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Sika Carbodur Rods

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Sika® CarboDur® Rods

Carbon fiber rods for structural strengthening

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ▪ Stress reduction in steel reinforcement

▪ Crack width reduction
Sika® CarboDur® Rods are pultruded carbon fiber
reinforced polymer (CFRP) rods designed for Change in structural system
strengthening concrete, timber and masonry structures. ▪ Removal of walls or columns.
The rods are primarily installed using the Near Surface ▪ Removal of slab sections for openings
Mounted (NSM) technique by inserting into grooves cut
into the substrate and bonded with an epoxy resin. The Design or construction defects
rods can also be used for anchoring SikaWrap fabrics for ▪ Insufficient reinforcements
positive attachment to concrete or masonry. ▪ Insufficient structural depth


Sika® CarboDur® Rods may only be used by experienced ▪ Very high strength
professionals. ▪ Lightweight
▪ Non-corrosive
▪ Negative moment reinforcing in slabs and decks ▪ Very easy to handle
▪ Anchoring of SikaWrap fabrics ▪ High modulus of elasticity
▪ Strengthening of masonry walls ▪ Can accept traffic on surface (rods are countersunk)
▪ Doweling applications ▪ High bond strength due to full encapsulation
▪ Cathodic protection applications ▪ Rods are not visible once installed
▪ Outstanding fatigue resistance
Load increases ▪ Alkali resistant
▪ Increased live loads in warehouses
▪ Increased loading in parking decks
▪ Installation of heavy machinery
▪ Vibrating structures
▪ Changes of building utilization

Damage to structural parts

▪ Aging of construction materials
▪ Steel reinforcement corrosion
▪ Vehicle impact
▪ Fire

Serviceability improvements
▪ Decrease in deformation

Product Data Sheet

Sika® CarboDur® Rods
October 2018, Version 01.01

Packaging Custom cut lengths available
Appearance / Color Black
Shelf Life Unlimited (no exposure to direct sunlight)
Storage Conditions Store in original, unopened, sealed and undamaged packaging in dry
conditions at temperatures of max. 122 °F (+50 °C). Protect from direct
sunlight. Transportation: only in the original packaging, or otherwise
adequately protected against any mechanical damage
Dimensions Diameter Cross Sectional Area Tensile Strength
1/4 in. 0.05 sq. in. 0.20 sq. in
3/8 in. 0.11 sq. in. 27,500 lbs.
1/2 in. 0.20 sq. in 50,000 lbs

Fiber Volume Content 65 %

Tensile Strength 4.06 x 105 psi (2,800 MPa)
Tensile Modulus 22.5 x 106 psi (155,000 MPa)
Tensile % Elongation 1.8 %
Thermal Resistance >300 °F (>150 °C)

Coverage Coverage of Sikadur 30 or Sikadur 32, Hi-Mod epoxy resin with Sika CarboDur
Rods: 1/4 in. diameter approx. 85 LF/gal. (1/2 x 1/2 in. slots); 3/8 in.
diameter: approx. 60 LF/gal. (5/8 x 5/8 in. slots); 1/2 in. diameter: approx. 35
LF/gal. (3/4 x 3/4 in. slots)

APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Rods may be cut to an appropriate length with a

diamond blade on a chop saw or grinder. The rods
SUBSTRATE PREPARATION should be wrapped with duct tape in the cutting zone to
minimize splintering.
For Near Surface Mounted Applications, cut a groove
into the concrete or masonry surface using an Mixing
appropriate concrete saw or diamond blade. Surface Consult Sikadur 30 or Sikadur 32, Hi-Mod technical data
must be clean and sound. It may be dry or damp, but sheet for information on epoxy resin.
free of standing water and frost. Remove dust, laitance,
grease, curing compounds, impregnations, waxes, APPLICATION METHOD / TOOLS
foreign particles, disintegrated materials and other bond Near Surface Mounted Application
inhibiting materials from the surface. In addition, clean Grooves should be cut into the surface of the substrate
the groove with compressed air prior to installation. to receive the Sika® CarboDur® Rods. Care must be
taken not to cut through existing reinforcing steel, steel
Preparation Work tendons, embedded ducts, or other materials within the
Concrete - Blast clean, shotblast or use other approved substrate. After preparing and cleaning the surface (see
mechanical means to provide an open roughened above), apply the mixed Sikadur® 30, Sikadur® 32, Hi-
texture. Mod or Sikadur® AnchorFix into the grooves
Sika® CarboDur® Rods - wipe clean with appropriate approximately half-full. Sikadur® 30 has a paste
cleaner (e.g. MEK). consistency and may be use for vertical and overhead
applications. Sikadur® 32, Hi-Mod has a honey-type
Cutting the Rods consistency and may be used for horizontal applications.

Product Data Sheet

Sika® CarboDur® Rods
October 2018, Version 01.01

Sikadur® AnchorFix is packaged in cartridges and can be LEGAL DISCLAIMER
injected directly into the grooves for horizontal, vertical,
or overhead applications. Within the open time of the • KEEP CONTAINER TIGHTLY CLOSED
epoxy, depending on the temperature, press the Sika® • KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN
CarboDur® Rods into the epoxy in the grooves. Apply • NOT FOR INTERNAL CONSUMPTION
additional epoxy over the rods to fill in the grooves. • FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ONLY
Strike the surface with a trowel to force out any air and • FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY
provide a clean installation.
Prior to each use of any product of Sika Corporation, its
Anchoring SikaWrap Fabrics subsidiaries or affiliates (“SIKA”), the user must always
To provide additional anchorage for SikaWrap® Fabrics read and follow the warnings and instructions on the
in shear or flexural strengthening applications, the fabric product’s most current product label, Product Data
may be positively attached into grooves in the concrete Sheet and Safety Data Sheet which are available at
at the ends. Cut grooves into the concrete as described usa.sika.com or by calling SIKA’s Technical Service
above. Fill the grooves with either Sikadur® 30, Sikadur® Department at 1-800-933-7452. Nothing contained in
32 or Sikadur® AnchorFix, depending on the orientation. any SIKA literature or materials relieves the user of the
Place the saturated fabric over the grooves, and press obligation to read and follow the warnings and
the Sika® CarboDur® Rods into the grooves for positive instructions for each SIKA product as set forth in the
attachment. Fill in any voids on the surface with current product label, Product Data Sheet and Safety
additional epoxy, forcing out any air voids that might be Data Sheet prior to use of the SIKA product.
SIKA warrants this product for one year from date of
LIMITATIONS installation to be free from manufacturing defects and
to meet the technical properties on the current Product
Design calculations must be made and certified by an Data Sheet if used as directed within the product’s shelf
independent licensed professional engineer. life. User determines suitability of product for intended
use and assumes all risks. User’s and/or buyer’s sole
BASIS OF PRODUCT DATA remedy shall be limited to the purchase price or
replacement of this product exclusive of any labor costs.
Results may differ based upon statistical variations NO OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED SHALL
depending upon mixing methods and equipment, APPLY INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF
temperature, application methods, test methods, actual MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
site conditions and curing conditions. PURPOSE. SIKA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE UNDER ANY LEGAL
Sale of SIKA products are subject to the Terms and
For further information and advice regarding Conditions of Sale which are available at
transportation, handling, storage and disposal of https://usa.sika.com/en/group/SikaCorp/termsandconditions.html
chemical products, user should refer to the actual Safety or by calling 1-800-933-7452.
Data Sheets containing physical, environmental,
toxicological and other safety related data. User must
read the current actual Safety Data Sheets before using
any products. In case of an emergency, call CHEMTREC
at 1-800-424-9300, International 703-527-3887.

Sika Corporation Sika Mexicana S.A. de C.V.

201 Polito Avenue Carretera Libre Celaya Km. 8.5
Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 Fracc. Industrial Balvanera
Phone: +1-800-933-7452 Corregidora, Queretaro
Fax: +1-201-933-6225 C.P. 76920
usa.sika.com Phone: 52 442 2385800
Fax: 52 442 2250537


Product Data Sheet

Sika® CarboDur® Rods
October 2018, Version 01.01


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