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Week 3 P.E Grade 8

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DAILY LESSON LOG School: Brilliant Montessori School

Teacher: Israel M. Marquez

Grade Level: 8
Learning Area: Physical Education
MAPEH Quarter: 1st Quarter


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design
to achieve fitness

B. Performance Standard The learner designs a physical activity program for the family/school peers to achieve fitness
C. Learning Competencies/ The learners… The learners…
Objectives  undertake physical activity and physical  undertake physical
fitness assessments (PE8PF-Ia-h- 23) activity and
 set goal based on assessment results physical fitness
(PE8PF-Ia-24) assessments
(PE8PF-Ia- h-
The learners… 23)
 undertake physical activity and physical  prepare a physical
fitness assessments activity program
(PE8PF-Ia-h-23) (PE8PF-Ic- 27)
 conduct physical activity and physical  identify
fitness assessments of family/school peers training guidelines
(PE8PF-Ib-36) and FITT principles
(PE8PF-Ib- 25)
 recognize barriers
(low level of
fitness, lack of skill
and time) to
exercise (PE8PF-
*Training Guidelines, FITT Principles Physical activity program
(Body Mass Index)
*Training Guidelines, FITT
Principles (Physical Fitness
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 4-35 4
2. Learner’s Material 2-32 2
pages -
Catapang, Jose P.,(1998). A Manual on Physical Fitness, Sports Physiological Training, Consultancy
Research Services (SPTCRS) Publications.
Bautista J, Franco M.R., Carlos J. et.al. (2006). MAPEH for a Better You II.LG& M Corporation.pp.166-
3. Textbook pages
Darilag A. G., Vergara L. A., De Leon Z M (2012).Enjoy Life with PE and Health
Mequi, Aparicio H:(2015) Manual on Physical Fitness:

4. Additional Materials
from Learning OHSP PE 1 Q1 – module 1
Resource (LR) portal
B. OTHER LEARNING https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpGmi_ZRet0
A. Reviewing Previous Recall: Recall: 4 Pics 1
Lesson Or Presenting New The teacher will ask the Word
Lessons learners to identify the BMI The teacher will ask
classification of the following the learners to
pictures: identify the words
using the following
Picture A pictures associated
with Skill Related
A Fitness
D  Speed
V  Balance V
 Agility
A  Reaction
Picture B N time L
 Coordinatio n U
 Power Pls.
E see annex M (5 A
min) T
Picture C Picture D
Picture E

B. Establishing A Purpose Warm up exercise: Warm up exercise:

For The Lesson
The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask
students to perform the the students to
Nestle Wellness Dance perform the Nestle
Exercise by Hashtag Wellness Dance
Exercise by Hashtag
https://www.youtube.co https://www.youtu
m/watch?v=VpGmi_ZRet 0 be.com/watch?v=V
After the dance exercise, the
teacher will ask the learners (5 min)
the following questions.
 What different body
parts can that dance
exercise develop?
 What are the
benefits of
executing the
dance exercise?
(5 min)

Each group will be given 1

minute to form the puzzle
and afterwards the teacher
will ask the following

 What kind of body

do these persons
 What do you
think are their
 Which of the
following pictures
shows the ideal body
(5 min)
C. Presenting Examples / Pop or Bluff: The teacher will
Instances Of The New The teacher will distribute present a video of
Lesson Pop or Bluff sign in the different physical
class and ask the class activities and ask the
about following statements students about the
related to physical fitness following questions
Raise Pop if the statement  What are the
is congruent to fitness different
training and Raise Bluff if movements
the statement is not an that you saw
activity for fitness. from the video?
 Planking for 3 Are you familiar
minutes. with the
Eating at least 5 times a day. movements
 Brisk walking for 15 ?
minutes a day.  What
 Baby sitting particular part
 Washing clothes of the body is
 Working for 12 being
straight hours developed by
 Playing computer the
for 3 hours a day movement?
 Scrubbing the  What could be
floor every the result if
weekend for 15 you do such
minutes. body
 Eating while movement?
watching the  What could be
television the result if a
10. Attending zumba at least person lacks
3x a week. physical
 (5 min)
D. Discussing New Concepts *The teacher will discuss The teacher will discuss
And Practicing New Skills the Body Mass Index the FITT Principle and
#1 through a powerpoint barriers to exercise
presentation. through a powerpoint
See attached annex A (5
See annex N
min) And ask the
*The teacher will present the following questions
physical fitness and its  What is the
components: Health related importance
fitness through powerpoint of having a
presentation. FITT table?
See annex E (5  Aside from the
given example
min) in the FITT
table, can you
suggest other
types of
exercises that
will best suit
your physical
 In your current
situation, which
of the following
barriers do you
experience and
 What could be
the best way to
overcome the
E. Discussing New Concepts *The teacher will give the The teacher will
And Practicing New Skills students exercise on how to discuss about the
#2 compute the Body Physical activity
Mass Index (BMI) Plan through a
-Direction: Compute for powerpoint
the BMI and identify its presentation and
classification ask the following
Pls see Annex B (5 min) questions:
 What are the
*The teacher will ask things that we
students to form 5 groups. need to
Each group will consider in
demonstrate the health making your
fitness plan?
 What will be
the benefit if
you come up
with a good
fitness plan?
 What could
be the
es of the
activity plan?
(10 min)
Group Work: the learners will
simultaneously execute the Based on the physical
F. Developing Mastery (Leads To
physical fitness health related fitness test, the
Formative Assessment 3) test by circuit station teacher will ask the
Pls see annex F (20 students to review
min) and analyze the
Ask the students to record result of their fitness
the result of the test in the test and check
Physical whether their score is
Fitness Record Card above or
below the target
G. Finding Practical The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
Applications Of The learners about the following students about the
Concepts And Skills In questions: following questions:
Daily Living
 What is  What are the
significance of benefits that we
conducting the can get from
health related conducting the
fitness? physical fitness
 Why do we need to test?
record the result of  Why do we need
the health related to record and
test? monitor your
 How will you individual score
encourage your for the physical
classmate/family fitness test?
member to become  How will you
physically fit? encourage/
 What are the motivate your
different home groupmates to
chores that can actively
develop one’s participate in the
health related activity?
fitness What are the
components? different
What are the physical
school activities that
activities/works you have done
that could to improve your
develop your fitness level?
health related  (5 min)
 (5 min)
H. Making Generalizations The teacher will ask the Complete the
And Abstractions About students to complete the following
The Lesson following statements. statements:

Open Ended Statement: 1. The elements of the

Physical Activity
1. The different health Program are
related fitness are
. 2. The importance of
2. Zipper test is a test to planning the physical
measure activity program are
3. The cardiovascular 3. The components of
endurance of a person is the FITT principles are
measure through
. 4. The barriers to
4. The sit and reach is a exercise are
test to measure
. 5. I am very eager to
5. Health related fitness
. (5 Create your own
min) physical activity plan
based on the following
I. Evaluating Rubrics on the conduct/ criteria: Realistic
Learning execution of physical fitness activity Attainable
test. Variety of activities (Pls
Pls. see annex J. see annex O for
(10 min)
J. Additional Activities For
Application And Remediation
K. Assignment The teacher will ask the
learners to bring the
following materials: Stop
watch, tape measure, meter
stick, marker or chalk, 24 “
ruler, mat and wear
proper PE attire/uniform

A. No. of Learners Who
Earned 80% In The
B. No. Of Learners Who
Require Additional For
Remediation Who Scored
Below 80%
C. Did The Remedial Lessons
Work? No. Of Learners
Who Have Caught Up
With The Lesson.
D. No. Of Learners Who
Continue To Require

E. Which Of My Strategies
Worked Well? Why Did These

F. What Difficulties Did I

Encounter Which My
Principal Or Supervisor
Helped Me Solved?
G. What Innovation Or
Localized Materials Did I
Use / Discover Which I
Wish To Share With Other

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