Ruptela Protocol v.1.103
Ruptela Protocol v.1.103
Ruptela Protocol v.1.103
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Table of Contents
1 Records..............................................................................................................................................................11
1.1 Record structure........................................................................................................................................11
1.2 Record header............................................................................................................................................11
1.2.1 Time stamp.........................................................................................................................................11
1.2.2 Time stamp extension........................................................................................................................11
1.2.3 Priority................................................................................................................................................11
1.2.4 GPS element – Longitude...................................................................................................................12
1.2.5 GPS element – Latitude......................................................................................................................12
1.2.6 GPS element – Altitude......................................................................................................................12
1.2.7 GPS element – Angle..........................................................................................................................12
1.2.8 GPS element – Satellites....................................................................................................................12
1.2.9 GPS element – Speed.........................................................................................................................12
1.2.10 GPS element – HDOP.......................................................................................................................12
1.2.11 Event ID which generates record.....................................................................................................13
1.3 Record body...............................................................................................................................................13
1.4 Record example..........................................................................................................................................13
1.5 Extended records.......................................................................................................................................14
1.6 Record summary........................................................................................................................................15
2 Extended Protocol Records................................................................................................................................17
2.1 Record structure........................................................................................................................................17
2.2 Record header............................................................................................................................................17
2.2.1 Time stamp extension........................................................................................................................17
2.2.2 Record extension................................................................................................................................17
2.2.3 Event ID which generates record.......................................................................................................17
2.3 Record body...............................................................................................................................................17
2.4 Extended protocol extended records........................................................................................................18
2.5 Extended Protocol Record summary.........................................................................................................18
3 FM & Server protocol........................................................................................................................................21
3.1 Protocol Structure......................................................................................................................................21
3.1.1 Packet length......................................................................................................................................21
3.1.2 IMEI....................................................................................................................................................21
3.1.3 Command...........................................................................................................................................21
3.1.4 Payload...............................................................................................................................................21
3.1.5 CRC16.................................................................................................................................................21
3.1.6 CRC8...................................................................................................................................................23
3.2 Communication commands.......................................................................................................................24
3.2.1 Command 1/100 – Records................................................................................................................24
3.2.2 Command 68/100 – Extended protocol records................................................................................25
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Change log
Date Version Description
2014-09-02 1.15 Updated: Delrecords sms command deletes records from internal flash memory only.
2014-09-15 1.16 Updated: Server communication Tacho command 11 data flow example corrected.
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2016-09-21 1.51 Corrections: “Record example: Altitude”; In 3.2.5 “Firmware chapter number”;
Corrections: Removed duplicate command in the “Supported SMS commands table”; „getlog“ SMS
command description;
2016-10-13 1.52
Added: Example for „cansinfo“ SMS command;
Added: SMS command: „info“ - get some specific information from the FM device via SMS;
Added: “Ignore empty space before the SMS command” feature description;
2016-12-05 1.55
Added: SMS commands supported by the FM-Basic added to the “Supported SMS commands table”;
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Updated: Added one more response example for the “getlog” SMS command;
Updated: “Supported SMS commands table”;
Updated: “Command 10/110 – Tachograph Communication” changes related to ATOL tachograph
2017-03-29 1.63 support;
Updated: Description for the “Command 9/109 – Diagnostic Trouble Codes” updated. DTC packet filed
description updated;
Added: “clear dtc” command description;
2017-04-21 1.64 Removed: “gsminfo”parameter C – link with server closed.
2017-05-18 1.65 Updated:Additional description for “setiotime” SMS command for stuck DOUT cases;
Updated: Added a note in the “GPS elemenet – HDOP” about HDOP values when GSM tracking is
2017-06-15 1.67 Updated: SMS alerts description for FM 4 devices;
Updated: New SMS commands – doutreset, immobilizer, resetimmob;
Updated: Command 33/133 – FLS communication channel between FLS device and server;
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2018-06-21 1.75 Added: Description of negative acknowledgement packet for Commands 1/100 and 68/100.
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Added: Command 19/107 - 2nd generation Smart Card data size and timestamp;
2019-09-13 1.87 Updated: Supported communication command table;
Corrected: Server response CRC16 examples for commands 5/107 and 6/107.
Added: Firmware update commands for modem firmware, SSL certificates and private key;
Updated: Command 3/103 payload description;
2019-09-27 1.88
Updated: SMS command version;
SMS commands are now sorted alphabetically.
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Updated: Command 19/107 – 2nd generation Smart Card data size and timestamp.
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1 Records
Event ID
Time which
stamp Priority Longitude Latitude Altitude Angle Satellites Speed HDOP
stamp generates
extension [1B] [4B] [4B] [2B] [2B] [1B] [2B] [1B]
[4B] record
1.2.3 Priority
Priority can be low or high. It depends on configuration of event which triggered record. Parameter length – 1 byte.
Priority Explanation
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Hexadecimal value 0xEA028883 is received, in binary system it would be 1110 1010 0000 0010 1000 1000 1000 0011. So
we see, that first bit is 1 - it means, that number will be negative (with minus). Converted to a signed integer, the result
will be: -368932733 (to convert the following number to a coordinate, it must be divided by 10000000: -36.8932733)
1.2.6 GPS element – Altitude
Parameter is in meters above sea level. Value is multiplied by 10. Parameter length – 2 bytes.
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Horizontal Dilute Of Precision parameter is a factor in determining the relative accuracy of a horizontal position. Value is
multiplied by 10. The smaller the DOP number, the better the geometry. (more: ). Value is multiplied by 10. Parameter length – 1 byte.
If the FM device at the time when the record was generated did not have valid coordinates (there were no
GPS/GLONASS fix in the moment of data acquisition) then parameters Longitude, Latitude, Altitude, Angle values would
be last valid fix. HDOP, Satellites and Speed would be cleared to 0.
In cases when GSM tracking functionality is enabled in the FM device, the HDOP value of received records will always be
0XFE (254 in decimal), because the coordinates are approximate.
1.2.11 Event ID which generates record
Parameter indicates why the record was created. Value is event ID number. Parameter length – 1 byte.
When data collection without GPS fix is enabled and no GPS fix acquired, all GPS related fields which can be positive or
negative will have <0x80..00> value. Fields which can only be positive will have <0xFF..FF> value.
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b) Second digit (b) can vary from 0 to 9. This digit represents how many records have to be merged of the
current time stamp. For ex.: 0 means that there are total number of 1 record which has to be merged. Number 9
means that there are total number of 10 records which have to be merged. The maximum number of 10 records
can be merged.
c) Third digit (c) can vary from 0 to 9. This digit represents which record of the current time stamp is of total (b)
number of records. 0 means the first record. 9 means 10th record.
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... ...
... ...
... ...
... ...
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Event ID
Time Record which
stamp Priority Longitude Latitude Altitude Angle Satellites Speed HDOP
stamp extension generates
extension [1B] [4B] [4B] [2B] [2B] [1B] [2B] [1B]
[4B] [1B] record
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different length parameters (1, 2, 4 and 8 bytes long). Every segment holds the number of parameters with same size
and ID numbers. For extended record protocol IO ID numbers are 2 bytes long (big endian).
b) Second BCD (n) can vary from 0 to 7. This digit represents which record of the current time stamp is of total
(m) number of records. 0 means the first record. 7 means 8th record.
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... ...
... ...
IO element
Number of IO data elements which value is 4
No. of IO data 4Byte 1 Byte
Byte length
... ...
... ...
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The extended protocol is mandatory for some of the IO parameters. The full list of IO parameters is available at the
documentation website in the “FMIODATA+size+description” file. Parameters that require the use of the v1.1 protocol
start from ID no. 256.
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Server to device:
• Difference is that server does not have IMEI field.
• Maximum data packet size is 1 kB (1024 bytes).
3.1.2 IMEI
IMEI is a 64 bit variable. It is unique for every FM device.
3.1.3 Command
Command ID is a 8 bit variable. Command ID describes what type of command is received.
3.1.4 Payload
All data which is sent.
3.1.5 CRC16
CRC16 is calculated using CRC-CCITT (Kermit) algorithm (
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Parameter length – 2 bytes. Format is big endian. That is why bytes 0 and 1 are “switched”.
unsigned int i;
usCRC ^= pucData[i];
usCRC >>= 1;
if (ucCarry) {
usCRC ^= usPoly;
return usCRC;
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3.1.6 CRC8
CRC8 is used when sending IO packet data via the RS232 interface using the transparent channel functionality.
CRC8 calculation algorithm is shown below (C programming language):
unsigned char crc_8(char *pucData, unsigned short ucLen) {
unsigned int i;
ucCRC ^= pucData[i];
ucCRC >>= 1;
if (ucCarry) {
ucCRC ^= ucPoly;
return ucCRC;
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Packet Command
Field IMEI CRC16
length ID Records left Number of Data (see
records Records)
Records left flag - Two possible values: 0 or 1. 0 – there are no records left in flash, 1 – there are records left in flash.
Number of records - Describes how many records are in Record DATA field.
Data - Records with variable length. Record consists of non variable length field: time stamp, priority, GPS elements and
variable length field: IO elements.
Server should use command 100 (0x64) for records response (acknowledge). Answer from server:
Size (bytes) 2 1 1 2
When positive acknowledgement (ACK) is received, the device deletes all sent records from the memory. When negative
acknowledgement (NACK) is received, the sending of record packets is delayed. If record packets are continuously
rejected by the server, the delay period increases incrementally by 1, 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 minutes after each NACK.
After a delay of 60 minutes is reached, it will no longer increase and remain for subsequent packets. The delay is reset to
0 if one of the following conditions is met:
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• If the connection to the server was initiated with SMS commands “econnect”, “connect”, “switchip” or GPRS
command 105 “Set connection parameters”;
• If parameters IP1, port1, IP2 or port2 were changed by SMS commands “setcfg” or “setconnection” or by
uploading the configuration file via USB.
Command ID – 0x01 = 1
30 Records...
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Records left flag - Two possible values: 0 or 1. 0 – there are no records left in flash, 1 – there are records left in flash.
Number of records - Describes how many records are in Record DATA field.
Data - Records with variable length. Record consists of non variable length field: time stamp, priority, GPS elements and
variable length field: IO elements.
Server should use command 100 (0x64) for records response (acknowledge). Answer from server:
Size (bytes) 2 1 1 2
When positive acknowledgement (ACK) is received, the device deletes all sent records from the memory. When negative
acknowledgement (NACK) is received, the sending of record packets is delayed. If record packets are continuously
rejected by the server, the delay period increases incrementally by 1, 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 minutes after each NACK.
After a delay of 60 minutes is reached, it will no longer increase and remain for subsequent packets. The delay is reset to
0 if one of the following conditions is met:
• If the connection to the server was initiated with SMS commands “econnect”, “connect”, “switchip” or GPRS
command 105 “Set connection parameters”;
• If parameters IP1, port1, IP2 or port2 were changed by SMS commands “setcfg” or “setconnection” or by
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Size (bytes) 2 1 2
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• GSM signal level – 542C,,668,22,1 (ranges from 0 (no signal) to 31 (strong signal))
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Example hex 0012 000315A07F44865A 05 Raw data segment of DDD file CRC16
Size (bytes) 2 1 1 2
ACK possible values: 0 – negative acknowledgement, 1 – positive acknowledgement, 2 – card data rejected.
The decision that whole .DDD file is sent should be done by server. Server checks all received smart card data size. If the
data size is equal to smart card size parameter sent by command 6 (smart card data size and time stamp) that means the
end of DDD file. All smart card data packets' payloads are equal to 512 bytes except the last one. It is also an indication
for the last packet (end of file).
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3.2.7 Command 6/107 – Smart Card Data Size and Time stamp
FM uses this command 6 (0x06) to send information about smart card .DDD file and the time stamp when the file was
created. For 2nd generation smart cards, command 19/107 (0x13) is used instead.
Size (bytes) 2 1 1 2
ACK possible values: 0 – negative acknowledgement, 1 – positive acknowledgement, 2 – card data rejected.
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Command 7 (0x07) is used by the device to send a response back to the server.
Field Packet length IMEI Payload* CRC16
Field IMEI Command ID CRC16
length Number of
DTC in packet
Example hex 0030 09 02 015030303130FF4E9CAF2C07D6 8C91
*There are two DTC packets in this example’s payload DTCs field.
1st packet: Time stamp – 1318891308; Longitude – 13,1467505; Latitude – 43,7551290; DTC status – current DTC; DTC – P0010.
2nd packet: Time stamp – 1318891308; Longitude – 13,1467505; Latitude – 43,7551290; DTC status – history DTC; DTC – P0011.
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Field Description
Number of DTC in packet Indicates how many separate Diagnostic Troubles Codes are in payload's sub field “DTCs”.
DTC packet:
Field Description
0xFF – OBD
DTC source 1 0x01 – J1939
0x02 - J1708
Time 4 UNIX time stamp when the DTC was read.
Size (bytes) 2 1 1 2
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ACK field can have three possible values. 0 – negative acknowledgement, 1 – positive acknowledgement, 2 – request
DTC data (start force DTC data sending).
Field Description
4 – Finished authenticate.
2 – ERROR.
8 – no tacho task.
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Tachograph read routine is initiated by server using command 110 (0x6E), SubID 2 (0x02). After this FM device takes
control of communication and server needs only to respond correctly. According to SubID command value SubID
payload data can give different kind of information.
Server command 110 (0x6E):
Field Packet Command ID Command SubID Reserved SubID command payload CRC16
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Field Packet IMEI Comm Status Command Packet Reserved SubID CRC16
length and ID SubID Status command
Example 00A4020C020
0018 000315A07F440B1D 0A 0 03 1 0 65D7
hex 002
24 868204004248349 10 0 3 1 0 26071
After successful initialization FM device will inform server about tachograph packet data with command 12 (0x0C).
Server should answer ACK message with command 111 (0x6F). DDD file packets is then send by FM device to server
using command 11 (0x0B). Server should send ACK message (0x6F) to every FM device message. Flowchart for getting
tachograph data is shown in file: Server-FM Tacho_authentication_and_read_Flowchart_02.png.
03FC 000315A07F440B1D 0B 0000 1st fragment of .DDD file data B314
1020 868204004248349 11 0 1st fragment of .DDD file data 45844
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03 FC 00 03 15 A0 7F 44 0B 1D 0B 00 01 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 02 15 53 56 54 20 30 36 20 20 30 30 31 36 20 30 30 30 FF FF
FF FF 51 39 D5 11 00 00 00 00 51 39 D5 89 00 00 00 15 01 41 42 43 31 32 33 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 51 39 D3 FE 00 00 08 20 00 02 CD
22 D3 02 D4 22 D5 02 D9 22 DB A0 00 03 02 15 53 56 54 20 30 36 20 20 30 30 31 36 20 30 30 30 51 39 D3 81 01 15 00 00 00 00 02 15
53 56 54 20 30 36 20 20 30 30 31 36 20 30 30 30 51 39 D3 FE 01 15 00 00 00 00 02 15 53 56 54 20 30 36 20 20 30 30 31 36 20 30 30
30 51 39 D5 88 01 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 5A 7C D4 64 54 F9 6F FD 17 18 50 48 20 8D 99 69 74 A0 2A E7 17 82 B6 4D F1 99 25 DA E6 04
02 F6 48 D2 F9 AE 45 6D 94 09 BE 73 3A 3D 69 5A 16 DE 44 D6 B9 FE DE 9A B7 FC D8 7B AC 38 2D 28 59 4E 73 94 E0 54 41 09 DB F5
7A DF 57 58 6E BF 4A D9 20 9B B3 3C EC 61 F7 5C 82 47 49 80 49 ED 63 20 A8 45 25 92 6A 1F EF AB 92 37 CC 81 EC 19 78 16 7F DE BF
F9 CA D0 54 19 BE 5F 65 87 F3 7D 56 A7 76 02 51 47 AA 7F 00 00 08 00 04 01 4D 75 73 74 65 72 66 72 61 75 20 34 33 20 20 20 20 20
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 01 4B 72 69 73 74 61 20 34 33 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 01 12 33 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 31 33 30 30 30 30 63 D5 B7 00 51 47 17 28 00 00 00 00 51 47 17
B1 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 01 4D 75 73 74 65 72 66 72 61 75 20 34 33 20 20 20 20 20 20
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 01 4B 72 69 73 74 61 20 34 33 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 01 12 33 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 31 33 30 30 30 30 63 D5 B7 00 51 47 18 63 00 00 00 00 51 47 19 04
00 00 02 15 01 41 42 43 31 32 33 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 51 47 17 B0 00 01 4D 75 73 74 65 72 66 72 61 75 20 34 33 20 20 20 20 20 20
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 01 4B 72 69 73 74 61 20 34 33 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 01 12 33 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 31 33 30 30 30 30 63 D5 B7 00 51 47 2A 6F 00 00 02 00 51 47 2B 61
00 00 02 15 01 41 42 43 31 32 33 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 51 47 19 03 00 01 4D 75 73 74 65 72 66 72 61 75 20 34 33 20 20 20 20 20 20
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 01 4B 72 69 73 74 61 20 34 33 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 01 12 33 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 31 33 30 30 30 30 63 D5 B7 00 51 47 3D 3C 00 00 02 00 51 47 3E FB
00 00 08 15 01 41 42 43 31 32 33 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 51 47 2B 60 00 00 14 20 00 03 2B 23 2D 03 30 1B 31 23 33 03 7D 1B 80 23 81
03 CD 1B CE 03 D1 23 D5 A0 00 AB 31 A3 33 AB 80 A3 81 AB CE A3 D1 03 01 12 33 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 31 33 30 30 30 30 51
47 19 03 01 15 00 00 00 02 01 12 33 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 31 33 30 30 30 30 51 47 2B 60 01 15 00 00 00 02 01 12 33 31 30 30
30 30 30 30 30 36 31 33 30 30 30 30 51 47 3E FA 01 15 00 00 00 08 00 00 05 B5 2F B4 AF 69 5C 30 C0 82 D5 78
Size (bytes) 2 1 1 2 2
Packet Comman Data Data Data
Field IMEI Data Data read Data Packet CRC16
length d ID storage period period
size time stamp CRC16 index
type start end
2 8 1 1 4 4 4 4 2 2 2
Example 00000B1
0001 5130B20
hex 000B A29F64B 0C 01 521C67CE 518CFB07 2A56 FFFF 39B0
3880 B
Example 1220700 8000 137759329 1362145 13681937
11 12 1 10838 65535 14768
dec 1062170 0 4 803 99
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Field Description
Packet index for ACK. First packet (info about tacho data) has index
Packet index
FFFF (response with this index to first packet).
Packet index
Tachograph data transfer command 111 (0x6F) has packet index field. This index is used by server to indicate which
tacho data packet is expected/acknowledged. Server receives packet with index 0xFFFF if new data download has been
started. If communication between server and FM device is terminated (ex.: GPRS link was broken) when data download
is still in progress (not ended). Next time FM device will send packet “Information packet about tachograph data”
(command 12) packet index value will be 'last index-1'. If Server respond to FM device with just received index (last
index-1) then next packet which will be sent to server from FM device will be with index increased by 1. If server respond
with different index value (compared to received index value) then FM device will send requested index packet.
Data flow example between server and FM device is shown below (command Ids are in bold):
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Info: FM to Server 00 1E 00 03 15 A0 7F 44 0B 1D 0C 01 00 01 B3 BA 51 9F 2F
D3 51 30 B2 0B 51 8C FB 07 00 00 FF FF 87 D4
Server to FM 00 04 6F 01 FF FF 81 79
FM to Server 03 FC 00 03 15 A0 7F 44 0B 1D 0B 00 00 …
Server to FM 00 04 6F 01 00 00 71 C1
FM to Server 03 FC 00 03 15 A0 7F 44 0B 1D 0B 00 01 20 20 20 20 20 …
Server to FM 00 04 6F 01 00 01 60 48
… …
… …
FM to Server 03 FC 00 03 15 A0 7F 44 0B 1D 0B 00 6D 21 21 21 …
Server to FM 00 04 6F 01 00 6D C9 22
*This data transfer flow happens after successful tachograph initialization (commands 10/110).
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Field Description
Server sends Acknowledgement to FM device with payload data (command 114 = 0x72).
Field Packet length Port ID Reserved Payload CRC16
Example - - - - abc123 -
As we can see from the examples (tables above) FM device sends data 'abc123' which was received from RS232 device
(port B) with (command 14). Then server acknowledges this transmission (command 114) and additionally sends data
'abc123'. This packet is received by FM device and data 'abc123' is transmitted to RS232 device (port B). 4th generation
devices can operate both ports simultaneously.
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Size (bytes) 2 8 1 37 2
Size (bytes) 2 1 1 2
If the tracking device is unauthorized, the server sends a NACK response with command 115 (0x73). The tracking device
then breaks the link with the server and does not make any further connection attempts until the delay time has passed.
Size (bytes) 2 1 1 1 2
The response for the unauthorized tracking device is not applicable for the FM-Eco4 and FM-Plug4 devices.
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Device Distance Time Angle
Field Firmware version IMSI code operator
type coefficient coefficient coefficient
Size (bytes) 4 11 8 4 4 4 2
As you can see from the example, some parameters (bold text) must be interpreted as ASCII characters. All other
parameters are hex numbers.
• HCV5 – Tc05
• LCV5 – Lc05
• Pro5 – Pr05
• Trace5NA – Us05
• Trace5GL – Ws05
• FM-Pro4 – Pr04
• FM-Eco4 – Ec04
• FM-Eco4 RS T - Rs04
• FM-Plug4 – OBD1
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Size (bytes) 2 8 1 2
Size (bytes) 2 1 1 2
Field Packet length Command ID CRC16
IO ID IO value
Size (bytes) 2 1 4 4 2
After setting specific IO to a new value FM device sends acknowledgement that ID is 17 (0x11).
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Command Payload
Field Packet length IMEI CRC16
Size (bytes) 2 8 1 1 2
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2 FW version 11 String
3 IMSI 8 Unsigned
10 HW version 2 Unsigned
15 Last CFG change (applicable for 5th generation devices) 4 Unsigned, UNIX timestamp
Note: For the Last CFG change parameter the timestamp bytes are switched (big-endian byte sequence).
The server responds with command 115 (0x73):
Size (bytes) 2 1 1 2
If the tracking device is unauthorized, the server sends a NACK response with command 115 (0x73). The tracking device
then breaks the link with the server and does not make any further connection attempts until the delay time has passed.
Size (bytes) 2 1 1 1 2
The response for the unauthorized tracking device is not applicable for the FM-Eco4 and FM-Plug4 devices.
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3.2.18 Command 19/107 – 2nd generation Smart Card data size and timestamp
FM uses this command 19 (0x13) to send information about 2 nd generation smart card .DDD files and the timestamp
when the file was created.
Size (bytes) 2 1 1 2
ACK possible values: 0 – negative acknowledgement, 1 – positive acknowledgement, 2 – card data rejected.
Size (bytes) 2 1 2
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Size (bytes) 2 1 1 2
Field Packet length Command ID Payload (Garmin device data – FMI message) CRC16
Answer from Garmin is also a FMI message in payload in command 31 (0x83) packet.
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Example 58 12207005664062 31 - -
FM device just forwards FMI messages between server and Garmin device. Server should format FMI packet correctly,
otherwise where will be no answer from Garmin and FM device.
Field IMEI Command ID Record data Payload (Weighting system data) CRC16
Example 51 12207005 32 - - -
dec 664062
ASCII - - - - 0000000300:0000000700:GLASS<0 -
Record data
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3.2.22 Command 33/133 – FLS communication channel between device and server
The commands are used for communication between server and FLS via FM device. If the FLS is connected correctly to
the FM device, then the device will act as a clear channel between FLS and the server. Everything that is included in FLS
package will be sent to the addressed FLS on Port X.
Communication from server to FM device, command 133 (0x85).
Field Command ID SubCmdID Port X FLS package CRC16
Length is not
Size (Bytes) 2 8 1 1 1 2
Example hex 00 0D 00 00 0B 1A 29 F6 4B 1A 21 - - - -
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Field descriptions:
Field Description
Packet length Packet length field: all fields except itself and CRC16 (except Packet length field and CRC16
field). Calculated as with FM protocol
Command ID Command ID is 8 bit variable. Command ID describes what type of command is received, and
how to handle DATA field.
SubCmdID 1 – open RFLS CHANNEL*; 2 – send data through the RFLS channel; 3 – close RFLS channel
PORT X It depends on the field SubCmID. For SubCmdID '1' available values: 0 – PORTA, 1 – PORTB, 2
– PORTC. Communication port with FLS.
FLS package This data field is described in protocol description parts: Common protocol for fuel level sen-
sor data exchange located in the “Ruptela FLS protocol section 2” & Internal (Ruptela) com-
munication protocol structure located in this document at section 2 located at
*When the SubCmdID is 1 the „FLS package“ has different value. This bytes would contain the address of all the FLS that
are connected to the device. In total there are 32 bytes. Starting from the MSB to the LSB. 1 indicate FLS connected and
0 not connected. This is bitfield from 255 bit to 0 bit that each bit correspond to the address where the FLS is connected
(if is set). See below table „Address bits field“
Bit 255 Bit 254 Bit 253 ... Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 1 0 ... 0 1 0
40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02
Communication examples:
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Field Command ID SubCmdID Port X FLS package CRC16
(RX) FM answered with a positive answer “opened RFLS CHANNEL”. FM founded one FLS with an address 0x01:
Field IMEI Command ID Answer to SubID Port X FLS package CRC16
Size (bytes) 2 8 1 1 1 Length is not fixed 2
Example 00 2B 00 03 13 61 11 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A1 CB
hex 2D A2 CF C6 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 02
(TX) Server sends data through the communication channel. Server tries to get an information about device
Field Command ID SubCmdID Port X FLS package CRC16
Size (bytes) 2 1 1 1 Length is not fixed 2
Example hex 00 03 85 02 01 PAYLOAD 3D 00
Field IMEI Command ID Answer to SubID Port X FLS package CRC16
Size (bytes) 2 8 1 1 1 Length is not fixed 2
Example 00 24 00 03 13 61 21 02 01 PAYLOAD D2 60
hex 2D A2 CF C6
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Field Command ID SubCmdID Port X FLS package CRC16
Size (bytes) 2 1 1 1 - 2
Example hex 00 03 85 03 01 - 3D 00
Field Command ID Subcommand ID Start timestamp End timestamp Reserved CRC16
Size (bytes) 2 1 1 4 4 2 2
Start timestamp – UTC time to read log records FROM (UNIX time stamp).
End timestamp – UTC time to read log records TO (UNIX time stamp).
FM device sends log records according to the format which is shown below.
R&D department
Packet Command CRC1
Field IMEI
length ID Subcommand Records Number of Data (see 6
ID left records Records)
Subcommand ID – two possible values: 64 (0x40) – SD card log records in standard protocol; 128 (0x80) – SD card log
records in extended protocol.
Records left flag – two possible values: 0 or 1. 0 – there are no log records left in selected time interval, 1 – there are log
records left in selected time interval.
Number of records – describes how many records are in Record DATA field.
Data – records with variable length. Record consists of non variable length field: time stamp, priority, GPS elements and
variable length field: IO elements.
When session is closed during log transmission to server (timeout), upon next session, regular records are sent. SD card
log must be requested from server again, with a respect to what records we already have in server.
In case if device don't have any records in requested time interval it will sends packet with empty payload (Records left
flag and Number of records fields will have values 0).
NOTICE: event ID field of each record in Data payload block – for all log records is 252.
Size (bytes) 2 1 1 2
Server should use command 134 (0x86) with subcommand 1 (0x01) for log records response (acknowledge).
After that FM device will send next log records pack from requested time interval if unsent log records available or send
packet with empty payload (Records left flag and Number of records fields will have values 0) to show that there is no log
records to send.
R&D department
Subcommand is used by server to stop log records sending and clear requested time interval. Server sends a request
with command 134 (0x86) and subcommand 2 (0x02).
Field Command ID Subcommand ID CRC16
Size (bytes) 2 1 1 2
Subcommand is used by server to erase whole SD card (used to initialize SD card or to switch between Event records and
Log records mode, only same type of data can be stored on SD card at same time and for ex. if user need to enable SD
card logging functionality and at least one event record present on the SD card – to prevent missing Event records FM
device generates temporary error state so user will able to download all event records to server and then execute this
command to enable SD card logging). Server sends a request with command 134 (0x86) and subcommand 16 (0x10).
Field Command ID Subcommand ID CRC16
Size (bytes) 2 1 1 2
Field IMEI Command ID CRC16
Subcommand ID Status
Size (bytes) 2 8 1 1 1 2
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Subcommand is used by server to remotely enable or disable SD card logging functionality (for example if accident
happened and to prevent log data overwriting).
NOTICE: This command only enable/disable logging temporary (until device restarts or profile reload happens).
Server sends a request with command 134 (0x86) and subcommand 32 (0x20).
Packet Command
Field CRC16
length ID
Subcommand ID Parameter set Logging interval
Size (bytes) 2 1 1 1 4 2
Field IMEI Command ID CRC16
Subcommand ID Status
Size (bytes) 2 8 1 1 1 2
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Field IMEI Command ID Data version Payload data CRC16
2 8 1 1 29 2
29 0003107BD952952E 23 02 Data -
41 862549043221806 35 2 Data -
The announcement message contains configured accelerometer, gyroscope, and GNSS recording frequencies and
recording duration before and after the IO event is generated. Also, the accelerometer calibration matrix is recorded at
the end.
2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Example 006 FC1 FFF FC1 FFE 00 00
0064 0F 05 0000 00 00 0A 0F 0A FF95 FC19
hex B E C F 2 1D 08
100 15 5 0 0 0 10 15 10 107 -994 -4 -993 -107 -30 29 8 -999
Payload data
Packet Data
Field IMEI Command ID Records Type of Numbers of CRC16
length version Data
left data records
2 8 1 1 1 1 1 1-1007 2
Example 0003107BD9
0400 23 03 13 0 14 Data -
hex 52952E
Example 8625490432
1024 35 3 19 0 20 Data -
dec 21806
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Type of data specifies from which source the data record is generated:
0x00 – accelerometer
0x01 – gyroscope
0x02 – GNSS
Example of the accelerometer data:
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2 8 1 1 1 Not fixed 2
0300 000314F82AF6BBB5 25 00 00 - -
768 867481035389877 37 0 0 - -
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2 1 1 1 4 4 2
000B 89 00 00 5B346380 5B3481E8 54FE
11 137 0 0 1530160000 1530167784 -
2 8 1 1 1 2 2
000D 000314F82AF6BBB5 25 00 00 000A 1821
13 867481035389877 37 0 0 10 -
2 1 1 1 4 4 2
000B 89 01 00 5B346380 5B3481E8 78D9
11 137 1 0 1530160000 1530167784 -
R&D department
2 8 1 1 1 1 Quantity x 8 2
Examp 3542333436333830354
0300 000314F82AF6BBB5 25 01 00 02 -
le hex 2333438314538
768 867481035389877 37 1 0 2 - -
le dec
Note: If the file name is shorter than 8 symbols, empty spaces will be added at the end, e.g. E280AD46696C6531322020
– “File12 ”
2 1 1 1 8 2 2
000D 89 02 00 3542333436333830 0000 94CE
13 137 2 0 - 0 -
Note: For FM-Eco4 RS T devices, the server sends the following value to the device instead of File name: 2B Alert ID + 6B
0x000000000000 (reserved).
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Size Not
2 8 1 1 1 8 2 2 2
(bytes) fixed
Example 000314F82AF6
0300 25 02 00 3542333436333830 0051 0000 - -
hex BBB5
Example 867481035389
768 37 2 0 - 81 0 - -
dec 877
Note: If Source ID is 2 or 3, it means that the pictures are sent directly from camera memory. The server should start
from packet 0 and request subsequent packets. After the last packet is received, the server requests the picture to be
deleted from camera memory.
Note: For FM-Eco4 RS T devices, the server sends the following value to the device instead of File name: 2B Alert ID + 6B
0x000000000000 (reserved).
Size (bytes) 2 1 1 1 8 2
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2 8 1 1 1 8 1 2
0014 000314F82AF6BBB5 25 03 00 3542333436333830 01 9B9C
20 867481035389877 37 3 0 - 1 -
2 1 1 1 4 4 2
000B 89 04 00 5B346380 5B3481E8 E462
11 137 4 0 1530160000 1530167784 -
R&D department
Size (bytes) 2 8 1 1 1 1 2
Tracking device does not send a response. Next time (for one time) tracking device will connect to server using received
connection parameters.
Size (bytes) 2 1 4 2
Tracking device does not send a response. Next generated record will have new odometer value.
R&D department
R&D department
There is a possibility to send SMS commands to the FM device. The FM device answers with an SMS message as well.
This is an easy way to quickly interact with the FM device. SMS commands are used:
• to get specific information from the FM device;
• to reconfigure some parameters of the FM device;
• to influence how the FM device functions.
SMS command structure: <password> <command> <command text>
The password, command and command text are separated by a space symbol. Command text parameters are usually
separated by a comma (,) symbol. The password can contain up to 16 symbols. The following symbols are permitted:
• All digits (0-9);
• Letters A-Z (both lowercase and uppercase);
• “_”, “@”, “#”, “/”, “%”, “-”.
The password cannot match any names of SMS commands. Please refer to the Supported SMS commands table
for a full list of SMS commands.
SMS commands that are sent over GPRS do not require a password.
It is possible to include IDs in SMS commands, so that the server knows to which SMS command the device responds. To
do so, the Use ID in SMS commands functionality must be enabled in the configuration. If the functionality is enabled,
the ID must be added to all SMS commands, otherwise the commands will not be processed.
SMS command structure with ID: <password> <command> <command text> ID<ID string>
<ID string> - a 16-32 hexadecimal symbol tag. It must be entered right after ID (no spaces).
Example: password reset ID575D6468E934C867
Response: Resetting device ID575D6468E934C867
The ID must be unique. If the device receives several SMS commands with the same ID, only the first one will be
SMS commands gsminfo, getapn and accreset -r will NOT return an ID even if it is included in these SMS commands.
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4.1 Commands
4.1.1 accinfo
This SMS command is used to check if the accelerometer is calibrated for the Eco-Drive functionality. Only state
information should be interpreted.
Parameter Description
4.1.2 accreset
This SMS command is used to reset the existing accelerometer (used for the Eco-Drive functionality) calibration and
initiate a new automatic calibration process. For automatic calibration to be successful, the data course must be set to
Example: pass accreset
Response example: Acc reset OK
An additional parameter can be included in the main SMS command which will reset the existing calibration, initiate a
new automatic calibration process and inform the user of the ongoing calibration status:
Example: pass accreset r
Response example if the conditions are correct to start calibration: Acc calibration initiated. Drive normally to calibrate.;
Response example if the conditions are incorrect: Configuration error;
Afterwards the device will send SMS messages based on the calibration status:
Up direction found. Drive normally to finish calibration. – the gravitational vector has been determined and acceleration
events will be gathered.
Calibration successful – the calibration process was finished successfully.
4.1.3 authid
This SMS command is used to add/remove IDs to/from the expanded list. Up to 4 IDs can be modified at a time.
Command syntax to add IDs: password authid add <ID1>, <ID2>, <ID3>, <ID4>
R&D department
The ID length must be exactly 8 B or 16 B, empty bytes will not be filled with zeros.
Command syntax to delete IDs: password authid del <ID1>, <ID2>, <ID3>, <ID4>
• Not enough memory – the device does not have enough memory for all IDs
• Incorrect length – the entered IDs are not 8 B/16 B long
• Too many IDs – more than 4 IDs were entered
• Not found – the ID cannot be deleted because it was not found in the ID list
• Incorrect syntax – the command was entered incorrectly
• Not configured – the expanded authorized IDs list is disabled
• Device busy – the device is currently busy with another process
• Already exists – the ID cannot be added because it was already found in the ID list
• Repeating IDs – the same ID was entered in the authid command several times
4.1.4 banned
This SMS command is used to get information about temporary banned operators. Answer SMS format: Already
banned:X, Newly banned:Y, ops:ZZZ.
Parameter Description
ZZZ List of currently banned operators (which are still in the list).
4.1.5 caninfo
This SMS command is used to get information about the settings of the CAN1 interface. These settings are used to see
exact CAN interface setup in configuration file (it doesn’t necessarily reflect actual mode of operation). Answer SMS
format: CAN enable: X Manufacturer Y Type Z Active A
Parameter Description
CAN enable 0 – CAN is disabled / 1 – CAN is enabled, FMS standard mode / 2 – CAN is enabled, LCV mode / 3 –
CAN is enabled, OBD mode / 4 – CAN is enabled, Tachograph mode.
R&D department
Value Name
2 Mercedes
3 Citroen
4 Ford
5 Fiat
6 Opel
7 Renault
8 Toyota
9 FMS Tractor
4.1.6 cansinfo
This SMS command is used to get information about CAN1 and CAN2 interface settings of FM device. These settings are
used to see the exact dual CAN interface setup in configuration file (it doesn’t necessarily reflect actual mode of
operation). Answer SMS format: CAN1 enable: X Manufacturer Y Type Z Active A; CAN2 enable: X Manufacturer Y Type Z
Active A (see caninfo message for fields description)
Example: pass cansinfo
Response example: CAN1 enable: 2 Manufacturer 2 Type 1 Active 0; CAN2 enable: 2 Manufacturer 2 Type 1 Active 0
SMS command
SMS command structure: pass clear dtc
• If command was performed successfully, response will be: DTC codes were cleared
R&D department
• If DTC reading is not configured, response will be: DTC reading is not configured
4.1.8 clear obd
This SMS command is used to clear all OBD (On-board diagnostic) related data in device memory (not configuration). It
can be assumed as OBD values reset command.
Example: pass clear obd
Response example: OBD parameters and DTC cleared
4.1.9 connect
This SMS command is used to force FM device to connect (for one time) to server with custom IP, port and protocol
settings. FM device creates dummy record just with header part. Triggered event ID = 0 (zero). SMS has three
parameters. SMS format: pass connect IP,Port,Protocol
Parameter Description
Protocol The principal of communication. There are two available protocols: TCP and UDP.
4.1.10 coords
This SMS command is used to get current GPS status and coordinates. Response has 8 parameters.
Parameter Description
state Current GNSS state: 1-off, 2-on no fix, 3-on got fix, 4-not responding, 5-sleep, 6-disabled.
R&D department
Response example: 2013-04-24 07:01, lat. 46.1443183, long. 11.881766, alt. 217.5, sat. 8, dir. 198.10, hdop 100, state 3
4.1.11 delrecords
This SMS command is used to delete all records from internal flash memory of the FM device.
Example: pass delrecords
Response example: all records deleted
4.1.12 dfota
This SMS command is used to update modem firmware of a device with 3G GSM modem. Firmwares of 3G modems are
in diff form so it only sends differences between new and current firmware. Because of this, current modem firmware
has to be known before the update. Binary file of Modem firmware must be placed in FTP or HTTP server before update.
<user_name> - String type, the user name for authentication. The maximum size of the parameter is 50 bytes
<password> - String type, the password for authentication. The maximum size of the parameter is 50 bytes
<server_URL> - String type, the IP address or domain name of the FTP server. The maximum size of the parameter is 50
<port> - Integer type, the port of the FTP server. The default value is 21. The range is 1 – 65535
<file_path> - String type, the file name in FTP server. The maximum size of the parameter is 50 bytes
Example of FTP update command:
password dfota
<http_server_URL> - String type, the IP address or domain name of the HTTP server
<http_port> - Integer type, the port of the HTTP server. The default value is 80. The range is 1 – 65535
<http_file_path> - String type, the file name in HTTP server
R&D department
After modem FW update is finished FM device responds (does not work on SMS via GPRS):
Modem firmware updated successfully:
• Modem FW update process successful. Current modem version: xx
Modem firmware update failed:
• Modem FW update process FAILED. Error code: xx
(error codes are specified in modem documentation)
4.1.13 doutreset
This SMS command allows to reset the state of activated DOUTs. This command works in correlation with
the “DOUT activation with conditions” functionality, and requires it to be enabled and configured to work.
SMS command
SMS command structure: pass doutreset
• If command was performed successfully, response will be: DOUT activation mechanism was reset
• If DOUTs are not active at the time, response will be : DOUT activation mechanism is inactive
• If the “DOUT activation with conditions” functionality is not configured, response will be : DOUT activation is not
4.1.14 econnect
This SMS command is used to force FM device to connect (for one time) to server with custom APN, user, pass, IP, port
and protocol settings. FM device creates dummy record just with header part. Triggered event ID = 0 (zero). SMS has five
parameters. SMS format: pass econnect apn,apnLogin,apnPassword,IP,Port,Protocol
Parameter Description
An Access Point Name (APN) is the name of a gateway between a GPRS (or 3G, etc.)
mobile network and another computer network, frequently the public Internet.
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Protocol The principle of communication. There are two available protocols: TCP and UDP.
4.1.16 forward
This SMS command allows to forward an SMS via the FM device.
SMS command
SMS command structure: pass forward <phone_number> <text>
<phone_number> - must not contain “0” or “+” in the beginning of the number (Not +370 or 00370, but 370);
<text> - Supports only GSM 03.38 characters.
Total length of whole command with text may not exceed 160 symbols.
• SMS-Forward OK
• SMS-Forward Fail
4.1.17 get3g
The structure of the command would be:
password get3g
No fields are required to fill into the SMS.
Example: password get3g
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Following responses are provided for the number, which sent the get3g by SMS (response from FM device).
Response format:
automatic/disabled/enabled 3G mode, connected to 3G/GSM (1/2/3/4-profile)
• If device has enabled 3G and status is OK. For all examples current profile is 3:
“enabled 3G mode, connected to 3G (3-profile)”
If the getapn response text is very long (for example, the APN, username and password are 32 symbols long each and
two servers are used), it might not fit into a single message and be cropped.
4.1.19 getcfg
Structure of getcfg SMS:
password getcfg id
This command is only used for getting the current status of the selected parameter. Maximum simultaneously received
parameters in one SMS message is limited by SMS message length (Complete answer: 125 symbols. Incomplete answer:
105 symbols).
R&D department
Multiple parameter values can be requested in one SMS message and when response does not fit in one message then
in the end of the message there will be a phrase: “other values not fit”.
“password getcfg 100,101,102,110,120,111,121,130”
“ID:100,value:1; ID:101,value:aerospace; ID:102,value:laguna; ID:110,value:; ID:120,value:23451;
ID:111,; other values not fit”
Parameters configuration password and SMS password are not reachable with this SMS. In this case, the device answer:
“ERROR: parameter(s) read is forbidden“
4.1.20 getdinmode
This SMS command allows to receive information on the configuration of the specified DIN. This applies only to
configurable DINs.
SMS command
SMS command structure: pass getdinmode <DIN#>
<DIN#> - can have the following values:
• 1 – information for DIN1 (Trace5 only)
• 3 – information for DIN3
• 4 – information for DIN4
SMS command example
pass getdinmode 3 – This SMS command will provide information on the DIN3 configured mode.
• DIN# - positive mode;
• DIN# - ground mode;
• Configurable DIN functionality is not available for your HW version.
R&D department
4.1.21 getgfwver
This SMS command is used to check if the GNSS module firmware is updated for FM-Eco4 S devices.
SMS command structure: pass getgfwver
Response if the GNSS module firmware has been updated to the latest version (CAR01A11.gfw):
• AXN_5.1.6_3333_19010200,0002,MC60-GNSS,1.0*00
Responses if the GNSS module firmware is older:
• AXN_5.10_3333_17062100,0002,MC60-GNSS,1.0*20
• AXN_3.82_3333_16103100,0002,MC60-GNSS,1.0*2A
Response for other devices: Not applicable for this device
4.1.22 getio
This SMS command is used to get the values/statuses of inputs and outputs. Values: 1 – high, 0 – low. Analog inputs –
SMS format: pass getio
Answer SMS format:
X – Digital value: 1 – high, 0 – low.
Y – analog value in millivolts.
Example: pass getio
Response example for the HCV5, LCV5, Pro5 devices:
Response example for the 4th gen devices (except FM-Plug4):
4.1.23 getioparam
Structure of getioparam SMS:
password getioparam id,profile
This command is only used for get the current status of the IO parameter selected.
• If IO parameter was enabled, the FM-device would answer:
Example: ‘‘id=28,profile=3,enable=1,level=0,delta=0,average=1000,eventon=2,include=0,priority=0,switch=0,edge=0”
R&D department
Parameter Description
IP 32-bit number, commonly known as an Internet Protocol address (
Port 16-bit number, commonly known as the port number (xxxxx).
Mode 1 – send full log to server. All other values reserved for future functionalities.
Time Time period for log sending. Defined in minutes. Range from 1 to 60 minutes.
When device gets this command, it should open a link with defined server and send log according to defined mode. All
other FM device processes (e.g. records sending, peripheral device communication) should keep working. Only device
restart can stop log data sending process.
If data sending is disabled by configuration, log will not be sent and the device's response will be: "Data sending is
Log will be sent as ASCII. Log starts from device type [HCV/LCV/PRO], selected mode, defined time, bootloader version,
firmware version, hardware version, GSM signal level and Voltage status: 0 –lower than 8 Volts (bad), 1 –higher than 8
Volts (OK) and device IMEI.
This command initiates logging process.
Example: FMTco4 HCV,, mode=1, time=3min; version:472C,,431,26,1;
• If getlog SMS format is correct, the device will respond: getlog ok
• If getlog SMS format is incorrect, the device will respond: getlog data incorrect
• If logging proces is already running, the device will respond: getlog already running
This SMS command stops log sending to the server.
Example: pass stoplog
• When device gets this command and log sending is in progress, it should stop sending log to server and reply
with SMS: stoplog ok
• If device gets this command and the log is not running, then the reply should be: getlog already stopped
R&D department
Disclaimer: In some cases remote debug might have to log data about many different events and processes. This would
force remote debug to generate large internal data streams. Device might not be able to send it all via GPRS. This might
lead to data loss.
4.1.25 getnetw
This SMS command is used to get the information about the cellular network type. This command uses the following
pass getnetw
Response structure can be the following: <network mode> connected to <network> <profile>
<network mode> can be one of the following:
• automatic mode – indicates the automatic network mode
• 2G mode – indicates the 2G network mode
• 3G mode – indicates the 3G network mode
• LTE mode – indicates the LTE Cat M1 network mode
<network> can be the following:
• 2G – indicates the 2G network
• 3G – indicates the 3G network
• LTE – indicates the LTE Cat M1 network
<profile> - can be one of the following:
• (1-profile) – the network mode is set in Profile 1
• (2-profile) - the network mode is set in Profile 2
• (3-profile) - the network mode is set in Profile 3
• (4-profile) - the network mode is set in Profile 4
Response example if the device is set to automatic network selection and is connected to 2G in Profile 1:
• automatic mode, connected to 2g (1-profile)
4.1.26 getsd
This SMS command is used to get information about SD card inserted into FM Tco or FM Pro device. There are 4 available
SD card is inserted and used for records: Using SD Card for Records. Size: sector_count x sector_size B, H: SDrecordHead,
T: SDrecordTail
SD card is inserted and used for log: Using SD Card for Log and working OK. Size: sector_count x sector_size B, H:
SDrecordHead, T: SDrecordTail
SD card is inserted and used for log, but some errors occurred: Using SD Card for Log but ERROR. Size: sector_count x
sector_size B, H: SDrecordHead, T: SDrecordTail
Parameter Description
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4.1.28 gsminfo
This SMS command is used to get GSM and GPRS information. Response has 16 parameters.
ST Start Time Date & time (GMT) from the last FM device reset/power ON.
GSM network
16 bit number thereby allowing 65536 location areas within one GSM
LAC Location Area Code
“” Network mode Current network mode. There are two possible values: GSM and 3G.
R&D department
The number of times when modem was turned ON and turned OFF
SP Status Pin
GPRS service
General Packet Radio Status of GPRS. There are two possible values: 0 – no GPRS/1 –
Service attached to GPRS.
4.1.30 immobilizer
R&D department
This SMS command allows to immobilize the vehicle. This functionality works in correlation with the “Immobilizer”
functionality, described in the “DOUT activation with conditions” document. If the “Immobilizer” mode is not configured,
the command will not work.
SMS command
SMS command structure: pass immobilizer <speed>
<speed> - describes the vehicle speed at which the progressive DOUTs must be toggled.
• If command was performed successfully, response will be: Immobilizer OK
• If no custom DOUTs are configured, the device will respond with the following message: immobilizer is not
• If <speed> parameter was inputted incorrectly, only numbers from 1 to 250 can be sent, the response will be:
Invalid speed.
• If the immobilizer is successfully reset, the response will be: immobilizer reset
4.1.31 info
This customizable SMS command with configurable set of parameters can be used to get some specific information from
the FM device via SMS.
Parameter Description
ain1 Is used to get the status/values of inputs/outputs. Values: 1 – high, 0 – low. Analog inputs –
ain2 millivolts.
ain3 Response will contain only values of requested parameters.
alt Current altitude
apn APN name
apnp APN password
apnu APN username
bat Returns battery voltage in millivolts.
bleapp BLE App version
blebl BLE BL version
blemac BLE MAC address
blesd BLE SD version
R&D department
Parameter Description
blest BLE status
blver Bootloader version
cid GSM Cell ID
Current latitude and longitude separated by comma (,). Device will reply “GNSS data not
available” if there will be no GNSS fix
dir Current angle
eng Current engine state: 0 – OFF, 1 – ON.
fwver Firmware version
get3g Answer according to “get3g” SMS command description
gmap Hyperlink to Google maps with coordinates: latitude and longitude.
gprs Status of GPRS. There are two possible values: 0-no GPRS, 1-attached to GPRS.
gprsc The number of closed GPRS sessions.
gprse The number of GPRS errors.
gprso The number of opened GPRS sessions.
Current GPS/GLONASS state: 1-off, 2-on no fix, 3-on got fix, 4-not responding, 5-sleep, 6-
gsmlvl GSM signal level
hdop Current HDOP level
hwid HW identifier
hwver Hardware version
imei Device IMEI number
Used to get specific IO current value. [xxxxx] contains IO ID number.
Only activated in configuration IO data can be retrieved.
io[xxxxx] For multi-part IO elements, first IO ID should be requested.
IO parameters that are being reset with record sending should not be available, response would
be NA.
ip1 IP1 address and port number
ip2 IP2 address and port number
lac Location Area Code
lke The number of link errors.
lko The number of opened links.
lktmo The number of server response timeout.
modi The number of times when FM device has tried to initialize modem since start time.
modr The number of modem resets since start time.
modrev Used to get modem revision information.
modsp The number of times when modem was turned ON and turned OFF unsuccessfully.
op GSM operator number
p GPRS protocol version: 0 – standard protocol; 1 – extended protocol.
prot Currently set protocol: 0 - TCP or 1 - UDP.
pwr Returns power supply voltage in millivolts.
Device last reset source. Possible causes:
04 - reset pin; 08 - power on/down reset; 10 - software reset; 20 - independent watchdog; 40 -
rs window watchdog; 80 - Low power reset.
14 means 10 (software reset) + 04 (reset pin)
In other words FM device resets himself, for example after FW update.
sat Currently visible satellites
speed Current speed, km/h
st Date & time (GMT) from the last FM device rest/power ON.
tacho Current tachograph status information: 0 – Not available; 1 – everything is OK; 2 – tacho
parameters not configured; 3 – extender not responding; 4 – tacho task in progress; 5 – physical
R&D department
Parameter Description
connection OK, logical is not OK.
time GNSS date and time
Password, command and command text are separated by space symbol. If there is no password, then you need to write
just space symbol before the command. Command text parameters are separated by semicolon (;) symbol. Response
command text parameters are separated by semicolon (;) symbol. All content of SMS command is not case sensitive.
SMS structure: pass info param1;param2;param3;[...];paramN
Example 1: pass info bat;alt;IO29;IO123;coords
Response example: 4075;213.9;11659;0x4C5455313233343536373839303132333400000000000000;54.7412916,25.22
Maximum length of a response is 160 symbols. If response is longer, then the device will send maximum 157 characters
of response plus “#” symbol and two digits number that shows, which tag was last in the reply counting from the
Example: pass info gmap;coords;IO123;pwr;st;time
373839303132333400000000000000;11659;2016-12-13 11:20:02;#05
If some requested IO is not enabled in configuration or some tag is unknown, then the device will reply: NA
Example: pass info time;imei;eng;IO29;lktma
Answer: 2016-12-13 12:41:57;865789021340700;0;NA;NA
4.1.32 iqfinfo
This SMS command is used to obtain the values of various iQFreeze parameters.
SMS command
SMS command structure: pass iqfinfo
4.1.33 iqfset
This SMS command is used to manage refrigerator set-point temperature values and configuration.
SMS command
SMS command structure: pass iqfset <setpoint>,<cycle mode>
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<setpoint> value range: from -99.9 to 99.9. A dot must be used as the delimiter symbol.
<cycle mode> can have the following values:
• 1 – the refrigerator is in continuous mode;
• 2 – the refrigerator is in start/stop mode.
If an incorrect symbol or value is included in the command, or no value is included, the FM device will send the
following response: Syntax error
Any of the parameters can be omitted, only the provided parameters will be changed.
pass iqfset ,2 – only the cycle mode will be changed;
pass iqfset 10.5, – only the set-point will be changed.
4.1.34 lastchange
This SMS command is used to know when was the last time device configuration or primary server IP changed.
Example: pass lastchange
If time is not synchronized, or changes occur during that time, SMS content will be:
Response example: lastchange ip: no time available; cfg: no time available
If time is available:
Response example: lastchange ip: 2015-11-09, 09:02; cfg: 2015-11-09, 10:02
Configuration change date and time will be updated during any type of configuration modification.
When device is connecting to GPRS and tries to open link (with different IP settings), IP change date and time will be
updated. When device reconnects to server with same IP but different Port, IP change date and time will not be
4.1.35 lcvselect
This SMS command is used to automatically select a correct LCV group and LCV subgroup combination. It reads and
analyses CANbus line data. After that it searches for a match within its LCV profile database and selects the best possible
With the SMS message user can also provide “distance” and/or “RPM” values. These values are used by the auto
selection process to make a more accurate selection. Additionally the user can add a optional parameter to enable all
possible IOs for the selected LCV group on the active profile after the process of LCV group selection is complete.
Enable IO parameters function requires the use of Protocol v1.1, without it enabled, this function will not work.
Additionally enough free IO slots must be available to accommodate the newly enable IO parameters.
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2. In one CAN interface LCV mode is selected and another CAN interface is not enabled.
3. In one CAN interface LCV mode is selected and another CAN interface Tacho read, MobileEye or Trailers are
4. Both CAN interfaces are not enabled.
SMS command
The structure of the command is:
password lcvselect distance,RPM,enableIO
<password> - String type, the password for authentication. The maximum size of the parameter is 50 bytes
<lcvselect> - Automatic select of correct LCV group and sub group combination command name.
<distance> - Distance travelled by a vehicle, which is currently displayed by the vehicle's odometer. Make sure to enter
the same value, it has to be a natural number. Error cannot exceed ± 1 km. Maximum value, which could be sent via SMS
is 21055406 km.
<RPM> - RPM value currently displayed in the vehicle's dashboard. Make sure to enter the same value, it has to be a
natural number. Error cannot exceed ± 100 rev/min. Maximum value, which could be sent via SMS is 8031 rev/min.
<enableIO> - Command to automatically enable IOs for the automatically selected LCV group. If command is not
included or a “0” is written, then the function will not automatically enable IO parameters. If “1” is selected, IOs will be
enabled if the condition are met.
Other examples:
• If you do not want to send distance and RPM values via SMS, the SMS command should look as follows:
“pass lcvselect ,“
• If you want to send only RPM value, the SMS command should look as follows:
“pass lcvselect ,RPM“
• If you want to send only vehicle distance value, the SMS command should look as follows:
“pass lcvselect distance,“
• If you do not want to send distance and RPM values via SMS, but enable automatic IO selection, the SMS
command should look as follows:
“pass lcvselect ,,1”
If SMS structure is correct and LCV auto select process successful started, then the FM-device responds:
“LCV auto selection is in progress”
If SMS something went wrong and LCV auto select process cannot be started, the device responds with an error
message. One of these error messages can be received:
• “Unknown command” - LCV auto select SMS structure is incorrect.
• “Wrong CAN configuration” - Current FM device configuration is incompatible with LCV auto select feature.
Correct configuration options are described below in the “Configuration compatible with “LCV auto select”
feature” section.
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• “LCV autoselection not started, try again” - This message signals that “LCV auto select” should be restarted.
• “Waiting for LCV autoselection start” - Currently a critical process (i.e. CFG task) is running in the FM device.
Within 2 minutes period device constantly checks process status. If it has concludes and there are no other
critical processes, then the auto select will start. User will be notified with the “LCV auto selection is in progress”
message. If critical processes are still running, then the auto select will not be started. User will get the “ LCV
autoselection not started, try again” message.
• “Parameters are out of ranges” - Distance and/or RPM value received via SMS are out of accepted range.
• “No CAN data were received” - No CAN data packets were received.
• “No valid matches were found” - LCV auto select task concluded, but it failed to find matches in our database.
• “Configured group: [Group]/[Subgroup],can1 ch:[number], can2 ch:[number],ERR: Not enough I/O slots ” - group
is selected, but there are not enough free IO slots to enable all the auto-select IOs, IOs are not enabled.
• “Configured group: [Group]/[Subgroup], Error: old I/O protocol is used” - protocol v1.1 was not enabled prior to
the SMS command.
Selection logic
“LCV auto select” feature is designed to choose the best group / sub-group combination for your specific vehicle. In
order to do so, it employs a rating system, where each CANbus parameter has its own weight coefficient. Coefficient
values within each sub-group are added together. This allows to compare different group / sub-group combinations and
select only the best ones.
CANbus parameters themselves also undergo a verification procedure. In order to add weight to a specific sub-group,
they have to have valid values. Valid value could mean that it has to be equal to something or it has to behave in a
certain faction, or it has to be in a valid range, etc. Rules for validation are defined internally.
Currently, “Fuel”, “Vehicle distance”, “RPM” and “Wheel based speed” parameters are assigned different coefficient
values. Remaining CANbus parameters are rated lower.
After completing the selection process, the FM device will send a SMS message with the information about selected
group and sub-group. For example:
“Configured group: Ford/Ford2”
LCV group and subgroup will be configured automatically.
• LCV Auto select functionality does not interfere with IO list configuration unless enableIO command is used.
• LCV Auto select does not guarantee that all CAN IO parameters supported for currently selected LCV Group and Sub-
group will be available for this vehicle.
• EnableIO parameters are enabled in the active profile.
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4.1.36 modrev
SMS message is used to get modem revision information. Answer SMS format: Modem revision: <info>
Example: pass modrev
Response examples:
• M95 modem: Modem revision: M95FAR02A06
• UG96 modem: Modem revision: UG96LNAR02A04E1G
• MC60 modem: Modem revision: MC60CAR01A07
• For the BG96 modem device returns the full version: Modem revision: BG96MAR02A07M1G_01.018.01.018
4.1.37 neconnect
This SMS command is used to initiate the connection to a server once, using connection settings in the SMS command.
The tracking device does not send any responses to this command.
SMS command:
SMS command structure: pass neconnect <APN>,<APNLogin>,<APNPassword>,<IP>,<Port>,<Protocol>
<APN> - Access Point Name (APN) is the name of a gateway between a GPRS (or 3G, etc.) mobile network and another
computer network, frequently the public Internet.
<APNLogin> - User name for the APN settings.
<APNPassword> - Password for the APN settings.
<IP> - 32-bit number, commonly known as an Internet Protocol address (
<Port> - 16-bit number, commonly known as the port number (xxxxx).
<Protocol> - The principle of communication. There are two available protocols: TCP and UDP.
SMS command example
pass neconnect APN,APNlogin,APNpassword,,9015,TCP
4.1.38 nreset
This SMS command is used to initiate the restart of the tracking device. The tracking device does not send any responses
to this command.
SMS command
SMS command structure: pass nreset
4.1.39 optiver
This SMS command is used to request the version of the OptiTemp device.
SMS command
SMS command structure: pass optiver
Response examples:
• Version: TMS X2 V2.100
• Device does not respond – the version could not be retrieved
4.1.40 plock
This SMS command is used to lock/unlock possibility of changing IP and port parameters. Lock/unlock passwords are 32-
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byte long and are provided by Ruptela support. Be careful with this SMS command.
SMS format: pass plock plockPassword
Example: pass plock aNmuxyBxxr83jumWuBkx1rxkq8eZeaeC
Response example: plock OK
If the operation was unsuccessful then the answer is: plock ERROR
4.1.41 plockinfo
This SMS command is used to retrieve the status of currently locked parameters and passwords.
SMS format: pass plockinfo
When the command is received, the FM device checks if the following safety mechanisms are currently activated in the
• IP lock
• Port lock
• APN lock
• The FM device is locked to the SIM card
• SIM card PIN code
• Configuration password
Response structure: plockinfo: <IP lock>,<port lock>,<APN lock>,<SIM lock to device>,<PIN code>,<CFG password>
Each parameter can have 2 values:
• 0 – disabled
• 1 – enabled
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Only parameters provided with SMS are changed, others remain the same.
One SMS message can be 160 symbols long, so the maximum simultaneously transmitted parameters count in SMS
message are limited to one message length.
Setcfg command, allows user to change all parameters of the configuration except timetable (because it will not fit into
one SMS message), passwords (configuration and SMS) and “enable SMS configuration”.
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Following responses are provided for the number, which sent configuration by SMS:
• When successfully setting parameters for FM device: “Configuration parameter(s) was set!“
• Incorrect parameter setting: “Configuration parameter(s) was NOT set! Parameter No. 1 is incorrect“.
• Unsuccessful set-up, when parameters are locked: “Configuration parameter(s) was NOT set! Parameter No. 1 is
• Unsuccessful set-up, when setting IO parameters, but not every setting was provided by SMS: “Configuration
parameter(s) was NOT set! IO slot No. 9 is not fully set“.
• Unsuccessful set-up, when device is busy: “Configuration parameter(s) was NOT set! Device is busy try again
• If SMS configuration is disabled in configuration tool: “You do not have permission to change the settings“.
SMS configuration feature is enabled/disabled in configuration tool, in Authorized numbers section, by putting a
checkbox by “Enable SMS configuration“.
4.1.45 setconnection
This SMS command is used to permanently change FM device configuration settings: APN, APN username, APN
password, protocol, IP1, PORT1, IP2, and PORT2 (parameter description: 3.1.6).
SMS format: pass setconnection apn,apnlogin,apnpassword,Protocol,IP1,Port1,IP2,Port2
Example: pass setconnection apn,apnlogin,apnpass,TCP,,1111,,2222
Response example: set connection data ok
If one of the parameters should be preserved, then the specific location for the parameter should be filled with *old*.
For example, ip1 and port1 should be preserved (old value should remain):
Example: pass setconnection apn,apnlogin,apnpass,TCP,*old*,*old*,,2222
Response example: set connection data ok
If the message is not ending with port2, then those parameters, which are not mentioned in the message should not be
changed. For example ip2 and port2 were not in the message:
Example: pass setconnection apn,apnlogin,apnpass,TCP,,1111
Response example: Set connection data ok
If configuration failed to set, when FM device sends response: Set connection data incorrect
4.1.46 setdevice
This SMS command allows to enable the required homologation.
SMS command
SMS command structure: pass setdevice <param_idX> <param_valueX>
<param_idX> - can have the following values:
• 1 – Verizon
<param_valueX> - can have the following values:
• 0 – auto
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• 1 – disabled
• 2 – enabled
SMS command example
pass setdevice 1 2 - enables the Verizon homologation
• When the given parameter ID is not found: Error – wrong parameter ID;
• When the given parameter value is not found: Error -wrong parameter value;
• When the SMS command contains more parameter sets, than the device can support: Error - wrong parameter
• When only a part of parameters were set: Warning – some parameters not set;
• When all of the parameters were set successfully: Device successfully set up.
4.1.47 setdinmode
This SMS command allows to set the DIN mode (Positive mode or Negative mode) for configurable DINs.
SMS command
SMS command structure: pass setdinmode <din#> <mode>
<din#> – can have the following values:
• 1 – selects DIN1 (Trace5 only)
• 3 – selects DIN3
• 4 – selects DIN4
<mode> – can have the following values:
• 0 – positive trigger inputs (positive mode);
• 1 – ground trigger inputs (negative mode);
SMS command example
pass setdinmode 3 1 – this SMS command will set DIN3 to ground (negative) mode.
• If DIN# was set to ground (negative) mode, response will be: DIN mode set: DIN# - ground mode;
• If DIN# was set to positive mode, response will be: DIN mode set: DIN# - positive mode;
If the device does not support configuration of DINs or wrong DIN mode is specified, the following responses can be
• DIN mode set: configuration of DIN# is not supported;
• DIN mode set: incorrect DIN specified;
• DIN mode set: incorrect DIN mode specified;
• Configurable DIN functionality is not available for your HW version.
4.1.48 setio
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This SMS command is used to set digital output levels. Values: 0 – low, 1 – high, 2 – do not change. Remember: the
digital outputs must be connected to the electric circuit correctly.
SMS format for the 5th generation devices (except Trace5): pass setio X1,X2,X3,X4
SMS format for the 4th generation devices and Trace5 (except FM-Plug4): pass setio X1,X2
• X1 – state of DOUT1
• X2 – state of DOUT2
• X3 – state of DOUT3
• X4 – state of DOUT4
Example for the HCV5, LCV5, Pro5 devices: pass setio 0,1,1,2
Response example: SETIO configuration data ok
Example for the 4th gen devices (except FM-Plug4): pass setio 0,1
Response example: SETIO configuration data ok
If configuration SMS is incorrect, device will respond: SETIO configuration data incorrect
The setio SMS command will not work with several FM device configurations. If a DOUT is configured to Blocking and
driver registration is enabled and registration function is set to Blocking/or DOUT activation under conditions is enabled
and DOUT is set as an output channel, then the setio SMS command will have no effect.
4.1.49 setioparam
Structure of setioparam SMS:
password setioparam
01234567890123456 setioparam
This SMS can be used in any way, but it must at least contain Id,profile and enable parameters. Shortest possible
message should be written this way:
If the short version is used the other parameters are set with old values. Id,profile and enable parameters are
mandatory to make a valid SMS command.
Note that only two spaces between password[space]setioparam[space]id are required. All other commands are
separated by comma.
SMS can be written in lower case and upper case letters. Therefore, setioparam SMS is not case sensitive.
If SMS command doesn’t define new values to level, delta, average, eventOn, include, priority, switch or edge
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For set enable, eventOn, include, priority, switch on edge it is necessary to indicate the state with a number:
3 – 3rd profile
4 – 4th profile
• If a user sent the SMS to disable and the parameter is not enabled: setioparam ERROR, parameter is already
• If some other error occurs: setioparam ERROR, other.
• If the SMS configuration is disabled in the confiugration tool: You do not have permission to change the settings.
4.1.50 setiotime
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Using this feature, FM is able to switch DOUTs for temporary period of time. User must provide pulse lengths for logical
'1' & '0' values.
SMS format example for the HCV5, LCV5, Pro5 devices: pass setiotime 1 500 0 500,0 200 1 300,0 500 1 600,1 700 0 800
SMS format example for the 4th gen devices (except FM-Plug4): pass setiotime 1 500 0 500,0 200 1 300,
Parameter Description
pass SMS password
setiotime Command Identifier
1 DOUT1 first logical state (1/0)
500 DOUT1 first logical state length (ms)
0 DOUT1 second logical state (1/0)
500 DOUT1 second logical state length (ms)
, DOUT separator
0 DOUT2 first logical state (1/0)
200 DOUT2 first logical state length (ms)
1 DOUT2 second logical state (1/0)
300 DOUT2 second logical state length (ms)
, DOUT separator
0 DOUT3 first logical state (1/0)
500 DOUT3 first logical state length (ms)
1 DOUT3 second logical state (1/0)
600 DOUT3 second logical state length (ms)
, DOUT separator
1 DOUT4 first logical state (1/0)
700 DOUT4 first logical state length (ms)
0 DOUT4 second logical state (1/0)
800 DOUT4 second logical state length (ms)
Impulse resolution is 10 ms. Minimum impulse duration is 10 ms. If an Eco-panel is connected, minimum resolution and
duration is 50 ms. When the FM device receives the setiotime command, it stores the status of DOUT’s and after the
sequence restores the previous status. If one setiotime command interrupts another, the state is UNDEFINED ('1' or '0')
after both sequences are finished. Interrupt in this case means that several consecutive setiotime commands were sent,
one overlapping the other. Sending several setiotime commands in a fast succession will make the the DOUT stuck, thus
requiring a device reboot. It is highly recommended to at least wait until a response is received for the first sent
setiotime command, before sending the next.
‘0’ means GND and ‘1’ means no GND.
If one of the DOUTs is configured as LED, Buzzer, Blocking or Jamming block, setiotime cannot be used.
Additional feature. It is possible to set a repeat amount of a sequence.
SMS format example for the HCV5, LCV5, Pro5 devices: pass setiotime 1 500 0 500 n=10,0 200 1 300 n=20,0 500 1 600
n=30,1 700 0 800 n=40
SMS format example for the FM-Tco4 HCV, FM-Tco4 LCV, FM-Pro4 devices: 1 500 0 500 n=10,0 200 1 300 n=20
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Parameter Description
pass SMS password
setiotime Command Identifier
1 DOUT1 first logical state (1/0)
500 DOUT1 first logical state length (ms)
0 DOUT1 second logical state (1/0)
500 DOUT1 second logical state length (ms)
n Repetition identifier
= Setter symbol
10 Amount of repetitions
, DOUT separator
0 DOUT2 first logical state (1/0)
200 DOUT2 first logical state length (ms)
1 DOUT2 second logical state (1/0)
300 DOUT2 second logical state length (ms)
n Repetition identifier
= Setter symbol
20 Amount of repetitions
, DOUT separator
0 DOUT3 first logical state (1/0)
500 DOUT3 first logical state length (ms)
1 DOUT3 second logical state (1/0)
600 DOUT3 second logical state length (ms)
n Repetition identifier
= Setter symbol
30 Amount of repetitions
, DOUT separator
1 DOUT4 first logical state (1/0)
700 DOUT4 first logical state length (ms)
0 DOUT4 second logical state (1/0)
800 DOUT4 second logical state length (ms)
n Repetition identifier
= Setter symbol
40 Amount of repetitions
Each single DOUT has 10 slots for impulses levels (high / low). No more than 10 can be defined for one DOUT.
Longest time possible is 999 999 999 ms. Max number of repeats is 9999.
Max impulse count – as many as you can fit into 160 symbols of SMS.
It is possible to interrupt a sequence with “pass setiotime 0 10,0 10” followed by setio SMS command “pass setio 1,1”.
The sequence would be interrupted and the states of DOUT’s would be defined.
It is possible to set only one of the DOUTs.
SMS format example to set DOUT1: pass setiotime 1 500 0 500
SMS format example to set DOUT2: pass setiotime ,0 200 1 300
SMS format example for set DOUT3: pass setiotime ,,1 500 0 500,
SMS format example for set DOUT4: pass setiotime ,,,1 500 0 500
Response example: setiotime set OK
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If configuration SMS is incorrect, device will response: setiotime syntax error in DOUTX settings: error text
Where „DOUTX“ is the specific DOUT. „Error text“ is described below in the table. It's the minimum diagnostic when
something is wrong with the impulse set in SMS.
other process controls output Means that other functionality is configured on DOUT's. For example: LED or
wrong level Level can be only logical '1' or '0'. Other values is unacceptable
For one output is possible to set maximum 10 slot. If this count is exceeded this
exceeded max slot
error is displayed
pulse is shorter than 10ms Pulse length less than 10 milliseconds was set. It's not acceptable
4.1.51 setlcv
This SMS command is used to set a specific LCV group, subgroup and additionally enable IOs which are assigned to this
group, thus reducing the amount of work needed for configuring the FM device.
Excluding the command itself, only the <Group_name> ,<Sub_Group_number> and <CAN_interface_number> fields are
mandatory. All other fields are optional. Default values for the optional parameters:
▪ <Silent/Active> = Silent;
▪ <Channel_X> = 1;
▪ <Additional_CAN_interface> - not active.
• The SMS command is not case sensitive, so uppercase letters won't have influence when inputting the Group name.
• All LCV Group names and subgroup numbers are identical to those in the configurator. The only exception is the
Caterpillar subgroup, which does not have a number in the configurator. In this case the <Group_name> would be
“tractor” and <Sub_Group_number> - “2”. (Example: pass setlcv tractor,2,1)
<pass> – the password for authentication. The maximum size of the parameter is 50 bytes.
<setlcv> – command to set lcv group, subgroup and other parameters to the ones specified.
<Group_name> – LCV group name, which the user wants to enabled (Example: vag).
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<Sub_Group_number> – LCV subgroup number, which the user wants to enable. Note that only the number is used, not
the whole subgroup name like in the configurator (Example: name in configurator is VAG17, then <Sub_Group_name> =
<CAN_interface_number> – CAN interface on which the selected parameters will be configured. CAN1 = 1; CAN2 = 2.
<Silent/Active> – set the enabled CAN interface to either Active or Silent. Active = 1, Silent = 0.
<Channel_X> – set the Channel for the CAN interfaces. The Channel setting is used when two separate physical
connections must be made to receive all parameters from a LCV group/subgroup. Channel1 = 1, Channel 2 = 2.
<Additional_CAN_interface> – the user can specify whether to enable the other CAN interface. Activate = 1, not activate
= 0.
Enable IO parameters function requires the use of Protocol v1.1, without it enabled, this function will not work.
Additionally enough free IO slots must be available to accommodate the newly enabled IO parameters.
The LCV group, and IOs will be set only on the currently active profile, overwriting any previous CAN parameters on that
pass setlcv VAG,17,2 – VAG17 subgroup will be enabled on CAN2 interface, all other parameters are set to default
If SMS structure is correct, Protocol v1.1. was enabled prior to sending the “setlcv” command, LCV group and subgroup
is enabled, the response will be:
“Configured group: VAG17, I/O elements enabled”
If SMS something went wrong , the device responds with an error message. One of these error messages can be
• “Configured group: VAG17, Error: Not enough I/O slots” - the LCV subgroup was set, but there are not enough
free IO slots to enable all the IO parameters for this subgroup.
• “Configure group: VAG17, Error: old I/O protocol is used” - the LCV subgroup was set, but Protocol v1.1 is not
enabled, thus some parameters cannot enabled, so no parameters are enabled at all.
• “Error: unknown parameter” - Group name is misspelled, Subgroup number incorrect or invalid value was
provided for one of the parameters.
• “Error: LCV auto select still in progress” - The device is currently in the progress of LCV auto select, during which
the user cannot set a LCV group or enable IO parameters.
• “Wrong CAN configuration” - an incompatible LCV mode is configured on a CAN interface.
• “Configured group: Tractor2, Error: Not enough I/O slots” - If a LCV group contains more than 80 IO elements,
it will not be enabled .
4.1.52 setlock
This SMS command is used for locking the vehicle. This SMS command uses the following structure:
pass setlock <lock> <ATH>
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Response structure:
• setlock was successful: setlock <lock>-OK <ATH>-OK
• setlock was unsuccessful: setlock <lock>-FAIL:<parameters> <ATH>-FAIL
<parameters> can have the following values:
• IGN – ignition
• ODW – open door/window error
• DFD – door front driver
• DFP – door front passenger
• DRD – door rear driver
• DRP – door rear passenger
• DHT – door hatch
Response examples:
• setlock was successful: setlock LOCK-OK ATH-ON-OK
• setlock was unsuccessful: setlock LOCK-FAIL:IGN,DFD,DFP,DRD,DRP,DHT ATH-ON-FAIL
4.1.53 setnetw
This SMS command is used to set the required cellular network type. This command uses the following structure:
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• 1 – automatic mode
• 2 – 2G mode (GSM)
• 3 – 3G mode (UMTS)
• 4 – LTE Cat M1 mode
Response structure can be the following: setnetw <network mode> <status> mode <outcome> <profile>
<network mode> can be one of the following:
• automatic – indicates the automatic network mode
• 2G – indicates the 2G network mode
• 3G – indicates the 3G network mode
• LTE – indicates the LTE Cat M1 network mode
<status> can be one of the following:
• disabled – indicates that the network is disabled
• enabled – indicates that the network is enabled.
<outcome> - can be one of the following:
• set OK – indicates that the network mode is set successfully;
• set FAIL – indicates that the network mode is not set.
<profile> - can be one of the following:
• (1-profile) – the network mode is set in Profile 1;
• (2-profile) - the network mode is set in Profile 2;
• (3-profile) - the network mode is set in Profile 3;
• (4-profile) - the network mode is set in Profile 4.
4.1.54 settemp
This SMS command is used to mark temperature sensors without using an additional software application.
SMS command
SMS command structure:
pass settemp <temp_id0>,<temp_id1>,<temp_id2>,<temp_id3>
Where <temp_idX> is 16 character ID (valid symbols: 0-9, A-F, a-f). X – a temperature sensor parameter group IO
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number, to which the temperature sensor is assigned (e.g. Temperature sensor 0, Temperature sensor 0 ID)
All of the currently connected sensors are required to be included.
No duplicating values are allowed.
At least one 16 character ID is required to be included for the valid command syntax.
If there is no assigned sensor for the specified group, the slot will be skipped.
SMS command example
pass settemp 10E812345600000A,10E812345600000B,10E812345600000C,10E812345600000D
pass settemp 10E812345600000A,,10E812345600000B,
pass settemp ,,,10E812345600000D
Possible responses from the tracking device:
• Response example, if the marking is successful
settemp OK
• Response example, if the general syntax error happens:
settemp FAIL: command syntax error
• Response example, if the IDs are invalid (incorrect length or forbidden characters):
settemp FAIL: invalid sensor ID
• Response example, if the duplicated IDs are detected:
settemp FAIL: duplicate IDs
• Response example, if the one of the IDs is not detected:
settemp FAIL: sensors not found: <id_list>
Where <id_list> contains a list of all sensors that could not be found.
• Response example, if not all of the temperature sensors are included in the command:
settemp FAIL: not all IDs specified; detected IDs: <1w_id_list>
Where <1w_id_list> contains a list of all of the sensors that are connected.
4.1.55 setvalue
Purpose is to set specific IO values.
Parameter Trace5 Advanced family Eco family Plug4
Virtual odometer (ID:65) ● ● ● ●
ECO Absolute idling time (ID:175) ● ● ● ●
CANBUS Distance (ID:114)* ●
DIN1 hours accumulated (ID:577) ● ● ●
DIN2 hours accumulated (ID:578) ● ●
DIN3 hours accumulated (ID:579) ● ●
DIN4 hours accumulated (ID:580) ● ●
*Value will be overwritten by valid message from CAN-Bus (if available in specific vehicle).
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4.1.56 snapshot
This SMS command allows taking pictures on demand via connected peripherals with cameras.
SMS command
SMS command structure: pass snapshot <peripheral number>
<peripheral number> can have the following values:
• 0 – the command applies to all configured peripherals with cameras;
• 1 – the command applies to the RS232 camera configured on PortA;
• 2 – the command applies to the RS232 camera configured on PortB;
• 3 – the command applies to the fatigue sensor.
Response structure: snapshot <peripheral number> <answer> , <other peripheral number> <answer>
<answer> can be one of the following:
• ok – indicates that the peripheral took a picture successfully;
• busy – indicates that the peripheral is busy with a previously taken picture at the moment;
• n/a – indicates that the peripheral is either not configured, not connected or not responding;
• full – indicates that the memory of the SD card is full;
• fullsd – indicates that the memory of the SD card is full and the picture will be discarded, as there are no
pictures to be overwritten;
• err – indicates that there was an error.
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SMS command
SMS command structure: pass ssl status
4.1.59 tacho
SMS message is used get tachograph status information. Answer SMS format: TACHO status:X
0 Not available.
1 Everything is OK.
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4.1.60 uptime
This SMS command is used to know how much time in seconds has passed since the last device start-up.
SMS command
SMS command structure: pass uptime
4.1.61 ussd
GSM network operators are providing various services via USSD communication. Support of the USSD commands allows
users to send various USSD request to the GSM operator over the FM device and receive answers. In this case the device
operates in the transparent channel principle.
Operation principles
• USSD command is received through the SMS and then passed to the modem;
• USSD command is not affected or ignored by ongoing firmware, configuration updates or tacho and smart card
• After getting the response, the device transmits the answer to the sender of the SMS;
• Timeout of 120 seconds is used when waiting for the response from the GSM operator.
SMS command
Request SMS structure: pass ussd *command#
Where command is a set of digits and asterisk symbols (*). Command always begins with an asterisk symbol * and is
terminated by #. Inside, the command can have several asterisk symbols.
Correct command examples:
• When the operator responds to the ussd command within 120 seconds, the answer is sent in the following
format: ussd response
• If * or # symbols are missing or command is blank in the request message: ussd bad format
• If the response is not received from the operator within 120 seconds: ussd timeout
• If there is an error with the GSM network operator: ussd modem error
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4.1.62 version
This SMS command is used to get current FM device version. Response has 5 parameters.
Parameter Description
1 Bootloader version.
2 Firmware version.
3 Hardware version.
4 GSM signal level. The signal level ranges from 0 (no signal) to 31 (strong signal).
Voltage status: 0 – lower than 8 Volts (bad), 1- higher than 8 Volts (OK).
Exception for Eco4 S and Eco4 T: 0 – lower then 6 Volts (bad), 1- higher then 6 Volts (OK).
Parameter Description
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Response example: The device is busy with critical process. Please try again later.
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When inputting the number, the “+” symbol should be replaced with “00”.
IO parameters must be properly configured to be able to send SMS alerts, this means one of the previously mentioned
IO parameters must be enabled as shown:
• DIN1, DIN2, DIN3 or Ignition (DIN4) – “Event on” set to On Change;
• Power supply voltage - “Event on” set to Hysteresis and hysteresis must be set to On Falling or On Both ;
• GPS speed - “Event on” set to Hysteresis and hysteresis must be set to On Rising or On Both
After the “Event on” parameter is properly set, a new checkbox will appear at the top of the IO properties section called
“SMS alert”. Put a tick in this checkbox to receive SMS alerts for the selected I/O parameter.
Afterwards, when a I/O is triggered, the device will send an SMS alert to the number previously specified in the
“Authorized number”.
If the device was out of the GSM coverage, the FM device will accumulate events that will be sent as soon as GSM
connectivity is restored. The FM device can store up to 16 events. If the 16 event threshold is reached, the device will
start to overwrite oldest events. The device will send a report of all events in ONE message (as many, that can fit in 160
characters). Multiple events in one SMS message will be delimited by a semicolon symbol “;”.
Message format:
date1&time1-event1; date2&time2-event2; …
2015.05.01 16:24:01-device disconnected;
2015.06.02 22:05:16-ignition: ON; 2015.06.02 22:05:35-DIN1: OFF;
2015.06.14 08:30:45-overspeed;
Additionally the SMS alert function now supports custom SMS text. Custom text fields appear after the “SMS alert”
checkbox is clicked. The maximum custom text length is 50 symbols, all previous rules apply.
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5 Configuration
There are two possible ways to read/write configuration from/to the tracking device. One option is to use USB
connection with PC (personal computer). Another option is to use GPRS service (air). There are specific rules how to
download/upload configuration. Configuration file extensions:
• .ft5c (HCV5)
• .fl5c (LCV5)
• .fp5c (Pro5)
• .fa5c (Trace5)
• fp4c (FM-Pro4)
• .fe4c (FM-Eco4)
• .fo4c (FM-Plug4)
When a configuration file is created by the configurator, it is divided into data packets:
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*Big Endian means that the order of bytes in the parameter should be swapped
Parameters description:
Parameter Description
Configuration packet length The length (in bytes) of the current configuration data packet (with unique packet ID).
2 bytes long.
Packet ID Unique packet identifier of the current configuration file. 1 byte long.
Parameter count The number of parameters in configuration data sector. 2 bytes long.
Configuration data
Parameter length The length of parameter's (defined in Parameter ID field) value. 1 byte long.
Parameter value Actual parameter value. Length is defined in Parameter length field.
Usually there are several dozens of parameters (configuration data) in every configuration packet. In order to investigate
the configuration file use a simple tool "configParser.jar". It can parse raw configuration file hex string (instructions are in
“explain.txt” file). Open the configuration file with any hex editor software, save it as a text file “one.txt” without spaces
and run "configParser.jar".
Example of raw configuration data from a configuration file:
Packet length (1st packet) = 0xE601 (BE) = 0x01E6 (Endian conversion) = 486 Bytes
Packet ID = 0x01 = 1st packet
Parameter count = 0x1F00 (BE) = 0x001F (Endian Conversion) = 31 parameters
Configuration data (1st packet) = 0x6400…0100
Packet length (2nd packet) = 0xFA01 (BE) = 0x01FA (Endian conversion) = 506 Bytes
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Here is the same configuration packet parsed with "configParser.jar" (byte order of Big Endian parameters is already swapped for easier
Packet length: 1e6
Packet ID: 1
Parameter count: 1f
Parameter ID: 64
Parameter Length: 1
Parameter value (hex): 01
Parameter ID: 92
Parameter Length: 1
Parameter value (hex): 01
Parameter ID: 93
Parameter Length: 1
Parameter value (hex): 00
Packet length: 1fa
Packet ID: 2
Parameter count: 58
Parameter ID: 94
Parameter Length: 28
Parameter value (hex): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
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Configuration operations via GPRS are done using commands 2/102 (see paragraph 3.2.3). Configuration upload
commands explained above are expressed in ASCII format. They should be converted to HEX format and inserted into
the payload field of GPRS commands 2/102. Data in payload field must be terminated with <0x0D><0x0A>.
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Please see a full example of configuraton upload process in “Server communication examples” file.
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Example of uploading configuration file from server to the FM device. Protocol which is described in paragraph 3.2.3 is
omitted, only payload data of commands 2/102 is shown.
<> - hex value
Format data request: #cfg_get@<packet number><0x0D><0x0A>
Format data send: @cfg#<config_data_packet>
Source Command Hex string Description
Please see a full example of configuration download process in “Server communication examples” file.
R&D department
6 Firmware
There are two possible ways to write firmware (FW) to tracking device. One option is to use USB connection with PC
(personal computer). Another option is to use GPRS service (air). There are specific rules how to upload new firmware.
Firmware file extensions:
• .efwt5 (HCV5)
• .efwl5 (LCV5)
• .efwp5 (Pro5)
• .efwp4 (FM-Pro4)
• .efwo4 (FM-Plug4)
• General firmware file pack for all of the tracking devices: ReleasePack_XXXX-XX-XX.fwp. Where XXXX-XX-XX is
the release of the firmware update.
You cannot write different type of firmware to a specific device, for ex.: HCV5 firmware to a Pro5 device. Downgrade for
some older versions of firmware is prohibited. Usage of newest firmware is advised. For FW update via GPRS commands
4/104 (see 3.2.5) are used.
FU packet
Whole FU packet length FU packet ID [2B] FU raw data [max 512B]. FU data CRC [2B]
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[2B] Big Endian. Big Endian. Starts From .efw file. Big Endian. Only
from no. 1. from FU raw data.
Parameters description:
Parameter Description
Length of the current FU packet size. Whole FU packet length = length + ID + raw
Whole FU packet length
FW data + CRC = 6 + raw FW data. Format: Big Endian. Parameter size is 2 bytes.
Unique FU packet ID. This parameter identifies packets. Format: Big Endian.
FU packet ID
Parameter size is 2 bytes.
FU raw data Raw data of part of firmware file. Max size is 512 bytes.
CRC16 kermit calculation. It is calculated only from FU raw data. Format: Big
FU data CRC
Endian. Parameter size is 2 bytes.
Whole FU packet length = 0x0602 (raw) = 0x0206 (Endian conversation) = 518 bytes.
Command Description
Host commands (server of PC)
|FU_STRT* Enter into the firmware update mode (tracking device).
|FU_PCK*<FU_packet> Send firmware data packet.
|FU_WRITE* Start writing firmware (recently sent) to the tracking device memory.
|FU_END* Terminate firmware update. Only used to quit FW update process.
FM device commands
*FU_OK| Acknowledgment from the tracking device.
Error from the tracking device. Wrong CRC result is shown if necessary
(last 2 bytes).
Different firmwares can be updated via the FW update command. For each different FW, only the |FU_WRITE*
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command differs. If the combined firmware file is sent, the |FU_STRT* command will also be different. List of possible
FW updates are provided in the table below:
Command Description
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Raw FW file should be divided to 512 Byte parts, the last packet would be of shorter length. First, length of the whole FU
packet should be calculated: FU packet length = length + packet ID + raw FW data + CRC = 6 Bytes + raw FW data. If it is
not the last packet, length of the FU packet is 518 Bytes = 0x0602 (Big Endian). Then CRC of the raw FW part that will be
sent should be calculated. Now the FU packet can be formed: length (2 Bytes, Big Endian) + packet ID (2 Bytes, Big
Endian) + raw FW data (up to 512 Bytes) + CRC (2 Bytes, Big Endian).
Example of the whole server command 104 (see 3.2.5) packet is shown below:
Packet length = 0x0211 = 529 bytes (itself and CRC16 field are excluded)
Server protocol Command ID = 0x68 = 104
Firmware packet send command = 7c46555f50434b2a = |FU_PCK*
FU packet length = 0x0602 (Big Endian) = 0x0206 (Endian conversion) = 518 bytes
FU packet ID = 0x0100 (Big Endian) = 0x0001 (Endian conversion) = 1 st packet
Firmware raw data 512 Bytes
FU packet CRC = 0xb631 (Big Endian) = 0x31b6 (Endian conversion) = 12726
Symbols to terminate payload packet - 0d0a
CRC16 Kermit answer = 0x4d7d = 19837
Example of uploading FW file from server to the FM device. Protocol which is described in paragraph 3.2.5 is omitted,
only payload data of commands 4/104 is shown:
Please see a full example of FW file upload process in “Server communication examples” file.
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7 Abbreviations
<0x00> – value in hex format
<0x0D> – (CR) Carriage Return symbol
<0x0A> – (LF) Line Feed symbol. Also known as New Line (NL) / End of Line (EOL)
B – bytes/bytes
BT - Bluetooth
kB – kilobyte
CFG – Configuration
Config – Configuration
FW – firmware
FU – Firmware Update