2023-01-12 Calvert County Times
2023-01-12 Calvert County Times
2023-01-12 Calvert County Times
Commissioners address
water bill spikes
Fire in North Beach
Sheriff's deputy charged INS
with misconduct in office
Thursday, January 12, 2023 Calvert County Times 2
Classes meet at 6pm. Held at
Calvert County Health Department Classes
in person or online.
Cigarettes -Cigars-Chew-Vapes
January 12—March 2
March 16—May 4
May 18—July 6
August 10—September 28
October 19—December 14
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Thursday, January 12, 2023 Calvert County Times Calvert Local News 4
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Thursday, January 12, 2023 Calvert County Times Calvert Local News 6
In Remembrance
Bowen told the council, “The good news Bowen noted, “We did lose the control
is it did not affect our water or any of the panel for the water station, one right at
work the Department of Public Works is the shop, and that water station also turns
doing around town. It did not hold up any- on and off the one at our second well at
thing. We’re still running and gunning.” Greenwood Avenue. But I’d also like to
Bowen and the mayor thanked the first reach out to thank the county water and To schedule an obituary in the County Times, submit text and
responders, including members of the sewer department. They called and asked Roderic
picture to Damon, 83
aldailey@countytimes.net by noon
Vermont. Heon Tuesdays
also enjoyedfor
working on
North Beach, Dunkirk and Huntingtown if they could do anything to help, if we publication on Thursdays. Any submissions received
small engines after
and was this
a highly-skilled
volunteer fire departments. “I’d like to need anything. And I said, well, actually, deadline may It isrun in great
with the following week’s edition.
sad- woodworker and woodturner. He will
thank the fire department and also thank if you have a spare control panel laying ness that we announce be fondly remembered for his kindness,
everybody who reached out. The fire around, jokingly, we could use that to put the death of Roderic honesty, generosity and humor, values
department was a very quick response,” the well back online. And their electri- Cecil Damon of Chesa- he instilled in his children.
Bowen said. cian that works for water and sewer came peake Beach, Maryland He was predeceased by his parents
The building is located at 4030 11th up with enough parts where we came up on December 31, 2022 and his brothers Byron Damon and Sher-
Street. The fire was reported at 7 p.m. on Friday. Were able to dig up the exist- at the age of 83. wood Damon, all of Deer Isle, Maine.
Bowen said a neighbor of the building ing power going in the building, intercept Roderic was born He is survived by his best friend and
called him to report an explosion there. that power, run it over to the water well January 10, 1939 to the late Cecil loving wife of 51 years, Brenda-Lee
He said almost immediately the fire chief station, and we made up a control panel Thomas Damon and Maxine Barbour Wright Damon of Chesapeake Beach,
called in to get the access code to gain and got that online.” There was enough Damon of Deer Isle, Maine. After high Maryland; three daughters, Bobbi-Jo
entrance to the property. stored water until that came online. school, he served honorably in the U.S. and husband John Prue of Boyds, MD,
A report on the fire from the North Bowen summed up the situation: “We Navy aboard the USS Tills and the USS Dale-Marie and husband Earl Pack of
Beach VFD stated, “An investigation had a couple other major items in there. Accokeek. In 1971, he married Brenda- Womelsdorf, PA, and Laurie-Ann and
identified the fire originated in an elec- We’re working on trying to see what Lee Wright of Barre, Vermont and husband Brady Wilks of Boyds, MD;
tric vehicle stored in the garage. Crews condition they’re in. I’m also sending moved to Maryland where they built a five grandchildren; one great-grand-
checked for extension above the area them to factory reps and then we’ll be life together. Roderic was dedicated and child; and his sister, Marilyn Davis of
where the vehicle was parked, but found updated in the next week or so.” hard-working, providing for his family Stonington, Maine.
none, and there was no extension into an The town is expected to get an up- as a tractor trailer driver for nearly thirty We will be honoring Roderic’s request
attached office. Smoke damage in the date on the situation at the Jan. 12 town years. He enjoyed being in nature, which for a cremation and the internment of
garage was substantial.” council meeting at 7 p.m., both live and he shared with his wife and daughters, his ashes in his hometown of Deer Isle,
The NBVFD urges all owners of via Zoom. camping and fishing at Breezy Point, Maine. In lieu of flowers, memorial do-
electric vehicles to ensure they are not in Chesapeake Beach, Maryland, and nations may be made to the Alzheimer's
left unattended while charging and are dickmyers@countytimes.net regularly vacationing in Maine and Association at alz.org.
7 Calvert Local News Calvert County Times Thursday, January 12, 2023
During the week of December 26 – ver received a report of a theft. The The complainant advised sometime be-
January 1, 2023, Calvert County Sheriff’s complainant advised an Amazon pack- tween 6 p.m. on Dec. 29 and 3 p.m. on
Office Deputies responded to 1,424 calls age containing a lamp was stolen from Dec.30, an unknown suspect (s) entered
for service throughout the community. the victim’s front porch in the 1500 the victim’s unlocked vehicle and rum-
block of Overlook Drive in St. Leonard. maged through the center console and
Attempted Burglary: 22-76170 The estimated value of the stolen prop- stole US currency. The total value of the
On December 31, 2022, Deputy Daily erty is $210.00. stolen property is $20.00.
responded to the 2500 block of Hallow-
ing Point Road in Prince Frederick, for Theft: 22-75762 ARRESTS
an attempted burglary. The complain- On December 29, 2022, DFC Crum On December
ant advised an unknown suspect (s) responded to Ulta Beauty located at 31, 2022, Deputy
attempted to force entry into the home 845 N. Solomons Island Road in Prince Mister responded
causing damage to an exterior door and Frederick, for the report of a theft. In- to The Rod N’ Reel
crawlspace. The estimated value of the vestigation revealed, three suspects were Resort located
damaged property is $510.00. seen entering the business and removed at 4160 Mears
an unknown amount of merchandise Avenue in Chesa-
Damaged Property: 22-75152 from the store to include numerous fra- peake Beach, for a
On December 26, 2022, DFC Ander- grances. The suspects fled northbound reported trespass-
son responded to the 12900 block of on Rt. 4 in a silver Hyundai sedan with ing. Management
Huron Drive in Lusby, for the report of no front registration and a covered rear requested deputies escort William
damaged property. The complainant ad- registration plate. Anyone with informa- Thomas Bourne, 65 of Prince Frederick,
vised his vehicle had been tampered with tion pertaining to this incident or these from the property. Mr. Bourne was asked
and an unknown suspect (s) had cut the suspects is asked to contact DFC. Crum several times to leave the premises and
skid plate covering his gas tank. The es- at Andrew.Crum@calvertcountymd.gov. advised if he did not vacate, he would
timated value of the damaged property be arrested for trespassing. Bourne con-
is $58.00. Theft: 22-75781 tinued to yell profanities and argue with
On December 30, 2022, DFC An- deputies, refusing to leave. Bourne was
Theft: 22-75540 derson responded to the 900 block of escorted to the parking garage, making
On December 28, 2022, Deputy Lee Algonquin Court in Lusby, for the report several attempts to return to the casino.
responded to the 11500 block of Ce- of a theft from a vehicle. The complain- Bourne was placed into custody and
dar Run Lane in Owings, for the report ant advised sometime between 11 p.m. transported to the Calvert County Deten-
of a theft from a vehicle. Investigation on Dec. 29 and 8 a.m. on Dec. 30, an tion Center where he was charged with
revealed an unknown suspect (s) cut a unknown suspect (s) rummaged through Trespassing: Private Property.
catalytic converter from the victim’s ve- the victim’s vehicle parked outside the
hicle. The estimated value of the stolen residence and stole a set of keys and a Anyone with information about these
property is $1300.00. white gold wedding band containing dia- incidents is asked to call the Sheriff’s Of-
monds. The estimated value of the stolen fice at (410) 535-2800 and reference the
Theft: 22-75778 property is $2,510.00. case number provided. Citizens may re-
On December 29, 2022, Deputy main anonymous thru the ‘Submit a Tip’
Strong responded to the 2200 block of Theft: 22-75967 feature on the Calvert County Sheriff’s
Smoky Road in Huntingtown, for the re- On December 30, 2022, Deputy Office mobile app. To download, visit
port of a theft. The complainant advised Wilder responded to the 12300 block of https://apps.myocv.com/share/a39520678
sometime between Dec. 26 and Dec. 29, Algonquin Trail for the report of a theft.
an unknown suspect (s) stole the Mary-
land registration plates off of a trailer
parked outside the residence. The esti-
mated value of stolen property is $50.00. Editor's Note
The above arrests are not an indication of guilt or
Theft: 22-75773
On December 29, 2022, Deputy Syl- innocence as the cases have not been adjudicated.
Thu, Jan 12 Bring your quilting, needlework, knit- scattered throughout the museum. Listen age and over-experience barriers. Reg-
ting, crocheting or other project for an to a few stories and learn a little back- istration closes the Monday before the
FREE Quit Tobacco Classes afternoon of conversation and shared ground about Martin Luther King Jr. event. More job-seeker help is available
creativity. 410-535-0291 or 301-855- and how his dream of peace is expressed on mwejobs.maryland.gov. By register-
Calvert County Health Department 1862. https://CalvertLibrary.info. by others at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. in the ing for this class, you are agreeing that
975 Solomons Island Road Prince Harms Gallery. Included with museum your contact information will be shared
Frederick, 6-7 p.m. Deadly Gamble: Sinking of the Levin admission. with Maryland Department of Labor,
J. Marvel American Job Center (AJC). AJC staff,
Free classes to assist with quit- Jasmine McCain, will contact you with
ting tobacco or vaping. January 12 Bayside History Museum Wed, Jan 18 initial materials and explain the MWE
through March 2. One hour a week 4025 4th Street, North Beach. registration process. If you have ques-
for eight weeks. Medication aids Scrabble with Friends tions or do not wish to register on MWE,
are free if insurance doesn’t pay. Join us at the Bayside History Museum you can contact Ms. McCain directly at
Group support is especially valuable. to talk to the author and hear first-hand Calvert Library Prince Frederick jasminet.mccain@maryland.gov to get
Registration required: email: jane. stories from some of the survivors. Re- 850 Costley Way help on this topic, 410-535-0291 or 301-
dodds@maryland.gov, call: 410-535- freshments served - books available for 10 a.m.-1 p.m. 855-1862. https://CalvertLibrary.info.
5400, ext. 359, or visit calvert.health.org sale and signing. Co-sponsored by Cal-
vert Library, Bayside History Museum Do you love to play Words with Tween Book Club: El Deafo by Cece
Teen Drop in Anime Night and New Bay Books. 410-535-0291 or Friends on your device but want to meet Bell
301-855-1862. https://CalvertLibrary. people IRL (in real life)? Games are a
Calvert Library Southern Branch info. great way to keep your brain sharp while Calvert Library Southern Branch,
13920 H. G. Trueman Rd, Solomons having fun! Come play Scrabble with us! 13920 H. G. Trueman Road, Solo-
6-7:30 p.m. Please register so we know how many mons, 2-3 p.m.
Sat, Jan 14 boards to put out. Register to receive a
A fun night of anime and manga. reminder., 410-535-0291 or 301-855- Join other book lovers during this fun
Teens in grades 8-12 invited. Come Texas Hold Em 1862. https://CalvertLibrary.info. winter book club! We will be reading
hang out with friends and other fans of and discussing fabulous books. Did we
anime. Watch your favorite anime se- St. Leonard Volunteer Fire Depart- Working Wednesdays: Resumes and mention there will be snacks?! Going
ries on Crunchyroll, make sushi, talk ment, 6 p.m. Cover Letters to school and making new friends can
about manga and sample some books, be tough. But going to school and mak-
play with art supplies and manga color- $85 buy-in for $20k in chips. Rounds Calvert Library Prince Frederick ing new friends while wearing a bulky
ing pages, and eat mochi ice cream and are 20 minutes each. Doors open at 5 850 Costley Way hearing aid strapped to your chest? That
other Japanese snacks! 8th through 12th pm, tournament starts at 6pm. BYOB, 10 a.m-12 p.m. requires superpowers! In this funny,
grade teens welcome. Registration not food and sodas will be available for poignant graphic novel memoir, au-
required, 410-326-5289. https://Cal- purchase. See www.slvfd.org or Face- Offered by Maryland Department of thor/illustrator Cece Bell chronicles her
vertLibrary.info. book group www.facebook.com/ Labor, American Job Center, this is an hearing loss at a young age and her sub-
groups/500115481937635/ for more interactive workshop for resume and sequent experiences with the Phonic Ear,
Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support info. cover letter writing help. Looking for a very powerful—and very awkward—
a job, or a better job? Don’t miss this hearing aid. We will have copies; ask at
Calvert Library Prince Frederick free class. Registration closes the Mon- the desk to check out a copy, 410-326-
850 Costley Way Mon, Jan 16 day before the event. More job-seeker 5289. https://CalvertLibrary.info.
6:30-8 p.m. help is available on mwejobs.maryland.
NAACP Calvert Presents: Martin Lu- govBy registering for this class, you are Book Discussion: Remarkably Bright
Get tips and support from other care- ther King, Jr Celebration agreeing that your contact information Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
givers. Facilitated by Jeannette Findley will be shared with Maryland Depart-
and JC Hooker. Please register to re- Bethel Way of the Cross, Hunting- ment of Labor, American Job Center Fairview Library
ceive the Zoom link, 410-535-0291 or town. Co-sponsored by Calvert (AJC). AJC staff, Jasmine McCain, will 2-3:30 p.m.
301-855-1862. https://CalvertLibrary. Library, 10-11:30 a.m. contact you with initial materials and
info. explain the MWE registration process. Washington Post called it “feel-good
Join us to celebrate Martin Luther If you have questions or do not wish to but deceptively sensitive debut,” the
World of Wonder King, Jr. Representatives from local register on MWE, you can contact Ms. reader receives a gentle reminder that
churches will speak and we’ll enjoy McCain directly at jasminet.mccain@ sometimes taking a hard look at the past
Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch songs from their choirs. Outgoing poli- maryland.gov to get help on this topic,n can help uncover a future that once felt
3819 Harbor Road, Chesapeake ticians, Rachel Jones and Pam Cousins 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862. https:// impossible. https://CalvertLibrary.info.
Beach, 6:30-7:30 p.m. will be recognized. There will be coffee CalvertLibrary.info.
and snacks in the banquet hall, 410-
Elementary students K-2 will have 535-0291 or 301-855-1862. https:// Working Wednesdays: Boomers and Thursday, January 19
fun exploring a new topic each session CalvertLibrary.info. Beyond!
through books, activities, and a snack Little Minnows
connected to the topic. Come learn new Holiday Event: Martin Luther King Calvert Library Prince Frederick
ideas at a program that will make kids Jr. Day 850 Costley Way Calvert Marine Museum
say wow! Registration required, 410- 1 p.m.-3 p.m. 10:15 a.m. & 11:15 a.m.
257-2411. https://CalvertLibrary.info. Calvert Marine Museum
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. This workshop offered by Maryland This month’s theme is Five Senses.
Department of Labor, American Job For preschoolers ages 3 – 5, with an
Fri, Jan 13 Join us as we shine the light on peace Center is for the experienced, seasoned adult. This program focuses on one of
and harmony in our local community. jobseeker who wants to step into a new the museum’s three themes. Join us for
On Pins & Needles Make a public commitment to your com- role! We will cover going after the dream, story time and craft, available while sup-
munity by posting it on a promise wall making your skillset fit into a new ca- plies last. Sessions are 25-40 minutes.
Calvert Library Prince Frederick sign. Find inspiration from the many reer path and most importantly working Sign up at the Admissions Desk when
850 Costley Way, 1-4 p.m. quotes by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. around those subtle and not-so-subtle you arrive. Cost is free with admission.
Thursday, January 12, 2023 The County Times
of an Aimless Mind FINANCIAL
It has been a few months of landscape and other changes here in northern St.
Are You Ready to
Mary’s. Sometimes it makes me sad to see land and large areas of trees change
and other times it is understandable. My heart always hurts when I see entire
swaths of old growth forests vanish to make way for new developments, while
counting myself fortunate that the developers of Country Lakes here in Mechan-
icsville thought wisely to leave so many trees between and behind our homes. I
always think about how beautiful the trees on the clearcut lands were and how Have you recently retired but are now thinking of going back to
those roots, all the underbrush, and grasses are gone: Everything that soaked in work? If so, you aren’t alone, as many people are choosing to “un-
the rains and kept the ground stable is gone. retire.” But if you do reenter the workforce in some capacity, what
I know a sudden opportunities might be available to you? And how will your renewed
gasp escaped me when employment affect your financial outlook?
I saw that some land For starters, though, what reasons might motivate you to go back to
was being clearcut work? For many people, the primary cause has been inflation, which
near the old Bert’s res- has presented a huge challenge to retirees living on a fixed income. In
taurant – another huge addition, the volatile financial market of 2022 caused many people’s
change for Mechan- investment portfolios to decline in value — a real problem for retirees
icsville. I was always who needed to start selling investments to supplement their income.
fascinated by seeing But non-financial factors could also be driving you to unretire. Like
just a glimpse of the other retirees, you may miss the chance to use your work experience to
old two story square engage with the world, and you may miss the social interactions as well.
home that sat way In any case, if you do decide to rejoin the working world in some
back up on a hill. Seeing old homes like that always creates all sorts of stories fashion, you may have several options. For example, if you enjoyed the
in my head of those who lived in the old homes; those who raised families with work you did for your former employer, you might want to see if you
love, sadness, and hopefully lots of laughter as well. could go back on a part-time basis. Or you could use your skills to join
Not that many days ago, I was driving by the old house site on my way to do the “gig” economy by doing some consulting or freelance work in your
a drive thru prescription pick up due to our fun Covid time, and I thought, when former industry. You might also consider going to work for a nonprofit
I head back home I’ll go down Old Village Road, which I always take because organization, as many of these groups lost employees during the height
of the beautiful old homes, and drive back out on to the highway going north to of the COVID-19 pandemic and are now facing labor shortages.
take some photos of the old home. I didn’t end up doing that because I was tired Going back to work, even part time, can improve your cash flow,
and just wanted to go back home. The rest of the day I was upset at myself for which helps cover the cost of regular expenses. Furthermore, the added
not taking that turn to go back and take those pictures figuring that the house income can possibly help you delay or reduce withdrawals from your
would be torn down that day. investment accounts. And it’s important to increase the longevity of
But luckily, Patricia Link from our neighborhood took some great photos of these accounts considering you may spend two, or even three, decades
the old home and posted them on our neighborhood Facebook page and granted in retirement. (Once you turn 72, however, you will have to start with-
me permission to use them. Patricia’s post also brought lots of reminisces about drawing certain amounts from your 401(k) and traditional IRA.) But
those who knew people who lived in the house and from relatives that could your earnings can affect another source of your retirement income —
give a little history of the house now finally in full view of all. For some reason your Social Security benefits.
I felt strange seeing the house bared to all who passed by. Some may have given If you return to work before your “full” retirement age, which is
it a fleeting glance, and others like me, may have felt the pang in the heart that likely between 66 and 67, the Social Security earnings limit in 2023
it was now exposed in its dilapidated state. I could almost hear the house saying is $21,240. For each $2 earned over that amount, Social Security will
please leave me be, let me stay hidden with my memories, not vanished forever. deduct $1 from benefits. If you reach your full retirement age in 2023,
I suppose I am strange in that regard; always thinking the reason I have wanted the earnings limit is $56,520; Social Security will deduct $1 from your
to stay here in St. Mary’s and never leave since the time I was starting college benefits for each $3 earned over this amount until the month you turn
in ’79 was because of the trees, land, and old homes. I saw how more shopping your full retirement age. But in all future years after you’ve reached
centers and developments were taking over my hometown of Clinton and of your full retirement age, you can earn as much as you want without
nearby Waldorf which was also starting to quickly see uncontrolled growth in losing any benefits. Social Security will then recalculate your payments
a few short years. A new shopping center gets built and everyone moves their to give you credit for the months your benefits were reduced or with-
businesses there, and in a year or two, the next big shopping center comes in held due to your excess earnings. Be aware, though, that your earned
leaving older ones with empty stores and no anchors. Just my own pet peeve. income can potentially result in higher taxes on your Social Security
I did have another gasp on Tuesday as I was coming home from Leonardtown benefits at any age.
via Rt. 234 to turn onto Mechanicsville Road. As I was making the turn onto Returning to work can be rewarding, both financially and emotion-
Yowaiski Mill Road I gasped very loudly in fact when I saw the large old burnt ally. And you may get more out of the experience when you’re aware
down house with tractors crushing what was left of that once beautiful house in of the issues involved.
the middle of farmland. I did know a past owner of that house, as did many of
my friends. My friend Barbara Drumgoole caught some photos yesterday of the
scrap wood fires and the tractors, and I am also using one of her photos with her
permission. This home I can understand being torn down since a partially burned
house is a safety hazard for those still working the farm around it. I have met
the owners of all that land and know that whatever they put their hand to, comes
out more beautiful than I could ever imagine. Though it still was a shock to the Article was contributed by David McDonough
system and I am so glad I have taken numerous photos of this particular house
over the years and written a poem about it in the past that will all be a part of a Financial Advisor at Edward Jones
future painting. What vanishes can also live on in many other ways, just as the Office located at 41680 Miss Bessie Dr. Suite 302
old quote by Heraclitus states: “The only constant in life is change.”
To each new day’s adventure, Shelby Leonardtown, MD 20650
Please send your comments or ideas to: shelbys.wanderings@yahoo.com or 301 997 1707
find me on Facebook
Thursday, January 12, 2023 The County Times Living
50 PLUS 19
Hintz observed, “Otherwise we’re go- emotional support kind of thing.” an older person.” Eastwood said, “I look back and I wish I
ing to lose the knowledge they have.” That’s why she does the Christmas “There’s so much here. That’s my came back sooner, but I’m glad to have.”
Hintz for Christmas every year pre- food baskets. “I think we recognize we main thing,” Bonner added. During an interview with The County
pares baskets to give to the church’s have a lot of children in church, and we Bonner drives her friend from Asbury Times, Hintz concluded the conversation
senior citizens. This year she outdid try to do things for kids. And we rec- Solomons to church. He said, “I have a by reciting a poem she found on a Lu-
herself, shopping in the Mennonite com- ognize we don’t recognize our seniors, hard time walking. So, she’s nice. She theran notecard that said:
munity for baked good and fruit and in that’s the bottom line,” she said. brings me over. I like it here. I like As- “There are varieties of gifts, but the
the grocery stores for candy and other Hintz said, “I think we want to im- bury too.” same spirit,
treats, and also baking herself. She en- press on people that they’re not joining a The church provides him with hearing And there are varieties of service, but
joys doing the Christmas shopping as if social club by joining the church. That’s assisted devices soi he can follow along the same Lord,
their members were her family (recently not our mission. But it is certainly an off- with the service. And there are varieties of working,
her husband Duane passed away). shoot. It’s an arm, it’s a leg of the church. Starr Eastwood, who lives in Solo- But it is the same God who inspires
“I think I am concerned about people’s And I like to call them gatherings. One mons, recently started attending church them all in everyone.”
hereafter. And I don’t only want to spend of those gatherings was held last week at again. She stopped coming when her
time with people here right now, but a local restaurant where church members husband got sick, but she said, “I’m back dickmyers@countytimes.net
I also want to spend time with them in celebrated with longtime member Chuck for good.”
heaven. That’s what it’s all about for me. Fick his 90th birthday along with joining Eastwood, who will be 80 in
It’s not just the present. It’s about their with Hintz for her 80th milestone. June, refuses to vegetate. “I’ve
future. I’m concerned about their future. Sharon Bonner, 77, a resident of never been so busy.” Eastwood
That’s why I think I keep on keeping on Asbury-Solomons, said, “I might be dif- volunteers at the S.M.I.L.E.
because I want to make sure that peo- ferent from other folks because I left my thrift store down the road from
ple realize that Jesus died for all of us. church, which was Methodist and came the church.
That’s really important to me, that they back to my roots, which is Lutheran. For a while Eastwood had a
hear that message.” And I’m very happy to be here because crisis of faith. “My sister and
The church wants to do more outreach this church has many young people and I brother died in the same week,
to the senior communities in the area. think that they keep the church very ac- and I was very upset with God.
Hintz asks, “What kind of needs do peo- tive, and I enjoy being able to take part I knew my sister was dying. She
ple have that we could be helpful with? in some of the things that they do. Sat- was in hospice and very bad off
Rides, for instance, if they need a ride, urday, they had a painting class for the when I got there.”
certainly not only to church, but a ride ladies. They had flower classes recently.: She said of her sister’s re-
to appointments. We should try to make She likes being around young peo- fusal to accept God in the end,
ourselves available and we should peri- ple. “I think it helps you to keep aware “I couldn’t have done it with-
odically, if we have names of people that of what more’s going on, more in their out God and Jesus Christ. I
would like somebody to stop by and just lives. In today’s world, it’s a little differ- couldn’t,” adding, “I found it
visit, maybe drop off a food item. But ent than when I was young. I think they hard to believe that she didn’t
just start visiting people. So hopefully struggle a lot and I think it’s helpful to believe, or she did believe it
we can acquire some names of people always be friendly to them and to try and wasn’t, but she’s resting in A 90th birthday celebration for Chuck Fick by Shepherd of the
Bay Lutheran Church on Jan. 4, as Edie Hintz, who was celebrat-
that have no church or are not attending approach them, and to get to know what peace.” ing her 80th birthday, watches. Photo by Joan Hoerning for Shep-
a church, people that need physical and they know that I don’t know any more as As to her return to church, herd of the Bay Lutheran Church.
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Thursday, January 12, 2023 The County Times Living
50 PLUS 15
Farming, Community
Keeps Raley Going
spirit of giving back to the
He joined the sher-
iff’s office in 1978 and
eventually rose to be the
assistant sheriff under
Sheriff Richard Voorhaar.
He won his class's top
honor for firearms marks-
manship, he said, and
took second place overall
in his class.
His swearing in cere-
mony was less auspicious, More than a place to live –
a place to belong.
“I was deathly ill with a
flu virus,” Raley said. “We
went to the courthouse and
my dad was holding me up Affordable Apartments · Reception Desk · Activity Program
at the counter by my belt Shuttle Van · Service Coordination · General Store
so I could get sworn in.”
Even while he was
Hair Salon · Life in Balance Wellness Program
Raley at his farm in Avenue serving in the sheriff’s of-
fice he continued to help
By Guy Leonard out on the family farm.
Staff Writer He’s always enjoyed it despite its ar-
duous nature.
He’s been a sheriff’s deputy, assistant “Agriculture touches everyone and
sheriff and member of numerous com- everyone’s life,” Raley said. “The farm
munity organizations but what Jamie bureau… is heavily involved in agricul-
Raley has always been throughout it all tural education as well.
is a farmer. “We want kids to know where food
At 69 years old, he continues to show comes from.”
that getting on in years doesn’t mean you But he also wants to ensure agricul-
have to retire. ture continues to be a major part of life
It helps if you love what you do. in St. Mary’s, which has seen rapid mod-
He lives in Avenue on an 88-acre tract ernization and growth since he was born.
of land that has been owned by his fam- “We want to preserve family farms
ily for generations. and to make the business sustainable,”
“It’s been in our family since 1886,” Raley said.
Raley, who was born and raised in St. He’s done some travelling, he said,
Mary’s said. but working and serving in St. Mary’s
He grew up with farming right outside County is his first love.
his front door. “There’s nothing that beats my front
“That was in the heyday of tobacco,” porch,” Raley said.
Raley said. “Every year when I went
back to school and I wrote my essay guyleonard@countytimes.net
about what I did over the summer it was
always ‘I. Cut. Tobacco.’
“It was a good year-round crop.”
These days he grows commodi-
ties such as corn and soybeans on
his Avenue property and focuses
on raising cattle at a property in
He’s a businessman as well as
being a farmer and his job never
stops; on top of farming, he is of- HOW CAN LIFE INSURANCE HELP
ten busy representing the interests
of agriculture in the halls of power.
He’s a past president of the St.
Mary’s County Farm Bureau and
now is the 1st Vice President of the
Maryland Farm Bureau.
Burris’ Olde Towne Insurance
He credits his continuation in
farming and giving back to his
community to his family and his
upbringing. Auto • Home • Business • LIFE
“I have a very wonderful wife,” AN INDEPENDENT AGENT
ple who grew up during the Great 301-743-9000 301-475-3151
Depression and survived World
“There’s a work ethic and a
50 PLU
Going Strong at 69
Lusby Church Provides a
Community for Seniors
Protecting Your Mental
12 The County Times Thursday, January 12, 2023
Thu. Jan 12 Come out to swing, promenade, and 2/5: “Gospel-Shaped Stomach” jdeanjunior@gmail.com
do-si-do to lively jigs, reels and waltzes 2/12: “Gospel-Shaped Mouth (and Please enter from the side of the
Registration for Indoor Yard Sale played by the So. MD Open Band. A Fingers)” building.
Begins caller will teach and call the dances. To view worship on-
Dance workshop at 7:00 PM. Dance be- line, please subscribe to our
Mt. Zion UMC gins at 7:30 PM. No partner required. YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/ Wed, Jan 18, 2023
27108 Mt. Zion Church Rd. Beginners welcome. patuxentpresbyterianchurch
Mechanicsville For more info about our church, please Club Pilates Workshop
visit: www.paxpres.com.
Registration begins today for the In- Sun, Jan 15, 2023 Above Par Golf
door Yard Sale to be held Saturday, Feb. 26288 Point Lookout Rd
4th, 7 am to 1 pm. Visit us at www. “Getting in Shape: “A Gospel-Shaped Mon, Jan 16, 2023 Leonardtown
mtzionmech.org to obtain the form. Mind” 6p.m. to 8p.m.
Cost per table: 8 ft $25 6 ft $20 ELKs Texas Holdem Tournament
Form and payment must be returned no Patuxent Presbyterian Church Pilates is amazing cross-training for
later than Jan. 30 to ensure your spot. 23421 Kingston Creek Rd, California St Mary’s County Elks Lodge golfers. As you build core strength, en-
For more information contact Vickie 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. 45779 Fire Department Lane durance, and flexibility, you’ll see the
at vickiefrederick1154@gmail.com or California benefits of a more powerful game—for
301-904-0097. This is the year to get in spiritual 7p.m. life. Class includes 60 min of Pilates
shape! We invite you to join us for plus time on the virtual simulators!
9:30 a.m. Sunday worship as Rev. Matt Buy-in: $35.00 $20 per person, call SOMD Pilates at
Sat, Jan 14, 2023 Pooley continues the “Getting in Shape” Blinds will start at 25-50 and progress 301-686-7799 or Above Par at 240-309-
sermon series and shares his messages: every 20 minutes 4208 to reserve your spot!
Contra Dance 1/8: “Gospel-Shaped Hands & Feet” For any question or additional details
1/15: “A Gospel-Shaped Mind” contact:
37497 Zach Fowler Road, Chaptico 1/22: “Gospel-Shaped Eyes” James Dean
7 p.m. to 10 p.m. 1/29: “Gospel-Shaped Ears” 240-577-0828
Taylor Gas Company offers full service installation and repair for a
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Combining extensive training with 68 years of on-the-job experience,
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Thursday, January 12, 2023 The County Times Obituaries 11
o n
death by her brother Junior Pilkerton. ment, retiring after 28 years, in March
g t
Brenda attended Chopticon High 2001. He enjoyed coaching Pigskin
i n v e
School and went on to work for her fam- Football in the 1970s, as well as coach-
Lexark ulA t i
ily’s businesses. ing the Take It Easy Ranch Women’s
She married her husband, Tommy Softball Team to a State Championship.
Cusic in August 1983. They enjoyed His granddaughters fondly remember
crabbing, traveling to Pennsylvania, din- him coaching their youth softball team.
P Ad
ner dates on Cobb Island and shared a Boyd also enjoyed following his grand-
great love for their precious pets. Time children’s sporting events all through
om m
with family and friends meant the most
to her, many a night you could find them
their school years. He was instrumental
in teaching his grandson the game of t C
enjoying a game of cards. Brenda was golf and accompanied him to matches
reliable and always thinking of others all over the state. Boyd enjoyed family
before herself. She loved working the genealogy, keeping up with government
county fair and seeing everyone enjoy and politics, and had a love of history.
themselves. Some of the happiest years
of her life were spent working at the
He played softball as a young man and
golfed in his later years. He also enjoyed
NOW Available
ADF South Bingo Hall surrounded by
her family and all the friends that she
hunting with his grandson-in-law, Bubba
Hill. His greatest joy was designing and
1 & 2 bedroom
made over the years. building carpentry projects for his chil- apartments
The family will receive friends on dren and grandchildren who are grateful
Thursday, January 12, 2023 from 1:00 to have his work in their homes.
PM to 2:00 PM and prayers from 2:00 The family will receive friends on
PM to 3:00 PM at Mattingly Gardner Thursday, January 19, 2023 from 1:00
Funeral Home Leonardtown, MD. Inter- PM to 2:00 PM in the Mattingley-Gar-
ment will be private. diner Funeral Home, Leonardtown, MD,
where a funeral service will be held at
Boyd Shoemaker, 82 2:00 PM in the funeral home chapel. In-
terment will be private.
Boyd Al- Contributions may be made to Hospice
len Shoemaker, of St. Mary’s, P.O. Box 625, Leonard-
“Shoe” 82, of town, MD 20650.
Bushwood, MD, Condolences may be made to the fam-
passed away on ily at www.mgfh.com.
January 9, 2023 Arrangements provided by the Mat-
at his home. Born tingley-Gardiner Funeral Home and
on April 16, 1940 Cremation Services, P.A., Leonardtown,
in Olive Hill, KY, MD. 21895 Pegg Road • Lexington Park, MD 20653 • (240)725-0111
he was the son
of the late Lillie
10 Obituaries The County Times Thursday, January 12, 2023
In Remembrance To schedule an obituary in the County Times, submit text and picture to
aldailey@countytimes.net by noon on Tuesdays for publication on Thursdays.
Any submissions received after this deadline may run in the following week’s edition.
Janice Lynch, 82 ball game. They were married on March to the Second Dist. Vol. Fire Dept. and The family will receive friends for
4, 1960 and together celebrated 62 years Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 1 Valley Lee, Maria’s Life Celebration Visitation on
Janice May of marriage. Jan, Robert, and their son, MD 20692. Monday, January 9, 2023 from 9:00
“Jan” Lynch, 82, Steve, moved from Whiteman AFB to St. Condolences may be made to the fam- am – 10:00 am at Our Lady’s Church,
of Valley Lee, MD Mary’s County, MD in June 1962. They ily at www.mgfh.com. Arrangements 41410 Medley’s Neck Road, Leonard-
passed away at would eventually settle in Valley Lee, provided by the Mattingley-Gardiner town, MD 20650. A Mass of Christian
home on December where they welcomed another daughter Funeral Home and Cremation Services, burial will be held at 10:00 am also at
29, 2022 in Valley and son. Jan was a stay-at-home mom P.A., Leonardtown, MD Our Lady’s Church, officiated by Rev.
Lee, MD. Born in her children’s younger years before John T. Nguyen. Interment will follow in
on July 4, 1940 in pursuing work outside. She worked Maria Norris, 84 the church cemetery.
Linn Creek, Mis- as a temporary clerk-typist at Rotary Pallbearers will be Billy Lindsley,
souri, she was the Wing (Sea Control Branch PAX NAS), Maria Barbara Bobby Lindsley, “Chick” Baroniak, Don-
daughter of the late Abbie May Wallis in addition to substitute teaching for St. Norris, 84, of ald Goddard, Jr., Gerald Gardiner, and
and Ray Charles Anderson. Jan was the Mary’s County Public Schools, before Leonardtown, MD Francis Russell.
loving wife of Robert Aloysius Lynch, finally working administrative positions died December 27, Memorial contributions may be made
Sr. Jan is survived by her children Ste- with Tracor/Marconi/BAE Systems for 2022 at St. Mary’s to Hospice of St. Mary’s.
phen Ray Lynch, Sr. (Linda) of Denver, over 20 years retiring on May 1, 2006. Nursing Center in Condolences may be made to the fam-
CO; D’Ann Rena Fahnestock (John) of In her spare time, she enjoyed gardening, Leonardtown, MD. ily at www.mgfh.com. Arrangements
Lusby, MD; Robert Aloysius Lynch, Jr crocheting, and spending as much time Born September provided by the Mattingley-Gardiner
of Leonardtown, MD; ten grandchil- as possible with her family especially as 8, 1938, in Fuzer, Funeral Home and Cremation Services,
dren; three great-grandchildren; and beloved Grammy to her grandchildren. Hungary, she was P.A., Leonardtown, MD.
her brother, Leon Ray Anderson, Sr. of The family will receive friends on the daughter of the late Joseph Urbanovics
Odessa, MO. In addition to her parents, Monday, January 9, 2023 from 10:00 and Maria (Kalnasy) Urbanovics. William Price, 66
she was predeceased by her sister, Alma AM to 11:00 AM at St. George Catholic Maria had an amazing story. In De-
Irene Caviness. Church, Valley Lee, MD where a Mass cember of 1948, at the young age of 10, William Joseph Price, 66, of Oakville,
Jan grew up on the family farm in Linn of Christian Burial will be celebrated at she immigrated to America to live with MD was called home on January 04,
Creek, MO where they raised crops and 11:00 AM with Father Paul Nguyen offici- members of her mother’s family in St. 2023 after losing his battle to pancre-
livestock. She graduated from Camden- ating. Interment will follow in the church Mary’s County to escape the unrest in atic cancer. He was
ton High School in 1958 after which she cemetery. Serving as pallbearers will be Hungary. Unfortunately, her parents and born June 20, 1956
worked for Jeffries Abstract as a secre- Thomas Lynch, John Fahnestock, Der- younger sister were unable to immigrate to the late Doro-
tary. She met her future husband, Robert, ick Fahnestock, Raymond Kane, Alfred until 1961. Her older sister chose to stay thy Lucille “Ceil”
who was stationed at Whiteman AFB, “Rocky” Hammett, and David Hammett. in Hungary. When Maria arrived in St. Price and John Ig-
Knob Noster, MO, at a high school foot- Please make memorial contributions Mary’s County, she did not speak or un- natius “Tim” Price.
derstand any English. She worked very William Joe, as
hard to learn proper English, and she he was affection-
was very proud of her accomplishment, ately called, was
often telling us how difficult the English educated in the
language is to learn. She attended St. St. Mary’s County
Mary’s Academy. She also worked as a Public School system and made his liv-
switchboard operator at St. Mary’s Hos- ing doing construction and manual labor.
pital until the birth of her first child. He lived a simple life that was full of joy
She met “Brother” Norris at Leon- and laughter. He was a people person
ardtown carnival, and they were later who was always ready with a quick-wit-
married on January 3, 1958, at Sacred ted comment. And, he was always ready
Heart Church in LaPlata, MD. They to jump in his Ford truck and lend a
were married for 45 years until his death helping hand. When he wasn’t working,
on September 23, 2003. William Joe enjoyed watching Dal-
Maria was a devoted mother to Mary las Cowboys football games, drinking
Burnett of Chandler, AZ, Bernard Norris a cold Coors Light, playing the lottery,
(China) of Yuma, AZ, Veronica God- and spending time with his family and
dard (Donald) of Valley Lee, MD, and friends.
the late Walter Norris. She was the sister Left to cherish his memory are his sib-
of Barbara Lynn of Calleo, VA and the lings John “Iggie” Price (Doris), Charles
late Helen Kasaly. She is also survived “Blue” Price (Carolyn), Janet Price,
by grandchildren Jarred Burnett, Bobbi Joyce Price, and Florence Price; children
Norris, Ramon Fraga, Jessica Goddard Cecelia Thomas, Priscilla Thomas, Wil-
and Erica Goddard and one great-grand- liam Kuykendall, and Stephanie Clark;
child, Bernard “Bam Bam” Turner. goddaughter Nia Price; six grandchil-
Maria had many hobbies. She enjoyed dren; eight great-grandchildren; and a
photography (especially sunsets and host of nieces and nephews. He was
flowers). She loved knitting hats and preceded in death by his parents and
sweaters and had multiple projects with his brothers David Lee Price and James
her at all times. She was a talented seam- Aloysius Price.
stress. She made dresses and skirts for The family will receive friends on
Providing trusted service to the community for over 100 Years her daughters. Maria also sewed beauti-
ful custom slipcovers, and she was very
Thursday, January 12, 2023 from 11:00
a.m. to 12:00 p.m. with a memorial ser-
41590 Fenwick Street • P.O. Box 270 • Leonardtown, Maryland 20650 proud of the fact that the money she vice at 12:00 p.m. at Brinsfield Funeral
www.mgfh.com made paid for braces for 2 of her chil- Home in Leonardtown, MD. Interment
dren. She had a green thumb and could will be at St. Mary’s Queen of Peace
grow and identify just about any flower, Cemetery in Mechanicsville, MD, fol-
plant or tree. While at Hospice, she de- lowed by a repast at Bowles Farms in
veloped a deeper love for nature. She Clements, MD.
spent hours watching the squirrels and In lieu of flowers, please make a do-
birds on her patio. nation to his favorite charity, St. Jude
Thursday, January 12, 2023 The County Times In Our Community 9
Hollywood Woman Credits
Late Brother with $50,000
Scratch-Off Win OF THE WEEK
that store. The penny was
dated 1956, which was her
brother’s birth year. After MEET
buying the Money Rush
game, “Happy Winner”
used the penny to scratch off
the winning instant ticket.
She said she knew it was a
“I looked to the sky and
told my brother, ‘Thank
A St. Mary’s County resident is such you,’” she told Lottery officials.
a happy winner she gave herself that At first, “Happy Winner” thought
nickname after claiming a $50,000 she won $1,000. She looked at the
scratch-off prize at Lottery headquarters game carefully and realized the “multi-
in Baltimore. “Happy Winner” credits plier” was 50 and her prize was actually
her Lottery luck to her late brother and a $50,000.
newfound penny used to scratch-off the “I was shocked. I was happy with
Money Rush game. $1,000,” she said. “I couldn’t believe it
The Hollywood woman explained that went to $50,000.”
she often traveled out of state to visit her The retiree said she is undecided on
sick brother, who passed away in Octo- how she will spend her newfound for-
ber. She would bring scratch-offs and tune. She plans to put it into her savings
they would play their games together. account for now.
“He said to me, ‘One day, we are going Money Rush went on sale on July 18,
to win,’” recalled “Happy Winner.” 2022 and “Happy Winner” was the sev-
She purchased the $10 Money Rush enth $50,000 prize winner. Two $50,000
game at the California Giant #359 on second-tier prizes remain along with two
45101 First Colony Way in Southern $100,000 top prizes, two $10,000 prizes
Maryland. A few weeks earlier, she and others ranging from $10 to $1,000.
had found a penny in the parking lot of
8 In Our Community The County Times Thursday, January 12, 2023
The Old Jail Museum
WED & THU 10 – 4
FRI & SAT 10 – 5
Open Daily 10am to 5pm
41625 Courthouse Dr., Leonardtown, MD
Thursday, January 12, 2023 The County Times St..Marys Local News
St 7
The St. Mary’s County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for
Publisher Thomas McKay
the residents of St. Mary’s County. The St. Mary’s County Times will be available on news-
Associate Publisher Eric McKay stands every Thursday. The paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company,
General Manager which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the newspaper. The St. Mary’s
Al Dailey aldailey@countytimes.net County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service in its
news coverage.
Jen Stotler jen@countytimes.net
Tim Flaherty timflaherty@countytimes.net To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include the
writer’s full name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be delivered by
Staff Writer
Dick Myers dickmyers@countytimes.net 4 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication to ensure placement for that week.
After that deadline, the St. Mary’s County Times will make every attempt possible to publish
Staff Writer
County Times
Guy Leonard guyleonard@countytimes.net late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/edited for clarity, although
care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument. Copyright in material submitted
to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the St. Mary’s
Contributing Writers
Laura Joyce, Ron Guy, Shelby Opperman, Dave Spigler County Times and its licensees may freely reproduce it in print, electronic or other forms. We
are unable to acknowledge receipt of letters. The St. Mary’s County Times cannot guarantee P. O. Box 250 • Hollywood, MD 20636
that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be published, due to time or space constraints.
4 The County Times Thursday, January 12, 2023
Absolute Auction• LIVE & ONLINE
Due to the untimely death of Aaron C. Mattingly, the undersigned personal representative will sell the following, Moved
for the continence of the Auction, located at 38250 New Market Turner Rd, Mechanicsville, St. Mary’s Co., Maryland on:
Judge dismisses lawsuit in Peyton Ham death
Change of leadership at Emergency Services
The Rex is reopening its theater space
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Lawsuit dismissed in
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