15 Ordinary
15 Ordinary
15 Ordinary
website : liverpoolcatholic.org.uk Parish Priest : Rev. John Gorman 01942 727271 email : ourladysbryn@rcaolp.co.uk Deacon : Rev. Malcolm Cunliffe 01942 725522 Parish website : www.ourladysbryn.org.uk Masses for the week 9 - 17 July 2011 Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time First Mass of Sunday Saturday 7.00pm Parishioners Sunday 10.00am Doreen Connor Weekday Masses Monday 9.00am Michael Rea Tuesday 9.00am Ralph Pickston Wednesday 9.00am Patricia Berardini Thursday 9.00am Fr Reynolds Friday 9.00am In Memoriam (Paul) Saturday 9.00am William McDonald Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time First Mass of Sunday Saturday 7.00pm Rhona Gallagher Sunday 10.00am Parishioners Revised Mass times come into effect the weekend of 3rd/4th September : Saturday 6.00pm St Wilfrids Sunday 9.30am Our Ladys 11.00am St Wilfrids 6.30pm Our Ladys Eucharistic Service: Mon - Fri 7.30am Rosary Mon - Sat 8.30am; Sun 9.30am No Confession Novena Wednesday 7.30pm No Holy Hour 10th July Memorial Book Megan Elizabeth Byrne Joseph Cunliffe James Ashton 12th July Ralph Pickston 13th July William Myler 16th July Evangeline Ommer
The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week for Ralph Pickston Welcome : We welcome into Gods family Olivia Alexandra Quinn who will be baptised following Mass on Sunday. The Christian Community welcomes you with great joy.
Sea Sunday ; This weekend we commemorate Sea Sunday when we are asked to remember and pray for seafarers, who often spend up to nine months of the year away from home and family in order to bring to our shores so many of the goods we use every day. Next week there will be a retiring collection for the work of the Apostleship of the Sea, whose teams of Chaplains and visitors provide essential pastoral care and support to seafarers when in port, including Liverpool. Walsingham Pilgrimage : Please note that the balance of 82 is due as soon as possible. Mill Hill Red Boxes : To celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Red Boxes, the Archbishop will celebrate Mass at 3pm this Sunday (10th July) for all who have worked for and supported the Mill Hill Missionaries over the years. All are welcome. Flower Arranging this week ; Tuesday at 1.30pm in the Smith Room. Mixed bunch of flowers (e.g. Super market type), square round container and foliage for a Posy arrangement. With You Always : On Tuesday at 7pm in the Parish Centre we will continue to explore how best we can support parents in handing on the faith to their children. This begins with Baptism, and I hope to form a team of parishioners who can prepare and support parents bringing their children for Baptism and beyond. If you think you can help, please do come along. Let Us Pray the Mass : The Liturgy Newsletter this week focuses on the Eucharistic Prayer and the Communion. It points out the variety of Eucharistic Prayers which may be used during Mass and the changes we will see in the peoples responses. Please take note of these parts printed in bold. Summer Fayre : on Friday of this week (15th July) there will be a Summer Fayre, in conjunction with our school, starting at 3.00pm in the School Hall. All are welcome. Parish Magazines are available at the back of church. Copies will be delivered to the housebound this week. Gift Aid : 370.00 Loose Plate : 249.46 Total : 619.46 Many Thanks. Last weeks collection ; Question of the Week :What are you doing to help the seeds of your faith grow each day? How do you provide good soil for the faith of others to grow?
Your Parish Priest: Fr. John Gorman