrument shall be supplied with necessary cables. Calibration certificate with calibration
traceability to World Radiation Reference (WRR) or World Radiation Centre (WRC) shall be furnished
along with the equipment. The signal cable length shall not exceed 20m. Contractor shall provide
Instrument manual in hard and soft form.
d) Thermometer: Contractor shall also provide at least one RTD type ambient temperature measuring
instrument at suitable place in PV array. Instrument shall have a range of -5o C to 60o


Contractor shall also provide required set of onsite testing instruments/equipments.


a) The Contractor shall submit & maintain all the Engineering drawings, data, design and
engineering information in both soft copy (CD) and hard copy to MSPGCL along with a
"Master Drawing List":
■ SPV array and cable layout.
■ Module foundation
■ Main & service road with general drainage
■ Inverter Room
■ Switchyard
■ Earthing system.

b) Any other Engineering drawings, data, design and engineering information (whether
specifically mentioned in the document or not) require to fulfill the stated scope of work
shall be deemed to be included as per MSPGCL requirement.


a) Cleaning of surface drain, sewerage line, septic tank, drainage outfall, down pipes, soil pipes, water pipe
b) Repairing or replacement, whatever necessary, and cleaning of all joineries as and when necessary
c) Cleaning & maintaining of power plant area
d) Painting of fencing once in two year
e) Painting of iron parts of array structures posts once in a year.
f) All tit bit repair maintenance in case of building and all other structures as and when required as per
instruction of CE(SPGD-P).
g) The Contractor promises to use diligently the accesses and roads during the entire period of executing the
Page 67 of 182
8. O&M Period Completion Report:
a) The contractor shall submit third party detailed plant performance report before three (3)-month of
completion of O&M period. After submission of the third-party detailed plant performance report to
MSPGCL. Contractor shall approach to MSPGCL for the “final handing over” of the plant. Contractor
shall include the following test in their detailed plant performance report,

 100% Thermal Scanning of the installed modules.

 EL testing of the modules found defective during thermal scanning.
 IV curve testing of the string & modules on sample basis as per ISO 2958.

b) If any discrepancy found as per above report in the status of plant, it shall be rectified /resolved by the
EPC Contractor at his own cost before completion of O&M period.
c) Thereafter, EPC Contractor shall demonstrate 4th yearly guaranteed generation quoted for contracted
capacity of 500 kW AC.
d) After successful demonstration of 4th yearly quoted guaranteed generation for 500 kW AC , Project
completion certificate shall be issued to bidder.

Any Electrical work which is not mentioned or included here but necessary for the plant shall be borne by




The contractor shall prepare standard operation and Maintenance manual by referring all instruments,
equipment’s datasheet and OEM documentation. Draft of the O&M manual shall be submitted to
MSPGCL for approval alongwith all relevant documents.


a) The Operation and Maintenance shall be comprehensive. The maintenance service
provided shall ensure project functioning of the Solar PV system as a whole and Power
Evacuation System to the extent covered in the contract. All preventive / routine
maintenance and breakdown / corrective maintenance required for ensuring maximum
uptime shall have to be provided. Accordingly, the Comprehensive Operation &
Maintenance shall have two distinct components as described below:
Preventive / Routine Maintenance: This shall be done by the Contractor regularly and shall include
activities such as cleaning and checking the health of the Solar PV system, cleaning of module surface,
tightening of all electrical connections, and any other activity that may be required for proper functioning
of the Solar PV system as a whole. Necessary maintenance activities, Preventive and Routine for
Transformers and associated switch gears also shall be included.
Breakdown / Corrective maintenance: Whenever a fault has occurred, the Contractor has to attend to
rectify the fault & the fault must be rectified within 24 hrs time from the time of occurrence.
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b) The Contractor may ensure adequate insurance of Solar PV systems against robbery, theft and acts of God
such as natural calamities, flood etc.
c) Detailed scope of comprehensive operation & maintenance has been described in this document. However,
operation of the Power Plant means operation of system as per bidding schedule and workmanship in
order to keep the project trouble free covering the guarantee period.
d) Contract period shall be after the completion of commissioning, PG test, FAT test and thereafter up to 5
Years of Operation and Maintenance.
e) Terms of contract may be extended further for the period of 5 years of Operation and Maintenance on
mutually agreed terms and conditions between contactor and MSPGCL at least ninety (90) days prior to
the expiry of the first term if contact.
f) The Contractor warrants the availability of the Plant under the conditions contained and outlined in the
Operation and Maintenance Contract.
g) During the Guarantee Period, the Contractor shall guarantee that the energy generated meets the
minimums of sound wave quality according to current electro technical regulations. In the event the
subsystem generator causes disturbances to the network over the permitted limit, the Contractor is obliged
to adopt corrective measures at its own expense.


a) During the contract period contractor, will ensure guaranteed generation irrespective of module
degradation. The manufacturer shall warrant the output of Solar Module(s) for at least 90% of its rated
power at the end of 10 years and 80% of its rated power at the end of 25 years.
b) If Module(s) fail(s) to exhibit such power output at the end of 5 years, the Contractor will either
• Deliver additional PV Module(s) to replace the loss of power output with no change in area of land
used (by providing the higher capacity & efficiency modules)
• Replace the PV Module(s) with no change in area of land used
• Compensate MSPGCL with an amount equivalent to the loss of revenue from 6th to 25th years which
shall be calculated based on Net Present Value of amount of loss of revenues from 6th to 25th years
discounted at the rate of MSPGCL's cost of capital.

Page 69 of 182

The detailed item-wise quality assurance and inspection plan shall be finalized jointly with the successful
Contractor after award of contract.

1. Hydrogen Generation Plant – Quality Plan



Functional/ operational tests

Hydraulic / Water Fill tests

Performance tests
Assembly / fit up
Pneumatic test
Ultrasonic test
Material Test


Other tests

Items / Components

1) Casing Y3
2) Crank shaft/connectingrod Y3 Y Y Y

3) Piston/Diaphragm Y3 Y
1.)Raw materialidentification Y3 Y Y2


1. Fillet welds/nozzles welds and knuckle portion of dished ends and all butt welds.

2. 100% butt welds and 100% for Tee joints and dished ends welds.
3. One per heat /HT batch.
1.Quantum of checks shall be 100% unless otherwise specified.

• The Bidder shall guarantee that the equipment offered shall meet the rating and performance
requirements stipulated for various equipment covered in this specifications.
• The guaranteed performance parameters furnished by the bidder in his offer, shall be without
any tolerance values and all margins required for instrument inaccuracies and other
uncertainties shall be deemed to have been included in the guaranteed figures.
• The bidder shall demonstrate all the guarantees covered herein during demonstration test / PG
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• The various tests which are to be carried out during demonstration tests are listed in the
specification. The guarantee tests shall be conducted by the bidder at site in presence of
MSPGCL. All costs associated with the tests shall be included in the bid price.
• In case during demonstration test /PG test, it is found that the equipment/system has failed to
meet the guarantees, the bidder shall carry out all necessary modifications and/or replacements
to make the equipment/system comply with the guaranteed requirements at no extra cost to the
MSPGCL and re-conduct the demonstration test(s) / PG test with MSPGCL consent.
• All the plant, equipment and systems covered under this specification shall perform
continuously without exceeding the noise level over the entire range of output and operating
frequency specified in the technical specifications.
• Noise level measurement shall be carried out using applicable and internationally acceptable
standards. The measurement shall be carried out with a calibrated integrating sound level
meter meeting the requirement of IEC 651 or BS 5969 or IS 9779.
• Sound pressure shall be measured all around the equipment at a distance of 1.0 m horizontally
from the nearest surface of any equipment/ machine and at a height of 1.5 m above the floor
level in elevation.
• A minimum of 6 points around each equipment shall be covered for measurement. Additional
measurement points shall be considered based on the applicable standards and the size of the
equipment. The measurement shall be done with slow response on the A - weighting scale.
The average of A-weighted sound pressure level measurements expressed in decibels to a
reference of 0.0002 micro bar shall not exceed the guaranteed value. Corrections for
background noise shall be considered in line with the applicable standards. All the necessary
data for determining these corrections, in line with the applicable standards, shall be collected
during the tests.

2. Hydrogen Generation Plant:

i. Capacity and discharge pressure of hydrogen gas compressors at its rated duty point shall be
demonstrated and proved at site.
ii. Electrolyser & rectifier capacity and power consumption shall be demonstrated at site.
iii. Parallel operation of two streams shall be demonstrated at site. Purity level and moisture content of
hydrogen shall be demonstrated at site.
iv. Hydrogen generation plant capacity (stream wise) shall be demonstrated at site.
v. Vibration level and noise level of hydrogen gas compressors shall be demonstrated at site.


The bidder shall confirm compliance with following by signing/ stamping this compliance certificate and
furnishing same with the offer:
1. The scope of supply, technical details, construction features, design parameters etc. shall be as per
technical specification & there are no exclusions/ deviations with regard to same.

2. QP/ test procedures shall be submitted in the event of order based on the guidelines given in the
specification & QP enclosed therein.

3. QP will be subject to MSPGCL approval in the event of order & customer hold points for inspection/
testing shall be marked in the QP at the contract stage. Inspection/ testing shall be witnessed as per
Page 71 of 182
same apart from review of various test certificates/ Inspection records etc.

4. The charges for 3rd party inspection (Lloyds, TUV or equivalent) for imported components shall be
included in the base price of the equipment by the bidder.

5. All drawings/data – sheets etc. to be submitted during contract shall be subject to MSPGCL review/
approval. GA drawings, as submitted with offer at tender stage are for reference purpose only and
shall be subject to approval during contract stage.

6. There are no other deviations with respect to specification other than those furnished in the ‘Schedule
of Deviations’.

7. The offered materials shall be either equivalent or superior to those specified. Also for components
where material is not specified it shall be suitable for intended duty, materials shall be subject to
approval in the event of order.

8. The commissioning spares (if any) are supplied on ‘As Required Basis’ & prices for same included in
the base price (If bidders reply to this is “No commissioning spares are required” and if some spares
are actually required during commissioning same shall be supplied by bidder without any cost to

9. All sub vendors shall be subject to MSPGCL approval.

10. Any special tools & tackles, if required, shall be in bidder’s scope.

11. Performance guarantee test parameters shall stand valid till the satisfactory completion of Performance
guarantee test and its acceptance by MSPGCL.

12. Prices for recommended spares (if any) for 03 year operation shall be furnished separately and not to
be included in the base price.


1. The Contractor shall submit along with the technical bid, comprehensive QA & QC systems adopted
for this project for review and approval by MSPGCL. The Contractor shall list out all major
items/equipment / components including equipments mentioned in list along with their makes
/manufacturers. Above lists will be submitted along with the bid. Following major equipment/ BOIs
will be inspected in line with corresponding MQPs (Manufacturing Quality Plan), MQP will be
mutually discussed and agreed with the successful Contractor. The cost of carrying out routine and
sample testing will be deemed to be included in the cost of the equipment.
■ Crystalline Solar Module: Relevant IEC Standard
■ Power Conditioning Unit:
■ LT cables
■ Transformer: IEC 60076
■ LT Switchgear: IEC 60947
■ Switchyard equipment like Breaker: CT, PT, Isolator &conductor, surge arrestor
■ SCADA and communication panel FAT testing
■ SPV structure for SPV module

Page 72 of 182
2. The word “Inspector" shall mean the Project Manager and/or his authorized representative and/or an
outside inspection agency acting on behalf of the MSPGCL.
3. Contractor will furnish their program of manufacture so that MSPGCL inspection engineer could plan
their visit for inspection of equipment at the beginning of the project. Any change in program will be
informed to MSPGCL well in advance. Inspector shall have an open access for conducting quality
inspection of the system, materials or workmanship at all reasonable time when deemed necessary.
The Contractor shall extend necessary co-operation to MSPGCL inspection teams for effectively
carrying out the inspection/testing.
4. MSPGCL shall take all necessary measures including deputing or deployment of inspection personnel
as and when and wherever required to ensure that there is no delay at its end in supply of
material/equipment due to inspection.
5. However, such inspection does not absolve the Contractor, the responsibility to provide performance
guarantee/warranty. The Contractor shall strictly comply with the quality requirements.
6. For all spares and replacement items, the quality requirement as agreed for the main equipment supply
shall be applicable.
1.1.1 Apart from adhering to special provision made in the specifications regarding submission of samples,
the CONTRACTOR shall within 30 days of the receipt of Letter of Award, provide to MSPGCL
clearly identified and marked samples along with detailed literature of all materials it proposes to use
irrespective of the fact that specific make / material might have been stipulated. If certain items
proposed to be used are of such nature that samples cannot be presented or these are to be prepared at
Site, detailed literature / test certificate of the same shall be provided. MSPGCL shall check the
samples and give their comments and/or approval to the same. The right of passing or rejecting
material, components or makes shall remain with MSPGCL.
1.1.2 One sample each shall be submitted at MSPGCL office and one sample each shall be maintained at
the Site for inspection by MSPGCL. Wherever possible, like SCB, the samples shall be on returnable
basis and CONTRACTOR can plan to use these at the end of the activity once inspection is
completed. The following list is only an indicative one and MSPGCL can ask for any other material
sample before use of the material on the Site and the Contractor shall be required to submit the same
without fail.
1. String Combiner Box - one sample of complete assembled box along with one sample each of all
the components used

2. AC and DC wires and cables in appropriate lengths for all types to be used in the project

3. Module mounting structure legs and other members of appropriate lengths

4. Nuts and bolts of all types to be used in the project

5. All types of connectors

6. Fencing material including pre-fab sheet, barbed wire, spiral concertina razor wire and poles and

7. Watch tower legs and structural elements

8. Earthing strips of all types proposed

The numbers and lengths, wherever applicable, shall be decided by MSPGCL and shall be
communicated with the Successful Contractor immediately after the acceptance of the LOA.
Page 73 of 182
1. Field Quality Plans (FQP) will detail out all the site tests / checks to be carried out during receipt, storage,
erection of the equipments. The Contractor/sub vendor shall also furnish copies of the erection &
commissioning manuals, reference documents and inspection procedure through soft as well as hard
copy. FQP will be mutually discussed and finalized preferably in the format mentioned. After FQP
finalization / approval the same shall be submitted in compiled form on portable Hard disk. These
approved documents shall form a part of the contract. In these approved Quality Plans, Employer shall
identify customer hold points (CHP), i.e. test/checks which shall be carried out in presence of the
Employer's Project Manager or his authorized representative and beyond which the work will not proceed
without consent of Employer/Authorized representative in writing. All deviations to this specification,
approved quality plans and applicable standards must be documented and referred to Employer along
with technical justification for approval and dispositioning
2. The Contractor shall be obliged to perform, at its own cost, all the necessary tests for any equipment
during the development of the Project, which are within the objective of the terms of tender & contract.
For this purpose, the Contractor shall propose an independent internationally accredited test laboratory
and present an inspection and tests plan for the Project, all of which must be approved by the Owner and
by the Lender.
3. In order to verify the progress of the execution of Contract all tests shall be witnessed or supervised by
the Owner and/or his representative, without being liable to any payment to the Contractor for all the
equipment, project equipment, instruments as many times as may be reasonably necessary.
4. All test results have to be approved by the Owner or his representative. None of the approvals,
inspections, examinations or tests performed by the Owner shall free the Contractor from any of their
responsibilities and obligations.
5. Under day to day site supervision, inspection & testing related to project civil work, electrical work
,material etc. during project execution period (as and when required ) shall be the responsibility of the CE
(SPGD-P) or his authorized representative. The Contractor shall maintain a work order book. The
Contractor or his authorized representative shall sign these by way of acknowledgement within 12 hours.
6. CE (SPGD-P) or his authorized representative shall have, at all reasonable time, access to the
Contractor’s premises and also shall have the power, at all reasonable times, to inspect and examine the
materials and workmanship of project work during its manufacture, shop assembly and testing. If part of
the plant is required to be manufactured in the premises other than the Contractor’s, the necessary
permission for inspection shall be obtained by the Contractor for the CE (SPGD-P) or his duly authorized
7. The CE (SPGD-P) shall have the right to serve notice in writing to the Contractor on grounds of
objections, in respect of the work. The Contractor has to satisfy the objection, otherwise, CE (SPGD-P) at
his liberty may reject all or any component of plant or workmanship connected with such work.
8. The Contractor shall issue request letter to the CE (SPGD-P) or his authorized representative for testing
of any component of the plant, which is ready for testing at least 15 days in advance from the date of
actual date of testing at the premises of the Contractor or elsewhere (Factory Acceptance Tests). When
the inspection and the tests have been satisfactorily completed at the factory / Contractor's works, the CE
(SPGD-P) shall issue a certificate to that effect after in receipt of inspection test report. However, the CE
(SPGD-P) at its own discretion may waive the inspection and testing in writing under very special
circumstances and in such case, the Contractor may proceed with the tests which shall be deemed to have
been made in the CE (SPGD-P)’s presence, and he shall forthwith forward six sets of duly certified copies
of test results and certificates to the CE (SPGD-P) for approval of the MSPGCL. The Contractor, on
receipt of written acceptance from MSPGCL, may dispatch the equipment for erection & installation.
9. For all tests to be carried out, whether in the premises of the Contractor or any Sub-Contractor, the
Contractor, shall provide labour, materials, electricity, fuel, water, stores, apparatus and instruments etc.
Page 74 of 182
free of charge as may reasonably be demanded to carry out such tests of the plant. The Contractor shall
provide all facilities to the CE (SPGD-P) or his authorized representative to accomplish such testing.
10. CE (SPGD-P) or his authorized representative shall have the right to carry out inward inspection of the
items on delivery at site and if the items have been found to be not in line with the approved
specifications, shall have the liberty to reject the same.
11. Neither the waiving of inspection nor acceptance after inspection by the Owner shall, in any way, absolve
the Contractor of the responsibility of supplying the plant and equipment strictly in accordance with terms
of tender documents such as specification and drawings etc.
12. The Contractor has to follow and comply with the requirements of sampling, testing and quality assurance
for civil works pursuant to the details mentioned in RfP.
13. If MSPGCL desires, testing of any component(s) of the plant be carried out by an independent agency.
The inspection fee for such testing, if any, shall be paid by the Contractor.
14. The Contractor shall provide the necessary testing reports to the MSPGCL as and when demanded.




The Contractor shall prepare a single Project Design Document (PDD) which shall contain its design basis
& design calculations in all respects i.e. Civil, Electrical and Mechanical parts. All the drawing and
documents shall follow their respective serial numbers. There shall be common references/sequence of
numbers for the drawings and documents submitted by the Contractor. This can be compiled in the PDD
after finalization and approval.

For smoothness of the approval process of electrical drawings and documents the Contractor shall make
submissions in three steps as detailed here. After having clear opinion and approval on the steps1 and 2 the
drawings can be approved easily without many revisions and wastage of time forgetting approval. Before,
or at the time of, submitting the drawings and the PDD for approval the vendor related information is
essential and is to be furnished in systematic manner as given below:


1) The contractor should take approval from MSPGCL for offered vendor prior to execution. The
contractor is not allowed to change the vendors during the execution phase for Electrolyser,
Compressor, Cylinders, Hydrogen Gas Purity Meters, Hydrogen filling stations, manifold, isolating
valve, safety valve, vacuum pump, Nitrogen manifold, Electrolyte preparation tank etc. In very rare
case if the approved vendor is not able to supply the material in such case, MSPGCL may allow to
change the vendor on submission of the valid documentary evidence of inability to supply the
material of proposed vendor. New proposed vendor shall meet the technical criteria & shall have
higher quality than the old proposed vendor.

2) Steps for approval of the vendors other than the above are stated as under: -
The Vendor shall meet all eligible criteria as mentioned in the RFP. Following documents must be
submitted to the MSPGCL.

a) Bidder to note the QP requirement shall be in line with the E-1 QUALITY PLAN -
HYDROGEN GENERATION PLANT of technical specification. However, detailed QP,
inspection checklist, certificate of conformance etc. for each sub-vendor shall be decided during
detailed engineering. All inspection & testing etc. shall be carried out accordingly. Any
Page 75 of 182
changes/additional tests insisted upon by Owner during detailed engineering shall be accepted by
bidder without any commercial implication to MSPGCL.

b) Compliance of standards IEC/ASTM/IS/CCE and certification from accredited institutions

c) Experience in Hydrogen generation field: material supplied to Hydrogen generation project; name
of the plant, capacity, quantity supplied, year of supply, etc.

d) Guaranteed Technical Parameters duly signed and sealed by vendor/manufacturer and Contractor.

e) Authorized technical specification datasheet of the equipment published in public domain /


f) Technical Experience and performance certificates as specified in the RFP from a competent

g) The material supply experience certificate as specified in the RFP shall be issued by the statutory

h) Manufacturing facility details complete with equipment and process details

i) Detailed Quality Assurance Plan along with testing facilities at factory.


Step 1: Applicable for all equipment in Hydrogen generation Plant

1. Name of the vendors and equipment suppliers involved in solar power project.

2. Major and minor equipment along with detailed technical specifications and model/serial number,
company details, etc.

3. Detailed drawings of major and minor equipment including rating and model/serial number

4. Foundation analysis for critical equipments.

5. Cable layout details of the project and loss calculations

6. Test report for equipment supplied (same model) for previous projects

7. Supply schedule of equipment

Step 2: Submission of all electrical drawings for approval

The drawings shall be submitted along with step 1 and step 2 particulars. Without having details
mentioned in Step 1 and 2 the drawings cannot be approved for the rating mentioned in the drawings.
Below is the list of drawings that must be submitted. This list is not exhaustive and depending on
design and requirements Contractor shall submit additional drawings or MSPGCL can also ask for
any other drawings not listed here.


1. General Arrangement Layout, Foundation Details, Flow Diagram of H2 plant And
Floor Drain Details Of Hydrogen Generation Plant with GI sheet shed.
2. Piping & InstrumentationDiagram With I/O List Of Hydrogen Generation Plant
Page 76 of 182
3. Design & Control Philosophy Of H2 Plant
4. General Availability (GA) For Compressors WithMotor Of Hydrogen Generation
5. Data Sheet, GA,& Circuit Diagram Of Rectifier Transformer Of Hydrogen Generation
6. PLC Datasheet, Plc- Ows/Printer Furniture Bom, Plc Catalogue, Ows &Printer
Catalogues, Plc Panel Ga (Internal & External), Panel Heat Dissipation Data
7. (GA Of Feed Water, Koh TankOf Hydrogen Generation Plant
8. GA Of H2 Manifold Of Hydrogen GenerationPlant
9. GA N2 Purging Manifold OfHydrogen Generation Plant
10. GA Hydrogen & NitrogenCylinder Of Hydrogen Generation Plant
11. GA Cylinder Test StationOf Hydrogen GenerationPlant
12. GA Vacuum Pump Of Hydrogen GenerationPlant
13. Piping Installation AndPiping Layout Drawing
14. Hydrogen Plant Inter-LockLogic Diagram & Control Schemes (Block Logic)
15. PLC Input / Output Signal List, Power Supply WiringDiagram
16. H2 Plant Wiring Diagram
17. Datasheet Of CompressorOf Hydrogen Generation Plant
18. Datasheet Of Instruments& Analysers Of Hydrogen Generation Plant
19. Datasheet Of Motors OfHydrogen Generation Plant
20. Cable Schedule & Interconnection Of Hydrogen Generation Plant
21. Instrument Schedule OfHydrogen Generation Plant
22. Electrical Load Data OfHydrogen Generation Plant
23. Demonstration Test Procedure Of HydrogenGeneration Plant
24. O&M Manual Of HydrogenGeneration Plant
25. Sub Vendor List & Inspection Criteria Of Hydrogen Generation Plant
26. Ga of Electrolyser And Purification Skid.
27. Drive List/Solenoid/Actuator Valve List with LocationData
28. Cable Trench/ Tray Layout and Earthing Details For Hydrogen Generation Plant
With Details Of Cable Tray Accessories.
29. QAP For Compressors WithMotor Of Hydrogen Generation Plant
30. QAP For Plc Of HydrogenGeneration Plant
31. QAP Of Rectifier Of Hydrogen GenerationPlant
32. QAP Of Electrolyser AndPurification Skid
33. QAP For Hydrogen GenPlant (Balance Of Item)
34. PLC Quality Plan & Fat Procedure

1. These drawings along with design calculations shall show sufficient overall dimensions,
clearances and space requirements of all apparatus to be furnished, to enable the MSPGCL to
determine the design and layout of the installation.

2. Within 10 days of receipt of such drawings & design calculations, the MSPGCL shall convey his
approval or otherwise of the same, and in the event of disapproving the drawing, the Contractor
shall re-submit the revised drawings with proper "revision number" for approval after making
necessary modification / correction.

3. No extension of time shall be allowed on account of the time consumed in submission and
examination of defective drawings and resubmission of the corrected drawings.

4. Within a reasonable period from the date of receipt of approval, the Contractor shall submit six
sets of drawings with two soft copies (CAD & pdf) to Chief Engineer (SPGD - P), MSPGCL),
thereafter be deemed to be the "Contract Drawings".

Page 77 of 182
5. These drawings, when so signed, shall become the property of MSPGCL. No exclusion from the
drawings in any way will be allowed in execution except with written permission of CE (SPGD)

6. The Contractor, if required by the CE (SPGD) shall supply additional copies of any drawing
without charging any extra cost, which may reasonably be required for the purpose of the contract.

7. Any tender drawings, technical data or correspondence which form the basis of an order or
contract, as aforesaid, or which may be furnished by the Contractor for the MSPGCL's approval,
or information, as provided under the said order or contract, shall be in English and if it is in any
other language a complete translation in English shall be duly furnished. All Civil Drawings are to
be get approved by the Authority designated by MSPGCL before starting any civil work. All
design calculations of structures are to be submitted for approval to MSPGCL.

8. The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay for any alterations of the work due to any
discrepancies, errors and omissions in the drawings or other particulars supplied by him


1. The Contractor shall not, without the MSPGCL's prior written consent, disclose the contract or any
provision thereof or any specification, plan, drawing, pattern therewith to any person other than person
employed by the Contractor in performance of the contract. Disclosure to any such employed person
shall be made in confidence and shall extend strictly for purpose of performance only.
2. The Contractor shall not, without MSPGCL's prior written consent, make use of any document or
information enumerated in Para one under this clause except for purpose of performing the contract.
3. Any document other than the Contract itself, enumerated in Para one under this clause shall remain the
property of the MSPGCL.

The Contractor shall indemnify the MSPGCL against third party claims of infringement of patent, trademark
or industrial design rights arising from use of goods or any part thereof.

All the parts shall be made accurately to Standard gauges so as to facilitate replacement and repairs. All
corresponding parts of similar apparatus shall be inter-changeable.


a) The Contractor shall be responsible for securely protecting and packing the plant & equipment as per
prescribed standards in force to withstand the journey and ensuring safety of materials and also arrival
of materials at destination in original condition and good for contemplated use. Packing case size &
weight shall take into consideration the remoteness of the good’s final destination and absence of
heavy material handling facilities at all points in transit.
b) Packing lists of materials shall be provided in each package to facilitate checking up of the contents at
the destination.
c) In order to import any items, associated with the Solar PV Power Project, from abroad or from any
other state in India, Contractor shall have to arrange any clearance, permission, if required at his own
risk, from any Government (Government of Maharashtra & Government of India) or any Government
(Government of Maharashtra & Government of India) controlled organization for transportation of
Page 78 of 182
materials from manufacturing shop to delivery at site. Necessary certificates if so required shall be
issued by the MSPGCL within reasonable time after getting written request from the Contractor along
with the necessary documents substantiating necessity of such approvals.
d) Disposal of hazardous packing material is the responsibility of Contractor and it shall be disposed
immediately in view of safety & security of the plant. Contractor will be responsible for any damage
or loss due to the packing materials.


The Contractor shall prepare a single Project Design Document (PDD) which shall contain its design
basis & design calculations in all respects i.e. Civil, Electrical and Mechanical parts. All the drawing
and documents shall follow their respective serial numbers. There shall be common
references/sequence of numbers for the drawings and documents submitted by the Contractor. This
can be compiled in the PDD after finalization and approval.

For smoothness of the approval process of electrical drawings and documents the Contractor shall
make submissions in three steps as detailed here. After having clear opinion and approval on the
steps1 and 2 the drawings can be approved easily without many revisions and wastage of time
forgetting approval. Before, or at the time of, submitting the drawings and the PDD for approval the
vendor related information is essential and is to be furnished in systematic manner as given below:


1. The contractor should take approval from MSPGCL for offered vendor prior to execution. The
contractor is not allowed to change the vendors during the execution phase for PV modules, DC
cables, String Monitoring system, inverters, transformers. In very rare case if the approve vendor
is not able to supply the material in such case, MSPGCL may allow to change the vendor on
submission of the valid documentary evidence of inability to supply the material of proposed vendor.
New proposed vendor shall meet the technical criteria & shall have higher quality than the old
proposed vendor.

2. Steps for approval of the vendors other than the above are stated as under: -
1. The Vendor shall meet all eligible criteria as mentioned in the RFP. Following documents must be
submitted to the MSPGCL.
2. Name of the company, address, date of establishment, nature of business, name and quantity of
item, annual manufacturing capacity, applicable IS/ASTM/IEC standards
3. Compliance of standards IEC/ASTM/IS and certification from accredited institutions
4. Experience in solar field: material supplied to solar power project; name of the power plant,
capacity, quantity supplied, year of supply, etc.
5. Guaranteed Technical Parameters duly signed and sealed by vendor/manufacturer and Contractor.
6. Authorized technical specification datasheet of the equipment published in public domain /
7. Technical Experience and performance certificates as specified in the RFP from a competent
authority/solar power project developer.
8. The material supply experience certificate as specified in the RFP shall be issued by the statutory
9. Manufacturing facility details complete with equipment and process details
10. Detailed Quality Assurance Plan along with testing facilities at factory.
Page 79 of 182
Step 1: Applicable for all equipment in Solar Power Plant
11. Name of the vendors and equipment suppliers involved in solar power project.
12. Major and minor equipment along with detailed technical specifications and model/serial number,
company details, etc.
13. Detailed drawings of major and minor equipment including rating and model/serial number
14. Foundation analysis for critical equipment such as inverter, transformer, circuit breaker, etc.
15. Cable layout details of the project and loss calculations
16. Test report for equipment supplied (same model) for previous projects
17. Supply schedule of equipment
Step 2: DC/AC side calculations and analysis
18. Load flow analysis
19. Unbalanced load analysis
20. Short circuit calculation and system study with fault level calculation for 25 kA / 1 second
21. Harmonics regulation philosophy and scheme in the inverter
22. Transient stability analysis
23. Protective device coordination analysis
24. Reliability assessment analysis
25. Lightning protection calculation as per IS: 2309
26. DC load flow analysis and power loss calculations
27. DC short circuit analysis
28. DC cable sizing calculations
29. Underground runway system analysis calculations as per IEC 60287
30. Power factor regulation philosophy and scheme in the inverter
31. Reactive power regulation philosophy and scheme in the inverter
32. Cable de-rating calculations
33. Earthing system design calculations for the power plant as per IEEE 80
34. Steady state temperature calculations
35. Lightning arrestor guaranteed particulars confirmation.
36. Lighting design and calculations for power plant
37. Synchronizing scheme for plant
38. CT & PT VA burden calculations
39. Relay setting chart for AC side (inverter and transformer protections)
40. Calculation of Auxiliary Power requirement.

Step 3: Submission of all electrical drawings for approval

The drawings shall be submitted along with step 1 and step 2 particulars. Without having details
mentioned in Step 1 and 2 the drawings cannot be approved for the rating mentioned in the drawings.
Below is the list of drawings that must be submitted. This list is not exhaustive and depending on
design and requirements Contractor shall submit additional drawings or MSPGCL can also ask for
any other drawings not listed here.
Page 80 of 182
1 Map showing the results of pre-construction survey of the project site showing
location of control room, array yard, Power Evacuation Arrangement, Switch gear
room, Transformer bay etc.
2 General Layout drawing of Solar PV power plant locating control room building,
module yard, internal roadways, drainage system, fencing, gate, water distribution line
mentioning all lines and levels.
3 Land development planning
4 General equipment layout drawings for control room, transformer bay, switch gear
room etc.
5 General layout of Solar PV module yard locating earth pits & earth continuity, cable
trenches, yard lightings, lightning conductors with its corresponding earth pits and
cable trays.
6 Foundation details of lightning conductors, yard lighting posts
7 Topographical survey for proposed area & civil drawing for Array yard
8 Array yard layout
9 Model mounting structure and design data
10 Module Structure Foundation drawing
11 Approach road and pathway
12 Water arrangement for module cleaning
13 Water sewage and drainage system
14 Fencing to yard
15 Other drawing as may be required by MSPGCL for clear understanding.


1. AC single line Drawing
2. DC single line Drawing
3. DC system design calculations
4. String Monitoring Scheme
5. Drawing for cable trenches and wiring
6. Drawing for Junction Box
7. Drawing for Array Yard lighting
8. Array yard lightning protection
9. Drawing for Earthing system for Array yard
10. Other drawing as may be required by MSPGCL for clear understanding.


11. Drawing for Switchyard
12. Drawing for security cabin and gate
13. Drawing for DC bus panel
14. Drawing for AC bus panel
15. Drawing for Circuit Breaker
16. Drawing for DC battery and charger
17. Drawings for protection system
18. Drawing for auxiliary power supply
19. Drawing for string monitoring & system
20. Drawing for web box and remote monitoring system
21. Drawing for lighting fixture
22. Drawing for the combiner Box/ String Combiner Box arrangement


Page 81 of 182
23. Drawing for Control Panel monitoring desk
24. Structural details of construction works includes foundation, tie beam, column,
lintel, chajja, roof beam with roof, and water storage tank with supporting structure
details, parapet, plinth protection.
25. Details of power conditioning unit/inverter (Bill of Materials, Schematic diagram,
Wiring diagram, Internal layouts etc.).
26. Drawing for cable and wires layout, routing & terminations along with cable
27. Drawing for control electrical wiring
28. Drawing for Auxiliary power supply
29. Drawing for DC Battery and battery charger
30. Drawing for control room lighting fixture
31. Line diagram, Block diagram & CKT diagram for Surveillance Camera Desk
32. Line diagram, Block diagram & CKT diagram for SCADA
33. Line diagram, Block diagram & CKT diagram for weather monitoring system

E Evacuation Arrangement
34. Electrical & Mechanical drawings of ICOG panel
35. Drawing for Transformer
36. Drawing for lightning Arresters
37. Circuit Breakers
38. Cable routing & termination drawing along with cable schedule
39. GA for 6.6 kV outdoor oil cooled CT
40. GA for 6.6 kV outdoor oil cooled VT
41. Earthing system for 6.6 kV switchyard

1. These drawings along with design calculations shall show sufficient overall dimensions, clearances
and space requirements of all apparatus to be furnished, to enable the MSPGCL to determine the
design and layout of the installation.

2. Within 10 days of receipt of such drawings & design calculations, the MSPGCL shall convey his
approval or otherwise of the same, and in the event of disapproving the drawing, the Contractor shall
re-submit the revised drawings with proper "revision number" for approval after making necessary
modification / correction.

3. No extension of time shall be allowed on account of the time consumed in submission and
examination of defective drawings and resubmission of the corrected drawings.

4. Within a reasonable period from the date of receipt of approval, the Contractor shall submit six sets of
drawings with two soft copies (CAD & pdf) to Chief Engineer (SPGD - P), MSPGCL), thereafter be
deemed to be the "Contract Drawings".

5. These drawings, when so signed, shall become the property of MSPGCL. No exclusion from the
drawings in any way will be allowed in execution except with written permission of CE (SPGD) of
Page 82 of 182
6. The Contractor, if required by the CE (SPGD) shall supply additional copies of any drawing without
charging any extra cost, which may reasonably be required for the purpose of the contract.

7. Any tender drawings, technical data or correspondence which form the basis of an order or contract, as
aforesaid, or which may be furnished by the Contractor for the MSPGCL's approval, or information,
as provided under the said order or contract, shall be in English and if it is in any other language a
complete translation in English shall be duly furnished. All Civil Drawings are to be get approved by
the Authority designated by MSPGCL before starting any civil work. All design calculations of
structures are to be submitted for approval to MSPGCL.

8. The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay for any alterations of the work due to any
discrepancies, errors and omissions in the drawings or other particulars supplied by him


1. The Contractor shall not, without the MSPGCL's prior written consent, disclose the contract or any
provision thereof or any specification, plan, drawing, pattern therewith to any person other than person
employed by the Contractor in performance of the contract. Disclosure to any such employed person
shall be made in confidence and shall extend strictly for purpose of performance only.
2. The Contractor shall not, without MSPGCL's prior written consent, make use of any document or
information enumerated in Para one under this clause except for purpose of performing the contract.
3. Any document other than the Contract itself, enumerated in Para one under this clause shall remain the
property of the MSPGCL.

The Contractor shall indemnify the MSPGCL against third party claims of infringement of patent,
trademark or industrial design rights arising from use of goods or any part thereof.

All the parts shall be made accurately to Standard gauges so as to facilitate replacement and repairs.
All corresponding parts of similar apparatus shall be inter-changeable.


a) The Contractor shall be responsible for securely protecting and packing the plant & equipment as per
prescribed standards in force to withstand the journey and ensuring safety of materials and also arrival
of materials at destination in original condition and good for contemplated use. Packing case size &
weight shall take into consideration the remoteness of the goods final destination and absence of
heavy material handling facilities at all points in transit.
b) Packing lists of materials shall be provided in each package to facilitate checking up of the contents at
the destination.
c) In order to import any items, associated with the Solar PV Power Project, from abroad or from any
other state in India, Contractor shall have to arrange any clearance, permission, if required at his own
risk, from any Government (Government of Maharashtra & Government of India) or any Government
(Government of Maharashtra & Government of India) controlled organization for transportation of
materials from manufacturing shop to delivery at site. Necessary certificates if so required shall be
issued by the MSPGCL within reasonable time after getting written request from the Contractor along
with the necessary documents substantiating necessity of such approvals.

Page 83 of 182
d) Disposal of hazardous packing material is the responsibility of Contractor and it shall be disposed
immediately in view of safety & security of the plant. Contractor will be responsible for any damage
or loss due to the packing materials.

Page 84 of 182


Page 85 of 182

1.1 The qualified bidder after award of contract shall be required to furnish, within 7 days from LOA, Bank
Guarantee equivalent to 10% of Total contract value including taxes toward contract performance security up
to issue of Final Acceptance Test certificate and PG Test Certificate by MSPGCL, this Bank Guarantee shall
be valid till 180 days beyond the contract period & further claim period of 180 days.

1.2 Thereafter, Bank Guarantee equivalent to 10% of O&M contract value including taxes towards contract
performance security, this Bank Guarantee shall be valid till 90 days beyond 5 years of O&M period & further
claim period of 180 days.

1.3 The Bank Guarantee shall remain binding not withstanding such variations, alterations or extensions of
completion time as may be made, agreed to between the Contractor and MSPGCL.

1.4 The said Performance Security shall not in any way be construed as a limitation of the Contractor's
responsibilities or liability pertaining to its obligations and/or guarantees under the Contract and shall be
without prejudice and in addition to any other remedies available to MSPGCL in terms of the Contract and/or
the applicable laws.

1.5 All Bank charges and all other charges in connection with bank guarantee shall be borne by the Contractor.

1.6 The proceeds of the Bank Guarantee shall be payable to the MSPGCL as compensation for any loss resulting
from the Contractor's failure to complete his obligations during the successful completion of the Project and
Five (5) years O&M Contract period.

1.7 The Performance Bank Guarantee (Performance Security) of 10% shall be released,

i. After successful completion of Green Hydrogen plant of 20 Nm3/Hr along with 500 kW Solar PV

1.8 Contractor shall ensure the continuous running of Power Plant without any interruption within the contractual
period of operation & maintenance of the power plant. The contractor shall detect the root cause of fault
within 12 hrs and report to same to MSPGCL. All repairing & replacement works are to be completed by the
Contractor within 36 hours from the time of occurrence of fault or defect.

1.9 However, in case Contractor fails to restore the generation and evacuation of power beyond the time line he
has reported, a performance penalty shall be imposed on the Contractor and the same shall be realized by
invoking the bank guarantee. The penalty shall be assessed on the basis of loss of generation as per Clause
1.10 of Section IV of this document.


The Contractor within 30 days of award of LoA shall submit 6 copies of draft/preliminary drawing as per
Section-II for approval. Finally, the Contractor shall submit 6 no. of approved hard copies & two softcopies
(one in CAD and other in pdf format) of each drawing "As approved" (Blue Printed).


3.1 No alterations, amendments, omissions, additions, subtractions, or variations of the work (hereinafter referred
to as 'variation') under the contract shall be made by the Contractor except as directed by the CE(SPGD-P).
3.2 If any suggested variations, in the opinion of the Contractor, prevent him from fulfilling any of his obligations
or guarantees under the contract, he shall notify the CE (SPGD-P) thereof in writing, and the CE(SPGD-P)
shall decide forthwith whether or not the same shall be carried out, and if CE (SPGD-P) confirms his
instruction, the Contractor shall carryout the work as per instruction.
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3.3 The differences in cost, if any, occurred by such variations, shall be deducted from the contract price, as the
case may be. However no additional payment for such variation will be paid by the MSPGCL.
3.4 In the event of CE(SPGD-P) requiring any variations, reasonable and proper notice shall be given to the
Contractor as well as to enable him to make arrangements accordingly, and in cases where goods or materials
are already prepared/procured, or any designs, drawings or patterns made or work done that require to be
altered, a reasonable sum in respect thereof shall be allowed by the CE(SPGD-P).
3.5 In every case in which the Contractor shall receive instructions from the CE(SPGD-P) for carrying out any
work, which either then or later, will in the opinion of the Contractor involve a claim for additional payment,
the Contractor shall within seven days of issue of such instructions, inform in writing the CE(SPGD-P) of such
claim for additional payment.
3.6 In any case, no deviations are allowed in design or specification of the tender document at any stage.

4.1 If the Contractor neglect to manufacture or supply the plant and equipment with due diligence and
expeditiousness or refuse or neglect to comply with any reasonable order given to him in writing by the CE
(SPGD-P) or contravene any provisions of the contract, the MSPGCL may give seven days’ notice in writing
to the Contractor, to make good the failure, neglect or contravention complained of and, If the Contractor fail
to comply with the notice within reasonable time from the date of serving thereof, in the event of failure,
neglect or contravention capable of being made good within that time, then in such case, if the MSPGCL shall
think fit, it shall be lawful for him to take the manufacture or supply of plant wholly or in part, out of the
Contractor's hand and give it to another person on contract at a reasonable price and the MSPGCL shall be
entitled to retain any balance which may be otherwise due on the contract by him to the Contractor or such
part thereof as may be necessary, to the payment of the cost of manufacture or supply of such plant as
4.2 If the cost of executing the work as aforesaid shall exceed the balance due to the Contractor and the Contractor
fails to make good such deficiency, the MSPGCL shall take action in the manner it may consider deem fit in
terms of the contract.


5.1 The Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws or ordinances, codes, approved standards, rules, and
regulations and shall procure all necessary Municipal, Panchayat and Government permits, licenses at its own
cost. Also, fees, royalties, charges etc. shall be borne by the Contractor. at his own cost.
5.2 The Contractor shall leave the MSPGCL and the CE(SPGD-P) harmless as a result of any infractions thereof.
If required, the Contractor shall renew the above permits & licenses in case such situation warrants.
5.3 It is the responsibility of the EPC Contractor to obtain any required and necessary permits, licences and
authorisations and any other requirements that may be necessary for the fulfilment of its obligations as per
terms of tender & contract. MSPGCL shall provide the necessary Documentation or information to the
Contractor in this context to enable the Contractor to obtain such permits, licenses and authorizations.
5.4 At all times & in any case, the Owner shall have the right to request any documentation, information held by
the Contractor with regards to the Project & to make any relevant comments. Any opportune modifications as
long as these fall under the objective, terms of tender & contract document, it does not modify the scope
5.5 The review and approval or rejection by the Owner of any documentation provided by the Contractor will not
affect the obligation and responsibility of the Contractor as per the Contract nor will it generate any kind of
responsibility for the Owner.


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6.1 The Contractor shall provide full program of the supply in detail and delivery schedule
along with work schedule thereto. Strict adherence and guaranteed delivery schedule
mentioned in terms & conditions shall be the essence of the contract and delivery must
be maintained. The work must be completed as per the TIMELINE below from the date
of handing over of site. The Contractor shall also provide a Bar/PERT Chart indicating
completion schedule for various items involved in the work within the stipulated
completion period and the Contractor shall strictly adhere to that schedule.
6.2 Project completion schedule for Green Hydrogen plant of 20 Nm3/Hr along with 500 kW Solar PV Project.

Project Completion Schedule

Sr. Stage Reference
From D
1 Handing over of project land. Zero Date (D)
2 Detailed Engineering and approval D+60
3 Site Mobilization and preparatory work D+60
4 Supply of Equipments & Mandatory Spares D+120
5 Erection D+180
6 Commissioning D+210

1 Handing over of project land. Zero Date (D)
2 Detailed Engineering and approval D+60
3 Site Mobilization and preparatory work D+60
4 Completion of civil works D+90
5 Completion of supply of major equipments like: SPV Modules D+150
(including structures for the above), Power Conditioning Units,
Power Evacuation equipments, etc.
6 Installation of all major equipments & Interconnection of all major D+180
equipments and completion of installation
7 Achievement of Commissioning with entire contracted capacity. D+210


7.1 If the work is delayed on account of (i) Increase in quantity of work (ii) Suspension of work as ordered by
MSPGCL (iii) Force Majeure conditions (iv) Any other causes, which, in absolute discretion of the CE(SPGD-
P) are beyond the Contractor's control, the Contractor shall appeal to MSPGCL in the form of a written
application along with the complete delay analysis before expiry of the such activity, bringing out the causes
responsible for the delay, for granting suitable time extension.


8.1 Contractor are welcome to early commissioning of project. In case the Contractor fails to achieve successful
commissioning of plant by the due date indicated in 'Time of Completion', then the Owner shall levy the
Liquidated Damages on the Contractor at the rate of 1.0 % (One percent) of Green Hydrogen plant 20 Nm3/Hr
with 500 kWAC Solar PV (Total EPC contract price including taxes excluding O&M costs ) per week of delay
or part thereof, subject to a maximum of 10.0% (ten percent) of EPC cost of Green Hydrogen plant 20 Nm3/Hr
with 500 kW AC Solar PV ( Total EPC contract price including taxes excluding O&M cost). Good & Service
Tax (GST) is applicable on Liquidated Damages (LD) as per GST Law. If LD is applicable, it shall be
recovered from any due OR payment to the EPC Contractor.

If the Contractor fails to deliver the plant or fails to start the work within specified time frame after signing of
Page 88 of 182
contract agreement or leave the work site after partial execution of the work, MSPGCL shall have the right to
get the work done through any other agency at the risk and cost of the Contractor. Further to this, MSPGCL
may, without prejudice to the right of the MSPGCL to recover damages for breach of trust of the contract, may
impose penalties.



1. The Owner may at any moment in time, if justified, order the Contractor to suspend the Works wholly or
partially, notifying in writing the reasons for the suspension as well as the recommencement date if this is
2. During this period, the Contractor will maintain the construction, equipment, material and installations on
the site, so they do not suffer any damage or loss. The surveillance of the Works will be at the expense of
the Owner unless the suspension is attributable to the Contractor in which case it will be at their expense.
3. If the Owner ordered an unjustifiable suspension, not accountable to the Contractor, the Owner will pay
back all additional costs directly related to any such suspension to the Contractor, with the required proof
of receipt, including but not limited to, among others: costs of storage, material, equipment preservation,
insurance, cost of extending the guarantees and cleaning, maintenance, cost of work stoppage of the teams
and personnel, as well as the damages that this situation may have caused them.
4. In addition, all the deadlines defined in the Contract will be extended for the number of days the
suspension lasted.
5. However, if the Contractor is accountable for the suspension ordered by the Owner, it will not have the
right to any increase in the Price or an extension of deadlines established in the Execution Plan, and the
Owner will have the right to be compensated for all the extraordinary expenses directly derived from such
suspension, as well as the damages which this situation may have caused the Owner.


1. In the event that a judicial /administrative authority/ others suspend the construction, all the consequences
due to such delay shall be borne by the party for who is responsible for faulty execution, incomplete
execution or incorrect execution, which motivated the judicial/ administrative to take the action.
2. In the event that none of the Parties were responsible for the suspension of the Works by the authorities,
during the first month of suspension each one of them shall assume their own costs and expenses and once
this month has elapsed, in the case that the termination of the Contract has not occurred, the Owner will
pay the additional expenses that this suspension causes the Contractor.


10.1 Definition of Force Majeure:

A ‘Force Majeure’ (FM) would mean one or more of the following acts, events or circumstances or a
combination of acts, events or circumstances or the consequence(s) thereof, that wholly or partly prevents or
unavoidably delays the performance by the Party (the Affected Party) of its obligations under the terms &
condition of tender & Contract Agreement, but only if and to the extent that such events or circumstances are
not within the reasonable control, directly or indirectly, of the Affected Party and could not have been avoided
if the Affected Party had taken reasonable care or complied with Prudent Utility Practices.
10.2 Categorization of Force Majeure Events:

i. Natural Force Majeure Event

Act of God, including, but not limited to lightning, drought, fire and explosion (to the extent originating
from a source external to the site), earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, flood, cyclone, typhoon or
tornado if it is declared / notified by the competent state / central authority / agency (as applicable), or
verified to the satisfaction of Procurer.

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Radioactive contamination or ionizing radiation originating from a source in India or resulting from
another Force Majeure Event mentioned above excluding circumstances where the source or cause of
contamination or radiation is brought or has been brought into or near the Power Project by the Affected
Party or those employed or engaged by the Affected Party.

The discovery of geological conditions, toxic contamination or archaeological remains on the Project
land that could not reasonably have been expected to be discovered through an inspection of the Project
land; or

Any event or circumstances of a nature analogous to any of the foregoing.

ii. Non-Natural Force Majeure Event

Any act of war (whether declared or undeclared), invasion, armed conflict or act of foreign enemy,
blockade, embargo, revolution, riot, insurrection, terrorist or military action.

Nation/state-wide strike, lockout, boycotts or other industrial disputes which are not directly and solely
attributable to the actions of the Affected Party but does not include strike or labour unrest limited to the
Affected Party or its contractors.

Nationalization or any compulsory acquisition by any Indian Governmental Instrumentality/ State

Government in national interest or expropriation of any material Project assets or rights of the EPC
Contractor, as a result of which the EPC Contractor or its shareholders are deprived (wholly or partly) of
their rights or entitlements under the RfP & Contract Agreement. Provided that such action does not
constitute remedies or sanctions lawfully exercised by the MSPGCL or any other Government Authority
as a result of any breach of any of the Applicable Laws or the Applicable Permits by the EPC Contractor
or the EPC Contractor related parties.

Action of a Government Authority having Material Adverse Effect including but not limited to Change
in law, only if consequences thereof cannot be dealt with under and in accordance with the provisions of
Clause 5.7 of Ministry of Power Guidelines No. 23/27/2017-R&R dtd 3rd Aug 2017; any unlawful or
unauthorised or without jurisdiction revocation of, or delay in, or refusal, or failure to renew or grant
without valid cause, any Permits of the EPC Contractor or any of the clearance, licence, authorization to
be obtained by the Contractors to perform their respective obligations under the relevant contract
agreement and/or the Project Documents; provided that such delay, modification, denial, refusal or
revocation did not result from the EPC Contractor or any Contractors inability or failure to comply with
any condition relating to grant, maintenance or renewal of such Permits or clearance, licence,
authorization, as the case may be.

Clarification: The phrase “Change in Law” would include changes brought out through change in Law,
Rules, Regulations, or orders of competent authorities.

iii. Force Majeure Exclusions

a. Force Majeure shall not include (i) any event or circumstance which is within the reasonable
control of the Parties and (ii) the following conditions, except to the extent that they are
consequences of an event of Force Majeure:
b. Unavailability, late delivery, or changes in cost of the plant, machinery, equipment, materials, spare
parts or consumables for the Power Project.
c. Delay in the performance of any contractor, sub-contractor, or their agents.

d. Non-performance resulting from normal wear and tear typically experienced in power generation
materials and equipment.
e. Strikes at the facilities of the Affected Party.

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f. Insufficiency of finances or funds or the agreement becoming onerous to perform; and Non-
performance caused by, or connected with, the Affected Party’s:
i. Negligent or intentional acts, errors, or omissions.
ii. Failure to comply with an Indian Law; or
iii. Breach of, or default under this Agreement.

iv. Notification of Force Majeure Event

The Affected Party shall give notice to the other Party of any event of Force Majeure as soon as
reasonably practicable, but not later than seven (7) days after the date on which such Party knew or
should reasonably have known of the commencement of the event of Force Majeure. If an event of
Force Majeure results in a breakdown of communications rendering it unreasonable to give notice within
the applicable time limit specified herein, then the Party claiming Force Majeure shall give such notice
as soon as reasonably practicable after reinstatement of communications, but not later than one (1) day
after such reinstatement.

Provided that such notice shall be a pre-condition to the Affected Party’s entitlement to claim relief
under the RfP & contract agreement. Such notice shall include full particulars of the event of Force
Majeure, its effects on the Party claiming relief and the remedial measures proposed. The Affected Party
shall give the other Party regular (and not less than weekly) reports on the progress of those remedial
measures and such other information as the other Party may reasonably request about the Force Majeure

The Affected Party shall give notice to the other Party of (i) the cessation of the relevant event of Force
Majeure; and (ii) the cessation of the effects of such event of Force Majeure on the performance of its
rights or obligations under the RfP & Contract agreement, as soon as practicable after becoming aware
of each of these cessations.

v. Performance Excused

The Affected Party, to the extent rendered unable to perform its obligations or part of the obligation
thereof under the RfP & contract agreement as a consequence of the Force Majeure Event, shall be
excused from performance of the obligations, provided that the period shall not exceed 180 (one
hundred and eighty) Days from the date of issuance of the FM Notice. The Parties may mutually agree
to extend the period for which performance is excused due to a Force Majeure Event.

For the time period, as mutually agreed by the Parties, during which the performance shall be excused,
the EPC Contractor shall be entitled for a day-to-day extension of the period provided Scheduled
Commissioning Period or the contract period, as the case may be.

Provided always that a Party shall be excused from performance only to the extent reasonably warranted
by the Force Majeure Event.

Provided further that, nothing shall absolve the Affected Party from any payment obligations accrued
prior to the occurrence of the underlying Force Majeure Event.
No Liability for Other Losses: No Party shall be liable in any manner, whatsoever, to the other Parties
in respect of any Loss relating to or arising out of the occurrence or existence of any Force Majeure
Resumption of Performance: During the period that a Force Majeure Event is subsisting, the Affected
Party shall, in consultation with the other Parties, make all reasonable efforts to limit or mitigate the
effects of such Force Majeure Event on the performance of its obligations under the contract agreement.
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The Affected Party shall also make efforts to resume performance of its obligations under this
Agreement as soon as possible and upon resumption, shall notify other Parties of the same in writing.
The other Parties shall afford all reasonable assistance to the Affected Party in this regard.

vi. Termination Due to Force Majeure Event

a) Termination due to Natural Force Majeure Event

If, prior to the completion of the 180 (one hundred and eighty) Day period (or any extended period)
for a Natural Force Majeure Event commencing from the date of issuance of the Force Majeure
Notice, the Parties are of the reasonable view that a Natural Force Majeure Event is likely to
continue beyond such 180 (one hundred and eighty) Day period or any extended period agreed in
pursuance of clause 1.10.5. (Performance Excused); or that it is uneconomic or impractical to
restore the affected
Unit, then the Parties may mutually decide to terminate the contract, and the termination shall take
effect from the date on which such decision is taken.
Without prejudice to the provisions of clause above, the Affected Party shall, after the expiry of the
period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) Days or any other mutually extended period, be entitled to
forthwith terminate the contract in its sole discretion by issuing a notice to that effect.
On termination of the Contract agreement pursuant to above clause:

a) No Termination Compensation shall be payable to the EPC contractor.

b) he EPC Contractor shall be eligible for undisputed payments under outstanding
Bill(s), before the occurrence of Force Majeure Event.

b) Termination due to Non-Natural Force Majeure Event

Upon occurrence of a Non-Natural Force Majeure Event, the EPC Contractor shall, at its
discretion, have the right to terminate the contract forthwith after the completion of the period of
180 (one hundred and eighty) Days from the date of the Force Majeure Notice.


i. The Contractor shall submit daily, weekly & monthly progress report on execution of works conforming to bar
chart, network like PERT. In case of any slippage(s) or delay in execution of work reasons for such delay
along with details of hindrances will be submitted by the Contractor along with modified Bar Chart
mentioning the action plan being taken to keep the due date of completion of project unchanged. If required,
Contractor shall use additional manpower to keep the due date of completion of project unchanged.

ii. The authorized representative of Contractor shall review the progress of project work every fortnight on a
prefixed day at project site with the CE (SPGD-P) or his representative as per the network and record the
minutes in a register.


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i. EPC Contractor shall provide entire projects (plant & person’s) insurance. Which shall include an “all risk”
type of insurance policy which ensure replacement in the event of damage & injury to any person & damage to
the property.

ii. During the Contract period, all Insurance related expenses shall be borne by Contractor. At the beginning of
each year of O&M, the Contractor shall show adequate insurance coverage of the entire project up to the
contract period. In case the insurance coverage is not up to the expectation of MSPGCL, MSPGCL shall take
up the Insurance and all the charges related to Insurance shall be deducted from the payments due to the

iii. Transport insurance for Good shall be at least 110% of the CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid) price of the
Goods an “all risk” basis & should include war risk & strike clauses.

iv. The goods supplied under the contract shall be fully insured as long as the plant continues to remain under the
custody of the Contractor against the loss or damage incidental to manufacture or acquisition, transportation,
storage and delivery in such a manner that MSPGCL shall not incur any financial loss.

v. In case of any loss or damage or pilferage or theft or fire accident or combination of the said incidents etc.
under the coverage of insurance, the Contractor shall lodge the claim as per rules of insurance. Any FIR
required to be lodged to local Police Station shall be the responsibility of Contractor.

vi. The Contractor shall arrange to supply/rectify/recover the materials even if the claim is unsettled for timely
completion of the project. The final financial settlement with the insurance company shall be rested upon the

vii. In case of any delay of the project attributable to the Contractor, the Contractor himself in consultation with
MSPGCL shall take the extension of insurance. Any financial implications shall, however, be borne by the

viii. The Contractor shall arrange for providing insurance coverage to his workmen under Workmen's
Compensation Act or similar Rules and Acts as applicable during execution of work for covering risk against
any mishap to his workmen. Contractor shall also undertake a Third-Party Insurance. MSPGCL will not be
responsible for any such loss or mishap.

ix. Fire insurance is to be arranged by the Contractor up to the completion of FIVE (5) years O&M contract.

x. Workmen compensation and / or group personal accidents Insurance policy covering all its employees and
works including of the sub-Contractor. Insurance to cover third party liability.

xi. Insurance in respect of claims for personal injury to or death of any person in the employment of Contractor
and arising out of and in the course of such employment, which insurance shall comply with all applicable
Indian law and directives.

xii. Motor vehicle, general liability and other insurance and deductibles / excess thereon as may be required by
applicable Indian law or in order to enable the contractor to comply with Prudent Utility Practice.

xiii. EPC Contractor shall provide insurance, which shall cover natural calamities among other things, such as
hailstorms, wildfire, earthquake, landslides, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornados, cyclones, lightning and flood
damages to Machinery breakdown thereon for Electolysers, compressors, valves, rectifiers, containers, leak
detectors, piping, manifolds, measuring equipments, solar modules, inverters, PCU’s, other auxiliaries and
complete Green Hydrogen and Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant.

xiv. The Contractor shall take out and maintain at their cost during the construction period until the commissioning
of the Plant, in order to ensure the risks inherent in their participation in the Project (without limiting their
responsibility by virtue of tender & Contract terms) at least for the insurance Contracts listed above, which
shall be Contracted with insurance companies with known solvency deemed appropriate by the Owner.

Page 93 of 182

i. Irrespective of the transfer of ownership at any point of time, Contractor shall be responsible for the
care, safety, preservation and protection of material, equipment’s of the entire green hydrogen and solar
plant during the Contract Period.

ii. In addition to the above, inter alia:

a) The Contractor shall provide and maintain at his own expense all security personnel, other
arrangements including fencing, lighting etc., wherever necessary of the protection of the Project
and for the safety convenience of those employed on the Project at site.
b) From the commencement to completion of the Project, the contractor shall take full responsibility
for the care of all Project including all temporary Project and in case any damage, loss or injury
shall happen to the Project or to any part thereof or to any temporary Project form any cause
whatsoever, shall at his own cost repair and make good the same so that at completion, the work
shall be in good order and in conformity in every respect with the requirements of the Contract and
the Chief Engineer’s (SPGD-P)’s instruction.


The work shall be executed in conformity with the relevant standard of Bureau of Indian Standards (or
equivalent International Standard), Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 (as amended up to date), Indian Electricity
Act, BARC/DAE rules, Explosive Act 1948, Petroleum Act 1934, Factory act, Labor act, minimum wages act,
National Building Code and relevant Rules in vogue at the time of execution including operation &
maintenance period. All the fees/cost regarding renewals of all required statutory certificates shall be borne by
Contractor during contract period Also, all the taxes, royalties, fees applicable as per government rules shall be
borne by Contractor.


The Contractor shall provide technically suitable tools and tackles for installation & erection of Plant &
Machineries conforming to relevant BIS safety and technical standards for proper execution of work.
MSPGCL, in no way, shall be responsible for supply of any tools and tackles for implementation of the work
and also to carry out operation & maintenance activities.


The Contractor shall have to provide necessary and adequate safety measures including personal protective
equipment and precautions to avoid any accident, which may cause damage to any equipment/material or
injury to workmen. MSPGCL shall not be responsible for any such accidents. The contract shall be governed
by all applicable acts, rules, regulation and internal standing instructions and Standard Operating Procedures
(SOPs), such as:
1. The Maharashtra BOCW Rules, 2007, (BOCWR)
2. The Central Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, (CMVA)
3. The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, (CMVR)
4. The Petroleum Act, 1934, (PA)
5. The Petroleum Rules, 2002, (PR)
6. The Explosives Act, 1884, (EA)
7. The Explosives Rules, 1983, (ER)
8. The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules, 1981, (SMPVR)
9. The Gas Cylinders Rules, 2004 (GCR)
10. The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991, (PLIA)
11. The Public Liability Insurance Rules, 1991, (PLIR)
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i. Any hazardous material used during construction or used as part of the plant has to be taken back by the
supplier for recycling or dumping purpose after its operating / working life, so that it may not affect the
environment or any living being.

ii. The EPC Contractor will ensure that all Solar PV modules from their plant after their ‘end of life’ (when
they become defective/ non-operational/ non-repairable) are disposed in accordance with the “e-waste
(Management and Handling) Rules, 2011” notified by the Government and as revised and amended from
time to time.

iii. EPC Contractor shall comply with MPCB regulation.

iv. The EPC Contractor is obliged to follow all the legal regulations regarding the environment, being
responsible for putting them into practice, as well as for the consequences in the case of breaching them,
not only with reference to their own activities, but also those of third parties subcontracted by it.

v. The EPC Contractor undertakes to dispose of all packaging and industrial waste created by them during
its activity and to have such waste treated according to the environmental legislation.


i. MSPGCL shall not be responsible and not liable to pay any compensation due to stoppage of work as a
reaction from local public due to any undue action on the part of the Contractor causing annoyance to
local people.

ii. The Contractor shall have no claim against the MSPGCL for any damages or for compensation for the
reason of any failure or omission on the part of the MSPGCL to carry out the provisions of the Contract
for any reason beyond its control. However, the MSPGCL would consider such instances on their merit
in good faith. Employees and Officers of MSPGCL not individually liable No office bearer of the
MSPGCL shall in any way be personally bound or liable for the acts or obligations of the MSPGCL
under the Contract or answerable for any default or omission in the observance of performance of any
acts, matters, of things, which are herein contained.


The Contractor may also maintain a Hindrance Register where reasons for delay may be recorded from
time to time and at the time of occurrence of the hindrance and get it duly certified by the Site - in -
Charge or his authorized representative.


i. The Contractor shall provide guarantee and be entirely responsible for the execution of the contract in
accordance with the specification, schedules, and annexure. He shall further provide guarantee and be
responsible for the quality and workmanship of all materials and completed works, correct designs and
drawings, correct delivery of material, erection, testing and commissioning including operation &

ii. Contractor shall provide a good quality accommodation and a four-wheeler with driver for two oficers of
MSPGCL appointed for site supervision up to the date of handing over of plant for O&M. In addition to
Page 95 of 182
this, an office sitting space for these two officers along with furniture, site porta cabins shall be provided
by the contractor till completion of the office & guest house.


Any change in the design as per site conditions may be done with mutual understanding/consent, which
may be necessary in the opinion of the CE(SPGD-P) to make the plant and materials conform to the
provisions and contents of the specification without extra cost to the MSPGCL.


The Contractor shall supply all necessary erection and commissioning manuals, O&M manuals etc. as
and when required. Six (6) sets of test results, manuals etc. shall be submitted by the Contractor on
completion of the erection and commissioning work.


The contract shall be written in English Language. All correspondence and documents pertaining to the
contract, which are exchanged by the MSPGCL & Contractor, shall be written in English.


i. The Contractor shall deliver the equipment of the plant and machineries in accordance with the terms of
the contract at the time(s) to the place(s) and in the manner specified in the contract. The Contractor shall
comply with instructions that may be given by the MSPGCL from time to time regarding the transit of
the plant and material.

ii. Notification of delivery or dispatch in regard to each and every consignment shall be made to the
MSPGCL immediately after dispatch or delivery from the manufacturing works. The Contractor shall
supply to the consignee Invoice in triplicate and packing account of all stores delivered or dispatched by

iii. In case of any occurrence of loss or damage in transit, it shall be the liability of the Contractor to initiate
or pursue the claim with insurance company. He shall take immediate steps to repair the damaged
apparatus or replacement thereto. MSPGCL on merit will consider any extension of time limit required in
such contingency.


In respect of all matters, which are left to the decision of the CE(SPGD-P) in line with the contract,
including the granting or withholding certificates, the CE(SPGD-P) shall, if required to do so by the
Contractor, give in writing a final decision thereon. If the final decision is not accepted by the Contractor
the matter will, at the request of the Contractor be referred to arbitration under the provision for
arbitration hereinafter contained but subject to the right of reference to arbitration; such decision shall be
final and binding on the Contractor.


Page 96 of 182
The Contractor shall be responsible for loss, damages, or depreciation to goods or of plant, equipment, and
machineries up to delivery at site.


i. All costs, claims, damages or expenses, which the MSPGCL may have paid for which the Contractor is
liable, will be deducted by the MSPGCL from deposited Earnest Money Deposit or Security Money or
from any money due or which become due to him under this contract or any contract are being executed
elsewhere with MSPGCL.

ii. Any sum of money due and payable to the Contractor, as per the contract agreement, may be appropriated
by the MSPGCL and set off against any claim of the MSPGCL, for the payment of a sum of money
arising out of or under any other contract made by the Contractor with the MSPGCL.

iii. It is an agreed term of the contract that the sum of money, withheld or obtained under this clause by the
MSPGCL, will be kept withhold or retained as such by the MSPGCL or till this claim arising out of in
the same contract is either mutually settled or determined by the arbitrator, or by competent court, as the
case may be, and that the Contractor shall have no claim for interest or damages whatsoever on this
account or any other account in respect of any sum of money withheld or retained under this clause and
duly notified as such to the Contractor.


Subject to any deduction which the MSPGCL is authorized to make under this contract, and or to any
additions or deductions provided for in this contract, the Contractor shall be entitled to payment as
i. All payments shall be made in Indian Rupees, unless otherwise specified in the order.
ii. All payment shall be made on the basis of actual measurement for the quantified items as per schedule of
iii. The Contractor shall submit the bill / invoice for the work executed showing separately GST, customs
duties, excise duties and any other statutory levies in the bill / invoice.
iv. After the completion of each milestone, MSPGCL will conduct a thorough examination of the activities
performed and completed by contractor and shall issue a milestone completion certificate for the
respective milestone, subject to MSPGCL's complete satisfaction.
v. The Contractor shall raise progressive invoices of items/works/services on MSPGCL based on the
payment milestones as indicated above after issue of milestone completion certificate. All payments will
be released only after completion of the entire activities involved in achieving the respective milestones.
vi. The payment will be done quarterly during 5 Years of O&M contract period.


The payment will be made to the Contractor on award of the contract as follows:

Part A – Hydrogen Plant

Milestone Payment Milestone for EPC Project 97 % of Contract

No Price (X) inclusive of
applicable taxes.
1. Site development work, approval of drawings and Completion of
entire fencing

Page 97 of 182
2. Supply of all major equipment’s on receipt of equipment at site on
production of invoices & physical verification and certification by the
Project In-charge for the equipments received and stored at site 60 %
(Electrolyzer, hydrogen compressor, dryer (if req.), Cylinders, water
treatment plant and relevant components.) on pro rata basis
(maximum five (5) installments).
3. Completion of erection works along with Installation and 20 %
interconnection of major equipment’s
4. On successful commissioning of entire Hydrogen Plant on
certification by the Project In charge.
5. On successful completion of Performance Guarantee tests of entire
Hydrogen Plant, as specified, and issuance of Operational Acceptance 10.0 %
Certificate by the Project In charge.
Payment Milestone for O&M (3.0 % of Contract Price (X) inclusive of applicable taxes.)
6. For O&M period of the contract (Starts after completion of milestone
no 5.) Payment will be done in quaterly bills during 5 years of O&M Quarterly
contract period.)

Part B – Solar Plant

Milestone Payment Milestone for EPC Project 97 % of Contract Price

(X) inclusive of
applicable taxes.
1. Site development work, approval of drawings and Completion of
entire fencing, module mounting structure foundation and 5%
structure etc.
2. Supply of all major equipment’s on receipt of equipment at site
on production of invoices & physical verification and
certification by the Project In-charge for the equipments received 60 %
and stored at site. viz. SPV Modules (including structures),
Power Conditioning Units, Transformers, Breakers, Lightning
Arrestors, Current Transformers & Potential Transformers,
Cables and Connectors and String Combiner Boxes, etc. on pro
rata basis.(maximum five (5) installments).
3. Completion of Control room and Metering Room Installation and
interconnection of major equipment’s SPV Modules (including 20 %
structures for the above), Power Conditioning Units,
Transformers including all power evacuation equipment’s &
internal roads.
4. On successful commissioning of entire Solar Photo Voltaic Plant 5%
on certification by the Project In charge.
5 On successful completion of Performance Guarantee tests of 10.0 %
entire Solar Photo Voltaic Plant, as specified, and issuance of
Operational Acceptance Certificate by the Project In charge.
Payment Milestone for O&M (3.0 % of Contract Price (X) inclusive of applicable taxes.)
6. For O&M period of the contract (Starts after completion of Quarterly
milestone no. 5) Payment will be done in quaterly bills during 5
years of O&M contract period.

viii. The advance of 5% of contract value will be released on fulfilment of the following;
i. Acceptance of Letter of Award by the Contractor & signing of Contract Agreements.
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ii. Submission of Performance Security by the Contractor and acceptance of the same by the MSPGCL.
iii. Submission of Advance payment Bank Guarantee by the Contractor from an Indian Nationalized
Bank for an amount equivalent to the advance and acceptance of same by the MSPGCL.

ix. The advance to be released under the provision as above shall be interest free up to the scheduled
commissioning date specified in the project completion schedule. In case of delay beyond the stipulated
commissioning date, the owner shall levy interest at the rate of 1 % higher than the board’s borrowing
rate for this project, on the outstanding unrecovered advance. Outstanding advance shall be the difference
between the total advance paid by the Owner and the advance adjusted cumulatively. The entire advance
shall be adjusted from invoice submitted by the contractor against the milestone no. 2 (Supply of major
x. The Contractor may, if so desire, reduce the value of Bank Guarantee(s) submitted for receipt of advance,
periodically every six (6) months to the extent of advance actually adjusted. Before reducing the value of
bank guarantee, confirmation shall be obtained about adjusted advance from the Owner.

i. In the event of introduction of new legislation or any change or amendment or enforcement of any Act
or Law, rules or regulations, policies of the Government or Public Body which becomes applicable
effective after the date of submission of Price Bid and which results in increase to the Price Bid through
increased liability of taxes (other than personnel taxes), the Contractor shall be indemnified for any such
increased cost by MSPGCL subject to production of documentary proof to, the satisfaction of MSPGCL,
to the extent which is directly attributable to such introduction of new legislation or change or
amendment as mentioned above, however Anti-Dumping Duty, Safeguard Duty and Basic Customs
duty are not applicable under Change in Law.
ii. Similarly, if introduction of a new legislation or any change or amendment or enforcement of any Act or
Law, rules or regulation, policies of the Government or Public Body which becomes applicable or
effective after the date of submission of Price Bid and which results in reduction to the Price Bid
through reduced liability of taxes (other than personnel taxes), the Contractor shall pass on such benefits
of such reduced taxes, duties or fees to MSPGCL to the extent, which is directly attributable to such
introduction of new legislation or change or amendment as mentioned above.
iii. In the event of any change in the current status of the project after the date of submission of Price Bid
and which results in increase to the Price Bid through reduction of any considered available benefit,
drawback or concession directly resulting in increased liability of taxes (other than personnel taxes), the
Contractor shall be indemnified for any such increased cost by MSPGCL subject to production of
documentary proof to, the satisfaction of MSPGCL, to the extent which is directly attributable to such
change in status.
iv. Similarly, in the event of any change in the current status of the project after the date of submission of
Price Bid and which results in reduction to the Price Bid through addition/ extension of any available
benefit, drawback or concession directly resulting in reduction of liability of taxes (other than personnel
taxes), the Contractor shall pass on such benefits to MSPGCL to the extent which is directly attributable
to such change in status.
v. In case of introduction of new legislation or change or amendment in any act or law after the
Schedule/extended Completion Date, but which comes into force or becomes effective retrospectively
from a date on or before the Scheduled/extended Completion Date and which results in any increase /
decrease in the duties, taxes and fees under the Contract, then such increase/decrease, subject to the
stipulated conditions shall be to MSPGCL account.
vi. All duties, taxes, fees (except where otherwise expressly provided in the contract) as may be levied /
imposed in consequence of execution of the Works or in relation thereto or in connection therewith as

Page 99 of 182
per the Acts, Laws, Rules, Regulations in force on the date of submission of Price Bid or revised price
bid, if any, for this Contract shall be to Contractor's account and shall be included in the price bid.
vii. The information regarding applicability of indirect taxes and availability of incentives, benefits,
concessions, liabilities etc. given under the clause or in relation thereto or in connection therewith as per
the Acts, Laws, Rules, Regulations in force and regulations as understood by MSPGCL. However, the
Contractor shall independently evaluate such incentives, benefits, concessions, liabilities etc. before
considering the same while quoting the price bid.
viii. MNRE exemption in the taxes & duties may be availed for the equipments supplied in the solar power
plant subjected to that the contractor will be responsible for any delay in the supply of material due to
the MNRE procedural delay.


The Bombay High Court will only have jurisdiction in this case.


i. The law which is to apply to the contract and under which the contract is to be construed shall be Indian
Law. The Law governing the procedure and administration of any arbitration instituted under the Clause
for Arbitration shall be the Indian Law.
ii. The parties should negotiate in good faith and make every effort to resolve any disagreements, disputes,
controversies, or claims, whatever their nature, that arise as a consequence of this Contract or are related
to it.


The contract shall in all respect be construed and operated, as a contract as defined in the Indian
Contracts Act, 1872, and all the payments there under shall be made in Indian Rupees unless otherwise

i. For all purpose of the contract, including arbitration there under, the address of the Contractor
mentioned in the tender shall be the address to which all communications addressed to the Contractor
shall be sent, unless the Contractor has notified a change by a separate letter containing no other
communication and sent by registered post with acknowledgement due to the Project Manager. The
Contractor shall be solely responsible for the consequence of an omission to notify change of address in
the manner aforesaid.
ii. Any communication or notice on behalf of the MSPGCL in relation to the contract agreement may be
issued to the Contractor by Project Manager and all such communication and notice may be served on
the Contractor either by registered post or under certificate of posting or by ordinary post or by hand
delivery at the option of the officer.
iii.Instructions or notices to the Contractor and notices from the Contractor to the MSPGCL recorded in a
minute signed by the authorized representatives of both MSPGCL & Contractor. Such notice or
instruction shall be valid notice of instruction for the purpose of contract.
If the Contractor fails, on receipt of the order, to take up the work within a reasonable period or leave the
work site after partial execution of the work MSPGCL shall have the liberty to get the work done
through other agency at his own risk and additional cost if any. If the situation, so warrants, to compel
MSPGCL to cancel the order placed on the Contractor, he shall be liable to compensate the loss or
damage, which MSPGCL may sustain due to reasons of failure on his part to execute the work in time.


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The EPC Contractor shall be required to indicate the provider of the funds for the projects (e.g. the
German Government or European Union) according to the requirements of the respective
institution (further details can be made available as and when needed). Depending on the nature of the
Contract this may include an indication of the provider of the funds on documents, on publicity
material or on reports as well as a logo on vehicles, major equipment and major supplies purchased with
these funds and indications on the provider of the funds on temporary construction site display panels or
an acknowledgment on permanent display panels.
The Contractor shall grant XXXX the right to publish, on an annual basis on its internet site, the
following information: title of the Contract/Project, nature and purpose of the Contract/ Project, name
and locality of the Contractor and amount of the Contract/Project in accordance with the applicable data
protection laws.


The Contractor shall grant the MSPGCL for the right to use, to share, to publish, to duplicate, to Quote
free of charge the results of the project, including reports and documents relating to it.


i. The MSPGCL and Contractors (including all members of a Joint Venture and proposed or engaged
Subcontractors) must observe the highest standard of ethics during the Tender Process and performance
of the Contract.

ii. By signing the Declaration of Undertaking the Contractors declare that (i) they did not and will not
engage in any Sanctionable Practice likely to influence the Tender Process and the corresponding Award
of Contract to the MSPGCL’s detriment, and that (ii) in case of being awarded a Contract they will not
engage in any Sanctionable Practice.

iii. MSPGCL may inspect the respective accounts, records and documents relating to the Tender Process
and the performance of the Contract, and to have them audited by auditors appointed by MSPGCL.

iv. MSPGCL reserves the right to take any action it deems appropriate to check that these ethics rules are
observed and reserves, in particular, the rights to:
a) Reject an Offer for Award of Contract if during the Tender Process the Bidder who is recommended
for the Award of Contract has engaged in Sanctionable Practice, directly or by means of an agent in
view of being awarded the Contract;
b) Declare misprocurement and exercise its rights on the ground of the Funding Agreement with the
MSPGCL relating to suspension of disbursements, early repayment and termination if, at any time,
Contractors or their legal representatives or Subcontractors have engaged in Sanctionable Practice
during the Tender Process or performance of the Contract.

v. For the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:
 Coercive Practice : The impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directly or
indirectly, any person or the property of the person with a view to influencing improperly the
actions of a person.
 Collusive Practice : An arrangement between two or more persons designed to achieve an
improper purpose, including influencing improperly the actions of another person.
 Corrupt Practice : The promising, offering, giving, making, insisting on, receiving, accepting
or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of any illegal payment or undue advantage of any nature, to or
by any person, with the intention of influencing the actions of any person or causing any person
to refrain from any action.
 Fraudulent Practice : Any action or omission, including misrepresentation that knowingly or
recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a person to obtain a financial benefit or to avoid an
 Obstructive Practice : Means (i) deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering or concealing
Page 101 of 182
evidence material to the investigation or the making of false statements to investigators, in order
to materially impede an official investigation into allegations of a Corrupt Practice, Fraudulent
Practice, Coercive Practice or Collusive Practice, or threatening, harassing or intimidating any
Person to prevent them from disclosing their knowledge of matters relevant to the investigation
or from pursuing the investigation, or (ii) any act intended to materially impede the exercise of
XXXX's access to contractually required information in connection with an official investigation
into allegations of a Corrupt Practice, Fraudulent Practice, Coercive Practice or Collusive
 Sanctionable Practice : Any Coercive Practice, Collusive Practice, Corrupt Practice, Fraudulent
Practice or Obstructive Practice (as such terms are defined herein) which is unlawful .


1) The bidders which are blacklisted in any state / Central Government undertaking / Public sector undertaking of
India shall be strictly prohibited from participating in this tender.

2) If the contractor at any stage of project is found to be blacklisted in any State / Central Government
undertaking / Public sector undertaking of India, the contract shall be terminated and shall be liable for action
deemed fit.

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1.0 The Contractor shall provide training to two teams of 3 personnel each (Engineers and Officers) of MSPGCL
at his works and at site for erection, testing, commissioning and O&M. Expense towards stay, lodging and
boarding and other expenses for the personnel shall be borne by Contractor.
1.1 The Contractor shall also provide access to MSPGCL personnel to the locations of his successfully
completed projects worldwide for the purpose of knowledge sharing during the period after the date of issue
of LOA till the commencement of the O&M period. Expense towards travel, stay, lodging and boarding and
other expenses for MSPGCL's personnel shall be borne by Contractor.


2.1 Hydrogen Generation Plant:
1. Capacity and discharge pressure of hydrogen gas compressors at its rated duty point shall be
demonstrated & witnessed by MSPGCL at site.
2. Electrolyser & rectifier capacity and power consumption shall be demonstrated at site.
3. Parallel operation of two streams shall be demonstrated at site. Purity level and moisture content of
hydrogen shall be demonstrated at site.
4. Hydrogen generation plant capacity (stream wise) shall be demonstrated at site.
5. Vibration level and noise level of hydrogen gas compressors shall be demonstrated at site.

2.2 PG Test and commissioning:

2. The Contractor shall give MSPGCL at least thirty (30) days advanced preliminary written notice and at
least fifteen (15) days advanced final written notice, of the date on which it intends to commission
Hydrogen plant.
2. All the necessary permissions from PESO, CCE, Electrical Inspector, any concerned authority etc., as
may be required, shall be taken up by the Contractor for the purpose of commissioning of the Hydrogen
3. The PG Test duration shall be at least 72 continuous hours. Supplier/contractor shall provide the PG
Test procedure for approval of Owner.
4. PG test shall be carried out as per the approved PG Test procedure. PG test procedure shall be submitted
and finalized within the mutually accepted date from the date of Notification of Award.
5. The Bidder shall be responsible for providing all material, equipment and manpower, specified or
otherwise, which are required to carry out PG Test.
6. In case it is found that the equipment/system has failed to meet the guarantees, the supplier/contractor
shall carry out all necessary modifications and/or replacements to make the equipment/system comply
with the guaranteed requirements at no extra cost to the Owner and re-conduct the performance
guarantee test(s) with Owner’s consent. In case the specified performance guarantee(s) are still not met,
Owner will accept the equipment/system/plant after levying liquidated damages. GST on Liquidated
damages to be borne by the contractor
Liquidated damage for deviation in performance (Hydrogen Production) shall be computed as
a) Deviation in performance = [(Tested capacity per following formula: of Hydrogen Production –
Guaranteed capacity of Hydrogen Production) / Guaranteed capacity of Hydrogen Production]
b) Liquidated damage = (Contract Value) x (Deviation in performance)

2.3 Pre-Commissioning Tests

The following tests and activities shall be completed by the Contractor before the declaration of
Commissioning of plant as follows:

Hydrogen Plant
Hydrogen Purity Test.
Leakage Test.
Compressor Assembly operational and performance test
Drying Plant Hydraulic Test.
Hydrogen Generator & Cell Module – Hydraulic tests.
Safety test.
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Trial Run

2.4 Trial Run

Trial operation shall commence immediately after the commissioning of the Hydrogen Generation Plant.
During the trial operation and testing, the Hydrogen Generation Plant shall perform trouble free operation
cumulative minimum 72 hours during which functionality of all plant components shall be demonstrated and
the system shall be in production mode.

2.5 Commissioning of Plant

On successful completion of trial run and pre-commissioning tests of entire contracted capacity, the Hydrogen
Generation Plant shall be commissioned in accordance with the provisions of this Contract, applicable rules,
norms, statutory requirement, regulations and recommendations of CCE.


a) Solar Power Plant
Capacity and CUF of Solar Power Plant at its rated capacity shall be demonstrated and proved at site.
b) Synchronizing and commissioning
1. The Contractor shall give MSPGCL at least thirty (30) days advanced preliminary
written notice and at least fifteen (15) days advanced final written notice of the date on
which it intends to commission Hydrogen plant and/or synchronize the Solar Power Plant to the
Grid System.
2. Subject to Clause no. 2 of Section -IV the Solar Power Plant may be synchronized by the
Contractor to the Grid System when it meets all the connection conditions prescribed in
applicable Grid Code then in effect and otherwise meets all other Indian legal
requirements for synchronization to the Grid System.
3. All the necessary permissions from Electrical Inspector and all other applicable departments as
may be required, shall be taken up by the Contractor for the purpose of interconnection of the solar
power plant with the grid.
4. The synchronization equipment shall be installed by the Contractor at the Plant site at its own cost.
The Contractor shall Commission the solar power Plant after the approval of commissioning
scheme is granted by MSPGCL and checking/verification is made by MSPGCL/ the concerned
authorities. The Contractor shall synchronize the Solar Power Plant with the Grid System only after
the approval of synchronization scheme is granted by MSPGCL/ the head of the concerned sub-
station/Grid System and checking/verification is made by MSPGCL/ the concerned authorities of
the Grid System.
5. The Contractor shall immediately after synchronization inform MSPGCL/ the sub-station of the
Grid System to which the Solar Power Plant is electrically connected in accordance with applicable
Grid Code.

c) Pre-Commissioning Tests
The following tests and activities shall be completed by the Contractor before the declaration of COD of
plant as follows:
Solar Plant
a) Relay testing
b) Transformer testing
c) Line charging
d) Transformer charging
e) Electrical safety & Earthing
f) Trial Run

d) Trial Run
Trial operation shall commence immediately after the synchronization of the Solar Power Plant with the
grid before commissioning. During the trial operation and testing, the Solar Power Plant shall perform
Page 105 of 182
trouble free operation cumulative minimum 72 hours during which functionality of all plant components
shall be demonstrated and the system shall be in Generating mode.

e) Commissioning of Solar Plant

On successful completion of trial run and pre-commissioning tests of entire contracted capacity, the
Solar Power Plant shall be commissioned in accordance with the provisions of this Contract, applicable
rules and regulations, grid code and recommendations of MSETCL/MSEDCL.


a) Once the commissioning of the Green Hydrogen Plant is finished satisfactorily in accordance with the
agreed schedule, MSPGCL and the Contractor will draw up the Commercial Operation Date of the
Green Hydrogen Plant, whose date will determine, amongst other issues, the beginning of the Guarantee
Period for defects.
b) The only circumstances or causes for delay of the Commercial Operation Date of the Green Hydrogen
Plant are those specified in this Contract, and only in the case that they are not attributed to the
CONTRACTOR. Under no circumstances will the exercise by MSPGCL of any of the rights established
in the Contract give rise to an extension of the period for the Commercial Operation of the Solar Power
Plant, unless this possibility is considered in this Contract. Similarly, failure to comply by the
CONTRACTOR of any of the periods set out in the Execution Plan will not in itself give the
CONTRACTOR the right to request an extension of the term set for the Commercial Operation of the
Green Hydrogen Plant.
c) Any reference to the Commercial Operation in this Contract will refer to the Commercial
Operation of the Green Hydrogen Plant unless it is indicated to the contrary.


a) The Commercial Operation of the Green Hydrogen Plant will occur after completion of synchronizing,
commissioning, testing and trail run of entire capacity of plant and working properly.
b) Before the commissioning of Green Hydrogen Plant, the Contractor shall inform, at least fifteen (15) Days
before the anticipated date in writing to MSPGCL, that the contracted capacity Green Hydrogen Plant is
ready for the Commercial Operation, as long as the following conditions are fulfilled:
(i) The Contractor has finished the construction, supply, erection, installation & interconnections of all
equipments for contracted capacity green hydrogen Plant in accordance with this Contract, and it is
free of defects;
(ii) All the permits, licenses and authorizations for running and maintaining the Green Hydrogen Plant are
in order according to the regulations in force.


a) The Contractor shall, within thirty (30) days of declaration of COD of the Hydrogen plant and Solar
Power Plant, complete all the associated electrical and civil works which shall include but not limited to
the following:
(i) Completion of roads (Internal, peripheral, Main access and any other approach roads).
(ii) Drainage.
(iii) Security
(iv) Fencing
b) On successful completion of entire project activities free of defects and without any pending work as per
contractor’s obligations, PG test and on issue of FAT certificate, MSPGCL shall issue a Plant Completion
Certificate to the Contractor. Whereas , on successful COD of project & successful completion of O&M
period (5 years) of plant MSPGCL shall issue a Project Completion Certificate to the contractor.
c) In the event of any delay in obtaining Project completion schedule due to any Force Majeure event, the
time period for Project completion schedule shall be extended for the period of such Force Majeure,
Page 106 of 182
subject to a maximum extension period of six (6) months continuous or non-continuous in aggregate.
Thereafter, this Contract may be terminated by either MSPGCL or the Contractor by giving a Termination
Notice of at least seven (7) days, in writing to the other Party. The termination of the Contract shall take
effect upon the expiry of the last date of the said notice period.
d) In the event of any delay in obtaining Project completion schedule except for those specified in clause 10
of Section III, the time period for Project completion schedule shall be extended only at the sole discretion
of MSPGCL. Thereafter, this Contract may be terminated by either MSPGCL by giving a Termination
Notice of at least seven (7) days, in writing to the other Party. The termination of the Contract shall take
effect upon the expiry of the last date of the said notice period.


a) The Performance Guarantee Test as to prove the Performance of the Contractor shall be conducted at Site
by the Contractor in presence of MSPGCL. The PG Test shall start immediately after the achievement of
COD of the plant or any other date as may be agreed by MSPGCL and the Contractor. This test shall be
binding on both the parties to determine compliance of the equipment with the functional guarantee. The
duration of PG Test shall be three (3) consecutive months from the date mutually agreed by MSPGCL &
b) On the successful completion of the Performance Guarantee Test to the satisfaction of MSPGCL.
MSPGCL shall issue a Performance Guarantee Test Completion Certificate. In addition to this, the
Performance Guarantee Test Completion Certificate shall not be issued to the Contractor unless the
Contractor has obtained the Final Acceptance Test Certificate.
c) Any special equipment, instrumentation tools and tackles required for the successful completion of the
Performance Guarantee Test shall be provided by the Contractor free of cost. The instrumentation shall be
as per the section II and Annexure - 20 of this RFP.
d) The procedure for PG demonstration test shall be as follows:
(i) Actual energy exported from the plant supplied by the Contractor shall be noted for three (3)
consecutive months. The reading of Net Export units will be taken from the ABT meter reading which
will be installed at point of interconnection i.e. 6.6 kV bus level of UAT of Unit 3 of BTPS.
(ii) "Quoted CUF" for a month is a guaranteed CUF quoted by Contractor in the technical data sheet at
Annexure 17.
(iii) Contractor shall consider following factors & shall be taken into account while computing the "Quoted
- Solar radiations, Effect due to variation of meteorological parameters e.g. ambient temperature,
wind speed, humidity, Dust Index, Soling loss, transformer loss, line loss, auxiliary power
consumption etc.
e) The Quoted Generation (i.e guaranteed generation) will be compared with actual generation. If Contractor
is not able to meet the requirement of PG test during these three (3) consecutive months. Contractor shall
be given more chances to do so up to a maximum period of twelve (12) months from the start of first PG
test i.e Last PG test must commence by 10th month after start of the first PG test so that it is completed by
the 12th month after start of the first PG test.
f) Further, if bidder/ contractor is not able to achieve the Quoted CUF during the PG Test period and there is
a shortfall in energy generation, then the Contractor shall be liable to bear the loss in energy supplied at
the point of interconnection from the plant & the Contractor shall compensate MSPGCL with an amount
equivalent to the loss of revenue based on:

Penalty will be levied @ Rs. 33 per kWh for shortfall in CUF.

Page 107 of 182

GST is applicable on penalty as per GST Law. If penalty is applicable, it shall be recovered from any due OR
payment to the EPC Contractor.


a) If the completed plant, or any portion thereof, before it is taken over, be found to be defective, or fails to fulfill
the requirements of the contract, the CE (SPGD-P) shall issue a notice to the Contractor stating the particulars
of such defects or failure. The Contractor shall start the rectification with immediate effect to make plant defect
free or alter the same to make it comply with the requirements of the contract. If the Contractor fails to do so
within a reasonable time, the MSPGCL may reject and replace, at the risk & cost of the Contractor, the whole,
or any portion of the plant, as per requirement of the contract. Such replacement shall be carried out by the
MSPGCL within a reasonable time and a reasonable price and where possible to the same specifications under
competitive conditions. In cases if such replacement is taken up by the MSPGCL, the extra cost, if any, of such
replacement, shall be realized from the Security Money or from any money due or which become due to him
under this contract or any contract are being executed elsewhere with MSPGCL. The extra cost may be
ascertained as the difference between the prices paid by the MSPGCL for such replacement and the contract
price of the plant/equipment so replaced and any sum paid by the MSPGCL to the Contractor in respect of
defective plant. If the MSPGCL does not repair or replace the defective plant/part of the plant within a
reasonable time, the Contractor shall be liable only to repay to the MSPGCL all money paid by the MSPGCL to
him in respect of such plant/part of the plant.
b) In the event of such rejection, MSPGCL shall be entitled to the use of the plant/ part of the plant in responsible
and proper manner, till such time, which is reasonably sufficient to enable him to obtain other replacement
plant/ part of the plant.


a) "Final Acceptance Test" On "Commissioning" & not before successful completion of PG test of the Green
Hydrogen Plant and solar power project performance shall be observed on the real live condition basis for the
trouble free operation for the period of 30 days. This period will be known as "Final Acceptance Test".
b) The Final Acceptance of the Green Hydrogen Plant will be after the Final Acceptance Test has been completed
successfully, as long as the following requirements are fulfilled:
c) All the claims of MSPGCL regarding guarantees are dealt with in accordance to the provisions of this tender
and contract agreements or, if applicable, the Parties have reached an agreement regarding application of such
d) The Contractor has fulfilled Contractual obligation derived from this tender and contract agreements.
e) All pending works and punch points SPV plants are completed.


The entire work shall be executed on turnkey basis. Any minor item(s) not included in the schedule but required
for completion of the work shall have to be carried out/supplied without any extra cost. Such works, not listed
in the schedule of works but elaborately described to perform or to facilitate particular operation(s) required for
completion of the project shall deemed to have been included in the scope of this work and the Contractor shall
supply, install the same without any extra cost.


The Contractor/ successful Contractor shall submit the programme of work within 15 days from the date of
receipt of Letter of Award/formal order. The programme shall include a Bar Chart indicating therein the
starting position and completion date of each of the major items of work.


Page 108 of 182

The Contractor shall be required to start the work immediately from the date of issue of Letter of Award as per
time schedule in Section-III, Clause 6, and shall thereof, report to the CE (SPGD-P) accordingly.


The Date of Commissioning of the entire contracted capacity will be as per project completion schedule. 5
years O&M Contract will be commencing after handing over of the plant for O&M. The Contractor shall
prepare the completion schedule accordingly and in conformity with provisions of technical specifications and
carry out the work as per this schedule subject to "Force Majeure" conditions. The Contractor shall mobilize
resources keeping in view, the above scheduled completion period.


a) The Bidder is advised to visit and examine the site of works and its surroundings and obtain for itself on its own
responsibility all information that may be necessary for preparing the Bid and entering into a Contract for the
required job. The costs of visiting the site shall be borne by the Bidder.
b) The Bidder or any of its personnel or agents shall be granted permission by the Employer/ Owner to enter upon
its premises and land for the purpose of such visits, but only upon the express conditions that the Bidder, its
personnel and agents will release and indemnify the Employer/ Owner and its personnel, agents from and
against all liabilities in respect thereof and will be responsible for death or injury, loss or damage to property,
and any other loss, damages, costs, and expenses incurred as a result of inspection.
c) The Bidder shall not be entitled to hold any claim against Employer/ Owner for non-compliance due to lack of
any kind of pre-requisite information as it is the sole responsibility of the Bidder to obtain all the necessary
information with reg
d) The volume and quantity of work indicated in schedule of works may vary. The Contractor shall visit the site
before quoting rate for civil works. After taking in to consideration all aspects of the site, condition of soil etc.,
the Contractor shall consider for civil works. No extra claim will be entertained at post tender stage. The
foundation design of module structure and the building shall have to be approved by MSPGCL. In case of any
defects arising in the building during guarantee period, the Contractor shall have to rectify the same at their
own cost.


The rate(s) quoted against the work shall remain firm during the entire contract period.

2.19 TAX LAW

The offer will be considered including all prevailing taxes as given in price schedules provided in electronic
form in the Tender Document. Detailed breakup to be furnished on evidence of tax so that if there is any
variation in tax at the time of billing that can be considered on providing evidence for the same. Safeguard,
Anti-dumping Duty and basic custom duty are not applicable for change in law. ( i.e under variation
The Contractor shall procure all necessary material required for the project work and arrange to store them
properly. Test certificate in accordance with the specifications are to be furnished by the Contractor to
MSPGCL for approval in respect of the materials procured by the Contractor. All the procurement shall be in
compliance with the in force guidelines issued from time to time by the DPIT (GoI)/ MoP, (GoI) / MNRE (GoI)
/ GoM.


Page 109 of 182
The Contractor shall not carry out important operation without the consent in writing of the CE (SPGD-P) or
his representative. For carrying out such important activity, the Contractor shall intimate to MSPGCL at least
48 hours before starting of the job.


MSPGCL's decision in regard to the quality of the material and workmanship will be final. The Contractors at
his own cost and risk without any compensation shall immediately remove any material rejected by the Project
Manager from the site of work.


The Contractor shall be responsible to provide all wages and allied benefits to his labors engaged for execution
of the project work and also to carry out Operation & Maintenance service. The Contractor shall remain liable
to the authorities concerned for compliance of the respective existing rules and regulations of the government
for this purpose and shall remain liable for any contravention thereof.


a) The work shall be taken over by MSPGCL upon issue of Final Acceptance Test Certificate by MSPGCL.
During handing, over complete project work, the Contractor shall submit the following
(i) All as- Built Drawings
(ii) Detailed Engineering Document with detailed specification, schematic drawing, circuit drawing and test
results, manuals for all deliverable items, Operation, Maintenance & Safety Instruction Manual and
other information about the project
(iii) Bill of material
(iv) Inventory of spares at projects site
(v) Immediately after taking over of complete project(s), the same will be handed over to the Contractor for
operation & maintenance for a period of 5 years from hand over date.
b) At the end of the contract period, the contractor shall hand over the plant and equipment without any pending
defect back to the owner in completely safe and healthy condition.

a) The Contractor warrants that all the documents handed over to the Owner by virtue of this Contract are correct
and complete, and comply with the applicable laws and any applicable permits, licenses and authorisations. In
the event that there should be a default, error or incompleteness in the documents provided, the Contractor will
supply new and corrected ones, free of charge and costs, to the Owner, and will be liable for any damages
produced as a consequence. All documents shall be written in English.
b) The materials, design and workmanship, the job specifications contained in the Contract Documents and codes
referred to shall satisfy the relevant Indian Standard. Where the job specifications stipulate requirements in
addition to those contained in the standard codes and specification, these additional requirements shall also be


a) For the capacity of 500 kW AC Solar PV plants the Guaranteed CUF during each year will be considered as the
quoted generation by the Contractor. Annual Quoted CUF shall not be less than 21%. Bids with yearly quoted
CUF below 21% for capacity of 500 kW AC Solar PV as per respective sites GEEG in MUs will be rejected.
The quoted guaranteed generation will be applicable for entire contract period. The module degradation of

Page 110 of 182

0.67% per year will be allowed from second year of operation. It is the EPC contractor’s responsibility to
envisage & install the extra DC capacity to accommodate any degradation during first year with other factors
e.g. solar radiations, climate data etc.

b) Guaranteed CUF is as follow-

Sr. Capacity in KW Guaranteed
Project Location
No. (AC), CUF
Village: Deepnagar,
1 Taluka: Bhusawal, District: 500 21%
Jalgaon, Maharashtra

c) If in any case the net actual units (kWh) generated for a year is below the quoted Guaranteed Electrical Energy
Generation and up to 2% below quoted Guaranteed Electrical Energy Generation, the Contractor shall be liable
to a penalty to the extent of 50% of the loss in revenue from the 500kWAC solar power plant to

d) Further if net actual units (kWh) generated is beyond 2% below quoted Guaranteed Electrical Energy
Generation, the Contractor shall be liable to a penalty to the extent of 100% of the loss in revenue from the
500kWAC solar power plant to MAHAGENCO and the same shall be realized by either Contractor making an
upfront payment for the penalty or by MAHAGENCO adjusting the penalty against any payment due to the
Contractor as per Clause 28 of Section III Or by MAHAGENCO invoking the bank guarantees. Upon such
encashment and appropriation from the Performance Security, the Contractor shall, within 15 (fifteen) days
thereof, replenish, in case of partial appropriation, the Performance Security to its original level, and in
case of appropriation off the entire Performance Security provide a fresh Performance Security, as the case
may be.

e) GST is applicable on penalty as per GST Law. If penalty is applicable, it shall be recovered from any due OR
payment to the EPC Contractor.

f) The tariff used for the purpose of penalty computation of the revenue shall be Rs. 3.00/ kWh.


2.27 Detailed technical specification of the proposed Green hydrogen plant of capacity 20 Nm3/hr with 500 kw
AC crystalline SPV technology grid interactive solar PV power plant in response to section II of RfP shall
2.27 be provided with the bid document. In addition to the description of the system, the bidder shall furnish
2.27 Technical Data Sheet as per the format given in Annexure 17.
2.27 The details mentioned in this section are only indicative in the nature. It is responsibility of the bidder to
2.27 identify whether the particular exemption / benefit / concession is available or not at the time of considering the
same in bid price including the rate of Tax/es or even after the bidding till the complication of the tenure of O
& M period for 5 years. If the any exemption / benefit / concession are not available, MSPGCL would not be
held responsible for the same.


a) Customs duties inclusive of basic custom duty (BCD) levied under section 12 of the Customs Act, 1962, IGST,
education cess, secondary higher education cess and any other duties, cess or taxes of similar nature as
applicable on all off-shore supply of materials, components, plant and machinery etc shall be included in the
quoted price and indicated separately by the bidder.

Page 111 of 182

b) The Contractor shall be fully responsible for port and customs clearance including stevedoring, handling,
unloading, loading, storage, inland transportation, transit insurance or any other charges of similar nature, if
any, of materials, equipments and plant to the site as indicated by MSPGCL. Contractor shall be fully
responsible for any delays, penalties, charges and losses, if any, in this regard.


a) In case of Solar power plant, Vide Notification No. 24/2018-Central Tax (Rate) dated 31st December 2018, an
explanation was inserted against serial no. 234 in notification no. 1/2017- Central Tax (Rate) which is as
“If the goods specified in this entry are supplied, by a supplier, along with supplies of other goods and services,
one of which being a taxable service specified in the entry at S. No. 38 of the Table mentioned in the
notification No. 11/2017-Central Tax (Rate), dated 28th June, 2017 [G.S.R. 690(E)], the value of supply of
goods for the purposes of this entry shall be deemed as seventy per cent. of the gross consideration charged for
all such supplies, and the remaining thirty per cent. of the gross consideration charged shall be deemed as value
of the said taxable service.”
Therefore, if the goods mentioned in the serial no. 234 of notification no. 1/2017-Central Tax(Rate) are
supplied by the supplier along with supplies of other goods and services, one of which being a taxable service
as per serial no. 38 of notification no. 11/2017-Central Tax (rate), 70% of the total project cost will be deemed
to be supply of goods and taxable @ 12% and balance 30% of gross consideration charged will be deemed as
value of taxable service and taxable @ 18%.
b) Therefore, accordingly the benefits under GST such as ITC & other import benefits of IGST will vary & that
the bidder needs to passed on the said benefits to MSPGCL.
c) EPC Contractor shall mandatorily file the returns under GST before due date & comply with the
requirements of the law in time. Before releasing the payments to the EPC Contractor, MSPGCL shall
ensure that the EPC Contractor has complied with all the statutory requirements under GST & that
MSPGCL shall not be responsible for any delay in payments for noncompliance under GST.
d) A copy of GST registration Certificate needs to be supplied while submitting the bids wherever and
whenever requested for as well.
e) In case Central Board of Indirect Taxes brings to the notice to MSPGCL, that the EPC Contractor has
not remitted the amount towards GST collected from MSPGCL, to the Government exchequer, then
that EPC Contractor may be debarred from bidding future tenders.
f) In case of statutory variation in GST during the period of contract, any increase in the rate needs to be
absorbed and born by the EPC Contractor, whereas any decrease in the rate shall be passed on to
g) Apart from this the provisions related to TDS (Tax deducted at source) as per GST Act, 2017 & will
be applicable while making the payment to the EPC Contractor, as MSPGCL is a statutory
organization. You need to add this provision in addition to the taxations clauses. If Tax and duty not
specific elsewhere still same will be born by the EPC Contractor only and MSPGCL will not be
responsible for any of the thing.


The price quoted shall include all taxes and duties, custom duty, GST, local taxes, Income Tax, Surcharge on
income tax etc. if any. A Bidder shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties, license fees, etc. All taxes
payable as per Government income tax & service tax norms will be payable by the Bidder. TDS of income Tax
and GST as applicable will be deducted from the payment of the Bidder as per the prevalent laws and rules of
Government of India and Government of Maharashtra in this regard.


Extension of O & M contract shall be done, after agreed by both the parties i.e. MSPGCL and the Contractor

Page 112 of 182



The following formats are required to be submitted as part of the
Bid. These formats are designed to demonstrate the Contractor's
compliance with the Qualification Requirements set forth in Clause
1.13 of Section I and other Bid submission requirements specified
and the RFP

Page 113 of 182


(Non-Financial Bid) (The format shall be on the Letter Head of the Bidding Company/ Lead Member of the
Bidding Consortium)
No .........................
The Chief Engineer (SPGD-P.),
Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Ltd.,
HDIL Tower, A- Wing, 4 Floor
Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051

Sub: Offer in response to Notice Inviting Tender No. _______________ dated ___________ for
Design Engineering, Manufacture and got manufactured, Assembly, Testing at Works/Site, Supply,
Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Water Electrolyser based Green Hydrogen plant of capacity 20
Nm3/hr with 500 kWac Crystalline SPV technology grid interactive solar PV power plant along with
associated power evacuation infrastructure arrangement at Bhusawal Thermal Power Station, Bhusawal, Dist.
Jalgaon in Maharashtra, including 5 years’ Operation & Maintenance of the same.

Dear Sir,

We, the undersigned [insert name of the 'Bidder'] having read, examined and understood in detail the RFP
and Contract for Design Engineering, Manufacture and got manufactured, Assembly, Testing at Works/Site,
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Water Electrolyser based Green Hydrogen plant of
capacity 20 Nm3/hr with 500 kWac Crystalline SPV technology grid interactive solar PV power plant along
with associated power evacuation infrastructure arrangement at Bhusawal Thermal Power Station, Bhusawal,
Dist. Jalgaon in Maharashtra, including 5 years’ Operation & Maintenance of the same. (As per Annexure 18
of RFP) in response to the RFP dated XXXXXXX

We, hereby submit our Bid comprising of Financial Bid and Non-Financial Bid. We confirm that neither we
nor any of our Parent Company/ Affiliate/ Ultimate Parent Company has submitted Bid other than this Bid
directly or indirectly in response to the aforesaid RFP.

We give our unconditional acceptance to the RFP, dated XXXXXX and Contract attached thereto, issued by
MSPGCL, as amended. In token of our acceptance to the Contract, the same have been initialed by us and
enclosed to the Bid. We shall ensure that Contractor shall execute such Contract as per the provisions of the
RFP and provisions of such Contract shall be binding on us.

(Please insert, in Case of Consortium): We are having consortium agreement with

M/s __________________________ (legal name and country of incorporation to be given) who will be
jointly and severally bound with us and be responsible to you for successful performance of the contract.
Towards this we have submitted a deed of joint undertaking. Further, we have also enclosed a copy of the
association agreement (between the Bidder & the consortium associate).

Bid Security
We have enclosed a Bid Security of Rs. _______________ (Insert Amount), in the form of bank guarantee
no. ____________ (Insert number of the bank guarantee) dated ___________ [Insert date of bank
guarantee] from ______________________ (Insert name of bank providing Bid Security) and valid up
to _________ . The offered quantum of hydrogen production 20 NM3 / Hr. and solar power generation by us is
__________ MW (Insert total capacity offered)

Page 114 of 182

We have submitted our Price Bid strictly online only, without any deviations, conditions and without
mentioning any assumptions or notes for the Price Bid in the said format.

We hereby unconditionally and irrevocably agree and accept that the decision made by MSPGCL in respect of
any matter regarding or arising out of the RFP shall be binding on us. We hereby expressly waive any and all
claims in respect of Bid process. We confirm that there are no litigations or disputes against us, which materially
affect our ability to fulfill our obligations with regard to execution of Contract.

Codes and Standards:

We confirm that all the materials/equipment supplied by us under this bid shall be according to the various
codes, standards, acts, laws, rules, etc. as specified in your bid specification and documents.

Appraisal of Site Condition:

We confirm that our representative has visited the project site and we are fully familiar with site conditions.

Familiarity with Relevant Indian Laws & Regulations:

We confirm that we have studied the provisions of the relevant Indian laws and regulations as required to enable
us to submit this Bid and execute the Contract, in the event of our selection as Successful Bidder. We further
undertake and agree that all such factors as mentioned in RFP have been fully examined and considered while
submitting the Bid.

Contact Person

Details of the contact person are furnished as under:

Name : Designation : Company : Address : Phone Nos. :

Fax Nos. : E-mail address:

It is confirmed that our Bid is consistent with all the requirements of submission as stated in the RFP and
subsequent communications from MSPGCL.

The information submitted in our Bid is complete, strictly as per the requirements stipulated in the RFP and is
correct to the best of our knowledge and understanding. We would be solely responsible for any errors or
omissions in our Bid.

We confirm that all the terms and conditions of our Bid are valid for acceptance for a period of one hundred and
eighty (180) days from the date of opening of price bid.

We confirm that no order / ruling has been passed by an Appropriate Commission or a competent court against
us or any of our Affiliates in the preceding one (1) year from the date of opening of price bid for breach of any
contract related to design and/or engineering and/or manufacture and/or supply and/or erection and/or testing
and/or commissioning and/or operation & maintenance having duration of contract in excess of one (1) year and
that the Bid Security submitted by us or any of our Affiliates has not been forfeited, either partly or wholly, in
any bid process related to Contract involving design and/or engineering and/or manufacture and/or supply
and/or erection and/or testing and/or commissioning and/or operation & maintenance in the preceding one (1)
year from the date of opening of price bid to any company/utility in India as per the provisions of clause “
Qualifying Requirement.”

Page 115 of 182

We also declare that our company/all members of the consortium has/have not been included in the list of
sanctions of the Indian Government nor in any other list of sanctions and affirm that our company/all members
of the consortium will immediately inform MSPGCL and XXXX if this situation occur at a later stage.

Thanking you,

We remain,

Yours faithfully,
Name, Designation and Signature of Authorized Person in whose name Power of Attorney / Board Resolution
as per is issued.
Seal of Company

Page 116 of 182

(Non-Financial Bid)

(To be on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value as per Stamp Act relevant to place of execution.
Foreign companies submitting Bids are required to follow the applicable law in their country)

Power of Attorney to be provided by the Bidding Company/ Lead Member in favor of its representative as
evidence of authorized signatory's authority.

Know all men by these presents, We…....................................................................(name and address of

the registered office of the Bidding Company or Lead Member of the Bidding Consortium, as applicable) do
hereby constitute, appoint and authorize
Mr./Ms .................................................................................. (name and residential address) who is
presently employed with us and holding the position of ............................................................. as our true and
lawful attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things necessary in connection
with or incidental to submission of our Bid for Design Engineering, Manufacture and got manufactured,
Assembly, Testing at Works/Site, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Water Electrolyser
based Green Hydrogen plant of capacity 20 Nm3/hr with 500 kWac Crystalline SPV technology grid
interactive solar PV power plant along with associated power evacuation infrastructure arrangement at
Bhusawal Thermal Power Station, Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon in Maharashtra, including 5 years’ Operation &
Maintenance of the same. (As per Annexure 18 of RFP) in response to the RFP dated XXXXXXX in response
to the RFP dated XXXXXX issued by Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited ("MSPGCL”),
including signing and submission of the Bid and all other documents related to the Bid, including but not
limited to undertakings, letters, certificates, acceptances, clarifications, guarantees or any other document
which MSPGCL may require us to submit. The aforesaid Attorney is further authorized for making
representations to MSPGCL, and providing information / responses to MSPGCL, representing us in all matters
before MSPGCL, and generally dealing with MSPGCL in all matters in connection with our Bid till the
completion of the Bidding Process as per the terms of the RFP.

We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things done by our said attorney pursuant to this Power of
Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney shall be binding on us and shall
always be deemed to have been done by us.

All the terms used herein but not defined shall have the meaning ascribed to such terms under the RFP.

Signed by the within named

............................................. [Insert the name of the executant company]

through the hand of

Mr ...................................................................
duly authorized by the Board to issue such Power of Attorney

Dated this .......................................... day of ...............

Signature of Attorney

Page 117 of 182

(Name, designation and address of the Attorney)


(Signature of the executant)

(Name, designation and address of the executant)

Signature and stamp of Notary of the place of execution

Common seal of............................ has been affixed in my/our presence pursuant to Board of Director's

Resolution dated .........


1 .........................................................................................


Name ..........................................................



Name ..........................................................



The mode of execution of the power of attorney shall be in accordance with the procedure, if any, laid down
by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and the same shall be under common seal
of the executant affixed in accordance with the applicable procedure. Further, the person whose signatures are
to be provided on the power of attorney shall be duly authorized by the executant(s) in this regard.
The person authorized under this Power of Attorney shall be a person holding the post of Manager or above
designation in the company.
In case of the Bidding Company/Lead Member being a foreign company, the same shall be signed by a person
of equivalent position.
In the event, power of attorney has been executed outside India, the same needs to be duly notarized by a
notary public of the jurisdiction where it is executed.

Also, wherever required, the executant(s) shall submit for verification the extract of the charter documents and
documents such as a Board resolution / power of attorney, in favour of the person executing this power of
attorney for delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the executant(s).
Page 118 of 182




Page 119 of 182


(Non-Financial Bid) Description of Bidder

Name of the Bidding Company / Joint Venture
Name of the Lead Consortium Member

In case of Bidding Consortium

Sr.No. Name of the Member Role in the Bidding

Company Consortium

Type of Technology to be used in the bidding: ………………………………

Capacity Offered: ………………………….

(Please provide the following information for Bidder. If the Bidder is a Consortium, please provide this
information for each Member including Lead Member)

Corporate Details:

Please provide the following information for the Bidder.

Company’s Name, Address, Nationality and Director’s details:

Name: __________________________________
Registered/Principal Address: _____________________
Website Address: _________________________________
Corporate Identification Number, if any: __________________
Country of Origin: __________________________________
Address for Correspondence: ……………………………

Page 120 of 182

Year of Incorporation: _____________________
Company's Business Activities:

Name of the authorized representative:

Telephone Number: _________________________________
Email Address: _________________________________
Telefax Number: _________________________________
Status as a Bidder:
Bidding Company
Lead Member of the Bidding Consortium
Member of the Bidding Consortium
Note: (tick the applicable serial number)
Company's Local Address in India (if incorporated outside India):
Please provide the following documents:

Copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association and certificate of incorporation or other equivalent
organizational document (as applicable in the case of a foreign company), including their amendments,
certified by the company secretary of the Bidding Company / each Member of the Consortium (as Attachment)

Authority letter in favour of Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited from the Bidding
Company/each Member of the Consortium (as specified in Format) authorizing Authorized Representative to
seek reference from their respective bankers, lenders, financing institutions and any other person as given
below in the Format for Authorization of the RFP.

(Insert this point in case of Bidder being a Bidding Company) Whether the Bidder wishes to form a Project
Company for execution of the contract …………… (Yes/No)

(Insert this point in case of Bidder being a Bidding Company) Whether the Bidder has already formed a
Project Company:……………………(Yes/No)

If Yes, the details of the Project Company as follows:

Name of the Project Company …………………..
Name of the Equity Holder ……………………
Type and No. of Shares owned ……………………
% of equity holding …………………….
Extent of voting control(%) ……………………..

Page 121 of 182

Date of incorporation ……………………

Details of Ownership Structure:

Details of persons owning 10% or more of the total paid up equity of the Bidding Company / each Member of
the Consortium.
Name of the Bidding Company/ Member of the Consortium …………….
Status of equity as on ………………………

Name of Equity Holder Type and Number of % of Equity Holding Extent of Voting Control
shares owned (%)




Status of equity holding shall be provided not earlier than 30 (thirty) days prior to Bid Deadline.
The above table is to be filled in separately for each Consortium Member if applicable.

Documents submitted in support of establishing the relationship with the Parent Company / Affiliate with the
Bidding Company or with the Member of the Bidding Consortium (including Lead Member) in terms of the
provisions of Qualifying Requirements of this RFP:
1. ………………………
2. ……………………….
3. ………………………..
4. …………………………

For and on behalf of Bidding Company/ Member of the Consortium

(Signature of authorized representative)

Page 122 of 182

Place: ……………………………….

Each Consortium Member has to provide Power of Attorney as per format given for authorization to
authorized signatory and certified true copy of the Board Resolution for issue of Power of Attorney clearly
specifying the name of attorney as well as the executant, affixation of common seal and names of persons
attesting the common seal.
The letter of consent provided by Consortium Member(s) will be additionally signed by authorized signatory
of the Lead Member.

Page 123 of 182


(On Non – judicial stamp paper duly attested by Notary Public)

(In case of Bidding Consortium to be given separately by each Member)

The undersigned hereby authorize(s) and request(s) all our Bankers, a list of which is attached herewith as
Annexure 19 hereto, including its subsidiaries and branches, any person, firm, corporation or authority to
furnish pertinent information deemed necessary and requested by Maharashtra State Power Generation
Company Limited to verify the authenticity of the documents / information submitted by us for meeting the
Qualification Requirements in respect of our Bid for Design Engineering, Manufacture and got manufactured,
Assembly, Testing at Works/Site, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Water Electrolyser
based Green Hydrogen plant of capacity 20 Nm3/hr with 500 kWac Crystalline SPV technology grid
interactive solar PV power plant along with associated power evacuation infrastructure arrangement at
Bhusawal Thermal Power Station, Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon in Maharashtra, including 5 years’ Operation &
Maintenance of the same. (As per Annexure 18 of RFP) in response to the RFP dated XXXXXXX and / or
regarding our financial standing and general reputation.

For and on behalf of M/s……………. (Insert Name of Bidding Company or Member of the Consortium)

Signature and Name of the authorized representative of the Company

Company rubber stamp/seal

(Signature of Notary Public)

(Name and Address of the Attorney)

(This Annexure- is integral part of this format)


Each Consortium Member has to provide Power of Attorney for authorization to authorized signatory and
certified true copy of the Board Resolution for issue of Power of Attorney clearly specifying the name of
attorney as well as the executant, affixation of common seal and names of persons attesting the common seal.

The letter of consent provided by Consortium Member(s) will be additionally signed by authorized signatory
of the Lead Member.

Page 124 of 182


(Non-Financial Bid) (To be submitted by Bidders on official letter head of the Bidding Company/ Lead
Member of the Bidding Consortium)
No ____________ Dated ______________
The Chief Engineer (SPGD -P),
Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Ltd.,
HDIL Tower, A- Wing, 4 Floor
Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051

Sub: Offer in response to Notice Inviting Tender No._____________ dated __________ for Design
Engineering, Manufacture and got manufactured, Assembly, Testing at Works/Site, Supply, Installation,
Testing and Commissioning of Water Electrolyser based Green Hydrogen plant of capacity 20 Nm3/hr with
500 kWac Crystalline SPV technology grid interactive solar PV power plant along with associated power
evacuation infrastructure arrangement at Bhusawal Thermal Power Station, Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon in
Maharashtra, including 5 years’ Operation & Maintenance of the same. (As per Annexure 18 of RFP) in
response to the RFP dated XXXXXXX
Dear Sir,
We submit our Bid for Design Engineering, Manufacture and got manufactured, Assembly, Testing at
Works/Site, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Water Electrolyser based Green Hydrogen
plant of capacity 20 Nm3/hr with 500 kWac Crystalline SPV technology grid interactive solar PV power plant
along with associated power evacuation infrastructure arrangement at Bhusawal Thermal Power Station,
Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon in Maharashtra, including 5 years’ Operation & Maintenance of the same for which
we submit details of our Qualification Requirements.

[Note: Applicable in case of Bidding Company]

We certify that the Financially Evaluated Entity (ies) had a Networth of Rs. ……… Crore or equivalent USD*
computed as per instructions provided in Qualifying Requirement of this RFP based on unconsolidated audited
annual accounts (refer Note-2 below) of any of the last three (3) financial years immediately preceding the date
of opening of price bid.

Name of Financially Relationship with Bidding Networth (Rs. Financial Year

Evaluated Entity** Company*** Crore)


Total Networth

Page 125 of 182

* Equivalent USD shall be calculated as per provisions of Qualifying Requirement

** The Financially Evaluated Entity may be the Bidding Company itself

*** The column for “Relationship with Bidding Company” is to be filled in only in case financial
capability of Parent Company and/ or Affiliate has been used for meeting Qualification requirements.

[Note: Applicable in case of Bidding Consortium, details to be provided for Lead Member]

We certify that the Financially Evaluated Entity (ies) had a Networth of Rs. …….. Crore or equivalent USD*
computed as per instructions provided in Qualifying Requirement of the RFP and based on unconsolidated
audited annual accounts (refer Note-2 below) of any of the last three (3) financial years immediately preceding
the date of opening of price bid.

Equity Whether the

Name of Networth of
commitment in the Member meets the
Lead Member (Rs. Crore)
Project Company Networth
Member (As per table below)
(%) Requirement

(1) (2) (3) (5)

1 Yes/No

Member – I (Lead Member)

(Note: This shall be duly certified by the Lead Member’s Statutory Auditor)

Name of Member:
Total Networth requirement: Rs ______crores
Percentage of equity commitment for the Project Company by the Member___%
Networth requirement for the Member***: Rs. _______crores.

Name of Financially Evaluated Relationship with Lead Member Networth (Rs. Financial Year
Entity** of Bidding Consortium *** Crore) ****

Page 126 of 182

Total Networth

* Equivalent USD shall be calculated as per provisions of Qualifying Requirement

** The Financially Evaluated Entity may be a Member of the Bidding Consortium itself
*** The column for “Relationship with Lead Member of Bidding Consortium” is to be filled in only in
case financial capability of Parent Company and/ or Affiliate has been used for meeting Qualification
**** Net worth requirement is to be met by the Lead Member of the Bidding Consortium.

Yours faithfully

(Signature and stamp (on each page) of Authorized signatory authorized by Board of Bidding Company/
Member of Consortium)

(Signature and Stamp (on each page) of Statutory Auditors of Bidding Company/ Member of Consortium)

Please also affix common seal of Bidding Company/ Member in a Bidding Consortium

Common Seal of ................

has been affixed in my/our
presence pursuant to the
Board of Director’s
resolution dated ......................


Page 127 of 182



1. ……………………………………………….

Name ………………………………….


2. ……………………………………………….

Name ………………………………….



1. Along with the above format, in a separate sheet, please provide details of computation of Net worth
duly certified by Statutory Auditor and also signed by Authorized signatory.

2. Audited consolidated annual accounts of the Bidder may also be used for the purpose of financial
criteria provided the Bidder has at least 26% equity in each company whose accounts are merged in
the audited consolidated accounts and provided further that the financial capability of such companies
(of which accounts are being merged in the consolidated accounts) shall not be considered again for
the purpose of evaluation of the Bid.

Page 128 of 182


(Non-Financial Bid)
(This format shall be on the Letter Head of the Bidding Company/ Lead Member of the Bidding Consortium)

The Chief Engineer(SPGD-P),
Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Ltd.,
HDIL Tower, A- Wing, 4 Floor
Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051

Dear Sir,

Sub: Bid for Design Engineering, Manufacture and got manufactured, Assembly, Testing at Works/Site,
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Water Electrolyser based Green Hydrogen plant of
capacity 20 Nm3/hr with 500 kWac Crystalline SPV technology grid interactive solar PV power plant along
with associated power evacuation infrastructure arrangement at Bhusawal Thermal Power Station, Bhusawal,
Dist. Jalgaon in Maharashtra, including 5 years’ Operation & Maintenance of the same. (AS per Annexure 18
of RFP) in response to the RFP.

We hereby submit following details/documents in support of meeting the Qualification Requirements of this
RFP. The details are summarized in the format attached:

We the undersigned Bidder, having read and examined in details the Technical Specification Green Hydrogen
of capacity 20 Nm3/hr with 500 kw AC Crystalline power plant. Technical Specification for Hydrogen Plant,
Array Yard, Power Control Unit, Switchyard for Control Room and Main Control Room, Power evacuation
with Comprehensive Operation and Maintenance, Quality Assurance, Quality Control Inspection and Testing
and General Condition and are hereby submitting our offer to execute the contract as per specification as set
forth in your RFP Documents. In this connection, we enclose a technical report (As per Annexure attached to
this format) for your kind perusal.

Yours faithfully

(Signature and stamp (on each page) of Managing Director /Chief Executive Officer /Manager [refer Notes
1and 2 below] of Bidding Company/ Member of Consortium)

Page 129 of 182

Please also affix common seal of Bidding Company/ Member in a Bidding Consortium

Common Seal of ................has been affixed in my/our presence pursuant to the Board of Director’s
resolution dated ......................



1. ……………………………………………….

Name ………………………………….


2. ……………………………………………….

Name ………………………………….


Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer, being a full-time director on the Board of the Bidding Company/
Member in case of a Consortium.

Page 130 of 182

In case of Manager, the Company shall confirm through a copy of Board Resolution attested by Company
Secretary that the concerned person is appointed as Manager as appointed under Section 269 of the Companies
Act, for the purpose in question. The Company Secretary shall also certify that the Company does not have a
Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer. In case of the Bidding Company/Member being a foreign
company, the same shall be signed by a person of equivalent position.

Page 131 of 182

Summary of Details for meeting Technical Qualification Requirements
Technical Competence of the Bidder:
EPC Experience
Date of
Is the Bidder claiming Name of the Parent/ Capacit Years of Details of
Name of the Technolog Commi
EPC experience of Affiliate and relationship of y Operatio supporting’s
Hydrogen Plant* y used ssionin
Parent/ Affiliate? the same with the Bidder Nm3/hr n attached




O&M Experience

Date of
Is the Bidder claiming Name of the Parent/ Capacit Years of Details of
Name of the Technolog Commi
O&M experience of Affiliate and relationship of y Operatio supporting’s
Hydrogen Plant * y used ssionin
Parent/ Affiliate? the same with the Bidder Nm3/hr n attached




* Only Projects at Single site to be included.

Page 132 of 182

Page 133 of 182

(Non-Financial Bid) Bidder’s Undertaking

[On the Letter Head of the Bidding Company/Lead Member of Bidding Consortium]

The Chief Engineer (SPGD-P),

Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Ltd.,
HDIL Tower, A- Wing, 4 Floor
Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051

Dear Sir,

Sub: Bidders’ Undertakings for Design Engineering, Manufacture and got manufactured, Assembly,
Testing at Works/Site, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Water Electrolyser based
Green Hydrogen plant of capacity 20 Nm3/hr with 500 kWac Crystalline SPV technology grid
interactive solar PV power plant along with associated power evacuation infrastructure arrangement at
Bhusawal Thermal Power Station, Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon in Maharashtra, including 5 years’
Operation & Maintenance of the same. (As per Annexure 18 of RFP) in response to the RFP dated

“We have carefully read and examined in detail the RFP, including in particular, regarding
submission of an undertaking, as per the prescribed Format”.

We give our unconditional acceptance to the RFP and Contract issued by MSPGCL as a part of the
RFP, and as amended. We shall ensure that the Contractor shall execute such RFP Documents as per
the provisions of the RFP.

We have submitted our Financial Bid(s) strictly online only, without any deviations, conditions and
without mentioning any assumptions or notes for the Financial Bid in the said format.

We have submitted the Bid on the terms and conditions contained in the RFP.

Our Bid (including Financial Bid) is valid up to the period required under this RFP.

Our Bid (including Financial Bid) has been duly signed by authorized signatory and closed in the
manner and to the extent indicated in the RFP and the Power of Attorney/ Board Resolution in
requisite format as per RFP has been enclosed in original with this undertaking.

(Insert in case of incorporation of Project Company by the Bidding Company/Bidding Consortium)

We undertake that if we are selected as the Successful Bidder we shall transfer all Consents,
Clearances and Permits in the name of the Project Company within the period specified in the
Contract, if such Consents, Clearances and Permits have been obtained in the name of a company
other than the Project Company prior to the submission of our Bid.

Page 134 of 182

(Insert in case of incorporation of Project Company by the Bidding Company/Bidding Consortium)
We have also noted the amount of the equity investment required to be made in the Project Company
by “us” (in case of Bidding Company)/ “each Member of Consortium” (in case of Bidding
Consortium) to be incorporated to undertake the obligations under the Contract for Design
Engineering, Manufacture and got manufactured, Assembly, Testing at Works/Site, Supply,
Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Water Electrolyser based Green Hydrogen plant of
capacity 20 Nm3/hr with 500 kWac Crystalline SPV technology grid interactive solar PV power plant
along with associated power evacuation infrastructure arrangement at Bhusawal Thermal Power
Station, Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon in Maharashtra, including 5 years’ Operation & Maintenance of the
same. (As per Annexure 18 of RFP) in response to the RFP dated XXXXXXX.

(Insert in case of incorporation of Project Company by Bidding Consortium, repeat this para for each
member of consortium) In view of the above, we hereby undertake to you and confirm that in the
event of failure of ………………….( Insert name of Member of the Consortium) to invest in full or in
part, in the equity share capital of the Project Company as specified in the Bid, we shall invest the said
amount not invested by ……………………. (“Insert name of Member of the Consortium”).

(Insert in case of incorporation of Project Company by the Bidding Company/Bidding Consortium) In

view of the above, we hereby undertake to you and confirm that we will invest in the equity share
capital of the Project Company as specified in the Bid.

(Insert in case of incorporation of Project Company by Bidding Consortium) In view of the above, we
hereby undertake to you and confirm that we will invest in the equity share capital of the Project
Company as specified in the Bid and Consortium Agreement.

We have assumed that if we are selected as the Successful Bidder, the provisions of the Consortium
Agreement submitted along with the Bid, to the extent and only in relation to equity lock in and our
liability thereof shall get modified to give effect to the provisions of the RFP and Contract.
(Applicable only in case of a Bidding Consortium)

We confirm that our Bid meets the following conditions:

The Scheduled COD is not later than the date specified in the RFP, subject to the provisions of the
Contract. Financial Bid(s) is/are in the prescribed Format, and is submitted duly signed by the
authorized signatory Financial Bid(s) is/are unconditional

We confirm that we comply with all the technical specifications and terms and conditions included in
the RFP and RFP Documents.

We have neither made any statement nor provided any information in this Bid, which to the best of
our knowledge is materially inaccurate or misleading. Further, all the confirmations, declarations and
representations made in our Bid are true and accurate. In case this is found to be incorrect after our

Page 135 of 182

selection as Successful Bidder, we agree that the same would be treated as a Solar Power Company’s
event of default under Contract, and consequent provisions of Contract shall apply.

“We have also noted the amount of the Contract Performance Guarantee required to be submitted as
per the RFP by us for Design Engineering, Manufacture and got manufactured, Assembly, Testing at
Works/Site, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Water Electrolyser based Green
Hydrogen plant of capacity 20 Nm3/hr with 500 kWac Crystalline SPV technology grid interactive
solar PV power plant along with associated power evacuation infrastructure arrangement at Bhusawal
Thermal Power Station, Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon in Maharashtra, including 5 years’ Operation &
Maintenance of the same. (As per Annexure 18 of RFP) in response to the RFP dated XXXXXXX in
the event of it being selected as the Successful Bidder”.

We have attached hereto certified true copy of the Board Resolution whereby the Board of Directors
of our Company has approved issue of this Undertaking by the Company.

All the terms used herein but not defined, shall have the meaning as ascribed to the said terms under
the RFP.

In view of the above, we hereby undertake to you and confirm that we will submit the Contract
Performance Guarantee in full at any stage, as specified in the RFP.

(Note: Insert the following para in case of the Bidding Company/ Lead Member of Consortium is
same as Financially Evaluated Entity/Technically Evaluated Entity)

We confirm that we are using our own technical and/or financial (Select technical for technically
evaluated entity/ financial for financially evaluated entity/ or both) capability for meeting the
Qualification Requirements as specified in Clause 1.13 of the RFP.

Signature and name of authorized signatory in whose name Power of Attorney/ Board Resolution as
per Q.R. is issued

Original Power of Attorney/ Board Resolution as per RFP is enclosed.

Rubber stamp of the Bidder to be affixed.

Page 136 of 182


Full Address:
Telephone No.:
E-mail address:
Fax / No.:

The Chief Engineer (SPGD-P),
Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Ltd.,
HDIL Tower, A- Wing, 4 Floor
Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051

Dear Sir,

We refer to the Request for Proposal dated XXXXXX issued by you for Design Engineering,
Manufacture and got manufactured, Assembly, Testing at Works/Site, Supply, Installation, Testing
and Commissioning of Water Electrolyser based Green Hydrogen plant of capacity 20 Nm3/hr with
500 kWac Crystalline SPV technology grid interactive solar PV power plant along with associated
power evacuation infrastructure arrangement at Bhusawal Thermal Power Station, Bhusawal, Dist.
Jalgaon in Maharashtra, including 5 years’ Operation & Maintenance of the same. (As per Annexure
18 of RFP) in response to the RFP dated XXXXXXX .
“We have carefully read and examined in detail the RFP, including in particular, Q.R. of the RFP,
regarding submission of an undertaking, as per the prescribed Format”.
We have attached hereto certified true copy of the Board Resolution whereby the Board of Directors
of our Company has approved issue of this Undertaking by the Company.

All the terms used herein but not defined, shall have the meaning as ascribed to the said terms under
the RFP.

(Note: Insert the following para in case of the Bidding Company/ Lead Member of Consortium is not
same as Financially Evaluated Entity/Technically Evaluated Entity)

We have also noted the amount of the Contract Performance Guarantee required to be submitted as
per Clause of the RFP by the ……………………………….. (Insert the name of the Bidding
Company) for “Design Engineering, Manufacture and got manufactured, Assembly, Testing at
Works/Site, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Water Electrolyser based Green
Hydrogen plant of capacity 20 Nm3/hr with 500 kWac Crystalline SPV technology grid interactive

Page 137 of 182

solar PV power plant along with associated power evacuation infrastructure arrangement at Bhusawal
Thermal Power Station, Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon in Maharashtra, including 5 years’ Operation &
Maintenance of the same.”

In view of the above, we hereby undertake to you and confirm that in the event of failure of
……………………. (Insert name of the Bidding Company) to submit the Contract Performance
Guarantee in full or in part at any stage, as specified in the RFP, we shall submit the Contract
Performance Guarantee for the amount not submitted by ……………………. (“Insert name of the
Bidding Company”).

We confirm that M/s. ………. (Insert name of Bidding Company) has been authorized by us to use
our technical/financial (Select technical for technically evaluated entity/ financial for financially
evaluated entity) capability for meeting the Qualification Requirements as specified in the RFP
referred to above.

[Note: Insert the following para in case of a Bidding Consortium OR a Bidding Company opting to
invest through a Project Company]

We have also noted the amount of the equity investment required to be made in the Project Company
by the ……………………………….. (Insert the name of the Bidding Company/Consortium
Member) to be incorporated to undertake the obligations under the Contract for Design Engineering,
Manufacture and got manufactured, Assembly, Testing at Works/Site, Supply, Installation, Testing
and Commissioning of Water Electrolyser based Green Hydrogen plant of capacity 20 Nm3/hr with
500 kWac Crystalline SPV technology grid interactive solar PV power plant along with associated
power evacuation infrastructure arrangement at Bhusawal Thermal Power Station, Bhusawal, Dist.
Jalgaon in Maharashtra, including 5 years’ Operation & Maintenance of the same. (As per Annexure
18 of RFP) in response to the RFP dated XXXXXXX

In view of the above, we hereby undertake to you and confirm that in the event of failure of
……………………. (Insert name of the Bidding Company/Member of the Consortium) to invest in
full or in part, in the equity share capital of the Project Company as specified in the Bid, we shall
invest the said amount not invested by ……………………. (“Insert name of the Bidding
Company/Member of the Consortium”).

Signature and name of authorized signatory in whose name Power of Attorney/ Board Resolution is

Rubber stamp of the Bidder to be affixed.


1. ……………………………………………….

Page 138 of 182

Name ………………………………….

2. ……………………………………………….
Name ………………………………….

Each entity (Parent/Affiliate/Consortium Member) has to provide Power of Attorney for authorization
to authorized signatory and certified true copy of the Board Resolution for issue of Power of Attorney
clearly specifying the name of attorney as well as the executant, affixation of common seal and names
of persons attesting the common seal. The letter of consent provided by Consortium Member(s) will
be additionally signed by authorized signatory of the Lead Member.

Page 139 of 182

(Non-Financial Bid)

Not required as Incorporation Certificate of Companies will be attached

(Format for the Board resolution to be passed by each Financially Evaluated Entity and Technically
Evaluated Entity/ its Parent Company /Ultimate Parent Company)

The Board, after discussion, at the duly convened Meeting on ………… (Insert date), with the
consent of all the Directors present and in compliance of the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956,
passed the following Resolution:

RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and compliance thereof
and as permitted under the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company, approval of the
Board be and is hereby accorded for issuing an Undertaking to MSPGCL, in the format specified in
the RFP, draft of which is attached hereto and initialled by the Chairman whereby the company
undertakes to provide the ________ percent (___ %) [Insert 100% in case of Bidding Company and
percent of equity investment in the Project Company in case of Member of Consortium] of the
Contract Performance Guarantee, as per the terms and conditions of the RFP, representing the total
amount of Contract Performance Guarantee required to be provided by the ________ (Insert the name
of the Bidding Company / Consortium Member), in case of failure of the ________ (Insert the name
of the Bidding Company / Consortium Member) to provide such Contract Performance Guarantee.

[Note: Insert the following para in case of a Bidding Company opting to invest through a Project
Company or a Consortium]

FURTHER RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and
compliance thereof and as permitted under the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the
company, approval of the Board be and is hereby accorded for issuing an undertaking to MSPGCL
whereby the company undertakes to invest equity in the Project Company to the extent of _____
percent (__ %), as per the terms and conditions of the RFP, representing the amount of equity required
to be provided by _______ (Insert the name of the Bidding Company / Consortium Member), in case
of failure of ________ (Insert the name of the Bidding Company / Consortium Member) to invest
such equity.

FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Mr. /Ms. ___________, be and is hereby authorized to take all the
steps required to be taken by the Company for submission of Bid, including in particular, signing the
Bid, making changes thereto and submitting amended Bid, all the documents related to the Bid,
certified copy of this Board resolution or letter or undertakings etc., required to be submitted to
MSPGCL as part of the Bid or such other documents as may be necessary in this regard.

[Note: In the event the Bidder is a Bidding Consortium, the following Board resolution no. 4 also
needs to be passed by the Lead Member and Technical Member of the Bidding Consortium]

FURTHER RESOLVED THAT approval of the Board be and is hereby accorded to contribute such
additional amount over and above the percentage limit (specified for the Lead Member in the
Consortium Agreement) to the extent becoming necessary towards the total equity share in the Project
Company, obligatory on the part of the Consortium pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in
the Consortium Agreement dated ________ executed by the Consortium as per the provisions of the

Page 140 of 182

[Note: The following resolution no. 5 is to be provided by the Bidding Company /Lead Member and
Technical Member of the Consortium only]

FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Mr. /Ms. ___________, be and is hereby authorized to take all the
steps required to be taken by the Company for submission of Bid, including in particular, signing the
Bid, making changes thereto and submitting amended Bid, all the documents related to the Bid,
certified copy of this Board resolution or letter or undertakings etc., required to be submitted to
MSPGCL as part of the Bid or such other documents as may be necessary in this regard.

Certified True Copy

Signature and stamp of Company Secretary / Managing Director of Financially Evaluated Entity/
Technically Evaluated Entity/ its Parent Company /Ultimate Parent Company


This certified true copy shall be submitted on the letterhead of the Company, signed by the Company
Secretary / Managing Director of the Financially Evaluated Entity/ its Parent Company /Ultimate
Parent Company.

The contents of the format may be suitably re-worded indicating the identity of the entity passing the

In case of the Board resolution being provided by a company incorporated in India, the Board
resolution needs to be notarized by a notified notary. In the event the Board resolution is from a
company incorporated outside India, the same needs to be duly notarized in its jurisdiction.

The paragraphs related to issue of Power of Attorney clearly mentioning the name of Attorney and
Executant shall also be inserted as applicable by the Bidder. Also, the paragraphs related to affixation
of Common Seal of the company along with the attestation of the same by the desired persons as per
the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company for the purpose of this bid clearly
mentioning the name of these desired persons shall also be inserted as applicable by the Bidder.

This format may be modified only to the limited extent required to comply with the local regulations
and laws applicable to a foreign entity submitting this resolution. For example, reference to
Companies Act 1956 may be suitably modified to refer to the law applicable to the entity submitting
the resolution. However, in such case, the foreign entity shall submit an unqualified opinion issued by
the legal counsel of such foreign entity, stating that the Board resolutions are in compliance with the
applicable laws of the respective jurisdictions of the issuing company and the authorizations granted
therein are true and valid.

Page 141 of 182




(To be on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value as per Stamp Act relevant to place of

In consideration of the ……………. (Insert name of the Bidder) submitting the Bid inter alia for
Design Engineering, Manufacture and got manufactured, Assembly, Testing at Works/Site, Supply,
Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Water Electrolyser based Green Hydrogen plant of
capacity 20 Nm3/hr with 500 kWac Crystalline SPV technology grid interactive solar PV power plant
along with associated power evacuation infrastructure arrangement at Bhusawal Thermal Power
Station, Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon in Maharashtra, including 5 years’ Operation & Maintenance of the
same. (As per Annexure 18 of RFP)

In response to the RFP dated XXXXXX issued by Maharashtra State Power Generation Company
Limited (hereinafter referred to as MSPGCL) and such MSPGCL agreeing to consider the Bid of
……… [Insert the name of the Bidder] as per the terms of the RFP, the ……………………… (Insert
name and address of the bank issuing the Bid Security, and address of the head office) (here in after
referred to as “Guarantor Bank”) hereby agrees unequivocally, irrevocably and unconditionally to pay
to MSPGCL at Mumbai (Maharashtra)forthwith on demand in writing from MSPGCL or any
representative authorized by it in this behalf an amount not exceeding Rupees ………………
(Rs………….…….) only [Insert amount not less than Rs xxxx Lakhs or], on behalf of M/s.
………………………..[Insert name of the Bidder].

This guarantee shall be valid and binding on the Guarantor Bank up to and including XXXXX (Date
of validity of Bid Security in accordance with Clause of this RFP) and shall not be terminable by
notice or any change in the constitution of the Guarantor Bank or by any other reasons whatsoever
and our liability hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by any extension of time or variations
or alternations made, given, or agreed with or without our knowledge or consent, by or between
concerned parties.

Our liability under this Guarantee is restricted to Rupees …………………….. (Rs… ………….)
only. Our Guarantee shall remain in force until XXXXX or its authorized representative shall be
entitled to invoke this Guarantee until XXXXX.

The Guarantor Bank hereby expressly agrees that it shall not require any proof in addition to the
written demand from MSPGCL or its authorized representative, made in any format, raised at the
above mentioned address of the Guarantor Bank, in order to make the said payment to MSPGCL or its
authorized representative.

The Guarantor Bank shall make payment hereunder on first demand without restriction or conditions
and notwithstanding any objection, disputes, or disparities raised by the Bidder or any other person.
The Guarantor Bank shall not require MSPGCL or its authorized representative to justify the
invocation of this BANK GUARANTEE, nor shall the Guarantor Bank have any recourse against
MSPGCL or its authorized representative in respect of any payment made hereunder.

Page 142 of 182

This BANK GUARANTEE shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of India and the courts at
Mumbai (Maharashtra) shall have exclusive jurisdiction. This BANK GUARANTEE is payable in
currency of India and payable at Mumbai.

The Guarantor Bank represents that this BANK GUARANTEE has been established in such form and
with such content that it is fully enforceable in accordance with its terms as against the Guarantor
Bank in the manner provided herein.

This BANK GUARANTEE shall not be affected in any manner by reason of merger, amalgamation,
restructuring, liquidation, winding up, dissolution or any other change in the constitution of the
Guarantor Bank.

This BANK GUARANTEE shall be a primary obligation of the Guarantor Bank and accordingly,
MSPGCL or its authorized representative shall not be obliged before enforcing this BANK
GUARANTEE to take any action in any court or arbitral proceedings against the Bidder, to make any
claim against or any demand on the Bidder or to give any notice to the Bidder to enforce any security
held by MSPGCL or its authorized representative or to exercise, levy or enforce any distress,
diligence or other process against the Bidder.

The Guarantor Bank acknowledges that this BANK GUARANTEE is not personal to MSPGCL and
may be assigned, in whole or in part, (whether absolutely or by way of security) by MSPGCL to any
entity to whom it is entitled to assign its rights and obligations under the RFP Documents.

The Guarantor Bank hereby agrees and acknowledges that MSPGCL shall have a right to invoke this
Bank Guarantee either in part or in full, as it may deem fit.

Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, our liability under this Guarantee is restricted to Rs
.……………………………….. (Rs……………… only) and it shall remain in force until XXXXX,
with an additional claim period of one hundred and eighty (180) days thereafter. We are liable to pay
the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this BANK GUARANTEE only if MSPGCL or its
authorized representative serves upon us a written claim or demand.

In witness whereof the Bank, through its authorized officer, has set its hand and stamp on this
…………….. day of ……………………… at …………………….
1. ……………………………………. Signature
Name and address. Name:
2. ………………………………….. Designation with Bank Stamp
Name and address

Attorney as per power of attorney No. …………………


Page 143 of 182

……………………………………………. [Insert Name of the Bank]
Banker’s Stamp and Full Address:
Dated this ………………… day of …………… 20…..

Note: The Stamp Paper shall be in the name of the Executing Bank.

Page 144 of 182

(On the Letter Head of Bidding Company / Each Member in a Bidding Consortium)

The Chief Engineer (SPGD-P.),
Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Ltd.,
HDIL Tower, A- Wing, 4th Floor
Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051

Sub: Bidders’ Disclosure for Design Engineering, Manufacture and got manufactured, Assembly,
Testing at Works/Site, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Water Electrolyser based
Green Hydrogen plant of capacity 20 Nm3/hr with 500 kWac Crystalline SPV technology grid
interactive solar PV power plant along with associated power evacuation infrastructure arrangement at
Bhusawal Thermal Power Station, Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon in Maharashtra, including 5 years’
Operation & Maintenance of the same. (As per Annexure 18 of RFP) in response to the RFP dated

We hereby declare that the following companies with which we have direct or indirect relationship are
also separately participating in this Bidding Process as per following details

Sl. No. Name of the Company Relationship

Further we confirm that we don’t have any Conflict of Interest with any other Bidder participating in
this bid process.

Signature of Authorized Signatory


In case there is no such company please fill in the column “Name of the Company” as Nil and under
column of Relationship as “Not Applicable”.
Each entity has to provide Power of Attorney for authorization to authorized signatory and certified
true copy of the Board Resolution for issue of Power of Attorney clearly specifying the name of
attorney as well as the executant, affixation of common seal and names of persons attesting the
common seal.

The letter of consent provided by Consortium Member(s) will be additionally signed by authorized
signatory of the Lead Member.

Page 145 of 182


(Non-Financial Bid) (Relationship of Parent Company or Affiliate with the Bidding Company or with
the Member of the Bidding Consortium, including the Lead Member.)

The Chief Engineer (SPGD-P),
Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Ltd.,
HDIL Tower, A- Wing, 4th Floor
Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051

Dear Sir,

Sub: Bid for Design Engineering, Manufacture and got manufactured, Assembly, Testing at
Works/Site, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Water Electrolyser based Green
Hydrogen plant of capacity 20 Nm3/hr with 500 kWac Crystalline SPV technology grid interactive
solar PV power plant along with associated power evacuation infrastructure arrangement at Bhusawal
Thermal Power Station, Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon in Maharashtra, including 5 years’ Operation &
Maintenance of the same. (As per Annexure 18 of RFP) in response to the RFP dated XXXXXXX .

We hereby certify that M/s…………….., M/s……………. ,M/s ………… are the Affiliate(s) / Parent
Company of the Bidding Company/Member of the Bidding Consortium as per the definition of
Affiliate/Parent Company as provided in this RFP and based on details of equity holding as on seven
(7) days prior to the date of opening of price bid.

The details of equity holding of the Bidding Company/Member of the Consortium in the
Affiliate/Parent Company or vice versa as on seven (7) days prior to the date of opening of price bid
are given as below:

Name of Bidding Name of the Affiliate Name of the Parent Name of the company having
Company / Member of the Bidding Company of the common control on the
of Bidding Company / Member Bidding Company / Affiliate and the Bidding
Consortium of the Bidding Member of Bidding Company / Member of
Consortium* Consortium Bidding Consortium

Page 146 of 182

* Bidding Company / Member of Bidding Consortium to hold at least twenty six percent (26%) in
such Affiliate as on seven (7) days prior to the date of opening of price bid
(Insert Name and Signature of Statutory Auditor of the Bidder or practicing Company Secretary)

Page 147 of 182


(Non-Financial Bid)
Submission of Bid requirements Response
Covering Letter as per Format

Original Power of Attorney as per Format

Consortium Agreement as per Format (if Bid is submitted by a Bidding Consortium)

Letter of consent from Consortium Members as per Format (if Bid is submitted by a
Bidding Consortium)

Bidder’s composition and ownership structure as per Format

Details of meeting Qualification Requirement. as per Format

Documentary evidence for meeting the Qualification Requirement as per Format

Bidder’s Undertaking as per Format

Undertaking from the Financially Evaluated Entity or its Parent Company/ Ultimate
Parent Company as per Format

Applicable Board Resolutions as per Format

Bid Security as per Format

Disclosure as per Format

Certificate of relationship of Parent Company or Affiliate with the Bidding Company or

with the Member of the Bidding Consortium, including the Lead Member as per Format;

Checklist of submission of Bid as per this Format

Calculation sheets detailing computation of Net worth considered for meeting Qualifying

Last 3 financial years’ unconsolidated/consolidated audited annual accounts of the

Bidder/ each Member (or Financially Evaluated Entity, if different from the Bidder/ each
Member) duly certified by the Statutory Auditor.

For Last Three (3) years, (a) Proof of positive net worth (b)Proof of average annual
turnover of Rs. XXXX Crores and above.

Authority letter in favour of Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited

“MSPGCL” from the Bidder MSPGCL to seek reference from their respective bankers &

Page 148 of 182

Submission of Technical documents and certificates as given in the table below

Signe all pages of Bid by authorized signatory.

Copy of this RFP and RFP Documents duly initiated by authorized signatory.

Sr. No. Checklist for submissions with Technical Bid Response

1 Relevant Purchase order of supply and works for electrolyser of at least
cumulative installed capacity of 100 Nm3 / Hr. or above per year
consecutively for last three years
2 Relevant Experience / performance certificate from the end user for supply
and works for electrolyser of at least cumulative installed capacity of 100
Nm3 / Hr. or above per year consecutively for last three years
3 Relevant documents from the end user for supply and works for electrolyser
of at least cumulative installed capacity of 100 Nm3 / Hr. or above per year
consecutively for last three years
4 Relevant PO and Experience / performance certificate from the end user for
supply and works for electrolyser of at least installed capacity of 20 Nm3 /
Hr. at least six (6) months prior to the last date of submission of bid.
5 Certifications / relevant documents w.r.t provenness of plant mentioned in
Sr.no. 4 having the guaranteed hydrogen purity at gas manifolds at 99.99%
6 Draft technical Proposal/scheme along with proposed vendor list.
7 Signed copy of Annexure 17

1 Plant Layout Drawing
2 System Design Calculation sheets
3 Module Certificates – IEC all standards as mentioned in Technical
requirements of PV modules
4 PID Certificates for solar modules
5 Proof of supply of PV Modules.
6 Draft technical Proposal/scheme along with proposed vendor list.
7 Signed copy of Annexure 17

Submit above documents in physical along with bid for Q.R. verification of bidder.
Signature of authorized signatory in whose name Power of Attorney as per RFP is issued:

Page 149 of 182

Name and designation of authorized signatory: ………………..

Place: ………………..
Date: …………………

Page 150 of 182

Declaration of Undertaking

Reference name of the Application/Offer/Contract: ("Contract")

("MSPGCL.. address…")

1. We hereby certify that neither we nor any of our board members or legal representatives nor any
other member of our Joint Venture including Subcontractors under the Contract are in any of the
following situations:

1.1 being bankrupt, wound up or ceasing our activities, having our activities administered by
courts, having entered into receivership, reorganization or being in any analogous situation;
1.2 convicted by a final judgments or a final administrative decision or subject to financial
sanctions for involvement in a criminal organization, money laundering, terrorist-related
offences, child labour or trafficking in human beings; this criterion of exclusion is also
applicable to legal Persons, whose majority of shares are held or factually controlled by
natural or legal Persons which themselves are subject to such convictions or sanctions;
1.3 having been subject within the past five years to a contract termination fully settled against us
for significant or persistent failure to comply with our contractual obligations during such
contract performance, unless this termination was challenged and dispute resolution is still
pending or has not confirmed a full settlement against us;
1.4 being guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required as a condition of
participation in the Tender.
1.5 are not involved in any major litigation that may have an impact of affecting or compromising
the delivery of services as required under this assignment.
1.6 are not blacklisted by any Central/ State Government/ agency of Central/ State Government of
India or any other country in the world/ Public Sector Undertaking/ any Regulatory
Authorities in India or any other country in the world for any kind of fraudulent activities.

Name: ______________________________ In the capacity of: _______________________

Duly empowered to sign in the name and on behalf of14: _______________________________

Signature: Dated:

Page 151 of 182

Proforma for contract performance security
(To be submitted by Bidder on a Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Appropriate Value)

Beneficiary: ……………………………………………………..[insert name and address of


Date of Issue: …………………………………………………………….[insert date]

PERFORMANCE SECURITY No.: ……………………………[insert security reference number]

Guarantor: …………….[insert name and address of place of issue, unless indicated in the

We have been informed that ………………[insert name and address of EPC Contractor, which in the
case of a joint venture shall be the name and address of the joint venture] (hereinafter called “the
EPC Contractor”) has entered into Contract No………….. [insert reference number of the Contract]
dated …………..[insert Contract date] with the Beneficiary, for the execution of Design Engineering,
Manufacture and got manufactured, Assembly, Testing at Works/Site, Supply, Installation, Testing
and Commissioning of Water Electrolyser based Green Hydrogen plant of capacity 20 Nm3/hr with
500 kWac Crystalline SPV technology grid interactive solar PV power plant along with associated
power evacuation infrastructure arrangement at Bhusawal Thermal Power Station, Bhusawal, Dist.
Jalgaon in Maharashtra, including 5 years’ Operation & Maintenance of the same. (hereinafter called
“the Contract”). Furthermore we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, a
performance security is required for 10 [Ten] percent of the Contract price.

Waiving all objections and defences, we, as Guarantor, hereby irrevocably and independently
undertake to pay the Beneficiary, any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of
……………………… [insert security amount and currency in words and figures] upon receipt by us
of the Beneficiary’s first demand, supported by the Beneficiary’s statement, whether in the demand
itself or a separate signed document accompanying or identifying the demand, stating that the EPC
Contractor is in breach of its obligation (s) under the Contract, without the Beneficiary needing to
prove or to show grounds for the demand or the sum specified therein.

In the event of any claim under this guarantee, payment shall be effected to XXXXX, Account No.
XXXXXXX, for the account of ………………………………………… [Insert name of the

Page 152 of 182

This security shall expire not later than ……………… [Insert expiry date]**. By this date we must
have received any claims for payment by letter or encoded telecommunication.

It is understood that you will return this guarantee to us on expiry or after payment of the total amount
to be claimed hereunder.

As preferred option regarding guarantee rules insert: This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules
for Demand Guarantees (URDG) 2010 Revision, ICC Publication No. 758, except that the supporting
Statement under Article 15(a) is hereby excluded.

[In the case the issuing bank will not add the preferred option, insert: This guarantee is governed by
the law of [Insert country of jurisdiction where the bank’s branch issuing the guarantee is physically

____________________________________ _______________________________________
Place, date Guarantor’s authorized signature(s)

Page 153 of 182

(H2 Plant & 500 kw AC SOLAR POWER PLANT)

Dear Sir/Madam,

We hereby furnish the following details regarding the Solar PV plant:

(Table No -1): Hydrogen Plant

1. Capacity of proposed Hydrogen plant

2. Technology
3. Type of Enclosure proposed Constructed / Container type
Number of electrolysers streams working in
5 Number of hydrogen gas compressors and drives
Numbers of Portable Hydrogen Gas Purity
7. Details of Start-up and commissioning spares
8. Details of Mandatory Spares
9 Hydrogen Purity
10 Power consumption per M3 of Hydrogen

(Table No -2): Solar Photo-voltaic Plant

1. Capacity of proposed grid interactive plant

2. Type of SPV module

3. Rating of SPV module

1. Make & Country of Origin
2. Capacity of each PCU
3. No. of PCUs for full Capacity

5 SCADA for diagnosing & monitoring

Page 154 of 182

Schematics and layout drawings (Tentative)
6. 1. SPV Array
2. Power Evacuation system

8. List of equipment to be housed in AC Area

9. Area required

10. Annual energy generation

11. Designed Performance Ratio (PR) in %

12 Module washing method

Page 155 of 182

(Table No -2)
 Monthly Guaranteed Electric Energy Generation Output at Energy Meter

S.No Month GEEG(U) for 500KWAC

Capacity at ABT energy
meter (net export)

1. January

2. February

3. March

4. April

5. May

6. June

7. July

8 August

9. September

10. October

11. November

12. December


Note- Bidder Quoting below 21% for 500 kW AC capacity is liable for rejection.

(Table No -4)

 PV Module Data Sheet

Bidder shall furnish the following data sheet in consultation with the panel manufacturer and shall
also provide the authentication certificate from the Manufacturer. Use separate sheets in case more
than one make is proposed.


1 Manufacturer

Page 156 of 182

2 Established (year)

3 Complete Address.
4 Manufacturing Factory address

5 Module Model No.

6 Rated power at (STC) in Watts peak

7 Type (type of technology)

8 Last year MW sell of the modules of

above model

9 Annual Manufacturing capacity of the MW

above model in MW.

10 Annual Booked capacity of the above MW

model in MW.

11 Total Capacity supplied to the Bidder MW

Physical parameters of module

12 Length in inches.
13 Width in inches.

14 Depth in inches.

15 Module Area in m2

16 Rough module area m2

17 Sensitive area (Cells) m2

18 Cell size in inches

19 Total number of Cells in module

20 Cells in series

21 Cells in parallel

22 Cells in series per bypass diode

23 Number of bypass diodes

24 Weight in Kg.

25 Module frame material

26 Weather module frame is anodized?

27 Type of Glass used in module

28 Any Additional feature please attach


Page 157 of 182

Electrical Parameters

29 Rated Power Tolerance (%)

30 Rated Power per Square Foot (watts)
Of module
31 Module Efficiency (%)

32 Series Fuse Rating (amps)

33 Connector Type

34 Maximum Power Point Voltage

35 Maximum Power Point Current (Impp)

36 Open-Circuit Voltage (Voc)

37 Short Circuit Current (Isc)

38 Maximum Power Temperature

Coefficient (% per degree C)

39 Open-Circuit Voltage Temperature

Coefficient (mV per degree C)

40 Short-Circuit Current Temperature

Coefficient (mA per degree C)

41 Fill factor


42 Materials Warranty (years)

43 Standard degradation per year

44 Power Warranty (years)

45 Are panel insured?

( please furnish details )

(Attach following curves )

V-I curve for incident irrad. For 200W/m2,400 W/m2, 600W/m2, 800W/m2, 1000W/m2 at STC.
V-I curve for incident irrad. For 200W/m2,400 W/m2, 600W/m2, 800W/m2, 1000W/m2 at 6 º C
V-I curve for incident irrad. For 200W/m2,400 W/m2, 600W/m2, 800W/m2, 1000W/m2 at 45º C
V-I curve for incident irrad. For 200W/m2,400 W/m2, 600W/m2, 800W/m2, 1000W/m2 at 37 º C.
Temperature Vs Power at incident irrad. For 200W/m2,400 W/m2, 600W/m2, 800W/m2,
Efficiency Vs Temperature at incident irrad. For 200W/m2,400 W/m2, 600W/m2, 800W/m2,

Page 158 of 182


(Table No -5)

 Module Mounting Structure

1. Type Fixed / Single Tracking / Double Tracking

2. Overall Dimensions Design

3. Coating Dip (galvanization)

4. Wind rating (Max. design Wind speed)

5. Tilt angles

6. Foundation type

7. Number of Module per structure

8. Fixing type

9. Name and address of the Manufacturer

10. Total MW capacity of the grid connect SPV

projects where the manufacturer has supplied

(Table No - 6)

 Technical Data Of Inverter/PCU

Bidder shall furnish the following data sheet in consultation with the PCU manufacture shall provide
the authentication certificate from the Manufacturer.



1 Manufacturer

2 Established

3 Address.

4 Manufacturing Factory add.

5 Model and nominal AC capacity of

each inverter

6 Type (Central/ String)

Page 159 of 182

7 Last two years MW sale MW

8 Annual Manufacturing capacity in MW


9 Annual Booked capacity in MW. MW

10 Total Capacity supplied to the MW


Physical parameters of PCU

12 Width mm

13 Height mm

14 Depth mm

15 Weight kg


16 Operating mode

17 Minimum MPP voltage V

18 Maximum MPP Voltage V

19 Absolute Max. PV Voltage, Vmax V


20 Nominal PV Power Pnom DC kw

21 Min Voltage for PNom V

22 Maximum PV current Imax DC A

23 Power Threshold w

24 DC voltage range MPPT Upc

25 Max permissible DC voltage Upc max

26 Max permissible DC current lpC max

27 Behaviour at Pnom (limitation/


28 Whether MPPT confirms to IEC


Output Data

29 Grid Voltage V

30 Grid frequency Hz

31 Maximum Efficiency %

Page 160 of 182

32 European average efficiency %

33 Number of Phases

34 Nominal Ac power kW

35 Maximum AC power kW

36 Maximum AC current a

37 Standby loss (no load loss) %

38 Sleep Mode Loss %

39 Operating voltage grid -20% to Uac


40 Utility type

41 Operating frequency grid fac

42 Voltage ripple PV voltage Upp

43 Phase shift Cos cp

44 Efficiency at 25%, 50%, 75% and %

100% load

45 Earthing of Inverter: Negative or


46 Parameters on display panel on the


47 Total Harmonic Distortion (TDH) %



48 Standards

49 Array isolation Monitoring

50 Internal DC switch

51 Internal AC switch

52 Output voltage disconnect and re-

connect arrangement

53 Enclosure Protection ( IP24, IP54,

NEMA 3R or Any)

54 Control ( LCD or Any )

55 Technology ( TL, IGBT or any )

56 Digital inputs & outputs

Page 161 of 182

57 Monitoring by ethernet, SNMP,

58 Remote & local supervision

59 VAR Control range

60 Anti-islanding protection

61 Fault ride through protection

62 Insulation monitoring of PV array

with sequential fault location.

63 Ground fault detector

64 Conformity and certification to

various standards:
IEC 61683
IEC 60068-2
IEC 61000 Series
IEC 62109 – 1&2
Anti-Islanding (mention standard)


65 Warranty (years)

66 Are PCUs insured?

( please furnish details )

Attach following curves:

Efficiency profile Vs input power
Pout AC Vs Pin DC
Efficiency Vs Pout

Any Additional feature? ( attach details )

(Table No -7)
 String Monitoring System:

Page 162 of 182

Bidder shall furnish the following data sheet in consultation with the String Monitor System
manufacture shall provide the authentication certificate from the Manufacturer.

Corporate office Address.


Type (Central/ String)

Annual Manufacturing capacity of the above model in


Annual Booked capacity of the above model in MW.

Total Capacity supplied to the Bidder in MW

Ambient temperature of outside air in summer

DC System Voltage

On Load DC Voltage :
IP protection

Enclosure type & material

No of Inputs
Current Rating;

Input Cable compatibility (specifications of cable)

Fuse provision & Max fuse size

Accuracy in %

Max. PV short-circuit current per string

Max. number of strings

Fused inputs per measuring channel

No. of Surge Protection devices

Surge arrestors type specifications

PV array configuration

Number of measuring channels

DC short-circuit current

Page 163 of 182

Output voltage

Solar Connectors type specifications

Output Cable compatibility & specifications

DC Disconnector switch type & mode of operation

Earthing mode & type

Monitoring Device type & description

Applicable IEC for Monitoring Device

Max. operating output current

Max. number of cables per output port

Communication protocol

Dimensions: W x H x D in mm

Weight in kg.

Warranty (years)

Are insured?
(please furnish details)


Year established

Manufacturing facility address

Capacity in MW of solar projects to whom the above

mentioned String Combiner Box & Monitoring system
is supplied till date

Applicable IEC certificates

(Table No -8)

 Transformer:

Sr. No. DESCRIPTION Particulars

1. Service

2. Make

3. Rating

Page 164 of 182

4. Rated frequency

5. No. of Phase
- HV Side
- LV Side
- Neutral

6. Rated Voltage
a) HV winding kV
b) LV winding kV

7. Vector group

8. Type of cooling

9. Tapping
a) Range
b) No. of steps
c) In steps of

10. Tap changer type

11. % Impedance (+10% Tolerance as per IS)

12. Temperature rise above Ambient of 50

Deg. C
a) Oil Deg. C
b) Winding Deg. C

13. Terminal Details

a) HV Side
b) LV Side

14. Insulation level

a) Impulse withstand voltage
i) HV kV peak
b) Power frequency withstand voltage for
one minute (dry)
i)HV neutral kV rms
ii) LV neutral

15 Minimum specific creepage Distance


Page 165 of 182

16 Winding conductor material
a) HV
b) LV

17 Losses (at 75° Deg. C and principal

a) No load loss at rated Voltage
and Frequency kW
b) Load loss at rated Current
c) Total loss at maximum Rated
power kW

18 Efficiency at 75° C and 0.9 PF

a) at full load (ONAN) %
b) at 75% load(ONAN) %
c) at 50% load (ONAN) %

19 Hot spot temp. in winding limited to C

20 Overall dimensions (L x B x H) (mm)

21 Shipping dimensions a). Height m b).

Breadth m c). Length m

22 Weight kg
a) Core
b) Core & windings
c) Tank & Fittings
d) Oil weight
e) Overall weight

23 Painting

24 Maximum flux density

25 Quantity of oil (liters)

26 Details of Instruments and protection

provided with the transformer (Make &

27 150% voltage withstand capacity in


28 Name and address of the manufacturer

Page 166 of 182

29 Total MW of grid connect SPV projects
where the manufacturer has supplied

Page 167 of 182


Sr. Project Latitude, Project

Project Location Area, available
No. Component Longitude Capacity

Latitude :
Deepnagar, 21.04
1 Hydrogen Plant Bhusawal Thermal 20 Nm3/hr 0.065Ha
Power Station Unit Longitude:
3 75.83

Latitude :
Deepnagar, 21.04
2 Solar Plant Bhusawal Thermal 500 kw AC 0.6 Ha.
Power Station Unit Longitude:
3 75.83

Page 168 of 182

Check List for Bank Guarantees & Banks List for BGs.

A) Check List of Bank Guarantees

Sl. Details of Checks Yes/No


1. Is the BG on non-judicial Stamp paper of INR500

2. Whether date, purpose of purchase of stamp paper and name of the purchaser
are indicated on the back of Stamp paper under the Signature of Stamp vendor?
(The date of purchase of stamp paper should be not later than the date of
execution of BG and the stamp paper should be purchased either in the name of
the executing Bank or the party on whose behalf the BG has been issued.
3. In case of BGs from Banks abroad, has the BG been executed on Letter Head of
the Bank endorsed by the Indian branch of the same bank or SBI, India?
4. Has the executing Officer of BG indicated his name, designation and Power of
Attorney No./Signing Power no. on the BG?
5. Is each page of BG duly signed / initialed by executant and whether stamp of
Bank is affixed thereon? Whether the last page is signed with full particulars
including two witnesses under seal of Bank as required in the prescribed
6. Do the Bank Guarantees compare verbatim with the Proforma prescribed in
the Bid Documents?
7. Are the factual details such as Bid Document No./Specification No./LOA
No. (if applicable)/Amount of BG and Validity of BG correctly mentioned
in the BG
8. Whether overwriting/cutting, if any, on the BG have been properly authenticated
under signature & seal of executant?
9. Whether the BG has been issued by a Bank in line with the provisions of
Bidding documents?
10. In case BG has been issued by a Bank other than those specified in Bidding
Document, is the BG confirmed by a Bank in India acceptable as per Bidding

Page 169 of 182

B) Bank List for BGs : Bank Guarantee issued by any Nationalized/Scheduled Commercial
Bank notified by the Reserve Bank of India.

Page 170 of 182


Hydrogen Generation Plant

i. Capacity and discharge pressure of hydrogen gas compressors at its rated duty point shall be

demonstrated and proved at site.

ii. Electrolyser & rectifier capacity and power consumption shall be demonstrated at site.

iii. Parallel operation of two streams shall be demonstrated at site. Purity level and moisture content

of hydrogen shall be demonstrated at site.

iv. Hydrogen generation plant capacity (stream wise) shall be demonstrated at site.

v. Vibration level and noise level of hydrogen gas compressors shall be demonstrated at site.

H2 Plant PG Test

1. PG Test duration shall be at least 72 continuous hours.

2. supplier/contractor shall provide the PG Test procedure for approval of Owner.
3. PG test shall be carried out as per the approved PG Test procedure. PG test procedure shall be
submitted and finalized within the mutually accepted date from the date of Notification of
4. The Bidder shall be responsible for providing all material, equipment and manpower,
specified or otherwise, which are required to carry out PG Test.
5. There shall be no incentive / reward in case of positive performance deviation i.e when tested
capacity of distillate generation is more than the guaranteed capacity.
6. supplier/contractor’s aggregate liability to pay Liquidated Damages (LD) for failure to attain
the Performance guarantee shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the Contract Price.
7. In case it is found that the equipment/system has failed to meet the guarantees, the
supplier/contractor shall carry out all necessary modifications and/or replacements to make
the equipment/system comply with the guaranteed requirements at no extra cost to the Owner
and re-conduct the performance guarantee test(s) with Owner’s consent. In case the specified
performance guarantee(s) are still not met, Owner will accept the equipment/system/plant
after levying liquidated damages.

Liquidated damage for deviation in performance (Hydrogen Production) shall be computed as

c) Deviation in performance = [(Tested capacity per following formula: of Hydrogen Production

– Guaranteed capacity of Hydrogen Production) / Guaranteed capacity of Hydrogen
d) Liquidated damage = (Contract Value) x (Deviation in performance)

Part B: Requirements/Readiness before commencement of PG Test of Solar Plant

Page 171 of 182


1.0 Provision for monitoring of solar radiation data from weather monitoring station & energy
generation data from 500 kw AC solar power plant shall be made available at BPTS Plant
Control Room. For this Purpose, Bidder shall install web link at BPTS Plant Control Room. The
remote view facility at BPTS Plant Control Room will be for monitoring. For PG test all the
governing data will be controlled and referred at site only.

1.1 Bidder shall submit calibration details along with any correction factors if required to consider
for the all interconnected Pyranometer to SCADA and shall be verified. Any changes in these
factors shall not be allowed after commencement of PG Test.
1.2 For entire 500 kw AC solar power plant capacity single Weather Monitoring System (WMS ) be
referred. If any correction, modifications, alterations or maintenance of SCADA required, it will
be carried out in presence of OWNER representative and shall be noted separately in a logbook.
1.3 OWNER shall confirm the proper operation of SCADA before Commencement of PG Test. It is
confirmed that, radiation & energy generation data is being recorded at SCADA for minimum 1
minute interval.
1.4 Calibration details of energy meters (ABT) installed at point of interconnection of 500 kw AC
solar power plant shall be made available


2.0 WMS shall be under CCTV coverage for 24hrs and recording of the same shall be made
available to OWNER as and when required. WMS shall be installed with proper guarding to
prevent unauthorized access and CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for security and
safety of WMS..

2.1 Calibration of WMS at site shall be carried out as per contract specification. However
CONTRACTOR shall calibrate all the installed pyranometer as per IEC standard by XXX or (an
Accredited lab), at site.

2.2 Each weather monitoring station must have pyranometer installed at horizontal as well at tilted
plane at an angle of solar module.

2.3 Special Equipment, Instrumentation tools and tackles : Contractor shall ensure availability of
necessary equipment for trouble shooting at site. Equipment required:- Solar Kit (make
Seaward/or equivalent for measurement of Instant Irradiance), Multimeter/Clampon meter –
FLUKE/or equivalent, thermal image camera. NB:- Contractor shall submit the calibration
Certificate of these equipments for Reference.

Page 172 of 182

Part C: PG Test Measurements

1.0 Recording of Energy Generation:

Energy generated by 500 kw AC Solar Power Plant shall be recorded from energy meter
(ABT) installed at the point of interconnection on monthly basis by CONTRACTOR as per
prescribed format and shall be duly signed by Site-in Charge of CONTRACTOR and verified
by OWNER officials or Consultant .

Refer Table 1.



Sr. ABT Previous ABT Current ABT Difference MF Net Energy

No Meter reading reading Generation
(Net Export) (Net Export)

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)=(iii)x(iv)

1 xxx


 All readings shall be recorded from ABT Meters.

 Also, recording of ABT meter shall be logged & recorded with the help of data logger
for verification on monthly basis.
 All readings shall be recorded at fixed time.
2.0 Recording of Radiation Data:
2.1 Solar Radiation data i.e. Irradiance in Watt/m2 at tilted plane shall be recorded at weather
monitoring station as per the format attached below on daily basis by CONTRACTOR and
submitted to OWNER for verification.

i. Cleaning of solar both Pyranometer radiation sensors will be carried out daily basis at
least 30 minutes prior to sunrise by CONTRACTOR. While cleaning it shall be insured
that the Tilt angle of Pyranometer shall not be disturbed. Before starting the PG test
recording of Pyranometer positions will be noted and sealed with permanent color
marking & photograph of the same shall be submitted to OWNER.

ii. Total daily solar Radiation computed with time resolution of 1minute interval.

2.2 Calculation of the Energy loss due to the Grid Failure/Outage

Solar Radiation data i.e. Irradiance in kWh/m2 at tilted plane as per below prescribed format
shall be send to OWNER on Monthly basis by CONTRACTOR for verification.
Refer Table 2.

Page 173 of 182


Sr.No day Time at Time at Total time of Average Solar Energy Loss due to
which which grid outage/ Radiation the Grid failure **
the grid Value Failure in (Tilted Plane)-
failure in after Minutes kWh/m2 In Kwh
inverter is at time of grid
in Sleep failure
T1 T2 T=T2-T1 ASR EL

1 1st

2 2nd

30 30th

31 31st


 Radiation data from the WMS shall be retrieved on every Monday at 07:00 PM & proper
sealing of data port shall be carried out after the reading.

 Value of cumulative solar irradiance to compute the value of Energy generation can be
calculated as following.

** Energy loss will be calculated by considering the Performance Ratio (P.R.) of

previous day for the subsequent period for the grid failure time period (T) as under:

Energy loss (EL) in (kwh) = [P.R. x Average Solar Radiation (Tilted Plane) kWh/m2 x
Active area of the PV module (m2) x PV module

i.e. EL = [P.R. x ASR x Active area of the PV module (m2) x PV module efficiency]


total short fall in energy generation has been done as given in below. Refer Table 3.


Month Quoted Generation Net Energy Generation in Shortfall in energy(Kwh)

Units by the Kwh (Table-1 col-v) during the PG test (SF) =
CONTRACTOR (Kwh) (B) (A)-(B)

Page 174 of 182


Shortfall in energy (MUs) during the PG test = SF- EL

Penalty will be levied @ Rs 33 per kWh for shortfall in energy generation.

GST is applicable on penalty as per GST Law. If penalty is applicable, it shall be recovered
from any due OR payment to the EPC Contractor.

OWNER have right to modify the PG Test protocol considering the ground realities and practical
difficulties arrived during PG test. All terms and conditions of contract are also applicable along with
this PG test protocol.

Proforma for Advance Payment Bank Guarantee
Beneficiary: ………………………………………………[insert name and address of MSPGCL]

Date of Issue: ………………… [Insert date]

ADVANCE PAYMENT GUARANTEE No.: ……………….[insert guarantee reference number]

Guarantor: ………… [insert name and address of place of issue, unless indicated in the letterhead]

We have been informed that …………..[insert name and address of Contractor, which in the case of
a joint venture shall be the name and address of the joint venture] (hereinafter called “the EPC
Contractor”) has entered into Contract No…………...[insert reference number of the Contract] dated
……………[insert Contract date] with the Beneficiary, for the execution Design Engineering,
Manufacture and got manufactured, Assembly, Testing at Works/Site, Supply, Installation, Testing
and Commissioning of Water Electrolyser based Green Hydrogen plant of capacity 20 Nm3/hr with

Page 175 of 182

500 kWac Crystalline SPV technology grid interactive solar PV power plant along with associated
power evacuation infrastructure arrangement at Bhusawal Thermal Power Station, Bhusawal, Dist.
Jalgaon in Maharashtra, including 5 years’ Operation & Maintenance of the same. (hereinafter called
“the Contract”). Furthermore we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, an
advance payment in the sum of ………………………… [insert amount and currency in words and
figures ]* , representing ………………………[insert percentage in words and figures] percent of the
Contract price is to be made against an advance payment guarantee.

Waiving all objections and defences, we, as Guarantor, hereby irrevocably and independently
undertake to pay the Beneficiary, any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of
…………..[insert guarantee amount and currency in words and figures] upon receipt by us of the
Beneficiary’s first demand, supported by the Beneficiary’s statement, whether in the demand itself or
a separate signed document accompanying or identifying the demand, stating that the EPC Contractor
is in breach of its obligation(s) under the Contract, without the Beneficiary needing to prove or to
show grounds for the demand or the sum specified therein.

The176dvancee payment guarantee shall come into force and effect as soon as the advance payment
has been credited to the EPC Contractor on its account. Minor deductions of the above mentioned
notably due to bank fees shall have no effect on the entry into force.

[For guarantees issued in local currency insert the following:

In the event of any claim under this guarantee, payment shall be effected to

The maximum amount of this guarantee shall be progressively reduced by the amount of the advance
payment repaid by the EPC Contractor as specified in copies of interim statements or payment
certificates which shall be presented to XXXX Bank . This guarantee shall expire, at the latest, upon
XXXX Bank receipt of a copy of the interim payment certificate indicating that ninety (90) per cent
of the Accepted Contract Amount, less provisional sums, has been certified for payment, or on the
[Insert date], whichever is earlier.

Any demand for payment must be received by us at this office on or before that date by letter or
encoded telecommunication.

It is understood that you will return this guarantee to us on expiry or after payment of the total amount
to be claimed hereunder.

Page 176 of 182

____________________________________ ______________________________________
Place, date Guarantor’s authorised signature(s)

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Details of Proposed Land for Green Hydrogen Unit

Project Details: Water Electrolyser based Green Hydrogen plant of capacity 20 Nm3/hr with 500
kw AC Crystalline SPV technology grid interactive solar PV power plant


Particulars Details

1 Name of Land Parcel Deepnagar, Bhusawal – Inside Bhusawal Thermal Power Station

Latitude : 21.04
2 Latitude and Longitude
Longitude: 75.83

3 Capacity Proposed 20 Nm3/hr

Satellite View of the proposed Site

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Sr. No. Particulars Details

1 Name of Land Parcel Deepnagar, Bhusawal – Inside Bhusawal Thermal Power Station

Latitude and
2 Latitude: 21.04 Longitude: 75.83

3 Area Available 0.6 Hectares

Solar Capacity
5 500 kw AC

Evacuation & UAT of Unit 3 of 210 MW TPS

Connectivity Latitude: 21.04 Longitude: 75.84

Satellite View of the proposed Solar Site

UAT Location

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MoF OM No 6/18/2019-PPD dated 23.07.2020

(To be submitted on the Letter Head of the Bidding Company/ Each Member of Consortium)
Ref. No. _________ Date: ___________
From: _________ (Insert name and address of Bidding Company/Member of Consortium)
E-mail address#
The Chief Engineer


Sub: Response to the Tender No ………………… dated ……………………………..for the tender

for …………………………………………………

Dear Sir/ Madam,

This is with reference to attached order No. OM no. 6/18/2019-PPD dated 23rd July 2020 issued by
Department of Expenditure, MoF, Govt of India.

We are hereby submitting the following declaration in this regard:

"I have read the clause regarding restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a country which shares
a land border with India; I certify that this bidder is not from such a country or, if from such a country,
has been registered with the Competent Authority. I hereby certify that this bidder fulfils all
requirements in this regard and is eligible to be considered. Where applicable, evidence of valid
registration by the Competent Authority shall be attached."

Page 180 of 182

We further declare that the above statement is true & correct. We are aware that if at any stage it is
found to be incorrect, our response to the tender will be rejected.
Dated the_____________day of________, 20….

Thanking you,

We remain,

Yours faithfully,
Encl: OM dated 23.07.2020, as referred above.

Name, Designation, Seal and Signature of Authorized Person in whose name Power of Attorney/
Board Resolution/ Declaration.

Page 181 of 182

(On Letter Head of issuing Bank)

Reference No- Date:

NAME OF ENTITY/AUTHORITY – Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited (To

whom solvency certificate is being issued)


Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited,

Solar Power Generation Dept – Projects,
4th Floor, A wing, HDIL Towers,
A.K Marg, Bandra – East,
Mumbai – 400 051.

Dear Sir,

This is to state that COMPANY NAME having Regd. Office / Head Office at
ADDRESS_________ is customer of our bank for over __ years and are presently enjoying no credit
facilities with us. The conduct of account(s) of the company has been satisfactory. The company can
be considered good up to Rs.________ (not less than Rs. 2.50 Crs.) For Design Engineering,
Manufacture and got manufactured, Assembly, Testing at Works/Site, Supply, Installation, Testing
and Commissioning of Water Electrolyser based Green Hydrogen plant of capacity 20 Nm3/hr with
500 kWac Crystalline SPV technology grid interactive solar PV power plant along with associated
power evacuation infrastructure arrangement at Bhusawal Thermal Power Station, Bhusawal, Dist.
Jalgaon in Maharashtra, including 5 years’ Operation & Maintenance of the same in terms of Net
worth shown in their Audited Balance Sheets as on DATE.______ This certificate is being issued
only for the purpose of issue of Bid/Tenders.

It is clarified that this certificate is issued without any risk and responsibility on the part of BANK
NAME or any of its officials in any respect whatsoever, more particularly either as guarantor or
otherwise. This certificate must be taken as a private & confidential report given by the bank without
prejudice and on the express condition that BANK NAME & its officials are held free by you from
any liability in connection with it.

This certificate is issued for the above-mentioned specific purpose and at the specific request of our
customer COMPANY NAME.

Yours Faithfully,

1. (Name and Designation) 2. (Name and Designation)

Note – (The Solvency certificate should be issued as on or after the date of e-publishing of tender and
should have validity as on last date of Bid Validity submitted for this RfP for GREEN HYDROGEN

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