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Sikahyflex 220 Window - Pds en PDF

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SikaHyflex®-220 Window


SikaHyflex®-220 Window is a 1-component, moisture- ▪ EMICODE EC1PLUS R
curing, elastic joint sealant. ▪ LEED® EQc 4.1
▪ SCAQMD, Rule 1168
USES ▪ BAAQMD, Reg. 8, Rule 51

SikaHyflex®-220 Window is designed for the installa- APPROVALS / STANDARDS

tion of SikaMembran® Window and perimeter joints
between windows and/or doors and building parts. ▪ EN 15651-1 F EXT-INT CC 25 LM
▪ ISO 11600 F 25 LM
▪ Very Good workability
▪ Low extrusion force
▪ Over-paintable
▪ Very good adhesion on PVC
▪ Movement capability ± 25% (ISO 9047)
▪ Good adhesion to porous and non-porous substrates
▪ Solvent-free

Chemical Base Silane terminated polymer
Packaging 600 ml foil pack, 20 foil packs per box
290 ml PE cartridges, 12 cartridges per box
Colour Colour range to be defined by local sales organization.
Shelf Life SikaHyflex®-220 Window has a shelf life of 12 months from the date of pro-
duction, if it is stored in undamaged, original, sealed packaging, and if the
storage conditions are met.
Storage Conditions SikaHyflex®-220 Window shall be stored in dry conditions, where it is pro-
tected from direct sunlight and at temperatures between +5 °C and +25 °C.
Density 1.30 kg/l approx. (ISO 1183-1)


SikaHyflex®-220 Window
January 2016, Version 01.01
ID Nr: 020511020000000022

Shore A Hardness 24 approx. (after 28 days) (ISO 868)

Secant Tensile Modulus 0.40 N/mm2 approx. at 100% elongation (23 °C) (ISO 8339)
0.55 N/mm2 approx. at 100% elongation (−20 °C)
Elongation at Break 600% approx. (ISO 37)

Elastic Recovery >70% (ISO 7389)

Tear Propagation Resistance 4.0 N/mm approx. (ISO 34)

Movement Capability ±25% (ISO 9047)

Diffusion Resistance to Water Vapour 2,000 approx. (µ-value)

Service Temperature −40 °C to +90 °C
Joint Design The joint width must be designed to suit the joint movement required and
the movement capability of the sealant. The joint width shall be ≥ 8 mm
and ≤ 25 mm. A width to depth ratio of 2:1 must be maintained.
All joints must be correctly designed and dimensioned in accordance with
the relevant standards, before their construction. The basis for calculation
of the necessary joint widths are the type of structure and its dimensions,
the technical values of the adjacent building materials and the joint sealing
material, as well as the specific exposure of the building and the joints.
For larger joints please contact our Technical Services Department.

Consumption Joint length [m] Joint width [mm] Joint depth [mm]
per 600 ml foil pack
6 10 10
4 15 10
3 20 10
2 25 12

Backing Material Use closed cell, polyethylene foam backing rods.

Sag Flow 0 mm (20 mm profile, 50 °C) (ISO 7390)

Ambient Air Temperature +5 °C to +40 °C, min. 3 °C above dew point temperature
Substrate Temperature +5 °C to +40 °C
Curing Rate 2 mm/24 hours approx. (23 °C / 50% r.h.) (CQP 049-2)

Skin Time 35 minutes approx. (23 °C / 50% r.h.) (CQP 019-1)

Tooling Time 25 minutes approx. (23 °C / 50% r.h.) (CQP 019-2)


Aluminium, anodised aluminium, stainless steel, PVC,
SUBSTRATE PREPARATION galvanised steel, powder coated metals or glazed tiles
have to be cleaned and pre-treated using Sika® Aktiv-
The substrate must be clean, dry, sound and homo- ator-205, wiped on with a clean towel. Before sealing,
geneous, free from oils, grease, dust and loose or fri- allow a flash-off time of > 15 minutes (< 6 hours).
able particles. SikaHyflex®-220 Window adheres Other metals, such as copper, brass and titanium-zinc,
without primers and/or activators. also have to be cleaned and pre-treated using Sika®
However, for optimum adhesion and critical, high per- Aktivator-205, wiped on with a clean towel. After the
formance applications, such as on multi-story build- necessary flash-off time, use a brush to apply Sika®
ings, highly stressed joints, extreme weather exposure Primer-3 N and allow a further flash-off time of > 30
or water immersion, the following priming and/or pre- minutes (< 8 hours) before sealing the joints.
treatment procedures shall be followed:


SikaHyflex®-220 Window
January 2016, Version 01.01
ID Nr: 020511020000000022

Porous substrates ▪ Do not use SikaHyflex®-220 Window on natural
Concrete, aerated concrete and cement based stone.
renders, mortars and bricks shall be primed using ▪ Do not use SikaHyflex®-220 Window on bituminous
Sika® Primer-3 N applied with a brush. Before sealing, substrates, natural rubber, EPDM rubber or on any
allow a flash-off time of > 30 minutes (< 8 hours). building materials which might bleed oils, plasticizers
or solvents that could attack the sealant.
For more detailed advice and instructions please con- ▪ Do not use SikaHyflex®-220 Window to seal joints in
tact the local Sika Technical Services Department. swimming pools.
▪ Do not use SikaHyflex®-220 Window for joints under
Note: Primers are adhesion promoters. They are water pressure or for permanent water immersion.
neither a substitute for the correct cleaning of a sur- ▪ For larger joints please contact the local Sika
face, nor do they improve the strength of the surface Technical Services Department.
All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are
SikaHyflex®-220 Window is supplied ready to use. based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may
After the necessary substrate preparation, insert a vary due to circumstances beyond our control.
suitable backing rod to the required depth and apply
any primer if necessary. Insert a foil pack or cartridge
into the sealant gun and extrude SikaHyflex®-220 Win- LOCAL RESTRICTIONS
dow into the joint making sure that it comes into full Please note that as a result of specific local regula-
contact with the sides of the joint and avoids any air tions the declared data for this product may vary from
entrapment. SikaHyflex®-220 Window sealant must be country to country. Please consult the local Product
firmly tooled against the joint sides to ensure ad- Data Sheet for the exact product data.
equate adhesion.
It is recommended to use masking tape where exact
joint lines or neat lines are required. Remove the tape
within the skin time. Use a compatible tooling agent For information and advice on the safe handling, stor-
(e.g. Sika® Tooling Agent N) to smooth the joint sur- age and disposal of chemical products, users shall refer
faces. Do not use tooling products containing solvents. to the most recent Safety Data Sheet (SDS) containing
physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-re-
lated data.
Clean all tools and application equipment immediately
after use with Sika® Remover-208 and/or Sika® Top- LEGAL NOTES
Clean T. Once cured, residual material can only be re-
moved mechanically. The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
FURTHER DOCUMENTS rent knowledge and experience of the products when
▪ Safety Data Sheet (SDS) properly stored, handled and applied under normal
▪ Pre-treatment Chart Sealing & Bonding conditions in accordance with Sika's recommenda-
▪ Method Statement Joint Sealing tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
▪ Method Statement Joint Maintenance, Cleaning and strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
Renovation ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
▪ Technical Manual Facade Sealing particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
LIMITATIONS from this information, or from any written recom-
mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
▪ SikaHyflex®-220 Window can be overpainted with user of the product must test the product’s suitability
most conventional facade coating paint systems. for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
However, paints must first be tested to ensure serves the right to change the properties of its
compatibility by carrying out preliminary trials (e.g. products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
according to ISO technical paper: Paintability and be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
paint compatibility of Sealants). The best over- current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
painting results are obtained when the sealant is refer to the most recent issue of the local Product Data
allowed to fully cure first. Note: non-flexible paint Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will
systems may impair the elasticity of the sealant and be supplied on request.
lead to cracking of the paint film.
▪ Colour variations may occur due to exposure to
chemicals, high temperatures and/or UV-radiation
(especially with the colour shade white). However, a
change in colour is purely of aesthetic nature and
does not adversely influence the technical
performance or durability of the product.


SikaHyflex®-220 Window
January 2016, Version 01.01
ID Nr: 020511020000000022

SikaHyflex®-220 Window
January 2016, Version 01.01
ID Nr: 020511020000000022


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