5 Sen Syllabus
5 Sen Syllabus
5 Sen Syllabus
Sr. Course Codes Nomenclature of the Courses Hours per week Credits
No. L T P
Course Outcomes: By the end of the course students will be able to:
CO1. state basic concepts related to graphics. (LOTS: Level 1: Remember)
CO2. describe the principles of creating graphical objects and graphical user interface applications.
(LOTS: Level 2: Understand)
CO3. apply 2-D and 3-D transformations (rotation, scaling, translation, shearing) on geometric objects.
(LOTS: Level 3: Apply)
CO4. use different techniques for clipping and filling geometric objects. (LOTS: Level 3: Apply)
CO5. compare different graphics algorithms for different geometric objects. (HOTS: Level 4: Analyse)
CO6. create user-friendly interfaces for computer applications. (HOTS: Level 6: Create)
Course Content
Unit I
Introduction to Computer Graphics: What is Computer Graphics, Computer Graphics Applications, Computer
Graphics Hardware and software, Two dimensional Graphics Primitives: Points and Lines, Line drawing
algorithms: DDA, Bresenham’s; Circle drawing algorithms: Using polar coordinates, Bresenham’s circle drawing,
mid-point circle drawing algorithm; Filled area algorithms: Scan-line: Polygon filling algorithm, boundary filled
Unit II
Two/Three Dimensional Viewing: The 2-D viewing pipeline, windows, viewports, window to view port mapping;
Clipping: point, clipping line (algorithms):- 4 bit code algorithm, Sutherland-cohen algorithm, parametric line
clipping algorithm (Cyrus Beck). Polygon clipping algorithm: Sutherland-Hodgeman polygon clipping
Two dimensional transformations: transformations, translation, scaling, rotation, reflection, composite
Three dimensional transformations: Three-dimensional graphics concept, Matrix representation of 3-D
Transformations, Composition of 3-D transformation.
Unit III
Viewing in 3D: Projections, types of projections, the mathematics of planner geometric projections, coordinate
Hidden surface removal: Introduction to hidden surface removal, Z- buffer algorithm, scanline algorithm, area
sub-division algorithm.
Unit IV
Representing Curves and Surfaces: Parametric representation of curves: Bezier curves, B-Spline curves.
Parametric representation of surfaces; Interpolation method.
Illumination, shading, image manipulation: Illumination models, shading models for polygons, shadows,
transparency. What is an image? Filtering, image processing, geometric transformation of images.
Python Programming
Course Outcomes: By the end of the course students will be able to:
CO1. outline various basic programming constructs including operators, character sets, basic data types and
control statements. (LOTS: level 1: Understand)
CO2. explain Python packages and their functionalities for data analysis. (LOTS: level 2: Understand)
CO3. solve problems using python programming. (LOTS: level 3: Apply)
CO4. analyse the results of data analysis or machine learning programs (HOTS: level 4: Analyse)
CO5. evaluate solutions according to the problem definition. (HOTS: level 5: Evaluate)
CO6. develop database applications in Python. (HOTS: level 6: Create)
Course Content
Unit I
Introduction to Python, History of Python, Features of Python, Python Identifiers, Python Character Set,
Keywords and Indentation, Comments, Command Line Arguments, Assignment Operator, Operators and
Expressions, print() Function, input() Function, eval() Function, Python Data Types: int, float, complex, Variables,
Mutable vs Immutable variables, Namespaces, Decision Statements: Boolean Type, Boolean Operators, if
statement, else statement, Nested Conditionals Statements, Multi-way Decision Statements (elif statement).
Unit II
Loop Control Statements: While loop, range() Function, For Loop, Nested Loops, Infinite Loop, Break
Statement, Continue Statement, Pass Statement, Introduction to Strings, String Operations: Indexing and Slicing,
Lists: Operations on List: Slicing, Inbuilt Functions for Lists, List Processing: Searching and Sorting, Dictionaries:
Need of Dictionary, Operations on Directories: Creation, Addition, Retrieving Values, Deletion; Tuples,
operations on Tuples, Inbuilt Functions for Tuples, Introduction to Sets, operations on sets.
Python Functions, Inbuilt functions, Main function, User Defined functions, Defining and Calling Function,
Parameter Passing, Actual and Formal Parameters, Default Parameters, Global and Local Variables, Recursion,
Passing Functions as Data, Lamda Function, Modules, Importing Own Module, Packages.
Unit III
Operations on File: Reading text files, read functions, read(), readline() and readlines(), writing Text Files, write
functions, write() and writelines(),Manipulating file pointer using seek, Appending to Files.
Python Object Oriented: Overview of OOP, Classes and objects, Accessing attributes, Built-In Class Attributes,
Methods, Class and Instance Variables, Destroying Objects, Polymorphism, Overlapping and Overloading of
Operators, Class Inheritance: super(), Method Overriding, Exception Handling, Try-except-else clause, Python
Standard Exceptions, User-Defined Exceptions
Unit IV
Databases in Python: Create Database Connection, create, insert, read, update and delete Operation, DML and
DDL Operation with Databases.
Python for Data Analysis: numpy: Creating arrays, Using arrays and Scalars, Indexing Arrays, Array
Transposition, Universal Array Function, Array Processing, Array Input and Output
Pandas: Series, Data Frame, Panel, Index objects, Re-indexing, Iteration, Sorting. Matplotlib: Python for Data
Visualization, Visualization Section, Sklearn: loading of dataset, learning and predicting, Model Persistence.
High Speed Network Technologies
Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge of computer networks, layers of OSI reference model, protocols at different
layers of OSI reference model.
Course Outcomes: By the end of the course students will be able to:
CO1. define different high speed network technologies. (LOTS: Level 1: Remember)
CO2. explain working of different wired / wireless technologies suitable for LAN and WAN communication.
(LOTS: Level 2: Understand)
CO3. illustrate the mapping of OSI reference model to different high speed technologies and Internet Suite
of Protocols. (LOTS: Level 3: Apply)
CO4. analyze the performance of different high speed technologies in different scenarios / situations. (HOTS:
Level 4: Analyse)
CO5. design a network for any organization using high speed technologies along with Internet connectivity.
(HOTS: Level 6: Create)
Course Content
UNIT II (High Speed WAN)
Frame Relay: Protocol architecture and frame format.
ISDN & B-ISDN: Channels, interfaces, addressing, protocol architecture, services.
ATM: Virtual circuits, cell switching, reference model, traffic management.
Cryptography and Network Security
Course outcomes: By the end of the course students will be able to:
CO1. recognize need of cryptography and cryptographic Algorithms.(LOTS: Level 1: Remember)
CO2. represent security in terms of various techniques and algorithms. (LOTS: Level2: Understand)
CO3. apply mathematical techniques to cryptography for solving problems related to security issue. (LOTS:
Level 3: Apply)
CO4. identify various types of attacks for their mitigation/proactive and reactive treatment. (HOTS: Level
4: Analyze)
CO5. judge the security of an organization/institute by means of Network security devices/models/controls.
(HOTS: Level 5: Evaluate)
CO6. integrate different types of securities under one environment and evaluate its performance.(HOTS:
Level 6: Create)
Course content
Unit I
Cryptography: Overview of classical cryptosystems, stream and block ciphers, ciphers & cipher modes,
Substitution Ciphers: Mono-alphabetic Substitution and Poly-alphabetic Substitution, Transposition Ciphers: Rail
Fence, ScyTale, Book cipher, Vernam cipher, Vigenere Tabluae, Hill Cipher. Cryptanalysis of Classical
Unit II
Mathematical Foundations: Elementary Number theory, Finite fields, Groups and Subgroups, Matrix
representations, Symmetric matrices and diagonalization, Number theory: Divisibility, gcd, prime numbers,
primality testing. Congruences, solution of congruences, Chinese remainder theorem, Fermat and Euler’s theorem,
Modular Arithmetic and its properties, Modular exponentiation.
Unit III
Cryptographic Algorithms and techniques: Private/Symmetric Key cryptography: DES and its variants, AES,
Feistel networks, Modes of operation, Public/Asymmetric Key Cryptography: RSA Algorithm, Elliptic Curve
Cryptography. Diffie Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm, Digital Signatures, Knapsack Algorithm, Public Key
Infrastructure, Kerberos, secret sharing schemes, Digital Certificates, X.509 Certificates.
Unit IV
Network Security: Attacks: types, detection, mitigation. Network Security Foundations, Defense Models, Access
Control: Authentication and Authorization Controls, Network Architecture, Network Device Security, Wireless
Security, Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems, Network Role-Based Security: Email- PGP, PEM, S-MIME.
Proxy servers. SSL, TLS. SET, SHTTP, IPSec. Virtual Private Networks security.
Economics for Engineers
Course Code: HSMC301-T Course Assessment Methods (internal: 30; external: 70)
Two minor examinations (20 marks), Class Performance
Course Credits: 2
measured through percentage of lectures attended (4
Type: Humanities and Social Sciences
marks), assignments (6 marks), and the end- semester
including Management courses
examination (70 marks).
Contact Hours: 2 hours/week
For the end semester examination, nine questions are to be
Mode: Lectures (L) set by the examiner. A candidate is required to attempt 5
questions in all. All questions carry equal marks. Question
Examination Duration: 3 hours
number 1 will be compulsory and based on the entire
syllabus. It will contain seven parts of 2 marks each.
Question numbers 2 to 9 will be given by setting two
questions from each of the four units of the syllabus. A
candidate is required to attempt the remaining four
questions by selecting one question from each of the four
Pre-requisites: None
About the Course: This course is designed to provide the elementary and essential knowledge of economics
relevant to their profession as engineers. The graduating engineers will learn about the basic principles of
economics and cost benefit analysis for various economic alternatives. The course also gives an initial exposure
to issues and challenges for sustainable development.
Course Outcomes: By the end of the course students will be able to:
CO1. outline the principles of economics in general and economics in Indian context. (LOTS: Level 1:
CO2. discuss concepts related to economics in general and particularly relevant to Indian scenario. (LOTS:
Level 2: Understand)
CO3. apply the principles of economics for solving problems related to Engineering sector. (LOTS: Level 3:
CO4. carry out cost/benefit/, life cycle and breakeven analyses on one or more economic alternatives.
(HOTS: Level 4: Analyse)
CO5. judge the issues and challenges of sustainable development. (HOTS: Level 5: Evaluate)
Course Content
Unit I
Definition of Economics- various definitions, Nature of economic problem, Production possibility curve,
Economics laws and their nature. Relation between Science, Engineering, Technology and Economics. Concepts
and measurement of utility, Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, Law of equi-marginal utility - its practical
applications and importance.
Unit II
Meaning of Demand, Individual and Market demand schedules, Law of demand, shape of demand curve,
Elasticity of Demand, measurement of elasticity of demand, factors affecting elasticity of demand, practical
importance and applications of the concept of elasticity of demand.
Meaning of production and factors of production; Law of variable proportions, Returns to scale, Internal and
External economics and diseconomies of scale.
Unit III
Various concepts of cost- Fixed cost, variable cost, average cost, marginal cost, money cost, real cost, opportunity
cost. Shape of average cost, marginal cost, total cost etc. in short run and long run both.
Meaning of Market, Types of Market - Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Oligopoly, Monopolistic Competition
(Main features of these markets)
Issues, Strategies and challenges for sustainable development for developing economies
Unit IV
Elements of Business/Managerial Economics and forms of organizations, Cost & Cost Control Techniques, Types
of Costs, Lifecycle Costs, Budgets, Break Even Analysis, Capital Budgeting, Application of linear Programming.
Investment Analysis- NPV, ROI, IRR, Payback Period, Depreciation, Time Value of Money (present and future
worth of cash flows).
Business Forecasting- Elementary techniques. Statements- Cash Flows, Financial. Case Study Method. Nature
and Characteristics of Indian Economy (brief and elementary introduction). Privatization - meaning, merits, and
demerits. Globalisation of Indian economy- merits and demerits.
WTO and TRIPs agreements.
1. Alfred William Stonier, D. C. Hague, A text book of Economic Theory, 5th edition, Longman Higher
Education, 1980.
2. K. K. Dewett, M. H. Navalur, Modem EconornicTheory, S. Chand, 2006.
3. H. L. Ahuja, Modern Microeconomic: Theory and Applications, S. Chand, 2017.
4. N. Gregory Mankiw, Principles of Economics, 7th edition, South-Western College Publishing, 2013.
5. Ruddar Dutt & K. P. M. Sundhram, Indian Economy, S. Chand, 2004.
6. V. Mote, S. Paul, G. Gupta, Managerial, Economics, McGraw Hill Education, 2017.
7. Saroj Pareek, Text book of Business Economics, Neha Publishers and Distributors, 2013.
8. William McDonough and Michael Braungart, Cradle to Cradle Remaking the Way We Make Things,
North Point Press, New York, 2002.
9. Sustainable Development Challenges, World Economic and Social Survey, United Nations Publication,
Essence of Indian Traditional Knowledge
Course Code: MC301-T Course Assessment Methods (internal: 30; external: 70) Two
minor examinations (20 marks), Class Performance measured
Course Credits: 0 through percentage of lectures attended (4 marks), assignments (6
Type: Mandatory course marks), and the end- semester examination (70 marks).
Contact Hours: 2 hours/week For the end semester examination, nine questions are to be set by
Mode: Lectures the examiner. A candidate is required to attempt 5 questions in all.
All questions carry equal marks. Question number 1 will be
Examination Duration: 3 hours compulsory and based on the entire syllabus. It will contain seven
parts of 2 marks each. Question numbers 2 to 9 will be given by
setting two questions from each of the four units of the syllabus.
A candidate is required to attempt the remaining four questions by
selecting one question from each of the four units.
Pre-requisites: None
About the Course: This course is designed to acquaint students with Indian knowledge traditions It introduces
students to Vedic period, Post Vedic period, Sufi and Bhakti Movement in India, the ancient scientists of India
and social reform movements of 19th century.
Course Outcomes: By the end of the course students will be able to:
CO1. recognise the forms and sources of Indian traditional knowledge. (LOTS: Level 1: Remember)
CO2. identify the contribution of the great ancient Indian scientists and spiritual leaders to the world of
knowledge. (LOTS: Level 2: Understand)
CO3. apply the reasoning based on objectivity and contextual knowledge to address the social and cultural
issues prevalent in Indian society. (LOTS: Level 3: Apply)
CO4. differentiate the myths, superstitions from reality in context of traditional knowledge to protect the
physical and social environment. (LOTS: Level 4: Evaluate)
CO5. suggest means of creating a just and fair social environment that is free from any prejudices and
intolerance for different opinions and cultures. (LOTS: Level 6: Create)
Course Content
Unit I
Introduction to Indian Tradition Knowledge: Defining traditional knowledge, forms, sources and
dissemination of traditional knowledge.
Vedic Period: Vedas and Upanishads, Yogsutras of Patanjali
Post Vedic Period: Budhism, Janism and Indian Materialism: Charvak School of Thought
Unit II
Sufi and Bhakti Movement (14th to 17th century): सगुण-निगुुण भनि, Sufism and Sufi saints, Kabir, Nanak and Guru
Jambheshwar ji Maharaj etc., Composite Culture of Indian sub-continent.
Unit III
Jyotirao Phule and Savitri Bai Phule and other 19th Century Social Reform Movements;
India’s cultural heritage.
Unit IV
India’s Contribution to the world of knowledge: प्राचीन भारत के महान वैज्ञाननक: बौधायन, चरक, कौमारभत्ृ य
जीवन, सुश्रुत, आययभट, बराहममहहर, ब्रह्मगुप्त, नागाजुयन, वाग्भट; Astrology and Astronomy, Myths and Reality