EC1006-Medical Electronics
EC1006-Medical Electronics
EC1006-Medical Electronics
PART – A( 2 Marks)
1. What are the objectives of a biomedical instrumentation system?
2. Define the term conduction velocity.
3. Explain the difference between in vivo and in vitro measurements.
4. Name the major physiological systems of the body.
5. What is meant by cell?
6. What are resting and action potential, bioelectric potential?
7. Define the process of sodium pump.
8. Draw an action potential waveform and label the amplitudes and time values.
9. What specific features might be incorporated into an instrument designed for clinical use as
opposed to one designed for research purposes?
10. What do you understand by the term "gage factor”?
11. What is the difference between an active and a passive transducer?
12. What are the characteristics of carrier amplifier?
13. What is meant by drift compensation in operational amplifiers?
14. Define an electrometer amplifier. What are its characteristics?
1. Explain the factors that influence the design and application of a medical
instruction system / Discuss the different characteristics of a medical
instrument system. (8)
2. Explain the man-instrument system with a neat block diagram /Explain with
a block diagram the components of the bio-medical instrument system. (8)
3. Discuss the problems encountered in measuring a living system /Discuss
the major differences encountered between measurements in a physiological
system as distinct from a physical system. (8)
4. Draw the structure of a living cell of our body and explain its constituents. (8)
5. Discuss the different ways of transport of ions through the cell membrane (4)
6. Give an account on the different chemical compositions in the intra and extra cellular
fluids and their effects in the case of blood serum. (4)
7. Discuss the development of action potential and muscular contraction. (8)
8. Draw the electrical equivalent circuit of microelectrode and explain its
electrical nature. (8)
9. What are biopotential electrodes. Distinguish between metallic
microelectrode and nonmetallic microelectrode. (4)
10. Draw the micropipette nonmetallic electrode and explain (8)
11. With a neat block diagram, explain the working of ECG recorder (8)
12. Discuss the different lead configuration used in ECG. (8)
13. Explain with a neat diagram the resting potential (8)
14. Explain polarization, depolarization the depolarization (8)
15. Draw the circuit diagram of an ECG isolation amplifier and explain its action. (8)
PART – A( 2 Marks)
1. Define heart, lung.
2. Define cardiac output. Give the reason for decrease of cardiac output.
3. State the principle behind the indicator dilution method.
33. What is a spinal reflex, and how is it related to the functions of the brain?
34. List the most important components of the blood.
35. List the main types of blood tests and explain each briefly.
36. What do you understand by the term "blood count”?
37. Define “coincidence error” in blood cell counters.
38. Calculate the cardiac output for a patient with a heart rate of 72 beats/minute and stroke
volume of 75 ml/beat.
39. Name any four physical principles based on which blood flow meters are constructed.
40. What are plethysmographs and plethysmography?
1. What is meant by vector cardiograph and how it is accomplished? (4)
2. In the case of ultrasonic blood flowmeter, using transit time method, the timer in
that flowmeter gives the difference between upstream and downstream transit
times as 1.7 nanoseconds and the angle between the direction of the flow and the
central axis of the ultrasonic beam is about 150. The perpendicular distance
between the transmitting and receiving transducers situate in the blood vessel is
about 2 cm. The ultrasonic velocity in blood is 1500 m/s. Calculate the velocity of
the blood flow in that vessel. (4)
3. In the case of indicator dilution method for the cardiac output measurement, 10 mg
of indicator dye is injected. The area under the dilution curve is found to be 150
mgs/litre. Calculate the cardiac output per minute. (4)
4. In the body plethysmograph, the volume of the chamber is 0.20 m3. The max.
thorax pressure is 2 × 105 Pascals and its minimum is 0.35 × 105 Pascals when
the patient goes through breathing motions after the mouthpiece valve is closed.
Meanwhile the chamber pressure goes from 0.97 × 105 Pascals to 1.03 × 105
Pascals. Calculate the total lung capacity. (4)
5. Calculate the velocity of the blood flow in a blood vessel using the following
data. The velocity of ultrasonic waves in blood is 1500 m/s. The angle between
direction of the blood flow and direction of incident ultrasonic beam is about 300
The Doppler shift in frequency is about 231Hz when the incident ultrasonic
frequency is 2 MHz. (4)
23. For what measurements can a spirometer be used? What basic lung volumes and capacities
cannot be measured with a spirometer? Why?
24. What are medical transmitting frequencies? Why is it necessary to specify them?
25. What are the advantages of rectangular wave defibrillator?
26. What is meant by radiopill?
1. Describe the cardiac pacemaker waveforms and explain their importance. Compare
external and implanted pacemakers. (8)
2. Explain with a diagram the ventricular asynchronous pacemaker (fixed rate
pacemaker). (8)
3. Explain the ventricular synchronous pacemaker. (8)
4. Explain working principle of demand pacemaker with a diagram. (8)
5. Explain the atrial synchronous pacemaker. (8)
6. Explain with a neat diagram, the working principle of D.C. defibrillator. (8)
7. Explain with a neat diagram, the working principle of synchronized D.C.
defibrillator. (8)
8. Explain the square pulse defibrillator. (8)
9. Explain the block diagram of a bio-telemetry system. Discuss its design. (8)
10. Explain the single channel telemetry system. (8)
11. Draw and explain the telemetry circuit for the transmission of EMG, ECG,
EEG and respiration rate. (16)
12. Explain the subcarrier biotelemetry system. (8)
13. Explain the multiple channel telemetry systems with neat diagrams. (16)
14. What are the problems associated with the implant telemetry circuits? Explain the
uses of biotelemetry. (8)
15. Explain the various modulation techniques used for transmitting a biosignal in a
telemetry system (8)
16. Write short notes on telestimulation (8)
17. What are the precautions to be followed in hospitals while using defibrillators (4)
18. Write briefly about the power sources used for implantable type of pacemaker (8)
19. What is radiopill? Explain. (8)
PART – A (2 Marks)
1. What are the components of diagnostic x-ray machine?
2. How X-rays are produced?
3. Why is the use of radioisotopes for in vivo methods limited to those isotopes that emit
gamma radiation?
4. Mention the different applications of X-ray examination.
5. Define radiation therapy.
6. Name any two equipments used in radiation therapy.
7. What is meant by half-life in radioisotopes?
8. What is an ionization chamber?
9. What is a spark chamber?
10. Name any four radioisotopes used for medical purposes.
11. Define ionizing radiation.
12. What is the significance of Bucky diaphragm (Grid).
13. Differentiate between radiography and fluoroscopy.
14. What is cardiac catheterization technique?
15. Define MRI.
1. Discuss in detail the radiation therapy techniques. (8)
2. Explain with suitable diagram the diagnostic X –Ray machine. What are the
applications of X-Ray examination? (16)
3. Explain with suitable diagrams the working principle of the two types of
scintillation detectors for gamma radiation. (8)
4. With a block diagram, explain the instrumentation system for radioisotope
procedures. (8)
5. Write short notes on the following detectors for beta radiation:
(a) Gas flow counter (4)
(b) Liquid scintillation counter (4)
6. Draw the schematic diagram of a G.M. counter and explain its working details. (8)
7. Explain the following radiation detectors.
(a) Expansion type cloud chamber (4)
(b) Diffusion type cloud chamber (4)
(c) Bubble chamber (4)
(d) Scintillation counters (4)
8. Describe the principle of visualizing body organs by radioisotope methods. (8)
9. List out the properties of X-Rays (4)
10. Write short notes on angiography (4)
11. Explain the working principle of image intensifier with a neat block diagram (8)
12. Write short notes on ionization chamber (8)
13. Discuss about intensity duration curve. What is its use? (8)
PART – A( 2 Marks)
1. Define an electric shock hazard.
2. Define macro shock, micro shock.
3. Explain the term diathermy and what are its types.
4. Define fulguration.
5. Define coagulation.
6. Define Blending.
7. List out the properties of LASER
8. Name two different ways in which electricity can harm the body.
9. List the various effects of electrical current that occur with increasing current intensity.
10. What is the difference between electrical macroshock and microshock? In what parts of the
hospital are microshock hazards likely to exist?
11. What is the basic purpose of the safety measures used with electrically susceptible patients?
12. Why is it so important to maintain the integrity of the grounding system for protection against
1. Explain with block diagram the infrared thermograph technique and its merits
and demerits. (8)
2. What are the medical applications of thermography (8)
14. Give an account on biological effects of radiation exposure and safe dose
equivalent limits. (8)
15. Describe the construction and working of any one of the personnel radiation
monitoring equipment (8)
16. Write a note on area monitoring in the case of radiation safety. (8)
17. Explain the physiological effects of current at commercial frequencies on human body (8)
18. Describe the possibilities of occurrence of micro shock hazards in a hospital. (16)
19. Explain the following with respect to ‘electrical safety’:
(a) Ground fault interrupter (3)
(b) Isolation transformer (3)
(c) Line isolation monitors (3)
(d). Grounding (3)
(e) Important aspects of hospital architecture. (4)
20. Bring out the salient points of instrumentation in
(a) Endoscopy unit (8)
(b) Bio Medical Laser (8)