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Cairo University Intro. to Comm.

Faculty of Engineering ELC 3020
EECE Program Fall 2022


Question 1
Determine the Nyquist sampling rate and the Nyquist sampling interval for the signals:
a) sin(100πt)
b) sin2 (100πt)
c) sin(100πt) + sin(50πt)
d) sin(100πt) + 3 sin2 (60πt)
e) sin(50πt) sin(100πt)

Question 2
A signal g(t) = sin(5πt) is sampled (using uniformly spaced impulses) at a rate of:
(i) 5 Hz; (ii) 10 Hz; (iii) 20 Hz. For each of the three case:
a) Sketch the sampled signal.
b) Sketch the spectrum of the sampled signal.
c) Explain whether you can recover the signal g (t ) from the sampled signal.
d) If the sampled signal is passed through an ideal low-pass filter of bandwidth 5 Hz, sketch the
spectrum of the output signal.

Question 3
A message signal m(t) = cos(2000πt) + 3cos(6000πt) is sampled by multiplication by an impulse
train. The weighted impulse train is then passed through an ideal LPF in an attempt to recover the original
message. The passband gain of the filter is unity, and the cutoff frequency is 3.5 kHz. Find an expression
for the resulting output signal and identify any alias term present if
a) the sampling rate is 10 kHz,
b) the sampling rate is 5 kHz.


Question 4
Find the number of bits needed in the quantization if the maximum acceptable error in the sample
amplitude (the maximum quantisation error) is 0.25% of the peak amplitude.

Question 5
A message signal m(t) is transmitted by binary PCM without compression. If the SNR (signal to
quantization noise ratio) is required to be at least 47 dB, determine the minimum value of L required,
assuming that m(t) is sinusoidal. Determine the SNR obtained with this minimum L.
Cairo University Intro. to Comm. Systems
Faculty of Engineering ELC 3020
EECE Program Fall 2022

Question 6
A Compact Disc CD records audio signals digitally by using PCM. Assume the audio signal bandwidth
to be 15 kHz.
a) What is the Nyquist rate?
b) If the Nyquist samples are quantized into L=65536 levels and then binary coded, determine the
number of binary digits required to encode a sample.
c) Determine the number of binary digits per second (bit/s) required to encode the audio signal.
d) For practical reasons discussed in the text, signals are sampled at a rate well above the Nyquist
rate. Practical CDs use 44100 samples per second. If L=65536, determine the number of bits per
second required to encode the signal, and the minimum bandwidth required to transmit the encoded

Question 7
A television signal (video and audio) has a bandwidth of 4.5 MHz. This signal is sampled, quantized,
and binary coded to obtain a PCM signal.
a) Determine the sampling rate if the signal is to be sampled at a rate 20% above the Nyquist rate.
b) If the samples are quantized into 1024 levels, determine the number of binary pulses required to
encode each sample.
c) Determine the binary pulse rate (bits per second) of the binary coded signal, and the minimum
bandwidth required to transmit this signal.


Question 8
In a single integration DM system, the voice signal is sampled at a rate of 64 kHz. The maximum
signal amplitude A max =1.
a) Determine the minimum value of the step size to avoid slope overload.
b) Determine the granular noise power N o if the voice signal bandwidth is 3.5 kHz.
c) Assuming that the voice signal is sinusoidal, determine So and the SNR.
d) Assuming that the voice signal amplitude is uniformly distributed in the range (-1,1), determine So
and the SNR.
e) Determine the minimum transmission bandwidth.

Question 9
The input to a DM is m(t) = 0.01t. The DM operates at a sampling frequency of 20 Hz, and has a
step size of 2 mV. Sketch the DM output.

Question 10
A ramp is to be modulated with DM. The ramp starts at time zero with 1.25 volts and continues with
slope of 5 volts/milliseconds. DM takes 10 samples/millisecondS of 1 volt step.
The first one volt starts at time zero.
a) Sketch the ramp and the estimated DM signal.
b) Determine the transmitted binary sequence.
c) Show whether overloading occurs or not. Why?
Cairo University Intro. to Comm. Systems
Faculty of Engineering ELC 3020
EECE Program Fall 2022

Question 11
Consider a sine wave of frequency f m and amplitude A m which is applied to a DM of step size S.
Show that slope overload distortion will occur if:
Am >
2πfm Ts
What is the maximim power that may be transmitted without slop overload distortion?

Question 12
A DM system is tested with a 10-KHz sine wave having 1 volt peak-to-peak. At the input, the signal
is sampled at 10 times the Nyquist rate. What is the step size required to prevent slope overload and to
minimize granular noise. Sketch the DM output.


Question 13
Five telemetry signals, each of bandwidth 1 kHz, are to be transmitted simultaneously by binary PCM.
The maximum tolerable error in sample amplitudes is 0.2% of the peak signal amplitude. The signals
must be sampled at least 20% above the Nyquist rate. Framing and synchronizing requires an additional
0.5% extra bits. Determine the minimum possible data rate (bits per second) that must be transmitted,
and the minimum bandwidth required to transmit this signal.

Question 14
Six input signals are sampled and time multiplexed using PAM. The time multiplexed signal is passed
through an ideal LPF. Four of the input signals are band limited to 5 kHz and the other two are band
limited to 10 kHz.
a) What is the minimum sampling rate if all channels are sampled equally?
b) For the above sampling rate, what is the minimum bandwidth of the low pass filter?
c) What would be the minimum bandwidth requirement if these signals were frequency multiplexed
using SSB?
d) In the above sampling format, the low data rate inputs are sampled two times as often as necessary.
A narrower transmission bandwidth can be obtained sampling the two 10 kHz signals two times
for each time that the 5 kHz signals are sampled. Devise a new sampling format to accomplish
this; then repeat the calculationS of parts (a) and (b) above for this sampling new format.

Question 15
It is desired to set up a central station for simultaneous monitoring of electrocardiograms (ECGs) of 10
hospital patients. The data from the rooms of the 10 patients are brought to a processing center over wires
and are sampled, quantized, binary coded and time division multiplexed. The multiplexed data are now
transmitted to the monitoring station. The ECG signal bandwidth is 100 Hz. The maximum acceptable
error in sample amplitudes is 0.25% of the peak signal amplitude. The sampling rate must be at least
twice the Nyquist rate. Determine the minimum cable bandwidth needed to transmit these data.

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