IJCSE - Final Paper
IJCSE - Final Paper
IJCSE - Final Paper
Research Paper Vol.-6, Issue-10, Oct 2018 E-ISSN: 2347-2693
Fig.6. Block division process in Yale Database images Genuine acceptance rate (GAR) is an overall accuracy
measurement of the approach. The following table gives the
In our proposed method, we used Bosphorus databases which percentage of the recognition rates and the accuracy rates.
contain the 3face images with various pose, illumination,
occlusion and expression.
TABLE.I. comparisons results of proposed hybridized
technique with other existing methods
V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE Yale Database Jaffe Database Bosphorus
In this paper a framework for a statistical shape analysis of Method FR FA Acc FRR FA Acc FR FA Acc
facial surfaces have been presented. We have also presented s R R urac (%) R urac R R urac
results on 3D face recognition designed to handle variations of (% (% y (%) y (% (% y
) ) (%) (%) ) ) (%)
facial expression, pose variations, and occlusions between
gallery and probe scans. This method has several properties Face
that make it appropriate for 3D face recognition in non- recogni
tion 4.1 5.4 96. 4.75 5.9 95.8 1.0 1.1 99.4
cooperative scenarios. First, to handle pose variation and based 8 8 3 2 8 4 7
missing data, we have proposed a local representation by using on
a curve representation of a 3D face and a quality filter for Occlusi
selecting curves. Second, to handle variations in facial on
expressions, we have proposed an elastic shape analysis of 3D recogni
faces. tion 5.3 6.7 95. 6.02 7.1 94.3 1.0 1.1 99.4
Finally, in the presence of occlusion, it is proposed to remove based 7 2 4 0 7 1
the occluded parts, then to recover only the missing data on the on
3D scan using statistical shape models. That is, we have ion
constructed a low dimensional shape subspace for each element Propos
of the indexed collection of curves, and then represent a curve ed 3.6 4.8 98. 4.32 5.1 97.7 1.0 1.3 99.9
(with missing data) as a linear combination of its basis Techni 4 4 4 2 5 2 9
elements. The testing of proposed approach was carried out in a
simulated environment using NetBeans environment. NetBeans
provides an interactive environment with hundreds of reliable
and accurate built-in mathematical functions. Recognition
results demonstrate that it effectively minimize FAR and FRR.
Finally Elastic Distance Computation algorithm improves the
accuracy of the face recognition system. The research
proposals made out of this paper have opened several
challenging research directions, which can be further
investigated. The recognition rate using the proposed Elastic
Distance Computation algorithm approach applies to future
work. Also in the future it can be combined with other methods
and thus even improve the robustness and accuracy. Next, we
need to improve the performance of classifier and the face
potential area selection method. Future works can also include Fig.7. Comparison results of proposed hybridized technique with other
experiment this method on other 3D face databases. existing methods
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Authors Profile
Mss. Kshipra Soni in pursed Bachelor of Enggineering Sciences
from RGPV Bhopal, in year 2012. She is completed her master
degree from NITTTR, RGPV Bhopal, in 2017. She is currently
doing Guest Lecturer in Government enggineering college, sagar
(M.P.) She has published 2 research papers in reputed international