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NTN Bearing Lubrication

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11. Lubrication

11.1 Purpose of lubrication Fig. 11.1 shows the relationship between

oil volume, friction loss, and temperature rise.
The purpose of rolling bearing lubrication is to Table 11.1 details the characteristics of this
prevent direct metallic contact between the relationship.
various rolling and sliding elements. This is
accomplished through the formation of a thin


oil (or grease) film on the contact surfaces. Temperature
Lubricant is necessary for operating rolling increase

bearings. For rolling bearings, lubrication has the

Temperature increase

Friction loss
following advantages:
(1) R eduction of friction and wear loss
It prevents direct metallic contact between
the rolling and sliding elements of bearing
components and reduces friction and A B C D E
wear. Oil volume
(2) P rolonged bearing life
The rolling fatigue life is prolonged by Fig. 11.1
forming an oil film on the rolling contact
Table 11.1 Oil volume, friction loss, and
surface part. temperature increase
(3) F riction heat dissipation and cooling (See Fig. 11.1)
circulating lubrication can dissipate heat Range Characteristics Lubrication method
generated from friction or conducted from When oil volume is extremely
the outside. low, direct metallic contact
occurs in places between the
(4) Others A -
rolling elements and raceway
It prevents foreign materials from surfaces. Bearing abrasion and
entering inside the bearing and seizing may occur.

suppresses corrosion (rust) by covering A thin oil film develops over all
Grease lubrication
the bearing surface with oil. surfaces, friction is minimal
B Oil mist
and bearing temperature is
Air-oil lubrication
In order to exhibit these effects, a lubrication
As oil volume increases, heat Circulating
method that matches service conditions is C
buildup is balanced by cooling. lubrication
required. In addition to this, a quality lubricant
Regardless of oil volume,
must be selected, the proper amount of D temperature increases at a
lubricant must be used and the bearing must fixed rate.
be designed to prevent foreign matter from As oil volume increases, Forced circulation
getting in or lubricant from leaking out. If E cooling dominates and bearing lubrication
temperature decreases. Oil jet lubrication
lubrication is insufficient, friction is not reduced,
causing excessive rise in bearing temperature
or abnormal wear. Therefore, an appropriate
lubrication and lubrication method should be


●Lubrication ●Lubrication

11.2 Lubrication methods and 11.3.1 Types and characteristics of grease the thickening agent are generally superior (5) Mixing different types of greases
characteristics Lubricating grease is composed of either a in high temperature properties. When greases of different kinds are mixed
mineral base oil or a synthetic base oil. To (3) Additives together, the consistency of the greases
Lubrication methods for bearings can be roughly this base a thickener and other additives are Various additives are added to grease will change (usually softer), the operating
divided into grease and oil lubrication. Each of added. The properties of all greases are mainly depending on the purpose. Typical temperature range will be lowered, and
these has its own features, so the lubrication determined by the kind of base oil used and additives include anti-oxidants, high- other changes in characteristics will occur.
method that best offers the required function by the combination of thickening agent and pressure additives (EP additives), rust As a rule, grease should not be mixed
must be selected. various additives. Table 11.5 shows general preventives, and anti-corrosives. For with grease of any other brand. However,
Characteristics of each method are shown in grease varieties and characteristics, and Table bearings subject to heavy loads and/ if different greases must be mixed, at
Table 11.2. 11.6 shows grease brand names and their or shock loads, grease containing high- least greases with the same base oil and
characteristics. (See pages A-116 and A-117.) pressure additives should be used. Anti- thickening agent should be selected.
Table 11.2 C
 omparison of grease lubrication
and oil lubrication characteristics As performance characteristics of even the oxidants are added to grease used in most
Method Grease same type of grease will vary widely from types of rolling bearings.
Oil lubrication
Concern lubrication brand to brand, it is necessary to check the (4) Consistency
Handling ◎ △ manufacturers’ data when selecting grease. Consistency is an index that indicates
Reliability ○ ◎ (1) Base oil hardness and fluidity of grease. The
Cooling effect × ○ (Circulation necessary) Mineral oil or synthetics such as ester oil, higher the NLGI number, the HARDER
Seal structure ○ △ synthetic hydrocarbon oil, or ether oil are the grease is. For the lubrication of
Power loss ○ ○ used as the base of greases. rolling bearings, greases with the NLGI
Environment  Generally, greases with low viscosity consistency numbers of 1, 2, and 3 are
contamination ○ △
base oils are best suited for low used. General relationships between
High speed rotation × ○
temperatures and high speeds; grease consistency and application of grease are
◎:Very good ○:Good △:Fair ×:Poor
using high-viscosity base oil has superior shown in Table 11.3.
high-temperature and high-load
Table 11.3 Consistency of grease
11.3 Grease lubrication characteristics.
(2) Thickening agents consistency 60 times blend Application
Grease lubricants are relatively easy to handle Thickening agents are compounded with No. consistency
and require only the simplest sealing devices. base oils to maintain the semi-solid state 0 355 to 385 For centralized greasing use
For these reasons, grease is the most widely of the grease. Thickening agents consist 1 310 to 340 For centralized greasing use
used lubricant for rolling bearings. It is used in a of two types of bases: metallic soaps 2 265 to 295 For general use and sealed
bearing use
bearing that is pre-sealed with grease (sealed/ and non-soaps. Metallic soap thickeners
3 220 to 250 For general use,
shielded bearing), or if using an unsealed include: lithium, sodium, calcium, etc. high temperature use,
bearing, fill the bearing and housing with the Non-soap base thickeners are divided and sealed bearing use

proper amount of grease, and replenish or into two groups: inorganic (silica gel, 4 175 to 205 For special use

change the grease regularly. bentonite, etc.) and organic (polyurea,

With sealed bearings, the proper grease fluorocarbon, etc.). The various special
amount does not cause leakage; however, under characteristics of a grease, such as
use conditions including a lot of vibrations, limiting temperature range, mechanical
which cause grease to flow easily, or under stability, water resistance, etc. depend
high-speed outer ring rotation, in which large largely on the type of thickening agent
centrifugal force is applied on the grease, the used. For example, a sodium based grease
grease may purge (in rare cases). Please consult is generally poor in water resistance
NTN Engineering. properties, while greases with bentone,
poly-urea and other non-metallic soaps as

A-112 A-113

●Lubrication ●Lubrication

11.3.2 Amount of grease  V = K・W …………………………… (11.1)

The amount of grease used in any given where,
situation will depend on many factors relating   V : Quantity of bearing space open type
to the size and shape of the housing, space (approx.), cm3
limitations, bearing’s rotating speed and type   K : Bearing space factor (see value of K in
of grease used. As a rule of thumb, bearings Table 11.4)
should be filled to 30 to 40% of their space   W : Mass of bearing, kg
and housing should be filled 30 to 60%. Where A predetermine amount of grease is filled in
speeds are high and temperature rises need the bearing with a grease gun or a syringe. After
to be kept to a minimum, a reduced amount sealing it is not possible to spread the grease by
of grease should be used. Excessive amounts hand - only by rotating the bearing by hand.
of grease cause temperature rises which
in turn cause the grease to soften and may
allow leakage. Oxidation and deterioration of
excessive grease fills may cause the lubricating
efficiency to be lowered. Moreover, the
standard bearing space can be found by formula

Table 11.4 Bearing space factor K

Bearing type1) Cage type K

Deep groove ball bearing2) Pressed cage 61

Pressed cage 54

Angular contact ball bearing Machined cage 33

Molded resin cage 33

Pressed cage 50
NU type3)
Machined cage 36

Pressed cage 55
N type5)
Cylindrical roller Machined cage 37

bearing Machined cage 33

NU type4)
ULTAGE series(EA type) Molded resin cage 33

E type Machined cage 34

N type4)
Molded resin cage 35

Tapered roller bearing Pressed cage 46

Type C Pressed cage 35

Spherical roller Type B Type 213 Machined cage 28

bearing Type EA Pressed cage 33

ULTAGE series
Type EM Machined cage 31

1) D
 oes not apply to model numbers that are not specified in the catalog.
2) Does not apply top 160 series bearings. 3) Does not apply to NU4 series.
4) Applies to G1 machined cages only. 5) Does not apply to N4 series.

A-114 A-115

●Lubrication ●Lubrication

Table 11.5 Grease varieties and characteristics 1)

Soap-based Soap-based Non-soap-based

Lithium (Li) Calcium (Ca) Calcium (Ca) Sodium (Na)

Organic Inorganic
grease grease grease grease

Ca soap
Thickening agent 2) Li soap Li complexed soap Ca complexed soap Na soap Urea Urea PTFE Silica gel
(cup grease)
Base oil Mineral oil Ester oil Silicone oil Mineral oil Mineral oil Mineral oil Mineral oil Mineral oil Synthetic oil Fluorinated Ester oil

Dropping point °C 170 to 190 170 to 190 200 to 210 >250 80 to 100 200 to 280 170 to 200 >260 >260 None >260

−30 to 120 −50 to 130 −50 to 160 −30 to 130 −20 to 70 −20 to 130 −20 to 130 −30 to 140 −40 to 180 −40 to 250 −70 to 150
temperature range °C

Mechanical stability Good Good Good Good OK Good Good Good to Excellent Good to Excellent OK to Good Good

Pressure resistance Good Good Poor Good OK Good to Excellent Good Good to Excellent Good to Excellent Good Good

Water resistance Good Good Good Good Good Good Poor Good to Excellent Good to Excellent Good Good

Balanced Excellent low Excellent Balanced Used for low speed Excellent pressure Some emulsification Excellent water Excellent water Excellent chemical Excellent
performance with temperature and characteristics performance with and light loads resistance when water is resistance and resistance and resistance characteristics at
less disadvantages wear characteristics at low and high less disadvantages introduced oxidation stability oxidation stability low temperature
Characteristics/ temperatures
application Usable for relatively Used for high Used for high
All purpose grease Suitable for small Poor load resistance Usable for relatively Unusable for high high temperature temperature temperature
sized and miniature high temperature temperature and high speed applications
bearings applications

1) Use the grease performance as rough standards because it differs depending on the manufacturer’s additive formation. 3) Ester oil-based grease may swell acrylic materials, and silicone-based grease may swell silicone materials.
2) Na soap-based grease may be emulsified by water and high humidity conditions. Some silicone-based greases and fluorine-based greases have poor noise performance and rustproofing performance.
Urea-based grease may deteriorate polyfluorocarbons and rubber.

Table 11.6 Grease brands and their nature

Base oil viscosity mm2/s 60 times blend consistency Operating
Dropping point
Brand Code Thickener Base oil Representative temperature Characteristics
40°C 100°C NLGI No °C
value range °C

Alvania Grease S2 2AS Li soap Mineral oil 131 12.2 283 2 181 −25 to 120 All-purpose (standard grease for deep grease ball bearings)

Alvania Grease S3 3AS Li soap Mineral oil 131 12.2 242 3 182 −20 to 135 All-purpose (standard grease for ball bearings of bearing units)

Alvania EP Grease 2 8A Li soap Mineral oil 220 15.9 284 2 184 −20 to 110 All-purpose for high loads

Multemp PS No. 2 1K Li soap Ester + PAO 15.9 ー 270 2 190 −50 to 130 For low temperature and low torque

For low temperature to high temperature, all-purpose (standard

Multemp SRL 5K Li soap Ester 24.1 ー 250 2 to 3 192 −40 to 150
grease for miniature/small diameter ball bearings)

SH33L 3L Li soap Silicone 70 27 320 1 to 2 220 −70 to 140 For low temperature

SH44M 4M Li soap Silicone 80 19 260 2 to 3 204 −40 to 160 For high temperature

ISOFLEX NBU15 15K Ba complexed soap Diester + mineral oil 23 5 280 2 220 or above −40 to 130 For high speed

SHC POLYREX 462 L791 Urea PAO 460 40 280 2 270 −20 to 170 For food machinery

SE-1 L749 Urea PAO + ester 22 5 265 2 220 or above −50 to 120 For high speed

ME-1 L700 Urea Ester + PAO 61.3 9.3 231 3 250 or above −30 to 160 For high temperature and high speed

EP-1 L542 Urea PAO 46.8 ー 220 2 260 or above −40 to 160 For high temperature and high speed

NA103A L756 Urea PAO + ether 53.5 ー 270 2 260 or above −40 to 180 Brittle separation

MP-1 L448 Urea Synthetic oil 40.6 7.1 243 3 250 or above −40 to 150 For high temperature and high speed

Grease J L353 Urea Ester 75 10 305 1 to 2 280 or above −20 to 180 For high temperature

Cosmo Wide Grease WR3 2M Na terephthalate Diester + mineral oil 31.6 6 238 3 230 or above −40 to 150 For low temperature to high temperature, all-purpose

Mobilgrease 28 9B Bentonite PAO 30 5.7 293 1 to 2 307 −54 to 177 MIL-PRF-81322 For low temperature to high temperature

Aeroshell Grease 7 5S Microgel Diester 10.3 3.1 296 1 to 2 260 or above −73 to 149 MIL-PRF-23827C

Note: 1. Representative values are shown for the base oil viscosity, consistency, and dropping point.
2. The upper and lower limits of the operating temperature range differ depending on the usage environment and requirement
specifications. Please consult with NTN Engineering.
A-116 A-117

●Lubrication ●Lubrication

11.3.3 Grease replenishment for standard rolling bearing grease when used (Example) Find the grease relubrication time Bearings with solid grease are available in two
As the lubricating performance of grease under normal operating conditions. As operating limit for deep groove ball bearing 6206, with a types: the spot-pack type in which solid grease
declines with the time, grease must be filled in temperatures increase, the grease interval radial load of 2.0 kN operating at 3 600 min–1 is injected into the cage, and the full-pack
proper intervals. should be shortened accordingly. Generally, for type in which all free space around the rolling
The replenishment interval depends on the every 10°C increase in bearing temperature elements is completely filled with solid grease.
type of bearing, dimensions, bearing’s rotating above 80°C, the grease interval period is From Fig. 9.1 Cr / Pr = 21.6 / 2.0 kN = 10.8, Spot-pack solid grease is available for deep
speed, bearing temperature, and type of grease. shortened to “2/3”. f L = 0.96. Allowable rotational speed from the groove ball bearings, small diameter ball bearings,
An easy reference chart for calculating grease For grease replenishment interval of the dimensions tables for bearing 6206 is 11 000 and bearing units. Full-pack solid grease is
replenishment interval is shown in Fig. 11.2. ULTAGE series, please contact NTN Engineering. min–1. Allowable rotational speed no for 2.0 kN available for self-aligning ball bearings, spherical
This chart indicates the replenishment interval radial load is: roller bearings, and needle roller bearings.
 no = 0.96 × 11 000 = 10 560min−1
no / n no 10 560 Primary advantages:
@ Therefore, = = 2.93
20.0 n 3 600 (1) Minimal grease leakage
The point where vertical lineⅠintersects a (2) Low bearing torque with spot-pack type
15.0 horizontal line drawn from the point equivalent solid grease
Grease relubrication
Bearing bore ! of d = 30 for the radial ball bearing shown in Fig.
time limit h
diameter d mm # 11.2 shall be point A. Find intersection point C For more details, please refer to the special
10.0 where vertical line Ⅲ intersects the straight line catalog “Bearings with solid grease (CAT. No.
300 30 000
8.0 formed by joining point B (no / n = 2.93) with A 3022/E).”
20 000
100 7.0 by a straight line Ⅱ. It shows that grease life in
50 6.0 this case is approximately 5,500 hours.
40 A
30 10 000 5.0 Solid grease
20 11.3.4 G rease life estimation of sealed ball
10 4.0 bearings
500 5 000 There is a method of estimating the grease life
Radial ball bearing

300 4 000 of single row sealed and greased ball bearings.

200 500 3 000 B The estimated grease life changes depending
100 300 on the grease type, temperature, shaft rotational
200 2 000
50 speed, and load; therefore, please contact NTN
100 2.0
30 100 Engineering for details.
50 20 50
Fig. 11.3 D
 eep groove ball bearing with spot-pack
1 000
solid grease (Z shield)
Cylindrical roller bearing

30 11.4 Solid grease (Available for deep groove ball bearings)

Tapered roller bearing
Spherical roller bearing

400 “Solid grease” is a lubricant composed mainly Solid grease
Thrust ball bearing

of lubricating grease and ultra-high polymer
polyethylene. Solid grease begins as grease that
has the same viscosity as a more traditional
0.9 grease. After being heated and cooled, a process
known a “calcination”, the grease hardens
0.8 while maintaining a large quantity of lubricant
no : f L (Fig. 9.1) × f C (Fig. 9.2) × allowable rotational speed within the polymer structure. The result of this
(from dimension tables) solidification is that the grease does not easily
n : rotational speed 0.7 Fig. 11.4 Spherical roller bearing with full-pack
leak from the bearing, even when the bearing is solid grease
Fig. 11.2 Diagram for grease interval subjected to strong vibrations or centrifugal force. (Available for spherical roller bearings)

A-118 A-119

●Lubrication ●Lubrication

11.5. Oil lubrication carried away from the bearing and dissipated to 11.5.1 Selection of lubricating oil Lubrication of rolling bearings requires
the outside. Under normal operating conditions, machine viscosity shown in Table 11.8, which is
Oil lubrication is suitable for applications Table 11.7 shows the main methods of oil oil, turbine oil, and other mineral oils are widely dependent on the use conditions. Fig 11.5
requiring that bearing-generated heat or heat lubrication. used for the lubrication of rolling bearings. shows the relation between lubricating oil
applied to the bearing from other sources be However, for temperatures below -30°C or viscosity and temperature. This is used to select
above 150°C, synthetic oils such as ester oil, a lubrication oil with viscosity characteristics
Table 11.7 Oil lubrication methods
silicone oil, and fluorinated oil are used. appropriate for the operating temperature.
Lubrication method Example Lubrication method Example
For lubricating oils, viscosity is one of the For reference, Table 11.9 lists the selection
(Oil bath lubrication) (Disc lubrication) most important properties and determines standards for lubricating oil viscosity based on
¡Oil bath lubrication is the most ¡In this method, a partially
generally used method of submerged disc rotates an oil’s lubricating efficiency. If viscosity is too bearing operating conditions.
lubrication, and is widely used and pulls oil up into a
for low to moderate rotational reservoir from which it
low, formation of the oil film will be insufficient,
Table 11.8 R
 equired lubricating oil viscosity
speed applications. then drains down and damage to the rolling surface will occur. for bearings
¡For horizontal shaft through the bearing,
applications, oil level should be lubricating it. If viscosity is too high, viscous resistance will
maintained at approximately Bearing type Dynamic viscosity mm2/s
the center of the lowest rolling also be great, resulting in temperature increase
Ball bearings, 13 or above
element, according to the oil and friction loss. In general, for higher speed
gauge, when the bearing is at Cylindrical roller bearings,
rest. For vertical shafts at low applications, a lower viscosity oil should be Needle roller bearings
speeds, oil level should be
maintained at 50 - 80% used; for heavier load applications, a higher Spherical roller bearings, 20 or above
submergence of the rolling Tapered roller bearings,
elements. viscosity oil should be used.
Needle roller thrust bearings

(Oil spray lubrication) (Oil mist lubrication) Self-aligning roller thrust bearing 30 or above
¡In this method, an impeller or ¡Using pressurized air,
similar device mounted on the lubricating oil is
shaft draws up oil and sprays it atomized before passing
onto the bearing. This method through the bearing. 3 000
can be used at considerably ¡Due to the low lubricant 2 000 1: ISO VG 320
high speeds. resistance, this method 1 000
is well suited to high 2: ISO VG 150
speed applications. 500 3: ISO VG 68
300 4: ISO VG 46
(Drip lubrication) (Air-oil lubrication) 5: ISO VG 32
¡In this method, oil is collected ¡In this method, the 100 6: ISO VG 22
above the bearing and allowed required minimum 7: ISO VG 15
to drip down into the housing amount of lubricating oil 50

Viscosity mm2/s
Mist Reservoir (level switch)
where it becomes a lubricating is measured and fed to Separator
mist as it strikes the rolling each bearing at ideal Air
Oil Air oil 30
elements. Another version intervals using Solenoid valve
allows only slight amounts of oil compressed air.

to pass through the bearing. ¡Fresh lubricating oil is

Air Nozzle 15
¡Used at relatively high speeds constantly fed. Pressure switch
for light to moderate load ¡Because the required oil
applications. quantity is very small, the 8 3
¡In most cases, oil volume is a working environment can
6 4
few drops per minute. be kept clean.
5 5
(Circulating lubrication) (Oil jet lubrication) 4
¡Used for bearing cooling or for ¡This method lubricates 7
automatic oil supply systems in by injecting oil under 3
which the oil supply is centrally high pressure directly
located. into the side of the -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160
¡One of the advantages of this bearing. This is a reliable
method is that oil cooling system for high speed, Temperature °C
devices and filters to maintain high temperature or
oil purity can be installed within otherwise severe
the system. conditions. Fig 11.5 Relation between lubricating oil viscosity and temperature
¡In order for oil to thoroughly ¡Used for lubricating the
lubricate the bearing, oil inlets bearings in jet engines,
and outlets must be provided gas turbines, and other
on opposite sides of the high speed equipment.
bearing. ¡Under-race lubrication is
one example of this type
of lubrication.

A-120 A-121

●Lubrication ●Lubrication

Table 11.9 Standards for lubricating oil viscosity

Bearing operating Lubricating oil ISO viscosity grade (VG) r
temperature °C
dn value1) Suitable bearing Loa kgf
Oil quantity q
Normal load Heavy load or shock load N 00
k 30 0 00 cm3/min
−30 to   0 Up to allowable rotational speed 22, 32 46 All types 300 20 0
200 0
Up  to 15 000 46, 68 100 All types 10 0 Shaft diameter d 100
100 7 00
15 000  to 80 000 32, 46 68 All types 1 mm
70 0 0 200
0 to  60 60 160
80 000  to 150 000 22, 32 32 All types but thrust ball bearings 0
60 4 00 300
Single row radial ball bearings, 2 40 0 140
150 000 to 500 000 10 22, 32
cylindrical roller bearings 3 00
30 400
3 100

10 4
Up  to 15 000 150 220 All types 2 00 80 500
4 20 0 60

dn ×
15 000  to 80 000 100 150 All types 1 50 40 20
60 to 100 5 15 600
80 000  to 150 000 68 100, 150 All types but thrust ball bearings 0 0
6 1 00
Single row radial ball bearings, 10 700
150 000 to 500 000 32 68 8 800
cylindrical roller bearings
10 8 600 800
100 to 150 Up to allowable rotational speed 320 All types
Bearing type
15 400 900
0 to  60 Up to allowable rotational speed 46, 68 Self-aligning roller bearing
Self-aligning roller bearing Tapered roller bearings 20
4 200
60 to 100 Up to allowable rotational speed 150 Angular contact ball bearings 1 000
30 2
Deep groove ball bearings, 40
1) dn value: [dn = bearing bore diameter d (mm) × rotational speed n (mm )] Cylindrical roller bearings 1 100
Note: 1. Applied when lubrication method is either oil bath or circulating lubrication.
2. Please consult NTN Engineering in cases where operating conditions fall outside the range covered by this table. 1 200

11.5.2 Oiling amount amount is completely carried away by the oil, Fig. 11.6 Oil quantity guidelines
When a bearing is to be supplied with oil use the shaft diameter in the diagram as d = 0.
forcibly, the amount of heat generated from 11.5.3 Relubrication intervals
Table 11.10 Value of K
the bearing is equal to the sum of the amount The intervals at which lubricating oil should
Expelled oil temp minus supplied oil temp °C K
of heat dissipated from the housing and the be changed varies depending upon operating
10 1.5
amount of heat carried away by the oil. 15 1 conditions, oil quantity, and type of oil used.
The oiling amount that serves as a rough 20 0.75 In general, for oil bath lubrication where the
indication when a standard housing is used can 25 0.6 operating temperature is 50°C or less, oil
be obtained by formula (11.2). should be replaced once a year. When the
Q = K ∙ q ………………………………(11.2) (Example) For tapered roller bearing operating temperature is between 80°C -
where, 30220U mounted on a flywheel shaft with 100°C, oil should be replaced at least once
 Q: oiling amount per bearing (cm3/min) a radial load of 9.5 kN, operating at 1 800 every three months. For important equipment,
 K: coefficient determined by allowable min–1, what is the amount of lubricating oil it is advisable that lubricating efficiency and
temperature rise of oil (Table 11.10) Q required to keep the bearing temperature oil purity deterioration be checked regularly to
 q: oiling amount obtained by diagram rise below 15°C? determine when oil replacement is necessary.
(cm3/min) (Fig. 11.6)
The heat dissipation amount differs depending
on the housing type. Therefore, in the actual  d = 100mm,
operation, it is desirable to obtain the oiling  dn = 100 × 1 800 = 18 × 104
amount suitable for the actual machine by From Fig. 11.6 q = 180cm3/min
adjusting the amount obtained by formula Assume the bearing temperature is
(11.2) to 1.5 to 2 times. approximately equal to the expelled oil
In addition, when calculating the oiling temperature,
amount assuming that no heat is dissipated from Table 11.10, since K = 1
from the housing and the generated heat  Q = K × q = 1 × 180 = 180cm3/min

A-122 A-123

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