Eng Notes
Eng Notes
Eng Notes
The Q-method is the system for the classification of rock masses with regards to stability
in tunnels and caverns. The method is a simple tool for the description of rock masses and can be
used for guidance in rock support design decision. The method can be used during construction
period, but it is also useful during the planning of an underground opening, for field mapping and
core logging. In addition the method can be used to assemble and systematize empirical data.
Using 6 parameters, a Q-value can be calculated for any rock mass according to the following
Q = RQD . Jr . Jw
The Q-method is one of the most frequently used and best documented classification systems for
rock masses. Based on six rock mass parameters, a Q-value for any rock mass can be calculated.
This value gives a description of the rock mass quality which can be related to stability in
underground openings.
The Q-value can be calculated during geological mapping in tunnels and caverns or in the field,
eventually also during core logging. Each of the six parameters is assigned a number according
to a description to be found in tables. During geological mapping it is usually necessary to divide
the area into several sub-areas so that the Q-value within each sub-area will reflect the conditions
for that area. Some variation will occur in the Q-value, even within small sub-areas. In such
cases the variation for each parameter should be given. From this it will be possible to calculate a
maximum and minimum in addition to a mean Q-value for each of the mapped areas. The
variation within a sub-area should not exceed that of a defined support class.
Now let’s discuss how we can calculate the six essential parameters of Q-SYSTEM.
The sum of the length (between natural joints) of all core pieces more than 10 cm long as a
percentage of the total core length.
(Already Discussed in Mid-Term).
Water leakage is often easily determined in a tunnel or cavern. However, there may also
be leakages from the invert, and such leakages may be difficult to observe. The surrounding rock
masses may be drained with no visible leakage for sometime after excavation. In a tunnel near
the surface leakage may vary according to the seasons. Leakage will increase in periods with
high precipitation and decrease in dry seasons on in periods with frost. These things must be kept
in mind when determining the joint water reduction factor. Sealing measures, for example
grouting, will reduce leakage.
Arch Dams
In Arch dam, stability is obtained by a combination of arch and gravity action. Firm
reliable supports at the abutments (either buttress or canyon side wall) are more
important. The most desirable place for an arch dam is a narrow canyon with steep side
walls composed of sound rock.
Buttress Dams
Buttress dam is a water-tight dam supported at intervals on the downstream side by a
series of buttresses or supports. The dam wall may be flat or curved. A buttress dam is a
good choice in wide valleys where solid rock is rare.
Use multiple reinforced columns to support a dam that has a relatively thin structure.
Because of this, these dams often use half as much concrete as gravity dams.
Earth Dams
Constructed with earth materials. This is large in size and Trapezoidal in shape. Earth
materials used in construction are gravel, sand, silt and clay. Filters are provided to
facilitate drainage and also to release pore-pressure.
Chapter#3 Tunnels
Tunnels are artificial underground passages opened at both ends constructed for
different purposes. Required for highways, railways, sewerage, water supply, public
utilities and canals.
Crown: The uppermost part of the tunnel
Springline : The line at which the tunnel wall breaks from sloping outward to sloping
inward toward the crown
Invert: The bottom (floor) of the tunnel
Heading: The excavated face of the tunnel
Station: The distance measured from the portal (chainage)
Wall: The side of the tunnel
Portal: The tunnel entrance
Drift: A horizontal excavation
Invert Bottom
Geological Considerations
The engineering properties of a rock generally depend not only on the matrix (structure
formed by the minerals) but also imperfections in the structure such as voids (pore
space), cracks, inclusions, grain boundaries and weak particles.
Pore spaces are largely made up of continuous irregular capillary cracks separating the
mineral grains. Physical discontinuities are present in all rock masses as a result of
geological activities. Introduction of defects into the rock mass due to human activities
that alter the properties of the rock material. The mechanical breaks in the rock have
zero or low tensile strengths, increase rock deformability and provide pathways for
water to flow.
Types of support
Steel arches
Steel ribs are used for reinforcement of weaker tunnel sections, and give rigid to semi-
rigid support. The ribs are made from I-beam or H-beam structural steel bent to
conform to the requirements of a particular tunnel cross-section. Timber may be used
for packing between the beams and the rock. However, providing continuous bedding
against the rock may considerably increase the load-bearing capacity of the arches.
Rock bolts
Steel bolts are frequently set in holes drilled into the rock to assist in supporting the
entire roof or individual rock slabs that tend to fall into a tunnel. Rock bolts maintain the
stability of an opening by suspending the dead weight of a slab from the rock above.
Pneumatically applied mortar and concrete are increasingly being used for the support
of underground excavations. A combination of rock bolts and shotcrete has proved an
excellent temporary support for all qualities of rock. Shotcrete is best known in
tunnelling as an integral component of the NATM (New Austrian Tunnelling Method).
Quick-setting concrete is sprayed onto the bare rock surface immediately after
excavation, and rapidly hardens to form a preliminary support until the final lining of
conventional poured concrete can be installed.
Wire mesh
Wire mesh is used to support small pieces of loose rock or as reinforcement for
Geological Survey for Tunneling
A geological survey is the systematic investigation of the subsurface and surface of a
given piece of ground for the purpose of creating a geological map, model and feasibility
studies. A geological survey employs techniques from the traditional walk-over survey,
studying outcrops and landforms, to intrusive methods, such as hand auguring and
machine driven boreholes, use of geophysical techniques and remote sensing methods,
such as aerial photography and satellite imagery etc.
Types of Geological Survey
Mainly geological surveys are classified into two types:
Surface Geological Survey
Subsurface Geological Survey
Surface Geological Survey: includes on land geology and geological structures,
landforms, hydrology, outcrop pattern, engineering properties etc.
Subsurface Geological Survey: includes on underground geology and geological
structures, Geo-hydrogeology, subsurface rock or soil pattern etc.
Classification of Tunnelling Methods based on type of strata:
Firm ground- reasonable time available for installing conventional support.