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The Learning Action Cell as a K to

12 Basic Education Program

School-Based Continuing
Professional Development Strategy
for the Improvement of Teaching
and Learning
1. As an institution of learning, the Department of Education (DepEd)
works to protect and promote the right of Filipinos to quality basic
education that is equitable, culture-based, and complete, and allows
them to realize their potential and contribute meaningfully to
building the nation. The investment of the DepEd in the development of
human potential is a commitment it makes not only to its learners but
also its teachers. Towards this end, the DepEd fully supports the
continuing professional development of its teaching personnel based on
the principle of lifelong learning and the view of the teaching profession
as one that “requires teachers expert knowledge and specialized
skills, acquired and maintained through rigorous and continuing
study”. (UNESCO 1966).
2. The DepEd also recognizes that the quality of learning is greatly
influenced by the quality of teaching. Therefore, it is imperative for the
DepEd to hire good teachers and to support their development in the
teaching profession. Organizing professional learning communities will
aid teachers in the construction of new knowledge about instruction as
well as in revising traditional beliefs and assumptions about education,
community, teaching, and learning (Little 2003) to suit the present needs of
learners. Affirmative bases for this policy are also drawn from the learnings
of many interventions in education such as the Program for Decentralized
Education (PRODED), Third Elementary Education Project (TEEP),
Secondary Education Development and Improvement Project (SEDIP) as
well as empirical studies on similar professional development programs
that demonstrate that teachers’ participation in professional development
activities have a positive impact on teachers’ beliefs and practices,
students’ learning, and the implementation of educational reforms
(UNESCO ISO 2006).
3. Successful teaching is a result of the systematic use of appropriate
strategies for delivering and assessing the learning objectives
targeted for each lesson (UNESCO GMR 2014). Successful
 possess a good grasp of content which they can
consequently convert to sound learning objectives;
 are able to select and implement the most effective
instructional strategies and materials to teach the identified
content objectives;
 make instructional decisions on the basis of formative
assessment results;
 promote sincerely their students’ learning and holistic
development; and
 are professional and ethical in the conduct of their work
(Stronge 2007)
4. Different methods of teacher professional development are
implemented throughout the DepEd to improve teaching-learning
processes. However, most of these are top-down processes
wherein expert knowledge is shared or transferred. Examples
of these are lectures or workshops during cascaded or echoed
teacher training and short-term courses. Other top-down training
programs are done over time such as scholarships, and
distance learning programs.
5. Though existing in some schools or divisions in the DepEd,
there are fewer instances of bottom-up teacher professional
development programs where colleagues study content and
pedagogies together, plan lessons collaboratively, and
conduct action research as a group. Examples of these are
school-based learning action cells, teaching circles,
communities of practice, and lesson study.
6. Good educational systems ensure that opportunities for
both approaches to professional development programs are
available and accessible to teachers (Whitehouse 2011). It is
therefore incumbent upon the DepEd to ensure teachers’
continuing professional development (CPD) within the
framework of School-Based Management (SBM) and
embodied in the School Improvement Plans (SIPs). As such,
this policy highlights the fact that the locus of learner
development is at the school where deliberate measures
must be taken to improve student learning outcomes.
7. In effect, action points that directly address the quality of teaching-
learning processes must be included in the SIP. The space and
opportunities for teachers to collegially discuss strategies that will
lead to better teaching and learning processes can be integral to
SIPs. Further, this policy reiterates that good teaching is the
primary job of teachers and supporting CPD is one of the most
vital functions of school heads/principals.
8. In this policy, the DepEd institutionalizes Learning Action Cells
(LACs) that aim to develop and support successful teachers
by nurturing their knowledge, attitudes, and competencies in
terms of curriculum, instruction, and assessment in their work
9. In the DepEd, a Learning Action Cell is a group of teachers
who engage in collaborative learning sessions to solve shared
challenges encountered in the school facilitated by the school
head or a designated LAC Leader. LACs will become the school-
based communities of practice that are positive, caring, and safe
10. Key aspects of the process are ongoing collaborative learning or
problem solving within a shared domain of professional interest,
self-directed learning, reflective practice leading to action and self
evaluation, and collective competence. The following are the
objectives of this policy:
10.1 to improve the teaching-learning process that will lead to
improved learning among the students;
10.2 to nurture successful teachers;
10.3 to enable teachers to support each other to continuously
improve their content and pedagogical knowledge, practice,
skills, and attitudes; and
10.4 to foster a professional collaborative spirit among school
heads, teachers, and the community as a whole.
11. LACs are the most cost-effective CPD process but may entail
some expenses for meetings and handouts. Funds for the LACs
may be sourced from the school’s Maintenance and Other
Operating Expenses (MOOE), subject to its utilization guidelines.
Other resources may be generated by the school or schools
divisions to support LACs as these endeavor to upgrade the
quality of teaching and learning in their respective schools.
12. This policy provides the framework and enabling mechanisms for
the conduct and implementation of LACs in schools or in
clusters if multigrade schools prefer to conduct them by cluster. It
is directed towards improving teacher knowledge, skills, and
attitudes based on established competencies linked to the K to 12
13. The theoretical framework in Figure 1 shows that communities of
practice, in this case, LACs, enable teachers to do collaborative
planning, problem solving, and action implementation that will
lead to improved teachers’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes
that will consequently and significantly improve student learning
and development.
14. The content of LAC sessions may be determined by the
teachers themselves under the general guidance of the school
head or LAC leader. This may be done through needs
assessment, the results of which should assist the LAC in listing
their priority areas of learning.
15. Special emphasis must be made on some key features of the K to 12 Basic
Education Program. It is important that the teacher-identified topics are
consistent with the following broad areas of discussion that enliven the
features of the K to 12 Basic Education Program as articulated in Republic Act
(R.A.) No.10533, the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 and in various
policies of the DepEd:
15. 1 Learner Diversity and Inclusion
15. 2 Content and Pedagogy of the K to 12 Basic Education Program
15.3 Assessment and Reporting in the K to 12 Basic Education Program
15.4 21st Century Skills and ICT Integration in Instruction and Assessment
15.5 Curriculum Contextualization, Localization, and Indigenization
16. In addition to the topics that the LAC members have identified
and those enumerated above, teachers should also find time to
discuss how their community linkages can support the
curriculum and how the LAC sessions promote their own
professional growth. Furthermore, emerging and urgent
issues or concerns affecting teaching and learning must be
discussed during LAC sessions. These may include school data
such as school participation, attendance, completion and
assessment, child-finding activities, programs to be offered so as
to include more learners in schools, results-based practices, and
technologies, and school successes. LAC sessions also cover
DepEd thrusts and policies relevant to the above-mentioned
priority needs.
17. Before the LAC Session.
 identify professional development needs
 prioritise issues to be discussed or addressed in the LAC session.
17. 1 Assessment of Needs
These needs could be captured through different forms like self-
assessment tools, classroom observation results, critical
reflections, surveys, research-based teacher development needs,
students’ assessment results, and other forms.

17.2 Prioritization of Topics or Agenda.

The basis for prioritization could be in terms of urgency of need, time
needed in addressing the need, interest or in whatever way agreed
upon by the members of the group. These priority needs or topics could
integrate the areas mentioned above.
17.3 Formation of LAC.
composed of five (5) to 15 members.
In all schools, teachers may convene in groups that are strategically decided. These
may be by key stage, grade level, learning area, or programs offered by the school.
Multigrade schools may be clustered in different ways by the district or division
supervisors based on the objectives of the LACs to be conducted.
17.4 Identification of Appropriate Intervention.
Interventions could be in the form of learning materials, instructional materials,
equipment, facilities, strategies in teaching, modality in teaching, program, etc.

17.5 Scheduling of Meetings.

Decide on the schedule, length, and frequency of meetings. 1-2 hours a week is
strongly recommended. It should be conducted at least once a month.
 Interactions may be done through ICT aside from face-to face sessions.
All schools are encouraged to prioritize LAC sessions instead of administrative
meetings, which should be scheduled separately from LAC sessions.
17.6 Setting Up of Resources.
Human resources could be individuals who are tapped as resource persons of the
LAC sessions.
Material resources could be the supplies, worksheets, videos, equipment, budget,
food, venues and other things needed in the conduct of a LAC session.

17.7 Assignment of Work.

The LAC members could be given specific roles to perform during LAC sessions.
These roles could be rotated among the members of the group.
17.8 LAC Implementation Norms.
Norms are the framework from which team members commit to conduct business.
Time and Venue: Where and when will we meet? Will we start on time?
Listening: How will we listen to our peers? How will we discourage interruptions
when someone is speaking?
Confidentiality: What content is to be held in confidence? What can be shared after
the meeting?
Decision Making: How will we arrive at a decision? What if everyone doesn’t agree
with the group decision?
Participation: Is participation optional? Will we have an attendance policy? What
will we do if a member constantly misses meetings?
Expectations: What do we expect from team members? Do we need a method for
ensuring each member comes to the meeting prepared with appropriate data or
other assignments?
17.9 Preparing Line-item Budget. The budget shall come from the
school’s respective MOOE and other external grants, provided that
only expenses allowed under the school MOOE may be included,
subject to existing accounting rules and regulations.

17.10 Writing of LAC Plan.

Schools are allowed to modify the template based on their needs. This
plan should be integrated or linked with the School Improvement
Plan (SIP) or Annual Implementation Plan (AIP).
18. During the LAC Session.
The priorities set out in the LAC Plan are implemented through a
variety of activities, which can include stimulus (e.g. lectures,
practicum, orientation, coaching, workshops, development and
utilization of instructional materials, etc.) followed by collaborative
discussion of possible ways forward. The final activity of the session
will involve individual and group action planning in order to
implement agreed activities in the classroom.
19. After the LAC Session.
LAC members are expected to implement the proposed strategies
or activities in their classroom or school or community as
appropriate and evaluate their success.
LAC members should be prepared to report back on the success
of these activities in future LAC sessions.
 LAC facilitators and LAC leaders should monitor these activities
and evaluate how far they are contributing to improved outcomes for
learners at school.
School heads or principals should support the LACs by doing
class observations and encourage teachers to continually improve
instruction so that student learning will also improve.

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