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Lesson Plan

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I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students must have:

a. determined the kind of symbiotic relationship being shown from the examples
b. performed a scenario wherein a symbiotic relationship is involved; and
c. discussed the importance of having trust to other people.

II. Subject Matter: Symbiotic Relationship

Textbook: Exploring Life through Science by Aristea V. Bayquen, et.Al. pp. 152-154

Reference:Bayquen, A., et.Al. Symbiotic Relationship. Exploring Life Through Science.

pp. 152-154.

III. Materials: cartolina, visual aids, laptop, printed materials and LED projector

IV. Procedure: 4As

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity


Good morning Grade 7! Good morning teacher!

How are you today? We’re fine teacher.

That’s good to know. Before anything else

kindly pick up pieces of paper on the floor,
arrange your chairs properly and then you
may then take your seats. (Do as told.)
Is anyone absent today? None teacher.
Okay. Since it’s my first time to teach in this
class, please allow me to introduce myself. I
am teacher Marielle G. Trompeta. You can
call me teacher Yel.

In this class, rules are very important. As

your Science teacher, I have my rules and
these are taken from the first letters of my
first name which is “M.A.R.”. “M” stands for
manage yourself properly, “A” for active
participation and “R” for respect. Are my
rules clear Grade 7?
Yes teacher.
So for me to check whether you’ve fully
understood your previous meeting’s
discussion, let’s have a short review.

Directions: Identify the term that is being

referred to in each statement. Choose your
answer from the given choices and paste it
before the statement
Decomposers Food chain

Food web Producers

Consumers Detritus
(Expected answers)
_____1. Organisms that can produce their
own food.
_____2. Organisms that cannot make their
own food. Consumers

_____3. It traces the sequence of how

organisms obtain their energy.
Food chain
_____4. Organisms that feed on dead plants
and animals and their waste.
_____5. It describes the feeding relationship
of organisms in an ecosystem.

Food web

Excellent! You got 5/5 and everybody

deserves a Lasallian clap A! Start!
(Do as told.)
It goes to show that you really understood
the previous discussion.

Now class, I have here song titled “No Man
is an Island” by The Letterman. I want you
to listen very carefully and reflect about the
lyrics of the song. Am I clear Grade7? Yes teacher.

Now Grade 7, after hearing the song, who is

the person or who are the people you
remember? After hearing the song, the people that I
remembered are my family and friends.
Wonderful! What do you think is the
message of the song? The message of the song is that no man can
live alone or by itself for the rest of his life. A
man will always need a companion that he
can depend on. A man will need a person
that will make him happy.
Well said! Now class, are you dependent to
your parents or friends class?
Yes teacher.
In what way that you are depending on
them? I am depending on my parents’ financial
support in order for me to be paid in my
school fees and I’m still a student.
Precisely! Does it feel good to have a person
to depend on class? Yes teacher.
That’s great! It really feels good to have
somebody that we can depend on. Just like
the animals and plants class, in order for
them to survive they need to depend to
other organisms No teacher.

Statement of the Aim:

To know about them, this morning, we will

discuss about Symbiotic Relationship. I want
you to listen carefully because I will be
expecting you to achieve the following
a. determine the kind of
symbiotic relationship being
shown from the examples
b. perform a scenario wherein a
symbiotic relationship is
involved; and
c. discuss the importance of
having trust to other people

So for us to have an interactive discussion

and for us to have a deeper understanding
about it, let’s start our discussion with an
Activity 1: “Describe Me”
1. The class will be divided into four
2. Each group will be assigned to a
picture and will answer the given
guide questions.
3. After two minutes, one
representative from the group will
present their answers in front of the
class for not more than one minute.

Group 1
Guide questions:
1. What did the butterfly do to the
2. What happened to the flower after
the butterfly’s visit?
3. Do you think that the two organisms
benefit from each other? Why?

Expected answers:
1. The butterfly sucks the nectar of the
2. It reproduced sexually when its wings
brush off pollen grains.
3. Yes they benefit from each other
because the butterfly helped the
flower to reproduce and the flower
offered food for the butterfly.

Group 2

Guide questions:
1. Why do you think the dog is
scratching its neck with its paw?
2. What did the ticks do to the dog?
3. Were both the ticks and the dog
harmed in this situation? Why do you
think so?
Expected answers:
1. The dog was bothered by the ticks
that have attached to its skin.
2. It sucks its blood causing it to scratch.
3. Only the dog is harmed because the
ticks suck its blood. The ticks benefit
from the dog because they get food
from it.

Group 3

Guide questions:
1. Where does the orchid attached to?
2. Does the orchid stays alive keeps on
3. What can you say about the
relationship between the orchid and
the tree?

Expected answers:
1. The orchid is attached to the tree.
2. Yes it stays alive and keeps growing.
3. In the relationship, the orchid
benefits to the tree, while the tree
remains unaffected.

Group 4
Guide questions:
1. What did the bird do to the carabao?
2. Did the carabao react with the action
of the bird?
3. Are there actions beneficial to each
other? Why do you think so?

Expected answers:
1. The bird ate the ticks and other
insects on the carabao’s hide.
2. The carabao did not react with what
was the action of the bird.
3. Yes, because the bird benefits by
having a food source while the
carabao is freed of pests.

Let’s check your answers:

Let’s have group 1 first.

Do you agree to the answer of group 1 that
the butterfly sucked the nectar of the
Yes teacher.
That’s right! What happened to the flower
after the butterfly’s visit?
It reproduced sexually after when its wings
brushed off polled grain against the stigma of
the flower.
Exactly! Do you agree that the two
organisms benefit from each other?
Yes teacher.
Okay! Why do you think that they benefit
from each other?
It’s because the butterfly helped the flower
to reproduce and the flower offered food for
the butterfly.
Very good! All the answers of group one are
correct. If both organisms benefit from each
other then what kind of relationship do they
have? Do you have any idea? For instance
class, on Facebook, Jupiter and Nur are not
friends but they have a common friend
named Lady. Who is Lady on that certain Lady is their mutual friend teacher.
relationship on Facebook?

Wonderful! Using the word mutual, what do

you think is the first relationship presented Mutualism teacher.
by group 1?

Okay, let’s find out if your answer is correct

Grade 7.

It turns out that you are correct Grade 7. (Do as told.)

Kindly read the definition Grade 7.

When can we call a relationship that is When both organisms benefit from each
mutual? other teacher.

Very good! Mutualism is a two-way

relationship wherein both organisms
benefit from each other.

Now let’s proceed to the work of group 2.

Do you agree Grade 7 that the dog’s reason
of scratching its neck is because of the ticks Yes teacher.
that have attached to its skin?

That’s right! Now, what did the ticks do to It sucks its blood teacher.
the dog?

Well said! Do you agree that the dog is Yes teacher.

harmed in this situation Grade 7?
It’s because it sucks the dog’s blood and
Why do you think so? causing it to scratch.

Excellent! This means that all the answers of

group 2 are correct! If one organism is
harmed and the other one benefit from it,
what do you call to their relationship? For
instance, you know a person who habitually
relies on others and give nothing in return
and sometimes in an informal term we call
him or her a leech. Aside from calling him or
her a leech, what term is synonymous to it? Parasite teacher.
Exactly! Now, what do we call to a
relationship where someone is a parasite? Parasitism teacher.

Very good! Kindly read together Grade 7? (Do as told.)

What happened when a parasitism

relationship is involved Grade 7? In parasitism, one benefits while the other is
Well said! In this relationship, one benefits
while the other is harmed.

Now let’s go back to the work of Group 3. Is

it true that the orchid is attached to the
tree? Yes teacher.

Yes it is. Does the orchid stays alive and

keeps growing class? Yes teacher.

Exactly! What can you say about the

relationship between the orchid and the
tree? Which one benefits to the other? Who
remains unaffected? The orchid benefits to the tree while the tree
remains unaffected.

Correct! Do you have any idea about what

kind of relationship is this class? No teacher.

If in this picture, the one who benefited is

called a commensal while the unaffected is
called a host what do we call to this kind of
relationship? Commensalism teacher.

Very good! Kindly read the definition Grade

7. (Do as told.)

What happened to a commensalism

relationship Grade 7? One organism benefits while the other
organism is neither benefited nor injured.

Exactly! In commensalism relationship, one

organism benefits while the other organism
is neither benefited nor injured.
Genius! Now let’s proceed to the work of
Group 4. Do you agree that the bird ate the
carabao’s ticks? Yes teacher.

That’s right! Did the carabao react with the

action of the bird? No teacher.

Do you agree class that there are actions

beneficial to each other? Yes teacher.

Why do you think so? It’s because the bird benefit by having a food
source while the carabao is freed of pests.

Very good! This means that the answers of

Group 4 are correct!

Now, among the three relationships

presented, mutualism, parasitism and
commensalism, which relationship is shown
in this picture? Mutualism teacher.

Excellent! It is mutualism. Are there any

questions class? None teacher.


Again class, what are the three symbiotic

relationships? Mutualism, parasitism and commensalism

Brilliant! Now, how will you describe a

mutualism relationship? Both organisms benefit teacher.

Exactly! Can you give me an example of a

mutualism relationship? A butterfly visiting a flower teacher.

Why can say that the relationship is mutual? The relationship is mutual teacher because
even if the butterfly sucks the flower’s
nectar, it helps the flowering plant to
reproduce sexually.
Very good! How about a parasitism
relationship class?
One benefits while the other is harmed
That’s right! Can you give me an example of
parasitism relationship? Dog scratching because of ticks.

Why is it called a parasitism relationship? It’s because the ticks suck the dog’s blood
and the dog is harmed by them.

Exactly! In that relationship, who is the

parasite? The ticks that suck the dog’s blood.

Indeed! How about a commensalism

relationship? One benefits while the other is unaffected

Correct! Can you give me an example of

commensalism relationship class? Orchid growing on a tree.

Why can you say that commensalism is the

relationship between them? It is because the tree is not harmed by the
orchid’s attachment.
Good! From that example, who is the
commensal? The commensal is the orchid teacher.

Great job! Do you have any questions?

None teacher.
So do you understand our topic for this
Yes teacher.
That’s good to hear! So for me to check
whether you’ve fully understood our topic
this morning, let’s have our second activity.
Activity 2: “1, 2, 3, Action!”
1. The class will be divided into four
2. Each group will portray a scenario
that is usually being observed in the
classroom wherein a symbiotic
relationship is involved.
3. Each group will only be given one
minute to prepare and 2 minutes to
Criteria: Content – 10 points
Teamwork- 3 points
Creativity - 2 points
Total 15 points


Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is Expected answers:

correct and write FALSE if the statement is

1. Commensalism is where both

participating organisms benefit from
each other. FALSE
2. The ticks serve as the parasite in the
dog’s body. TRUE
3. A relationship where one of the
participating organisms is benefited
while the other is unaffected is
known as mutualism.
4. Parasitism is where one benefits
while the other is injured.
5. Symbiosis simply refers to the living
together of two or more organisms
in an ecosystem over a long period TRUE
of time.
6. The injured organism in a parasitism
relationship is called a host. TRUE
7. An example of a commensalism
relationship is the lice that live in the
hair of humans. FALSE
8. A worker bee aids in pollination of a
flower, which in turn, provides
nectar as food for the bees. This
relationship shows parasitism. FALSE
9. Organisms in an ecosystem interact
with one another to ensure survival. TRUE
10. In mutualism and commensalism,
species evolve to benefit one or both TRUE
Values integration

So class, just like the organisms from the

examples presented that they share food
and help each other for them to survive, do
you also have someone that you willingly
Yes teacher.
share your things with?

Who’s that someone that you share your

My friends teacher.
things with?

What is the reason why you willingly share

your things to other people without doubt?
It’s because I trust him teacher.
Indeed! You showed trust towards your
friend. Do you think giving trust to your
friend is important?
Yes teacher.
Why do you think so?
It’s because through trusting him, our
relationship grows better and that we are
also comfortable to each other.
Very good! So trust builds good
relationship. What do you think is the effect
when you don’t show trust anymore to your
friend or to other people?
Our relationship might be broken and we’re
not comfortable to each other anymore.
Have you experienced a situation where in
the trust that you always give to your friend
or other people is now gone?
Yes teacher.
Kindly share to the class that situation you
have experienced
(The student will share his or her
Thank you for sharing. Now class, trust is
important but do you agree that giving trust
depends upon the person to whom you will
Yes teacher.
give it?
I depend on my family and friends teacher.
Yes. Trust is important but there are
limitations. Remember, there are two kinds
of people. Some people can’t be trusted
and some are can be trusted. One person
that we showed trust is our God. It is above
trust. It’s faith. When you show trust to
someone, then that someone will also show
trust towards you. Just the like a mutualism
relationship. But if you are the only one
shows trust and the other one did not then
your relationship will be faded slowly. Just
like a parasitism relationship. It will not kill
you but it will make you your relationship
weak. Am I clear class? Yes teacher.

Very good Grade 7! So, I believe that

everyone in here wants to be trusted and to
trust other people.

Since it is almost time, kindly copy your

assignment Grade 7.


In a short bond paper, paste three pictures,

one for mutualism, one for commensalism
and one for parasitism. Indicate a short
statement under each picture about why a
symbiotic relationship is involved. Pass it on
May 11, 2016.

Content of descriptions- 10
Clarity of picture - 5
Total 15 points
Organized Boardwork

I. Objectives
a. determine the kind of symbiotic relationship being shown from the examples
b. perform a scenario wherein a symbiotic relationship is involved; and
c. discuss the importance of having trust to other people.

II. Activity 1: “Describe Me”

1. The class will be divided into four groups.
2. Each group will be assigned with a picture and will answer the given guide
3. After two minutes, one representative from the group will report their
answers in front of the class for not more than one minute.
III. Illustration

IV. Activity 2: “1, 2, 3, Action!”

1. The class will be divided into four groups.
2. Each group will portray a scenario that is usually being observed in the
classroom wherein a symbiotic relationship is involved.
3. Each group will only be given one minute to prepare and 2 minutes to

Criteria: Content – 10 points

Teamwork- 3 points
Creativity - 2 points
Total 15 points

V. Evaluation

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is

1. Commensalism is where both participating organisms benefit from each other.

2. The ticks serve as the parasite in the dog’s body.
3. A relationship where one of the participating organisms is benefited while the other is
unaffected is known as mutualism.
4. Parasitism is where one benefits while the other is injured.
5. Symbiosis simply refers to the living together of two or more organisms in an ecosystem
over a long period of time.
6. The injured organism in a parasitism relationship is called a host.
7. An example of a commensalism relationship is the lice that live in the hair of humans.
8. A worker bee aids in pollination of a flower, which in turn, provides nectar as food for
the bees. This relationship shows parasitism.
9. Organisms in an ecosystem interact with one another to ensure survival.
10. In mutualism and commensalism, species evolve to benefit one or both parties.

VI. Assignment
In a short bond paper, paste three pictures, one for mutualism, one for
commensalism and one for parasitism. Indicate a short statement under each
picture about why a symbiotic relationship is involved. Pass it on May 11, 2016.

Content of descriptions- 10
Clarity of picture - 5
Total 15 points

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