Chem Investigatory Project
Chem Investigatory Project
Chem Investigatory Project
Class 12
1 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t
2 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t
Vadamadurai, Thiruvallur – 601102
2022 – 2023
REG NO.:………………………………………………………
3 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t
4 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t
" There are times when silence speaks so much more loudly
whose words do not express, but only put a veneer over true
5 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t
S no. Title Page no.
1. Certificate 4
2. Acknowledgement 5
3. Objective 7
4. Introduction 8
5. Theory 10
6. Common Detection tests 14
7. Experiment 1 18
8. Experiment 2 19
9. Experiment 3 20
10. Observation 21
11. Result 22
12. Precautions 23
13. Conclusion 24
14. Bibliography 25
6 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t
Study- To study some of the common food
adulterants present in different food stuffs and tests to
determine their presence
Test - Identification of the adulterants present in
common food stuffs.
Conclusion - Conclusion along with some
7 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t
Food adulteration occurs globally and in many facets and affects
almost all food commodities. Adulteration not only constitutes a
considerable economic problem but also may lead to serious
health issues for consumers. As the methods of adulterating
foods have become more sophisticated, very efficient and
reliable techniques for the detection of fraudulent manipulations
are required. Adulteration is a thriving business in India.
Foodstuff is one of the major targets as it is easy to adulterate
and getaway. Turmeric powders are mixed with chemical colors
to make them look brighter. Salt with chalk powder,
Peppercorns with dried papaya seeds, Coriander powder with
sawdust. Tea leaves with same colored leaves. Coffee seeds with
tamarind seeds. Different vegetables are colored with dyes to
look bright and some of them are carcinogenic. Brick powder is
mixed with chili powder.
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The Annual Public Laboratory Testing Report for 2014-15 by
the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
(FSSAI) indicates that of the 49,290 samples of food items it
tested, 8,469, nearly one-fifth, were found adulterated or
9 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t
The increasing number of food producers and the outstanding
amount of import foodstuffs enables the producers to mislead
cheat consumers. To differentiate those who take advantage of
legal rules from the ones who commit food adulteration is very
difficult. The consciousness of consumers would be crucial.
Ignorance and unfair market behavior may endanger consumer
health and misleading can lead to poisoning. So we need simple
screening tests for their detection. In the past few decades,
adulteration of food has become one of the serious problems.
Consumption of adulterated food causes serious diseases like
cancer, diarrhea, asthma, ulcers, etc. Majority of fats, oils and
butter are paraffin wax, castor oil and hydrocarbons. Red chili
powder is mixed with brick powder and pepper is mixed with
dried papaya seeds. These adulterants can be easily identified by
simple chemical tests. Several agencies have been set up by the
Government of India to remove adulterants from food stuffs.
acronym for agricultural marketing, this organization
certifies food products for their quality. Its objective is to
10 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t
promote the Grading and Standardization of agricultural and
allied commodities. The symbol of AGMARK:
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† Check the ISI mark or AGMARK.
12 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t
† Avoid craziness for artificially colored sweets and buy only
from reputed shops.
13 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t
14 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t
15 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t
16 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t
17 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t
Aim: To detect the presence of adulterants in fat, oil and butter.
Apparatus Required: Test-tube, conc. H2SO4, acetic acid,
conc. HNO3.
Common adulterants present in ghee and oil are dyes and
argemone oil. These are detected as follows:
(i) Adulteration of dyes in fat: Heat 1mL of fat with a mixture
of 1mL of conc. Sulphuric Acid and 4mL of Acetic Acid.
Appearance of pink or red color indicates presence of dye in fat.
18 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t
Aim: To detect the presence of adulterants in sugar.
Apparatus Required: Test-tubes, dil. HCl.
Sugar is usually contaminated with washing soda and other
insoluble substances which are detected as follows:
(i) Adulteration of various insoluble substances in sugar:
Take small amount of sugar in a test-tube and shake it with little
water. Pure sugar dissolves in water but insoluble impurities do
not dissolve.
(ii) Adulteration of chalk powder, washing soda in sugar: To
small amount of sugar in a test-tube, add few drops of HCl.
Brisk effervescence of CO2 shows the presence of chalk powder
or washing soda in the given sample of sugar.
19 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t
Aim: To detect the presence of adulterants in samples of chili
powder, turmeric powder and pepper.
Apparatus Required: Test-tubes, conc. HCl, dil. HNO3, KI
solution. Procedure: Common adulterants present in chili powder,
turmeric powder and pepper are red colored lead salts, yellow lead
salts and dried papaya seeds respectively. They are detected as
(i) Adulteration of red lead salts in chili powder: To a sample of
chili powder, add dil. HNO3. Filter the dil. solution and add 2 drops
of Potassium Iodide solution to the filtrate. Yellow ppt. indicates the
presence of lead salts in chilli powder.
(ii) Adulteration of yellow lead salts to turmeric powder: To a
sample of turmeric powder add conc. HCl. Appearance of magenta
color shows the presence of yellow oxides of lead in turmeric
(iii) Adulteration of brick powder in red chili powder: Add small
amount of given red chili powder in beaker containing water. Brick
powder settles at the bottom while pure chili powder floats over
(iv) Adulteration of dried papaya seeds in pepper: Add small
amount of sample of pepper to beaker containing water and stir with
a glass rod. Dried papaya seeds being lighter float over water while
pure pepper settles at the bottom.
20 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t
Exp No. Experiment Procedure Observations
1. Adulteration of dyes Heat 1mL of Appearance of pink
in fat fat with a colour.
mixture of
1mL of conc.
H2SO4 and
4mL of acetic
2. Adulteration of To small No red colour
argemone oil in amount of oil observed
edible oils in a test tube,
add few drops
of conc. HNO3
& shake.
3. Adulteration of Adulteration of Pure sugar
various insoluble various dissolves in water
substances in sugar insoluble but insoluble
substances in impurities do not
sugar dissolve.
4. Adulteration of chalk To small No brisk
powder, washing amount of effervescence
soda in sugar sugar in a test observed.
tube, add a few
drops of dil.
21 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t
5. Adulteration of To sample of Appearance of
yellow lead salts to turmeric magenta colour
turmeric powder powder, add
conc. HCl.
6. Adulteration of red To a sample of No yellow
lead salts in chili chili powder, precipitate.
powder. add dil. HNO3.
Filter the
solution and
add 2 drops of
KI solution to
the filtrate
7. Adulteration of brick Add small Brick powder
powder in chili amount of settles at the bottom
powder given red chili while pure chili
powder in a powder floats over
beaker water.
8. Adulteration of dried Add small Dried papaya seeds
papaya seeds in amount of being lighter float
pepper sample of over water while
pepper to pure pepper settles
beaker at the bottom.
water and stir
with a glass
22 | C h e m i s t r y-The
I n v erequired
s ti g a t o r yanalyses
p r o j e c t for adulterants in food stuffs
reputed shops.
24 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t
ix. NCERT Class 12 Chemistry Book
x. Comprehensive Lab manual for class 12 Chemistry –
Laxmi Publications
xi. The Hindustan News paper-article on food safety
xii. Indian Express – article of food adulteration and its
increasing problems
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26 | C h e m i s t r y I n v e s ti g a t o r y p r o j e c t