FINAL GRADE 7 Symbiotic - Relationship
FINAL GRADE 7 Symbiotic - Relationship
FINAL GRADE 7 Symbiotic - Relationship
At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
a. identifies and describe the ecological relationships among living things;
b. describes the effects of interactions among the organisms in them
c. cites examples showing how living organisms depend on each other for
their needs to survive.
2. Review
The students will search the answer of the following questions on the word hunt.
B. Lesson Proper
1. Engage:
The students will observe the pictures posted on the board and answer the
following questions:
1. What is your understanding about the word “relationship”?
2. What relationships are depicted in the pictures?
3. What other relationships do you know of?
4. Is this relationship limited to human beings only?
Unlocking of difficulties:
The students will arrange the following jumbled letters correctly.
1. Eoolgsitc - scientist who study the relationships of organism with their
environments. ( Ecologist )
2. Itnrecaiton – is a kind of action that occurs as two or more objects have an
effect upon one another. ( Interaction )
3. Itrnepedncednee - mutual reliance between two or more organism
( Interdependence )
4. Sspeeci – a group of related animals or plants that is smaller than a genus.
( Species )
2. Explore:
The teacher will group the class into five. Each group will give 5 minutes to do
the activity. One representative will present their work.
3. Explain:
Ecological Relationships
a. Discussion/Analysis
1. Why do living organisms need to interact with one another?
2. How do the interactions among organisms affect their lives and
b. Generalization
The students will share what they have learned about the lesson by answering the
table posted on the board. The teacher will call three students to share their work
in front.
What I have learned? How can I use it?
c. Values Integration:
From the interactions that the students have studied, they will choose one that
they think exists among people. Does this interaction also take place among the
members of the family? They will explain their answer.
4. Elaborate:
The class will be group into four and asked to choose one
relationship among organisms that were discussed in the lesson. The
students will talk about how the relationship is advantageous or
disadvantageous to the organisms involved. Each group will do
differentiated activities. The teacher will assign each group by which
they will present the results of their group discussion.
Rubric 8 6 4 2
Product fully related to Product relates to Product relates to part Product doesn’t relate
the content most of the content of the content to the content
4 3 2 1
Enthusiasm and
Enthusiasm and smiles Enthusiasm, smiles
smiles were seen Very little or no,
Performance and no mistakes for the and a small number of
sometimes or major enthusiasm
entire performance mistakes
mistakes occured
Very few movements if
Movement Totally in sync Mostly in sync Sometimes in sync
any were in sync
Cheer was mostly
Cheer was usually
Cheer was loud and hard to hear and Cheer was not loud or
Voice Projection loud enough to hear
fully comprehendible sometimes not comprehendible
and comprehendible
Grade / 20
5. Evaluate:
Multiple Choice. Read and answer the questions on the interaction of living
things. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write your answer on the blank
before the number.
Activity 1
Read and analyze the given situation on each group. Then, answer the following
The butterfly gets nectar from a flower, on the other hand, flower
gets pollinated by the help of the butterfly. They benefit from one another.
The relationship that exists between them is called mutualism.
Group 2
The cattle egrets eat the insects around the cattle as it moves
around. The cattle egrets get benefited from the cattle yet the cattle did
not affect at all. The egret is called commensal while the cattle is called
host. The relationship that exists between them is called commensalism.
Group 3
The mosquito sucks blood from the child. The child is called host
because it is the one that harms by the mosquito. On the other hand,
mosquito is called parasite because it harms the child. The relationship
that exists between them is parasitism.
QUESTION: 1. What is the difference between parasite and host?
2. What is parasitism?
3. Give another example of parasitism.
Group 4
The two deer compete for their basic necessities like food,
shelter, or mate. The relationship that exists between them is called
QUESTION: 1. What is competition?
2. Why organisms need to compete with other organism?
3. Give other example of competition.
Group 5
The tiger eats the deer. The tiger is called predator because it
kills another organism for food. While the deer is called prey because it is
killed and haunted by the predator. The relationship that exists between
them is called predation.
Questions: 1. What is predation?
2. What are the differences between predator and prey?
3. Give other examples of predation.
Multiple Choice. Read and answer the questions on the interaction of living things.
Choose the letter of the correct answer and wrie your answer on the blank before the
Multiple Choice. Read and answer the questions on the interaction of living
things. Choose the letter of the correct answer and wrie your answer on the blank
before the number.