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Construction and Building Materials: Guofang Zhang, Shunxiang Wang, Bo Wang, Yujing Zhao, Ming Kang, Peiming Wang

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Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119543

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Construction and Building Materials

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Properties of pervious concrete with steel slag as aggregates and

different mineral admixtures as binders
Guofang Zhang a,⇑, Shunxiang Wang a,b, Bo Wang a, Yujing Zhao c, Ming Kang c, Peiming Wang a
Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
Department of Engineering, Aarhus University, Aarhus 8000, Denmark
Shanghai Baosteel New Building Materials Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201999, China

h i g h l i g h t s

 Pervious concretes with steel slag aggregates and different binders have excellent properties.
 The connected porosity plays a key role in the performance of pervious concrete.
 Binders with mineral admixtures optimize the interface transition zone of pervious concrete.
 Hydration characteristics of binders slightly affect the strength of pervious concrete.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: As one kind of solid waste produced during steel smelting, steel slag can be used as aggregates to produce
Received 12 December 2019 pervious concrete. This paper focused on the effect of binder-to-aggregate ratio and different binders on
Received in revised form 5 May 2020 the properties and microstructure of pervious concrete made with steel slag as aggregates. The results
Accepted 11 May 2020
show that increasing binder-to-aggregate ratio improves the mechanical properties, but decreases the
Available online 18 May 2020
connected porosity and water permeability coefficient. Compared with those of the reference pervious
concrete with only Portland cement as the binder, the compressive strengths of pervious concretes incor-
porating different binders with ground blast furnace slag, fly ash and/or silica fume to partially replace
Pervious concrete
Steel slag aggregate
Portland cement are lower, and the connected porosities are much higher. Different binders assume little
Binders with mineral admixtures impact on the hydration, but can optimize the interface transition zone of pervious concrete. Meanwhile,
Mechanical properties the connected porosity plays the key role in the properties of pervious concrete. Besides, pervious con-
Microstructure cretes with steel slag and different binders can assume good comprehensive properties.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction utilization of steel slag, many researchers have investigated the

possibility of using steel slag as aggregates to prepare pervious
With superior permeability, anti-skid performance, sound pavements. Air-cooling electric arc furnace steel slag can be used
absorption properties, pervious concrete has been widely used in as aggregates to produce pervious concrete with excellent mechan-
pavement projects such as walkways, parking areas, tennis court, ical properties and high water permeability coefficient [6]. Pervi-
slope stabilization systems, alleys, light traffic roads and low- ous concrete made with steel slag as aggregates and
grade roads [1–4] to improve water runoff rates [5,6] and relief sulphoaluminate cement as binder exhibits worst mechanical
the city heat-island effect [6,7]. However, pervious concrete still properties and best water permeability coefficient [12]. Pervious
has some disadvantages, such as lower compressive strength concrete made with steel slag as aggregates and alkali-activated
[8,9], poor durability and abrasion resistance [2,9–11]. slag cement as binders possesses 35 MPa of 28-day compressive
As one kind of industrial by-product, steel slag can be used as strength and 4.9 mms1 of water permeability coefficient [13].
aggregates to produce cement concrete. In China, almost 100 mil- Pervious pavements incorporating steel slag as aggregates exhibits
lion tons of steel slag is discharged every year, to occupy farmland excellent durability properties, especially the resistance to aging
and bring seriously environmental pollution. To realize resource and thermal cracking [14]. With porous structure compared with
ordinary aggregates [15–17], steel slag can be used as aggregates
⇑ Corresponding author. to optimize the interface structure of pervious concrete.
E-mail address: zgftj@sina.com (G. Zhang).

0950-0618/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 G. Zhang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119543

Binder systems are the other key factor to affect properties of The heat-stuffing treated steel slag was used as aggregates. The
pervious concrete. Many researchers investigated the effects of chemical compositions, physical properties, particle size distribu-
various binder systems on the properties of pervious concrete. tion and appearance, and XRD patterns of steel slag are shown in
Pervious concrete with ground blast furnace slag (GBFS) as a partial Table1, Table 4, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3, respectively. It can be seen that
replacement for cement and also as a partial replacement for nat- the size range of steel slag is mainly 5–10 mm. The steel slag has
ural aggregate exhibits different porosity, compressive strength rough surface, good volume stability and low clay content. The
and permeability [18]. Literature [19] demonstrated that as partial main crystalline phases of the steel slag include tricalcium silicate,
replacement for cement, GBFS and metakaolin can optimize the dicalcium silicate, calcium hydroxide, dicalcium ferrite, and solid
pore structure and the interface transition zone (ITZ) of pervious solution of CaO, MgO, FeO and MnO (RO phases).
Incorporating fly ash (FA) as a partial replacement for cement, 2.2. Mix proportion and preparation of pervious concrete
pervious concrete shows similar properties to pervious concrete
incorporating only cement as binder [20]. Literature [21] illus- The mix proportions of pervious concrete were shown in
trated that FA significantly decreases the compressive strength Table 5. To keep the pastes assuming the same consistency, differ-
and durability of pervious concrete, but pervious concrete with ent water contents were added for different pervious concretes. To
the optimized FA dosage and nano material dosage also exhibits prepare fresh pervious concrete, steel slag aggregates were pre-
excellent properties. Moreover, pervious concrete incorporating mixed with 30% of total water consumption to obtain a wetting
FA as the geopolymer binder can achieve satisfactory mechanical effect. Immediately, the binder was put into the mixer and another
properties [22]. 30 s mixing was conducted. Afterwards, the remaining water
Silica fume (SF) can also be used as a partial replacement for mixed with the superplasticizer, was poured into the mixer, where
cement in pervious concrete. Pervious concrete incorporating SF the following mixing time was 60 s.
exhibits higher compressive strength and flexural strength without For specimen preparation, the fresh pervious concrete was
undermining permeability and abrasion resistance [1], and can poured into the molds in two layers, pre-compacted by hand 25
remove Ni and Cu heavy metals from wastewaters [23]. times. Afterwards, these molds were vibrated for 30 s on vibration
In conclusion, the influences of binary binder systems with table. For unit weight, connected porosity and compressive
GBFS, FA or SF to replace partial cement on the properties of pervi- strength test, the specimens with dimensions of
ous concrete with natural aggregates have been reported in litera- 100 mm  100 mm  100 mm were prepared. For water perme-
ture. Steel slag can be used as coarse aggregate and fine aggregate ability coefficient test, the cylindrical specimens with dimensions
in cement concrete [24–27]. However, few researchers investi- of 100 mm diameter and 200 mm height were prepared. These
gated the effect of ternary binder systems on the properties of per- specimens were cured at a standard curing condition of 20 ± 2 °C
vious concrete made with steel slag as aggregates. Apart from that, and 95 ± 5% relative humidity for 24 h, and then were demolded
whether the mechanical strength and hydration of ternary binder and cured in 20 ± 2 °C water until the testing time.
systems have apparent effects on the properties of pervious con- For compressive strength test, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD)
crete incorporating steel slag remains to be studied. So this analysis and thermal analysis, the binder pastes with dimensions
research aimed to study the effect of binder-to-aggregate ratio of 20 mm  20 mm  20 mm of pervious concrete were also pre-
and ternary binder systems with various mineral admixtures on pared, which were named SSPC-1 to SSPC-6 corresponding to per-
the properties and hydration characteristics of pervious concrete vious concretes SSPC1 to SSPC6. Moreover, the curing condition of
made with steel slag. For the purpose, different pervious concrete binder pastes is the same as that of pervious concrete.
mixtures were designed to investigate two binder-to-aggregate
ratio and binder systems with GBFS, FA and SF to partially replace
2.3. Test methods
Portland cement. The research may promote the application of
steel slag aggregate and the above mineral admixtures for produc-
(1) Unit weight: The unit weight was measured according to
ing environment friendly pervious concrete.
ASTM C138 [28].
(2) Connected porosity: For the connected porosity test, the
2. Experimental length, width and height of the specimen was measured by
vernier caliper firstly. Then the specimen was immersed in
2.1. Materials water and its buoyant weight was measured when the spec-
imen was filled with water. After that, the specimen was
A PII 52.5R Portland cement (OPC) was used. The chemical dried in 105 ± 5 °C oven until the weight was constant.
compositions, physical properties, and particle size distribution The connected porosity P was calculated according to Eq. (1).
are given in Table 1, Table 2, and Fig. 1, respectively. The ground
blast furnace slag (GBFS), the fly ash (FA), and the silica fume
ðW 2  W 1 Þ
1 ð1Þ
(SF) were used to partially replace OPC. The chemical composi- ðqw V Þ
tions, physical properties, and particle size distributions of GBFS,
FA and SF are shown in Table 1, Table 3, and Fig. 1, respectively. where P is the connected porosity of pervious concrete, W 1 is
A polycarboxylate ether (PCE) surperplasticizers was also used. the constant weight of specimen dried under 105 °C, W 2 is

Table 1
Chemical compositions of different materials.

Chemical composition (%) SiO2 Al2O3 CaO MgO Fe2O3 MnO SO3 Na2O K2O TiO2 LOI
OPC 20.8 4.99 65.2 1.14 3.22 0.05 2.22 0.21 0.66 0.22 1.06
Steel slag 13.2 4.59 39.2 3.87 30.3 2.88 0.94 0.28 0.03 0.64 2.65
GBFS 28.70 11.90 43.40 – 0.24 0.25 1.93 – 0.30 0.61 8.25
FA 48.07 15.91 18.36 2.27 5.89 0.11 0.21 1.75 3.45 1.10 1.56
SF 89.62 0.65 1.11 2.51 2.28 0.18 0.42 0.50 2.55 – 0.10
G. Zhang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119543 3

Table 2
Physical properties of OPC.

Density (kgm3) Specific surface area (m2kg1) Setting time (min) Compressive strength (MPa) Flexural strength (MPa)
Initial Final 3d 28 d 3d 28 d
3200 380 100 155 32.0 57.8 6.6 9.5

Fig. 1. The particle size distributions of different materials.

Table 3
Physical properties of GBFS, FA and SF.

Materials Mean particle size Density Specific surface area Fig. 2. The particle size distribution and grain appearance of steel slag: (a) Particle
(lm) (kgm3) (m2kg1) size distribution; (b) Grain appearance.

GBFS 7.13 2750 623

FA 16.96 2410 535
SF 2.99 2160 16,820

Table 4
Physical properties of steel slag.

Bulk density Crushing Autoclave Water Clay

(kgm3) value (wt.%) expansion ratio absorption content
(%) (wt.%) (wt.%)
2070 8.9 0.2 1.4 0.1

the buoyant weight of specimen in water, qw is the density of

water, and V is the volume of specimen.

(3) Water permeability coefficient: The water permeability

coefficient of specimen was measured according to the
ASTM D 2434-68 [29]. The test process is shown in Fig. 4.
The water permeability coefficient k was evaluated accord-
ing to Eq. (2).

    Fig. 3. XRD patterns of steel slag.

aL h1
ln ð2Þ
At h2

where k is the water permeability coefficient (mms1), a is (4) Compressive strength: The 3-day, 7-day and 28-day com-
the cross section area of the standing acrylic pipe above the pressive strength of pervious concrete were
specimen (mm2), L is the length of the specimen (mm), A is determined based on the China standard GB/T 50081-2011
the cross section area of the specimen (mm), t is the elapsed [30]. The 3-day, 7-day and 28-day compressive strength of
time between h1 and h2 (s), h1 is the initial height of water hardened cement pastes were measured for
head (mm), and h2 is the final height of water head (mm). 20 mm  20 mm  20 mm cubic specimens.
4 G. Zhang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119543

Table 5
Mix proportions of pervious concrete.

Specimen Steel slag (kgm3) Binder systems PCE (kgm3) Water (kgm3)
Total (kgm ) OPC (%) GBFS (%) SF (%) FA (%)
SSPC1 2050 300 100 – – – 0.45 97
SSPC2 2050 450 100 – – – 0.70 128
SSPC3 2050 450 84 16 – – 0.70 125
SSPC4 2050 450 84 8 8 – 0.70 150
SSPC5 2050 450 84 8 – 8 0.70 114
SSPC6 2050 450 84 8 4 4 0.70 128

Fig. 4. Water permeability coefficient test: (a) testing process and device; (b) testing sketch.

(5) X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis and thermal analy- XRD analysis was conducted on a X-ray powder diffractometer
sis (TG-DSC): To perform XRD and TG-DSC analyses, samples (Rigaku SmartLab, Japan) with CuK a radiation at a scanning rate
were taken at a depth of more than 1 mm from the surfaces of 2°min1 from 5° to 70° (2-theta). TG-DSC analysis was con-
of hardened paste specimens, broken into pieces, manually ducted on a differential scanning calorimetry (Mettler Toledo
ground to powders under 45 lm, and then washed with TG-DSC 1600LF, United states) from 30 °C to 1000 °C at a heat-
absolute alcohol and dried in a vacuum-oven under 40 °C ing rate of 10 °C min1 in N2 atmosphere.
for hydration interruption.
G. Zhang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119543 5

(6) ESEM analysis: The morphologies of pervious concrete sam-

ples were observed by using the environmental scanning
electron microscope (ESEM) FEI Quanta 200 FEG. For the
analysis, freshly broken surfaces of samples were observed
in the ESEM using a beam voltage of 20 kV and a working
distance of about 10 mm, and exposed to an environmental
condition of 5 °C and 2.7 Torr.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Unit weight of pervious concrete

The unit weight variations of pervious concretes with different

binder systems are shown in Fig. 5. Compared SSPC1 with SSPC2 at
Fig. 6. The connected porosity of pervious concrete.
3 days and 28 days, it is clear that with Portland cement as binders
increasing from 300 kgm3 to 450 kgm3, the unit weight of per-
vious concrete apparently increases, up to 8.7%. It indicated that 20% to 35%, indicating that the connected porosity increases appar-
the unit weight of pervious concrete increases with binder content ently with binder system incorporating GBFS and Portland cement
increasing, which is the same with the conclusion in literature [13]. in pervious concrete. For pervious concretes with FA or/and SF to
Compared to that of SSPC2, the unit weight of pervious concrete partially replace GBFS in binder systems (SSPC4 to SSPC6), the con-
incorporating GBFS to replace 16% OPC (SSPC3) decreases to only nected porosity ranges from 25% to 29%, all being much lower than
2316 kgm3, indicating that the unit weight decreases apparently that of SSPC3 but still higher than that of SSPC2. This result indi-
with GBFS as a partial replacement of Portland cement in pervious cates that contrary to GBFS, FA and SF can decrease the connected
concrete. The unit weights of pervious concretes with FA or/and SF porosity of pervious concrete. However, compared to the binder
to partially replace GBFS in binder systems range from 2425 kgm3 system with only Portland cement, binder systems with GBFS, FA
to 2537 kgm3, all being higher than that of SSPC3 but still lower or/and SF as a partial replacement of Portland cement all can
than that of SSPC2. It is obvious that with FA and SF to partially increase the connected porosity pervious concrete to some extent.
replace GBFS in binder systems, the unit weight of pervious con- In addition, there is a relationship between the unit weight and the
crete may be improved. In conclusion, compared to the binder sys- connected porosity regardless of the binder systems, that is, the
tem with only Portland cement, binder systems with GBFS, FA or/ connected porosity increases with the reduction of the unit weight.
and SF as a partial replacement of Portland cement can decrease Literature [4] found the same relationship for pervious concrete
the unit weight of pervious concrete to some extent. with pumice as partial aggregates and only Portland cement as
the binder.
3.2. Connected porosity of pervious concrete
3.3. Water permeability coefficient of pervious concrete
The connected porosity variations of pervious concretes with
different binder systems are shown in Fig. 6. Compared SSPC1 with Water permeability coefficient is generally used to evaluate the
SSPC2, it is obvious that with Portland cement content increasing water permeability performance of pervious concrete. For pervious
from 300 kgm3 to 450 kgm3, the connected porosity of pervious concrete used in pavements or drainage layers, the water perme-
concrete markedly decreases over 11%. This result indicates that ability coefficient are generally required from 0.2 to 1.2 cms1
the connected porosity of pervious concrete decreases with binder [31]. The water permeability coefficient variations of pervious con-
content increasing, which is consistent with the conclusion in liter- cretes with different binder systems are shown in Fig. 7. Compared
atures [6,14]. The reason may be that increase in the binder con- SSPC1 with SSPC2 at 3 days and 28 days, it is obvious that with
tent provides the thicker paste wrapping aggregates so as to Portland cement content increasing from 300 kgm3 to
reduce the connected porosity [4]. Meanwhile, the connected 450 kgm3, the water permeability coefficient of pervious con-
porosity of pervious concrete with different binder systems varies crete dramatically decreased to only 2.6 mms1. It is obvious that
slightly with curing time prolonging. the water permeability coefficient decreases with binder content
Compared to that of SSPC2, the connected porosity of pervious
concrete with GBFS to replace 16% OPC (SSPC3) increases from

Fig. 5. The unit weights of pervious concrete. Fig. 7. The water permeability coefficient of pervious concrete.
6 G. Zhang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119543

increasing. This trend of the water permeability coefficient con-

firms with the connected porosity, which is also illustrated in the
literature [13]. The reason may be that with binder content
increasing, more and more voids are filled by pastes to assume
the decrease of the water permeability coefficient.
Compared to that of SSPC2, the water permeability coefficient of
pervious concrete with GBFS to replace 16% OPC (SSPC3) increases
dramatically from 2.6 to 24.9 mms1 at 28 days, indicating that
the water permeability coefficient increases apparently with bin-
der system incorporating GBFS and Portland cement. For pervious
concretes with SF or/and FA to partially replace GBFS in binder sys-
tems (SSPC4 to SSPC6), the water permeability coefficient varies
from 6.3 to 13 mms1 at 28 days, all being much lower than that
of SSPC3 but higher than that of SSPC2. It is obvious that compared
to GBFS, SF and FA decreases the water permeability coefficient.
However, compared to the binder system with only Portland
cement, binder systems with GBFS, SF or/and FA to partially
replace Portland cement can increase the water permeability coef-
ficient to some extent. Additionally, a relationship between the
water permeability coefficient and the connected porosity of pervi-
Fig. 10. XRD patterns of hardened binder pastes.
ous concrete with steel slag as aggregates and different mineral
admixtures as binders, is given to be that the water permeability
coefficient increases with the connected porosity. Other studies
in literature [4,32] also found the same relationship for pervious
concrete with different aggregates and Portland cement as binders.

3.4. Compressive strength of pervious concrete

Compressive strength is a key mechanical property of pervious

concrete. The compressive strength variations of pervious con-
cretes with different binder systems are shown in Fig. 8. Compared

Fig. 11. TG curves of hardened binder pastes.

Fig. 8. The compressive strength of pervious concrete.

Fig. 12. DSC curves of hardened binder pastes.

SSPC1 and SSPC2 at 3, 7 and 28 days, it is obvious that with Port-

land cement content increasing from 300 kgm3 to 450 kgm3,
Fig. 9. The compressive strength of hardened binder pastes. the compressive strength of pervious concrete increases more than
G. Zhang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119543 7

twice, indicating the compressive strength increase of pervious Compared to that of SSPC-2 paste, the compressive strength
concrete with binder content increasing. of hardened SSPC-3 paste increases remarkably, indicating that
Compared to that of SSPC2, the 28-day compressive strength of the compressive strength of hardened paste incorporating GBFS
pervious concrete SSPC3 dramatically decreases to only 11.4 MPa, and Portland cement increases, especially at the late period,
indicating that the binder system incorporating GBFS as a partial which is consistent with the conclusion in literature [33]. With
replacement of Portland cement greatly decreases the compressive SF or/and FA to partially replace GBFS, the compressive strength
strength of pervious concrete. For pervious concretes SSPC4 to of hardened pastes of different binder systems (SSPC-4, SSPC-5
SSPC6, the 28-day compressive strength varies between 19.4 MPa and SSPC-6) are lower than that of SSPC-3. However, as pre-
and 24.2 MPa, all being much higher than that of SSPC3 but lower sented above, the compressive strength variation of pervious
than that of SSPC2. It indicated that compared to GBFS, SF and FA concrete with different binder systems shows the opposite trend.
can increase the compressive strength of pervious concrete. How- It can be concluded that the compressive strength of hardened
ever, compared to the binder system with only Portland cement, all binder pastes is not the major factor to affect the compressive
the binder systems with GBFS, SF or/and FA as a partial replace- strength of pervious concrete.
ment of Portland cement assume the compressive strength
decrease of pervious concrete to some extent.
3.6. XRD analysis

3.5. Compressive strength of hardened binder pastes To evaluate the hydrates formation of hardened binder pastes,
the mineralogical phases were tested by XRD and TG-DSC. Fig. 10
The compressive strength variation of different hardened binder shows the XRD patterns of different hardened binder pastes at
pastes is shown in Fig. 9. The 28-day compressive strength of the 28 days. In the XRD patterns, the characteristic peaks of ettringite
binder paste SSPC-2 is 91.3 MPa, only 15 percent higher than that (AFt), Portlandite (Ca(OH)2), alite (C3S) and belite (C2S) were
of the binder paste SSPC-1. While, as presented above, the com- detected. The formation of hydrates in hardened binder pastes
pressive strength of pervious concrete SSPC2 is twice that of SSPC1. incorporating GBFS, FA and/or SF is similar with that of the hard-
It may be concluded that the compressive strength improvement ened Portland cement paste SSPC-2, expect the smaller peaks for
of hardened cement paste is beneficial to the compressive strength Ca(OH)2 at 18° of 2h. It seems that there is no big difference for
increase of pervious concrete, but may not play the key role. the hydration of these hardened binder pastes.

Fig. 13. Typical SEM micrographs of hydrates for hardened binder pastes: (a) SSPC-2; (b) SSPC-3; (c) SSPC-4; (d) SSPC-5.
8 G. Zhang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119543

3.7. TG-DSC analysis loss appears, attributed to the decomposition of calcium carbonate
Figs. 11 and 12 show the TG-DSC curves of hardened binder Compared to that of the SSPC-2 paste, the mass loss at 100 to
pastes at 28 days. As shown in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12, mass loss takes 210 °C of different binder pastes changes slightly, indicating the
place apparently from 40 to 100 °C, corresponding to the evapora- similar content of hydrates including C-S-H gels and AFt in the dif-
tion of physical bound water. The peak at about 85 °C also corre- ferent binder systems. It can be concluded that the hydration
sponds to the AFt decomposition. The following major mass loss degree of these binder pastes is similar. The mass losses at 410
between 100 and 210 °C, is related to the dehydration of hydrates, to 460 °C of binder pastes incorporating GBFS, FA and/or SF are
including calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H) gels and AFt mainly smaller than that of the SSPC-2 paste, indicating that the less con-
[34]. The third mass loss appears at 410 to 460 °C, corresponds tent of Ca(OH)2 in these binder pastes. It may be due to the con-
to the decomposition of Ca(OH)2. At 700 to 740 °C, the fourth mass sumption of Ca(OH)2 by these mineral admixtures to form C-S-H

Fig. 14. Typical SEM micrographs of ITZ for pervious concrete: (a) SSPC-2; (b) SSPC-3; (c) SSPC-4; (d) SSPC-5.
G. Zhang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119543 9

gels and other hydrates, and due to the less formation of Ca(OH)2 compressive strength of pervious concrete. However, the
since their partial replacement of Portland cement. At 700 to connected porosity plays the key role in the properties of
740 °C, the mass loss of binder pastes changes slightly, indicating pervious concrete with steel slag and different binder sys-
the similar content of calcium carbonate in these binder systems. tems, since the compressive strengths of these pervious con-
Accordingly, based on the XRD and TG-DSC analyses, it can be con- cretes are actually smaller, and the connected porosities are
cluded that the different binder systems for pervious concretes much higher than that of the reference pervious concrete
assume the similar hydration degree. However, the properties of with only Portland cement as the binder.
pervious concretes are quite different as mentioned above. There-
fore, the hydration of binder systems is yet not the major factor to CRediT authorship contribution statement
affect the properties of pervious concrete.
Guofang Zhang: Funding acquisition, Conceptualization, Inves-
3.8. SEM analysis tigation, Methodology, Formal analysis. Shunxiang Wang: Investi-
gation, Data curation, Formal analysis, Writing - original draft. Bo
Typical SEM micrographs of hydrates for different binder pastes Wang: Investigation, Data curation. Yujing Zhao: Investigation,
of pervious concrete are shown in Fig. 13. A large number of Ca Methodology, Data curation. Ming Kang: Investigation, Data cura-
(OH)2 and fibrous C-S-H gels were observed in the hardened tion. Peiming Wang: Writing - review & editing, Methodology.
SSPC-2 paste. Some lamellar hydrates were observed in the hard-
ened SSPC-3 and SSPC-4 pastes, which were believed to be mono- Declaration of Competing Interest
sulphate and calcium hydroaluminates [35,36]. AFt crystals
coexisted with C-S-H gels and Ca(OH)2 in the hardened SSPC-5 The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
paste. cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
Typical SEM micrographs of ITZ for pervious concrete are shown to influence the work reported in this paper.
in Fig. 14. From SEM for SSPC2, the ITZ between steel slag particle
and hardened paste showed weak link between hydrates and steel Acknowledgments
slag particle (Fig. 14(a)). However, hardened binder pastes incorpo-
rating different mineral admixtures optimized the ITZ (Fig. 14(b) to The authors greatly acknowledge the financial support of this
(d). The optimized ITZ is beneficial to improving compressive work by the Fund of National Key Research and Development Pro-
strength of pervious concretes, since the ITZ has great influence grams in the 13th Five-year Plan of China (2018YFD1101003,
on the strength of cement concrete [37,38]. 2016YFC0700905), the Fund of Science Research Project of STCSM
Based on the above analyses, it is obvious that both the com- (17DZ1200303).
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