J.Janardhan M.SC - Thesis
J.Janardhan M.SC - Thesis
J.Janardhan M.SC - Thesis
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case
Janardhan, J.
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Methodology for selecting low-cost
AUTOSAR tool-chain and its
evaluation through a case study
EIT Digital Embedded Systems - Master Thesis
Janahvi Janardhan
Systems Architecture and Networking Group
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Dr. ir. Reinder J Bril, TU/e
Committee Members:
Dr. ir. Ion Barosan, TU/e
Diederik van Dijk, BRACE Automotive
Geert van der Wal, BRACE Automotive
Version 1.0
Automotive embedded systems are going through a rapid paradigm shift in terms of embed-
ded system architectures and software design techniques. The increasing complexities have led
to a shift from using legacy software towards using the AUTomotive Open System Architecture
(AUTOSAR). AUTOSAR is an open and standardized software architecture for the development
of automotive Electronic Control Units (ECUs), jointly initiated by manufacturers, suppliers and
developers. AUTOSAR tools to implement the AUTOSAR architecture have found a great prom-
inence due to the increasing complexity of this standard and hence they are highly priced. This
thesis explores a methodology for selecting AUTOSAR tools by the application of Analytic Hier-
archy Process (AHP). Each tool alternative is ranked based on six main selection criteria viz.,
Functionality, Interoperabiltiy, Usability, Service & Support, Cost & Distribution and Testability.
Further, an emphasis is given to selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tools, exploring the opportunities
for new entrant automotive companies venturing into the AUTOSAR market. Methodology ap-
plied for selecting tools in this thesis led to following result: Performance wise AUTOSAR tools
from Vector, Dassault Systems and ETAS were ranked high. Cost wise, ArcCore’s Arctic Studio
tool, COMASSO and Mathwork’s Embedded Coder got higher ranks. Out of these three, Arc-
tic Studio was used for implementing an AUTOSAR compliant Controller Area Network (CAN)
communication stack. It was further evaluated based on the selection criteria mentioned above.
Based on the experience gained, it could be concluded that, it is crucial that a tool vendor provides
support for the hardware platform selected for development of an AUTOSAR application.
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study iii
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my committee chair, Dr. ir. Reinder J Bril and
Dr. ir. Ion Barosan for their immense support, guidance and patience during this entire thesis. I
sincerely thank Mr. Bart Oosthoek, Mr. Diederik van Dijk, Mr. Geert van der Wal and Mr. Ruud
Bogers of BRACE Automotive for the opportunity, their feedback, support and advise. I would
like to also thank Mr. Daniel Versteeg, Mr. Marco Stijn and Mr. Onno Oenema of Orlaco B.V.
for giving me an opportunity to collaborate with them during this thesis. In addition, a thank
you to Mr. Siddharth Nair and Mr. Thomas Winkeler of ArcCore for their gracious support with
Arctic Studio. Last but not the least, I’d like to thank all my colleagues at BRACE Automotive,
family and friends for standing beside me during difficult times.
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study v
Contents vii
List of Figures xi
List of Tables xv
Listings xvii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Problem Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Research Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.5 Research Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.6 Thesis Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study vii
5 Demonstrator 53
5.1 Initial design and challenges faced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.1.1 System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.1.2 System hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
5.1.3 System software design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.1.4 Challenges faced with the initial design and implementation . . . . . . . . . 58
5.2 Updated design of the demonstrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.2.1 System hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.2.2 System software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.3 Other tools used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
6 Implementation 63
6.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
6.2 Application software development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
6.2.1 Defining interfaces and data elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
6.2.2 Software Component Description (SWCD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
6.3 ECU extract generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
6.4 Developing the application code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
6.5 ECU configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
6.5.1 CAN driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
6.5.2 CAN interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
6.5.3 PduR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
6.5.4 COM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
6.5.5 AUTOSAR OS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
6.5.6 BswM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
6.5.7 EcuM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6.5.8 IoHwAb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6.5.9 PORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6.5.10 DIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6.5.11 EcuC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6.6 RTE configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
6.7 Generation of executable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
6.8 Flashing on hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6.8.1 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
viii Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
7 Evaluation 77
7.1 Evaluation of the ArcCore Tool-chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
7.2 Evaluation of AHP algorithm for selecting AUTOSAR tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
7.2.1 Drawbacks of AHP algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
8 Conclusion 81
8.1 Reflection on thesis goals and objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
8.2 Reflection on research questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
8.3 Reflection on research methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
8.4 Recommended practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
8.5 Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Bibliography 85
Appendix A 91
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study ix
List of Figures
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study xi
7.1 Arctic Studio tool evaluation based on documentation (Before) and practical ex-
perience (After) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
xii Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
A.25 Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Usability of Model Tools . . . . . . . . . . . 105
A.26 Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Usability of Model Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
A.27 Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Usability of ASW Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
A.28 Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Usability of ASW Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
A.29 Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Usability of BSW Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
A.30 Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Usability of BSW Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
A.31 Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Usability of RTE Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
A.32 Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Usability of RTE Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
A.33 Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Cost and Distribution of Model Tools . . . . 109
A.34 Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Cost and Distribution of Model Tools . . . . . . . . . . . 109
A.35 Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Cost and Distribution of ASW Tools . . . . 110
A.36 Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Cost and Distribution of ASW Tools . . . . . . . . . . . 110
A.37 Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Cost and Distribution of BSW Tools . . . . 111
A.38 Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Cost and Distribution of BSW Tools . . . . . . . . . . . 111
A.39 Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Cost and Distribution of RTE Tools . . . . . 112
A.40 Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Cost and Distribution of RTE Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
A.41 Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Service and Support of Model Tools . . . . . 113
A.42 Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Service and Support of Model Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
A.43 Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Service and Support of ASW Tools . . . . . 114
A.44 Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Service and Support of ASW Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
A.45 Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Service and Support of BSW Tools . . . . . 115
A.46 Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Service and Support of BSW Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
A.47 Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Service and Support of RTE Tools . . . . . . 116
A.48 Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Service and Support of RTE Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
A.49 Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Testability of Model Tools . . . . . . . . . . 117
A.50 Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Testability of Model Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
A.51 Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Testability of ASW Tools . . . . . . . . . . . 118
A.52 Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Testability of ASW Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
A.53 Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Testability of BSW Tools . . . . . . . . . . . 119
A.54 Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Testability of BSW Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
A.55 Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Testability of RTE Tools . . . . . . . . . . . 120
A.56 Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Testability of RTE Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
A.57 Ranking of model tools prioritizing performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
A.58 Ranking of ASW tools prioritizing performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
A.59 Ranking of BSW tools prioritizing performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
A.60 Ranking of RTE tools prioritizing performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
A.61 Ranking of model tools prioritizing cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
A.62 Ranking of ASW prioritizing cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
A.63 Ranking of BSW tools prioritizing cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
A.64 Ranking of RTE tools prioritizing cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study xiii
List of Tables
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study xv
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study xvii
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study xix
xx Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Chapter 1
1.1 Background
Over the past few years, the automotive industry is experiencing a new revolution and is adapting
to new challenges with developments in technology, consumer demands, globalization and collab-
oration strategies. The Electrical and Electronic (E/E) complexity and the amount of software
code within a vehicle has increased tremendously and it continues to grow [1]. The innovative func-
tionalities and software features incorporated within modern cars are a key differentiator between
a high-end and a low-end vehicle [2]. About 80% of the innovative applications in the vehicles
today, like the adaptive cruise control, collision avoidance, parking aid, in-car entertainment, etc.,
are all based on a collection of embedded software and hardware features [3] (Figure 1.1). With
the increase in the amount of these applications, the number of Electronic Control Units (ECUs)
deployed in a car, has also increased exponentially [4]. This leads to an overall increase in the
hardware, software and network complexities [5]. As a result of increasing complexity of ECUs in
vehicles, an automotive engineer is faced with numerous design challenges across a wide range of
In a traditional method of designing ECU software architecture, the Original Equipment Man-
ufacturers (OEMs) and the software developers followed an ECU-centric development approach.
In an ECU-centric design approach, adding new software components to the existing software
required the redesign of an entire ECU software architecture [6], which hindered non-functional
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 1
demands like software re-usability and shorter time to market. Moreover, the last generation cars
did not have many applications that were computationally intensive. With the onset of autonom-
ous cars and advanced applications deployed on it, the demand for a high performance hardware
has increased. Factors like lack of scalability, reusability and interoperability across product lines;
need for more flexible solutions and reduced complexity in software development led to a paradigm
shift from ECU-centric approach to focusing on function-centric development. This motivated
the creation of the AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture (AUTOSAR) consortium which was
formed by major automotive OEMs like BMW, Ford, Daimler Chrysler etc. in the year 2003 [8] [9].
AUTOSAR is an open standard which aims to standardize the automotive software archi-
tecture and framework. It is a component based reference architecture for automotive software
applications which also deploys a layered architecture style for developing software layers for auto-
motive ECUs. The layered architecture decouples the above layer from the layers below, thereby
providing abstraction and masking the underlying details. This separates the concerns for software
developers, system designers, system integrators etc. The AUTOSAR architecture, decouples the
Application Software (ASW) layer from the underlying Basic Software (BSW) layer by means of
a standardized middelware called the Run-Time Environment (RTE) layer. The standard also en-
ables non-functional requirements like scalability, transferability, interoperability, to name a few.
Transferability refers to reducing the overhead involved in transferring functions between ECUs
and different platforms, which implies an increased code re-use. Scalability refers to a possibility
to add and remove functions without having to re-configure the underlying code mapped to the
hardware. Interoperability means the ability to integrate the functional modules from multiple
suppliers [7]. It’s also aimed at enhancing the quality and reliability of the E/E systems. The
main goal of the AUTOSAR consortium is to agree upon co-operating on the standards but to
compete on implementation.
AUTOSAR partnership has varied levels of membership [14], Core members, Premium mem-
bers, Development partners, Associate partners and Attendees. The core partners are involved in
the development and management of the AUTOSAR standard and specifications. The premium
members have to contribute 1.5 of a full-time equivalent (FTE) and also contribute e17,500 an-
nually, towards the consortium. The development members are required to contribute 0.5 of an
FTE, while the Associate partners are required to contribute e10,000. However, the attendees do
not have to contribute either in the development time (FTE) or contribute any annual fee. This
means, they are the only group that are not allowed to use AUTOSAR royalty-free for developing
AUTOSAR applications [8]. Therefore, in order to use AUTOSAR products commercially, an
organization must be a member of the AUTOSAR partnership.
Although, AUTOSAR architecture was developed to ease the process of software development
of E/E systems, constant addition of new features and extensions to the standard has made the
standard itself more complex. This implies that, implementing AUTOSAR standard is a complex
task to manage via manual work-flow and requires a sophisticated tool-chain for functions like
modeling, early stage development, verification, validation and testing of the system. Tools are
used in the development of the AUTOSAR architecture right from model design phase to config-
uring the application components, basic software components, run time environment and finally
generating executable files (final product). Furthermore, these tools play an important role in
improving lead time, time to market and deliver cost advantages for the OEMs by enabling the
use of standard interfaces and components based on the AUTOSAR specifications. As a result,
there is a huge demand for using an AUTOSAR tool-chain by major OEMs and tier-1 suppliers
in automotive industry.
In order to deploy the AUTOSAR architecture on automotive ECUs, the AUTOSAR tool-chain
plays a pivoting role. AUTOSAR standard specifications are very extensive and time consuming
to be implemented manually (> 20,000 pages) [15] and keeping up with lead time for product
development is of utmost importance in the automotive industry. Therefore, selecting a right
2 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
tool-chain forms an integral part of the development process of an AUTOSAR compliant auto-
motive ECU.
This thesis emphasizes on an increased importance of selecting and using an appropriate tool-
chain to implement AUTOSAR architecture and automate the software development process.
Further, selection of requirements for developing tools by prominent tool vendors [11, 12] often
benefits the OEMs and other multi-national tier 1 companies. The tools are made to be highly
sophisticated to handle the growing requirements on E/E architectures and ease the process of
production, thereby increasing the productivity and profit for the OEMs. As a result, the majority
of tools are proprietary and high-priced. Those companies which are below the tier 1 zone (small
OEMs, automotive equipment manufacturers, new entrant companies), find ”initial investmest”
to be one of the major prohibitive factors to procure an appropriate set of tool-chain [10]. For
example, Vector [11], one of the tier 1 companies [14] and one of the major competitors in the
AUTOSAR tool-chain market, provides a set of tools for implementing AUTOSAR architecture on
automotive development platforms. Although these tools are full-fledged and sophisticated, they
are very expensive to procure for a new entrant AUTOSAR company in the automotive market [10].
In order to reduce the initial expenditure, it is important to understand what factors affect the
performance and increased cost of the AUTOSAR tool-chain. There are many aspects that must
be considered before making such a huge investment. Though AUTOSAR standard specifications
provide the necessary requirements for tools [17], tool vendors add special features to increase
their competitiveness. While this is not bad, it might not be a feasible low-cost option. Lack
of a methodology to select an AUTOSAR tool-chain and in particular low-cost tools is the main
motivation for this thesis. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a methodology for selecting an
AUTOSAR tool-chains and in particular, prioritizing cost as the main selection criteria to select
a set of tool-chain to implement the AUTOSAR architecture.
This thesis was conducted at BRACE Automotive B.V., who are a technological solutions pro-
vider in the automotive sector, located in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, partnered with Orlaco B.V.,
who are specialized in providing camera solutions, located in Barneveld, the Netherlands. BRACE
Automotive came up with an idea of finding low-cost tooling options w.r.t. AUTOSAR and to
further understand the AUTOSAR architecture and how it works. Both BRACE Automotive and
Orlaco were interested in understanding the required initial investment for using AUTOSAR and
gaining the AUTOSAR knowledge and trade-offs involved in selecting low-cost tool-chain. To sup-
port the investigation, a case study was performed, that resulted in a demonstrator that implements
a CAN communication stack using a low-cost AUTOSAR tool.
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 3
For selecting an appropriate tool-chain, a list of criteria had to be considered and weighted, upon
which the tools could be compared. Therefore, a list of Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)
methods were investigated in order to select an AUTOSAR tool-chain for a particular criteria,
which is explained in Chapter 2. The selected MCDM algorithm is further evaluated to judge
its performance. The demonstrator, on the other hand, is used to evaluate the selected low-cost
AUTOSAR tool. In the remainder of this chapter, research objectives and research questions are
addressed together with the research methodology and is concluded with an outline for the rest of
the report.
1.3 Objectives
In order to realize the main goal i.e. to develop a methodology to select an AUTOSAR tool-chain
having cost as a key criteria, the following research objectives have been stated. (Here the system
under consideration is the AUTOSAR tool-chain)
1. Identification of the available MCDM tools and selecting the one that works best for this
application (to select AUTOSAR tool-chain).
2. Identification of stakeholders who work with the AUTOSAR tool-chain and discovery of the
key requirements for each of these stakeholders. This also includes identifying the key con-
straints and other bottlenecks involved in requirement analysis.
3. Identification of the key criteria for developing a methodology for selecting an AUTOSAR
tool-chain (which included basic components and/or framework for a specific class of products),
with the help of a decision making tool. The tool-chain selected was used to develop the
4. Implementation of the demonstrator (artifacts of the demonstrator), evaluation of the tool-
chain used to implement the demonstrator. Further, also evaluating the performance of
MCDM tool used in selecting the AUTOSAR tool-chain.
4 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
• After having gathered all the stakeholders requirements and fine tuned, next step was to
analyze and come up with key criteria in selecting the tool-chain. To analyze these require-
ments, architectural diagrams and models using SysML were considered. This led to the
next set of research questions (second objective).
RQ3.1 What are the different architectural views and models of the AUTOSAR tool-chain
that addresses the concerns of stakeholders?
RQ3.2 How to derive the key criteria for selecting the tool-chain from these models?
RQ3.3 What are the different criteria that are finally selected in order to opt for an AUTO-
SAR tool-chain?
• After having found what are the key criteria and having made a list of tool vendors available
in the AUTOSAR tool market, the next step was to quantify the criteria. For this purpose,
a Multi-Criteria Decision Making tool was applied. Two sets of results were gathered from
this approach. One, to come up with the tool that outperformed others in terms of per-
formance and hence a big OEM looking for selecting AUTOSAR tool-chain purely based on
performance could opt for this tool. But if a small company that has a certain restriction on
the money that can be spent, then the other result depicted the set of tool-chain with cost
as the key selection criteria over others. Accordingly, these were the third set of research
questions (third objective).
RQ4.1 Which tool outperforms others in terms of performance as the key selection criteria?
RQ4.2 Which tool is better when cost is considered as a key criteria for selecting AUTOSAR
RQ4.3 What are the trade-offs made in answering the question RQ4.2?
• To achieve the final objective, a demonstrator was implemented which is explained in Chapter
5. This step was the most crucial step to evaluate the tool-chain selected. Further, the de-
cision making method used was also evaluated based on the experience gained. The following
set of research questions were answered in this regard (fourth objective).
RQ5.1 Did the selected low-cost tool-chain perform well when applied to the demonstrator?
RQ5.2 What were the various challenges faced in this regard?
RQ5.3 How did the selected MCDM tool perform? Are there any recommendations to im-
prove the selection criteria or methodology to select the AUTOSAR tool-chain?
1. At first, a literature analysis of the available MCDM tools was done. After having understood
the pros and cons of each method (RQ1.1), a suitable method / decision making tool was
2. Next, a basic knowledge about AUTOSAR architecture standard, methodology and tools
required was acquired by studying the AUTOSAR standard specifications, journals and other
web resources. Then, stakeholders (that develop automotive ECU) who use the AUTOSAR
tool-chain were identified and requirements and concerns were put forth (RQ2.1) (RQ2.2).
Accordingly, constraints in these requirements were identified.
3. Having understood the requirements of the stakeholders, the architectural description and
viewpoints were modeled with the help of architectural diagrams (RQ3.1). The results
obtained in this step helped in understanding how each stakeholder interacts with different
parts of the tool-chain and this eventually helped in identifying the key criteria required to
select an AUTOSAR tool from the list of tool vendors considered (RQ3.2 RQ3.3).
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 5
4. The selected criteria are further quantified using the MCDM tool and the AUTOSAR
tools which outperform others in terms of performance and cost are then selected (RQ4.1,
RQ4.2). In order to select cost over performance, some trade-offs were made (RQ4.3).
5. The selected low-cost tool-chain was then applied to build the demonstrator, and it was
further evaluated using cost-to-performance ratio (RQ5.1). Final conclusions were made
by documenting the challenges faced and recommendations to improve the selection criteria
or the methodology(RQ5.2, RQ5.3).
6 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Chapter 2
Section 2.1 briefly describes prior work done with respect to model-based design tools in automot-
ive industry and the transition to AUTOSAR architecture and tools (Chapter 3), which further
motivates the need for adopting decision making algorithms. These algorithms are used for ap-
plications in various fields like research and development, management, strategic planning and
others. After analyzing all the Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) algorithms, the Analytic
Hierarchy Process (AHP) was selected. The working of AHP and its application in order to select
the AUTOSAR tool-chain is described in Chapter 4.
MBD is widely used in the automotive and avionics domain today and hence considered as
one of the best approaches to handle complexities of modern embedded systems which are real-
time and safety critical [19]. This is because, MBD and software development together with tool
integration are getting more agile in development process. This improves an overall consistency
of the system. However, Broy et al., also pointed out that, though MBD is widely accepted, most
engineers still make use of standalone tools and therefore adapt their engineering methods and
processes to available / legacy tools. Moreover, integration of a tool-chain is not seamless and to
overcome the challenges of tool integration [21] a deep, coherent and comprehensive integration of
models and tools were required.
Further, Holtmann et al. [20], mentions about the process and tooling gaps present between
different modeling aspects for the system being developed. The proposed tool-chain in this paper
mentions two important tooling gaps. One, missing links between system level tools and software
development tools. Two, tools that are not inter-operable and require manual synchronization and
hence often inconsistent (rely on redundant information) and due to lack of automation require
redundant manual work.
Here, in order to mitigate the missing links between system architecture and software archi-
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 7
tecture, Boldt [22] mentions that using Unified Modeling Language (UML) and System Modeling
Language (SysML) is the most powerful and extensible way to bridge the gap. Traceability of re-
quirements and different models can be achieved using UML and SysML, according to the author.
Pagel et al. [23] describes the benefits of using XML schema for data exchange via different tools.
The inception of AUTOSAR architecture along with SysML/UML was intended to bridge
this gap between system architecture description and software architecture description further.
Broy et al. [19] describes how AUTOSAR is one of the major approaches to create an integrated
product model for automotive domain. Although AUTOSAR provides a standardized approach
for software architecture description and data transfer (XML language), the authors also point
out that, due to a missing common tooling platform, the resulting AUTOSAR tools from different
tool vendors are again not fully compatible.
This led to an automotive tool-chain for AUTOSAR as presented by Voget [24] called AR-
TOP which provides a common base functionality for development of AUTOSAR compliant tools.
ARTOP is built on the Eclipse platform serving only as a common base for AUTOSAR tool de-
velopment and is not a tool solution in itself [25]. The available AUTOSAR tool vendors adopting
ARTOP in their developmental platforms are expected to provide interoperability and easy integra-
tion among tool-chains. Further, there are also other important criteria that has to be considered
other than just the two mentioned above. As a result, in order to select an appropriate set of
AUTOSAR tool-chain, determining a right set of criteria and ranking the alternatives required a
more systematic approach. Therefore as a point of reference for this work, decision making tools
were considered, which is further explained in next section.
It is observed that there is no single MCDM method to meet the requirements of every ap-
plication. A most appropriate decision making method for one application may not be a perfect
fit for another application. A feasible way to select an appropriate decision making method is by
assessing the attributes of an application to which it is being applied to, assessing the character-
istics exhibited by various MCDM methods under consideration and finally select an appropriate
In this case, the main purpose was to select an appropriate MCDM method which in turn helps
in ranking tool alternatives for implementing the AUTOSAR architecture. Accordingly, following
objectives were considered before selecting a suitable MCDM method.
1. The selected MCDM method should be able to decouple goals from criteria and alternatives
in order to make the AUTOSAR tool selection methodology applicable to all instances. For
example, the selected MCDM method must allow adding or deleting alternatives and criteria
with little or no modifications to other values. Therefore, a distinct hierarchy makes it
possible to handle all dimensions of the selection criteria dexterously.
2. The selected MCDM method should be able to consolidate weighted criteria for each goal.
8 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
3. The total number of tool alternatives being considered for comparison in order to select an
appropriate AUTOSAR tool-chain is not more than 15 tool vendors. It is known that as the
number of alternatives increases, the number of comparisons to be made also increases. As
a result, the selected MCDM method should be feasible to handle upto 15 alternatives and
finish in finite amount of time.
4. The selected MCDM method must be feasible and accessible to be performed in a finite
amount of time. Further, in order to reduce the decision’s makers workload, the selected
MCDM method must be able to completely or partially automate some operations.
Based on above mentioned objectives, the most important criteria considered to select a suitable
MCDM method are as follows:
• Distinct hierarchy
• Feasibility measure
• Automation
Next section presents a list of suitable MCDM methods and are explained in brief. Further,
all these methods are compared based on the selection criteria mentioned above. Finally, an
appropriate MCDM method is selected which is further applied to select a suitable AUTOSAR
tool-chain in Chapter 4.
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 9
10 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
numeric goal for each of the objectives, formulate an objective function for each objective and
then seek a solution that minimizes the weighted sum of deviations of these objective functions
from their respective goals. This approach was not suitable for this case since there was a single
and a clear objective set to achieve.
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 11
Fuzzy Can handle No Comparison of Feasible (Excel) Yes Not selected since this
large number elements based method is not suitable
of alternat- on a degree of for this application
ives membership to
a particular set
GP Can handle No Multi-objective Feasible (Excel) Yes Not selected since this
large number programming application has a clear
of inputs technique objective
MAUT Can handle Yes Ranking of Feasible (Excel) Yes Not selected because
large number multi-criteria or the number of alternat-
of input ele- multi-attributed ives considered for this
ments alternatives application was not too
PROMETHEE < 15 altern- Yes Outranking Feasible (Excel) Yes (automated Not selected because
atives method selection of cer- outranking method
tain parameters was not suitable for
Literature on AUTOSAR
Architecture and Tools
This chapter provides a brief overview of the AUTOSAR architecture and the required AUTOSAR
knowledge. It is mainly divided into three sections, Section 3.1 to 3.3 provides a brief overview on
all the three main aspects of the AUTOSAR architecture i.e. software architecture, methodology
and interfaces. Section 3.4 provides a detailed description of the BSW modules that are further
required. Section 3.5 provides more information about the AUTOSAR tools and current scenario
in the AUTOSAR tool market.
In the AUTOSAR architecture, adopting the layered architecture style, enables decoupling
application development process from the underlying hardware. This property allows a software
developer to develop an application for an ECU without being concerned about the hardware
architecture, hence making the whole process function-centric rather than ECU-centric. This ap-
proach also enhances software re-usability for OEMs because of the standardization of software
modules. Figure 3.1 shows the skeletal framework of the AUTOSAR architecture which mainly
includes application layer, Run-Time Environment (RTE) layer, Basic Software (BSW) layer, all
built on top of the underlying micro-controller hardware.
The application layer mainly consists of software components and BSW layer consists of system
software modules as shown in Figure 3.2. There are two ways to classify these modules, viz., vertical
and horizontal. In vertical classification, BSW modules are classified as system stack, memory
stack, communication stack, I/O stack and complex drivers. Horizontal classification (which is
color coded) includes Services Layer (SL) (modules in purple), ECU Abstraction Layer (ECUAL)
(modules in green) and Micro-controller Abstraction Layer (MCAL) (modules in red). RTE layer
conjoins the application layer and the BSW layer and enables communication. Micro-controller is
the hardware board on top of which the AUTOSAR architecture layers are implemented.
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 15
Figure 3.2: Classification of BSW layers. (Red - MCAL, Green - ECUAL, Purple - SL)
work, the application layer has a component architecture style. Adopting component style archi-
tecture enhances scalability and re-usability of SWCs.
Application SWCs makes use of ports and interfaces for communication. Two main kinds of ports
are used i.e., Provide Port (PPort) and Request Port(RPort). Also, two main interface types are
normally used, which are, client-server interface and sender receiver interfaces. The port notations
are as shown in the Figure 3.3. Port notations depends on the placement of a SWC. A SWC can
be placed in any layer (application layer or BSW layer) depending on the functionality it imparts.
For example, if a SWC has client-server interface and is placed in BSW layer, then the PPort and
RPort are represented accordingly by notations shown in Figure 3.3.
Application SWC can be of multiple types. Few important ones are as listed below.
1. Application SWC - An application SWC is a basic building block of an AUTOSAR applica-
tion, as shown in Figure 3.4. It is used to carry out a particular application task within the
system. It is a part of application layer and has no direct communication with the underlying
BSW layer.
2. Parameter SWC - A parameter SWC is used to store the parameter values like calibration
data, variables, fixed data etc required by the application and BSW. The main purpose of
this SWC is to only provide data when requested and hence has only PPort as shown in
Figure 3.5.
3. Sensor / Actuator SWC - Sensor / Actuator SWC (Figure 3.6) is used to interact with the
ECU abstraction SWC directly in order to read the sensor values and access the actuators.
16 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Figure 3.6: Sensor Actuator SWC type Figure 3.7: ECU abstraction SWC type
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 17
A sensor component is placed in application layer and has a client port to request sensor
data from the underlying ECU abstraction SWC.
4. ECU abstraction SWC - An ECU abstraction SWC, unlike other SWCs, is present in the
ECU abstraction layer (i.e within the IO hardware abstraction module in Figure 3.2). Port
notations changes accordingly since this component is placed within BSW layer. This com-
ponent can access ECUs I/O directly. It is the only SWC that has a direct access to BSW
modules, as shown in Figure 3.7.
5. Composition SWC - A composition SWC (Figure 3.8) encapsulates one or more SWCs
thereby providing abstraction from multiple applications on the same ECU. It encapsulates
the SWCs of one application thereby providing a separation from SWCs of another applic-
ation present on the same ECU.
Each application component defines an internal behavior for a particular component. An in-
ternal behavior specifies how a software component behaves with the rest of the architecture. It
includes runnables that specifies the functionality of a SWC.
A runnable is a small software block that implements a certain function. This function is
triggered by certain events called RTE Events. An RTE Event activates a runnable entity thereby
addressing timing events, sending and receiving data (sender receiver) events, invoking operations,
client server events, mode switching and other external events. For example, when the data is
received over a port then data received event is generated by RTE that triggers the runnable
entity which is responsible to receive the data. The data within a SWC is mapped to ports and
the RTE layer establishes communication to other components and/or to BSW layer via ports and
The Service Layer of basic software provides top level services to application software components.
These services include operating system functionality, communication services, management ser-
vices, memory services, ECU state management, mode management, diagnostic services to name
a few.
The ECU Abstraction Layer provides abstraction for drivers present in Micro-controller Abstrac-
tion Layer (MCAL). It also contains drivers for the external or on-board devices (off chip drivers).
ECUAL masks the position of drivers (on chip or off chip) and provides an abstraction to the
layers above. It offers an API for accessing the peripherals and devices regardless of their location
and connection to the micro-controller and thus makes higher software layers independent of the
hardware layout. ECUAL also includes the Complex Device Driver (CDD) layer. CDD is used for
deploying functionality that is not available in other modules (e.g. proprietary software). CDD
layer connects to the underlying hardware directly as shown in the Figure 3.9. Hence, applica-
tions that have hard deadlines can also be incorporated in this layer. The drivers implemented in
this layer do not navigate through the AUTOSAR BSW layers and accesses the micro-controller
18 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 19
1. AUTOSAR Interface
An AUTOSAR interface, as shown in Figure 3.5, defines the information exchanged between
software components and/or BSW layer. Client Server and Sender Receiver are the two
interfaces that are commonly used and is independent of any programming language, ECU
or network technology. AUTOSAR interfaces communicate via ports in SWCs. AUTOSAR
makes it possible to implement this communication between software components and/or
BSW modules either locally or via a network.
3. Standardized Interface
A Standardized Interface are APIs which are standardized within AUTOSAR BSW layer.
These Standardized Interfaces are typically defined for a specific programming language
(like ”C”). Because of this, standardized interfaces are typically used between software-
modules which are always on the same ECU. When software modules communicate through
a ”standardized interface”, it is not possible to route the communication between software-
modules through a network.
20 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
system level design both for software, hardware and network architecture and other system level
constraints (for example, number of cores, memory capacity etc.). This serves as the first artefact
/ input for developing an AUTOSAR system. Once the system is configured, the output is gen-
erated (System Configuration Description) and this artifact (.XML file) serves as an input to the
next phase in the AUTOSAR methodology.
Next, the required BSW modules and RTE layer are configured. In this phase, OS tasks are
configured and the runnables are mapped to tasks. The configuration information of all modules
along with RTE are stored in XML files (ECU configuration description). At this stage, the RTE
generator also generates configuration files (.c and .h files).
Finally, the compiler compiles all the artifacts (.c and .h configuration files and source files) to
generate an executable or a binary file. As a result, a .out / .elf file is generated as an executable
that can be flashed on the micro-controller.
For each of these configuration steps, user interacts with the AUTOSAR tools for generating
the corresponding artifacts explained in section 3.5.
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 21
of the demonstrator is to establish CAN communication stack. Figure 3.14 shows all the available
modules within the AUTOSAR BSW layer, but only required modules for this application are
explained as follows.
1. COM
COM is the Communication Module (COM) that provides communication services. It pre-
dominantly manages the various signals received by it within the AUTOSAR architecture.
It packs and unpacks the AUTOSAR signals from the RTE layer into Inter-network Pro-
tocol Data Units (I-PDUs) and the IPDUs received from the layers below into signals and
provides those signals to the RTE, respectively. It also performs routing of signals from
received IPDUs to the IPDUs that needs to be transmitted.
2. PduR
Protocol Data Unit Router (PduR) mainly manages the communication matrix/ routing
table. It routes the IPdus to their respective communication stack i.e. if the received IPDU
in the PDUR matches to a CAN-IPdu in the communication matrix, then that IPdu signal
gets routed to the CAN communication stack. This is the most basic functionality of the
Pdu Router module.
CAN Interface (CANIF) module provides an abstraction to the CAN modules in services
layer from the CAN driver module in the layers below. If its an external CAN device, then
an external CAN driver is present within the ECUAL as shown in Figure 3.7, which then
communicates to the hardware via SPI driver in the MCAL. If its an internal CAN hardware
module then CANIF communicates with CAN driver within the MCAL layer.
4. CAN
CAN driver enables communication with the underlying CAN device. More information on
how CAN communication works is presented in the appendix A1.
The operating system within an AUTOSAR architecture is OSEK compliant. It imparts
basic OS functionality i.e manages the hardware resources like memory, real-time task
scheduling, memory management, manages IO devices, interrupt management to name a
few. AUTOSAR OS has some important entities which are counter, events, tasks, alarms,
applications, interrupts, resources and schedule tables. All these entities perform similar
22 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
task of a traditional OS. Counter keeps the count in the OS module. Events are the entit-
ies that are referred by tasks. Tasks are the entities that are triggered by alarms. Alarm
performs certain actions at a certain time (referenced by the counter). Interrupts are the
special signals that halts the execution of the current task and temporarily executes a differ-
ent task. Resources are the hardware resources and schedule tables which is used to schedule
tasks based on their priorities. Here, application doesn’t mean the application components.
Within the AUTOSAR OS, application acts like a container for counters, tasks, events for
that particular application. Hence, there can be more than one application running on
ECU but within an AUTOSAR OS, the specific counters, tasks, events are bound by the
application entity particular to that application.
ECU Manager (ECUM), handles the state of an ECU i.e. STARTUP, SHUTDOWN, RUN,
SLEEP, WAKEUP. It acts like an ECU state machine manager which manages the state in
which the ECU is currently in. By configuring ECUM to one or more states for different
conditions an user can manage the control of an ECU. All AUTOSAR applications should
include ECUM which provides ECU management services to the application components.
Basic Software Mode Manager (BSWM) is a module in the services layer of the AUTO-
SAR architecture. BSWM provides communication between different BSW modules and
the application components. It mainly services the mode switch requests of the application
via the RTE i.e. it takes care of BSW and application component’s mode arbitration and
mode control. Mode arbitration is based on some simple rules that have boolean logic i.e.
a set of actions are determined which needs to be executed as a part of an action list and
which should not be included in that list. The execution of the actions within the action
list after arbitration is completely based on ECU configuration. The ECUM communicates
with BSWM to notify ECU states and also notifies the wakeup source states.
8. MCU
The MCU module is responsible for initialization of the microcontroller, clock other MCU
modes specific to the hardware.
PORT module in AUTOSAR provides drivers for initializing all the ports of the microcon-
troller (e.g. PORT A, PORT B etc.).
10. DIO
The DIO module provides an abstraction to the microcontroller pins. It further allows
grouping of these pins.
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 23
In Figure 3.12, modeling tool and ASW tool are used for generating system configuration de-
scription and ECU extract. BSW tool is used to configure ECU and generate ECU configuration
description. RTE tool is used to generate RTE and configuration files. A tool vendor either
provides a single tool-suite or multiple tools each performing one or more tasks. The flexibility in
marketing these tools also provides a platform to add unique features that increases the profitab-
ility of these tools.
AUTOSAR tools from 23 vendors were considered initially out of which substantial information
could be gathered for 13 tool-vendors. These vendors were further contacted for more information
about their tool suite, though not all of them could be reached. As a result, some information
were gathered from official tool website and other online resources. The prices for tools that
were not known were extrapolated based on tool features, extent of coverage of the AUTOSAR
methodology and other special features provided within the tool-suite, which are briefly explained:
1. ArcCore
ArcCore’s Arctic Studio provides tool that imparts modeling functionality for AUTOSAR
SWCs [56]. It is based on ARText, a textual modeling language for defining ports, interfaces,
software components, internal behavior and other elements. It is built on Eclipse platform
and AUTOSAR tool platform called ARTOP [25] which imparts a common base functional-
ity for AUTOSAR. It also facilitates the generation of ECU extract and configuration files in
a specialized system language called ARXML. ARXML is an AUTOSAR XML file written
in the standardized format and aids in data exchange. Although, ARText provides all the
required features for modeling SWCs, Graphical User Interface (GUI) based model tools
(model based design tools) works better in large applications and for this purpose ArcCore
recommends using Mathworks’s Embedded Coder and then importing the ECU extract into
Arctic Studio.
Artic Studio’s ASW tool generates the ’C’ code for application software from the ARText
models. It also provides a development environment for editing C-code along with the
required compilers for processing the code. This tool supports Software Component De-
scription files in ARText format.
Arctic Studio also provides BSW tool and RTE generation tool [57] [58]. These tools are
used for ECU configuration and code generation. Arctic Core is ArcCore’s proprietary soft-
ware for BSW core modules which also includes configurations for selected micro-controller
boards. Further, suitable compiler is also provided to generate binaries.
Usability of a tool is evaluated based on intuitive features provided in the tool-suite. Arctic
Studio mainly uses the interfaces provided by Eclipse platform throughout its development
phase [67]. The tool includes a navigator panel to browse through all the elements within
the ARXML packages.
Arctic Studio provides a standard AUTOSAR data exchange formats like ARXML, and also
supports CAN data exchange standards such as Field Bus Exchange (FIBEX), Data Base
Container (DBC). However, nothing could be found on if the tool provides support for the
integration of third party tools. Hence, using artifacts from other tool vendors might not be
a straightforward approach.
The generator tool in Arctic Studio can also validate the module configurations. It supports
Xtend and Xpand framework for model validation. Xpand imparts logic to check if a given
element is referenced by other elements thereby checking the dependencies between these
elements. For example, to find all the signals that are not referenced by a certain PDU.
However, the tool does not provide simulation and debugging features for an early testing
and verification. As a result, its not entirely feasible to test the application using this tool.
The cost for Artic Studio was quoted as e5.550,00 per unit price. The cost of Arctic Core
standard package was quoted as e24.000,00 and the Arctic Core MCAL package as e7.200,00
per unit price. The total cost for the AUTOSAR tool-chain license from ArcCore would range
about e50.000,00 (approx.) All the costs are quoted as of April 04 2017. Tool is distributed
online and is available almost instantly after procuring the license.
24 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
COMASSO is a community which contributes towards the development of open source (for
a subscription fee) AUTOSAR BSW modules [48]. Robert Bosch GmbH initiated this com-
munity and also provides first set of BSW-Modules and Acceptance Test Software Compon-
ents (AT-SWC) which is further improved by the members of the COMASSO community.
In addition to the BSW core modules COMASSO also provides a tool for configuration and
code generation. The tool does not provide any features apart from BSW core modules and
configuration tool.
COMASSO’s BSW development tool is also built on Eclipse platform [60]. Apart from Ec-
lipse GUI nothing could be found about the extent of intuitiveness adopted in this tool. Tool
provides AUTOSAR standard data exchange format and also supports CAN data exchange
standards such as FIBEX, DBC. The tool makes use of Xpand framework for model valida-
tion [59].
The cost for becoming a member for this community was quoted as e1.000,00 for 1st year
membership and from 2nd year on-wards e2.500,00 per year.
3. Continental
Continental’s AUTOSAR tool-suite covers all stages of development. It also provides a BSW
and RTE configuration tool called CESSAR-CT. The tool allows modeling a self contained
AUTOSAR architecture. It was also noted by some users that the usability of tool had to
be improved when the tool is applied on a large system [61]. Continental’s website does not
provide much information about their AUTOSAR tool-suite. It might also be the case that
this vendor has other channels to promote their solution and doesn’t provide direct sales of
AUTOSAR tools.
Like ArcCore, CESSAR-CT is based on Eclipse and ARTOP framework. CESSAR-CT
provides a plugin mechanism such that the tool user can extend the tool functionality.
Code generators of different technologies can be integrated and a form editor enables the
extensibility and customization of UI [66]. The tools are interoperable and support standard
data exchange formats.
4. Dassault systems
The AUTOSAR tool provided by Dassault Systems is called the AUTOSAR Builder. It is
a an open authoring and simulation tool that enables rapid modeling, definition, simulation
and deployment of embedded systems to automotive ECUs [62]. Like other tools, this is
also based on Eclipse platform for the design and development of AUTOSAR compliant
systems and software and extensible and customizable based on ARTOP tool platform. The
Builder tool is full-fledged and delivers a set of dedicated development environments that
fully supports all the stages of AUTOSAR development process [63]. AUTOSAR Builder is a
part of the CATIA Systems Engineering solution from Dassault Systems. The tool provides
high level GUI and intuitive features like simulation. Further, the tool provides support
for integration of legacy software and aids in migration to AUTOSAR. Integration of third
party tools enables interoperability between modeling languages and code generation tools.
Also facilitates early testing and verification. The approximate cost of CATIA tool with
AUTOSAR builder is around e60,000 to e65,000.
dSPACE’s development tool suite consists of SystemDesk and TargetLink [64] [65]. System-
Desk tool aids in modeling, network architecture design and RTE generation, as per the
AUTOSAR methodology. The RTE generation module is available as an add-on for Sys-
temDesk tool, which generates full-fledged RTE for communication of SWCs with the ECU.
TargetLink is application code generator tool which generates production code from the
graphical representation of the architecture modeled in SystemDesk or a third party graph-
ical environment tool like MATLAB/Simulink. The tool-suite also includes a simulator,
which simulates systems that span across one/more ECUs [62]. However, the tool-suite does
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 25
not provide BSW modules. The tool also provides intuitive features and high level GUI.
TargetLink imparts interoperability and early testing.
6. Elektrobit
Elektrobit (EB) tool-suite mainly focuses on providing RTE, BSW and other low level ser-
vices. It’s EB Tresos tool-suite includes EB Tresos designer, EB Tresos Studio, EB Tresos
AutoCore [12]. Apart from these they also provide tool that incorporates functional safety
standard ISO26262 called EB Tresos Safety. EB does not provide tools or services to de-
velop application and modeling part of the AUTOSAR implementation. The designer tool
is mainly used to design the network architecture of the system which can also extract a
communication matrix (part of system configuration input in the AUTOSAR methodology).
EB Tresos Studio is also based on eclipse platform and provides, configuration, validation
and generation of the basic software. The Tresos AutoCore is the system software that
includes BSW modules which are AUTOSAR standard compliant. AutoCore is EBs BSW
core and consists of more than 40+ BSW modules which are configured using EB Tresos
Studio tool. With recent developments in autonomous cars and automated driving, EB also
provides another tool called EB assist which is used to develop driver assistance systems
with increased safety features [68].
A set of AUTOSAR tool solutions provided by ETAS includes ISOLAR-A, ISOLAR-EVE,
RTA, ASCET and COMASSO [13]. ISOLAR-A tool is used to generate AUTOSAR system
and application design, configure ECU and generate RTE. This tool also facilitates the
integration of third-party tools. ISOLAR-EVE on the other hand provides a virtual ECU
environment facilitating early testing, verification and validation. This is nothing but Virtual
Function Bus (VFB) where early testing of application SWCs can be done without deploying
it on an actual hardware. ASCET-DEVELOPER tool (also known as ASCET 7) is a tool for
developing application software for embedded systems using graphical models and textual
programming notations. It also provides code generation functionality. The RTA family
tool-suite consists of RTA-OS, RTA-RTE and RTA-BSW tools. RTA-OS is the real-time
operating system, RTA-RTE is the AUTOSAR run-time environment generator and RTA-
BSW provides all the AUTOSAR BSW modules in compliance with the functional safety
standard ISO26262. RTA-BSW tool also provides MCAL modules for specific microcontroller
hardware. Since ETAS and COMASSO have same parent organization i.e. Bosch GmbH, the
BSW modules form COMASSO are supported within the ETAS development environment.
ETAS provides rich documentation and knowledge transfer about their AUTOSAR tool-suite
and also enables integration of other third-party tools via standardized interfaces.
The K-SAR tool-suite from KPIT provides AUTOSAR BSW modules, BSW configura-
tion tool, MCAL for selected microcontrollers, RTE code generation and K-SAR editor for
AUTOSAR v3.X and v4.X compatible ECUs. KPIT does not provide tools that entirely
cover the development of application although it supports the integration of third party
tools at each stage of development [69]. Its main area of expertise is in developing MCAL
drivers as a part of AUTOSAR stack, developing BSW modules and to provide services
around these modules. Other key features of this tool-suite are it provides multi-core sup-
port, end to end communication protection, support for integration of third party tools and
other safety critical features.
9. Mathworks
MATLAB Embedded Coder tool provides AUTOSAR support, using which we can generate
AUTOSAR compliant C / C++ code and export in ARXML format [70]. It also integrates
AUTOSAR support within Matlab/Simulink using which application modeling can be done.
It also serves as a 3rd party modeling tool for other tool vendors. Hence, Mathwork only
provides AUTOSAR application layer features. The price for Embedded Coder tool (as
found on internet) was approximately e6500 as of April 27 2017.
26 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
10. Mecel
Mecel Picea, which is now a part of Mentor Graphics, provides AUTOSAR tool solutions
called Mecel Picea Suite and Mecel Picea Workbench [72]. Mecel Picea suite includes AUTO-
SAR BSW modules and the workbench includes BSW configuration and RTE generation
tool. These tools are based on the Eclipse and ARTOP platform. Picea and the tools
provided by Mentor Graphics are developed in such a way that they can be integrated with
each other. From the research it seems like Mecel Picea tool-suite provides less coverage
for modeling and application development although support for some features like modeling
network architecture exists. Picea provides minimal support for integration of third party
tool. It meets the requirements for functional safety levels Automotive Safety Integrated
Level (ASIL) from level A to level D, as described in ISO26262.
11. MentorGraphics
The Volcano family tool-suite provided by Mentor Graphics includes Volcano VSTAR, Vol-
cano VSB and Volcano VSI [73]. Volcano VSTAR provides BSW modules, MCAL modules
for specific microcontroller hardware, ECU configuration and RTE generation functionalit-
ies. This tool also meets requirements of the functional safety standard ISO26262. Volcano
Vehicle System Builder (VSB) tool imparts designing of SWCs and integration of SWCs
with basic software. It also provides services like network design, diagnostics and database
management. Volcano Vehicle System Integrator (VSI) enables virtual software integration
and early testing. Mentor Graphics together with Mecel (acquired by Mentor Graphics)
provide full-fledged tool solutions for implementing AUTOSAR methodology.
12. Opensynergy
The COQOS tool from Opensynergy is a hypervisor and runs on Linux platform or other
POSIX operating system. Its central technology is virtualization [71]. COQOS hypervisor
enables the creation of Virtual Machines (VMs) upon which both general purpose operating
system like Linux and real-time operating system like AUTOSAR OS can function simul-
taneously and also communicate with each other. COQOS SDK consists of COQOSAR OS
along with BSW scheduler embedded within a virtual machine. COQOSAR also incorporates
Opernsynergy’s Automotive Communication Framework (ACF) as a part of integration with
the CAN communication stack. COQOS SDK does not provide any other BSW modules
except the OS and scheduler which integrates software components and other third party
BSW modules into on-board network. The security provided by the COQOS tool ensures
that the guest operating system runs independently and thus the partition acts as a firewall
and provides protection against external attacks. The COQOS SDK further consists of tools
for configuring the BSW modules and generating RTE layer [71]. Opensynergy does not
support the application and modeling phases of AUTOSAR development.
13. Vector Informatik GmbH
Vector Informatik provides modeling tool called PREEvision which is used to design SWCs
and network architecture. DaVinci Developer tool along with DaVinci Configurator Pro tools
are used to develop BSW modules, configure ECU and generate RTE. VIRTUAL target tool
enables virtual implementation of SWCs facilitating early verification and testing. All these
tools meet requirements of functional safety standard ISO26262 [11]. For simple ECUs which
are less powerful, Vector provides MICROSAR as an Operating System which acts like a
lightweight AUTOSAR OS. It further provides integration of third-party BSW and MCAL
modules. The prices quoted by Vector were, PREEvision tool ranges from around e55.000,00
upto e200.000,00 (floating license for team collaboration mode). DaVinci Configurator Pro
was quoted as e8.700,00. DaVinci Developer e9.050,00. Both DaVinci Developer and
Configurator tools totally costs about e21.153,44. All the prices were quoted as of date
April 12 2017.
Table 3.1 summarizes all the AUTOSAR tool features discussed above.
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 27
Tool Tools BSW / BSW RTE SWC System Other features License
vendors MCAL config- gen- imple- and
code urator erator ment- Soft-
imple- tool tool ation ware
menta- tool mod-
tion eling
ArcCore Arctic Core, 3 3 3 3 3 Built on Eclipse platform and GPL, Com-
Arctic Stu- AUTOSAR tool platform called mercial,
dio ARTOP Evaluation
Comasso COMASSO 3 3 7 7 7 Built on Eclipse platform and Community
4.0.2.x, ARTOP platform
Continental Continental 3 3 3 3 3 Built on Eclipse platform and Commercial
Dassault AUTOSAR 7 3 3 3 3 Rapid modeling, Definition and Commercial
Systems Builder simulation tool-set, Built on Ec-
tool suite lipse platform and ARTOP plat-
(AAT, GCE, form, Enables import of model-
RTEG, based design legacy descriptions
ASIM, ART) and generation of AUTOSAR
compliant code, Enables integra-
tion with 3rd party tools to sup-
port interoperability, Early veri-
fication of ECUs
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Table 3.2 presents a brief description of each of these tools based on the 6 key criteria that were identified for the application of AHP algorithm.
More on this can be found in Chapter 4. Table 3.3 presents the extent of support provided by each of these tools. Eventhough a tool provides a
certain feature, it might not be full-fledged.
Table 3.1 gives an overview of the tools considered for comparison and what phases of AUTOSAR methodology are covered within each tool.
Table 3.2 presents a brief description of each of these tools based on the 6 key criteria that were identified for the application of AHP algorithm.
More on this can be found in Chapter 4. Table 3.3 presents the extent of support provided by each of these tools. Eventhough a tool provides a
certain feature, it might not be full-fledged.
Tool Support for Support for Support for RTE Support for Support for
vendors MCAL layer BSW code generation ASW code gen- AUTOSAR
modules generation / eration modeling
Not supported
Partial coverage
Full coverage
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 31
Chapter 4
4.1 Overview
This chapter presents a methodology to select AUTOSAR tool-chain by applying AHP algorithm
which was discussed in Chapter 2. Figure 4.1 gives a better understanding of the AUTOSAR
methodology using V-model and also shows various tools required at each development stage of
the AUTOSAR architecture.
Accordingly, AUTOSAR tools can be classified into four main categories which are:
• Modeling tool
• BSW generation and configuration tool (also includes the MCAL layer)
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 33
34 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
veloping an ECU and performs an analysis taking into account possible conflicting require-
ments. These requirements must be actionable, measurable, testable, traceable and defined
in a sufficient detail for system design, which is then documented. Requirements can be
documented in various forms, usually in the form of a requirement diagram. Use cases, user
stories, process specifications and variety of other models can be used to further analyze
the use of these requirements. A Requirement Analyst, typically makes use of AUTOSAR
modeling tool in the development of ECUs.
3. Software designer
Software designer designs software application and writes software code. In this case, the
designer works closely with the system designer and requirement analyst to understand the
high level functionality of the application on a given system. A software designer uses both
model tool and application code generation tool for developing AUTOSAR ECUs.
4. Application developer
Very often, there is no difference between a software designer and a developer, but in large
scale applications, application/software developers are involved whose work mainly revolves
around writing software code. An application developer mainly uses application code gen-
eration tool (though its not just that).
5. System developer (the one who writes the code for ECU)
System developer works on system software namely operating system, drivers and other
modules. They often work on low-level languages like C/C++ whose focus lies on creating a
stable and reliable system software that can be used to build an application on. The system
developer mainly uses BSW generation tool and configurator tool in the development of
6. System engineer
System engineer is responsible for ensuring the system is configured to meet the stakeholders
requirements. In this case, configuration of ECUs along with RTE generation is taken care of
by the system engineer. The system engineer also works closely with the system developer
to be able to configure the system according to the requirements and hence uses BSW
generation and configuration tool along with RTE generator tool.
After development of ECUs, in the testing phase, a tester typically performs unit testing
of each module and integration testing of all the ECUs. Finally the functioning of ECUs
are verified and validated to see if it conforms to the requirements set by OEM as shown
in Figure 4.1. In this work testing tools are not considered, instead the testing capabilities
of the tools used above are taken into account. This is to also quantify the tools in terms
of early testing capabilities which is highly crucial in automotive industry. Thus RQ2.1 is
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 35
SysML tool was used to create these models. Figure 4.3 shows a consolidated stakeholder require-
ment diagram for all the four tool categories which are further expanded in Figures 4.4 to 4.7.
<Usage> relation between the model indicates that the output from a specific tool is used as
an input to the next tool (i.e output from ASW code generator tool i.e. C code for the application,
is used by the model tool to generate ECU extract). Likewise, RTE makes use of the output from
the model tool, ASW code generator tool and BSW tool in order to generate a glue between the
application layer and the underlying BSW layer.
In Figure 4.3, RTE tool package has a <Usage> relation directed from all the other tool packages.
This is because RTE generator tool compiles all the source files, configuration files, application
files and other intermediary files in order to generate files configured by RTE.
<include> relation simplifies a large use case by splitting it into several use cases. It is a directed
relationship between two use cases which is used to show the behavior of the included use case
(the addition) is inserted into the behavior of the including (the base) use-case (main requirement
has a number of sub-requirements and the satisfaction of all the sub-requirements automatically
satisfies the main requirement).
<deriveReqt> relationship is used to represent a relationship between requirements at the same
level of the hierarchy but at different levels of abstraction. For example, in Figure 4.4, the system
modeling requirements of the model tools are further analyzed in order to derive more detailed re-
quirements such as implementing SWC, runnables, ports and interfaces etc., that reflect additional
implementation considerations or constraints.
36 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 37
Figure 4.5: Stakeholder requirements diagram for ASW Tools
38 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Figure 4.6: Stakeholder requirements diagram for BSW Tools
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 39
Figure 4.7: Stakeholder requirements diagram for RTE Tools
40 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 41
1. Functionality
42 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
• System modeling
• Modeling analysis
• Network modeling
• System configuration
• Code generation
• Timing analysis
2. Usability
3. Interoperability
• Data exchange
• Compliance to standard
• AUTOSAR Interfaces
• Standard protocols and libraries
• Integration with third-party tools
• Migration support
• Workshops / webinars (imparting tool knowledge)
6. Testability
• Debugging
• Simulation
• Virtual ECU platform for early testing and verification (Virtual Function Bus)
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 43
44 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
equal importance, then a value 2 could be chosen and so on. In a matrix of i rows and j
columns, a comparison is made between each alternative w.r.t. criteria K as shown in the
Figure 4.4. If an alternative Aij has one of the non-zero numbers (shown in Table 4.1) when
compared with j, then Aji gets the reciprocal value when compared with i.
Divide each element in the matrix by its column total to generate a normalized pair-wise
X11 X12 X13
Xij =⇒ X21 X22 X23 = Sumj
X31 X32 X33
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 45
Further, the principle eigenvalue and the corresponding normalized right eigenvector of the
comparison matrix gives the relative importance of the various criteria being compared. The
elements of the normalized eigenvector are called weights w.r.t the criteria or the sub-criteria
and comparisons w.r.t the alternatives. This is done by computing the geometric mean of
each row.
W1 Pn
Wi =⇒ W2 = j=1
, where,
W~ i = priority vector or weighted matrix of each row i
~ ~
C1 C11 C12 C13 W1
~i =⇒ C~2 = C21 C22 C23 ∗ W
C ~ 2 , where,
C~3 C31 C32 C33 ~3
Ci = consistency vector
The next step is to calculate maximum eigenvalue (λmax ), which is further required to
compute the values of Consistency Index (CI) subsequently.
Pn ~
C i
i=1 ( ~
λmax = max( n ), where,
λmax is the maximum eigenvalue of the pair-wise matrix Cij
λmax −n
CI = n−1
The final step is to calculate the value of CR, which is given by the formula:
RI < 10%, where,
RI is the index of a randomly generated pair-wise comparison matrix
The value of RI depends on the number of items being compared and specific RI values are
provided by Saaty based on the order of random matrix (’n’ ) as shown in the Table 4.3.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0.00 0.00 0.58 0.90 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.45 1.49 1.51 1.48 1.56 1.57 1.59
The upper row indicates an order of random matrix while the lower row indicates the corres-
ponding values of consistency for random judgments. These values are derived by averaging
CIs from a sample of randomly selected reciprocal matrices of AHP method. Saaty sug-
gests the value of CR should be less than 10%, which implies that the adjustment is small
compared to the actual values of the eigenvector entries. If the value of CR fails to reach
the required level (say 90%), then it indicates that the pair-wise judgments are just about
random and cannot be trusted. Therefore, in this case the values entered in matrix Cij has
to be re-examined.
46 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Figure 4.10: Model tools - Pair-wise comparisons Figure 4.11: ASW tools pair-wise comparisons
Figure 4.12: BSW tools pair-wise comparisons Figure 4.13: RTE tools pair-wise comparisons
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 47
Figure 4.14: AHP hierarchical framework of goals and criteria
48 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Other specific values in the table are derived by dragging the bands according to the specific
importance of their respective criteria for each sub-goal and thus a pairwise matrix is generated.
Independent criterion are not compared with each other (e.g. system modeling, high-level GUI
etc.,) since all of them are the attributes of a good tool and one cannot be graded over another.
The corresponding priority graphs for all four pair-wise comparison matrices above, are as shown
in Figures 4.11 to 4.14, respectively (alternative representation of Figures 4.6 to 4.9). These graphs
are sorted based on the priority ranking for each criteria of each sub-goal (weights).
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 49
the weighted values are consistent. In order to avoid any rank reversal between the alternatives,
ideal mode was used while calculating CR.
All pairwise comparison matrix and synthesis graphs for each criteria and sub-goals can be
found under Appendix A3.
In order to rank the 13 tool alternatives within each criteria under each sub-goal, as shown in
Figure 4.10, following procedure was followed:
1. Step 1
Section 3.5 of Chapter 3 gives a brief overview on various features provided by each software
tool vendor. Tables 3.1 and 3.3 further summarizes the capacity of features within each
tool-chain. This enables us to understand what aspect of the AUTOSAR methodology is
covered by a tool-chain and what is lacking. Note: MCAL tool feature is not explicitly
stated since its a part of BSW layer.
2. Step 2
Next, the sub-criteria listed in Figure 4.10 are considered and the tools are evaluated to
see if they conform to all the required attributes. The evaluation of a particular tool (e.g.
Vector Informatik Gmbh) is always in comparison with another tool (e.g. ArcCore).
For example, under the criteria interoperability for model tools (A3 .2 Figure 20), all AUTO-
SAR modeling tools provided by the tool vendors facilitate the creation of ECU Extract in
the standard data exchange format (.ARXML). Further, all tools abide to the standardized
features of AUTOSAR architecture thereby providing standard interfaces, protocols and
libraries. Hence, all the tools under this criteria are graded equal.
3. Step 3
While comparing any two alternatives w.r.t. a particular criteria and sub-goal (e.g. compar-
ison of Vector and ArcCore w.r.t. Functionality of Model Tools), the main question answered
is, which alternative is preferred w.r.t. that criterion for that sub-goal. After performing all
the comparisons for a sub-goal, general preference of alternatives is calculated as a weighted
sum of the criteria’s priorities (Figures 4.6 to 4.9) along with alternative’s priorities (see
appendix A3). At this point, it is also important to ensure that the inconsistency values for
all the comparisons are less than 0.1. Accordingly, all other criteria for each sub-goal are
evaluated and pairwise comparison matrix is generated.
Note: If a particular tool-chain lacks specific features under any of the sub-goal, its overall
rank will be low (e.g. dSPACE does not provide any tool features necessary for modeling or
application development. Eventhough its ranked high under BSW tools and RTE tools (see
Appendix A3), its overall rank is comparatively low (Figure 4.15)).
4. Step 4
After comparing tools for all the criteria and sub-goals, next step is to synthesize these
results (Figure 4.15) and finally generate graphs, which is further explained in next section.
50 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Finally, a tool-chain is selected each for performance metric and cost metric. This method of
comparing the alternatives gives a better overall perspective of the efficiency of a tool in doing a
certain task i.e., a tool-vendor can have 1 tool performing both modeling and generating ASW code.
But to what extent can it perform better than the other can be assessed using this methodology.
With this approach, if a certain tool-vendor provides 3rd party integration capabilities for the
tools, then instead of buying a whole tool-suite from just one vendor, it might prove cost-effective
for a small company to go for AUTOSAR tooling options from more than one vendor that satisfies
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 51
the requirements with some trade-offs made. But if cost is not a main bottleneck, then this
methodology still proves efficient as it provides a clear idea of the strengths of the tool-chain and
if that matches the desired requirements.
4.9 Trade-offs
While selecting AUTOSAR tool-chain prioritizing cost as the key selection criteria, certain trade-
offs were considered to be made. They are as follows.
1. Least priority was given to usability, service and support and other value added services
that costs extra charges. Instead required knowledge can be derived from available (free)
2. Some features for testing like efficient debuggers, simulations are compromised. Instead any
third party tools for simulation and testing could be used (if available, not researched in this
3. The files exchanged between the tools (.ARXML) might not be seamlessly interoperable and
compromises had to be made in this regard. This might imply that some changes might be
made within the tool to integrate with other tools, but this could be a complex task prone
to errors. Hence, not recommended.
Keeping all the above trade-offs in mind, weights for attributes functionality, interoperability and
testability are not significantly reduced even-though cost is given the highest priority (graphs can
be found in Appendix A.2 and A.3). Thus research question RQ4.3 is answered.
52 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Chapter 5
As a part of the case study for this work, a demonstrator using the AUTOSAR architecture was
implemented using the selected AUTOSAR tool. This demonstrator was used as a means to apply
the tool selected in Chapter 4 i.e. Arctic Studio (Release 15.x.x), based on previously selected
criteria. This demonstrator also helps in understanding the prospects and challenges of using low-
cost methods in implementing the AUTOSAR architecture. In the following sections, the system
design for the demonstrator is explained in two phases. The initial design was a failed attempt
due to low-cost constraints of the project and novice understanding of the tool-suite. The many
roadblocks and challenges during the initial design phase led to a better understanding and usage
of tools, as a result, an updated design is presented subsequently. Final section summarizes the
tools required for an implementation of the demonstrator.
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 53
the hardware drivers for the ATMega micro-controller family. Hence, it was decided that
the required drivers were to be implemented manually.
4. Manual implementation of compiler-scripts
Though Arctic Studio supports multiple compilers, it does not have support for avr-gcc
compiler. Hence, it was also required to put the avr-gcc compiler script and other libraries
in place in order to support the micro-controller that was being used.
5. Manual implementation of Operating System wrapper
It was also decided that the operating system was going to be implemented manually or a
wrapper around the existing OS is coded which is compatible with Arduino microcontroller.
6. Implementing CAN and Ethernet communication stack
As EMOS camera was an Ethernet device, the idea was to establish a communication between
the Ethernet (EMOS Camera) and the CAN communication channels (CAN Simulator) using
AUTOSAR architecture which was implemented on Arduino. The motive was to keep the
application realistic yet simple.
7. Configuring only the required BSW modules
The BSW layer of AUTOSAR consists of over 63 modules which forms the bulk of an entire
architecture. In order to reduce the complexity only those required modules for implementing
the demonstrator were adopted.
8. Simple application yet realistic
Number of software components were considered to be atleast 3 or more with more than one
type of SWCs (Application SWC, Sensor/Actuator SWC, etc.). Further, it should imple-
ment both interfaces (client server, sender receiver). Communication with other SWCs and
underlying BSW layer had to be established. Accessing I/O interfaces was also a necessary
Accordingly a conceptual design was made as shown in Figure 5.1. The topology diagram
shown in Figure 5.2, shows the basic set up of the demonstrator being developed in a real life
54 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
memory [76]. It is also compatible with Arduino CAN and Ethernet shield which is used to
establish Ethernet and CAN communication.
2. EMOS Camera
EMOS camera is developed in-house by Orlaco B.V and is mainly used in heavy duty vehicles
like trucks, cranes, mining equipment etc [77]. It is connected to a monitor via an Ethernet
cable and streams images (MJPEG) using RTP stream protocol. The Real-time Transport
Protocol (RTP) is a network protocol for delivering audio and video over IP networks.
Further, it features a latency less than 100ms.
3. PEAK CAN adapter
The PEAK CAN adapter is an USB device which enables simple CAN communication within
the network. This adapter is used to emulate the CAN signal on a laptop (PCAN View)
through which CAN messages can be sent to the Arduino board.
4. Lenovo laptop
The entire implementation was done using a Lenovo thinkpad which runs on Windows op-
erating system.
1. User story 1
As a driver, it is intended that the demonstrator automatically changes the camera display
from front view to rear view by sensing the change in transmission on a reverse gear, so that
manual interaction with the system can be minimized.
2. User story 2
As a driver, it is intended that the demonstrator changes the Region Of Interest (ROI) of
the camera on cross-roads, so that blind spots are easily visible.
3. User story 3
As a driver, it is intended that the demonstrator displays an indicator or an LED light (either
green or red) indicating the status of the data stream, so that the driver can be certain if
the stream is being transferred or if there has been some problem. If then the driver can
view the real mirror instead of the camera display.
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 55
Functional Requirements
As per the above mentioned user stories, following are the functional requirements for the demon-
1. The Arduino ECU which implements AUTOSAR architecture, must provide CAN and Eth-
ernet communication interfaces to send and receive CAN and Ethernet messages.
2. Arduino should receive transmission status and steering angle as inputs via CAN in order
to process the data further.
3. In order to satisfy User Story 1, Arduino should monitor the change in transmission signal
received over CAN, periodically. If the transmission signal received is on reverse gear, then
it should send a signal to EMOS camera to change its view from ’front’ to ’rear’ view over
the Ethernet communication channel.
4. In order to satisfy User Story 2, upon receiving the steering angle via CAN, Arduino should
send an appropriate ROI value over Ethernet to the EMOS camera. By altering the value
of ROI, the display can be zoomed thereby detecting any blind spots which the driver can
see clearly.
5. In order to satisfy User Story 3, Arduino should access an on-board LED device and blink
periodically if the data stream has been detected. If the data stream is not detected over
EMOS camera, LED remains switched off.
Application design
Accordingly, application SWCs were designed and connected as shown in Figure 5.3 and 5.4.
56 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Further, the ports that are open in Figure 5.4, receive or send signals to the underlying layers,
which is summarized in Table 5.3.
In Figure 5.4, ECUDataComponent receives two CAN data signals from the underlying COM
module (Figure 5.5). It sends the received data to EMOSChangeROI and EMOSChangeTransmis-
sion SWCs which on further processing, sends the data required i.e., ROI value and change view
status (Y/N), to EMOS camera via Ethernet. Client application SWC StreamIndicator requests
the server to send the stream status periodically upon which the server (SWC EMOSStreaming-
Data) transmits stream status request and receives stream status via Ethernet stack. On receiving
the stream status, it is sent to StreamActuator which further accesses I/O (LEDs) via ECUAbsS-
wComp as summarized in Table 5.4.
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 57
SWCs that have following ports have corresponding RTE Events to trigger runnables:
• Provide port - dataWriteAccess
• Receive port - dataReadAccess
• Client port - operationInvokedEvent
• Server port - serverCallPoint
• SWCs that accesses the underlying COM module via RTE gets triggered periodically using
the RTE Event called timing event.
58 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
All the challenges mentioned above led us to conclude that, the standard AUTOSAR operating
system provided by commercial tool vendors are not suitable for low-level micro-controllers unless
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 59
specifically mentioned otherwise (for example MICROSAR from Vector GmBh). Hence, it was
decided to change the hardware to yet another low-cost micro-controller from Texas Instruments
and reduce the scope of application to just implement CAN communication and access I/O drivers.
1. TMS570LC4357
Hercules launchpad from Texas Instruments, TMS570LC4357 micro-controller, has 32-bit
ARM Cortex R-5 dual processors which operates in lockstep clocking at 300MHz frequency.
It has 128KB of data flash memory and 512KB of data RAM. It also has 4 on-chip DCAN
controllers. Other communication channels include Ethernet, FlexRay, I2C, MibSPI and
Functional Requirements
Among the previous set of Functional Requirements mentioned in Section 5.1.3, only CAN com-
munication part of the implementation is being demonstrated in the updated design. As a result,
the updated design has following functional requirements.
1. TMS570 hardware, should provide CAN communication interface based on the AUTOSAR
2. TMS570 should receive CAN messages to emulate steering angle and transmission status as
inputs to the system. This also satisfies User Story 1 and User Story 2 (Section 5.1.3) partly.
3. TMS570 should access an on-board LED and blink periodically or stop blinking in order to
emulate the stream signal.
60 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Figures 5.7 and 5.8 shows the updated application and BSW design. CANReader SWC receives
the CAN message from underlying COM module and writes it to CANWriter SWC. CANWriter
SWC then transmits the received message to the hardware. The blinkLED SWC blinks LED
light at a given time delay. Tables 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7 summarizes connections required to establish
CAN communication and access I/O driver. All modules within the BSW layer were manually
configured using Arctic Studio’s BSW builder. Chapter 6 explains the implementation of this
design in detail.
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 61
62 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Chapter 6
6.1 Overview
This chapter focuses on realizing the demonstrator using Arctic Studio tool-chain. As discussed
in the previous chapter, the board chosen initially was an Arduino Mega 2560. But due to many
roadblocks and challenges (Section 5.1.4), it was decided that implementing AUTOSAR was not
feasible on Arduino. Moreover the tool selected posed a major bottleneck for implementing AUTO-
SAR on an Arduino platform. With this we concluded that, using tools like Arctic Studio, it is
not feasible to implement AUTOSAR on a low-powered micro-controller device (more on this in
Chapter 8). Hence, a backup board was used to realize the demonstrator at a later stage.
The following chapter presents the implementation of an AUTOSAR compliant CAN communica-
tion stack on the Texas Instruments Hercules Launchpad (TMS570LC4357). The AUTOSAR tool
from ArcCore, Arctic Studio is used to implement application, BSW layers and RTE layers and to
generate an executable. Section 6.2 describes the implementation of application layer, section 6.3
presents the configuration of BSW modules using the BSW Editor tool and section 6.4 provides
the configuration and generation of RTE layer using the RTE Editor tool. After the generation of
all the configuration files (.c, .h), they are compiled together in order to generate the executable
which is then flashed onto the hardware. Section 6.5 and 6.6 discusses the same in detail.
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 63
// Sender−R e c e i v e r i n t e r f a c e
i n t e r f a c e s e n d e r R e c e i v e r CanDataSRInterface {
data CanData r e c e i v e m e s s a g e
data CanData t r a n s m i t m e s s a g e
// C l i e n t −S e r v e r i n t e r f a c e
i n t e r f a c e c l i e n t S e r v e r CanDataCSInterface {
o p e r a t i o n Send {
i n CanData data1
Finally data and implementation mapping is done and is specified using dataTypeMappingSet
keyword. Through this mapping, it is possible for ports to identify the intended data for a
particular SWC and disregard other data.
CANDataReader Component
Creating a SWCD has three important aspects i.e. creating the outer boundary for a SWC
which includes ports and interfaces, defining an internal behavior for a SWC and creating an
implementation for the internal behavior. An application component itself is created using the
component keyword followed by name of the application as shown in the Listing 6.2. Further ports
are created. Every SWC in AUTOSAR communicates via ports and all ports communicate over
an interface (Section 6.2.1). CANDataReader component has a receiver port (RPort) through
which it accepts data from the COM media (CanRxData) and hence requires the sender-receiver
interface and a client port requests data from the server (CanClient) and hence adopts client server
// D e f i n e t h e s o f t w a r e components and P o r t s t h a t u s e t h e d e f i n e d i n t e r f a c e s
component a p p l i c a t i o n CanDataReaderComponent {
ports {
r e c e i v e r CanRxData r e q u i r e s CanDataSRInterface
c l i e n t C a n C l i e n t r e q u i r e s CanDataCSInterface
i n t e r n a l B e h a v i o r CanDataReaderBehaviour f o r CanDataReaderComponent {
dataTypeMappings {
r u n n a b l e CanDataReaderComponentMain [ 0 . 0 ] {
symbol ” CanDataReaderComponentMain ”
dataReadAccess CanRxData . r e c e i v e m e s s a g e
64 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
s e r v e r C a l l P o i n t synchronous CanClient . ∗
d a t a R e c e i v e d E v e n t CanRxData . r e c e i v e m e s s a g e
i m p l e m e n t a t i o n CanDataReaderImpl f o r CanDataReaderBehaviour {
language c
codeDescriptor ” src ”
Next step is to define the functionality of SWCs and this is done by creating an internal beha-
vior which includes runnables for the CANDataReaderComponent. Internal behavior is created
using internalBehavior keyword for CANDataReaderComponent and runnable is created using the
keyword runnable. All the runnables in this application are instantiated just once, but multiple
instantiation of a single runnable is also possible.
Since a receiver port is implemented within this SWC, the runnable requires data read access and
the syntax for this is dataReadAccess. Hence, CanRxData of the receiver port is mapped to the
receive message data that the SWC is expected to receive. The client port makes a synchronous
call to the server port using the command serverCallPoint. If a runnble has no data access men-
tioned explicitly in order to communicate over a certain port, then an API for communication will
not be generated for such a runnble by RTE. This runnable is triggered by data received event i.e.
when a CAN message is received.
The third part of defining a SWC is to specify an implementation for its runnable which is coded
in C language in a separate .c file. This file will be linked to the SWC during the generation of
CANDataWriter Component
CANDataWriter component writes data to the COM media and hence makes use of PPort CAN-
TxData. It uses SR interface for this purpose. This SWC also acts a server for the CANReaderData
component and uses server port CanServer via the CS interface as shown in Listing 6.3.
// D e f i n e t h e s o f t w a r e components and P o r t s t h a t u s e t h e d e f i n e d i n t e r f a c e s
component a p p l i c a t i o n CanDataWriterComponent {
ports {
s e n d e r CanTxData p r o v i d e s CanDataSRInterface
s e r v e r CanServer p r o v i d e s CanDataCSInterface
i n t e r n a l B e h a v i o r CanDataWriterBehaviour f o r CanDataWriterComponent {
dataTypeMappings {
r u n n a b l e CanDataWriterComponentMain [ 0 . 0 ] {
symbol ” CanDataWriterComponentMain ”
d a t a W r i t e A c c e s s CanTxData . t r a n s m i t m e s s a g e
o p e r a t i o n I n v o k e d E v e n t CanServer . Send
i m p l e m e n t a t i o n CanDataWriterImpl f o r CanDataWriterBehaviour {
language c
codeDescriptor ” src ”
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 65
The internal behavior includes a runnable that has data write access through which RTE provides
mechanism that allows this component to write data to COM media and operation invoked event
invokes the server when client makes a call. Implementation for the runnable is coded in C as a
separate C file which gets linked during run-time.
BlinkLED component
BlinkLED component acts as an actuator component which is used to access the ECU’s I/O. It
includes a client port that establishes contact directly with the server port of an ECU abstraction
software component. This component is triggered periodically by making use of timing event as
shown in Listing 6.4.
// D e f i n e t h e s o f t w a r e components and P o r t s t h a t u s e t h e d e f i n e d i n t e r f a c e s
component a p p l i c a t i o n BlinkLEDComponent {
ports {
c l i e n t LEDDigitalLight r e q u i r e s D i g i t a l S e r v i c e W r i t e
i n t e r n a l B e h a v i o r BlinkLEDBehaviour f o r BlinkLEDComponent {
dataTypeMappings {
r u n n a b l e BlinkLEDComponentMain [ 0 . 0 ] {
symbol ”BlinkLEDComponentMain”
s e r v e r C a l l P o i n t synchronous LEDDigitalLight . ∗
t i m i n g E v e n t 0 . 1 a s blinkLEDMainEvent
i m p l e m e n t a t i o n BlinkLEDImpl f o r BlinkLEDBehaviour {
language c
codeDescriptor ” src ”
66 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
// C a l l s e r v e r
Rte Call CanClient Send ( rx message ) ;
In order to actuate the LED, it generates Rte Call LEDDigitalLight Write() by passing the
level as a parameter. Led on is assigned with a value 1 which is then toggled to make it blink at
each second as shown in Listing 6.7.
v o i d BlinkLEDComponentMain ( v o i d ) {
Rte Call LEDDigitalLight Write ( led on ) ;
led on = ! led on ;
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 67
68 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 69
6.5.3 PduR
For configuring the PduR module, routing table must be configured as shown in Figure 6.7 and
6.8. First, BSW modules used by PduR must be mentioned. In this case PduR communicates with
COM module and CANIF module. Figure 6.7 shows the communication hierarchy i.e. CANIF
being a lower level module to PduR. Similarly COM is configured as upper module. Further,
CANIF is designated to be a SrcPdu (as shown in Figure 6.8) and COM is assigned to be a
destination Pdu, when the message is received from lower layers to upper layers. Likewise, vice
versa i.e. COM is assigned as source Pdu and CANIF is assigned as a destination Pdu when the
message is being transmitted.
Figure 6.8: CANIF assigned to be source PDU while CAN message is received
6.5.4 COM
There were three main configurations that were made within the COM module for this applica-
tion. They are, configuring instruction Pdu (I-Pdu), configuring I-Pdu groups and configuring the
COM signals. An I-Pdu contains the data message that has been either received from one of the
communication modules in the communication stack, or a data message that is to be sent to one
of said modules. An I-PDU also belongs to an I-PDU group i.e ComIpduGroupRx as shown in
Figure 6.9. The data of an I-PDU is divided into signals, depending on bit position in the I-PDU.
For example if you have an I-PDU with 2 bytes of data length and desire to place the first byte to
one signal and second byte to another signal, you set the bit position of each signal accordingly.
The data length used in this case is 4 bytes and hence can be sent over a single COM signal (max
4 bytes). If there are more than 4 bytes that needs to be sent then signal groups can be created
where the IPdus are grouped into signal groups.
70 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Further, service layer modules like OS, BswM and EcuM that imparts system services to the ap-
plication were to be configured. The BswM and EcuM modules provide services to the application
components to interact with the BSW modules, which is further explained in the sub sections
In order to configure AUTOSAR OS, five main entities that are configured in this case, they are,
Alarms, Events, Counter, Tasks and OsApplication as shown in Figure 6.9. A counter is an entity
that keeps count in the OS module which can be set to be handled either in software, hardware
or according to OS ticks. In this case Os tick frequency is configured to be 100 within OsOs
parameter. An event is an entity which is referred by a task. Event facilitates the triggering of
runnable by the RTE as explained in section 6.2. For this purpose RTE makes use of OS Alarms
which is used to trigger the events at respective time intervals. A task is an entity like events
also triggered by alarms. In this case three tasks are created OsRteTask, OsBswTask and OsStar-
tupTask. The configuration of these tasks are explained in Section 6.6 under RTE configuration.
An OsApplication entity simply acts as a container for counters, tasks and events for a particular
6.5.6 BswM
BswM module is mainly used to access services provided by the BSW modules through application
layer. There are two main parts while configuring BswM module, namely, BswMArbitration and
BswMModeControl as shown in Figure 6.11. BswMArbitration is a container that contains BswM-
LogicalExpressions, BswMModeConditions, BswMModeRequestPorts and BswMRules. BswM
provides three main rules within BswMRules container viz., DisablePduGroup, EnablePduGroup
and StartCommunicationRule. Using these logical expressions viz., ComMFullCommunicational-
Expression, ComMNoCommunicationalExpression, StartCommunicationExpression are evaluated.
Logical expressions are created by chaining together different mode conditions using common lo-
gical operators (AND, NAND, OR, XOR). BswMModeControl container has BswMActions and
BswMActionLists. Actions are grouped in action lists. Action specifies how the I-PDUs are treated
in a specific mode (acts like a group switch).
There are three actions created within the BswMAction container. These are IPduAllDisabled
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 71
(both Rx IPdus and Tx IPdus are disabled ), IPduAllEnabled (both Rx IPdus and Tx IPdus are
enabled), RequestFullCom (through this parameter a full communication access to the respect-
ive communication channel can be requested). A BswMActionList container is a list of one or
more BswMActionListItems with an addition field specifying how the action list is executed. A
BswmActionListItem allows the configurator to specify the exact position of the items in the list
and even offer the possibility of referencing other ActionLists and even Rules.
6.5.7 EcuM
The main function of EcuM module is to initialize the ECU and manage the ECU states. EcuM
has fixed configurations viz., STARTUP, RUN, SLEEP, WAKEUP, SHUTDOWN which means
that the states of EcuM are fixed and are predefined by AUTOSAR and hence cannot be altered.
AUTOSAR has introduced EcuM flex, where an user can change the states, from AUTOSAR v4.x.
In this case, EcuM flex and BswM are closely coupled and work together.
6.5.8 IoHwAb
Next, I/O modules such as IoHwAb, PORT and DIO modules had to be configured. The IO Hard-
ware Abstraction module abstracts the signal path of the ECU hardware (Layout, Microcontroller
Pins, Microcontroller external devices like IO ASIC). It provides a signal based interface to the
upper software layer. It performs static abstraction and inversion (if needed) of values according to
their physical representation at the inputs/outputs of the ECU hardware. In this case, a channel
reference is established to LED2 so that the SWC in application layer can communicate with the
DIO module directly. Since, LED is considered as an actuator, it is set to digital write, as shown
in Figure 6.12.
6.5.9 PORT
The PORT module configures hardware pins. The DIO module can then perform read and write
operations based on these initial configurations. The configuration involve initializing the values
on the pins, setting a direction and mode for each pins as shown in Figure 6.13. On power-up the
pins in a micro-controller are set to a default value. The port driver initializes all the pins either
as low or high as per the system requirements. In this case, the port pin is pulled up. A pull up
or a pull down resistor is used so that there are no floating connections. Pins can be either input
or output. Sometimes system requirement will make it necessary to change the direction of pins.
Other modules can read to pins configured as input and write to pins configured as output and can
request to change the pin direction only if they are configured for that in the Port module. Based
on the functionality of the pins, their mode is configured. In this case, the mode is configured to
DIO to support LED2 pin.
72 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
6.5.10 DIO
The DIO driver works on pins and ports which are configured by the PORT module. A physical
input or output pin on an MCU device is in PORT module called port pin and in DIO module a
port pin is represented by a DIO channel as shown in Figure 6.14. Port pins need to be initialized
by PORT module before being used in DIO module. They will also have the same ID in both
PORT and DIO modules. IoHwAb references DIO channel by name (Figure 6.12).
6.5.11 EcuC
EcuC module is used to create Pdu objects which is required by the communication stack modules.
As shown in Figure 6.15 and 6.16, each CAN message requires a separate PDU and also needs to
be created in both the directions (receive, transmit) i.e. PduRx and PduTx. The data length is
configured to be 4 bytes.
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 73
74 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Image s i z e : ( d e c i m a l )
text: 59496 B 58.1 kB
data: 1048 B 1.0 kB
bss: 11512 B 11.2 kB
ROM: 60544 B 59.1 kB
RAM: 12560 B 12.3 kB
6.8.1 Results
The results demonstrate the implementation of CAN communication interface using the AUTO-
SAR architecture. Accordingly, user stories as specified in Section 5.1.3 have been implemented
and is as shown in Figure 6.19 and 6.20.
1. CAN communication
Figure 6.19 demonstrates the messages being sent and received over the PEAK CAN dongle
using the underlying AUTOSAR architecture. According to User Stories 1 and 2, AUTOSAR
ECU was required to receive CAN messages. This basic functionality has been demonstrated.
2. Activation of LED2
Further, User Story 3 required the demonstrator to access an on-board LED which acts as
an indicator. Accordingly, this requirement has been satisfied and is as shown in Figure
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 75
Figure 6.19: CAN Transmit and Receive messages
This chapter provides an evaluation of the ArcCore tool-chain used to implement the demonstrator
in Chapter 6. Further, the efficiency of the AHP algorithm for this application is analyzed.
1. Functionality
Arctic Studio also does on-the-fly transformation of the model being developed to an
AUTOSAR model. This way it is easy to analyze if the model is in sync with the
ARText file being developed.
Further, the ECU Extract file generated by Arctic Studio also includes communication
information of the underlying BSW modules. This information is fully specified as a
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 77
part of the system design and are represented as communication matrices in the system
description ARXML files. Arctic Studio’s BSW Editor tool then reads the system de-
scription file and automatically includes the data elements which needs to be configured
while configuring ECU. This process is quite easy using this tool and saves a lot of time
when compared to manual implementation as in ECU-centric approach.
As mentioned above, configuring BSW modules is done using BSW Editor tool. If
there are any errors or incompatible values entered during configuration phase, the tool
provides a validator to validate all the configured modules. After configuring and valid-
ating all the required modules, the tool generates code automatically. One drawback to
this approach is, it is not possible to integrate BSW modules that are manually created
into this tool since Arctic Studio does not provide access to source code.
Arctic Studio’s RTE Editor tool provides an interface to instantiate and map the run-
nables to specific OS tasks. This mapping is fairly easy but the whole problem arises
during code compilation since there is no way to debug the code until the end or for
separate modules.
ArcCore’s Arctic Core includes code for specific hardware boards. Although, not all of
the modules are fully developed. For example, not all hardware pins for TMS570 board
were configurable as many were not implemented within BSW Editor tool. But this
was not too much of a hassle in this case, as code for this could easily be added within
the actual source code for that module. But for large projects, support from ArcCore’s
team might be required.
2. Usability
• High-level GUI
Arctic Studio is built on Eclipse IDE and as a result provides all intuitive features like
automatic code completion, syntax highlighting, integrated validation etc. It has a very
familiar look and feel and as a result usability was not a problem.
• Documentation
Most of the source files are well documented. User documentation from ArcCore [78]
also provides enough information to get started with the tool. But information for
implementing more advanced software features like integrating MCAL modules, multi-
core implementation could be further improved.
3. Interoperability
• Data exchange and compliance to standard
Arctic Studio complies to AUTOSAR standard and standardized data exchange formats.
But the tool can be further improved in this regard. For example, a dedicated authoring
tool would make it easier to create ARXML, DBC, LDF, CDD files and others.
78 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Figure 7.1 shows a comparison between before and after using Arctic Studio tool evaluated in
terms of the selection criteria for this application. It can be seen that functionality and usability
scores high after using the tool-chain. Although, it did not perform well in terms of interoperability
and testability due to the challenges faced while implementing the demonstrator. Since the tool
was procured on the basis of trial license not much support was provided although this might not
be the case in the usual case.
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 79
Figure 7.1: Arctic Studio tool evaluation based on documentation (Before) and practical experience
2. Performance of AHP algorithm under various uncertainty and lack of enough data
AHP tool is used by decision makers to solve problems of choice under uncertainty or as
a tool for prediction. With the help of weighted pairwise comparisons (a value ranging
from 1 - 10), several co-efficients can be determined such as criteria comparison, comparing
multiple alternatives and comparing uncertain events or scenarios in terms of probability
of its realization for these factors. As a result, a prediction using AHP focuses on the
distribution of relative probabilities of future outcomes.
80 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Chapter 8
This chapter reflects on the research questions and objectives that were described in the introduc-
tion. It also reflects on the experiences gained with the tool chain from ArcCore and recommended
practices, through the development of a simple yet illustrative AUTOSAR compliant system. Fi-
nally, this chapter is concluded with the scope for future work.
The first objective with regards to this goal was to select a suitable Multi Criteria Decision
Making (MCDM) method which was further used to select an appropriate AUTOSAR tool-chain.
Next, the stakeholders for using the tool-chain were identified and their key concerns and require-
ments were captured with the help of architectural UML / SysML models. Based on this gathered
information, and with the acquired theoretical knowledge about the AUTOSAR architecture, a
list of selection criteria was derived in order to select an AUTOSAR tool-chain. At this stage, the
selected MCDM method called ”AHP”, was applied for each AUTOSAR tool category. Overall,
(i.e. considering the performance metric across all four tool categories), the top five AUTOSAR
tool-chain (in the order of ranking) were from the following tool-vendors: AUTOSAR tool-suite
by Vector GmbH, AUTOSAR Builder by Dassault Systems, ETAS AUTOSAR tool-chain, Mentor
Graphics AUTOSAR tool-suite and tool suite from ArcCore.
When low-cost was considered as the key selection criteria, it resulted in selection of the
following tools:
• Mathwork’s Embedded Coder for modeling the system and the application layer.
• ArcCore’s Arctic Studio tool for code generation purposes of application layer, BSW layer
and RTE layer.
• COMASSO’s BSW modules and configuration tool for configuration of the basic software
Among the selected low-cost tools, we could only get access to the Arctic Studio tool-chain and
as a result it was finally used to implement the demonstrator and was further evaluated (Chapter
All objectives were met with satisfactory results thereby achieving the main thesis goal. Al-
though, some significant challenges were faced while achieving the last objective (explained fur-
ther), the final thesis goal could be met.
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 81
82 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
and sub-criteria that were finally selected. It also gives a list of AUTOSAR tool alternatives
which were considered for ranking upon the application of AHP algorithm.
7. RQ4.1 Which tool outperforms others in terms of performance as the key selection criteria?
As shown in Figure 4.15, the tool-sutie provided by Vector GmbH, Dassault Systems, ETAS,
Mentor Graphics and ArcCore were selected as the top 5 performing tools, in that order.
More detailed graphs relating to how each tool performs under each criteria can be found in
Section A.2 (Appendix A).
8. RQ4.2 Which tool is better when cost is considered as a key criteria for selecting AUTOSAR
When cost was considered as a key selection criteria, a tool-suite provided by a single tool
vendor could not be found. As a result, tools were ranked and opted for each tool category.
Embedded Coder from Mathworks outperformed others among modeling tools, ArcCore’s
Arctic Studio was selected as the best low cost tool among BSW and RTE tools. Further,
COMASSO outranked others for obtaining BSW modules and BSW configuration tool, as
shown in the graphs under Section A.3. The only issue in selecting tools from different
vendors is that the tools don’t integrate seamlessly and manual integration might be required
and therefore it is better to minimize the use of tools from different tool vendors.
9. RQ4.3 What are the trade-offs made in answering the question RQ4.2?
In order to rank tools based on low-cost, some compromises had to be made in terms of
usability, testability, interoperability, service & support and other value added services like
virtual ECU, use of functional safety standards etc., that potentially increases the cost of a
tool-chain. As mentioned above, integrating tools from multiple tool vendors could further
increase the overhead.
10. RQ5.1 Did the selected low-cost tool-chain perform well when applied to the demonstrator?
Initial implementation of AUTOSAR architecture using the selected Arctic Studio tool-
suite on an unsupported hardware platform (Arduino Mega 2560) by the tool, led to an
understanding that it is critical for opting an hardware platform which is supported by
the tool being used. The main challenge here is, integrating manual code within the code
generators. During the final implementation, the tool worked seamlessly when opted for an
hardware platform (TMS570LC4357) that was supported by Arctic Studio.
11. RQ5.2 What were the various challenges faced in this regard?
The challenges faced are as listed in Section 5.1.4. Fundamentally, integration of manual
code was the biggest challenge.
Moreover, in this thesis, two different goals were combined in search of a low-cost tool, i.e.
to opt for a tool which is not too expensive and using a low-powered micro-controller unit
for implementation. But in this experience, combining these two goals was not feasible. For
instance, if one prefers to run an AUTOSAR application on a small micro-controller then
Vector GmbH offers Microsar operating system which is specifically devised for implementing
AUTOSAR for low-powered micro-controllers. But the Microsar tool is not a low-cost option.
12. RQ5.3 How did the selected MCDM tool perform? Are there any recommendations to
improve the selection criteria or methodology to select the AUTOSAR tool-chain?
AHP tool performed well for this application, although comparisons took a considerable
amount of time. This was because there were four sub-goals and the number of comparisons
to be made multiplied four times. But this is true for any other decision making method.
By decreasing the number of alternatives to be compared even further (say not more than
10 tools) would further increase the performance of the proposed tool selection methodology
(i.e. optimizes the time taken for each pair-wise comparison made).
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 83
84 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
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tional Instruments. [Online].
http://www.ni.com/white-paper/2732/en/. [Accessed: May. 1, 2017].
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June. 09, 2017.].
[49] S. Corrigen. "Introduction to the Controller Area Network (CAN)". Texas Instru-
ments, Application Report. May 2016.
[50] ”Introduction to the Controller Area Network (CAN),” Texas Instruments. Application Re-
port, 2002.
http://www.ti.com/lit/an/sloa101a/sloa101a.pdf. [Accessed: Jan. 24, 2017].
88 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
[59] A. Graf. ”Support for vendor specific parameter / module definitions in COMASSO basic
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24, 2018]. 25
[68] K. Hoffmeister.
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[69] KPIT.
"AUTOSAR Handbook". KPIT Technologies Ltd. 26
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Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 89
90 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Appendix A
<trace> relationship provides a general purpose relationship between a requirement and any
other model element. In this case, trace is used to relate requirements which lead to a specific use
case, hence when the use case (tool functionality) changes then the requirement also gets updated.
This enables the traceability of the requirements via use cases.
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 91
Figure A.2: Modeling tools use case diagram
92 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Figure A.3: Basic software tool use case diagram
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 93
Figure A.4: RTE tool use case diagram
94 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Model Tools
ASW Tools
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 95
BSW Tools
RTE Tools
96 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Model Tools
Figure A.9: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Functionality of Model Tools
Each tool alternative is compared with another tool alternative (e.g. Vector Informatik GmbH
(blue band) is first compared with ArcCore (red band) w.r.t. functionality aspect for Model Tools).
Vector’s modeling tool (PREEvision) ranks higher than ArcCore’s modeling tool, when compared
to the features based on Functionality. The blue and red bands are adjusted accordingly. Vec-
tor when compared with COMASSO (which does not provide any modeling features), Vector’s
modeling tool gets the highest rank while COMASSO’s modeling tool is given the least rank (i.e.
the blue band is placed to the extreme right while the red band is placed to extreme left). Tools
that ranked equally (e.g. both COMASSO and Open Synergy does not provide any modeling tool
features) were given a value 1.0, i.e. the blue and red bands were positioned in the middle which
signifies equal importance.
Accordingly, other tool alternatives were compared and assessed based on each tool criteria for
each sub-goal.
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 97
ASW Tools
Figure A.11: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Functionality of ASW Tools
98 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
BSW Tools
Figure A.13: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Functionality of BSW Tools
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 99
RTE Tools
Figure A.15: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Functionality of RTE Tools
100 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Figure A.17: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Interoperability of Model Tools
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 101
ASW Tools
Figure A.19: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Interoperability of ASW Tools
102 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
BSW Tools
Figure A.21: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Interoperability of BSW Tools
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 103
RTE Tools
Figure A.23: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Interoperability of RTE Tools
104 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Figure A.25: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Usability of Model Tools
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 105
ASW Tools
Figure A.27: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Usability of ASW Tools
106 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
BSW Tools
Figure A.29: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Usability of BSW Tools
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 107
RTE Tools
Figure A.31: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Usability of RTE Tools
108 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Figure A.33: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Cost and Distribution of Model Tools
Figure A.34: Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Cost and Distribution of Model Tools
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 109
ASW Tools
Figure A.35: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Cost and Distribution of ASW Tools
Figure A.36: Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Cost and Distribution of ASW Tools
110 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
BSW Tools
Figure A.37: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Cost and Distribution of BSW Tools
Figure A.38: Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Cost and Distribution of BSW Tools
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 111
RTE Tools
Figure A.39: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Cost and Distribution of RTE Tools
Figure A.40: Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Cost and Distribution of RTE Tools
112 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Figure A.41: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Service and Support of Model Tools
Figure A.42: Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Service and Support of Model Tools
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 113
ASW Tools
Figure A.43: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Service and Support of ASW Tools
Figure A.44: Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Service and Support of ASW Tools
114 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
BSW Tools
Figure A.45: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Service and Support of BSW Tools
Figure A.46: Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Service and Support of BSW Tools
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 115
RTE Tools
Figure A.47: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Service and Support of RTE Tools
Figure A.48: Synthesis w.r.t. criteria - Service and Support of RTE Tools
116 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Figure A.49: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Testability of Model Tools
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 117
ASW Tools
Figure A.51: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Testability of ASW Tools
118 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
BSW Tools
Figure A.53: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Testability of BSW Tools
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 119
RTE Tools
Figure A.55: Pair-wise comparisons for the criteria Testability of RTE Tools
120 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Model Tools
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 121
ASW Tools
122 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
BSW Tools
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 123
RTE Tools
124 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Model Tools
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 125
ASW Tools
126 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
BSW Tools
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study 127
RTE Tools
128 Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Methodology for selecting low-cost AUTOSAR tool-chain and its evaluation through a case study
Tool Support for Support for Support for RTE Support for Support for
vendors MCAL layer BSW code generation ASW code gen- AUTOSAR
modules generation / eration modeling