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Ida Bagus Nyoman Mantra1*, Ida Ayu Made Sri Widiastuti2, Nengah Dwi Handayani3,
Anak Agung Istri Yudhi Pramawati4
Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar, Jalan Kamboja 11A, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar, Jalan Kamboja 11A, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar, Jalan Kamboja 11A, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar, Jalan Kamboja 11A, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
bagusmantra@unmas.ac.id, 2idaayuwidia@unmas.ac.id, 3ndwihandayani@unmas.ac.id,

Ida Bagus Nyoman Mantra, Ida Ayu Made Sri Widiastuti, Nengah Dwi Handayani,
Anak Agung Istri Yudhi Pramawati. English Language Urgency For Tourism And
Hospitality Employees To Boost Global Economy-- Palarch’s Journal of Archaeology of
Egypt/Egyptology 17(7), 5458-5469. ISSN 1567-214x

Keywords: English, Tourism, Hospitality, Economy.

Having good communication skills is important for all tourism and hotel employees to have.
All tourism and hospitality employees are expected to be effective and efficient English
speakers to provide quality services. The present study was conducted to explore the needs of
English among hospitality employees to improve the global economy. The results showed
that high language competence is needed by hospitality employees to be able to work
professionally. It is, however, most hospitality employees still have problems in English.
Consequently, they are unable to communicate effectively to satisfy tourists’ expectations.
The study implies that the increase of English language training needs to be carefully
considered and the English learning syllabus offered by hospitality training institutions needs
to restructured to improve career choices in the tourism industry.

Tourism has developed into a global phenomenon involving hundreds of
millions of people, both from the community, government, and the tourism
industry. In its development, tourism has undergone various changes,
including changes in patterns, forms, and nature of activities as well as
motivation to travel. In developing countries, tourism is oriented towards
centric economic growth and business development. Tourism is one of the


main sectors to obtain foreign exchange from non-oil and gas income. In
addition to foreign exchange earnings, tourism also plays a role in other
strategic fields, for example creating and expanding employment
opportunities, encouraging environmental preservation and developing the
nation's culture, and fostering a sense of love for the motherland. Thus,
tourism activities involve various companies engaged in transportation,
accommodation, food companies, and service companies.

The increase in tourism in the world requires a higher level of communication

skills to improve global interconnectivity. One language that is used
internationally to communicate in English, therefore the mastery of English
becomes compulsory for all hospitality and tourism employees. This is
because the employees who communicate effectively in English provide
efficient services. Meanwhile, those who speak poor English tend to provide
inefficient services due to their communication breakdown. Consequently, the
need for good English communication skills can be denied to work in all
sectors within the tourism industry (Al-saadi, 2015). The skill is not merely for
tourism companies doing business in the English-speaking country. Therefore,
having a good knowledge of English specifically used in a tourism business
context is very important. As a result, enhancing English language skills for
the tourism industry may help people to be more employable in tourism
businesses (Chaudhary & Kaur, 2016).

In addition, mastering English as an international language is a must for

people living in the era of globalization as it is now to access information,
technology, and communication between countries, of course, requires
international language skills, namely English, which has been designated as
the unifying language or Lingua Franca (Astawa et al., 2019). Especially in
the tourism industry, English has been used as a means of communication
since ancient times until now. People who live in international tourism areas
need English language skills to engage and interact with all tourists
intensively. Therefore, high practical knowledge of English is indisputably
important for all tourism practitioners (Astawa et al., 2019).

The main destination of foreign tourists in Indonesia is Bali because Bali

presents a beautiful panorama and a very unique culture. The Balinese have
designed their area to become a tourist destination without losing local
traditions and culture. The Balinese can improve their well-being by running a
tourism business such as setting up restaurants, hotels, villas, or just being a
tourist guide for tourists. Therefore, having a good mastery of English is very
important for the Balinese who want to work in the tourism industry (Astawa
et al., 2019). Nowadays, through the continuous development of tourism in
Bali, the economic wheel is spinning rapidly towards the prosperity and
reliability of the tourism industry. The increasing number of tourists causes
economic transactions to increase, which certainly has an impact on economic
progress for industrial entrepreneurs and the general public.

To continually increase the quality of services within the tourism industry as

described above, it certainly requires reliable human resources, infrastructure,
and good English language skills. By having good English communication


skills, tourism business workers can serve foreign tourists well to satisfy their
needs. Due to these phenomena, English has been taught starting from
elementary schools to universities and is considered to be one of the
compulsory subjects. The Indonesian government certainly thinks that the
future of the nation's children needs English language skills. Unfortunately,
many Indonesians learn English only mainly at a conceptual level and cannot
use or apply English effectively it in their daily lives due to some social and
linguistics factors hindrance their English communication skill. Fox, (2008)
describes that sociolinguistics competence becomes important to be mastered
in order to be successful communicators in the tourism industry.

There is no doubt that tourism has a valuable impact on world economic

development. Consequently, many countries have taken tourism seriously in
recent years and have made tourism a major sector in foreign exchange
income, job creation, and poverty alleviation. Wilson, (2018) describes that
English is really important for the development of the tourism industry.
Nowadays tourism is no longer just an industry but also a field of study and
developed as a science which is an activity that has a major role and influence
on human life. Therefore, the demand for English ability is very high to be
employable in the tourism sectors (Iglesias, 2016). Having good English
communication skills enables tourism workers, to engage themselves with
tourists in various business transactions and tourism activities. This is why all
tourism practitioners are urged to continuously enhance their English skills.

One of the most important things that cause people to want to travel is the
desire to know the culture of other people in the world and the desire to
experience the culture. Cultural resources that become tourist attractions
include historic buildings, art and sculpture, performances, religious relics,
activities, and ways of life of local people, and culinary. Tourism with a
special interest is the trend development of tourism in the coming years
because potential tourists require a type of tourism that is focused and able to
meet the specific needs of tourists. To satisfy tourists’ needs, tourism
employees need to communicate in English properly (Che Hassan & Ong Lok
Tik, 2019). Being a good English communicator helps fulfill the needs of all
visitors and provides satisfaction that may lead to an increase in incoming
visitors. All tourism activities directly engage the community, thus bringing a
variety of benefits to the communities both economically and socially.
Therefore, tourism is considered to be one of the most important aspects to
make people have the experience of many things in their life. To be able to
provide comprehensive and holistic services, tourism employees need to have
effective skills in communication (Che Hassan & Ong Lok Tik, 2019).

The need for English for the tourism industry has drawn attention for many
researchers to investigate the potential of the language used in tourism
(Irimiea, 2019). English has centrally essential to be mastered by all tourism
workers to boost the economy. Tourism benefits can be clearly viewed from
many aspects, namely the benefits of tourism in terms of economic, socio-
cultural, environmental, value relations and science, and job opportunities and
opportunities. The tourism sector is one of the strategic sectors in developing
Indonesia's economy. This fast-growing sector has become part of the


development of the global economy (Astawa et al., 2019). Tourism has helped
the growth of the Indonesian economy and the unemployment number slowly
decreasing. The tourism sector is one sector that contributes to income and
employment. This happens because the arrival of tourists to an area opens up
opportunities for people to become entrepreneurs in the tourism sector.

Economic growth is one of the macroeconomic indicators that are of concern

to the country, even in the world. This is because the economic growth of a
country can reflect the increase in a country's ability to provide more types of
economic goods to its population and increase the income per capita of its
population. Tourism has supported the growth of the economy enormously.
The tourism sector is one of the strategic sectors that must be used for tourism
development as part of national development. Tourism development has
impacted many people’ life because it improves people’s income, which in
turn it can improve the welfare of the people. The tourism sector is one sector
that contributes to employment. Because it provides the opportunity for the
local to work and starts businesses to get a better income. To be able to work
professionally in the tourism industry, the mastery of tourism English becomes
a compulsory skill to possess (Zahedpisheh et al., 2017). Therefore, an English
language curriculum and learning materials should be developed to meet the
needs of tourism stakeholders (Puspitasari, 2018).

English considered to be one of the key elements of tourism growth which

makes English is a subject that needs to mastered by all hospitality personnel.
This is since hospitality has become the largest component of economic
growth. (Wu & Huang, 2013). Tourism has even developed into one of the
largest industries in the world. The number of tourist arrivals and the income
derived from international tourists. Consequently, to provide a higher level of
services for tourists, many facilities should be built. One of the economic
potentials possessed by Bali Island is in the tourism sector. It is hoped that the
government can develop and exploit the potential of this tourism sector
because the existence of the tourism sector can develop the people's economy.
English is an essential tool for people to work in the tourism industry.
Therefore, hospitality practitioners need a high level of English competence, it
however many of them still have limited skill in English and low English
confidence. (Fujita et al., 2017).

In the case of tourism businesses in the world today, from professional

globalization and with a practically unlimited economy, effective
communication is essential for the good performance of any company. In this
globalization, English has become the standard language for business
communication. (Astawa et al., 2019). Company preferences vary: some
requests, other written, oral English competencies, and, in many cases, require
language proficiency in both directions. This sounds logical if we assume that
English has become the language of global communication. Finally, everyone
involved in the tourism sector must have good instructions, and the use of
English and management communication skills are needed to meet all the
requirements of the sector because this may result in service excellence, faster
and better so that it will improve the economy in the long run. (Prachanant,
2012). The improvement of the English language for hospitality employees is


always needed to ensure that they all can communicate effectively. Therefore,
their competence should be assessed continually. (Widiastuti et al., 2020).
Consequently, genre-based learning material concerning English for
hospitality personnel is essentially important to be implemented. (Terauchi et
al., 2017).

In addition, as an effort to analyze the English language achievement,

conducting appropriate language assessment to the language learners is
indisputably important (Gan, He, & Liu, 2019). Assessment is not only carried
out to know learners’ language achievement and learning progress, but it is
also to continually improve their language competence. By administering the
assessment, it enables teachers to know the strength and weaknesses of their
teaching strategies (Ahmad, 2018; Ma, 2019). This is because assessment
results could be used as a reference to see which part of the lesson should be
improved. Therefore, assessment is also utilized to know language learners’
needs for a specific competence (Morgan, &Alfehaid, 2019). Consequently, to
analyze the language learners’ language needs, teachers should always
conduct an assessment in every learning session.

Considering the phenomenon of tourism that boosts the development of the

economy, all hospitality employees need to have a high level of English to be
able to communicate effectively in the global economy. Many studies have
been conducted concerning the importance of tourism; however, there are only
a few studies related to the need for English to boost tourism and the global
economy. Therefore, the present study urgently needs to be conducted to
reveal the existing conditions of the English language skills of hospitality
employees and how these skills influence the development of tourism and the
global economy.

Research Design
The research design employed in this study is descriptive qualitative research.
Descriptive qualitative is carried out to analyze the data by using explanations
or discussion questions. This method is commonly used to reveal the real
existing phenomena. A qualitative research design was thoroughly employed
in this study to explore all investigated phenomena related to the needs of
English for the development of global tourism. All cases were studied to
collect the required data to establish valid dan reliable research findings. The
qualitative research design was used to ensure that all detailed data were
gathered and compared as well as triangulated. All conditions were considered
to obtain the right prospects for the collected data. The data obtained from
open interviews collected through Google forms were triangulated with
WhatApps video calls. The audio data were transcribed and categorized
accordingly. By using qualitative design, all data could be collected to answer
the research questions concerning the urgent need of having good quality
English to be successful in the tourism industry.

The participants of the study were selected based on the criteria that were
predetermined criterion. There were Two hundred and fifty tourism employees


who participated in this study. They were selected based on the length of
working experiences, job position, and their roles in the tourism industry.
Because of the large number of participants who were eligible to participate in
the study, the numbers were then narrowed down using random selection
techniques. Consequently, twenty employees were nominated to participate
intensively in the study.

Data Collection
The present study used a qualitative research design to gather data concerning
the needs of English for the development of the tourism industry and the
global economy. The data collection techniques that were utilized in this study
were open questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaires were constructed
in essay questions to enable participants to answer descriptively freely.
Meanwhile, interviews were conducted through whatApps video calls. All
calls were recorded to ensure that the data were well-stored. The interviews
were used to triangulate the data that were collected through the
questionnaires. This process was done to ensure that all the collected data
were relevant to the existing phenomena.

Data Analysis
All data obtained from the interviews were recorded using computer systems
to ensure that all data were well recorded. The recorded data were transcribed
and matched with the data that were collected through the questionnaires. The
data were then put into the right category and then analyzed descriptively. The
process of the analysis was done strictly based on the analysis guidelines. To
establish valid and reliable findings, the analysis was presented with
theoretical and empirical argumentation. The results of the analysis were then
described and presented descriptively.


The increase in public and government income comes from the expenses and
costs that can be incurred by tourism to encourage improvement and growth in
the development of other sectors. One of the characteristics of tourism is that
tourism depends and is related to other sectors in this sector. Thus, the
development of tourism will increase and grow in other fields of development.
Tourism development has a positive effect on expanding business and
employment opportunities. Opportunities and jobs are born out of demand for
tourists. Thus, the arrival of tourists in an area will open up opportunities for
the community. To become a hotel, guest house, restaurant, food stall,
transportation, and others. These opportunities provide opportunities for local
people to work. Therefore, at the same time, they increase their income to
support their household lives.

Needs Analysis
The development of the tourism industry has been proven to create sufficiently
large business opportunities so that the wheels of the economy can rotate more
rapidly towards the welfare and stability of the tourism industry. In line with
the increasing number of tourists, the transactions and activities that are
directly or indirectly related will increasingly take part in both the service and
non-service industries. It can be said that the opportunities that arise are


entertainment, health, offices, tourism education, trade, and others. In creating

these opportunities, qualified human resources who have good language skills
are needed. These opportunities provide job opportunities that are wide open
in various fields. This is a chain that is interconnected and rotates
automatically for the welfare of tourism actors and the wider community.
Sustainable efforts are needed in order to advance and support the tourism
industry mentioned above, tight competition with the quality of human
resources is needed.

In the tourism sector, mastery of English plays an important role, especially in

scouting activities. This is because the core guideline is the delivery of
information supported by mutual communication between guides and tourists.
Therefore, the role of language in the guidance process is very large,
especially in English and supported by other languages. Knowledge of
tourism, especially about the objects and attractions of Indonesia, is an
important insight for a tour guide in supporting the professionalism of his

The role of English in the tourism industry is very important. This is one of the
factors that support the success of the tourism industry. Language as a
communication tool plays an important role because it is an international
language. The role of language is very necessary to build social relationships
and as a communication tool. The role of English in the tourism sector is to
facilitate communication, avoid misunderstandings, strengthen relationships,
and create a family atmosphere between tourists and people related to tourists.
According to the results of the study regarding the role of English in the
tourism industry, the following data were obtained:

The data showed that a travel agent, a tour guide in carrying out their duties,
should use appropriate English and their comments should be logically
acceptable with common sense. This means that the comments and
explanations giving by the tourism employees should be relevant to the real
phenomena. They could not make up a story or telling something that was not
happening. Hotel staff should use a high level of English to efficient in doing
their duties. Therefore, people with excellent English skills are mostly
employable in the tourism industry and work more efficiently.

Additionally, based on the assessment of English communication skills

conducted on the participants showed that the English competence level of all
participants was mainly in the lower intermediate. The tourism personnel were
good enough for certain topics, but still a little difficult to develop a
conversation. They encountered some problems with vocabulary, idioms,
grammar, and pronunciation. The findings indicated that all tourism
establishments should provide further training and practices to ensure that
their staff become fluent in English and communicate in good English.

Furthermore, tourism employees should continually improve their English to

increase their service to guests. They should consider taking English
communication courses to enable them to communicate effectively. Therefore,
they need to keep up learning to attain the required level of English to work in


the tourism industry. Ideally, their English should be at least an intermediate

level. However, they were required to enhance their English proficiency level
up to the upper-intermediate or advanced level. In the upper-intermediate, the
tourism staff can converse on familiar topics, although there are still some
problems with vocabulary, idioms, grammar, and pronunciation. Meanwhile,
at an advanced level, tourism employees can carry out conversations smoothly
and naturally. There are no problems with grammar, idioms, grammar, and

During the interviews, it was also found that tourism employees were
specifically poor in English skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. Based on the questionnaire analysis, reading instruction should be
focused on developing to understand the main ideas of reading text and
understand specific information related to tourism information, such as
brochures, maps, articles, and authentic reading sources in the field of tourism.
Moreover, writing skills need to be developed to express ideas, thoughts,
opinions, and feelings appropriately. Listening skills that are necessary to
develop are listening from audio from sources (native English voice) and
speaking skills development should include dialogue, monologues, public
speaking, and interviews.

Specifically, tourism employees should continually improve their ability to

communicate using correct grammar, which includes the use of basic forms,
pronouns, numbers, comparatives, and gerunds. They are required to have the
ability to use expressions that include describing things, describing places and
locations, describing feelings, describing time, giving direction, giving advice.
Moreover, they should be able to communicate using appropriate vocabulary
related to the tourism industry. Furthermore, they need to use good
pronunciation, intonation, emphasis, and spelling. The data also showed that
tourism employees need to have various communication strategies to able to
communicate in various situations. Furthermore, the needs of English for
hospitality personnel are briefly discussed below especially for receptionists
and cashiers, tour guides, food and beverage services, and other hospitality

The receptionist and cashier at the front office at the hotel is doing
administrative work at the front office in charge of welcoming guests or
clients who deal with hotels both domestic and foreign guests. The task of a
receptionist is to explain the needs of guests, such as what products and
services will be provided, answer incoming calls, arrange meetings, and so on.
A receptionist at the front office must be capable, intelligent, and energetic,
supported by the ability to speak English to complete all of his tasks. It should
be noted that the English proficiency according to the TOEIC required by a
receptionist must have a minimum score of 550, that is, independent language
users. The receptionists are expected to be able to deal with most situations
likely to occur during the check-in and check-out processes. This means that
users of these languages can use language that can be understood in general.
Having the ability to communicate with matters related to their field of work,
daily conversation, identify messages, and presentations.


A tour guide should have higher mastery of the English language because a
tour guide work as an informer or giving information that is many and broad
in scope. In principle, a tour guide is a person who works as a tour leader who
travels around a place such as a village, city, museum, or other tourist spots. In
addition, a tour guide is also a leader in tourism that is programmed with a set
length of time both locally and internationally. In addition, the tour guide also
moves a lot in the vacation packages section. A tour guide must be able to
know and explain the culture, folk stories, and history of the local area. A tour
guide must be patient and have good English skills. Of course, a tour guide
must consistently improve his knowledge and ability to speak English
continuously. It is recommended that a tour guide should have a minimum
English language proficiency according to the TOEIC is 750, that is,
independent language user. Tour guides are required to have the ability to
communicate in various complex situations dealing with tourist activities
including cultural activities. Moreover, tour guides must have the ability to
communicate a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical
issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

Food and beverage service personnel require highly efficient and effective
English language communication skills. A waiter/waitress works in a
restaurant, which is tasked with preparing the dining table with all its needs,
providing guests with food and beverages. Activities carried out by the
waiter/waitress are direct interaction activities and this clearly requires good
communication skills as well. If a guest wants to know a lot about the menu he
is going to eat, the waiter/waitress must be able to explain well to the guest.
This means that waiters/waitresses need to have an excellent level of English
communication skills. The minimum recommended English language
proficiency according to TOEIC is 550, which is independent language users.
This means that users of these languages can use language that can be
understood in general. Having the ability to communicate about things related
to their field of work, daily conversations, identify messages, and
presentations. Chefs and cooks are not much different from waiters/waitresses
with foreign language skills that they must master according to the minimum
TOEIC score of 470 - 220, language users are at the lowest level in daily
communication and can only communicate limited to their work. As a chef,
they must be able to explain the process of cooking food properly.

Ticket sellers, merchandisers, and drivers also really need English language
skills in serving their customers and when making transactions. They should
be able to describe matters or things related to the products and services that
they sell. The minimum required TOEIC score for them is 470 - 220, that is
basic language users are at the lowest level in daily communication and can
only communicate which is limited to their work. Meanwhile, employees who
work in the Tourist Information service office also need good English
language skills. The minimum recommended English language proficiency
according to the TOEIC is 750 as an independent language user. These
employees must be patient and able to explain many things related to tourist
attractions, transportation, accommodation, and other important information.


Problems Encountered by Tourism Employees in the Works

The study revealed that there are several problems encountered by the tourism
industry in communicating in English which is most of them affected their
speaking skill. To be specific, the problems are categorized the following
topics, such as (1) to greet appropriately, (2) explaining the accommodations
comprehensively; (3) describing hotel facilities; (4) showing around the areas;
(5) receiving reservations; (6) explaining hotel services and restaurants; (7)
receiving and making phone calls; (8) dealing with complaints and giving
solutions; (9) describing attractions; (10) guiding tours; (11) explaining the
transportation. These problems were occurred due to a lack of English skills;
therefore, all tourism personnel is required to have a high level of English
communication skill to be efficient in doing their duties.

The ability to speak English for tourism actors is not evenly distributed and is
still limited to certain groups or individuals due to differences in educational
backgrounds. Therefore, it takes an effort to master foreign languages either
self-taught or in groups courses. English, which has the status of a foreign
language in Indonesia, has basically been taught since basic education. Even
though English has been introduced or taught since someone took basic
education, the results obtained have not been maximized so that their ability in
speaking English in applying English in a conversation is still far from
expectations. This is due to many factors. Factors that often hinder mastery of
English are that many learners are still trapped in the mastery of grammatical
language, techniques or teaching methods that still use old patterns that still
emphasize the grammatical aspects of English. In teaching English, innovation
and improvisation from the teacher are needed so as to increase interest in
learning English. In addition, the use of English has not been applied in
everyday conversations because practice makes perfect. This means that
language skills are skills that must be used and if they are not used, these skills
will gradually decline. Better if someone has foreign language skills, these
skills should continue to be used in every conversation so that these skills are
well-honed. Based on the description above, it takes an effort to make the
lowest level of daily communication and can only communicate which is
limited to work.

The function of the language and tourism sector is to facilitate communication,
avoid misunderstandings, strengthen relationships, and create a family
atmosphere between foreign tourists and people related to tourists themselves.
The role of English in the tourism industry is very important because of the
development of the current era of globalization that requires tourism
employees to be able to compete in various fields of the tourism industry. The
study concluded that tourism employees need their skills in communicating in
English fluently and appropriately using appropriate expressions, vocabulary,
and grammar. Moreover, tourism employees also need to develop their
communication strategies to enable them to communicate in various situations.
The conclusion that can be generated from this research is that the results of
this needs analysis can be used as a basis for preparing learning plans and
teaching materials for further training in tourism classes. The findings of the
study are expected to provide benefits for universities in the development of


teaching materials and strategies to facilitate the process of teaching and

learning activities.

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