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Mini-Tutorial Quality Functional Deploment: Prepared For: Opermgt 345 Boise State University

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Quality Functional Deploment

Prepared For: OPERMGT 345

Boise State University

By: Brett L. Pike


The definition of quality means something different to everyone. Generally, quality can
be defined as, meeting customer needs and providing value to them as well. Meeting
customer's needs places an emphasis on techniques such as Quality Function Deployment
(QFD) to help learn the needs of customers and help a company meet them.
Understanding the customer needs is then summarized in a planning matrix called "house
of quality". These matrices are used to communicate upper level needs and lower level
wants of the customer. The QFD matrix is a great communication tool, the matrices is
only useful if is used effectively. To effectively gain the most value from the QFD
matrix, all key departments must communicate as a team Such as: Customer Service,
Marketing, Design Engineering, Quality Assurance, Manufacturing, Test, Finance,
among others.

QFD was developed in Japan in the late 1960s by Professors Shigeru Mizuno and Yoji
Akao. Shigero and Yoji wanted to develop a method that would design customer’s needs
into a product before it was manufactured. In 1966, Kiyotaka Oshiumi of Bridgestone
Tire in Japan, used fishbone diagram to identify customer needs and to identify design
characteristics to manufacture their products. The Mitsubishi company took his one step
father when designing an oil tanker at the Kobe Shipyards. They used the fishbone
diagrams to form a matrix of customer needs, engineering requirements and quality
control aspects of manufacturing. In addition to this, Katsuyoshi Ishihara introduced the
Value Engineering principles. The combination of these two ideas was the basis for QFD
that is used to day in the world market. In the 1980's the American automotive
manufacturers were the first western companies to use QFD in there manufacturing
Necessary steps
There is some documentation that describes QFD in as little as 4 steps. And on the other
end of the spectrum there is descriptions of QFD as an infinite work in progress. Listed
below is an eleven-step description of QFD from Becker Associates, which I found to be
quite good at explaining QFD.
The first step, Customer Requirements: determine what market segments will be
analyzed during the process and to identify who the customers are. The team then
gathers information from customers on the requirements they have for the product
or service. In order to organize and evaluate this data, the team uses simple
quality tools like Affinity Diagrams or Tree Diagrams. Develop product concepts
to satisfy these requirements.

Step two, Regulatory Requirements: Not all product or service requirements are
known to the customer, so the team must document requirements that are dictated
by management or regulatory standards that the product must adhere to. Partition
system concept or architecture into subsystems or assemblies and flow-down
higher- level requirements or technical characteristics to these subsystems or
Step three, Customer Important ratings: on a scale from 1 - 5, customers then rate
the importance of each requirement. This number will be used later in the
relationship matrix.

Step four, Customers Rating of the Competition: Understanding how customers

rate the competition can be a tremendous competitive advantage. In this step of
the QFD process, it is also a good idea to ask customers how your product or
service rates in relation to the competition. There is remodeling that can take
place in this part of the House of Quality. Additional rooms that identify sales
opportunities, goals for continuous improvement, customer complaints, etc., can
be added.

Step five, Technical Descriptors: The technical descriptors are attributes about the
product or service that can be measured and benchmarked against the
competition. Technical descriptors may exist that your organization is already
using to determine product specification, however new measurements can be
created to ensure that your product is meeting customer needs.

Step six, Direction of Improvement: As the team defines the technical descriptors,
a determination must be made as to the direction of movement for each descriptor.

Step seven, Relationship Matrix: The relationship matrix is where the team
determines the relationship between customer needs and the company's ability to
meet those needs. The team asks the question, "what is the strength of the
relationship between the technical descriptors and the customers needs?"
Relationships can either be weak, moderate, or strong and carry a numeric value
of 1, 3 or 9.

Step eight, Technical Analysis of Competitor Products: To better understand the

competition, engineering then conducts a comparison of competitor technical
descriptors. This process involves reverse engineering competitor products to
determine specific values for competitor technical descriptors.

Step nine, Target Values for Technical Descriptors: At this stage in the process,
the QFD team begins to establish target values for each technical descriptor.
Target values represent "how much" for the technical descriptors.

Step ten, Correlation Matrix: This room in the matrix is where the term House of
Quality comes from because it makes the matrix look like a house with a roof.
The correlation matrix is probably the least used room in the House of Quality;
however, this room is a big help to the design engineers in the next phase of a
comprehensive QFD project. Team members must examine how each of the
technical descriptors impact each other. The team should document strong
negative relationships between technical descriptors and work to eliminate
physical contradictions.

Step eleven, Absolute Importance: Finally, the team calculates the absolute
importance for each technical descriptor. This numerical calculation is the product
of the cell value and the customer importance rating. Numbers are then added up
in their respective columns to determine the importance for each technical
descriptor. Now you know which technical aspects of your product matters the
most to your customer.

Many companies have reported several benefits to using QFD. Toyota Auto Body
reduced start-up losses by 61% and Mazda reduced late design changes by half. US
and European companies have reported such results as well.

Here are some examples of how QFD helped companies from around the world.

 When CFCs were banned as a propellant, QFD helped us reformulate without

sacrificing customer satisfaction.

 We’re developing such new technology; QFD assured we could meet

customers’ needs.

 Our main customer was reducing its number of suppliers by half; QFD helped
us make the cut.

 International business is our future; QFD lighted the path to foreign markets.

 Our product is a commodity; QFD designed a technical support strategy to

differentiate ourselves.

 With QFD we can prioritize our goals and objectives to select the best
strategies, technologies, and vendors.

 We configured our space-age robotics into an award-winning attraction at

Jurassic Park. QFD brought it to life.

 Traditionally a build-to-spec component supplier, QFD helped us see 

opportunities to develop products in advance of customer demand.

 To lower cost and increase reliability, we want to reuse as many common parts
as possible. QFD has given us the means to differentiate components where
there is customer value, and commonize those those that are invisible to the

 To develop a hybridized product from two of our best selling lines, QFD
helped us  include the most important features from each.

Other companies that have used QFD include 3M, AT&T, Accenture, Boeing,
DaimlerChrysler, EDS, Ford, GM, Hewlett-Packard, Hughes, IBM, Kodak, Lockheed-
Martin, Pratt & Whitney, Motorola, NASA, Nokia, Raytheon, Texas Instrument,
United Technologies, Visteon, and Xerox.

Best place to get Information

With the proliferation of the Internet, it is by far the most useful resource for Quality
Functional Deployment. There are numerous sites offering all the information you need
to know regarding QFD. One of them most impressive feature I was in contact with was
the availability of training. Several sites on the Internet have opportunities for purchasing
training packages of even software package to help learn and implement QFD.
Work Cited

Becker Associates Incorporated, “The House of Quality “2001. <http://www.becker-

associates.com/thehouse.HTM>. (15 October, 2002).

Contact Kenneth Crow.” Product Development Forum”. Performing QFD Step by Step.
2002. http://www.npd-solutions.com/pdforum.html (11 November, 2002).

Position Pro™.” Quality Function Deployment (QFD) / House of Quality.” Six Sigma.
2002. < http://www.isixsigma.com/>. (4 November, 2002).

QFD Institute. “The QFD Institute”. Testimonials. 2002. <http://www.qfdi.org/>. (4

November, 2002).

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