Shapiro Electrodynamics
Shapiro Electrodynamics
Shapiro Electrodynamics
Spring 2010 For electromagnetism we have not a scalar but four fields
Physics 504,
Spring 2010
Electricity Electricity
and Aν , so we have four 4-vector fields and
Canonical Momentum Density Magnetism Magnetism
We have seen that in field theory the Lagrangian is an
Pα µ := . Shapiro
∂Aα (~x, t)
integral of the Lagrangian density Canonical ∂ µ Canonical
Momentum, ∂x Momentum,
Tmunu Tmunu
L(φi , ∂φi /∂xν , xξ ) Canonical
Momentum for Last time we saw that the lagrangian density for the
Momentum for
L=− F Fµν − Jµ Aµ ,
for E&M for E&M
fields, but because the Lagrangian density is local, these Ambiguities in
Lagrangian 16π c
Ambiguities in
∂L ∂L density
µν with
µν with
are given by and , which are currents currents
∂φi (xν ) ∂(∂ρ φi (xν )) so the canonical momentum densities are
Equations of Equations of
functions of xµ . The Euler-Lagrange equations involved Motion for Motion for
Aµ ∂L 1 Aµ
not a total momentum but a momentum density. For a Green’s Pα µ := = − F µα , Green’s
function for ∂(∂Aα (~x, t)/∂xµ ) 4π function for
scalar field φj this would be wave equation wave equation
Equations of Equations of
This object goes by the names energy-momentum Motion for 1 ∂Aλ 1 Motion for
Aµ Tµν = − Fµλ ν − ηµν F αβ Fαβ . Aµ
tensor or stress-energy tensor or canonical stress Green’s
function for
4π ∂x 4 Green’s
function for
tensor, and we see the hamiltonian density is the 00 wave equation wave equation
component of this tensor. This expression has good and bad properties!
T 0i = P i Physics 504,
Spring 2010 Conservation of Momentum Physics 504,
Spring 2010
for E&M
Ambiguities in
∂φi ∂ (∂µ φi ) for E&M
Ambiguities in
Lagrangian i i Lagrangian
But we haven’t included charges
in the momentum, and if
µν with
µν with
no charges, ∇~ ·E ~ ·∇ ~i = ∇ ~ − Ai ∇
~ · (Ai E) ~ ·E currents currents
~ = 0, E ~ A ~ is ∂L ∂L
Equations of
Motion for ∂µ T µν = ∂µ − ∂ν φi Equations of
Motion for
a total derivative, and won’t affectZ the total momentum. Aµ ∂(∂µ φi ) ∂φi Aµ
d3 xT 0µ = P µ , the
Green’s Green’s
So we do have the good property function for
wave equation and the parenthesis vanishes by the equations of motion.
function for
wave equation
total momentum. But we don’t have the right density. Thus we have
∂µ T µν = 0. (1)
This is a good thing.
Non-symmetry is a bad thing Physics 504,
Spring 2010 Improving T µν Physics 504,
Spring 2010
Electricity Electricity
Note: this T µν T νµ .
This is a problem. We expect the and and
So consider ψ ρµν = Aν F µρ /4π, and adding
angular momentum density to be given by ijk xj T 0k , but
Magnetism Magnetism
∆ (∂µ T µν ) = ∂µ ∂ρ ψ ρµν = 0,
density density
µν with µν with
currents This expression has all the good properties and is also currents
the correct momentum density or energy flux, as given by
for surface S → ∞. So adding ∂ρ ψ ρµν keeps all the good Poynting.
1 1 1
in the action, − d4 xJµ (xρ )Aµ (xρ ) is not, so L is not a Shapiro
EM = − F µρ F νρ − η µν F αβ Fαβ ,
c 4π 4
unique function of the physical state (E ~ and B ~ and J µ ). Canonical Canonical
and is conserved (∂µ Θµν
EM = 0 if there are no sources.
Is there an ambiguity in the action under a gauge Canonical What if there are? Canonical
transformation Aµ → A0µ = RAµ + ∂µ Λ? This adds a piece Momentum for
E&M Momentum for
to the action ∆A = −(1/c) d4 xJ µ ∂µ Λ. But
The Stress The Stress
Momentum) 4π∂µ Θµν = ∂µ F µρ Fρ ν + η µν F αβ Fαβ (Energy-
Tensor Tensor
Stress-Energy Stress-Energy
for E&M
1 for E&M
d4 xJ µ ∂µ Λ = nµ J µ Λ − d4 xΛ ∂µ J µ , Ambiguities in
= (∂µ F ) Fρ + F µρ ∂µ Fρ ν + F αβ ∂ ν Fαβ
µρ ν Ambiguities in
| {z }
Lagrangian Lagrangian
density 2 density
| S {z } 0
µν with
currents 4π ρ ν 1 αβ µν with
−→ 0
S→ Equations of
= J Fρ + F ∂α Fβ − ∂β Fα ν + ∂ ν Fαβ Equations of
Motion for
c 2 Motion for
Aµ 4π ρ ν 1 αβ νρ Aµ
so this will not affect the action. Green’s = J Fρ + F η (∂α Fβρ + ∂β Fρα + ∂ρ Fαβ ) Green’s
is not conserved Physics 504,
Spring 2010 Total Momentum is conserved Physics 504,
Spring 2010
Electricity Electricity
and and
Magnetism Consider a charged particle of mass mi , charge qi at point Magnetism
Z ν
dP(i) ν
1 1 dP(i) 1 qi ν
d3 xΘ0ν (~x), F (~xi )Uiρ .
ν Canonical Canonical
PEM = Momentum, = = Momentum,
c Tmunu dt γi dτ γi c ρ Tmunu
Canonical Canonical
Momentum for Momentum for
is not conserved, but rather E&M
The Stress
This particle corresponds to a 4-current E&M
The Stress
(Energy- (Energy-
Momentum) Momentum)
dPEMν 1 d Tensor
~ = (cqi δ 3 (~x − ~xi ), qi ui δ 3 (~x − ~xi )
J ρ = (cρ, J)
−ik0 z 0 0
singularities and writing where e = e−|Im k0 |z −→ 0, so this semicircle
Shapiro Shapiro
Z Z z0
1 e−ik0 Canonical
adds nothing. So D = −2πi times the sum of the Canonical
d3 keik·~z
D(z) = −
Momentum, Momentum,
dk0 .
(2π)4 residues. minus because clockwise. The residues are
Tmunu Tmunu
Γ k02 − |~k|2 Canonical
0 0
e−ik0 z e−ik0 z
Momentum for Momentum for
Specifying contour
The Stress
(Energy- Res + Res The Stress
Tensor k0 =|~k| (k0 + |~k|)(k0 − |~k|) k0 =−|~k| (k0 + |~k|)(k0 − |~k|) Momentum)
Γ’s avoidance of the k0 Stress-Energy Stress-Energy
r ~ 0 ~ 0
poles at k0 = ±|~k|.
for E&M
e−i|k|z ei|k|z sin(|~k|z 0 ) for E&M
= −i
Ambiguities in Ambiguities in
Lagrangian = + . Lagrangian
Three such con- F density
µν with ~
2|k| −2|k|~ |~k| density
µν with
a currents currents
tours are shown.
Equations of But if z 0 < 0 close in upper half plane, no residues, Equations of
Integrand analytic The retarded (r), advanced Motion for Motion for
Aµ D = 0, so all together Aµ
except at poles so (a), and Feynman (F ) con- Green’s
Z Green’s
Θ(z 0 ) ~ sin(|~k|z 0 )
function for function for
the contours may tours for defining the Green’s
d3 keik·~z
wave equation wave equation
Dr (z) = .
be deformed while function. (2π)3 |~k|
avoiding the poles. D is rotationally invariant, so we may choose the North
pole along ~z using spherical coordinates.
We get
Physics 504,
Spring 2010 Simplifying D Physics 504,
Spring 2010
Electricity Electricity
Z and We may simplify Dr by noting and
Θ(z 0 ) ∞ 2 sin(kz 0 ) Magnetism
Dr (z) = k dk dθ sin θ eikR cos θ sin(kR) sin(kz 0 ) = cos(k(R − z 0 )) − cos(k(R + z0 ))
(2π)2 0 k Shapiro
Θ(z 0 ) ∞ 1 h i(z0 −R)k
= dk sin(kR) sin(kz 0 ), Canonical
= e − ei(z0 +R)k + ei(z0 −R)(−k) Canonical
2π 2 R 0
Momentum, Momentum,
4 i Tmunu
+ei(z0 −R)(−k)
Canonical Canonical
Momentum for Momentum for
where R = |~z|. E&M
The Stress
The Stress
Θ(z 0 ) ∞
Momentum) Momentum)
Finally the contour F gives the Feynman propagator, are positive. So the Green’s function only contributes
which is used in quantum field theory. when the source and effect are separated by a lightlike
path, with ∆z 0 = |∆~z|.
sources are throughout space-time? We can use any of the Shapiro Shapiro
earlier than the first source, and Aµin (x) describes the Green’s
function for
wave equation
function for
wave equation
fields before that time. Also after the last time that the
source influences things, the field will be given by Aµout (x)
Z Tensor
Z density
µν with
Equations of
Motion for
where τ measures proper time along the path of the function for
wave equation