Sem 820
Sem 820
Sem 820
45 Hours
Scope: To understand the applications of Biostatics in Pharmacy. This subject deals with
descriptive statistics, Graphics, Correlation, Regression, logistic regression Probability
theory, Sampling technique, Parametric tests, Non Parametric tests, ANOVA,
Introduction to Design of Experiments, Phases of Clinical trials and Observational and
Experimental studies, SPSS, R and MINITAB statistical software’s, analyzing the
statistical data using Excel.
Course content:
Unit-I 10 Hours
Introduction: Statistics, Biostatistics, Frequency distribution
Measures of central tendency: Mean, Median, Mode- Pharmaceutical examples
Measures of dispersion: Dispersion, Range, standard deviation, Pharmaceutical
Correlation: Definition, Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation, Multiple correlation -
Pharmaceuticals examples
Unit-II 10 Hours
Regression: Curve fitting by the method of least squares, fitting the lines y= a + bx and x
= a + by, Multiple regression, standard error of regression– Pharmaceutical Examples
Probability: Definition of probability, Binomial distribution, Normal distribution,
Poisson’s distribution, properties - problems
Sample, Population, large sample, small sample, Null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis,
sampling, essence of sampling, types of sampling, Error-I type, Error-II type, Standard
error of mean (SEM) - Pharmaceutical examples
Parametric test: t-test(Sample, Pooled or Unpaired and Paired) , ANOVA, (One way
and Two way), Least Significance difference
Unit-III 10 Hours
Non Parametric tests: Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis
test, Friedman Test
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
B.PHARM Syllabus
(Effective from 2020-2021Admission Session)
Introduction to Research: Need for research, Need for design of Experiments,
Experiential Design Technique, plagiarism
Graphs: Histogram, Pie Chart, Cubic Graph, response surface plot, Counter Plot graph
Designing the methodology: Sample size determination and Power of a study, Report
writing and presentation of data, Protocol, Cohorts studies, Observational studies,
Experimental studies, Designing clinical trial, various phases.
Unit-IV 8 Hours
Blocking and confounding system for Two-level factorials
Regression modeling: Hypothesis testing in Simple and Multiple regression models
Introduction to Practical components of Industrial and Clinical Trials Problems:
Statistical Analysis Using Excel, SPSS, MINITAB®, DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS, R -
Online Statistical Software’s to Formulation development and Clinical trial approach
Unit-V 7Hours
Design and Analysis of experiments:
Factorial Design: Definition, 22, 23design. Advantage of factorial design
Response Surface methodology: Central composite design, Historical design,
Optimization Techniques
Hours: 45
The purpose of this course is to introduce to students a number of health issues and their
challenges. This course also introduced a number of national health programmes. The
roles of the pharmacist in these contexts are also discussed.
After the successful completion of this course, the student shall be able to:
Acquire high consciousness/realization of current issuesrelated to health and
pharmaceutical problems within the country and worldwide.
Have a critical way of thinking based on current healthcare development.
Evaluate alternative ways of solving problems related tohealth and
pharmaceutical issues
Course content:
Unit I: 10 Hours
Concept of health and disease: Definition, concepts and evaluation of public health.
Understanding the concept of prevention and control of disease, social causes of diseases
and social problems of the sick.
Social and health education: Food in relation to nutrition and health, Balanced diet,
Nutritional deficiencies, Vitamin deficiencies, Malnutrition and its prevention.
Sociology and health: Socio cultural factors related to health and disease, Impact of
urbanization on health and disease, Poverty and health
Hygiene and health: personal hygiene and health care; avoidable habits
Unit V: 07 Hours
Community services in rural, urban and school health: Functions of PHC, Improvement
in rural sanitation, national urban health mission, Health promotion and education in
1. Short Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine, Prabhakara GN, 2nd Edition,
2010, ISBN: 9789380704104, JAYPEE Publications
2. Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine (Mahajan and Gupta), Edited by Roy
Rabindra Nath, Saha Indranil, 4th Edition, 2013, ISBN: 9789350901878, JAYPEE
3. Review of Preventive and Social Medicine (Including Biostatistics), Jain Vivek, 6th
Edition, 2014, ISBN: 9789351522331, JAYPEE Publications
4. Essentials of Community Medicine—A Practical Approach, Hiremath Lalita D,
Hiremath Dhananjaya A, 2nd Edition, 2012, ISBN: 9789350250440, JAYPEE
5. Park Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine, K Park, 21st Edition, 2011,
6. Community Pharmacy Practice, Ramesh Adepu, BSP publishers, Hyderabad
Recommended Journals:
45 Hours
The pharmaceutical industry not only needs highly qualified researchers, chemists and,
technical people, but also requires skilled managers who can take the industry forward
by managing and taking the complex decisions which are imperative for the growth of the
industry. The Knowledge and Know-how of marketing management groom the people
for taking a challenging role in Sales and Product management.
Unit I 10 Hours
Definition, general concepts and scope of marketing; Distinction between marketing &
selling; Marketing environment; Industry and competitive analysis; Analyzing consumer
buying behavior; industrial buying behavior.
Pharmaceutical market:
Quantitative and qualitative aspects; size and composition of the market; demographic
descriptions and socio-psychological characteristics of the consumer; market
segmentation& targeting.Consumer profile; Motivation and prescribing habits of the
physician; patients' choice of physician and retail pharmacist.Analyzing the Market;Role
of market research.
Unit II 10 Hours
Product decision:
Classification, product line and product mix decisions, product life
cycle,product portfolio analysis; product positioning; New product decisions; Product
branding, packaging and labeling decisions, Product management in pharmaceutical
Unit V 10 Hours
Meaning, importance, objectives, determinants of price; pricing methods and strategies,
issues in price management in pharmaceutical industry. An overview of DPCO
(Drug Price Control Order)and NPPA (National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority).
45 Hours
Scope: This subject is designed to provide detailed knowledge of rational drug design
process and various techniques used in rational drug design process.
Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able to understand
Design and discovery of lead molecules
The role of drug design in drug discovery process
The concept of QSAR and docking
Various strategies to develop new drug like molecules.
The design of new drug molecules using molecular modeling software
Course Content:
UNIT-I 10 Hours
Introduction to Drug Discovery and Development
Stages of drug discovery and development
Lead discovery and Analog Based Drug Design
Rational approaches to lead discovery based on traditional medicine,
Random screening, Non-random screening, serendipitous drug discovery,
lead discovery based on drug metabolism, lead discovery based on
clinical observation.
Analog Based Drug Design:Bioisosterism, Classification, Bioisosteric
replacement. Any three case studies
UNIT-II 10 Hours
Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR)
SAR versus QSAR, History and development of QSAR, Types of
physicochemical parameters, experimental and theoretical approaches for
the determination of physicochemical parameters such as Partition
coefficient, Hammet’s substituent constant and Tafts steric constant.
Hansch analysis, Free Wilson analysis, 3D-QSAR approaches like
UNIT-III 10 Hours
Molecular Modeling and virtual screening techniques
Virtual Screening techniques: Drug likeness screening, Concept of
pharmacophore mapping and pharmacophore based Screening,
Molecular docking: Rigid docking, flexible docking, manual docking,
Docking based screening. De novo drug design.
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
B.PHARM Syllabus
(Effective from 2020-2021Admission Session)
UNIT-IV 08 Hours
Informatics & Methods in drug design
Introduction to Bioinformatics, chemoinformatics. ADME databases,
chemical, biochemical and pharmaceutical databases.
UNIT-V 07 Hours
Molecular Modeling: Introduction to molecular mechanics and quantum
mechanics.Energy Minimization methods and Conformational Analysis,
global conformational minima determination.
1. Robert GCK, ed., “Drug Action at the Molecular Level” University Prak Press Baltimore.
2. Martin YC. “Quantitative Drug Design” Dekker, New York.
3. Delgado JN, Remers WA eds “Wilson & Gisvolds’s Text Book of Organic
Medicinal & Pharmaceutical Chemistry” Lippincott, New York.
4. Foye WO “Principles of Medicinal chemistry ‘Lea & Febiger.
5. Koro lkovas A, Burckhalter JH. “Essentials of Medicinal Chemistry” Wiley
6. Wolf ME, ed “The Basis of Medicinal Chemistry, Burger’s Medicinal Chemistry”
John Wiley & Sons, New York.
7. Patrick Graham, L., An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, Oxford University
8. Smith HJ, Williams H, eds, “Introduction to the principles of Drug Design”
Wright Boston.
9. Silverman R.B. “The organic Chemistry of Drug Design and Drug Action”
Academic Press New York.
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
B.PHARM Syllabus
(Effective from 2020-2021Admission Session)
45 Hours
Scope: This subject deals with the application of instrumental methods in qualitative and
quantitative analysis of drugs. This subject is designed to impart advanced knowledge on
the principles and instrumentation of spectroscopic and chromatographic hyphenated
techniques. This also emphasizes on theoretical and practical knowledge on modern
analytical instruments that are used for drug testing.
Course Content:
UNIT-I 10 Hours
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy
Principles of H-NMR and C-NMR, chemical shift, factors affecting chemical
shift, coupling constant, Spin - spin coupling, relaxation, instrumentation and
Mass Spectrometry- Principles, Fragmentation, Ionization techniques –
Electron impact, chemical ionization, MALDI, FAB, Analyzers-Time of
flight and Quadrupole, applications
UNIT-II 10 Hours
Thermal Methods of Analysis: Principles, instrumentation and applications
of Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA),
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
X- Ray Diffraction Methods: Origin of X-rays, basic aspects of crystals, X
ray, Crystallography, powder diffraction, structural elucidation and
UNIT-III 10 Hours
Calibration and validation-as per ICH and USFDA guidelines
Calibration of following Instruments
UNIT-IV 08 Hours
Radio immune assay: Importance, various components, Principle, different
methods, Limitation and Applications of Radio immuno assay
Extraction techniques: General principle and procedure involved in the solid phase
extraction and liquid-liquid extraction
UNIT-V 07 Hours
Hyphenated techniques-LC-MS/MS, GC-MS/MS,