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Godon 2005

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Colloquium Anatolicum IV 2005 ???-???

New results and remarques about Pottery

Neolithic in Central Anatolia:
A view from Tepecik-Çiftlik

Martin Godon

A couple of years ago, no excavated archaeological evidences of a Pottery
Neolithic occupation in Cappadocia (Özdo¤an, Baflgelen (eds) 1999; Gérard,
Thissen (eds), 2002) was known. Despite this lack of information, the poten-
tialities offered by settlements like Köflk Höyük, P›narbafl› Bor or Tepecik-
Çiftlik were known but only discussed theoritically. Up to now and as it was
already stressed by M. Özdo¤an (Özdo¤an 1999: 9-12; 2002: 253-261) dis-
cussions were mainly focused on the possible links beetween the aceramic
site of Afl›kl› which ended around 7400BC cal. and the emergence of the
Pottery Neolithic site of Çatal Höyük East, in the Konya plain, with earlier
known dates coinciding with the end of Afl›kl›, without regards to the prob-
able aceramic levels. The archaeological facts were not homogeneous enough
in time and space: Eastern part of Central Anatolia documented for the ac-
eramic neolithic, showing evidences of local developpments out of the Upper
Mesopotamian major influences, and western part of Central Anatolia well
documented for the Pottery Neolithic period to which one must add the ex-
cavated sites in the Lake District region, showing a developpment pattern
based on farmers-like villages (Godon 2004.) Recents excavations at Tepecik-
Çiftlik, in addition to the excavation at Köflk Höyük and Güvercinkayas›,
both located in the same micro region, start to fill the gap in terms of evi-
dences we were faced with after the ending of Afl›kl› (Fig. 1).
In this paper, we will breifly present some premilinary results about the
archeological sequence already excavated at Tepecik-Çiftlik, as well as the
frame of its pottery productions. On the basis of relative datations, will be
presented a first proposal for the Tepecik-Çiftlik chronological sequence.
2 Colloquium Anatolicum IV 2005

I. The stratigraphy
Tepecik-Çiftlik, a höyük of 3,5 hectares first surveyd by I. Todd between
1964/1966 (Todd 1980), is located in the Melendiz Plain, next to the Göllü
Da¤ volcano and its obsidian sources and workshops from the Paleolithic
(Slimak et ali. 2005: 287-294) up to the late Neolthic (Balkan-Atl›, Binder
2000: 199-214), with a extension in the surrounding plain of more or less
11 hectares (B›çakc› 2004.) Excavated since 2000 by the University of Istan-
bul and Ni¤de Museum under the direction of Erhan B›çakc›, further field
works are still needed in order to reach the virgin soil and to catch the com-
plet archaeological sequence.
The 2005 excavation provided us more informations about the stratig-
raphy even if more cross analyses results should be done to present it as a
definitive one. However, we can already distinguish about five main levels
from the top to the deepest excavated point, at four meters deep from the
topographic field reference1.
The levels from the earliest one to the latest are presented below (Fig. 2).
Level 5: (4.00/2.70 meters.) Restricted to the sondage area and covering
a superficy of more or less 27m2, this level shows the characteristics of an
open place area. No architecture was found, due to the limited excavated area.
Basicaly, the nature of the archeological artifacts,according to highly broken
pottery sherds, the sediments, the distribution of artifacts and the large firing
place found at its bottom, leed us to interprete it as an open area. Distinc-
tion between micro levels is rather difficult, as shown by the fragmentation
of the archaeological materials as well as its tri-dimensional distribution.
Level 4: Analyses of the pottery as well as preliminary studies about the
faunal remains show changes at the end of the level five sequence. A large
layer of dark ashes could be recovered, covering the top of this sequence on
almost 64 m2. This can be distinguished as a transitional level, and the rela-
tionship between level five and the earlier layer of level 3 needs to be more
investigated both in the field and with artifacts analyses in order to under-
stand this transition.
Level 3: Here appear the first changes for on top and/or embedded into
the thin level four and upper level five, six human burials were discovered
in open area. So, from an open area (level five) used for external activities
and as a discharge place, it became a much more symbolical place. Linked

1 For a presentation of the field work and architectural patterns, see B›çakc› 2004.
Martin Godon/New results and remarques about Pottery Neolithic in Central Anatolia ... 3

to it in stratigraphy, is the first building layer 3.4, actually only excavated in

trench 16K and presenting a long duration period according to the multi-
layered floor and the adding and re-plastering of inner cells. Then, at levels
3.3 and 3.2, a main change in the architectural organization evidenced by
the reorientation of the buildings appears while the building technics (basi-
caly stone walls fitted by mortar, with evidences of inner plasters) remains
the same.
The level 3.1 is characterized by another important change, not only
concerning the architectural pattern but also evidenced by a specific pottery
production linked to a new kind of secondary burials, as will be discribed
further. In the stratigraphy, as seen on trench 16J and partly 17J, the layers
change their slope abruptely, which influences the sloping of the architectur-
al remains. This can be due to a relocalisation of the building area in the
north-western part of the mound.
From the base of the level 3 to its top, three main changes occure in the
architectural planning. Can those changes be related to some cultural evolu-
tion? According to what we can ascertain and given that materials analyses
and absolute datings are still in progress, the burial pattern shows also some
modifications, going from open air burials to more complex redepositional
ones, organized with kind of gift artifacts like unipolar cores, deer antlers,
long animal bones and relief decorated potteries.
Level 2: Just under the top soil, this level still presents remains of archi-
tecture, mainly erroded, with materials in secondary position due to natural
disturbances provoked by erosion but also human removing of the building
stones and fields activities. The opening of two new trenches in what seems
to be a more well conserved level in 2005 will help pick up more contextu-
al informations from which seems to be an occupation culturaly similar to
Gelveri and Köflk Höyük level II, as shown by the pottery production.
Level 1: Top soil including mixed materials from deeper levels as well as
Roman and Byzantine material. No archtitectural remains, no in situ layers.

II: Pottery productions

In comparison with the stratigraphy, one may try to analyse if the pottery
production follows the evolutions outligned before. The aim is not to deliv-
ered here a detailed description of the different groups of pottery and the
methodological backround inherent to their distinction but to expose a main
framework leading us to envisage possible technological changes if not cul-
tural ones.
4 Colloquium Anatolicum IV 2005

To start from Tepecik-Çiftlik pottery production without disposing of any

previously attested references in the region, especially for the earlier levels,
requires an objective stance in front of the archaeological materials found. In
other terms, the terminology which will be used in this study bears no refer-
ences to others, except when indicated.
Level 5: Nature of the paste: Natural mineral inclusions are thin section
ones, and big natural mineral inclusions appears sometimes in the thickni-
est sherds where they are not systematically removed from the clay. Temper
consist of grassy vegetal inclusions, thin sectionned and well shortened, rep-
resenting more or less 20% of the paste. The amount, even if it increases the
porosity of the paste, does not challenge its strenght that much and permits
a good compacting of the clay during the building process. Pots from differ-
ent shapes, volumes and for different purposes are made with the same kind
of paste and the decrease of vegetal temper is signifiant when it may influ-
enced specific surface treatments as the burnishing treatment. But even in
this case, vegetal temper is still used even if in less amount. According to the
physical aspects of the potteries, linked with their building process including
cooking, nine mains groups can be distinguished, without considering typo-
logical features as shapes and volumes (Fig. 3).











1 2 3
Fig. 3
4 5 6
7 Amount of sherds
8 9 among the corpus

Group 3, the most common, is basicaly characterized by an final oxidiz-

ing process at the end of the cooking. Some variations may occur (groups 1
and 2) which may be due to variabitlities during the firing process.
Group 5 is characterized by a cooking in a controlled reductive atmos-
phere, which results in a dark brown coloration of the surfaces.
Martin Godon/New results and remarques about Pottery Neolithic in Central Anatolia ... 5

Groupe 6 is what can be called a black burnished production, without

tempting to link this definition to any broad cultural assesment. Is meaned
by black burnished ware poteries cooked in a reductive atmosphere in order
to obtain a black coloration of its surfaces. Those surfaces should have been
previously burnished, in the technological sens of this term and not the final
aspect of them. Groupe 7 represents imported black burnished ware as well,
without organic tempers in their paste and groups ten different kinds of
imported potteries. It should be stressed that the amount is very low.
Groupe 4 and 9 represent respectively red slipped potteries and decorated
Red slipped appears only at the top of the level five sequence, badly er-
roded and tiny sherds. This can be understood as a pollution from upper
levels as their characteristics are similar to latest red-slipped from level 3.
Decorated potteries appears also only in the upper layers of level 5 and are
characterized by wipped-back chevrons decors. This decor pattern is present
in upper levels but mainly incised and not in relief (Fig. 4).
Level 4: As seen previously, level four, being very thin, needs more field
investigations to interpret its nature and context. The presence of burials
digged in it is a taphonomic factor which might have disturbe primary posi-
tion of the artifacts. Without a more reliable archaeological context and more
amount of in situ materials, it seems prudent not to make more assesments
about it.
Level 3: The change of context at level 3.4 has been explained. Changes
in pottery production occur too: Increase of the amount of vegetal temper in
the paste, up to 35/40% for most of the productions, except the burnished
ones. Increase of the red slipped poteries and wipped-back chevrons decors,
occuring on large poteries as well as small ones, red slipped or not. If the
shapes were simple in level 5 (open volumes, holemouth, small bowls),
shapes start to be much more diversified from the level 3.4, diversification
which increases when the top layers of level 3 are reached. We note the pres-
ence of carinated bases, carinated walls and first occurence of jars, long and
short necked ones. The main production is still cooked with a final oxidiz-
ing atmosphere but a less controlled one as evidenced by the variation in col-
oration noted on certain single pieces. Those facts should be described ac-
cording to changes and main tendancies, factual ones, but especially for level
3.4, it would make no sens to compare the productions on a statistical basis
given that the context is to specific: presence of burials and building areas
which are known to be unrepresentative, in terme of amount, of the produc-
6 Colloquium Anatolicum IV 2005

With the production of large jars, a new building method appears, as evi-
denced on the material found from level 3.2 to the level 2. This method con-
sists to build and shape the lower part of the pottery in a concave mould, in
our case a basket. The upper part of the walls (from the carene inclination
until the shoulder) is built by slabbing portions of paste, stickind them
together and then shaping them on the already made base by pinching. For
the long necked jars, the neck is added at the shoulders enclosing point. In
some cases, this upper part is moulded on a convex mould made of basket.
The finishing process have a tendancy to erase the negative traces of the
mould so this methode might have been more common than it can be seen
among the whole corpus. Such negative basket traces are also present at Köflk
Höyük and Gelveri (personal observation) as well as at Bogazköy-Büyükkaya
were similar negative traces were found at the bottom of some potteries from
the Lower Plateau (Schoop 2005: 15-37) and interpreted as mat impressions
(as far as no basket traces are found on the walls themselves or other techni-
cal traces undoubtely linked to a moulding technic, traces on the bottom can
be related to a mat rather than to a basket mould.) (Fig. 5).
As the diversity of shapes increases (cups, red-slipped footed cups) from
level 3.4 to 3.1, another step is reached with the production, on basket moul-
ded jars, of applied antropomorphic and faunal decors. This new kind of
productions, made for the specific purpose of secondary sepultures found in
level 3.1, is certainly the result of a specialized work made by craftsmen rath-
er than by common potters. Skills involving obviously a learning of what can
be called new artistic techniques and time investment were developped in
order to make those decors while the building of the jars themselves were
executed according to the same earlier method (Fig. 6).
Level 2: Among the mixed materials from the surface and scant informa-
tions about the archaeological context, a new kind of decorated potteries
appears, still sharing the organic temper used in earlier levels but distinctively
different by the pattern of the decors and the techniques of decoration. Decors
basicaly consist on series of incised triangles or waves filled by small pips
made with sharp tools. Mainly made on black burnished carinated bowls, it
occurs as well on more simple pottery types (Fig.7).

Conclusive remarks about the chronology

Without absolute dating to deliver yet, one can try to figure out a chrono-
logical frame for the already excavated sequence. As seen, top layer presents
mixed materials from Roman, Byzance and materials from level 2. The level 2,
according to the pottery, show similarities with Gelveri pottery and Köflk Höyük
Martin Godon/New results and remarques about Pottery Neolithic in Central Anatolia ... 7

level 2 (Öztan 2002: 57-72; Silistreli 1989), wich is dated around 5500bc
cal.2, a bit earlier than the earliest levels from Güvercinkayas›. The fact that
this incised pottery is not found deeper than level 2 can be due to a gap in
the chronological sequence. This comment is supported by the presence of
relief decorated potteries in level 3.1, similar to the ones from Köflk Höyük
level 4, dated around 6500 BC cal3. No comparison are available for the ear-
liest level and potteries do not share strong similarities with Çatal Höyük
East or other Pottery Neolithic settlements from south-eastern or western
Anatolia but still some elements can suggest chronological informations: A
very few amount of imported black burnished ware, especially impresso dec-
orated ones and related to the upper layers of level 5 are similar to Tarsus
(Goldman 1956) and Mersin Yumuktepe (Caneva, Sevin (eds.) 2004; Garstang
1953), dated around 7000 BC cal. Level 5 present also bifacial obsidian tools
wich can be related to Çatal Höyük. Those found in Tepecik-Çiftlik may be
related to already known ateliers on the Göllü Da¤. In those respects, it seems
that Tepecik-Çiftlik archaeological sequence covers at least the Pottery Neo-
lithic period. A minimum of four meters in the archaeological sequence still
need to be excavated to capture the complet chronological sequence.

Tepecik-Çiftlik excavation is supported by the Research Found of Istan-
bul University (project n°1478/28082000.)
Thanks to E. B›çakc› for giving me the opportunity to collaborate to this
excavation project. Are thanks too the Prehistory Department of Istanbul
University and its director M. Özdo¤an for welcoming me in the Prehistory
laboratory of Istanbul University.

Dr. Martin GODON

Université Paris X, CNRS Cépam
Sociétas Anatolicas

2 Thissen 2002, and the Canew website which provide updated radiocarbon databases: http://www.canew.org/
3 Öztan, 2005: “Köflk Höyük Kaz›larn›n Öntarih Arkeolojisindeki Yeri ve Önemi” oral presentation held at
the Ni¤de Symposium organized by Ni¤de ‹l Kültür ve Turizm Müdürü, Ni¤de, 25/27 May 2005.
8 Colloquium Anatolicum IV 2005


Tepecik-Çiftlik kaz›s›nda, çanak çömlek üretimi ve çanak çömlek grupla-

r›n›n flu ana kadar kaz›lm›fl olan arkeolojik tabakalarla olan iliflkileri, M.Ö.
7000-5500 (cal.) aras›ndaki döneme tarihlendiklerini iflaret etmektedir. Ayr›-
ca, çanak çömlek üretimindeki hem biçimsel hem de teknolojik de¤iflimler,
M.Ö. 6. bin boyunca, Kapadokya Bölgesi’nde kültürel geliflimlerin ortaya
ç›kar›lmas›nda ilk bulgular olabilir.
Martin Godon/New results and remarques about Pottery Neolithic in Central Anatolia ... 9

Balkan-Atl›, N. – D. Binder
2002 “L’atelier néolithique de Kömürcü-Kaletepe: Fouilles de 1999”, Anatolia
Antiqua VIII: 199-214.
B›çakc›, E.
2004 “Tepecik-Çiftlik: A new site in central Anatolia (Turkey)”, Architectura
34: 21-26.
Caneva, I. – V. Sevin (eds.)
2004 Mersin Yumuktepe: a Reappraisal, Universita degli Studi, Lecce.
Garstang, J.
1953 Prehistoric Mersin, Yümük Tepe in Southern Turkey, Oxford.
Gérard, F. – L. Thissen (eds.)
2002 The Neolithic of Central Anatolia, ‹stanbul.
Godon, M.
2004 Le Néolithique en Anatolie, un patrimoine archéologique aux origines de
nos sociétés actuelles, Les dossiers de l’IFEA, serie: patrimoines au présent
N°4, IFEA, ‹stanbul.
Goldman, H.
1956 Excavation at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus: From the Neolithic through the Bronze
Age, Princeton.
Özdo¤an, M. – N. Baflgelen (eds.)
1999 Neolithic in Turkey, The craddle of civilization, Ancient Anatolian Civili-
zation Series: 3, ‹stanbul.
Özdo¤an, M.
1999 “Preface”, Neolithic in Turkey, The craddle of civilization, Ancient Anatolian
Civilization Series: 3, Özdo¤an M., Baflgelen N. (eds.), ‹stanbul: 9-12.
Özdo¤an, M.
2002 “Defining the Neolithic of central Anatolia”, The Neolithic of Central
Anatolia, Gérard F. – L. Thissen (eds), ‹stanbul: 253-261.
Öztan, A.
2002 “Köflk-Höyük: Anadolu Arkeolojisine Yeni Katk›lar”, TÜBA-AR V:
Schoop, U.D.
2005 “Early Chalcolithic in north-central Anatolia: the evidence from Bo¤azköy-
Büyükkaya”, TÜBA-AR VIII: 15-37.
Silistreli, U.
1989 “Köflk Höyük’te Bulunan Kabartma ‹nsan ve Hayvan Figürleriyle Bezeli
Vazolar”, Belleten LIII: 361-374.
Slimak, L. – N. Balkan Atl› – D. Binder – B. Dinçer
2005 “Installations paléolithiques en Cappadoce”, Anatolia Antiqua XIII: 287-
10 Colloquium Anatolicum IV 2005

Thissen, L.
2002 “Appendix I, Canew 14C databases and C14 charts”, 2002, The Neolithic
of Central Anatolia, Gérard F. – L. Thissen (eds), ‹stanbul: 299-338.
Todd, I. A.
1980 “The prehistory of central Anatolia I: The Neolithic period”, Studies in
mediterranean archaeology LX. Paul Åstroms Förlag: Göteborg.
Martin Godon/New results and remarques about Pottery Neolithic in Central Anatolia ... 11

Fig. 1 Localisation of
Tepecik-Çiftlik in

Fig. 2 Plan of
Çiftlik and
12 Colloquium Anatolicum IV 2005

Fig. 4 Exemple of potteries from level 5

Fig. 5 Moulded potteries from level 3

Martin Godon/New results and remarques about Pottery Neolithic in Central Anatolia ... 13

Fig. 6
Exemple of
relief decorated
potteries from level 3.1

Fig. 7
Decorated potteries
from level 2

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