Power Plant Engineering
Power Plant Engineering
Power Plant Engineering
In vapour power cycle the phase of the
•·· Learning Objectives ••• working substance changes alternatively. In
steam power cycle the most common working
• Introduction substance is water. The steam power cycle
• ~nklne Cycle continuously converts heat energy into shaft
work. The heat transferred to the water to
• ltnprovlsatlons
produce steam in the boiler with help of
• Layoutofmodernco11powerplant · furnace. The high pressure steam in the boiler
, • Super crltlcal ~ollere expands in the turbine to produce shaft work.
• . FBC ~ollere The generator coupled ,vith the turbine
• Turl,lnas
generates electric power.
~cannect. w1 tn L!am.::>canner
,.~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _PO_W_E_R_l?_LA_N_T_E_NGINE:[:ti
~2 ~
Carnot Cycle:
A nn1ot vnpow· cycle is executed with in saturated dome.
l - 2 = Reversible ndiabatic expansion
2-3 = 1 othem,a\ condensation
• I • •
3 - 4. = Reversible adiabatic compression
4-1 = Reversible isothennal heat addition
11 Cnrnot., =
Reasonsdfm:·~ot·consider-ing,Carnot.cycle·as.a·standard·cycle .for. steam ·power
1. The condensation is stopped (at point.3) before saturated liquid condition is
2. It•is-imp~rtartUo.reaeh.saturate~Uiqµidit:ondition after.compr~ssion •..
3' :r.he comp~ssonis.not.desi~to:comRr,ess both,water,and·:vapour.muturei
4.·-Speci:.fic·:v.0lutne:0£theconil)n!SSOr1s lar-g~ thereforevery·Iarger-size compress0F·
is-required1• , . · .
' • t I I r
2 - 3 = Constant pressure heat addition in a boiler
3-4 = Isentropic expansion in a turbine
4-1 = Constant pressure heat rejection-in a condenser
The simple steam plant shown in figure 1.1. Water enters the P1:ll?l_p at ~tate 3 on
saturated liquid and is compressed isentropically to the operating pr~sure of tl;ie _b,oil~r
water enters the boiler as a compressed liquid at state 4 and leaves as a supe:f~~at~d
vapour at state 1. The super~eated vaopur at state 1 enters the turb.ine where it e_xp~c;is
\Vturbine out
G) 'lout
The pressure and temperatures of the steam drop during this process to the values
.at st~te 2 wb,ere steam enters the cqi;i9~n~or. At this st~te.~team is usually a ~~~~ed
-' ,liquid-.vapourm¢w"e.\Yitp.
. .: . . a l)igh quality.
. .
~·Th~T::-S.cli_agram _of a.s~pl~ Rcµ:ikiJ:ie cycle.~oV{Il Al·B~ l.2.11J.~ P.I'9.':~s c_uzye
. 4~1.r~pres~nts-the heat transfeqedJo.t,he water.in the b9iler, a,qd.thee area under the
' r , • - • ~ '
~cannea w1 tn c.;am:scanner
~aure 1.2: T-s diagTGJl<t.of Rankine c,ycfo.
· The'stearn flows round the cycle.and each proc~ 1ml) be analysed Wt~ t~ , ·,, l'.'i,
flow energy equation, changes in Kinetk energy and _potential energy Ill~)' ~ -lb h . ,.
then for unit mass flow rate.
q +w = dh
Cond~nsor (w = Q)
qout = ·hi _:h3'=·Q2
the thermal efficiency of the Rankine cycle is gi,1~py 1
\ i::icannect. w1 tn tJami::icanner
b) by adopting
. regeneration of steam.
' .
• I • I •
3 .' JI.
I' '
Boiler Low
pressure pressure ' . ; , ;j"
turbine---- turbine - -
P4 = P5 = Preheat
2 Pump. · · :·. . ~ondens_e·r l I ••
Pump work
, . Condensor .
Figu;e 1.4: T-S 'diagram of an ideal reheat cycle'
In the first stage steam is expanded isentropically to an intennediate pressure and
sent back to the boil~r wh~re it is reheated at constant pressure, usually to the inlet
temperature of the first turbine stage. Steam then expands isentropically in the second
stage ·to th~ condenser pressure. Thus the total heat input and the total turbine work
output for a reheat cycle become. I •
to the feed water supplied to ~he boilei:. ,1he ideal regenerative cycle as shown in
figure 1.5(a).e_mp~~~~g the ~boye._me~?d is ~~p}a~~~- ~s.~~ij~~s_._,. ~ 1 -.•_·, .•
The feed water supplied to the boiler is passed through the turbine caring in
counter flow direction. The feed water enters the turbine at 2 and is heated to
saturation temperature at inlet to the turbine. The heat rejected by the steam in the
expansion through the turbine is equal to the heat gained by the feed water.
. . .
The temperature-entropy diagram as shown in figure 1.6.Thus the area under
2 - 3 is equal to area under 4 - 5. Steam expansion is not isentropic, because it looses
heat to water its entropy decreases . .
I I Boiler .
- . ..
. '
., . . -,
High Pressure pump
Figure 1.5: An ideal regenerative.cycle .
• I
• •• I
.-,. '
I .. ,.,·
. , . '.
- -. •
I '
• •
' t 1'
" '
' j8: t
', J J
.· • ,r-·
. ....
" ' ..._, .. l , .. •' 1 ~ .
1 , ~, .
, I 8
d.) T ' .
, . t •
f-4 c---- f f .. .
a b . ._ c d
'' I • • , • • . ' .. I " t:' .. .I • \ : I
~ ·Entropy ··· •t • : • '~ - -... .
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
1_~_ _ _ _...:.....,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..:-P~OW_ER_P_LA_·N_T_E_NGIN~~
~8 ~
HR 6-1
The efficiency of regenerative cycle = 1- HS = 1- 3 - 4
· 6-1 Tc[Sc-So]
4 = l ~ Tb [Sil -Sb] :::: l
= 1_:_ _3___
The area under 2-3 = are under 5-4 since heat lost by steam is equal to heat gained
by water. Further under ideal condition .. the lines 2-3 and 4-5 are parallel. Hence the
entropy change in both the process must be also equal i.e., Sb- Sa= Sd -Sc
Byrearranging Sc -Sa = sd -sb·
Substituting this in the efficiency fonnula
T\ reg = 1- Tcond
• I • ~ '; 1 , .. \ ; • - l kg
Turbine - - - - - - - 7
5 I f I I I f
,1 I '
3 __ __ . . 2
- - - 1
Feed water·lieater
i::icannect. wi tn tJami::icanner
.. .
. mkg
:, 'I
. .: '
, "--+ Entropy .,
Figure 1.8: T -S diagram
The 'ni.' kgs·of steam at •intermediate pressure is bled off from the turbine and sent
to the feed water heater. The feed water heater at subcooled conaitiori (5) absorbs beat
from the steam and reaches s~turat_io? point (6) ..The bled steam also condensers and
reaches condition (5). Thus heat lost by the ble~ steam is equal to beat gained by the feed
water. By'applying energy balance ~ro~d the feed water heater resuits in. . . ·. -~- ' .
• I
. . _. :This will help us to .estimate the amount ofbled steam required to a£.l\ieve thi~'. Tb.is
method of bleeding reduces the works of expansion. · ---~- _. , _.__ __ __, ___ j ,
· ·' · ·· Wr ~ [(h 1 -h 2 )+(r-m)(h 2 -h 3 )]0/kg ofsteain · '
.. ~ I • ' • ' ' I f .• • i I ' : . I • • • I . • • ' ( . • . •• • • t
. .However the h·eat supplied i~i the boiler ~educes HS ~ 1 (li.1:.... h7}: Similarly the
amount of-heat rejected•ip:tbe condens~r decreases to (1 - m) (h 7 -h 1) . Due to this the
efficiency of the cycle increases. It is observed from T-S diagram as·shown in
figw-e 1.8(b) that tlie ·serisihie h~_at req1.iired for reaching saturation temperature T7' is much
less when ~ompared to the original one. Thu~ by ad~pting Iribre number of regeneration
the point 7 can be brought further close of 7' th~ minimizing the sensible heat requirement
and the efficiency approaches to that ifcarnot cycle.
Pump work Wp = Wp 1 + Wp2
__, ..,., _,
Wp1 =•
-~4 .(~~
~ P3) = · (1- m) (hs-lLi)
• .' , ' " • I
- f I I . . .
-\Vpi ·= V6 (PI ~._P2) ~ 1(h7 - h6)
... . - I •• • ••
~canned. w1tn cam~canner
1, . ~10~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __:__,:_PO_W_E_R_P_LA_N_T_E--:NG1NEE
- ~ .
Steam is an important medh.1111 for producing electrical ener~~ grouping or syste
u i ~ h con,verts ·t}le availab~e,h.:at ene~gy of s!eam mto mec~er lll.
,..en into electrical. ener i's knowrt as. steam or thermal-~·""""
ant._/ gy
The pressure· r~n · .~ a'y vary from 1 bar-to super critical r~ssures and the
temperature range may vary.from 250°C tq 9~>° C. The development of thennat plants
becomes a necessity
. .
one as about 60% of total power developed.ltl
India is by ~e~~~ power plant only~ -
A steam po~~r plant can perform t\y.O purposes.
1. '0~11~\"a~tric poWeFOnly. . . .. ,
:·~ 2. G~i;i~tion ofde~tric power along with production of steam w~ch could
I:·, ~e)JS_ed f~r other ·industrial p~oses. - / .
-1.3.1 Workinif principle of steam power plant
' • I f
Fµ-st, steam;i{generated in the boiler by ultilizing the chemical energy released due
to the c~mbustiori:o.ffuel. The steam generated in boiler is then expanded in the prime
I ! . ~ . . I
mover (t\lfbine),,_whe~re a art ofheat ener _ of the steam is converted int9 mechanical
energy.~ e ~bin~'.~~ _poupled tQ the eJec_;_tpc.altern~tor.or gener~torw c ,,.co.nve~~ the
power plants.
.. _. _.-· . .-
t • '
------------- .
in:echariical energy ipfo electrical energy. Thus, electrical ~ i s produced in steam
• ' '(
-- - • ,.. - • • ' • - - ..
Since only the· art f the heat eh gy is.expanded in turbine, the remaining part of
••• • I --
the energy is cond~ns~d in the conde~se~ a:µ~ the_~resulting condensate is then supplied
. . ' , . ' :·. . . ---~-:--::--..,- ----:-~--.:. .: . . .
b ~ e boiler with the help·of the 'f~~p -a~d _the cycle is repeated. '
Th~ figure 1.9 shows the gene~1ayout bf ~oal-fired thermal powef plant It mainly
a ~ • "I
:i. i
- ~---· I
storage handling -
Hot water
·~ - '
ct ., .,
P' ..,,, 1
C ~
1 ~ ~ - - - - _ _ _ , ; ; ._ _ _ _ _ _ __:...P.=.OW_ER_P_LA
__ NT_E_N_G_IN-.:.::~G
2_:12 ~
This circuit consists of boiler feed pump, boiler, turbine, feed heaters and feed pumps.
The high pressure and high temperature steam generated m the boiler is fed to the prime /
mover. The work obtained by the expansion of st~am is utilized to develop mechanical
power in the turbine. After expansion, the lqw pressure st~ is C(?ndensed~ the condenser.
The condensate leaving the condenser is first hea~ed in low pressure (LP) he~ter and then
in high pre · gthe steam tapped from ~ o i n t s of
the turbine. This hot water is then supplied back to the boiler through economizer where
the hot water is further heated b ~gases.' . .. -
• I • _' • f • ; • t ....
.::icannee1 wi tn (.;am~canner
'' .
5. Less space is required than that ofhydel plant.
' . power plant.
6'. Initial cost isfos'ser than hydro elechi'C .,
3. Life is hardly less than that ofhydro-power plant. I -
... ~
-. • '
4. Air~
pollution is a major problem
tn thennal power plant. . I •
- - ..-- ,,,,,. . ,,. . .. . - . ... - . ·t
I· 5. Transportation of fuel and ash disposaJ are the major.difficulties in:,team power
\ I ••
plant. ' •
· · --
·6. Power generation cost is ~igh .. ' • I
.7. It cannot be us~d ~s a peak'load plant, as its part load efficiency decreases very
rapidly with'decreas~g foa_d.'~
Boilers are usually designed for high working pi-ess~es f~r ~te~ generating plants.
Large number of steam generating plants are designed to.work between the range of 125
atm and 510° C to 300 atm and 66CEC. These types of steam generators are basically
f f • • • • • I -
.categoris~d intq sub~critica_land super-critical boilers. Ori~throtighl,oilers are the only
.type suited to superc;:ritjc_al op,eration (above 221.2-bar ror steam) because the latent heat
ofvapourizatjon,at and.above the critical pressure i_s zero.
~cannect. w1 tn c...:am~canfier
l. Heat transfer rate is considerably high.
3. The p~oblems ~f erosion and ·corrosion art,minim~ due to th~ absence of
tw~-=phase mixture.
4. It.is possible to achieve higher thermal efficiency (about40 to 42%).
5. Greater case in operation and flexibility makes the uni~more adaptable for load
fluctuations. ·
6. It can be used to generate peak loads by changing the operating pressure.
Lfilllount boiler i~,R,~se~ _circul_ation,~ressurewater tube steam boil_s'.jn which
th:,c~r~ulation is maintabre a~fugal P!!!IDtwhich is ~ven y as earn turbine by
usmg the steam from the boiler outlet. The pump ciJculates water equals tQ 8Jo 10 times
the m~s.'ioisteam-e.~: T is prevents the tubes fr~-m being overheated. The
p~ncipll:i· :valved is,~mployin hi veloci wate · te o . eat transmission can
b e ~ - The fi~e 1.-1~ s_~ows the components oflamount boile~. · ·
Constru oil and working ··
It' consists of steam separator drum, Circuiating pump, Distribut~r head~r,
Evaporator, Ecop.omizer, Superheater and an air preheater. In usual design, the ste~rn
separator drum is located outside the bpiler which contains a mixture of steam·and water.
1 Initially, drum receives feed water through ec<?nomizer from the well by means of feed
lr pump. Then, circulating pump draw_swater from.~ antj ~elivers it ~q the-evaporator
through distributor header that contains sm~ ?rilices .at p~sure.above the drum pressure.
. . '. . \ . ' . .. ·. ..· '
The water is now partially evaporated in the evaporator and a mixture of steam and
• t f • 1 •
water from these tubes enters the steam separator_~ . Here the vapour is separated
from the water which is in nearly saturated c·onditidn..Toproduce·~~~heal~d steam, a
convective superheater is 'used. The superbeater is iocatecf in-the path ofhotflue·gases.
The saturated st~~ froqi the~ ent~~ ~~ ~P.~rh~ter.~q. i~ ~_supe~ted ~y hot flue
oases coming from the combustion chamber by convective heat transfer.
::, .
Hot air to
combustion +-
chamber ------,;:.~-i
.,-+,,1---- superheater
Steam .-------1-- .....- - - - - - + - - ,
separator._ _ _ _.,;;
,~:,;:.:;:,.~!,r''"-=•-..::::;;;;.._~---to:t--D<~ steam outlet
to Prime mover
., .. ..
I I '
., .
Figure LIO: La-Mont boiler I •
. .The superheated steam leaves the boiler and enters into the prime mover through
steam outlet to perform wor~. Air preheater.is.used for preheating.the air required for
efficient combustion in the combustion chamber by using th~ .w. a~te ~~
. hot
. .f'l~~ g~~;~s.
. . ..
capacity of this boiler is about 45 to 50 tonnes per hour ofsuperheate~ steam at a pressure
• I o , , f " ' •., \ o / , '
ofl30barat540°C. -. - - - · ' · · · ··
. ~ -. , ' . ' • • I
Ad~~nt~ges · · · ·
I. Light in weigh,t.
I • I 2: I:.:ess'ritimberof drums are rt!quired. ''. . . ., ,· . ' . . . I I • . • • I ·, · , .'·. \ " . ·,
, ', .
• I•' -3. Qui~k-~~ginevencolci"co~diti~~~: ,, :· ,,,/., . • l • ·'· ' · ' .: · , '·. ·. '
~ J' ' • ' ' ' • .• , ' ' ~ •• ' i ' ' • ' , i • • • i ' • ' ' • J , ' , I J r . •' , I'
... , .·s..Absence ·o f ~~a~iµg troµple in th~ pipes.
4 • ' • 1· • • • I • • I • I • • I.
'' I • • I If ' i ' • I '
• I ' \ •
,1 .; ' '
, . , • .
\ · \ ·t
, '
i; :, ,
. r,':.
1 , .
- ' .. •
.scanned. w1 tn cam.scanner
1.1~6~__:.;.....__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.:,_PO:..:W..:...E_R_P_LA_N_T_EN_G--.:.:INEED1N
...:. ~
on the inner surfaces oflhe water tubes. This deposition reduces th e heat transfer rate and
the generating capacity. Due to reduction in heat transfer rate, the tuhes get overheated as
it has high tl;ennal resistance. This problem was solved_in loeffler boiler by preventing the
water tlow in the boiler tubes.
- Chimney
(Exhaust gases)
- '•
Hot air, to
Superheated steam
Steam out let to prime mover
• I
Blow off
· Evaporating drum
Most of the steam is generated outside by evaporating feed water by using a part of
superheated steam coming out of the boiler. • · ·
The figure 1.1 r shows the schematic ~geinent details or~efiler ooil~r. The
high pressure feed pump draws water and supplies to the ec~~omiser:·fu ~~ economi~r
heat is ·exchanged from hot exhaust gases to feed wa\er-. Tlie hot feed waterthen.enterS
the evaporating drtnn situated outside the boiler were the feed is evaporated into saturated
steam. Toe saturated steam is then drawn. by steam.circulating pump. .
This pump -fortes
l iScannee1 w1 tn {.;amiScanner
the steam to first pass through into radiant supcrheater nnd then into convective superheater.
In superheater the steam is beated to the required temperature of about 500° C, About
two- third of the steam coming out of the superheatcr is tapped and passed through the
evaporator dmm for evaporating the feed water. The remaining on~-third is used to produce
useful work in turbine. Mixing nozzles are pro~ided i~ evaporating dru~ for ~ixing and
distributing the steam throughout U1e water for efficient ~vapo!ation ofwater into saturated
steam. , I
The capacity of this boiler is about I 00 tonnes per hour of superheated steam at a
pressure of 150 bar at about 500° C.
1. It can cany higher salt coqicentratiops than any other boiler-type.
' -
2. Sy~tem is mo.re com_pa~t and can·~~transported.easily.
. -
-- I •• I -
.1,·,. .,
1.5.2 Benson boiler ·' . · · · .-·_ . ~' · ·'
The ffir drawback in the !amount and other high pressure boilers is the formation
ofsteam bub'61es in contact ~th tJ)e tube surfaces. This affect the heat transmission from
the flue gases to \\'.ater. This drawback 1s o:vercume by benson boiler in which the boiler
pressure is raised to critical pressure (221 :2 bar). 1At the critical pre e water and
of water to critical pressure-requires large amounf of work bf the feed pump which results
in_reduction in overa~l ~fficiency ofthe_pla~t. So~the B~bn_boile"r.wit ~ /~~,Eressure
slightly below the cnt1cal ressure which improves the efficiency of the p l a n t . ~
:J I
_·. ·. ,.·:W~ter,{rom the hot w~U passes through tµe_fee_d,pump,:and.economizer to the ,radjant
¢v~po.r~tQr;.where pa_rt of the water is conv.~rted into steafi1 .. Th~ water receives _heat by
radiation fr9.m-bot flue-gases
. . . coming frQm combustion chamber. The.mixture ofsteam and
~cannea w1 tn c.;am:scanher
water is then ent~rs into the conyection evaporator where the remaining ~ater is convelterj
into steam. The water received heat by convection from hot flue gases con:µng for combustion
cb~ber.. The steam is no~ nearly in saturated condition. To produce superheated Sleatu,
a convective superheater is used.
Since, the superheater i~ Io~ated jn th~ path of hot flue g~es, the saturated st~arn
from the convectjve evap~~tor enters tq~ superheater and it is superheated by convective
heat tr~fer.- The superheated steam leaves the boiler and enters into the prime mover to
perform work.
(Ex.haust ga:ses)
◄ Cold air in
Hot air to
combustion ---------,
Feed .water .
M fwell--
I ' o
·, :
. , ,. .,.~-
Fi,ure,:l.-l~:·lf~9ri -~oi!er.-
1. The total weight of the boiler is 20% less than other boilers due to the absence
of drums. This also reduces the cost of the boiler.
2. Boiler is compact.
3. Transportation of boiler parts is easy as the majority of the parts are carried to
the site without pre-assembly.
4. High safety.
5. Benson boiler can be started very quickly within 15 minutes because ofwelded
6. Benson boil.er is an once through boiler as there is no drums and·hence,thefeed
water enters at one end and discharged at other end as superheated steam.
7. Circulating pumps and down comers are absen't.
8. Since there is no pressure limit, supercritical pressure may be employed.
9. No bubble formation and hence high heat transfer rate.
10. The furnace walls of the boiler can·be more efficiently protected by using
small diameter and close pitched tubes.
1. Qep·osition of salt and sed~ents in the tubes surfaces..
~ ' .
2. D1:fficult to clean.the tubes.
3. Tubes are subjected to corrosion.
4. Tubes maY. get overheated, if the water 'flow is insufficient.
, Fluidized bed boilers (FBB) offers a µx~q1 ising dey~lopment solution to all these
p~~J?.~~~s. In :fluidize~ bed boilers, coa_l upto 12 mm particle size even with 70% ash
content can be burned efficiently. Particle size can be extended upt~ 50mm. Fluidized
b~d boilers used fluidiz~d bed combustion (FBC) technique for burning th~·foel .(coal) in
susp~nded state made b.y air distribution: The rating ofFBB goes even upto' l 50 tonnes
per hours ~ta pressure of 150 bar and at a temperature of 400° ~-
, I '
1 1
. , \~~--~~er fl~~ :. .' • ,, ." •
' ~ubble/
:>~I'+-_;_ · ,· . ' ' , ·.·. '
' .
I '
. ..
I '
I I •, .! I' . : t 1• , # · •: .t -
• - • • I ' • (
I I I ' t
t • • • I
I• • •
.- •
•1· I i
• t
• t •1.• 1 • • J •f rl
t t :
It f
Tilis press J is small at low oc~ of air and hcn~c the particles remains
initially undistributed. But at igher air velocities, the gravitational force of particlei,_js
b a ~ c t i o n a l f o ~ e fluid (air~d particles. This causes the
particles to becom~uspended in the air stream. '€!!6,~he velocity is increased stiJl
~ ~
further, the bed is left highly turbulent leading to_ vigorous mixing of particles. At this state,
the be,9 is_called, fluidized bed and burning the fuel is such a state is known as fluidized bed
combustion (FBCY The a ~ is maintained at a ~t~ ~at overcomes the gravitational
forces ort the particles withouJming them out of the furnace. The air had lreen EI91e~
to the ignition temp~rature of the fuel by burning an auxiliazyfuel b~fore it enters the bed.
The fifel"and inertmaterial(sintered ash, fused alumina, sand, mullite and zirconia)
~ fed on a distributor plate and air is supplied from the bottom of the distributorplate;as
shown in figure 1.27. Usually, the coal is fed
--- into the-furnace
-- -
wqen the
-- - -
bed temperature
has reached about 650° C. So that the high velocity air sustains the solid feed. material
suspended condition during burning. The generated heat is first used in keeping up the
temperature of inert material and the balance is rapidly transferred to the waterpassirig
through the tu~es. The ~team so generated is taken out of the furnace. · · · ·
To avoid c4-0cker formation and the emission of_s?i:ne undesirable substances, bed
.~mperatur~ sh~uld be co~troll~d to.950° <:; or below. Toe purpose of addin~Jhe inert
material is to control this bed te:µiperarure. Most of the bed is accounted for inert material
andonly4%isbeing_!hefu~l._ -~- .... ._:
Hence, high ash conf:e?t fuel c~ be used in FBB syst~m. The injection oflimestone
or dolomite directly in~ the furnace retains much ofthe SO2 fonned during burning offuel.
The molten slag~ tapped.from the bed surface. . ·
1.6.2 Advantages of FBC system ·
. .
1. FBC system offers more flexibility to handle wide variety offuels including high
ash content coals, "low rank fuels, domestic and industrial waste.
2. . 1:,ower and unifonn bed oper~ting temperature avoids the formation of clinker
- - and emission of clinker ~rid-¢~ssion .of°so~e liii~esirable substances like NOx,
3. Vigorous mixing of coal partic~es and air makes it P,O~sjbl.e.to use the excess~air
as very low as 10 to 15%. ·
4. ,~gh heat transfer rate between the particles and the heat transfer tulifes immersed
iri the bed due to-gouttrapid mixµig and efficient combustion: This leads to
appreciable size re<lYption of bQiler
and hence the weight._ ' ,, .
~canned. w1 tn cam~canner
• • ' L...
ro Ill
G) G)
-E .g
~ 0---------
Bed Drain
.::>canned. w1 tn cam-Scanner
remains in fluidized condition nnd so all the light mntcrinls get burned in thnt condition.
The heavy materials accmuulntcd along with the ash produced due to combustion and
it is collected from the ash port. The burning is efficient becnuso of high lateral
) Pressurized fluidized bed combustor ·
In pressurized fluidized bed combustor, tl1e bed is operated under pressure by
suppl~g the come_~sed air at pressure o f ~ , which results in slightly higher
heat-transfer rates. 11lis combustion in pressurized environment results in~ compact furnace
andimprovedc~. :
This process allows the use ofa gas turbine, driven by pressurized hot combustion
gases while in it might be bar~. -Like
fluidized bed combustors.
units, there are two types ofpressurized ff8c
I. Pressurized bubbling fluidized
bed combustor (PBFBC) '
. .
2. Pressurized circulating fluidized bed combustor (PCFBC)
. fed together with limestone is hllJllJ by _$Upp lying compressed air at an elevated
pressure of aboufl~ Ofo 16' bar=-Heatso
,.._ .
in fluidized bed is extracted by water
carrying tubes inniiersed in the bed.. The-hot gas,is then giveruo cyclone separator for
"-.--- -
-, --
clearung ofgas. ,._ _ .
' f t • • • • •• t ' •• • t' l( rl ' • • • •• •• I • : ,• ~' • •
This cleaning stage ofgas is important to enhance the life ofgas turbine. The hot
cleaned gas is then expanded in gas turbine to gen~rate el~ctricity. The steam produced in
the co~bustqr or the waste heat recovery heat exchanger at the gas turbine exit produces
o I ,• • o ,! ' ' 1 • I • • I - • J• -- ,._,.. ' •
~·.PBFBC excepf that the solid pattitles'are'kept in fast fluiilized conclition and hence, solids
are fully mix'ed thtotlghout the coinbustor. Figure 1.16 show~ ;~ch ~ arrangement which
,J'is:Yery ccmµJ\~Il to bptQ_fB.fB<;.,~dP.CFBC_syst~ms: ;, 1 ., •, •
, - \ I .' 1 • ' . It. - ~ •' • I .. I : , • I ,•
Steam Drum
.._Multi Cyclone
Dust Collector
Furnace water walls
.._ ,
.c .c
.... :::,
~ O---+-------'
.' -··--
· Seconclary Solid Recycle_llrJ~ .
• • • • I
'' I
I I J • • • o
i:Scannea. w1 tn c..;ami:Scanner
remains in fluiruzed condition and so all the light materials get burned in that condition.
The heavy materials accumulated along with the ash produced due to combustion and
it is collected from the ash port. The burning is efficient because of high lateral
"-.- tubes immersed in the bed. Thehot gas.is then giveruo cyclone---..:::.._
-----<---- separator__for_ _ __
clearung ofgas. __ .
This deaning stage of gas i~ important to e~ance the life ofgas turb~e. The hot
cleaned gas is then expanded in gas turbine to generate electricity. The steam produced in
the co~bustqr or tqe :waste 4~a~ recovery_beat exchanger at the gas turbine t::xit produces
further power·by expanrung through a steam turbine. - - - ~ - ·• .
• , I •
. Pressurized circwatirig-fluidizedbed combustor (PCFBC) works very similar with
., l ' •
are fully mrt.edthtoughout the coinbustor. Figure 1.16 shows s~ch'an arrangement which
,Asyery_c .o~~n to bpt1_1 fBF.BC'!-IldJ>CF)3C syst~ms: 1 • •
~cann·e a w1 tn L!am.::>canner
To power
Fuel recycle
feed line
• I
air in
Feed pump
• • I • • .,: ( • I + • '
Adva11~agesofCirc~latiogFluid~ed,~e~'B_oiler; . · ., ) ,
CFB boilers has more advantages than other sohd fuel fired b01lers.as follows.
3. Addition ~flimestone and dolomite retains the sulphur in the bed.iii the solid from
._~ ' ~
' \ •, • I ' I • I
··.·.: · ·c~~sss~cti~ri·:-· ·0 . ''" __ · , : (,"..~ · ' · ·, ·· :•, :t/.· '•.'') ' :· , ·'.·~ ·' ··.·,::.·1.:
,, 1, , i • .J . • , /·, r 1l f, 1 ·,·) i \l d t •· 1\ t•1dJ~ 1l f· ..,\l ' . . .. • ·, )' .
• ~ ~• •- • , ... i ,. 1 • ' , , 1 , •• ' • •• I_ ' . I • : ) • •, . •' 1 , ' I l _ ·,
During the early days, the heat -energy: is .con:vert~
. ·- iptp useful .mechanic~l work by ' •,
Asteam flµ'b~e is a prirpe moy~r, in w~cli ~e pg~~ptitaj ~PeIW (h~t) o(the steam
is converted into the us~ful mechanicaJ ~Qrk by ~fop1µng:fi.rst i~ int<;> }9n_etic en:ergy
and then into use~l mechanical wo.rk in the forµi ~f ni~tion d~~ tq.the ~dQal ro~cy
ch~geofmomentum.oftl?es~eam. . . ·
-1.7.1 .Advantages -of steam turbines.
1 ·' l , , • ·· ~ •· · ·,, • • • 1
I I : •
IO. Steam turbines cari talce copsideqible ov~loads with a slight reduc~on in its
overall efficiency.
' ' .
1.7 .2 ·Prin(:iple of Steam .turbin'3 .. . . · _. I • 1 J •• ·. 1• • 1 • • r _ J •
Steam from the steam generator is c_aused t9 .flow. through nozzle where the steam
.. • • . I ., , 1 1 _.. I J
• I
pressure get reduced. Due to the fall in pressure, paq of heat ~nergy is converted into
!Grietid e~e~.;So the' velod~'of the'steam gets iri~re~~d: No~e used'irl thrbin~s are • t
known as fixed blades. The high velocity steam when impinge on the moving part ofthe
'I \ I • I i
t r
• · , •
tu.mine'sufter change in direction of motion and tlius give rise to change in'momentum.
~cannea. w1 tn cam~canner
o'tci Rotor
... q"i . , .. J '
-7"---:f'-n-~~~=-j--Blades (vanes)
..§:- . .......-uo~---Shaft
s\~~. I
Due to this dynamic action, a_force is exerted on the biades. The direction of motion
(steam) is changeq. d~e to the shape of the blades (curved shape). Moving buckets converts
these high velocity jets to mechanical workjn a rotating shaft.
I • '
I •
. ' •, , ,a)~9~1press~e~qin~~..(uptoram9, I ••• : • •,
, • 1 • _ • , I l \ - I •
<, J'l '"
• , • • J '"• •• -
• •
#e ,
• , •,
• • , (. ,i
o) Bypass-governed turbines
i:Scannect. w1 tn lJam~canner
Boiler steam
LJllt---Turbine blade .,
Turbine wheel
·.· . -:· . ~ ' Shaft
·....., .. . .
I • •
Turbine blade
Condenser pressure
. Figure 1.18 shows the simple imp~se turbine in which_the uppef portion show the
• 1 • I • • • • . •
longitudinal section through the upper half of ilie turbine, the middle shows thee
development ofnozzles and blading and the lowerpait ofthe di~gram shows the appropriate
chwiges takes place in the pressure'arld velocity duruig the flow of steam through the
turbine. This turbine is known as simple-impulse turbine since the expansion of the steam
talces places in one set of nozzles. . ... _.. _. _
The example of this turbine is De-laval turbine. ·.
.scannea w1 tn uam~canner
I '
t I , • 1
' ,
••• • • I _{ ' I -
' ; _•I". •." • ' . ~. .. • • • •
. ,; , .
' • i l •
M= Moving blades"'
~ .=,Fixed.blades \..-' t '
.. '
f •.
, ·
.....,,. •
, ' f ._ • I; . I ~- . : • ; • I '
• I 1 J
.' . .. '
Boiler \ initial
pres~ure : steam
!velocity Lost velocity
' ' , c°c;nden~~r . . ' .
pressu~ •
." • , ,r, ,' r. ·;r \ •
'.· \;
Figu~ 1.19: Reaction tri,;bine (three,stage/
I \.
• f ',
~canned. w1 tn c.;amScanner
Moving blade
Fixed blade Casing
. ,.
• f. l ·...·. ,, '
The turbine consists of a set of moving ~d fixed blades .. The moving blades are
mounted on a drum, while guide (fixed) blades are fixed t9 the cas!fig. Wheil high pressure
steam enters the reaction turbine, it first passes through a row of guide blades where it
expan~ slightly causing a fall in pressure an? ben9e increase~ yelocity. When this steam
is then passed over moving blades, it imparts an impulse to these blades, where the steam
further expands results in a high relative vel9city_in a_direction approximately opposite to
4he movement of the blades, thus exerting a force due to·reactiori. · .,,·
So, the reaction turbines work due to the. energy·
. ta1ces place through the
rotor blades. Pressure reduction and rise inKinetic:energy takes places when the fluid
flows through ~~}~xed blades.
'• .
1.7.6 Impul~ -reaction _turbine _ l
I •
! '
Since, the_~ding ofpure reaction turbine~ very qillicult, impulse reaction turbine
are widely employed in nowadays. In practjce, the Impulse reaction turbine is known as
reaction turbine. The example of this type ofturbine is parson's reaction turbine.
Degree of reaction .
- . .
Degree ofre·action is·defined¥ the raJio oftJie enthalpy
• t ' I I
in moving blade to the
I •
total enthalpy.dmp. · · '.- :, '. . ·_-· - · -~· ·
~ - , - _ ... _ - . _., - :::....-"- · - - • • . ... 1 • •• ' . . .. . ...... - - - - "- ·
·, AhMB
.:AfiM's1- :' 'erithhlpyiliop-innio~gbliide,·-·.r, •; . · 1: 1• •
~cannea. w1 tn cam~canner
. ' ,.
" • ' I • •
"l-2➔ Nozzl~:(futedblade);
. .. . . 2-3➔ Rotor(movingblade)
' .
,. '
J '
,. t ••
\ I •• t
.0 = h2 ~ ~3 .... . . -
: ,.., I '
. .
.~ = h3 i.e_., entire wor~ is done by"nozzie;
(Ah )MB= (Ah),. = ( Ah1·"'." . Figure 1.21: (b) h-s diagram of
50% reaction turbine
i:)cannea. w1 tn cami:)canner
~B = 6.hlotnl
I= h2 - h)
h1 - h3
h1 = h2
Entire work is only done by moving blades.
(Ah) mB = (Afl)total : Figure 1.21! (c) h-s diagram of 100%
· 4. Negative reaction turbine reachtion turbine
hI r -----r------- l ,
. .. .. . .. . r
. . .. ,--
• I
h3 1-----1-----~ii,...3_
. h2 - h3 wen
Rd=-------- h h > h2 • I
h'i - h3 · . . , 1 ... 't
I , I I • ' I • I ·, .
· ·· ·II· -- · ·•
'• I
'· I
· · · · · · · · - ·· -· ·· · ·· · · J
;\', . :,-. • -
J t ' \ •
I I I 1
I • , ,_,
~canned. w1 tn cam~canner
.::icannee1 wi tn (.;am.::icanner
.scanned. w1 tn cam.scanner
The centrifoga\ govemor is driven by a wom1 gear or bevel gear at a speed less than
that ofa turbine. Throttle govenung are most widely used in small turbines. If the load one
the shaft (turbine) reduces, the shaft rotates at higher speed. The governor sleeve moves
up and the govemor balls tly up and widen. The lever ann actl.iates through the fblcrum and
the throttle valve is opened. The flow of steam is restricted until. speed comes to normal .
limit. If the load on the turbine shaft increases, the shaft speed gets reduced. The governor
sleeve slides down. Due to this action, the throttle valve allows more quantity of steam.
The throttle valve returns to its original position after the speed comes to nonnal limit.
• I
. ' '
Generally, under the full loa4 conditions, all the.valves VI: V2 and V3 remains open
fully. When the turbine speed increases, ;th~ supply of ste*•,to a particular group of
is the
nozzles shut off. Then, after spe~d teaches the rated value, the valves comes into
original position. It is similar to pressure-~e\ocity c?mpoun~g.
i:Scannea. w1 tn c..;am~canner
The main ndvantnge of this m·ethod is no compounding is required for the admission
of tream into this unit. This is most efficient method and is suitable for only impulse
3. Less heat drop is avai lab.le for work 'Nlore bent drop is nvailable for work
6. Suitnble for small turbines Suitable for meditun and large turbines
3. By-pass governing
When the load is maximum, the additional steam could not pass through the first
stage as there are no additional nozzles are available. By pass valve is throttle governed.
By pass regulation allows for this in a turbine-which is throttle governed by means of a
second by-pass valve in the first stage nozzle. \Vhen throttle valve is opened partially, by
pass valve will open. So, steam is by-passed through the second valve to a lower stage in
a turbine. It is used in reaction turbines .
By pass valve
By pas~ steam
~cannect. w1 tn c...:am~canner
n ... ~cr i a cl ' t: vcss"\ hcnt cxchnngcr in which lhe steam coming
i is , n en~ . b u · rbing th~ heat from the steam by continuous supply
ling\\ teratatm sph~ric ~mpemture. The steam condenser works by maintaining
· e ~ re&7.Ire =-1 ,w atm spheri level and this improves the overall efficiency of the plant.
H ~ -team ndensers are, ef) important devices for them1a land nuclear plants.
1.8.1 Functions of steam condensers
The functions ofstefilll condensers in steam power plant i~ two fold .
l. The steam e)..11anded in the turbine, if directly let out into the atmosphere, theh
• o • I •
the final expansion pressure will be the allnospheric pressure. Now, a condenser
1ID.itis attached to the exit of the tmbine and the pressure is maintained far below
the atmospheric level. In this case, the final expansion pressure will be les·s
than atmospheric pressure and higher pressure ratio for expansion is resulted.
This increases the workdone by the prime mover and improving the overall pla11t
efficiency. Thus, the function of steam condenser. is to decrease the exhaust
press1rre of steam below the atmospheric level.
2. To recover high quality feed water in its original fonn 'and feed'in•back to the
steam generator without any further treatment. This eliminates the cost involves
in treatment process for the supply of fresh wateE .
5. Hot well to discharge the condensate and supply of feed water to boiler.
6. Air extraction pump to remove air and other non-condensable gases from the
7. Cooling tower t~ r~cool the circulating w~ter, _if smfa9e condenser i~ used.
i:Scannea. w1 tn c..;ami:Scanner
Tube Sheet
= Water box
P.Jr Out Cooling
water In
Figure 1.25 shows the schematic of most commonly used down flow, two pass
surface condenser. It is composed of a steel shell with water boxes on each side. The
water box at the right end is divided in two parts by a baffle plate to allow the under for
two passes, Vertical steel plates are located at intermediate points over the tube length to
support the long tubes. Thewatertubesarerolled into tube sheets at both ends to prevent
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
lh I nkng ol'olroulnting wnter inlo tho slenm nncl 1.0 prevent l11be vibration. The hot well
, lv ~ lh nclommle nnd nots ns reservoir, The nir pump is fitted at the bottom to suck
nul nn I nil'.
\~'hen nit· pump exlrncls nny nir wil.hin the condenser, a partia] vacuum is created.
This "{l\lSes tho slonm lo enter nl top and flows downward over the nest of tubes through
whlllh cooling w11lcr is circulnting,
In Ihis i;onclcnscr, cooling waler enters into the divided water box from the bottom
ol'shol 111nd pnsscs lo the undivided wntcr box through the lower half of the tube nest.
Th n the cooling waler reverses lhc dircclion nnd rel11rns back to the divided water box
through tho u1 por hnlf oflhc tube ncsl.
I uo to Iha slcnm flow over lhe nest of tubes, steam is condensed by transferring its
hunt 10 tho cooling wntcr flowing through the tubes. The resulting hot water comes out of
th ondensor nt. the lop nnd discharged in river or pond. The condensate is taken out
from the condenser by 1111 extraction pump. Since the steam flows at right angles to the
dll'oclion ofwntcr {low, down flow condensers are also called as cross flow surface
l.8.4.3 Contt·nl flow surface co11dc11scrs
Stear:n and Air
- - To Condensate Pump · ··
. ,. '.' , . ' •
·'Fhc figure ,1 .26 shows the cross section of central flow surface condenser. In this
case, the air extraction pump is ·located at the centre of the tube nest and this causes the
steam (entering at the top) to move·radially inward towards the centre. .
The condensate then leaves at the bottom where the cqndensate pmnp is located
This type is more effi.cient as the steam comes into contact with the whole periphery of tb~
1.8.4~4 Inverted flow surface condenser
In this type, 'ti1e arr suction pump is fitted at the top and the condensate pump at the
bottom. Steam enters the bottom and flows upward over the nest of cold water tubes.
Steam then reverses its path and returns to the·bottom of the condenser as condensate by
flowing near the outer surface. Evaporative surface condenser
A simple sketch of a_n evap_or?tive 99ndenser is shown in figure 1.27. Exhaust
steam from the turbine is allowed to pass through a coiled and finned tube over which
cooling water is sprayed by the nozzles. When air is drawn over the surface of the tube, '
part of the water is evaporated by absorbing the latent heat from the steam. The excess
water falls down into the cooling pond from where it.is pumped again to the header by a
circulating pu~p. This type is employed where cooling water is not available in large
I I • •
l •
I •
Coiled Tube
Wat~r Pump
------- ~---:..:·
== __ I I
Cooling Pond
Figure 1.27: Evaporative surface condenser
.::>cannee1 wi tn (.;am.::ica:nner
- -- - - - - - ·- - --~-.. . . ,. ,. .,
WT-WP . .
Heat rate:
The rate of heat input (Q 1) required to produce u.IJ.it shaft output (1 kW)
. '
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
Coal Delivery
I f
' ..
Outdoor Storage
{Dead Storage)
Covered Storage
· {Live Storage) - .
' r -. -' "I
lnplant Handling
,__......._ _ _, ,-.
"\ :. · ,·, . ; "
Furnace Firing
.scanned. w1 tn c.;amscanner
Inplant handling system deals with the processing of fuel after receiving the coal
from the coal mines at the plant site. The inplant coal handling o1;stem should be designed
in such a way that the inplant transportation should be minimum.
a) Coal delivery
Coal from their supply points is generally carried out by the following modes.
1. Ships or boats, if site is situated near to sea or river.
2. Rails, ifsite is away from sea or river.
3. Trucks, ifrailway facilities are not available at the site.
b) Unloading
Selection of suitable unloa4ing equipment depends on the out plant handling. If
coal delivery is carried out by trucks, then no unloading device is needed as the truck
may dump the coal ·to the outdoor storage.
Use of life trucks with scoops are advisable for more easy coal handling. If coal
delivery is carried out by railway wagons, then car shakers, rotary car dampers, coal
accelerators, unloading towers and bridges, self-unloading boats, life trucks, cranes
and grab buckets are used as unloading devices.
If coal delivery is by ships or boats, then portable conveyors, unloading bridges,
coal towers, self-unloaaing boats and coal accelerators are used as unloading
c) Coal preparation
The coal preparation plant include crushers, breakers, sizers, dryers and ma etic
separators. Coal is prepared to suitable con · · uc t at it ensures efficient
combustion process. Figure 1.29 shows a typical arrangement of coal preparation
Coal from mines ·is given to coa\ ~~her for preparing it into required size. This
stage of coal preparation is necessary to ensure efficient combustion. The crushed
coal is then passed over the sizer to remcr{eunsized coal whic 1s agam feedback to
the crusher. The sized coal is thell'drie_4·il!~the drier where the excess free moisture
--- - - ~
present in the coal is removed by pas_s_i~g_!h~ h~t flue gases in closed spaces.
c--------- .,____.-------------
.\ . I • • •• •
Uncrushed coal
~ Coal crusher
-Coal drier
Belt conveyor
• •.' I
Bucket elevator
TI1e coal may contain some iron scrap and other foreign particles which are removed
with the help of magnetic separators. Magnetic separator is usually a magnetic pulley over
wliich loaded coal belt is run. ·During the run, iron particles stick with the belt and travels
around the magnetized pulley and dropped off.into a reject chute.
d) Coal transfer
This stage ofcoal preparation deals with the equipments involved in transporting the.
coal from unloading site to the dead_storage (outdoor storage). These equipments include
' • I I • • • • t 1 •
1. Belt conveyors
2. Screw conveyors
3.. Bucket elevators
: I , j ,. • ~l l ' I • 1. I ~I , 1 I' ,
4. Grab bucket elevators
i) Belt conveyors
Return Roller
Bell conveyor is a flexible type hoisting and conveying device used for transporting
large quantities of coal over large distances. Belt conveyors give a continuous supply of
material and high capacities are possible.
Figure I .30 shows the arrangement ofbelt conveyors. It consists of endless belt
(made ofrnbber, canvas or balata) running over a pair ofend drums or pulleys and supported
by a series of rollers (known as Idlers) lo~ated at regular intervals.
The return idlers which support the.empty belt are plain roller~ and are spaced wide
apart. Average speed ranges from 60 to I 00 m/min. The load carrying capacity of the belt
~onveyor may vary from 5~I ~ __ . . _. ...... , . ..
Advantages of belt conveyors
I. Low power consumption.
2. Smoo"th, coritinuotis, clean and rapid discharge of large _qua~tiJi~~ of coal is
. , ..
3. Lesser repair and maintenance cost. .. , • f
; . . , -
4. Most econ~mical method of coal transport in medium apd large capacity
' • • r ,II; • • I
plants. · · ·
I .
Coal Supply
Ball Bearing
·i . Sere'!"
Coal Discharge
. . . . Figure 1.31: Screw Conveyor
One end of the shaft i~ connected with the driving mechanism and the other end is
.__ su1morte~ ~ an e!}closed ball bearing.
Rotational movement of screw in a casing ~~~s.the coal from one end to the other
·, endoftheconveyor......-. ····-· · J•·· ··. -,.::.::...:..:__ __ _ .. __,
I• , , ,
Advantages of screw conveyors
1. Unit is simple, compact and dust proof.
' '
_ .
· , · .. ,.
• • •
•. . ·I
• · ~• , '
I \ 1 t '
i:Scannect. w1 tn lJami:Scanner
·, . Coal out
' '
(a) Centrifugal (b) Continuous
Figure 1.32: Bucket elevators
:. Figure 1.3 2(a) shows the centrifugal type of bucket elevator. It consists of steel
buckets tjgidl¥ fastened to a continuous steel chain, which runs over two·wheels. The
buckets are loq1ted on t~e cha~n at equal spaces and i~ is lo~ed at th,e bottom by dJQP~g
'·h-mtoi coal pocket or boot. . _ . . : · .
' The material elevated may be positively discharged at the top either by.centrifugal
::force or by-drawing back the buckets at the discharge side. ·
Figure l .32(b) shows the continuous type ofbucket elevator which operates similar
:.to the former one. . . .: ·. • . , .. , .
- However, more amount of coal can be handled than the first type. Bucket elev~tor
is generally enclosed in a casing in order to get a-dustless operation.- - -. .:
- - - - ,
iv) Grab bucket elevators
.., Grab bucket elevator i~ ~-device used for h?~ ~g and convey C?al ~n a single rail
or track from one point to tne tJtfiet: °The coaTli~edby grao buckets is transferred to
overhead bunker or storage. '' ·'
I , • r 1 • , ,
f '
• I
- .scanned. w1 tn cam.scanner
1.1,;5~0~_ __.:,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __:_PO;;_W~E_R_P_L_AN..;_
- ~
Grab bucket
Due to its high cost, this equipment is used where other ammgements are not possible
however, its operating cost is less. The grab bucket conveyor ~an be used with crane or
tower as-shown in figure 1.33.
e) .Outdoor storag~
Outdoor storage or dead storage can be open space in one comer ofthe plant. Its
capacity can be six months or one year requirement of the plant. Stora~ves
.p ~•~ainst ~ntem1ption of coal supplies when there is delay in transportation of
coal or dueto strikes in-coal·mines. When the fuel prices are low, it can be pure msed and
stored under.proper c0nditions for future use C~ is stored generally in dead storage in
the form of piles laid directly on.the ground.
'-- -•
t) ·Covered storage
Live storage or·coveFed storage is a space provided in the pla1;_!- near the boiler
furnace to meet one day requirementofthe plant. Live storage can b?provided with
butffiers and coal bins.
g) IIiplaJit handlirtg
Handling ofeoal fr2,m live st£_nige to firii1geg_uipm~pt i~ known as inp~handling of
cdal. The·· equip'm.ents us'eci for inpfatit hanclling are same as used for coal transfer.
Efiu:ipmerits 'from :simple chutes for•stoker-firing to pulverizer, feeders etc., for pulverized
fuel -firing•ate•als0·-mcluded. 1Iri,adtlitiofl to 'this, gates and v~es are also used in the system
to control the .flow ·accordm.g to the foad·of the plant.
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
4. tc~,lm· t . ~m
a ::\{ecbanictl ·•. ·rem
Control v lvo
~ Truck I
@ @
Figure 1.3.J: Uechanical ash handlin a system
.::icannee1 wi tn (.;am$canner
High pressure water-. 'I----~
Trough carrying
water and ash
Main sump
Figure 1.35: High pressure ash handling system
The figure 1.35 shows the arrangement of a high pressure hydraulic ash handling
system. In this system, the hoppers below the boiler furnace are fitted with water nozzles
at the top and at the sides.
Ash is quenched by the top nozzle and side nozzles provide the driving force for the
ash. The quenched ash with high velocity water is then flow through a trough to the sump
where the ash and water are separated. \Vater can be used again while the ash is removed
to the dumping site.
1. Low pressure system
The figure 1.36 shows the arrangement for low pressure hydraulic ash handling
system. In this system, a trough is provided below the boiler furnace and water at low
velocity is made to flow through it. Ash directly falling into the trough is carried by the
water to the sump. In the sump, the ash is separated from water with the help of screen
and water is pumped back to the trough and used again while the ash is carried to tbe
dumping site through carriages.
.scanned. w1 tn cam.scanner
r • '· ~ - - -I -
One standby
➔ :::=::::========·===~
----· -=========::: trough to
r •••
~ __ .: ) Water troughs Sump pennit repairs
., =======t
➔ c=::=::t=:::::!===·=="'========~
Figrire 1.86: Low pressure ash handling system
c) Pneumatic system
In this system, air is used asa medium for driving the ash through a pipe as shown in
figure 1.37.
i To Storage Site
Figure 1.37: Pneumatic ash handling system
A h from the boiler is pulverised in the ash crushers and fine ash is then passed into
a tr am of air. High velocity air stream picks up the ash and carries it to a primary and
econdary separator. The separator removes ash and discharged through the hopper
, hi! the lean air is exhausted to the atmosphere from the top of secondary separator.
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
Thi y tcm i employed particularly for handling fine abrasive ash as well as fine
dusty material (fly ash and soot) over ~con id~rablc distance for final di posal.
d) Steam jet system
In this sy tem, high pre sure steam jet is used for driving the ash along the conveying
pipe. High pressure steam is blown into a conveying pipe where ash is flowing through
from boiler furnace to ash hoppers. This system is employed in small and medium size
plants where the path of travel of ash is not straight and the space available is not sufficient
for other systems. This system operates at high wear due to abrasive action ofash which
requires the conveying pipe to be lined with nickel allay.
1.10.3 Combustion equipment for burning coal
The efficient combustion of fuel in the combustion chamber is the most important
factor for the economic operation of power plant. Hence, it becomes necessary to know
the principle and types ofvarious combustion equipment used for burning the coal in power
plants. Two major methods are commonly employed for this purpose.
1. Stoker firing methoa for solid fuel burning.
2. Pulverised firing method for pulverised fuel burning.
Firing of solid fuels like coals usually require a grate in the furnace to hold the fuel
like a bed. Hence, solid fuel fired furnaces are also known as grate fired furnaces. This is
used in stoker firing method and the equipment is known as mechanical stokers.
Firing of fuels in their powdered fonn is usuaJly supported in chambers and hence
pulverized fuel fired furnaces are also known as chamber fired fi.unaces. This is employed
in pulverized firing method and the equipment is known as pulverizer. The combustion
equipment used for coal burning can be classified as follows.
I. Handfiring
2. Stokers firing
J°. Pulverized fuel firing
Owing to the J_11ajor disadvantages of hand firing like low C(?mbustion efficiency.
Unable to respond quickly to fluctuating load and difficult draught control, hand firing is not
used in modem power p1ants. · ,· ·
~canned. w1 tn cam~canner
~canned. w1 tn (.;am~canner
nl nv th 1oint l f' (prlmn,· 1) 11 Ir 11dml , It 11. Fl ui· I .. II lu lml ·H tho prl11clplo of'
\ "rt'\ cl. lok r. ,
r n conl , ·~ ~
~- ~
oc~nd:~ n1:
1 VM• o~c •N 11 2
lnco ndoo ont
coko I
R~\ .,, co,co ~N II
Primmy nir(with ils v1tpourc ntcnt) from the forced <lrnught fnn enter the bottom
of the grntc und r pre~ ur . The nir moving through the grate opening is heated by
nb orbing the hcot from the grutc it clfnnd o the grate is cool d. The warm air then
move through layer of hot nshcs nml pick up additional heat energy.
The.nir(nt nbout 1200°C) then pn cs tl1rough a lnycrofincandcscentcoke where
exothcm1ic renction occurs between cnrbon nnd oxygen to form carbon dioxide. This
cxothcnuic reaction provide the heat release for continuing the combustion process and
continues till nil the oxygen i consumed.
The wntcr vapour present in nir nl o reacts with carbon in incandescent region and
fom1s CO2, Co and free H2. Upon fiu1hcr travel lhrough the incandescent region, part of
the CO2 react with coke lo fonn Co and hence no free 0 2 will escape from incandescent
region .. .'.. , . ~ .. . .
' '
Fresh fuel (raw conl) i continuously supplied on the bed surface thus fonning the
top-most layer of the fiicl b d. Here, the fuel undergoes distillation and loses its volatile
1' t • • t
matt r.
~cannect. w1 tn c...:am~canner
Heat for dis ti llarion and eventually ignition comes from the following four sources.
l. By conduction from incandescent coke below the raw coal.
... •, I
2. Hot gases diffusing through the bed surface.
3. By_radiation from hot gases and flames in the furnace.
4. From the hot furnace walls.
TI,e ignition zone lies directly below the fresh fuel undergoing distillation ofits volatile
matter. The gases leaving the bed surface contains, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon
monoxide, hydrogen, combustible volatile matter and water vapour. Then sufficient
secondary (additional fresh) air is fed at right angles to the upflowing gas stream from the
fuel. bed to burn the' remaining combustible ,
gases: The combustion gases entering the
boiler consist ofN 2, Co 2, 0 2 and HiO and some Co, if the burning is incomplete.
a) Travelling grate stokers
' i • I
· Travelling grate stokers consists of grate which moves from one end of the furnace
·to the other end. Based on the grate construction, this travelling grate stokers are divided
into three namely bar type, chain type and vibrator type.
Over fire or
•• .. • t I,_, I
l I • '1
·Adjustable Furnace
fuel gate
. ./. .·.
Primary air
supply ports
A bar grate stoker is made up of a series of cast iron grate bars mounted on carrier
bars which are joined together to fom1 an endless belt riding over two set of sprocket
.scanned. w1 tn c.;am-Scanner
A chain grate tokcr is made up of a series of cast iron chain Jinks connected by pins
or keys to fonn an endless flexible chain running.over.two sprocket wheels.
A vibrating grate stoker has a travelling grate whose movement is controlled by
vibrating mechanism by shaking the fuel bed intennittently. Here, the fuel bed is inclined so
that the fuel moves towards the rear of the boiler by gravity with the progress ofcombustion.
Figure 1.39 shows the chain type travelling grate stoker.
It consists of a grate in the fonn ofendless chain which fonns a support for the fuel
bed by running over two sprocket wheels one variable speed driven at front end and
another idle shaft sprocket at rear end.
Coal enters the moving grate from a hopper through an adjustable gate provided at
the hopper outlet so that fuel bed thickness can be regu]ated by raising or lowering the gate
as shown in figure 1.39. ·
Simultaneous adjustment ofgrate speed, fuel bed thickness and air flow controls the
burning rate so that nothing but ash remains on the grate by the time it~eaches the furnace
rear. The ash containing a small amount ofcombustible material is carried over the rear
end of the stoker and fa11s into the ash pit as the grate turns on the rear sprocket to make
the return tip.
The airrequired for combustion is supplied through the air inlets situated below the
grate. Air pressure are varied by dampers from front to rear of the stoker to admit gradualJy
reduced quantity ofprimary air. Over fire air (secondary air) is supplied through the ports
provided at the deflection walls.
Merits of chain type travelling grate stoker
1. Very simp]e, reliable, accessible and maintenance charges are low.
2. Initial cost is low and light in weight
3. It is self-cleaning stoker.
4. High heat release per unit volume ofcombustion chamber.
Demerits of chain type travelling grate stoker
I. Not suitable for hjgh capacity boilers.
2. Specially designed ignition arches are generally required.:
3. Slagging and clinkering troubles are very common. ·
.. ,·,
~cannect. w1 tn c...:am~canner
b) Spreader stoker
In this system, instead of burning the coal into the lhnmcc the cont i bu med pnrt ly
in suspension and party on the grate. Here, the function of gmh! ii only l ·upp rt a be I
of ash and move it out of the furnace.
TI1e assembly shown in figure 1.40 consists of three prU't nnmdy vnrinblc focding
device, a mechanism for throwing the coal pipes uniformly on the grntc. The coul
feeding and distributing mechanism are located above the gmtc in the front wall of tho
The raw coal is delivered to the furnace by nseries of rceder unit which mny be n
slow speed rotating drum, reciprocating ram, endless belt or pirnl worm. ·Feeders nrc
operated with variable speed drive to control the qunntily of fuel supply.
Primary air
Spreader consists of a rapidly rotating shaft with short twisted blades for distributing
the coal unifonnly over the grates. A portion of the coal pieces are suspended into the
furnace on the top of the fire.
During this process, fine coal p~cles in_suspension will ignite as they pass into the
flame and bum out in suspensi~n and the remaining falls on the grate.
I • •
1l1e primary air supplied by fan efiters tlie furnace through the openings provided in
the grate. Aportion of this ai.ris.used to bum the-fuel
. on the grate and the remaining air is
used to bum the volatile matter and fine particles in suspension.
• • I I f
i:Scannea. w1 tn c...;ami:Scanner
Secondary air is supplied above the fuel bed through nozzles. This air creates high
turbulence nnd completes the combustion of volatile hydrocarbons and fine cool particle .
TI1c unburnt coal and ash arc deposited on the grate which is removed periodically.
Merits of spreader stoker
I. Wide variety of cont can be burnt easily.
2. Lesscrdimcultics due to clinkering effects.
3. Volatile molter i easily burnt
4. It i po iblc to use high t mpcraturc preheated air.
5, Opernting co ti n idcmbly low.
Demerits of sprcndcr ·tokcr
1. Fly n h i much m r .
2. Su pension burning uld lend t rry omc unburnt fuel particles with exhaust
go -•
3. It i dinicult t pcmtc with _ruying coal iz - with varying moisture content.
U) Underfeed stoker
Incandescent Coke
Green coal
' .
.scanned. w1 tn cam.scanner
lt \ fl ~ .J ik rs, th oal i fed into th fumac below the point ofair admission.
.. ,..ure l Al ilhtStrotes th principl of und rfeed tok rs. H re the fuel and air move in
iScannee1 w1 tn {.;amiScanner
MAl I <lWU ~111.AN I '
A h Discharge
(b) Princlpl~ l'liring lu n rntort :-1lokc1·
J, i,:ttt• • 1.42: /11f.!/O I' •lorl llYHlcm.
Inlet Damper ·
. ., ' . ""• :·.
1 t • I 1 ,. 11 1 I ' 'f t
~cannect. w1 tn c...:am~canner
coal down the length of the stoker. Air is admitted into the furnace through the holes in the
sides of the tuyers. The coal is continuously agitated by the plunger and plunger plates
along the bottom of the retort. When coal gets heated, all the volatiles in it are distilled. It
is in the form of coke and ash when coal reaches the zone of the a~tive combustion. Tue
I ♦• •
· ash fonned is collected at the other end when the combustion has been completed.
1.10.5 Pulverised fuel firing
In pulverized fuel ~ring syste1,11, t~e coal is reduced to fine powder with the a
help of pulverisers and then projected int~ the combustion chamber with the help of
bot air current. The amo~nt of air which is used to carry the coal and to dry it before
entering into the combust~on chamber is known as 'primary air' and the amount of air
required to complete the combustion (supplied separately) is known as secondary air.
Pulverised coal firing is done by two different systems.
1. Unit syste~ or Direct system
2. Central system or Bin system or Indirect system Unit system (or) Direct system
In unit system, eacl~ bumet h~s its own pulveriser and handling unit. Figure 1.44
shows'the arrangement of unit system.
...' .
• • l • I I "- , •
Pulverising . .• .• Preheated · ·• ·-
mill ' . • • ,• ••I • secondafY air of '.. .
,I 0 0
I •,'
: Hotair(or) . . \ ·.· ., , .. , 0 0
,• I • • t • f
. Flue gas in . .
• I I , • • ~ . t "' ' I I ' • • , • '- • • •• ' , t - • I I • ' •
i:Scannea. w1 tn c..;ami:Scanner
Cmshcd coal falls by gravity from an overhead bl;Jnker on the feeder at a controJlcd
rate. Cmshed coal is dried in the feeder with the help of hot air (primary air). Dried coal
is then fed to the pulverising mill where it is crushed into a fine powder. After mrning, the
pulverised coal is extracted tluough the separator by means of exhauster (ID Fan) and
carried to the burner along with the hot air. In the separator, oversize coal particles are
separated from the fine dust and fall down again into the mill.
Advantages of unit system over central bin system
l. System is simple, cheaper to install and operate and easy to regulate the
fuel feed.
2. Coal transportation system is simple.
3. System provides direct control of combustion from the pulveriser.
4. Greater safety and less maintenance charges.
5. Lower space requirements.
I_. It requires some degree of reserve in the event of failure of burner auxiliaries.
2. Excessive wear and tear on ID fans as it handles air and coal dust.
3. Poor perfonnance at part load conditions.
4. Degree of flexibility is less than the central system.
5. Due to the limited fuel capacity, strict maintenance is needed. Indirect (or) Central (or) Bin system
In central system,,the fuel is pulveri'.?ed in the central plant and then distributed to
each furnace with the help of high pressure air current. Figure 1.45 shows the arrangement
ofcentral bin fuel feed system. Crushed coal falls by gravity from an overhead bunker on
the feeder at a controlled rate. ·
Crushed coal i~ drie,d in the feeder with.~~ ,help_ofhot air and the dried coal is given
to the pulverizing mm;where it is crushed into a fine powder. After milling, the coal dust is
carried to the cyclone separator with the help ofair. The transporting air is separated from
the coal in the cycJone separator and the air is returned to the·mill ckcuit.
•• 1 1 • ,_ ~ 4 • I • f I I t • I • •
~canned. w1 tn cam~cariner
Control Valve
Cold air
out • • • • • • Feeder
fuel feeder ' '•
... F.D.Fan
' I
• I
· ..Figure i45:
. Central. (or) Bin System
·· · · Ft6m·the cyclone, the separated pulverized coal is transferred to the central
coal bunker (bin) with the help of conveyor. From the bunker, fuel is conveyed to the
burner-by the FD. fan·through the pulverised fuel feeder where the primary air is mixed
wiU1 the coah
iScannee1 w1 tn {.;amiScanner
I. Greater capital cost and requires large space.
2. Operation and maintenance charges arc high.
3. Greater possibility of fire hazard.
4. Power consumption by auxiliary units are high.
5. Coal transportation system is quite complex.
6. Driers are necessary in central.bin system. Pulverised coal burners
Pulverised coal burners are equipments that are used to bum the dried pulverised
coal which arc suspended by air. These pulverised coal bumcrs arc different types
I.. Long name bumcrs 2. Short flame burners
3. Tangential burners 4. Cyclone burners
J. lo11gjlm11e burners
The c nrc al o called U-Oamc or trcam lined burners. In this type, tlie air arid coal
mixture is di charged vertically from the burner in thin streams with no turbulence aha
hence produces a long fi-nmc. Hot econdary air is supplied at right angles to the flame for
better mixing and rnpid combu tion as shown in figure 1.46.
([ ,: i Ti
Secoa~,rdary t,~'!JJtL~ii!'!
_, ta , .
1 : •. :,chamb·er: :
.. , , .
!' · .:·-.:-:2...
~ ,.
~-•,-~~:'ii,·=:-: · ·:.·-..·;..
:J/ .
Molten asli
Figure 1.46: L·o ng flame bllmers
~cannect. w1 tn c...:am~canner
Te1tiary air i introduced aro, md lhe air and fuel mixture to fonn and envelope around
it, thus en uring better mixing. However, long flame can be shortened by supplying more
quantity of secondaty air.
2. Short flame burner
It is also called as turbulent burner as shown in figure 1.47. These burners are
usually located into furnace walls so that the flame is projected horizontally into the fi.unace.
The air and fuel mixt11re and secondary hot air are arranged to pass through the
burner in such a way that there is good mixing and the mixture is projected in highly turbulent
fonn in the furnace.
Due to high turbulence ~realed before entering the fomace, the mixture bums intensely
and combustion is completed in short distance. This burner gives high combustion rate
compared with other types and mostly preferred for highly volatile coals .
Steam drum
i Air .
r ..' • I
' '
Figure 1.47: Turbulent burner (Short flame burner)
3. Ta11gential b11r11ers
The figure 1.48 shows the plan view of tangential ~~ers._In this typ~ b1:1mers are
- lo.cated at the corners of the ~mace. They ~~ fired _ t·~:disch~?~ the ~\r~ fy~~ ~~e a~4
tangential to aµ ~maginruy circle fonnect'at tl1e ~·en~e of ~~e ~ace..tfi~.s.\YltI~_g a~~?n
produces ~dequate tur}?ulence in the furn~ce t?-~01?,Pl~te,the co~~~s~,~~jn'a~~o,~c·p~?~d
and avoids the necessicy of producing high turhuience at' th~ tur~i4etic~ i~elf: . .. .
l I ' 4 f I • f t • f • j "'11 • ~ ., ' , \ , f \. • • ••
.::>canned. w1 tn cam.::>canner
Primary Air 7
and coal 1 ..,
~ :
Hot Gases
As the coal moves wi~ air from the front to rear, secondary air is admitted tangentially
at high.speed and creates a strong.and high.turbu.lent v~rtex.
This secon'dacy·· ai~ entry
completes the combustion in the cyclone burner. The fuel supplied is quickly consumed in
this burner. The burner is slightly deflected horizontally towards the boiler to enable the
easy flow of molten ash to an appropriate disposal system.
.scanned. w1 tn cam.scanner
..' .
.. . • \ t • •
i:Scannea. w1 tn c..;ami:Scanner
1.10.6 Pulverisers
Pulveriser is tl1c heart of the pulverized coal firing system in which coal is pulverised
to increase its surface exposure thereby promoting rapid and complete combustion using
a small quantity of excess air. Pulverisers are driven by electric motors with the feeders
either actuated by the main drive or by a smaq d.c. motor, depending upon the control
used. The different types of pulverising milJs used for this purp~sc are
Q BallMill
i0 Ball and Race Mill •• I
--.o:-==== ::::::():_
'. '.
I f Mixture of . I
. Classifier
Bearing Rotating .
· . drum · , .•. · , : • ,
. ,- - - + - - -.~.~.-.. -r .
.,. . ' ...
Screw conveyor
Hot air
Scanned w1 t.fi-'1JaiifScanner
The figure 1.50 shows the line diagram of ball mill. It consists of a slowly
rcvolvingdnun with 20-35%ofits volume is filled with forged steel ballsofmixedsize(30
to 60 mm). Raw coal from the feeders is given to the classifiers from where it moves to the
dmm by means of a screw conveyor. As the drum rotates, the coal gets pulverised due to
the combined impact action between the balls and the coal. Hot air from preheater is bloWn
over the charge held in the dmm. This air carry the powdered coal to the classifiers, which
feed back Lhe coarser particles for regrinding. The pulverised coal air mixture is passed to
tl1c exhaust fan and then to tl1e burners. The ball mill is reliable and requires low maintenance,
but it is bulky and heavy in construction, and consumes more power per tonne. Ball and Race mill
Fine Particles
discharged to burners
Raw Coal Feed
Classifier .----"---'---L--..........
• -+-
Lower Race
~canned. w1 tn (.;amScanner
__ _, ___
The figure 1.51 shows the line djagram ofball and race mill which i also known as
contact mill. Here, the coal pulverisation is achieved by admitting the coal between two
rolling surfaces again and again upto the desired degree of fineness. The rolling elements
are balls rotating between two races in the manner of ball bearing. The balls are held
between a upper stationary race and a rotating lower race driven by a wonn and gear.
The coal is supplied on the inner side of the races through the rotating table feeder. The
coal is crushed into a powder between the moving balls and races. Grinding pressure is
varied for the most efficient grinding of various coal by externally adjustable springs on
the top of upper race. Hot primary air supply caus the coal feed to circulate between the
grinding clements and when it becomes fine enough it becomes suspended in the air and is
carried to the classi ficr from where o c iz d coal pnrticl arc feed back for regrinding.
The fine conl particle nrc cnnicd t th bumc \ ith air from the top ofthe classifier.
t. l D.6.3 lm1u1ct or 11:ammcr mill
Coal feeder
♦ *
Stalienary pegs
Primary alr&coal
to burners
Primary air fan ._ .,.._,,.._1-.111
burners 1
• , grinding stage Rotating pegs Pn·ma ry gnn
· diing sta ge
Figure 1:52: Impact (or) Hammer mill
~cannect. w1 tn c...:am~canner
1 ·!:~-------------~P~O::.:.W.:.:E~R:...P_LA_N_T_E_N_G_IN_E...:.;,.,,:E~G
~74 ~
~ .
~) Tob
~ ·:
i:~:·~ ,;~
Hot air
Figure 1.53: Arrangement of Bowl mill
Bowl mills are \Vl~ely used for grinding coals. Figure 1.53 shows the arrangement
of bowl mill. It consists of a stationary rollers and a power driven rotating bowl. Toe
pulverisation tal<es place when the coal passes behveen the sides of the bowl and the
rollers. Coal fed on the centre of a rotating bowl is thrown outward over the bowl sides by
centrifugal force where it is pulverised by rolling under spring loaded rollers. Heavy particles
are settled below the bowl and are discharged from the mill through a specially provided
spout. The·fine particles arc w cpcd from the bowl to the classifier by an aircuJT nt. The
classifier fed back lhe oversize particles to the bowl for furl her grinding through tl1c centre
cone of the classifier. The pulverised coal is carried to the burner through the fon.
1.10.7 Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP)
Electrostatic precipitator is an electrically operated dust col!ector that is located in
the path of nue gas between the furnace/boiler and the stack (chimney) to remove the
particulate matter especially flyash in case of pulverised fuel burning.
Electrostatic prccipilalor consists oftwo sets of electrodes, which arc insulated
completely from each other. One set of electrode .is composed of rows of electrically
grounded, positively charged vertical plates which are called as collecting electrodes and
have a large con tant surface as shown in figure 1.54.
Grounded Plates(+)
W//1//11/1/43 f1//117ff/////lA
~_.@@ @-.o@ @-.o o @_.
rn ~.,.....,..__,-.-.~ ~------...................... i
~ VWl//171/7/21 . Y/1////ffe/lm f1/l///l/2½o/A ~
~_.@ 0 o-.o@ @---@@ @ _ . c :
N ------------ -~~----
11////////////hl f1/ml/////llA D
W/4'/1///////21 ~
n-.@@@-.@oo-. ~@-+
The second set cssentjally consists of number ofnegative charged pieces in the fonn
of U1in wire, which are called as emitting or disc barging electrodes and are placed centrally
between each pair ofparallel plates. The wire electrode cany uni-directional, high voltage
current (in the order of20 to 1OOkV, typically 40kV) which generates a non-uni fonn uni-
directional electric field as shown by dashed lines in the figure 1.55, and thus a high voltage
electrostatic field is maintained across the two electrodes.
When the dust-laden flue gas is passed between the charged plates~thfa high voltage
electrostatic field ionises the gas molecules. So that the particulates in the gas gets negatively
charged and are attracted to the electrica1ly grounded positive electrodes. Thus, a clean
gas is letout through the outlet ofelectrostatic precipitator into the stack for discharging
into atmosphere.
~canned. w1 tn cam~canner
The figure 1.55 shows the electrical schematic arrangement ofan ESP consisting of
all essential components. Thus, there are four principle steps in the dust collecting process
ofelectrostatic precipitator.
1. Ionisation of flue gas and charging of dust particles.
2. Attraction ofthe negatively charged particles to the positively collecting electrodes.
. 3. Deposition or clischargirig of the charged particles on tlie collecting electrodes.
4. Dislodging ofthe deposited particles from the collecting electrodes by mechanical
rappmg, \' • 1 . ' I. 1., ' 11 • 1 • 1
iScannee1 w1 tn {.;amiScanner
The fourth principle step i.e., tJ1c periodical removal f collcclcd ptirficulatc maUcr
is much important to ensure the efficient opcrntion of L P. This removal iHunually
accomplished by a mechanical rapping in which the plntcs nrc subjected to Rh ck vibrations.
It knocks and shakes the particulate matter to fall off the c llccfing pl oles inl the hopper
at the bottom of the precipilator. The effectiveness ofon ~lcclroslalic prccipilc1lor(E P) is
expressed in tcnns of overaJI collection efficiency, which is defined as,
Mass of particles retained by the collect.or
Tlo = - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -
Mass of particles entcri!)g the collector
20-100 KVD-C
440V, 50-, Insulators
3+ Supply
Emllllng Electrode
Dirty Gas-.
i:)cannect w1 tn CJam~canner
affects the steam output from the boiler plant and cause fuel wastage due to poor combustion.
Hence, draught is essential for power plants.
Draught is defined as the difference between absolute gas pressure at any point in a
gas flow passage and the ambient atmospheric pressure measured at same elevation. This
pressure difference is required to maintain the constant flow of air and to discharge the
gases through the chimney to atmosphere. The draught system folds three main functions:
1. To supply sufficient quantity of air through the furnace for complete combustion
2. To remove the gaseous products of combustion from the furnace.
3. To move and ex.haust the products ofcombustion to the atmosphere through the
chimney. ·
Draught system is classified into two major systems based on the way of draught
produced. · · · ·'
1. Natural(chimney)draught ·
2. Artificial (Mechanical) draught
a. Forceddraught , ..
. I '" • -
.... . .. .,
• • • ._ I f -
b. Induced draught
I I • • • • • '1 • •• I ' • I
c. Balanced draught
l.10.8.1 Natural (chimney) draught
Natural draught is produced by a tall chimney and i~ suitable only.for small capacity
boilers. It is called natural due to the absence of mechanical appliances. The draught is
.::icannee1 wi tn (.;amScanner
caused by the chimney due to tl1e temperature di tference and consequently density difference
of hot gases in the chimney and cold air outside the chimney. The temperature ofgases in
the chimney is much higher than the temperature of the air ou_tside the_chimney. Therefore
the density ofhot gases inside the chimney is less than outside air, and hence the pressure
also. This pressure'difference causes the flow of air into the furnace and pushes the hot
,gases through the chimney. Amount ofdraught depends on the chimney height above the
furnace grate level. Mathematically, •
.... .
~p = draught or pressure difference, Pa
g = acceleration due to gravity, m/s2
Ii =· chimney heigh~ m
pn = density of atmospheric air, kg/m3
. ', '
Pg = density of gas inside the chimner, kg/m3
A.dvantages of Natural draught .
' '
I . No external power is required for causing the draught.
2. Less capital investment and maintenance cost is almost nil. ·.
, . . 3. Cleanliness is ensured and thus less air pollution.
I •
'. ( (( Stack or
l, Econ~~iser
l Chimney ·
Grate C ~
Alr preheater.: ·. · ,
Fig,ire 1.57: Forced draught , .
~canned. w1 tn (.;am~canner
In this ttystcm, the pressure inside the system is higher than the atmospheric pressure
and hcnc il is also called as positive draughl sysfcm. Chimney provided is to discharge
gasc high in the atmosphere to prevcnl the air pollution.
h) /,u/ucetl tlra11ght
In this sy Lem, fan (JD fan) is located near the chimney base such that it draws the
burnt gases from the furnace and blows into the chimney as shown in figure 1.58. This
, re ulLq in pressure drop in the furnace and crcales partial vacuum due to which, atmospheric
air flows tJ1rough the furnace freely.
To exhaust
((( Chimney
Furnace Blower
/f Grate
Alrln .__ _ __ ,
Air preheater
The action of the induced draught is similar to the action of chimney. The draught
produced in this system is independent of the temperature of the hot gases. So, the flue
gases may be discharged as cold as possible after recovering its heat in air preheater and
economiser. This draught is used generally when economiser and air-preheater.air
•, i,ncorporatcd in lhe ~ystem to reduce the gas temperature before entering the fan.
c) Balanced draught
It is con°tbination of forced draught and induced draught system. When the furnace
of an forced draught system is opened for firing or inspection, the high pressure air tries to
escape suddenly and the furnace may stop. On the other hand, when the furnace of an
induced draµght system is opened for firing or inspection, cold air tries to enter into the
fum~cc.d~e.to the partial vacuum created in the furnace. This reduces the effectiveness of
the draught and combustion is affected. To overc~:m:ie.botb the limitations, it is a better
I • •
choice to prefer b~Janced draught system. The figure 1.59 shows the arrangement of
- - I
balanced draught where the pressure inside the furnace is nearly atmospheric and hence
there is no danger of blowout of flames or there is no danger of in rushing the air into the
furn.ace when the furnace is opened for inspection.
~canned. w1 tn cam~canner
To exhaust
Grate (2
Air preheater
The pressure of air below the grate is above atmosphere and it helps for proper and
unifonn combustion. The pressure of air above the grate is below atmosphere and it helps
to remove the exhaust gases as quick as possible from the furnace.
1.10~9 Cooling. tower
In modem fossil fuel fired thennal plants, about 48 to 52% of the heat input is
rejected to a cooling water system through steam condenser and tltls amount could be of
about 67 to 68% for nuclear power plants. It is therefore clear that enom10us amount of
cooling water is required to cool the circulating water is steam condensers.
Therefore, the cooling water system is one of the most important factor to be
considered for selecting the site for new plant. For this purpose, the power plant can be
located near the source of natural water. But, this in not possible for all the cases due to
power transmission constraints. The modem trend is to locate the steam power plants near
the load centre instead of near a somce of nah.iral water to avoid huge transmission costs.
Moreover, natural water contain free acid, sewage contamination and other foreign
materials which could deteriorate the condenser parts and other parts through which the
water flows. This needs to construct a very large water treatment plans which is also very
costly. Thus, enom10us quantity ofpure water may not be available for cooling purposes.
This makes to use cooling towersas·a necessary codling water system in power plants·.
1:10.9.1 Principle of cooling tower
Cooling tower is an artificial•ae·vice that isused to cool the h'ot cooling.water coming
out ofthe condenser more efficiently by the supply ofair. To this cooling tower, liot circulating
water is pwnped into troughs \vhere the hotwateris finely_atomized and unifonnly distributed
~canned. w1 tn c.;amScanner
through nozzles. The nozzles located at the bottom of these trough projects the hot water
to down in the fonn of fine spray so that it comes in contact with the air moving in the
opposite direction.
As a result of this a small percentage of water is evaporated by taking its latent heat
and thereby cools the remaining water. Toe air gets heated and leaves the tower at tlie top.
The cooling water falls into a pond or tank located below the tower and this can be
pumped back into the condenser. Types of cooling tower
Cooling towers are classified in the following ways, according to the n·ature of tlie air
1. Atmospheric cooling tov ers
2. Natural draught cooling towers
3. Mechanical draught cooling towers
a. Forced draught cooling towers
b. Induced draught cooling towers
E Atmospheric cooli11g towers
Water In--►.
Figure 1.60 shows tlie atmospheric coolingto\ver. Iri tliis type, hot water from the
condenser enters the top most tray or louver and falls down one over another. The air
flowing across the tower in transverse•direction cools the wa:ter. Water delivery by spray
nozzles increases the rate ofcooling. These are normally used'fotsmall'capacity power
plants. It also known as natural draught spray filled tower.
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
Air out lJ lJ lJ
Air In
Figure 1.62 shows the forced draught cooling tow r. In this type, fim. nrc plnccd nl
the bottom of the tower and air is forced through the descending wntcr. The cntrnin d
water is removed by water eliminator.
l. Induced draught cooling towers
Air out
, ' .
• I
Water out
/:)cannect w1 tn cam/:)ca.nner
Figure t .63 shows the arrangement ofinduced draught cooling towers. Here, the
fans arc located al the top of the tower and draws air in through the louvers extending all
around the tower at its base.
Flue gases
Prohoator Alr
Flue gases
Economizer - -
Feed water
Flue gases
heater To turbine
Figure 1.64: Economizer and air pre heater
1.11.1 Economizer
The economizer i the feed, ater heater deriving the heat from flue gases of the
furnace before it enters the boiler. lt is_a gas to water heat exchanger and it is used to
nb orb the wa te heat from the flue gas.
Flue ga from boilei-s are typic'ally in the·range of230 - 345°.€ depending upon
boiler. The stacK energy loss is typically 18-22%. The economizer is placed in between
boiler and chimney. The feed water enters the economizer and takes up heat from flue
ga es nfter the low temperature superbeater. Many typse of economizer are designed for
pi king up heat from th flue gas.
i::icannect. w1 tn t,;amScanner
·Th enthal , ~
h ..............."""""th unt
- aninline r
nrr.m~em nt
E \\l [\
1. Pllin~
Gilled tube~
Flue gases
.scanned. w1 tn cam.scanner
It cons its of a vertical tube of cast iron 2. 75 m long l cm thick and with external
diameter of 11.5 cm. The vertical pipes are connected at the top and bottom by horizontal
pipes. These.horizontal pipes are placed in between the main stream of flue gas of the
chimney and boiler. The water is pwnped to the lowest horizontal pipes and then passes
through the vertical pipe. The water in the vertical tube is absorbed the waste heat from the
flue gas passes over the tubes. The h~t water enters the upper horozontal pipes and it is
fed to the boiler. -It is always keep the economizer water outlet temperature to about 25 to
35 degrees below the drum saturation temperature.
. .
To remove the de~osits of soot from the surface of the tubes scrapers are
provided. The scrapers are connected by means of chain passing over pulleys. The
scrapers are move up and down slowly with a speed about f .25 cm per second. The
important function of scrapers is to increase the beat transfer rate and efficiency by
cleaning soot deposits. ·
The econimizers are used,
l. To increase the efficiency by reduction of combustion rate.
2. To reduce emission of carbon dioxide .
. , 3., ro reduce fuel cost.
4. To reduce the thennal stress by preheating.
·· ·5. · · To reduce scale formation in boiler tubes.
6. To increase the life span of the boiler.
1.11.2 Air preheater
Air preheater is a gas to gas heat exchanger is shown in figure 1 66 Th
of the air preheater is to absorb the waste from the
· flu e gases present. m. .the ecbJmney
and transfer_s the same heat to the air enters the furnace for combustion.
. The flue gases from chimney are typically in the ran e of 230 - o •
poss1ble to conserve about I 2% extra fuel when w .dg h . 345 C. It ts
boilers. It is placed between the economiz d h' e prov1 et e atr pre-heaters in
er an c mmey It also allow 1
the temperature of gases leaving the stack to meet erruss1ons
. . . . regulations.
. s contro over
.::>canned. w1 tn cam.::>canner
Fresh air IN
Flue Gas to Stack
\ . ' .
. ...
Figure 1. 66: Air preheater ·
In a regenerative air preheater air and flue gas~s are made t;~ass alternatively
through the matrix: When the hot ga'ses passes through the matrix it receives the heat
from the hot gases and transfer it to the cold air. _,,. i.
This preheating air helps the low grade fuel,_thus-permitting a reduction mexcess
air and thereby increasing efficiency.
The main advantages of air preheater are I I :1 •
' . '\ ' " • . ' • ti J _. .,. I) • • •~ .' t ' f• I • • : • I ' ' ,
I . ,
' • I
~canned. w1 tn cam~canner
matter as well as dissolved gases. The physical impurities are colour, turbidity, taste
and o.dour and the chemical impurities are acidity, minerals and dissolved &ases such
as oxygen, ammonia etc.
The biological impurities are micro organisms such as algae, fungi and bactetja.
The quality of water is an important factor for steam generatiop in boilers. Feed water
mus~ be pretreated to remove in:1purities to control deposition, carryover, and corrosion
in the boiler system.
The important water treatment processes are
1. Filtration
' 2: ·coagulation and flocculation
3. Chemical precipitation.
I 1, I ! : .
4. softening
. ' process with Reaction
. .
. soda
•I• '
The first step in any treatment is filtration or'suspended solids'. The filtration
process removes or reduces all suspended solid impurities. The rust, chemical particles,
minerals, iron and silica are not filtered qu~. They leaµ to ~ev.ere sq.le formation,
which js difficult !01cl~an al)d reduce boiler e.f:fic_iency. . . ·
Some impurities such as hardness, iron and silica- a·re of iriore concern'thtin
sodiu~ salts. -r:he p~ri~ .r~qt~irements for any.feed-w~ter depe_nds particular boiler
pressure, heat transfer rat~, _et~: Feed-water purity.req~i.rem~nts therefore c;an vary
I , • ·' • • • •• I , , , • • •
I 'I I ~ • I • '
.::icannee1 wi tn (.;am~canner
~cannea. w1 tn cam~canner
1 he hot proccs, sollcncrs incrcnse Lhc rnto of chemical reaclions, increase silica
r dnction nnd produce ovcr-u \l better quality water.
Sodium u\uminntc used ns nconguhmt in time-soda softening being alkaline and
also contributes to the sofiening reactions. Pm'licularly it reduce magnesium and coagulant~
help remove silica in the softening process.
Super heated
steam inlet Chemicals (lime + soda) feed Inlet
I '
Softened water
The main advantage is that in reducing hardness, alkalinity, total dissolved solids,
~~ silica are also reduced. The main disadvantage is that while hardness_is_r~du~y~_it i~1
not completely removed.
b) Zeolite Process
Zeolite is hydrated sodium alumino silicate. It is also known as pennutits.
. . .• " !
The hardness causing ions (Ca2+and Mg2+) are retained by the zeolite a~ CaZe. t I , •' . . I I
and MgZe. The outgoing water contains sodium salt.The following rections are carried out
and water is softened.
.scanned. w1 tn c.;am.scanner
------- s- -----
- - - - - I
Minerals dissolved in water form electrically charged particles called ions. ~on
• • 0 f 4 I
ii) anion
Hard water is passed through the cation exchange bed which removes the cations
like Ca2+and Mg2+. And equal amount H+ions are released from the bed to water. After
elation exchange bed t4~qard w~ter is pass~ ~ough the anion exchange b~d ~hich removes
the·all anions iike Soi-, CI- etc prese,n~in the water and equal.~oµpJ OH-: ions are
released from the bed to water. Thus the H+ and OH- ions get combined to produce water
. I•
molecules. :
I •
~cannect. w1 tn c...:am~canner
CO 2 removed unit
(as required)
· Rawwater
Ca (HCO3 )
Mr(HCO3 )i
Strong.acid Strong ba~e
CaSO4 anion resin
cation resin
CaCl 2
! •' NaCl
Si02 · H20
Ca S04
. ~-Mg R--CI
_ HSi03
I •
r • •
Figure 1.69: Ion Exchange ·
Some synthetic and natural materials have the ability to remove mineral ions
from water in exchange for others.
F~r example, in'p·assing water through a simple cation exchange softener all
Uie ·calcium anci'mag~esium i~ns are r~moved and replaced with sodiu~ ions. I~n
• • • • • • .... • • • - t • ., J
exchange res'ins u~ually_are ~mall_poi:ou~.beads that compose.a bed several feet de_ep
I • • . • • • ' ' - • • ,. I
iScannee1 w1 tn {.;amiScanner
The disadvantage ·is that the total solids, alkalinity, and siHca contents of the raw
water are not reduced.
I •
6. Dcaeration of water
The ilissolve? oxygen present in the water causes corrosion in boiler shell. It should
be removed before the water is put in the boiler. Feed water deaeration removes oxygen
.by heating the water with steam in a deaerating he~ter. Part of the ~t~ is y~~~~d, canying
fr ... ~witb it the considerable quantity of the dissolved oxygen. · ., · .. .. . - .;
• 'I' \ •• •• •
7. R.everse 'osmosis . I , ..
• '•
Osmosis uses a semi-permeable
• •
membrane• that
- •
allows ions
I • • - - ,. I: ,•
to pass
from a high •concentrated solution to a less concentrated solution without
• •
. • 1
f ' ... ' --
· ~Pressure , . · · membrane . '' :
I • -
I , '.
. . .
, -. t t I '
J •
, i r I I ' .
I '•• .
I • •• I
~cannea. w1 tn cam~canner
Op r ting pre 1. ur · of' uh< ul 20 lO 60 bar nr re 111ircd tu' chfovc thirJ, Ii ever .
o: m . i. r du ce. the cJi1111c lvcd 1101idt1 of lh rnw water, makint1 comfortablerca<linc:is
fi r fur1h r 1rcotmcnt. ' hi11 proccn11 i 111uilahlc for any typ 'u f'raw water,
Int ·rnal tr nfmcnt of boiler fcctlwutcr
TI1c purpo c of an int.crnal water treatment programiJ:
I. Ti react with inc ming feed water hardncs!t and prevent it from precipitating
on the boiler metal as scale
2. To condition any suspendcdmattc-rguch as hardness sludge in the boHerand
make it non adherent to the boilG..r mc1:aJ
3. To p-rovide anti foam protcction_to permit a reasonable concentration of
dissolved andsuspc-ndc<l solids in the boik-rwatc-rwitnoutfoaming.
4. To ctiminateox:ygen from the fccdwatc-r
5. To provide c.-nough alkalinity to prc,vc.-ntboilercorrosion
6, To pre-vent scaling and protect against corrosion in the steam-condensate
Pnoophates conditionfag, coIJoidal conditioning and carbonate conditioning are done
'in internal treatment chemical, chelate and polymc,r ~jpe chemicals are mostly~ These
·Chetates and polymers fonn soluble complexes with the hardness, whereas p~osphates
precipit.ate tne hardness. ,
a) I11ternal treatment for hardness·
At boik-r operating temperatures, the calcium carbonate in the feed water breaks
dovm in to form calcium hydroxide and carbon dioxide. Since it is relatively insoluble, it
precipitates, Sodium carbonate in the water partially breaks down to sodium hydroxide
and carbon dio-;;.ide,
fntc"ITI.al treatment with phosphates changes calcium bicarbonate to ·calcium
phorphatc and sodium carbonate. Tn the presence of hydroxide alkaliruty, magnesium
bicarbonate precipitates as magnesium hydroxide or reacts with silica to fonn ~gnesiuin
~cannea w1 tn c..;am~canner
The boiler temperature makes the calcium and magnesium sulfates in the feed
water insoluble. With phosphates used as internal treatment, calcium reacts with the
phosphate producing hydroxyapatite, which is much-easier to condition than calcium
sulfate. With chelates or polymer used as internal treatment, calcium and magnesium
react with these materials producing soluble complexes tbatare easily removed by
b) InternaJ treatment for silica
If silica is present in the feed water, it tends to precipitate directly as scale at
hot spots on the boiler metal and or combines with calcium forming a hard calcium
silicate scale. In the internal treatment for silica, the boiler water alkalinity has to be
kept high enough to hold the silica in solution.
Magnesium, present in most waters, precipitates some of the silica as sludge.
Special organic materials or synthetic polymers are used to condition magnesium silicate
from adhering to the boiler metal.
. ~) Internal treatment for sludge conditioning
Internal treatment for hardness results in insoluble precipitates in the boiler tha~
fonn sludge. In addition, insoluble corrosion particulate (metal ox.ides) are transported to
' ' '
the.boiler by condensate returns and from preboiler feed water corrosion resulting in
• • •I
suspended solids.
. . . . The advantag~s internal treatment is basically simple. Scales or deposits,
corrosion and carryover are minimized thereby improving efficiency and reducing energy
consumption, preventing tube failures and unscheduled costly repairs, and reducing
deposits, corrosion and contamination in the downstream equipments or processes.
. ·.,
~cannect. w1 tn c...:am~canner
Gases Ecor:iomlser
.t. t ·
....__ _rf'.1, ..1.....- _-=-:...-- -----_-_-.,.-:_""!._...:_-:..-:..-:..-:..-:..-:..-=,-➔-t-, 1 kg steam
mkg Hg 1
.t Mercury
t Hot
Steam boiler
I '
Mercury feed
Pigure i 71: Mercitry-steam plant flow diagram
' ..
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
rn binary vapour cycle mercury is the working fluid for topping cyde and water ill
a working fluid for bottoming cycle as shown in figure I. 7J, Mercury-steam power cycle
is an example of binary cycle.
ff saturation pressure is low then it is too difficult to maintain vacuum pressure in
the condenser. Therefore in binary cycle the mercury vapour leaving the mercury turbine iR
condensed at a high temperature, and the heat released during this process is used to
produce steam is the bottoming cycle to operate conventional turbine, .
Process a-b-c-d -Mercury cycle
Jt is a simple Rankine cycle for mercury vapour.
Processa-b - Jsentropic expansion of mercury in tho turbine.
b-c Mercury condensation.
c-d - Feed pump (Mercury).
d-a - Heat supplied to mercury.
Process 1-2-3-4-5-6-Steam power cycle.
Process 1-2 - Isen tropic expansion of steam at turbine.
2-3 - Condensation
I •
3-4 - Feed pump (water) ·
4-5 - heating till it become a saturated liquid in the economiser.
' ' .
5-6 - heat added to boil the water to form saturated vapour.
(The heat rejected from the mercury condenser is used generate
steam in the steam power cycle).
6-1 - The saturated steam is heated to form superheated steam by
external source (Furnace).
Let, m - Mass flow rate of mercury in.the mercury cycle and the mass
flow rate of steam is I kg in steam power.~ycle.
,J'he heat supplied in the mercury .. steam power cycle
Q1 = m(ha-h<l) + (h1 -h6) + (hs-'h4)
The heat rejected Q2 = h2 - h3
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
Q, - 02 WT - WP
T}Binary cycle = or ·
3600 ' .,
Steam rate = Kg/Kwh ·
Cogeneration is defined as the sequential generation of two different fonns of
useful energy from a single primacy energy source. The two different forms of energy
may·be mechanical energy and thennal ·enertgy. The Mechanical energy may be used
to drive a g~nerator for producing electricity, motor, compressor, pump or'fan. Thennal
energy can be used either for producing steam, hot water for process heating, hot air
' I ,
units of electrical energy out of l 00 units are utilized to generate.electricity ·and rerriammg
67 units are wasted and rejected to the environment. Similary for a separate process
heating 80 units of heat energy are utilized and 20 units are wasted. The overall efficiency
. • • I • • I t I • ,
If the plant had cogeneration then the fuel input will be only 100 units, 42 units
. .' ' .
spend for electricity and 43 units spend for process heating. Tn~~ &S·untt-s' e*pended are
to meet both electrical and thermal energy requirements:.The_efficienoy .o fcogeneration
plant is 85%.
• • ,•, •I f• 11 I I I, • •
.scanned. w1 tn c.,;am.scanner
100 rc.::.1\ Convon11onol 1, 1,1
l.LWll.y' p(J,11 ,r pf orn
.__-- ~ - - -J
100 rc.::.1\
Convanfl nor boll ,
ho1 WtiW(
q f¼ % f fo~ ' lftt ,., ;;
V(J( ;J fl offyjt]( 1/;
(ZZ + 12 YJ r; £e "A ,r: "J!J ¼
(a) Separate production &f eloe1r1r:Jv/ and hotrt
-- ~cannea w1 tn c.;am:scanner
1) pc of og n rntion
Th t, o major type of cogcncrntion systems urc
1. Gas 1\n-binc ogeneration systems
2. Steam 1\trbiue Cogencration systems
3. Reciprocating Engine Cogeneration Systems
1) Gas Turbine Cogcneration system
Exhaust gases
_ __.___,
- Condensate from process
Fuel ' 1---~---------tJ> Q
to process
· Steam turbine
Com bus tor . ..
The schem~tic flow di~gram gas turbi~e ~'.i_th process heat,ing is shm~n in the
fi~~- Sp~cifically the power is generated from the gas turbine and t~e waste heat
present in the flue gases are make use of gep.erating steam in the Heat Recovery
I • ' • ' , • , I f • : , •'
4 1
&te~m Generator fo_r process. The natural gas is most commonly used as fuel. The
typical range of gas turbines ~a~ies fr~m I ,MW to 100 MW. The efficiency of the
I • 1 • 1 ., ' I
co generation plant is · · · · · · · J
E + ~Hstcam
l'lcogen = Q· · . J
Where, r
I ,· ' 1 • " • '' • \' I I
i:Scannea. w1 tn c..;ami:Scanner
• • # ' '
• 1 t • 1 • I , I
• , I f ' t • • .. • I> \ • t P
In Extraction Condensing Steam Turbine, the st~um for the thermal loud 18
obtained by extraction from one or ~ore intermediate slnges of the 8lcam turbine nt
the appropriate pressure and temperature.
T~e remaining steam is expanded to generate power. nnd then is condensed In
the condenser. The extraction condensing type turbine bas a higher cupitul cost thun
back-pressure turbine and it bas lower total efficiency.
Advan_tages of steam Turbine Cogeneration system ' '
i) Simple plant
ii) Well-suited to low quality fuelds
Disadvantages of steam Turbine Cogeneration system
i) More capital investment
ii) Low fuel efficiency rating
iii) High cooling water demand
iv) More impact on environment
v) High civil cost. cost due to complicated foundations
3) Reciprocating Engine Cogeneration System
The Reciprocating Engine Cogeneration Systems have high power generation
efficiencies in comparison with other prime movers.
-200 °C
I.C. engine
The exhaust temperature is above 450° C. the waste heat recovery boiler uses
the hent of the flue gases as working fluid and generates steam for process. The low
tempernture hent energy present in the engine jacket cooling water system is used for
preheating. The heat recovery system of reciprocating engine is relatively efficient for
smaller systems. The initial investment reciprocating engine cogeneration system is
low. Their opernting nnd maintenance costs are high due to high wear and tear.
Clnssificntion of Cogcnoration Systems
Cogenerntion systems are nommlly classified according to the sequence of energy
use and the opcrnting schemes adopted as shown in figure 1. 77.
+ . i . .
Topping cycle Bottoming cycle '
(Sugar industry) (Cement industry)
+ -l
Primary heat used
for electricity
Secondary heat used
fy>r process heating
Primary heat used for
process heating
Secondary heat used
for electricity
requirements requirement
~cannect. w1 tn L!am.::>canner
t) Topping C~ tl
Topping , . t cogen mtion i wid ly u ed and is the most popular method of
: ~nemtion. A gu turbiu or stennt turbine producing electrical power followed by a
h~at re ·o, ery boiler to create steam for process. It is called a topping cycle. The
topping , -le a.re used us din sugn.r indu try, lee industry.
Stearn pipe Electricity
Boiler Turbine,1----- Generator
Steam to process
2) Bottoming cycle
. Bottoming cycle· plants.are much less common lhan topping cycle plants. In a
bottdniing cycle the primary fuel produces high temperature thennal energy for process
heating and then the heat rejected from·the process is used to generate electricity
through a waste heat recovery boiler (Heta exchanger), turbine and generator.
Air Electricity
Combustion Heat
Fuel chamber exchanger
Advnnf:ngcN of cogcnoa•nflon
2. Cogcncrntion yslcms conserve the fuel ond incrcoso tho plnnt efficiency.
3. Cogcnorntion systems reduce tho harmful cmifrnions. (COf ond,qO),
4. Mi11imum NO% emissions
5. Opcrn~ionol flexibility
6. ·well-suilcd to low quality fuels
Oisndvnnb1gcs of cogcncrutlon • .• I'
Exnmplc I: ,.
(n n stcnm power plnnt working on n idcnl Rnnklnc cycle, the Inlet conditions of
tho tm·blnc is 20 bnr nnd 360°C nlllHhc cxhnust pressure is 0.08 b~r. Determine
the nchvor·k nnd cycle cfflcicncy of the turbine. I ,I' ; I ' /
PI = 20 bar
TI =- 350° C
P2 = 0.08 bnr
For 20 bur the snluralion temperature from saturated steam (pressure) table
T~Ill = . 212.4° C
TI > T~nl . . :., The steam
, ,
is superheated.
. , .,
'I J I '
I• ' • I
' '
~cannect. w1 tn L!am.::>canner
1.108 .
s1 = s2
S I = S12 +x2 Sfg2 at 0' 08 bar saturatfori pressure table.
6.960= 0.593 + x 2 (7.637)
,s = 0.8337
11i = ht2 + x2 h,g2 at 0.08 bar
= 173.9 + 0.8337 (2403.2)
= 2177.45 kJ/kg
~ = h~ at 0.08 bar ' '
2 0.08 bar
Pumpwork = (h4 - h3) = - v dp f
= ·.. V (p I -p)
· 2
Pumpwork ·-= (h4·.:...nj ~ v·(pl _:P2) . ...... , .'. I,:: • ',: a··,, . .. "
• • J :···: '. =:=_' 0.001008(2000-:--8). '·· .. :,_. . ~-- ·:·:·:".-·' .'J, 1·,!. ~_' :,a",';
~ • J
h4 - 173.9 = 2.008 • • 4.... •:.. •
Turbine work = (h 1 - ~)
= (3138.6-2177.45)" 1
' :: ·, ·:,·
- ,,I
Network = w -w
= (961, 15 - 2.008)
= 959.142 kl/kg
Heat supplied - h1-h4
- 3138.6-175.908
- 2962.692 kl/leg, .,
• • I I
.. ·Rankine efficiency =
Heat supplied I •••
. Efficiency - ',:. .,
Heat supplied
. I
,·. · . 959.142 .
. Ti = . 2962.692
- 0.32374
·, ,n
. ' I • ••
'I Rankine
- ' ..... - '-·
• I • ,• • •
.. . . "'
Example 2:
The steam power plant works on ideal Rankine cycle betweeµ 30 bar and 0.04
. '' . . . .
bar. The initial condition of steam being· ~ry saturated . .Calculate the
(i) Pumpwork (ii) Turbine work (ill) cycle efficiency. qv.twork r3:tio (v) specific
steam consumption. Assume the flow rate of steam as IO kg/sec. • •_\, • ' I I f - • ~ , t • • •
m= IO kg/sec
At 30 bar and dry saturated condition.
From saturation pressure table. , I • • I 11• -
• • I
.:>cannect w1 tn cam.:>canner
l = Sf2 + X2 ~ fg2
Tite position 2 is at 0.04. Therefore from saturation pressure table
Sa= 0.423 11n = 141.4
sfis-, = 7.983 hr82= 2433.1
81 = ~n + >½ Sfs2
6.184= 0.423 + x 2 (7 .983) • • I
>s = 0.7217
11i = h12 +~h,g2
- 121.4 + 0.7217 (2433.1)
- 1877.37 kJf1<g
~ = b~ at 0.04 bar
~ = 121.4 kJ/kg ~ -.......- . - - - 1 2
0.04 bar
Toe pump work (h4 - h3)
' . . ,
I '
,' '
I "'
,. ,. ,t '. ' (, •
= -v(p2-P)
= V(pl -p2) ' •' • ,I J l 1 f • ,I
Toe specific volume for pump work vis v4 =v, at pressure (p 1) 0.04 bar.
At0.04 bar
I .
v = 0.001004 m3/kg
p 1 = 30 bar = 3000 kPa r • '· , I
. '·
.scanned. w1 tn c.,;am.scanner
h4 - h3 = 3.008 kJ/kg
h4 - 12°1.4 = · 3.008· -
h4 = 124.408 kJ/kg
.- . r .
Q Pumpwork - m(h~ -h 3 ) ,, ~ J : 'l :
- 10 (3,008) ~ ' I .
w= . . . .,
p 30.08 kW ' , -- (
it) Turbine work - m(h 1 -h 2 ) - 1·
.' . ~: i
r 10 (2802.3 - 1877.37)
. 9249.3 kW
- 10 (2802.3 - 124.408)-
= 26~78.92 kW I '.
I . .
iit) The cycle efficiency
I ♦ ', 1
, • 1 r I 0J 1
• "', 1i 0
26778.92 -r~- ,,. ; ... --
- 0.3443, = 34.43 %
Network done .
iv) Work ratio - Turbine work .
• • l •
- 9249.3 :..: r_ ) . .
l ,·
1 )I I, 1;
I t ;f! ' .' -'
- 0.9967 :'9: I +· =- j l: .J i ,:, I ; r '
v) Specific st~am consumption= -- Network done·per kg of steam
Network done per kg of steam
- 921.922 kJ
SSC = ' .
Specific steam consumption= 3.904 kJ/kW hr.
Example.~; __ .
A power plant'using steam as working fluid ope"rates on Rankine cycle. The boiler
and condenser pressure are 30 bar and 1 bar. The condition of steam entering the
prime-'moter is dry and saturated: Find the thermal efficiency of the cycle neglecting
the feed pump work and considering feed pump work.
I • I • •o l - • •
(AU-Nov/Dec 2005)
• •
' . '
.. ... ... .. . '
' ... .. .
For Rankine cycle:
p 1 = 30 bar and dry sa~ted
p2 == · 1 bar
From saturater water steam (Pressure table)
hI =· hgl at30bar ··
h1 = 28023-kJ/kg :_•·
SI=· sgl·at 3~:~ai; - .- ,- .
SI ~ 6.184 kJ~g . k
For Adiab~tic compression work
s1 = . s2
. . - ,·\ ' . , ..
s- I = sf2 + •X-i sfg2,
'---at-T bar
. ·: • ·
0 I - •- ._
Sn = 1.303 kJ/kg k - ~
'• I ' • I
l\i ~ 417 .5 kJ/kg
srg2::,, 6.os1 kJ/kgk · · · 1irg2~ 22s1.9 kJ/kgk
~cannea w1 tn c..;am~canner
s 1 = sa + ~ srs2
6.184 = 1.303 + 'S (6.057)
~ = 0.805
~ = ha + 'S hrg2
= 417.5 + 0.805 (2257.9)
~ = 2236.92 kJ/kg
~ = h0 at 1 bar
~ = 417.5 kJ/kg
Neglecting pumpwork
w 11 = 0 ⇒~ = h4
. 1\ubine work = hI - h,
= 2802.3 - 2236.92
= 565.38 kJ/kg
Heat supplied
QI= h, -h..
= hI -hJ
= 2802.3 -417.5-
= 2384.8 kJ/kg'
565.38-0 ,
/ > .·
. = 0.2371 • • ., I
.:>cannect w1 tn cam.:>canner
By considering pumpwork
wP= h4 - ~ = v3 CP 1 -P2)
v3 at 1 bar, p 1 = 3000 kPa
p2 = 100 kPa
v3 = v6 = 0.001043 m3/kg
wP= h4 - ~ = 0.001043 (3000-100)
~ 3.0247 kJ/kg
.·. Rankine efficiency by considering pumpwork
QI 2384.8
= 0.2358
= 23.58%
:. The Rankine efficiency is
~ Withoutpumpwork = 23. 71.
ii). With pumpwork = 23.58 %
Steam at 40,bar,•500°~ flo.wing at. the rate of 5500 kg/h expands in a HP turbine to
2 barw.ithanJsentrop_ic efficiency of83%,.Acontinuous supply of steam at 2 bar,
'187 q:uality.and a flow rate of2700,kg/h is available from a source. This steam is
mix~d adiabatically with .the HP. turbine exhaust steam and the combined flow
then expands in •a LP:turbine to 0.1. bar with an isentropic efficiency of 78%.
Determine the power output and the therm~ efficiency.of tlJ,e plant Assume that
5500 kg/h of steam is generated in the boiler at 40 bar, 500°C from the saturated
feed water at 0.1 bar. Neglect pump work. (AU-Nov/Dec 2006)
From M0llier chart,
For 40 bar anci500~C
h, = 344-5 .3 kJ/kg
s, = 7.0901 kJlkg K - 1.2301 + ~ x 5·.5970
~= 0.9934
~cannea w1 tn c..;am~canner
_.\t- ~lf
h~ - - . ·-4-0
' · • 4 ~ --01.9
= _5 -.04kJ/k:::,K
rsentropi "' - · fHP turbine 11 = o.s.,
h -h_ = 0 445 ..) - -69-.04)
= 6L5._ 1 kJ ·gK
:. h = 504.7 + 0.87 x -01.9
= _4_0.4 kl ·g
_ 00h,.:, + 5-00~- = (-700 + 5500)h4
h4 = _688.48 kJ/kg
h4 = -04_7 +x4 x 2-01-.9
= _688.48
x4 = 0.9917 f
2 bar
SI = 1.530 l + 0.9917 x 5.5970
= 7.0S06kJ/kgK 0.1 bar ..
~cannect. w1 tn c...:am~canner
Example 5:
A steam power plant operates on a theoretical reheat
. cycle.
Steam at boiler is at '
150 bar, 550° C expands through the high pressure turbine. it is reheated at constant
pressure of 40 bar to 550° C and expands through the low pressure turbine to a
condenser at 0.1 bar. Draw Ts and h-s diagram. Find
i) Quality of steam at turbine exhaust.
ii) Cycle efficiency
iii) Steam rate kg/kWh (AU May/Jun 2014)
. '
T h
40 bar
s s
From superheated steam table,
ht = 3445.2 kJ/kg
S 1 = 6.5125 kJ/kg K-: 1
h2 = 3060kJ/kg .. · . I i .' . : •, ·
._. \ ' ~ . •- .·t
b3 is superheated,
83 = S4 at 0.1 bar
83 = Sr4 + X4 Srg4 at 0.1 bar ..
7.355 = 0.649 + X4 7.502
X4 = 0.8939
- 15.1399 kJ/kg
116-hs - 15.1399
bs - 15.1399 + 191.8
. .
bs = 206.9399 kJ/kg
•· ., . • I • I
bs = 206.94 kJ/kg
WT = 1614.8kJ/kg
Wp = 15.1399 kJ/kg
1614.8 - 15.1399
= 2.250 kg/kWh
Example 6:
Steam enters the turbine at 3 MPa and 400° Candis condensed at 10 kPa. Some
quantity of steam leaves the turbine at 0.6 MPa and enters the feed water heater.
Compute the fraction of steam extracted per kg of steam and cycle thermal
efficiency. (~ U Nov/Dec 2005, 2012)
Given I•" '
j I/_, •·:
• I '
. "I t I' I -
T 3232.5 ---
(1-m 1) kg (P))
Regenerative cycle
At 30 bur T ~1 = 2 J.
T1 T . 1 the stcnm is up ·r h ah!d,
From . up r h ntc I . knm t1blc
h1 -
I -; K
t6b r
x_ - 1.034 > 1
Superheated team
:. h_ can b taken from lolliar chart
h,-- 2820
S1= S3
S1= Sn + X3 Srg3 at 0.1 bar
6.925 - 0.649 + X3 (7.502)
X3 - 0.8366
h3 = hn + X3 hrg3 at 0.1 bar
- 191.& + 0.8366(2392.9)
hJ= 2193.1 kJ/kg
Vr4 · ~- 0.001010m3/kg -
WPr = 0.001010(600- 10) ·
hs ..:. h4 = 0.5959 kJ/kg
hs ~ 192.3959 kJ/kg
Second pump work = h1 - h6 I 1•'
1 kg Turbine
1 kg
6 m1 kg
m1 2 ®
~cannea w1 tn c..;am~canner
' _1
m1 = 0.1819 kg
The fraction ofmass extracted = rp 1=:= o:1s,19 kg
I j I•
= (I -0.18-19)(192.3959 ~ 191.,8)+(673.0425-670.4)
= 3.1299 kJ/kg
1 .-
Heat supplied = h1 - h1
• •I -
·Q = 3232_5 - r92.39s97
= 3040.lQflkJ/kg
llThermal = . Q .
,i. . . f• . I
925.367 - 3.1299
. -
I " = 30.33%
• • ' f, , ' I (-
. . ~ •I .,I I I
'.! . . 1
; ..•.
t ·- . . - .. .. - -;
-I '
"......... '
.,, - ..
. ... .. ...
. . ·,.. - -- - .. - . . - .
1 I '
i:)cannect w1 tn CJam~canner
I •\
a),Low pressure t\irqincs (upto 2 otm.
b) Medium pressure turbines (2 to 40 atm.
·c) High pressure turbines (above 40 atm.)
5. According to the method of governing
·,. · · a) Throttle-governed turbines
b) Nozzle-governed turbines
c) Byp~ss-govemed turbines
2. Give the working principles of impulse turbine (AU-May/June 2007)
The basic principles of an impulse turbine is that a jet of steam from fixed nozzle
· pushes against the rotor blades and impels them forward. In impulse turbine only
fixed nozzles are nsed.
3. Giye the operating principles of a reaction turbine.
A reaction turbine uses ajet of steam from moving nozzle and the steam is directed on
the fixed blade to expand the ste~ ~e s!eam flow is partially reversed by the moving
blades, producing a reaction on the blades.
- . -- -
4, ,vhat is the effect of reheating of the steam on the specific output and the
. efficiency? .
The specific output of cycle is increased aue to reheating of the steam in vapour
power cycles. The cycle effi~iency is also increased due to reheating of steam.
' I I
.. s---.
1 - 2 ⇒ Isenti-opic expansion
2-3 ⇒. Constant pr~ssure apd temp~rature he~t rej~cti01;1
~cannect. w1 tn L!am.::>canner
10. Name the different components in steam power plant working a Rankine
cycle. ;
Boiler, Turbine, cooling Tower or condensor and pump.
11. What are the effects of condenser pressure on the rankine cycle?
By lowering the condenser pressure, we can increase the cycle efficiency. The Inain
disadvantage is low.ering the backpressure increase the wetness of steam. Isentr0pic
compression of a very wet vapour is very difficult.
12.- Mention the improvements made to increase the ideal efficiency of Rankine
cycle. (1-U Nov/Dec 2005,Apr/May 20JJJ
1. Lowering the condenser pressure.
2. Superheatea steam is supplied to the turbine.
3. Increasing the boiler pressure to certain limit
4. Implementing reheat and regeneration in the cycle.
13. Why reheat cycle is not used for low boiler pressure?
At the low reheat pressure the heat cycle efficiency may be less than the Rankine
cycie efficiency. Since the average temperature during heating will then below.
19. What a~e the disadvantages of reheating?
· Reheating increases the condenser capacity due to increased dryness fraction,
incre.ases the c9st ~f th~ plan~ due to the reh~ates ~d if:S very_long connections.
20. What are the advantages of reheat cycle?
, y It'ip.creases the tw:bin~ work. . . . .. , _ . '
it) It increases the heat supply.
fu) It increases the efficiency ofthe plant.
• '
. - - .
iv) It reduces the wear on the blade because oflow moisture content in LP state of
the turbine.
. ., ~ I 1 •
• • • I
21. Why ideal regenerativ_e cycle is not pr~~ti~~~y p~~~ibl~?. , .._ _., , _.
0 The reversible heat transfer cannot be obtained in finite time.
i ~- ..-1 • • '".11 1 c1•. , : , ' . , . ~ , • ~,
4 _,
iit) The moisture content of the ste~·in the ~bine will be.high. , '· ~ · •-· ·, "
~cannea. w1 tn cam~canner
22. Sketch the schematic diagram of closed and open type feed water heaters in
actual regenerative for steam. . (Au N_ov/Dec 2008)
Turbine .
ed·water r
Feed waler I+---{
------ ter
f~cd pump Feed pump
• I •
I • . I ' ' . tJ I.: : •-=· .... ' • •
c) by using both reheat and regeneration.
, .. • .. . -. • r
.:>cannect w1 tn cam.:>canner
iii) Since feed water temperature in the boiler is·hfgh, the ranges of temperature in
the boiler is minimum. It reduces the thermal stresses produced in the boiler.
iv) Thermal efficiency. is increased since the average.temperature of heat addition to
the cycle is increased.
' ' .
v) Due to. bleeding in the turbi.Qe,
. .
of turbine due to moisture
is reduced.
' .
VI) Condense~ can be a smaller size.
. -
27. What are the effe_cts. Qf b~eeding
. in regenerative cycle?
iii) A small amount of work is lost by the turbine, which decreases the power.
28. What is Steam rate and Heat rate?(AU Nov/Dec 2012) (AU May/June 2012)
Steam rate: it is nothing but the rate of steam flow (kg/hr) required to produce unjt
shaft output ( l kW). Normally the capacity of steam power plant is expressed in tenns
of ste_am rate.
. 3600
Steam rate· (SSC). = - - (kg/kW-hr)
: . w.T .7'°' Wp
. ~eat ~ate: The rate of heat input (Q 1) required to produce unit shaft output (1 kW)
J • ' •
i:Scannect. w1 tn lJami:Scanner
31. What are the basic requirements of good ash .handling system?
1. It should be able to handle large clinkers, soot and·dust with little personal ·attention.
2. It should be capable to deal with ultimate plant capacity. ·
3. It should be able to handle both wet and dry ash and operate with little noise.
4. Precautions must be taken to minimise the abrasive action ofashes.
5. Operating and maintenance charges should be minim~ possible.
32. What are the various operations of ash handling system?
Ash handling system comprises the following operations. • -·
a. Removal ofash from the furnace.
b. Transfer of ash from furnace (ash-hopper) to isolat~d storage place by
c. Disposal of stored ash.
33. Differentiate overfeed and un.derfeed stokers.
I. Coal is supplied to the grate surface Coal is fed on the ·grate ·surface
above the point of air admission. below the point ofair admjssion.
2. Fuel and primary air supply takes Fuel and primary air·suppiy are
place in opposite direction to each directed in same direction. -
other. ·
3. Fresh coal could be supplied by the CoaJ- is supplied on the tuyeres ·
action ofgravitational force. by means of a fan..
' 4. Clinker may get deposited on the Continuous agitative action makes
fuel bed the fuel bed free from clinkers.
34. What are the essential functions of pulverizing mill in a steam power plant?
,· _ '.... · · . ... . - f A U;_Aprlwfay 2005)
i) Drying the coal iI) Grinding iiI) Separation ofparticles ofthe desired size.
35. What are the important action takes place in pulversizing·mill to reduce
ordinary coal to its powder form?
i) Impact it) Attrition in) Crushing
36. Name the different types of burners used to burn pulverised of coal.
1. Long flame bumer(or) U-:flame burner
2. Short flame burn.er (or) Turbulent burner
3. Tangential burner
4. Cyclone burner
37. Wbatarethe different types ohru11 used for pulverising the coal?
1. Ballmill . 2. BallandRacemill
3. Impact or Hammer mill 4. Bowlmill
38. What is the purpose of Electrostatic Precipitator?
Electrostatic precipitatoris an electrically operated dust collector that is located in the
path of flue gas between the furnace/boiler and the stack (chimney) to remove the
particulate matter especially flyash in case of pulverised fuel burning.
39. What are the major ste-ps in dust collecting process of ESP?
There are four principle steps in the dustcollectingprocess of~lectrostatic precipitator.
1. Ionisation offine gas and charging of dust particles.
2. Attraction ofthe negatively charged parti~les to the positively coll~g electrodes.
3. Deposition or discharging ofthe c~ged particles on the collecting electrodes.
· 4. Dislodgingoftbedepositedparticlesfro~thecollectingelectrodesbymechanical
40. What are the functions of draugbtsy~_em?
1. To supply sufficient quantity ofair through the furnace for conml~~ combl;IStion of
2. To renmve the gaseous products of combustion from the ~ e .
3. To move and e'Aflaust the products of combustion
. to
. the aq:nosphere
. the.
chimn{.,y. .
\ : • • P • • • _. • f •' I • I • • •• t •
• • , • t .. • •
. .. ..
•• , •
.::icannee1 wi tn (.;am~canner
du~to low velocity of air and con~umption. inferior' quality fool cnn
,, • I •
be economically burnt.
6. No flexibility in creating draught under , Flexible in crcnling dmught
.peak load conditions · under peak lond condition .
7. Less efficient. .' More efficient.. ·
~cannea. w1 tn cam~canner
i:Scannect. w1 tn lJami:Scanner
LBAS=.=E-=-D_TH_E_R_M_A_L_PO_W-=ER...:.:P:....::L~A~NT~S~~:....__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1~.1~31
J7, '"hnt is super criticnl boiler?· List down I•ts men
· •ts.
· (A U-Nov/Dec -2004, Nov/Dec 2006)
super critica1boilers are once through boilers which operates at a pressure above the
critical point of 221.2 bar.
•. ·- - .
U Heat transfer rate.is considerably high.
h) It is possible to maintain more stable pressure level.
iiO The problems of e~o'sion and c~rrosio~ are minimized due to the absense oftwo-
phase mixture.
iv) It is possible to achieve higherthennal efficiency (about40 to 42 %) ·
v) Greater cas~ in operation and flexibility makes the unit more adaptable for load
fluctuations. · · · · ·
vi) It can be used to gener~te peak loads by changing th_e operatipg pres.s_qre.
48, Whnt are the modern trends in generating steam of high pressure ~QU~r?
(AV-AprlM{ly 1()P5)
i) .N/etlwd offi,rced circulation: Feed water pressure i~~reased &hove 160 b~r-
ii) Arrangement ofdrums and tubing: To minimize the resistance to :fl9w. ofste~m.
iii) lmprm,etl method of /,eati11g: By heating t~e w~ter qy stmer4ea_t~r ~~4
econorhiset:, air preheater ruid pulverization ofsolid fuel.
49. What are the advantages.of Relteat.cycle over sirqple RattJdne.cy~l~?
· (AU-Apr/May 2005)
0 Jt i~crepses the turbine work.
ii) It increases the heat supply.
in) It reduces the wear on the blade due to the low moisture conte~t in stea~.
~O. State the advant~ges and disadv~n~ag~~ qf,pµIv.edsed r:rr.~q~~
(A .U-No.v/Dec 20.07)
I. Any grade of coal can be useq.
2. Greater capacity to meet peak loads.
3. The rate of feed of the fuel can be easily regiµ,ated. ·
54. ~hut is drift'! How it is eliminated in the cooling tower? (AU-Nov/Dec 2007)
The drift is the fine water droplet entertained and carried by air in the cooling
tower. Due to drift the wate~ !oss is occured in the circulatiryg system of the
cooling tower. The drift eliminators (Baffics) are 'provi1ded at exit to minimize the
drift loss. The direction of air is suddenly changed while passing through the
rows of the buffles and heavy water particles are separated and then it removed
by gravity.
' f
55. State the characteristics of good ·ash handling plant? (AU-Nov/Dec 2007)
I. It should have enough capacity to cope with volume of ash handled.
2. It should be able to handle hot as well as wet ash effectively.
3. , The plant should operate effectively under all variable load conditions.
4. The plant should have high rate of ash handling. ·
5. It shoulq be able to handle large clinkers, boiler refuse, soof etc. with less
, . . . , m~pq~er. , .. 1 . • ,. • ,•, , ·
6. It should minimize the corrosive and abrasive action of ashes an~ dust np_isance
should not exist.
56. What are the factors to be considered for selection ofa boiler for steam
power plant?'. (AU-Nov/Dec 2007)
i) · Ste~ g~rieration rate ' . . .
' . , ..
' . , .
· · ii) Maximum·pressure required for operation
iit) Quality of steam required , ' .... .
Stokers are power operate fuel feeling ~echanism that uses grate f?r feeding
solid fuel in to the furnace.
u Underfc d stokers
u) Single retort under feed stoker bj Multi retort under feed stoker
58. Classif) power plant on the basis of traditional use.(AU-Apr/Allay 2007, 2010)
i) Steam p~wer plat~t
ii) Hydro-electric power plant . I
(AU-Apr/May 2015)
•' 1 , , 1' • •1 ' • , • '. • ' • • • 1 ~ r ( • • , 1' ' ~1 • t ' r
Total power output to be mstalled. · · ·_. ·· ·
ii) Size of the generating unit.
... . ''
'.( '
1. Throttle governing
2. Nozzle control governing . '
3. By-pass governing .
4. Combination of throttle and nozzle governing ' . - .
j ' I
I I -
u .,
• I •
ing Obj~~tlves •••
In the successful power developing
I I • •
systems, the working fluid is either a gas or
1.- , , , ,1 lntroiJucjlon . ..
r '. t I
a substance existing in liquid or vapour form.
• • O,tto, DI~~~,, D~ai and ~rayton Cyole Gas pow·er cycles are developed from
·.: . ~ . ~~~J.Y:slsi~~d:Optlnil~a~l~n camot cycle which is a theoretical cycle and
~. Compo~ents of Diesel ~,icj qas rurtilne has a higl?est thermal effi~iency possible for
Pio~~ir pfants a heat engine. However, the actual engine
· • Ciplf1) 1ped cycle Power plants in practice has the efficiency half of that
,, ~ • ~ •• I
• .,, " I ti
obtained from camot engine. The carn.ot
. Gasifier
. . ', Com
cycle using gas as a working fluid is tenned
as gas power cycles.
Assumptions made in air standard cycles
The following assumptions are made in
air standard cycles in deriving the efficiency
of air standard cycles.
1. Air is the working fluid and it obeys
the P,erfect g~s law i.e., pV= mRT.
2. The engin~ ~perates in a closed
cycle. The cylinder is filled with
constant amount ofworking mecliwn
· and the same fluid is used repeatedly
and hence mass remains constant.
It is the volume occupied by the fluid in a cyluider when the piston' is at B.D.C.
position and is denoted as V1•
Vj= V3+Vc
4. Compression ratio . . •• ' .,_ ~ • I • ~
._ \ I • \ I
. . . .l .
\ • · ... ' ~· ' .. t • i. I •
• 1 I ; r} t, . '' .. I ~ I
engine and high speed oil engines. The p-V and T-S diagram of an otto cycle is shown in
Adinbntic process ' I j
3 (pVY=C)
p 3
V == C
r 4
Q2 r 2
- -.. v --+► S
. .' .
Figure 2.1: p-Vand T-S diagram for Otto cycle'
~ . ... ..
• • ' ' .. ' • t • • ... ,· '1 • , ', - • I , • • I • • I • I
~cannect. w1 tn c...:am~canner
Initially, the cylinder has a certain quantity of air. During process 1-2, this air is
compressed intq clearance volume of the cylinder reversibly and adiabatically, thus raising
the pressure and temperature of the air in the cylinder. During process 2-3, heat is supp lied
to air by external ·source reversibly at constant volume, thus raising the pressure and
tempe·rature of the air to the maxiiptµn value of the cycle. During process 3-4, the air
expands reversibly and adiabatically, and thus the work is done by the air. During process
4-1, heat is rejected from a·~r to external source reversibly at constant volume, and thus
pressure and temperature decreases to initial state ( 1). Thus the cycle gets repeated.
Let~' v ·and T be the pressure, volume and temperature at various points of the
cycle and ,·m' be the mass of the air. Let the mass of the air as 1 kg.
• I I- t I
; \
' I
... (1)
~cannea w1 tn c..;am~cahner
: ! t •
~, . • ~., . , . .. ·, 1, i
T3 ~ (~)·(-,
T4 V2 ·
• .. •
.t ' I . . 1 - , ,
. '.t , . - 1 .,
• 'i ·1·,,'
Thus the efficiency of the otto cycle is fl fun~tion.of compression ratio only and
increases with it.
I •
Q 1= md/(!3.7 .t 2~- . . .. _. . . . ;
~cannea w1 tn c.;am:scanner
R = Cp-Cv and y .= cp ⇒ cp =y CV
.= yCv - Cv
R = Cy (y-1)
:. V1 -V2 = ~v_(y-l).T1
- pl
(rk-1) fie
... (2)
Tz -~ (~)~-,
Tl V2, ..
. . ~
a. ➔ exp1os1on ratio -
. . P2
' f I 1 •
. ·. . .
• I
I • •
Process 4-1 - Copstant volume h~at r~j~ction ,in decreasing entropy direction.
' .
.. I
8 __:·:__:_·_ _:_..:....._.:..__:_~ ~ ~ ~-___:_:
· ·::.: ·· ;_
·. .::. · ~_;_-!:po~·W~ER,.;,.:P.:.:.:.LA:.-N_T_EN_
. G_I_NE..:.::E:.:..::~
Adiabatic process -
2 - 3
T S == C
1 4 1
Vs s
"" ~v
Figure 2.2: p V and TS diagram of diesel cycle
Initially, tb~ cylinder has a certain quantity of air. During process 1-2, the air is
compressed into clearance volume of the cylinderreversibly and adiabatically, thus raising
thet~mpe,raWre and pressure of the air in the cylinder. During process 2-3, the heat is
supplied to air .by external source at constant pressure, thus raising the pressure and
tempyrature of air to .th~ ~um value of the cycle. During process 3-4, the air expands
reversibly ~d a~~l;>atically, and thus the work is done by the air. During process 4-1, heat
is U?jecte.d i;roro air to.external source reversibly at constant volume, and thus pressure and
ten;iperature decreases to initial state ( l ). Thus the cycle gets repeated.
Expressio,n f9r ~ir standard efficien~y of diesel cycle
Let ·P.,V ~d T be the-pressure, volume and temperature of the cycle at various
points and ·' ~' 0~ the mass o_fth~ _ajr-(taken usually as 1·kg).
. . Workdone ·
Air standard efficiency = · ·
Heat supplied
.::icannee1 wi tn (.;am~canner
'11 .. = 1-
(Tii -T)I
tllu~cl · (T _ T )
y J 2
T2 = ( v, Jy-l I
T1 V2
T =r
T o
... (it):
r ,-,
! j
~cannect w1tn c.;am~canner
Q1 = mCP (T3-T2)
. - - _. . - - - - . - - - . . •
. I • •
• • •1 :· · • Qi . . mCy{T4-T1)
~cannea w1 tn c..;am~canner
P1V1 = RT1
y= c=>
ell::; yCy
' • • I
·, t
I .
~cannea. w1 tn cam~canner
2-~·:..._--.:.._.....:...:..~~ ~-
_:.12 ~
- I
' .
• • I
• : I •
3 Adiabatic process
p --
l - T
l S=C,
Q2 .. ' )
.. y . . ' -
r - S .
---► s
---► v
Figure 2.3: p-V and T-S diagram for dual combustion cycle
• • • • ; . •, • I • I
Initially, the cylinder has a certain quantity of air. During process 1-2, air is
compressed into clearance volwne of the cylinder reversibly and adiabatically, thus raising
the pressure and temperature of air in the cylinder. During process 2-3, the heat is supplied
partly to air at constant volume, while the remaining amount at constant pressure
during 3-4. During process 4-5, the air expands reversibly and adiabatically and thus the
work is done by the air. puring process 5-1, heat is rejected from air to the external
source reversibly at constant volume and thus _pressur_e and temperature decreases to
initial state ( 1). Thus the cycle gets repeated. _
Expression for air standard effic~ency of dual cycle
•.· ..
Let p, Vand T be the p~essure, ~~lume a~d temperature of the cycle at various
points of the cycle and 'm' be the mass of the air (taken: usually as 1k;g): .' :· ,_.. i
,· Work done . ,:
. )·:Air. standar:d ~fficiency = - - - - -
1 ,.. Heat supplied , .. . ....
L r•
. Q,
llair = 1- Q. ) •
.• J. •
I ' 1. ·
Now fo~ dual cycle, from p-V diagram,
Q 1 ,= mCv (T3-1'2) + mCP (T4 ~ T3) , t
Q2 = ~Cv (Ts --Ti) :..,
•◄ • • - I- ~f v (Ts ':- T, ) .
-. . ·- ... . -'. --.'.
... ~ llair · ~ mCv (T3•-T2) + mC11 (T4 -T3) . . . ._. .
' ,,. . , I I • C
... (it) .
. . ,, "I I I • . ' '
J• • • • I • - ..
.;;:.:2•..:..14.:..__:.___ _ _ _ _.:...__ _ _ _ _ _.:...PO.;..W_ER_PLAN
__ T_E_N_GI_N...;.::eeR,NG
I ---.:..:::
Process 2-3 (c_o11sta11t pressure /,eat addition)
1 I
T2 P2
I ' ,, ._. a. = Explosion
= 12.
r ' P2
T3 = a. · T2
T3 = a.. (rJY-1 x T1 ... (iii)
Process 3-4 (Co11sta11t pressure /,eat addition)
[ r, = ~:, cut - off ratio]
T = r
I 'I lj I TJ C
j 11 ... (iv)
' :j Process 4-5 (Adiabatic expression)
[ r, = ~ , expansion ratio]
Ts -
- T"
( y-1 X'(!cy-1
, rk
~cannect w1tn c.;am~canner
= 1- ~--=-[Cl-=-.)•(-=-re)_'/---=1]_ _ ·,• •; •, • I
' •1 J.'
1 a(rcf-1
lldua1 = I - ( rk y- 1 •• [ ( a -1) + y · a · [ re ~ 1]]
In the efficiency of dual cycle, substituting-re= 1,
.' • , I ,,
' ~ •
substituting a= l,
• I ' .. ... I • I l •I / I •l
i ., l
, I I
- ~canned. w1 tn cam~canner
2.16 ,., .,_ ' ". . ..
' . .. • I
Pm= QI -Q2
V,-V2 .
As derived in diesel an~ otto cycle,
T2 = (rlc)Y-I Xr,
.T 3 = a T 1 • (r0y-t
1 •
' , , ,' : Q, ~Qi= T, [ C; (;, f' (<Fl)•-f! C;·(r, f\·a (r, -1)~ C, (a(ro)' -1)]
1 I •
• .
1 , -' • • • •: J I • • • •
• I
A<linbntic prochss
(PV1=C) ' '
r 2 ' 4. -\
r S=C
V s
' , I
1 •
For br~yton cycle, Q'i= mCi> (T4.:.. T1) · ··-· ,. _ ·-- ·-- -,
1 , 1 I I • , ' , 1 , • ' r I i- / . ' 'j I
I , I
•l • J \
i:)cannect w1 tn CJam~canner
') !!~-----~--_:._--~-!p~ow!.!·~ER~P:_;LA::,..;;....NT_EN_G_IN.....;E::.::::..:~
y- 1
. TJ = (r )1 •xTp 4
(T -T,)
= 1- - - ' - y - - 1 - ~ -
( rp }y (T ~T,) .
- .T -T' ,l+T
= T3_
.. (4.. . 2
.. . (·1)
. , .l ' I ' , T, " . . . . .
~ I • •
• '' .
~: = (~:r ~r =( ~ -(rJy-l
T2 T3 T
=- ⇒ T=-3 xT
Tl T4 2 T4 I
To get the maximum work differentiate equation (2) \vith respect to'T2 • ·r;- 1 .
. I dW T. · T
- - = Q= Q + I 3 -1
cv dT T/
Tl · T3 = 1
. T2 = J'fi ·T~
Substitute the value at T2 in equation ( l)
w -- T3 -T~ Tl .-
- - T3 x ·T.I
Cv T~ ·
Differentiate with respect to T2
' • I
'. . .
2.s.1 ·Comparison·between etto, Diesel and Dual qcles
Toe three cycles~ be compared with respect to thermal efficiency. The comparison
• I - - -
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
2.20 . --· -.
t 6 T
,, ,.
--+ s
Figure 2.5: Same compression ratio and same heat rejection
We know that, 11 = I - Qr
. Qr=constant 1
! '
If Q5 i~c·re~s~~ ~:·a\~~ increase:s. Therefore the area under curve 2-3, 2-p- 7 and
2-5, shows-that.heat addition decrases.
,J -.. I
- , • I
I ' •
. . .. •
Area of2-3 >Aiea of2-6-7> Area of2-5. (i.e.,) the area under2-3 maximum.
' • I •
c• •
• 1t •·
t T
t ..' '.
I ' I
d • •
" ~I
·•1 ,
· , .
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
. ·- _ _..
Tl= l-.2r_ .
Qs ' .,
Qr= constant for all cycles ·r .
Q5 increases efficiency al~<? increases therefore Area 1-5-3-4 wifi haye']arge.Qs.
Therefore, T'ldiesel > Tl dual> Tlotto at maximum pressure ~d I l l ~ temper~ture.
iii) Same compression ratio and same heat input
Tl == 1- Qr
Q5 =constant for all cyc~es
. r ..
"t , -: T < ' I
I • I , I II , . • , 11 1
I ·:· I I ·, ~
I' ' - ' •
• • '\ ' ' • ' .. •• • • • • t ' .. • . ' ' • ' ,I ' . I ' . 1.'. . . .. ·, , , ', i
'---"----''- -''•- -
• ---+ •• • I • I •
a b b' b"
--+ V
For Ott~ cycle, heat rejection is lesser and for diesel cycle, heat rejection is more.
Therefore, llotto> T'ldual > lldiesel· \ . . '
• ~ ' t :
Note: '
• • ,J - ;
Foratry=l.4, - -- J i
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
2.6 DIESELPOWERPLAN d I twhichusesdie l
. . · al fuel fire P an se as a
Diesel power plant 1s an another convention · )ant except that the turb ·
· · . ·1 . to steam power P ine
fuel to produce electrical power. It 1s sum ar . · e shaft. These plant
· . . 1 l d with the engm s are
1s absent and the generator ~s direct y coup ~ .
commonly used where,
. .
. . .'.·. '.' iv)_·~~·~~~tri-~·l~~:se~c~ 'i~ ~~~a~lable:-or'is available at too high rates and suitable
· , ~ forsmallandmetliumoutputs. , : ,·.-.-... ' • t '
1 .~ •
• ~ . ... ' .
• , • • , , • • , • •• _
t '.
• ·
• I I
... . . - . ..
•• • I -· .. - ... .! • ' t \ . .· '4 - I .., • ' \ • 1
air Filter Fuel injection
...a:, ---11--+~ pump
tank Generator
Transfer pump
Auxiliary _____.....,_-t Cooling
oil pur;np tower
Heat I
Fuet·storage tank exchanger' Raw water
..__._._~-1,..l. • pump
~canned. w1 tn cam~canner
? ~~------~_:_~~--_!:.PO~W~E::::.R.:.:.P..:.LA_N_T_E_N_G_IN-:E.::.:..~G
~24 --
a) .O.iesel engine
· · . . .. · · the heart of diesel power plant
Tlie diesel engine or compression 1gmtton engme 15 · .
Multi-cylinder turbocharged diesel engines are commonly used in power plants. In diesel
engine,.air alone is·drawn from the atmosphere and compressed to a great extent of about
compression ratio of 12-20. At the end of coll?pression, fuel is injected by no_~l~ and gets
mixed thoroughly with air. Due to the heat ~f compression, the charge gets igmted in the
engine cylinder. The products of combustion expanded in the cylinder and mechanical
power is produced, which in tum converted into.electrical power by means of an alternator
directly coupled to·the-engi~•e shaft.
·b) •'Air,intake·system
· ·Fresh air- is.supplied to air intake manifold through intake air filters which removes
the air.borne solid·p~rt~cles,from t_he intake air which could cause wear of the engine.
•.Filters r~quire peri0·dic cleaning to avoid losses due to clogging. Silencers are installed at
' the.beginning of intake system to reduce high-velocity air noises. Supercharger increases
·the pressure of.the air supplied to the engine and thereby increasing the engine power. The
1 intake system must cause a minin1umpressure loss to avoid the reduction in intake capacity
·bf tmgine·and increase.the.specific fuel consumption.
The-e~aust-system·diseharg~s "the engine exhaust gas outside the building and the
same is to·the atmosphere. ·Mufflers.are used to attenuate·the gas flow noises however,
they need cleaning at regular intyrvals. Generally, exhaust systems are designed for low
pressure loss as too pressure loss reduces work output and engine efficiency. Some good
amount of heat coming out of engine is recovered in heat coming out ofengine is recovered
, m·heat exchangers_or waste~heat.-boilers. Toe.exhaust tubing section should be short in
le~gth-wi~ minimum numbeu ofbends . It should baye one or-two·flexible tubing sections to
take up the effects of.expansion ~ue to high temperature and also isolate the system.from
the engine vibration.
d) -Fuel supply·system .I)
Fuel supply system is-the.blood of the diesel engine. Fuel stored in fuel storage tank
is drawn by transfer pump·through strainer and supplies to the day oil tank through the
filter. Dsy il tank supplies the dailj fuel need ofthe engine. Day tank is usually placed
,hon~ th en.gin-'"~ tlmtfuel flm, takes place b gravity. The~ the fuel is injected into the
,ytin er f the engine b 1 the fuel injection pump according to the load on the plant
e Eng:ine starting 5'iStem
Th main function of this system is to start the engine from cold by supplying the
:cmp.i~~ air. Starting ofengine can be done b1 employing the follmving three methods.
Lubrication is the admittance ofoil bem'eell two surfaces having relative motion. As
amatteroffac almost all the parts of the LC. engines ha erelativemotion and rub each
other. Due to this relath emotion, the friction is increased and the power is lost in the
engine and the parts are subjected to wear and tear and reduces the life of the engine. The
lubrication is required to reduce the wear of the parts earlier and to carry out the part ofthe
heat generated inside the engine. lubrication also reduces the power required to overcome
the friction ofthe moving parts b introducing a thin film oflubrication between them
The fimction ofthis system is to carry a,,.,-ay the ~eat generated by fiiction, by reducing
the friction of moving parts and to reduce the wear and tear o_f the engine parts.
g) Engine cooling system
In reciprocating I.C. engines, the peak temperature of the gases varies from 40°C
to as high as 2750°C during the cycle. It has been experimentally found that only about
300/o ofthe heat generated is converted into useful work and out of the remaining 70% is
wasted. About 40% is carried away as exhaust gases. Around 1 to 1.5% is carried by
lubricating oil The I?.1)1aining 300/o ofheat generated must be carried out; otherwise, it will
be absorbed by engine cylinder, cylinder head, pisto~ engine valves etc; Ifthe engine is
not coole4 then the cylinder and piston temperatures may exceed l 500°C. At such high
temperatures, the metals will loose their properties and the piston will expand considerably
and size the liner. The lubricating oil also start5 evaporating if the temperature ofthe
cylinder exceeds 70°C. Due to this~ piston and cylinder will get damaged. Therefore,
svstem must be provided to avoid those effects.
.scanned. w1 tn cam.scanner
The main purp He thiHuyHlmn iuto cnrry away the heat from th c cngjn cylin~f)./
providing a wulcr circululion urnund iL, thereby keeping the temperature at rca.11,0nabJya
safe level. · "
rl he water is pumped around the inner jackets of the engine cylin.tler by a pump. ~
hot water leaving Lhcjackct is cooled in cooling towers or spray P0nd8 orsorne othc1
devices and is recirculated again. · /4l
h) Governing system t!)'
. The fu~~f this system is to_~c~pl the en inc speed at constant ~alue inespeciife
of the change m load on the plant. T ,s·could be done generally by varymg the arnount of
fuel supplied. to the engine, which in turn to be decided by the load.
.::icannee1 wi tn (.;am.::icanner
·· stations.
. .
6. Power cut in industries, now - a - days can over come only by installing diesel
generating sets. · · ·'
2.6.5 Types 9f diesel power 'plant
' .
• • I
~canned w1tn cam~canner
- ~ ~ - - - - ~ - ~ _ : , _ ~_ _ _..!:P;:OW!!.!:.'.ER.:..:.P_:;.LA_N_T_E...:...:N~GINEERIN
~28 ~
Class C:
Diesel- electtic oenemtors for stntionary power plants generates pdower on emergency
• t:, kW . ting where ays of contit1
basis for short periods of time at full name plntc ta Hot1s
operation are anticipated plate.
b) Packaged diesel power plant
Packaged power plants are a Containerized Diesel Power Plants (COPP) ~,at ut111ost
meet the requirement of our conswner where ever requ~ed. It is aJso cal led Skid Mounted
Packaged power plants.
.. There ~re two types of package~ ~~cl power plants are availaqle. They ~re
The gas engine is a new, bigger recipn?cating engine. Gas engines use most natural
g~&es, witp ve·ry l~vv emissions an~.operates h~gh at ~y~r~ll efficiency. Moreove;, the
.. ' t - • ' • • • ~ • • • I I • ' I I . •I • .
. i,s remarkable compared with ~ny other engines.
. .
The gas engine's stylish
appearance, compactness and low noise makes it suitable for power plant ins~llation and
operation. '· ·
'rhe number of cylinder may vary from 7 to 12. CNG can be used as mono fuel or
dual fuel: In ~pnofue_l~Y~.t~~, ~. separate,s~arkplug pi~t. b~ pro:yide~.~? ignite the CNG 1
be~~use,the s~lfignitio.~te_m~e.~tu_re _of CNq i,s l:ii&~er th~ 9:i~~~l. In dua,l fy~l syst~m, t~e
diesel is mixed with CNG in mixing zone and then taken to the combustion~ cha~ber. The
- ' • ' ' • t •' I J ' • I . • • .. , , , • '
• ,.. • • I
' I I
iScannee1 w1 tn {.;amiScanner
:ofdiesel power plant. There are several factors that have to be considered in selecting a
inost suitable type ofengine for a specific application. These factors include power, speed,
.cooling system, ab~orinal environmental conditions, (dust, dirt etc.,) ·fu~I quality, speed
I I, • , '° f • • 4. • • ' • f •f 1 t I •
~30 ___
. hi
eater fuel efficiency. Engine
w h1ch an optimum speed could be selected to ac eve gr . s
• d t0 avoid poor efficiency It ·
should be run as close as possible to their rated spee · • IS
. . · d to incomplete combustion t
necessary to prevent the btuld up of engme deposits ue o
reduce maintenance and running costs.
Generator is directly coupled to the engine ,shaft, if a good speed match is o~tained.
If not, then some form of gearing will be necessary- a gear box ora belt sy5tem, which will
add to the cost and reduce the efficiency.
For continuous operation, low speed diesel engine is more cost effective than high
speed diesel engine. Slow speed diesel engine can be compared very favourably over
- l
medium speed diesel engine. ·
Slow speed dual foel engines are now available using high pressure gas (such CNG
and LPG) injection, which gives the same thennal efficiency and power output like a regular
fuel oil engine.
The following table shows the comparison ~etween slow speed and high speed
diesel engines.
- Slow Speed High Speed
diesel engine diesel engine
The gas turbine is preferred as a base load plant over other plants as major delays in
completion oflarge base load fossil and nuclear units.
i:Scannect. w1 tn lJami:Scanner
ur in pni,.,.,., ... 'P
1. P rfo t tur in plnn ·
h nd uildinn
L , w i ht and I initi._ Inn<l p , than t amp Wll r plant.
Plant con qui rt l (\ ithin minute ) und pi k up load nd hence
m tl TT d " p ak lo d plont.
4. P . r qunliti and wide nricly of fuel can be u ed.
p3ce is r quired.
3. It can be used as base load plants in countries where oil or nahrral gas are cheap
and easily available and water scarcity is present.
2.7.4 Layout of gas turbine plant
The gas turbine is one of the oldest power generating device used for power
production. The gas turbine plants have been used in remote oil and gas fields, on offshore
P~tfonns and in gas-pipeline pumpjng stations.
· · The gas turbine is preferred as a base load plant over other plants as major delays in
completion-oflarge bas·e load fossil and nuclear units.
' ,
' '
Air filter
To power
pressure pressure transmission
compressor compressor tower
Water Water
Out · In Combustion chamber
. , ,In the combustion chamber fuel is added with this hot air and combustion takes
, I 1 • • , • I • I ~ ! 1 • I
place. The product of the hot gases is allowed to expand in low pressure turbine and then
into high pressure turbine. On its way to low pressure turbine, Further beat is added in the
combustion chamber placed between the low pressure and high pressure turbine.
· The exhaust oflow pressure turbine is expelled out into the atmosphere after passing
through the regenerator. '· · · · · ·
The exhaust gas c~ l9t ofh~at ~d it can be given to the~ coming out of the high,
pressure compressor. The mesQanical work ~Y?µ_<l;ble _at.the tm;qipe 9utp~·t_is converted
into electrical power by coupling a generator with the turbine.
Regenerator is used to preheat the air entering into the combustion by transferring ,
the heat from the exhaust to the compressed air. This reduces the fuel consumption and
increases tl1e efficiency of the plant. Regenerators must withstand rapid large temperature
changes and must have low pressure drop.
4. Combustion chamber
Hot air from regenerator enters into the combustion chamber where fuel like coal,
natural gas or kerosene is injected for chemical reaction. The fuel burns into the combustion
chamber with hot air and the products of combustion leaves it relatively at high
S. Gas turbine
Two turbines namely high pressure and low pressure turbine are used to develop
mechanical work. The products ofcombustion are expanded first in high pressure ~ine
and then in low pressure turbine. The mechanical work so developed is then con·verted
into electrical power·by a generator unit. More turbine stages are preferre'd to ·reduce the
stresses on the turbine blades thus increasing the overall life ofthe plant.
Natural gas is the ideal fuel for gas turbine, but it is not available everywhere. Its
composition includes a major portion of methane and a small portion of ethane, propane
and buta~e. The sulphur Cl½S) component is kept below 0.1 % volume otherwise, the
blades get affected.
The liquid fuel such as residual fuels, furnace oils, boiler fuel oil etc are considered.
Cost is the main factor in selectioning the liquid fuel and the cheapest fuel can be always
The fuel having boiling point in between 200°C to 300°C can be'tised without much
difficulty. The liquid fuel must have low·sulphurcontent and vanadium compounds to avoid
blade corrosion.
iii) Solid fuel
The coal or powdered coal can be used as fuel for gas turbine power plant. The
coal is burnt by either iµtegrated g~ification method or fluidized bed combustion method
Most of combhled cycle power plant employs ;coal as a fuel for gas'tutbines:
2.7.6 Gas turbine 'plani:'.mat~rials', ·:· II ' , ' ·, • •
·' ·' -'1.I ' I
.scanned. w1 tn c.,;am.sca:nner
In this way, the important compon~nt of a gas turbine power plant the gas turbine
which is made with some kind ofspecial materials with necessary cooling arrangements
because they are subjected to high temperature, high stresses and chemical attack.
-St.No. Components
Failure occurs Material selected to
due to reason reduce failure
- 1. Turbine rotor disc Disc subject to centrifugal For outer surface, austenitic
force and thermal-stress steel with 12 to 18%
which tend to cause Chromium, 8 to 12%Nickel,
2. Turbine rotor blade Blades ar~ subjected to Stainless steel & Nimonic
high stresses and alloys (8-20% Nickel
temperature and oxidation. Chromium alloys) . .
Scaling, creep, fatigue A uniform coating with
and defoanation Silicon Carbide, Silicon
Nitride, Aluminium Nitride
on Nimonic alloy.
l. It must with stand high temperatur~, be~vy ~ermfll shock and lµgh stress.
• • .. I • • • ,.. • •
2. It pl~t b~y~ ,low ci:e_ep rat~~~ high resistance t(? fatigue.failure.
3. It must have high resistancefo·oxidation, corrosion and·erosion.
4. It must have high machinability and structural and manufacturing stability.
.scanned. w1 tn cam.scanner
Chamber Generator
Air In Exhaust to
Figure 2.10: Open Cycle Gas turbine poiver plant
The turbine should develop more gross output than tbe power required to drive the
compressor. The products of combustion coming out of the turbine are exhausted to
atmosphere. They can,not ~e.used any more. Sp there is .a continuous demand of fuel as
they are exhausted into tJ:le atiposphere.
\ Pi
4' '
i:Scannect. w1 tn lJami:Scanner
•·· ' ' ' Isentropic work in'put ' , ,· ' .' • ·· 21 I ' I'. I
' I
I '
, I
h, .,:- - 1
· mCP (T2 -T,)
= mCP (T~ -T,J
'Tlisen -
/:)cannect w1 tn cam/:)canner
l .~'.._--------~--_!p~O~W:=:ER~P_LA_N_T_E_NG--.:..:.::INEERi.,,
, , mer ( T3 -T~) h4
o I •
Combustion Generator
Cooler · 4
Figure 2.1~: Closed Cycle Gas turbine power plant
The figure 2.12 sho~s the gas turbine operatµig on closed cycle. The various
operations are as follows: • I • . I
l - 2 - Isentropic compression
2 - 3 - Constanrpressure heat addition
I '
3 - 4 - Isentropic expruisi.on . ·· ·
4 - 1 .- Constant pressure heat rejection.
.scanned. w1 tn c.,;am.scanner
{sentropic compression (Process 1 _2)
Toe air is comp~essed by isentropic process. So, pressure of an ideal gas increases
froIJl p 1 to P2 and hence temperature also increases from T 1 to T 2.
constant pressure heat addition (Process 2 _3)
The heat i~ added by burning the fuel in combustion chamber at constant pressure
(p 2 · == p3) an~ hence the volume is increased from v2 to v3. The temperature also increases ·,
froIIl Tz to T3 . .
The temperature T3 is the peak temperature of the cycle. The heat addition is
roathematically, equal to Q 1 = mCP (T 3 - T2).
Jsentropic expansion (Process 3 - 4)
The isentropic expansion is carried out in the turbine to produce work output.
Then the pressure .is reduced from p3 to p4 (p 2 to p 1) and hence temperature also falls
from T3 to T4•
Constant pressure heat rejection (Process 4 - 1)
The h~at is rejected from the system to reduce the volume from v 4 to v 1 and the
temperature also reduced from T4 to T 1•
The h~atrejection is equal to Q2 == mCP (T4 -T 1).
(T3-T2)-(T4-T1) .·
,Cr3.-T2) I
t •• •
• l
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
::::2·..:.:40~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..:P...:::O~W:.:::E~R_PLA_N_T_E...;,.NG.::.:l:..:!:NEERIN
2·7 .8 Improvement of Thermal Efficiency of gas turbine pow,er Plant
The thermal efficiency of the gas turbine is increased by th proces of reheating 1
.::>cannee1 wi tn (.;am.::icanner
The line4' -A: represent the expansion in the L.Pturbine if reheating is not employed.
By neglecting the mechanical losses,
The work output ofH.P turbine = work input required for the compressor
Cpg(T3 -T4') = Cp/T2'-T 1) '
Cpa = Specific heat of air and C_pg = Specific heat of gas at constartt pressure.
Toe work outputofL.P rurbine is given by,
Net work output (with reheating) = Cpg (T 5 - T6') T
2' 5'
4 . -.
• ,. - ' f ,.. • e • • •
Air ih
Figure 2.15: Effect of Regeneration
~cannea. w1 tn cam~cariner
Z.~:___ _ _ _ _ _ ___:.._ __:_~PO~W:.;.:E;;..R_P_LA_N_T_EN_G-..:.:INEERl~ 1
~42 ~
. t of heat as their temperature i
The exhaust gases from a gas turbine carry 1O b s far
t fthe exhaust gases can e giv
above the ambient temperature. Therefore, the hea O · lied. th en to
the air coming out ofcompressor thereby reducing the mass offoel supp . m e c~mbllstion
d ·ts corresponding T-S d1agra .
chamber. The gas turbine plant with regetterator an 1 Ill ts
shown in figure 2.15 and 2.16 respectively.
4 ·
L __ _ _ ____::.,___ _ _ _ _ _ _..,
. . s
Figure 2.16: T-s diagram
i:Scanned. Wl th c..;ami:Scanner
;.,--- CLE POWER PLANTS 2.43
Low High
pressure ' Turbine ·
The ideal cycle for this arrangement is 1-2-3-4-5-6, the compression process without
intercooling is 1-A' in the ac~~ case, and 1-A ~ ~e ide~l ise~tr~pic ~~~-.
~cannea. w1 tn cam~ca:hner
~44 ~
L-~:__------~-----~PO:::.;WE~R_P-:-LANT_1_EN_G_;INE..::::: ,
1 - 2' - Lo,, pressure compression
2' - 3 -: · Intercooling
-- · 3·-· 4' ' - High-pressure compression
4' - 5 - Combustionchamberheating
5 - 6' - Turb_ine expansion
By comparing the above equations we see that work input of intercooling is less
than the" ork input "~th no intercooling i.e. c;, (T~ - T) is less than c; (T~ - T)
From the T-S diagram, Since the pressure line diverges from left to right, therefore,
\,,,,ork' Raho
. Network output
= ------'--
Gross work output
= \Vork of expansion- Work of compression
Work of expansion
\Vhen the compressor work input is re-0uced then the work ratio is increased.
= c;, (T5 - T./)
Heat supplied (,yith intercooling)
Heatsupplied(withoutfutercooling) = r'-'P CT--T
:) A')
By comparing the above equations heat supplied with intercooling is greater thnD
without intercooling)hence supply of cooling ,vater should be readily a, ailable when
intercooling is used
.:>cannee1 w1tn uam.:>canner
cooling w11ler.
/\ combined power cyclo is II eombinntion of (Gas turbine plant+ Steam turbine
plnnt) powor cyclos operating i11dcpcncJcntly al different temperature. Aficr generating
power, llw hcut rojcctcd by the high temperature cycle is recovered and utilized by the low
1ompomturn cycle to gcncrnto power. This improves the overall efficiency ofthe plant.
Tho urmngomcnt of various combined cycle power plants can be vary with respect to the
· Nr filtor
Alr In
Feed water
Figure 2.19: General arrangement of combined gas
turbi11e-steam tr1.rbine power plant
I. Turbo Charging . •• J.
_. Power Output
After Cooler Diesel Engine
Air in Exhaust
Figure 2.20: Turbo Charging
The exhaust gas from the diesel engine is allowed to expand in the gas turbine. The
work output due to this expansion is utilised to drive a compressor. The work output of the
gas turb.irie is just sufficient to run the compressor.
2. Gas generator.· ·
.. .I I
After Cooler
, I • • . . , I . •• I I
, I I
, Exhaust Gases I I
Diesel Engine
- ' 1.
Figure 2.21:Gas generator
• I ' I I I
' • I • J •
', The figure 2•.21 shows the schematic arrangement of gas-generator interconnecting
system. In this systeril; the-c·otnpressor is driveil,by.couplingthe diesel ·engine shaft with it
through some suitable dtive.: ·,. . · <· , ~ .. 1 1·: • . , •· . . •.• - • , _. . . , • . 1• • • , • •
I '
J 4 ,
, • ; I t ,"' . - ~~ I\ l I , , , • 1 t • t :
Thus a part of the output deyeloped by the diesel engine is consumed by the
I J t 0
i::icannect. w1 tn tJami::icanner
3. co01pound engine
Exhaust Gases
r ' ' I
After Cooler
.____.,,...___. ',
The figure 2.22 shows the arrangement of a compound engine system which
combines both turbo char~g and gas-generator system. In this system, the power required
to run the compressor is supp.ffed by both diesel engine and gas turbine through some
suitable drive and the load is connected with the diesel engine shaft.
The ICGCC technology integrates the production of purified gas and the
production of electricity, The integrated coal gasification combined cycle power plant
is the latest pollution free technology which uses coal as primary•fuel.. The coal gas
prepared according to the speciation of gasifier. The plant is called integrated because
th~.SY1:}thetic gas prod!,lced i~ use~ a~_fuel ~ a ~as turbin~_whi~h produces electrical
power. The technology ~t~¥I'ates ~e,p1ro~~cti~n ofpuri.fted gas anµ the production of
~cannect. w1 tn c...:am~canner
Syngas I IHigh lemperature
Filter gas filter
alr in
ash I i: I Cs
Heal Recovery
Steam Generator
ltfJ Alr
t.'akeuo' gas from gasifier
(t) -0
p Air . Ci Water ~
- separa~pn · in z
unit --i
P' z G)
Figure 2.28: Integrated Gasifierba.sed combined cy•cle
p.) ~
The integrated coal gasification combined cycle power plant has following two
units- .
O Coal gasification Unit
it) Combined c~cle_powerplarit ..·· ... _ ..
' ·• \. .• _- 'I
Coal is gasified in the gasifier and it is the primary p.iel of th~ IGGCC power
The main elements of the gasifier units are
O Bunker
. .,
iQ Sluny tank
., I •
iii) Gasifier I • I
0 Compressor
it) Combustor
• I
• ' j
' ..
iit) Gas turbine
' I '
The coal is not burned directly 1b:ut undergoes a reaction with oxygen and steam.
The resultaµt gijs'~produced in the 'ga~ilier-'i~:a syntqetic ~~~'~d the S¥1!~etic gas has a
compositio)l of40 to 50% CO and;hyfkogen mixtw:e. Th~;sxntheti~ gas is-sena through
filter and cl~~µ~~! for cleaning ~d desulph'urising; flien to co,moti~tor of the gas
turbine. ·····':· ~,l - •... . - .. - - - . / •
... ' _.
,' • , I J"
Char is the solid material that remains after purifying th e coal gas, which is
driven out in the high temperat11re filter unit. The waste and ash are expelled froin the
gasifier unit.
Once the cle~ned product gas reaches the ~ombustor, where it is burnt and hot
flue gas are expanded in·the tttrbine t~ drive the genera'tor to turn out electricity. After
expansion,'the flue gases fro'm the gas turbine rea~hes the heat recovery steam generator
(HRSG) where the flue g~s get ~ooled and generates steam. This steam generated
in this cycle drives the st~~m turbine tQ generate electricy. The power is produced in
the gas turbine as well ~s r,team generator.
Advantages of ICGCC power pl~~t
0 The biggest a~v·antage of the IGCC is its capabilityto use a wide range of
coals and other fuels such as biomass or municipal waste has been used.
ii) Ash forms as slag in the gasifier and it easy for disposal than fly ash from
oal fi_red power plants;
iiQ The dilution by using Nitrogen in the gas turbine combustor reduces the
• ' j •
fonnation ofNOx.' .,
iv) The filtration and cleaning of the Synthetic gas from the gasifier take away
most ofthe emissions like sulphur dioxide.
, I
' ..
' 'f, •
E:ounplc 1:
An engine working on the Otto cycle h~s 11 comprcss~on ratio 8.5:1. The
tcmpernture nnd the pressure _nt the beginning .of compression is 93°C and
o.93 bnr rcspccth•cly. The maximum prcsssurc in the cY.cle i~ 38 )?~r. D~termine
the pressure nnd temperature at nil the points of the cycle, air standard efficiency
and mean effcctive pressure.
rk = 8.5 = Vi/V 2 Adi11b11tic pro~c_ss,
3 (PVY=C)
T1= 93°c p
= 93 + 273 = 366 K
P1 = 0.93 bar
- 0.93 x 100 = 93 KPa
1 Q2
p3 = 38 bar= 38 x 100 = 3800 KPa
I ' ' '
i) p and Tat all points of the cycle.
· y ''
h) Air standard efficiency.
fu) Mean effective pressure.
. ! ..
Process 1-2 (Adiabatic compression) l I ., I \ , ,
I I •
.. . .. .
I >
P2 = (8.5)1.4 X 93, .·
p2 = 1860.67 K.Pa . I '
= 3SOO X 861.487
T3 1860.67
T3 = l 759.393 K
Process 3-4 (Adiabatic e.Y:pam,io11)
P3V3Y= P,1V.1Y
p = (VJ ]y x p
" V, l
=[ - l ]'"' X 3800
P4 = 189.932 KPa
Process 4-1 (Co11sta11t vol11111e heat rejectio11)
. \ .
T4 = 189.932 X 366 .
T 4 = 747.474 K
', I l
.. .
• '
I' • .' • I '
Q2 = 0.718 (747.74-366)
Q 2= 273.898 KJ/Kg
644.697-273.898 X lOO
llnir = 644.697
llnir = 57 .52 %
llnlr = 1 - ( Ti.: y,- 1
llnir = 57.51 %
= 1- l
1111.ir = 57.52%
P1V1 = mRT1
mRTI _ 0.287x366 = l.l 29 m3/kg
P1 93
I • • • o,
' '
. \,2 =·o.ijlm3/ kg~ .
644·_·697-~~ 3-898 ~ -·; ·~~~288 kPa
Pm = 1.129-0.133 .
• I' • ..,.,,.
fk = 18
Q1 :.: 1800 kJ/kg
T 1 =300K
P1 = lbar = 100 kPa
Process 1-2 (Adiabatic ~ontpression)
v, = RT, = 0.28} x 300
P, 100
V1 = 0.861 mJ/kg
. r.·
k- V.1]
IP = 5719.809 kPa I
i, =(~~r
[..• ,.111 -- Yi_]
V 2
V2 .
V2= 0.04783 m3 /kg
I T3 = 2744.347 KI
V3 _ 2744.347
0.0478 953.302
V 3= 0.1376 m3/kg
T4 = ( V3 Jr-i_
•T3 V4
. M '
T4 -( O. l376J [..• V
, .4 =•V, .•I ]
.. . - 0:861
IT4 =1317.908KI
• I
.scanned. w1 tn cam.scanner
? ~~---_:-~-..:..-~_!__-_:_~PO~W~E:::.R~P-LA_N_T_E_N_Gl-.;.::,NEERIN
~58 ~
Q1= mCr (T3 -T2)
Q1 = 1800 kJ/kg
Q2 = mCv(T4-T1)
= 0.718 (1317.908- ,300)
Q2 = 730.858 kJ/kg
11 = l - 1800
111 = 59.397 % 1
Q1 - Q2 1800 - 730.858
Pm = V1 - V2 = 0.861- 0.04783 ,
· T 1 = 27° C = 300K
T3 = 1027° C = BOOK
Prl = 1.386
! I,
. . . ,. ::. - .
I '•
' ' I •
Pr3 = 330.9
- -=--..► v
~cannea w1 tn c..;am~canner
2.59 .
frOcess J-2 (A~~abatic compression)
1 ..., •
¼o~(4.4!6}"-I ,: '.
IT2 =543.43 KI
Process 3-4 (Adiabatic Expansion)
1 t f • 1 • 1 I ~ 1 ' 'II • 1 \ I 11 1, •t • •
*' ' .
.. I
.' ..
~cannect w1tn c.;am~c·a nner
.;;:,:2,~60:____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~--_!.....:PO::..:W.:.:;;.E~R-P_LA_N_T_E_NG.;;;;..:.l:.:..:::NEERI~
V3 = 0.2264
· r • · • '· V4
'' .. .
.. . I I
l = (0.2264)1.4-I
. ,
We = 244.65 kJ/kg
WT = mCp(T 3 -T4)
= 1.005 (1300 ~ 717.682)- I .
. 244.65
Back work rat10 =--
l -
.- .
- -
I .I
'/ (8)ii
Irio~='. 44.8 _¾ I
i:Scannea. w1 tn c..;ami:Scanner
Example 4:
The compression ratio in an air-standard Otto cycle is 8. At the begining of
compression process the pressure is 1bar and the temperature is 300 K. The heat
transfer to the air per cycle is 1900 KJ/kg oI air calculate. i) Pressure and
temperature at the end of each process of the cycle,. ii) Thermal efficiency,
iii) Mean effective pressure.· (AU-Nov/D~c-2003 Nov/Dec 2005)
rk =8
p 1 = lbar = 100 kPa p
T 1 =300K
Q 1 ~ 1900 kJ/kg
Process 1-2 o I
_ _.y
[ P2 = 1837.918 kP~ I . ·,
4 •
,. •
: '
.... . .
- .
. • I •
[T =689.219 K]
. . . V,
RT1 t =· - I
v1 - - ' '
- .·i"o
8=•,· ,•.s6r:.,.- ·
0.287 X 300 .. --- ·v; . -- '
V 2 =0.1076 m3/kg
y 1 = 0.861 m3/kg
~canned. w1 tn (.)am~canner
. ~
Process 2-3
Q1 = mCv(T3 -T2)
1900= 0.718{T 3 -689.219)
\ T3 = 3335.489 KI
1837.918 689.219
p3 3335.489
\ p3 = 8894.56 kPa \
Process 3-4
p" · (0.1076)1.-1
8894.56 - 0.861
., .
/ I
\ P4 = 483.79 kPa I
T (V Jr-I .
_4= _3
' . I I . T3 . V4
I •
' '
(0.1076) ·
3335.489 - 0.861
\ T4~ 1451.721 K I
T\ = 1- (r~Jr-1
111=56.473% 1
Pm = Q, - Q2
v, -v 2
Q2 == tnCv (T4-T1)
== 0.?18 (1451.721-300)
Q2 == 826.936 kl/kg.
Pm = 1900 - 826.93~
0.861- 0.1076
'pm== 1424.295 kPa
I Pm = 14.243 bar I
Example 5:
The following data related to a gas turbine plant,
P.ower developed = 5MW
Inlet pressure and temperature of 1;1ir to the compressor = 1 bar, -30° C
Pressure ratio of the cycle - 5
Isentropic efficiency of the c.ompressor - 80 percent
Isentropic efficiency of bot~ turbines - 85 percent
Maximum temperature in both- .turbines. -· . - 550° C
' '
Cpa = 1.0 kJ/kg K; Cpg =·1.15 kJ/kgK; Y(air) = 1.4; Y(gases) = 1.33.
If a reheater is used between two turbines at a pressure 2.24 bar, calculate the
following, (i) The mass flow rate of air, and (ii) The overall efficiency. Neglect
. • I
Given.· I ; '' .
~ I { •
No. of compressor~ 1
No. of turbines= 2
Pressure ratio (rp) = 5
i:)cannect w1 tn CJam~canner
64:____ _ _ __:__ ~_ _ _ _ __:P:_::O::.:.W:..;;;.E::.;,...R_P_LA_N_T_E~_IG;;..:.:_:,:INEERII
- -P:l
r P -. 0 5 or p3 = 5 x I = 5 bar
P2 ° 2.24 bar
T3 = Ts = 550 + 273 = 823 K
1lcomp, = 0, 8
= 0. 8 = T2 - T1 = 480 - 303
T2, - 1\ T2, - 303
I •
_' I
, I
2' 3 4' 5
. . '
1 . C = Compressor '
C.C = Cdmbustlon chamber Exhaust
Air In I .. I -
T1, T2 = Turbines
i:Scannect. w1 tn lJami:Scanner
T (I<)
303 - -
L - - - ' - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - P s(l<J/kg K)
(b) r.:s diagram
• ·... • f
, T3 . I 823
T4 - - = - , = 674.6 K
1.22 . I 1.22
... == 696.9 K
' ... .,.
- .~
. ..
'I ..
... ~
T6 = -=
Ts 823 ~ 674.6 K
1.22 1.22
T _ r6, 823 - T6'
,, = 0.85 = Ts T =
.sT 6 823 - 67_4.6
T6, = 696.9 K
l :
5 X 103 = ma x.68.8
I :
• - - - - • ] ~ I
, I r
• ' ·• • •• I
g turbine p,laot of 800 k\V c peclty t kc tbc s.ir a't LOI r und l O ••
'f e pre ure rati.o of the cycle Is 6 and mo Jmum t 'mperatur, i J' i d o
700° C. A regcner tor of 75o/c effectiveness b added Jn the plnnt to ju r u
0,,er•ll efficiency of the plant. The pres urc drop In the combu t.ion cbamb r
1 0,.15 bar as well as ln the regenerator iJ also 0.15 bar. Assuming i cotropicnl
effidenc oftbe compressor 80% nod turbine is 85%. Determine plnn t 't hetmal
efficiency. Neglect the mass of the fuel. (AU-Nov/Dec 201 J
W = 800 kW \
T3 = 973 K •
.> 4
_J ;,,,. ,~ "
/ Rege
/ E = 75 %
G) P1 = 1.01 bar
Compressor (1-2),
6 ⇒ P2 = 6 x 1.01
p2 = 6.06 bar
o..c T . .
(6) u = -282,{. ·. ⇒ ·· T-2· =• , 480.53K
lS " ; I ..
I, 1 1
• I .. ,
• I \
I l t
-- T2 -Ti
lie = 0.8,, . , , T I 1T 1
r' I
480.53 - 288
0,8 = T2 I - 288
T2 1 = 528.66 K
-2.6_8_ _ _ ___:,_...:_'
~ '-:.:_:_
........ · ::.
· ·~ ..:.·!.-
·: ....:..'..:..
. _· :..:.· ·.~ ·PO::.:W~E~R_P_LA_N_T_EN_G~INEEc:i 1._,
- ·.....:
= 0.15+p.15=0.3bar ..
Pressure at Turbine inlet .. . .
' I•
I I'
P3 = P2 - 0.3 I , '
- = 1 6.06- 0.3
jr3 -~5.76barl
Turbine,(3~4), : . I I
P3 = 5.76 bar -
I -
I • "' t
.. ' . ·, .
' '
Turbine, llt I •
.. t t ' • I
i:Scannect. w1 tn lJami:Scanner
~ .
0.75 = T5 - T2 I •I :
( . '
' I T4 I -T2 I
CTs = 618.83 iq
Network done,
Wnet = WT- We -
= Cp(T3 -T/)- cp(T2' -T1)
= 1.024 X ] 03 [973 - 648.88]
- 1.024 X I 03[528.06 . .:. 288]
. f
, kJ )
Power = ma X ( net work done) ( KW = kg
X k f .
go air
• i
= rila{Wnet)
. ~
[ llp = 23.56% I - ;
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
. ,, NQ
p 1 ~ - 'i'b'ar · _.,, 1
., ,
... ,.' , f.p ::-·· --
- :-.P1
- - .
6 I !
- . -- . . .
•pL ' ''. .
,' I
r , f
_. I '· I • • I
p3 = 6 bar
E = 0.72
C = 18500 kJ/kg
Cpn = l kJ/kg K
Cp 8 = 1.15 kJ/kg K
Y(oir) = 1.4
Y(sns) = 1.33
We know that,
P2 = VI p3 x Pt = '\/'671
u " 1 = 2.45 bar
T2 , = 537.6 K
~ - 1043 -_ 819 K
Ts -T4
- 1.249 1.249
8 Regenerator
1 I C =Compre · or
C.C =i Combu lion chamber
Air In
T, T_ -- Turb n
,, t'I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
T5: ~ 8.5~_6 K
'N.eJcnow that _
T3 - T.2 , .. T3 - 537.6
. Effectiveness, E = o. 72 = ~-~ = --'~---
T7' - T2 , 851.6 - 537.6
T3 - 763.7 K
,, Alf ratio entering in the first turbine
:i -
mr1 = Mass of fuel supplied per kg of air to the combustion chamber ofWn.
mr, = 0.01638kg/kgofair
A/F ratio = 0.0 1638 = 61':l
ii) Thermal efficie11cy of the CJ cle, T/Jhumal
where mr~ is the fuel supplied in the reheater per kg ofair entering into the compressor:
' .
~cannea w1 tn c.;am:scanner
!:.:.2-~74~---:----___:__ _,:__.:...---,:__.!:.:PO~W:..:,:E:::..R~P_LA_N_T_E;.;.::.:NGINEtb
~ ~
Total T11rbi11e work
WTurbinc(totnl) = Wr 1 + Wr 2 ·
- (1+ mr, )cpg (T4 - T5,) -t (I + mr, + mr, )cpg (T6 -17,)
Wnet = WT(total) - WC
= 402.8-244.6 = '158.2 kJ/kg of air
Wnel = Wnet
Tlthermal =
Heat supplied( Q5 ) ( mr1 + ffir2 ) x C
= 158 ·2 = 0.3135
(.0.01638 + 0.0109) X 18500 . . .
, l • .
= 31.35%
, •- • • ' ~ ' ,.• I I
iii) Air supplied to t~e pla11t, 111 0 ,
IDa = - - = 6000 ,.. 37.93 k /s
wnet,- _ 15$.2 -· . ' I g
.::>cannee1 Wi tn (.;am~canner
ti11111plc 8:
~ stroke diesel engine has a piston dia of 16.5 cm and a stroke of 27 cm.
conipression ratio of 14.3, the cut off 4.23%. of the ·stroke and the mean
(fectlve pressure 4.12 bar. The engine speed is 264 rev/min and the fuel
:onsumption is 1.076 kg of oil per hour, having a calorific value of 39150 kJ/
kg, Calcu~ate the relative efficiency of the engine.
sohition: .
d = 6.5 cm
f = 27 Cffi = 27 X 10-2 m
rk:::: 14.3
re== 4.23% of stroke
Pmcr=4.12 bar=4.12 xI0 5 Pa
Indicated Power
Tl ::.e: ... (B)
Heat Supplied
Indicated Power -
Pmef x L x Ax n
.. . ·. 60~\ . ' . . ' • I •
(· · n -NJ
• '
2 '•
• ,
) • '
, r •
.. , . .. , ,, . ,, . ,
4.12·~105 X 27 X
l0:_21x'¾~(16.5 X 10-2 )2
.= t I • ~,
· / 60 .·.
I •
I '
· ·IP= 5232.88W . ·.
.:>cannect w1 tn cam.:>canner
. ~
Heat supplied,
= l.0 76 X 39150 X 10 3
Qs = 11701.5\V
:. Indicated thennal efficiency,
LP 5232.88
- -- --
Qs 11701.5
111T .= 44.72% ..
f -
= 4.23% of stroke
. . . .' .-.. fc
\ \ ( , • I
. r ..... 0.01142 . ..
I • • • • •
• I I , I I I • • • • • ., · C -. : '
1 [ 0.011421.4 -1 ] '
llair = l - (14})o.4 l.4[0.0ll42 -·iJ ..
= 1 - 0.248.8
.. llair = 0.75112=75.11%
• • I
• •
. .'
• . . 1.. • •• ; , .~ •• • t: .··· .. ~; _:_,
- -... v
t - 2 Reversible adiabatic compressin ( s = c)
2- ~ Constant pressure heat addition ( p = c)
3 - 4 Reversible adiabatic expansion(s =c)
4- l Constant volume heat rejection (v =c)
2. Whnt arc the assumptions made on air standard efficiency?
(AU-Nov/Dec 2002, 2003. Apr/l'ilay 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009)
I. Air is the working fluid and it obeys the perfect gas laws i.e.~,. rv = mRT.
2. The engine operates in a closed cycle. The cylinder is filled with constant amount
of working medium and the same fluid is used repeatedly and hence mass remain
3. The working fluid is homogeneous throughout at all times and no chemical reaction
takes place, inside the cylinder.
4. The compression and expansion processes are assumed to be adiabatic.
5. The values of specific heat(<; and Cv) ~f the working fluid remains constant.
6. All the processes are internally reversible and no mechanical or frictional losses
to occur throughout the process. .
7. Combustion is ~eplaced by heat addition proce-ss.and exhaust is replaced by
heat rejection process.
8. The expansion process is replaced by a heat rejection process and it restore the
working fluid in to initial state.
i:)cannect w1 tn CJam~canner
!.!:, - - - - - - - - ----.!..,:po~W:.:.,:E:.;..R,:..;..P_LA_N_T....;,EN:..:.:::!.GINe~~
- ~
3 D li . oo4 Apr/May 2005)
· c me compression rntio. (AV-Nov/Dec 2 ' · .
· <l f~
lt is f 1· d to the clearance volume
c mccl as the ratio oft.he volume o ·cy m er ·
rk ==- =
Vo + VM ::::
Vc Ve Vo
p = Workdone / cycle = Qi - Qi
m Swept volume V2
v; - • .
5. For the same compression ratio and heat r_eje~tion which cycle will be
efficient? (AU-Nov/Dec 2002, 2013,Apr/May 2003,2012, May/June 2006)
t 6 T
--+ V
Area } - 2 ..1. 5 '. . . 4 . .:.: l · J?iesel cyc_le .
. ..
Area 1 - 2 - 6 - 7 - ~ -1 Oral cycle ··
Area 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 Otto cycle
All the cycles have same heat rejection by the Q. ·
. . .
• f
, l ' • '
Os .,
Or = constant ... ·
I I • • • •
· ·- ·
lfQs increases Tl also increases. So therefo~e the area under curve 2-3, 2-6-7 and
2-5, shows that heat addition decrases. . · -. . · · ·
• ! • ,.
' ..
6, For the m~ximum press~~e and temperature which cycle ~ill be efficient?
(AU-Apr/May 2003)
t T
' . --+ ·S
• , •
' .
\ _,. ..
• I
' 2
a b b' b"
--+ V -:--JI, s
. .
11 = 1- Qr ; Q5 = constant for ~ll cy~les
QS I •
r. -..
,. •, ·; • .r.,
, ! •J , J/ ., ,' 1 , I
'Q;·(, I _l · '-
Tl = 1- constant
~canned. w1 tn c..;am~canner
~ ~0~----...J•..:..
2.8 · __:__:~~~__.:_·_:...·sPO~W::::,.E::..:R;.:..P_LA_N_T_EN_G-.;,;.,:I~
d1·esel cycle, heat rejection is rn0
For Otto cycle, heat rejection is less~r an.d ior
· re.
Therefore, 11ouo> 11dunl > lldiescl·
8. Define work ratio of gas turbi~e.
Work ratio == - - - - -
Turbine work
w.T .
wT = Turbine work
Wc = Compressor work
9. What is the physical significance of mean effective press11re?
work done
Mean Effective Pressure (MEP) :.a,: . stroke volume
The mean effective pressure is directly proportional to the work dOfte in a given
displacement volume.
When mean,effective pressure increase work done will be increased or vice versa.
The tenn mean effective pressure can be used to compare the engines of same sizes.
10. What are tfre advantage·sofdieselpwwer pla.rit? . ,
( J :•. i • ' • ,, 1 I ,, ~ ' i • • • , • • _
1. Diesel power
plant~ can operat~ -at higher thennal efficiency than thermal
:' .
and can operate on wide variety of fuels.
• I' • • I } J I O I •
. ~-, P~ant can be
•• • .
q~ickly and ~~ought
. •
into service
to pick
up loads in a very I I
short time. · -
3. The efficiency at part loads does no~ fall so much as that of a steam plant.
4. It can respond to v~g !<?$.,without any difficulty.
5. Less spaoe is required.f~.I\S.~e papa,city than thermal.plant. .
6. Water required for cooling-purposes ,is lesser than that oftheqnal:plant. , ·
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
g!::--1- CLE POWER PLANTS 2.81
~t ar~.the applications
12, Wh. . of diesei power plant? .•
1. Used as a peak ~oad plants in combination.wi~ some othe~ plant~ ... _~..
2. Quite suitable for mobile power generation and are widely_used in transpprtation
.: system·s consisting of rail roads, ships, a·utomobiies aeropl~~~---· .· . .' .
• • '
• ' 1 : ,. • • • ~ f • ... I •
3. Used as stand by power plants for other plants under emergency service.
' ' • I • ' • • • • • 1 ~ • .j 1 '\ . ' "" I . .. ... !, , I • f 1
4. Diesel pow'g plants in the range of 2MW to 50MW capacity ar~ ~s·ea as_central
. . : ,. .
. .
l3, Name the components of diesll power plant.
1. Qiesel engine 2. Air intake system · ·- ,
J. Exhaustga&System , -, ·.,. · · 4. PuelSl.ipplytsystein•· ,. ··u .: ;. :=:: .:
~cannea w1 tn c.;am:scanner
.82 ~
14· What are the factors considered for selec t.ion of an·engine in diesel. P0wet
plant? · ··
1. Power 2. Speed . .. ·'
' .'
5. Governing system
I . . ,..
l5. What are the factors considered for selection ·of a diesel power plant?
1. Loading 2. Speed '
3. Cooling system 4. En~~~tal ~nditiori ! ·
Yes. A diesel power plant can be operated with CNG as i) mono fuel, iD. dual.fuel. • , '•
Monofuel: (•
.' .
The CNG is added with air and the diesel initiates combustion of this airfuel mixture. • I •
n)Water-to - air cooling diesel power plant. ;.m: ' ·: :1~,:,1 -,;.,,rJ
J) 'Iype ofLoad
a) Peak load plants . b) Standby plants c) Base load plants
2) Application
a) Aircraft b) Locomotive c) Marine d) Transport
3) Cycle
' . .-, 't
a) Open cycle plants b) Closed cycle plants
' I
4) Fuel
a) Liquid b) Gas c) Solid
20. What are the methods used to start the diesel engine from cold?
The following three methods are used to start the diesel engine from cold.
· I. By an auxiliary engine (usually petrol driven) · .·. · · ·· •
2. By an electric motor
3. By a ~ompres~ed air system
21. What are the advantages of gas turbine power plarit?
I. Perfect balancing of gas turbine plant induces negligible vibration and hence -
heavy foundations and buildings are not required.
, ' \ \
2. Low weight and less initial and operating cost than steam power plant.
• •r ' . - : ' • j I •
3. Plant can be quickly started' aiid pick up load and hence mostly preferred as
peak load plant. ·..· ''(, , · ' · · · ' '· ' · '
4. Poor qualities ~d wide variety of fuels can be used.
5. Less space is required.
~annect. w1 tn cam~canner
2.~:___ _ _ _...:,___.--.:.._ __..;._ __!:P~OW!.!.E:::.:.R.:.:.P..;....LA_N_T_E_NG_;,;,_INEER1~1
~84 ~
b' ?
22 · \Vhut arc the diffcl'cnt tyJ>CS of fuel used in gns tur me!
x . ) d Dodecane (Kerosene oil)
ntlethnne, Ethane, Propane, Octane (gaso 1me an · ·
23, \\'hat arc the applicntions of gns tul'bine?
1. They Cc:Ul be used as peak load planks.
. . .
mcom b'matton
• 'thsteam powerplants. 1
2• Tl1ey also work satisfactonly w1
3. It can be used as base load plants in countries where_oil or natural gas are cheap
and easily available and water scarci~y is present.
24. Name the material used in rotor of~he gas turbine.
For the outer surface of the rotor austhentic steel with 12 to 18% Chromium, 8 to
. - '
12% Nickel, and very small percent~ges of tungsten, molybdenum and Titanium are
used. At central portion of the disc,.Ferrite ·steel with high creep strength is used.
. .
2. In the event of power failure.at one plant, operation can be.continued by feeding
the other plants thereby avoiding complete shutdown. · • ,·,-:.:,· ', · · ' ' ·
3. It is more suitable for rapid start and shutdown than steam plant.
4. For the same output, less cooling w~ter is required. . ,
5. It gives high ratio of output power to occupied ground space.
iScannee1 w1 tn {.;amiScanner
29• What are the advantages of gas turbine plant over stcnm power plant'?
, l. Gas turbine plants are particularly useful and economicnl.
2. The capital investment for gas turbine plant is iess to compare with steam power
plant of equal size.
3. Gas turbine power plant required less space.
4. Gas turbine plant has high load.factor. • .. .
• • • I •
The regenerator is a heat exchanger which is used to preheat the air entering the
combustion eb_arnber by means of the heat from the 'exhaust $ases of a turbine.
31. What are the advantages of closed cycle gas turbine over -?pen cycl~ gns
I. Thennal efficiency is high.
•1 I
'I • t I. t ' • I ' I J f f • I
J 11 I 1• •
· ~ • ' • •• • •( .._ 1 ' _ ,_ " / ) t #•t : , ,, ,. , • / f l • • t,
~cannea w1 tn c.;am:scanner
2.86 ~
in) The thennal efficiency of the cycle is'increased at high pressure ratio.
· · · 'wer plant?
·34 · What are the advantages of stationary ~as po ·
~ Independent electrical power generation unit. ·
.it) Very hig~ poy.rer-to-weight r~tio, ~~mpared t~ st~~ion~ry reciprocating
engines. I
I • •
is injected
thro~gh the fib~ cooling holes o~ the extema~blade surface in order to _create a
thin-film cooDing layer.
36 ..Wtiy ga{ttjrbin'e bl~des·~re ~o~iea?·.- ,,_
'- . ~-r I ' .; , ,· . ·.· : . ' . ' '.'
,, . •' : ! ,··.L , . \ ' I I I I •• : .. .... • • \ ... . ,, .1·- I ' • - .- ·, ... , ,, _~, _1 . .....~_. _ , _. , _.
The gas up-bin~ e~gine.op~rat~~-~t ~~gh te.qipepitur~~ ( li99:: l~pO? .~)._tQ iipprove
ther~~l efficiei;icy ~~4 P<?~~r-o.u~p.1:1,t 1 . 1WhtrPA4e .turbi~e. i!}let. teIAP~~ature
increases, the heat transferre~ to.the turbine blades increases. The operating
temperatures are far above the permissible m~tal temperatures. Therefore, there
is a need t~ cool the turbine blades for safe operation. . .
37· What is.the difference between open cycle and closed cycle gas tur b"1ne
power plant?
s.No. Closed cycle
~-r~.- ---------!__;____Open .cy_cle
~ ~ ~__..;;.-----1
1. The combustion product generates The combustio'n product generate
work in the turbine and the exhaust work in the turbine and, are
gases ofthe·turbine are sent to the exhaµs _ted _to. t~e atmosph~re.
compressor through condenser.
2. It requires pre-cooler and it requires It does not ·require pre-cooler.
a larger amount of cooling water. The burnt gas from the gas turbine
is liberated to the atmosphere.
3. The power output is high. The power output is _les.s.
4. High thennal efficiency is obtained. ··· Low thennalefficiency is obtained.
5. The weight of the power plant per ' The weight of the power plant per
kW is high. , kWislow. ··
6. The part load efficiency is high. The part load efficiency is _l9w.
7. Initial cost is high. Initial cost is I.ow. ,
8. . . Maintenance cost.is high. Maintenance cost is low; • • • • ., • • I •• 1
I • I • ' • I ! ... , , .
: I_,- , th~refdre' ·th~ size 'of the"j,lant i's·smaller for'the·same output~ ' ' .. ..
~ .. • • ~
' . .~ ! ~ \. . '
•,.• I ) ) f ) ~ ' •'
• -
' ,1,: , • '. • • • _., ~
' • ' •
-=- ' )\ \
"; ,. I ; ' · • • I ' . ' I ' ' • ' • .J • J I' ; • •
~ , , , • t . : .:.
1f 1
· • .'' _ 1 \. ' : r .r " ; t •.J i r1 1• r • I ' ·, 1 .J r ' •
.... I •
• • I t \ -
1 --. •' , \ , I • I ,• ' ~ '
I C > ~ I - I J • • ' ,"! I
~cannect. w1 tn c...:am~canner
~2.,8~8~---_::_~~~:...:___:__ _:__:...P...=.O.:..:.-WER_P_LAN_T_E_NG1NE:~t-i
~ ~
-39. Name ,the fuel used in gas turbine.
·i) ·Natural.gas
•ii) Petroleum gas
iit) .Gases from blast furnace
iy)'Synthetic gas
• ~ 1 •• ( • I. .. •• • I • I • ' I • ~. • • • f •••
Life without electricity is unthinkable.
This electricity is generated by power plants
using coal, water etc., Use of nuclear energy
as a power source is becoming a common
trend in the world. This is due to the rapid
depletion ofconventional energy source. ~uel
transportation network and large storage
facility in case of thermal power plants and
dependence on whether conditions in case of
hydel power plants are the major hurdles
facedby today's power sectors.
Utilization of nuclear power helps to
save a considerable amount of fossil fuels
which can be used in other areas. Nuclear
power engineering is basically concerned with
the phenomenon taking place within the
nucleus of the atoms.
One of the outstandmg attractions is
the large amount of energy that can be
released from a small mass of active
1· • 7._. .Le~s pumb~r _of workers are n~eded than thennal plant.
8. . Water quantity required is very less.
,· · 9. Eno~ous aniount of heat can be generated from smaH quantity of fuel
10.. .It
suited. for large power requirements .
11. Highly reliable operation.
12.-_Nuclear power plants bas no effect on atmosphere by pollution. I
Dis'atlvanta·ges of nuclear power plants
. . '
1·. .Disaster is ~e major safety problem faced by nuclear pow~rplants due to nucle,ar
· · explosions. · ' · · ·
I '
4. Nuclear_~~s~~-di~posa.
I ' It •
l i~ ~major problem.
..... ' • , • • i' ,.. • • I ••
~cannect Wl th c..;amSct'nner
v= cLEA.:-R_P_O_W_E_R_P_LA_N_T..:...s_ _ _ _ _~ - - - - - - - - ~
= 3.3
The energy released due to the Li ··
. sp t up of nucleus into two or more smaller nuclei is
wn as atoID.Ic or nuclear energy An .. l
}alO · atom consists of a relatively heavy, positive Y
n..oed nucleus
ch111 0 •
and a number ofmu h 1· h . ·
· c .1g ternegattvelychargedelectrons thatrevolves m
different orbits around th e nucleus. These electrons are held in their orbits by electro static
The nucleus consist ofS}lbparticlesnucleons.which,~hJII1, _hJ1_S_elec_tricallyneutral
charge neutrons and positively charged protons. It is difficttlt,t~.bring these protons together
in anucle~s of an atoms. There, it require some to bring and.keep the protons together in
the nucleus of an atom. This energy is lmown as binding energy.
The forces that hold the protons-and neutrons inside the nucleus are million times as
strong as the electrostatic forces holding the electrons to the nucleus. Thus, the binding
energy is very large compared with chemical bond energy. Therefore, if a nucleus
dis.integrates then a very large amount of energy is released.· This energy is due to the
fission of a neutrons and is used for power production in nuclear plants. This eriergy is
known as atomic emergy or prompt energy or nuclear energy. . ,,
, In other worqs, the amount of energy what released now is.only at the time of
fission. At the time of fission, the neutrons is under fast moving conditio~. l(the reaction
proceeds at this rapid movement, then maximwn utilization of energy is not possible. So,
fast moving neutrons are decelerated with the help of moderator to get rriore amount of
Thus, more energy is produced due to slow decay of the fission fragments into
fission products and the non fission capture of excess neutrons in reactions (by
. m~ans . 9f
reflectors). This produces energy mt_1ch lesser than that of energy obtained by fission. So,
the total energy produced per fi·ss'io~ reaction is greater than the prompt energy and is
Slow .
Fast Free neutron~
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
One of the elements whose nucleus easily fissions is l.J23s. All the other are naturallY
available stab~e elements and hence splitting the nucleus ofthese atoms is not as easy thing.
f]ll.lS in a fission process, a high energy neutron is made to struck with heavy unstable
uranium (92lJ235) nuclei. - . -- .. . . . '
During fission reacti9n, the following results.
. .
1. The immediate (prompt) products of a fission reaction, such as (54 Xe 140) xenon
and str0 ntium (3gSr94) are called fission fragments.
2. Fission fragments are released along with other decay products {a, ~' y etc.) are
called fission products.
-· . -- _... .
3. Two to three fast free ~eutrons accompanied by the release o~~~~t fo_r e~ery,
bombardment. ·· · · _,,. · -- · - - ··
Radiation Radiation
heat heat
Slow free
Radiation Radiation
heat heat
L ~cannect. w1 tn c...:am~canner
As discussed . bere lea sing as a result of fission react·Ion.
above, 2 to 3 neutron will
As (}.ll average, 2.5 nuetrons are eJected
. · of 2.5. neut
pet. neu tron absorbed. Out . tons,
neai•lY0:2 to 0.3 neutron is lost due to escape at. th e surface and the. remaining is· 2.2
. the
neutrons. If these 2.2 neutrons are allowed to con tmue · chain reaction ' an expon ent1a1
increase in reaction rate can be noticed. As a result of this, enonnous amount of heat
ener~ will be evolved and such a type of chain r~actio~ is.l~own~s ~~
reac,tion. This extremely large ar~1otµ1ts of energy 1s applied m atollllc explosion.
In other case, out of2.5 neutrons, about 0.9 neutron·is absorbed by U238 converting
it into fissionable material Pu239, 0.5 neutron is captured by control rod material, coolant
moderator and partly escape from the reactor and 0.1neutron is l~~t from the reaction and
the remaining is only one neutron. Toe onl one neutron after every fission is allowed to
continue o cause further fission reaction;•It is known as controlled chain reaction. The
e~ergy produced by such a chain reaction is used in n u c l e a r ~
. .
~cannea w1 tn c..;am~canner
~::::_:.;..R_P_O_W_E_R_P_LA_N_T-=-s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __;_.-·..:::.:.:..3]
Radlatlo rM---
shield shield
. Hot coolant out Steam
fuel rods -n-:...n~~1
L... I
Q) I
Feed ·· - - - :
~l water
Feed pump
~canned. w1 tn cam~canner
· _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __r:P~O:!!W.::ER:..:.P~LA_NT_E_N_G..:.:...IN:..::::~
This unit generates steam from feed water by absorbing th~ from the hot coolant
corning ~ _the rea_cto!.
_.-- b.
3. Steam tur me
·-.-The steam sog~-~ ~~~mlhe~iler~ the!l fee! to_·f!l~ turbine ;he~ s t ~ -
to p ~ k , which IS then converted into electrical poweroycoupliiig"a generator
~l ~ ~ - -
4. .~dio·a;tive wastes may affect the workers health arid other suiT~gs.
~ r
~cannect w1tn c..;am~canner
~0~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _P'....::O~W:..=.E~R_P_LA_N_T_EN_G-:.:..INEERIN
...: ~
\ . '
A nuc1ear rea~tor 1s. an assembled apparatus ·m'~hich ' a self-sustammoc:i ntle 1enr
fission-chain reaction is initiated and m'aintained at a steady contr~Ued rate so that heat is
produced continuously. Its main function is to control the release an_d absorption or
~eutrons during a chain reactor. It may be regarded as~ace fo~mung n~ic~~s
like lP--15;:u~J~ or,Pu2J9 and produces usefii! products like heat. neutrQDS and mdto isotopes.
!he figure 3.4 shows the various essential elements of a typical nuclear reactor;. It GQnsists
of the following components. .' ....,
1. Reactor core
Reactor core is a chamber in which nuclear fission chain re·1ction occurs and ns n
result of this, large ammmtofheat is liberated. It consi I ofn~ emblng1:,; of fuel elements,
control rods, coolant and moderator. Fuel clements ore u unll mode f plntcs or rods of
uranium metal and are usually clod in tl1in stainless. tccl sh t I provide c rrosion rcsistnnco
and stmct11ral support.
Control rods
------ Pressure vessel
---- Thermal
~canned. Wl th c.;am~canner
2, Moderator
_Mode~ato~ is~ device used to slow down the high energy fast moving ne~1trons by
redu~mg th err kinetic energy so that neutrons are utilized completely before it escapes.
This increases ilie p~ssibility of absorption of neutrons by the fuel to cause further fission
and hence th e quantity of fuel required to maintain a chain reaction is also reduced. The
common moderators used are ordinary water, heavy water, graphite and beryllium.
3, Control ·rods
Control rods are inserted to control the chain reaction and controlling the heat
production rate. To startup the reaction, the control rods are moved out which increases
the heat production rate and the reaction is maintained by adjusting the position of control
rods. To shutdown the reaction under emergency, the control rods are pushed in, which
reduces the heat production rate. The common materials for control rods are boron,
cadium, indiwn or silver.
4. Reflector
The main purpose ofa reflector is to conserve the neutrons by decreasing the loss of
tl,e same. This results in the reduction of fuel consumption. The neutrons produced during
tlte chain reaction will be partly absorbed by lhc fuel rods, moderator, coolant or structural
material etc., while the remaining will try to escape from the reactor core. These escaping
neutrons can be reflected back into the core by reflectors to take part in the fission reaction.
I o
5. Reactor vessel
It is a strong walled container that encloses the reactor core at its bottom, reflector
and thern1al shield. It also has holes at the top for inserting the control rods and has
passages for entrance and exit of the coolant. ·
6. Thermal shielding
It surronds the entire reactor core and absorbs some of the radiations in the fo1m of
a-rays, ~-rays and escaping neutrons. So, it gets heated and prevents the reactor wal I
from getting heated. This shield is c~oled by circula~g water over it. It is made up of steel
• It I • •
L i:)cannect w1 tn CJam~canner
E....__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~PO-!!_W.!!:E::;.:R:.:.P~LA_N_T_E_NG_I_NE;;;.;:;ERING
~3.12 ~
. R diation shield _
8. B10l<;>gical (or) External (or) a h scape or leakage off:
- .t and prevents t e e . ast
· It surrounds the whole reactor uru the operating personnel from the
. . . .. -· . It also-prevents
movm·g neutrons and slow neutrons. . · s which tends to escape to th
harmful effects of dangerous radiatio~s like a, p, y ray e
atmosphere. ·
Electrical Heater
Vessel --..::,... , Exchanger
(or) Boiler
In this reactor, a pressuriser is mounted in which water and steam if~ed and provided
with electric heater at bottom and water spray at.~e top. If the pressure in primary loop
drops. ..
. ..
The heater is opened which generates steam and increases the steam content in the
vessel so that pressure is increased in the primary loop. Ifthe pressure in primary loop is
high, then too high cold water is sprayed into the steam and so the steam gets condensed
so that pressure is reduced in the primary loop:- ·· ' . · . . ,·.-,
Inside the reactor, continuous chainreactioll'takes place'and-is·accompanied by the
liberation of a large amount ofh~at.wlticb-.ts ap_sp,rbed py,tqe'C9_olMt (w~ter). This hot
Pressurised coo Ian~ {lows to heat ~xch~g~r (~t~ gen~~tor) through
• .... - • f , ~ J ' ~ • t,'
pr~sµriser .
i: , ' ' f • , - ·
.:>cannect w1 tn cam.:>canner
3_~'.____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.;P~O~W.:::E:.:..:R.:-PLA_N_TE_N~GINEERIN
~14 ~
l steam is generated by transfe .
Here, heat exchanger acts as steam generator. T·1e h rnng
the heat from the coolant to the feed water of secondary l9op. Then, t e ~ump r~turns the
· .· Th team generated m heatexcha
coolant mto the reactor again through pnmaty loop. es . nger
is expanded in the turbine which is coupled with the generator. From ~turbme exit, the
' . Th feed pump delivers the sain
condensate passes to condensor a~d 1t condenses. e ·~ eas
feed water to the heat exchanger.
d here is.water which is cheaper, avai~able in plenty-and tnult1•
1. Single fluid use_
purpose (coolant, moderator and reflector).
2. Reactor is more.compact and higher power density.
3. Lesser nm;nber of control rods are required. I
Containment Structure
-:-:-:-:- Hot Well
1. Elimination of heat exchanger results in reduction in cost
2. Maintenance ofcomparatively lower pressure inside the reactor makes the reactor
much lighter and reduces the cost.·
3. Lm,v metal surface temperature.
4. Thermal efficiency is high ofabout 30% due:to ·siflgle loop·operation.
1. 'Steam 'leaving the reactor is-·sl.i'gbtly radi6acnve.
2. 'Safety is·a major problem-in BWR plants than PWR plants.
3. Steam wastage during part loao operation results in ·lower thermal efficiency.
'4. ·Lower powe"r density makes to use larger vessel.
~cannea. w1 tn cam~canner
ln C .. NDU R actor, th \\ord CANDU stands for "Canada Deuteriulll
ranium'~- It i a re 0 istered trademark of Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. It is a
· ressurized hea, -w:ter moderated and cooled power reactor. The special features
of C: }U)U reactor is D2O (deuterium oxide 99.8%) is moS tly used moderator and
coolant as'' ell as neutron reflector. In CA.l~U reactor, the fuel used natural uraniuin
as fuel (0.7% UL.3 5). The moderator and coolant are separate syS tems in lhis reacator.
The CAl"\!l)U reactor has four important circuits as shown in figure 3·7·
i) Heavy water Moderation circuit
ii) Heavy water heat transfer circuit
m) Steam circuit
iv) Cold water circuit
The heavy-water is less effective as a moderator when compared to ordinary
light water. this means neutrons must undergo, on average, more collisions to thermalize.
the CANDU Reactor core must be laroer 0
than a Light \.Vater Reactor core •
The CA.t'TT)U reactor does not have a pressure vessel, But it u~es pressure tubes. The
reactor is a horizontal cylindrical tank called a calandria. Hundreds of channels
penetrate the -calandria which contain the fuel. The coolant is pressurized, not the
entire reactor.
The Coolant inlet temperature is 266 C and the coolant-outlet temperature is
310° C. In the heat exchanger the steam is ge~erated at 41 bar pressure and 251 °C.
The thermal efficiency ofCANDU reactor is 29.5%.- -
The important component of CANDU reactor are
i) Fuel bundle _ n) Fuel filling rriadiine
.fu) Calandria (reactor core) iv) Adjuster rods
· ··-· •• 1-. - - -
~cannea w1 tn c..;am~cailner
Steam 0
-. ,a, ~
-.- >
Pressurizer Water Steam
.- -. Low
Heavy t Q)
water Heavy ~
water "O
i 811
j heating
Reactor system Condenser
Fueling water
------i 1-----1 Fueling
Heavy Water I
Moderator ,J,
pump i Heavy_Water
+-- Condensate
tr. Moderator
r:, • \ extraction
Cold Water
Pl pump
~ Moderator heat exchanger.
A Reactor building Power house Switchyard
p Figure 3. 7: CANDU Reactor w
C -...a
i Fuel b1111dle .
. (VO ) ns moll cyltnde pnllet
Tn \NDU t't:n ' l r the ('1.1 01is nnturnl urnnn1111 I. \~bsorplion cross-sect' S. Jt
u nnturnl uranium bccnusc of· n mn ll thennu · I ncu b, Fuel is arranged in b 10nof
101 l
dcut ritun. Th pnllcl nrc pnckcd in Zirco.nium nlloy tu. cs. . nlloy cl dd' und ics:
49 ..'._:> m long nnd l 0.2 cm 111
. d1nmete1.
. . 11e1e
,1 . nie._37 Zll'conmm a 1ng tubcs 4
Calandria tube
/i End fitting
The fuel bundle is kept inside the calandria tubes as shown in figure.
iv) Adj~1ster ro~s
o ,._I • ' I •
The Cadmium rods are used to control the reaction by absorbing strong ne~trons,
It is mostly used to shut down the reactor and start up the reactor. In addition to·that
the control rods·are used to control the power.variatio~s and maintain uniform heat
distribution in entire·core. •· ·
J O o • I
Reactor core
l produced from the nuclear reactor to the heat exchanger and then to the turbines to
produce electric power.
~cannect. w1 tn L!am.::>canner
3.20 poWER PLANT ENGINE.e,~1
. d hen a large atom breaks u
Dtu·mg fission the smaller atoms are produce w . d P. 1n
th. . . . . d 1.n the ura01um an some en
ts P1ocess of nuclear fission some energy 1s store · ergy
is transfom1ed into heat. Here the heat is transferred to ordinary water to convert into
steai11. The steam enters blad~s of the turbines and rotates to generates electricity,
iii) The CANDU reactor does not have a separate pressure vessel.
iv) Through it is a low pressure reactor; the cost oft~e vessel is low.
v) Fuel is refilled online, while the reactor is µi operation.
vi) Good operational record.
vii) The moderator is maintained at low temperature; therefore it increases the
effect of slow downing the neutron.
3.12.2 Disadvantages of CANDU reactor
i) It requires infrastructure to provide significant quantities of heavy water at
reasonable costs.
, .ii) CANDU needs a larger moderator to_fuel ratio and a larger core fqr the
same power output.
.iitJ The initial investment is high because ·of 99.75% pure heavy water is to fill
the core and heat transfer system.
iv) The cost of heavy water is high.
v) There is chance ofleakage.
vi) The re_actor is exception_ally large as the power density is low to compare
with other (PWR and BWR) nuclear po~er plant. ·
• I
magnesium called magnox. The reactor contains two circ~its as shown in figure 3.10.
i) Primary circuit
ii) Steam circuit
1' · The prim•ary circuit contains reactor, heat exchanger and gas pump.
, •J ; • .~ : ' ' • I • I • . i ' I I
The cool gas from the ·heat exchanger is sent to the reactor and takes the heat
and given back to the heat exchanger. The real task of the coolant is not to cool the
reactor, but transport the heat from the reactor core to the steam generator. The gas is
safer and effective as a coolant and easy to handle. It can be operated at high
temperature. The coolant pressure is 7 bar and temperature is 336° C.
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
~22 ~
Steam circuit
Primary circuit I
Hot gas
Control rods
Moderator Heat
(counter --+-.-- Water out
flow type)
- ~ - C~n9
Cool gas water in
. In steam circuit, the important elements are heat exchanger (steam generator),
steam.turbine, generator, condenser and feed pump. The steam generated by means
of high temperature gas from the reactor at heat exchanger. The steam drives the
steam turbine to generate electricity. The steam is condensed in the condenser and fed
to the steam generator.
There are two types of gas cooled reactors developed with some improvations.
' l ~ • >
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
Core Cooling water Out
.scannea w1 tn uam~canner
- poWE -=-----~
Iant which is more simiJarto
. reactorPowerp . d
The figure 3.11 shows the fast breeder lant When the enriched urarnum un ergoes
Ii .d metal (sodium graphite) cooled reactorp ffa.st moving neutrons.
qm . with the release o
fission reaction, heat will be liberated . ·um blanket and are converted
-1.M.1 b the surrounded uram . .
Excess neutrons are absorrn;u 3/ . • 0 chain react.Ion contmuousiy.
. . . ro, ,139' which is capab1e ofSU,Stallllil::i
mto fiss10nable matenal v u 1 . . Iant (sodium) and given to
. . .ed b the pn.marY coo
Heat evolved in the reaction is cam Y the beat is transferred to the
· heat exchanger
the primary beat exchanger. In pnmary ' uld be used). Toe hot secondary
• . differeatcoolantco
secondary coolant (sodium, however (steam generator) and the feed
b h dary heat exchanger . .
coolant passes throug t e secon d • to team. It 1s then supplied to
· . · h ted and con ertc tn
water coming from the condenser is ea · . rodtt cd by coupling an electric
. . Th
steam turbme for mecharucal power. _ c l;... el""tric power I P
generator to the steam turbine.
3.14.1 Advantages of FBR
I. It docs not require moderator.
2. High breeding i possible.
3. High power density rnak to use mall ore.
4. More fuel is produced than consumed.
5. Absorption of neutrons is low.
3.14.2 Disadvantages of FBR
1. It requires highly enriched fuel and thus initial cost is very .high.
2. Safety is essential against melt-down.
3. CircuJation of special coolants are essential to carryout large quantity ofbeat
from the reactor core.
4. Handlingofsodiumisdi:fficultasitbecomeshigblyradioactive.
-. • I
~cannea. w1 tn cam~canner
LlCL::;,EA.:.;..R,;...P_O_W_E_R_P_LA_N......;T;..::;S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___:::.3:=.;:..25
The active region is covered with a blanket of fertile U23s_ This blanket region
captures neu~ons tha~ would otherwise it would be lost through leakages. Thus
additio~~l fissile matenals are pro~uced. The fast neuron reaction with u2Js producing
the pu .
92 + y
24 minutes
u239 N 239 o
92 p 93 P +1e
Np - Neptunium
Liquid metals nrc preferred for coolant due to their excellent heat transfer
properties. The coolnnt used for this reactor is sodium, lithium, mercury and lead.
Sodium is nvnilnble most abundant and most it is commonly used. Sodium is typically
used for coolant because,
O Sodium is not corrosive Like water.
ii) Sodium reacts with water and burns in air.
. .
iii) Sodiwn absorbs neutrons and emits hardy-rays from the reaction.
iv) Sodium is solid at room temperature but becomes liquid at 98° C and is
therefore a good heat transfer liquid.
Sodium is best choice for its following properties.
0 High density: 0.85 g/cm3 at 400° C
ii) High specific heat: t :2s ) 0 Ig K.
• I
iii) Hjgh boi~g piont: 88_3° C ·. _ . . . . .
iv) Melting point: 98°C- '··. 1 '· ,·, · '
The Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors has three circuit~ as _shown in
figure 3.12. Two circuits are in reactor side and one in po,wer generation circuit.
~ Primary circuit ii) Secondary circuit ili') Steam circuit
Primary Circuit
Secondary heat
Liquid Na Liquid Na Steam exchanger
(Steam generator)
Primary heat Generator
The primary circuit consists of r·eactor, heat exchanger and pump. The LMFBR
core is composed of two parts namely core and blanket. The extra neutrons diffusing
out from the core are absorbed in a material (depleted U-238) surrounding the core
which is called the radial blanket. This material is directly incorporated into each fuel
rod above and below the fuel region (depleted U-238). The fission process takes
place in the core volume. The heat is generated in the core.
Liquid sodium circulates through the fuel core and absorhed. the lieat from the
core. The liquid sodium in the primary circuit is highly radioactive. After that it transfers
the heat to the secondary circuit through the heat exchanger (HE 1) and cooled ~iquid
sodium .g9es b,~fkt?J
el. . ,_. , . _1
. ,\
. .\
. t \ L • "I
Secondary circuit'. 1 · . .. • • I
i:Scannea. w1 tn c..;ami:Scaniler
stcnrn circuit
• I I I
~canned. w1 tn c..;am~canner
3.28 ~
3.15.3 Difference between the fast b
reed er reactor and pressuri~
w~r~~r ·
Pressurised Water Reacto-;--
Fast Breeder Reactor
l. The fuel is enriched to 15 to 20%.
The fuel is enriched to 3 to 5%. ----
2. Water is used as a moderator. ·
No moderators are requfred.
' 3.' The heat is transfer by liquid metal The heat is transfer by water.
2. Liquid waste
Liquid wastes are diluted by adding water to remove most of the activity in the
form of solid precipitate and then discharged into the ground if the activity level is low.
However, ground water may get contaminated, if dilution is insufficient.
So, tbe treated li~uids are kept in.hold-up tanks before discharge for a period
to allow part of the radioactivity to decay and then buried in ground. The tank should
be leak proof and has long tenn strength. .
3, Gaseous waste
• I , I
Gaseous _waste could easily pollute air and h,ence the gas should be treated in a
clean-up plant to remove radio active iodine which causes major health hazards. They are
also commonly diluted.with air and after passing through the filters and then released to the
atmosphere through a high ~~ey.
·.. . ..
, 3.16.2 Safety m~asures for Nuclear. Power Plant
Nuclear power plants are designed in such a,way that they must ensure the safety of
the neighbouring communities, so that there will be no adverse impacts on their health.
Tuey are designed to prevent any abnonnal incidents from occurring. If abnormality occurs,
then nuclear plants shouldpreventthe potential spreading ofabnonnal incidents and leakage
ofradioactive materials around plants.
To achieve optimum safety, nuclear,plant~ the ~ollowing aspects are considered
·O· Design and construction of a high-quality reactor, cooling ·system, pump and
·h_eat exchanger. .
. . .
ii) Equipment which.prevents operational disturbances or human failures Total
' ..
· · ~onitoring. ··
,. . r
.'.I. . ',. VI)' Provision to ·confine the effects of severe fuel dam~ge to the plant itself.
I l
ii) To cool the fuel and
ili) To contain radioactive substances .
.,1., .-~· ·,' \f , : • '. ,·, ·. , .1.r.r11',·'. ,·~·,·1l·J 1j"i:, , ,... ,•:\:) ... ,! ; . Jr:lj .,, ,·r.! I,
. i .
. ',' , ,, ·. · ' . ' · , . · ;1 I ,_,. , ,: · ·. , • .,,~: ,-,-.,j . I J· .-, : 4-f I ·: t I ·. ·. ,. r, ,,. . • , , ~· ; ' . :, ·•· :' ..•
' . .
tJ: , I f j r • f ~ I I: • : • 1 1,. l_ t j l: f ••~' • •;, ,-) ' •• '!. 1 t, •,• 1J I ,
~canned. w1 tn cam~canner
~ ~~--------~---__i:P~O~W'...::E::;R.:.-P_LA_N_T_E_NG_I_NE.:.:::.:.~G--..
afety during unusual events ca
Measures to be put into action in order to ensures n
be summarized in the following three points:
i) To shut down operating reactors
. . h t from nuclear fuel
n) To cool down reactors so as to remov~ ea
fu) To contain radioactive materials
1. Aseistnic measures taken by a nuclear power plant
· · · b k
Several safety measures against eart qua es are
taken at all stages of design
coristtuction and operation of nuclear power plants.
· The aseismic measures taken in to considered at two stages are
i) Assuring safety at design stage
ii) Assuring safoty at construction and operation stage
• I
A'ccording to moderator
• I
i) Water
il) HeavyWater(D20)
m) Graphite
iv) Betyllimn
v) Hydrides
According to Fuel ...
i) Solid ii) Liquid !
, '
.. •
. , .
I •
According to types
0 Pressurized wa_ter reactor it) BoHingwaterreactor
fu) CANDU reactor iv) Gas cooled reactor
v) Liquid metal cooled reactor
According to construction ofcore.
O Slab core reactor n) Cylindrical core reactor
fu) Cubical core reactor - iv) Spherical core reactor
v) Annulus core reactor
4, What factors control the selection of a particular type of reactor?
(AU-Nov/Dec 2004)
92u2" + 0n 1 ➔ La+Ba+2n+Q
6. What is f~st breeder reactor? List down any two types. · ,. 1 • '· ' :
11. What are the important properties that a control rod sho~d posses?
• ( ! •• , , I • l ..
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
1z. What are th e important properties tl~nt the moderator should posses?
0 It should have high thennal condyctivity. . ,
it) It should with stand at high temperature.
iiO It should be-able to slow·down the neutrons wheh required.
iv) Non corrosive.
v) It should have high melting point for solid moderator and low melting point for
liquid moderator.
• t
13. How the nuclear reactor is-classified according to the cype of moderator used?
O Graphite reactor .. . , ..
ii) Beryllium reactor . )
It can be expressed as
Effective multiplication factor K =
• I
A+ E -
where P - Rate of production of neutrons, A - Combined rate of production. of
, , I • , • , • f ', I II..; I ~ 0
~ ! • I ,
. _.
• • t j / .· 1 ' I J ' 1 ..~ . , ·: I ;
~cannect. w1 tn c...:am~canner
I :w.iYc ~few dd:~til nbout the ~1tomic power tution currently operating in
1'.unilnadu" (AU-ft/ay/June 2006;
zo, What are the requirements of chain reaction? (AU - Nlay/June 2009)
~ The main requirements of chain reaction are critical mass and enrich fission
material. They are required to initiate a chain reaction. Critical mass is the
minimum amount of fissile material that is essential to begin to fission at a
rate adequate to build a chain because fissile material is constantly undergoing
radioactive decay by spontaneous fissiQn.
ii) The chain reaction must be release energy continuously in the form of heat.
iii) It must be controlled at a particular rate of fission.
iv) The loss of neutron during chain reaction is also accounted.
21. List down the nuclear disposal methods. (A'U -May/June 2009)
Q Geological Disposal
it) Reprocessing
iii) Transmutation
iv) Space Disposal
22. What are the desirable properties of good moderator?
· (AU-May/June 2009,Apr/May 2011).
~ The moderator sliould sfow dd\.Vll the neutron in minimum collision:
,,.·.. u)' I Th~moderafing ratio will be·as"high as possible.
' • \ ... - ,. • • • ,• • ' 1 •• 1•1 •, I• ~~ • • • ij!._ . I
~•• I
,·.' iii)': ~h9.ul~ _ha~i~oo?.cli~mi-~~lt rf p~rty ~d structurally strong .
•• • ' • A "' ' "
vi) The number of neutron generated is considered to measure the rate of fission.
If more neutrons are generated then the rate of fission is also high.
26, What is the function of pressurizer in.the P.WR? . -. , ..
The purpose of the pressu~izer is to maintain pressure iri the'primary loop ?fthe
pressurized Water Reactor. The pres~urizer con'tai~s\~ater and ~te'a.m ~~d an
electrical heater is provided to heat the water in it. When the pressure falls
(negative surge) the steam will be generated by means of a heater·and ihe vapour··
is sprayed to increase the pressure in the. primary loop. When. _the pressure
increases (pvsitive surge) c,old water is sp~ayed in to the steam and the steC;im is
condensed to reduce the pressure in the p~imary loop. · , : : · · ·
• I
' ;°j I J: I r •
i:)cannect w1 tn CJam~canner
Toe process of producing secondary fuel, fusionable ~~~al fr~m fertile material
(primary fuel) such as Uranium ~38, ~2}8) and Thorium (Th-232) by ~eutron
absorption is called breeding. · · ·
i:Scannect. w1 tn lJami:Sca.1!ner
: • • iSola~Po~erPlan~~ .
t < '· • •
' ..
. ., :-
• .: . ,•
,< ·
... ' .
· • ,Thermal Power Plants, G~thermal Po.wer ; .
... '
area is collected in the fonn of streams and
• i· '. • . . ,. \ . ..
:-_ plants,51o~as~P~!rplantsan~~uelpen_-. flows into the plant site where the water
l.'. '. P~we~ ~~5~~~ ·. :. . 1
, gets collected in the form ofr~servoir. Hydro-
: _, ·._ •. •,•, ·. . '·: .. ·.· .~: -::,r. · :~ .. electricpowerplanfutilizesthepotentiai'energy
\ I • ' • t
~cannea. w1 tn cam~c~nner
lbis high velocity jet of water impinging on the blades of the rotor m~es th e rotor to
rotate. The mechanical energy available at the turbine shaft is converted mto ele~trical
energy by means of a generator which is coupled to the turbine shaft.
4.1.1 Layout of hydro electric power plant
A hydel or hydro-electric power plant is based on the power available from the
water flowing under pressure. Faraday's discovery of electricity has proved to be very
useful to use water for producing electric power. This power plant was initiated in India in
1897 with a run off river scheme near darjeeling. Hydel plant is more important next to
thermal power plant because about 30% of the total power of the world is met by this
plant .
., Reservoir
Catchment (head race) .....
Generator room
Trash rack
• • ..- I
. .... I
~cannect w1tn c.;am~canner
2. Dam
A dam is an impenetrable structure constructed across a river with powerplanton
downstream side. The main requirement of dam is that it should be able to withstand high
pressure stream. Its main function is to increase the height of water level behind it which
ultimately increases the reservoir capacity. It also _helps to increase the working head of
the power plant.
3. Catchment area -- -
Th~ catchment area or. qrainage ~ is the whole area which collecls raiii witer and
drains the water into a river:
.. · . .
4. Trash
.,. raJ:k
Trash racks are gates, provided to prev~nt the entry of debris from the dam or from
the fore bay. Debris may cause damages . to wicket
. . gates and turbine runners, or choke -
up the nozzles o(the.impulse turb4i~~ : ·. . :,;-. --. . ., ,. .
I o .... , .... ••, • ,. ""
S. Forebay · .. · .. ·· , ·
• .. • • • • • i :
for t~mporaiily storing water wlieri fiie loc1:d on the plant is reduced and provides water
when the load is increased.
I ~ 1' , , .. "- t ' 1 • •• 'I • ~ "-
~cannea w1 tn c.;am:scanner
6. Surge tank
. Surge tank is a temporaty storage safety reservoir fitted to th~ penS tock at ·a point
near to the turbhie. When the"load on the·geiierator is dropped, there is a sudden rise in
pressure due to sudden backflow of water. Convers~ly, when the load on th e generator is
increased, vacuum builds up _in_the penstock. This phenomena results in a hammering
action called water hammer, which would damage the penstock. Therefore the SUrge tank
is introduc.ed between the dam ~nd the power house to keep the back presSure to a
, minimum by avoiding sudden pressure ris~ in the penstock.
7. Penstock
A pressure conduit, pipeline or a tunnel located between the surge tank arid the
prime mover to carry water under pressure is kp.owil as penstock. These are usually made
_o f st~~l,.reinforced concr~te and e:ven wood under certain conditions;
8. Spillway
Spillway is considered as a safety valve for a dam. It must have the capacity to
discharge maj,0r floods without damage to the dam and at the same time keeps the water
· level ip._ the reservoir b~low th_epredetemrined maximum leyel.
·9. Water turbine 1 ·' •. • .
kinetic) energy into mechanical energy to produce electrical energy. The commonly
used hydraulic turbines are pelton wheel turbine, fran_cis turbi~e, kaplan turbine a!1d
propeller hrrbines.
10. ----------
Draft ttJbe
~canned. w1 tn (.;am~canner
4. Higher efficiency over a considerable load range and suited to meet peak load
demands. ···
5• Its useful life is very high and·its efficiency does not change with age.
6. Plant can be started and stopped with inamatterofminutes.
7. There are no stand-by losses which are unavoidable in thermal plants.
8. Auxiliaries needed are less compared to therrnalplan.tfortbesameoutput.
9. Hydro electric plant provides additional benefit5 like irrigatio~ flood control,
fishery and recreation.
IO. It requires less supervising staff as the required number ofoperations are less.
4.1.3 Disadvantages of hydel power plant
l. Capital cost is considerably high. r "'
.... r--
2. The sites selected for laying this plant is usually away from the load centres.
3. Pow..· ------
c .
enern ·on depends on the availability ofwater which in tum depends on
1atu ,.. · X.~ . "· · (
4. It takes considerably long time forit5 construction and commissioning.
\ .
4.1.4 Essential elements of hydel power plant'
Figure 4.1 shows the essential elements ofhydro power plant These elements are
described below
1. Catchment area
The catchment area is the whole area behind the dam for collecting the rain w·at:er
and drains the water into a river or stream. The portion ofthe rainfall that flmvs through the
catchment area on the surface of the earth is known as runoff. The topography, shape
surfuce, orientation altitude and surface geology have a great influence on the run off
characteristics of the catchment area.
2. Water reservoir
The main purpose of water reservoir is to store the water collected from
catchment area during ming season anq supply the same during dry season. Areservior
may be natural like a lake on a mountain or artificially built by constructing a dam
across the river. \Vater held.in the~upstrean1 reservoir is ~ailed storage and behind the
dam at the plant is known as pondage.
~cannea. w1 tn cam~canner
3. Dam
A dam is an impenetrable snucture constructed across the river with power plant on
downstream side and water storage on upstream side. Thus, dam function is two fold:
1. It develops an artificial reservoir with desired capacity to store the water up to
the required level.
2. It creates the working head of water and increases the same for power generation.
Dams can be classified as follows:
1. According to the function
a) Storage dams
b) Diversion dams
c) Detention dams
2. According to the shape
a) Trapezoidal dams
'b) Arch dams
3. According to the material of constmction
a) Rigid dams (Timber, steel, concrete or masonary)
• r
b) Non-rigid dams (Earth fill or Rock fill)
4. According to the hydraulic design
a) Over-flow type
b) Non-overflow type
5. According to the structural design
a) Masonary dams
0. Solid gravity dams
it) Archdams
iit) Buttress dams
b) Fill dams ·
~ Earthfill dams • I
r •
ii) Rockfill dams
• I
.::>canned. w1 tn cam.::>canner
a) Storage dams
It is mainly used for storing water and subsequently used for hydropower, irrigation
and water supply.
b) Diversion dams
It is constructed to raise the water level and to divert the river flow in another din.~tion.
However, they are not used for large storage capacities.
c) Detention dams
Road revel
ater level
A solid gravity dam is one which are solid throughout its length \villi fe,v joints in its
structure to allow expansion or contraction due to temperature changes. In solid gravity
dam, the retained water thrust is resisted by gravity action, as shown in figure 4.2. Nlore
SJ>ecifically, the pressure of water is resisted by the structural weight of the dan1.
2. Archdam
(a) Single arch dam (b) Sectional view of multi arch dam
An arch dam is~ well ancl1ored, solid concrete and curved upstr~am (at top) dam.
They are constructed in a valley where the width of the valley is narrow compru:~d with tpe
height as shown in figure4.3. .
In.arch dam, the pressure of water is resisted partly by its stmctural weight and
partly·due ~ch action. It is safe against earthquake and has inher~nt stability against
·sliding. In: tlus,..all the forces will be acting perpendicular to the surface so that they tend to
compress the material in the arch and thus less quantity of material is requiredf
3. Buttress dam
• • I
~canned. w1 tn (.;am~canner
~ . 4.9 :
fill dams
fill ~ms are used for small power plants as they are usually constructed only in
smaller hei~ts. They are safe ?nd economic on all types of foundations of earth and rock.
'f}tese are either e~rth ~lled or rock filled dams. · .
J. Earthfill dams·
Reinforced concrete
__.......,~..,...,___ core wall
r;., -~· /I .. ~. ,
Stone pitching . (.:_/). ~='?>?\·,
;~',~-~•\·c::❖·, ~ :.:_": ... !•• .:- ,·· ·
._..._.· _.,,_1-. ., lrm:x,NIO'u .
'r !:::·:.':' .. / " :~ -·.=- ~~fo-~a,~·:
::, ·;_ ..
I : .:••• -,,.: . :_:_; ·: ·: •• : • , ...... : . •• 1•(;• . ,".
.. .-••-• - ·.·· _neaJ'.~ . ., .. •.: ·
: ~~
-~!-.. ;·!'J::
. ;'. .: _;;' \ \; .) { i}t.{_; :. :.
2. Rockfill dants I •
Water level
•' I -
Loose rockfill'
--·- -~----
: =======-
r •
Dry rubble
FJgurt? 4.'6: Rock fill dam
Scanned with CamScanner
Trash ruck
Trash racks are gate-like devices which a·re fitted to prevent the entry of the
debris from the dam or-from the forebay into the penstock, otherwise, debris may
cause damages to wicket gates and turbine runners, or choke up t~e nozzles of the
impulse turbine. It is made of steel bars and requires special provisions against ice
fom1ation under severe winter conditions. Debris deposited on the trash rack are
removed either manually for less floating material or mechanically for greater amount
of floating material. ·.
Forebay is a flow variation absorber which serves as a re!!!l~~gst~~ge reservoir
for temporarily sto~ng water when th~ l~ad on the plant is redµijaJrid provides water
when the load is increased. Fore bays are suitable for low and medium
head plants where
the length of the pen~tock is short. ' · · ·· ·
point near to the turbine: When the load on the generator.is dropped, there is a
su9den rise i~pressure due't9 sudden backflow of water. Convetsely, when ilie load
on the generator is increased, vaccum build~ up the penstock. This phenomena
results in a hammedng action called water hammer. It would damage the penstock:.
' .
So, the surge tank is introduced between the dam and the power house to keep the
back pressure to a minimum by avoiding·sudden press~e rise
hi the pe.nstrock. There
are three types of surge tanks are commonly_ used.namely conical type, internal bell-
mou~h typ~ an~ ?ilferential_surge i~nks. ·
. . . ~
A pressure conduit, pipeline or a tunnel located between the surge tank and the
. ' : ' . ,. . . - .. - .
. ~
prime mover to cany water under pressure is known as penstock.-.These are usually made
of steel, reinforced concrete and even wood under_certain conditions. Sharp bends should ·
be avoided in the penstock as they cause more loss ofhead and require special anchorages.
Penstocks may be either exposed type and buried type. In exposed type, penstocks are
not covered from exposed atmosphere and easily accessible for ~pairs and maintenance
works. In cold weather conditions, penstoc~ are buried to prevent the ice fonnation in
• • I • I j ~ ·• &.
thepipe. . · · · ·
.scanned. w1 tn c.,;am.scanner
Spillway is considered a c ·ty t
. . s a sa 1 ety valve for a dam. It must have the capac 1 0
discharge maJ~r floods without damage to the dam and at the same time keeps the waterlevel
ill the reservoir below the predetennined maximum level. Various types of spillway are,
employed. They are overflow or solid gravity spillway, chute or trough spillway, side channel
spillway, saddleway, shaft or gloiy hole spillway and siphon spillway.
Spillway Tainter gates Foreba
~ ==:=}33
__ __ ,,_ --- F-fciw:. .-:.:..:-:~-..
-- -- ----
- --- -....- __________.-~~---:-::~{:;1
Flip lip
Figure 4. 7: Cross section of Spillway
)Vater turbine
' '
' · Hydraulic or water turbine is used to convert the hydraulic (potential or /and
kinetic) energy into mechanical energy to produce electrical energy. The commonly
used hydraulic turbines are pelton wheel turbine, francis turbine, kaplan turbine and
propeller turbines-. ·
Draft tube
Draft tube is a diverging passage that connects the tail race with the turbine exit. It
is used only when the reaction turbine is used in the power plant. Due to its shape, the
water flowing through the tube is decelerated. The different types ofdraft tube~ are shown
infigt~~-8. I . d
,, , : ) ,-,-;--,=,, 'a
: ' I •1 •• ' 1• t, r • •: -~ 1 •
(a) Straight type (b} Simple elbow type (c) Elbow type with
varying cross-section
Fi,gure 4.8: Types of Draft tubes
~canned w1tn cam~ca:nner
. . . I. . . J I ltt'li,dn" mo11t,,f'thc ~,n,~i,
lt comes oul w11h 1111111111um oncl 1c cnc.rgy anc l 1u.1u , l:J ,
, , I I 1 'f'J ,I f'
t b
energy II1crcb· y 111crcns111g t 1c wor <oulpUL, 1c urn tu c Cttn
, be f tr'tl"il t (.;{ n1eal
c ~
are the factors that governs the selection of a suitable hy<lraul ic turbine,
1. Working head of the water
Head is an important factor that governs the choice of suitable turbine forhydcl
power plant. The foHowing table gives the details of variou.s power plants operating at
different heads.
2. Specific Speed
It is the speed at which the turbine runs to develop unit power under a unit head of
water. The specific speed requirement is vary with various ranges ofoperating head which
in turns decides the selection of turbine.
Power P/a11t .Type Head range Specific Speed (kW-m)
Low power plants 2-60m 300-900
• I
Medium power plants 15-300 m 60 - ·400
High power plants 300-1000 m 40-80
From the above table,, it is clear that higher specific speeds are required for low
head operation and. vice versa.
' . ~ ... ' .
'• I
I •
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canfier
4. Cavitation
Cavitation is the formation of water vapour and air bubbles in the water due to
pressucr reduction. Runners operating at higher specific speed than recommended, may get
affected by cavitation which corrodes the parts. To avoid this, the runner is set at a lower
eleval'ion from the tail race and even installed below the tail face for most of the cases.
5. iVJnximum efficiency
The maximum efficiency at which the turbine can operated depends on the type of
tmbine used. 1n both impulse and reaction turbine, low specific sp~ed is avoided so as to
avoid large leakage and frictional losses. However, high specific speed is also not preferrable
as it results in large discharge lossses. Therefore, it is always preferable to select the
reaction turbines, ifthey operate at constant load conditions. Reaction turbine have efficiency
abotJ12,0% while the impulse turbine have 82%.
r--..._ __
6. Type of water available
~ n e s are not suitable when the water carrier a good amount of dirt and
sand as 1t erodes the runner blades. Moreov:er, the verysrnall (sectional area) waterways
high. This makestopreferimpulseturbine(pelton
· -
7.Runaway speed
When selecting a turbine, a relational characteristics must be considered between
the turbine and generator. The speed of the rurbine increases to runaway speed when the
acting head of water increases. Therefore, the generator must designed to withstantd the
foll mnnwny peed of the tmbinc to which il is connected under maximum head conditions.
Higher the nmnwny speed fo the turbine, tho greater will be the cost of the machine to
withana nbnonnnl stresses.
8. Overall cost of the plnnt
The plant should be designed to generate power at a minimum cost as cost is the
major and primruy factor in the design of plant. The total cost includes capital cost and the
nmning (maintenanace and repair) costs~ .
4.1.6 Governing of water tur~
Governing of turbine is defirieCias me-·oj1eration ofrtrd"trtlainin·g-ttre speed of the ·
turbine at constant under all operating conditions. This is automatically done by the governer
and it varies the flow rate
. .-. .
ofwater flowing through the turbines based on the load fluctuations.
..... . .
: .6Qyerning_i$ necessary <lS the turbine is.directly ~oupled \Vith ~e generator which is req~~ed i
to run ~t constanfspeed uhder all ch_anging mad coriditio'n ..The generator speed will h~
c'6~stani, if the speed 6f tb6 hrrbine ie'rti'airis coA~
;~t. He~ce the gov~ining is necessary for
turbine. . , · :. · ·.....
Centrifugal governor
• t
t 1' I
Piston rod of
relay cylinder ·-..
Oil Sump
. Relay cylinder .. •• • . J
or servo-motor ·· · · Nozzle
Figure 4.9: Governing of lr7J-puls_~-turbin_e:. :· _, .. ,·
Gov~g ofpelton turbine is done by means ofoil pressure governer which consists
of the followmg components.
1. Oilsurnp
As the sleeve moves up, the lever turns about the fulcrum and the piston rod of the
control valve moves downward. This closes the valve VI and opens the valve V2 • The oil
pumped from oil swnp to control valve under high pressure, this oil will flow through the
valve V2 and exerts a force on the face L of the pisto~ of the relay cylinder. The piston
along with the spear connected at its rod ~nd will move towards right and closes the nozzle
partially to reduce the flow ofwater which in tum reduces the turbine speed.
When the load on the gene~tor increases, its speed decreases and results in reduction
ofgovemeer speed This will tenq to fall the fly ball along with its sleeve due to its reduced
• . - I
centrifugal force on them and the lever turns about the fulcrum, moving the piston rod of
the control valve upwards.
This closes the valve V2· and ·opens the valve V1• The high presure oil from the .
control valve flows through valve V1 and exerts a force on the face M of the piston. The
piston will now move along with th~ spear toward left and opens the nozzle partially to
increase the turbine speed to normal valve.
When the load on the generatordecreased, the servomotor piston move towards
right making the bell crank lever EFG to rotate downward about F and thus lowering the
point 'G,. This pulls down the pivot A and causes the fulcrum B to be lowered.
Flooti ng lwer ·. :
Control valve
Gear ➔
Oil sump
Figure 4.10: Governing of Reaction turbine
Thus the·re!ay port 'b' is closed and restricts the piston to overtravel beyond the
requfred point. The device which prevents the overtravelling of the governor is known as
compensating device. The governing operation is similar to the impulse turbine.
4.1.7 Classification of Hydro-electric Power plant
The hydro-electric powe_r plants are classified as follows.
4.1. 7.1 According to the a~ailabili,ty of head
a) High head power plant
• Head above 1.00 m.• t • I
. . f
I .
I • ,I • I I
i:Scannea. w1 tn c..;ami:Scanner
ld rpbnt
-l m.
r \\k i u ·ed as a prime mover.
Pump turbine
Power plant
~canned. WI th Cam~can:ner
i:Scannea. w1 tn c..;ami:Scanner
Tail race
Figure 4.12: Typical arran11ement' of'small Hydro power station
A micro scheme hydro po,vet plant is' eithe"r·a 'ruh off river scheme or a-storaoe
scheme: ,Rim off river plant-generates electricity.only .when the river is flowing. The
storage type power plant generates electri~ity continuously ifthe'water has stored in
high level reservoir above the intak~ level.
' ~
Scanned with CamScanner
Figure 4.12 shows the main components of a run off river scheme micro hy<lel
plant. This type of scheme requires no water storage but instead ~iverts some of the
water from the river is channeled along the ~idea ~alley before being dropped into the
special_ turbine, (bulb turbine) through penstock.. .
The following are the requirements of micro hydel power stations for developing
the power economically.
1. Best geographical areas such as steep rivers flowing all year round, hill areas
with high year round rainfall or the great mountain ranges and their foothills
has to be selected as a site for laying the power plant.
2. Specially d~signed low head turbines (bulb turbines) have to be used for
power generation.
). Civil engineering works should be kept minimum and designed to fit in with
., • ' • I
al~eady ex.is ting structure.
4. Stations must b~ automatically controlled to reduced working personnel.
5. Equipments must be simple and robust, with easy accessability to essential
parts for maintenance.
6. Vi1its must be light and adequately subassembled for ease of handling and
transport and to keep down execution and dismantling costs.
Advantages of micro hydel power stations
1. Renewable source of energy
2. No costly d:isttibution of energy
3. No need for expensive maintenance
4. It can be used decentralised and be locally implemented and managed
5. It can be owned by a individual, cooperative or community with semi-skilled
6. Clean, non-polluting and environment friendly power generation.
7. L~d area covered by catchment area is not large
8. Generated power can be used for agro - processing, local lighting, wa:ta pumps
and small business.
3~ 14 25
steady wind speed (meters/second)
Figllre 4.13: Typical wind turbine power output with steady wind sp_e ed
The speed at which the turbine first starts to rotate and generate power is called
the cut-in speed and is typically between 3 and 4 m/s.
The speed at which the generator output reaches maximum is called rated wind
speed and the power is called rated power. Jf the wind speed exceeds a particular
limit then there the rotor gets damage. As a result, the brake is applied to bring the
rotor to standstill. This is called the cut-out speed and is usually around 25 mis.
4.2.2 Power curve of 250 kW Wind Turbine
The main way to assess the performance of a wind turbine is through the
comparison of actual.power generation with a power curve. the power output from a
single 250 kW and turbine relative to the power in the wind is shown in Figure 4.14.
·The power curye illustrates how much energy it will generate at a given wind
speed. it shows that the wind turbine starts up at 3.5 mis and shuts down at 25 mis for
safety reasons.
The survival wind speed is the maximum wind speed that the wind.turbine is
designed to withstand securely. The 250 kW wind turbine bas a survival wi~d spee~
of 56 mis. The maximum power acquired at 14 m/s, is called the rated wind speed.
300 I
250 -
/ .
....::::, ' 1
....::::,a. 150
;: 100
/· ',
50 J '
0 /
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 , 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
' '
• I I. ! •
! J, A 1 • • 1 \ i ! i° I I t 1 ,' ,
.. , ,
j ' • • I• I ~ •f
I ' '
i:Scannea. w1 tn c..;ami:Scanner
V" .
.---Wind vane
3. According to Blade
a) Mono blade wind turbine
b) Twin blade wind turbine
c) Three blade wind turbine
4. According to pitch control
a) Constant pitch control wind'turbine . '
b) Variable pitch control wind turbine
5. · According to"rotor orientation
a) Upwind b) Downwind
Scanned with CamScanner
6. According to Frequency
· a) Constant frequency wind turbine
b) Variable frequency wind turbine
7. According to speed
a) . Constant ·speed wind turbine b) Variable speed wind turbine
8. According to generator
a) Synchronous generator drive wind turbine
I ', · ,. b) . Synchronous generator drive wind turbine
9. ~ccording to Tower structure
a) Lattice tower b) Tubular c) Hybrid
I ◄ Rotor Diameter ►I
guy wire
• I
I ' ,
Figure 4.16: Vertical axis wind turl,ine ' · · ·
I •
Figure 4.16 s~ows ~ertica.l axis wind ~~e. _The yertica! ~s-~d;~ine~•~e
omnidirectional. There is no need of yaw mechanisrp. for '~tionijl_c9ntrol.
1 • • I •
It captures
i:Scannea. w1 tn c..;ami:Scanner
The Slruclure th ~t. supports the wind turbine's rotor and houses the equipment
used 10 produce electnc1ly. This includc.s fl~xible coupling, gear box and generator.
II) ccntrnl column
It is th e hollow vertical cyli"ndrical part to which the blades are attached on the
1ower bonring ao d upper bearing. This makes the symmetr1cal confi~uration about
vorlicnl nixis. the Central column is supported by gliy cables. ·
Ill) Strut
The horizon la Icross ann connects the blades with the central column t6 strengthen
Iv) Aerodynamic brake
v)Guy wire
Cnble stay connects the top ofthe vertical axis to a concrete base to hold the
wind t11rbinc in an upright position. The inclination of guy cable is 35°.
Rotating part of the wind turbine that is usually made up of two or three blades;
its rotation drives the alternator to produce electricity.
vii) Blade . •·'·
There are two blades attached to the c·entral column of the vertical axis wind
turbine. The blades are in aerofoil shape and can take wind in any direction. The force
of the wind turns it to drive the rotor. The force of the wind on the blades makes it to
rotate. , .
I I J • I I I •
pitch control, constant and variable pitch. Similarly, according to the speed, it is classified
into constant and variable speed turbines. The WT consists·of rotor system, gear box
system, brake system, generator system, rotor hydraulic control system and brake
hrdraulic control system.
Gear box
Wind eter
- ~
Tower ---M--
1 - - - - ~ r - - - - - - + - - Low speed gear
' High speed shaft
~---1---8 Control mechanism
- - - - - - - - H i g h speed gear
1) Tower
The tower supports the rotor and nacelle containing gear system, brake system,
generator system, yaw mechanism and control system. The structure of the tower can
be tubular or lattice. The main issue of the tower design is structural dynamics. The
vibration of the tower and fatigue under flux wind can be avoided by design.
For tubuJar structure, the towers are
. usually made of three of four tubular steel
sections coated with paints and sealants and joined by flanges and bolts. For lattice
structure, the tower is made up of hot dip-galvanised steel.
2) Nacelle
. . ' .
A nacelle is a fibre or sheet,rii:etal cover ~ousing that accommodates major
components of.a wind turbj.ne_s~cli as generator, gearbox, drive,coupling, and brake
3) Rotor System · -· ·
The rotor system consists of two ~r three blades assembled on the hub, main
bearing, pitch control, sensor and control system and the rotor rotates mostly in the
L ~canned. w1 tn cam~canner
clocbvise direction. The blades are stall regulated or pitch controlled and the orientation
of the blnde is up wind or down wind. The hydraulic control in the rotor actuates the
tip opening mechanism in constant pitch ~achines for constant pitch control wind
Similarly the hydraulic control in the rotor actuates pitch control of variable
pitch control wind turbines. The rotor diameter and swept area 755 m2 . The rotor
system is also consisting of a hub and three extenders made ofSG iron casting with
three connecting blades are made up of fibre glass reinforced polyester. In the
conventional wind turbine the rotor axis of rotation is tilted to an angle of 5° to the
horizontal axis. The rotor blades are made of Glass fibre reinforced polyester or
4) Gear box S) stem
The gear box synchronizes the turbine shaft speed to generator shaft speed in
two stages. Three stage spur gear or helical gears are mostly used to transmit the
rotor speed to the generator. It consisis oflow speed shaft, high speed shaft, high
speed gear, intermediate gear, low speed gear, input pinion, output pinion and
temperature sensors.
5) Brake System
The brakes normally have electronically actuated brake, hydraulic brake,
mechanical brake and tip brake or pitch mechanism. The brake system includes brake
pad, brake shoe, brake solenoid; oil reservoir, accumulator, hydraulic pump and
hydraulic control.
6) Yaw System
The yaw ·system' of \VT is the component responsible for the "orien.tation of the
: • • I
WT rotor towards the wind to capture maximum energy from the wind. The rotatable
nacelle and rotor system mounted on the planetary gear of the main structure is tum
on by yaw mechanism. _The main components of a typical yaw system are the yaw
mo.tor, yaw bearings, yaw electromagnetic brake, yaw bed with bolt, yaw high ·speed
gear: yaw low speed gear: pianetary gear, sensor, wind vane and ya\v control. The.
ya,v drive system also has a brake in order to be able to stop ·a turbine from turning .
and stabilizes it during normal operation. There are two separate-yaw drives are
a\railable that is clod,."wise ya~v driv~ and Counter cl9ckwise yaw drive. Active yaw
~ • t I
system and passiye yaw. syst~m mostly used in w:ind t_urbines. ,.. _
J ._
.scanned. w1 tn c.,;am.scanner
1) Generator System
The rotary mechanical energy obtained from the shaft is converted in electrical
ene®' in th e generator. The generator system has dual oenerators G 1 and G2 to work
with low 3nd high win<l. The stator, rotor, relay, contra~ system, bearings and cooler
are the important components of the generator. The _different types of generators used
in wind turbine are
I. Asynchronous
2. Synchronous Generator
3. Induction generator .
4. Squirrel Cage Induction Generator (SCIG)
5. OptiSlip Induction Generator (OSIG)
6. Double -Fed Induction Generator (DFIG)
7. Permanent magnet Generator (PMSG)
For 250 kW WT, the generator has 4/6 poles dual windings and is• a~ .
asynchronous 250/50 kW. During high wind 4 poles 250 kW is generated and during
low wind 6 poles 50 kW is generated. If there is any fluctuatioin in the wind; that is
higher to lower, suddenly the tip will open to reduce the speed to change over the WT.
generator from G 1 to G2, dual speed, 3 phase, 4/6 poles. .
8) Hydraulic Control of Rotor System
The blade hydraulic unit is mounted inside the hub and three hydraulic cylinders ·
are mounted in each extender. The hydraulic control of rotor system consists of tip
open mechanism, hydraulic motor, pump and transmission system. The nose cone is
mounted in front of the hub for protection against entry of rain water. Similarly during
very lugh wind, very often the system faces h1:1ge problem in the hydraulic system to
operate the tip mechanism above the cut out ~peed. The frequent opening of _tip
mechanism causes failures in the rotor hydraulic system. Mo~tly, the tips get open and_·
it causes reduction in the power generation. If the direction of wind fr~quently changes,.
then the yaw motor actuates frequently and gets failed. ·
9) Hydraulic Control of Brake.System . . _. . _
The brake hydraulic consists of oil reservoir, cylinder, accumulator, Hydrostatic
spring, flexible pipe, motor,.P,uplP, electro valve assembly, hydraulic coupling, oil seals
and solenoid.
Scannea w1 tn uam~canner
To control the perform ace of the WT, the sensors are fixed to show the speed
and direction of the wind, the levels of electrical power generation, the rotor speed,
overload, the temperature of the lubricants and ·other variables. The control system
protects the turbine from operating in dangerous conditions and ensures that the power
generated has the proper frequency, voltage, and current levels to be supplied to the
grid. The control systems for a rotor are studied under rotor system and similarly for
other systems also studied.
I '. f .' l I I l . . .._ . - . • ..' • . t ~ •'
~canned. w1 tn (.)am~canner
pOW:::-ER_F_R_O_M_R_E_N_E_W.:...:A=.:BL:.::E:..!:E~N~ER~G~Y~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.=.4:.: . :.31
4.2.6 Ex~ression for power developed by the wind turbine
Let p = Power in wind turbine (kW)
V - Wind velocity(m/s)
m - Mass_flow rate (kg/s)
P - Air_de~ity (kg!m3) .: .
A · = Swept area (m2) = i
Cp = Power coefficient
The kinetic energy present~ the inc~ming wind is converted into power in wind
p a .!..mv 2 ... (1)
p a .!..c mV 2 ... (2)
2 p
The proportionaHty constant Cp is the power coefficient.
We know that the mass flow rate is,
... (3)
m = pA V .
Where p - Air density
- 1.226 kg/m3 at _1 atm and 15° C
Therefore substitute the equation 3 in equation 2 r I
l' ..
p = -CPpAV 3 ... (4)
The equation (4) implies that
O Power is directly proportio?.al to cubic velocity~ a. V 3)
ii) Power i~ directly proportional to swept area (Pa.A)
· fu) Power is directly proportional to air density (P a p)
' r. ,1 • .. , .. t • • ~
The swept area of the rotor 1s, . • • - 1
7t 2
A == -d ... (5)
Where d- sweep (or) diameter of the rotor.
1 n 2 3 ... (6)
p = -C X - X d X pX V
2 P 4 ·
p - n X cp X p d2 V 3 ... (7)
Maximum Manpower
The maximum power of the wind is obtained at
CPmax - 0.593
Vmax - -v
p - 1:226 kg/m3
Substitute in the equation (7), we get,
2 3
' ' ....... l• • • I
=·' -n x 0.593 x 1.226 x d 2 x -v
8 3
.. .; . "" I :, •
,. ....
0.2V 3
' ,.
. .d - ~✓~~;~3 . :· .·, .·.. (9}
.' .. •. .. , ' • ·.,.,. ,· . J., i . • ' ~. ... _.. ..' .. . - . . ... .
The rotor diameter is obtained from eqwati.~'n (9) _- . -
Torque acting on rotor
- ., • I '
iScannee1 w1 tn {.;amiScanner
2 p PA V3
j\ctunl powcf' developed by the whid turbine
I '
P == - C pAV3
2 ,, ''
To calculate the actual power developed by the wind turbine the gea r box
cfliciency, generator efficiency and array efficiency arc considered.
p • ::: -C p yJ X n X
net 2 Jl n · 1gcnr X 11acn 'tlnrray
There is a periodic rise and fall of water level in sea d~e to the attraction of moon
and sun on the water of earth. The large scale ofup and down movement of sea water
represent infinite quantity of energy. The elevation of high tide and low tide is shown in
figure 4.18. During high tide water level more than that oflow tide. Therefore the potential
energy of the high fide is more tlian low tide. Tiie 'difference in potential energy during high
ti_de nnd low tide is called tidal energy. Tidal e ~ is a fonn ofhydro energy recurring with
every tide.
Tidal Energy conversion
Tidal eR~is converted into ~ g y ' by ~ o turbin~. Th'e hydro
turbines prive the electrical
, generator to produc~power. •
2. Double basin system:.·- ,-,-. · ·, '· : ' - '•". :,
a) Double basin system without pwnpin~
b) Double basin system with pwnping
Bcannea w1 tn uam~canner
t .~ln1)1.' b ,sin~ ystmu
lt is ooo woy tidul plunt. Tho bnsin is allowed to get filled during the high tide. The
wntor is flo\ving f'rom tho bosit1 to the ocean through the turbine and generates power. ~--------
b) . 1Wo w11y .,J,ste~11
Tho power is gonorntcd both high tide (flood tide) and low tide (ebb tide). The
dh'lictfon of !low Uwough the turbine duri-;,g high tide and low tide al tes, but the macfiine
nets n tmbino fot both direction of flow. ,.
~.___::...:--- ~
t~ 1,,,0 way p11i11pe,I syste11~
The ower is generated both high tide (flood tide) and low tide (ebb tide). In addition
to'thnt ump
is used in case o eek o er.
It requires ~o adjacent b.~~in ~amely u~per b~in ru;i~ lower ~asin. The turbines.
are locate~ in b~~~ee.~ u:Pper and lo~er ba~~- O_ne basin is filled by flo~d tide(high
tide) and other drained by ebb tide(~ow tide). S.o_there is a continuous power.made
~canned. w1 tn (.;am~canner
A.::..:BL::E:-=E~N-=!ER~G~Yc__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.:!.4~-3~
~ case o~. off peek powe~ from the base loa:i plant in a interconn~ ~ i o n
systelll ts used e1th~r to pump the water up the rugb basin. The net energy gain is possible
ill this system only if th ~pumping head is lower than the basin-to-basin turbine generating
bead. ·
Sea side
Slllice ways
Tidal basin getting filled and c · ,.ed"wilh help of sluice ways. They a(C the gates
o p ~ ~when t 1c hcud is I · 1 her in one side and lo .,c d other oidc. The flap
gates allow only in the direction of sea to asin. Mostly vertical type gates are used.
Power house
The size of the head is low therefore the size of the turbine will be large. Mostly two
types of turbines are used in tidal power plant. They will be - -
0 Bulb group turbine - Kaplan turbine'
i~ RIM type turbine - Pelton wheel (
The turbine is coupled with generator to produce power.
4.3.4 Advantages of Tidal power plant
1. It is much superior to hydro power plant, because it is totally independent ofrain.
2. It is.free from pollution.
3.. It has.unique capacity to meet the peek demand effective! y.
4. It does not demand large area of valuable land.
DC direct current
harged I250µm
Figure 4.21: Solar -P hoto Voltaic cell
iScannee1 w1 tn {.;amiScanner
[n photovoltaic convers' l d ·
ion, t le solar radiation falls on a semiconductor evice
ed solar cell. The solar photo v0 It • . · d tor
co li . aic cell is composed of a P-type senucon uc
d an N-type serruconductor
nI1 ' . •. •
Sol ar li ght hittmg
. . the cell produces two types of elec tron s,
neganvely and P0s10 vely charged electrons in the semiconductors when the shines on
n solar cell, negatively charged (-) electrons oather a:ound the N-type
sen1icoorluctor while positively charged(+) electro:s gather around the P·- type
semico nd uctor. When you connect loads such as a lioht bulb electric current flows
. ~ '
between th e two electrodes. The de supplied. The main advantage of solar cells are
there is no moving parts.
When the light falls on the solar cell the photons enable electrons to break free
from the junction between them. Th.is is called photo electric effect.
Working principles
The principles of working of solar cell depends on
1. Creation of pairs of positive and negative charges (called electron hole pairs)
in the solar cell by absorbed solar radiation. ·
2. Seperation of tl1e positive and negative charges by a potential gradient within
the cell.
The metal suitable for absorbing the energy of photons of sunlight are
semiconductors like silicon, cadmium, telluride and gallium arsenide. In semi conductor
tlle electron occupies one ofthe two energy bands, the valance band and the conduetion
band. The valance band has electron at lowest energy level and fully occupied,. T-he
difference between the minimum energy present in the conduction band and.minimum•
energy present in the valance band is called band gap energy.
When the photons of sunlight bas more e~ergy than band gap energy, it will be
absorbed and the electron jumps across the band gap from the valance band to
conquction band.
Silicon of P-type is doped with some trivalent atoms lik:e boron while silic 0 n of
n-type is doped with pentavalent atoms like phosphorus then-type bas excess electrons
and p-type has excess holes, when these materials are joined together then-type
become positively charged and p-type ·become negatively charged. This creates a
built-in potential ·at the junction and generates de supply.
PV Array
*D D Battery store
.. D D
Charge '
I inverter
- Distribution Distribution .
board board I
12 or 24 V DC loads I· -220 V AC loads l
Figure 4.22: Photo voltaic power generation
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
(for tracking solar energy)
P1 Pumps P2 ' I
§canned Wl th Cam~canner
Solar thermal central receiver system uses a large number ofre-fleeting mirrors called
heliostats that redirect the sun's energy and concentrate it on to the top of a 1owerwhere
central receiver is mounted. The heliostats are in individually guides to cover a large area.
So that the mirrors focuses the sun's energy to the cental receiver through out the period of
sunlight. In the receiver the concentrated solar energy is absorbing by a circulating fluid.
The circulating fluid used is water, which vaporizes into steam that is used to device a
turbogenerator in a Rankine cycle.
Heliostats are reflecting mirrors that are storable so that they can reflect the sun's
rays on the central receiver throughout the daylight hours. They are kept at an angle to
these rays in such a way that they reflect them to the stationary receiver. A stepper motor
is provided for tracking the heliostat to recover more energy from sun.
Mirror module - - - - - - -
Mirror module
support structure
Support Pedestal
Mirror tnodule
support structure
j '. , I I , ',
.. .• t I : '
To powerplant
Hot Tank
' Thermal storage system
Fig1tre 4.26:
i:)cannea. w1 tn cam~canner
~e cold primary coolant from the power plant is heated by the storage medium
drain from th e top of the tank to the power system and then returned to the bottom
of the tank.
A solid storage medium is necessity in case the primary coolant is a gas because
,of its low heat capacity. A process solid makes a good storage medium for gm,es.
·Dual-tank or Hot cold system
Dual-tank of hot cold system uses two tanks. Hot liquid is stored in one tank
and cold liquid is stored in other tank. The amount of sensible energy stored varies by
varying the level of the fluids in the well insulated tanks.
During storage, cold liquid is drawn from the cold tank, heated and added to
the hot tank. During extraction the operation is reversed. Insulations is an important
consideration in storage tanks to minimize low of energy during holding period.
The :fraction of forced energy that is usually extracted is called storage ultilization
factor. Storage sizing can be made to supply enough thermal energy, together with
direct thermal power from the receiver, to operate the power plant for 24 hours in a
~canned. w1 tn cam~canner
This heat amount is about four times greater than the total vvorld annual energy
consumption. Geothem1al power plants are four types.
4.6.1 Dry-steam system r
Dry-steam system consists of a centrifugal separator, condenser, turbine and
generator as shown in figure 4.27. The dry steam is raised from the underground to
ground level by continuous supply of water.
! .
"· Condenser
Condensate pump
-,, .
.scanned. w1 tn c.;am.scanner
WE:.-R_FR_O_M_R_EN_E_W_A_B_L_E~E~NE~R~G~Y_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4_.~
4,6,2 Wet steam system ( or) Liq4id-dominated system ·
Wet steam systems comprises of con denser, pump, fl as h chamber and brine .
separator, generator and turbine. Water at high temperature coming out from hot well ts
made to flash in flash chamber to produce the ~team. _
The steam thus produced is passed throuoh the turbine to develop work. _ The
condensed steam is separated frqm brine in the fl;sh chamber and it is taken back to .the
geothermal field as shown~ figure 4.28.
Steam steam
Flash chamber
and brine
separator Condensate pump
Under ground
steam storage l
Brain and
Wet steam system suffer from salt corrosion. Environmental impact is greater than
dry-s(eams. The wet steam system requires a large land are~~-
- .scannea w1 tn uam~canner
These are very hot.solid rock£ preseotatm.o ~ra:te c~~ - :- _"'"' ... .~ . : :-. . . ., . . ,_
cannot access to these rocks either because ofth.e abs~ ce <T ~- ...,_
- ~,..,;;_ ,..,_
~ ....
, L . . , ' ,_..,.
permeability of the rock (or b{)th). In order to lliilize !-.(/;, ~-:,:;..c---: -:..
i:Scannea. w1 tn c..;ami:Scanner
fOweR FR '' , 'I 4A7
6 4 Magmatic (Molten r k)
11, ' . . oc Chamber gystem
Bx traction f he' t n ray ,~ , , ,1,- 1, ur~J
, , r _ . ·0 rorn hot magma rn about 145 'J unliv) a,
cend1tion11. rh _cnc~gt/ recovery from deeper f¾luroo3 fo mtJre c11fifoult becYJJEf_, f r,(;IYJ f
drilling Buboumt,, I drntan.ccn, 1he main Ji,,advantagez are ooJidifJcw,ion <Jfmagrna ~01.tr1d
theheatcxchangc-rtubcs andrcauJtingdoorcaoojn bca:te-/4trac.1ion rate,
irrects of geothermal energy on environment
EffcctB of geothermal energy on the (..~Vfo nm.ent 16 ver.J lcNI, There are nD 501id
poJlutantR exposed to atmoaphcrc, There iBno bannful ra<lfation. Hkc inrruclearpower
plant<;, The highJ y mincralfacd wastes resulting from the oondenSer stream can po11 ute
ground water. It docs not require additional condensercooliogwatc-r.
.. -
, I"
Gas ciean up Gas engine
Blogas - - Generator unit
.scannea w1 tn uam~canner
K 2. Cl(,_j cl---=, J V"\. )
lj'r-- Q-t<,.,.r- CJJ.- .,
Compressor Gas
Slurry Digester separator
Pure bioaas
Air-fuel ratio.
control valve
Engine 0
Air lo engine m
..... stack I o111 r Silencer Catalyst ,Z
Flue gas (j)
P" z
C ... m
$l) Figure 4.31: Biogas Power Plant :::a
Tl u In POl'lU11t 8 II n lion RI lo
ltimo1Hti of blugu~ powo,· phtnts arc
I, M IHllll' H Plll'(llOt'
2. 'tlij cooler
. , Fubd · f11l ·1.·
ti. GmJ l'ccdvcr
i. Ah· 1\1 l ·ullo eont •oJ valve
6. Outi carburcllor
re;, Hn ,ino
8, Turbo charger
9, All ,. · okir
l O. S1 lcnccr
1) lllo~n,• Phu•I·
'l'hu bio 118 plnnt is used lo generate low calorific value biogas (Cf-14 + CO2)
1\101. 'l'hu biogus plnnl consists or digeslor unit nnd dome. The biomass waste is feed
to lhu di cHlor. Tlw ditforcnt types ofbiomnss wnslc used in biogas plants arc animal
wnsto, oquullc wostc, poultry wnstc, butchery wnstc, industrial waste, .etc.
The l•ubrlc fillers nrc used to sopcrntc dry particles from the biogas with si~cs
r11nglng from submicron to scvcrnl hundred micron. Then 99.9% pure biogas rcac~1es
tho gus rcooivor ond thon send buck to tho gos carburettor.
Tho uir from the turbo ohnrgcr is blonds with biogas and takes to the engine.
Tho ongino is coupled with generator to gencrat'e electricity. The exhaust gas drives a
turbo chnrgor which admit· compressed to the engine.
Tho unor cooler cools the air from the t~1rbocharger and dispatched to the gas
cnrblU'cttor. Tho silencer is used to reduce the amount of noise emitted by.the exhaust
ofm, engine of the biogns power generation unit.
Ad\lnntngcs of b.iogns power pJnnt
l. Penking power phmt.
2. Stnnd by power plant.
3. Bnse load power plant for rural area.
4, ,Hybrid w.ith any ~enewable source power plants. ! r •
5. Auxillnrpower.
6. Non polluting renewable sources of energy.
~canned. w1 tn c..;am~can~ner
1) Biogas Plant
The biomass slurry has undergone fennentation and generates biogas (methane
+ carbon dioxide) and the spent slurry is come out as sludge. The sludge contains
Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium, which used as good manure for plants. The
biogas are accumulated in ·the dome and sent to the power generation unit. the biogas
~ Metahane 55%
ii) Carbon dioxide 35%
fu) Hydr9ge~ 5%
iv) Other gases and moisture·5% ·
(02, N2,. H2S and
. : .J
The available e~ergy. in the
. ~iogas is about
. 23,000
. ' kJ. per kg.
' . '· '
will sent to th~ ga,s CO.(?ler unit remqve t~e heat and moisture s~para~or unit.
I \ , I ,
I :
I •
• Bio gas contains s~me gas impurities which are corrosive to the metal part of
the IC erigines. · -· ·
• Not feasible to locate at all locations.
• Very large scale power g~neration IS diffi~ult.
~canned. w1 tn (.;am~canner
~ 4.51
Waste heat
; I
fuel Cell ..
DCp ower
Fuel -
• Oxydant
F~gure 4.32: Schematic diagram of a Fuel Cell ,·
. .
The fuel cell has an anqde (Full electrode) cathode (oxy~~n ~lectrode electrolyte,
containers, sealing, separators, fuel supply and oxidant supply. The fuel cell system
consists of
~ Fuell preparation
ii) Fuel processor section
iii) Fuel celf power section
iv) Power conditioning section ,,
The fuel mostly used in fuel eel ls are Hydrogen, Hydraztp~, Hi dnd~, Methanol,
Coal gas etc. The oxydants are Liquid oxyge~, 'air and hydrogen peroxide.
1• - 1
• • 1 .. ·; • ' •
• J •
, , Fuel - ~ . F-u!31•p~eparayqn .. , ; , : . .. 1 : , • ••
• I
• I
.. .
Fuel processing
• t •. I • • -.. , '
Water Fuel
Fuel cell
power system ◄
Waste heat • • • • 1 •... • • -~ • • . ~ I,•••, I *• '
.' . ,,_' . ~
I •• •
• • I ; • J •
, . '·' ' .
. . . .... . .
I • ' I
---.inned w1tn damScanAer
~cannea w1 tn c..;am~canner
po_!;!!!- FROM_ RE~EWABLE ENERGY 4.53
1. It is used in remote a
. rea power supply.
2. It 1s used as standby p
ower supply unit.
3. It is also used as standal
one power plant:
4. Utilitypowerplant
5. Space power plant
6. Marine
7. Aircraft power supply
8. Military
Advantages of Fuel cell power system
0 Fuel ce11s are high efficeat due to direct energy conversion.
iO It has no moving parts, therefore no mechanical loss.
iiQ Fuel cell power system arc compact.
iv) Fuel cell power plants arc modular in configuration.
v) Pollution free.
vi) Fuel cell power system does not require power supply'for cnatging.
vu) Highly suitable for standalone, standby and remote·power plants.
viil) High operational :flexibility.
Principles and Operation of fuel cell
Two porous electrodes such as porous anode and porous cathode are immersed
in an'dectolyte at certain pressure. The electrolyte must have high thermal conductivity.
H2- 0 2 Acidic Fuel Cell
Two porou) nickel electrodes-ate separated.by a gas bauier (separator). Th·e
anode is a negative pole-and fuel electrode-which is-immersed in hydrogen at certain
pressure. The hydrogen as fuel bubbles-moves across ~e•ailo~e. Similatly'the porous
cathode is a positive pole an~ot electrode·which is immersed in Liquid•oxygen.)
The Hquid oxygen as oxydant bubbles moves across the pbrou·s cathode. '
Scanned. w1 tn cam.:>~aniler
· ◄-lLoad
Fuel Products
porous porous
Cathode reaction, • I •
• • ' I
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
,Alf:R FROM RENEWABLE ENERGY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4_.5_5
Anodo Cathode
Figure 4.36: Hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell, Type C
i:)cannect w1 tn CJam~canner
During no load or open circuit, the cell voltage is maximum and current is zero.
u .?;-
Electric Switch gear <( &
Fue1 Fuel ·
Electrolyte power and
co ...
A Fuel Fuel cell
, . Heaier ·
Control unit
' ' I ' I •
Feedback . ,
Figure 4.36: Fuel Cell Power Plant layout
~canned. w1 tn (.;am~canner
!:9--~~NE~R_FR_O_~_tR......;E;;;.;..N.:..=E:.:..:W:.:..:A:BL~E::..!:E~N~E~RG~Y!.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~4~.5~7
Toe fuel processing unit includes receiving, processing, filtering, purifying storage
·heating and supply. The fuel is managed and supplied by this section.
iii) Fuel cell power pack
It is the fuel cell of the system in which the electrical energy is generated. The
Fuel cell consists of negative electrod~ called anode and positive electrode called
cathode. · '
The electrolyte is used for migrating hydroxyl ions from cathode to anode.
If the fuel, and oxydant supplied to the fuel cell continuously then the overall
reaction will be carried out to produce electric energy. Water _vapour~_~-~,nerat~d and
some waste heat is liberated to the surrounding. The Fue_lcell p~wer sys~e~ pro~uce
DC power and it is delivered to electric power conditioning system. ·
. . . - . . ..... .
' .
iv) Electric power conditioning system ' •• • I I :
.,. .
( "
' . ,
It receives DC power from fuel cell and delivers controlled, regulated three
phase _AC power. The electric power conditioning system us~d.PC-AC 'converter
voltage regulator harmonic control and_power control to regulate the power supply.
v) Switch gear and supply system
It delivers power to the load. It consists of electrical disconnect switches; circuit
breakers or fuses to control, protect and isolate the fuel cell from t~~ grid.
vi) Control system
· The main function of the control system is to control voltage, cu~ent, power,
rate of change ofpower, fuel input and temperature. The power regulated controlling by
fuel supply by feed back control. , ; ' , ·· ' · · · 1 i:
vii) Heater
f .. • • •
• ~ • •• I
The high temperature fuel cell system only requires a heater to·maintain working
temperature of the Fuel, and electrolyte within the permissible limit. : . ..
D Head ofwater.
ii) Specified speed and rotational speed of turbine.
m") Part load efficiency.
iv) Disposition of turbine shaft.
v) Load factor, utilization factor and demand factoL
2. What is the purpose of surge tank?
(AU-Nov/Dec 2005, 2008, 2011, Apr~fay 2010, 2012 2015)
The surge tank is a temporary storage safety reservoir fitted to the penstock, that is
in between dam and power house to keep the back pressure minimum by avoiding
sudden pressure rise in the penstock.
3. · What is the use of spillway?
Spillway is considered as safety al e for dam. It discharges major flood without
make only damage to the dam and keeps the water level in the rese1Voir below the
predetennined maximum level
4. What is the purpose of draft tube? (AU-Apr/May 2011, May/June 1009)
It is a diverging passage that connects the tail race with the turbine exit, to regain the
kinetic energy of water coming out of the reaction turbine. It increases the power
output of the reaction turbine. It decreases the exitvelocity and increases the presrure
5. What is water hammer?
When the load of the turbine is reduced, there is a sudden increase in pressure
~ue to back flow of water in the pens tock. This phenomenon is known as water
6. What are the different types of geothermal powerplant?
1. Dry-steam system
2. Wet steam system (or) Liquid-dominated system
3. Hot dry rock systems
4. Magmatic (Molten rock) Chamber system
(A U-Apr/May-2005)
The nir intnke system leads fresh air through filter, ducts, silencer and supercharger.
O The filter removes the air borne solid particles causing wear of engine.
iO Silence reduce high velocity air noise.
iiO Super chnrger increases the pressure of air supplied and increase the power
output of the engine.
8. How OTEC cycle can be classified?(A U-Apr/Alfay 2011, Nov/Dec 2007, 2009)
OTEC cycle can be classified into two types.
I. Open cycle or Claude cycle or Steam cycle or Direct cycle
2. Close cycle or Anderson cycle or Vapour cycle or Indirect cycle
9, \>Vhat nrc the advnntngcs ofTidal power plant?
1. It is much superior to hydro power plant, because it is totally independent of rain.
2. It is free fi:om pollution.
3. It has unique cnpocity to meet U1e peek demand effectively.
4. It does notdcmnnd large nren ofvaluable land.
10. \>Vhnt arc the ndvantngcs of pumped hydro storage plant?
1·. Low cnpitnl cost than other peak units
2. It can pickup load rapidly within a matter offew minutes.
.scannea w1 tn uam~canner
12. What arc the essential factors which should be considered while selecting
~ site _fof hydropower plant? (AU-May/June 2009)
i) Availability of water
ii) Capac~ty of reservoir
.• I, I ,
• I
I I •• , :
i .
=:Speed in TIJm • 1
• I
.,· . .
•. 1 ·1:,, ., , · • P .= .- Power output of the turbine in kW
H= 1··Netheadiifmefer ' ~·: ;.· ,:. ·. · i.·.
i:Scannect. w1 tn lJami:Scanner
~ ~ -·
il') L?w capacity pow~r plant is possibl because oflarger size components. ·
iii) Very _large ~oating bed is too difficult ~d expensive ..
•I I • : • .. ...
absolutely renewable.
ii) No emission of hazardous ga~es.
iii) It is low cost and versatile.
~canneaw1 tn t;am.::>ca.nner
iv) It delivers great amount of net energy from its system as compared to other
power plants.
v) Geothennal power plant has high annual load factor (85% to 90%).
vi) It is amenable for multiple user of geo thennal power plant.
19. What are the microhydel plants? Why they are important nowadays?
(AU-Apr/May 2007, 2008)
A small ~cale power plant between i 0 kW to 200 kW that generates electricity
using the e~ergy potential
. .
of water. Micro-hydro power plants convert the energy
of flowing water into elec~cal ~nergy. I •
approach and the large macro hydro projects are complex, interlocked and
unmeasured. This impact frequently synergistic in nature and it is irreversible.
To minimize these impacts the smaller the project with_lesser _the impact is
required. So ~ic~hydel e.tojects play an important r~le now ~ day b~cause
they rarely cause any environmental damage. ·
20. For.which ~urpose, Hydro electrlc projects are developed? (AU-Nov/Dec 2013)
I • I • f J • ..
22. What is.the function ofFore~1~Y.~. ··,\',,.) .., :,_i . _: ·i . 1 ~.r. · ,_1. : , 1 , . .1 : .. · , • •. ,i ,.., .'• •
i:Scannea. w1 tn <..;ami:Scanner
¢--R_F~R~O_M_R_E_N_EW_A_;;:B:.:L:::.E.::.EN~E:!:R~G~Y-___:__ ____:_ _ ~-----4.~
" What is the function of . ?
Z.J• coo 1ing system in Diesel Power Plant·
The burni~g gas temperature in the engine cylinder is around J500 to 200?0 ~;
The functmn of coo ling system is to remove the heat from the engine :y hndan
and.keeps the temperature of the cylinder at low range to improve the hfe of'
24, Define draught, what is the use of draught in thermal power plants?
Draug ht ts. defime d as a small pressure
· difference
· - · betwe_
req~tre~ · e~ ·-.
th e fuel_bed.
(fiurn ace ) an d ou t SI"d e air,
· to maintain
· · constant
· flow of atr 1 °
··· an d t d'scharge
.. the
gases through chimney to the atmosphere. Draught can be obtained by ch.11~ney,
fan, steam jet (or) air jet (or) combination of these.
· use d to supp ly required
O It 1s · quantity
• of air
• to the furnace 1or
&: combustion
. . of
ii) It is used to draw the combustion products through the system.
iii) It is used to remove burnt products from the system.
- o I ....
.. ' ,
..... .
1 ' •
I • •
.::>canned. w1 tn cam.::>canner
f II
, I
~cannea w1 tn c.;am:scanner
iv) Bloc~met~tariff
v) Two part tariff (Hopkinson demand rate)
vi) Three part tariff (Doherty rate)
' .
vii) Wright. demand
. . ,-
X :: 2
x= 1 ..
___. ,. ___. ... .
It is based on the number oflamps ioslullcd und u lixcd 11urnbor hour~ of use, pol.' or
month or per year. This energy rate expresses U1e cerlnin ch urge, pew unit of <lomL111<l of lhc
consumer. In this demand rate, the meteriug equipmc,nt con bo totolly olo1ninulcd. Jt 0011
be expressed as
Z = ax
· The energy biH demands onl onmaxjmum demnnd in-cs~I®fono 'BY
consumed. ·
ii) Straight line meter rate
..... ·c
0 s
s 0
·O I
i i I I
_. ~
The tarrif can be made according to the consumptio ener and'it is rec.ordered .Qt
k ~This amount is directly propo~iona to the consumption 'ofconsumer. lt can
be expressed as ' j'
Z = by .. ' I '
0 0
t) t)
Jg ]
-. ,
~ ." ~
t t
Energy Con·sumed (Y) Energy Consumed (Y)
0 0
t) (.)
t _.
1 ___.
... --. ---- .,
Energy Consumed (Y) Energy Consumed (Y)
Figure 5.3: Step meter rate
The reduced price per unit are charged for all or any part of the succeeding block of
,, ~ e o o~kmeteraccomplishesthesamep~easing~
with increasing conswnption as UJ(;,M6it1-,Ul withou! its defect. The main demerit is,
it lacks a measure of the usto _ ..!;..~.....i;w;-~x..-- ---------
Z == ·ax+by
Two meter are required O .
to measure the maximum de~· n_e ~s :,nergyi_kW-hr) me~er and another one~~~uired
.c: t d ~ and It JS ~ .ed for mdustn,. This tariffdiscourages to use low
power 1ac or ev1ce:···· - "J•
This rate intensifies the~eme by lowering both the dem charge and energy
charge for a reducti · m maximwn deman : other: words,.it intensifies.the, load factor: 0
T1iis-rareTs m a ~ t r i a consumer who have some measure ofcontrol
over their ~ w n demands. >-- .. ---; f) .. ..
The rate 1s modified ·by stating a wrumwn charge-which must be paid if the energy
for the billing period falls below the amount by such charge. For- allowingfair returns,some
adjustments-in the rate forms are providectS0rfie"oftherii are, · · ·
1. Higher demand charges in swnmer.
2. Fuel price adjustment to provide a rate change when fuel prices deviate from the
standard price.
3. ·Wage adjustment.
4. Tax adjustment.
5. Power factor atlj hstment.
.6_.Discount to,be given to·the·customers•for prompt payment of bills .
.Scannea Wl tn C..:am.scanner
' I
It includes street light, traffic sign~l and fargermotorused to run water supply and
I ., .., - ---
drainage. · \ •"'' ~ \ '. - ., . ,, , •
... '.
·, .,. .,
J • ' '
v) Irrigation load
. .
It includes electric motor to drive pump for irrigation purpose.
' . . . ·\· ,·
' .
' \
' .
J 1 I: '
• • .- 1 I , , I , _, • ,
i) Connected load
rt is sum of rating in kilowatts of each equ1p)nen~ installed by the 'consumer. If the
consumer connets four tube lights of40 watts, 2 fan of 60 watts~d one ~efrigerato:i;-of,40Q,
. - '
watts. Then the total connected load
will be •
' • ,# • I t ., ' .i ' \ ' .. ~ , I : ~' •, ':. ' ..~, .' .. i .
.scanned. w1 tn c.,;am.scanner
iO ~aXimum load
It is the maximum possible Io d hi •
a w ch a consumer uses at anytime.
iii) oemand factor
It is defined as the
/ ratio of maxun·um load toconnec ted 1oad.
M ,Average l~a~ / _ .
diversity factor
vili)Peak diversity factor
maximum effective demand of consumer
- demand of consumer during the system of peak demand
· It) System peak demand ·- ·
maximum effective demand
. p_eak diversity factor • ·
l) Plant capacity factor ·
, t • • I ' 4} •
:::;canned. w1 tn cam:::;canner
· _
load factor ) · .
capacity factor · I f •
Peak load
.. 'v
. ; .
~ Avera e load
n) • I,
• ...J
, ..
Load curve
Load curve is the graphical representation showing the load demand for every instant
during a particular time interval; 1)iis curve is called hourly load curve, ifload.is plott¢ on
hourly basis and is called daily or weakly or monthly or annual load curve, ifload is plotted
.scanned. w1 tn c.,;am.scanner
oil daUyorweeklyormonthlyor
. year I.Y bas1s. respectively. The load curve on 24b urs is °
shO".'••,0 tn figure 5.4. When plann·mg a power plant, the two parameters are requir · ed to
O Total power output to be installed (kW)
it) Size of tlie generating unit
. .
. 1be total installed capacity requir~d·c ~ be,d.eti ~ned from
O Estimated demand h) Anticipated demand in) Reserve c~pacity.demand
The load curve for industrial load, urban traction load, residential load, street lighting
load is show~ in figure 5.5. The metropolitan area load area load-for a week is also ~~1~wn.
- - Summer load
kW kW .f )-
- - - - Winter lead
12 6 12 6 12 12 6 12 6 12
Residential! load Street lighting
11 12 6 12 6 12 ' 12 6 12 6 ·12
- • I • ...
Metropolitan area load
. ' .
12 ·s 1i s 12 s 12 s 1'2 6 12 6 12
· .·.1fy1 ·: ,P,M AM . - PM
: . . . ~,,,,, .· ~
· AM . PM
Figu~ s.s: ·Typical hourly variation in energy '!-emand for d~ffer.ent types
'· of electrical load and curv.es.oftotal•load in a metropolitan area
Scanned Wl th cam~canner
A typical annual load curve is shown in figure 5.6. The load demand noticed according
to the consumer requirement during particular period can be categorized into Base load,
Average or intermediate.load and maximum or peak load. Base load is the quantum of
power that has to be supplied by any power plant at all the titn~s.
, ~
\ ]
r\ I ~ ' ,.. Jo:
I \ I \ I
~--- 11--- -\- --- ~1-- ---- ---- -~- --- ---- --1- .
...J \
·\ I ]
I J ~
' Oct Nov Dec
1 ..
The average load during a ,day can be obtained from the daily load curve by
dividing the area under the energy .curve by the time period.
Peak load is the maximum load which a consumer uses at any time. It is a
graphical representation between loa~ (kW) and time (hours). The graph slows the
variation in power station.
The types of load curv~s are
O Daily load curve : plot for 24 hours
ii) Month~y load curve . : pl<;>t for 30 or 131 days
. ' . .
ii) Annual load Cllf\'.:e plot for 365 days ' --J
i:Scannea. w1 tn c..;ami:Scanner
The load curYe provides complete information about the incoming loads thus
helping to predict the annual requirements of energy. Based on the annual energ,
consumption, capacity of the plant to be installed to meet the peak and fluctuating
loads can be decided. These cun;es also helps e-timate the generating cost and to
decide the operating schedule of the pO'werstation i.e. the sequence.sin which different
units to be operate.
I 12MW
3 10 12 24
--+ lirre,Hours
~crure 5. 7: Load duration curve
The figure 5.7 shows a typical load duration curve. Any point on the load duration
curve indicates the number of hours in a given P,eriod during which the given load has
prevailed. The area under the i~ad a~tion c~; and the corresponding chronological
load curve is equal and represents the total energy d~livered by the power plap.t
Load duration curve gives a clear analysis of generating power economically proper
selection of base load plants and peak load power plants becomes easier. It may be noted
that, from this single curve, the peak dem~d, the variations in demand which is to be k~t
d9wn·to minimum, the duration they existed and the total energy involved, can be easily
summarised. I
1 ,
·-.:~.. . . - -·... ... .....
·•.... Month
6 6 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 1416 18 20 22 24 - Day
AM .' PM I I I I I I I I I
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 720 - Month
I I I I I =I I I I I
0 0
8 g
0 ,-._
N M ~ Li) . (0 ...... co co
, (~) ~oaQ_curves (b) Loa~ duration curves
5.~-~-~ura.twm Cll"7e constructed from the chronological load
I 1 curve ofa day .
I · __ _
By compiling the load hours on various days, the• load curve for one month (720
I I • •
hours) or one year (8760 hours) can be obtained. Daily, monthly and yearly load duration
curves helps better planning. .
for economical.~tilization
.., .. . of the power plants, existing or
planned. ·
I •
.' . ) . ' • I • - i. . ' ' ..
.. -
. '. . . .. . . ,.. __-· •·.J •fl• , •
I. .l . 1
·- ' I .) • I
. TI , .,
J • t ~ •
·, -
f ...
• I
-- - - · --· ---· -- - -
.scanned. w1 tn c.,;am.scanner
C C,,.)
1-;i ~
S.N. Description Steam Diesel Hydro Electric Gas Nuclear
Power Planl Power, Plant . Power Plant Power Plant Power Plant
5. Transportation Ap1;>roach of Railway or roa_d Approach of land, rail and Good land transport is Approach of land, rail Approach of land
trar:,sport Is necessary. For larid water transport is necessary. required nearby site and water transport is transport is necessary.
transport of coal and heavy to transfer h':ary necessary.
machinery. machineries.
6. Waste - A 400 MW power plant Not applicable. .
J •
Not applicable. - Not applicable. The nuclear waste is
Cjilsposalr _ _.req1,1lres l O Acres of waste . radioactive; there should
iand ; - . .. .
be a sufficient space for ,
,.• . .
-' -
waste disposat
7. Size of tne ·:Larger size Is Smaller size ls Larger size is Larger size ls Larger size is
~Ian!, -
-- -economical. economlcal. economical. economical. economical.
8. Nat~re o( : The !and sho!Jld be The site should be The land should be The land should be The land should be
Land' - · cheap and rocky. - rocky or hard soil. cheap and rocky to cheep and rocky. rocky.
I • - - . - --- .. - - construct the dam.
9. Load centre The site for the power plant The site for the diesel power The site for the power The site for the gas The site for the power
.-, shoul.d be nearer to the load · plant should be nearer lo the plant should be nearer powerplant should be plant should be nearer to
' -~ areq'.. load centre and transmission to the load area to nearer to the load the load area i_f possible.
-' -,
loss should be minimized reduce the transmission centre and transmission
when peak loads. loss. loss should be
: ., ~
- minimized when peak -0
. 0
0 II
·, -
loads .
$l) l 0. Public safety ' Should be located far away Should be located far away Should be located for Should be located far Should be located for m
l::f 1
.... ~from the towns to avoid the from the residential area and away from the towns to away from the away from the populated -0
.. nuls_a nce of fly ash and smoke. business to avoid the heavy ovoid floods. residential area and area to save them from ~
p - noise and smoke. business to ovoid the hazards . z
'• I -I
~ ::;.~· . ::
heavy noise and smoke. m
ct 11. F.uture
The site should allow future Not applicable. The site should allow The site should allow
· The site should allow future •
p extensions extension . extension. future extension. future extension. z
C . m
$l) 12. Availablllty Lobour should be avallable Lobour should be available Lobour should be , Labour should be Lobour should be
of labour
. .. nearby site.
. . - . .. - - - nearby site.
a~a~able nearby site. available nearby site. available nearby site. z
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
.::icannee1 wi tn (.;am~canner
The fixed cost are those cost which remains same for a given capacity. It does not
vary with output
The fixed cost includes the capital investment ofinstallation ofentire plant.
This includes
a) Capital cost of power plant
b) Capital cost ofprimary distribution
c) Other capital cost Capital Cost of Power Plant
The capital cost per kW of Thermal power plant does not change much, but it
changes more for hydraulic power plant because the cost of hydraulic power plant depends
upon foundation required, type of dam, land, quantity of water and spill ways used. It
includes the following cost.
i) Cost ofland
il) Cost ofbuildfog
iit) Cost of equipment
iv) Cost ofinstaJlation .. ,_ l I I l " !
• I '
. ' •
' '
' .I . .
I • •
• t • • I
a) Cost of substation a) Interest
b) Cost of transmission lines b)Tax "tJ
- a) Cost of land
c) Insurance
d) General management cost
e) Depredation cost
b) Cost of building "'O
~ I
I t;
CD ~ c) Cost of equipment z
'd) Cost of Installation \ ~
..... ,e) Cost of designing and planning z
ct ..__. G)
P" \ z
C Figu~ 5.9: Classification of cost ofElectrical energy m
Pl ::0
It does not change much with different types of power plant. The cost of land
depends upon topography, and contour and development cost.
b) Cost of equipment and installation
d) Depreciation.·.
.. !he d~pr~ci~ti~_n ~s ~au~~~t~~ ~d tear of the _equi~me_nt. This can be
IIlllllll11sed upto.sop_Je extent-by ~care·and.mamtenance. This capital mvestment must
be r~ered by the·time oflifespanoff 1~,Ns:over. So that this will be helpful to replace,
by a new equipment. For this purpose the~·phmt is opened a depreci~tion fund. Till the
plant is in operation. The amount collection.~ stopped till it is.eq¢ to the capital ipvestrnent.
~cannect. w1 tn L!am.::>canner
The different methods used to calculate the depreciation cost ofpower plant are
O Straight l'ine method
ii) Sinking fund method
iii)· Diminishingvaluc method
i)· Straight line method
This method assumes that the loss ofvalue of an equipment is directly proportional
te its age.
..;.. ~
- (J
..., ~ l!'.
1/) a,
0 -0
Life in years ►I
Figure 5.10: Straight line method
(l+~) -1
where C = principle or capital cost of the plant
s - salvage value
n - useful life in years
r = rate of interest
rtl ·-
... u
0 "C
Cl (I)
rtl ::,
- rtl
Life in years
- A(l +2r+r2)
- A (1 + r) 2
i:)cannect w1 tn CJam~canner
A= C-s[ r ]
(1 +rr-1
iii) Diminishing value method
Th~ amount is se~side per year ,ct_ecrease~e life of the plant incre~ This is
also called Reducing balance method. The diminishing value ofthe plant is much greater in
the,..,early.i'.:..ars and lesser in latter years. ~ ~
Under this method, the book value of the plant goes on decreasing as its existence
continues. A certain percentage of the current book value is taken as depreciation.
Let x be the fixed percentage taken to calculate annual depreciation·-on the book
Then X = 1-(~J . . .. . .
. \
- salvage value
. .. .. .. . 1 I f
• •
I I \.
• ' • , , \
f .,. 1 '\
This includes cost offuel, operating labour, maintenance cost, material for regular
. . ' - - . ,.
maintenance, water cost, lubricating cost, water treatment chemic'a1s; etc.' · _. ·· 1
i:)cannea. w1 tn cam~canner
• ·1
~cannea. w1 tn cam~canner
1) Gaseous Emission
The various gaseous pollutants are
i) Sulphur dioxide
ii) Oxides ofNitrogen
iii) Hydrogen Sulphide
Cleaned gas
Spray mentfold
I I , • t
-; , .
..' Figure.5.12: Wet Scrubber .. ' . ! - .' J I•
Polluted (dirty) gas is sent into the scrubber tangentially. Water spray ab;orbs
these gases and particulate ·matters. It is ~ollected on-the surface of the scrubber are
washed down by water. This water is again treated,--filtered and reused: The collection
efficiency of this scrubber is 90%. ~
iScannee1 w1 tn {.;amiScanner
SJV. Pollutarrt
011 materials/
On man On vegitation animals
I. S01 Corrosion
Suffocation, irritation Destruction of sensitive
of throat and eyes crops and reduced yield
respiration system
2. .. .
N02 Irritation, bronchitis, - --
oedema oflungs
3. H2S Bare disease, Destruction of crops Flourosis in cattle
respiratory djseases grazing
4. co Poisoning, increased -- -
I. C~ustry (
2. Grain milling industry
D The pressure drops are very high. ;:{J
ii) The used water will contain sulphuric and sulphu~cid which corrode
the pipettiieafids~·c_ru_b_b-er~.-. - - - - - - - - - - ---- -
ii.t) The used water cannot be drain into the rivers.
iv) The gases are cooled to_such an extent that they must be reheated before
being sent to the stack.
Nonnally the thermal power plant has high sulphur content coat and it must be
removed before burnt. Some sulphur oxides and the fly-ash will removed by coal
Similar.to we_tscrubber system, Flue-Gas J?es_u_lp~ur:iz~tion (FGD) system is
employed in power plants ..Th.e types of.FGD systems are
I. The recovery or regenerative system.
2. Throwaway or non-regenerative system.
i:scannect w1 tn uami:scanner
RcgcncratiYc system
1. vVet Magnesium oxide process
2. F\\T - Bergbau process
3. Wellman-Lord process
,vellman-Lord FGD system
Figure 5.13 shows the Wellman-Lord FGD system removes S02 by absorption
in sodium carbonate. S0 2 is recovered as sulphur or sulphuric acid process.
Clean flue gas Condenser
to chimney
Fglause ► S0 2 recovery Sulphur or
dsorbe plant or sulphuric
sulphuric acid product
acid plant
crystallizer Sodium
Dissolving carbonate
tank make up
i:Scannea. w1 tn c..;ami:Scanner
~cannea w1 tn c.;am:scanner
2) Fumes
These are very small particles which. .
is obtained from chemical reaction. It is
composed ofmeta)s
.... and metallic.oxides .
3) Fly-ash
The-diameter of fly ash particles ~re less than or equal to 100 microns .
4) Cinders-
The diameter of ash'particles are more than or equal to 100 microns.
The performance parameters for any particula(e ~emover is called the collector
efficiency.. .
. .
I, • . - ' • • !'J°ass of "dust removed x l 00
. .
(a) Sudden decrease in gas velocity (b) Sudden change in the direction
of the flow of flue gas
••t •
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canfier
- - '
Figure 5. I 5(a) shows sudden decrease in gas vclocily makes the particulate
separate and fall. Figure 5. l 5(b) shows a sudden change in the direction of flue gas
throws the particulate away and can be collected. · .
Figure 5.l 5(c) shows the irnpringement of flue gases on a series of baffle stops
the particulate matter. These are commonly used in stoker and small cyclone furnaces
where crushed coal is burned rather than the very fine pulverised coal. The collection
efficiency of Cinder catchers are from 50% to 75%.
Cinder-Vane fan is shown figure 5.15(d). It uses the fan which imparts centrifugal
force to the particulate and they are collected_. The ~ffici~~cy is from 50 ~o 75%.
b) Wet Scrubbers
Wet scrubbers are generally used for rem.oval of gases. It is also used to removal
ofparticulate matters but the gases will have to be rehe_ated before.they are sent to the
stack. It is not commonly used to remove the particulate matters.
, I .
c) Electrostatic Ptecipitator
Collector plates
Fi~~r~ 5~ 16: Electrostatic Precipitator
gets a charge from negatively charged wires and arc th~~ attr~cied to th~ ground
plates. The ground plates are periodic~Ily n~pped by a steel plug which is raised and
dropped by an electromagnet. Dust is collected in th~ hoppers below.
. ..
- • i
l • • .' .
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
Thermal Pollution
·~ /'
. But in very cold regions, letting out ho.t water into the Jakes or rivers helps in
incrc~growth, But in our country, such places ar~ n.ot many andJ!_ence it is
necessary to minimise this therm~rton of water.
..___,__._ - I
One of the regulation stipulates that maximum temperature of water let out can
be l 0 ·c abo.ve the atmospheric temperature. Thus the thermal plant bas to resort to '
. metho fa dh.
various ermg.to.th'1s regu I.
at1on. . · - · -T----._...
· --
rgc Index (TDI)
The index cannot be zero or else the plant violates the second law of
thermodynamics. This index should be as low as possible to improve the efficiency of
the plant as well as to keep the pollution level low. TOI is dependent on the thermal
efficiency of the plant.
Reduction methods of thermal pollution
In thermal power plant, the water from a river or lake is pumped through the
condenser and fedback to the source. The rise of temperature will be about 10° C
which is highly object,ionable from the pollution point of view. Hence, tbjs}taste h_:_at
which is removed from the condenser will have to be thrown into the atmosphere and
not into the water source, in this direction the follow~g metlio can ~~~,.,.~cl.
l. Construction of a separate lake.
2. Cooling pond.
' .
3. Coolin$ tower.
1) Construction of a separ.ate lake
A sufficiently large water storage in the fonn of a lake can be built and one-
through cooling the condenser can be adopted. If the natural cooling of water from the
. _J
.scanned. w1 tn cam.scanner
lake is not sufficient,.floating spray pumps can be emp, oyed. This ipethod i~pr:_oves
the thennal efficiency of the plant but can rove expens· _ . Also, it may not always be
·•. ·· -
possible to have a large enoug ake artificta y m t. • ·
2) Cooling pond -. t:.J ··• --- _
. .A cooling pond with .continuously operating ~ai~s can be adopted for smaller
' . .
power plants. This wiir als·o·serve as a beautifying feature of the power plant site ...
~ . ..... --- ---- . -- .... - ::. ...____ .
3) Cooling to'Y~r
In order ~o th_row heat into th~ atmosphere most power stations aQ_opt the cooling
towers. The hyperoolic shape given to the tower automatically induces air from the
~ t~\flow upwards and the water is cooled by coming in direct c o n ~ e
ait'fhis is called w~~-:-coolin] to~.
---~ (V • - " ~ .
The overall efficiency of such plants will be lower than those of the plants adopting
one-through cooling system. There will be considerable vapour flumes escaping from
the cooOing towers. Sometime, make-up cooling water may be scarce. In such cases,
dry cooling tower can be adopted. Dry cooling towers are much more expensivejhan
wet cooling towers, Thewet and dry cooling towers are expensive and add to the
initial investment of the plant: Small plants can adopt mechanicaical-dr£_1ft systems
using induce~ or forceq draft system. This helps in avoidng height to the cooling towers.
Thus the initial cost is reduced-but the maintenance cost of mechanical-draft systems
are high. •
5.5.2 uclear Waste .Disposal Methods
. ',
- .. .. • ••
-· . ' "
. f •
dispo~I r----,Transmutation
The various methods of nuclear waste disposal is shown in figure 5. 18. There are
three important factors to be considered when assessing the rriethod of waste disposal.
• J ' ,
- nuclear waste disposal management
. is classified into:
0 short-tenn management
it) long-term management. Short-ternrmanagement,-·,
Nuclear waste can be tem~~ly ~eated on-site such as vitrification or ion exchange
is short-term management. : ·
\ ,
~canned. w1 tn c..;am~canner
. . .
w1th molten glass and hardened_JQ fonn a new solid. It W1 crys
tallize when heated
. and
~ ~
tnen calcinated. The cal-:-- . process er1mmates
cmation . the water from the waste to mcrease
the stability.
Refrsctory Auxiliary
Pouring nozzle
Ajr cooling for a
~eezing valve
Figure 5.20
The calcinated materials are continuously transferred into a heated furnace at 1200°C
and mixed with fra~~ glass. In hardened ~te, the radioactive material is covered to
avoid it from leakage. It reduces t h e ~ of the waste for thousands of years.
2) Ion Exchange
Similarly Ion Exchange combines with chemical to concentrate waste and en_case in
cement Long-ter~ mana~ement
!.-_,__----- -----:-
.scanned. w1 tn c.,;am.scanner
Geological Disposal
To isolate high-level nuclear waste the following things are required
. .' ' .
O The waste needs to be properly fastened to the burial site
. ..
ii) Structurally supported in the event ofa major seismic everit
• I
iv) Itwoul~ be to even assume that nuclear~a~te could simply lie in rt:posito1y thnt
far below the ground
v) The Sites shoJ,tld have appropriate hydrological"and geochemical environments
- - -- - Reprocessing
• I • _. . • /I • I Transmutation
. provides
. Transmutation . for long term d'1sposa l· It particularly involves
. a solution
conv~t1,mg~arwa~ . anomer
element mto 1~ 1
less narm1u 1e e
ment. The •,accelerator
provides an in.tense continuous beam- of protons. The neutrons h'tandsplitlong==-livesuch
r--........ - 1 __
.,,.._-. - .----- - -
. . . . d rt
as amencmm and ctmum creatmg energy an sI10 - 11ve nuc . le,· whjch 1s easier
•~ for storage
Spallation target
Natural transmutation can also occur over a long period of time. Natural
transmutation a~so-serves·as the principle force benmd geological-storage on the
assumption,that.gi~ing the 'taste enough isolated time will allow it to become a.l!_Qn-
fissionable.material'tharposes>little or no risk~
s·.s._~:s. Space·Disposal,
Space disposal'is·also-one ofitliealtemative.methods for nuclear waste disposal.
The nuclear waste is put on a,spaoe shuttle and fatmclied,into·space for disposal. But it is
~cannea w1 tn c..;am~canner
• •• • .. .. - .. - .. •• ... .. . . 1, ,
.:>cannect w1 tn cam.:>canner
U 3 0 8 ➔ UF6
UF6 (Recover~)
Fabrication of
Fuel Assembly
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
nuclides with half Jj fc less than 500 years. The low level waste di~pos~Q by land burial.
. '
Jt docs not require shielding but some tjmes it may require.
There arc three types of low level wa,ste, Class A, Class .B an9 C,·Qr~ater.than • I
.CJass C.
Class A A low l.evel waste contains radio nuclides,w,ith
I I • fft :
. .. ..
~cannea w1 tn c.;am:scanner
Low level waste includes items that have contaminated with radioactive material.
The contamination obtained from reactor water treatment residues and discarded. It
is low radio active. Moving neutrons are absorbed by primary reactor coolant. To
n~dµ~e this two or three loops link.ed by heat exchangers are used ..
• , JI \ • I ' • •
Actirides • I
When Plutonium 239 is dismantled the actirides are produced as·a result or
capture of neutrons. Actirides are lo~g-lived, and they have a major impact on risk
assessment of geologic repositqries. the actirides decay is mainly by emission of alpha
particles. They are highly toxic. It requires very thick shielding.
c) Gaseous effluent
• . I 1 ·, .., • , • • , • • .-,
Nuclear power plant release the chemical inner nobel gas such Krypton and
Xenon. ,. ·,· · - · · . · · · ·. , ·.·. ·_ .·.' , , '
' /
d) Uranium mill tailing · ' · .. ,_.".',') · · /
The Uranium mill use chemicals'tcrextract-Urarlium. It produce mill tai~s,
which is a sandy waste containing heavy metals and radium. They are highly radioacive.
i:Scannea. w1 tn c...;ami:Scanner
Example 1:
A 200 kW diesel power plant was purchased in 75 lakhs in !11 January 1986. The
erection and installation cost was 10 ·lakhs. The diesel power plant is replaced by
a new one on 31 D~c.2006. If the scrap value is 15 lakhs, what should be the rate
of depreciation and depreciation fund on 15 th June 1999. If after 15 years of
running, some cooling system and lubrication systems are replaced and th e
replacement cost is 5 lakhs wh'at will be the new rate of depreciation. • •. ·
For a diesel power plant
Total cost = Purchase cost+ Erection and Installation cost
= 75,00,000 + 10,00,000
= 85,00,000
r -
Scrap or salvage = 15,000
i:)cannect w1 tn CJam~canner
Replacement = 5,00,000
:. New Book'Vnlue = 32 00,000 + 5,00,000
= 37,00,000
C = 40,00,000
s = 15,00,000 . .
r = 5% · = 0.05
n ...: 15 years
,. • I • ' ♦ I (
• J I • •
= Rs. '1,15;740174
• t,
.::>canned. w1 tn cam.::>canner
A ge,rnrator for hydro power plantis 80,00,000 and the assumed life is 10 years
1'nd 1rnJvt1ge YuJu~ la 20,00,000. If the depreciation is charged by dim~nishing
l ttht,,cc method, caJcuJafo the percentage by which value of the generator is
r •ducJtJg every year and deprE:ciation fund after 2 years. ·
Fur generator
C == 80,00,000
s = 20,00,000
n = 10 years
Uy dlmlnh1hl11g baluncc method
X =
I • • •
= 1_(20,00,oooJi ··
80, 00,000
= 0.1294
The pcrcontngc required = 12.94% I ,. • •
i:)cannect w1 tn CJam~canner
= · Rs. 19,36,44~
Example 4:
A power station supplies the following loads are necessary to the consumers
Time in hours 0-6 6-10 10-12 12-16 16-20 20-22 22-24
Load in MW 20 50 60 40 80 70 40
I .. I
; .
'·' "
' I
20 -
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Average load
,. L.F -
I ' I • 1 ;" f I 1 ,,'
. Peakload
, _ .Total energy
Average load
· Time period
Total energy = (20x6) + (50x4) + ~60x~) + (40x4) + (4x80) + (70x2) + (2x4f)
E = I 140 MW-hrs.
i:Sca-nnec.t. w1 tn c..;ami:Scanner
FI = 20
!Fi = 0.8331
The power plant supplies the loads baving maximum demands of 40MW, S0MW
and 30MW respectively. The load factor of the plant on the basis of annual load
curve is 60% and the diversity factor of the load is 1.2. Determine a) maximum
load of the plant b) the capacity of the power plant required to take the loads, and
c) annual energy supplied by the power plant.
Given. data:
F1 = 60% = 0.6
Fdi= 1.2
.. .
a) Maximi1111 load of the plant · ·
Sum of in~ividual maximum demands
L , ·-:~ '
' . Fdi -
Simultaneous maximum demand
. . _ . ' (40+50+30)
' .2 . ·. -
·-1- --;-
• ': f
_ pnvg
= T
T = 365 x 24 = 8760 hrs.
E = Pnvg x T = 60 x 8760
E = 525.6 x l0 3 MW-hrs. •
Example 6:
A power plant has the following annual factors. Load factor= 70%, capacitor
factor= 50%,_,use factor= 60%, Maximum demand is 20MW. Find a) Annual
Energy Production b)Reserve capacity over and above peak load c) Hours duri~g
which the plant is not in service per year.
\ , t 11 • \
Given data ·
, 1, j, 11,. I • , •• '
F, = 70% = 0.7
F = 50% = 0.5
Fu =. 60% = 0.6
'. • , , f • 1• I t \
P - 20MW .
a) A1111ual Energy Production . .. -.
' • I l • • ·' • I • •
pavg xT
•• '... t •• •• ~ \ f , • • ' '
• . • l t I •' • 1 • • ~\ I • •"' 1•
' • • ' ,, l ~. ' • ., • \ ·• • ._ 1 •• ', • '. , I <l"" • • • , ' ; j
iScannea w1 tn {.;amiScanner
IJ) Reserve capacity over and above peak load
F = P,1v8
Plant capacity
• •14 I
0.5 =
Plant capacity
Plantcapacity == 28 MW
:. Rcversccapacily = 28 MW -20 MW = 8 MW
c) flours during wlticl, //,e plant is not in servic'e per year
Plant capacity x t
0.6 =
28x t
t = 7300 hrs.
Hours nol in service 1 .' . .
t = (365 X 24)- 7300 = 1460 hrs. per year
' . .
Exnmj)Jc 7:
The following dnta for a 2200 kW di~sel powe'r station is giveri. The peak loa_d on
the plant is 1600 kW and its load factor is 45%.
Capacity cost/ kW installed = Rs. 15000
Annual costs = 15% of capital
Annual Maintenance cost = Fixed Rs. 10,0000 a~d Variab.le Rs. 20,oo·oo
Annual operating cost = Rs. 60,0ClO0
Cost of fuel = Rs. 0.8 per kg.
Cost oflubricating oil = Rs. 40 pe'i" kg
C.Voffuel .= 40,000 kJ/kg:
~canned. Wl th t;am.::>canner
15 6
Annualcost = 15%ofcapital = 100 x33x10 = Rs. 4.95 x 106
0.45= ~
Pnvg - · 720kW \'
p - -
avg T
• I
-: .· 0.5 kwhr
., • •• , •
.~g .x.6.31x10
• kwhr
. '
m = 3'j~,4 x ·io 6 kg
. . Fuel cost = Rs. 0.8. x 3.154 x 106
• • • ~ • ' • f t • •
= Rs. 2.523 X } 06
I I .
.1 . kg.. .. 6 . ·_. ·. . ..
Consumptionoflubricationoil" :_ - · - - x 6.3 lx 10 · kwhr - .·· ·
400 kwhr .
m :- 15775:· kg-
Lubricatingoilcost == Rs. oAo;x-,15775.
• • I ' ,
_: Rs.0.631"'>< 106 .
b) Fixed cost
F.C == 4.95 X 106 + oj-;-io 6·.
iScannee1 w1 tn {.;amiScanner
-- I
Variable cost
V.C = ff.6 X 106 + 0.2 X 106 + 2.523 X 10°6 + 0.631 X 106 .;
T = F.C+V.C
'· , = Rs. (5.05 x 106 + 3.954 x 106)
T.C ' = Rs. 9.004 X 10 6
T.C 9·:004xl0 6
- -=
E 6.3xl06
= Rs. 1.43 ·
c) Efjicie11cy· .
Output •.
Tl _.
' . '
Outputpower = E = 6.3~ x_~06 kw-hr.
= 6.31 X 106 X ?60Q
' . . .. ' 'Kl
x 1610 ·1cw.:.sec. ·:.:. '· -· ·- .sec
E . . .:. 2·2716 = KJ
· sec
Input power
- 3.154 X 106 5<40,000
- 1.26}6 X 1011 .KJ r I t"
2.2716xI0t0 • .
rt = 1.2616)<10~
J \
.' ' 1 ' t l I,, f I
, , r · I . •. ' , I •~ ; •. P 1 •
I, , :· ,• 1 .
Example 8:
The following dat~ relates to a steam powe·r station of 120 MW capacity which
takes 100 MW peak demant at 80% load,factor.
Annual cost towards the interest and depreciation ::a:Rs.1000/KW installed
Operating costs - Rs. 1200 X 10 4 / year
Maintenance costs - Rs. •200 x 104 / year (fixed)
- Rs. 400 x 104 / year (variable)
Determine (a) cost of coal per year (b) overall cost of generation.
,, '
.. .
j • '
0.8. = . ~
· · .'•. 100
P .. = ·so MW-·
-. ,,.
- m x 25000 KJ/kg
Input - 25000mKJ ' .
Outpl;lt ,
11 :z:
Input ·
2.523Xl0 12
0.2 -
· m_= 504.576 x 106 kg/year
• • • I, . . : . ..-. "_.,, ..... . '
= 504.576. X 10_3 tons/ye~- ,
:' . ·'~- .·. ·/, •. I • .' •
- 504.576 X 10 3 X 320
I ♦• • ., • : •,
,- -
= Rs. 178,464~X 10_6 • I • • \ •
'I ' •
. ~
I • C., - , ." • ' • •I ,.,
· ·Rs. 300.464 X 106 •
G:dstofpowergeneration · = '?O'0:g,x1-os,_x•103=
I ,, ,·.
. . ..
' -· .
- • " .
. ' . ' ., '
' ' • ' • , I . I " •• I •• i. I
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
5.52 p Y/ERPtA ' iiT
From the follov;ing data, estimate the generat[ng co.s1Jn p-af.g;e/kvth de1i 11e.r6d ())1
the station.
Installed ~pacity of the plant = 142.5MW
Ann 11 al load factor - 60'%
Capacity factor - 50%,
Capital cost of the pla.n t = Rs. 130 X 107
Annual cost of co~ oil tax and salaries = fu. 18..8 X 107
Rate oi interest = 5% of capital
Rate of depreciation = 5% of capital
Units of energy used to ran the plant an:i:fliary= 6% ofthe total unit mpplied
Wna.tis the n~s.erve .available?
Solp#on: . .-. -- ... ..
F= C Plant capacity
0.5 -
Pr;g = 71.25MW
F1 = pma:
0.6 -
PlmX - 118.75MW
E• = PZVJ ~ '.J.
T = 71.25 x 103 x 365 x 24
. ;· -
,, ,·, • •
-- - - w1 tn c.;am~canner
~canned. . -
IntereSt = 5% ofcapital
. . -5
=== ·-xl30xl0 7 = Rs. 65 x' 106 /y~ar
Dep~iation = 5% of capital
= -xl30xl0 7 = Rs. 6s ·x 106 /year
100 .. ... .
Total cost = Rs. (18.8 x 107 + 65 .x 10. 6 +.65 x 106)
= Rs. ~1.8 xJ0 7 /year
- . .'
' 661.6xl0 6 : 1 I
Example 10: • , t f I
~cannect w1tn c.;am~canner
FI =
= pnvg
Pnvg = 1500 kW.
E = Pavg xT
= 1500 X 365 X 24
- 1.314 X 107 kw-hr
. of individual maximum
. demand
4 -
5000 ·
I • f ~
= 20,000
, f ! 1 t1 • \ • , , • . J• •. •
= _0.002 ~ 10'1' KW i
'· •►:: •
~s. 2.55,x l0 7
f !~~~ CQ~t per Y..W -
~ " • ' t ~- • •
- Rs. . . . / .KW
,, . . 1275
~ .
· 1.314 X 10
- Rs. 1.59.82 / kw-hr
t' • ' • ,.. .. , • ~. I
' . . {
Capacity = 100 MW
Capital cost= Rs. 10,000 / kW
Annual depreciation charges - 15% of capital cost
Royalty - Rs. 2 / kW
Charges forriverwater - Rs. 0.3 /kwh
Pmax - 70-MW
= 0.6
Annual salaries, maintenance charges = Rs. 107
Normal Fix~d .char~es._.. ~ . 20% of salaries and maintenance charges
_Capital cost = · Rs. 10000 x . l00_x 1q3 ..
- ~x l000x 106
Depreciatio~ - Rs. 150 X 106
Salaries and maintenanc~ - 20% of salaries and maintenance
- 20 x107
- Rs. 2 x 106
_ 152xl06 +2
.Cost per kW
- 2173.43 / kW
Find 1) Draw the load curve and estimate the load factor of the plant.
2) What is the load factor of a stand-by-equipment of 30MW capacity
if it takes up all loads above 70MW?
3) What is its use factor? (AU-Nov/Dec 2006)
1) Load curve and estimate the load factor. of the plant
Energy generated = Area under the load curve
= (30 x 6) + (70 x 4) + (90 x 2) + (60x4) + (100~4) + (80x2) + (60x2)
= 1560 MWh . . -•·
w1tn cami:>canner
100 -
90 .
~ 80 '
'O 70 I
' _J
.. I I
·,. .
I (' , t
. ,
' . .
- . . .
. .' ' -
I I I I • t I I I I I
2 4 .
6; 8 10 · 12 14 f6 18 ·20 ·. 22 -24
t l
- - - - - - . Time. in hours
c. t
Load 1ac or = -
.. .
.. .,,. ' ,.
:2) Load/actor ofa stand-by-eqi~ip~~r,t of30MW_CflP."~~ty ,if:~t.tpf!es,~p,ql/,lo~t!s
Energy generated = (20 x 2) + (30 x 4) + (10 x 2)
= 180MWh
Time during which the stand by unit remains in operation '
- 2+4+1==8h
1,oad_.fa.ctor = 22 ·5 = 0:75
Scanned with CamScanner
3) Use/actor
Example 13:
Find the cost of generation per kW-hr from the following data:
Capacity of the plant - 120 MW
Capital Cost - Rs. 1200 per kW installed
Interest and Depreciation - 10% on capital
Fuel consumption - 1.2 kg/kW-hr
Fuel cost - Rs. 40 tonne
Salaries, wages, repairs and maintenance - 600000/Year
The maximum demand is 80 MW and load factor is 40%.
(AU-Nov/Dec 2004)
- 32MW
- 280320 MW-h
== 336.364 X 106 kg 1 :
== 336.36 x I 03 tonne
Fuel cost per year == Fuel consumption per year x Cost of fuel .
I , , • •
Annual running cost = Fuel cost per year + Cost of salaries, wag~~,·r~pairs
and maintenance
= Rs.14.05 X 106
Total cost = Fixed cost+ Running cost
= Rs." 14.4 x 106 + 14.05 x10 6
= Rs. 28.45 X 106 ·, ,- , ,' . , 1• •
. ..
,• 1 • I•
J t '
, .
I ,
' '
~cannea. w1 tn cam~canner
• 28.45 X 106
280.3 X 106
Midnight to 5 .~m - 40 W
5 am to 6 pm _._ No load , .. ' •. - ·:-::: . ..
6pmto7pm - ... -·-· .
- 329W
7 pm to 9 pm .. ., - -_360 W.
. . •
J • •
Solution: .
·- ·
. - . ; _ '!t . . - . .
• I '
' - , .
Energy consumed: ~ .Area under. load curve . , .I l l
.= (5 ~ 40) + {13 ·x 0) + (1 x.329) + (2 X 360) + (3 160)
.. .-
- 1729 W
= 72.04 W
.- • : t- ~ - • Average lo"ad . ~ . . . ' . , I
Load factor
l- · .. c:: Peak· load· ····· - · · · · ·
' '• I I ' I
•• I! J" ~ • • • .., •.._ ._ ,. -•, • • jr- • - ',
: 72,04 1 I , I ,
t , - - - . -. - -
360 ..
'• "
- J ! '\
- 0.2
~canned. w1 tn c.;am~canner
Load Curve ~
500 m
Paa doa
~ 400 0
- Jm z
329 .s::
~ 350
~ 300
- - m
8 250 r~
>, . ' C/)
e> 200- ' C/)
.- ' . 160 C
Jj i 150- m
. I
- C/)
A, eraa e lo 1d (7 2)
-- - .. An -- - -- - -- - -. - - - -. - -- - - -
'"":" -- - -I~ -
... - -,._ -- - - -
-- -- 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 m
g :;a
Hours .
·-, ~
(1) en
A . - ..·
_,._. -- .-·.
p ...' '(
' . SJ'
Maximum load
Demand factor -
Connected load
10 X 40
= ,0.9
Example 15:
A power plant of 210 MW installed capacity has the following particulars.
Capital cost - Rs. 18,000/KW
Installed interest and depreciatio~ , - 12 %,
Annual load factor - 60%
Annual capacity factor - 54%
Energy consumed by power plant auxiliaries = 6 °/o
. -
Calculate (i) the cost of power generation per kWh, (ii) the reserve capacity.
(AU-Apr/May 2015)
I •
.. .
, , I
Capital cost for 210 MW 1800() x· 1000 X 2'10
- Rs. 3.78 x 1-09
Interest and depreciation (12~) · •. . ' • ' t
- _i_ X 3. 78 X 109
- Rs. 226.8 x 106
Annualrunningcharge - Rs. 200 x 106
Total cost - (453.6 x 106 + 226.8 xl06 + 200 x 106)
~ Rs. 880.4 X 106
i:Scannea. w1 tn c..;ami:Scanner
993.384 X } 06
. 0.54 -
Average load
.. . ., • r
Average load
Load factor - . .,•' ' • •
• i , , ..
Maximum load
r . . , ·. ..
:. Maximum load - 189MW
The reserve capacity - (Installed capacity)-(Maxim~ load)
:, , = }l_0 - 1?9 .
- 21 MW
Energy generated = Average load x·Time .
- 113.4 X 103 X 365 X 24
' '
- 993.384 x 106 kW-hr
I •,
I ' • ·' .
I 1• i ' .1
1 t
... ..
~canned. w1 tn c..;am~canner
l. .::icannee1 wi tn (.;am~canner
.... -- · . . -· · . ·
t I
.. .
16. Name the methods of storage or disposal of radioactive waste material?
.. I \ f ,• • .,. • • , • f • & f
It is the maxium demand at a particular time in the load curve. It is greater than
base load. ~
' '
Base load
0 4 ·a 12 16
Time of the day ►
Peak load powe_r plaµt operat~s only at pea1' ~oa~Aours ~'? ~eet the peak load
demand are called peak load power plants. ·· ·
• ) 1( I .r, •\ ' c", f ' _. . _ • ,,.. I t.. ,i,. ' \' \ • , ._.
' ' • I I. ' t '.., f ' .J -;; . ' .. (.. ~ ~ ~·· ' i
• • ' .J~ ' J I ' • ' ' . I '. ' l t I • +•1 I ' • t
i:Scannea. w1 tn c..;ami:Scanner
21. List the various cost which constitute the total cost _
of power gcncrat~on.
. '
' a) Cost ofland and building b) Cost and design of design and planning
c) Cost of equipment d) Cost oflnstallation.
e) Cost of Substation f) Cost of equipment
g) Insurance h) General management cost
~ Depr~~i~~o~ c~~t
ii) Operating Cost
-. .
. - . -- -
I) Cost of fuel and lubricaitng oil 2) Cost of labour
3) Cost of material . 4) Cost of maintenance
Sf Cost of Water treatment~
-.. r; - .: . . . 6) Cost of chemical .
.. • l I
~cannect. w1 tn c...:am~canner