Lab 06 Nitro
Lab 06 Nitro
Lab 06 Nitro
Place & Route
1. Use Script for power planning Nitro-SoC
2. CTS Nitro-SoC
3. Reports Nitro-SoC
4. Export Nitro-SoC
1. Setup…Folder Structure
• Folder Structure
cd work
3. Nitro: Run …Floorplan & Placement
• Go to work Directory, Open Nitro
• Run Import Script
source flow_scripts/0_import.tcl
3. Nitro: Run …GUI…Check & Save
• Open GUI
• Check_design
• Save report
write_db -file db/clock.db
3. Nitro: Run …Optimize Clock
3. Nitro: Run …Optimize Routing
• Open GUI
source flow_scripts/3_route.tcl > LOGs/route.log
• Run design check
report_timing -min_delay
• Check placement/area
• Check power
3. Nitro: Save..
• Save Design
dbs & db → contains saved snapshots of the design, in case you want to start from intermediate state
*.v & *.sdf → used with modelsim to perform post-routing simulation with timing delay
reports → contains timing & physical reports after each stage
*.gds → contains the final layout to be used for DRC/LVS/PEX/…etc using calibre
output → contains the verilog/lef/def representing the circuit, in case it is used as a macro with another circuit
3. Nitro … Tips
● if you forget to save it you can use the versions in “dbs” folder but
you have to import “libs.db” first, then the instance you want, then
you have to read constraints.
● if you modified the .tcl files during run, you will need to modify the
ones in the “flow_script” folder and in the “work” folder.
3. Nitro … Tips
• All steps made through UI are written in the transcript, you might
consider saving it
• Repeating the commands doesn’t always guarantee generating same
results, Saving design is essential.
• Port Editor has a bug and sometimes doesn’t show all Ports
• Always use check_design to make sure you didn’t mess up something
• Always read error and warnings, they are reported for a reason ☺
• Some errors and warnings can be ignored safely
• Always direct the ouput of scripts to a file to help you in later tracing
4. Modelsim: Post-routing simulation
calibredrv -m <generatedGDSfile.gds>
calibredrv -m integrationMult.gds
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