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Civics 7 Module 1.5-1.6

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DATE AUGUST 29 – September 9, 2022

Analyze the causes and effects of environmental problems
Analyze the vital role played by language in the development of Asian Culture

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of this module, the learner shall be able to:
1. define language in shaping Asian cultures
2. analyze the causes and effects of environmental problems
3. give possible solutions to affect changes in the environment
4. analyze the role of language in the development of Asian Culture
5. reflect the importance of love and filial piety in maintaining a balanced
6. share to others the importance of language in showing love and filial piety among




Directions. Analyze the following items from the list below and determine if it is Biotic (living) or Abiotic
(non-living).Place your answer at the center of the Venn diagram if it belongs to both factors. (S)


Glass Whale Hair Grass Cage Savanna

Sand Desert Tree Ocean Rocks Aquarium
Coral Mushroom Snail Oxygen Tundra Swimming Pool
Paper Temerature Salad Gold Termites Page 1 of 10
Let’s Learn

Biotic components include plants, animals, decomposers and all the living
organisms in the ecosystem while Abiotic components include air, water,
land and all the non-living elements.

Knowledge Capsule

The Ecosystem of Asia

No one could have failed to notice the
direct consequence of man's increasingly
reckless exploitation of natural resources.
This reckless exploitation resulted in the
destruction of our continent's environment on
which all depends to support their very
existence. The rapid degradation of the
continent's ecosystems has reached a critical

What is an Ecosystem?
Ecosystem refers to the system formed by
the interaction of a community of organisms with their
physical environment. It refers to an area where
physical, chemical, biological traits, and forms of
energy like air, water, soil, and organisms are
interacting naturally. It includes the whole complex
unit of physical factors that form our environment.

Ecological Footprint (EF)

Excerpt from — the Living Planet Index (LPI) The world-average ecological footprint was 2.75
The Living Planet Index describes the health global hectares per person (22.6 billion total) and
condition of the planet's ecosystems. This deals with the average biocapacity was 1.63 global hectares.
the situation of the world's biodiversity and the The Ecological Footprint shows the extent of human
pressure caused by human consumption of natural demand in different ecosystem. It tracks man’s
resources consumption and waste generation on the

Be informed and entertained by watching this video in your(Schoology Account)

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Quick Facts



 Globally, nature provides services worth around

US$125 trillion a year.

 In the 20th century, freshwater fish have had the

highest extinction rate worldwide among vertebrates.

 Nearly 200 million people depend on coral reefs for

protection against storm surge and waves.

 Rainforests are shrinking: almost 20% of the Amazon

has disappeared in just 50 years.

 In the last 50 years, global average temperature has

risen at 170 times the background rate.

 At least 70% of new small molecule drugs introduced

over the past 25 years have come from a natural

 Almost 6 billion tons of fish and other seafood have

been taken from the world’s oceans since 1950.

 Today, 90% of the world’s seabirds are estimated to

have fragments of plastic in their stomach.

Please Answer:
WORKSHEET 1.5 – 1.6
August 29 - September 9, 2022
Activity # 1 : Page 8

Knowledge Capsule

As agreed on the program of action known as the Agenda 21, the world agenda calls for the promotion of
sustainable and environmentally sound development. As compliance with this agenda, different nations
formed their local comprehensive action program on Sustainable Development.
Sustainable development refers to a responsible development of the environment to meet the needs of
the present generation without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs.

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The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable
future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty,
inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. The 17 Goals are all
interconnected, and in order to leave no one behind, it is important that we achieve them all by

More than any other region in the world, Asia is facing the challenges of environmental degradation caused by a
rapid increase in population growth. It has the countries with the fastest growing population. Rapid population
growth entails an increase in the need for food, clothing, and shelter. Thus, this will result in an increase in the
activities of man on the earth's surface.
If we are to analyze the changes that occur in our physical environment, we still find that the forces behind them
still work at a very slow pace. As long as man could go along with this pace of the environment, there would be
harmony or balance between the two. But if not, there will be disaster. Flash floods and droughts occur and create
great and rapid changes in our environment. In reality, these phenomena are "acts of nature".

Please Answer:
WORKSHEET 1.5 – 1.6
August 29 - September 9, 2022
Activity # 2 : Page 8

Page 4 of 10
Urbanization is the physical development of urban areas from rural areas. This is caused by the
migration of the population thereby affecting the concentration of the people and services of the
government in the urban areas. People tend to move to cities to take advantage of better access to
services in the cities.

The level of urbanization is highest in more developed countries. The influx of people into the cities
results in the growth of megacities. Megacities are urban areas with more than 10 million inhabitants.
They are not just large cities for they usually host strong interactions between social, political,
economic, and ecological processes. More so, megacities that experience economic boom generate
more opportunities. This means that there are strong pressures for change as well as considerable
environmental degradation. Asia has 11 of the world's 19 megacities with six in the top 10. The
movement to cities is partly caused by the limited opportunities that people have at home

In the last few centuries, the number living on earth has increased many of people times over. Rapid
population increase and urbanization have harmful effects on the environment and often lead to
interconnected problems. The immediate change can be seen in the disposal of volume of waste. There is
an increase in the volume of waste because of the increased reliance on consumer goods. Unfriendly
environmental technologies like the use of synthetic materials in packaging household appliances and
goods lead to pollution, environmental degradation, and global warming. The conversion of the natural
ecosystem into industrial and agricultural lands resulted in disasters.
The expansion of urban areas entails expansion to the distance travelled by the people. These travels
often pollute the air. As new urban areas are built on forests and along riversides, the ground water table
is often disrupted. This influences the natural processes of water cycle.

Please Answer: WORKSHEET 1.5-1.6 August 29 - September 9, 2022 Activity # 3 : Page 9

Explore into Reading!

Cross-border Pollution
Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances into the environment, thereby causing uncertainty, disorders,
and damage to the ecosystem. Pollution in one country can have serious environmental consequences in others.
This is due to the fact that wind and water passes through borders or national boundaries. A good example of
this phenomenon is happening in Asia. Cross-border pollution coming from China causes serious
environmental problems in Japan and South Korea as the Chinese continue to expand their economy at great
environmental cost. This problem threatens the environment and public health of the nearby nations.

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Land Degradation
Land degradation refers to the decline in land quality that is caused by
human activities. Land degradation is an important ecological issue
because of its great impact on agronomic productivity, food security, the
environment, and the quality of life. Land degradation results in
economic losses due to the decline in productivity. Of the world's 1.9
billion hectares affected by soil degradation, the largest area is in Asia.
Water erosion is widespread throughout the Himalayas, South Asia,
Southeast Asia, and large areas of China. In India alone, 12.62 million
hectares out of a total of
32.77 million hectares of agricultural land are affected by strong water
erosion; in Sri Lanka, 845,000 hectares are affected; and in Iran, 45
percent of agricultural land is affected by light to moderate water
Desertification is the process of turning areas or density of the population in the
forestlands into dry lands that eventually lead to becoming nearing desert. In this
process, the soil of its organic content chronic water shortages due to the dryness of its
. land.

Forest Lands
The forestlands in Asia and the Pacific region cover approximately 655 million hectares. About 33 percent of
this is found in Southeast Asia. Indonesia and China account for 52 percent of the forest cover of the region.
Deforestation remains one of the major environmental issues in the region due to industrialization, agricultural
expansion, and forestry product trade. The countries that experience the fastest rate of deforestation are
Bangladesh, Pakistan, Philippines, and Thailand. Southeast Asia has a per capita forest cover of 0.48 hectares
per person but it also has the highest deforestation rate.

Climate Change
A climate change refers to the variations that have occurred in the earth's
usual environment through its natural cycle. Several natural factors are
responsible for these changes. These are continental drift, volcanic eruptions,
ocean currents, the earth's tilt. However, the recent changes have been so fast
because of man's activities.
The industrial activities that created jobs resulted in the migration of people
from rural are to the cities had led to the construction of houses in urban
areas. Natural resources are widely used for this construction as well as for
industries, transportation, and consumption.

Page 6 of 10
Urban and Industrial Environments
Urbanization causes pressure on the environment. Because of
urbanization, slums and squatter settlements surround the cities. These
conditions had led to the creation of other problems like housing, lack of
sanitary water, and sanitation itself. These problems resulted to the
increasing degradation of the environment.
Because of urbanization, infrastructures became unsuited to the
increasing population in the environment. More people who consume
and are uneducated with the proper use of the environment contribute to
the increase in air and water pollution.


Taking care of the Earth or loving our mother earth is important to our well-being. The Earth provides
us with the ability to have balance everyday of our lives—which is important in the balancing and
protecting our environment.
According to https://livingplanet.panda.org/en-us/ it’s reminding us that we destroy the planet at our
peril because it is our home. As humanity’s footprint expands into one-wild places, we’re devastating
species populations. But we’re also exacerbating climate change and increasing the risk of zonotic
diseases like COVID-19. We cannot shield humanity from the impacts of environmental destruction. It’s
time to restore and show our love and care in our environment for the benefit of species and people alike.
- WWWF-US President and CEO Carter Roberts -

Please Answer WORKSHEET 1.5 August 29 - September 9, 2022 Activity # 4 -5 (Valuing) : Page 9


 Samson, Maria Carmelita B. et al. (2014) Turning Points: Asian History, pp. 54-63, Manila, Philippines:
Rex Bookstore
 https://www.google.com/search?
 Romela M. Cruz, Ed.D.. et al. (2015) Asian Studies pp. 101-102, Manila, Philippines: Vival Bookstore
 https://wwf.panda.org/knowledge_hub/sustainable_development_goals/
 https://www.google.com/search?q=The+Songkran+Festival&rlz
 https://www.google.com/search?q=the+lantern+festival+in+china&rlz

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:


Subject - Teacher ADC - JHS School Principal


Mapa Street, Iloilo City
Tel. No.: (033) 337-2335/ Fax (033) 335-135
email: tiongsan@yahoo.com
Page 7 of 10
Learner’s Name:
Activity #1: Test your Skills Grade Level & Section:
Teacher: ARJAY P. DUMALAOG Learning Area:
August 29- September 9, 2022 STUDIES 7

Directions. Briefly define the following terms. You may use the internet or other textbooks for your answers.
Don’t forget to include its references after each definition. Write your answer in the box. (AS) (5pts)

1. Urban Heat Islands

2. Megacities

Activity #2: Test your Skills

Directions. Read the question thoroughly and try to answer in 3-5 sentences. Write your answer in the box.
(AS) (5pts)

How can sustainable development be achieved?

Activity #3: Test your Skills

Page 8 of 10
Direction. Read the question thoroughly and answer in 3-5 sentences. (AS) (5pts)


Is Technology a blessing or a curse? Why?

Activity #4: Test your Skills

A. Directions. Read each item thoroughly. Identify what is being described in the following statements. (AS)

________________ 1. The process of turning forestlands into dry lands

________________ 2. The decline in land quality caused by human activities

________________ 3. The extent of human demand on different ecosystems

________________ 4. The process of the accumulation of water salts in the soil

________________ 5. The introduction of harmful substances into the environment

B. Directions. Read each item thoroughly. Identify what is being described in the following statements. (AS)

________________ 1. This refers to the interaction of organisms in a natural way in a definite area.

________________ 2. This refers to the differences that have occurred in the Earth’s usual natural cycle.

________________ 3. This refers to the process of turning forestlands into dry lands.

________________ 4. This refers to the responsible development of the environment to meet the needs of the
present and future generation.

________________ 5. This refers to urban areas consisting of more than 10 million inhabitants.

Activity #5: Test your Skills

Direction: In 3-5 sentences, explain the given question. Write your answer in the box. (AS) (5pts)

How can you apply love and care in saving and maintaining our ecological environment?

Page 9 of 10
Mini-Task #2

Direction: Read and analyze the given situation below. Create a poster slogan based on the given situation.
Draw your poster slogan and your reaction in the box provided. (AS)

You are walking in the part of a slum area of Tondo Manila when a quotation attached in a house catches
your eyes: “A finite world can support only a finite population; therefore, population growth must
eventually equal zero.” Your first thought is, “How are they, what is it?” What will be your reaction?

Note: Rubrics for checking as your reference will be uploaded through schoology. Just go to:
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Social Studies 7 - First Quarter File - Performance Task - Mini-Tasks

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