Daily Lesson Log: School Year: 2022-2023
Daily Lesson Log: School Year: 2022-2023
Daily Lesson Log: School Year: 2022-2023
Duroc Integrated School
B. Other Learning
Motivation: Motivation: Motivation: Motivation: Motivation:
The teacher will let the The teacher will show a The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The students will recall and
students hear and identify the picture of the geographical, following question: following question: compare the differences of music
following instrumental cultural, and historical What are the distinctive What are the distinctive of Cordillera, Palawan and
sounds: background of the Cordillera. characteristic of Palawan characteristic of Palawan Mindoro using Venn diagram
Bamboo Organ, The teacher will ask some music, that makes it unique? music, that makes it unique?
Rondalla, questions: B. Presentation
PangkatKawayan How does the cultural B. Presentation B. Presentation The teacher will play a video
MusikongBumbong background of the Cordillera Discuss instrumental music Discuss instrumental music about the music of Visaya
Angkulang Ensemble affect their music type? of Mindoro and Palawan of Mindoro and Palawan https://www.youtube.com/wa tch?
Is their geographical setting using a video presentation using a video presentation v=438SoLNqZmk Students will
B. Presentation have something to do with https://www.youtube.com/ https://www.youtube.com/ complete the music element chart
The teacher will present the the music? watch?v=KOfjnsLgJF0. watch?v=KOfjnsLgJF0.
lesson by showing the video C. Lesson Proper
about Cordillera Music. B. Presentation C. Lesson Proper C. Lesson Proper The teacher will discuss the
The teacher will locate The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the different type of vocal and
C. Lesson Proper Mindoro in the Philippine proper health appraisal proper health appraisal instrumental music of Visayas. In
The teacher will discuss the map, and asked the student procedures procedures addition, how these different
vocal music by the help of a about the geographical songs have become part of the
powerpoint. background of Mindoro. D. Drill D. Drill Visayan’s daily living.
Performance practice The teacher will asked What The teacher will asked What
C. Lesson Proper are the importance of music in are the importance of music D. Drill
Using a video presentation, our choices and solutions? in our choices and solutions? The students will express how
songs/genre ( Salidummay,
the teacher will discuss the music became an integral part of
Oggayam, and BaDiw )
different vocal music of E. Generalization E. Generalization a culture and arts during modern
Instrumental music
Mindoro: The students will reflect about The students will reflect about days.
Gangsa ensemble
Ambahan the importance of music in our the importance of music in
Bamboo solo/ensemble E. Generalization
Igway Instrumental music culture and history. our culture and history.
Bamboo/gong The learners will enumerate
D. Drill different types of instrumental
Solo instruments IV. Evaluation IV. Evaluation
The learner will answer the music of Visaya through
following question: What are
D. Drill The students will be grouped The students will be grouped
the distinguishing IV. Evaluation
Listening Activity The teacher into three (3) and will be given into three (3) and will be
characteristics of Students will memorize and
will play “Iyaya”. the task to supply information given the task to supply
representative music from perform the song Dandansoy .
The teacher will ask the in a titled matrix information in a titled matrix
Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan
and of the Visayas? student about the idea
Duroc Integrated School
behind the song.
E. Generalization
The students will reflect about E. Generalization
the importance of music in The students will reflect
our culture and history. about the importance of
music in our culture and
IV. Evaluation history.
Identify the following:
A single handheld smooth IV. Evaluation
surface gong with a narrow Using the circle maps, the
rim. teacher will let the students
A seven -tone scale, modal, try to measure their
wide range, non -metric, fast knowledge about the music
tempo, monophonic in of the Cordillera, Palawan,
texture, and strophic in form. Mindoro, and Visayas. Using
A song from Cordillera the big circle , they will write
specifically from the people of the things that they know
Ifugao, Bontoc province. about the topic. Then
From the tribe of the Ibaloi, Students will draw 3
an example of responsorial instruments used in Palawan
singing. and Mindoro music .
A five or more different Students will memorize and
sizes of slender bamboos perform the song Dandansoy
that are tied together. . 7 write the things that they
want to know about the topic
inside the small circle.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson works?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
work well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
Duroc Integrated School
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Duroc Integrated School