1. Explain the concept of entrepreneur, entrepreneurship and enterprise with the help of
suitable examples.
2. Entrepreneurial activity leads to economic growth and development. Comment.
3. An entrepreneur could be a manager but a manager cannot be an entrepreneur -
4. Define SME and explain the role & importance of SME in economic development.
5. How are small scale industries defined in India? Explain the process & formalities of
registration of Small Scale Industries (SSI) in India.
6. Define entrepreneurship and explain the steps involved in the entrepreneurial process.
7. What is intellectual property? Discuss its importance for entrepreneurs. Explain in
detail the creation and protection of intellectual property.
8. What is an entrepreneurial opportunity? Discuss the process of opportunity search and
9. Explain the nature & role of various Government Institutions in promoting &
supporting small business.
10. Discuss the role of any two support institutions in the development of Small Scale
units in India.
11. Explain the provisions of shops and Establishment Act related to small business.
12. Technological obsolescence is one of the major factors leading to failure of small
business - Explain the statement with an example of business failure due to
technological obsolescence.
13. Discuss the assistance provided by Technology parks in setting up a new venture.
14. Discuss the reasons and remedies for Industrial sickness in India.
15. Discuss the case of any successful entrepreneur you know. Explain the factors that
made him/her successful.
16. Discuss the case of any unsuccessful entrepreneur you know and explain the key
variable explaining his/her failure.
17. What is product development? Elaborate step by step process to develop new products
with suitable strategies & examples.
18. Design a business plan for an innovative product/service of your choice.
19. Write a short note on a. Lean Startup b. Long tail marketing c. Startup Ecosystem d.
Private equity
20. What are the legal fundamentals that every Indian Startup should know? When, how
and where to incorporate?
21. Social media promotion tools play a vital role in the marketing of products for
startups. Elaborate.
22. What do you mean by Entrepreneurial leadership? How To Assemble a Board Of
Advisors? What are the keys to good governance for entrepreneurs and their boards?
23. How to build a strong presentation? Elaborate innovative methods of presenting a
business plan.
24. What is the role of MSDE? Enlist/elaborate various schemes offered by MSDE.