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L06 Detectors Ia

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Advantages of Digital Images

• Archiving on digital media (no image decomposition over the years,

copies of identical quality, retrieval from data bases to reduce
searching time)
• Quantitative evaluation (measurements, differences in wall thickness
X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I derived from grey value variations)
Lecture 06 • Image processing (to improve the visual evaluation, as a preparatory
step for the computer aided image interpretation)
• Fast image transmission (taking advantage of the telecommunication,
“remote expertise”)
• Computer aided image interpretation (automatic flaw recognition)
• Combination of the radiographic inspection with other testing methods
• Reconstructions (determination of 3D-volume data from a series of 2D
1 2

Digital Radiology
X-Ray Sensitive Level II I
Detectors X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

Working Cycle and Application of Phosphor Imaging Plates

Read out of IP, digitisation

and erasure
Exposure of Imaging plate

Imaging Cassette


Computed Radiography (CR) with Lead

Screen Data Acquisition
Phosphor Imaging Plates

Data Output

3 4

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

Storage Principle of Luminescence Imaging Plates

BaFBr:Eu scintillator  BaFBr:Eu storage phosphor 5 6

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

Step Wedge Method: Measure Signal/Noise
Ratio and grey value

Cu-step wedge

Equivalence Value for

Optical Density and Film System Class
X-ray tube Cu-step wedge IP in a
Fig. 1: Scheme for the measurement of the SNR with
the step wedge method.

Demo 8

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

Step Wedge Method: IP System classes

ISO 16731, What is Optical Density 2
ASTM E 2446 at a Digital Detector?
Table 1: IP-scanner system classes in
dependence on the minimum SNR
IP System classes
System class System class Minimum Select a certain Class
CEN ASTM Signal-noise ratio for film replacement,
IP 1 ASTM IPSpecial 130 e.g. IP-ASTM1. CR Film
IP 2 117
IP 3 78
The required minimum SNR > 70
IP 4 ASTM IP 1 65 Grey value > 570
IP 5 ASTM IP 2 52 SNRN is 65.
Sensitivity 400
IP 6 ASTM IP 3 43 Latitude 3 Opt. Density = 2

NOTE:The SNR-values of table 1 are equivalent to EN 584-1, ISO 11699-1, ASTM E 1815-96
They are calculated by: SNR = log (e) ∙ (Gradient/Granularity) of table 1 of the corresponding X-ray tube Cu-step wedge IP in a
standards and up-rounded. The calculation of measured SNR values shall be performed from cassette
dose proportional data. Fig. 1: Scheme for the measurement of the SNR with Here: all areas in the digital image with
the step wedge method. values above SNR = 65 and above Gv = 570
Higher system classes required in 17636-2
are equivalent to a film radiograph with
Class A: SNRN = 70, Class B: SNRN = 100 9 optical density > 2 and film system class I.

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

Part 1: Classification of Systems

Calibration Graph EN 14784-2 Correction of

SNR=f(Grey value) Classification
ASTM E 2446 BAS 2000
Characteristic Curves
Can be used to determine a y = 24,053Ln(x) - 87,63
110 a) Imaging plate system with log.
grey value for a specific
SNRN as equivalent value 100 The grey level is proportional to
for a film system (here IP
the wall thickness.
ASTM E 1815 class I) and 90
b) Digitized film.
an optical density of 2. The grey level is proportional to

the light intensity behind the film.
SNRN = 65 X-ray tube
 Gv = 570 60
Serie wedge R28
It shall be noted that this 50
grey value can only be Logarithmisch (Serie
used for the calibrated 40 wedge R28)
system and its specific Film
parameter set, as e.g. gain, 100 600 1100 1600 2100 2600 3100 Correction of characteristic
scan speed and scan pixel Grey value transfer curve required
11 12

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

Correction of Correction of
Characteristic Curves Characteristic Curves

After correction with

characteristic transfer
Uncorrected Image
yields too high SNR but
values! no normalization with
spatial resolution yet!

Demo LUT
Normalization to
spatial resolution SR:

SNRnorm = SNR * 88,6µm/SR

13 (88,6 µm)² = Aperture of 100 µm  (E 1815) 14

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

Standard Methods for

Evaluation of Computed Radiography
SNR Measurement

1. Step exposure FUJIFILM Advantages of the phosphor Disadvantages of the phosphor

2. Step wedge exposure AC-3 imaging plate technology: imaging plate technology
• high linearity • limited spatial resolution (see
Manufacturer • large dynamic range > 105 Fig. 6.3)
1. 2. User • high sensitivity at low energies
Diaphragm Collimator • high sensitivity
• thousand times reusable • as a consequence, higher
impact from scattered radiation
• no chemical processing
• installable into digital image
X-ray tube Cu-step wedge IP in a cassette

X-ray tube IP in a cassette Fig. 1: Scheme for the measurement of the SNR with the step wedge method.

Part 1: Classification of Systems 15 16

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

System conditions:
by -SNRN
-Lead screens
17636-2 ISO17636-2

17 18

Measurement of Spatial Resolution Comparison Between Phosphor Imaging Plates
Fast IP
X-ray tube 320 kV
1. MTF measurement 2. Duplex wire measurement

1. Standard IP
Sharp edge IQI

ISO 19232-5, ASTM E 2002, EN 462-5 HD IP blue

1. Derivative
Digital grey values
Scan pixel size 28 µm
MTF at 20 %
ISO 16731, ASTM E 2445
duplex wire number
Classification of Systems unsharpness
19 20

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

Comparison of different imaging plates

The CR Phantom for Quality Assurance
Electron microscopy:

Crystalite structure of an IPC2 screen Crystalite structure of an UR-1

made by AGFA, high speed but low screen made by Fujifilm, low
resolution speed but high resolution
21 22

Physikalische Grundlagen X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

SNRN and Intensity near BAM-snail

20x400 window recommended
The CR Phantom for Quality Assurance

23 24

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

Documentation of Long Term Stability Tests
High Definition CR Systems for Welding

Systems available down to

• 12 µm pixel pitch and
• < 40 µm unsharpness
• “weld quality”
BAM 5: 8 mm steel

of Duerr, Germany

FUJI IP‘s, light blue

25 26

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

Duerr: High Definition CR System

BAM Certificate: ISO 16731

27 28

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

Digital Radiography for Pipeline Testing

BAM Certificate: ISO 16731
•36 inch 12.7 mm Wall thickness Pipe Weld (SWSI-panoramic exposure )

CRxFlex Computed
Radiography Scanner FilmFree meeting

GE Oil & Gas

29 30

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

Computer Based Inspection of an Insulated Pipelines /
Advantages of Computed Radiography
Compared with Film Radiography
Projection Radiography

Application of Phosphor
Imaging Plates for
Corrosion and Wall
Thickness Measurements

1. Higher sensitivity
 shorter exposure time

2. Digital data available

 computer based evaluation
with digital algorithms Imaging plate
 higher accuracy exposure

31 32

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

Photon Noise in Radiology in

Representative Quality Indicator: Weld Sample BAM 5. Dependence on Exposure Time:

EN 462-2 Step Hole

ASTM E747 / EN 462-2 Type IQI „H1“
Fe 13 Wire Penetrameter

RQI see ASTM E 1817

Normalized at constant contrast
ASTM E1025 Inconel
5 Hole Penetrameter ASTM E2002 duplex wire CNR and SNR increase with increasing exposure time due to improved
BAM 5 is a hand welded steel plate (St 35) 8 mm thick, the welding seam is max. 10 mm thick.
photon statistics 34

It contains all types of welding flaws, especially nice cracks at the surface of the welding seam.
X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

Computed Radiography: Limitations by SNR-Saturation BAM 5 test weldment, 8 mm steel, 120 kV, different CR system classes:
due to Structure Noise of Imaging Plates CR IP 5/130: CR IP 3/130: CR IP 1/130:


300 M=2
SNR normalized



150 D2, DR, IX25 FujiFilm CR XG1, ST VI

D3, M100
D4, MX125 M=5
D5, T200
50 D7, AA400
D8, H800

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
SQRT (Dose / mGy)
Dose : 1x Dose : 4.3x Dose : 43x
35 36

Normalized SNR vs. square root of Exposure Dose

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I CR mit Speicherfolien

Comparison film  CR / HD-CR on elongated flaws (e.g. cracks): Fujifilm: scanner DynamIX HR replaced by HR²
2013 new:

2008 standing:
Prima T2
• Pixel size 100µm + 50µm • Pixel size 100µm + 50µm + 25µm
• 12 Bit log. • 14 Bit log.
• Cassette system, Barcode on IP • Cassettes and screens, no barcode
10 mm Imaging plates:
Imaging plates:
ST-VI (white) 100µm Pixel:
ST-VI (white) 100µm Pixel:
C1 film (6.5 min) Standard CR (6.5 min) HD-CR (50 min) ISO Speed=150, SRb=130µm, SNRmax=150
ISO Speed=125, SRb=130µm, SNRmax=145
UR-1 (blue) 50µm Pixel:
digitized BSR = 40 µm BSR = 130 µm BSR = 40 µm ISO Speed=160, SRb = 60µm, SNRmax=280
UR-1 (blue) 50µm Pixel:
SNRnorm~ 246 SNRnorm~ 145 SNRnorm~ 290 UR 1 (blue) 25 µm Pixel:
ISO Speed= 25, SRb =80µm, SNRmax=210
all images high pass filtered 37 ISO Speed=100, SRb = 40µm, SNRmax=240 38

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

Dürr NDT: new scanner HD-CR 35 NDT Plus Contacless scanning of IP surface
By magnetic rollers on IP back side:
2006: Special ferromagnetic IPs required!
12.5 µm 14 Bit linear
2009 2014 new: CRxVision 35 µm, 3x16 bit sqrt.
50 µm, 16 bit lin. Based on CR 12-X (Medical, „affordable“)

12.5 µm 12 Bit linear


HD-CR 35 NDT Plus

Imaging plates : IPC2 (white, SRb=160µm), IPS (white, SRb=80µm), IPU (blue, SRb=40µm)
39 40

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

SNR improvement by scanner update (exchange) Background–Calibration of Imaging Plates (Structure Noise)
CRxFlex with IPU, 50 µm Pixel CRxVision with IPU, 35 µm Pixel
After Calibration
by Flatfield-Exposure
and image matching with
Matlab (imtransform),
C. Gollwitzer

Raw data before


- ISO Speed (IPS: from 1000 to 2000, IPU: from 200 to 640)
AND SNRmax (IPS: from 210 to 330, IPU: from 200 to 280) improved by scanner !
- Essential influence of scanner clearly shown! 41 42

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

Scratched imaging plates Film Replacement by Computed Radiography (CR)

- The image quality improves with increasing exposure time.

- The structural noise of the IPs limits the max. achievable SNR.
Original data with scratches: After Filtering by ISee!: - Step hole, plate hole and wire image quality indicators measure
the increase of CNR as product of SNR and µeff.
- Reduction of contrast by tube voltage increase can be
compensated by increased SNR and vs. versa
- European standards require high definition systems for X-ray
- The normalized SNRN is independent on the unsharpness, and is
considered as the equivalent value to the selection of a film
system and a required minimum opt. density.
Result of algorithms developed for DDA calibration applied on CR plates 43 44

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

Assembly of an X-ray Image Intensifier

electron trajectory electrodes of the

electron optics
beams illuminated

Radioscopy with Image Intensifiers

vacuum flask
input screen

photo cathode

45 46

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

Radioscopy: Analogue Camera with Image Intensifier Digital Camera with an Image Intensifier

Analogue video signal Computer

X-ray intensifier Graphic
Analog TV
intensifier board

Optics and Graphic

Camera board

47 48

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

New Detectors in Radiology
Advantages: X-ray intensifier
 Real time systems
 Dynamic testing Basis of all modern radioscopy devices

 Application of image processing

 Contrast enhancement by
image integration and

 Defined exposure geometry

Bild der Anlage
(tomography possible)

Disadvantages: Automated car wheel inspection

 Limited spatial resolution
 High weight and large dimension
49 50

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

Radiograph of a Cast Aluminium Part with a Digital Camera


uwez@bam.de 52

X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I X-Ray Sensitive Detectors I

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