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Fluid Mechanics

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B.E Semester: 3
Mechanical Engineering
Subject Code 130101
Subject Name Fluid Mechanics

Sr.No Course content

1. Fluids and Their Properties:
Fluids, Shear stress in a moving fluid, Difference between solid and fluid,
Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluid, Liquids and Gases, Molecular
structure of material, the continuum concept of a fluid, density, viscosity,
causes of viscosity in gases, causes of viscosity in a liquid, Surface tension,
capillary, vapor pressure, cavitation, compressibility and the bulk modulus,
Equation of states of a gas constant, Specific heats of a gas, Expansion of
a gas.

2. Pressures and Head:

Static’s of a fluid system, pressure, Pascal’s law of pressure at a point,
variation of pressure vertically in a fluid under gravity, equality of pressure
at the same level in a static fluid, general equation for the variation of
pressure due to gravity from a point to point in a static fluid, pressure and
head, the hydrostatic paradox, pressure measurements by manometers,
forced vortex

3. Static Forces on Surface and Buoyancy:

Action of fluid pressure on surface, resultant force and center of pressure
on a plane surface under uniform pressure, resultant force and center of
pressure on a plane surface immersed in a liquid, pressure diagrams,
forces on a curved surface due to hydrostatic pressure, buoyancy,
equilibrium of floating bodies, stability of a submerged body, stability of
floating bodies, determination of the metacentric height, determination of
the position of the metacentre relative to the center of buoyancy, periodic
time of oscillation.

4. Motion of Fluid Particles and Streams:

Fluid flow, different types of flow, frames of reference, real and ideal fluids,
analyzing fluid flow, motion of a fluid particle, acceleration of a fluid particle,
discharge and mean velocity, continuity of flow, continuity equations for 2-D
and 3-D flow in Cartesian coordinates of system.

5. The Energy Equation and its Application:

Momentum and fluid flow, Momentum equation for 2-D and 3-D flow along a
stream line, momentum correction factor, Euler’s equation of motion along a
stream line, Mechanical energy of a flowing fluid – Bernoulli’s theorem,
kinetic energy correction factor, pitot tube, determination of volumetric flow
rate via pitot tube, changes of pressure in tapering pipe, principle of venturi
meter, pipe orifices, Limitation on the velocity of flow in a pipeline, theory of
small orifices discharging to atmosphere, theory of large orifices,
Elementary theory of notches and weirs, flow in a curved path, pressure
gradient and change of total energy across the streamlines.
6. Two-Dimensional Ideal Fluid Flow:
Rotational and ir-rotational flow, circulation and vorticity, streamlines and
the stream functions, velocity potential and potential flow, relation between
stream function and velocity potential; flow nets, stream function and
velocity potential for uniform flow, vortex flow.

7. Dimensional Analysis And Similarities:

Dimensional analysis, dimensions and units, dimension reasoning,
dimensional quantities, Fundamental and derived units and dimensions,
dimensions of derivative and integrals, use of dimensional reasoning to
check calculations, units of derived quantities, conversion from one system
of unit to another, conversion of dimensional constants, dimensional
homogeneity, dimensional analysis using the indicial method- Rayleigh’s
method, dimensional analysis using group method-Buckingham Π theorem,
significance of dimensionless group, use of dimensionless groups in
experimental investigation, geometric similarity, dynamic similarity,
Kinematic similarity, Model testing-Model laws, Undistorted and Distorted

8. Viscous Flow:
Reynolds number and Reynolds experiment, flow of viscous fluid through
circular pipe-HAGEN-POISEVILLE LAW, Flow of viscous fluid between two
parallel fixed plates, power absorbed in viscous flow through - journal ,Foot
step and Collar bearing , Movement of piston in dash pot, Methods of
Measurement of viscosity.

9. Compressible Fluid Flow :

Basic Thermodynamic relations, Basic thermodynamic processes, Basic
equations for one dimensional compression, stagnation properties,
pressure wave propagation and sound velocity, Flow through nozzles.

10. Turbulent Flow:

Characteristics of diff. types of flow, expression for coefficient of friction -
Darchy Weichback Equation, moody diagram resistance of smooth and
rough pipes shear stress and velocity distribution in turbulent flow through

Reference Books:
1. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering by D.S. Kumar, S.K.Kataria &
2. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by R.K. Bansal, Laxmi Prakashan
3. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by R.K. Rajput , S.Chand & Co.
4. Theory and Applications of Fluid Mechanics by K.Subramanya, TMH outline
series, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
5. Fluid Mechanics by Frank .M. White, McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
6. Mechanics of Fluids by Shames, McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.

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