Final Test Social Psychology
Final Test Social Psychology
Final Test Social Psychology
1) Social influence is indeed a very powerful force in changing the behavior of the people toward
whom it is directed. Conformity is one of the major forms of influence.
Question : What are the factors that determine the extent to which people yield to conformity
and resist it?
Provide two (2) answers . 1) why people yield and 2) why people resist. Use YOUR OWN
One of the factors that determine the extent to which people yield to conformity is the
influence those we like. People tend to follow others as they see as the norms and expected to
do in certain circumstances. They will be most likely to follow all the norms and the rules from
those who they like as they want to feel the sense of belonging with those social group. They
also want to feel accepted into the group they desire so that they are not being left out. One of
the examples from this situation is the movie from Mean Girls, where the main character Cady,
tries so hard so that she gets to be in the popular group in her school. She even changed her
personality and appearance so that she gets to feel accepted from them.
However, some people resist conformity as they feel like they are more powerful, and
they believe that others can easily be influenced by them. Individuals who usually have power,
connection and influential tend to be the one who conduct the conformity to the society. They
will be most likely to not pay attention to others perspective and behaviour as their thoughts
and actions from their own internal states and knowledge. Individuals who are influential tend
to not show their own judgement of others. An example of this situation is politicians where
they tend to resist conformity as they feel that they have powerful control those in government
and also the society.
In conclusion, some people may follow and resist the conformity because of several
factors. Conformity can give advantages and disadvantages to the society.
2) Latane and Darley (1970) proposed that the likelihood of a person engaging in prosocial actions
is determined by a series of decisions that must be made quickly in the context of emergency
Question : Why do people sometimes fail to notice that something unusual is happening or
that there is a state of emergency? Discuss with your own examples.
10 marks
Emergencies can often be happened at anywhere and anytime. Some people may help
emergency situations based on how quickly they are. However, some people may fail to notice
unsual situations happen or state of emergency.
One of the reasons people fail to notice unusual or emergency happens is the falsely
interpret the event. They think that the situation is not emergency as they have limited and
incomplete information of what is happening. Most of the time, the event that happens in the
public does not turn out to be emergency even though the event is catching the attention of the
public. People who involve in the event might not wanting the intrusion from others and they
feel like they are invading their privacy. An example of this situation where a couple who shout
to each other in the public. Some people might be come forward to ask what is going on, but
some people may be avoid in that situation as they feel like they are intruding their privacy.
Another reason people think that it is not emergency because they feel that they are
not incompetent in helping those involve in the emergencies. Authorities and suitable group of
people usually can help in emergencies as individuals who decide to help can be risk in danger
situation. For example, it is risk to help people who in just tripped down or and a fracture
because their body are more fragile and can be easily broken. To help those people, we just
need to call the ambulance so that the professionals will take this matter quickly and do not
cause damage to the patients.
In conclusion, there can be the reasons that people may fail to notice and do something
that in the state of emergency. The bystanders my fail to notice due to the fact that they are
busy doing with their own daily activities.
3) The nature of the self – including how we think and feel about ourselves is an important
research topic in social psychology. Sometimes other people are more accurate in predicting our
behavior than we are. One way we can attempt to learn about ourselves is by taking an
“observer” perspective on own past.
Question: How does taking an “observer” perspective about predicting our behavior
sometimes prove to be more accurate than our own perspective?
Explain your answers with YOUR OWN examples.
10 marks
We may think that we are truly know ourselves better than anyone else’s. However,
those people who are in our surrounding are actually accurate in knowing our behaviour. To
know our real behaviour, we need to be an “observer” so that we can learn more about
ourselves. “Obeserver” tends to take perspective from the things what they have done in the
past and the present. They will be making differences and judgementals based on that person’s
past self and present and make their own judgement from it. They are less likely to be swayed
by the that person’s intention which is differ in their focus of attention. Taking “observer”
perspective may not lead to false self-judgement as the they also take the emotional factor. An
example of this situation is our best friend know ourselves better than anyone else. If we do
mistake, they will be the one who give their opinion to us and advice us so that we get to be a
better version of ourselves.
4) Social psychologists use the term attitude to refer to people’s evaluation of almost any aspect of
the world. People can have favorable or unfavorable reactions to issues such as object, a specific
person or entire groups.
Question : How are attitudes acquired through instrumental conditioning? Discuss with
examples from your life.
10 marks.
Attitudes refers to self behaviour in certain circumstances as behave it that way. People
can acquire attitudes from their surrounding and learn from it. People can also acquire attitude
from learning from instrumental conditioning.
Instrumental conditioning regards as a rewards for the right attitudes and behaviour.
Because of this method, society especially from their childhood, learn certain good attitudes and
continuously instill it as they feel like it is a positive remark. Teacher usually use this method to
instill good attitudes from their students by giving a reward to them. Some parents may also
give this kind of reward by giving their children praises and gifts is their children is performing
well. From this
An example of this situation in my life where my parents use to give me money if I
complete my fast full in the holy month which is Ramadhan. They would record all the days that
I had fast and at the end of the month would counted it. Because of this, as I grow up, I learn
from this actions and get to fast fully.