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Acn Micro Project

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Academic year: 2022-23


Setup Static & Dynamic DHCP Server

Program: Compute Engineering

Program code: CO5I
Course: Advanced Computer Network.
Course code: 22520

This is to certify that 1. Anuraj Pandurang Kharat(1310)
2. Vaibhav Santosh Kothare (1311)
3. Shruti Sunil Jangam (1312)

of 5th semester of diploma in Computer Engineering of institute,

NAVJEEVAN POLYTECHNIC (code:0144) has completed the term work
satisfactorily in subject Advanced Computer Network.(22520) for the
academic year 2022 to 2023 as prescribed in the curriculum.
Place:- Bhandup Enrollment no: 1)2001440092
3) 2001440094

Date: / /202 Exam seat no: 1)



Subject Teacher Head of department Principal

Seal of institute

Advanced Computer Network
Report Booklet



SR. Name of Group Roll Enrollment Seat no.

NO Members no No
1. Anuraj Kharat 1310 2001440092

2. Vaibhav Kothare 1311 2001440093

3. Shruti Jangam 1312 2001440094


Mrs. Neha Hankare.

Micro-Project Proposal
 Brief Description
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a client/server protocol that
automatically provides an Internet Protocol (IP) host with its IP address and other related
configuration information such as the subnet mask and default gateway. RFCs 2131 and
2132 define DHCP as an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard based on
Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP), a protocol with which DHCP shares many implementation
details. DHCP allows hosts to obtain required TCP/IP configuration information from a
DHCP server

 Aim of Micro Project

1. Reduced network administration. DHCP includes the following features to reduce
network administration:
2. Centralized and automated TCP/IP configuration.
3. The ability to define TCP/IP configurations from a central location.
4. The ability to assign a full range of additional TCP/IP configuration values by
means of DHCP options

 Actual Resourses Used

S.NO Name Of Specifications Qty

Computer System Processor:Corei3. 1
HDD: 500GB or Larger.

2 Software Ubuntu Operating System 1

3 Any Other Internet


 Weekly Progress Report(Action Plan) Micro-
Project:- Topic: Setup Static & Dynamic DHCP Server.
Academic Year: 2022-2023
Name of Faculty: Mrs.Neha Hankare.
Program Code: computer engineering (CO5I).
Semester:V Course & Course Code: Advanced Computer Network.(22520).
Roll No: 1310,1311,1312 Enrollment No:2001440092,2001440093,2001440094.
Name of Candidate: Anuraj Kharat,Vaibhav Kothare,Shruti Jangam.
SR. Week Activity of Performed Planned start Planned Finish Name of
NO Date Date Responsible
Team member
1. 1st Discussion and 22/08/2022 05/09/2022 All members
finalization of topic
2. 2nd Preparation and submission 05/09/2022 19/09/2022 All members
of Abstract
3. 3th Collection of Data 19/09/2022 03/10/2022 All members

4. 4th Implementation 03/10/2022 17/10/2022 All members

5. 5th Check, Validation and 17/10/2022 31/10/2022 All members

Execution of code
6. 6th Compilation of Report 31/10/2022 14/11/2022 All members
And Presentation

7. 7th Actual Presentation 14/11/2022 28/11/2022 All members

& Final submission
of Micro Project

1) 2) 3)

Sign of the Faculty

Academic Year: 2022-2023 Name of Faculty: Mrs. Neha Hankare.
Program Code: computer engineering (CO5I).
Course&CourseCode:Advanced Computer Network(22520).
Semester: V. Roll No: 1310,1311,1312.
Enrollment No: 2001440092, 2001440093,2001440094.
Name of Candidate: Anuraj Kharat,Vaibhav Kothare,Shruti jangam.


1. Brief Description 1

2. Aim of the Micro-Project 1

3. Course Outcomes Integrated 2

4. Literature Review 2-4

5. Actual Procedure Followed 4-7

6. Actual Resources Used 7

7. Outputs of Micro-Project 7-11

8. Skill Developed/learning out of 11-12

9. Application of this Micro- 12
10. Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet 13-15
Setup Static & Dynamic DHCP Server.

1. Brief Description:

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a network management protocol

used to dynamically assign an IP address to any new node entering the network.
DHCP permits a node to be configured automatically, thereby avoiding the necessity
of involvement by a network administrator.
It Manages the provision of all the nodes added or dropped from the network
Maintains the unique IP address of the host using a DHCP server
Sends a request to the DHCP server whenever a client/node, which is configured to
work with DHCP, connects to a network. The server acknowledges by providing an
IP address to the client/nod

2. Aim of Micro Project:

1. Reliable IP address configuration. DHCP minimizes configuration errors
caused by manual IP address configuration, such as typographical errors, or
address conflicts caused by the assignment of an IP address to more than one
computer at the same time.

2.Reduced network administration. DHCP includes the following features

to reduce network administration:

3.Centralized and automated TCP/IP configuration.

4.The ability to define TCP/IP configurations from a central location.

5.The ability to assign a full range of additional TCP/IP configuration values by

means of DHCP options.

6.The efficient handling of IP address changes for clients that must be updated
frequently, such as those for portable devices that move to different locations
on a wireless network.

7.The forwarding of initial DHCP messages by using a DHCP relay agent,

which eliminates the need for a DHCP server on every subnet.

3. Course Outcomes integrated:
1.Implement Network layer Protocols.
2.Configure routing protocol in the given network
situation. 3.Implement different Transport Layer Protocols.
4.Configure various Application Layer Protocols

4. Literature Review:
A DHCP server is used to issue unique IP addresses and automatically configure
other network information. In most homes and small businesses, the router acts as the
DHCP server. In large networks, a single computer might act as the DHCP server.

In short, the process goes like this: A device (the client) requests an IP address from a
router (the host), after which the host assigns an available IP address to allow the
client to communicate on the network. A bit more detail below...

Once a device is turned on and connected to a network that has a DHCP server, it will
send a request to the server, called a DHCPDISCOVER request.

After the DISCOVER packet reaches the DHCP server, the server attempts to hold on
to an IP address that the device can use, and then offers the client the address with a

Once the offer has been made for the chosen IP address, the device responds to the
DHCP server with a DHCPREQUEST packet to accept it, after which the server
sends an ACK that's used to confirm that the device has that specific IP address and to
define the amount of time that the device can use the address before getting a new

If the server decides that the device cannot have the IP address, it will send a NACK.
All of this, of course, happens very quickly and you don't need to know any of the
technical details you just read in order to get an IP address from a DHCP server.

Pros and Cons of Using DHCP

A computer, or any other device that connects to a network (local or internet), must be
properly configured to communicate on that network. Since DHCP allows that
configuration to happen automatically, it's used in almost every device that connects
to a network including computers, switches, smartphones, gaming consoles, etc.

Because of this dynamic IP address assignment, there's less of a chance that two
devices will have the same IP address, which is very easy to run into when using
manually-assigned, static IP addresses.

Using DHCP also makes a network much easier to manage. From an administrative
point of view, every device on the network can get an IP address with nothing more
than their default network settings, which is set up to obtain an address automatically.
The only other alternative is to manually assign addresses to each and every device on
the network.

Because these devices can get an IP address automatically, they can move freely from
one network to another (given that they're all set up with DHCP) and receive an IP
address automatically, which is super helpful with mobile devices.

In most cases, when a device has an IP address assigned by a DHCP server, that IP
address will change each time the device joins the network. If IP addresses are
assigned manually, it means administration must not only give out a specific address
to each new client, but existing addresses that are already assigned must be manually
unassigned for any other device to use that same address. This is not only time-
consuming, but manually configuring each device also increases the chance of
running into human-made errors.

Though there are plenty of advantages to using DHCP, there are certainly some
disadvantages as well. Dynamic, changing IP addresses should not be used for devices
that are stationary and need constant access, like printers and file servers.

Although devices like that exist predominantly in office environments, it's impractical
to assign them with an ever-changing IP address. For example, if a network printer
has an IP address that will change at some point in the future, then every computer
that's connected to that printer will have to regularly update their settings so their
computers will understand how to contact the printer.

This type of setup is extremely unnecessary and can be easily avoided by not using
DHCP for those types of devices, and instead by assigning a static IP address to them.

The same idea comes into play if you need to have permanent remote access to a
computer in your home network. If DHCP is enabled, that computer will get a new IP
address at some point, which means the one you've recorded as that computer having,
will not be accurate for long. If you're using remote access software that relies on a IP
address-based access, you'll need to use a static IP address for that device.

More Information On DHCP

A DHCP server defines a scope, or range, of IP addresses that it uses to serve devices
with an address. This pool of addresses is the only way a device can obtain a valid
network connection.

This is another reason DHCP is so useful - because it allows lots of devices to connect
to a network over a period of time without needing a massive pool of available
addresses. For example, even if only 20 addresses are defined by the DHCP server,
30, 50, or even 200 (or more) devices can connect to the network so long as no more
than 20 are using one of the available IP address simultaneously.

Because DHCP assigns IP addresses for a specific period of time (a lease period),
using commands like ipconfig to find your computer's IP address will yield different
results over time.

Though DHCP is used to deliver dynamic IP addresses to its clients, it doesn't mean
static IP addresses can't also be used at the same time. A mixture of devices that are
getting dynamic addresses and devices that have their IP addresses manually assigned
to them, can both exist on the same network.

Even an ISP uses DHCP to assign IP addresses. This can be seen when identifying
your public IP address. It will likely change over time unless your home network has
a static IP address, which is usually only the case for businesses that have publicly
accessible web services.

In Windows, APIPA assigns a special temporary IP address when the DHCP server
fails to deliver a functional one to a device, and uses this address until it can obtain
one that works.

The Dynamic Host Configuration Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task
Force created DHCP.

5. Actual Procedure Followed:

A DHCP Server is a network server that automatically provides and assigns IP
addresses, default gateways and other network parameters to client devices. It relies
on he standard protocol known as Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol or DHCP to
respond to broadcast queries by clients.

A DHCP server automatically sends the required network parameters for clients to
properly communicate on the network. Without it, the network administrator has to
manually set up every client that joins the network, which an be cumbersome,
especially in large networks.

DHCP servers usually assign each client with a unique dynamic IP address, which
changes when the client’s lease for that IP address has expired

How it work?

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a protocol that is commonly used in

networks for dynamic IP addressing configuration. Every user’s device needs at least IP
address to join the network and connect to services. When computer first connects to
local network with cable or WiFi SSID, first thing is to look for IP address, netmask,
default gateway and DNS servers.

How does DHCP work?

Host connecting to network (cable or wireless) sends DHCP discover message to all
hosts in Layer 2 segment (destination address is FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF). Frame with this
DISCOVER message hits the DHCP Server.

DHCP Discover packet

After the DHCP Server receives discover message it suggests the IP addressing
offering to the client host by unicast. This OFFER message contains:

proposed IP address for client (here

subnet mask to identify the subnet space (here

IP of default gateway for subnet (here

IP of DNS server for name translations (here

Now after the client receives the offer it requests the information officially sending
REQUEST message to server this time by unicast.

Server sends ACKNOWLEDGE message confirming the DHCP lease to client. Now
client is allowed to use new IP settings.

What information getting from DHCP are necessary and which are optional?

In theory, only IP address and mask is needed for device to work. This is true in
scenario that device is within the same subnet with other devices and communicates
with others knowing their IP addresses. In such way there is no need for going beyond
own subnet and that’s why gateway is not needed. Using only IP addresses for
communication also eliminates the need of name translations so DNS is still optional.
However, in real world scenarios most of communication goes beyond the subnet and
relays on Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN).

In addition to necessary DHCP parameters there are DHCP options like popular Option
150 used in IP Telephony to inform IP Phones about the IP address of IP PBX for proper
phone registration – for example Cisco Call Manager or Asterisk PBX. Almost all DHCP
server vendors are able to pass DHCP options.

What if DHCP server is not in the same subnet?

You can ask yourself if there is a need for having DHCP server in the same L2 segment
(VLAN), because DHCP OFFER message relays on broadcast destination address which
is good for the same subnet only. Right trace! But for the sake of DHCP scalability there is
option to have DHCP server outside the subnet. In such solution DHCP discover packets
typically getting to default gateway interface are transformed into unicast packets (DHCP

discover embedded message) with giaddr field that tells server about logical attachment
identification. Packet is sent directly to IP of server located somewhere in routable IP
cloud. Giaddr helps the DHCP server to find the correct address pool for granting the

6. Actual Resoures Used:

S.NO Name Of Specifications Qty
Computer System Processor:Corei3. 1
HDD: 500GB or
2 Software Ubuntu Operating System 1

3 Any Other Internet


7. Outputs of Micro-Project:
 Install the DHCP server role on Windows Server 2008, follow these steps:

 Choose Start→Administrative Tools→Server Manager

 The Manage Your Server application appears

 click the Roles link and then click Add a Role

 The Add Roles Wizard appears.
 click Next to get the wizard started

 The wizard displays a list of available server roles.

 Select DHCP Server from the list of roles and then click Next.

 The wizard displays an explanation of DHCP.

 Click Next.

 The wizard displays a list of the server’s network connections that have static IP
addresses, as shown in the following illustration. (In this example, only one network
connection has a static IP address assigned. Most network servers will have at least two.)

Select the static IP addresses you want to use for the DHCP server. Then click next.
The wizard asks for the DNS configuration information, as shown below

1. Enter the domain name and DNS servers. To enter a DNS server, type its address in
the IP address text box and then click Add.

You typically have more than one DNS server.

2. Click Next.
The wizard next asks for the WINS configuration information.

3. (Optional) If you want to enable WINS, enter the WINS server configuration and
then click next.

4. To create a new scope, click the Add Scope button

5.The wizard asks for a name and description for the new scope, as shown below.

1. Enter the information for the new scope.

You must enter the following information:

o Scope Name: The name can be anything you want. Use a generic name such
as Office or your company name unless you’re creating two or more scopes.
Then, the names should indicate the function of each scope.

o Scope Starting IP Address: This is the lowest IP address that will be issued for
this scope.

o Scope Ending IP Address: This is the highest IP address that will be issued for
this scope.

o Subnet Mask: This is the subnet mask issued for IP addresses in this scope.

o Default Gateway: This is the default gateway address that will be used for this
scope.This is usually the address of your router.

o Subnet type: Choose Wired or Wireless. The difference is how long the IP
address will be valid. For wired networks, the addresses will be valid for six days.
For wireless networks, the addresses will expire in eight hours.

2. Select the Activate This Scope check box and then Click OK.
The scope is created, as shown below.

1. If you want to create additional scopes, repeat steps 10–12.

You can create as many scopes as you want for your DHCP server.

2. When you finish creating scopes, click Next.

The wizard asks whether you want to enable stateless mode, which is used for IPv6.
Disable this mode unless dealing with IPv6 clients is important to your network.

3. Click Next.

The wizard asks for the credentials to use when creating this DHCP server. The
default is to use your current login credentials.

4. Click Next.

The wizard displays a confirmation screen that summarizes the settings you’ve
entered for the DHCP server.

5. Click Install.

The DHCP server is created. This might take a few minutes. When the server is
finished, a final results page is displayed to confirm that the server was properly

6. Click Close.

You’re done!

8. Skilled Developed/Learning Outcome of this Micro-Project:

a) Practical Outcomes:

1. Configure File Transfer Protocol (FTP) using relevant software.

2. Configure Hyper Transfer Protocol (HTTP) using relevant software.
3. Configure Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) using relevant software.
4. Configure Universal Datagram Protocol (UDP) using relevant software.
5. Configure Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) using relevant

b) Unit Outcomes in Cognitive Domain:

1. Explain function of the given application layer protocol
2. Explain function of the given FTP command.
3. Explain working of the Architecture of Electronic Mail.

4. Explain process of resolving the given host name into IP address using DNS.
5. Explain working of the given DHCP.

c) Outcomes in Affective Domain:

1. Implement Network layer Protocols.

2. Configure routing protocol in the given network situation.
3. Implement different Transport Layer Protocols.
4. Configure various Application Layer Protocols

9. Application of this Micro-Project:

Efficiency. It's easier than configuring each node/host statically (manually), both initially
and then if/when the LAN topology ever changes and the host moves networks (e.g.,
laptops, phones, etc.).

Simplicity. DHCP provides the ability to assign (and manage) more multiple parameters
(is more than just the host IP address), required parameters such as the subnet mask,
and very helpful (required for most needs) things like the default gateway, DNS servers
(and domain name). Then there are optional things like TFTP servers and time (NTP)
servers, log servers, etc.

Security. DHCP provides an audit trail for who (what MAC and client-ID) had an IP
address at what time. It can also be used in a security context, where a router may require
a host within a subnet to have obtained it's IP via DHCP, else it will deny/block it.

Name & Signature of Course Teacher

(MR.S Neha Hankare)

Micro Project Evaluation Sheet
Name of Student:-Anuraj kharat EnrollmentNo :2001440092
Name of Programme:- COMPUTER ENGINEERING Semester:-V
Course Title:- Advanced Computer Network Code:- 22520
Title of the Micro-Project:- Setup Static & Dynamic DHCP Server
Outcomes Achieved:-
1. Implement Network layer Protocol
2. Configure IPv6 Network
3. Choose routing protocols
4. Implement different transport layer protocols
5. Configure various applications layer protocols

Sr. Characteristic to Poor Average Good Excellent Sub

No. be accessed (Marks 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6- (Marks 9-10) Total
(A) Process and Product Assessment (Convert above total marks out of 6 marks)
1 Relevance to the course
2 Literature Review/information
3 Completion of the Target as per
project proposal
4 Analysis of Data and
5 Quality of Prototype/Model
6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation / Viva (Convert above total marks out of 4 marks)
7 Presentation
8 Viva

(A) (B)
Process and Product Assessment IndividualPresentation/Viva Total
(6 marks) (4 marks) (Marks 10)

Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication (if any)

Name and Designation of the Teacher
Mrs. Neha Hankare
Dated Signature……………………………………………………………

Micro Project Evaluation Sheet
Name of Student:- Vaibhav Kothare Enrollment No:- 2001440093
Name of Programme:- COMPUTER ENGINEERING Semester:-V

CourseTitle:-Advanced Computer Network Code:- 22520

Title of the Micro-Project:- Setup Static & Dynamic DHCP Server

Outcomes Achieved:-
1. Implement Network layer Protocol
2. Configure IPv6 Network
3. Choose routing protocols
4. Implement different transport layer protocols
5. Configure various applications layer protocols

Sr. Characteristic to Poor Average Good Excellent Sub

No. be accessed (Marks 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6- (Marks 9-10) Total
(A) Process and Product Assessment (Convert above total marks out of 6 marks)
1 Relevance to the course
2 Literature Review/information
3 Completion of the Target as
per project proposal
4 Analysis of Data and
5 Quality of Prototype/Model

6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation / Viva (Convert above total marks out of 4 marks)
7 Presentation

8 Viva

(A) (B)
Process and Product Assessment IndividualPresentation/Viva Total
(6 marks) (4 marks) (Marks 10)

Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication (if any)

Name and Designation of the Teacher
Mrs. Neha Hankare
Dated Signature………………………………………………………….

Micro Project Evaluation Sheet
Name of Student:- Shruti Jangam Enrollment No:- 2001440094
Name of Programme:- COMPUTER ENGINEERING Semester:-V

Course Title:- Advanced Computer Network Code:- 22520

Title of the Micro-Project:- Setup Static & Dynamic DHCP Server
Outcomes Achieved:-
1. Implement Network layer Protocol
2. Configure IPv6 Network
3. Choose routing protocols
4. Implement different transport layer protocols
5. Configure various applications layer protocols

Sr. Characteristic to Poor Average Good Excellent Sub

No. be accessed (Marks 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6- (Marks 9-10) Total
(A) Process and Product Assessment (Convert above total marks out of 6 marks)
1 Relevance to the course
2 Literature Review/information
3 Completion of the Target as
per project proposal
4 Analysis of Data and
5 Quality of Prototype/Model

6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation / Viva (Convert above total marks out of 4 marks)
7 Presentation

8 Viva

(A) (B)
Process and Product Assessment IndividualPresentation/Viva Total
(6 marks) (4 marks) (Marks 10)

Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication (if any)

Name and Designation of the Teacher
Mrs. Neha Hankare
Dated Signature……………………………………


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