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Week 7

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 3

First Quarter – Week 7

School Grade Level THREE

Teacher Quarter 1
Learning Area ENGLISH Teaching Dates & Duration Week 7
The learner demonstrates understanding of
speech cues for clear expression of ideas 
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of
processes and information in text for
articulation of ideas
The learner uses speaking skills and strategies
appropriately to communicate ideas in varied
B. Performance Standards theme-based tasks
The learner creatively presents information in varied
Use plural form of regular nouns by adding -s or -es
C.  Learning Competencies
(e.g.. dog, dogs; wish, wishes) Code: EN26-ig-h-2.3
D. Learning Objectives (KSA) Knowledge:  Identify the plural form of regular

Skills: Use the plural form of regular nouns 

     Write the plural form of regular nouns
Affective: Observe politeness at all times
Curriculum Guide p. 56 of 244
A. References
MELC p.132
B. Other Learning Resources English 3 Quarter 1: Module 7
Use pictures for pupils to complete the sentences.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Real objects can also be used for pupils to make sentences. 
presenting the new lesson Then have pupils identify the word as common or
proper noun.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Present the words and pictures. Let pupils connect
lesson the word to the appropriate picture.
Have pupils write the correct word for the given
C. Presenting examples/instances
of the new lesson
Example: picture of flowers- flowers

Present and discuss about singular and plural

D. Discussing new concepts and nouns.
practicing new skills #1 Discuss the rules in forming the plural of regular

Give more examples in each rule.

E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2        

F. Developing Mastery(Leads to Refer the pupils to English 3 Quartr 1 Module 7:
Formative Assessment 3) Task 4-Find and Choose, p. 9
Say: Nouns form their plural by adding an -s or -es
G. Finding practical applications of
to the end of the singular nouns.
concepts and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and Ask:
abstractions about the lesson How do regular nouns form their plural?
Assessment (Module 7, page 9)
I.  Evaluating Learning Write the correct plural form of the
given noun to complete the sentence.


A.  No. of learners who earned 
     80% of the formative 
B.  No. of learners who require 
     additional activities for 
C.  Did the remedial lessons 
      No. of learners who have 
      caught up with the lesson
D.  No. of learners who continue 
      to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching 
     strategies worked well? 
     Why did these work?
F.  What difficulties did I 
     encounter which my principal 
     or supervisor can help me 
G.  What innovation or localized 
       materials did I use/discover 
       which I wish to share with 
       other teachers?

Prepared by: Approved by:

Teacher School Head

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