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The SAMR Model For Technology Is Broken Down Into Four Categories

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The SAMR model for technology is broken down into four categories:

6 Domains of NCBTS
Learner DOMAIN Teacher as Facilitator of Learning Knowledge and Skills for Facilitating
Learning Contextualization

National competency-based teacher standards (ncbts)

1. 1. National Competency-based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) GC 603 Structured Learning

Experiences for Counselling and Management Group RICHARD M. BAÑEZ Presenter DR.
ELSA C. CALLO Professor
2.  Intended Learning Outcomes  identify educational reforms that rationalize the creation of
competency- based standards for teachers;  explain the role of competency-based standards in
teachers’ professional growth and development;  describe the structure of the National
Competency-based Teacher Standards (NCBTS);  examine the various domains of NCBTS;
and  relate the NCBTS to pre-service and in- service teachers’ training.
3.  Teacher Education Development Plan (TEDP) Philippine Education for All (EFA) Plan 2015
Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA) Inclusive Growth
4.  Key BESRA changes  Schools as key providers of basic education continuously improve 
Teachers as ethical & excellent professionals further enhance their contribution to learning
outcomes  Learning basic competencies in Filipino, English, Science and Math is an
institutional and social strategy  ECE, ALS and private schooling are key support interventions
to public schooling  DepED as driver of institutional reform and development of basic
5.  Teacher Education Development Plan (TEDP)  DepEd’s articulation of a new paradigm for
quality teaching  A common framework for understanding teaching quality  Policy initiatives
to reform the teaching system and to improve teaching quality
6.  The Old and New Paradigms the Traditional View the NCBTS View Teaching is a technical
process, and the good qualities of this technical process are well defined. Teaching is facilitating
learning, and the qualities of good teaching are defined in terms of whether students learn or not.
Teacher knowledge is technical knowledge applicable to all learners and contexts. Teacher
knowledge is essentially complex and problematic; applicability varies across learners and
7. The Old and New Paradigms The Traditional View The NCBTS View Teaching involves
consistent application of technical knowledge. Teaching involves reflective and flexible
application of technical knowledge in ways that best bring about student learning. Effective
application of teacher knowledge dependent on prerequisite inputs in teaching environment.
Effective teaching is determined within the limits and opportunities found in the learning
8. Proposed Reforms  The articulation of a singular competency-based framework for teaching
and teacher development that would guide all policies, reforms, and activities related to teaching
and teacher development, and which shall be called the National Competency Based Teacher
Standards (NCBTS).
9. Who Should Use the NCBTS?  TEI :to design and implement effective pre-service teacher
education curricula.  PRC: in designing the Licensure Exam for Teachers.  Organizations and
agencies: that implement in-service education for teachers (INSET) shall refer to the NCBTS in
developing their interventions.  Award-giving bodies in defining their criteria for outstanding
teachers.  The Department: in formulating its hiring, promotion, supervision, and other policies
related to the teaching profession. It shall also use the NCBTS to guide its INSET programs for
10.Teacher Development Map Entry to Teacher Education DepEd / CSC/ HEIs
CHED/TEIs/Schools PRC DepEd/CHED/TEIs Teacher Induction DepEd CHED/TEIs
Retirement National Competency Based Teacher Standards In-Service Training And Continuing
Professional Development/ Pre-Service Training Teacher Licensure Teacher Human Resource
Planning, Recruitment, Selection, Deployment, and Recognition System
11.What is NCBTS? It is an integrated theoretical framework that defines the different dimensions
of effective teaching.
12.What is NCBTS?  It draws from many existing positive expressions of good teaching found in
Philippine experiences.  Good teaching is defined in terms of actual competencies associated
with features of teaching in high-learning classroom activities.  The qualities of good teaching
are unified under the teaching paradigm.
13. What is NCBTS?  The NCBTS is the proposed common framework for all teaching and
teacher development programs in the Philippine formal education sector.  The NCBTS defines
seven domains within which teachers can develop professionally.  Under each domain, specific
strands and indicators are defined.
COMMUNITY LINKAGES Teacher as Facilitator of Learning Knowledge and Skills for
Facilitating Learning Contextualization
15.Teachers serve as positive and powerful role models of the values of the pursuit of learning and
of the effort to learn.  Teachers’ actions, statements, and different types of social interactions
with students exemplify this ideal. DOMAIN 1 Social Regard for Learning
16. DOMAIN 1 Social Regard for Learning Strand Acts as a positive role model for students Key
Question Can my students appreciate and model the value of learning through my interactions
with them?
17.It focuses on the importance of providing for a social and physical environment within which all
students, regardless of their individual differences in learning.  Teachers can engage students to
the different learning activities and work towards attaining high standards of learning. DOMAIN
2 Learning Environment
18.DOMAIN 2 Learning Environment Strands Creates an environment that promotes fairness
Makes the physical environment safe and conducive to learning Communicates higher learning
expectations to each learner Establishes and maintains consistent standards of learners’ behavior
Key Questions Do I create a social environment in my class where my students feel that they are
treated fairly? Do I create a physical environment in my class where my students feel that they
are safe and able to learn? Do I create a classroom atmosphere that encourages students to attain
high levels of learning? Do I create a consistent and orderly social climate and organization in
the classroom for my students?
19.It emphasizes the ideal that teachers can facilitate the learning process in diverse types of
learners: ― recognizing and respecting individual differences ― using knowledge about
students’ differences  Teachers design diverse sets of learning activities to ensure that all
students can attain appropriate learning goals. DOMAIN 3 Diversity of Learners
20. DOMAIN 3 Diversity of Learners Strands Is familiar with learners’ background knowledge and
experiences Demonstrates concern for holistic development of learners Key Questions Can I
help my students learn whatever their capabilities, learning styles, cultural heritage, socio-
economic backgrounds, and other differences are? Do my students feel that I am trying to help
them learn, whatever their capabilities, learning styles, cultural heritage, socio-economic
backgrounds, and other differences are?
21.It refers to all elements of the teaching-learning process that work in convergence to help
students attain high standards of learning and understanding of the curricular goals and
objectives.  These elements include the teacher’s knowledge of subject matter, teaching
learning approaches and activities, instructional materials and learning resources. DOMAIN 4
22.DOMAIN 4 Curriculum Strands Demonstrates mastery of the subject Communicates clear
learning goals for the lessons that are appropriate for learners Makes good use of allotted
instructional time Selects teaching methods, learning activities and instructional materials or
resources appropriate to learners and aligned to the objectives of the lesson?
23.DOMAIN 4 Curriculum Key Questions Do my students see how well I understand the subject
matter I am teaching that they understand and appreciate the importance of the lessons? Can my
students see and appreciate the value of the curricular goals and objectives I have set for the
different lessons in my class? Am I able to help my students attain all the curricular goals within
the time provided in the school calendar? Do I use teaching- learning activities and learning
resources efficiently to challenge my students to meet high levels of mastery and understanding
of curricular objectives?
24.This refers to the aligned use of assessment and planning activities to ensure that the teaching-
learning activities are maximally appropriate to the students’ current knowledge and learning
levels.  It focuses on the use of assessment data to plan and revise teaching-learning plans, as
well as the integration of formative assessment procedures in the plan and implementation of
teaching-learning activities. DOMAIN 5 Planning, Assessing and Reporting
25.DOMAIN 5 Planning, Assessing and Reporting Strands Communicates promptly and clearly to
learners, parents, and superiors about the progress of learners. Develops and uses a variety of
appropriate assessment strategies to monitor and evaluate learning. Monitors regularly and
provides feedback on learners’ understanding of content Key Questions Do I provide my
stakeholders timely and accurate information about my students’ learning progress? Do I assess
my students’ learning and knowledge using appropriate educational assessment procedures, and
use the information from these assessment procedures in planning my teaching- learning
activities for the students? Do I provide regular feedback to each student about their level of
26. It deals with the ideal that school activities are meaningfully linked to the experiences and
aspirations of the students in their homes and communities.  It focuses on teachers’ efforts
directed at strengthening the links between school and community activities, particularly as these
links help in the attainment of the curricular objectives. DOMAIN 6 Community Linkages
27.DOMAIN 6 Community Linkages Strand Establishes learning environments that respond to the
aspirations of the community Key Question Are the goals and characteristics of the teaching-
learning activities I implement relevant to the experiences, values and aspirations in my
students’ communities?
28. It emphasizes the ideal that teachers value having a high personal regard, concern for
professional development, and continuous improvement as teachers. DOMAIN 7 Personal
Growth and Professional Development
29. DOMAIN 7 Personal Growth and Professional Development Strands Takes pride in the nobility
of teaching as a profession. Builds professional links with colleagues to enrich teaching practice.
Reflects on the extent of the attainment of learning goals. Key Questions Do my actions and
statements indicate a high regard for the teaching profession and for my continuous development
as a professional teacher? Do I try to learn from other colleagues in the teaching profession to
improve my teaching practice? Am I aware of the extent to which my practices as a teacher
influence my students’ attainment of the learning goals?
30. NCBTS in Pre-Service Teachers
TEACHING 35%  Employ activities, teaching methods, instructional materials and technology,
classroom management techniques appropriate for a chosen subject area 10%  Apply
appropriate approaches to lesson planning and curriculum development 6%  Apply principles in
the preparation and utilization of the conventional and non-conventional technology as well as
traditional and alternative teaching strategies 5%  Align curriculum components to instruction
and assessment 5%  Distinguish the roles of stakeholders (students, teachers, employers,
parents, and community) in the delivery of the curriculum 1%  Use activities that enhance
critical, creative, and metacognitive reading skills 5%  Analyze extrinsic and intrinsic factors
that affect reading performance 3%
32. How Should Teachers Use the NCBTS?  As a guide to reflect on their current teaching
practices; As a framework for creating new teaching practices  As a guidepost for planning for
professional development goals  As a common language for discussing teaching practices with
other teachers  As the guide for thinking critically about whether the teacher’s current practices
are helping students attain the learning goals in the curriculum.
33. Intended Learning Outcomes  identify educational reforms that rationalize the creation of
competency- based standards for teachers;  explain the role of competency-based standards in
teachers’ professional growth and development;  describe the structure of the National
Competency-based Teacher Standards (NCBTS);  examine the various domains of NCBTS;
and  Relate the NCBTS to pre-service and in- service teachers’ training.
34. that is filled with colors and lines Life is an artwork which are combined harmoniously to create
an image of beauty; it is also shaded with making it difficult yet challenging for us fear, burden,
and frustration - R. Bañez

Four Powers of a Teacher

 Legitimate Power
 Expert Power
 Referent Power
 Reward Power
Five Types of Teacher’s Authority
 Attractive Authority
 Coercive Authority
 Position Authority
 Expert Authority
 Reward Authority

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