Wille 2015
Wille 2015
Wille 2015
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This research investigates the material efficiency in the design of ultra-high performance concrete. The
Received 15 October 2014 material efficiency is influenced by the flowability, mechanical performance, durability and cost.
Received in revised form 16 March 2015 Suitable material constituents have been pre-selected based on their properties and availability in the
Accepted 19 March 2015
United States of America. The efficiency of the constituents is progressively investigated using the follow-
Available online 5 April 2015
ing three step approach emphasizing: (1) ultra-high performance paste, (2) ultra-high performance
matrix, and (3) ultra-high performance fiber composite. Mix design recommendations for performance
and cost effective ultra-high performance concretes are made and conclusions for further enhancements
Ultra-high performance concrete
Ultra-high performance fiber reinforced
are drawn.
concrete Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0950-0618/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
34 K. Wille, C. Boisvert-Cotulio / Construction and Building Materials 86 (2015) 33–43
development of different high and ultra-high performance con- density has to be increased such that the volume of water-filled
crete mix designs from the 1970s on, is provided by Naaman and voids is reduced. Therefore, less water is physically trapped, leav-
Wille [9]. To the best of the author’s knowledge the first non-pro- ing more of the remaining water available to cover the surface of
prietary concrete mix design achieving ultra-high compressive the particles. This increases the thickness of the water film on
strength in excess of 150 MPa by using materials available in the the surface of the particles and decreases the overall viscosity of
U.S. without the application of heat or pressure treatment has been the paste. Thus, by improving the rheological behavior, the water
reported by Wille et al. [10]. Research efforts by Wille et al. [11–14] to cement ratio (w/c) can be reduced to maintain the same worka-
show that UHPC can be designed achieving compressive strength bility, which is one necessary condition to achieve an ultra-high
in excess of 200 MPa (29 ksi) by using materials available in the strength paste and thus UHPC. Furthermore, increasing the particle
U.S. under ambient curing conditions without the need of special packing density decreases the porosity of the paste, which is the
treatment. The basic principles of UHPC design include high parti- key parameter for improving durability performance [15].
cle packing density (low porosity), high material quality (low Therefore, focusing material design on particle packing optimiza-
impurity), cement hydration chemistry (high density calcium–sili- tion and costs simplifies the research activities.
cate–hydrate [C–S–H]), pozzolanic reactions and filler effect of Based on the relative workability (spread), the relative com-
supplemental materials (C–S–H formation and low porosity), high pressive strength ðf c Þ and the relative costs of the paste, the
particle dispersion quality (low porosity and enhanced workabil- dimensionless efficiency parameter E is introduced (Eq. (1)):
ity), optimized particle to high range water reducer (HRWR) inter-
action (enhanced particle dispersion) and excess paste (enhanced f0 spreadN
0:7 f 0 c;N þ 0:3 spreadN;£
workability and robustness). Based on these principles and on E¼ c;N;£
; ð1Þ
the experimental results of prior research [11–14] the material costP;£
constituents for designing UHPC are pre-defined and their approxi-
mated median particle size, as well as their range of particle size where f c;N is the 28-day compressive strength normalized at w/
distribution, are listed as recommendations in Table 1. 0
c = 0.25 and at an air content of 3%, f c;N;£ is the average normalized
Additionally prior research results [11–14] suggest the follow- 28-day compressive strength over all pastes of one series, spreadN is
ing mixture proportions for designing UHPC: the spread value normalized at w/c = 0.25, spreadN;£ is the average
normalized spread value over all pastes of one series, costF is the
Cement (C):silica fume (SF):supplemental material (SM) =
cost of the paste per m3, and costP;£ is the average cost over all
1:0.25:0.25 by weight,
pastes of one series.
Water (W) to cement (C) = 0.2–0.3 by weight,
The efficiency parameter has been derived to reflect the paste
Aggregate (A):cement (C) = 1.0–2.0 by weight,
performance over its material costs. Based on the research
Fiber volume fraction (Vf) = 1.0–2.0 Vol.%.
approach targeting pastes with low porosity and high particle
packing density, thus high compressive strength and workability,
3. Research approach the performance is indicated by the relative strength and relative
workability. The factors 0.7 and 0.3 have been chosen to consider
In order to satisfy time efficiency and material performance in strength with higher priority over workability. While the relative
the UHPC design the following three step progression is proposed performance is defined to be directly proportional to the efficiency
and used in this research: (Level 1) investigation of the cementi- parameter, the relative costs has been defined to be indirectly
tious paste (C + SF + SM + HRWR + W), (Level 2) investigation of proportional.
the cementitious matrix (paste + aggregate), and (Level 3) The effect of each material component on the paste’s relative
investigation of the cementitious composite (matrix + fiber). The strength, spread and cost is evaluated. Then the material compo-
key component in UHPC design is the optimization of the paste nent with the best efficiency out of each series is chosen to form
in its particle packing density providing the basis for mechanical the optimized paste, which is used for the material design of
and durability performance. Based on the strong correlation Level 2 (matrix) and Level 3 (composite).
between rheological and mechanical performance of the cementi- Once the paste has been designed the addition of aggregates fol-
tious paste [11], changes in particle packing density can be lows leading to design Level 2. In accordance to Level 1 the
assessed indirectly through a spread test in accordance with investigation of the matrix is focused on its compressive strength,
ASTM C 230/C 230 M. To increase the flowability of the paste while its workability and its cost efficiency. Investigation parameters
maintaining the amount of water constant (or to maintain the include the type and form of aggregate, the maximum aggregate
same flowability while reducing the water content), the packing size, the particle size distribution, and the aggregate to cement
Table 1
Recommended material constituents for UHPC matrix design based on [11–14].
Table 2
Cement properties, costs and performance.
Type Name C2S C3S C2S + C3S C3A C4AF Blaine (m2/kg) Cost w/ca Spreada Compressive strengtha f0 c
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) $US/ton (mm) MPa (ksi)
White PC I C1 13 74 87 5 1 395 250 0.21 315 171 (24.75)
PC II C2 15 54 69 7 10 377 92 0.26 266 131 (19.01)
PC I/II C3 13 59 72 7 11 396 110 0.21 256 128 (18.50)
PC III C4 14 51 65 8 9 411 92 0.28 265 135 (19.60)
PC III C5 16 53 69 9 8 435 110 0.24 280 146 (21.24)
PC II/V C6 14 58 72 4 11 417 110 0.23 330 184 (26.64)
Oil well cement C7 16 59 75 0.4 18 214 130 0.23 350 183 (26.57)
PC II/V C8 17 59 76 4 15 430 115 0.23 300 196 (28.42)
White PC I C9 17 62 79 9 1 582 250 0.23 300 221 (32.07)
Oil well cement C10 15 59 74 0.3 18 417 130 0.23 300 177 (25.73)
White PC I C11 11 70 81 10 1 518 250 0.24 319 186 (26.97)
PC III C12 13 58 71 8 10 600 N/A 0.27 230 170 (24.71)
Values of the reference paste using the type of cement.
Table 3
Silica fume properties, costs and performance.
Type Name SiO2 (%) Carbon (%) Na2O (%) K2O (%) Median particle size (lm) Cost $US/ton w/ Spreada (mm) Compressive strengtha f0 c MPa (ksi)
Gray SF1 >85 0.3 < 0.7 0.1 0.07 0.4 550 0.21 315 171 (24.75)
Gray SF2 >97.5 <0.8 <0.3 <0.6 0.5 1100 0.33 400 175 (25.41)
Gray SF3 >93 2.5b<6.0b <0.4 <0.9 0.6 350 0.31 366 192 (27.87)
White SF4 >96 <0.2 0.15 1000 0.25 329 175 (25.38)
Gray SF5 95 0.6 0.96%c 500 0.23 290 174 (25.29)
Values of the reference paste using the type of silica fume.
Loss of ignition (LOI).
Percent retained on 45 lm diameter sieve.
ratio (A/C). At the composite level (Level 3) fiber reinforcement is C3S) and dicalcium silicate (Ca2SiO4 or C2S) were selected due to
added to the mixture enhancing ductility, sustained tensile their favorable strength development. Furthermore, cements with
strength and limiting crack width. tricalcium aluminate (Ca3Al2O6 or C3A) of <8% are preferred as sug-
gested by Sakai et al. [16]. The hydration process of C3A is very
4. Properties of material constituents rapid and increases the surface area of the particles, leading to
higher water demand, higher viscosity and thus limiting the reduc-
4.1. Paste constituents tion of the w/c ratio. Most Portland cements of type I and III avail-
able in the U.S. have a C3A content higher than 8%. Those cements
In this research materials were preselected based on availabil- with a C3A content of about 8% and lower were included in the
ity, cost, particle size distribution, purity and chemical and physi- investigation. Some Portland cements of type II/V are characterized
cal composition. Twelve cements, five silica fumes, thirteen by a low C3A content and thus selected to be included in the
supplemental materials, eight high range water reducers, eleven research program. However, their availability is limited to the
aggregate variations and four different fiber reinforcements were Eastern regions of the U.S. Oil well cements were included due to
included for experimental investigation. Table 2 summarizes the their very low C3A content. White Portland cements were selected
clinker phase proportions, Blaine fineness and costs of the selected due to their moderate C3A content and the very low amount of
cements. Cements rich in the sum of tricalcium silicate (Ca3SiO5 or C4AF leading to highest values of C2S + C3S, up to 87%. The
Table 4
Supplemental material properties, costs and performance.
Type Name Median particle size (lm) Cost $US/ton w/ca Spreada (mm) Compressive strengtha f0 c MPa (ksi)
Silica powder SM1 1.7 879 0.21 315 171 (24.75)
Fly ash SM2 25 60 0.23 340 192 (27.88)
Fly ash SM3 9.4 46 0.23 364 197 (28.59)
Fly ash SM4 12.7 46 0.23 341 192 (27.87)
Fly ash SM5 10.4 N/A 0.23 313 170 (24.71)
Metakaolin SM6 1.4 500 0.31 333 164 (23.74)
Metakaolin SM7 3 500 0.32 220 160 (23.25)
GGBS SM8 1.5%b 100 0.24 295 202 (29.31)
GGBS SM9 2.0%b 102 0.24 300 181 (26.27)
Fly ash SM10 14%b N/A 0.25 395 187 (27.16)
Limestone powder SM11 3.2 N/A 0.23 300 194 (28.21)
Limestone powder SM12 14%b 122 0.23 260 164 (23.82)
Limestone powder SM13 0.6%b 124 0.23 295 160 (23.22)
Values of the reference paste using the type of supplemental material.
Percent retained on 45 lm diameter sieve.
36 K. Wille, C. Boisvert-Cotulio / Construction and Building Materials 86 (2015) 33–43
Table 5 Table 3 summarizes the selected silica fumes with their composi-
HRWR costs and performance. tions and costs. Whereas SF1, SF2, SF4 and SF5 were selected due
Name Cost $US/gal w/ca Spreada (mm) Compressive strengtha to their low carbon content, SF3 was included in the research pro-
f0 c MPa (ksi) gram due to its low cost of $US350 per ton.
HRWR1 20 0.21 315 171 (24.75) Supplemental materials (Table 4) were selected based on med-
HRWR2 13 0.28 100 139 (20.19) ian particle size, preferably about 2–5 lm, availability and costs.
HRWR3 20 0.25 223 191 (27.70) Silica powder (SM1) was included here due to its high material
HRWR4 15 0.26 248 191 (27.72)
HRWR5 14 0.26 223 166 (24.12)
purity and its low median particle size. Four different types of fly
HRWR6 13 0.26 250 171 (24.84) ash were selected for investigation, due to their low cost of about
HRWR7 14 0.27 220 175 (25.42) $US50–$US60 per ton, their spherical particle shape for enhanced
HRWR8 14 0.26 220 167 (24.18) flowability, their acceptable median particle size of about 10 lm,
Values of the reference paste using the type of supplemental material. their pozzolanic potential, their abundant availability and their
positive environmental impact. Two types of metakaolin were
included in this research due to their high purity, their low median
Table 6 particle size and their pozzolanic reaction. The high material costs
Fine aggregate nomenclature and costs. of about $US500 per ton potentially reduce the application of this
Type Name Cost $US/ton material in a cost efficient UHPC design. Ground granulated blast
Quartz Q 162.51
furnace slag (GGBS) and limestone powder were selected due to
Basalt FB 13.45 their low cost, their availability, and their suitable particle size.
Limestone FL 8.50 Eight different polycarboxylate ether based high range water
Volcanic rock FVR1 32.00 reducers (HRWR) ranging between $US13 and $US20 per gallon
Volcanic rock FVR2 32.00
were investigated in their efficiency and are listed in Table 5.
Table 7
4.2. Aggregates
Coarse aggregate nomenclature and costs.
Aggregates were primarily selected based on locality, type of
Type Name Cost $US/ton
material, size, and cost. The following four types of aggregates
Basalt CB1 13.45 were included in the research quartz (Q), basalt (B), limestone (L)
Basalt CB2 19.00
and volcanic rock (VR). Basalt aggregates were chosen from the
Limestone CL 8.25
Volcanic rock CVR1 11.00 northeast, limestone from the upper-midwest, and volcanic rock
Volcanic Rock CVR2 11.00 from the northwest area, whereas, Quartz aggregate of high purity
Volcanic rock CVR3 11.00 was selected from a major supplier, which can be ordered in differ-
ent regions of the U.S. At least one type of fine aggregate (smaller
than 1.2 mm) and one type of coarse aggregate (smaller than
drawback of using white cements in a cost efficient UHPC mix 12.5 mm) was selected for each material based on gradation tables.
design are the high material costs of up to $US250 per ton, which Tables 6 and 7 show a list of the fine (F) and coarse (C) aggregates,
is about 2.5 times the price of regular Portland cement. respectively.
Silica fumes were pre-selected based on median particle size, Particle packing density of the aggregates is an important
high silicon dioxide content, low carbon content, and cost. The parameter to control workability, strength, and durability. In this
lower the carbon content and the lower the fineness of silica fume research the selected particle size distribution for all aggregates
the lower the water demand is, and thus, the better the flowability. follows the modified Andreasen and Andersen (A&A) curve [17]
Fig. 1. Particle size distribution (PSD) for fine and coarse aggregates in comparison to modified Andreasen and Andersen (A&A) curve.
K. Wille, C. Boisvert-Cotulio / Construction and Building Materials 86 (2015) 33–43 37
Table 8 fiber and surrounding matrix. Several studies have been performed
Fiber nomenclature, dimensions and cost. to investigate the fiber effectiveness regarding single fiber pull-out
Name Type Material Diameter Length Strength Cost embedded in UHPC matrix [19,20] or with regard to direct tensile
(mm) (mm) MPa (ksi) $US/ton tests of fiber reinforced UHPC composites [11–14,21]. Although
F1 Straight Steel 0.2 13 1900 (285) 4760 mechanical bond provided by fiber end-hooks or twists is still ben-
F2 End- Steel 0.5 25 1100 (165) 2800 eficial in crack bridging performance, optimized UHPC matrix with
hooked high packing density allows for enhanced performance of smooth
F3 Straight Glass 0.01 12 1700 (225) 6060
high strength steel fibers, typically with a length-to-diameter ratio
F4 Straight PVA 0.06 12 1600 (240) 13300
of 65 and a fiber diameter of 0.2 mm. Reducing the performance
gap between smooth fibers and fibers with mechanical bond chal-
lenges the need for the latter, if the fiber material efficiency is com-
pensated by the reduced costs of smooth fibers. The selection of
steel fiber reinforcement was restricted to fibers produced in the
U.S. due to federal law (Buy American Act regulated by the
Federal Transit Administration) pertaining to federally funded
infrastructure construction projects. Based on availability, four
suitable fiber types listed in Table 8 have been selected for this
(a) Low amount of air voids (b) Medium amount of air (c) High amount of air voids
Table 10
Material constituents of pastes investigated in this research.
Series Number of Mixes Cement Silica fume Supplemental material High range water reducer Sand Water
I (Table 2) 12 C1–C12 SF1 SM1 HRWR1 Q W
II (Table 3) 5 C1 SF1–SF5 SM1 HRWR1 Q W
III (Table 4) 13 C1 SF1 SM1–SM13 HRWR1 Q W
IV (Table 5) 8 C1 SF1 SM1 HRWR1–HRWR8 Q W
7 y = -0.0206x + 8.983
Compressive Strength f'c (ksi)
R² = 0.4189
Compressive Strength (MPa)
30 209
Air Content (percent)
5 189
4 25 169
3 20
15 109
1 y (MPa) = -151x + 224 89
R² = 0.25
0 10 69
200 250 300 350 400 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Spread (mm) w/c . air1/3
(a) Air content of each series (b) Effect of w/c ratio and air content on
compressive strength
Fig. 5. Effect of workability on air content and thus on compressive strength.
K. Wille, C. Boisvert-Cotulio / Construction and Building Materials 86 (2015) 33–43 39
shows the wide range of variation in direct tensile testing and the development of multiple cracking prior to forming one major crack
lack of a standardized method. For each series in this research three opening during softening of the material.
prism shaped specimens with geometry of (51 mm by 25 mm by
356 mm) were cast and tested at an age of 28 days (Fig. 4). The speci- 5.6. Freeze–Thaw resistance
mens were centrically placed in a displacement controlled hydraulic
tensile load frame with a capacity of 267 kN (60,000 lb force). The The degradation of UHPC to freezing and thawing cycles was
displacement control allowed capturing the load versus displace- quantified according to ASTM C666. UHPC prisms with the geometry
ment and thus the stress versus strain/crack opening relation of 76- by 102- by 406-mm (3- by 4- by 16-inch) were cast for this
beyond the tensile strength. The specimen’s ends were gripped with test. After 7 days of curing in a temperature controlled water bath
self-aligning, self-tightening mechanical jaws allowing straining the of 20° Celsius, the specimens were subjected to freezing and thaw-
specimen evenly. This mitigated bending stresses and thus prema- ing while submerged in a water bath. The apparatus used was set for
ture cracking. Two LVDTs were attached to the specimen’s side with four freeze–thaw cycles per day. The lower and upper temperature
a measurement length of 140 mm (5.5 inches). This allowed captur- values were set to 23 °C and 3 °C (9 F and 37 F), respectively.
ing potential strain hardening behavior, accompanied by the
6. Results and analysis
1.3 6.1. Reference paste and material substitution
Based on the results in [12] a reference paste mixture was
Relative spread
designed (Table 9) using a w/c ratio of 0.21. The reference mixture
1.0 resulted in a spread value of 315 mm and achieved an average
y = 4.266 x - 0.066
R² = 0.923 28 day compressive strength of 171 MPa (24.75 ksi).
0.8 Each other mixture was created by voluminously replacing only
0.7 the material in question, e.g. the type of cement for series I
(Table 10). Therefore, the weight ratio of C:SF:SM of 1:0.25:0.25
0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 0.32 0.34 changes when the density of the replaced material is different. It
w/c ratio is worth noting that the replacement of the type of HRWR was
based on the same solid content to evaluate the performance effec-
Fig. 6. Relationship between relative spread and w/c ratio. tiveness of each HRWR.
400 450
375 400
Spread (mm) at w/c=0.25
Spread (mm) at w/c=0.25
300 300
275 250
200 150
175 100
100 0
(a) Paste mixes altered in type of cement (b) Paste mixes altered in type of
silica fume
450 450
400 400
Spread (mm) at w/c=0.25
350 350
Spread (mm) at w/c=0.25
300 300
250 250
200 200
(c) Paste mixes altered in type of (d) Paste mixes altered in type of
supplemental material HRWR
210 210
200 200
190 190
210 210
200 200
180 180
170 170
160 160
150 150
140 140
130 130
120 120
110 110
(c) Paste mixes altered in type of (d) Paste mixes altered in type of
supplemental material HRWR
Fig. 8. Normalized compressive strength of altered paste mixtures at w/c = 0.25, air = 3%.
The performance (workability and compressive strength) of the ratio and air content on the compressive strength their combined
altered pastes for series I, II, III and IV are included in Tables 2–5, 1=3
influence (w=c air ), as discussed in [11], is plotted for all speci-
respectively. It should be noted that the performance values pre- mens in Fig. 5b.
sented in Tables 2–5 are directly related to the w/c ratio used for Based on the results obtained in this research the relationship
the mixtures. To achieve acceptable workability and sufficient air can be described by the following expression for compressive
release the spread was targeted in the range of 280–340 mm. strength ranging between 112 MPa and 223 MPa (16–32 ksi):
Therefore, remixing with higher w/c ratio was necessary in the
0 1=3 0
case the paste did not turn over from the powdered to the fluid f c ¼ 151 ðw=c air Þ þ 224; f c in MPa
state. This resulted in w/c ratios in the range of 0.21–0.33 and 0 1=3 0
fc ¼ 21:7 ðw=c air Þ þ 32:5; f c in ksi
indicated the difference in water demand. The following
chapter addresses the variability of w/c ratio and air content on Eq. (2) was obtained by line-of-best-fit in Fig. 5b, which describes
the performance values. the decrease in strength with increase of the product of
6.2. Eliminating variability in performance values w=c air , where air is the percentage of air entrapped. By using
Eq. (2) the compressive strength values will be normalized to a
Although altering the reference mix provides a quick indication reference value of w=c air based on the average w/c ratio and
of the suitability of the material constituent for UHPC design, a average air content of all specimens, set to w/c = 0.25 and air = 3%,
direct comparison of spread value and compressive strength is respectively. This allows for isolation of the effect of the type of
not advised because of the variation in w/c ratio and air content. material constituent on the compressive strength of the altered
w/c ratios of 0.21–0.33 were necessary to satisfy the target range paste.
of spread value (280–340 mm). Some mixes, especially those with Similarly, normalizing the spread values to a reference w/c ratio
fly ash as supplemental material, required a higher w/c ratio to allows for isolation of the effect of the type of material constituent
turn over into the fluid state during mixing. Once these mixes on the spread values of the altered paste. A relative spread graph
turned over they exhibited spread values at the end or even (Fig. 6), similar to Fig. 5a in Wille et al. [11], was generated to
exceeding the target spread value (see Table 4, SM2, 3, 4, 10). derive a relationship between relative spread and w/c ratio. Here,
Therefore, adjusting the w/c ratio to achieve the same spread value four pastes were mixed changing the w/c ratio to obtain the influ-
was not feasible for every mix. Since spread reflects yield strength ence of w/c ratio on spread value. Including data from [11], Fig. 6
and viscosity of the mix and air content is related to these rheologi- summarizes the relative spread versus w/c ratio of eight different
cal properties, variation in spread results in variation of air content. mixes in which only the w/c ratio was changed. The equation for
Fig. 5a shows the trend of decreased air content with increase in line-of-best-fit from Fig. 6 is given by Eq. (3), set to result in rela-
spread. In pursuit to minimize the influence of variation in w/c tive spread of 1.0 at w/c = 0.25.
K. Wille, C. Boisvert-Cotulio / Construction and Building Materials 86 (2015) 33–43 41
1.20 1.20
1.15 1.15
1.10 1.10
Material Efficiency E
Material Efficiency E
1.05 1.05
1.00 1.00
0.95 0.95
0.90 0.90
0.85 0.85
0.80 0.80
0.75 0.75
0.70 0.70
Cement Silica Fume
(a) Paste mixes altered in type of cement (b) Paste mixes altered in type of
silica fume
1.20 1.20
1.15 1.15
Material Efficiency E
1.10 1.10
Material Efficiency E
1.05 1.05
1.00 1.00
0.95 0.95
0.90 0.90
0.85 0.85
0.80 0.80
(c) Paste mixes altered in type of (d) Paste mixes altered in type of
supplemental material HRWR
Fig. 9. Material efficiency for the constituents used in the altered pastes.
relative spread ¼ 4:266 w=c 0:066 ð3Þ components among one series by minimizing the effect of variable
w/c ratio or air content. The results in Fig. 8a confirm that pastes
with cements of high Blaine values and high in C3S + C2S (C9, C11)
6.3. Normalized spread value
perform best for strength development. Beside SF2 all silica fumes
similarly contributed to the strength of the paste (Fig. 8b).
Fig. 7 summarizes the normalized spread value (spreadN) at w/
Although fly-ash (SM4), GGBFS (SM8) and limestone (SM11)
c = 0.25 of all 4 series using Eq. (3). Larger spread values indicate
achieved the best normalized compressive strengths, all supple-
lower water demand and offer the potential for higher particle
mental materials selected in here are suitable for achieving ultra-
packing density. The results in Fig. 7a confirm that all selected
high strength (Fig. 8c). Despite the moderate performance of
white cements (C1, C9, C11), all oil well cements (C7, C10) and
HRWR3–8 regarding workability, the strength development of all
all Portland cements type II/V (C6, C8) performed suitably for
altered paste mixtures using HRWR1–8 is sufficient for UHPC-de-
UHPC design. The best workability performance showed the paste
sign (Fig. 8d). It is worth noting that despite the normalized
mix with white cement (C1) and the oil well cement (C7), both of
strength in excess of 150 MPa the paste with HRWR2 is not suitable
low Blaine value in comparison to other white (C9, C11) and oil
for UHPC design due to unsatisfactory workability at w/c = 0.25.
well (C10) cements. The results in Fig. 7b confirm that all selected
In addition to the normalized spread and compressive strengths,
silica fumes performed suitably for UHPC design. The best worka-
the cost of each paste is calculated based on the paste proportions
bility performance showed the paste with SF1 of low carbon con-
and the cost of each constituent. By using Eq. (2) the material effi-
tent and moderate fineness. The results in Fig. 7c confirm that
ciency E is calculated and shown in Fig. 9 for each constituent.
beside the pastes with metakaolin (SM6, SM7) all selected supple-
The results in Fig. 9 suggest the following materials as most
mental materials performed suitably. The best results were
suitable for efficient UHPC design: C6–C10, SF1, 3, 5, SM3, 4, 8
achieved with fly ash (SM2–SM5, SM10). Between the HRWR
and HRWR1, 4, 6. Out of these suitable material components C9,
selected for this research HRWR1 outperformed the other
SF1, SM4 and HRWR1 have been selected to form the ultra-high
HRWRs, indicating the importance of this constituent. Based on
performance paste for further investigation. This paste with a w/
the poor workability of the paste with HRWR2, this HRWR is not
c ratio of 0.22 resulted in a spread of 330 mm and reached a com-
suitable for UHPC design.
pressive strength of 189 MPa (27.4 ksi) after 28 days [24].
6.4. Normalized compressive strength
6.5. Cementitious matrix
Fig. 8 summarizes the normalized compressive strength of the
altered pastes at w/c = 0.25 and air content of 3% using Eq. (1). Following the modified Andreasen and Andersen (A&A) curve
This allows comparing directly the performance of material (Fig. 1) aggregates, optimized in their particle size distribution,
42 K. Wille, C. Boisvert-Cotulio / Construction and Building Materials 86 (2015) 33–43
Table 11
Recommended UHPC with fine aggregates.
Material UHPC-1 (northeast) (kg/m3) UHPC-2 (upper-midwest) (kg/m3) UHPC-3 (northwest) (kg/m3) UHPC-4 (U.S.) (kg/m3)
Cement (C9) 778 753 745 740
Silica fume (SF1) 194 188 186 185
Fly ash (SM4) 189 183 181 180
HRWR (1) 28 27 27 27
Fine aggregate 1166 (FB) 1129 (FL) 1118 (FVR) 1110 (Q)
A/C Ratio 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
w/c 0.23 0.24 0.23 0.23
Spread (mm) 290 265 286 315
f 0 c at 28d (MPa) 185 166 162 200
Cost (USD)/m3 494 472 496 652
Table 12
Recommended UHPC with fine and coarse aggregates.
Material UHPC-5 (northeast) (kg/m3) UHPC-6 (upper-midwest) (kg/m3) UHPC-7 (northwest) (kg/m3)
Cement (C9) 778 758 745
Silica fume (SF1) 194 190 186
Fly ash (SM4) 189 184 181
HRWR (1) 28 27 27
Aggregates 1167 (CB1) 1138 (CL) 1118 (CVR3)
A/C ratio 1.5 1.5 1.5
w/c 0.23 0.22 0.23
Spread (mm) 273 265 278
f 0 c at 28 day (MPa) 181 155 159
Cost (USD)/m3 494 475 463
Table 13
Mix design and of fiber reinforced UHPC using selected paste and alternative paste.
Material Name (alternative) Amount Percent by weight Cost ($US/m3) Percent by cost Name (alternative) Cost ($US/m3) Percent by cost
Cement C9 790.0 30.2 216 19.4 C6 95 9.7
Silica fume SF1 197.5 7.6 119 10.7 SF5 108 11.0
Supp. material SM4 191.5 7.3 10 0.9 SM3 9.9 1.0
HRWR HRWR1 28.4 1.1 136 12.2 HRWR1 136 13.8
Aggregates FB 1140.5 43.7 17 1.5 FB 17 1.7
Fibers F1 117.8 4.5 618 55.4 F1 618 62.9
Water 146.0 5.6 – – – – –
Total 1116 100 983 100
were added to the paste leading to the development of the ultra- By using Portland cement type II/V (C6 or C8) and less expen-
high performance concrete matrix. The investigation of the aggre- sive silica fume (SF5) the costs for UHPC matrix with acceptable
gate to cement weight ratio on spread and compressive strength performance can be decreased to about U$340 per m3.
suggested a ratio of A/C = 1.5 [FHWA report]. Evaluating the spread
value for each mix proved to be a quick and helpful indicator to
select the A/C ratio.Two types of UHPC matrices were defined as 6.6. Fiber reinforced composite
follows: (1) UHPC with fine aggregates up to a maximum particle
size of 1.2 mm (0.047 inch) and (2) UHPC with fine and coarse UHPC matrix with fiber reinforcement F1 (Table 8) outper-
aggregates up to a maximum particle size of 9.5 mm (0.37 inch). formed the other types of fibers in composite tensile strength
In total 11 matrices were tested using different fine and coarse and workability due to the fiber’s high tensile strength and a fiber
aggregates (Tables 5 and 6). Based on paste development and opti- factor vf ¼ V f lf =df ¼ 0:98 < 1. This confirms the results in [25],
mized aggregate size distribution all matrices were characterized where the addition of fibers with vf 1 has only minimal effect on
by excellent workability (spread = 265–315 mm) using a w/c ratio workability.
in the range of 0.21–0.24 and compressive strength in excess of UHPC-4 and UHPC-5 (Tables 11 and 12) with and without fibers
150 MPa. Matrices with coarse aggregates demanded less water were further investigated in their freeze–thaw resistance. All four
to achieve comparable spread values in comparison to matrices specimens showed after more than 100 freeze–thaw cycles no
with only fine aggregates. This is attributed to the smaller total indication of damage, visually evaluated and measured by reso-
surface area of the coarse aggregates. Despite the slightly increased nance frequency.
w/c ratio all fine UHPC matrices achieve higher compressive Table 13 shows the cost influence of the material constituents.
strengths than the coarse UHPC matrices with the same type of While supplemental materials and aggregates insignificantly influ-
aggregate. The highest compressive strength values were achieved ence the total costs, the costs of fiber reinforcement represent
by matrices with quartz (Q), followed by basalt (B), volcanic rock about half the cost of the UHPC fiber composite. More research
(VR) and limestone (L) [24]. UHPC mix designs based on local avail- effort is needed to find an alternative cost efficient solution to pro-
able materials, referring to a U.S. region, are recommended in vide sustained tensile strength and enhanced ductility. This can be
Tables 11 and 12. The material costs range between $US463 and achieved by finding an alternative fiber reinforcement of lower
$US652 per m3. cost and by reducing the required amount of fiber reinforcement
K. Wille, C. Boisvert-Cotulio / Construction and Building Materials 86 (2015) 33–43 43