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DLL in Nail Care 7

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Bachelor of Secondary Education (Cagayan State University)

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AUGUST 17-19, 2022 AUGUST 25-26, 2022 AUGUST 30-31, 2022 SEPTEMBER 1-2, 2022
I. MELC/MELCs Prepare necessary tools, materials Prepare necessary tools, materials Prepare necessary tools, materials Prepare necessary tools, materials
and equipment for the specific nail and equipment for the specific nail and equipment for the specific nail and equipment for the specific nail
care activity. care activity. care activity. care activity.
OBJECTIVE/S Classify tools, materials, and Identify the uses of tools, materials Use tools, materials and equipment Observe safety procedure o using
equipment used in nail care. and equipment in nail care. according to task requirement. tools and equipment.
Discuss the steps in preparation for Follow procedures on how to
manicure, pedicure, hand spa and utilize tools and equipment.
foot spa.
II. CONTENT Nail Care Tools, Materials, and Nail Care Tools, Materials, and Used Nail Care Tools, Materials, Used Nail Care Tools, Materials,
Equipment Equipment and Equipment and Equipment
SUBJECT MATTER Prepare necessary tools, materials Prepare necessary tools, materials Used Nail Care Tools, Materials, Used Nail Care Tools, Materials,
and equipment in nail care. and equipment in nail care. and Equipment and Equipment
III. LEARNING Curriculum Guide-MELCS Curriculum Guide-MELCS Curriculum Guide-MELCS Curriculum Guide-MELCS
RESOURCES Learning Module in Beauty care Learning Module in Beauty care Learning Module in Beauty care Learning Module in Beauty care
(Nail Care Services) Exploratory (Nail Care Services) Exploratory (Nail Care Services) Exploratory (Nail Care Services) Exploratory
Courses grade 7 and 8. Courses grade 7 and 8. Courses grade 7 and 8. Courses grade 7 and 8.
PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation
A. REFERENCES Curriculum Guide-MELCS Curriculum Guide-MELCS Curriculum Guide-MELCS Curriculum Guide-MELCS
Learning Module in Beauty care Learning Module in Beauty care Learning Module in Beauty care Learning Module in Beauty care
(Nail Care Services) Exploratory (Nail Care Services) Exploratory (Nail Care Services) Exploratory (Nail Care Services) Exploratory
Courses grade 7 and 8. Courses grade 7 and 8. Courses grade 7 and 8. Courses grade 7 and 8.
B. MATERIALS PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation
Laptop Laptop Laptop Laptop

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Printed materials Printed materials Printed materials Printed pictures

Real objects Real objects
(Picture Analysis) Reviewing previous lesson. Recall Recall
A. ACTIVATION Observe the following pictures. (to Teacher will call a volunteer to Cite tools materials and equipment Cite tools or equipment used in
be presented on television screen) recall previous lesson: used in nail care and its use. (Call nail care and the proper way to use
(can be printed) 1. Differentiate tools, volunteer) it. (Call volunteer)
materials, and equipment.
2. Give at least 3 materials The following pictures will be
used in nail care. presented (printed or on tv screen)
3. Give at least 3 tools used
in nail care.
4. Give at least 3 equipment
Ask- What have you observed on used in nail care.
the pictures presented?
Are you satisfied with its Objects used in nail care services
appearance? will be presented on the television
screen. Ask the learners to identify Ask- What are the tools and
each. equipment present on the pictures?
Why is it important to know the
Ask- are you aware with the uses correct ways on how each strategy
of each tools, materials and in each nail care services are
equipment? done?
Activity 1: “Classify me!” Activity 1“Observe and Tell” A video showing techniques done Let us play a game. “Dress Me Up
B. ANALYSIS Example of tools, materials and Show examples of strategies done in manicure will be shown. Quickly “
equipment used in nail care will be in nail care services and ask https://www.youtube.com/watch? Mechanics: I need 5 volunteers in
presented. learners to observe keenly. v=YWRC0UrJaiM boys’ group and 5 volunteers from
the group of girls. I have here two
Ask- what are the tools, materials, Ask- Why do we need to know boxes having different items to be
and equipment used in the techniques in using tools and worn. What you need to do is to
Examples of Nail Care Tools pictures? equipment in nail care? wear all items and run towards the
post at the back then go back and
Activity 2 “What is its Purpose?” transfer all items to the next
member until everybody is done.
Class will be divided into four. The first team to be finished will
Examples of Nail Care Materials Each group will be given a box be the winner. Game?
with different nail care tools, Box will contain the following:
materials and equipment (printed
objects). Each group will pick an
Examples of Nail Care item and will tell in front of the
Equipment class the use of it. (5 minutes will
be given for the preparation of the

Downloaded by kimberly quinones (kimberly.quinones@deped.gov.ph)


presentation of the group. You are

expected to make jingle as sign
that you are done and ready).
Activity 2: “Jot down what you Last player will stand up the class
know!” and act as model.
Learners will be grouped into What are the items worn by the
three. Their task is to jot down players?
examples of the following: What is the purpose of wearing
Group 1- these kinds of items?
Group 2-
Group 3-

Each group will present their

 Processing of learners’  Processing of learners’  Processing of learners’  Processing of learners’
output/answers. output/answers. output/answers. output/answers.
 Power point presentation  Power point presentation  Power point presentation  Power point presentation
 Discuss materials, tools  Discuss materials, tools  Discuss the proper use of  Discuss Personal
and equipment used in and equipment and their tools and equipment. Protective Equipment
nail care services. uses.  Explain the proper way of (PPE) and its uses.
 Elaborate the steps in holding and handling  Point out the importance
C. ABSTRACTION preparation for manicure, some nail care tools or of using PPE in Nail Care
pedicure, hand spa and implements and Services.
foot spa. equipment in manicuring
and pedicuring.
 Point out the importance
of learning the use of
tools and equipment
D. APPLICATION “Which items are Appropriate?” The teacher will provide printed Learners will demonstrate the Group 1- Make a slogan on topic
The learners will be group into jumbled procedures in preparation proper use of the following tools: Personal Protective Equipment
three. From the list of tools, for manicure, pedicure, hand spa a. Cuticle Nail Pusher Group 2- Make a poster showing
materials and equipment at each and foot spa. Their task is to b. Nail File the importance of using PPE
bond paper, choose the tools, arrange the preparation of the c. Orangewood stick Group 3- Make a jingle about
materials and equipment which are following: d. Nail Cutter Personal Protective Equipment
used in giving:
Group 1- Manicure Teacher will rate the work of the Teacher will rate the work of the
Group 2- Pedicure learners by using the scoring learners by using the scoring
Group 3- Hand Spa rubric honestly. rubric honestly.
Manicure Hand Spa Group 4- Foot Spa
(5 minutes will be given for the Demonstrated the proper way of using all

Downloaded by kimberly quinones (kimberly.quinones@deped.gov.ph)


preparation of the presentation of nail care

tools and equipment
Group 1 Group 2 the group. You are expected to
(15 pts.)
Foot Spa make jingle as sign that you are Demonstrated the proper way of using most
done and ready). of the nail
Group 3 care tools and equipment
(10 pts.)
Demonstrated the proper way of using
some of the nail
care tools and equipment.
(5 pts.)
Failed to demonstrate the proper way of
using nail care
tools and equipment
(1 pt.)

V. EVALUATION Using the objects flashed on the Quiz Quiz. Quiz.

television screen, learners will Directions: Read the questions Direction: Write T if the statement Directions: Choose the letter of the
classify each whether it is a tool, carefully. Write the answer on your is correct and write F if the correct answer below.
material or equipment. Here are quiz notebook. statement is wrong. a. Mask
the list of possible tools, materials, __________1. What do we call the 1. Filing be done from the corners b. Headband
and equipment flashed on the tool that is used to push back or to the center of the nails. c. Smock gown
television screen: loosen the cuticles? 2. Gentle pressure is applied in d. Robe
Callous remover __________2. What implement is using orangewood stick. e. Personal Protective
Top coat used to shape the free edges of the 3. Buffing has bad effects on nails. Equipment
Sterilizer nail with the coarse side and bevel 4. Cuticle nipper must be used 1. These are garments designed to
Rubbing alcohol the nail with the finer side? with utmost care. protect the wearer’s body from
Manicure table __________3. What hand tool is 5. Heavy pressure is applied when injury or chemicals or for job-
Cuticle scissor made of metal and is used to trim using a pumice stone. related
Cuticle oil fingernails and toenails? 6. Clippers are used with cutting occupational safety and health
Nail polish __________4. How do we call the edges downward between thumb, purposes.
Apron implement used for smoothening index and middle finger. 2. It is a loose cloak or robe worn
Foot soak and polishing the nails? 7. When using foot file, start with to protect the clothes.
Pumice stone __________5. How is a wooden, the course side of the foot file. 3. It is a band of absorbent
Disinfectant sand paper-like stick with a fine 8. When using hand spa machine, material worn on or around the
Foot spa tool texture on one side and a coarse make sure that electrical wirings head across the forehead to keep
Nail file texture on the other side used to are wet and unprotected from the sweat and the hair off the face.
Foot blush gently grind down the edges of the accidental water spillage. 4. It is a hand covering.
nails called? 9. Cuticle nipper is held in the 5. It is a protective face covering
__________6. How do we call the same manner as in writing with a for hygienic purposes and to
implement with pointed and pencil. protect the face against chemical
rounded ends to remove excess 10. The dull spade side of the exposure.
polish? cuticle nail pusher is used to push
__________7. What electronic back and loosen the cuticles.

Downloaded by kimberly quinones (kimberly.quinones@deped.gov.ph)


gadget is used for soaking, bathing

and massaging the feet during a
foot spa?
__________8. What do we call the
equipment in a salon that is used
for sterilizing metal implements to
kill micro-organisms?
__________9. How do we call the
simple seat with three or four legs
designed to provide comfort and
elevation during a foot spa?
__________10. What electronic
gadget is used to soothe pain of
arthritis, muscle spasms and dry
cracked skin of the hands?
(No. of learners who
earned80% in the

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Academic Coordinator



School Principal

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Downloaded by kimberly quinones (kimberly.quinones@deped.gov.ph)

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