Day 37 - Daily MCQ Workout - 40 Revision MCQs
Day 37 - Daily MCQ Workout - 40 Revision MCQs
Day 37 - Daily MCQ Workout - 40 Revision MCQs
1 The plane wavefront is incident on a spherical 4 The relation between the fringe width for the red
mirror as shown. The reflected wavefront will be: light and yellow light is: (all other things being the
1. βred < βyellow
3. βred = βyellow
4. βred = 2βyellow
3. 4.
6 A diffraction pattern is observed using a beam of
red light. What will happen if the red light is replaced by
the blue light?
1. No change takes place.
2. Diffraction bands become narrower.
3. Diffraction bands become broader.
2 Which statement is true for interference? 4. Diffraction pattern disappears.
Two independent sources of light can
produce interference pattern.
2. There is no violation of conservation of energy. 7 At the first minimum adjacent to the central
3. White light cannot produce interference. maximum of a single slit diffraction pattern, the phase
The interference pattern can be obtained even difference between the Huygen’s wavelet from the edge
if coherent sources are widely apart. of the slit and the wavelet from the midpoint of the slit
1. radianπ
2. radian2
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Day 37: Daily MCQ Workout - Contact Number: 9667591930
40 Revision MCQs / 8527521718
9 The angular resolution of a 10 cm diameter 13 The vapour pressure of pure benzene and toluene
telescope for a wavelength of 5000 Å is of the order of: are 160 and 60 torr respectively. The mole fraction of
1. 10–4 rad toluene in vapour phase in contact with an equimolar
solution of benzene and toluene is -
2. 10–6 rad
1. 0.50
3. 106 rad 2. 0.6
4. 10–2 rad 3. 0.27
4. 0.73
4. ∆mixG = 0
11 If the density of lake water is 1.25 g mL–1 and 16 The lowest boiling point, if concentration is fixed at
contains 92 g of Na+ ions per kg of water, then the 0.1 M in aqueous solution, is given by which of the
following solutions?
molality of Na+ ions will be- a. K2SO4
1. 3.24 molal
b. NaCl
2. 4 molal
c. Urea
3. 5 molal
d. Glucose
4. 3.5 molal
1. a, b
2. b, c
3. c, d
12 The partial pressure of ethane over a solution 4. d, a
containing 6.56 × 10–2 g of ethane is 1 bar. If the
solution contains 5.00 × 10–2 g of ethane, the partial
pressure of the gas will be - 17 A solution containing 6.8 g of a non-ionic solute in
1. 0.66 bar 100 g of water was found to freeze at −0.93 oC. The
2. 0.96 bar freezing point depression constant of water is 1.86. The
3. 0.76 bar molecular weight of the solute is-
4. 0.19 bar 1. 13.6 m
2. 34 m
3. 68 m
4. 136 m
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Day 37: Daily MCQ Workout - Contact Number: 9667591930
40 Revision MCQs / 8527521718
18 An aqueous solution is 1.00 molal in KI. Vapour 23 An antibody molecule has an antigen-binding site
pressure of the solution can be increased by located in the:
1. Addition of NaCl 1. hinge region
2. Addition of Na2SO4 2. disulfide bonds
3. Addition of 1.00 molal Kl 3. constant region of the L chains
4. Addition of water
4. variable regions of the H and L chains
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Day 37: Daily MCQ Workout - Contact Number: 9667591930
40 Revision MCQs / 8527521718
28 Identify the incorrect statement: 32 In the human body, the malaria parasite first
Leukaemias are diagnosed by blood and bone multiplies in:
1. 1. RBC
marrow tests.
2. CT scan uses X rays. 2. Hepatocytes
3. Hepatic sinusoids
MRI uses ionising radiation and strong magnetic
3. 4. Lymphocytes in secondary lymphoid organs
Antibodies against cancer-specific antigens can be
used for the detection of certain cancers. Identify the incorrect statement regarding
Entamoeba histolytica:
Cysts of Entamoeba can survive for up to a month in
soil or for up to 45 minutes under fingernails.
29 The receptors for the drug shown below are located
Invasion of the intestinal lining results in bloody
in: 2.
Infection remains confined to the gastrointestinal
Infections can sometimes last for years if there is no
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Day 37: Daily MCQ Workout - Contact Number: 9667591930
40 Revision MCQs / 8527521718
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