Le Week 7
Le Week 7
Le Week 7
I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. describe some types of beneficial interactions among living things;
b. describe certain types of harmful interactions among living things
c. work neatly and actively
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to describe some types of
beneficial and harmful interactions among living things
But before we continue to this lesson, lets have fun and enjoy playing
“CROSSWORD PUZZLE”. Let the pupils complete the following words
Down Across
1. e__________t 3. h___________l
2. b__________l 4. o___________s
5. i___________n
A. Matching Type
Match the word in column A with its corresponding description in column
B. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
B. True or False
Write the word POWER if the statement is correct and WERPA if the
statement is false. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
If your score is not that high, don’t you worry. This lesson will help you
understand more the concepts and help you to apply your learnings in your
day to day activities in real life situations. You just need to study further and
you will soon get the answers correctly. Are you ready?
You can now proceed to our new lesson, Describe the changes in solid
materials when they are bent, pressed, hammered or cut by performing
different activities.
What is in?
• As shown below, the learners will assess their own knowledge,
skills and attitude/values relative to the target concept presented in the
You learned that interactions among living things are useful and non-
useful in some other organisms.
C. Engagement For this lesson, you will observe the type of interaction that exists among
the organisms. Examine the drawings.
Data Table
Description of the Kind of Interaction Between and Among Organisms
1. What do butterflies do with the flowers? As they obtain nectar,
What do bees also pick up from flowers?
2. What will happen to the pollen of flowers that stick to the legs of the
3. What is the importance of the butterflies to the flowers? How do you
describe their relationship?
4. Do they benefit from each other?
1. What do plants provide to the fishes in the aquarium?
2. What do the fishes give to the plants in the aquarium?
3. How do they relate with one another? Are they both benefited? Why?
4. Can you describe the kind of interaction between the plants and fishes in
an aquarium?
1. What help does a tree give to orchids?
2. How about the importance of the orchids to a tree? Is a tree benefitted by
the orchids?
3. Is the tree affected by the presence of the orchids?
4. How can you describe their relationship?
1. How does the tree help the bird?
2. Does the bird also help the tree?
3. Is a tree harmed because of the presence of a bird’s nest in its branch?
4. How do you describe this kind of relationship?
Activity 2: Is it Harmful?
I- Objective: Describe the effects of harmful interactions in the
II- What you need: drawings of:
- bird eating worms
- aphids and a rose plant
- lions attacking a buffalo
activity notebook
ball pen
III-What to do:
1. Identify the organisms that you see in the pictures
2. Observe and write the types of interactions that exist between the birds
and the worms, between the aphids and a rose plants and between the
lions and a buffalo. Refer to the guide question below the pictures.
3. Prepare a data table in your activity notebook.
4. Record your observations.
Data Table
Description of the Type of Harmful Interaction
between and Among Living Things
1. What do birds do with the worms?
2. Do worms get something from the birds?
3. What does organism benefited in the interaction?
4. Which organism is badly affected?
5. How can you describe the interaction between the birds and the worms?
1. What is an aphid? What do aphids do with the petals of the roses?
2. What will happen sometimes with the leaves of these roses?
3. Which one is badly affected? Which one benefits from the interaction?
4. Describe the type of interaction between aphids and a rose plant.
1. What animals are involved in this type of interaction?
2. Which is badly affected?
3. Is there an interaction among lions?
4. Will they be affected after sometimes?
5. How can you describe the type of interaction among these lions?
Concept Learned:
* There are interactions where both species benefit from the relationship
and there are also interactions where one species benefits but the other is
not affected nor harmed. These interactions are beneficial/important for
* Mutualism is the type of interaction where both species benefit from the
* Commensalism is the type of interaction where one organism benefits
while the other is not harmed nor affected.
* The type of interaction where one benefits while the other one is harmed
or badly affected is called predation. The one that usually benefits is
called the predator and the other one that is harmed is called prey. This
type of interaction is also called the predator-prey relationship.
* The sizes of predator and prey population are related to each other. If the
number of prey is large, the number of predators increases. As predators
feed upon the prey, the number of prey begins to decrease. The number
predators decreases, since they have a smaller food supply.
* One organism benefits from the interaction while the other one is
or badly affected. This type of interaction is called parasitism. The
organisms that usually benefit from this interaction are called the
and the one that is affected is called the host. The parasites could be
internal or external parasites.
* The internal parasites are those found inside the body of a host like the
ascaris in the human stomach. The external parasites are those found
outside the body of the host like the aphids and the tick in a dog’s body.
Parasites cannot live alone. They must live in a living host. Some
do slight harm to their host. Others can kill their host.
* The interaction between the buffalo and the lion is also called predation
and the interaction between the lions are called competition.
is the striving or vying between organisms for the things needed for
survival. Organisms may compete for food, sunshine, space, shelter,
and other things that they need for survival. Each organism in this kind
relationship is a competitor.
Create a song or poem about the concepts learned. You can make use of
the tune of a familiar song.
V. REFLECTION The learners, in their notebook, journal portfolio will write their personal
insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that ________________________.
I learned that ___________________________
Answer Key