Bulletin 110911
Bulletin 110911
Bulletin 110911
NEW TRANSLATION: The new Mass responses are printed on the reverse of the bulletin. At weekday Mass please take a card. It will take us some time to get accustomed to the changes. Thank you for your patience so far! The Sunday homilies over the next few weeks will focus on the different parts of the Mass and the words that have changed. FRIDAY FAST: Some gesture to mark the significance of Friday, as the day our Saviour died for us, has always been encouraged. The Bishops from this Friday (the first anniversary of Pope Benedicts visit) would like to return a communal act of penance by asking everyone to abstain from meat on Fridays, or from other food for those who dont eat meat. Many may wish to go beyond this simple act of common penance with a time of prayer and self-sacrifice. BISHOP CAMPBELLS JUBILEE: The Bishop invites us all to a th Mass to celebrate the 40 Anniversary of his priestly ordination th this Friday 16 September at 6pm in Lancaster Cathedral. COFFEE MORNING in the Hall this Sat 17 Sept at 10am in aid of Faith and Light and Fylde Community Link. Admission 2 inc. coffee and a cake. Bric a Brac stalls and raffle. APF/Mill Hill/Red Boxes: 75 Anniversary Mass Sat 17 Sept at 12.15pm in Lancaster Cathedral celebrated by Bishop Campbell. All donors, collectors, and parishioners are welcome. DIOCESAN EDUCATION MASS in the Cathedral on Fri 23 Sept at 7pm for all involved in education in schools and parishes. Please see Fr. John if you would like an invitation. YOUTH CLUB: Parishioners who would be interested in helping with a youth club are invited to a meeting in the Presbytery this th Thurs 15 Sept at 8pm with Fr. John and two reps from the Pastoral Team. Parishioners from St. Peters Parish have also been invited. It is hoped the two parishes could be involved in this together. CAFOD area meeting to update on the work overseas and at th home this Thurs 15 Sept, 7-9pm at The Willows, Kirkham. All welcome. Also the monthly prayer meeting at St. Anthonys Preston at 11am the same day. Please see posters. ST. PETERS SCHOOL: This terms RE topics: Y1: Gods Great Plan, Y 2: Chosen People, Y3: The Christian Family, Y 4: The Bible, Y 5: Gifts from God, Y6: The Kingdom of God. CELEBRATING CREATION: Please see poster in main porch about the first diocesan event on Mon evening in Morecambe with Bishop Campbell. See: www.lancasterfaithandjustice.co.uk. Next week: information about our own initiatives at St Josephs. BRASS BAND: The Fylde Coast Catenian Circles have arranged rd a charity concert at The North Euston, Fleetwood on Fri 23 Sept at 7.30pm with the Lostock Hall Prize Band. See poster for details. Tel 703505 for tickets. THIS WEEK: Tue 9.15am Churches Together reps at St. Pauls Shop. Wed 6.30pm Year 7 Welcome Mass at St. Bedes Thu 7pm Bell Ringing Thu 7.30pm Environment Group Thu 8pm Youth Club Helpers Fri 7.30pm Choir
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SICK: Please remember those who are sick, especially Pat Metcalf, Bernard Jones, Betty Tattersall, Kathleen Griffiths, Angela Livsey, Vera Myerscough, Vernon Eccles, Bernie Farish, Liam Herron, Christopher Hunter, Maureen Lundy, Pat Marion, Charles ONeill, Margaret Portelli, Barbara Gillett and Mary Strickland. LATELY DEAD: Please pray for the souls of Rhys Walker, Julia Hindley and Sarah Fulford Brown. ANNIVERSARIES: Please pray for the souls of Kevin Gerard Green Connolly, Mary Winifred Fee, James Fowler, Annie Patten, Marie Gillett, William George Dillon, Danny Bowes, Fr Michael J Turner and Marie Coletta whose anniversaries occur about this time. FR JOHNS HOLY COMMUNION VISITS TO THE SICK on Friday morning: Hall Park Drive, Pinewood Close, Broadwood Way, Windsor Rd, Windsor Lodge, Sandringham Court.. COLLECTIONS: Thank you for last weeks collection: Offertory Gift Aid 846.00 Non-Gift Aid 608.11 1454.11 Next weekend we have a special collection for Home Missions 10/11 Sep Sat 6pm Sun 9.30am Sun 5.05pm Readers B Lavelle Children D Warwick Ministers Group C Group F J Berry, J & D Warwick
TODAY is a day of prayer for Racial Justice. WELCOME to the Sisters from Hyning Hall who will be with us for the Burkina Faso Presentation Evening (Sat.). TEA & COFFEE in the Hall after the 9.30am Mass. WEDNESDAY WORD available from the back of church to help prepare for next Sundays readings. PARISH AGM today at 11 am in the Hall. All welcome. One nomination received for chairperson: Mary Wren Hilton.
Parish Website: www.st-josephsansdell.net LANCASTER DIOCESAN TRUSTEES REGISTERED CHARITY NO. 234331