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Bulletin 070811

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Josephs Catholic Church Bulletin 7 th August 2011

Fr. John B. Winstanley, Parish Priest St. Josephs Presbytery, Woodlands Road, Ansdell, Lytham St Annes, FY8 4EP. Tel: 01253 737037

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A Mass Book page 62

MASS TIMES & INTENTIONS SUN 07 6pm (Vigil) 9.30am 5.05pm St Dominic 9am 7pm 9am Intentions of Jayne Thornton (NZ) Parish Audrey & Ronnie Wheddall Alan Hesketh Word & Holy Communion Word & Holy Communion

MON 08 TUE 09 WED 10 THU 11 FRI 12 SAT 13

FR. JOHN will be back on Saturday 13th Aug. Please note arrangements for weekday Masses and Eucharistic Services this week on the bulletin. In case of any emergency, please contact St. Peters (736721) or Our Lady Star of the Sea (723661). Items for the bulletin or enquiries to Catherine Hill at the parish office. NEXT SUNDAY we celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, transferred from 15th August. CAFOD. We need a volunteer to take on the roll of coordinating the parishs involvement with CAFOD. The main task is to organise the two annual Fast Days. But there is lots of scope to get more involved with this fantastic organisation. If you are interested please ring David Tansey on 07944305300 before 10th August. PARISH AGM. The Parish AGM will be held on Sunday 11th September at 11.00am in the Hall, all welcome. Nominations for Chairperson and Secretary are required. Nomination forms available at the back of church and completed forms should be returned to the parish office no later than 28th August. PARISH PASTORAL TEAM. The team would like to consult all existing groups on an idea for a parish showcase event. Would anyone who leads or organises a parish group, small or large, formal or informal, please pick up a letter from the pastoral team. They are in a box on the table in the main church porch & can also be viewed on the parish web site. BURKINA FASO. The total raised so far, including outstanding sponsorship, is 2927. Gift Aid will bring the total to over 3000. The fund will remain open for final donations until Saturday 10th September when a cheque will be presented to the Bernadine Sisters at a Hot Pot Supper & Social evening in the hall from 7.00pm. Tickets for this event will be available from next weekend. CLEATOR PILGRIMAGE: Sunday 11th September 3.00pm Mass and blessing of the sick. Please see poster for details. Refreshments served afterwards at the Grove Court Hotel at a cost of 7.95 per head. Bookings for refreshments to St. Marys Cleator by 26th August. Tel 01946 810324
THE NEW TRANSLATION-The Gloria and the Creed We will also notice some changes in the Gloria and the Creed. In fact, there is not a great deal of change in the new words that we will pray so we will have to be careful we dont slip into the old texts! The first lines of the Gloria itself echo the angels message to the shepherds, announcing the birth of Christ (Luke 2:14).Because of these changes, new music is being written so that we will be able to sing the new translation, too. When it comes to the Creed we will notice the first change immediately I believe, not We believe. We have become used to praying the Creed all together as a parish. The trouble is, when we say we believe it could suggest that between us all we believe everything being said. It is not clear that we all believe everything that is being said. To say I believe makes it quite clear that each one of us believes everything we are saying. (From the National Liturgy Office.)

St Clare of Assisi 9am Private Intention 9am 9am 9am


Word & Holy Communion Ann & Michael Gallagher Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

SUN 14

20 Sunday Ordinary Time 6pm (Vigil) Parish 9.30am Audrey & Ronnie Wheddall 5.05pm Mary Josephine Reynolds

RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Saturday 11am 12 noon PRAYER & DEVOTIONS Benediction Morning Prayer of the Church: Holy Rosary Exposition of Blessed Sacrament 1 Sun of the month 3pm Mon, Wed -Sat 8.45am. Tuesday 6.40pm Sat, 11am-12noon

SICK: Please remember those who are sick, especially Anthony Bentley, Bernard Jones, Betty Tattersall, Kathleen Griffiths, Angela Livsey, Vera Myerscough, Vernon Eccles, Bernie Farish, Liam Herron, Christopher Hunter, Maureen Lundy, Pat Marion, Charles ONeill, Margaret Portelli, Barbara Gillett, Robert Blackhurst and Mary Strickland. ANNIVERSARIES: Please pray for the souls of Alan Hesketh, Mary Patricia Jones, Charles Hugh Full, Valerie Robinson, Joyce Clarke, Dr William Wiseman, Dunstan Rigby and Nicola McAnulty whose anniversaries occur about this time. COLLECTIONS: Thank you for last weeks collections: Next weekend we have a special collection for the Good Shepherd. Offertory Day for Life Gift Aid 540.71 Non-Gift Aid 570.86 218.67 218.67 1111.57 13/14 August Sat 6pm Sun 9.30am Sun 5.05pm Readers A Murgatroyd W Drake P Crean Ministers Group A Group D J Berry,P Crean, S McNicholl

TEA AND COFFEE in the Hall after Mass. SVP No meeting in Aug. Next one (provisionally) Thurs 1 Sep at 6.30pm.

TEA AND COFFEE in the Hall after Mass. TODAY we welcome Fr. Peter Sharp who will celebrate the Sunday Masses. Fr. Bootle and Mgr. Kirkham will kindly cover some weekday Masses.

WEDNESDAY WORD available from the back of church to prepare for next Sundays readings.

Parish Website: www.st-josephsansdell.net LANCASTER DIOCESAN TRUSTEES REGISTERED CHARITY NO. 234331

St. Josephs Catholic Church Bulletin 7 th August 2011

Fr. John B. Winstanley, Parish Priest St. Josephs Presbytery, Woodlands Road, Ansdell, Lytham St Annes, FY8 4EP. Tel: 01253 737037

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A Mass Book page 62

Parish Website: www.st-josephsansdell.net LANCASTER DIOCESAN TRUSTEES REGISTERED CHARITY NO. 234331

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