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Agri Sci SA 2020 P1

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TEST CODE 01203010

FORM TP 2020047
,~.'.M~~~~!~~,\, !~1 MAY/nJNE 2020


(Single Award)
Paper 01- General Proficiency

1 hour 15 minutes

( 03 .JUNE 2020 (a.m.) )


i , This test consists of 60 items. You will have I hour and 15 minutes to answer them.

2. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet.

3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered. (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you
are about to answer and decide which choice is best.

On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having
the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below.

Sample Item

Which of the following animals has the highest

dressing percentage? San1ple Answer

(A) Chicken
(B) Goat
(C) Cow
(D) Pig
The best answer to this item is "Chicken", so (A) has been shaded.

If you want to change your answer, erase it, completely before you fill in your new choice.
When ou are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as c~efully as you can~ If yo
y ·t m go on to the next one. You may retllfn to that item later.
cannot answer an 1 e ,


Copyright © 2o18 c~ribbean Examinations Council

All rights reserved.
A country is said to have food security when 5. Which ofthe following is NOT considered
it can a good agricultural practice?

feed most of its population . (A)-_..,.·· -· Slash and burn

.(B) provide a protein-rich diet for . (B) Aerobic composting
everyone (C) Cleaning and sanitizing
secure food for everyone during (D) High temperature treatment
periods of natural disasters
provide safe and nutritionally
balanced food for everyone at 6. The growing of crops without soil is called
all times
_,,{AJ hydroponics
(B) tissue culture
2. A farmer who does not use pesticides (C) trough culture
or chemical fertilizers is MOST likely (D) org~ .,farmi~

(A) crop farming 7. Which ofthe following are benefits ofprice

(B) mixed fanning supports to farmers?
(C) organic farming
(D) continuous farming I. Economic security for farmers
II. Free farming materials ·
ill. Guaranteed prices for certain
3. Gross domestic product is the total value products
of >

(A) .- I and Ilonly

(A) goods consumed by a country iBJ,✓ I and Itl_only
(B) services provided to other countries (C) II and III on~y
~ (Qj
goods and services produced in a
(D) I, II and III '
(D) goods and services sold to other
countries 8. Legumes are..especially important in organic
crop farming because they
4. An agronomist is a person--who specializes are easy to cultivate
in the study of the promote nitrogen fixation
have a high market demand
(A) management of animals are a good source of protein
(B) control and use of insects
(C) ,, growth of ornamental plants
{ BJ growth and management of crops
- 3 -

\Vh icb ofthe tbllowu1 . c

ur, the ~--.. t . · d g an be done to speed 13. Which of the following is a variable co~t?
r ~,. ~Cl.ll..ll\et ow 11 of . .
~ · · organic matter in
a -.' umpost heap?
~(A)'" Fuel
(B) Tax
l ·\ ) Gather d~ad plant,s and animals (C) Interest on loan
faster. (D) Insurance premium
l fl )
' Light a fire on to p to create more
{C') A~d wal:er to the compost when it 14. Which of the following is NOT true of a
1s dry.
complete budget?
(D) Allow~ long time tCt pass before
applyrng another layer. (A) Provides an estimate of net farm
(B) Provides an estimate of farm ex-
10. On a . subsist.cnce farm, labour is mainly penditure
supplied by Contains only some items ofincome
and expenditure
(A ) hired workers Can be used to compare profitability
(B) the farmer and his family of other farm plans
(C ) the farmer using machinery
(D) the farmer and seasonal workers
Item 15 refers to the following graph of a
demand and supply curve.
11. ·wruch of the follm,ing is NOT considered
a fact.or of production? Price
(A) Land
(B ) _.- .Cap ital
Je'J .\ilarketing
(D ) \-1:anagernent

ll. Which of the fo11owing are roles of an D,

agricultural cooperatjve?

I. Provides scholarships for farmers

to study Quudty(k&)
II. Assists fam1ers in the marketing of
prodllce 15. During Lent, people demand more fish than
Ill. Enables farmers to remain in any other meat This is represented by a
bu.siness shift from •

(A ) J and I1 only SA) Dt0D 1

(8) 1 and CU only (8) D 1 toD
) <:J ..- U and fH ~nly (C) S 1 to S
(D) E 1 toE
(D) I, n and HJ


~ 4 -

16. Which of the following international Item 20 refers to the following graph.
bodies acts as a mediator among cotmtries
on trade issues?

(A) International Seabed Authority

(B) World Trade Organization (WTO)
(C) Environmental Protection Agency (tomato)
(D) International Trade Centre (ITC) I
14..._ Stage I
__::;...__.._ _Stage
__ II_ _Stage
_ m
Input (fertilizer)
17. Which ofthe following is LEAST important
when a fanner is applying for a loan'?
20. At which stage(s) would it be MOST
(A) Aresume economical for a farmer to produce
(B) Abudget tomatoes?
(C) Collateral
(D) Credit history (A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
18. The government of a Caribbean country (D) I and II only
providesfarmerswitharebateof 25%ofthe
purchase price of agricultuml equipment.
Which ofthe following terms describes this 21. The transfer ofpollen grains from the anther
arrangement? of one plant to the stigma of another plant
of the same or closely related species is
(A) Tax known as
(B) Subsidy
(C) Insurance (A) self-pollination
(D) Pricesupport (B) wind-pollination
(C) cross-pollination
(D) insect pollination
19. Fixed capital describes inputs such as

(A) feed, chemicals, cash

{B) tractors, sprayers, seeds
(C) buildings, machines~ land
(D) labour, management, tools

01203010/MJ/CSEC 2020 00 ON TO THE NE~~T PAGE

- 5 -

Item 22 refers to th .c. • • • • •

e AOllowmg diagram whtch illustrates the process of transport m plants.

Flow of water \...\...\...Water evaporaW

and nutrients -

22· ~ch of th~ following parts of the plant is responsible for the transport of water and 'soluble
mmeral nutnents from the roots to other parts of the plant, as illustrated in the diagram?

(A) Leaf
(B) Root hair
(C) Xylem vessel
(D) Phloem vessel

23. Dicotyledonous plants do NOT have 25. A soil sample taken from Ms i\li's farm
shows a pH reading of 7 .0. This soil is said
(A) broad leaves to be
(B) netted venation
(C) a tap root system (A) neutral
(D) parallel venation (B) alkaline
(C) slightly acidic
.(D) slightly alkaline
24. The type of soil that is fonned in an area
depends MAINLY on the
26. The MOST water-conserving syst~m of
irrigating crops in the Caribbean is a
(A) surface run-off
(B) type of vegetation .
(A) flood
(C) water-holding capacity
(B) drip
(D) type of parent niaterial
(·c) sprinkler
(D) sub-surface


- u -

32. Which ofthe following will NOTtake place

27. · To reduce the nnpactofwaterfl.owing down if the air temperature rises above 37 oc?
. a hillside, a fanner should
(A) Increased evaporation
(A) plant down the hill (B} Increased rate of transpiration in
(B) practise crop rotation plants
(C). use heavy machinery (C) Increased drying out of the surface
(D) practise contow- fanning
(D) Increased risk of fungal diseases in
28. A bag of mixed fertilizer has a grade of
7: 14:21. ·what is the ratio of nitrogen to
phosphorus in this fertilizer?
33. Which ofthe following activities will cause
(A) 1:2 soil erosion?
(B) 2:3
(C) 3:1 I. Overgrazing
(D) 3:2 II. Land clearing
Ill. Excessive rainfall

29. Which of the following weed control (A) I and II only

methods is considered to be biological? ffiY I and III only
(C) II and HI only
(A) Mulching with organic material (P) I, II and III
(B) Spraying with a contact weedicide
(C) Application ofa systemic herbicide
(D) Introduction of parasites to feed on 34. An advantage of the use_of postharvest
weeds technology is that it results in

(A) a reduction in loss due to spoilage

30. The _atnlospheric gas being utilized in the (B) physiological breakdown
manufacture of food by plants is (C) compositional changes
(D) physical injury
(A) oxygen
(B) nitrogen
(C) hydrogen 35. An organism can have genes added to its
(D) carbon dioxide DNA to improve food production. This
process is called
31. Fanner Derek has a farm on 20 hectares of (A) cloning
~d. He cu~tivate·s vegetables and irrigates (B) mutation
his crops with water from a pond in which (C) tissue culture
he rears tilapia and ducks. Which of the (D) genetic engineering
following BEST describes this practice?

(A) Mixed fa1ming

(B) Mixed cropping
(C} Plantation system
(D) Monoculture system

Ol 2 0 3010/MJ/CSEC 2020 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAO£

- 7 -

\Vhicb of the foll . 40. · usuaHY

In the agricultural sector, quarnntme
propagated by gra~~~ng plants can be
results in

(A) Pineapple (A) an increase in the quantity of

(Bj - Sugarcane produce due to useful pests
(C) Sweet potato (B) a reduction in the quality of produce
(D) Avocado pear due to pests and diseases
(C) the production and spread of
disease-causing organisms from
37. The practice of th . one place to another
b ga enng soil ru·ound the
ase of tbe stem of the plant is called (D) the prevention and control of
the spread of disease-causing
(A) layering organisms from one place to
-(BJ moulding another
(C) mulching
(D) air layering
4l. The purpose of the crop in the digestive
system of a bird is to
38. FarnJer Dass has an excess ofpesticide after
spraying his crops. The BEST way for him (A) store ingested food
to take care of the pesticide is to (B) absorb digested food
(C) chum and grind food
(A) wash the sprayer at another location (D) secrete digestive enzymes
(B) store the pesticide in a labelled
container for future use
(C) pour the pesticide into a container 42. In rabbits, most cellulose di~tion takes
and burn jt place in the
(D) store the pesticide in the sprayer
for future use (A) rectum
(B) caecum
(C) stomach >

39. Which of the following is promoted by the (D) oesophagus

use of proper postharvest handling of cut
43. The first compartment of the ruminant
(A) Delay of senescence stomach is called the
(B) Physiological disorder
(C) Maintenance of quality (A) rumen
(D) Prevention of weight loss (B) omasum
(C) reticulum
(D) abomasum


- 8-
• c. er uses the formula
It ems _44--45 refer to the following diagram 46. A bro• ler 1ann
showing part of the digestive tract of Total kg of feed _eaten . x 100
poultry. Total kg of live weight gain

to calculate


Items 4 7-48 refer to the following


i----1---IV A ram and ewe, both heterozygous for the

trait having horns, are mated. .

47. IfH represents the dominant allele for horns

and h represents the recessive allele, the
possible genotype of the offs~ from the
44. Which of the parts labelled I, II, III, IV is cross is
the proventriculus?
(A) HH, illf, Hh, bh
(A) I (B) HH, HH, hh, hh
(B) II (C) HH, Hh, Hh, hh
(C) III (D) HH, Hh, hh, hh
(D) IV

48. What are the chances of a. homle~ offspring

45. The function of the part label1ed I is to being produced? '

(A) store food (A) 25%

(B) grind food (B) 50%
(C) secrete gastric juices (C) 75%
(D) facilitate regurgitation (D) 100%
- 9

49, Legumes are plant .

to ed 11l a Pasture MAINLY 54.
Brniler birds with sisrns of blisters on tbe
·. , legs and other body
f:'1ce ~ parts are MOST
(A) lik e ly infecte d with
provide va1.· ty /:". .
(B) . te tor animals
{C) tncr~ase carbohydrate content
Provtde ex...., ·t • . (A) Guinbaro disease
(D) •
increase thI.la VJ amms• and minerals (B_) Ivfarek's dis~ase
diet e Protem content of a (C) fowl pox disease
( D) fowl cholera

The BEST type ofsoil on which to establish
a fish farm is 55. Debeak ing is a procedure used to

(A) silt (A) artificiaHy incubate eggs

(B) clay (B) reduce cannibalism in poultry
(C) sand (C) provjde brooding conditions for
(D) loam chicks
(D) .·
prevent the i:::on d 1twn =
called eog
51. When building pens for animals, the farmer
must ensure that they are well ventilated. 56. During the act~al process of artificial
This is done to facilitate the movement of insemination, which of the follo'-ving is
(A) NOT used?
(B) feed
(A) Bult
(C) water <B)
' . Glove
(D) forage (C) Sperm
(D) Syringe
52. Which of the.folJowing occurs during the
oestrus cycle? 57. The queen bee in a hive is fed with special
food called
(A) Gestation
(B) Ovulation (A) bee bread
(C) Parturition (B) royal jelly
(D) Fertilization (C) bet1 wax
(D) honey

53. Two diseases that affect rabbits are

58. Eggshells can be used as a ~eed supplement
(A) mastitis and pullorum for layers because it supphes
(B) coccidiosis and snuffles .
· (A) magnesium
(C) b ron Chl.tis and brucel10s1s d'
and Newcast 1e isease (B) calcium
(D) COCCI·d·os1·s
(C) sulphur
(D) sodium


- 10 -
. . ht of a goat is 50 kg. The
60. 'fhe bve weig weight is 30 kg .. What is
59. Which of the following combinations of dressed carcass nta e?
value-added products can be obtained from 1..
dressing perce g ·
(A) 30
(A) Manure, meat meal, offals, nuggets (B) 40
(B) Steak, manure, leatbcir, pork (C) 50
(C) Bristles, ha.con, ham, jerk (D) 60
(D) J ~ mutton, veal, ham



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