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God Is Real - PTR Billy Crone

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The author shares his personal story of coming to faith in God and some of the common questions people have about life's purpose and meaning. He argues that the answers can be found by reading the Bible.

The author says that through his personal encounter with Jesus Christ at age 15, God sent him a 'lightning bolt' and healed his broken heart, providing evidence of God's existence.

The author says that many Christians and churches are not studying the Bible and acting like 'practical atheists,' leaving people with as many unanswered questions as non-Christians and failing to be a light to the world.


God is Real
It was a rather tough period in his life and here he was, having just moved again and starting a new school with his parents casually saying, Oh, youll make new friends. But it was never that easy for a sixth grader. And to make matters worse, his mom, who was always at home, was now off to join the work force due to the strain of finances. His father worked harder than anyone he knew but the 70s gas scare had just hit and everybody was panicking. And it was this parental exodus that left him and his three siblings with a newfound freedom that they quickly demonstrated they didnt know how to handle. And as the fighting and the pressures increased, so did the pain in his heart. He was never the praying type for his family never got into that churchgoing business. But there was nowhere else to turn. He just had to know that everything was going to turn out all right in his mixed-up world. God, are you up there? he inquired. Do you really exist? If youre really there, then send me a lightning bolt. Nothing. Okay, God, Im going to walk around this house and if You really exist, send me a lighting bolt so Ill know. Well, the next couple of hours involved a monotonous series of laps around the premises, so now frustrated, he stopped and made his defiant declaration. Fine, God! From now on Im an atheist! Now the boy didnt really know what that word meant but he knew that it was used by those who didnt like God. And despite his childish rebellion, 15 years later, out of love and mercy, God did send this boy a lightning bolt in the form of an encounter with His Son Jesus Christ and pierced his broken heart. But rather than destroying him, this shocking encounter healed and restored his shattered soul.

Now, for those of you who havent figured it out yet, the boy in that story was me. And people, the reason why I share my story is because I would venture to say its a much more common scenario than you think. You see, whether you realize it or not, the average person today is flooded with questions just like I was. Such as Where did I come from? What happens when I die Is there life after death? Is there meaning and purpose to life? And people Im telling you, its these questions that have driven our world right now into a frantic search for purpose, for direction, and for truth about their existence. And believe it or not, millions of people all around us are on a quest for some secret alien book or some ancient religious writing that will somehow unlock all the answers to life and solve all of our problems. And heres the irony of it all. This so-called mysterious book that everybodys in search of, can actually be found on bookshelves, collecting dust, in virtually every home in America! Yeah, the truth is out there all right! Its right under their noses! Its called the Bible! But herein lies the problem. Nobody will read it! And people, its isnt for a lack of Bibles either. Among households which own a Bible, the typical count is 3 Bibles per household. Almost every household in America (92%) owns at least one

Bible. This includes most homes in which the adults are not practicing Christians as well as the homes of hundreds of thousands of atheists. And its because of this self-imposed ignorance of God that comes from not studying the Bible, that the lives of so many people are left empty and shattered and hurting all over the place. And heres the kicker. It would be one thing if this was happening to the non-Christian. I would expect that. But people, Im here to tell you, its happening to the Church! People, believe it or not Churches all across America are refusing to study the Bible and because of it the lives of Christians are filled with just as many questions and just as much pain as the rest of the world, when the whole time, through Jesus Christ we are to be the light and hope to this world, right? Dont you find that just a little bit ironic? And because of this, we now have Churches full of Christians who are acting like practical atheists. Oh, we say we believe in God, but with our lips and our lives, we act like Hes not there. Like He doesnt even exist. And people, this is not only detrimental to our walk with God, it keeps others from believing in God. Therefore, to avoid this irony of Christians living like a practical atheists by not knowing Who God Is, were going to begin a new study from the Word of God on the Character of God entitled, Who Is God?

And people its pretty simple, the very 1st thing we need to know about God is that God is Real. But hey, dont take my word for it. Lets listen to Gods. Hebrews 11:1-6 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead. By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death; he could not be found, because God had taken him away. For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Now according to our text its pretty clear. Once we first believe by faith that God exists, because we cant see Him, He will what? He will faithfully reward us as we seek Him, right? This is the Biblical definition of faith. But herein lies the big problem. You see, most people have a hard time believing that God is Real because their version of faith is just the opposite of what is required. They dont say, Ill see it when I believe it by faith but rather they say Ill believe it when I see it, right? But as we read, thats not faith, is it? And its this backwards faith that keeps people from finding out Who God Is.

But fortunately, God is very merciful to us and just like a doubting Thomas, He helps us in our unbelief. How? Great question. Thanks for asking. He does it by giving us logical evidences for His existence. And people, the 1st logical evidence for the existence of God showing us that He is Real is called the Ontological Argument or the argument of Being. Exodus 3:13-14 But Moses protested, If I go to the people of Israel and tell them, The God of your ancestors has sent me to you, they won't believe me. They will ask, Which god are you talking about? What is his name? Then what should I tell them? God replied, I AM THE ONE WHO ALWAYS IS. Just tell them, I AM has sent me to you. Now here we see the amazing truth that God declares that He just is. Hes the Great I Am. Hes always been and always will be Who He is, the One and Only Supreme Deity, the Self-Existent One. He doesnt have to prove His existence. He simply tells Moses that He just is and that Hes called His people to worship Him. And whether you realize it or not, this is the Ontological Argument or the argument of Being. And it goes like this. The very fact that anyone even considers that a Supreme Being exists, and we do, then this is in a way, admitting that there must be a God. Why? Because if God didnt exist then we wouldnt conceive of Him, right? I mean, if there is no God, why bother? People, if there is no God then why else would every culture on the planet have an automatic desire to worship something or someone higher or above themselves? I mean, wouldnt it be

logical to say that people conceive of God and have an automatic desire to worship something or someone higher or above themselves because God put it in their hearts to do so? Well gee, guess what? Thats exactly what the Bible says God did. Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. People, God put eternity in the hearts of all mankind first so that we might conceive of Him and then secondly to hopefully motivate us to seek out by faith a relationship with Him. Therefore, its this universal and automatic desire to worship something or someone higher or above ourselves that shows us that yes, God is Real. Oh, but thats not all. The 2nd logical evidence for the existence of God showing us that He is Real is called the Cosmological Argument or the argument of Beginnings. Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Alternate Reading At the beginning of (time), God created from nothing the heavens (space) and the earth (matter). Now here we see that the very first line in the Bible clues us into the awesome truth that there really was a time when there was no time, and that there really was a beginning of time. And so heres the logical question. If something has a beginning then there must be an Ultimate Beginner, right?

Why? Because if ever there was a time when there was nothing, guess what wed have today? Nothing! Why? Because nothing cannot produce something. For instance, how many of you have had a birthday? And why do we have birthdays? Because we had a beginning point, we were born, right? And this is because we came from something, we came from Mom and Dad, right? And did you know that it has been scientifically proven that if your parents dont have any children, then you wont either? And why is this true? Because something cannot come from nothing! And people this is what makes evolution absolutely illogical. You see, in order to try to do away with the existence of God the evolutionist says the universe didnt come from God, but the Big Bang. But people, whats funny about the Big Bang is that rather than disproving God, it actually proves His existence. How? Well, think about it. The Big Bang theory says that there was a beginning point in creation where all of life suddenly exploded into existence from a tiny ball of dirt. But logically, if theres a beginning to something then there must be an Ultimate Beginner, so the question is, Where did the dirt come from? Who made the dirt? Something cannot come from nothing. Thats illogical! And believe it or not, scientists call this dilemma the X Factor which is a fancy way of saying, We have no stinking idea.

And then if you really want to ruin their day then ask them, Where did the space for the universe come from? Where did matter come from? Where did the laws of the universe come from? How did matter get so perfectly organized? Where did the energy come from to do all the organizing? When, where, why, and how did life come from nothing? Why? Because if ever there was a time when there was nothing then what would we have today? Nothing! But people, since there was a beginning and something does exist then this shows is that yes, God is Real. Oh, but thats not all. The 3rd logical evidence for the existence of God showing us that He is Real is called the Anthropological Argument, or the argument of Morals. Romans 2:14-15 When outsiders who have never heard of God's law follow it more or less by instinct, they confirm its truth by their obedience. They show that God's law is not something alien, imposed on us from without, but woven into the very fabric of our creation. There is something deep within them that echoes God's yes and no, right and wrong. Now according to our text here, all mankind has an automatic inward sense of right and wrong, right? What does the Bible say? Even if someone never came across the Ten Commandments, theyd still inherently know that its wrong to murder or that it is wrong to steal, or that its wrong to lie, etc. So heres the logical question. Why and how could there be a universal moral law on the hearts of all people? I mean, do universal morals

just come out of the thin air? Or can we logically say that universal morals must have come from a Universal Moral Law Giver, i.e. God? And people, this is precisely what the Bible says God did. But not only were morals given to man to show us that God is Real but so were other personal attributes. Which by the way, the evolutionist also has a hard time explaining. For instance, If God isnt real then where, when, why, and how did man evolve feelings? How did thought ever evolve? Where did the ability to experience guilt or show love and mercy come from? Where did mans ability to think abstractly or appreciate beauty come from? And if man is no different than animals then why cant they do the same? Why dont we see peacocks painting portraits like Picasso? Why dont we see chickens constructing massive skyscrapers? Why dont see dogs becoming doctors to help the dying? Well gee folks, Ill tell you why. Its because man was created morally in the image of God, to show us that yes, God is Real? Oh, but thats not all. The 4th logical evidence for the existence of God showing us that He is Real is called the Teleological Argument or the argument of Design. Romans 1:19-20 Since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature have been


clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Now according to our text, nobody on the planet has any excuse for not knowing that God is Real. Why? Because God has revealed Himself in the complexity or design of creation. And so this is the logical question. If the world shows intelligent design, and it does, then logically an Ultimate Designer must also exist. Why? Because just as we wouldnt say that my watch here evolved accidentally over millions of years in the field across the street from the mud, wind and rain, but that it must have had a watchmaker then how much more logically should we conclude that the world with all its complexities must also have been created by a world-maker i.e. God? Why? Because design implies a Designer! And therefore I want to look at just a smidgen of the proof out there revealing us how everything really is a product of Gods design showing us that He is Real, instead of mere chance or luck. Lets take a look at the Design in the Universe & Earth. 1. FORCE OF GRAVITY: If the force of gravity was 1% higher, our sun would be much bigger and life on earth would cook! If the force were 1% less than the sun would be too small and we would freeze! Either way, No Life! 2. NUCLEAR FORCE: If there were a very slight increase in nuclear force then the chemicals of life, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, would be almost non-existent. And a very slight decrease in the force and the only element in the universe would be hydrogen. Either way, No Life!


3. ELECTROMAGNETIC COUPLING CONSTANT: This force is that which causes like charges to repel and opposite charges to attract. (Kind of like getting married) Heres the point. If this constant were just slightly stronger it would keep molecules from existing and hence no life could ever exist. But if this constant were slightly smaller, then electrons would leave the nucleus producing the same result. No life! 4. EXPANSION RATE OF THE UNIVERSE: If this rate were a few percent slower, then all the matter in the universe would collapse into a ball. By the way, this would seriously ruin your day. And if it were slightly faster, then galaxies and stars would not have formed. Either way, No Life! 5. DISTANCE BETWEEN THE STARS: If the distance between the stars was just a few percent closer or further away this would destabilize the planetary orbits around the sun and the earth would not be capable of supporting life. Either way, No Life! 6. EARTHS DISTANCE FROM THE SUN: If the sun was just a little bit further than it is from the earth, then the entire planet would freeze over. But if the sun was just a few percent closer, the waters of the earth would boil. In either case, no life. 7. EARTHS ROTATION TIME: If the earths rotation were increased by a few percent, then temperature differences would be too great to support life. And if the rotation time were a little slower, then atmospheric wind velocities would wipe out all life. Either way, No Life! 8. SIZE OF THE MOON: If the moon were slightly smaller, then the tides and winds would be too small and the earth would overheat. And if the moon were slightly bigger, this would result in ferocious winds and massive tides that would flood the earth twice a day! By the way, its been scientifically proven that you can only drown comfortably once a day! Either way, No Life! And people what you have to keep in mind is that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Theres tons of information out there revealing how all of life is


intricately designed by the Hand of God. Oh but thats still not all. Lets now take a look at the Design of the Human Body and you tell me if we ever evolved by chance. 1. OUR INTERNAL ORGANS: Did you know our kidneys contain approximately 280 miles of tubes and they filter 185 quarts of water a day from our blood? Did you know the heart pumps 5,000 gallons of blood a day and beats approximately 100,800 times a day or 2 billion 500 million times in an average lifetime? Did you know our bodies replace over 1 trillion cells a day and the lining of the digestive track turns over about every 2 days? (Faster if you eat spicy Mexican food.) Did you know our bodies make about 2 to 10 million blood cells every second and if you lined up the red blood cells in one persons body end to end theyd go around the equator 4 times? 2. OUR SKIN: Did you know the lining of our skin turns over about every 2 to 4 weeks and that we shed about 40 pounds of skin in a lifetime? One, this could be why old couches weigh so much. And two, how much dead skin is on that chair youre sitting in right now? 3. OUR BRAINS: Did you know that the average brain weighs about 3 pounds and yet contains 12 billion cells, each of which is connected to 10,000 other brain cells making 120 trillion connections! The brain controls hearing, sight, smell, speech, eating, resting, learning and stores so much memory data that by the age of 40 it would take the Empire State building full of computers just to store the same amount of information. (Okay, some less than others!) 4. OUR DNA: Did you know the DNA molecule in our bodies is the most complex molecule in the universe? And its code is so unbelievably complex that if you typed it all out, it would create enough books to fill Grand Canyon 40 times. In fact, your body has 50 trillion cells with each cell having 46 chromosomes but if you took all of the chromosomes out of your body, theyd only fill up 2 tablespoons! And if you stretched them out and tied them all together, one persons chromosomes would reach from the earth to the moon and back, FIVE MILLION times!


Now folks, is that amazing or what? In fact, Id say its amazingly ludicrous to say we evolved by chance, right? Thats illogical. Oh, but theres more. Its also illogical to say that our bodies evolved over millions of years because by their very design they have to appear on the scene fully functioning or it would spell certain death. For instance, what good would a half a lung be? How about half of an eye? How about a half of a liver or maybe a half of a heart? Folks, I dont know about you, but Id say that somebody who thinks you can have design without a designer, might only have half a brain! In fact, Dr. J. Jastrow has this to say about the vain reasoning of the evolutionist. For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries! People of God, how much money could we shave off the national deficit if we could get scientists to admit what theyre already finding out the hard way, just read the first page of the Bible, hello God is Real? But not only that, how much pain and heartache could people avoid if they would only apply faith and reason (Gods being generous to us) to see that God not only exists, but He will faithfully reward those who seek Him. But you might be asking, Come on. Does knowing something as basic as knowing that God is Real really help alleviate the pain and


suffering in the hearts of people worldwide? Well, you tell me if the knowledge of Gods existence would have helped this girl out, by listening to the words she wrote in this letter. Whyd he do this to me? He said he loved me and wanted to marry me. How could he spend so much time with her and not care how I feel? I cant handle this. Classes are getting too much for me to cope with. I wish I could just die, then I wouldn't be a problem to everyone. Moms drinking is getting worse and I cant handle it. I'm so confused all we do is fight. Whenever I'm in the house its always fighting. I want out of all of it. Please make it all stop. Take the confusion away. I'm all alone, nobody cares whether I live or die. All I ever do is cause problems for everyone. I can't make it through school, I cause my family problems and I can't keep a man in my life. I'm a failure in everything that is important to me. The only way out of this is to die. Mom I wish I could've been the person you and Dad wanted me to be. But I'm not smart, pretty, athletic, or skinny. And I know that you and Dad never wanted me when I was born, so I wish I never was born. I can't do anything right and all I do is cause the rest of the family to fight. Why can't I have a talk with anyone? You're all so busy and here I sit. Please someone do something so I can't feel the hurt anymore. I hurt so bad, what can I do? It's so lonely here. I want to sleep but it just won't come. I'm so tired of hurting and being alone. There is nothing for me here. I don't want to go on. I'm so cold. Please do something. I can't stand this empty feeling that I'm having. I have no control over anything in my life. I'm breaking into pieces. Somebody do something. Now for those of who may not have already guessed, that was an actual suicide note. And for some reason, I have a sneaking suspicion that if this girl would have truly known and believed that God is Real that He


would have rewarded her with something just a little bit different than what she ended up with, right? But the question I have is, Why didnt she? Why didnt she believe that God is real when theres so much evidence? Well, not that Im trying to put the blame all in one spot, because Im sure there were several factors involved, but could it be that part of its because she didnt see to reality of Gods existence confirmed in the behavior of the Christians and Churches who say they worship God who were around her? Could it be we had a part in it? And people, believe you me, Id love to say no, but unfortunately based on the facts, Im inclined to say yes. But people, heres the good news. Hear my heart this morning. This is the awesome message we have the privilege to tell to the nations. And that is this. God not only exists, but through Jesus Christ they really can have an intimate personal relationship with the Creator of the universe! You dont have to give up hope, you dont have to give into despair! God is Real! But people, Im telling you, if the world is ever going to believe our message, then you and I must stop acting like practical atheists. Weve got to start demonstrating with our lips and with our lives that yes wonder of wonders God is Real! And not just for our walk with God, but for others who still need a relationship with God. Amen?


_____________________________________________________________ To find the way to God, to understand the truth of God's Word, and to received the gift of eternal life, begin by repentance and faith through a prayer like this: Dear God, I understand that I have broken Your Law and sinned against You. Please forgive my sins. Thank You that Jesus suffered on the cross in my place. I now place my trust in Him as My Savior and Lord. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. ___________________________________________________________

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