Common Terminologies in Obstetrics
Common Terminologies in Obstetrics
Common Terminologies in Obstetrics
● means process by which a fully developed offspring of its kind is produced
● the action or process of fertilizing an egg or a female animal or plant, involving
the fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote.
● A common name for gestation in humans
● The development of one or more offspring, known as an embryo or fetus, in the
● The period from conception to birth.
● After the egg is fertilized by a sperm and then implanted in the lining of the
uterus, it develops into the placenta and embryo, an later into a fetus
● A pregnant woman.
● A state of pregnancy regardless of its duration/outcome.
● Number of pregnancies a woman had regardless of the outcome of pregnancy.
● the outcome of those pregnancies or number of infants given birth that reached
viability or 20 weeks & more
● Example when used in Obstetrical History-taking: G1P1, G2P3
Nulligravida A woman who has never been pregnant or never conceived a child
Primigravida a woman pregnant for the first time; e.g. Gravida1; a woman in her
first pregnancy
Nullipara A woman who has NEVER delivered a viable infant. The woman
may be pregnant for several times before but her pregnancies were
termination due to abortions or before 20 weeks.
Primipara A woman who has completed ONE pregnancy that reached viability.
Multipara A woman who has completed two or more pregnancy or given birth
many times to a viable offspring.
CS Caesarean Section
Pre-term Infant
● born before 32 weeks gestation (not less than 28 weeks)
Post Term Infant
● born after 42 weeks gestation
Live Birth
● recorded when newborn infant shows signs of life
Still Birth
● when infant shows NO sign of life at birth
Pre-term Infant
● born before 32 weeks gestation
Post-term Infant
● born after 42 weeks gestation
● The termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a
fetus or embryo prior to viability (less than 28 weeks).
● the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during
the first 28 weeks.
● the function of the female by which the infant is expelled through the vagina to
the outside world
● The process during which the uterus contracts and cervix opens to allow
passage of a baby into the vagina
● Childbirth is more than the “act of giving birth”.
● For a woman it is a continuous process, from conception through pregnancy,
labour, birth and beyond.