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Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machines (Book)

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B.Tech Students of Second Year
of All Engineering Colleges Affiliated to
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University,
Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow
(Formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University)

Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machines


Hareesh Kumar Shubham Tyagi



Ghaziabad New Delhi

PUBLISHED BY : Apram Singh

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Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machines (ME : Sem-3)

1st Edition : 2009-10 12th Edition : 2020-21
2 Edition : 2010-11
3rd Edition : 2011-12
4th Edition : 2012-13
5th Edition : 2013-14
6th Edition : 2014-15
7th Edition : 2015-16
8th Edition : 2016-17
9th Edition : 2017-18
10th Edition : 2018-19
11th Edition : 2019-20 (Thoroughly Revised Edition)

Price: Rs. 100/- only

Printed Version : e-Book.


KME 302 : Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machines
Definition of fluid, Newton’s law of viscosity, Units and
dimensions-Properties of fluids,mass density, specific volume,
specific gravity, viscosity, compressibility and surface tension,
Incompressible flow, Bernoulli’s equation and its applications -
Pitot tube, orifice meter, venturi meter and bend meter, notches
and weirs, momentum equation and its application to pipe bends.
Continuum & free molecular flows. Steady and unsteady, uniform
and non-uniform, laminar and turbulent flows, rotational and
irrotational flows, compressible and incompressible flows, subsonic,
sonic and supersonic flows, sub-critical, critical and supercritical
flows, one, two- and threedimensional flows, streamlines, continuity
equation for 3D and 1D flows, circulation, stream function and
velocity potential. Buckingham’s Pi theorem, important
dimensionless numbers and their significance.
UNIT-3 : FLOW THROUGH PIPES (3–1 A to 3–49 A)
Equation of motion for laminar flow through pipes, turbulent flow,
isotropic, homogenous turbulence, scale and intensity of turbulence,
measurement of turbulence, eddy viscosity, resistance to flow, minor
losses, pipe in series and parallel, power transmission through a pipe,
siphon, water hammer, three reservoir problems and pipe networks.
Boundary layer thickness, boundary layer over a flat plate, laminar
boundary layer, application of momentum equation, turbulent boundary
layer, laminar sublayer, separation and its control, Drag and lift, drag on
a sphere, a two-dimensional cylinder, and an aerofoil, Magnus effect.
UNIT-4 : IMPACT OF JET (4–1 A to 4–54 A)
Introduction to hydrodynamic thrust of jet on a fixed and moving
surface, Classification of turbines, Impulse turbines, Constructional
details, Velocity triangles, Power and efficiency calculations, Governing
of Pelton wheel. Francis and Kaplan turbines, Constructional details,
Velocity triangles, Power and efficiency Principles of similarity, Unit and
specific speed, Performance characteristics, Selection of water turbines.
Classifications of centrifugal pumps, Vector diagram, Work done by
impellor, Efficiencies of centrifugal pumps, Specific speed, Cavitation &
separation, Performance characteristics. Reciprocating pump theory, Slip,
Indicator diagram, Effect of acceleration, air vessels, Comparison of
centrifugal and reciprocating pumps, Performance characteristics.


SOLVED PAPERS (2019-20) (SP-1A to SP-12A)
x To learn about the application of mass and momentum conservation laws for fluid flows.
x To understand the importance of dimensional analysis.
x To obtain the velocity and pressure variations in various types of simple flows.
x To analyze the flow in water pumps and turbines.

Definition of fluid, Newton’s law of viscosity, Units and dimensions-Properties of fluids,mass density,
specific volume, specific gravity, viscosity, compressibility and surfacetension, Incompressible flow,
Bernoulli’s equation and its applications - Pitot tube, orifice meter, venturi meter and bend meter,
notches and weirs, momentum equation and its application to pipe bends.

Continuum & free molecular flows. Steady and unsteady, uniform and non-uniform, laminar and
turbulent flows, rotational and irrotational flows, compressible and incompressible flows, subsonic,
sonic and supersonic flows, sub-critical, critical and supercritical flows, one, two- and three-
dimensional flows, streamlines, continuity equation for 3D and 1D flows, circulation, stream function
and velocity potential. Buckingham’s Pi theorem, important dimensionless numbers and their

Equation of motion for laminar flow through pipes, turbulent flow, isotropic, homogenous turbulence,
scale and intensity of turbulence, measurement of turbulence, eddy viscosity, resistance to flow, minor
losses, pipe in series and parallel, power transmission through a pipe, siphon, water hammer, three
reservoir problems and pipe networks.
Boundary layer thickness, boundary layer over a flat plate, laminar boundary layer, application of
momentum equation, turbulent boundary layer, laminar sublayer, separation and its control, Drag and
lift, drag on a sphere, a two-dimensional cylinder, and an aerofoil, Magnus effect.

Introduction to hydrodynamic thrust of jet on a fixed and moving surface, Classification of turbines,
Impulse turbines, Constructional details, Velocity triangles, Power and efficiency calculations,
Governing of Pelton wheel.
Francis and Kaplan turbines, Constructional details, Velocity triangles, Power and efficiency
Principles of similarity, Unit and specific speed, Performance characteristics, Selection of water

Classifications of centrifugal pumps, Vector diagram, Work done by impellor, Efficiencies of
centrifugal pumps, Specific speed, Cavitation & separation, Performance characteristics.
Reciprocating pump theory, Slip, Indicator diagram, Effect of acceleration, air vessels, Comparison of
centrifugal and reciprocating pumps, Performance characteristics.

Course Outcomes:
x Upon completion of this course, students will be able to mathematically analyze simple flow
x They will be able to evaluate the performance of pumps and turbines.
Books and References:
1. Introduction to fluid mechanics and Fluid machines by S.K Som, Gautam Biswas, S Chakraborty.
2. Fluid mechanics and machines by R.K Bansal.
3. F. M. White, Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.
4. Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications byV.K.Gupta et.al.
5. Fluid Mechanics byYunusCengel.
6. Batchelor, G. K. (1999). Introduction to fluid dynamics. New Delhi, India: Cambridge University
7. Acheson, D. J. (1990). Elementary fluid dynamics. New York, USA: Oxford UniversityPress.
8. R.W. Fox, A.T. McDonald and P.J. Pritchard, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed., John Wiley,
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 1–1 A (ME-Sem-3)

1 Fluid and Bernoulli’s


Part-1 : Definition of Fluid, Newton’s .................... 1–2A to 1–5A
Law of Viscosity

Part-2 : Units and Dimensions, Properties ........... 1–5A to 1–6A

of Fluids, Mass Density, Specific
Volume, Specific Gravity, Viscosity

Part-3 : Compressibility and Surface ..................... 1–7A to 1–9A

Tension, Incompressible Flow

Part-4 : Bernoulli’s Equation and its ................... 1–9A to 1–21A

Applications-Pitot Tube, Orifice
Meter, Venturimeter and Bend Meter

Part-5 : Notches and Weirs .................................. 1–21A to 1–26A

Part-6 : Momentum Equation and ...................... 1–26A to 1–32A

its Application to Pipe Bends
1–2 A (ME-Sem-3) Fluid and Bernoulli’s Equation

Definition of Fluid, Newton’s Law of Viscosity.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.1. What is fluid ? State Newton’s law of viscosity and derive
the same. What are its applications ?

A. Fluid :
1. A fluid is a substance which deforms continuously when subjected to
external shearing force.
B. Newton’s Law of Viscosity :
1. This law states that the shear stress () on a fluid element layer is
directly proportional to the rate of shear strain.
Mathematically, =
C. Derivation :
1. From Fig. 1.1.1, let two layers of fluid at a distance ‘dy’ apart, move one
over the other at different velocities u and u + du.
2. The viscosity together with relative velocity causes shear stress acting
between fluid layers.
3. This shear stress is proportional to the rate of change of velocity with
respect to y. It is denoted by .

Upper layer
Lower layer
u + du
dy u

y du

Solid boundary

Fig. 1.1.1. Velocity variation near a solid boundary.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 1–3 A (ME-Sem-3)

du du
Mathematically,  or = 
dy dy
Where, = Constant of proportionality and is known as
coefficient of dynamic viscosity or viscosity.
= Rate of shear deformation or velocity gradient.
D. Applications :
1. Lubrication in bearings.
2. Relative movement between two plates.

Que 1.2. An oil of viscosity 5 poise is used for lubrication between

a shaft and sleeve. The diameter of the shaft is 0.5 m and it rotates at
200 rpm. Calculate the power lost in oil for the sleeve length of
100 mm, the thickness of the oil film is 1 mm.
AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05


Given :  = 5 poise = = 0.5 N-s/m2, D = 0.5 m, N = 200 rpm,
L = 100 mm = 0.1 m, t = 1.0 mm = 1 × 10 – 3 m
To Find : Power lost in the oil.
1. Tangential velocity of shaft is given as,
DN   0.5  200
u=  = 5.236 m/s
60 60
2. Using the relation,  = 
Where, du = Change in velocity = u – 0 = u = 5.236 m/s
dy = Change in distance = t = 1 × 10 – 3 m
0.5  5.236
 = = 2618 N/m2
1  10  3
3. Shear force on the shaft,
F =  A =  × DL ( A = DL)
= 2618 ×  × 0.5 × 0.1 = 411.23 N
4. Torque on the shaft,
D 0.5
T= F×  411.23  = 102.81 N-m
2 2
1–4 A (ME-Sem-3) Fluid and Bernoulli’s Equation

5. Power lost = T = T ×
2  200
= 102.81 × = 2153 W = 2.15 kW

Que 1.3. A square plate 50 cm × 50 cm weighing 200 N slides down

an inclined plane of slope 1 vertical : 2.5 horizontal with a uniform
velocity of 0.40 m/s. If a thin layer of oil of thickness 0.5 cm fills the
space between the plate and the inclined plane. Determine the
coefficient of viscosity of oil.


Given : A = 50 × 50 = 2500 cm2 = 0.25 m2, u = 0.40 m/s

dy = 0.5 cm = 5 × 10–3 m
To Find : Coefficient of viscosity of oil.

1. Component of weight along the plane = W sin 

BC 1 1
Where, sin  =  
AC 2
2.5  12 2.693

 F = W sin  = 200 × = 74.27 N
2. Now =  ...(1.3.1)
Where, du = u – 0 = 0.4 m/s and dy = 5 × 10 – 3 m

4. We also know, = ...(1.3.2)
5. Equating eq. (1.3.1) and eq. (1.3.2), we get

F du
= 
A dy

F dy
 = 
A du
74.27 5  10 3
=  = 3.7135 Pa-s or 37.135 Poise
0.25 0.40
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 1–5 A (ME-Sem-3)

Fluid C

u = 0.4 m/s

Thickness of 1.0
fluid film
m W = 200 N
2  2.5
Fig. 1.3.1.

Units and Dimensions, Properties of Fluids, Mass Density,
Specific Volume, Specific Gravity, Viscosity.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.4. Discuss some physical properties of fluids in brief.

AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05

Some physical properties of fluids are as follows :
a. Density or Mass Density :
1. It may be defined as the mass per unit volume at a standard temperature
and pressure. It is also known as specific mass. It is denoted by  and its
unit is kg/m3.
Mathematically,  =
Where, m = Mass (kg), and
V = Volume (m3).
b. Weight Density :
1. It can be defined as the weight per unit volume at the standard
temperature and pressure. It is also known as specific weight. It is
denoted by W and its unit is N/m3.
1–6 A (ME-Sem-3) Fluid and Bernoulli’s Equation

Weight mg  m 
Mathematically, W=  = g   
Volume V  V 
c. Specific Volume :
1. It is defined as the volume per unit mass of fluid.

V 1
Mathematically, v= 
m 
d. Specific Gravity :
1. It is the ratio of the specific weight of the given fluid to the specific
weight of a standard fluid.

Specific weight of given fluid

Specific weight of standard fluid
2. For liquids, standard fluid is pure water at 4 °C and air is standard fluid
for gases.
e. Viscosity :
1. It is defined as the property of a fluid which determines its resistance to
shearing stresses. Its SI unit is Pa-s and CGS unit is poise.
2. An ideal fluid has no viscosity.
3. Viscosity of fluids is due to cohesion and adhesion.

Que 1.5. What is the difference between dynamic viscosity and

kinematic viscosity ?


S. No. Dynamic Viscosity Kinematic Viscosity

1. It is defined as the property of It is defined as the ratio between
a fluid which determines its the dynamic viscosity and density
resistance to shearing stresses. of fluid.
2. It is denoted by . It is denoted by .
3. Mathematically, Mathematically,
 
= =
 du  
 dy 
 
4. The unit of  is Ns/m2. The unit of  is m2/s.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 1–7 A (ME-Sem-3)

Compressibility, Surface Tension and Incompressible Flow.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.6. Explain the following :

a. Compressibility,
b. Surface tension, and
c. Incompressible flow.

a. Compressibility :
1. The property by virtue of which fluids undergo a change in volume
under the action of external pressure is known as compressibility.
2. It is the reciprocal of bulk modulus of elasticity which is defined as the
ratio of compressive stress to volumetric strain.
3. Let, V = Volume of gas enclosed in the cylinder, and
p = Pressure of gas when volume is V.
4. If the pressure is increased to p + dp, the volume of gas decreases from
V to V – dV.

 Volumetric strain = –

Increase of pressure dp
5. Bulk modulus, K = =
Volumetric strain  dV / V

And, compressibility =
b. Surface Tension :
1. It is defined as the tensile force acting on the surface of a liquid in
contact with a gas or on the surface between two immiscible liquids.
2. It is denoted by sigma () and its SI unit is N/m.
3. This occurs due to the force of cohesion at the free surface as shown in
Fig. 1.6.1.
1–8 A (ME-Sem-3) Fluid and Bernoulli’s Equation

Free surface Molecule


Fig. 1.6.1.
4. Consider a liquid molecule in the interior of liquid mass, surrounded by
other molecules all around and is in equilibrium.
5. At the free surface of the liquid, there are no liquid molecules above the
surface to balance the force of the molecules below it.
6. As a result, there is a net inward force on the molecule and this force is
normal to the surface.
7. Thus at the free surface a thin layer of molecules is formed which acts
as membrane because of which a thin small needle can float on the free
c. Incompressible Flow :
1. It is that type of flow in which the density is constant for the fluid flow.
i.e.,  = Constant
2. Incompressible flow is also known as isochoric flow which means same
area or space.
3. These type of flow are easy to model as temperature and pressure of
liquid and gases do not vary in incompressible flow.

Que 1.7. Determine the bulk modulus of elasticity and

compressibility of a liquid. If the pressure of liquid is increased
from 70 N/cm2 to 130 N/cm2. The volume of liquid decreases by 0.15 %.
AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07


Given : dp = 130 – 70 = 60 N/cm2, dV = 0.15 %

To Find : Bulk modulus of elasticity and compressibility of liquid.

dp 60
1. Bulk modulus, K=  = 4 × 104 N/cm2
dV 0.15
1 1
2. Compressibility of liquid = =  2.5  10 5 cm2/N
Bulk modulus 4  10 4
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 1–9 A (ME-Sem-3)

Que 1.8. What should be the diameter of a droplet of water, if the

pressure inside is to be 0.0018 kg(f)/cm2 greater than the outside ?
Given the value of surface tension of water in contact with air at
20 ºC as 0.0075 kg(f)/m. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 05


Given : p = 0.0018 kg(f)/cm2, = 0.0075 kg(f)/m = 7.5 × 10 – 5 kg(f)/cm

To Find : Diameter of droplet of water.
1. For water droplet,
 d=

4  7.5  10 5
d= = 0.1667 cm

Bernoulli’s Equation and its Applications-Pitot Tube, Orifice Meter,
Venturimeter and Bend Meter.

Continuity Equation : It states that the discharge throughout the
flow remains constant.
Mathematically, Q = Av = Constant
Venturimeter : It is a device used for measuring the rate of flow of a
fluid flowing through a pipe.
Pitot Tube : It is a device used for measuring the velocity of flow at
any point in a pipe or a channel.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.9. State Bernoulli’s theorem for steady flow of an

incompressible fluid.
1–10 A (ME-Sem-3) Fluid and Bernoulli’s Equation

1. Bernoulli’s theorem states that in a steady, ideal flow of an incompressible
fluid, the total energy at any point of the fluid is constant.
2. It can be mathematically stated as given below,
Pressure energy + Kinetic energy + Potential energy = Constant

p v2
  z = Constant
g 2 g
3. Bernoulli’s equation for real fluids is,

p1 v12 p v2
  z1 = 2  2  z2  hL
g 2 g g 2 g
Where, hL = Loss of energy.

Que 1.10. How will you obtain Bernoulli’s equation from Euler’s
equation of motion along a streamline ? Write assumptions of
Bernoulli’s equation.

A. Assumptions :
1. The fluid should be ideal, i.e., viscosity is zero.
2. The flow should be steady.
3. The flow should be incompressible.
4. The flow should be irrotational.
B. Bernoulli’s Equation from Euler’s Equation :
1. Euler’s equation of motion is given by,
 gdz  v d v = 0

2. On integrating, we have
  gdz   v d v = Constant
 
p v2
 gz  = Constant
 2
p v2
 z = Constant ...(1.10.1)
g 2g

Where, = Pressure head,
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 1–11 A (ME-Sem-3)

= Kinetic head, and
z = Potential head.
Eq. (1.10.1) is known as Bernoulli’s equation.

Que 1.11. Water flows through a 0.9 m diameter pipe at the end of
which there is a reducer connecting to a 0.6 m diameter pipe. If the
gauge pressure at the entrance to the reducer is 412.02 kN/m2 and
the velocity is 2 m/s, determine the resultant thrust on the reducer,
assuming that the frictional loss of head in the reducer is 1.5 m.

Given : d1 = 0.9 m, d2 = 0.6 m, p1 = 412.02 kN/m2, v1 = 2 m/s,
hf = 1.5 m
To Find : Resultant thrust.
1. From continuity equation,
v1A1 = v2A2
2 2
v1 A1  d1  0.9 
v2 =     v1 =    2  4.5 m/s
A2  d2   0.6 
2. Applying Bernoulli’s theorem at section (1) and (2), we get

p1 v12 p v2
  z1 = 2  2  z2  hf
g 2 g g 2 g
1 2

v1 v2
0.9 m 0.6 m

Fig. 1.11.1. 1 2

As it is horizontal pipe, hence z1 = z2

p1 v12 p v2
  = 2  2  hf
g 2 g g 2 g

412.02  103 22 p2 (4.5)2

 =   1.5
1000  9.81 2  9.81 1000  9.18 2  9.18
p2 = 389.18 kN/m2
Hence, resultant thrust on the reducer = 389.18 kN/m2
1–12 A (ME-Sem-3) Fluid and Bernoulli’s Equation

Que 1.12. Suggest the device used for the measurement of fluid
flow through ducts or pipes. Explain them.
What are the various applications of Bernoulli’s equation ? Explain

Some of the simple applications of Bernoulli’s equation are as follows :
A. Venturimeter :
1. A venturimeter is a device used for measuring the rate of flow of a fluid
flowing through a pipe.
2. It consists of three parts, as given below :
i. A short converging part,
ii. Throat, and
iii. Diverging part.
3. It works on the principle of Bernoulli’s theorem.
4. As shown in Fig. 1.12.1, a venturimeter is fitted in a horizontal pipe
through which a fluid is flowing.

(1) Throat
Fig. 1.12.1.

5. Let, d1 = Diameter of pipe at section (1),

p1 = Pressure at section (1),
v1 = Velocity of fluid at section (1), and
 2
a1 = Area at section (1) = d1 .
d2, p2, v2, a2 = Corresponding values at section (2).
6. By applying Bernoulli’s theorem at section (1) and (2), we get

p1 v12 p v2
  z1 = 2  2  z2 ..(1.12.1)
g 2 g g 2 g
7. As it is horizontal pipe, hence z1 = z2
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 1–13 A (ME-Sem-3)

p1 v12 p v2
 = 2 2
g 2 g g 2 g
p1  p2 v2 v 2
= 2  1 ...(1.12.2)
g 2g 2g
p1  p2
8. But is the difference of pressure heads at sections (1) and (2)
and it is equal to h,
p1  p2

v22 v12
 h=  ...(1.12.3)
2g 2g
9. Applying continuity equation at sections (1) and (2), we have
a2 v 2
a1v1= a2v2 or v1 =
10. Substituting this value of v1 in eq. (1.12.3), we get
 a2 v 2 
v 22  a1  v2  a2 
h=   2 1  22 
2g 2g 2g  a1 

or v 22 = 2 gh
a  a22

a12 a1
 v2 = 2 gh  2 gh
a  a22
1 a  a22

11. Discharge, Q = a2 v2
a1 a2
Q=  2 gh ...(1.12.4)
a12  a22
12. Eq. (1.12.4) gives the discharge under ideal conditions called as
theoretical discharge whereas actual discharge will be less than
theoretical discharge and is given by,

Cd a1 a2 2 gh  Qact 
 Qact=  Cd  
2 2  Qtheo 
a a
1 2

Where Cd is the coefficient of discharge for venturimeter and its value

is less than unity.
1–14 A (ME-Sem-3) Fluid and Bernoulli’s Equation

13. It the liquid flowing in pipe and liquid in U-tube manometer have different
specific gravity, following cases may be considered to obtain the level of
difference of two liquids :
Case I :
1. If pipe is horizontal (i.e., z1 = z2) and the differential manometer contains
liquid heavier than the liquid flowing through the pipe.

p p  S 
Then, h =  1  2   x  h  1
 g g  S
 o 
Where, Sh = Specific gravity of the heavier liquid,
So = Specific gravity of the liquid flowing through pipe, and
x = Difference of the heavier liquid column in U-tube.
Case II :
1. If pipe is horizontal (i.e., z1 = z2) and the differential manometer contains
liquid lighter than the liquid flowing through the pipe.

p p   S 
Then, h =  1  2  = x 1  l 
 g g   So 

Where, Sl = Specific gravity of lighter liquid in U-tube, and

x = Difference of the lighter liquid columns in U-tube.

Case III :
1. If pipe is inclined and the differential manometer contains liquid heavier
than the liquid flowing through the pipe.

p  p  S 
Then, h =  1  z1    2  z2   x  h  1 
 g   g  S
 o 
Case IV :
1. If pipe is inclined and the differential manometer contains liquid lighter
than the liquid flowing through the pipe.

p  p   S 
Then, h =  1  z1    2  z2   x 1  l 
 g   g   So 
B. Orifice Meter :
1. It works on the Bernoulli’s principle and is a device used for measuring
the rate of flow of a fluid flowing through a pipe.
2. It consists of a flat circular plate which has a circular sharp edged hole
called orifice, which is concentric with the pipe.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 1–15 A (ME-Sem-3)

3. It is cheaper device as compared to venturimeter.

Section 2 Orifice meter

of flow
Section 1
x manometer

Fig. 1.12.2. Orifice Meter.

3. As shown in Fig. 1.12.2, let,

p1 = Pressure at section (1),
v1 = Velocity of flow at section (1),
a1 = Area of pipe at section (1), and
p2, v2, a2 = Corresponding values at section (2).
4. Applying Bernoulli’s equation at section (1) and (2), we get

p1 v12 p v2
  z1 = 2  2  z2
g 2 g g 2 g

 p1   p2  v22 v12
 g  z1    g  z2  = 2 g  2 g

p  p 
Where,  1  z1    2  z2  = h = Differential head
 g   g 

v22 v12
h= 
2g 2g

v2 = 2 gh  v12 ...(1.12.5)
5. Now section (2) is at the vena-contracta and a2 represents the area at
the vena-contracta.
6. If a0 is the area of orifice then,
CC =
a2 = a0 CC ...(1.12.6)
Where, CC = Coefficient of contraction.
1–16 A (ME-Sem-3) Fluid and Bernoulli’s Equation

7. By continuity equation,
a1 v1= a2 v2
v1 = v2 ...(1.12.7)
8. Substituting the value of v1 in eq. (1.12.5), we get

aC 
v2 = 2 gh   0 C  v 22
 a1 

aC 
v22 = 2 gh   0 C  v22
 a1 

  a 2 
v 22 1   0  CC2  = 2gh
  1  

2 gh
 v2 = 2
a 
1   0  CC2
 a1 

9. Discharge, Q = v2a2 = v2 × a0 CC (a2 = a0 CC)

a0CC 2 gh
i.e., Q= 2
a 
1   0  Cc2
a 1

10. The above expression can be simplified by using,

a 
1 0
 a1 
Cd = CC 2
a 
1   0  CC2
 a1 

a 
1   0  CC2
 a1 
CC = Cd
a 
1 0
 a1 
11. Substituting the value of CC in eq. (1.12.8), we get
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 1–17 A (ME-Sem-3)

a 
1   0  CC2
 a1  2 gh
Q = a0  Cd 2

a  a 
1 0 1   0  CC2
 a1   a1 

Cd a0 2 gh Cd a0 a1 2 gh
= =
a 
a12  a02
1 0
a  1

Where, Cd = Coefficient of discharge for orifice meter.

12. The coefficient of discharge for orifice meter is much smaller than that
for a venturimeter.

Que 1.13. A horizontal venturimeter with a discharge coefficient

of 0.98 is being used to measure the flow rate of a liquid of density
1030 kg/m3. The pipe diameter at entry to the venturi is 75 mm and
the venturi throat has an area of 1000 mm2. If the flow rate is
0.011 m3/s. Determine the height difference recorded on a U-tube
manometer connecting the throat to the upstream pipe. Take the
relative density of mercury to be 13.6. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 05


Given : Cd = 0.98, l = 1030 kg/m3, Sl = = 1.03 kg/m3,
SHg = 13.6, d1 = 75 mm = 0.075 m, Q = 0.011 m3/s, a2 = 1000 mm2
= 1 × 10–3 m2
To find : Height difference.

a1 a2
1. As we know, flow rate, Q = Cd  2 gh
a12  a22

 2 
a1 = d1   (.075)2 = 4.4178 × 10– 3 m2
4 4
4.4178  10 3  1  10 3
0.011 = 0.98 × × 2  9.81  h
(4.4178  10 3 )2  (1  103 )2
h = 6.092 m
1–18 A (ME-Sem-3) Fluid and Bernoulli’s Equation

 SHg 
2. We know that, h=x   1
 Sl 

 13.6 
6.092 = x   1
 1.03 

6.092 = x ×
x = 0.4992 m

Que 1.14. In a vertical conveying oil of specific gravity 0.8, two

pressure gauges have been installed at A and B where the diameters
are 16 cm and 8 cm respectively. A is 2 m above B. The pressure gauge
readings have shown that the pressure at B is greater than at A by
0.981 N/cm2. Neglecting all losses, calculate the flow rate. If the
gauges at A and B are replaced by tubes filled with the same liquid
and connected to a U-tube containing mercury. Calculate the
difference of level of mercury in the two limbs of U-tube.
AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05


Given : So = 0.8, o = 0.8 × 1000 = 800 kg/m3,

DA = 16 cm = 0.16 m, DB = 8 cm = 0.08 m, zA – zB = 2 m
To Find : i. Flow rate.
ii. Difference in the level of mercury.

1. Area at A, AA = (0.16)2 = 0.0201 m2

Area at B, AB = (0.08)2 = 0.005026 m2
2. Difference of pressures,
pB – pA = 0.981 N/cm2 = 0.981 × 104 N/m2 = 9810 N/m2

pB  pA 9810
3. Pressure head, = = = 1.25 m
g 800  9.81
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 1–19 A (ME-Sem-3)

16 cm


8 cm

Fig. 1.14.1.
4. Applying Bernoulli’s theorem at A and B taking the reference line passing
through section B,
pA v 2A p v2
  zA = B  B  zB
g 2 g g 2 g
pA pB v2 v2
  zA  zB = B  A
g g 2g 2g
v 2B v 2A  pB  pA 
– 1.25 + 2.0 =
 g
  1.25
2g 2g 
v 2B v 2A
0.75 =  ... (1.14.1)
2g 2g
5. Now applying continuity equation at A and B, we get
vA AA = vB AB
v A AA v A  0.0201
vB =  = 4vA
AB 0.005026


Fig. 1.14.2.
1–20 A (ME-Sem-3) Fluid and Bernoulli’s Equation

6. Substituting the value of vB in eq. (1.14.1), we get

16 v 2A v 2A 15 v 2A
0.75 =  
2g 2g 2g

0.75  2  9.81
 vA = = = 0.99 m/s

7. Rate of flow, Q = vA AA = 0.99 × 0.0201 = 0.01989 m3/s

S 
8. We know that, h = x  g  1
 o 

p  p  p  pB
Where, h =  A  zA    B  zB   A + zA – zB
 g   g  g

 pB  pA 
= – 1.25 + 2.0 = 0.75  g  1.25

 13.6 
 0.75 = x   1 = x × 16
 0.8 

Difference of level of mercury in the U-tube,

x = 0.04687 m = 4.687 cm

Que 1.15. Explain Elbow meter with neat sketch and give its

A. Elbow Meter :
1. When a liquid flows in a pipe bend, there exists a difference of pressure
between the outside and inside of the bend. This difference of pressure
is used to measure the discharge in pipeline.
2. In a pipe bend, the pressure at the outer wall of bend is more than that
at the inner wall.
3. Now from Fig. 1.15.1, we see a pipe bend with two pressure po at outside
wall and pi at inside wall of the pipe. These two points are connected to
the limbs of U-tube manometer.
4. From the relation between velocity and pressure difference, we have
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 1–21 A (ME-Sem-3)

Pipe bend

Q v po

tubing zi zo

Horizontal datum
Fig. 1.15.1. Elbow meter.

v2 p  p 
K =  o  zo    i  zi 
2g w  w 

1 p  p 
v=  2 g   o  zo    i  zi 
K w  w 
Where, K = Constant (1.3 to 3.2 de pe nds upon size and
shape of the bend).
v = Velocity of flow.

 p p 
5. Discharge, Q = Av = Cd A 2 g  o  zo    i  zi  
 w  w 

Where, Cd = Coefficient of discharge = (0.56  Cd  0.88)
B. Applications :
1. An elbow meter can be used for the measurement of discharge in pipes
which are fitted with bends or elbow.

Notches and Weirs.

Notch : A notch is a device used for the measurement of the rate of
flow of a liquid through a small channel or tank.
Weir : A weir is a concrete or masonry structure placed in an open
channel over which the flow occurs.
1–22 A (ME-Sem-3) Fluid and Bernoulli’s Equation


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.16. What is notch ? What are the different types of notches ?

A. Notch :
1. A notch is a device used for the measurement of the rate of flow of a
liquid through a small channel or a tank.
2. It may also be defined as an opening in the side of a tank or a small
channel in such a way that the liquid surface in the tank or channel is
below the top edge of the opening.
B. Types of Notches : The different types of notches are as follows :
i. Rectangular notch,
ii. Triangular notch,
iii. Trapezoidal notch, and
iv. Stepped notch.

Que 1.17. Derive the expression for discharge over the following
notches :
A. Rectangular, and
B. Triangular.

A. Discharge over Rectangular Notch :
1. As shown in Fig. 1.17.1, consider a rectangular notch provided in a
channel carrying water.
2. Let, H = Head of water over the crest, and
L = Length of notch.
3. In order to find the discharge of water flowing over the notch, consider
an elementary horizontal strip of water of thickness dh and length L at
a depth h from the free surface of water.

Nappe L
Crest or sill

Fig. 1.17.1.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 1–23 A (ME-Sem-3)

4. The area of strip = L × dh

Theoretical velocity of water flowing through strip = 2 gh

5. The discharge dQ through strip is,

dQ = Cd × Area of strip × Theoretical velocity
= Cd L dh 2 gh ...(1.17.1)
6. The total discharge, Q for the whole notch is determined by integrating
the eq. (1.17.1) between the limits 0 and H.

 Q= C d L 2 gh dh  Cd L 2 g  h1/ 2 dh
0 0

3/ 2 H
h 
= Cd L 2 g  
 3 / 2 0
Cd L 2 g H 3/ 2
B. Discharge Over Triangular Notch :

A B H -h
 /2

Fig. 1.17.2.

1. Let, H = Head of water above the notch, and

= Angle of notch.
2. Consider a horizontal strip of water having thickness dh at a depth of h
from the free surface of water.
3. From the geometry of notch,
tan /2 = 
OC H  h

 AC = (H – h) tan   
 2

 
Width of strip = AB = 2 × AC = 2 (H – h) tan  
 2

4. The theoretical velocity of water through strip = 2 gh

1–24 A (ME-Sem-3) Fluid and Bernoulli’s Equation

5. Discharge through the strip is,

dQ = Cd × Area of strip × Velocity(theoretical)
 
= Cd 2 (H – h) tan   dh 2 gh
 2

 
= 2 Cd (H – h) tan  2  2 gh dh

6. Total discharge is,

 
Q=  2C
d ( H  h) tan    2 gh dh
 2
 
= 2Cd tan   2 g  ( H  h) h1/ 2 dh
 2 0

= 2Cd tan   2 g  ( Hh1/ 2  h3/ 2 ) dh
 2 0

  Hh3/ 2 h5/ 2 
= 2Cd tan   2 g   
2  3 / 2 5 / 2 0
8 
Q= Cd tan   2 g H 5/ 2
15 2
Que 1.18. Define weir and give its classification. Differentiate
between notch and weir.

A. Weir :
1. It is any regular obstruction in an open stream over which the flow
takes place.
B. Classification of Weirs :
a. On the Basis of Shape :
1. Rectangular weir, and
2. Cipoletti weir.
b. On the Basis of Nature of Discharge :
1. Ordinary weir, and
2. Submerged weir.
c. On the Basis of the Width of Crest :
1. Narrow crested, and
2. Broad crested.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 1–25 A (ME-Sem-3)

d. According to the Nature of Crest :

1. Sharp crested weir, and
2. Ogee weir.
e. On the Basis of the Effect of Sides on the Emerging Nappe :
1. Weir with end contraction, and
2. Weir without end contraction.
C. Difference between Notch and Weir :

S. No. Notch Weir

1. The size of notch is very The size of weir is large.
2. It is used to determine the It is used to measure the flow of
flow through small tanks rivers.
or pipes.

Que 1.19. Find the discharge through a trapezoidal notch which

is 1 m wide at the top and 0.4 m at the bottom and is 30 cm in height.
The head of water on the notch is 20 cm. Assume Cd for rectangular
portion = 0.62 while for triangular portion = 0.60.
AKTU 2017-18, Marks 10


Given : AE = 1 m, CD = L = 0.4 m, h = 0.3 m, H = 0.20 m, For rectangular

portion, Cd1 = 0.62, For triangular portion, Cd2 = 0.60
To Find : Discharge through trapezoidal notch.
1. From ABC, we have
 AB ( AE  CD) / 2 (1.0  0.4) / 2 0.6 / 2
tan =  =  1
2 BC BC 0.3 0.3


2 h

Fig. 1.19.1.
1–26 A (ME-Sem-3) Fluid and Bernoulli’s Equation

2. Discharge through trapezoidal notch is given as,

2 8 
Q= Cd1 L 2 g H 3/ 2 + Cd 2 tan 2 g H 5/ 2
3 15 2
2 8
= × 0.62 × 0.4 × 2  9.81 × (0.2)2/3 +  0.60  1  2  9.81  (0.2)5/ 2
3 15
= 0.0655 + 0.02535 = 0.09085 m3/s = 90.85 litres/s

Momentum Equation and its Application to Pipe Bend.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.20. Describe momentum equation. Where this equation is

used ?

A. Momentum Equation :
1. This equation is based on the law of conservation of momentum or on
the momentum principle.
2. According to law of conservation of momentum, the net force acting on
a fluid mass is equal to the change in momentum of flow per unit time in
the direction of force.
3. According to Newton’s second law of motion,
F = ma
Where, m = Mass of fluid,
a = Acceleration in direction of force, and
F = Force acting on fluid.

dv  dv 
F= m  a  
dt  dt 

d (m v)
F= ( m is constant)
This is known as the momentum principle or momentum equation.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 1–27 A (ME-Sem-3)

B. Uses :
1. This equation is used to determine the force or impulse acting at the
bend in the bend pipes, reducers, moving vanes and jet propulsion etc.
2. This equation is used to determine the characteristics of flow in sudden
enlargement in a pipe.

Que 1.21. Derive an expression for the force exerted by a flowing

fluid on a pipe bend.

1. Consider section x-x and y-y in a bend pipe having pressure,
cross section area and velocity as p1, A1, v1 at x-x section and p2, A2, v2 at
y-y section.

p2, A2, v2 v2
y v2 sin  p2A2 cos  Fx

Fy v2 cos  
x p2A2 sin 
p1, A1 Fy
 At section y-y at pipe bend
v1 Fx

x Fig. 1.21.1.

2. Forces Fx and Fy are acting on the pipe bend due to fluid flow but force
exerted by the pipe bend Fx and Fy are acting in opposite direction.
3. Using impulse momentum equation in X-direction,

p1A1 – p2A2 cos  – Fx= (mv)
p1A1 – p2A2 cos  – Fx= Q (v2 cos  – v1)
Where, Q = Mass of fluid flowing per second, and
v2 cos  – v1 = Change in velocity in X-direction.
 Fx = Q (v1 – v2 cos ) + p1A1 – p2A2 cos 
4. Now, using impulse momentum equation in Y-direction,
0 – p2A2 sin  – Fy= Q (v2 sin  – 0)
 Fy = – Q v2 sin  – p2A2 sin
5. Now the resultant force FR acting on the bend,

FR = Fx2  Fy2
1–28 A (ME-Sem-3) Fluid and Bernoulli’s Equation

6. Direction of resultant force,

 Fy 
= tan 1  
 Fx 

Que 1.22. Water is flowing in a 300 mm pipeline fitted with a 45°

bend in the vertical plane. The diameter at the outlet of the bend is
150 mm. The pipe axis at the inlet is horizontal and the outlet is
1.5 m above the inlet. If the flow through the bend is 0.4 m3/s and a
head loss of 0.5 m occurs in the bend, calculate the magnitude and
direction of the resultant force the bend support must withstand.
The volume of the bend is 0.075 m3 and the pressure at the inlet is
300 kN/m2. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 05


Given : d1 = 300 mm, d2 = 150 mm, 1 = 0°, 2 = 45°, Q = 0.4 m3/s

hf = 0.5 m, V = 0.075 m3, p1 = 300 kN/m2, z1 = 0, z2 = 1.5 m
To Find : Magnitude and direction of resultant force.

y v
 2 = 45°
m x

z2 = 1.5 m

 = 45°
d1 = 300 mm

Fig. 1.22.1.

1. For continuity of flow,

Q = A1v1 = A2v2

 
0.4 = (0.3)2 v1 = (0.15)2 v2
4 4
v1 = 5.66 m/s
v2 = 22.64 m/s
2. By applying Bernoulli’s equation,
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 1–29 A (ME-Sem-3)

p1 v12 p v2
  z1 = 2  2  z2  hf
g 2 g g 2 g

300  103 (5.66)2 p2 (22.64)2

 0 =  + 1.5 + 0.5
1000  9.81 2  9.81 1000  9.81 2  9.81
p2 = 40113.09 N/m2 = 40.113 kN/m2
3. Now applying the impulse momentum equation in both X and Y direction.
i. For X-direction :
p1A1 cos 1 – p2A2 cos 2 – Fx = Q (v2 cos 2 – v1 cos 1)
 
300 × 103 × (0.3)2 × cos 0° – 40.113 × 103 × × (0.15)2 × cos 45° – Fx
4 4
=1000 × 0.4 (22.64 cos 45° – 5.64 cos 0°)
Fx = 16.556 kN
ii. For Y-direction :
p1A1 sin 1 – p2A2 sin 2 + Fy + W = Q ( v2 sin 2 + v1 sin 1)

Fy – 40.113 × 103 × (0.15)2 sin 45° + (0.075 × 9810)
( 1 = 0°)
= 1000 × 0.4 (22.64 sin 45°)
Fy = 6.169 kN

4. Resultant Force, FR = Fx2  Fy2 = (16.556)2  (6.169)2

FR = 17.67 kN

1  Fy 
5. We know that,  = tan  
 Fx 
 6.169 
= tan–1  = 20.436°
 16.556 
Thus, force of 17.67 kN acts on the bend at an angle of 20.436° from inlet

Que 1.23. In a 45° bend a rectangular air duct of 1 m 2 cross-

sectional area is gradually reduces to 0.5 m2 area. Find the magnitude
and direction of the force required to hold the duct in position if the
velocity of flow at the 1 m 2 section is 10 m/s and pressure is
2.943 N/cm2. Take density of air as 1.16 kg/m3.
AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05
1–30 A (ME-Sem-3) Fluid and Bernoulli’s Equation


Given : A1 = 1 m2, A2 = 0.5 m2, v1 = 10 m/s, p1 = 2.943 N/cm2

= 2.943 × 104 N/m2,  = 1.16 kg/m3

To Find : Magnitude and direction of the force.

1. Applying continuity equation at sections (1) and (2), we have

A1v1 = A2v2

A1 v1 1
 v2 =  × 10 = 20 m/s
A2 0.5

2. Discharge, Q = A1v1 = 1 × 10 = 10 m3/s

3. Applying Bernoulli’s equation at (1) and (2), we have

p1 v12 p v 2
 = 2  2 ( z1 = z2)
g 2 g g 2 g

2.943  104 102 p 202

 = 2 
1.16  9.81 2  9.81 g 2  9.81

p2 2.943  10 4 10 2 20 2
 =  
g 1.16  9.81 2  9.81 2  9.81

= 2586.2 + 5.0968 – 20.387 = 2570.90 m

 p2 = 2570.90 × 1.16 × 9.81 = 29255.8 N
5. Force along X-axis, Fx =Q [v1x – v2x] + (p1A1)x + (p2A2)x
Where, v1x = 10 m/s, v2x = v2 cos 45° = 20 × 0.7071
(p1A1)x = p1A1 = 29430 × 1 = 29430 N
and (p2A2)x = – p2A2 cos 45°
= – 29255.8 × 0.5 × 0.7071
 Fx = 1.16 × 10 × [10 – 20 × 0.7071]
+ 29430 × 1 – 29255.8 × 0.5 × 0.7071
= – 48.05 + 29430 – 10343.39
= 19038.56 N
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 1–31 A (ME-Sem-3)

v2 sin 45°

p2A2 sin 45°
2 A2
p2 v2 cos 45°

p2A2 cos 45°

v1 p1A1 45°

Fig. 1.23.1.
6. Similarly force along Y-axis, Fy = Q[v1y – v2y] + (p1A1)y + (p2A2)y
Where, v1y = 0, v2y = v2 sin 45° = 20 × 0.7071 = 14.142
(p1A1)y = 0, (p2A2)y = – p2A2 sin 45° = – 29255.8 × 0.5 × 0.7071
= – 10343.39
Fy = 1.16 × 10[0 – 14.142] + 0 – 10343.39
= – 164.05 – 10343.39 = – 10507.44 N

7. Resultant force, FR = Fx2  Fy2 = (19038.56)2  (10507.44)2

= 21746.65 N
8. The direction of FR with X-axis is given as,
Fy 10507.44
tan  =  = 0.5519
Fx 19038.56
  = tan – 1 0.5519 = 28° 5340.
Hence the force required to hold the duct in position is equal to 21746.65 N
but it is acting in the opposite direction of FR.

Que 1.24. A 30 cm diameter horizontal pipe terminates in a nozzle

with the exit diameter of 7.5 cm. If the water flows through the pipe
at a rate of 0.15 m3/s. What force will be exerted by the fluid on the
nozzle ? AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07


Given : d1 = 30 cm = 0.3 m, d2 = 7.5 cm = 0.075 m, Q = 0.15 m3/s

To Find : Force exerted by the fluid on the nozzle.
1–32 A (ME-Sem-3) Fluid and Bernoulli’s Equation

 2 
1. Area of pipe, A1 = d =  (0.3)2 = 0.071 m2
4 1 4
 2 
2. Area of nozzle, A2 = d2  × (0.075)2 = 4.418 × 10–3 m2
4 4
3. Applying continuity equation,
A 1 v1 = A 2 v2 = Q
Q 0.15
v1 =  = 2.112 m/s
A1 0.071
Q 0.15
v2 =  = 33.95 m/s
A2 4.418  10 3
4. We know that,
p1 v12 p v2
  z1 = 2  2  z2
g 2 g g 2 g
p1 v12 v2 p
 = 2 [ 2 = Atmospheric pressure = 0, z1 = z2]
g 2 g 2g g

p1 v 2  v 12
= 2
g 2g
 (33.95)2  (2.112)2  2
p1 =    1000 = 574070.978 N/m
 2 
5. Net force in direction of x, Fx = Rate of change of momentum in direction x.
p1 A1 – p2 A2 + Fn = Q (v2 – v1)
Where, Fn = Force exerted by fluid on nozzle.
574070.978 × 0.071 – 0 + Fn = 1000 × 0.15 × (33.95 – 2.112)
40759.04 + Fn = 4775.7
Fn = – 35983.34 N
Here negative sign indicates that the force exerted by the nozzle on
water is acting from right to left.


Following questions are very important. These questions
may be asked in your SESSIONALS as well as

Q. 1. Discuss some physical properties of fluids in brief.

Ans. Refer Q. 1.4, Unit-1.

Q. 2. Explain the following :

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 1–33 A (ME-Sem-3)

a. Compressibility,
b. Surface tension, and
c. Incompressible flow.
Ans. Refer Q. 1.6, Unit-1.

Q. 3. Determine the bulk modulus of elasticity and

compressibility of a liquid. If the pressure of liquid is
increased from 70 N/cm2 to 130 N/cm2. The volume of liquid
decreases by 0.15 %.
Ans. Refer Q. 1.7, Unit-1.

Q. 4. Suggest the device used for the measurement of fluid flow

through ducts or pipes. Explain them.
Ans. Refer Q. 1.12, Unit-1.

Q. 5. A horizontal venturimeter with a discharge coefficient of

0.98 is being used to measure the flow rate of a liquid of
density 1030 kg/m3. The pipe diameter at entry to the venturi
is 75 mm and the venturi throat has an area of 1000 mm2. If
the flow rate is 0.011 m3/s. Determine the height difference
recorded on a U-tube manometer connecting the throat to
the upstream pipe. Take the relative density of mercury to
be 13.6.
Ans. Refer Q. 1.13, Unit-1.

Q. 6. Find the discharge through a trapezoidal notch which is 1

m wide at the top and 0.4 m at the bottom and is 30 cm in
height. The head of water on the notch is 20 cm. Assume
C d for rectangular portion = 0.62 while for triangular
portion = 0.60.
Ans. Refer Q. 1.19, Unit-1.

Q. 7. Water is flowing in a 300 mm pipeline fitted with a 45° bend

in the vertical plane. The diameter at the outlet of the bend
is 150 mm. The pipe axis at the inlet is horizontal and the
outlet is 1.5 m above the inlet. If the flow through the bend
is 0.4 m3/s and a head-loss of 0.5 m occurs in the bend,
calculate the magnitude and direction of the resultant force
the bend support must withstand. The volume of the bend
is 0.075 m3 and the pressure at the inlet is 300 kN/m2.
Ans. Refer Q. 1.22, Unit-1.

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 2–1 A (ME-Sem-3)

2 Types of Fluid
Flow and
Continuity Equation

Part-1 : Continuum .................................................... 2–2A to 2–2A

Part-2 : Free Molecular Flows – Steady ................. 2–2A to 2–4A

and Unsteady Flows, Uniform and
Non-Uniform Flows, Laminar and
Turbulent Flows, Rotational and
Irrotational Flows, Compressible and
Incompressible Flows

Part-3 : Subsonic, Sonic and Supersonic ............... 2–4A to 2–5A

Flows, Subcritical, Critical and Super
Critical Flows, One, Two and Three
Dimensional Flows

Part-4 : Streamlines .................................................. 2–5A to 2–6A

Part-5 : Continuity Equation for 3D and ............. 2–6A to 2–11A

1D Flows

Part-6 : Circulation ................................................. 2–11A to 2–13A

Part-7 : Stream Function ...................................... 2–14A to 2–19A

Part-8 : Velocity Potential ..................................... 2–19A to 2–24A

Part-9 : Buckingham’s-Pi Theorem .................... 2–24A to 2–30A

Part-10 : Important Dimensionless Numbers .... 2–30A to 2–34A

and their Significance
2–2 A (ME-Sem-3) Types of Fluid Flow and Continuity Equation


Continuum : A continuous and homogeneous medium is called


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.1. Discuss continuum in brief.

1. Continuum can be defined as a continuous and homogeneous medium.
2. The continuum concept helps to study the overall behaviour and
properties of fluids without any reference to atomic and molecular
3. In continuum approach, fluid properties such as density, viscosity,
thermal conductivity, temperature, etc. can be expressed as continuous
functions of space and time.
4. There are factors which are to be considered with great importance in
determining the validity of continuum model. One such factor is the
distance between molecules which is a function of molecular density.
5. The other factor which checks the validity of continuum is the elapsed
time between collisions.

Free Molecular Flows – Steady and Unsteady Flows, Uniform and
Non-Uniform Flows, Laminar and Turbulent Flows, Rotational
and Irrotational Flows, Compressible and Incompressible Flows.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 2–3 A (ME-Sem-3)

Que 2.2. Explain the following with example :

a. Steady and unsteady flows,
b. Laminar and turbulent flows,
c. Rotational and irrotational flows,
d. Compressible and incompressible flows, and
e. Uniform and non-uniform flows.

a. Steady and Unsteady Flows :
1. Steady flow is that type of flow in which the fluid characteristics like
velocity, pressure, density, etc., at a point do not change with time.

  v  p    
  = 0,   = 0,   =0
t at fixed point t at fixed point  t  at fixed point

Example : Flow of liquid through a long pipe of constant diameter at a

constant rate.
2. Unsteady flow is that type of flow in which the velocity, pressure, density,
etc, at a point changes with respect to time.

  v     p 
   0,    0,   0
t at fixed point  t  at fixed point  t at fixed point
Example : Flow of liquid through a long pipe of constant diameter at
either increasing or decreasing rate.
b. Laminar and Turbulent Flows :
1. Laminar flow is one in which the fluid particles move along well-defined
paths or stream line and all the stream-lines are straight and parallel.
Example : Flow through a capillary tube.
2. Turbulent flow is that type of flow in which the particles move in a
zig-zag way.
Example : Flow in natural streams, artificial channels, sewers etc.

Fig. 2.2.1. Laminar flow. Fig. 2.2.2. Turbulent flow.

2–4 A (ME-Sem-3) Types of Fluid Flow and Continuity Equation

c. Rotational and Irrotational Flows :

1. Rotational flow is that type of flow in which the fluid particles while
flowing along stream lines also rotate about their own axis.
Example : Flow of liquid in the rotating tanks.
2. If the fluid particles while flowing along stream lines, do not rotate
about their own axis that type of flow is called irrotational flow.
Example : Flow over a drain hole of a stationary tank or a wash basin.
d. Compressible and Incompressible Flows :
1. Compressible flow is that type of flow in which the density of the fluid
changes from point to point.
Mathematically,  Constant
Examples : Flow of gases through orifices nozzles, gas turbines etc.
2. Incompressible flow is that type of flow in which the density is constant
for the fluid flow.
Mathematically,  = Constant
Examples : Subsonic, aerodynamics.
e. Uniform and Non-uniform Flows :
1. Uniform flow is defined as that type of flow in which the velocity at any
given time does not change with respect to space.

 v
Mathematically,   =0
 S  t = Constant
Where, v = Change of velocity, and
S = Length of flow in the direction S.
Example : Flow through a straight pipe of constant diameter.
2. Non-uniform flow is that type of flow in which the velocity at any given
time changes with respect to space.

 v
Mathematically,    0
 S  t = Constant
Example : Flow around a uniform diameter pipe bend or a canal bend
and flow through a non-prismatic pipe or channel.

Subsonic, Sonic and Supersonic Flows, Subcritical, Critical
and Super Critical Flows, One, Two and Three Dimensional Flows.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 2–5 A (ME-Sem-3)

Que 2.3. Write short note on :

a. Subsonic, sonic and supersonic flows.
b. Subcritical, critical and supercritical flows.
c. One, two and three dimensional flows.

a. Subsonic, Sonic and Supersonic Flows :
1. When Mach number is less than 1 (M < 1), flow is subsonic flow.
2. When Mach number is equal to 1 (M = 1), flow is sonic flow.
3. When Mach number is greater than 1 (M > 1), flow is supersonic flow.
b. Subcritical, Critical and Supercritical Flows :
1. When Froude number is less than one (Fe < 1), the flow is subcritical flow.
2. When Froude number is equal to one (Fe = 1), the flow is critical flow.
3. When Froude number is greater than one (Fe > 1), the flow is supercritical
c. One, Two and Three Dimensional Flows :
1. One dimensional flow is that type of flow in which the flow parameter
such as velocity is a function of time and one space co-ordinate only.
Mathematically, u = f(x), v = 0 and w = 0
Where u, v and w are velocity components in x, y and z directions
2. Two-dimensional flow is that type of flow in which the velocity is a
function of time and two rectangular space co-ordinates.
Mathematically, u = f1(x, y), v = f2(x, y) and w = 0
3. Three-dimensional flow is that type of flow in which the velocity is a
function of time and three mutually perpendicular directions.
Mathematically, u = f1(x, y, z), v = f2(x, y, z) and w = f3(x, y, z)



Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.4. Define the following :

i. Streamlines,
ii. Path line, and
iii. Streak line.
2–6 A (ME-Sem-3) Types of Fluid Flow and Continuity Equation

i. Streamlines : A streamline may be defined as an imaginary line within
the flow so that the tangent at any point on it indicates the velocity at
that point.
ii. Path Line : A path line is the path followed by a fluid particle in motion.
A path line shows the direction of particle as it moves ahead.
iii. Streak Line : The streak line is a curve which gives an instantaneous
picture of the location of the fluid particles, which have passed through
a given point.

Continuity Equation for 3D and 1D Flow.

Continuity Equation : It is based on the principle of ‘conservation
of mass’. It states that, if no fluid is added or removed from the pipe in
any length then the mass passing across different section shall be


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.5. Derive the continuity equation for 1-D fluid flow through
a pipe.

1. Consider two cross-section of a pipe as shown in Fig. 2.5.1.

Fig. 2.5.1. Fluid flow through a pipe.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 2–7 A (ME-Sem-3)

2. Let, A1 = Area of the pipe at section 1–1,

v1 = Velocity of the fluid at section 1–1,
1 = Density of the fluid at section 1–1,
A2,v2, 2 = Corresponding values at section 2–2.
3. The total quantity of fluid passing through section 1–1 = 1 A1v1
The total quantity of fluid passing through section 2–2 = 2A2v2
3. From the law of conservation of matter (theorem of continuity), we
1 A1 v1 = 2 A2 v2 ...(2.5.1)
4. Eq. (2.5.1) is applicable to the compressible as well as incompressible
fluids and is called continuity equation. In case of incompressible fluids,
1 = 2 and the continuity eq. (2.5.1) reduces to
A 1 v1 = A 2 v2 ...(2.5.2)

Que 2.6. Derive continuity equation for a 3-D steady or unsteady

flow in a cartesian co-ordinate system. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 05

1. Consider an elementary rectangular parallelopiped with sides of length
x,y and z as shown in Fig. 2.6.1.

C C

( x, y, z) P
y (uyz)
D D
A x A
Fig. 2.6.1. Elementary rectangular parallelopiped.
2. Let the centre of the parallelopiped be at a point P(x, y, z) where the
velocity components in the x, y and z directions are u, v and w respectively
and  be the mass density of the fluid.
3. The mass of fluid passing per unit time through the face of area yz
normal to the X-axis through point P is,
2–8 A (ME-Sem-3) Types of Fluid Flow and Continuity Equation

4. Then the mass of fluid flowing per unit time into the parallelopiped
through the face ABCD is,
  x 
(u y z)  (u y z)    ...(2.6.1)
x  2
5. Similarly the mass of fluid per unit time out of the parallelopiped through
the face ABCD is,
  x 
(u y z)  (u y z)   ...(2.6.2)
x  2
6. Therefore, the net mass of fluid from eq. (2.6.1) and eq. (2.6.2),
  x    x 
(u y z) – x (u y z) 2   (u y z)  x (u y z) 2 

=  (u) x y z
7. Similarly the net mass of fluid that remains in the parallelopiped per
unit time

=– (v) x y z, through pair of faces AADD and BBCC

=– (w) x y z, through pair of faces DDCC and AABB
8. By adding all these expressions the net total mass of fluid that has
remained in the parallelopiped per unit time is obtained as
 (u) (v) (w) 
–    x y z ...(2.6.3)
 x y z 
9. The mass of the fluid in the paralleopiped is ( x y z) and its rate of
increase with time is
 
( x y z) = (x y z) ...(2.6.4)
t t
10. According to law of conservation of mass, equating the eq. (2.6.3) and
eq. (2.6.4), we get
 (u) (v) (w)  
 x

 y

 z  (x y z) = t (x y z)
 
 (u) (v) (w)
   =0 ...(2.6.5)
t x y z
11. Eq. (2.6.5) represents the continuity equation in cartesian coordinates
in its most general form which is applicable for steady as well as unsteady
flow, uniform and non-uniform flow, and compressible as well as
incompressible fluids.

12. For steady flow since, = 0, eq. (2.6.5) reduces to
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 2–9 A (ME-Sem-3)

(u) (v) (w)

  =0 ...(2.6.6)
x y z
13. For an incompressible fluid,  = constant, then,
u v w
  =0
x y z

Que 2.7. A 500 mm diameter pipe carrying water at rate 0.5 m3/sec
branches into two pipes of 200 mm and 400 mm diameters. If the rate
of flow of water through small diameter pipe is 0.2 m3/sec. Determine
velocity of flow in each pipe. AKTU 2017-18, Marks 10


Given : d = 500 mm = 0.5 m, Q = 0.5 m3/sec, d1 = 200 mm = 0.2 m

d2 = 400 mm = 0.4 m, Q1 = 0.2 m3/sec
To Find : Velocity of flow in each pipe.
1. We know, Q = Q1 + Q2
Q2 = Q – Q1 = 0.5 – 0.2 = 0.3 m3/sec
2. Now, Q = Area of main pipe × Velocity
 2
Q= dv

0.5 = × (0.5)2 × v
v = 2.5 m/sec

Q1 m
0 0m
d = 500 mm
d Q2
2 =4

Fig. 2.7.2.
3. Similarly, Q1 = Area of pipe 1 × Velocity
 2
Q1 = d v
4 1 1

0.2 = × (0.2)2 × v1
v1 = 6.36 m/sec
4. Similarly, Q2 = Area of pipe 2 × Velocity
2–10 A (ME-Sem-3) Types of Fluid Flow and Continuity Equation

 2
Q2 = d v
4 2 2

0.3 = × (0.4)2 × v2
v2 = 2.38 m/sec
Que 2.8. A jet of water from a 25 mm diameter nozzle is directed
vertically upwards. Assuming that the jet remains circular and
neglecting any loss of energy, what will be the diameter at a point
4.5 m above the nozzle, if the velocity with which the jet leaves the
nozzle is 12 m/s ? AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05

Given : D1 = 25 mm = 0.025 m, v1 = 12 m/s, h = 4.5 m
To Find : Diameter at a point 4.5 m above the nozzle.
1. Consider the vertical motion of the jet from the outlet of the nozzle to
the point A (neglecting any loss of energy)
Initial velocity, u = v1 = 12 m/s
Final velocity, v = v2
3. Using, v2 – u2 = 2gh
v22 – 122 = 2 × (– 9.81) × 4.5
v2 = 122  2  9.81  4.5  144  88.29
= 7.46 m/s

Jet of 4.5 m
Diameter = 25 mm

Fig. 2.8.1.
4. Now applying continuity equation to the outlet of nozzle and at point A,
A1v1 = A2v2
 2
D1  v1
A v   (0.025)2  12
A2 = 1 1  4  = 0.0007896 m2
v2 v2 4  7.46
5. Let D2 = Diameter of jet at point A.
Then A2 = (/2) D22
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 2–11 A (ME-Sem-3)

0.0007896 = (/4) × D22

0.0007896  4
 D2 = = 0.0317 m = 31.7 mm

Que 2.9. Two velocity components are given in the following
equations, find the third component such that they satisfy the
continuity equation :
u = x3 + y2 + 2z2, v = – x2 y – yz – xy
AKTU 2015-16, Marks 05


Given : u = x3 + y2 + 2z2, v = – x2y – yz – xy

To Find : Third component of velocity that satisfy the continuity
1. From continuity equation,
u  v w
  =0 ...(2.9.1)
x y z
u  3
2. = (x + y2 + 2z2) = 3x2 + 0 + 0 = 3x2
x x
v 
3. = (– x2y – yz – xy) = – x2 – z – x
y y
u v
4. Putting the value of and in eq. (2.9.1), we get
x y
3x2 + (–x2 – z – x) + =0
2x2 – z – x + =0
= – 2x2 + z + x ...(2.9.2)
5. On integration of eq. (2.9.2) w.r.t z, we get
w = – 2x2z + xz +


Circulation : The flow along a closed curve is called circulation.
2–12 A (ME-Sem-3) Types of Fluid Flow and Continuity Equation


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.10. Write a short note on circulation.

1. Let us consider a closed curve in a two-dimensional flow field as shown
in Fig. 2.10.1, the curve being cut by the streamlines.
2. Let P be the point of intersection of the curve with one streamline,  be
the angle which the streamline makes with the curve.
3. The component of velocity along the closed curve at the point of
intersection is v cos .
4. Circulation  is defined mathematically as the line integral of the
tangential velocity about a closed path (contour).
Thus, =  v cos  ds
Where, v = Velocity in the flow field at the element ds, and
 = Angle between v and tangent to the path (in the positive
anticlockwise direction along the path) at the point.

Tangent to ds




Fig. 2.10.1. Circulation in a two-deimensinal flow.

Que 2.11. If the velocity field is given by u = (16y – 8x), v = (8y – 7x)
find the circulation around the closed curve defined by x = 2,
y = 1, x = 4, y = 4.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 2–13 A (ME-Sem-3)


Given : u = 16y – 8x, v = 8y – 7x

Closed curve defined by x = 2, y = 1, x = 4, y = 4
To Find : Circulation around the closed curve.



Fig. 2.11.1.

1. Circulation ABCD = ABCD (udx  vdy)

= AB (udx  vdy) + BC (udx  vdy)
+ CD (udx  vdy)  DA (udx  vdy)
4 4
ABCD = 2 (16 y  8 x)dx  1 (8 y  7 x)dy
2 1
+ 4 (16 y  8 x)dx  4 (8 y  7 x)dy
2 4 2 4 2 2 2 1
= [16 yx  4 x ]2  [4 y  7 xy]1  [16 yx  4 x ]4  [4 y  7 xy]4
(i) ( ii) ( iii ) ( iv)

2. For (i) Integral : y=1

For (ii) Integral : x=4
For (iii) Integral : y = 4
For (iv) Integral : x = 2
Using the above values we have,
ABCD = [(16 × 1 × 4) – (4 × 42) – (16 × 1 × 2) + (4 × 22)] + [4 × 42
– (7 × 4 × 4) – (4 × 12) + (7 × 4 × 1)] + [(16 × 4 × 2) – (4 × 22)
– (16 × 4 × 4) + (4 × 42)] + [(4 × 12) – (7 × 2 × 1) – (4 × 42)
+ (7 × 2 × 4)]
= [64 – 64 – 32 + 16] + [64 – 112 – 4 + 28] + [128 – 16 – 256 + 64]
+ [4 – 14 – 64 + 56]
= – 16 – 24 – 80 – 18 = – 138
3. Area of the curve ABCD = (4 – 2) × (4 – 1) = 6 square unit
 138
 Circulation per unit area = = – 23 unit
2–14 A (ME-Sem-3) Types of Fluid Flow and Continuity Equation

Stream Function.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.12. What is stream function ? Give its properties.

A. Stream Function :
1. Stream function is the scalar function of space and time such that its
partial derivative with respect to any direction gives the velocity
component at right angle to that direction. It is denoted by  and defined
only for two dimensional flow.
2. Mathematically, for steady clockwise flow,
= f (x, y) such that
 
= – v and =u ...(2.12.1)
x y
3. The continuity equation for two-dimensional flow is,
u v
 =0 ...(2.12.2)
x y
4. On substituting the values of u and v from eq. (2.12.1) in eq. (2.12.2), we
       
  =0
x  y  y  x 
2  2
 =0
x y x y
The flow may be rotational or irrotational.
5. The rotational component is given by,
1  v u 
z = 
2  x y 
6. Substituting the values of u and v from eq. (2.12.1) in the above rotational
1           1  2  d 2  
z =            
2  x x y y   2  x 2 y 2 
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 2–15 A (ME-Sem-3)

7. For irrotational flow z = 0. Hence the above equation becomes

2  d 2 
 =0
 x2  y2
This is Laplace equation for .
B. Properties of Stream Function :
1. Existence of stream function () represents a possible case of fluid flow
which may be rotational or irrotational.
2. In case it satisfies the Laplace equation, it is a possible case of an irrotational
Que 2.13. Derive the equation of a streamline for a 2-D flow. Prove
that the discharge between two streamlines is the difference in their
stream function values.

A. Equation of a Streamline for 2-D Flow :
1. For constant stream function, d = 0
 
i.e., dx  dy = 0
x y
   
– vdx + udy = 0    v,  u
 x y 
vdx = udy
dx dy
u v
2. Above equation represent the equation of a streamline in x-y plane.
B. Discharge between Two Streamlines :
1. Let (x, y) represent the streamline L. The adjacent streamline M has
stream function  + d.
2. Let the velocity vector V perpendicular to the line AB has components
u and v in the direction of X and Y axes respectively.
3. From continuity equation,
Flow across AB = Flow across AO + Flow across OB
Vds = – vdx + udy
Negative sign shows that the v is acting in downward direction.
 
5. Putting v=– ,u= and Vds = dq, we get
x y

dq =  d x   dy
x y
dq = d
2–16 A (ME-Sem-3) Types of Fluid Flow and Continuity Equation

6. Hence discharge between two streamlines is the difference in their

stream function values.

B (x +  x , y +  y )
u M
udy Streamlines
(x , y )

 + d
Fig. 2.13.1. Flow between two points and its relation to stream function.

Que 2.14. What is the relationship between equipotential line and

line of constant stream function at the point of intersection ?
Prove that stream function () and potential function () are
orthogonal to each other.

1. For equipotential line, d = 0
 
dx  dy = 0
x y
   
– udx + (–v)dy = 0   u and  v 
  x  y 
dy u
  = Slope of equipotential line
dx v
2. For constant stream function, d= 0
 
dx  dy = 0
x y
   
– vdx + udy = 0  =  v,  u
 x y 
dy v
 = Slope of streamline
dx u
3. Now, slope of streamline × slope of equipotential line
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 2–17 A (ME-Sem-3)

 v   u
=        1
 u  v 
4. The product of the slope of the equipotential line and the slope of the
stream line at the point of intersection is equal to – 1. Thus the
equipotential lines are orthogonal to the streamlines at all points of
Que 2.15. Sketch the streamlines represented by  = x2 + y2. Also
find out the velocity and its direction at point (1, 2).
AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10

Given :  = x2 + y2
To Find : i. Sketch of streamlines.
ii. Velocity and its direction at point (1, 2).
1. Streamlines given by,  = x2 + y2
2. Let  = 1, 2, 3 and so on.
Then, we have 1 = x2 + y2
2 = x2 + y2
3 = x2 + y2 and so on.
3. Each equation is an equation of a circle. Thus we shall get concentric
circles of different diameters shown in Fig. 2.15.1.
4. The velocity components u and v are,
 
u=  (x2 + y2) = 2y
y y
 
v=–  (x2 + y2) = – 2x
x x
5. At the point (1, 2), the velocity components are,
u = 2 × 2 = 4 units/s
v = – 2 × 1 = – 2 units/s





Fig. 2.15.1. Streamlines.

2–18 A (ME-Sem-3) Types of Fluid Flow and Continuity Equation

6. Resultant velocity = u2  v 2  4 2  ( 2)2

2 units/s

4 units/s
Fig. 2.15.2.

20 = 4.47 units/s
v 2 1
7. We know that, tan  =  
u 4 2
  = tan – 1 0.5 = 26° 34
Thus resultant velocity makes an angle of 26° 34 with x-axis in clockwise

Que 2.16. If for a 2-D potential flow, the velocity potential is given
by  = x(2y – 1). Determine the velocity at the point P(4, 5). Determine
also the value of stream function at the point P.
AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10


Given :  = x(2y – 1) P(4, 5)

To Find : i. Velocity at point P.
ii. Stream function at point P.
1. The velocity components in the direction of x and y are,
 
u=–  [x(2y – 1)] = – [2y – 1] = 1 – 2y
x x
 
v=–  [x(2y – 1)] = – [2x] = – 2x
y y
2. At point P(4, 5), i.e., at x = 4, y = 5
u = 1 – 2 × 5 = – 9 units/s
v = – 2 × 4 = – 8 units/s

3. Resultant velocity at P = (– 9)2  (– 8)2  81  64

= 12.04 units/s
4. We know that, = u = 1 – 2y ...(2.16.1)
and = – v = 2x ...(2.16.2)
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 2–19 A (ME-Sem-3)

5. Integrating eq. (2.16.1) w.r.t ‘y’, we get

 d =  (1  2 y) dy
2 y2
= y – +K
 = y – y2 + K ...(2.16.3)
The constant of integration K is not a function of y but it can be a
function of x.
6. Differentiating the eq. (2.16.3) w.r.t x,
 K
x x
But from eq. (2.16.2)
= 2x
7. Equating the value of , we get
= 2x
Integrating this equation,
K=  2xdx  = x2
8. Substituting this value of K in eq. (2.16.3), we get
 = y – y2 + x2.
9. Stream function  at P (4, 5) = 5 – 52 + 42 = 5 – 25 + 16 = – 4 units

Velocity Potential.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.17. What is velocity potential ? Also derive the Laplace

equation for velocity potential.

A. Velocity Potential :
1. The velocity potential is defined as a scalar function of space and time
such that its negative derivative with respect to any direction gives the
fluid velocity in that direction. It is denoted by  (phi).
2–20 A (ME-Sem-3) Types of Fluid Flow and Continuity Equation

2. Thus mathematically the velocity potential is defined as :

 = f(x, y, z, t) ... for unsteady flow
and  = f(x, y, z) ... for steady flow
 
x 

 
such that v    ...(2.17.1)
y 
 
w  
z 
Where u, v, and w are the components of velocity in the x, y and z
directions respectively.
3. The negative sign signifies that  decreases with an increase in the
values of x, y and z. In other words it indicates that the flow is always in
the direction of decreasing .
B. Laplace Equation for Velocity Potential :
1. For an incompressible steady flow the continuity equation is,
u  v w
  =0 ...(2.17.2)
x y z
2. By substituting the values of u, v and w from eq. (2.17.1) in eq. (2.17.2),
we get
           
     =0
x  x  y  y  z  z 
d 2  2  2
  =0
x2 y2 z2
This equation is known as Laplace equation for velocity potential.

Que 2.18. What is the relation between stream function and

velocity potential function ?

1. From velocity potential function,
 
u=– and v = –
x y
 
2. Stream function gives, u = and v = –
y x
   
 u=– = and v = – =–
x y x y
   
3. Hence, =– and 
x y y x
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 2–21 A (ME-Sem-3)

Que 2.19. The velocity components in a two-dimensional flow field

for an incompressible fluid are expressed as
y3 3
u= + 2x – x2y ; v = xy2 – 2y – x
3 3
a. Show that these functions represent a possible case of an
irrotational flow.
b. Obtain an expression for stream function .
c. Obtain an expression for velocity potential .
AKTU 2015-16, Marks 15


Given : u = y3/3 + 2x – x2y, v = xy2 – 2y – x3/3

To Find : i. Prove given velocity functions represent a possible case
of an irrotational flow.
ii. Expression for stream function .
iii. Expression for velocity potential .
1. The rotational component is given by,
1   v u 
z =   ...(2.19.1)
2  x y 
2. Now, = y2 – x2
= y2 – x2
v u
3. Putting the values of and in eq. (2.19.1), we get
x y
1 2
z = [y – x2 – (y2 – x2)] = 0
Since z is zero therefore these functions represent a possible case of an
irrotational flow.
4. The velocity components in terms of stream function are,
= – v = – (xy2 – 2y – x3/3) ...(2.19.2)
= u = y3/3 + 2x – x2y ...(2.19.3)
5. Integrating eq. (2.19.2) w.r.t x, we get
 =  (– xy2 + 2y + x3/3) dx
x 2 y2 x4
= –  2 xy  +K ...(2.19.4)
2 43
Where K is a constant of integration which is independent of x but can
be a function of y.
2–22 A (ME-Sem-3) Types of Fluid Flow and Continuity Equation

6. Differentiating eq. (2.19.4) w.r.t to y, we get

 2 x2 y K K
= –  2x   – x2 y  2 x  ...(2.19.5)
y 2 y y
7. From eq. (2.19.3) and eq. (2.19.5), we have
– x2y + 2x + = y3/3 + 2x – x2y
 = y3/3
8. On integrating, we get
3 y4 y4
K= (y / 3) dy  
4  3 12
9. Substituting this value of K in eq. (2.19.4), we get
x 2 y2 x 4 y4
= –  2 xy  
2 12 12
d d
10. We know that, = – u and =–v
dx dy

d y3
11. Therefore, =– – 2x + x2y ...(2.19.6)
dx 3
 x3
= – xy2 + 2y + ...(2.19.7)
y 3
12. Integrating eq. (2.19.6) w.r.t x, we get
y3 x x3 y
= –  x2  C ...(2.19.8)
3 3
Where, C is a constant of integration which is independent of x but can
be function of y.
13. Differentiating eq. (2.19.8) wrt y, we get
 x 3 C
= – y 2x +  ...(2.19.9)
y 3 y
14. Comparing the values of from eq. (2.19.7) and eq. (2.19.9), we get
= 2y
C = y2
15. Substituting this value of C in eq. (2.19.8), we get
x3 y xy3
=   x 2  y2
3 3
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 2–23 A (ME-Sem-3)

Que 2.20. Velocity field in fluid medium is given by :

v = 10 x 2 y iˆ  15 xy jˆ  (25t – 3 xy) kˆ
Find acceleration at (1, 2, – 1) m and t = 0.5 sec.
AKTU 2017-18, Marks 07

^ ^ ^
Given : v = 10x2y i + 15xy j + (25t – 3xy) k
To Find : Acceleration at (1, 2, – 1) m and t = 0.5 sec.
1. The velocity components u, v and w are,
u = 10x2y, v = 15xy, w = 25t – 3xy
2. Acceleration is given by,
u u u u
ax = u v w  ...(2.20.1)
x y z t
v v v v
ay = u v w  ...(2.20.2)
x y z t
w w w w
az = u v w  ...(2.20.3)
x y z t
3. Now from velocity component, we get
u u u u
= 20xy,  10 x 2 ,  0 and =0
x y z t
v v v v
= 15y,  15 x,  0 and =0
x y z t
w w w w
= – 3y,   3 x,  0 and = 25
x y z t
4. Substituting these values in eq. (2.20.1), eq. (2.20.2) and eq. (2.20.3), we
ax = 10x2y (20xy) + 15xy (10x2) + (25t – 3xy) (0) + 0
= 200x3y2 + 150x3y
ay = 10x2y (15y) + 15xy (15x) + (25t – 3xy) (0) + 0
= 150x2y2 + 225 x2y
az = 10x2y(– 3y) + 15xy (– 3x) + (25t – 3xy) (0) + 25
= – 30x2y2 – 45x2y + 25
5. Acceleration component at (1, 2, – 1) m and t = 0.5 sec,
ax = 200 (1)3 (2)2 + 150 (1)3 (2) = 800 + 300 = 1100
ay = 150 (1)2 (2)2 + 225 (1)2 (2) = 600 + 450 = 1050
az = – 30 (1)2 (2)2 – 45 (1)2 (2) + 25 = – 120 – 90 + 25 = – 185
2–24 A (ME-Sem-3) Types of Fluid Flow and Continuity Equation

6. Acceleration is given as,

^ ^ ^
A = ax i + ay j + az k
^ ^ ^
A = 1100 i + 1050 j – 185 k
7. Resultant, A = (1100)2  (1050)2  ( 185)2
A = 1531.9 m/sec2

Buckingham’s-Pi Theorem.

Dimensional Analysis : It is a mathematical technique which makes
use of the study of dimensions for solving several engineering
-terms : The dimensionless terms used in Buckingham’s-pi theorem
are called -terms.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.21. Give Buckingham-pi theorem and explain

Buckingham’s-pi method.

A. Buckingham-Pi Theorem :
1. This theorem states that if there are n variables (independent and
dependent variables) in a physical phenomenon and if these variables
contain m fundamental dimensions (M, L, T), then the variables are
arranged into (n – m) dimensionless terms.
B. Buckingham’s-PiMethod :
1. If there are n variables (both independent and dependent) in a physical
phenomenon and the variables contain m fundamental dimensions
(M, L, T), then the variables are arranged into (n – m) dimensionless
terms. Each term is called a -term.
2. Let Vd, V1, V2, V3 .... Vn are the variables involved in a physical problem.
3. Let Vd be the dependent variable and V1, V2 ... Vn are the independent
variables on which Vd depends. Then Vd is a function of V1, V2 ... Vn and
mathematically it is expressed as,
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 2–25 A (ME-Sem-3)

Vd = f (V1, V2 ..... Vn) ...(2.21.1)

4. Eq. (2.21.1) can also be written as,
f1 (Vd, V1, V2 ... Vn) = 0 ...(2.21.2)
Eq. (2.21.2) is a dimensionally homogeneous equation and it contains n
5. If there are m fundamental dimensions (i.e., M, L, T), then according to
Buckingham’s-pi theorem eq. (2.21.2) can be written in terms of
dimensionless groups or -terms in which the number of -terms is
equal to (n – m). Hence eq. (2.21.2) becomes
f (1 2 ... (n–m)) = 0 ...(2.21.3)
Each of -term is dimensionless and is independent of the systems.
6. Each -term contains m + 1 number of variables where m is the number
of fundamental dimensions and is also called as repeating variable.
7. Let in the above case V 1, V 2 and V3 be the repeating variables. If
fundamental dimension is m (M, L, T) = 3, then each -term is written as
1  V1a1 V2b1 V3c1 V4 

2  V1a2 V2b2 V3c2 V5  (2.21.4)
an – m bn – m cn – m 
n – m  V1 V
2 V
3 Vx 
8. Each equation is solved by the principle of dimensionless homogeneity
and values of a1, b1, c1 etc., are obtained.
9. These values are substituted in the eq. (2.21.4) and values of 1 ,
2 ... n–m are obtained.
10. These values of ’s are substituted in eq. (2.21.3) and the final equation
for the phenomenon is obtained by expressing any one of the -terms as
a function of others as
1 = [2, 3 ... n–m]
or 2 = [1, 3 ... n–m]

Que 2.22. Using Buckingham’s  theorem, s how that the

discharge, Q consumed by an oil ring is given by,
Q = (Nd3) f [/ (Nd2), / (N2d3), / (N2d)]
Where, d is internal diameter of ring, N is rotational speed,  is
density,  is viscosity,  is surface tension and  is the specific
weight of oil. AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10


Given : Discharge is a function of d, N, , , , 

Q = f(d, N, , , , ) or f1(Q, d, N, , , , ) = 0
To Prove : Q = (Nd3) f [/ (Nd2), / (N2d3), / (N2d)]
2–26 A (ME-Sem-3) Types of Fluid Flow and Continuity Equation

1. Total number of variables, n = 7

2. Dimensions of each variable are,
Q = L3T – 1, d = L, N = T – 1,
 = ML – 3,  = ML – 1T – 1,  = MT – 2
and  = ML – 2T – 2
3. Total number of fundamental dimensions, m = 3
4. Total number of -terms = n – m = 7 – 3 = 4
5. Now discharge function can be written as,
f1(1, 2, 3, 4) = 0 ...(2.22.1)
6. Choosing d, N,  as repeating variables, the -terms are,
1 = da1 Nb1 c1 Q
2 = da2 Nb2 c2 
3 = da3 Nb3 c3 
4 = da4 Nb4 c4 
7. First -term : 1 = da1 Nb1 c1 Q
Substituting dimensions on both sides,
M0L0T0 = [L]a1 [T – 1]b1 [ML – 3]c1 [L3T – 1]
Equating the powers of M, L, T on both sides,
Power of M, 0 = c1,  c1 = 0
Power of L, 0 = a1 – 3c1 + 3,  a1 = 3c1 – 3 = 0 – 3 = – 3
Power of T, 0 = – b1 – 1,  b1 = – 1
Substituting a1, b1, c1 in 1, we have
1 = d – 3 N – 1 0 Q =
d3 N
8. Second -term : 2 = da2 Nb2 c2 
Substituting the dimensions on both sides,
M0L0T0 = [L]a2 [T – 1]b2 [ML – 3]c2 [ML – 1T– 1]
Equating the powers of M, L, T on both sides,
Power of M, 0 = c2 + 1,  c2 = – 1
Power of T, 0 = – b2 – 1,  b2 = – 1
Power of L, 0 = a2 – 3c2 – 1,  a2 = – 2
Substituting the values of a2, b2, c2 in 2, we have
 
2 = d – 2 N – 1  – 1  = or
d2 N Nd 2
9. Third -term : 3 = da3 Nb3 c3 
Substituting the dimensions on both sides,
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 2–27 A (ME-Sem-3)

M0L0T0 = [L]a3 [T – 1]b3 [ML – 3]c3 [MT – 2]

Equating the powers of M, L, T on both sides,
Power of M, 0 = c3 + 1,  c3 = – 1
Power of L, 0 = a3 – 3c3,  a3 = 3c3 = – 3
Power of T, 0 = – b3 – 2,  b3 = – 2
Substituting the values of a3, b3, c3 in 3, we have

3 = d – 3 N – 2  – 1  =
d 3 N 2
10. Fourth -term : 4 = da4 Nb4 c4 
Substituting dimensions on both sides,
M0L0T0 = [L]a4 [T – 1]b4 [ML – 3]c4 [ML – 2T – 2]
Equating the powers of M, L, T on both sides,
Power of M, 0 = c4 + 1,  c4 = – 1
Power of L, 0 = a4 – 3c4 – 2,  a4 = 3c4 + 2 = – 3 + 2 = – 1
Power of T, 0 = – b4 – 2,  b4 = – 2
Substituting the values of a4, b4, c4 in 4, we have

4 = d – 1 N – 2  – 1  =
dN 2
11. Now substituting the values of 1, 2, 3, 4 in eq. (2.22.1), we get
 Q    
f  3 , , ,  =0
 d N Nd 2 d3 N 2 dN 2 
Q     
or = f1  , 3 2 , 2 
d3 N  Nd 2
d N  dN 
    
Q = d3N  2
, 3 2 , 2 
 Nd d N  dN  
Que 2.23. Find the form of equation for discharge Q through a
sharp edged triangular notch; assuming Q depends upon the central
angle  of the notch, head H, gravitational acceleration ‘g’ and on
the mass density , viscosity  and surface tension  of the fluid.
AKTU 2017-18, Marks 10


Given : Discharge Q is a function of H, g, , , , 

f1 = (Q, H, g, , , , )
To Find : Discharge equation.
2–28 A (ME-Sem-3) Types of Fluid Flow and Continuity Equation

1. Total number of variables, n = 7

2. Dimensions of each variable are,
Q = L3T –1, g = LT –2,  = ML–3,  = ML–1T–1
 = MT–2, H = L
3. Number of fundamental dimensions, m = 3
4. Number of -terms = 7 – 3 = 4
5. Now, discharge function can be written as,
f1(1, 2, 3, 4) = 0 ...(2.23.1)
6. Choosing g, H,  as the repeating variables, the -terms are
1 = Ha1 gb1 c1 Q
2 = Ha2 gb2 c2 
3 = Ha3 gb3 c3 
4 = Ha4 gb4 c4 
7. 1-term : 1 = Ha1 gb1 c1Q
Substituting the dimensions on both sides,
M0L0T0 = [L]a1 [LT – 2]b1 [ML– 3]c1 [L3T – 1]
M0L0T0 = Mc1L(a1 + b1 – 3c1 + 3) T (– 2b1 – 1)
Equating the powers of M, L, T on both sides,
Power of M, 0 = c 1,  c1 = 0
Power of T, 0 = – 2b1–1,  b1 = –1/2
Power of L, 0 = a1+ b1 – 3c1 + 3,  a1 = – 5/2
On substituting the values of a1, b1 and c1 in 1 term, we have

1 = H 2
g – 1/20Q

1 =
H 5/ 2 g1/ 2
8. 2-term : 2 = Ha2 gb2 c2 
Substituting the dimensions on both sides,
M0L0T0 = [L]a2 [LT – 2]b2 [ML– 3]c2 [M0L0T0]
M0L0T0 = Mc2L(a2 + b2 – 3c2) T – 2b2
Equating the powers of M, L, T on both sides,
Power of M, 0 = c 2,  c2 = 0
Power of T, 0 = – 2b2,  b2 = 0
Power of L, 0 = a2+ b2 – 3c2,  a2 = 0
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 2–29 A (ME-Sem-3)

On substituting the values of a2, b2 and c2 in 2 term, we have

2 = 
9. 3-term : 3 = Ha3 gb3 c3 
Substituting the dimensions on both sides,
M0L0T0 = [L]a3 [LT – 2]b3 [ML– 3]c3 [ML– 1T– 1]
M0L0T0 = M(c3 + 1)L(a3 + b3 – 3c3 – 1) T (– 2b3 – 1)
Equating the powers of M, L, T on both sides,
Power of M, 0 = c3+1,  c3 = – 1
Power of T, 0 = – 2b3–1,  b3 = –1/2
Power of L, 0 = a3+ b3 – 3c3 – 1,  a3 = – 3/2
On substituting the values of a3, b3 and c3 in 3 term, we have
3 = H – 3/2g – 1/2 – 1

3 =
H gH
10. 4-term : 4 = Ha4 gb4 c4 
Substituting the dimensions on both sides,
M0L0T0 = [L]a4 [LT – 2]b4 [ML– 3]c4 [MT– 2]
M0L0T0 = M(c4 + 1)L(a4 + b4 – 3c4) T (– 2b4 – 2)
Equating the powers of M, L, T on both sides,
Power of M, 0 = c4 + 1,  c4 = – 1
Power of T, 0 = – 2b4 – 2,  b4 = – 1
Power of L, 0 = a4+ b4 – 3c4,  a4 = – 2
On substituting the values of a4, b4 and c4 in 4 term, we have
4 = H – 2g – 1 – 1

4 =
H 2 g
11. Substituting the values of 1, 2, 3 and 4 in eq. (2.23.1), we have
 Q   
f1  5/ 2 1/ 2 , , , 2  =0
 H g H gH H g 
   
Q = H 5/ 2 g1/ 2 f  , ,
 H gH H 2 g 
 
2–30 A (ME-Sem-3) Types of Fluid Flow and Continuity Equation

Que 2.24. Assuming the drag force, F exerted on a body is a function

of the following :
Fluid density , Fluid viscosity , Diameter d, Velocity u
Show the drag force can be expressed as,
F = d2 u2  (Re)
Where  is some unknown function and Re is Reynolds number.
AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10

Same as Q. 2.22, Page 2–25A, Unit-2.

Que 2.25. The pressure drop ‘p’ in a pipe of diameter ‘D’ and
length ‘L’ due to viscous flow depends on the velocity ‘v’, dynamic
vis cosity ‘ ’, average height ‘k’ and mass dens ity ‘’ using
Buckingham’s theorem obtain expression for ‘p’.
AKTU 2015-16, Marks 05

Same as Q. 2.23, Page 2–27A, Unit-2.
 2 l  k 
 Answer : p   v   , , 
 D v D D

Important Dimensional Numbers and their Significance.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.26. Define the term dimensionless numbers and discuss

some important dimensionless numbers and their significance and

A. Dimensionless Numbers : Dimensionless numbers are the ratio of
inertia force and a force, which may be a viscous force, gravity force,
pressure force, surface tension force or elastic force.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 2–31 A (ME-Sem-3)

B. Important Dimensionless Numbers :

a. Reynold’s Number :
1. It is defined as the ratio of the inertia force to the viscous force.

Inertia force
Reynold’s number, (Re) =
Viscous force
2. Inertia force = Mass × Acceleration

= Density × Volume ×
=  Av × v =Av2
{ Volume per time = Area × Velocity = Av}
Viscous force (Fv) = Shear stress × Area =× A

du v
=  ×A= A
dy L

Inertia force Av 2

3. So, Reynold’s number = =
Viscous force  vA 
 
L 

vL vd
Re = or (for pipe flow)
 
i. Significance :
1. Reynold’s number is used to determine whether the flow is laminar
or turbulent.
2. Reynold’s number signifies the relative predominance of the inertia
to the viscous forces occurring in the flow systems.
ii. Applications :
1. Motion of submarine completely under water.
2. Incompressible flow through pipes of smaller size.
3. Flow through low speed turbo machines.
b. Froude’s Number :
1. It is the square root of the ratio of inertia force to the gravity force of
a flowing fluid. It is denoted by Fe.

Mathematically, Fe =

2. Inertia force, Fi =  Av2

Gravity force, Fg = mg = ALg
2–32 A (ME-Sem-3) Types of Fluid Flow and Continuity Equation

 Fe =

Fe =
i. Significance :
1. It signifies the dynamic similarity of the flow situation where
gravitational force (Fg) is most significant.
2. Froude number differentiates the super critical, subcritical and
critical flow.
ii. Applications :
1. Flow over notches and weir.
2. Flow over the spillway of a dam.
3. Flow through open channels.
4. Motion of ship in rough and turbulent sea.
c. Euler’s Number (Eu) :
1. It is the square root of the ratio of the inertia force to the pressure
force of a flowing fluid.

Mathematically, Eu =

2. Pressure force (FP) = Pressure × Area

= p×A
Inertia force (Fi) =Av 2

Av 2 v
 Eu = 
pA p/
i. Significance :
1. It signifies those flow problems or situations in which pressure
gradient exists.
ii. Applications :
1. Discharge through orifice and mouth piece.
2. Pressure rise due to sudden closure of valves.
3. Flow through pipes.
4. Water hammer created in penstocks.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 2–33 A (ME-Sem-3)

d. Weber’s Number (We) :

1. It is the square root of the ratio of inertia force of a flowing fluid to the
surface tension force of a flowing fluid.

Mathematically, We =
2. Inertia force (Fi) = Av 2
Surface tension force (F s) = Surface tension pe r unit length
× length = L

 We = {A = L2}

 L2 v 2  L v2 v2 v
=   
L   / L  / (L)

i. Significance :
1. It signifies those flow problems in which surface tension force is
ii. Applications : It is applicable in following situations :
1. Capillary movement.
2. Flow of blood in veins and arteries.
3. Liquid atomization.
e. Mach Number (M) :
1. It is defined as the square root of the ratio of inertia force to the elastic

Mathematically, M=
2. Inertia force (Fi) = Av 2
Elastic force (Fe) = KA = KL2 ( Area = L2)

Av 2 v v
 M=  =
KL2 K / C

Where, = C (Velocity of sound in the fluid)

i. Significance :
1. Mach number is used to differentiate the flow as subsonic flow,
sonic flow and supersonic flow.
2–34 A (ME-Sem-3) Types of Fluid Flow and Continuity Equation

ii. Applications :
1. High velocity flow in pipes.
2. Motion of missiles or high speed projectiles.


Following questions are very important. These questions
may be asked in your SESSIONALS as well as

Q. 1.Explain the following with example :

a.Steady and unsteady flows,
b.Laminar and turbulent flows,
c.Rotational and irrotational flows,
d.Compressible and incompressible flows, and
e.Uniform and non-uniform flows.
Ans. Refer Q. 2.2, Unit-2.

Q. 2. Derive continuity equation for a 3-D steady or unsteady

flow in a cartesian coordinate system.
Ans. Refer Q. 2.6, Unit-2.

Q. 3. A 500 mm diameter pipe carrying water at rate 0.5 m3/sec

branches into two pipes of 200 mm and 400 mm diameters. If
the rate of flow of water through small diameter pipe is
0.2 m3/sec. Determine velocity of flow in each pipe.
Ans. Refer Q. 2.7, Unit-2.

Q. 4. Two velocity components are given in the following

equations, find the third component such that they satisfy
the continuity equation :
u =x3 + y2 + 2z2, v = – x2 y – yz – xy
Ans. Refer Q. 2.9, Unit-2.

Q. 5. Sketch the streamlines represented by  = x2 + y2. Also find

out the velocity and its direction at point (1, 2).
Ans. Refer Q. 2.15, Unit-2.

Q. 6. The velocity components in a two-dimensional flow field

for an incompressible fluid are expressed as
y3 3
u= + 2x – x2y ; v = xy2 – 2y – x
3 3
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 2–35 A (ME-Sem-3)

a. Show that these functions represent a possible case of an

irrotational flow.
b. Obtain an expression for stream function .
c. Obtain an expression for velocity potential .
Ans. Refer Q. 2.19, Unit-2.

Q. 7. Using Buckingham’s  theorem, show that the discharge,

Q consumed by an oil ring is given by
Q = (Nd3) f [/ (Nd2), / (N2d3), / (N2d)]
Where, d is internal diameter of ring, N is rotational speed,
 is density,  is viscosity,  is surface tension and  is the
specific weight of oil.
Ans. Refer Q. 2.22, Unit-2.

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–1 A (ME-Sem-3)

3 Flow Through Pipes,

Boundary Layer

Part-1 : Equation of Motion for Laminar .............. 3–3A to 3–9A
Flow through Pipes

Part-2 : Turbulent Flow ........................................ 3–10A to 3–10A

Part-3 : Isotropic, Homogeneous ......................... 3–10A to 3–11A


Part-4 : Scale and Intensity of Turbulence ....... 3–11A to 3–12A

Part-5 : Measurement of Turbulence ................. 3–12A to 3–13A

Part-6 : Eddy Viscosity .......................................... 3–13A to 3–13A

Part-7 : Resistance to Flow, Minor ...................... 3–14A to 3–17A


Part-8 : Pipes in Series and Parallel ................... 3–17A to 3–19A

Part-9 : Power Transmission through a Pipe ... 3–19A to 3–21A

Part-10 : Syphon, Water Hammer ........................ 3–21A to 3–23A

Part-11 : Three reservoir Problems and Pipe ..... 3–23A to 3–26A


Part-12 : Boundary Layer Thickness .................... 3–26A to 3–33A

3–2 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

Part-13 : Boundary Layer over a Flat Plate, ...... 3–33A to 3–37A

Laminar Boundary Layer, Application
of Momentum Equation, Turbulent
Boundary Layer, Laminar Sub-Layer

Part-14 : Separation and its Control ..................... 3–37A to 3–40A

Part-15 : Drag and Lift ............................................. 3–40A to 3–43A

Part-16 : Drag on a Sphere, Two ........................... 3–43A to 3–44A

Dimensional Cylinder

Part-17 : Aerofoil ....................................................... 3–45A to 3–47A

Part-18 : Magnus Effect .......................................... 3–47A to 3–47A

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–3 A (ME-Sem-3)

Equation of Motion for Laminar Flow through Pipes.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.1. What are the characteristics of a laminar flow ? Derive

the expression for the velocity distribution for viscous flow through
a circular pipe. Also sketch the distribution of velocity and shear
stress across a section of pipe. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 15

A. Characteristics of Laminar Flow :
1. Laminar flow obeys Newton’s law of viscosity.
2. The laminar flow is rotational.
3. No slip will occur at the boundary of laminar flow.
4. There will be no mixing of layers occur in laminar flow.
5. For laminar flow, Reynold’s number < 2000.
B. Derivation for Velocity and Shear Stress Distribution :
1. Let us consider a horizontal pipe having diameter d and radius R.
2. Direction of fluid is shown in Fig. 3.1.1.
3. Take a fluid element in between the radius r and r + dr and length of the
fluid element be x.
4. If p is the pressure on the face AB, then pressure on face CD will be
p x .
 2 r  x

Direction r D dr
of flow r R
x p 2
2 p+  x r
p r (a) x (b )
Fig. 3.1.1.
3–4 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

5. Total pressure force = Pressure force at face AB – Pressure force at

face CD

2  p  2 p
= pr   p  x r =  xr 2
 x  x
6. The shear force acting on the surface AD and BC
= – 2rx (opposite to the direction of flow)
a. For Shear Stress Distribution :
1. w F = 0
 xr 2   2rx = 0
r = –2
r p
Shear stress, =  ...(3.1.1)
2 x
2. At r = R,
 R p
Wall shear stress, w =
2 x
3. As = Constant, so  r

Fig. 3.1.2. Shear stress distribution.

b. For Velocity Distribution :
1. According to Newton’s law of viscosity,
=  , where y is measured from pipe wall.
2. So, y = R–r
Differentiating both the sides,
dy = – dr {dR = 0, as R is constant}
3. Therefore, = –  ...(3.1.2)
4. From eq. (3.1.1) and eq. (3.1.2), we get

du r p
=  
dr 2 x
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–5 A (ME-Sem-3)

du 1 p
 = r
dr 2 x
1 p  p 1 
du = rdr  and are constants 
2 x  x 2 
6. On integrating both the sides,
1 p 2
u= r
4  x
7. For r = R, u = 0 and r = r, u = u
0 1 p R
Now, uu = 4 x  r 2  r
1 p 2
–u = [ R  r2 ]
4  x
1 p 2
u=  [ R  r2 ]
4  x

Fig. 3.1.3. Velocity distribution.

Hence velocity distribution is parabolic in nature.

8. When r = 0,
1 p 2
umax. =  R
4  x

Que 3.2. Prove that the maximum velocity in a circular pipe for
viscous flow is equal to two times the average velocity of flow.

1 p 2
1. We know that, umax. =  R
4 x
2. Discharge through an elemental ring of radius r,
dQ = Velocity at a radius r × Area of ring element
= u × 2r dr
1 p 2
=  [ R  r 2 ]  (2r dr)
4 x
R 1 p 2
3. Total discharge, Q=  dQ    [ R  r 2 ]  (2r dr)
0 4  x
3–6 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

2 p R 2  p  2 r 2 r 4 
=   r ( R2  r 2 ) dr =  R  
4  x 0 4 x  2 4 0

2 p R4
= 
4 x 4

 2 p R4 
  4 x 4  1  p  2
4. Now, u= = =   R
R2 R2 8  x 
5. Ratio of maximum velocity to average velocity,
1  p  2
  R
umax. 4   x 
= =2
u 1  p  2
 R
8  x 
So, ratio of maximum velocity to average velocity will be equal to 2.

Que 3.3. Prove that for laminar flow through a circular pipe,
energy correction factor () = 2.

Velocity distribution
Direction of R
flow r

dA = 2 rdr A = R
Fig. 3.3.1.
1. Kinetic energy per second of the fluid flowing through an elementary
ring of radius r and of width dr,
KE = × Mass per second × u2
= dQu2 [ Mass per second = dQ]
=  (u  2r dr ) u2 [ dQ = u × 2rdr]
=  ru3 dr
2. Total actual kinetic energy of flow per sec
=   r u3 dr
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–7 A (ME-Sem-3)

1  p 2 2
3. On putting, u =    ( R  r ) , we have
4  x 
Total KE per second,
R  1  p  
=       ( R2  r 2 )  r dr
 4   x  
 1  p   R
=        [ R2  r 2 ]3 r dr
 4   x   0

 1  p   R
=        ( R6 r  r 7  3 R4 r 3  3 R2r 5 ) dr
 4   x   0

3 R
 1  p    r2 r8 r4 r6 
=        R6   3 R4  3 R2 
 4   x    2 8 4 6 0
   p   R8 R8 3 R8 3 R6 
=    –   
64 3  x   2 8 4 6 
3 3
   p  8  12  3  18  12    p  R8
= 3   R   =   
64   x   24  64  3  x  8
4. Kinetic energy of the flow for average velocity per second
1  Mass  2 1
  u = 2   Au   u
= 
2  Sec 
(Mass per second = Area × Density × Average velocity)
= Au 3
1  p  2
5. On putting, A = R2, and u =    R , we have
8  x 
KE of the flow per second for average velocity
3 3
1  1  p   1    p  R8 
= R2     R2  =     
2  8   x   2  643  x  8 
6. Energy correction factor,
KE of flow / s for actual velocity
KE of flow / s for average velocity
  p  R8
  
643  x  8
= 3
1    p  R8 
    
2  643  x  8 
3–8 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

Que 3.4. For laminar flow of an oil having dynamic viscosity

 = 1.766 Pa-s in a 0.3 m diameter pipe, the velocity distribution is
parabolic with a maximum point velocity of 3 m/s at the centre of
the pipe. Calculate the shear stresses at the pipe wall and within
the fluid 50 mm from the pipe wall. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 05


Given :  = 1.766 Pa-s, D = 0.3 m, umax = 3 m/s

To Find : Shear stresses at the pipe wall and within the fluid 50 mm
from the pipe wall.
1. Average velocity of flow,
1 3
u = umax = = 1.5 m/s
2 2
 p  p1  p2 32u
2. Now,    = 
x L D2
 p  32  1.766  1.5
Thus,  = = 941.87 Pa/m
 x  (0.3)2
3. The shear stress at the pipe wall,
 p  r (941.87  0.3)
0 =    = = 70.64 Pa
 x  2 22
4. The shear stress at 50 mm from the pipe wall is,
 p  r (0.15  0.05)
0 =    = 941.87 × = 47.09 Pa
 x  2 2

Que 3.5. Find the loss of head due to friction and power required
to pump an oil of specific gravity 0.85 and absolute viscosity
1.5 poise through a 25 cm diameter and 10 km long pipe laid at a
slope of 1 in 200. The rate of flow of oil is 0.022 m3/s.



P Fig. 3.5.1.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–9 A (ME-Sem-3)

Given : Specific gravity of oil = 0.85, o= 0.85 × 1000 = 850 kg/m3
o = 1.5 poise = = 0.15 N-s/m2, d = 25 cm = 0.25 m
L = 10 km = 10000 m, tan= ,Q = 0.022 m3/s
To Find : i. Loss of head due to friction.
ii. Power required to pump the oil.

Q 0.022 0.022  4
1. Velocity of flow, v= = 
A  2
d  (0.25)2
v = 0.448 m/s
o v d
2. Reynold’s number, Re =

Re = 850 × 0.448 × = 634.67
This value is less than 2000. Hence, flow is laminar.
1 1
3. From PQR, tan =  sin  
200 200
(As is very small so sin  = tan )
sin =
RQ = PR sin   10000  = 50 m
4. Loss of head due to friction in pipe is given as,
32 o uL
p1 – p2 =   o gh (h = RQ and u = v)
32  0.15  0.448  10000
= + (850 × 9.81 × 50)
p1 – p2 = 344064 + 416925 = 760989 N/m2
p1  p2
5. Head loss =
o g
hf = = 91.26 m
850  9.81
6. Weight of oil flowing per second,
w = o gQ
= 850 × 9.81 × 0.022 = 183.447 N/s
7. Power required to pump the oil = w hf
= 91.26 × 183.447 = 16741.37 W
3–10 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

Turbulent Flow.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.6. What is turbulent flow ? Write down the various types
of turbulence.

A. Turbulent Flow :
1. In a pipe, turbulent flow occurs when Re > 4000.
2. In a turbulent flow, the fluid motion is irregular and there is complete
mixing of fluid due to collision of fluid masses with one another.
3. As the fluid masses in adjacent layers have different velocities,
interchange of fluid masses between the adjacent layers is accompanied
by a transfer of momentum which causes additional shear stresses of
high magnitude between adjacent layers.
4. The contribution of fluid viscosity to total shear is small and is usually
B. Types of Turbulence : The turbulence can be classified as follows :
i. Wall Turbulence : It occurs in immediate vicinity of solid surfaces
and in the boundary layer flows, where the fluid has a negligible
mean acceleration.
ii. Free Turbulence : It occurs in jets, wakes, mixing layers etc.
iii. Convective Turbulence : It takes place where there is conversion
of PE into KE by the process of mixing.

Isotropic, Homogeneous Turbulence.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–11 A (ME-Sem-3)

Que 3.7. Write short note on isotropic and homogeneous


A. Homogeneous Turbulence :
1. If the turbulence has the same structure quantitatively in all parts of
the flow field, the turbulence is said to be homogeneous.
2. The term homogeneous turbulence implies that the velocity fluctuations
in the system are random. The average turbulent characteristics are
independent of the position in the fluid, i.e., invariant to axis translation.
B. Isotropic Turbulence :
1. Turbulence is called isotropic if its statistical features have no directional
preference and perfect disorder persists. Its velocity fluctuations are
independent of the axis of reference, i.e. invariant to axis rotation and
2. In isotropic turbulence, fluctuations are independent of the direction of

Scale and Intensity of Turbulence.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.8. Describe turbulence length scale and turbulence

intensity in short.

A. Turbulence Length Scale :
1. The turbulence length scale, l is a physical quantity describing the size
of the large energy containing eddies in a turbulent flow.
2. The turbulent length scale is often used to estimate the turbulent
properties of the given problem.
3. The turbulent length scale should normally not be larger than the
dimension of the problem, since that would mean that the turbulent
eddies are larger than the problem size.
B. Turbulence Intensity :
1. Turbulence intensity is a scale characterizing turbulence expressed as a
3–12 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

2. An idealized flow of air with absolutely no fluctuations in air speed or

direction would have a turbulence intensity value of 0 %. This idealized
case never occurs on earth.
3. However, due to how turbulence intensity is calculated, values greater
than 100 % are possible. This can happen, for example, when the average
air speed is small and there are large fluctuations present.

Measurement of Turbulence.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.9. Describe the measurement of turbulence with the help

of hot-wire anemometer.

1. A hot-wire anemometer is an instrument which is commonly used for
measuring the velocity of flow of a compressible fluid such as gas.
2. The anemometer consists of a platinum, nickel or tungsten wire of
about 5 × 10–3 to 8 × 10–3 mm diameter and 16 mm length.
3. The wire is mounted on the ends of two pointed prongs.
4. In the arrangement shown in Fig. 3.9.1(a), constant current is passed
through wire by keeping the voltage across the bridge.
5. As the air or gas flows the hot-wire cools, its resistance changes and the
galvanometer deflects.
6. The galvanometer deflection is correlated with the velocity of flow of air
or gas by calibration. It is then termed as constant current hot-wire
7. Fig. 3.9.1(b) illustrates another arrangement for hot-wire anemometer
which is termed as constant temperature (or constant-resistance)
hot-wire anemometer.
8. Initially when there is no flow and hot-wire is in contact with air or gas
at rest, a small current is passed through hot-wire.
9. As the air or gas flows past hot-wire, its temperature and hence its
resistance will vary, which will cause the galvanometer needle to deflect
from zero reading.
10. Now by adjusting the variable resistance B the current passing through
hot-wire is suitably adjusted so that its temperature and hence the
resistance is maintained constant and the galvanometer reading is
brought back to zero.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–13 A (ME-Sem-3)

Flow Flow
Hot-wire Hot-wire

R1 R1


R2 R3 R2 R3

(a) (b )
Fig. 3.9.1. (a ) Constant-current hot-wire anemometer,
(b) Constant-temperature hot-wire anemometer.
11. The reading of the voltmeter connected across hot-wire will change
which may be noted.

Eddy Viscosity.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.10. What is eddy viscosity ?

1. The viscosity which accounts for momentum transport by turbulence
eddies is known as eddy viscosity.
2. Similar to the expression for viscous shear, turbulent shear in
mathematical form is expressed as,
t = 
Where, t = Shear stress due to turbulence,
 = Eddy viscosity, and
u = Average velocity at a distance y from boundary.
3. The ratio of  (eddy viscosity) and  (mass density) is known as kinematic
eddy viscosity and is denoted by  (epsilon).
Mathematically, =  / 
3–14 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

Resistance to Flow, Minor Losses.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.11. Briefly explain resistance to flow ? Discuss major losses

and minor losses in detail.

A. Resistance to Flow :
1. When water flows in a pipe, it experiences some resistance to its motion,
due to which its velocity and ultimately the head of water available
reduced. This resistance is known as resistance to flow.
2. These resistance are due to :
i. Friction, ii. Sudden enlargement of pipe,
iii. Sudden contraction of pipe, iv. Bend of pipe,
v. An obstruction in pipe, and vi. Pipe fittings.
B. Major Losses or Loss of Energy or Head due to Friction :
a. Darcy - Weisbach Formula for Head Loss due to Friction :
4 fLv 2
1. The equation is, hf =
2g  d
Where, hf = Loss of head due to friction,
f = Coefficient of friction and it is a function of
Reynold’s number
= for Re < 2000 (laminar flow)
= for Re varying from 4000 to 106
Re1/ 4
L = Length of pipe,
v = Mean velocity of flow, and
d = Diameter of pipe.
b. Chezy’s Formula for Loss of Head due to Friction in Pipes :
f P
1. The equation is, hf =   L  v2
g A
Where, P = Wetted perimeter of pipe, and
A = Area of cross section of pipe.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–15 A (ME-Sem-3)

A Area of flow
2. The ratio of  is called hydraulic mean
P Perimeter (wetted)
depth or hydraulic radius and is denoted by m.
C. Minor Energy or Head Losses :
1. The loss of energy due to change of velocity of the flowing fluid in
magnitude or direction is called minor loss of energy.
2. The minor loss of energy includes the following :
a. Loss of Head due to Sudden Enlargement :

v1 p1A1 p2A2

Fig. 3.11.1.
(v1  v2 )2
 he =
b. Loss of Head due to Sudden Contraction :
v22  1  v 22 v2
hc =   1  K = 0.5 2
2 g  Cc  2g 2g
1 
Where, K =   1
 c 
c 2

p1A1 p2A2

c 2
1 Fig. 3.11.2.
c. Loss of Head at the Entrance of a Pipe :
1. This type of loss occurs when a liquid enters a pipe which is connected
to a large tank or reservoir.
2. Loss of head at the entrance (or inlet) of a pipe with sharp cornered
entrance is taken as 0.5 .
Where, v = Velocity of liquid in pipe.
3–16 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

d. Loss of Head at the Exit of Pipe :

ho =, Where, v = Velocity at outlet of pipe.
e. Loss of Head due to an Obstruction in a Pipe :
1 2

1 2
Fig. 3.11.3.
v2  A 
ho =   1
2 g  Cc ( A  a) 
Where, a = Maximum area of obstruction,
A = Area of pipe, and
Cc = Coefficient of contraction.
f. Loss of Head in Pipe due to Bend :
Kv 2
hb =
Where, hb= Loss of head due to bend,
v = Velocity of flow, and
K = Coefficient of bend.

Que 3.12. If 300 mm length of 200 mm diameter pipe with friction

factor 0.018 is to be replaced by 150 mm diameter pipe with friction
factor 0.02 to carry the same discharge, what length will have to be
provided ?

Given : L1 = 0.3 m, d1 = 0.2 m, f1 = 0.018, d2 = 0.15 m, f2 = 0.02
To Find : Length of the pipe.
1. Here, hf1 = hf2

4 f1 L1 v12 4 f2 L2 v2 2
2 gd1 2 gd2
0.018  0.3  v12 0.02  L2  v 22
0.2 0.15

v1 0.02  L2  0.2
= = 4.94  L2 ...(3.12.1)
v2 0.018  0.3  0.15
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–17 A (ME-Sem-3)

2. Now for same discharge

Q1 = Q2
A1v1 = A2v2
2 2
v1 A  d   0.15 
= 2 =  2 =  = 0.5625 ...(3.12.2)
v2 A1  d1   0.20 
3. From eq. (3.12.1) and eq. (3.12.2), we get

4.94  L2 = 0.5625
L2 = 0.064 m
So, the length of the pipe to be provided = 0.064 m

Pipes in Series and Parallel.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.13. Derive the head loss expressions for the pipes in series
and parallel.

A. Pipes in Series :
1. Let, L1, L2, L3 = Length of pipes 1, 2, and 3 respectively,
d1, d2, d3 = Diameter of pipes 1, 2, and 3 respectively,

L1,d 1
L 2,d 2
f2,v2 L 3,d 3

Fig. 3.13.1.
v1, v2, v3 = Velocity of flow through pipes 1, 2, and 3,
f1, f2, f3 = Coefficient of friction for pipes 1, 2, and 3,
H = Difference of water level in two tanks.
3–18 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

2. Pipes are in series, as shown in Fig. 3.13.1, hence the discharge passing
through each pipe is same.
 Q = A 1 v1 = A 2 v2 = A 3 v3
3. The difference in liquid surface levels is equal to the sum of the total
head loss in the pipes.
0.5v12 4 f1 L1 v12 0.5v 22 4 f2 L2 v22  v2  v3  4 f L v 2 v2
H=      3 3 3 2
2g d1  2 g 2g d2  2 g 2g d3  2 g 2 g
4. If minor losses are neglected, then the eq. (3.13.1) becomes,
4 f1 L1 v12 4 f2 L2 v 22 4 f3 L3 v32
H=   ...(3.13.2)
d1  2 g d2  2 g d3  2 g
5. If the coefficient of friction is same for all pipes, i.e., f1 = f2 = f3 = f, then
eq. (3.13.2) becomes as,
4 f  L1 v12 L2 v22 L3 v32 
H=     ...(3.13.3)
2 g  d1 d2 d3 
B. Pipes in Parallel :
1. The pipes are said to be in parallel (Fig. 3.13.2) when a main line divides
into two or more parallel pipes which again join together downstream
and continues as a main line.
2. It may be seen from Fig. 3.13.2, the rate of discharge in the main line is
equal to the sum of rate of flow through branch pipes.
Thus, Q = Q1 + Q2 ...(3.13.4)
Pipe 1
d1, L1, v1,
Main line
Direction Q Q
of flow
d 2, L 2, v2,
Pipe 2
Fig. 3.13.2.
3. When the pipes are arranged in parallel, the loss of head in each pipe
(branch) is same.
 Loss of head in pipe 1 = Loss of head in pipe 2
4 f1 L1 v12 4 f2 L2 v22
or hf = 
d1  2 g d2  2 g
When, f1 = f2, then ...(3.13.5)
L1 v12 L v2
= 2 2 ...(3.13.6)
d1 d2
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–19 A (ME-Sem-3)

Que 3.14. A compound piping system consists of 1800 m of 0.50 m,

1200 m of 0.40 m and 600 m of 0.30 m new cast iron pipes connected in
series. Convert the system to (a) an equivalent length of 0.40 m pipe,
and (b) equivalent size pipe of 3600 m long. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 05

Given : L1 = 1800 m, d1 = 0.50 m, L2 = 1200 m, d2 = 0.40 m
L3 = 600 m, d3 = 0.30 m
To Find : a. Equivalent length of 0.40 m pipe.
b. Equivalent size pipe of 3600 m long.
1. From equivalent pipe size equation,
L1 L2 L3 L
  = 5
d15 d25 d35 d
L 1800 1200 600
=  
d5 0.505 0.405 0.305
= 421701.08 ...(3.14.1)
2. Equivalent length of 0.40 m pipe,
Putting d = 0.40 m in eq. (3.14.1), we get
L = 4318.22 m
3. Equivalent size of 3600 m long pipe,
Putting L = 3600 m in eq. (3.14.1), we get
d = 0.3857 m

Power Transmission through a Pipe.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.15. Derive an expression for power transmission through


1. Consider a tank and pipe connected system as shown in Fig. 3.15.1.
2. Let, H = Head of water at inlet of pipe,
L = Length of pipe,
d = Diameter of pipe,
v = Velocity of water in pipe,
f = Coefficient of friction, and
3–20 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

hf = Head loss in pipe due to friction.

v d

Fig. 3.15.1.
3. The head available at outlet of pipe
= Total head at inlet – Head loss due to friction in pipe
4 fLv 2  4 fLv 2 
= H – hf = H –  hf  
d  2g  2 dg 
4. Weight of water flowing through pipe per second,
W = g × Volume of water per sec
 2
= g × Area × Velocity = g dv
5. Power transmitted at outlet of pipe
= Weight of water per sec × head at outlet
 2  4 fLv 2 
= g d v H  Watts
4  d  2 g 

Que 3.16. A pipe of diameter 300 mm and length 3500 m is used for
the transmission of power by water. The total head at the inlet of
the pipe is 500 m. Find the maximum power available at the outlet, if
the value of f = 0.006. AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10


Given : d = 300 mm = 0.3 m, L = 3500 m, H1 = 500 m, f = 0.006

To Find : Maximum power available at the outlet.
1. By the condition of maximum power transmitted,
H1 500
hf = 
3 3
500 1000
H2 = H1 – hf = 500 –  m
3 3
4 fL v 2
2. We know that, hf =
2 dg
500 4  0.006  3500  v 2
3 2  0.3  9.81
v = 3.42 m/s
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–21 A (ME-Sem-3)

3. Discharge, Q = vA = 3.42 ×× (0.3)2 = 0.242 m3/s
4. Maximum power transmitted = gQH2
= 1000 × 9.81 × 0.242 × = 791.34 kW

Syphon, Water Hammer.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.17. What is meant by syphon ?

1. Syphon is a long bent pipe employed for carrying water from a reservoir
at a higher elevation to another reservoir to a lower elevation when
the two reservoirs are separated by a hill or high level ground in
between as shown in Fig. 3.17.1

h e g
A t-l

Reservoir Syphon

Fig. 3.17.1.

2. The highest point (S) of the syphon is called the summit.

3. The pressure at the point S is less than atmospheric pressure (Since S
lies above the free water surface in the tank A).
4. When the pressure at S becomes less than 2.7 m of water absolute, the
dissolved air and other gases would come out from water and collect at
3–22 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

the summit. Therefore syphon should be so laid that no section of the

pipe will be more than 7.6 m above the hydraulic gradient at the section.
5. Moreover, in order to limit the reduction of the pressure at the summit
the length of the inlet-leg (rising portion of the syphon) of the syphon
is also required to be limited.

Que 3.18. What is meant by water hammer ? Give expression for

the rise of pressure due to water hammer.

A. Water Hammer :
1. In a long pipe, when flowing water is suddenly brought to rest by closing
the valve or by any similar cause, there will be a sudden rise in pressure
due to the momentum of water being destroyed. This phenomenon of
sudden rise in pressure is known as water hammer or hammer blow.
2. A sudden rise in pressure has the effect of hammering action on the
walls of the pipe.

A Valve

Fig. 3.18.1.
B. Expression for the Rise of Pressure :
The following cases of water hammer in pipes will be considered :
a. Gradual Closure of Valve :
1. Let, A = Area of cross section of the pipe AB,
L = Length of pipe,
v = Velocity of flow of water through pipe,
t = Time (in second) required to close the valve, and
p = Intensity of pressure wave produced.
2. Mass of water in pipe AB = × Volume of water = AL
3. The valve is gradually closed in time ‘t’ seconds and hence the water is
brought from initial velocity v to zero velocity in time ‘t’ seconds.
4. Retardation of water
C hange of velocity v  0 v
=  
T ime t t
5. Retarding force = Mass × Retardation = AL ...(3.18.1)
6. If p is the intensity of pressure wave produced due to closure of the
valve, the force due to pressure wave
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–23 A (ME-Sem-3)

= p × Area of pipe = pA ...(3.18.2)

7. Equating the two forces given by eq. (3.18.1) and eq. (3.18.2), we get
AL = pA
p= ...(3.18.3)
p  Lv Lv
8. Head of pressure, H =  = ...(3.18.4)
g g  t gt
2L 2L
9. The valve closure is said to gradual if t > and sudden if t < .
Where, t = Time in second, and
C = Velocity of pressure wave.
b. Sudden Closure of Valve and Pipe is Rigid :
1. Let the pipe is rigid and valve fitted at the end B is closed suddenly.
2. Let, K = Bulk modulus of water.
3. When the valve is closed suddenly, the kinetic energy of the flowing
water is converted into strain energy of water if the effect of friction is
neglected and pipe wall is assumed perfectly rigid.
4. Loss of kinetic energy = × Mass of water in pipe × v2
= ALv2
5. Gain of strain energy
1  p2  1 p2
=   × Volume = AL
2 K  2 K
6. On equating loss of kinetic energy to gain of strain energy, we have
1 1 p2
ALv2 = AL
2 2 K
2 2
p = Kv
K 2
p = v K = v

 vC  K / C 

Pipe Networks and Three Reservoir Problems.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

3–24 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

Que 3.19. What is pipe network ? Give the necessary conditions of

pipe network.

A. Pipe Network :
1. A pipe network is a system in which many pipes are interconnected and
they form several loops or circuits of pipes.
2. Example :
a. Water supply system in a city is the very commonly used pipe
network system.
b. Supply of steam from boiler to other machineries is done by pipe
network system, etc.
Flow A F E
(node) H

(Node) ow
B C D ou
Fig. 3.19.1. Pipe network.

3. In such system, it is required to determine the distribution of flow

through the various pipes of the network.
B. Necessary Conditions for any Pipe Network :
1. The system should follow the continuity equation i.e.,
Flow into the junction = Flow out of the junction
2. For a loop of pipe circuit, hf = 0
3. The head loss in each pipe is expressed as, hf = r Qn
Where, r = Constant, and n = 2 for turbulent flow.

Que 3.20. Three reservoirs, A, B and C are connected by a pipe

system having lengths 700 m, 1200 m and 500 m and diameters
400 mm, 300 mm and 200 mm respectively. The water levels in
reservoir A and B from a datum line are 50 m and 45 m respectively.
The level of water in reservoir C is below the level of water in
reservoir B. Find the discharge into or from the reservoirs B and C.
If the rate of flow from reservoir A is 150 litre/s, find the height of
water level in the reservoir C. (Take f = 0.005, for all pipes)
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–25 A (ME-Sem-3)


Given : L1 = 700 m, d1 = 400 mm = 0.4 m, Q1 = 150 litre/s

L2 = 1200 mm, d2 = 300 mm = 0.3 m, L3 = 500 mm, d3 = 200 mm = 0.2 m,
zA = 50 m, zB = 45 m
To Find : i. Discharge into or from the reservoirs B and C.
ii. Height of water level in the reservoir C.
1. Applying Bernoulli’s equation to point E and D,
zA = zD  D  hf 1
Q1 (150  10 3 )
Where, v1 =  = 1.194 m/s
Area 
E d
L 40
1= 0m
A 70 F
0m m
, 2 00 m
Q L2 = 1
1 =1 B
50 m
00 m
lit D d2 = 3
zA = 50 m

/s L
d = 50
3= zB = 45 m
20 0 m G
zD 0
Datum line

Fig. 3.20.1.

4 fL1 v12 4  0.005  700(1.19)2

hf1 = = = 2.54 m
2d1 g 2  0.4  9.81
So, = zA – hf1 = 50 – 2.54 = 47.46 m
zD 
Here, piezometric head at D = 47.46 m. But zB = 45 m, hence water flows
from D to B.
2. Applying Bernoulli’s equation to point B and D,
zD  = zB + hf2
47.46 = 45 + hf2
hf2 = 2.46 m
4 f L2 v22 2 ghf 2 d2
3. hf2 =  v2 
d2  2 g 4 f L2
3–26 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

2  9.81  2.46  0.3

v2 = = 0.777 m/s
4  0.005  1200
4. Discharge in pipe (2), Q2 = A2 v2
 
= d22 v2 =  0.32  0.777
4 4
Q2 = 0.055 m3/s = 55 litres/s
5. Apply Bernoulli’s equation to D and C,
zD  D = zC + hf3
4 f L3 v32
47.46 = zC + ...(3.20.1)
2 d3 g
6. From continuity equation, Q1 = Q2 + Q3
150 × 10–3 = 0.055 + Q3
Discharge in pipe C, Q3 = 0.15 – 0.055 = 0.095 m3/s
Q 0.095
7. Velocity in pipe DC, v3 = = = 3.024 m/s
 2 
d3 (0.2)2
4 4
8. Putting value of v3 in eq. (3.20.1), we get
4  0.005  500  (3.024)2
47.46 = zC +
2  0.2  9.81
zC = 24.156 m

Boundary Layer Thickness.

Boundary Layer Thickness : It is defined as the distance from the
boundary in which the velocity reaches 99 percent of the velocity of
free stream i.e., u = 0.99 U. It is denoted by .


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.21. What is a boundary layer ? Explain with a sketch

development of boundary layer over a smooth plate.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–27 A (ME-Sem-3)

1. When a real fluid flow over a solid wall, the fluid particles closed to the
boundary get adhered to the boundary and as a result of this condition
no slip occurs.
2. In other words the velocity of fluid close to the boundary will be the
same as that of the boundary.
3. As we move farther away from the boundary, the velocity will be higher
and as a result of this variation of velocity, the velocity gradient will
4. Thus the velocity of fluid increases from zero velocity on the stationary
boundary to free-stream velocity (U) of the fluid in the direction normal
to the boundary.
5. The variation of velocity from zero to free stream velocity in the direction
normal to the boundary takes place in a narrow region in the vicinity of
solid boundary.
6. This narrow region of the fluid is called boundary layer.
u Boundary layer
Region 2
Region 1


Fig. 3.21.1.
7. Hence the flow of fluid in the neighbourhood of the solid boundary may
be divided into following two regions :
a. Region 1 :
1 A very thin layer of the fluid called the boundary layer, in the
immediate neighbourhood of the solid boundary, where the
variation of velocity from zero at the solid boundary to the free
stream velocity in the direction normal to the boundary takes place.
2. In this region, the velocity gradient exists and hence the fluid
exerts a shear stress on the wall (wall shear) in the direction of
3. The value of shear stress is given by,
= 
3–28 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

b. Region 2 :
1. The remaining fluid, which is outside the boundary layer. The
velocity outside the boundary layer is constant and equal to free
stream velocity.
2. As there is no variation of velocity in this region the velocity
gradient becomes zero. As a result of this the shear stress is

Que 3.22. What do you understand by momentum thickness,

displacement thickness and energy thickness ?
AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10
Explain the displacement thickness, momentum thickness related
to boundary layer. AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07

a. Displacement Thickness :
1. It can be defined as the distance, measured perpendicular to the boundary
by which the main/free stream is displaced on account of formation of
boundary layer. It is denoted by *.

Boundary layer U
dy u = 0.99U Velocity


Stationary plate
Fig. 3.22.1. Displacement thickness.
2. Let fluid of density  flow past a stationary plate with velocity U as
shown in Fig. 3.22.1.
3. Consider an elementary strip of thickness dy at a distance y from the
4. Mass flow per second through the elementary strip = udy
5. Mass flow per second through elementary strip, if the plate was not
there = Udy
6. Reduction of mass flow rate through elementary strip
= (U – u) dy
7. Total reduction of mass flow rate due to introduction of plate
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–29 A (ME-Sem-3)

=   (U  u) dy ...(3.22.1)
8. Let the plate is displaced by a distance * and velocity of flow for the
distance * is equal to the main/free stream velocity. Then, loss of mass
of fluid/sec flowing through the distance *
= U* ...(3.22.2)
9. On equating eq. (3.22.1) and eq. (3.22.2), we get

U* =   (U  u) dy

 u
* =   1  U  dy
b. Momentum Thickness :
1. It is defined as the distance, measured perpendicular to the boundary of
the solid body, by which the boundary should be displaced to compensate
for the reduction in momentum of the flowing fluid on account of
boundary layer formation. It is denoted by .
2. Mass of flow per second through elementary strip = udy
3. Momentum/sec of this fluid inside the boundary layer
= udy × u = u2dy
4. Momentum/sec of the same mass of fluid before entering the boundary
layer = uUdy
5. Loss of momentum/sec = uUdy – u2dy = u(U – u) dy

6. Total loss of momentum/sec =  u(U  u)dy ...(3.22.3)
7. Let  be the distance by which plate is displaced when fluid is flowing
with a constant velocity U. Then, loss of momentum/sec of fluid flowing
through distance  with a velocity U
= U 2 ...(3.22.4)
8. On equating eq. (3.22.3) and eq. (3.22.4), we get

U2 =  u(U  u)dy

u u
=  U  1  U  dy
c. Energy Thickness :
1. It is defined as the distance, measured perpendicular to the boundary of
the solid body, by which the boundary should be displaced to compensate
for the reduction in kinetic energy of the flowing fluid on account of
boundary layer formation. It is denoted by e. or **
2. Mass of flow per second through elementary strip = udy
3–30 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

3. KE of this fluid inside the boundary layer

1 1
= mu2 = (udy)u2
2 2
4. KE of same mass of fluid before entering the boundary layer
= (udy)U2
5. Loss of KE through elementary strip
1 1 1
= (udy) U2 – (udy)u2 = u (U2 – u2)dy
2 2 2

1 2
6. So, total loss of KE of fluid =  2 u (U  u2 ) dy ...(3.22.5)
7. Let e be the distance by which plate is displaced to compensate for
reduction in KE. Then, loss of KE through e of fluid flowing with
velocity U
(Ue) U2
= ...(3.22.6)
8. On equating eq. (3.22.5) and (3.22.6), we have

1 1 2
(Ue) U2 =  2 u (U  u2 ) dy
2 0

u u2 
e =  U 1  U 2  dy
u  y  y
Que 3.23. For the velocity distribution = 2      , find the
U    

energy thickness **. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 05

u  y  y 
Given :  2    
U    
To Find : Energy thickness **
1. Energy thickness ** is given as,
u u2    2y y2    2 y y2  
** =  1  2  dy     2  1    2   dy
0 U  U  0         
 2 y y2  
  4 y2 y4 4 y3  
=   2  1   2  4  3   dy
0         
2 2 4
 2y y  4y y 4 y3 
=    2   1  2  4  3  dy
0         
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–31 A (ME-Sem-3)

 2 y 8 y3 2 y5 8 y4 y2 4 y 4 y6 4 y5 

=    3  5  4  2  4  6  5  dy
0          
 2 y y2 8 y3 12 y4 6 y5 y6 

= 0     2  3   4  5  6  dy

 2 3 4 5 6 7

=  2 y  y 2  8 y3  12 y4  6 y5  y 6 
 2 3 4 5 6 7  0
2 3 2 4 12 5  6 7  12 
=  2  3  4
 5  6   2  
 3  5  7 3 5 7
 12   210   35   252   15  22 
= 2     =
3 5 7 105 105

Que 3.24. The velocity distribution in the boundary layer is given

u   y
= sin 
U  2  
Find displacement thickness and momentum thickness.
AKTU 2017-18, Marks 10


u   y
Given : = sin 
U  2  
To Find : i. Displacement thickness.
ii. Momentum thickness.
1. Displacement thickness, * :

 u
* =   1  U  dy

   y 
* =  1  sin  2    dy

   y 
cos 
  2   
* =  y  
  1 

 2   0
 2 
* =   
  
   2
* =   
  
3–32 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

2. Momentum thickness,  :

u  u
=  1  U  dy
U  

  y    y 
=  sin  2   1  sin  2    dy

   y 2   y 
=  sin  2    sin  2    dy
0  

= 
   y

1 cos { ( y / )} 
sin  2    2 
 2 
 dy

   y  y 
  cos  2   1 sin    
 
=   y 
  2 2  
 2  0
   
  cos  2  1 sin ()    cos (0) sin (0) 
=     0
  2 2     2 

 2  
  2  
      2  2  2 1
=   =  =    
 2      2  2
Que 3.25. Find the displacement thickness for velocity distribution

in the boundary layer given by, AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07

u  y y
= 2   –  
U    

Given : = 2  y  –  y 
U  
To Find : Displacement thickness.
1. Displacement thickness * is given by,
  u
* =   1 –  dy
 U 
    y   y  
* =  1 – 2   –    dy
        
2 
   y  y   2 y2 y3 
= 1 – 2       dy =  y –  2
 0
       2 3 0
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–33 A (ME-Sem-3)

2 3  
= –  2 = – 
 3 3 3

Boundary Layer over a Flat Plate, Laminar Boundary Layer,
Application of Momentum Equation, Turbulent Boundary Layer,
Laminar Sub-Layer.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.26. Explain laminar boundary layer, turbulent boundary

layer and laminar sub-layer with sketch in case of flow over a plate.


Laminar Turbulent boundary layer

boundary G
layer F
E Laminar
Laminar Transition Turbulent
Leading zone zone zone
Fig. 3.26.1. Flow over a plate.
A. Laminar Boundary Layer :
1. Consider the flow of fluid, having free-stream velocity (U), over a smooth
thin plate which is flat and placed parallel to the direction of free stream
of fluid.
2. Considering the flow with zero pressure gradient on one side of the
plate, which is stationary.
3. The velocity of fluid on the surface of the plate should be equal to the
velocity of the plate.
4. As the plate is stationary and hence velocity of fluid on the surface of the
plate is zero, but at a distance away from the plate, the fluid is having
certain velocity.
5. Thus a velocity gradient sets up in the fluid near the surface of the plate.
This velocity gradient develops shear resistance which retards the fluid.
3–34 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

6. The fluid with a uniform free stream velocity (U) is retarded in the
vicinity of the solid surface of the plate and the boundary layer region
begins at the sharp leading edge.
7. At subsequent points downstream the leading edge, the boundary layer
region increases because the retarded fluid is further retarded. This is
also referred as the growth of boundary layer.
8. Near the leading edge of the surface of the plate, where the thickness is
small, the flow in the boundary layer is laminar though the main flow is
9. This layer of the fluid is said to be laminar boundary layer shown by AE
in Fig. 3.26.1. The length of the plate from the leading edge, up to which
laminar boundary layer exists is called laminar zone shown by distance
10. The distance of B from leading edge is obtained from Reynolds number
equal to 5 × 105 for a plate.
B. Turbulent Boundary Layer :
1. If the length of the plate is further increased, the thickness of boundary
layer goes on increasing in the downstream direction.
2. Then the laminar boundary layer becomes unstable and motion of fluid
within it, is disturbed and irregular which leads to a transition from
laminar to turbulent boundary layer.
3. This short length over which the boundary layer flow changes from
laminar to turbulent is called transition zone which is shown by distance
4. Further downstream the transition zone, the boundary layer is turbulent
and continues to grow in thickness.
5. This layer of boundary is called turbulent boundary layer, which is
shown by the portion FG in Fig. 3.26.1.
C. Laminar Sub-Layer :
1. This is the region in the turbulent boundary layer zone, adjacent to the
solid surface of the plate.
2. In this zone, the velocity variation is influenced only by viscous effects.
3. Though the velocity distribution would be a parabolic curve in the laminar
sub-layer zone, but in view of the very small thickness one can reasonably
assume that the velocity variation is linear and thus the velocity gradient
can also be taken as constant.
4. Hence, the shear stress in the laminar sub-layer would be constant and
equal to the boundary shear stress o.
 u  U
So, shear stress in the sub-layer is o =    =  (As linear
 y  y  0 y
variation occurs).
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–35 A (ME-Sem-3)

Que 3.27. Derive momentum integral equation for the boundary

layer (Von-Karman).

1. Let us consider a thin smooth flat plate with boundary layer as shown in
Fig. 3.27.1.
2. Let the free stream velocity of flow be U over the plate.
3. Consider a small strip of dx at a distance x from one end of plate.
4. Now take the element ABCD, o is the wall shear stress acting on the
plate and velocity variation in strip ABCD is also shown in the
Fig. 3.27.1.
layer D C C

 dy u

A B y o

x A B
Thin smooth flat plate dx
Fig. 3.27.1.

5. In strip ABCD, CD is the outer edge of the boundary layer.

6. Consider unit width of plate perpendicular to the direction of flow.

7. Mass rate of fluid entering through AD =  udy

d   
8. Mass rate of fluid leaving through BC = udy  dx
 udy 
dx  o 0
9. Mass rate of fluid entering the control volume ABCD, through the
surface CD = Mass rate of fluid through BC – Mass rate of fluid
through AD
 d    d  
 udy udy  dx   udy = udy  dx
dx 0
= 0  0
dx  0 
10. The entering fluid through DC has uniform velocity U.
11. Momentum rate o f fluid ente ring in ABCD thro ugh AD
(in x-direction)

PAD =  u2 dy

12. Momentum rate o f fluid ente ring in ABCD thro ugh BC

(in x-direction)
3–36 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

d   2  
PBC = u dy dx
  u2 dy 
dx  0 0 
13. Mo me ntum rate of fluid e ntering the ABCD thro ugh CD
(in x-direction)
PCD = Mass × Velocity
d  
= udy  dxU
dx  0 

d  
uUdy  dx
dx  0 
14. Rate of change of momentum = Momentum rate of fluid through BC.
– Momentum rate of fluid through AD – Momentum rate of fluid
through DC.
 d   2   d  
=   u2 dy   u dy dx   u2 dy  uUdy  dx
0 dx  0  0 dx  0 
d   2 
= u dy   uUdy  dx
dx  0 0 
15. Rate of change of momentum
d   2
=  u  u U dy  dx
  ...(3.27.1)
dx  0 
16. According to momentum principle,
Force = Rate of change of momentum
17. In control volume ABCD only a shear force is acting on the side AB in
the direction B to A.
18. So, drag force, FD = o dx, which is opposite to the direction of motion
of fluid.
19. Thus, the total external force in the direction of rate of change of
momentum = – o × dx (Negative sign indicates opposite direction)
20. Now equating eq. (3.27.1) and eq. (3.27.2), we have
d   2
(u  uU ) dy  dx = –o × dx
dx  0

d   2
o =  (u  uU ) dy 
dx  0 
d  2  u   u   

 U      dy 
dx  0
o = 
 U   U   
2 d 
 u  u 
o = U  1  dy 
dx  0 U 
U 
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–37 A (ME-Sem-3)

 u u
Here,   1   dy = Momentum thickness ().
o U U
 o =  U 2
o d
U 2 dx
The above equation is known as Von-Karman momentum equation for
boundary layer flow.

Que 3.28. Oil with density 900 kg/m 3 and kinematic viscosity
10 –5 m2/sec is flowing over a plate of 3 m long and 2 m wide with a
velocity of 3 m/sec parallel to 3 m side. Find the boundary layer
thickness at the point of transition and at the end of plate.
AKTU 2017-18, Marks 10

Given :  = 900 kg/m3, U = 3 m/s,  = 10–5 m2/s, L = 3 m, b = 2 m,
To Find : Boundary layer thickness at the point of transition and at
the end of the plate.
UL 3  3
1. Reynolds Number, Re =  5 = 9 × 105 > 5 × 105
 10
Hence, upto a certain distance flow will be laminar then changes to
turbulent flow.
2. Let, x be the distance up to which flow is laminar. Hence,
Re =

5 × 105 =
x = m = 1.67 m
3. Boundary layer thickness at x = 1.67 or at transition equals to,
4.91 x 4.91  1.67
= = = 0.0116 m
Re 5  10
4. Now, boundary layer thickness at the end of plate (i.e., at x = 3 m)
4.91  3
= = 0.0155 m
9  10

Separation and its Control.
3–38 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.29. What is boundary layer separation ? Explain with neat

sketches, the necessary conditions for boundary layer separation.
What are common methods to control boundary layer separation ?
AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10

A. Boundary Layer Separation :
1. When a solid body is kept or immersed in a flowing fluid, boundary layer
is formed adjacent to the solid body.
2. Within this thin layer of fluid, the velocity varies from zero to free
stream velocity in the direction normal to the solid body.
3. Along the length of the solid body, the thickness of the boundary layer
4. The fluid layer adjacent to the solid surface has to do work against
surface friction at the expense of its kinetic energy.
5. This loss of the kinetic energy is recovered from the immediate fluid
layer in contact with the layer adjacent to solid surface through
momentum exchange process. Thus the velocity of layer goes on


Separating E
A Stream line

dp dp
<0 pmin >0
dx dx

Fig. 3.29.1.
6. Along the length of the solid body, at a certain point a stage may come
when the boundary layer may not be able to keep sticking to the solid
body if it cannot provide kinetic energy to overcome the resistance
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–39 A (ME-Sem-3)

offered by the solid body. Thus, in other words, the boundary layer will
get separated from the surface. This phenomenon is called the boundary
layer separation.
7. The point on the body at which the boundary layer is on the verge of
separation from the surface is called point of separation.
B. Necessary Conditions for Boundary Layer Separation : For
boundary layer separation, pressure gradient should be positive in the
 p 
direction of flow   0 i.e., the pressure should be in increasing
 x 
manner in the direction of flow (Fig. 3.29.1).
C. Methods to Control Boundary Layer Separation :
i. Streamlined Body Shape :
1. Using streamlined body shape, the transition point of boundary
layer (from laminar to turbulent) can be moved downstream which
results in the reduction of the skin friction drag. Hence, separation
of layers may be eliminated.
ii. Acceleration of Fluid in the Boundary Layer :
1. In this method, we supply additional energy to the particles of fluid
which are being retarded in the boundary layer.
2. Energy can be transferred by :
a. Injecting the fluid into the region of boundary layer with the
help of some device.
b. Diverting a portion of fluid from high pressure region to the
retarded region of boundary layer through a slot provided in
the body.
iii. By sucking the retarded flow.
iv. By providing slots near the leading edge.
v. Energising the flow by introducing optimum amount of swirl in the
incoming flow.
vi. Remove the retarded or slow moving fluid particles in the boundary
layer by suction through a porous surface.

Que 3.30. Discuss the effect of pressure gradient on boundary

layer separation. AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05


 p 
The effect of pressure gradient   on boundary layer separation can
 x 
be explained by considering the flow over a curved surface ABCDE as
shown in Fig. 3.29.1.
3–40 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

a. Region ABC of the Curved Surface :

1. In this region, the area of flow decreases and hence velocity increases.
This means that flow gets accelerated in this region.
2. Due to increase of the velocity the pressure decreases in the direction of
the flow and hence pressure gradient is negative in this region.
3. As long as < 0, the entire boundary layer moves in forward direction.
b. Region CDE of the Curved Surface :
1. The pressure is minimum at point C.
2. Along this region, the area of flow increases and hence velocity of flow
along the direction of fluid decreases.
3. Due to decrease of velocity, the pressure increases in the direction of
dp  dp 
flow and hence pressure gradient is positive   0 .
dx  dx 
4. Thus in the region CDE, the pressure gradient is positive and velocity of
fluid layers along the direction of flow decreases.
5. As explained in the Fig. 3.29.1, the velocity of the layer adjacent to the
solid surface along the length of the solid surface goes on decreasing as
the kinetic energy of the layer is used to overcome the frictional
resistance of the surface.
6. Thus the combined effect of positive pressure gradient and surface
resistance reduce the momentum of the fluid which is unable to overcome
the surface resistance.
7. A stage comes, when the momentum of the fluid is unable to overcome
the surface resistance and the boundary layer starts separating from
the surface at the point D.
8. Downstream the point D, the flow is reversed and the velocity gradient
becomes negative.
9. Thus the positive pressure gradient helps in separating the boundary

Drag and Lift.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–41 A (ME-Sem-3)

Que 3.31. Explain the force exerted by a flowing fluid on a

stationary body.

1. As shown in Fig. 3.31.1, consider a body held stationary in a real fluid,
which is flowing at a uniform velocity U.
2. The fluid exerts a force on the stationary body.
3. The total force (FR) exerted by the fluid on the body is perpendicular to
the surface of the body. Thus the total force is inclined to the direction of
4. The component of total force (FR) in the direction of flow is called drag
and is given as,
A v 2
Where, CD = Coefficient of drag.
5. The component of total force (FR) in the direction perpendicular to the
direction of flow is known as lift and is given as,
A v2
Where, CL = Coefficient of lift.

Stationary body
Fig. 3.31.1.

Que 3.32. Define coefficient of lift and coefficient of drag.

A. Coefficient of Lift : It is defined as the ratio of the total lift force to the
quantity AU2.
Mathematically, CL =
AU 2
B. Coefficient of Drag : Average coefficient of drag is defined as the ratio
of the total drag force to the quantity AU2. It is also called coefficient
of drag and is denoted by CD.
3–42 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

CD =
AU 2
Que 3.33. A square plate of side 2 m is moved in a stationary air of
density 1.2 kg/m3 with a velocity of 50 km/hr. If the coefficient of drag
and lift are 0.2 and 0.8 respectively, determine the drag force, lift
force and resultant force. AKTU 2017-18, Marks 07


Given : A = 2 × 2 = 4 m2, v = 50 km/hr = 13.89 m/s,  = 1.2 kg/m3,

CD = 0.2 , CL = 0.8
To Find : i. Drag force.
ii. Lift force.
iii. Resultant force.

2 1.2  (13.892 )
1. Drag force, FD = CDA  v = 0.2 × 4 × = 92.6 N
2 2

 v2 1.2  (13.892 )
2. Lift force, FL = CLA = 0.8 × 4 × = 370.43 N
2 2

3. Resultant force, FR = FD 2  FL 2 = (92.6)2  (370.43)2 = 381.83 N

Que 3.34. A kite 60 cm × 60 cm in size weighing 3 N makes an angle

of 10° with the horizontal. The thread attached to it makes an angle
of 45° to the horizontal and pull on the string is 25 N. The wind is
flowing over the kite at 15 m/s. Find CL and CD for the kite.
AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07


Given : A = 0.6 × 0.6 = 0.36 m2, W = 3 N, U = 15 m/sec, 1 = 10°, P = 25 N,

2 = 45°
To Find : CL and CD for kite.
Data Assumed : air = 1.25 kg/m3
1. Drag force, FD = Force exerted by wind in the direction of motion
(i.e., in x-x direction)
FD = P cos 45° = 25 cos 45° = 17.68 N
And lift force, FL = Component of P in vertically downward
direction + weight of kite (W)
= 25 sin 45 + 3 = 20.68 N
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–43 A (ME-Sem-3)

2. Lift force, FL = CL A
2 FL 2  20.68
CL =  = 0.4085
A  U 2 0.36  1.25  152

U = 15 m/s FL

10° FD
25 cos 45° 45° Kite

P W =3N
25 sin 45°
Fig. 3.34.1.

3. Drag force, FD = CD A 
2 FD 2  17.68
CD =  = 0.349
A  U 2 0.36  1.25  152

Drag on Sphere, Two Dimensional Cylinder.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.35. Explain drag on a sphere.

1. Consider a flow of real fluid passing with velocity U over a sphere
having diameter d, density and .
2. Stokes developed a mathematical equation to determine the total drag
acting on a sphere which is immersed in a fluid having Reynold’s number
less than 0.2.
3. According to stokes for Reynold’s number less than 0.2, all the inertia
forces acting on the fluid are assumed to be negligible; only viscous
forces are to be considered.
3–44 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

4. According to Stokes,
Total drag acting on sphere, FD = 3dU
5. In this total drag, two-third portion is contributed by skin-friction and
the rest portion is contributed by pressure drag.

6. Hence, pressure drag, FDP = FD  dU
And skin friction drag, FDF = FD  2dU

Que 3.36. Discuss about the effect of Reynold’s number on

coefficient of drag for cylinder.


1. Let us consider a cylinder having diameter, d and length, L is placed in

a real fluid having kinematic viscosity  and free flow velocity U.
2. If the Reynold’s number for the flow is less than 0.2, the inertia forces
are negligible as compared to viscous force.
3. If Reynold’s number increases, inertia force also increases and flow
pattern becomes unsymmetrical with respect to the axis perpendicular
to flow direction.
4. From experiment following observations are to be made :
i. If Re < 1,

Drag force FD  Velocity (U) and CD 

ii. If 1 < Re < 2000

CD will decreases and at Re = 2000, CD  0.95
iii. If 2000 < Re < 3 × 104
CD will start to increase up to a maximum value of 1.2 at Re = 3 × 104
iv. If 3 × 104 < Re < 3 × 105
CD again decreases and CD  0.3 at Re = 3 × 105
v. If Re > 3 × 105
CD again increases and attains a maximum value of 0.7.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–45 A (ME-Sem-3)



Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.37. What do you understand by coefficient of lift, coefficient

of drag and aerofoil ? AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10

A. Coefficient of Lift : Refer Q. 3.32, Page 3–41A, Unit-3.
B. Coefficient of Drag : Refer Q. 3.32, Page 3–41A, Unit-3.
C. Aerofoil :
1. An aerofoil or airfoil is a streamlined body which may be either
symmetrical or unsymmetrical.
2. Following are the necessary and important definitions related to aerofoil :
a. Chord Line : It is the line joining the leading and trailing edges of the
aerofoil. The length of the line is known as chord of aerofoil. It is denoted
by C.
b. Profile Centre Line : It is the line joining the midpoints of the profile.
Leading edge
Profile centre line
(Chord line)

 edge
(a) Symmetrical
Profile centre line

Chord line

Angle of
attack 
(b ) Unsymmetrical
Fig. 3.37.1. Airfoil.
3–46 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness

c. Angle of Attack : The angle between the chord line and direction of the
fluid stream is known as angle of attack. It is denoted by .
d. Camber : It is the curvature of an airfoil.
e. Stall :
1. This is the condition when angle of attack () is greater than the
angle of attack at maximum lift.
2. At stall the air separates from the airfoil or wing and eddies are
formed as a consequence of which there is a considerable increase
in the drag coefficient.
f. Aspect Ratio (AR) : The ratio of span of the wing to its mean chord is
called the aspect ratio of a wing.

AR =
Where, L = Span of the wing, and
C = Mean chord.

Que 3.38. Discuss the development of lift on an airfoil.

1. Airfoils are streamline bodies, it may or may not be symmetrical in
2. There is negative pressure created on the upper part of airfoil due to
which there is a lift force act on the airfoil.
3. The drag force acting on airfoil is very small due to the design of the
shape of the body (because shape of airfoil is streamlined).
4. Circulation  developed on the airfoil so that the streamline at the
trailing edge of the airfoil is tangential to the airfoil is given as,
=  CU sin 
5. Lift force acting on airfoil, FL =UL
= UL ( CU sin )
=  CU2 L sin  ...(3.38.1)
6. Lift force acting on airfoil in terms of coefficient of lift is given by,

FL = CL AU 2 ...(3.38.2)
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–47 A (ME-Sem-3)

Chord 

Fig. 3.38.1. Airfoil.

7. On equating the eq. (3.38.1) and eq. (3.38.2), we get coefficient of lift, CL
CL = 2 sin ...(3.38.3)
8. Eq. (3.38.3) shows that coefficient of lift depends upon the angle of

Magnus Effect.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.39. Explain the Magnus effect with an example.

AKTU 2017-18, Marks 10

A. Magnus Effect :
1. When a cylinder is rotated in a uniform flow, a lift force is produced on
a cylinder.
2. This phenomenon of the lift force produced by a rotating cylinder in a
uniform flow is known as Magnus effect.
B. Example :
1. This effect has been successfully employed in the propulsion of ships.
2. The Magnus effect may also be used with advantage in the games like
table tennis, golf, cricket etc.
3–48 A (ME-Sem-3) Flow Through Pipes, Boundary Layer Thickness


Following questions are very important. These questions
may be asked in your SESSIONALS as well as

Q. 1. What are the characteristics of a laminar flow ? Derive the

expression for the velocity distribution for viscous flow
through a circular pipe. Also sketch the distribution of
velocity and shear stress across a section of pipe.
Ans. Refer Q. 3.1, Unit-3.

Q. 2. A compound piping system consists of 1800 m of 0.50 m, 1200

m of 0.40 m and 600 m of 0.30 m new cast iron pipes connected
in series. Convert the system to (a) an equivalent length of
0.40 m pipe, and (b) equivalent size pipe of 3600 m long.
Ans. Refer Q. 3.14, Unit-3.

Q. 3. What do you unders tand by momentum thickness ,

displacement thickness and energy thickness ?
Ans. Refer Q. 3.22, Unit-3.
u  y  y
Q. 4. For the velocity distribution = 2      , find the
U    
energy thickness **.
Ans. Refer Q. 3.23, Unit-3.

Q. 5. Oil with density 900 kg/m 3 and kinematic viscosity

10 –5 m2/sec is flowing over a plate of 3 m long and 2 m wide
with a velocity of 3 m/sec parallel to 3 m side. Find the
boundary layer thickness at the point of transition and at
the end of plate.
Ans. Refer Q. 3.28, Unit-3.

Q. 6. What is boundary layer separation ? Explain with neat

sketches, the necessary conditions for boundary layer
separation. What are common methods to control boundary
layer separation ?
Ans. Refer Q. 3.29, Unit-3.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 3–49 A (ME-Sem-3)

Q. 7. A kite 60 cm × 60 cm in size weighing 3 N makes an angle of

10° with the horizontal. The thread attached to it makes an
angle of 45° to the horizontal and pull on the string is 25 N.
The wind is flowing over the kite at 15 m/s. Find CL and CD
for the kite.
Ans. Refer Q. 3.34, Unit-3.

Q. 8. What do you understand by coefficient of lift, coefficient of

drag and aerofoil ?
Ans. Refer Q. 3.37, Unit-3.

Q. 9. Explain the Magnus effect with an example.

Ans. Refer Q. 3.39, Unit-3.

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–1 A (ME-Sem-3)

4 Impact of Jet,
Impulse Turbine and
Reaction Turbines

Part-1 : Introduction to Hydrodynamic ............... 4–2A to 4–16A
Thrust of Jet on a Fixed and
Moving Surface

Part-2 : Classification of Turbines ..................... 4–16A to 4–19A

Part-3 : Impulse Turbines .................................... 4–19A to 4–26A

Constructional Details
Velocity Triangles
Power and Efficiency Calculations

Part-4 : Governing of Pelton Wheel .................. 4–26A to 4–28A

Part-5 : Francis and Kaplan Turbines ............... 4–28A to 4–39A

Constructional Details
Velocity Triangles
Power and Efficiency

Part-6 : Principles of Similarity ........................... 4–39A to 4–40A

Part-7 : Unit and Specific Speed ......................... 4–40A to 4–49A

Part-8 : Performance Characteristics ............... 4–49A to 4–51A

Part-9 : Selection of Water Turbines ................ 4–51A to 4–53A

4–2 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

Introduction to Hydrodynamic Thrust of

Jet on a Fixed and Moving Surface.

Impact of Jet : If a plate, which may be fixed or moving is placed in
the path of jet, a force is exerted by the jet on the plate. This force is
obtained from Newton’s second law of motion and known as impact
of jet.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 4.1. Derive the formula for dynamic force exerted by fluid jet
on stationary plate for the following cases :
i. When plate is normal to jet.
ii. Flat plate inclined to jet.
iii. When plate is curved and jet impinges at the center of plate.
iv. When plate is unsymmetrical and curved and jet impinges at
one end.

Following notation are used in driving the formula for dynamic force for
given cases :
v = Velocity of jet,
d = Diameter of jet,
a = Area of cross-section of jet,
 = Angle between the jet and plate,
 = Density of water, and
Q = Discharge of water (m3/s).
i. When the Plate is Normal to Jet :


Jet of water

Fig. 4.1.1. Force exerted by jet on vertical plate.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–3 A (ME-Sem-3)

1. Consider a jet of water coming out from the nozzle, striking a flat vertical
plate as shown in Fig. 4.1.1.
2. Plate is at 90° to the jet and jet after striking will move along the plate.
So, velocity component of water after strike, in direction of jet will be
3. Dynamic force exerted by the jet on the plate in direction of jet is
calculated as,
Fx = Rate of change of momentum in the direction of force
= Mass striking the plate/sec × Change in velocity in direction of jet
= [Initial velocity – Final velocity]
= [v – 0]
 m 
= Q [v – 0]   Q

= av × v ( Q = av)
Fx = av 2
ii. Flat Plate Inclined to Jet :
v Q1
Pipe Nozzle v

 (9

Jet )
Fig. 4.1.2. Jet striking stationary inclined plate.
1. If plate is smooth and there is no loss of energy, then jet will move over
the plate with a velocity (v) as shown in Fig. 4.1.2.
2. Now, normal force is calculated as,
Fn = Mass of jet striking the plate/sec
× Change in velocity in normal direction to the plate
= [Initial velocity in normal direction to plate – Final velocity
in normal direction to plate]
= [v sin  – 0] = Q [v sin ]
= av [v sin ] ( Q = av)
Fn = av2 sin 
4–4 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

3. Horizontal component of force,

Fx = Fn sin 
= av2 sin  × sin  = av2 sin2 
4. Vertical component of force,
Fy = Fn cos = av2 sin  × cos  = av2 sin  cos 
iii. When Plate is Curved and Jet Impinges at the Center of Plate :

v v sin 

v cos 

v Fixed curved plate

Fig. 4.1.3. Jet striking a fixed curved plate at center.

1. As shown in Fig. 4.1.3,
Component of velocity in direction of jet = – v cos 
Component of velocity in perpendicular direction of jet
= v sin 
2. Dynamic force exerted by the jet in X-direction,
Fx = Mass of jet striking the plate/sec
× Change in velocity in direction of the plate
= [Initial velocity – Final velocity]
= [v – (– v cos )]
= Q [v + v cos ] = av [v + v cos ]
= av2 (1 + cos )
3. Dynamic force exerted by the jet in direction perpendicular to jet,
Fy = Mass of jet striking/sec
× Change in velocity in normal direction to plate
= [Initial velocity – Final velocity]
= [0 – (v sin )]
= Q (– v sin ) = av (– v sin )
Fy = – av2 sin 
(Negative sign indicate that force acting in downward direction.)
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–5 A (ME-Sem-3)

iv. When Plate is Unsymmetrical and Curved and Jet Impinges at

One End :
1. Let,  = Angle made by jet with X-axis at inlet tip of the
curved plate, and
 = Angle made by jet with X-axis at outlet tip of
the curved plate.
2. Components of velocity resolved at inlet of curved plate,
In X-direction = v cos 
In Y-direction = v sin 
3. Similarly, at outlet of curved plate,
In X-direction = – v cos 
In Y-direction = v sin 

v v sin 

v cos
Curved plate


v sin 

v cos

Fig. 4.1.4. Jet striking curved fixed plate at one end.

4. Now, force exerted by jet of water in X-direction,

Fx = Mass of jet striking the plate/sec
× Change in velocity in X-direction
= [Initial velocity – Final velocity]
= [v cos  – (– v cos )]
= Q[v cos  + v cos ] = av (v cos  + v cos )
Fx = av2 (cos  + cos )
5. Force exerted by jet of water in Y-direction,
Fy = Mass of jet striking the plate/sec
× Change in velocity in Y-direction
4–6 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

= × [Initial velocity – Final velocity]
= [v sin  – v sin ] = av [v sin  – v sin ]
= av2 (sin  – sin )
6. When the plate is symmetrical, then  = 
So, Fx = 2 av2 cos , and Fy = 0

Que 4.2. Derive the formula for dynamic force exerted by fluid jet
on moving plate for the following cases :
i. When plate is normal to jet.
ii. Flat plate inclined to jet.
iii. When plate is curved and jet impinges at the center of plate.
iv. When plate is curved and jet impinges at one end.
Derive an expression for force exerted by a jet on a fixed inclined
plate. Also give an expression for a force exerted by jet on flat moving
plate in the direction of jet. AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05

A. Expression for Force Exerted by Jet on a Fixed Inclined Plate :
Refer Q. 4.1, Page 4–2A, Unit-4.
B. Expression for Force Exerted by Fluid Jet on Moving Plate : The
notations used are same as used in case of fixed plate. The one extra
notation is of ‘u’ representing velocity of plate.
i. When the Plate is Normal to Jet :
(v – u)


(v – u)
Fig. 4.2.1. Jet striking a flat vertical moving plate.
1. Relative velocity of jet with respect to plate = (v – u)
2. Mass of water striking the plate/sec
=  × Area of jet × Relative velocity
= a(v – u) ...(4.2.1)
3. Force exerted by the jet on the moving plate in direction of the jet,
Fx = Mass of water striking per sec
× Change in velocity of jet
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–7 A (ME-Sem-3)

= × [Initial velocity with which water strikes
– Final velocity]
= a(v – u) [(v – u) – 0] = a(v – u)2
ii. Flat Plate Inclined to the Jet :
(v – u)

v u

(v – u)
Fig. 4.2.2. Jet striking an inclined moving plate.

1. Mass of water striking the plate per sec,

=  × Area of jet × Relative velocity
= a(v – u)
2. Component of relative velocity of jet striking normal to the plate,
= (v – u) sin 
3. Force exerted by the jet in normal direction of plate,
Fn = Mass of water striking per sec ×
Change in velocity normal to plate
= Mass of water striking per sec ×
[Initial velocity in normal direction with which
jet strikes – Final velocity]
= a(v – u) [(v – u) sin  – 0]
Fn = a(v – u)2 sin 

4. Force exerted in X-direction by the jet,

Fx = Fn sin 
= a(v – u)2 sin  × sin  = a(v – u)2 sin2
5. Force exerted in Y-direction by the jet,
Fy = Fn cos 
= a(v – u)2 sin  × cos 
= a(v – u)2 sin  cos 
4–8 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

iii. When the Plate is Curved and Jet Impinges at the Center of
Plate :
(v – u) (v – u) sin 

(v – u) cos 

v u

Jet of water

Moving curved plate

Fig. 4.2.3. Jet striking a curved moving plate.

1. If the plate is smooth and there is no loss of energy due to impact of jet,
then the jet will leave the plate with same velocity by which jet strike
the plate. So, velocity of jet leaving the plate = (v – u)
2. Now, component of velocity in direction of jet = (v – u) cos 
3. Component of velocity perpendicular to the direction of jet = (v – u) sin 
4. Mass of water striking the plate per sec
=  × Area of jet × Relative velocity by which jet strike plate = a(v – u)
5. Force exerted by the jet of water on the curved plate in direction of jet,
Fx = Mass of water striking the plate/sec ×
Change in velocity in direction of jet
= a(v – u) [Initial velocity – Final velocity]
= a(v – u) [(v – u) – {– (v – u) cos )}]
= a(v – u) [(v – u) + (v – u) cos ]
= a(v – u)2 (1 + cos )
6. Force exerted by the jet of water in perpendicular direction of jet,
Fy = Mass of water strike the plate/sec × Change in
velocity in perpendicular direction to the jet
= a(v – u) [0 – (v – u) sin ]
= – a(v – u)2 sin 
iv. When the Plate is Curved and Jet Impinges at One End :
1. As shown in Fig. 4.2.4, at inlet of the plate following terms are
represented as,
v1 (represent by AB) = Velocity of jet at inlet,
u1 (represent by AC) = Velocity of plate,
vr1 (represent by CB) = Relative velocity of jet and plate,
vw1 (represent by AD) = Component of velocity of jet v1 in X-direction
also known as velocity of whirl at inlet,
vf1 (represent by BD) = Component of velocity of jet v1 in Y-direction,
also known as velocity of flow at inlet,
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–9 A (ME-Sem-3)

 = Angle between the direction of jet and direction

of motion of plate also known as guide blade
 = Angle made by relative velocity (v r1) with
direction of motion at inlet, also known as vane
angle at inlet,
v2, u2, vr2, vw2 and vf2 = Corresponding values at outlet,
 = Angle made by velocity of jet v2, and
 = Angle made by relative velocity vr2.

u2 vw 2
G  F  H
v2 vf 2
v r2

vr1 vf 1
A   D
u1 C
v w1

Fig. 4.2.4. Jet striking a moving curved vane at one of the tips.

2. ABD and EGH are the velocity triangles at inlet and outlet.
3. Mass of water strike the plate /sec
=  × Area of jet × Relative velocity
= avr1
4. Relative velocity at inlet in X-direction by which jet of water striking
= (vw1 – u1)
And, relative velocity at outlet in X-direction by which jet leaving
= – (vw2 + u2)
5. Force exerted by the jet in the direction of motion,
Fx = Mass of water striking/sec ×
Change in velocity in X-direction
Fx = Mass of water striking/sec ×
[Relative velocity at inlet
– Relative velocity at outlet]
= avr1[(vw1 – u1) – {– (u2 + vw2)}]
= avr1[(vw1 – u1 + vw2 + u2)]
Fx = a vr1 (vw1 + vw2) [  u1 = u2]
4–10 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

Que 4.3. A 7.5 cm diameter jet having a velocity of 30 m/s strikes

a flat plate, the normal of which inclined at 45° to the axis of the jet.
Find the normal pressure on the plate;
i. When the plate is stationary, and
ii. When the plate is moving with a velocity of 15 m/s and away
from the jet. Also determine the power and efficiency of the jet
when the plate is moving. AKTU 2017-18, Marks 10

Given : d = 7.5 cm = 0.075 m, v = 30 m/s,  = 90° – 45° = 45°,
u = 15 m/s.
To Find : 1. Normal pressure on the plate :
i. When plate is stationary, and
ii. When plate is moving with a velocity of 15 m/s.
2. Power and efficiency of jet when the plate is moving.

1. Area, a= (0.075)2 = 0.004417 m2
2. When the plate is stationary, the normal force on the plate is given as,
Fn = av2 sin 
= 1000 × 0.004417 × 302 × sin 45° = 2810.96 N
3. When the plate is moving with a velocity 15 m/s and away from the jet,
the normal force on the plate is given as,
Fn = a(v – u)2 sin 
= 1000 × 0.004417 × (30 – 15)2 × sin 45° = 702.74 N
4. Force in the direction of jet is given as,
Fx = Fn sin  = 702.74 × sin 45° = 496.9 N
5. Work done per second by the jet
= Force in the direction of jet × Distance moved
by the plate in the direction of jet/sec
= Fx u
= 496.9 × 15 = 7453.5 Nm/s
Work done per second 7453.5
6. Power (in kW) = = = 7.453 kW
1000 1000
Output Work done per second
7. Efficiency of the jet = =
Input Kinetic energy of the jet
7453.5 7453.5
= 
1 2 1
(a v) v a v 3
2 2
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–11 A (ME-Sem-3)

 1000  0.004417  303
= 0.1249  0.125 = 12.5 %

Que 4.4. A jet of water of diameter 50 mm having a velocity of

20 m/s strikes a curved vane which is moving with a velocity of
10 m/s in the direction of jet. The jet leaves the vane at an angle of
60 degree to the direction of motion of vane at outlet. Determine
i. Force exerted by the jet on the vane in the direction of motion.
ii. Work done per second by the jet.
AKTU 2015-16, 2016-17; Marks 10

Given : v1 = 20 m/s, d = 50 mm = 0.05 m, u1 = 10 m/s,  = 60°
To Find : i. Force exerted by the jet.
ii. Work done per second.
1. As jet and vane are moving in the same direction,
 =0
2. Angle made by the leaving jet, with the direction of motion = 60°
  = 180° – 60° = 120°
3. For this problem, we have
u1 = u2 = u = 10 m/s
vr = vr
1 2
4. From Fig. 4.4.1, we have
vr = AB – AC = v1 – u1
= 20 – 10 = 10 m/s
vw = v1 = 20 m/s
 vr = vr = 10 m/s
2 1
5. Now in EFG, EG = vr = 10 m/s
GF = u2 = 10 m/s
GEF = 180° – (60° + ) = (120° – )
6. From sine rule, we have
EG FG 10 10
= or 
sin 60 sin (120  ) sin 60 sin (120  )
or sin 60° = sin (120° – )
 60° = 120° –  or  = 120° – 60° = 60°
7. Now, vw = HF = GF – GH
= u2 – vr cos  = 10 – 10 × cos 60°
= 10 – 5 = 5 m/s
4–12 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

H v w2 F
 60°
vf 2 

v r2 v


v1 = vw 1
u1 v r1

Fig. 4.4.1.

8. The force exerted by the jet on the vane in the direction of motion is
given as,
Fx = avr [vw – vw ]
1 1 2
(–ve sign is taken as  is an obtuse angle)
= 1000 × 0.001963 × 10 [20 – 5] N = 294.45 N
9. Work done per second by the jet
= Fxu = 294.45 × 10 = 2944.5 N m/s
= 2944.5 W

Que 4.5. A jet of water moving at 12 m/s impinges on a concave

shaped vane to deflect the jet through 120º when stationary. The
vane is moving at 5 m/s. Assuming the vane is smooth, find
i. The angle of jet so that there is no shock at inlet.
ii. The absolute velocity of the jet at exit both in magnitude and
iii. The work done per second per N of water.


Given : v1 = 12 m/s, Angle of deflection = 120°, u1 = u2 = u = 5 m/s

To Find : i. The angle of jet so that there is no shock at inlet.
ii. The absolute velocity of the jet at exit both in
magnitude and direction.
iii. The work done per second per N of water.
1. Assuming vane to be symmetrical, we have  = 
Now, 120° = 180° – ( + )
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–13 A (ME-Sem-3)

 +  = (180° – 120°) = 60°

So,  =  = 30°
2. Applying sine rule to ABC, we have
AB AC v1 u1
= or =
sin(180º  ) sin(30º  ) sin  sin (30  )
12 5
sin 30 sin (30  )
5  sin 30
sin (30° – ) = = 0.2083
 30° –  = sin 0.2083 = 12°
 = 30° – 12° = 18°
u2 v w2 D
C 
A 
v2 v f2
Outlet velocity
v r2 (180° – )
B Outlet tip
Angle of deflection

 120°

Direction of motion
of vane

( –  )
Inlet velocity
Inlet tip
triangle v1
v f1
v r1
A   D
u1 C

vw 1
Fig. 4.5.1.

3. Again applying sine rule to ABC, we have

v1 v r1
sin (180º  ) sin 
12 vr1
or, =
sin  sin 18
12  sin 18 12  sin 18
 vr =  = 7.42 m/s
1 sin  sin 30
4. In ABD,
vw = v1 cos  = 12 cos 18° = 11.41 m/s
4–14 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

5. Now, since the vane is smooth, therefore,

vr = vr1 = 7.42 m/s
6. At outlet, from BCD, we have
vr cos  = u2 + vw
2 2
 vw = vr cos  – u2 = 7.42 cos 30° – 5 = 1.42 m/s
2 2
7. Also, vf = vr sin  = 7.42 sin 30° = 3.71 m/s
2 2

v f2 3.71
8. Now, tan  =  = 2.613
v w2 1.42
 Angle of jet at outlet,  = tan – 1 2.613 = 69.06°
9. Hence, angle made by v2 at outlet with direction of motion of vane is
= 180° –  = 180° – 69.06° = 110.94°
10. Absolute velocity of jet at exit,
v2 = v 2w2  v 2f

= (1.42)  (3.71)2 = 3.97 m/s


11. The work done per second per N of water

1 1
= (vw1 u1  vw2 u2 )  (vw1  v w2 )  u
g g
= (11.41 + 1.42) × 5 = 6.539 Nm
Que 4.6. Show that in case of jet striking the series of flat plates
mounted on wheel periphery, the efficiency will be maximum when
tangential velocity of wheel is half of the jet.

1. As shown in Fig. 4.6.1, a large number of plates are mounted on the
circumference of a wheel at a fixed distance.
2. The jet strikes on the plate and due to the force exerted by jet on the
plate, the wheel starts moving at a constant speed.
3. Let, u = Velocity of vane.
4. Mass of water per second striking the series of plate = av
and, jet of water strikes the plate with a velocity = (v – u)
5. After striking, the jet moves tangential to plate and hence velocity
component in the direction of motion of plate is equal to zero.
6. Force exerted by the jet in the direction of motion of plate,
Fx = Mass per sec [Initial velocity – Final velocity]
= av[(v – u) – 0]
= av(v – u)
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–15 A (ME-Sem-3)


v u
Jet of water
Fig. 4.6.1.

7. Work done by the jet on the series of plates per second,

= Force × Velocity = Fxu = av(v – u)u
1 1 
8. Kinetic energy of jet per second = mv2 = (a v) v 2  a v3
2 2 2
Work done per second
9. Efficiency, =
Kinetic energy per second
a v (v u)u

a v 3
2u(v  u)
10. For maximum efficiency, =0
d  2u(v  u)  d  2u v 2u2 
  =0 or   =0
du  v2  du  v2 
2 v  2  2u
=0 or 2v – 4u = 0
u= or v = 2u
Hence, the efficiency is maximum when tangential velocity of wheel is
half of the velocity of jet.

Que 4.7. What is the difference between the force of jet when it
impinges on a single moving flat plate and the force of jet when it
strikes on a series of moving plates ? AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05
4–16 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

1. The force of jet when it impinges on a single moving flat plate is given
F1 = a(v – u)2
2. The force when jet impinges on a series of moving plate is given by,
F2 = a(v – u)v
3. The difference between the two forces is given as,
= F1 – F2
= a(v – u) [v – u – v]
= – a(v – u)u

Classification of Turbines.

Turbines : These are defined as the hydraulic machines which convert
hydraulic energy into mechanical energy.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 4.8. Discuss the classification of hydraulic turbines.

AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10

Classify hydraulic turbines in detail. AKTU 2017-18, Marks 10

Hydraulic turbines are classified as follows :
a. According to the Type of Energy Available at Inlet :
i. Impulse Turbine : In an impulse turbine, all the available energy of
water is converted into kinetic energy or velocity head.
Example : Pelton wheel turbine.
ii. Reaction Turbine : In a reaction turbine, at the entrance to the runner,
only a part of the available energy of water is converted into kinetic energy
and a substantial part remains in the form of pressure energy.
Example : Francis turbine, Kaplan turbine.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–17 A (ME-Sem-3)

b. According to the Direction of Flow through Runner :

i. Tangential Flow Turbine : In this turbine, the water flows along
the tangent to the path of rotation of the runner.
Example : Pelton wheel turbine.
ii. Radial Flow Turbine : In this turbine, the water flows along the
radial direction.
Example : Francis turbine.
iii. Axial Flow Turbine : In this turbine, water flows through the runner
wholly and mainly along the direction parallel to the axis of rotation of
the runner.
Example : Kaplan turbine.
iv. Mixed Flow Turbine : In this turbine, water enters the runner at the
outer periphery in radial direction and leaves it at the centre in the
direction parallel to the axis of rotation of the runner.
Example : Modern Francis turbine.
c. According to the Head at Inlet of Turbine :
i. High Head Turbine : These are the turbines which are capable of
working under very high head ranging more than 250 m.
Example : Pelton wheel turbine.
ii. Medium Head Turbine : These are the turbines which are capable of
working under head ranging from 60 m to 250 m.
Example : Francis turbine.
iii. Low Head Turbine : These are the turbines which are capable of
working under head less than 60 m.
Example : Kaplan turbine.
d. According to the Specific Speed of the Turbine :
i. Low Specific Speed Turbine : Low specific speed ranging less than 60.
Example : Pelton wheel turbine.
ii. Medium Specific Speed Turbine : Ranging between 60 to 300.
Example : Francis turbine.
iii. High Specific Speed Turbine : Ranging between 300 to 1000.
Example : Kaplan turbine.

Que 4.9. Explain different types of head used in hydroelectric

power plant and also draw the schematic hydroelectric power plant.

A. Different Heads used in Hydroelectric Power Plant :
i. Gross Head :
1. The difference between the head race level and tail race level when
no water is flowing is known as gross head.
4–18 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

2. It is denoted by Hg.
ii. Net Head or Effective Head :
1. It is the head available at the entrance to the turbine.
2. It is obtained by subtracting all the losses of head from gross head.
3. Net head is given by,
H = Hg – hf
Where, Hg = Gross head, and
hf = Total loss of head between the head race and
the entrance of the turbine.
B. Layout of a Hydroelectric Power Plant :
Head race
Net head Vanes
Gross head Nozzle
( H g)

Tail race

Fig. 4.9.1. Layout of a hydroelectric power plant.

Que 4.10. Explain different types of efficiency of turbine.

The following are the important efficiencies of a turbine :
i. Hydraulic Efficiency : It is defined as the ratio of power given by
water to the runner of a turbine to power supplied by the water at the
inlet of the turbine.
Power delivered to runner
h =
Power supplied at inlet
RP(Runner power)
WP(Water power or hydraulic power)
ii. Mechanical Efficiency :
1. The ratio of the power available at the shaft of the turbine to the power
delivered to the runner is defined as mechanical efficiency.
Power at the shaft of the turbine SP
m = =
Power delivered by water to the turbine RP
2. The power delivered by water to the runner of a turbine is transmitted
to the shaft of the turbine. Due to mechanical losses, power available at
the shaft of the turbine is less than the power delivered to the runner of
a turbine.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–19 A (ME-Sem-3)

iii. Volumetric Efficiency : The ratio of the volume of the water actually
striking the runner to the volume of water supplied to the turbine is
defined as volumetric efficiency.
Volume of water actually striking the runner
v =
Volume of water supplied to the turbine
iv. Overall Efficiency : It is defined as the ratio of power available at the
shaft of the turbine to the power supplied by the water at the inlet of the
Power available at the shaft of the turbine SP SP RP
o = = = ×
Power available at the inlet of the turbine WP RP WP
o = mh

Impulse Turbines, Constructional Details, Velocity
Triangles, Power and Efficiency Calculations.

Impulse Turbine : If at the inlet of the turbine, the energy available
is only kinetic energy, the turbine is known as impulse turbine.
Pelton Wheel : It is a tangential flow impulse turbine. The pressure at
the inlet and outlet of the turbine is atmospheric. This turbine is used
for high heads.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 4.11. Describe briefly the function of various main

components of Pelton wheel turbine with neat sketches.
Explain construction and working of Pelton wheel turbine.

A. Construction of Pelton Wheel Turbine :
i. Nozzle and Flow Regulating Arrangement :
1. The amount of water striking the buckets of runner is controlled
by providing a spear in the nozzle.
2. Spear has the streamlined head which is fixed to end of the rod.
4–20 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

3. The spear is push forward in the nozzle to reduce the water flow
and is push backward to increase the water flow.
ii. Runner Reduce Gap with Buckets :
1. Runner consists of a circular disc with a number of buckets evenly
spaced around its periphery.
2. Each bucket is divided into two symmetrical parts by a dividing wall
which is known as splitter.
3. The jet of water impinges on the splitter which divides the jet into
two equal portions.
iii. Casing :
1. Fig. 4.11.1 shows the casing of a Pelton wheel turbine.
2. The function of the casing is to prevent the splashing of the water
and to discharge water to tail race.
3. The casing of the Pelton wheel does not perform any hydraulic




Jet of water

Fig. 4.11.1. Pelton turbine.

iv. Breaking Jet :
1. When the nozzle is completely closed by the motion of spear in
forward direction, the amount of water striking the runner reduces
to zero.
2. But due to inertia, runner goes on revolving. Therefore a jet from
back of vane is used to stop the wheel known as breaking jet.
B. Working of Pelton Wheel Turbine :
1. The water stored at high head is made to flow through the penstock and
reaches the nozzle of the Pelton turbine.
2. The nozzle increases the kinetic energy of the water and directs the
water in the form of jet.
3. The jet of water from the nozzle strikes the bucket (vanes) of the runner.
This made the runner to rotate at very high speed.
4. The quantity of water striking the vanes or buckets is controlled by the
spear present inside the nozzle.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–21 A (ME-Sem-3)

5. The generator is attached to the shaft of the runner which converts the
mechanical energy of the runner into electrical energy.

Que 4.12. Prove that the work done per second per unit weight of

water in Pelton turbine is given as (v w1  vw2 ) u .
Draw inlet and outlet velocity triangles for a Pelton wheel and
indicate the direction of velocities. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 05

1. Fig. 4.12.1 shows the inlet and outlet velocity triangles.
u2 vw 2
 v  vf2
v r2

A v r1
vw 1

Fig. 4.12.1.
2. Let, v1 and v2 = Absolute velocity at inlet and velocity of jet at
outlet respectively,
vr and vr = Relative velocity of jet at inlet and outlet
1 2
vf and vf = Velocity of flow at inlet and outlet respectively,
1 2
vw and vw = Velocity of whirl at inlet and outlet respectively.
1 2
3. Velocity triangle at inlet will be straight line where,
vr1 = v1 – u1 = v1 – u
vw1 = v1
 = 0°,  = 0°
4. Velocity triangle at outlet,
vr2 = vr1
vw2 = vr2 cos  – u2
5. Force exerted by the jet of water in the direction of motion,
Fx = av1[vw1 + vw2]
6. Work done by the jet on runner per second = Fxu
= av1[vw1 + vw2]u
4–22 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

7. Work done/sec per unit weight of water striking

Work done by jet on runner per second
Weight of water striking per second
a v1[v w1  v w2 ]u 1
=  [vw1  v w2 ] u
a v1 g g

Que 4.13. Prove that hydraulic efficiency for Pelton wheel turbine
is given by,
2(v1  u) (1  cos  )u
h =
Also find out the condition for maximum efficiency for Pelton wheel

1. Work done per second = av1[vw1 + vw2]u
1 1
2. KE of jet per second = mv12 = (av1) v12
2 2
3. For Pelton wheel turbine, hydraulic efficiency is given by,
Work done per second
h =
KE of jet per second
a v1[vw1  vw2 ]u
h = ...(4.13.1)
(a v1 ) v12
4. For a Pelton wheel, we have
vw1 = v1, vr1 = v1 – u1 = v1 – u
vr2 = v1 – u
vw2 = vr2 cos  – u2 = vr2 cos  – u = (v1 – u) cos  – u
5. Substituting the value of vw1 and vw2 in eq. (4.13.1), we get
2[v1  (v1  u) cos   u]u
h =
2[v1  u  (v1  u) cos  ]u
2(v1  u) (1  cos ) u
6. For maximum efficiency,
( h ) = 0
d  2(v1  u) (1  cos )u 
  =0
du  v12 
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–23 A (ME-Sem-3)

(1  cos ) d
[2(v1  u)u] = 0
v12 du
[2 v1 u  2u2 ] = 0
2v1 – 4u = 0
7. So, hydraulic efficiency of a Pelton wheel turbine will be maximum
when the velocity of wheel is half the velocity of jet of water at inlet.

Que 4.14. What are the design aspects of Pelton wheel ?

The following points should be considered while designing a Pelton
wheel :
i. Velocity of Jet at Inlet :
Where, v1 = Cv 2 gH
Cv = Coefficient of velocity, and
= 0.98 or 0.99
H = Net head available.
ii. Velocity of Wheel : It is given by,
u =  2 gH
Where,  = Speed ratio (varies from 0.43 to 0.48)
iii. Angle of Deflection : It is taken as 165°, if no angle is given.
iv. Mean Diameter of Wheel : It is given by,
DN 60u
u= or D 
60 N
v. Jet Ratio (m) : It is defined as the ratio of the pitch diameter of the
Pelton wheel to the diameter of the jet. It is usually taken between 11
and 15.
Diameter of pitch circle ( D)
Diameter of jet ( d)
vi. Number of Bucket on Runner (Z) : It is given by, Z = 15 + m/2.
It is usually taken 20 to 25.
vii. Number of Jets : It is obtained by dividing the total rate of flow through
the turbine by the rate of flow of water through a single jet.
Total flow
Number of jet =
Flow through one jet
Number of jet practically should not be greater than 6.

Que 4.15. A Pelton wheel has a mean bucket speed of 10 m/s with a
jet of water flowing at a rate of 700 lit/s under a head of 30 m. The
4–24 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

bucket deflects the jet through an angle of 160 degree. Calculate

power and hydraulic efficiency. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 05


Given : u1 = u2 = u = 10 m/s, Q = 700 lit/s = 0.7 m3/s, H = 30 m,

 = 180° – 160° = 20°
To Find : i. Power.
ii. Hydraulic efficiency.
Data Assumed : Cv = 0.98.

1. The velocity of jet, v1 = Cv 2 gH = 0.98 2  9.81  30 = 23.77 m/s

 vr = v1 – u1 = 23.77 – 10 = 13.77 m/s
vw = v1 = 23.77 m/s
2. From outlet velocity triangle,
vr = vr = 13.77 m/s
2 1
vw = vr cos  – u2
2 2
= 13.77 cos 20° – 10 = 2.94 m/s
3. Work done by the jet per second on the runner is given as
= av1 [vw + vw ]u
1 2
= 1000 × 0.7 × [23.77 + 2.94] × 10
( av1 = Q = 0.7 m3/s)
= 186970 Nm/s
4. Power given to turbine = = 186.97 kW
5. The hydraulic efficiency of the turbine is given as,
2[vw1  v w2 ]u
2[23.77  2.94]  10
h = 
v12 23.77  23.77
= 0.9454 or 94.54 %
u2 vw 2
 v  vf2
vr 2


u1 vr 1
vw 1

Fig. 4.15.1.

Que 4.16. Determine the power given by the jet of water to the
runner of a Pelton wheel which is having tangential velocity as
20 m/s. The net head on the turbine is 50 m and discharge through
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–25 A (ME-Sem-3)

the jet water is 0.03 m3/s. The side clearance angle is 15° and take
Cv = 0.975. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 7.5


Given : u =20 m/s, H = 50 m, Q = 0.03 m3/s,  = 15°, Cv = 0.975

To Find : Power given by jet to the runner.

1. Velocity of the jet, v1 = Cv 2 gH = 0.975 2  9.81  50 = 30.54 m/s

2. From inlet velocity triangle of Pelton wheel, we have
vw = v1 = 30.54 m/s
vr = vw – u1 = 30.54 – 20.0 = 10.54 m/s
1 1
3. From outlet velocity triangle, we have
vr = vr = 10.54 m/s
2 1
vr cos  = 10.54 cos 15° = 10.18 m/s
4. As vr cos  is less than u2, the velocity triangle at outlet will be as shown
in Fig. 4.16.1.
u2 v w2

vf2 v 
vr 2 2


u1 vr 1
vw 1

Fig. 4.16.1.
 vw = u2 – vr cos  = 20 – 10.18 = 9.82 m/s
2 2
5. Also as  is an obtuse angle, the work done per second on the runner,
= av1 [vw – vw ]u = Q [vw – vw ]u
1 2 1 2
= 1000 × 0.03 × [30.54 – 9.82] × 20 = 12432 Nm/s
6. Power given to the runner in kW
Work done per second 12432
= = = 12.432 kW
1000 1000
Que 4.17. A Pelton wheel turbine has following specifications :
Shaft power = 12000 kW
Head = 400 meters
Speed = 750 rpm
Overall efficiency = 0.85
and the ratio of jet diameter to the wheel diameter is 1/6. Determine :
i. The wheel diameter.
ii. Diameter of the jet and number of jets required.
Take Cv = 0.98 and  = 0.45.
4–26 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

Given : P = 12000 kW, H = 400 m, N = 750 rpm, o = 0.85,
d/D = 1/6, Cv = 0.98,  = 0.45
To Find : i. Wheel diameter.
ii. Jet diameter.
iii. Number of jets required.

1. Velocity of jet, v1 = Cv 2 gH = 0.98 2  9.81  400 = 86.82 m/s

2. Velocity of wheel, u =  2 gH

= 0.45 2  9.81  400 = 39.86 m/s

3. We know that, u=
u  60 39.86  60
 D=  = 1.01 m
  N 3.14  750
d 1
4. Now, =
D 6
D 1.01
d=  = 0.168 m
6 6
5. Discharge of one jet,
q = Area of jet × Velocity of jet
 2 
= d v1 = (0.168)2 × 86.82 = 1.92 m3/s
4 4
6. Overall efficiency is given as,
Shaft power
o =
Water power
o =
12000  1000
0.85 =
1000  9.81  Q  400
Q = 3.60 m3/s
Total discharge (Q)
7. Number of jets =
Discharge of one jet ( q)
= = 1.875  2
Number of jets = 2

Governing of Pelton Wheel.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–27 A (ME-Sem-3)


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 4.18. Explain the governing of a Pelton turbine. Use neat

sketch. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10

What do you understand by term governing of turbine ? Explain
governing mechanism of Pelton wheel. AKTU 2017-18, Marks 10
Explain construction and working of Pelton wheel turbine. Also
how the speed of Pelton wheel govern ? AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05

A. Construction and Working of Pelton Wheel Turbine :
Refer Q. 4.11, Page 4–19A, Unit-4.
B. Governing of Turbines :
1. It is defined as the operation by which the speed of the turbine is kept
constant under all conditions.
2. It is done automatically by means of a governor, which regulates the
rate of flow through the turbines according to the changing load conditions
on the turbine.
C. Governing Mechanism of Pelton Turbine :
Piston Rod of
Control valve
Fulcrum Relay or Control valve
To Turbine
Main Shaft V1

Oil pump Piston Rod of

Relay Cylinder
Oil sump
Relay Cylinder Nozzle
Fig. 4.18.1. Governing of Pelton turbine.
4–28 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

i. When the Load on Generator Decreases :

1. When the load on the generator decreases, the speed of generator
and hence the turbine increases beyond normal speed.
2. The fly-balls of the centrifugal governor move outward due to the
increased centrifugal force on them.
3. Due to the outward movement of the fly-balls, the sleeve moves
up. As a consequence the portion of the lever to the right of the
fulcrum moves down pushing the piston rod of the control valve
4. This closes the valve V1 and opens the valve V2.
5. A gear pump pumps oil from the oil sump to the relay valve or
control valve. Oil flows through valve V2 and exerts force on the
face A of the piston of the relay cylinder.
6. The piston rod along with the spear moves to the right. This
decreases the area of flow of the nozzle and hence, the rate of
water flows to the turbine.
7. Consequently the speed of the turbine decreases till it becomes
ii. When the Load on Generator Increases :
1. When the load on the generator increases, the speed of generator
and hence the turbine decreases beyond normal speed.
2. The fly-balls of the centrifugal governor move inward due to the
decreased centrifugal force on them.
3. Due to the inward movement of the fly-balls, the sleeve moves
down and the piston rod of control valve goes up.
4. This closes the valve V2 and opens the valve V1.
5. Oil flows through valve V1 and exerts force on the face B of the
piston of the relay cylinder.
6. The piston rod along with the spear moves to the left. This increases
the area of flow of the nozzle and hence, the rate of water flows to
the turbine.
7. As a consequence, the speed of the turbine increases till it becomes

Francis and Kaplan Turbines, Constructional Details,
Velocity Triangles, Power and Efficiency.

Reaction Turbine : If at the inlet of the turbine, the water possesses
kinetic energy as well as pressure energy, the turbine is known as
reaction turbine.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–29 A (ME-Sem-3)

Classification of Reaction Turbine :

Reaction turbine

Radial flow turbine Axial flow turbine

Inward radial Outward radial

flow turbine flow turbine


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 4.19. Give the comparison between impulse and reaction


S. No. Impulse Turbine Reaction Turbine
1. The available fluid energy is The energy of the fluid is partly
conve rted into KE by a transformed into KE before it
nozzle. enters the runner of the turbine.
2. The pressure remains same After entering the runner with an
throughout the action of excess pressure, water undergoes
water on the runner. change s both in velocity and
pressure while passing through the
3. Water may be allowed to Water is admitted o ve r the
enter a part or whole of the circumference of the wheel.
wheel circumference.
4. Wate r tight casing is Water tight casing is not necessary.
5. The wheel/turbine does not Water completely fills all the
run full and air has a free passages between the blades while
access to the buckets. flo wing betwe en inlet o utle t
sections does work on the blades.
6. Always installed above the Unit may be installed above or
tail race. No draft tube is below the tail race. Use of a draft
used. tube is made.
4–30 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

7. Relative velocity of water Due to continuous drop in pressure

either remains constant or during flow through the blade, the
re duce s slightly due to relative velocity increases.

Que 4.20. State the differences between inward and outward radial
flow reaction turbine.


S. No. Inward Flow Outward Flow

Reaction Turbine Reaction Turbine
1. Water enters at the outer Water e nter s at the inner
periphery, flows inward and pe riphery flow s o utward and
dischar ge at the inner discharges at the outer periphery.
2. Negative centrifugal head Positive ce ntrifugal he ad
reduces the relative velocity increases the relative velocity of
of water at the outlet. water at the outlet.
3. Discharge does not increase. The discharge increases.
4. Easy and e ffec tive spe ed Speed control is very difficult.
5. The turbine adjusts the The turbine cannot adjust the
speed by itself. speed by itself.

Que 4.21. Describe briefly the function of various components of

radial flow reaction turbine or Francis turbine with neat sketch.
Explain the functions of the following parts of reaction turbine :
i. Scroll casing,
ii. Draft tube,
iii. Guide blades, and
iv. Runner. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 7.5

The main parts of a radial flow reaction turbine are as follows :
i. Scroll Casing : The spiral casing around the runner of the turbine is
known as the volute casing or scroll casing.
ii. Draft Tube :
1. The pressure at the exit of the runner of a reaction turbine is
generally less than atmospheric pressure.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–31 A (ME-Sem-3)

2. Therefore, it is not safe to discharge (water) directly into atmosphere

because it may results into evaporation.
3. To avoid this problem, draft tube is employed which supplies water
from exit of the turbine to the tail race.
Spiral casing Water from
Runner penstock


Fig. 4.21.1. Main parts of a radial flow reaction turbine.

iii. Guide Blade :
1. It consists of a stationary circular wheel all around the runner of
the turbine.
2. The stationary guide vanes are permanently fixed to the casing
which guides the water to enter into the runner. These are non
rotating unit.
iv. Runner :
1. It is a circular wheel on which a series of radial curved vanes are
fixed. Surface of vane is very smooth to avoid friction losses.
2. Runner is a rotating unit. It is the main part of turbine.
v. Penstock : It is a large size conduit which conveys water from the
upstream of the dam to the turbine runner.

Que 4.22. Show that the work done per second per unit weight of
water in reaction turbine is given as
= (v u )
g w1 1
Where, vw = Velocity of whirl at inlet, and
u1 = Tangential velocity of wheel at inlet.

1. Consider a series of radial curved vanes mounted on a wheel as shown
in Fig. 4.22.1. Jet of water strikes the vanes and wheel starts rotating at
constant angular speed.
4–32 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine


F vw2
 H
vr2 v2 
vf2 R1

at E

v1 Tangent at B
A  
u1 C

Fig. 4.22.1. Series of radial curved vanes mounted on a wheel.

2. Let, u1 and u2 = Tangential velocity of wheel at inlet and outlet,
R1 and R2 = Radius of wheel at inlet and outlet,
 = Angular speed of wheel,
vw = Velocity of whirl at inlet = v1 cos , and
vw = Velocity of whirl at outlet = v2 cos .
3. Momentum of water at inlet = Mass of water coming out from nozzle
× Component of v1 in tangential direction
= av1vw
4. Similarly, momentum of water at outlet,
= av1 × (– vw )
(Negative sign shows direction of flow is in opposite direction)
5. Angular momentum per second at inlet,
= Momentum at inlet × Radius at inlet
= av1vw R1
6. Angular momentum per second at outlet,
= Momentum at outlet × Radius at outlet
= – av1vw2R2
7. Torque exerted by water on wheel,
T = (Initial angular momentum per second)
– (Final angular momentum per second)
= (av1vw R1) – (– av1vw2 R2)
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–33 A (ME-Sem-3)

= av1 [vw R1 + vw2R2]

8. Now, work done per second on wheel
= Torque × Angular velocity
= av1 [vw R1 + vw R2] × 
1 2
= av1 [vw u1 + vw u2]
1 2
( u1 = R1 and u2 = R2)
= Q [vw u1 + vw u2] ( av1 = Q)
1 2
9. Weight of water striking per second = Qg
10. Work done per second per unit weight of water

Work done per second

Weight of water striking per second

Q[v w1 u1  v w2 u2 ]

= [v u + vw u2]
g w1 1 2

11. If discharge is radial, then vw = 0

 Work done per second per unit weight of water = (v u )
g w1 1

Que 4.23. Following data pertain to a Francis turbine :

Net head = 60 m, speed = 650 rpm, shaft power = 275 kW, ratio of outer
diameter to inner diameter = 2, ratio of wheel width to wheel
diameter = 0.1, flow ratio = 0.17, hydraulic = 0.95 and overall = 0.85.
The flow velocity remains constant and the discharge is radial.
Find out wheel width, diameter and blade angles at inlet and outlet.


Given : H = 60 m, N = 650 rpm, SP = 275 kW, B1/D1 = 0.1,

D1/D2 = 2, Flow ratio = 0.17, h = 0.95, 0 = 0.85
To Find : i. Width of wheel.
ii. Diameter of blade at inlet and outlet.
iii. Blade angle at inlet and outlet.
4–34 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine


vf = v 2 = vf
vr 2 1

 vr 1
 1

Fig. 4.23.1.

v f1
1. Flow ratio, 0.17 =
2 gH

vf = 0.17 × 2  9.81  60
= 5.83 m/s
Since velocity of flow is constant, so
vf = vf = 5.83 m/s
1 2
2. Discharge at outlet is radial, so
vw = 0, and vf = v2
2 2
3. Now, overall efficiency,
o =
0.85 =
WP = 323.53 kW
4. Water power is also given as,
WP =
1000  9.81  Q  60
323.53 =
Q = 0.550 m3/s
5. Discharge, Q = Actual area of flow × vf
Q = D1B1vf
0.550 =  × D1 × 0.1 × D1 × 5.83
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–35 A (ME-Sem-3)

D12 = 0.30029
D1 = 0.548 m
6. It is given that, = 0.1
B1 = 0.548 × 0.1  0.055 m
7. Tangential speed of turbine at inlet,
D1 N  0.548  650
u1 = = = 18.65 m/s
60 60
8. Hydraulic efficiency is given as,
v w1 u1
h =
vw1  18.65
0.95 =
9.81  60
vw = 30 m/s
9. From inlet velocity triangle,
v f1 5.83
tan  = =
v w1 30
 = 11°
10. Again from inlet velocity triangle,
vf1 5.83
tan  = =
vw1  u1 30  18.65
 = 27.18º
11. Diameter of runner at outlet,
D2 = D1/2
= 0.548/2 = 0.274
D2 N   0.274  650
12. We know, u2 = 
60 60
= 9.325 m/s
13. From outlet velocity triangle,
vf 2 vf 1 5.83
tan  =  
u2 u2 9.325
 = 32.013º

Que 4.24. Explain governing mechanism of Francis turbine.

AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05

4–36 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

1. Governing of Francis turbines is usually done by altering the position of
the guide vanes and thus controlling the flow rate by changing the gate
openings to the runner.
2. The guide blades of a reaction turbine as shown in Fig. 4.24.1 are pivoted
and connected by levers and links to the regulating ring.
3. Two long regulating rods connects the regulating ring and regulating
4. The regulating lever is attached to a regulating shaft which is controlled
by a servomotor piston of the oil pressure governor.
5. The penstock feeding the turbine inlet has a relief valve.
6. When the guide vanes have to be closed, the relief valve opens and
diverts the water to the tail race.
7. Thus the double regulation, which is the simultaneous operation of two
elements, is accomplished by moving the guide vanes and relief valve in
Francis turbine by the governor.
Connected to oil pressure governor piping

Spiral casing

shaft Regulating

Regulating Regulating
lever ring
Turbine inlet

Fig. 4.24.1. Governing of Francis turbine.

Que 4.25. Write a short note on Kaplan turbine.

1. The Kaplan turbine is a propeller type water turbine which has adjustable
blades that can be rotated about pivots fixed to the boss of the runner.
2. The blades are adjusted automatically by servo mechanism so that at all
loads the flow enters them without shock. Thus, a high efficiency is
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–37 A (ME-Sem-3)

maintained even at part load. The servomotor cylinder is usually

accommodated in the hub.
3. The Kaplan turbine has purely axial flow. It behaves like a propeller
turbine at full load conditions.



Fig. 4.25.1. Kaplan turbine runner.

4. Kaplan turbine, like every propeller turbine, is a high speed turbine and
is used for smaller heads; as the speed is high, the number of runner
vanes is small.
5. Discharge for Kaplan turbine is given as,
 2
Q= ( Do  Db2 ) vf1
Where, Do = Outer diameter of runner,
Db = Diameter of hub, and
vf = Velocity of flow at inlet.

Que 4.26. Differentiate between Francis and Kaplan turbine.


S. No. Francis Turbine Kaplan Turbine

1. Radially inward or mixed Partially axial flow turbine.
flow turbine.
2. Number of vanes varies Number of vanes varies from 3 to
from 16 to 24 blades. 8 blades.
3. Horizontal or vertical Only vertical position of shaft.
position of shaft.
4. Runne r vane s are no t Runner vanes are adjustable.
5. Medium flow rate. Large flow rate.
4–38 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

Que 4.27. The hub diameter of a Kaplan turbine, working under a

head of 12 m is 0.35 times the diameter of the runner. The turbine is
running at 100 rpm. If the vane angle of the runner at the outlet is
15° and flow ratio is 0.6, find :
i. Diameter of the runner,
ii. Diameter of the boss, and
iii. Discharge through the runner.
The whirl component of velocity at the outlet is zero.


Given : H = 12 m, Db = 0.35 Do, N = 100 rpm,  = 15°, vw2 = 0

Flow ratio = 0.6
To Find : i. Runner diameter.
ii. Boss diameter.
iii. Discharge through runner.
1. Flow ratio, 0.6 =
2 gH
vf = 0.6 × 2 gH
= 0.6 × 2  9.81  12
= 9.2 m/s

vf = v 2
vr 2

vr 1
  1
Fig. 4.27.1.
vf 2 vf 1
2. From outlet velocity triangle, tan  = =
u2 u2
tan 15° =
u2 = 34.33 m/s
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–39 A (ME-Sem-3)

3. For Kaplan turbine, u1 = u2 = 34.33 m/s

Do N
4. Now, u1 =
  Do  100
34.33 =
Do = 6.55 m
 Db = 0.35 × 6.55 = 2.3 m
5. Discharge through runner,

Q= [ Do2  Db2 ]v f 1

= [6.552  2.32 ]  9.2
= 271.77 m3/s

Principles of Similarity.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 4.28. What are the different types of similarities that exist
between model and prototype ?

Following are the three types of similarities that exist between model
and prototype :
i. Geometric Similarity :
1. The geometric similarity is said to exist between the model and the
prototype if the ratio of all corresponding linear dimension in the model
and prototype are equal.
ii. Kinematic Similarity :
1. It means the similarity of motion between model and prototype.
2. If at the corresponding points in the model and in the prototype, the
velocity or acceleration ratios are same (both in magnitude and direction),
the two flows are said to be kinematically similar.
iii. Dynamic Similarity :
1. Dynamic similarity means the similarity of force (both in magnitude and
in direction) in model and in prototype.
4–40 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

2. Dynamic similarity is said to exist between the model and the prototype
if the ratios of the corresponding forces acting at the corresponding
points are equal.

Unit and Specific Speed.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 4.29. Define the term unit power, unit speed and unit discharge
with reference to a hydraulic turbine.
Show that in a given turbine :
u  H , Q  H and P  H3/2
where u is peripheral speed, Q is discharge rate, P is power and H is
the available head.

A. Unit Speed :
1. It is defined as the speed of a turbine working under a unit head (i.e.,
under a head of 1 m). It is denoted by Nu.
2. Let, N = Speed of turbine under a head H,
H = Head under which a turbine is working, and
u = Tangential velocity.
3. The tangential velocity, absolute velocity of water and head on the
turbine are related as,
but, v H
 u H ...(4.29.1)
4. Tangential velocity is also given as,
u= [D = Diameter of turbine]
5. For a given turbine, diameter (D) is constant,
 uN
So, N H [From eq. (4.29.1)]
N = K1 H ...(4.29.2)
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–41 A (ME-Sem-3)

Where, K1 = Constant of proportionality.

6. If head on turbine is unity, speed becomes unit speed.
Nu = K1 1
K1 = N u
7. Putting value of K1 in eq. (4.29.2), we get
N = Nu H
Nu =
B. Unit Discharge :
1. It is defined as the discharge passing through a turbine, which is working
under a unit head. It is denoted by Qu.
2. Let, Q = Discharge passing through turbine when head
is H, and
a = Area of flow of water.
3. Discharge passing through a given turbine under a head H is given by,
Q = Area of flow × Velocity ...(4.29.3)
4. But for a turbine, area of flow is constant and given as

Velocity  H ...(4.29.4)
5. So from eq. (4.29.3) and eq. (4.29.4)
Q H
Q = K2 H ...(4.29.5)
Where, K2 = Constant of proportionality.
6. For unit head, H = 1, Q = Qu
So, Qu = K2 1
Qu = K2
7. Putting the value of K2 in eq. (4.29.5), we get
Q = Qu H
Qu =
C. Unit Power :
1. It is defined as the power developed by a turbine, working under a unit
head. It is represented by symbol Pu.
2. Let, P = Power developed by the turbine under head H.
3. Overall efficiency is given as,
Power developed P
o = = ...(4.29.6)
Water power gQH
P  QH
4–42 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

 H ×H ( Q H)
 H3/2
P = K3H3/2 ...(4.29.7)
Where, K3 = Constant of proportionality.
4. For unit head, H = 1, P = Pu
So, Pu = K3(1)3/2
Pu = K3
5. Putting the value of K3 in eq. (4.29.7), we get
P = PuH3/2
Pu =
H 3/ 2

Que 4.30. Define specific speed of a turbine and derive an

expression for the same.
Deduce an expression for the specific speed of a hydraulic turbine
and explain how it is useful in practice. AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05

A. Specific Speed :
1. It is defined as the speed of a turbine which is identical in shape,
geometrical dimensions, blade angles, gate openings, etc., with the actual
turbine but of such a size that it will develop unit power when working
under unit head. It is denoted by symbol Ns.
B. Derivation of the Specific Speed :
1. Let, D = Diameter of actual turbine,
N = Speed of actual turbine,
u = Tangential velocity of turbine,
Ns = Specific speed of the turbine, and
v = Absolute velocity of water.
2. The overall efficiency of any turbine is given as,
Shaft power P
o =  ...(4.30.1)
Water power gQH
P = o
P  Q H [as o and , g are constants] ...(4.30.2)
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–43 A (ME-Sem-3)

3. We know that, u H ...(4.30.3)

4. Tangential velocity is given as,
u  DN ...(4.30.4)
5. From eq. (4.30.3) and eq. (4.30.4),

H  DN
D ...(4.30.5)
6. Discharge through turbine is given by
Q = Area × Velocity
 Area  BD [Where, B = Width, B  D]
 D2
 Velocity  H
 H
 Q  D2 H    H [From eq. (4.30.5)]
 N 
H 3/ 2
Q ...(4.30.6)
7. Substitute the value of eq. (4.30.6) in eq. (4.30.2),
H 3/2 H 5/2
P 2
H 
N N2
5/ 2
P= K ...(4.30.7)
Where, K = Constant of proportionality
8. If P = 1, H = 1, the speed N = Ns,
(1)5 / 2
So, 1=K
N s2
K = Ns2
9. Putting the value of K in eq. (4.30.7), we get
H 5/ 2
P = Ns2
Ns2 =
H 5/2
Ns =
H 5/4
4–44 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

C. Usefulness or Significance of Specific Speed :

1. Specific speed plays an important role for selecting the turbine.
2. The performance of a turbine can be predicted by knowing the specific
speed of the turbine.

Que 4.31. A Kaplan turbine has the following specification

Rated discharge = 260 m3/sec, head = 10 m, speed = 80 rpm, runner
hub diameter = 2.3 m, runner vane tip diameter = 6.7 m, power
produced = 18000 kW, hydraulic efficiency = 85 %. Find the flow ratio,
overall efficiency, specific speed and the degree of reaction.
AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05


Given : Q = 260 m3/s, H = 10 m, N = 80 rpm, Db = 2.3 m,

D0 = 6.7 m, P = 18000 kW, h = 85 % = 0.85
To Find : i. Flow ratio.
ii. Overall efficiency.
iii. Specific speed.
iv. Degree of reaction.
 2
1. Discharge, Q= ( D0  Db2 ) v f 1

260 = [(6.7)2  (2.3)2 ]v f 1
260  4
vf1 =
  39.6
vf1 = 8.36 m/s
2. We know that,
vf 1 8.36
Flow ratio = 
2 gH 2  9.81  10
Flow ratio = 0.597

P  1000 18000  1000

3. Overall efficiency, 0 = 
gQH 1000  9.81  260  10
0 = 0.7057 or 70.57 %

N P 80 18000 10733.126
4. Specific speed, Ns =  
H 5/ 4 (10)5/ 4 17.783
Ns = 603.56 rpm
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–45 A (ME-Sem-3)

vw1 B D
C  
v1 vr1

Fig. 4.31.1. Inlet velocity triangle.

5. For Kaplan turbine,

 D0 N   6.7  80
u1 = u2   = 28.06 m/s
60 60
6. Hydraulic efficiency,
v w1 u1
h =

h gH 0.85  9.81  10
v w1 = 
u1 28.06
vw1 = 2.97 m/s
vf 1 8.36
7. From  ABC, tan  = 
v w1 2.97
 = 70.44°
8. Also from  ABD,
vf 1 8.36
tan (180° – ) = 
u1  v w1 28.06  2.97
So,  = 161.57°
9. Degree of reaction,
cot 
R= 1
2(cot   cot )

cot 70.44
= 1 = 0.947
2 (cot 70.44  cot 161.57)

Que 4.32. A Kaplan turbine runner is to be designed to develop

9100 kW. The net available head is 5.6 m. If the speed ratio
= 2.09, flow ratio = 0.68, overall efficiency = 86 % and the diameter of
the boss is 1/3 the diameter of the runner. Find the diameter of the
runner, its speed and the specific speed of the turbine.
AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10
4–46 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine


Given : P = 9100 kW, H = 5.6 m, Speed ratio = 2.09,

Flow ratio = 0.68, o = 86 % = 0.86, Db = (1/3) D0
To Find : i. Runner diameter.
ii. Speed of turbine.
iii. Specific speed of turbine.
1. Speed ratio =
2 gH
u1 = 2.09 × 2  9.81  5.6 = 21.90 m/s
v f1
2. Flow ratio =
2 gH
vf = 0.68 × 2  9.81  5.6 = 7.13 m/s
P  1000
3. Overall efficiency, o =
P  1000 9100  1000
Q= 
gH o 1000  9.81  5.6  0.86
= 192.61 m3/s
4. The discharge through a Kaplan turbine is given by

Q = [ Do2  Db2 ]v f1
  2  Do    Do 
192.61 =  Do      7.13  Db  
4   3    3 

  1 2
= 1  Do  7.13
4  9 
4 192.61  9
Do = = 6.22 m
 8  7.13
Do N
5. The speed of turbine is given by, u1 =
60u1 60  21.90
 N=  = 67.24 rpm
Do  6.22
N P 67.24 9100
6. Specific speed, Ns =  = 745 rpm
H 5/ 4 (5.6)5/ 4
Que 4.33. A Kaplan turbine develops 9000 kW under a net head of
7.5 m. Overall efficiency of the turbine is 86 %. The speed ratio based
on the outer diameter is 2.2 and the flow ratio is 0.66. Diameter of the
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–47 A (ME-Sem-3)

boss is 0.35 times the external diameter of the wheel. Determine the
diameter of runner and the specific speed of the runner.
AKTU 2017-18, Marks 10

Same as Q. 4.32, Page 4–45A, Unit-4 .
(Answer : Diameter of runner = 5.08 m and specific speed = 764 rpm)

Que 4.34. A model turbine, diameter of runner 380 mm develops

9 kW at a speed of 1500 rpm under a head of 7.6 m. A geometrically
similar turbine 1.9 m runner diameter has to operate with same
efficiency under a head of 15 m. What speed and power would be
expected ? AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05


Given : Dm = 380 mm = 0.38 m, Pm = 9 kW, Nm = 1500 rpm,

Hm = 7.6 m, Dp = 1.9 m, Hp = 15 m
To Find : Speed and power of turbine.
1. Using relation,
 H   H  Hm Hp
 2 2  =  N 2 D2   N 2 D 2  N 2 D 2
 N D m  p m m p p

Dm2 H p
Np2 = Nm2
Dp 2 Hm
 Speed of second turbine,
1/ 2
Dm  H p 
Np = Nm  
Dp  Hm 
1/ 2
 0.38   15 
= 1500 ×    = 421.46 rpm
 1.9   7.6 
2. Using relation,
 P   P  Pm Pp
 3 5  =  3 5   3 5

N D m  N D p N m Dm N p3 D p5
 Power produced by turbine,
5 3
D  N 
Pp = Pm  p   p 
 Dm   N m 
5 3
 1.9   421.46 
= 9×  = 623.86 kW
 0.38   1500 
4–48 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

Que 4.35. A reaction turbine is revolving at a speed of 200 rpm and

develops 5886 kW SP when working under a head of 200 m with an
overall efficiency of 80 %. Determine unit speed, unit discharge and
unit power. The speed ratio for the turbine is given as 0.48. Find the
speed, discharge and power when this turbine is working under a
head of 150 m. AKTU 2017-18, Marks 10

Given : N1 = 200 rpm, P1 = 5886 kW, H1 = 200 m, 0 = 80 % = 0.8,
H2 = 150 m, = Speed ratio = 0.48
To Find : i. Unit speed.
ii. Unit discharge.
iii. Unit power.
iv. Speed, discharge, power when turbine is
working under a head of 150 m.

N1 200
1. Unit speed, Nu =  = 14.142 rpm
H1 200
2. Overall efficiency is given by,
P1  1000
0 =
gQ1 H1
5886  1000
0.8 =
1000  9.81  Q1  200
0.8 = or Q1 = 3.75 m3/s
Q1 3.75
3. Unit discharge, Qu =  = 0.265 m3/s
H1 200
P1 5886
4. Unit power, Pu =  = 2.08 kW
H13/ 2 (200)3/ 2
5. When head = 150 m,
N1 N2
i. For speed, =
H1 H2
N1 H2 200  150
N2 =  = 173.2 rpm
H1 200
Q1 Q2
ii. For discharge, =
H1 H2
Q1 H2 3.75  150
Q2 =  = 3.25 m3/s
H1 200
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–49 A (ME-Sem-3)

P1 P2
iii. For power, =
H13/ 2 H23/ 2
P1 H23/ 2 5886  (150)3/ 2
P2 =  = 3823 kW
H13/ 2 (200)3/ 2

Performance Characteristics.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 4.36. Discuss performance characteristics of a hydraulic

turbine. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10

Discuss the various characteristics curves of hydraulic turbines in
details. AKTU 2017-18, Marks 10

1. Characteristic curves are defined as the curves, with the help of which
the exact behaviours and performance of the turbine under different
working conditions can be known.
2. Following are the important characteristic curves for the turbine :
i. Main Characteristic Curves or Constant Head Curves :
1. These are obtained by maintaining a constant head and a constant
gate opening (GO) on the turbine.
2. Main characteristics curve for Pelton wheel and various reaction
turbines are shown in Fig. 4.36.1 and Fig. 4.36.2 respectively.
H = Constant
Full Gate Opening H = Constant
Unit Discharge (Qu)

3/4 GO
Unit Power (Pu)

Full GO
1/2 GO 3/4 GO
1/2 GO
1/4 GO 1/4 GO

Unit Speed ( Nu) Unit Speed ( Nu)

4–50 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

H = Constant
Full GO
3/4 GO
1/2 GO

1/4 GO

Unit Speed (Nu )

Fig. 4.36.1. Main characteristic curves for a Pelton wheel.

H = Constant H = Constant
Unit Discharge (Qu )

Unit Discharge (Qu)

Full GO
F ul l O 3/4 GO
3/4 G O
1 /2 G 1/2 GO
1 /4 G
1/4 GO

Unit Speed (Nu ) Unit Speed (Nu )

(a) For Kaplan turbine (b) For Francis turbine
H = Constant
Unit Power (P u)

H = Constant
Full GO
Full GO
3/4 GO 3/4 GO
1/2 GO 1/2 GO
1/4 GO
1/4 GO
Unit Speed (Nu ) Unit Speed (Nu )
( c) (d)
Fig. 4.36.2. Main characteristic curves for reaction turbine.

ii. Operating Characteristic Curves or Constant Speed Curves :

1. These curves are plotted when the speed on the turbine is constant.
2. For operating characteristics, N and H are constant and hence the
variation of power and efficiency with respect to discharge Q are
plotted. These variations are shown in Fig. 4.36.3.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–51 A (ME-Sem-3)

H = Constant

Efficiency ( o)
N = Constant

Power (P)

Discharge (Q)
Discharge for overcoming friction
Fig. 4.36.3. Operating characteristic curves.
iii. Constant Efficiency Curves or Muschel Curves or Iso-Efficiency
Curves :
1. These curves are obtained from the speed v/s efficiency and speed
v/s discharge curves for different gate openings.
2. A constant efficiency curve is shown in Fig. 4.36.4.
H = Constant A Full GO
4 2
8 8 6
6 B
2 4 3/4 GO
C 1/2 GO
Q 1/4 GO

Iso-efficiency curves
Speed (N)

Full GO
3/4 GO

1/2 GO

Constant efficiency
1/4 GO
0.2 D CB A
Speed (N)
Fig. 4.36.4. Constant efficiency curves.

Selection of Water Turbines.
4–52 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 4.37. What points should be considered while selection of

hydraulic turbines ?

The following points should be considered while selection of hydraulic
turbines :
a. Specific Speed :
1. High specific speed is essential where head is low and output is large,
otherwise the rotational speed will be low which may leads to high cost
of turbo generator and power house.
b. Rotational Speed :
1. Rotational speed depends on specific speed.
2. Also the rotational speed of an electrical generator with which the turbine
is to be directly coupled, depends on the frequency and number of pair of
c. Efficiency :
1. The turbine selected should be such that it gives the highest overall
efficiency for various operating conditions.
d. Partload Operation :
1. In general, the efficiency at partloads and overloads is less than normal.
For the sake of economy the turbine should always run with maximum
possible efficiency to get more revenue.
e. Cavitation :
1. The installation of water turbines of reaction type over the tail race is
affected by cavitation.
2. The critical value of cavitation factor must be obtained to see that the
turbine works in safe zone. Such a value of cavitation factor also affects
the design of turbine, especially of Kaplan, propeller and bulb types.
f. Disposition of Turbine Shaft :
1. Vertical shaft arrangement is better for large sized reaction turbines.
2. In case of large size impulse turbines, horizontal shaft arrangement is
mostly employed.
g. Head :
i. Very High Heads : For heads greater than 350 m, Pelton turbine is
generally employed.
ii. High Heads : In this range (150 m to 350 m), either Pelton or Francis
turbine may be employed.
iii. Medium Heads : A Francis turbine is usually employed in this range
(60 m to 150 m).
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 4–53 A (ME-Sem-3)

iv. Low Heads : Between 30 m and 60 m heads, both Francis and Kaplan
turbine may be used.
v. Very Low Heads : For very low heads (2 m to 15 m), bulb turbines are


Following questions are very important. These questions
may be asked in your SESSIONALS as well as

Q. 1. Derive the formula for dynamic force exerted by fluid jet on

moving plate for the following cases :
i. When plate is normal to jet.
ii. Flat plate inclined to jet.
iii. When plate is curved and jet impinges at the center of plate.
iv. When plate is curved and jet impinges at one end.
Ans. Refer Q. 4.2, Unit-4.

Q. 2. A jet of water of diameter 50 mm having a velocity of

20 m/s strikes a curved vane which is moving with a velocity
of 10 m/s in the direction of jet. The jet leaves the vane at an
angle of 60 degree to the direction of motion of vane at
outlet. Determine
i. Force exerted by the jet on the vane in the direction of
ii. Work done per second by the jet.
Ans. Refer Q. 4.4, Unit-4.

Q. 3. Discuss the classification of hydraulic turbines.

Ans. Refer Q. 4.8, Unit-4.

Q. 4. A Pelton wheel has a mean bucket speed of 10 m/s with a jet

of water flowing at a rate of 700 lit/s under a head of 30 m.
The bucket deflects the jet through an angle of 160 degree.
Calculate power and hydraulic efficiency.
Ans. Refer Q. 4.15, Unit-4.

Q. 5. Explain the governing of a Pelton turbine. Use neat sketch.

Ans. Refer Q. 4.18, Unit-4.

Q. 6. Define specific speed of a turbine and derive an expression

for the same.
Ans. Refer Q. 4.30, Unit-4.
4–54 A (ME-Sem-3) Impact of Jet, Impulse & Reaction Turbine

Q. 7. A Kaplan turbine runner is to be designed to develop

9100 kW. The net available head is 5.6 m. If the speed
ratio = 2.09, flow ratio = 0.68, overall efficiency = 86 % and the
diameter of the boss is 1/3 the diameter of the runner. Find
the diameter of the runner, its speed and the specific speed
of the turbine.
Ans. Refer Q. 4.32, Unit-4.

Q. 8. Discuss performance characteristics of a hydraulic turbine.

Ans. Refer Q. 4.36, Unit-4.

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–1 A (ME-Sem-3)

5 Centrifugal and
Reciprocating Pumps

Part-1 : Classifications of ......................................... 5–2A to 5–3A
Centrifugal Pumps

Part-2 : Vector Diagram ......................................... 5–3A to 5–16A

Work Done by Impeller
Efficiencies of Centrifugal Pumps

Part-3 : Specific Speed .......................................... 5–16A to 5–18A

Part-4 : Cavitation and Separation .................... 5–18A to 5–21A

Part-5 : Performance Characteristics ............... 5–21A to 5–24A

Part-6 : Reciprocating Pump Theory ................. 5–24A to 5–29A

Part-7 : Slip ............................................................. 5–29A to 5–31A

Part-8 : Indicator Diagram .................................. 5–31A to 5–33A

Part-9 : Effect of Acceleration ............................ 5–33A to 5–44A

Part-10 : Air Vessels ................................................ 5–44A to 5–47A

Part-11 : Comparison of Centrifugal and ........... 5–48A to 5–48A

Reciprocating Pumps

Part-12 : Performance Characteristics ............... 5–48A to 5–49A

5–2 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

Classifications of Centrifugal Pumps.

Pumps : The hydraulic machines which convert the mechanical energy
into hydraulic energy are called pumps.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.1. Define a centrifugal pump. Give its classification.

A. Centrifugal Pump :
1. If the mechanical energy is converted into pressure energy by means of
centrifugal force acting on the fluid, then the hydraulic machine is
called centrifugal pump.
2. It is a radial outward flow machine. It acts as the reverse of an inward
radial flow reaction turbine.
3. It works on the principle of forced vortex flow.
B. Classification of Centrifugal Pump : On the basis of characteristic
features, the centrifugal pumps are classified as follows :
i. Type of Casing :
1. Volute pumps.
2. Turbine pump or diffusion pump.
ii. Working Head :
1. Low lift centrifugal pumps.
2. Medium lift centrifugal pumps.
3. High lift centrifugal pumps.
iii. Liquid Handled :
1. Closed impeller pump.
2. Semi-open impeller pump.
3. Open impeller pump.
iv. Number of Impellers per Shaft :
1. Single stage centrifugal pump.
2. Multi-stage centrifugal pump.
v. Number of Entrances to the Impeller :
1. Single entry or single suction pump.
2. Double entry or double suction pump.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–3 A (ME-Sem-3)

vi. Relative Direction of Flow through Impeller :

1. Radial flow pump.
2. Axial flow pump.
3. Mixed flow pump.

Vector Diagram, Work Done by Impeller, Efficiencies of
Centrifugal Pumps.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.2. Give the constructional details of a centrifugal pump.

Also explain its working.

A. Construction : Main parts of a centrifugal pump are :
a. Impeller :
1. An impeller is a wheel (or rotor) with a series of backward curved vanes
(or blades).
2. It is mounted on a shaft which is coupled to an electric motor.
3. The impellers are of following three types :
i. Shrouded or closed impeller.
ii. Semi-open impeller.
iii. Open impeller.
b. Casing :
1. The casing is an air tight chamber surrounding the pump impeller.
2. The following three types of casing are commonly employed :
i. Volute Casing :
1. In this type of casing the area of flow gradually increases from the
impeller outlet to the delivery pipe so as to reduce the velocity of
2. Thus the increase in pressure occurs in volute casing.
ii. Vortex Casing :
1. If a circular chamber is provided between the impeller and the
volute chamber, the casing is known as vortex casing.
2. The circular chamber is known as vortex or whirlpool chamber and
such a pump is known as volute pump with vortex chamber.
5–4 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

Discharge level

Overhead tank

Delivery pipe
Pressure gauge Delivery valve

Impeller Delivery flange

Vacuum gauge
S = Shaft driven by
Suction flange
electric motor or oil engine
Centre line of
the pump
Eye of the impeller
hs Suction
pipe Casing

Foot valve


Fig. 5.2.1. Main parts of a centrifugal pump.

3. The vortex chamber converts some of the kinetic energy into the
pressure energy.
iii. Casing with Guide Blades :
1. In this type of casing, impeller is surrounded by a series of guide
blades (or vanes) mounted on a ring which is known as a diffuser.
2. Machines with diffuser blades have maximum efficiency but are
less satisfactory when a wide range of operating conditions is
c. Suction Pipe :
1. The pipe which connects the centre/eye of the impeller to sump from
which liquid is to be lifted is known as suction pipe.
2. To prevent the entry of solid particles, debris etc., the suction pipe is
provided with a strainer at its lower end.
d. Delivery Pipe :
1. The pipe which is connected at its lower end to the outlet of the pump
and delivers the liquid to the required height is known as delivery pipe.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–5 A (ME-Sem-3)

2. A delivery valve is provided on the delivery pipe to regulate the supply of

B. Working of Centrifugal Pump :
1. The first step in the operation of a centrifugal pump is priming.
2. Priming is the operation in which the suction pipe, casing of the pump
and the portion of the delivery pipe upto the delivery valve are completely
filled with the liquid which is to be pumped, so that no air pocket is left.
3. After the pump is primed, the delivery valve is kept closed and the
electric motor is started to rotate the impeller.
4. The rotation of the impeller in the casing full of liquid produces a forced
vortex which imparts a centrifugal head to the liquid and thus results in
an increase of pressure throughout the liquid mass.
5. Now as long the delivery valve is closed and the impeller is rotating, it
just churns the liquid in the casing.
6. When the delivery valve is opened the liquid is made to flow in an
outward radial direction thereby leaving the vanes of the impeller at the
outer circumference with high velocity and pressure.

Que 5.3. Define the terms :

a. Suction head,
b. Delivery head,
c. Static head, and
d. Manometric head.

a. Suction Head (hs) : It is the vertical height of the centre line of the
centrifugal pump above the water surface in sump from which water is
to be lifted.
b. Delivery Head (hd) : It is the vertical height between the centre line of
the pump and the water surface in the tank to which water is delivered.
c. Static Head (Hs) : It is total vertical height through which water has to
be lifted. It is given as,
Hs = hs + hd
d. Manometric Head (Hm) : It is defined as the head against which a
centrifugal pump has to work.

Que 5.4. Obtain an expression for the work done by an impeller

of a centrifugal pump on water.

1. The absolute velocity of water at inlet makes an angle 90° with the
direction of motion of the impeller at inlet. Hence angle  = 90° and
vw = 0.
2. Fig. 5.4.1 shows the velocity triangles at the inlet and outlet.
5–6 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

3. Let, N= Speed of impeller,

D1 and D2 = Diameter of impeller at inlet and outlet,
u1 and u2 = Tangential velocity of impeller at inlet and outlet,
v1 and v2 = Absolute velocity at inlet and outlet,
vr1 and vr = Relative velocity at inlet and outlet,
vw and vw = Whirl velocity at inlet and outlet, and
1 2
vf and vf = Flow velocity at inlet and outlet.
1 2
 
v2 vf

Tangent to
impeller at

Tangent to
impeller at
inlet  R1
vr 
1 u1

Fig. 5.4.1. Velocity triangles at inlet and outlet.

4. A centrifugal pump is reverse of a radially inward flow reaction turbine.
So, work done by the impeller on the unit weight of water striking per
= – [Work done in case of turbine]
1  1
= –  (vw1 u1  v w2 u2 )  = [(v w2 u2  vw1 u1 )]
g  g
vw2 u2
= ( vw = 0)
g 1

5. Work done by impeller on water per second

= v u
g w2 2
Where, W = Weight of water = gQ
Q = Volume of water

Que 5.5. What do you mean by manometric efficiency, mechanical

efficiency and overall efficiency of centrifugal pump ?
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–7 A (ME-Sem-3)

a. Manometric Efficiency (mano) : It is defined as the ratio of the
manometric head developed by the pump to the head imparted by the
impeller to the liquid.
Manometric head
mano =
Head imparted by impeller to liquid
Hm gHm
= =
 v w2 u2  vw2 u2
 g 
 
b. Mechanical Efficiency (m) :
1. It is defined as the ratio of the power delivered by the impeller to the
power input to the pump shaft.
Power delivered at impeller
m =
Power input to the shaft
2. Power delivered at impeller in kW
Work done by impeller per second
W vw2 u2
= 
g 1000
W  vw2 u2 
 
g  1000 
 m =
c. Overall Efficiency (o) :
1. The overall efficiency of the pump is defined as the ratio of the power
output from the pump to the power input from the prime mover driving
the pump.
Power output
o =
Power input
Weight of water lifted  H m
2. Power output =
Power input = Shaft power
WHm / 1000
 o =
or o = mano × m

Que 5.6. Show that pressure rise in the impeller of a centrifugal

pump is given by :
[v2  u2  v 2f 2 cosec2 ]
2g f 1 2
5–8 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

Neglect all frictional losses and assume that the blades of the
impeller are curved back through angle  at outlet. Notations used
have usual meaning.

1. Apply Bernoulli’s equation at inlet and outlet of the impeller and
neglecting losses from inlet to outlet.
Total energy at inlet = Total energy at outlet – Work done by impeller
on water
 p1 v12  p v2  v u
   z1  =  2  2  z2   w2 2 ...(5.6.1)
  
 g 2 g   g 2 g  g
2. If inlet and outlet of the impeller at the same height
 p1 v12  p v2  v u
 g  2 g  =  2  2   w 2 2 ( z1 = z2)
   g 2 g  g
 p2 p1  v12 v 22 v w2 u2
   =   ...(5.6.2)
 g g  2g 2g g
 p2 p1 
Where,  g  g  = Pressure rise in impeller

v w2

 
vf 2
v2 vr


 v1
Fig. 5.6.1.
3. From inlet velocity triangle,
v1 = vf ...(5.6.3)
4. From outlet velocity triangle,
vf 2
tan  =
u2  vw2
vf 2
u2 – vw =
2 tan 
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–9 A (ME-Sem-3)

vf 2
vw = u2 – = u2 – vf cot  ...(5.6.4)
2 tan  2

5. Again from outlet velocity triangle,

v22 = vf 2 + vw 2 = vf 2 + (u2 – vf cot )2
2 2 2 2
= vf 2 + u22 + vf 2 cot2  – 2u v cot 
2 f2
2 2
= v f 2 (1 + cot2 ) + u22 – 2u2 vf cot 
2 2
= v f 2 cosec2  + u22 – 2u2 vf cot  ( 1 + cot2 = cosec2 )
2 2
6. Now put the values of v1 from eq. (5.6.3), vw from eq. (5.6.4) and v22 from
eq. (5.6.5) in eq. (5.6.2), we get
Pressure rise in impeller
v2f 1 1 (u2  v f 2 cot ) u2
=  (v 2f 2 cosec 2   u22  2u2 v f 2 cot ) 
2g 2g g
1 2
= [v f 1  v 2f 2 cosec 2   u22  2u2 v f 2 cot   2u22  2u2 v f 2 cot ]
1 2
= [v  u2  v2f 2 cosec 2  ]
2g f 1 2

Que 5.7. A centrifugal pump having outer dia. equal to two times
of inner dia. and running at 1000 rpm works against a total head of
40 m. The velocity of flow through the impeller is constant and
equal to 2.5 m/s, the vanes are set back at an angle 40° at outlet. If the
outer dia. of the impeller is 500 mm and width at outlet is 50 mm.
Determine :
i. Vane angle at inlet
ii. Work done by the impeller on water per sec
iii. Manometric efficiency AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10

Given : N = 1000 rpm, Hm = 40 m, vf1 = vf2 = 2.5 m/s, = 40°,
D2 = 500 mm = 0.50 m, D1 = D2 / 2 = 0.50/2 = 0.25 m,
B2 = 50 mm = 0.05 m
To Find : i. Vane angle at inlet.
ii. Work done by impeller on water per second.
iii. Manometric efficiency.
1. Tangential velocity of impeller at inlet and outlet are,
D1 N   0.25  1000
u1 =  = 13.09 m/s
60 60
D2 N   0.50  1000
and u2 =  = 26.18 m/s
60 60
5–10 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

2. Discharge is given by,

Q = D2B2 vf2 =  × 0.50 × 0.05 × 2.5 = 0.1963 m3/s
3. From inlet velocity triangle,
vf 1
tan  =  = 0.191
u1 13.09
  = tan–1 0.191 = 10.81°

 
v2 vr2

v f1

Fig. 5.7.1.
4. Work done by impeller on water per second is given by
W gQ
= v w2 u2  v w 2 u2
g g
1000  9.81  0.1963
=  v w2  26.18 ...(5.7.1)
5. But from outlet velocity triangle, we have
vf 2 2.5
tan  = 
u2  v w2 (26.18  v w 2 )
2.5 2.5
 26.18 – vw2 =  = 2.979
tan  tan 40
 vw2 = 26.18 – 2.979 = 23.2 m/s
6. Substituting this value of vw2 in eq. (5.7.1), we get the work done by
impeller as
1000  9.81  0.1963
= × 23.2 × 26.18
= 119227.9 Nm/s
7. Now, manometric efficiency,
gHm 9.81  40
mano =  = 0.646 = 64.6 %
v w2 u2 23.2  26.18
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–11 A (ME-Sem-3)

Que 5.8. A centrifugal pump runs at 950 rpm, its outer and inner
diameters are 500 mm and 250 mm. The vanes are set back at 35° to
the wheel rim. If the radial velocity of water through the impeller is
constant at 4 m/s, find (a) The angle of vane at the inlet. (b) The
velocity of water at exit. (c) The direction of water at the outlet. (d)
The work done by the impeller per kg of water. Assume entry of
water at inlet is radial. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 7.5


Given : N = 950 rpm, D1 = 250 mm = 0.25 m, D2 = 500 mm = 0.5 m,

 = 35°, vf1 = vf2 = 4 m/s
To Find : i. The angle of vane at inlet.
ii. Velocity of water at exit.
iii. Direction of water at outlet.
iv. Work done by the impeller per kg of water.
1. Tangential velocity of impeller at inlet,
D1 N   0.25  950
u1 =  = 12.43 m/s
60 60
2. From velocity triangle at inlet, we have
vf 4
tan  = 1 or tan = = 0.322
u1 12.43
 = tan–1 0.322 = 17.85°
Outlet  
v2 vr


1 v1 = vf 1 ; vw 1 = 0
  v1  = 90°
Fig. 5.8.1.
3. Velocity of water at outlet,
D2 N   0.5  950
u2 =  = 24.87 m/s
60 60
4. From velocity triangle at outlet, we have
5–12 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

vf 2
vw2 = u2 –
tan 
= 24.87 – = 19.157 m/s
tan 35
vf 2 4
5. Now, tan  = = = 0.208
vw2 19.157
 = tan–1 0.208 = 11.75°
6. Work done by impeller per kg of water,
v w2 u2 19.157  24.87
Work done =  = 48.56 J/kg
g 9.81

Que 5.9. A centrifugal pump delivers 1.27 m3 of water per minute

at 1200 rpm. The impeller diameter is 350 mm and breadth at outlet
12.7 mm. The pressure difference between inlet and outlet of pump
casing is 272 kN/m 2. Assuming manometric efficiency as 63 %,
calculate the impeller exit blade angle. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10


Given : Q = 1.27 m3/min, N = 1200 rpm, D2 = 350 mm,

B2 = 12.7 mm, p = po – pi = 272 kN/m2, mano = 63 %
To Find : Impeller exit blade angle.
1. Tangential velocity of impeller at outlet,
 D2 N   0.350  1200
u2 = 
60 60
u2 = 21.99 m/s
2. We know that, Q =  D2 B2vf2
=  × 0.350 × 0.0127 × vf2
vf2 = 1.516 m/s
3. Manometric head is given as
po  pi 272  1000
Hm = = = 27.72 m
g 1000  9.81
4. Manometric efficiency,
mano =
v w2 u2
9.81  27.72
0.63 =
v w2  21.99
vw2 = 19.63 m/s
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–13 A (ME-Sem-3)

vw 2
 
vf 2
v2 v r2


 v1

Fig. 5.9.1.
5. From outlet velocity triangle we have,
v f2
tan  =
u2  vw2
tan  =
21.99  19.63
 1.516 
 = tan–1  
 21.99  19.63 
 = 32.72°

Que 5.10. A centrifugal pump running at 700 rpm is supplying

9 m /min of water against a head of 19.6 m. The blade angle at the
blade exit is 135° with the direction of motion of the blade tip. Assume
the entry of water at the inlet of vane is radial. The velocity of flow
at inlet and outlet is constant at 1.8 m/s. Determine the necessary
diameter and width of the impeller at exit allowing 8 % for vanes
thickness and 40 % of energy corresponding to the velocity at exit
from the impeller is recovered. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 15

Given : Q = 9 m3/min = 0.15 m3/s, N = 700 rpm, Hm = 19.6 m,
vf1 = vf2 = 1.8 m/s,  = 180° – 135° = 45°
To Find : i. Diameter of impeller.
ii. Width of the impeller at exit.
v w2 u2
1. We know that, Hm =
v w2 u2
19.6 =
5–14 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

vw2u2 = 192.27 ...(5.10.1)

v w2
 
vf 2
v2 v r2

v r1 vf 1 = v1


Fig. 5.10.1.

vf 2
2. Now, tan  =
u2  v w2
tan 45° =
u2  v w2
u2 – vw2 = 1.8 ...(5.10.2)
3. From eq. (5.10.1) and eq. (5.10.2), we have
u2 – = 1.8
u2 – 1.8 u2 – 192.27 = 0
u2 = 14.79 m/s
D2 N
4. We know that, u2 =
  D2  700
14.79 =
D2 = 0.40 m
5. Discharge, Q = D2B2vf2
0.15 =  × 0.40 × B2 × 1.8
B2 = 0.066 m = 6.6 cm

Que 5.11. Derive an expression for minimum starting speed of

centrifugal pump.

u22 u12
1. Head due to pressure rise in impeller = 
2g 2g
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–15 A (ME-Sem-3)

2. The flow of water will commence only if head due to pressure rise in
impeller  Hm
u22 u12
   Hm
2g 2g

u22 u12
3. For minimum speed, we must have  = Hm ...(5.11.1)
2g 2g
4. Manometric efficiency is given as,
gH m
mano =
v w2 u2

v w2 u2
 Hm = mano
5. Substituting this value of Hm in eq. (5.11.1), we have
u22 u12 v w2 u2
 = mano
2g 2g g
2 2
1  D2 N  1  D1 N  v D2 N
 = mano w2 ...(5.11.2)
2 g  60  2 g  60  60 g
 D2 N D1 N 
 u2  and u1  
 60 60 
6. Dividing eq. (5.11.2) by , we get
60 g

ND22 ND12
 = mano v w2 D2
120 120
or [D22 – D12] = mano v w2 D2
120mano vw2 D2
 N= ...(5.11.3)
[ D22  D12 ]
Eq. (5.11.3) gives the minimum starting speed of the centrifugal pump.

Que 5.12. A centrifugal pump with 1.2 m diameter runs at 200 rpm
and discharges 1900 liters water per second, the average lift being
6 m. The angle which the vanes make at exit with the tangent to the
impeller is 26° and the radial velocity of flow is 2.5 m/s. The inner
diameter of the impeller is 0.6 m. Determine :
The power required to drive the pump, the manometric efficiency
and the minimum rpm to start pumping against a head of 6 m.
AKTU 2017-18, Marks 10
5–16 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps


Given : D2 = 1.2 m, N = 200 rpm, Q = 1900 lit/s = 1.9 m3/s,

Hm = 6 m,  = 26°, vf = 2.5 m/s, D1 = 0.6 m
To Find : i. Power required to drive the pump.
ii. Manometric efficiency.
iii. Minimum rpm to start pumping against a head of 6 m.
1. Power required to drive the pump,
gQHm 1000  9.81  1.9  6
P=  = 111.83 kW
1000 1000
2. Tangential velocity at outlet is given as,
D2 N   1.2  200
u2 =  = 12.56 m/s
60 60
3. Also, we know that,
v f2
tan  =
u2  vw2
tan 26° =
12.56  v w2
vw = 7.43 m/s
4. Manometric efficiency is given as,
gHm 9.81  6
mano =  = 0.63 = 63 %
v w2 u2 7.43  12.56
5. Minimum rpm to start pump is given as,
120mano v w2 D2 120  0.63  7.43  1.2
N= =
[ D22  D12 ]  [1.22  0.6 2 ]
N = 198.66 rpm

Specific Speed.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.13. Define specific speed of a centrifugal pump and derive

the equation for the same. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–17 A (ME-Sem-3)

A. Specific Speed :
1. It is defined as the speed of a geometrically similar pump which would
deliver one cubic meter of liquid per second against a head of one meter.
2. It is denoted by Ns.
B. Expression for Specific Speed :
1. Discharge Q for a centrifugal pump is given as,
Q = Area × Velocity of flow
= DBv f ...(5.13.1)
2. We know that, B D, then from eq. (5.13.1),
Q  D2v f ...(5.13.2)
3. Tangential velocity is given as,
u= or u  DN ...(5.13.3)
4. Tangential velocity (u) and velocity of flow (vf) are related to the
manometric head (Hm) as,
u  vf  Hm ...(5.13.4)
5. From eq. (5.13.3) and eq. (5.13.4), we get
Hm  DN
6. Putting the value of D in eq. (5.13.2), we get
Hm Hm
v f 
Hm  v f  Hm 
Hm3/ 2
Q 2
Hm3/ 2
Q=K ...(5.13.5)
Where, K = Constant of proportionality.
7. If Hm = 1 m, Q = 1 m3/s, so N = Ns, then from eq. (5.13.5), we get
N s2
Ns2 = K
8. Putting the value of K in eq. (5.13.5), we get
Hm3/ 2
Q = Ns2
5–18 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

Ns = 3/4
This expression is showing the specific speed of pump.

Que 5.14. Two geometrically similar pumps are running at the

same speed of 1000 rpm. One pump has an impeller diameter of
0.30 metre and lifts water at the rate of 20 litres per second against
a head of 15 metres. Determine the head and impeller diameter of
the other pump to deliver half the discharge.


Given : N1 = 1000 rpm, D1 = 0.30 m, Q1 = 20 lit/s = 0.020 m3/s

Q1 20
Hm = 15 m, N2 = 1000 rpm, Q2 =  = 10 lit/s = 0.01 m3/s
1 2 2
To Find : i. Diameter of impeller (D2).
ii. Head developed (Hm ).

1. We know,
N1 Q1 N 2 Q2
3/ 4
H m1 Hm3/24
1000  0.02 1000  0.01
 =
153/ 4 H m3/24
1000  0.01  153/ 4 0.01
H m3/24 =  × 7.622 = 5.389
1000  0.02 0.02
 Hm2 = (5.389)4/3 = 9.45 m
 Hm   Hm 
2. Now,   =  
 DN   DN 
 1  2
H m1 Hm2
D1 N1 D2 N2

15 9.45
0.3  1000 D2  1000

9.45  0.3
 D2 = = 0.238 m = 238 mm

Cavitation and Separation.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–19 A (ME-Sem-3)


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.15. What is priming in centrifugal pump ? Why it is done ?

What is self-priming pump ? Explain. AKTU 2017-18, Marks 10

A. Priming and its Necessity :
1. It is an operation in which suction pipe, casing of the pump and a portion
of delivery pipe is completely filled with water by an outside source
before starting the pump to remove air, gas or vapour from these parts.
2. The work done by impeller per unit weight of liquid per second is known
as head generated by the pump. This means that when pump is running
in air, the head generated is in terms of meter of air.
3. If pump is primed with water, then head will generate in term of meter
of water.
4. But as density of air is low, so head generated by pump is also low even
negligible and hence water may not be sucked by the pump.
5. To avoid this difficulty priming of centrifugal pump is necessary.
B. Self-priming Pump :
1. The internal construction of some pumps is such that special
arrangements containing a supply of liquid are provided in the suction
pipe due to which automatic priming of the pump occurs, such pumps
are known as ‘self-priming pumps’.
2. Self-priming pumps are designed with a large reservoir surrounding
the pump casing.
3. The advantage associated with self-priming pump is being portable in
4. These are commonly used in sewage lift stations, where raw sewage is
pumped into a treatment facility.

Que 5.16. What is net positive suction head (NPSH) ?

1. Net positive suction head (NPSH) is defined as the absolute pressure
head at the inlet to the pump minus the vapour pressure head (in
absolute units) plus the velocity head.
5–20 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

NPSH = Absolute pressure head at inlet of the pump – Vapour pressure

head + Velocity head
p1 pv v s 2
=   ...(5.16.1)
g g 2 g
2. But, the absolute pressure head at inlet of the pump is given by,
p1 p  v2 
= a   s  hs  hf  ...(5.16.2)
g g  2 g s

3. Substituting the value of eq. (5.16.2) in eq. (5.16.1), we get
p  v2  p v2
NPSH =  a   s  hs  hf    v  s
 g 
2g   g 2 g

pa pv
=   hs  hf s
g g
NPSH = Ha – Hv – hs – hfs  pa pv 
 g  Ha and g  Hv 
 

Que 5.17. Write a short note on cavitation in centrifugal pump.

1. Cavitation begins to appear in centrifugal pumps when the pressure at
the suction falls below the vapour pressure of the liquid.
2. The intensity of cavitation increases with the decrease in value of NPSH.
3. As in the case of turbines, for pumps also, Thoma’s cavitation factor is
used to indicate the onset of cavitation. For pumps Thoma’s cavitation
factor is defined as :
H a  Hs  Hv Hsv
= 
Hm Hm
Where, Ha = Atmospheric pressure head,
Hv = Vapour pressure head,
 v 2
Hs = Total suction head   hs  hfs  s  , and
 2g 
Hsv = Net positive suction head (NPSH).
4. The cavitation will occur if the value of  is less than the critical value, c
at which the cavitation just begins. The cavitation parameter  is a
function of specific speed, efficiency of the pump, and number of vanes.
5. The harmful effects of cavitation are :
i. Pitting and erosion of surface (due to continuous hammering action
of collapsing bubbles).
ii. Sudden drop in head, efficiency and the power delivered to the
iii. Noise and vibration (produced by the collapse of bubbles).
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–21 A (ME-Sem-3)

Que 5.18. A centrifugal pump discharges 5 m3/s under a head of

130 m running at 600 rpm. Outer diameter of impeller is 2 m and has
a positive suction lift of 3.2 m including velocity head and friction
loss es in suction pipe. Experiments were conducted on a
geometrically similar model of 0.4 m outer diameter of impeller under
a head of 90 m. Vapour pressure of liquid is equal to 0.35 m of head.
Calculate the discharge, speed and suction lift for the model. Assume
atmospheric pressure head = 10.2 m of water.
AKTU 2017-18, Marks 10


Given : Q1 = 5 m3/s, Hm = 130 m, N1 = 600 rpm, D1 = 2 m, Hs = 3.2 m,

D2 = 0.4 m, Hm = 90 m, Hv = 0.35 m of water, Ha = 10.2 m of water
To Find : i. Discharge.
ii. Speed.
iii. Suction lift.
1. From the relation,
Hm 1 Hm 2
D12 N12 D22 N22
Hm 2 D12 N12 90  (2)2  (600)2
N2 = =
Hm 1 D 2
130  (0.4)2
= 2496.2 rpm
2. From the relation,
Q1 Q
= 32
D13 N1 D2 N2
Q1 D23 N2 5  (0.4)3  2496.2
Q2 =  = 0.166 m3/s
D13 N1 (2)3  (600)
3. Positive suction lift,
H a  Hs  Hv 10.2  3.2  0.35
p =  = 0.051
Hm 1 130
4. For cavitation similarity, m = p
10.2  Hs  0.35
 m =  0.051
Hs = 5.26 m

Performance Characteristics.
5–22 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.19. Discuss the characteristics curves for the centrifugal


1. Characteristics curves of a centrifugal pump are defined as those curves
which are plotted from the results of a number of tests on the centrifugal
2. These curves are necessary to predict the behaviour and performance
of the pump when the pump is working under different flow rates,
heads and speeds.
3. Followings are the important characteristic curve for pumps :
a. Main Characteristics Curves :
1. The main characteristic curve of a centrifugal pump consists of
variation of manometric head, (Hm), power and discharge with
respect to speed.
2. Fig. 5.19.1 shows main characteristic curves of a pump.

P (Q and H constants)
Discharge, Q

Head, Hm
Power, P

P N H(Q = Constant)
( Hm = Constant)
Speed (N)

Fig. 5.19.1.

b. Operating Characteristics Curves :

1. If the speed is kept constant, the variation of manometric head,
power and efficiency with respect to discharge gives the operating
characteristics of pump.
2. Different operating characteristics curves are shown in Fig. 5.19.2.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–23 A (ME-Sem-3)

Speed = Constant
Head, H

Efficiency, 
Power, P
Head, H
Efficiency, 

Output power
Input Power, P

Discharge, Q
Fig. 5.19.2.
c. Constant Efficiency Curves or Muschel Curves :
1. For obtaining constant efficiency curves for a pump, the head versus
discharge curves and efficiency versus discharge curves for different
speed are used.
2. Fig. 5.19.3(a) shows the head versus discharge curves for different

0.8 Hm v/s Q
Head, Hm

0.8 Constant
0.6 efficiency
D curves
C N4
(a) Q

N1 N 2 N3 4

(b ) Discharge, Q
Fig. 5.19.3.
5–24 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

3. The efficiency versus discharge curves for the different speeds is

shown in Fig. 5.19.3(b).
4. By combining these curves (H-Q curves and -Q curves), constant
efficiency curves are obtained as shown in Fig. 5.19.3(a).

Reciprocating Pump Theory.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.20. Define and classify the reciprocating pump. Also

differentiate between single acting and double acting reciprocating

A. Reciprocating Pump :
1. If mechanical energy is converted into pressure energy by means of
reciprocating motion of a piston into a cylinder, then pump is known as
reciprocating pump.
2. It is a positive displacement pump as it sucks and raises the liquid by
actually displacing it with a piston that executes a reciprocating motion
in a closely fitted cylinder.
3. The amount of liquid pumped is equal to the volume displaced by the
B. Classification of Reciprocating Pump :
a. According to the Water being in Contact with Piston :
1. Single acting pump.
2. Double acting pump.
b. According to Number of Cylinders Provided :
1. Single cylinder pump.
2. Double cylinder pump.
3. Triple cylinder pump.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–25 A (ME-Sem-3)

C. Difference between Single Acting and Double Acting

Reciprocating Pump :
S. No. Single Acting Pump Double Acting Pump

1. The liquid being pumped is The liquid being pumped is in

in contact with one side of contact with both side of piston/
piston/plunger of pump. plunger of pump.
2. It has only one delivery It has two delivery strokes for one
stroke for one complete complete revolution of the crank.
revolution of the crank.
3. Discharge is less. Discharge is more as compared to
single acting.
4. Power required is less. Power required is more.
5. Work saved by fitting air Work saved by fitting air vessel is
vessel is 84.8 %. 39.2 %.

Que 5.21. With the help of a neat sketch explain the construction
and working principle of reciprocating pump.
With the help of a neat sketch explain the working principle of
reciprocating pump. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10

A. Construction of Reciprocating Pump :
1. A reciprocating pump consists of a piston or a plunger inside a cylinder
as shown in Fig. 5.21.1.
2. Piston is connected to the crankshaft through piston rod and connecting
rod. The crankshaft is rotated by means of electric motor.
3. Suction and delivery pipes are connected to the cylinder with non-return
suction and delivery valves.
4. Non-return valves are one way valves which allow the liquid to flow in
one direction only.
5. Here, suction valve allows liquid to flow from the suction pipe to the
cylinder, while delivery valve allows liquid to flow from the cylinder to
the delivery pipe.
B. Working of Reciprocating Pump :
1. A reciprocating pump consists of a piston or a plunger executing
reciprocating motion inside a cylinder as shown in Fig. 5.21.1.
5–26 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

Delivery pipe

Delivery valve

hd Cylinder Connecting
Piston B Crank
rod (r )

Suction valve Piston rod
hs D
Suction pipe L=2 r
Sump level

Fig. 5.21.1. Main parts of a reciprocating pump.

2. As the crank moves outwards (from A to C), the piston moves towards
right in the cylinder causing a vacuum in the cylinder.
3. Due to the pressure difference between the sump and the cylinder,
liquid is drawn into the cylinder through the non-return suction valve.
4. During this outward stroke, the delivery valve remains closed.
5. During the return stroke of the crank (from C to A), the piston moves
towards the left causing an increase in pressure in the cylinder which
opens the delivery valve and closes the inlet valve.
6. The liquid is forced into the delivery pipe and is raised to a required

Que 5.22. Derive the expression for discharge, work done and
power of single acting reciprocating pump.

1. Let, D = Diameter of cylinder,
A = Cross-sectional area of the piston,
r = Radius of crank,
L = Length of stroke,
hs = Suction head,
hd = Delivery head, and
N = Speed of crank.
2. Discharge of water in one revolution of crank = Area × Stroke length
= AL
3. Discharge of pump per second,
Q = Discharge in one revolution ×
Number of revolutions per second
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–27 A (ME-Sem-3)

= AL 
60 60
4. Weight of water delivered per second,
w = gQ
5. Work done per second = Weight of water lifted per second ×
Total height through which liquid is lifted
= w(hs + hg)
= (hs + hg)
6. Power required to drive the pump,
Work done per second
gALN (hs  hd )
P= kW
Que 5.23. Derive an expression for discharge, work done and power
for double acting pump.

1. Let, D = Diameter of piston, and
d = Diameter of piston rod.
2. Area on one side of piston,
 2
A= D
3. Area on other side where piston rod is connected,
 2  
A1 = D – d2 = (D2 – d2)
4 4 4
4. Volume of water discharge in one revolution of crank
= A × Stroke length + A1 × Stroke length
= AL + A1L
= (A + A1)L
  
=  D2  ( D2  d 2 )   L
 4 4 
5. Discharge of pump per second = Volume of water discharge × Number
of revolutions per second
 2  2 2  N
Q =  D  ( D  d ) L 
4 4  60
6. If d << D, then d can be neglected.
5–28 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

 2 LN 2 ALN   2
 Q=2× D    A  D 
4 60 60  4 
7. Weight of water delivered per second,
w = gQ
2g ALN
8. Work done per second = Weight of water delivered per second
× Total height
= w (hs + hd)
2g ALN
= (hs + hd)
9. Power required to drive the pump,
Work done per second
2gALN (hs  hd )
P= kW
Que 5.24. Give the curve showing the variation of discharge with
crank angle for double acting reciprocating pump.
AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10

1. When the crank rotates from  = 0° to  = 180°, Fig. 5.24.1, the piston or
plunger which is initially at its extreme left position move to its extreme
right position.
2. During the outward movement of the piston or plunger a partial vacuum
is created in the cylinder, which enables the atmospheric pressure acting
on the liquid surface in the well or sump below, to force the liquid up the
suction pipe and fill the cylinder by forcing open the suction valve.
3. At the end of the suction stroke the piston or plunger is at its extreme
right position, the crank is, at  = 180°, the cylinder is full of liquid, the
suction valve is closed and the delivery valve is just at the point of
4. When the crank rotates from  = 180° to  = 360° the piston or plunger
moves inward from its extreme right position towards left. The inward
movement of the piston or plunger causes the pressure of the liquid in
the cylinder to rise above atmospheric pressure, due to which the suction
valve closes and the delivery valve opens.
5. At the end of the delivery stroke the piston or plunger is at extreme left
position, the crank is at  = 0° or 360° so that it has completed one full
revolution, and both the suction and the delivery valves are closed.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–29 A (ME-Sem-3)

Double acting
Suction Delivery


0° 90° 180° 270° 360°

Crank angle
Fig. 5.24.1.



Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.25. Define the following terms :

i. Coefficient of discharge,
ii. Slip of pump, and
iii. Negative slip.

i. Coefficient of Discharge (Cd) :
1. It is defined as the ratio of actual discharge to the theoretical discharge.
It is given as,
Cd =
Actual velocity × Actual area
Theoretical velocity × Theoretical area
= CvCc
ii. Slip of a Pump :
1. It is defined as the difference between the theoretical discharge and
actual discharge.
Slip = Qth – Qact
2. The slip is mostly expressed as percentage slip which is given by,
5–30 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

Qth  Qact
Percentage slip = × 100
 Q 
=  1  act  × 100 = (1 – Cd) × 100
 Qth 
3. For most of the reciprocating pumps the actual discharge Qact is less
than the theoretical discharge Qth, Cd is less than one and the slip of the
pump is positive.
iii. Negative Slip :
1. If actual discharge of the pump is more than the theoretical discharge,
the slip will be negative, which is known as negative slip.
2. Negative slip occurs when delivery pipe is short, suction pipe is long and
pump is running at high speed.

Que 5.26. A single acting reciprocating pump, running at 50 rpm

delivers 0.00736 m3/s of water. The diameter of the piston is 200 mm
and stroke length 300 mm. The suction and delivery heads are 3.5 m
and 11.5 m respectively. Determine :
i. Theoretical discharge
ii. Coefficient of discharge
iii. Percentage slip of the pump
iv. Power required to run the pump AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10


Given : Qact = 0.00736 m3/s, N = 50 rpm, D = 200 mm = 0.2 m,

L = 300 mm = 0.3 m, hs = 3.5 m, hd = 11.5 m
To Find : i. Theoretical discharge.
ii. Coefficient of discharge.
iii. Percentage slip of the pump.
iv. Power required to run the pump.

 2 
1. Area of cylinder, A = D  (0.2)2 = 0.0314 m2
4 4
2. Theoretical discharge,
ALN 0.0314  0.3  50
Qth =  = 0.00785 m3/s
60 60
3. Coefficient of discharge,
Qact 0.00736
Cd =  = 0.937
Qth 0.00785
Qth  Qact
4. Percentage slip of the pump = × 100
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–31 A (ME-Sem-3)

0.00785  0.00736
= × 100 = 6.24 %
5. Power required to run the pump,
ALN ( hs  hd )
P = g
60 1000
1000  9.81  0.0314  3.5  11.5 
=  0.3  50 
60  1000 
= 1.155 kW

Que 5.27. A single acting reciprocating pump running at 50 rpm

delivers 0.01 m 3/s of water. The diameter of the pis ton is
200 mm and stroke length 400 mm. Determine (i) The theoretical
discharge of the pump. (ii) Coefficient of discharge. (iii) Slip and
percentage slip of the pump. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 7.5

Same as Q. 5.26, Page 5–30A, Unit-5.
[Answer :
i. Theoretical discharge = 0.01046 m3/s
ii. Coefficient of discharge = 0.9560
iii. Slip = Qth – Qact = 4.6 × 10– 4 m3/s
iv. Percentage slip = 4.4 %]

Indicator Diagram.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.28. What do you understand by an indicator diagram ?

Explain ideal indicator diagram. AKTU 2017-18, Marks 10

A. Indicator Diagram :
1. It is defined as the graph between the pressure head in the cylinder
and distance travelled by piston from inner dead center for one complete
revolution of crank.
5–32 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

2. In reciprocating pump, maximum distance travelled by piston is stroke

length. So indicator diagram is a graph between pressure head and
stroke length.
3. Pressure head is taken as ordinate and stroke length is taken as
B. Ideal Indicator Diagram :
1. The graph between the pressure head and stroke length of the piston
for one complete revolution of the crank under ideal conditions is
known as ideal indicator diagram.
Delivery stroke
= 180° = 90°
= 0°

Pressure head


A = 90° B
10.3 m
Hatm = 0° Suction stroke = 180°
Stroke length (L)

Stroke length
Fig. 5.28.1. Ideal indicator diagram.
2. As shown in Fig. 5.28.1, different notations are taken as
Hatm = Atmospheric pressure head,
= 10.3 m of water
L = Length of stroke,
hs = Suction head, and
hd = Delivery head.
3. During suction stroke, the pressure head in the cylinder is constant
and equal to suction head (hs) which is below the atmospheric pressure
head (Hatm) by a height of hs.
4. This pressure head during suction stroke is represented by a horizontal
line AB which is below the line EF by the height hs (suction head).
5. During the delivery stroke, pressure head in cylinder is constant and
equal to delivery head (hd) this is represented by line CD. This line CD
is above the line EF (atmospheric pressure) by a height of hd.

Que 5.29. Prove that work done by the pump is proportional to

the area of indicator diagram. What do you know about slip both
positive and negative in a reciprocating pump ?
AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–33 A (ME-Sem-3)

A. Proof :
1. From the indicator diagram (Refer Fig. 5.28.1), area of diagram is given
Area = AB × BC = AB × (BF + FC)
= L × (hs + hd)
2. Work done by the reciprocating pump per second is given as,
W= (hs + hd)
= KL(hs + hd)
 gAN 
 W  L(hs + hd)  K  60 (constant)
 
 Work done by pump  Area of indicator diagram
B. Slip : Refer Q. 5.25, Page 5–29A, Unit-5.

Effect of Acceleration.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.30. Derive an express ion for accelerating head in

reciprocating pump assuming piston motion by SHM.
AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10

1. Let,  = Angular speed of the crank (rad/s),
A = Area of the cylinder,
a = Area of the pipe,
l = Length of pipe (suction or delivery),
r = Radius of crank, and
 = Angle turned by crank in radian in time t.
 = t
2. Let x is the distance travelled by the piston as shown in Fig. 5.30.1.
x = Distance AF = AO – FO = r – r cos 
[ AO = r, FO = r cos ]
x = r – r cos t ...(5.30.1) [  = t]
3. Differentiate eq. (5.30.1) with respect to t, which gives the velocity of
piston. So,
5–34 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

dx d
V=  [r – r cos t]
dt dt
= 0 – r [– sin t]  = r sin t ...(5.30.2)

A 
x F O C

Fig. 5.30.1. Velocity and acceleration of piston.
4. As per continuity equation, the volume of water flowing into cylinder
per second is equal to the volume of water flowing from the pipe per
second. So,
Velocity of water in cylinder × Area of cylinder
= Velocity of water in pipe × Area of pipe
VA = va
[ Velocity of water in cylinder = Velocity of piston = V]
v = Velocity of water in pipe.
v=  V
a a
v= r sin t ...(5.30.3)
5. Acceleration of water in pipe is obtained by differentiating eq. (5.30.3)
with respect to t. So acceleration of water in pipe
dv d  A 
=   r sin t 
dt dt  a 
= r2 cos t ...(5.30.4)
6. Mass of water in pipe =  × Volume of water in pipe
= × [Area of pipe × Length of pipe] =[al] = al
7. Force required to accelerate the water in pipe
= Mass of water in pipe × Acceleration of water in pipe
= al r2 cos t
8. Now, intensity of pressure due to acceleration,
Force required to accelerate the water
Area of pipe
A 2
al r cos t
a A
= = l r 2 cos  [t = ]
a a
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–35 A (ME-Sem-3)

9. Pressure head (ha) due to acceleration,

Intensity of pressure due to acceleration
ha =
Weight density of liquid
A 2
r cos  l
= a
l A 2
ha = r cos  ...(5.30.5)
g a
10. The pressure head due to acceleration in suction and delivery pipe is
obtained from eq. (5.30.5) by using subscripts ‘s’ and ‘d’ is given below :
l A
has = s r2 cos 
g as
ld A
had = r2 cos 
g ad
11. For maximum pressure head,
cos  = 1
l A
(ha)max = r2
g a

Que 5.31. What is the effect of acceleration in suction and delivery

pipes on indicator diagram ?

A. Effect of Acceleration in the Suction Pipe : Let ls and as are length
and cross-sectional area of the suction pipe respectively.
i. At the Beginning of the Suction Stroke :
D eli h ad

h ad D H C
Pressure head


hs 0 ° B'
 = 0° G =9 has
h as A  = 180°
A' Suct io

Stroke length
Fig. 5.31.1. Effect of acceleration on indicator diagram.
5–36 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

ls A 2
The accelerating head, has = r
g as
ls A 2
Negative pressure (vacuum) head, hs + has = hs + r
g as
 l A 2 
Absolute pressure head = Hatm –  hs  s  r
 g as 
ii. At the Middle of the Suction Stroke :
The acceleration head, has = 0
Negative pressure (vacuum) head = hs
Absolute pressure head = Hatm – hs
iii. At the End of the Suction Stroke :
ls A 2
The acceleration head, has = – r
g as
ls A 2
Negative pressure (vacuum) head = hs + has = hs – r
g as
 l A 2 
Absolute pressure head = Hatm –  hs  s  r
 g as 
B. Effect of Acceleration in the Delivery Pipe :
1. In the beginning of delivery stroke the liquid in the delivery pipe is
accelerated, while at the end of delivery stroke the liquid is retarded.
2. Let ld and ad are the length and cross-sectional area of the delivery pipe
i. At the Beginning of the Delivery Stroke :
ld A 2
Pressure (gauge) head, hd + had = hd + r
g ad
ii. At the Middle of the Delivery Stroke :
Pressure (gauge) head = hd ( had = 0)
iii. At the End of the Delivery Stroke :
ld A 2
Pressure (gauge) head = hd – r
g ad
ld A 2
Absolute pressure head = Hatm + hd – r
g ad

Que 5.32. Find the expression for the head lost due to friction in
suction and delivery pipes. Also discuss its effect on indicator

A. Expression for Head Lost due to Friction :
1. Velocity of water in suction and delivery pipes is given as,
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–37 A (ME-Sem-3)

r sin  ...(5.32.1)
Where, A = Area of the piston in the cylinder,
a = Area of the pipe (delivery or suction), and
r = Crank radius.
2. Loss of head due to friction in pipe is given as,
4 fl v 2
hf = ...(5.32.2)
2 gd
3. Substituting the value of v from eq. (5.32.1) into eq. (5.32.2), we get
4 fl  A 
hf =
r sin  
2 gd  a 
4. Loss of head due to friction in suction pipe is given as,
4 f ls  A 
hfs =
 r sin   ...(5.32.3)
2 gds  as 
5. Loss of head due to friction in delivery pipe is given as,
4 f ld  A 
hfd =
 r sin  ...(5.32.4)
2 gdd  ad 
B. Effect of Friction in Suction and Delivery Pipes on Indicator
Diagram :
1. From the eq. (5.32.3) and eq. (5.32.4), it is evident that the variation of
hfs or hfd with  is parabolic :
i. At the beginning of suction or delivery stroke :  = 0°, sin  = 0 and
therefore hfs = 0, hfd = 0 i.e., there is no loss of head due to friction.


D H' C
Pressure head


 = 0°  = 90°  = 180°
Hatm A G' B
G hfs
Stroke length
Fig. 5.32.1. Effect of friction on indicator diagram.
ii. At the middle of the suction or delivery stroke :  = 90°, and
sin  = 1.
4 fls  A 
 hfs =  r 
2 gds  as 
5–38 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

4 fld  A 
and hfd =  r 
2 gdd  ad 

iii. At the end of suction or delivery stroke :  = 180°, sin  = 0 and

therefore hfs and hfd = 0.
2. These results, evidently, indicate that frictional losses are zero at the
beginning and end of the strokes and maximum at the mid of the strokes.
3. Fig. 5.32.1 shows the effect of friction on the indicator diagram.

Que 5.33. Draw the indicator diagram for reciprocating pump

considering acceleration and friction head in suction and delivery
pipes and find expression for the work done for a single pump.

A. Effect of Acceleration and Friction Head in Suction and Delivery
Pipes on Indicator Diagram : The acceleration head (ha) and friction
head (hf) at any instant of flow in the suction and delivery pipes of a
reciprocating pump are given as :
ha = l A 2 r cos ; hf  4 fl  A r sin  
g a 2 gd  a 
a. During Suction Stroke : The pressure head on the piston during
suction stroke for any angle  of the crank = (hs + has + hfs)
i. At the beginning of the suction stroke,  = 0° and we have
ls A 2
has =  r and hfs  0
g aa
 Pressure head in the cylinder = (hs + has) below atmospheric
= Hatm – (hs + has) absolute
ii. At middle of suction stroke,  = 90° and we have
4 fls  A 
has = 0, hfs =  r 
2 gds  as 
 Pressure head in the cylinder = (hs + hfs) below atmospheric
= Hatm – (hs + hfs) absolute
iii. At the end of suction stroke,  = 180° and we have
ls A 2
has = –  r and hfs = 0
g as
 Pressure head in the cylinder = (hs – has) below atmospheric
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–39 A (ME-Sem-3)

= Hatm – (hs – has) absolute

b. During Delivery Stroke : The pressure head on the piston during
delivery stroke for any angle  of the crank = (hd + had + hfd)
i. At the beginning of delivery stroke,  = 0° and we have
ld A 2
had =  r and hfd = 0
g ad
 Pressure head in the cylinder = (hd + had) above atmospheric
= Hatm + (hd + had) absolute
ii. At middle of delivery stroke,  = 90° and we have
4 fld  A 
had = 0, hfd =  r 
2 gdd  ad 
 Pressure head in the cylinder = (hd + hfd) above atmospheric
= Hatm + (hd + hfd) absolute
I C
h ad

hs B hs
Hatm B
A hfs GK
Fig. 5.33.1.

iii. At the end of delivery stroke,  = 180° and we have

ld A 2
had = – r and hfd = 0
g ad
 Pressure head in the cylinder = (hd – had) above atmospheric
= Hatm + (hd – had) absolute
B. Expression for the Work Done for a Single Acting Pump :
1. Fig. 5.33.1 shows a complete indicator diagram including the effects of
acceleration and friction.
2. Area AHBCJD = Area ABCD = (hs + hd)L
3. Area of parabola AGB = AB × HK
5–40 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

= (AB × HK)
2 2
= (AB × GH) = Lhfs
3 3
4. Similarly, area of parabola CID
2 2
= CD × JM = (CD × JM)
3 3
2 2
= (CD × JI) = Lhfd
3 3
5. Area of indicator diagram
AGBCID = Area AHBCJD + Area of parabola AGB
+ Area of parabola CID
2 2
= (hs + hd) L + Lhfs + Lhfd
3 3
2 2
=  hs  hd  hfs  hfd  L
 3 3 
6. As the area of the indicator diagram is proportional to work done by the
pump, therefore,
 2 2 
Work done by pump per second   hs  hd  hfs  hfd  L
 3 3 
 2 2 
= K  hs  hd  hfs  hfd  L
 3 3 
Where, K = Constant of proportionality.
7. Hence, the work done per second by a single-acting pump
wALN  2 2   wAN 
=  hs  hd  hfs  hfd   K  
60  3 3   60 

Que 5.34. What is the maximum speed of a reciprocating pump

during suction stroke and delivery stroke ?

a. Maximum Speed during Suction Stroke :
1. Absolute pressure head during suction stroke is minimum at the
beginning of stroke and will be equal to separation pressure head (hsep).
So, hsep = Hatm – (hs + has)
has = Hatm – hs – hsep ...(5.34.1)
2. The value of has is also given as,
ls A
has = r2 ...(5.34.2)
g as
3. From eq. (5.34.1) and eq. (5.34.2), we get
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–41 A (ME-Sem-3)

ls A
r2 = Hatm – hs – hsep
g as
This equation will give maximum value of  during suction stroke without
b. Maximum Speed during Delivery Stroke :
1. During delivery stroke, the probability of separation is only at the end of
delivery stroke. The pressure head in the cylinder at the end of delivery
= (Hatm + hd) – had
2. If separation is to be avoided, the pressure head should be more than
separation pressure. In limiting case,
hsep = (Hatm + hd) – had
had = (Hatm + hd) – hsep ...(5.34.3)
3. But pressure head due to acceleration at the end of delivery stroke is
given as,
ld A
had = r2 ...(5.34.4)
g ad
4. From eq. (5.34.3) and eq. (5.34.4), we get
ld A
r2 = (Hatm + hd) – hsep
g ad
From this equation we can get maximum value of  during delivery
stroke without separation.
Que 5.35. A single acting reciprocating pump of 12 cm diameter
and 24 cm stroke is delivering water to the tank which is 10 m above
the center of pump. The pump is located 5 m above the center of
sump. The diameter and the length of the suction pipe are 5 cm and
5 m respectively, and diameter and length of delivery pipe are 4 cm
and 20 m respectively. Find the maximum speed of the pump to
avoid separation either in suction pipe or delivery pipe. Take
atmospheric pressure head 10.33 m of water and separation occurs
at 80 kN/m2 below atmospheric pressure.
AKTU 2017-18, Marks 10

Given : D = 12 cm = 0.12 m, L = 24 cm = 0.24 m, h s = 5 m,
hd = 10 m, ds = 5 cm = 0.05 m, ls = 5 m, dd = 4 cm = 0.04 m, ld = 20 m,
Hatm = 10.33 m, psep = 80 × 103 N/m2
To Find : Maximum speed of the pump.
1. Separation pressure head,
5–42 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

hsep =
80  103
= (Assuming, g = 10 m/s2)
1000  10
= 8 m below atmosphere
= (Hatm – 8) absolute
= (10.33 – 8) = 2.33 m (absolute)
2. The maximum speed during suction stroke is given by,
l A 2
Hatm – hs – hsep = s r
g as
 2
5 4
10.33 – 5 – 2.33 =  × 2 × 0.12 [ r = L/2 = 0.12]
9.81  2
4 s
5  0.12 
3=   × 2 × 0.12 = 0.35232
9.81  0.05 
 = = 2.92 rad/s
2N  2N 
= 2.92    
60  60 
N = 27.88 rpm
3. The maximum speed during delivery stroke is given by,
l A 2
Hatm + hd – hsep = d  r
g ad
 2
20 D
10.33 + 10 – 2.33 =  4 2 r
9.81  d 2
4 d
20  0.12 
18 =   × 2 × 0.12 = 2.22
9.81  0.04 
= = 2.86 rad/s
2N  2N 
= 2.86    
 60 
N = 27.31 rpm
4. Thus, the maximum speed of the pump without separation during suction
and delivery stroke is the minimum of these two speeds, i.e., minimum
of 27.88 and 27.31 rpm
 Maximum speed = 27.31 rpm
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–43 A (ME-Sem-3)

Que 5.36. A single acting reciprocating pump running at 60 rpm

has its piston area of 80 cm2 and stroke length 150 mm. The area of
suction pipe is 60 cm2. The suction head is 3 m. Assuming a friction
factor of 0.04, find the pressure head on the piston at the beginning,
middle and at the end of the suction stroke if the length of suction
pipe is 6 m.
Assume motion of piston as SHM. Can cavitation take place if the
working liquid is water ? AKTU 2016-17, Marks 15


Given : N = 60 rpm, A = 80 cm2 = 80 × 10–4 m2, L = 150 mm = 0.15 m,

as = 60 cm2 = 60 × 10–4 m2, hs = 3 m, f = 0.04, ls = 6 m
To Find : Pressure head on piston :
i. At the beginning of suction stroke,
ii. At the middle of suction stroke, and
iii. At the end of suction stroke.
2N 2  60
1. Angular speed,  =  = 6.28 rad/s
60 60
2. The pressure head due to acceleration in suction pipe is given by,
ls A 2
has =  r cos 
g as
ls A 2 L  L
=  cos   r  
g as 2  2
6 80 0.15
has=   (6.28)2   cos  = 2.4 cos 
9.81 60 2
3. The loss of head due to friction in suction pipe is given as,
4 fls  A 
hfs = r sin  
2 gds  as 
4  0.04  6  80 
=   6.28  0.075 sin 
0.087  2  9.81  60 
 4 as 4  60  10  4 
 ds    0.087 m 
   
= 0.22 sin2 
4. At the beginning of suction stroke,  = 0°
So, pressure head = hs + 2.4 cos ° + 0.22 sin2 0°
= 3 + 2.4 + 0 = 5.4 m
5. At the middle of suction stroke,  = 90°
5–44 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

So, pressure head = 3 + 2.4 cos 90° + 0.22 sin2 90° = 3 + 0 + 0.22
= 3.22 m
6. At the end of suction stroke,  = 180°
So, pressure head = 3 + 2.4 cos 180° + 0.22 sin2 180° = 3 – 2.4 + 0
= 0.6 m
7. Since, initial pressure head is less than length of suction pipe so cavitation
can takes place.

Air Vessels.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.37. What is air vessel ? Describe the function of air vessel

with the help of neat sketch. AKTU 2013-14, Marks 05

Explain the air vessel in the reciprocating pump and its advantages.

A. Air Vessel :
1. It is a closed chamber containing compressed air in the top portion and
liquid at bottom of chamber.
2. One air vessel is fixed on the suction pipe just near the suction valve and
one is fixed on the delivery pipe near the delivery valve.
3. When the liquid enters the air vessel, the air gets compressed further
and when the liquid flows out the vessel, the air will expand in the
B. Function of Air Vessel :
1. A single acting reciprocating pump is shown in Fig. 5.37.1 with air vessels
on suction side and delivery side. Air vessel works like an intermediate
2. During first half of suction stroke, discharge of water entering the
cylinder is more than the mean discharge, this excess quantity of
discharge is supplied by the air vessel.
3. And during second half, the discharge entering the cylinder is less than
the mean discharge. This excess quantity of water is stored in air vessel.
4. In case of delivery stroke, the function of air vessel get reversed i.e., it
stores water during first half of stroke and delivers water during second
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–45 A (ME-Sem-3)



Piston rod

Fig. 5.37.1

C. Advantages of Air Vessel :

1. It gives a continuous supply of liquid at a uniform rate.
2. Pump runs at high speed without separation.
3. Power required to drive the pump is reduced.

Que 5.38. Show that the work saved in overcoming friction in the
pipelines by fitting air vessels is 84.8 % for a single acting
reciprocating pump. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 7.5

1. Work done against friction without air vessels :
i. Loss of head due to friction is given as,
4f l  A 
hf = r sin 
2 gd  a 
ii. Variation of hf with  is parabolic so indicator diagram for loss of
head due to friction in pipe will be a parabola.
iii. The work done by pump against friction per stroke is equal to the
area of indicator diagram due to friction.
iv. Work done by the pump per stroke against friction,
W1 = Area of parabola
= × Base × Height
5–46 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

2 2
2  4 fl  A    4 fl  A  
= L  r     Height, h f at   90    r   
3  2 gd  a    2 gd  a  

2. Work done against friction with air vessels :
i. When air vessel is fitted, mean velocity of flow is given as,

v = A r
a 
ii. Loss of head due to friction is given as,
4 fl 2 4 fl  A r 
= v   
2 gd 2 gd  a  
iii. This is independent of , so indicator diagram will be rectangle.
iv. Work done by pump per stroke against friction,
W2 =Area of rectangle = Base × Height
4 fl  A r 
=L  
2 gd  a  
1 4 fl  A 
= L  r 
2 2 gd  a 
3. Ratio of W2 and W1 is given as,
 4 fl  A 
 L  r
W2 2 2 gd  a  3
= = = 0.15198
W1 2 4 fl  A 
 L   r 
3 2 gd  a 
4. Work saved is given as,
= W1 – W2
4 fl  A   2 1 
=L  r    2 
2 gd  a  3  
5. Percentage of work saved per stroke,
W1  W2 W
= 1 2
W1 W1
= 1 – 0.15198 = 0.848
= 84.8 %

Que 5.39. Show that work saved against friction in the delivery
pipe of a double acting reciprocating pump by fitting an air vessel is
39.20 %.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–47 A (ME-Sem-3)

1. Work lost in friction per stroke for double acting reciprocating pump is
same as single acting pump, so
2  4 fl A  
W1 = L   r  
3  2 gd a  
2. When the air vessel is fitted to pipe, mean velocity of flow, for
double-acting pump is
Discharge Q
v = =
Area of pipe a

2 ALN  2 ALN 
=  Q  
60 a  60 
2 A  2r  60  60 
=  N  and L  2r 
60 a  2  2 
2A r
a 
3. Loss of head due to friction for double acting pump,
4 fl 2 4 fl  2 A r 
hf = v =  
2 gd 2 gd  a  
4. Work lost against friction per stroke,
W2 = Area of rectangle
= Base × Height
4 fl  2 A r 
= L×  
2 gd  a  
 4 fl  A 2
L   
2  r  
  2 gd  a  
5. Work saved per stroke is given as,
W1 – W2
2  4 fl  A  2 
2  4 fl  A   4
L  r   – 2 L    r  
3  2 gd  a     2 gd  a  
2  4 fl  A  
L  r  
3  2 gd  a  
 2  4 
  –  2 
3 
= = 0.392 = 39.20 %
5–48 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps

Comparison of Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.40. Differentiate between centrifugal and reciprocating

pump. Also derive an expression for starting speed of a centrifugal
pump. AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10

A. Difference between Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pump :

S. No. Centrifugal Pump Reciprocating Pump

1. It gives large discharge It gives small discharge and high
and less head. head.
2. Priming is needed. It is self primed.
3. It is simple in construction. Complicated construction.
4. Maintenance cost is low. Maintenance cost is high.
5. Flywheel is not used. Flywheel is used.
6. Handle highly viscous fluid. It can handle low viscous fluid.
7. Installation cost is low. High installation cost.
8. Efficiency is high. Low efficiency.
9. Starting torque is more. Low starting torque.
10. It needs no air vessel. Air vessel is used.

B. Starting Speed of Centrifugal Pump : Refer Q. 5.11, Page 5–14A,


Performance Characteristics.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–49 A (ME-Sem-3)


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.41. Discuss the operating characteristics curves for a

reciprocating pump.

1. The operating characteristic curves indicating the performance of a
reciprocating pump are shown in Fig. 5.41.1.
Speed N = Constant
Discharge (ideal)

Discharge (ac
Input power


Inp nccy

Fig. 5.41.1. Operating characteristic curves of a reciprocating pump.
2. These curves are obtained by plotting discharge, power input and overall
efficiency against the head developed by the pump when it is operating
at a constant speed.
3. As shown in Fig. 5.41.1, under ideal conditions the discharge of a
reciprocating pump operating at constant speed is independent of the
head developed by the pump.
4. However, in actual practice it is observed that the discharge of a
reciprocating pump slightly decreases as the head developed by the
pump increases.
5. Further the input power for a reciprocating pump increases almost
linearly beyond a certain minimum value with the increase in the head
developed by the pump.
6. The overall efficiency of a reciprocating pump also increases with the
increase in the head developed by the pump as shown in Fig. 5.41.1.
5–50 A (ME-Sem-3) Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps


Following questions are very important. These questions
may be asked in your SESSIONALS as well as

Q. 1. Give the constructional details of a centrifugal pump. Also

explain its working.
Ans. Refer Q. 5.2, Unit-5.

Q. 2. A centrifugal pump runs at 950 rpm, its outer and inner

diameters are 500 mm and 250 mm. The vanes are set back
at 35° to the wheel rim. If the radial velocity of water through
the impeller is constant at 4 m/s, find (a) The angle of vane
at the inlet. (b) The velocity of water at exit. (c) The direction
of water at the outlet. (d) The work done by the impeller per
kg of water. Assume entry of water at inlet is radial.
Ans. Refer Q. 5.8, Unit-5.

Q. 3. Define specific speed of a centrifugal pump and derive the

equation for the same.
Ans. Refer Q. 5.13, Unit-5.

Q. 4. What is priming in centrifugal pump ? Why it is done ?

What is self-priming pump ? Explain.
Ans. Refer Q. 5.15, Unit-5.

Q. 5. With the help of a neat sketch explain the construction and

working principle of reciprocating pump.
Ans. Refer Q. 5.21, Unit-5.

Q. 6. A single acting reciprocating pump, running at 50 rpm

delivers 0.00736 m3/s of water. The diameter of the piston is
200 mm and stroke length 300 mm. The suction and delivery
heads are 3.5 m and 11.5 m respectively. Determine :
i. Theoretical discharge
ii. Coefficient of discharge
iii. Percentage slip of the pump
iv. Power required to run the pump
Ans. Refer Q. 5.26, Unit-5.

Q. 7. What do you understand by an indicator diagram ? Explain

ideal indicator diagram.
Ans. Refer Q. 5.28, Unit-5.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 5–51 A (ME-Sem-3)

Q. 8. Derive an expression for accelerating head in reciprocating

pump assuming piston motion by SHM.
Ans. Refer Q. 5.30, Unit-5.

Q. 9. Show that the work saved in overcoming friction in the

pipelines by fitting air vessels is 84.8 % for a single acting
reciprocating pump.
Ans. Refer Q. 5.38, Unit-5.

Q. 10. Differentiate between centrifugal and reciprocating pump.

Also derive an expression for starting speed of a centrifugal
Ans. Refer Q. 5.40, Unit-5.

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SQ–1 A (ME-Sem-3)

1 Fluid and Bernoulli’s

(2 Marks Questions)

1.1. Define the term fluid.

Ans. A fluid is a substance which deforms continuously when subjected
to external shearing force.

1.2. Define control volume. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02

Ans. For applying basic principles of fluid flow usually control volume
approach is adopted, in which a definite volume with fixed boundary
shape is chosen in space along the fluid flow passage. This definite
volume is called the control volume.

1.3. Enumerate some important properties of liquid.

Ans. Some important properties of liquid are :
1. Density, 2. Viscosity,
3. Adhesion, 4. Specific gravity,
5. Cohesion, and 6. Surface tension.

1.4. Define viscosity.

Ans. Viscosity may be defined as the property of a fluid which determines
its resistance to shearing stresses. It is a measure of the internal
fluid friction which causes resistance to flow.

1.5. What is kinematic viscosity ?

Ans. Kinematic viscosity is defined as the ratio of the dynamic viscosity
to the density of fluid. It is denoted by .

1.6. State the Newton’s law of viscosity.

Ans. Newton’s law of viscosity states that the shear stress on a fluid
element layer is directly proportional to the rate of shear strain.
The constant of proportionality is called the coefficient of viscosity.
 = 
SQ–2 A (ME-Sem-3) 2 Marks Questions

1.7. Draw the figure of shear stress v/s rate of deformation.

AKTU 2018-19, Marks 02
Ideal solid
lu id
t ic f
Shear stress e al p las flui
Id i an
-N ew t
N on uid
ia n fl
to n
Ne w
Ideal fluid

Velocity gradient
Fig. 1.7.1.

1.8. Define surface tension. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02

Ans. Surface tension is defined as the tensile force acting on the surface
of a liquid in contact with a gas or on the surface between two
immiscible liquids such that the contact surface behaves like a
membrane under tension.

1.9. Define the term cohesion and adhesion.

AKTU 2017-18, Marks 02
Ans. Cohesion : It is the molecular attraction between similar types of
Adhesion : It is the molecular attraction between dissimilar types
of molecules.

1.10. Describe the assumptions of Bernoulli’s equation.

Ans. Assumptions of Bernoulli’s equation are as follows :
1. Fluid is ideal i.e., viscosity is zero.
2. Flow is incompressible.
3. Flow is steady.
4. Flow is irrotational.

1.11. State the Bernoulli’s theorem.

Ans. Bernoulli’s theorem states that in a steady, ideal flow of an
incompressible fluid, the total energy at any point of the fluid is

1.12. What is venturimeter ?

Ans. A venturimeter is a device used for measuring the rate of flow of a
fluid flowing through a pipe.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SQ–3 A (ME-Sem-3)

1.13. Write short note on pitot static tube.

AKTU 2017-18, Marks 02
Ans. Pitot tube is a device used for measuring the velocity of flow at any
point or a channel. It works on the principle of Bernoulli’s theorem.

1.14. What is stagnation point ?

Ans. Stagnation point is a point where the velocity of the fluid becomes

1.15. Write the advantages of triangular notch or weir over

rectangular notch or weir.
Ans. Advantages of triangular notch or weir over rectangular notch or
weir are as follows :
1. Ventilation of a triangular notch or weir is not necessary.
2. For measuring low discharge, a triangular notch or weir is preferred.

1.16. What is coefficient of discharge ?

Ans. Coefficient of discharge is defined as the ratio of the actual discharge
to the theoretical discharge of flow.

SQ–4 A (ME-Sem-3) 2 Marks Questions

2 Types of Fluid Flow and

Continuity Equation
(2 Marks Questions)

2.1. Differentiate between steady and unsteady flow.

AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. Steady Flow : The type of flow in which the fluid properties like
velocity, pressure, density, etc. at a point do not change with time is
called steady flow.
Unsteady Flow : Unsteady flow is that type of flow in which the
velocity, pressure or density at a point change with respect to time.

2.2. Define laminar and turbulent flow.

Ans. Laminar Flow : A flow in which paths taken by individual particle
do not cross one another and move along well defined paths is
known as laminar flow.
Turbulent Flow : A turbulent flow is that flow in which fluid
particles move in a zig-zag way.

2.3. Explain the rotational and irrotational flow.

AKTU 2017-18, Marks 02
Define rotational and irrotational flow.
AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02
Ans. Rotational Flow : A flow is said to be rotational if the fluid particles
while moving in the direction of flow rotate about their mass centers.
Irrotational Flow : A flow is said to be irrotational if the fluid
particles while moving in the direction of flow do not rotate about
their mass centers.

2.4. Define the continuity equation.

Ans. The equation based on the principle of conservation of mass is
called continuity equation.
2.5. What do you understand by circulation ?
AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SQ–5 A (ME-Sem-3)

Ans. Circulation is defined as the line integral of the tangential velocity

about a closed path (contour). Circulation around regular curves
can be obtained by integration.

2.6. Write down the definition of stream function.

AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. Stream function is defined as a function of space and time, such
that its partial derivative with respect to any direction gives the
velocity component at right angles to this direction. It is denoted
by .
 
u= ,v= 
y x

2.7. The velocity distribution between two parallel plate is given

by u = (a2 – y2), where u is the velocity at a distance y from
the middle of the two plates. Find the expression for stream
function. AKTU 2018-19, Marks 02
Given : u = (a2 – y2)
To Find : Expression for stream function.

 = – (a2 – y2) dy = (y2 – a2) dy
On integration, =  ya2  c
2.8. Discuss velocity potential function.
Ans. Velocity potential function is defined as a scalar function of space
and time such that its negative derivative with respect to any
direction gives the fluid velocity in that direction. It is denoted by .
  
u=– ,v = – ,w=–
x y z

2.9. What do you understand by Reynolds number ?

Ans. Reynolds number is defined as the ratio of inertia force of a flowing
fluid to the viscous force of the fluid. Thus,
vd v d
Re = or
 
SQ–6 A (ME-Sem-3) 2 Marks Questions

2.10. What do you understand by dimensional homogeneity ?

AKTU 2018-19, Marks 02
Ans. Dimensional homogeneity means the dimensions of each term in
an equation on both sides are equal.

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SQ–7 A (ME-Sem-3)

Flow Through Pipes,

3 Boundary Layer
(2 Marks Questions)

3.1. Write the characteristics of laminar flow.

Ans. Characteristics of laminar flow are as follows :
1. Flow is irrotational.
2. No slip will occur at the boundary.
3. Each fluid layer flows separately.

3.2. What do you understand by kinetic energy correction

factor ? AKTU 2015-16, 2016-17, Marks 02
Ans. Kinetic energy correction factor is defined as the ratio of the kinetic
energy of the flow per second based on actual velocity across a
section to the kinetic energy of the flow per second based on average
velocity across the same section.

3.3. When will a laminar flow change to turbulent flow ?

Ans. A laminar flow may change to turbulent flow when :
1. There is an increased velocity of flow.
2. There is an increased diameter of pipe.
3. The viscosity of fluid is decreased.

3.4. Give some examples of turbulent flow.

Ans. Some examples of turbulent flow are as follows :
1. Smoke rising from a cigarette.
2. Flow over a golf ball.
3. The mixing of warm and cold air in the atmosphere.

3.5. Define eddy viscosity.

Ans. The viscosity which accounts for momentum transport by turbulent
eddies is known as eddy viscosity.

3.6. What does Hagen Poiseuille equation refer to ? What is

Hagen Poiseuille’s formula ? AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02
Ans. Hagen Poiseuille equation refers to loss of pressure head.
SQ–8 A (ME-Sem-3) 2 Marks Questions

Hagen Poiseuille’s formula is given by :

32 uL
For circular plate =
 gd2
12 uL
For parallel plate =
 gb2

3.7. Define surface loss. AKTU 2018-19, Marks 02

Ans. Surface loss is loss of pressure or head that occurs in pipe flow due
to effect of the fluid’s viscosity near the surface of pipe.

3.8. What do you understand by TEL and HGL ?

AKTU 2015-16, 2016-17, Marks 02
Ans. TEL : Total energy line (TEL) is defined as the line which gives the
sum of pressure head, datum head and kinetic head of a flowing
fluid in a pipe with respect to some reference line.
HGL : Hydraulic gradient line is defined as the line which gives the
sum of pressure head and datum head of a flowing fluid with respect
to some reference line.

3.9. In which cases syphon is used ?

Ans. Syphon is used in the following cases :
1. To carry water from one reservoir to another reservoir separated
by a hill or ridge.
2. To empty a channel not provided with any outlet sluice.

3.10. Define water hammer in pipes.

Ans. The wave of high pressure has the effect of hammering action on the
walls of the pipe. This phenomenon is known as water hammer in pipes.

3.11. What are the necessary conditions for a pipe network ?

Ans. Followings are the necessary conditions for any network of pipes :
1. Flow into each junction must be equal to the flow out of the junction.
2. The algebraic sum of head losses around each loop must be zero.

3.12. What do you understand by displacement thickness ?

AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
What is displacement thickness ?
AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02
Ans. Displacement thickness is defined as the distance, measured
perpendicular to the boundary of the solid body, by which the
boundary should be displaced to compensate for the reduction in
flow on account of boundary layer formation.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SQ–9 A (ME-Sem-3)

3.13. What do you understand by shape factor ?

AKTU 2017-18, Marks 02
Ans. The ratio of momentum thickness () to displacement thickness
(*) is known as shape factor.

3.14. Define turbulent boundary layer and laminar sub layer.

Ans. Turbulent Boundary : Downstream to the transition zone, the
boundary layer is turbulent and continues to grow in thickness.
This layer of boundary is called turbulent boundary layer.
Laminar Sub Layer : This is the region in boundary layer zone,
adjacent to solid surface of the plate.

3.15. Explain the drag and lift. AKTU 2017-18, Marks 02

Ans. Drag : The component of the total force (FR) in the direction of
motion is called drag. This component is denoted by FD.
Lift : The component of the total force (FR ) in the direction
perpendicular to the direction of motion is known as lift. This is
denoted by FL.

3.16. What is average coefficient of drag ?

Ans. Average coefficient of drag is defined as the ratio of the total drag
force to the quantity AU2. It is also called coefficient of drag and
is denoted by CD.

3.17. Define aerofoil.

Ans. An aerofoil is a streamlined body which may be either symmetrical
or unsymmetrical.

3.18. Discuss Magnus effect.

Ans. When a cylinder is rotated in a uniform flow, a lift force is produced
on the cylinder. This phenomenon is known as Magnus effect.

3.19. Define impulse momentum equation.

AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02
Ans. It states that the impulse of force F acting on a fluid mass m in a
short interval of time dt is equal to the change of momentum d(mv)
in direction of force.
Fdt = d(mv)

SQ–10 A (ME-Sem-3) 2 Marks Questions

Impact of Jet,

4 Impulse Turbine and

Reaction Turbines
(2 Marks Questions)

4.1. What are fluid machines or hydraulic machines ?

AKTU 2015-16, 2017-18; Marks 02
Ans. Hydraulic machines are defined as the machines which convert
either hydraulic energy into mechanical energy or mechanical
energy into hydraulic energy.

4.2. Define the term turbines.

Ans. Turbines are defined as the hydraulic machines which convert
hydraulic energy into mechanical energy.
Example : Pelton wheel, Francis turbine, Kaplan turbine, etc.

4.3. Define overall efficiency.

Ans. Overall efficiency is defined as the ratio of power available at the
shaft of the turbine to the power supplied by the water at the inlet
of the turbine.

4.4. Define penstocks.

Ans. Water from storage reservoir is carried through pipes of large
diameters usually made of steel or reinforced concrete to the turbine,
these pipes are known as penstocks.

4.5. What is the function of the nozzle in an impulse turbine ?

AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02
Ans. A nozzle is pipe of varying cross-sectional area used to direct or
modify the fluid flow. It converts the pressure energy of fluid into
kinetic energy.

4.6. State the function of breaking jet in Pelton wheel turbine.

AKTU 2017-18, Marks 02
Ans. When the nozzle is completely closed by the motion of spear in
forward direction, the amount of water striking the runner reduces
to zero. But due to inertia, runner goes on revolving. Therefore a
breaking jet is used to stop this revolving wheel.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SQ–11 A (ME-Sem-3)

4.7. Define runaway speed of turbine.

AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. Runaway speed is the maximum speed at which a turbine would
run when there is no external load but operating under design
head and discharge.
4.8. Why is the shape of the bucket of a Pelton wheel like two
spoons ?
Ans. The advantage of having two spoons lies in the fact that axial forces
neutralize each other, being equal and opposite and hence the
bearings support the wheel shaft are not subjected to any axial
4.9. What is the function of needle spear in Pelton wheel ?
Ans. A needle spear moving inside the nozzle controls the water flow
through the nozzle and at the same time provides a smooth flow
with negligible energy loss.
4.10. Why is governing of a turbine necessary ?
Ans. Governing of a turbine is necessary as a turbine is directly coupled
to an electric generator, which is required to run at constant speed
under all fluctuating loads conditions. This is possible only when
the speed of turbine is constant.

4.11. Differentiate between impulse turbine and a reaction

turbine. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
S. No. Impulse Turbine Reaction Turbine

1. If at the inlet of the turbine, If at the inlet of the turbine, the

the energy available is only water possesses kinetic energy as
kinetic energy, the turbine well as pressure energy, the
is known as impulse turbine. turbine is known as reaction
2. Water may be allowed to Water is admitted o ve r the
enter a part or whole of the circumference of the wheel.
wheel circumference.

4.12. What do you mean by radial flow turbine ?

AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02
Ans. Radial flow turbines are those turbines in which the water flows in
the radial direction. The water may flow radially from outwards to
inwards direction or from inwards to outwards direction.
SQ–12 A (ME-Sem-3) 2 Marks Questions

4.13. Why spiral casing of varying area is employed in reaction

turbine ? AKTU 2017-18, Marks 02
Ans. Spiral casing of varying area is employed in reaction turbine, so
that flow ve lo city can be kept constant throughout the

4.14. What is the significance of specific speed ?

Ans. Specific speed plays an important role for selecting the type of the
turbine. Also the performance of a turbine can be predicted by
knowing the specific speed of the turbine.

4.15. Define unit speed. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02

Ans. Unit speed is defined as the speed of a turbine working under a
unit head (i.e., under a head of 1 m). It is denoted by Nu.
Nu =

4.16. List the characteristic curves of hydraulic turbine.

AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. Following are the important characteristic curves for the hydraulic
turbine :
1. Main characteristic curves or constant head curves,
2. Operating characteristic curves or constant speed curves, and
3. Constant efficiency curves or iso-efficiency curves.

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SQ–13 A (ME-Sem-3)

5 Centrifugal and
Reciprocating Pumps
(2 Marks Questions)

5.1. What is centrifugal pump ?

Ans. The hydraulic machine which converts the mechanical energy into
pressure energy by means of centrifugal force acting on the fluid is
known as centrifugal pump.

5.2. Differentiate between volute and vortex casing of a

centrifugal pump. AKTU 2017-18, Marks 02
S. No. Volute Casing Vortex Casing
1. It has less efficiency. It has more efficiency.
2. Mo re e ddy currents are Less eddy currents are presents.

5.3. What is meant by manometric head for centrifugal pump ?

AKTU 2017-18, Marks 02
Ans. Manometric head is defined as the head against which a centrifugal
pump has to work. It is denoted by Hm.

5.4. Differentiate between static head and manometric head.

AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
S. No. Static Head Manometric Head

1. The sum of suction It is defined as the head against which a

he ad and delivery centrifugal pump has to work.
head is kno wn as
static head.

2. Hs = hs + hd  pd v d 2   ps v d 2 
Hm =  Zd    –  Zs   
 g 2 g   g 2 g 
SQ–14 A (ME-Sem-3) 2 Marks Questions

5.5. Define manometric efficiency. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02

Ans. Manometric efficiency is defined as the ratio of the manometric
head developed by the pump to the head imparted by the impeller
to the liquid.

5.6. Define the specific speed of a centrifugal pump.

Ans. Specific speed is defined as the speed of a geometrically similar
pump which would deliver one cubic meter of liquid per second
against a head of one meter. It is denoted by Ns.

5.7. What are the advantages of model testing ?

AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02
Ans. Advantages of model testing are as follows :
1. Model tests are economical and convenient.
2. The performance and efficiency of a hydraulic machine or structure
can be predicted in advance by model testing.
3. To know about the safety and reliability of the parts, which cannot
be exactly checked by analytical methods, model testing is required.

5.8. What is the purpose of priming of a centrifugal pump ?

AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. The density of air is low, so head generated by pump is also low
even negligible and hence water may not be sucked by the pump.
To avoid this difficulty priming of centrifugal pump is necessary.

5.9. What is NPSH ? AKTU 2017-18, Marks 02

Ans. Net positive suction head (NPSH) is defined as the absolute pressure
head at the inlet to the pump minus the vapour pressure head plus
the velocity head.

5.10. What is the significance of characteristic curves ?

Ans. Characteristic curves are necessary to predict the behaviour and
performance of the pump when the pump is working under different
flow rate, head and speed.

5.11. What is meant by positive displacement pump ?

AKTU 2017-18, Marks 02
Ans. Pumps in which the liquid is sucked and then it is actually pushed
or displaced due to the thrust exerted on it by a moving member
are known as positive displacement pump.

5.12. Define the term slip of reciprocating pump.

AKTU 2017-18, Marks 02
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SQ–15 A (ME-Sem-3)

Ans. Slip is defined as the difference between the theoretical discharge

and actual discharge of the pump.

5.13. Define negative slip. When it occur in reciprocating pump ?

Ans. If the actual discharge of the pump is more than the theoretical
discharge, the slip will be negative, which is known as negative slip.
Negative slip occurs when delivery pipe is short, suction pipe is long
and pipe is running at high speed.

5.14. Define ideal indicator diagram.

Ans. The graph between pressure head in the cylinder and stroke length
of the piston for one complete revolution of the crank under ideal
condition is known as ideal indicator diagram.

5.15. What do you mean by maximum speed of a reciprocating

pump ? AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. Maximum speed of a reciprocating pump is defined as the speed
without separation or the speed before which separation of liquid
takes place.

5.16. What is the cause of acceleration head ?

AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02
Ans. The velocity of flow of water in the suction and delivery pipe is not
uniform, being zero at beginning and end of the stroke and
maximum at the center of stroke. This is the main cause of
acceleration head.

5.17. What is the purpose of an air vessel fitted in the pump ?

AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. The air vessel is used for the following purposes :
1. To obtain a continuous supply of liquid at a uniform rate.
2. To save the power required to drive the pump.
3. To run the pump at high speed without separation.

5.18. What will be the total % work saved by fitting the air vessel ?
Explain. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. Work saved in single acting reciprocating pump is 84.8 % while in
double acting reciprocating pump the work saved is 39.2 %.

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SP–1 A (ME-Sem-3)

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70

Note : Attempt all sections. If require any missing data; then choose


1. Attempt all questions in brief. (2 × 10 = 20)

a. 2 liter petrol weighs 14 N. Calculate the specific weight,
mass density, specific volume and specific gravity of petrol
with respect to water.

b. Find the surface tension in a soap bubble of 40 mm diameter

when the inside pressure is 2.5 N/m2 above atmospheric

c. What do you understand by Euler’s number ?

d. State Bernoulli’s theorem.

e. What is water hammering ?

f. A square flat plate of dimension 1.5 m moves at 50 km/hr in

stationary air of density 1.15 kg/m3. If the coefficient of drag
and lift are 0.15 and 0.75 respectively, determine the lift and
drag force.

g. Find the force exerted by a jet of water of diameter 75 mm

on a stationary flat plate, when the jet strikes the plate
normally with a velocity of 20 m/s.

h. Differentiate between turbine and pump.

i. How will you classify the turbines ?

j. Define s lip, percentage slip and negative s lip of a

reciprocating pump.
SP–2 A (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)


2. Attempt any three of the following : (10 × 3 = 30)

a. Develop a formula for capillary rise of a fluid having surface
tension  and contact angle  between :
i. Two concentric glass tubes of radii r0 and ri, and
ii. Two vertical glass plates set parallel to each other having a
gap t between them.

b. The velocity potential for a two dimensional flow is

= x(2y – 1). Determine the velocity at the point P(4, 5). Also
obtain the value of stream function at P.

c. Determine the displacement thickness , momentum

thickness, shape factor and energy thickness of the
following velocity profiles in the boundary layer on a flat
u  y
plate. =  where u is the velocity at a height y above
U0   
the surface and U0 is the free stream velocity.

d. Define the term governing of turbine. Describe with neat

sketch the working of an oil pressure governor.

e. What do you mean by manometric efficiency, mechanical

efficiency and overall efficiency of a centrifugal pump ?


3. Attempt any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. A 30 cm diameter pipe conveying water, branches into two
pipes of diameters 20 cm and 15 cm respectively. If the
average velocity in the 30 cm diameter pipe is 2.5 m/s, find
the discharge in this pipe. Also determine the velocity in
15 cm pipe if the average velocity in 20 cm diameter pipe is
2 m/s.

b. What is pitot tube ? How will you determine the velocity at

any point with the help of pitot tube ?

4. Attempt any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. If the velocity field is given by u = x + y and v = x3 – y. Find the
circulation around a closed contour defined by x = 1, y = 0,
y = 1 and x = 0.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SP–3 A (ME-Sem-3)

b. The pressure difference p in a pipe of diameter D and length

l due to viscous flow depends on the velocity v, viscosity 
and density . Using Buckingham  theorem, obtain the
expression for p.

5. Attempt any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. A fluid of viscosity 0.7 N-s/m2 and specific gravity 1.3 is
flowing through circular pipe of diameter 100 mm. The
maximum shear stress at the pipe wall is given as
196.2 N/m2 find :
i. Pressure gradient,
ii. Average velocity, and
iii. Reynolds number of the flow.

b. Describe the phenomenon of boundary layer formation over

a smooth flat plate.

6. Attempt any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. A pelton wheel has a mean bucket speed of 10 m/s with a jet
of water flowing at the rate of 700 liters/s under the head of
30 meters. The buckets deflect the jet through an angle of
160°. Calculate the power given by water to the runner and
the hydraulic efficiency of the turbine. Assume coefficient
of velocity as 0.98.

b. With the help of neat sketch explain the working of Kaplan


7. Attempt any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. Define specific speed of a centrifugal pump. Derive an
expression for the same.

b. Discuss the effect of acceleration in suction and delivery

pipes on indicator diagram.

SP–4 A (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)


Note : Attempt all sections. If require any missing data; then choose


1. Attempt all questions in brief. (2 × 10 = 20)

a. 2 liter petrol weighs 14 N. Calculate the specific weight,
mass density, specific volume and specific gravity of petrol
with respect to water.
Given : V = 2 ltr = 2 × 10 – 3 m3, W = 14 N.
To Find : i. Specific weight (w),
ii. Mass density (),
iii. Specific volume (v), and
iv. Specific gravity (S).

W 14
1. Specific weight, w=  = 7000 N/m3
V 2  10  3
m w 7000
2. Mass density, =   = 713.5576 kg/m3
V g 9.81
1 1
3. Specific volume, v=  = 1.401 × 10– 3 m3/kg
 713.5576
Density of petrol 713.5576
4. Specific gravity, S= = = 0.714
Density of water 1000

b. Find the surface tension in a soap bubble of 40 mm diameter

when the inside pressure is 2.5 N/m2 above atmospheric
Given : d = 40 mm = 40 × 10– 3 m, p = 2.5 N/m2
To Find : Surface Tension ().

1. For soap bubble, p =
pd 2.5  40  10  3
2. Surface tension,  =  = 0.0125 N/m
8 8

c. What do you understand by Euler’s number ?

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SP–5 A (ME-Sem-3)

1. It is the square root of the ratio of the inertia force to the pressure
force of a flowing fluid.
Mathematically, Eu =
2. Pressure force (FP) = Pressure × Area
= p×A
Inertia force (Fi) = Av 2
Av2 v
 Eu = 
pA p/
i. Significance :
1. It signifies those flow problems or situations in which pressure
gradient exists.
ii. Applications :
1. Discharge through orifice and mouth piece.
2. Pressure rise due to sudden closure of valves.
3. Flow through pipes.
4. Water hammer created in penstocks.

d. State Bernoulli’s theorem.

1. Bernoulli’s theorem states that in a steady, ideal flow of an
incompressible fluid, the total energy at any point of the fluid is
2. It can be mathematically stated as given below,
Pressure energy + Kinetic energy + Potential energy = Constant
p v2
  z = Constant
g 2 g
3. Bernoulli’s equation for real fluids is,
p1 v12 p v2
  z1 = 2  2  z2  hL
g 2 g g 2 g
Where, hL = Loss of energy.

e. What is water hammering ?

Ans. In a long pipe, when flowing water is suddenly brought to rest by
closing the valve or by any similar cause, there will be a sudden rise
in pressure due to the momentum of water being destroyed. This
phenomenon of sudden rise in pressure is known as water hammer
or hammer blow.

f. A square flat plate of dimension 1.5 m moves at 50 km/hr in

stationary air of density 1.15 kg/m3. If the coefficient of drag
and lift are 0.15 and 0.75 respectively, determine the lift and
drag force.
SP–6 A (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

Given : Area of plate, A = 1.5 × 1.5 = 2.25 m2, v = 50 km/hr =
13.89 m/s, Density of air,  = 1.15 kg/m3, Coefficient of drag,
CD = 0.15, Coefficient of lift, CL = 0.75.
To Find : i. Lift force, and
ii. Drag force.
1. Lift force,
 v2
1.15  13.892
= 0.75  2.25  = 187.2 N
 v2
2. Drag force, FD = CD A
1.15  13.892
= 0.15  2.25  = 37.44 N

g. Find the force exerted by a jet of water of diameter 75 mm

on a stationary flat plate, when the jet strikes the plate
normally with a velocity of 20 m/s.
Given : Diameter of jet, d = 75 mm = 0.075 m, v = 20 m/s
To Find : Force exerted by a jet of water.

 2 
1. Area, a= d  (0.075)2 = 0.004417 m2
4 4
2. The forced exerted by the jet of water on a stationary vertical plate
is given by,
F = av 2
= 1000 × 0.004417 × 202 (  = 1000 kg/m3)
= 1766.8 N

h. Differentiate between turbine and pump.

S. No. Turbine Pump
1. It converts hydraulic energy It converts mechanical energy into
into mechanical energy. hydraulic energy.
2. It decreases the energy of It increases the energy of the fluid.
the fluid.

i. How will you classify the turbines ?

Ans. Hydraulic turbines are classified as follows :
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SP–7 A (ME-Sem-3)

i. According to the Type of Energy Available at Inlet :

1. Impulse turbine, and
2. Reaction turbine.
ii. According to the Direction of Flow through Runner :
1. Tangential flow turbine,
2. Radial flow turbine,
3. Axial flow turbine, and
4. Mixed flow turbine.
iii. According to the Head at Inlet of Turbine :
1. High head turbine,
2. Medium head turbine, and
3. Low head turbine.
iv. According to the Specific Speed of the Turbine :
1. Low specific speed turbine,
2. Medium specific speed turbine, and
3. High specific speed turbine.

j. Define s lip, percentage slip and negative s lip of a

reciprocating pump.
i. Slip and Percentage Slip of a Pump :
1. It is defined as the difference between the theoretical discharge
and actual discharge.
Slip = Qth – Qact
2. The slip is mostly expressed as percentage slip which is given by,
Qth  Qact
Percentage slip = × 100
 Q 
=  1  act  × 100 = (1 – Cd) × 100
 Qth 
3. For most of the reciprocating pumps the actual discharge Qact is
less than the theoretical discharge Qth, Cd is less than one and the
slip of the pump is positive.
ii. Negative Slip :
1. If actual discharge of the pump is more than the theoretical
discharge, the slip will be negative, which is known as negative slip.
2. Negative slip occurs when delivery pipe is short, suction pipe is long
and pump is running at high speed.
2. Attempt any three of the following : (10 × 3 = 30)
a. Develop a formula for capillary rise of a fluid having surface
tension  and contact angle  between :
i. Two concentric glass tubes of radii r0 and ri, and
ii. Two vertical glass plates set parallel to each other having a
gap t between them.
SP–8 A (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

i. Capillary Rise when Two Concentric Glass Tubes :
1. T cos  =  (r20 – ri2) hg ...(1)
But T = (r0 + ri)
2. Substituting value of T in eq. (1), we get
(r0 + ri) cos  = (r20 – ri2) hg
 (r0 + ri) cos  = (r0 + ri) (r0 – ri) hg
 cos 
3. Capillary rise, h =
(r0  ri ) g
 

ri r0

Fig. 1.
B. Capillary Rise when Two Vertical Glass Plates Set Parallel :
1. Let,  = Surface tension,
 = Contact angle.
h = Height of liquid between plates above general
liquid surface.
2. The weight of liquid of height h is balanced by the force between
the plates = Volume of liquid of height h between the plates × w
= t×L×h×w ...(2)
Where, L = Length of plate, and
w = Weight density of the liquid.
3. Vertical component of surface tensile force
= ( × circumference) × cos 
=  × 2L × cos  ...(3)
4. For equilibrium, eq. (2) and eq. (3) must balance.
t × L × h × w =  × 2L × cos 
2 cos 
or h=
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SP–9 A (ME-Sem-3)


Fig. 2.

ii. The velocity potential for a two dimensional flow is

= x(2y – 1). Determine the velocity at the point P(4, 5). Also
obtain the value of stream function at P.
Given :  = x(2y – 1), P(4, 5)
To Find : i. Velocity at point P.
ii. Stream function at point P.
1. The velocity components in the direction of x and y are,
 
u=–  [x(2y – 1)] = – [2y – 1] = 1 – 2y
x x
 
v=–  [x(2y – 1)] = – [2x] = – 2x
y y
2. At point P(4, 5), i.e., at x = 4, y = 5
u = 1 – 2 × 5 = – 9 units/s
v = – 2 × 4 = – 8 units/s

3. Resultant velocity at P = (– 9)2  (– 8)2  81  64

= 12.04 units/s
4. We know that, = u = 1 – 2y ...(1)
and = – v = 2x ...(2)
5. Integrating eq. (1) w.r.t ‘y’, we get

 d =  (1  2 y) dy
2 y2
= y – +K
 = y – y2 + K ...(3)
The constant of integration K is not a function of y but it can be a
function of x.
SP–10 A (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

6. Differentiating the eq. (3) w.r.t x,

 K
x x
But from eq. (2)
= 2x
7. Equating the value of , we get
= 2x
Integrating this equation,
K= = x2
 2xdx 
8. Substituting this value of K in eq. (3), we get
 = y – y2 + x2.
9. Stream function  at P (4, 5) = 5 – 52 + 42 = 5 – 25 + 16 = – 4 units

c. Determine the displacement thickness , momentum

thickness, shape factor and energy thickness of the
following velocity profiles in the boundary layer on a flat
u  y
plate. =  where u is the velocity at a height y above
U0   
the surface and U0 is the free stream velocity.

u  y
Given : = 
U0   
To Find : i. Displacement thickness.
ii. Momentum thickness.
iii. Shape factor.
iv. Energy thickness.
1. The displacement thickness * is given by,

 u
* =   1  U
0 0

 1/ 7 1/ 7
  y   u  y 
=  1     dy
     
   U0    

 y1/7 
=  1  
1/ 7 

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SP–11 A (ME-Sem-3)

 y1/ 7  1 
= y 
8 1/7 
  
 7 0
 7 8 /7  7 
=     = 8
 8 1/7  8
2. The momentum thickness  is given by,

u  u
= U  1  U  dy
0 0 0

1/7 1/ 7 1/ 7

 y   y   u  y 
=     1     dy    
0     U0    

 y1/7 y 2/7 
=      dy
 2/ 7 

 y1/ 7  1 y 2/7  1   7  8 /7 7  9 /7 
=    =   
8 9 2/ 7  8 1/ 7 9  2/7 
 1/7  
7 7 0
7 7   63  56  7
=     =   = 
8 9   72  72
 7 8 7
3. Shape factor = =  =
* 72  9
4. Energy thickness δe is given by,
 u  u2 
e =  0 U0  1  U 2  dy

1/ 7 2/ 7
  y   y 
=  0 
1     dy
       
  y1/ 7 y3/ 7 
=   dy
0 
 1/7  3/ 7 

 y1/ 7  1 y3/ 7  1 
=  
8 1/7 10 3/7 
   
7 7 0
 7  8/ 7 7 10/ 7 
=  1/7
 
8  10  3/ 7 
7 7 
=   
8 10 
= 
SP–12 A (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

d. Define the term governing of turbine. Describe with neat

sketch the working of an oil pressure governor.
A. Governing of Turbines :
1. It is defined as the operation by which the speed of the turbine is
kept constant under all conditions.
2. It is done automatically by means of a governor, which regulates
the rate of flow through the turbines according to the changing
load conditions on the turbine.
B. Working of Oil Pressure Governing :
Piston Rod of
Control valve
Fulcrum Relay or Control valve
To Turbine
Main Shaft V1

Oil pump Piston Rod of

Relay Cylinder
Oil sump
Relay Cylinder Nozzle
Fig. 3. Oil Pressure Governor.
i. When the Load on Generator Decreases :
1. When the load on the generator decreases, the speed of generator
and hence the turbine increases beyond normal speed.
2. The fly-balls of the centrifugal governor move outward due to the
increased centrifugal force on them.
3. Due to the outward movement of the fly-balls, the sleeve moves
up. As a consequence the portion of the lever to the right of the
fulcrum moves down pushing the piston rod of the control valve
4. This closes the valve V1 and opens the valve V2.
5. A gear pump pumps oil from the oil sump to the relay valve or
control valve. Oil flows through valve V2 and exerts force on the
face A of the piston of the relay cylinder.
6. The piston rod along with the spear moves to the right. This
decreases the area of flow of the nozzle and hence, the rate of
water flows to the turbine.
7. Consequently the speed of the turbine decreases till it becomes
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SP–13 A (ME-Sem-3)

ii. When the Load on Generator Increases :

1. When the load on the generator increases, the speed of generator
and hence the turbine decreases beyond normal speed.
2. The fly-balls of the centrifugal governor move inward due to the
decreased centrifugal force on them.
3. Due to the inward movement of the fly-balls, the sleeve moves
down and the piston rod of control valve goes up.
4. This closes the valve V2 and opens the valve V1.
5. Oil flows through valve V1 and exerts force on the face B of the
piston of the relay cylinder.
6. The piston rod along with the spear moves to the left. This increases
the area of flow of the nozzle and hence, the rate of water flows to
the turbine.
7. As a consequence, the speed of the turbine increases till it becomes

e. What do you mean by manometric efficiency, mechanical

efficiency and overall efficiency of a centrifugal pump ?
i. Manometric Efficiency (mano) : It is defined as the ratio of the
manometric head developed by the pump to the head imparted by
the impeller to the liquid.
Manometric head
mano =
Head imparted by impeller to liquid
Hm gHm
= =
 v w2 u2  v w2 u2
 g 
 
ii. Mechanical Efficiency (m) :
1. It is defined as the ratio of the power delivered by the impeller to
the power input to the pump shaft.
Power delivered at impeller
m =
Power input to the shaft
2. Power delivered at impeller in kW
Work done by impeller per second

W vw2 u2
= 
g 1000

W  v w2 u2 
 
g  1000 
 m =
SP–14 A (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

iii. Overall Efficiency (o) :

1. The overall efficiency of the pump is defined as the ratio of the
power output from the pump to the power input from the prime
mover driving the pump.

Power output
o =
Power input

Weight of water lifted  H m

2. Power output =
Power input = Shaft power
WHm / 1000
 o =
or o = mano × m


3. Attempt any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. A 30 cm diameter pipe conveying water, branches into two
pipes of diameters 20 cm and 15 cm respectively. If the
average velocity in the 30 cm diameter pipe is 2.5 m/s, find
the discharge in this pipe. Also determine the velocity in
15 cm pipe if the average velocity in 20 cm diameter pipe is
2 m/s.
Given : d1 = 30 cm, v1 = 2.5 m/s, d2 = 20 cm, v2 = 2 m/s, d3 = 15 cm
To Find : i. Discharge in pipe (1), Q1.
ii. Velocity in pipe (3), v3.

2 m /s
= 2 0 cm
v1 = 2.5 m/sec
d1 = 30 cm
v3 =
d3 =
1 15 c

Fig. 4.
1. Area of pipe (1),
 2 
A1 = d1  (0.3)2 = 0.07068 m2
4 4
v1 = 2.5 m/s
2. Area of pipe (2),
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SP–15 A (ME-Sem-3)

A2 = (0.2)2 = 0.0314 m2
v2 = 2 m/s
3. Area of pipe (3),

A3 = (0.15) 2 = 0.01767 m2
4. Let Q1, Q2 and Q3 are discharge in pipe 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
Then according to continuity equation,
Q1 = Q2 + Q3 ...(1)
5. The discharge Q1 in pipe 1 is given by,
Q1 = A1v1 = 0.07068 × 2.5 = 0.1767 m3/s
6. The discharge Q2 in pipe 2 is given by,
Q2 = A2v2 = .0314 × 2.0 = 0.0628 m3/s
7. Substituting the values of Q1 and Q2 in eq. (1),
0.1767 = 0.0628 + Q3
 Q3 = 0.1767 – 0.0628 = 0.1139 m3/s
8. We know that, Q3 = A3v3 = 0.01767 × v3
0.1139 = 0.01767 × v3
v3 = = 6.446 m/s

b. What is pitot tube ? How will you determine the velocity at

any point with the help of pitot tube ?
A. Pitot Tube : It is a device used for measuring the velocity of flow at
any point in a pipe or a channel.
B. Expression of Velocity at any Point :

1 2

Fig. 5. Pitot-tube.
1. Let p1 = Intensity of pressure at point (1),
v1 = Velocity of flow at (1),
p2 = Pressure at point (2),
v2 = Velocity at point (2),
H= Depth of tube in the liquid, and
SP–16 A (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

h = Rise of liquid in the tube above the free surface.

2. Applying Bernoulli’s eq. at point (1) and (2),
p1 v12 p v2
  z1 = 2  2  z2 ...(1)
g 2 g g 2 g
3. Since z1 = z2 as point (1) and (2) are on the same line and v2 = 0.
= Pressure head at (1) = H ...(2)
= Pressure head at (2) = (h + H) ...(3)
4. Substituting values of eq. (2) and eq. (3) in eq. (1), we get
 H = (h + H)
h= or v1 = 2 gh
 This is theoretical velocity.
5. Actual velocity is given by,
(v1)act = Cv 2 gh
Where, Cv = Coefficient of pitot tube.
6. Velocity at any point,
v = Cv 2 gh

4. Attempt any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. If the velocity field is given by u = x + y and v = x3 – y. Find the
circulation around a closed contour defined by x = 1, y = 0,
y = 1 and x = 0.
Given : u = x + y, v = x3 – y
Closed curve defined by x = 1, y = 0, y = 1, x = 0
To Find : Circulation around the closed curve.


x=0 x=1

A y=0 B X
Fig. 6.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SP–17 A (ME-Sem-3)

1. Circulation,
ABCD = ABCD (udx  vdy)
= AB (udx  vdy) + BC (udx  vdy)
+ CD (udx  vdy)  DA (udx  vdy)
1 1 3 1 1
= 0 (x  y)dx  0 ( x  y)dy   ( x  y)dx   ( x3  y)dy
0 0
1 1 0 0
 x2   y2   x2   3 y2 
=   xy    x3 y      xy    x y  
2 0  2 0  2 1  2 1
 2   2    2  2 
=  1  1  0   0  0  0    13  1  1    13  0  0  
 2   2    2  2 
 02   12   3 02   3 12  
+   0  1    1  1    0  0     0  1   

 2   2   2 2 
 Circulation per unit area = 0

b. The pressure difference p in a pipe of diameter D and length

l due to viscous flow depends on the velocity v, viscosity 
and density . Using Buckingham  theorem, obtain the
expression for p.
Given : p is a function of D, l, v, , , k,
f1 = (p, D, l, v, , , k)
To Find : Expression for p.
Data Assume : k = Roughness
1. Total number of variables, n = 7
2. Dimensions of each variable are,
p = ML– 1T – 2, D = L, l = L, v = LT – 1,
 = ML– 1T – 1,  = ML– 3, k = L
3. Number of fundamental dimensions, m = 3
4. Number of -terms = 7 – 3 = 4
5. Now, p function can be written as,
f1(1, 2, 3, 4) = 0 ...(1)
6. Choosing D, v,  as the repeating variables, the -terms are
1 = Da1 vb1 c1 p
2 = Da2 vb2 c2 l
3 = Da3 vb3 c3 
SP–18 A (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

4 = Da4 vb4 c4 k

7. 1-term : 1 = Da1 vb1 c1 p
Substituting the dimensions on both sides,
M0L0T0 = [L]a1 [LT – 1]b1 [ML– 3]c1 [ML – 1T – 2 ]

Equating the powers of M, L, T on both sides,

Power of M, 0 = c1 + 1  c1 = – 1
Power of L, 0 = a1 + b1 – 3c1 – 1,  a1 = – b1 + 3c1 + 1
Power of T, 0 = – b1+ 2,  b1 = – 2
On substituting the values of a1, b1 and c1 in 1 term, we have

1 = D0 v  2  1 p 
 v2
8. 2-term : 2 = Da2 vb2 c2 l
Substituting the dimensions on both sides,
M0L0T0 = [L]a2 [LT – 1]b2 [ML– 3]c2 L
Equating the powers of M, L, T on both sides,
Power of M, 0 = c 2,  c2 = 0
Power of L, 0 = a2 – b2 – 3c2 + 1,  a2 = b2 + 3c2 – 1 = – 1
Power of T, 0 = – b2,  b2 = 0
On substituting the values of a2, b2 and c2 in 2 term, we have

2 = D  1 v0 0 l 
9. 3-term : 3 = Da3 vb3 c3 
Substituting the dimensions on both sides,
M0L0T0 = [L]a3 [LT – 1]b3 [ML– 3]c3 [ML– 1T– 1]
Equating the powers of M, L, T on both sides,
Power of M, 0 = c3+1,  c3 = – 1
Power of L, 0 = a3+ b3 – 3c3 – 1,  a3 = – b3 + 3c3 + 1
Power of T, 0 = – b3–1,  b3 = – 1
On substituting the values of a3, b3 and c3 in 3 term, we have
3 = D – 1 v – 1 – 1 = / Dv
10. 4-term : 4 = Da4 vb4 c4 k
Substituting the dimensions on both sides,
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SP–19 A (ME-Sem-3)

M0L0T0 = [L]a4 [LT – 1]b4 [ML– 3]c4 L

Equating the powers of M, L, T on both sides,
Power of M, 0 = c 4,  c4 = 0
Power of L, 0 = a4 – b4 – 3c4 + 1,  a4 = b4 + 3c4 – 1
Power of T, 0 = – b4,  b4 = 0
On substituting the values of a4, b4 and c4 in 4 term, we have

4 = D – 1 v 0  0 k =
11. Substituting the values of 1, 2, 3 and 4 in eq. (1), we have
 p l  k
f1  2 , , ,  =0
  v D D v  D 
p l  k
or =  , , 
 v2  D  v D D 

5. Attempt any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. A fluid of viscosity 0.7 N-s/m2 and specific gravity 1.3 is
flowing through circular pipe of diameter 100 mm. The
maximum shear stress at the pipe wall is given as
196.2 N/m2 find :
i. Pressure gradient,
ii. Average velocity, and
iii. Reynolds number of the flow.
Given :  = 0.7 N-s/m2, Specific gravity = 1.3,  = 1.3 × 1000 =
1300 kg/m3, d = 100 mm = 0.1 m, o = 196.2 N/m2
1. The maximum shear stress (o) is given by,
p r
o = –
x 2
p d p 0.1
196.2 = –   
x 4 x 4
2. So, pressure gradient,
p 196.2  4
– = = 7848 N/m2 per m
x 0.1
3. Average velocity,
1 1  1 p 2 
u = u   r
2 max 2  4 x 
 1 p 2 
 umax   r 
 4  x 
SP–20 A (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

1  p  2
=   r
8   x 
=  (7848)  (0.05)2
8  0.7

 r
d 1

  0.05
2 2
= 3.50 m/s
4. Reynolds number,
Re =

3.50  0.1
= 1300  = 650

b. Describe the phenomenon of boundary layer formation over

a smooth flat plate.
1. When a real fluid flow over a solid wall, the fluid particles closed to
the boundary get adhered to the boundary and as a result of this
condition no slip occurs.
2. In other words the velocity of fluid close to the boundary will be the
same as that of the boundary.
3. As we move farther away from the boundary, the velocity will be
higher and as a result of this variation of velocity, the velocity
gradient will exist.
4. Thus the velocity of fluid increases from zero velocity on the
stationary boundary to free-stream velocity (U) of the fluid in the
direction normal to the boundary.
5. The variation of velocity from zero to free stream velocity in the
direction normal to the boundary takes place in a narrow region in
the vicinity of solid boundary.
6. This narrow region of the fluid is called boundary layer.
u Boundary layer
Region 2
Region 1


Fig. 7.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SP–21 A (ME-Sem-3)

7. Hence the flow of fluid in the neighbourhood of the solid boundary

may be divided into following two regions :
i. Region 1 :
1. A very thin layer of the fluid called the boundary layer, in the
immediate neighbourhood of the solid boundary, where the
variation of velocity from zero at the solid boundary to the free
stream velocity in the direction normal to the boundary takes place.
2. In this region, the velocity gradient exists and hence the fluid
exerts a shear stress on the wall (wall shear) in the direction of
3. The value of shear stress is given by,
= 
ii. Region 2 :
1. The remaining fluid, which is outside the boundary layer. The
velocity outside the boundary layer is constant and equal to free
stream velocity.
2. As there is no variation of velocity in this region the velocity
gradient becomes zero. As a result of this the shear stress is

6. Attempt any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. A pelton wheel has a mean bucket speed of 10 m/s with a jet
of water flowing at the rate of 700 liters/s under the head of
30 meters. The buckets deflect the jet through an angle of
160°. Calculate the power given by water to the runner and
the hydraulic efficiency of the turbine. Assume coefficient
of velocity as 0.98.
Given : u1 = u2 = u = 10 m/s, Q = 700 lit/s = 0.7 m3/s, H = 30 m,
 = 180° – 160° = 20°
To Find : i. Power.
ii. Hydraulic efficiency.
Data Assumed : Cv = 0.98.
1. The velocity of jet,
v1 = Cv 2 gH = 0.98 2  9.81  30 = 23.77 m/s
 vr = v1 – u1 = 23.77 – 10 = 13.77 m/s
vw = v1 = 23.77 m/s
2. From outlet velocity triangle,
SP–22 A (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

vr = vr = 13.77 m/s
2 1
vw = vr cos  – u2
2 2
= 13.77 cos 20° – 10 = 2.94 m/s
3. Work done by the jet per second on the runner is given as
= av1 [vw + vw ]u
1 2
= 1000 × 0.7 × [23.77 + 2.94] × 10
( av1 = Q = 0.7 m3/s)
= 186970 Nm/s
4. Power given to turbine = = 186.97 kW
5. The hydraulic efficiency of the turbine is given as,
2[vw1  v w2 ]u
2[23.77  2.94]  10
h = 
v12 23.77  23.77
= 0.9454 or 94.54 %
u2 vw 2
 v  vf2
vr 2


u1 vr 1
vw 1

Fig. 8.

b. With the help of neat sketch explain the working of Kaplan

1. The working head of water is low so large flow rates are allowed in
the Kaplan turbine.
2. The water enters the turbine through the guide vanes which are
aligned such as to give the flow a suitable degree of swirl determined
according to the rotor of the turbine.
3. The flow from guide vanes pass through the curved passage which
forces the radial flow to axial direction with the initial swirl imparted
by the inlet guide vanes which is now in the form of free vortex.
4. The axial flow of water with a component of swirl applies force on
the blades of the rotor and loses its momentum, both linear and
angular, producing torque and rotation in the shaft.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SP–23 A (ME-Sem-3)

Guide vanes Water inlet

from penstock


Fig. 9.

7. Attempt any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. Define specific speed of a centrifugal pump. Derive an
expression for the same.
A. Specific Speed :
1. It is defined as the speed of a geometrically similar pump which
would deliver one cubic meter of liquid per second against a head of
one meter.
2. It is denoted by Ns.
B. Expression for Specific Speed :
1. Discharge Q for a centrifugal pump is given as,
Q = Area × Velocity of flow
= DBv f ...(1)
2. We know that, B D, then from eq. (1),
Q  D2v f ...(2)
3. Tangential velocity is given as,
u= or u  DN ...(3)
4. Tangential velocity (u) and velocity of flow (vf) are related to the
manometric head (Hm) as,
u  vf  Hm ...(4)
5. From eq. (3) and eq. (4), we get
Hm  DN
6. Putting the value of D in eq. (2), we get
SP–24 A (ME-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

Hm Hm
v f 
Hm  v f  Hm 
3/ 2
Hm3/ 2
Q=K ...(5)
Where, K = Constant of proportionality.
7. If Hm = 1 m, Q = 1 m3/s, so N = Ns, then from eq. (5), we get
N s2
Ns2 = K
8. Putting the value of K in eq. (5), we get
Hm3/ 2
Q = Ns2
Ns =
This expression is showing the specific speed of pump.

b. Discuss the effect of acceleration in suction and delivery

pipes on indicator diagram.
A. Effect of Acceleration in the Suction Pipe : Let ls and as are
length and cross-sectional area of the suction pipe respectively.
i. At the Beginning of the Suction Stroke :
D eli had

h ad D H C
Pressure head


hs 0 ° B'
 = 0° G =9 h as
h as A  = 180°
A' S uctio

Stroke length
Fig. 10. Effect of acceleration on indicator diagram.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines SP–25 A (ME-Sem-3)

ls A 2
The accelerating head, has = r
g as
ls A 2
Negative pressure (vacuum) head, hs + has = hs + r
g as
 l A 2 
Absolute pressure head = Hatm –  hs  s  r
 g as 
ii. At the Middle of the Suction Stroke :
The acceleration head, has = 0
Negative pressure (vacuum) head = hs
Absolute pressure head = Hatm – hs
iii. At the End of the Suction Stroke :
ls A 2
The acceleration head, has = – r
g as
ls A 2
Negative pressure (vacuum) head = hs + has = hs – r
g as
 l A 2 
Absolute pressure head = Hatm –  hs  s  r
 g as 
B. Effect of Acceleration in the Delivery Pipe :
1. In the beginning of delivery stroke the liquid in the delivery pipe is
accelerated, while at the end of delivery stroke the liquid is retarded.
2. Let ld and ad are the length and cross-sectional area of the delivery
pipe respectively.
i. At the Beginning of the Delivery Stroke :
ld A 2
Pressure (gauge) head, hd + had = hd + r
g ad
ii. At the Middle of the Delivery Stroke :
Pressure (gauge) head = hd ( had = 0)
iii. At the End of the Delivery Stroke :
ld A 2
Pressure (gauge) head = hd – r
g ad
ld A 2
Absolute pressure head = Hatm + hd – r
g ad

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