This document provides information about calculating concentrations of various substances in different scenarios. It includes:
1) Calculating the indoor concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) given the outdoor concentration and air exchange rate.
2) Converting between units like ppbV, μg/kg, and ppm to calculate concentrations of substances like sulfur dioxide and benzene.
3) Calculating the concentration of copper in a soil and sewage sludge mixture given the concentrations and amounts of each substance.
4) Calculating the decay constant and time for a radioactive substance given its half-life.
This document provides information about calculating concentrations of various substances in different scenarios. It includes:
1) Calculating the indoor concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) given the outdoor concentration and air exchange rate.
2) Converting between units like ppbV, μg/kg, and ppm to calculate concentrations of substances like sulfur dioxide and benzene.
3) Calculating the concentration of copper in a soil and sewage sludge mixture given the concentrations and amounts of each substance.
4) Calculating the decay constant and time for a radioactive substance given its half-life.
This document provides information about calculating concentrations of various substances in different scenarios. It includes:
1) Calculating the indoor concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) given the outdoor concentration and air exchange rate.
2) Converting between units like ppbV, μg/kg, and ppm to calculate concentrations of substances like sulfur dioxide and benzene.
3) Calculating the concentration of copper in a soil and sewage sludge mixture given the concentrations and amounts of each substance.
4) Calculating the decay constant and time for a radioactive substance given its half-life.
This document provides information about calculating concentrations of various substances in different scenarios. It includes:
1) Calculating the indoor concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) given the outdoor concentration and air exchange rate.
2) Converting between units like ppbV, μg/kg, and ppm to calculate concentrations of substances like sulfur dioxide and benzene.
3) Calculating the concentration of copper in a soil and sewage sludge mixture given the concentrations and amounts of each substance.
4) Calculating the decay constant and time for a radioactive substance given its half-life.
1) Concentration of benzene (C6H6) in air is 10 ug ∙ m 3. Express m -3 ∙ h-1. Excharge of air takes places every 5 min (1/12 h).
2 h). 20) Concentration od methane (CH4) in a close room in temp
it in ppmV for t = 20stC and p. M C6H6 = 78 g. Outdoor concentration od these substances reaches 75 ug ∙m -3 20stC and normal pressure in 25 ppbV. Converse this 10 ug – ppmV ∙ h-1. Calculate indor concentration of VOCs. Constant od concentration into ug ∙ m 3 ppmV = 10-6 m3 – 1m3 of air seaction k1 regarding low value can be amitted. 25 ppbV – ug ∙ m -3 78 ∙ 10-6 ug – 0,0224 m3 Mch4 = 16 g 10ug – x Ci = Co + Ri / ke 16 ∙ 106 ug = 16 g – 0,0224 m3 x = 2,87 ∙ 10-3 ∙ 10-6 m3 = 2,87 ppmV Ci = 75 ug ∙ m -3 + 3000 𝑢𝑔 ∙ m −3 ∙ h −1 X – 25 ∙ 10-9 m3 12 −1 X = 16,7 ug ∙ m -3 23 NA = 6,02 ∙ 10 n - 78 ∙ 10 ug 6 Ci = 2575 ug ∙ m -3 21)Concentrance of some subst in soi lis 10 mg ∙ m -3. Converse x – 10 ug Ci = 2,575 mg ∙ m-3 this concentration into ppb. Bulk density of soi lis 1200 kg ∙ m-3. x = 0,77 ∙ 1017 n ∙ m-3 11) At a meeting od 10 people in room of dimension 5m x 4m x Assume normal t and p. 2) C od sulphur dioxide (SO2 – IV) in air 5 ppbV. Express in ug 2,5m. Part of tchem are smoking on average 2 cigarettes per 10 mg ∙ m -3 – ppb ∙ kg-1. da = 1,293 kg ∙ m 3, MSO2 = 64g, 1 mol = 0,0224 m3. hour. Each cigarettes when smoked realased 2,4 mg of Ppb = 10-9 5 ppbV – ug ∙ kg -1 formaldehyde (CH2O). The air axchanges 2 time every hours. 10 mg ∙ m -3 = 10 ∙ 10-6 = 1 ∙ 10 -5 = 10 000 ∙ 10-9 5 ∙ 10-9 m 3 - 1 m3 of air Calculate the steady – state concentration in a inside the room. 1m 3 – 1200 kg 64 ∙ 106 ug – 0,0224 m 3 Compore calculate concentration to 100 ppV ( in temp = 20stC 10 000 ∙ 10-9 kg / 1200 kg = 8,33 ppb x – 5 ∙ 10-9 an normal pressure). 22) The solution of equation… C = Co ∙ c-k ∙t x = 14,3 ∙ 103 ∙ 10-3 = 14,3ug Co = 25 ppm 1m 3 – 1,293 kg Tips 1 : V = 50 m3 C = 5 ppm 14,3ug/1,293 kg = 11 ug/kg = 11 ppb Tips 2 : Air Exchange is ½ therefore ke = 1/ ½ = 2 h-1 K1 = 0,1 day-1 = 2,4 h-1 3) Calculate concentration of copper (Cu) in mixture sewage Tips 3 : Molar mass of formalehyde is 30 kg T=? sludge with soil if concentration of Cu in s.s was 750 mg ∙ kg-1 Tips 4 : Standard volume of .. of an idea gas as standard temp. C/Co = e -k∙t and in soil was 35 mg ∙ kg-1. In a layer 0-25 and area of 1 and pressure is 22,4 liters. However in temp. AT 20stC is 0,024 T = - ln (c/co) / k1 = - ln (5/25) / 2,4 = 0,67 hrs hectar. Dose of s.s was 50 mg ∙ hectar -1, ros = 1200 kg ∙ m -3. m3 23) Calculate the constant of the first range re action for the mCu ,s + mCu ,s.s photo chemical. The half – life period of nitro gen oxide (VI) is 2 Cm = Ri = 2 ∙ 10 ∙ 2,4 [mg] / 50 [m3 ∙ h-1] minutes. Ms + Mss Vs = 0,25 m ∙ 10000 m2 = 2500 m2 Ri = 0,96 uog ∙ m 3 ∙ h-1 T ½ = 2 min T ½ = ln 2 / k1 1m 3 – 12 000 kg Ci = Ri / ke T ½ = ln2 / 2 = 0,35 min 2500 m3 – x Ci = 0,96 / 2 = 0,48 ug ∙ m-3 24) Zadanie z Radon 222 – obliczyc AW X = 3,0 ∙ 106 kg Kwym = 15 min Ms = 3,0 ∙ 106 kg 30 000 ug – 0,024 m3 A2 = 4 Bq ∙ m -3 0,48 ug – x m3 T ½ = 3,8 days Mss = 0,05 ∙ 10 kg 6 X = 358,4 ∙ 10-9 m3 K wym = 1 / (15/60) = 4 [1/h] T ½ = ln 2 / k1 -> k1 = ln2 /3,8 35 mg – 1kg of soil Converse m 3 to ppbV: 3,8 days = 91,2, h X – 3,0 ∙ 106 kg x = 358,4 ∙ 10-9 m3 ∙ 1000 000 0 = 358 ppbV K1 = ln2 / 91,2 = 0,0076 [1/h] X = 105 ∙ 106 mg ms = 105 ∙ 106 ug 12) Each cigarettes when smoked released 25 mg of benzo Aw = (Rw + kwym ∙ A2) / kwym + k1 alfa pyrene. Inhaled air by human is defined as 0,5 dm3. On Aw = (9 + 4 ∙ 4) / ( 4 ∙ 0,0076) = 6,24 Bg ∙ m -3 750 mg – 1kg of s.s areage beath 17 times per minute. Compare 20 cigarettes for 25) What will be concentration od cadium… x – 0,05 ∙ 106 smoker who inhaled dose during a day. kf = 0,0324 dm3 ∙ g-1 x = 37,5 ∙ 106 ug mf = 0,82 ∙ nf mss = 37,5 ∙ 106 ug 0,5 ∙ 17 ∙ 60 ∙ 24 = 12240 dm 3 = 12,240 m 3 Cs / kf = Caq nf 25 ∙ 20 = 500 mg Log Cs/ kf = nf ∙ log Caq 105 + 37,5 ∙ 106 𝑢𝑔 500/12,224 = 40,90 ug/ m3 log (𝐶𝑠 𝑘𝑓) Cm = = 46,7 𝑝𝑝𝑚 13) Conside the situation where Ri is 10 Bq ∙ m 3 ∙ h-1 and Ao is Caq = 10 ∙ 3 + 0,05 ∙ 106 𝑚𝑔 𝑛𝑓 4 Bq ∙ m3 ∙ h-1. Calculate interior radio actinity concentration in Caq = 10 ∙ log (0,1 / 0,0324) / 0,82 = 3,80 4) Rozkład promieniotwórczy C, obliczyć k1 i t two situations 1- open building with ke = 20 h-1; 2- a tighly C = 1 ppt 26) 600 dm 3 of water contaning 400 mg ∙ m -3 of some subs was sealed building with ke = 0,1 h-1 , t1/2 – half time period od t1/2 = ln2/ k1 on a 25 m3 of dry soil. Calculate the concentration of this Radon-222 is 3,8 of day. Equationfor forecasting of substancje in soil and water. Kd for this substancje is 10 dm 3 ∙ t1/2 = 5568 yrs +- 30 radioactivity indor is formulated as: C = 0,29 ppt kg -1. The bulk density is 1200 kg ∙ m-3 t= ? Kd = 10 dm3 ∙ kg -1 Ai = (Ri + ke ∙ Ad) / (kd + ke) Ro w = 1 kg ∙ dm-3 t = ln (co/c) / k1 t = ln (1/0,29) / k1 Ro b = 1200 kg ∙ dm -3 t ½ = ln2 / k1 = 0,693 / k1 5568 = ln2/ k1 k = ln2 / (3,8 day ∙ 24 hours) = 0,693 / 91,2 = 0,0075 h-1 5568 = 0,69/k1 1m 3 – 400 mg k1 = 0,0000124 0,6 m3 – x Ai = (10 + 2 ∙ 4) / (0,0075 + 20) X = 240 ∙ 10-6 kg t = 9943,76 Ai = 90/20 = 4,5 Bg ∙ m -3 5) Calculate the intensity of oxidation of sulphur dioxide SO 2 1 m3 – 1200 kg (IV) if concentration in air is 25 ug ∙ m 3, k2 = 1,2 ∙ 10-12 cm 3 ∙ 25 m3 – x Ai = (10 + 0,1 ∙ 4) / (0,0075 + 0,1) s-1 ∙ n-1 . Ai = 10,4 / 0,107 = 97 Bg ∙ m -3 X = 30000 kg dc/ dt = |-k2 c2| Kd = Cs/ Caq = 10 dm3 / kg 25 ug ∙ m3 -> n ∙ cm -3 30000 dm3 = 6 ms / 240 ∙ 10-6 – ms 14) The half – life period of some compound in soi lis 17 years. 500 = ms / 2240 ∙ 10-6 – ms MSo2 = 64g This compound was emitted into soil and caused concentration NA = 6,02 ∙ 1023 ∙ n 0,12 – 500 ms = ms 5 mg ∙ kg-1. Calculate time after chich soil will remain amount Ms = 2,4 ∙ 10-4 kg not harmful 2 ppb. 64 ∙ 106 ug – 6,02 ∙ 1023 n t ½ = 17 yrs 25 ug – x Co = 200 mg ∙ kg-1 x = 2,35 ∙ 1017 n∙ m 3 C = 2 ppb = 2 ∙ 10-3 kg ∙ kg-1 = 2 ∙ 106 ∙ 103 ∙ 10-9 ug ∙ kg-1= 2 ug 2,35 ∙ 1011 n ∙ cm -3 ∙ kg-1 dc/ dt = |-k2 c2| = 1,2 ∙ 10-12 (2,35 ∙ 1011)2 = 6,6 ∙ 1010 t ½ = ln2/ k1 = 17 yrs = k1 = 0,041 [1/yrs] 6) Calculate the time after concentration of SO2 attains 1,2 ∙ t = ln(Co/c)/k1 = ln(200/2) / 0,041 = 112,32 yrs 108 n ∙ 10-12 n ∙ cm -3. 15) Concetration of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) in soil find to be 1 𝐶= 25 ug ∙ kg-1. Calculate it in ppm. Bulk density of soil is 1200 kg ∙ 1 m -3. Molar mass H2S2 is 34 g. Assume normal temp and 𝑘2 ∙ t + 𝑐 𝑜 pressure. 1 mol – 22,4 dm 3 C ∙ k2 ∙ t + c/cp = 1 25ug ∙ kg-1 -> ppm 𝑐 1− MH2S2 = 32 g 𝑐𝑜 𝑡= 34 g = 34 ∙ 106 ug – 0,0224 m3 𝑐 ∙ 𝑘2 1,2 ∙ 108 25 ug – x 1− x = 1,65 ∙ 10-8 = 0,0165 ∙ 10-6 m3 2,35 ∙ 1011 𝑡= 1m 3 – 1200 kg 1,2 ∙ 108 ∙ 1,2 ∙ 10−12 X – 1kg 0,999 X = 8,33 ∙ 10-4 m 3 𝑡= (0,0165 ∙ 10-6) m3 / 8,33 ∙ 10-4 = 19,91 ppmV 1,4 ∙ 10−4 = 69,385 16) Dry soil of 1 m3 volume was contaminated by 500 dm 3 of t = 6938 s = 1,9 h water contaming some harmful substancje of paartition coeffient Kd = 2 dm3 ∙ kg-1. Concentration of this substance in water was 7) Rysunek, obliczyć Caq Kd = 5 dm3 / kg 500 mg ∙ m-3. Bulk density of soil was 1200 kg ∙ m -3. Calculate ro l = 1200 kg ∙ m-3 concentration of this substancje is soil Cs [mg ∙ m -3]. Kd = Cs/ Caq Kd = 2 dm3 ∙kg-1 ro w = 1 kg ∙ m-3 Caq = 500 mg ∙ m-3 Cs = ? 2mg – 1 kg of water 1m 3 – 1200 kg X – 200 kg 500 dm3 = 0,5 m3 –x X = 400 mg X = 600 kg 𝑥 [𝑚𝑔 ] 17) A solution has a concentration of 1,53 g ∙L-1. What i sit 𝐾𝑑 = 360 [𝑘𝑔 ] 400−𝑥 [𝑚𝑔 ] =5 concentration in ppm. Water density is 1000 kg ∙ m3. Assume 200 [𝑑𝑚 3 ] normal presure and temp 0stC. 1,53 g ∙ L-1 = 1,53 g ∙ dm -3 3 1 m – 1200 kg Ppm = 10-6 0,3 m3 – x 1,53 g = 1,53 [m3] ∙ 10-3 kg [m 3] = 1530 ∙ 10-6 kg [m3] x = 360 kg 1m 3 – 1000 kg Cs = 360 mg / 360 kg = 1 ppm X – 1 kg Caq = 40 mg / 200 dm3 = 0,2 ppm 1530 ∙ 10-6 /1000 = 1,53 ppm 8) Rysunek, oblicztć R V i t 18) Equation for forecasting of concentration od substances is m = 0,3 [-] formulated as. In a some room VOC are emiter with intensity 50 Kf = 0,9 m ∙ d-1 mg ∙ m -3. Total air change this room occurs etery 4 min. ro s = 2600 kg ∙ m -3 Concentration of this subs indor amounts 6 mg ∙ m-3. Calculate Kd = 5 dm3 / dm -3 forecast concentration of VOC autdoor. Constant of re action k1 reparding low value can be amitted. 1 Kwym = 4 min 𝑅= = 0,03 1 − 0,3) Cw = 6 mg ∙ m -3 1 + 2,6 ∙ 5 ( 0,3 C2? K1= 0 R = V/ Kf -> V = R ∙ Kf Rw = 50 mg ∙ m -3 ∙ h-1 V = 0,03 ∙ 0,9 = 0,027 Kwym = 1 / (4/60) = 15 [1/h] V = d/ t -> t = d/V C2 = cw – (Rw/kwym) T = 2,0m / 0,027 m∙d-1 = 74 days Cw2 = 6 mg ∙ m -3 – (50 mg ∙ m -3 ∙ h-1 / 15) = 2,67 mg ∙ m-3 9) Calculate the maximum ability of sorption of organic to adsab 19) COncentration of amonia NH3 air is find to bd 3 ug ∙ kg-1. phosphate’s (PO3-) haviny data presented in table below. Calculate it in ppbV. Density of air is 1,293 kg ∙ m -3. Assume normal temp and pressure. 𝐶𝑠 𝑏 ∙ Csm 3 ug ∙ kg-1 - ppbV = 𝐶𝑎𝑞 1 + 𝑏 ∙ Caq MNH3 = 17 g 17 g = 17 ∙ 106 – 0,0224 m3 Obliczyć z układu równań 3 ug – x 6,2 𝑏 ∙ Csm X = 3,95 ∙ 10-9 m3 = 0,012 1 + 𝑏 ∙ 0,012 X – 1 kg 3,1 𝑏 ∙ Csm X – 0,77m3 = 3,95 ∙ 10-9 / 0,77 = 5,13 ppbV 0,004 1 + 𝑏 ∙ 0,004 10) Consider a situation as follows. Inside room where an open fire a well – ventilated home emites VOCs at rate od 30 mg ∙