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Tatu Munawaroh
Mathla’ul Anwar University, Banten
E-mail: tatumunawaroh8@gmail.com

This study discusses Education and learning activities are the basis
of human existence, so humans cannot be separated from teaching
and learning activities. This study aims to determine Pancasila
character education in teaching materials to shape students' civic
character. The research design uses a qualitative approach and the
method used is a case study. Data collection techniques using
observation, interviews, and documentation. Testing the validity of
the data with the extension of observation and triangulation.
Processing and analysis of technical data using data reduction,
data presentation, and verification. The results show that
Pancasila values are integrated in the teaching materials of
students and form the character of citizens who are religious,
humanitarian, national unity, populist and deliberative or
democracy, and social justice. Keywords: Character Education,
Pancasila, Citizenship.
Keywords: Course Implementation, Character Building,

Penelitian ini membahas Kegiatan pendidikan dan pembelajaran
merupakan dasar dari keberadaan manusia, sehingga manusia tidak
dapat dipisahkan dari kegiatan belajar mengajar. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendidikan karakter Pancasila dalam
bahan ajar untuk membentuk karakter kewarganegaraan siswa.
Desain penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode
yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data
menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Pengujian
keabsahan data dengan perpanjangan observasi dan triangulasi.
Teknik pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan reduksi data,
penyajian data, dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
nilai-nilai Pancasila terintegrasi dalam bahan ajar peserta didik dan
membentuk karakter warga negara yang religius, kemanusiaan,
persatuan bangsa, kerakyatan dan deliberatif atau demokrasi, serta
keadilan sosial.

Kata Kunci: Implentasi Pendidikan, Pembentukan Karakter,

INTRODUCTION very important role. Teaching
The thing that is very essential materials are elements used to
in the nation and state is character. develop resources to improve
Because if the character is lost it will knowledge, skills, attitudes and
cause the loss of the next generation. values that meet student competency
A character does not come alone, but standards (Wijiningsih et al., 2017).
must be built and arranged to create a Because of the country's traditional
dignified nation (Jurusan et al., 2010). dominance, a learning-oriented
Character is realized through certain implementation is still a long way off
stages. Education is one of the steps in Indonesia. This is demonstrated by
that can be taken in building a the fact that most pupils or students
character, so as to make this nation are unable to articulate what they
strong in character, dignified, and has have learnt in this present and future
a noble civilization. Character life. This means that learning has no
development and character education meaning for students or in solving the
are a necessity because education not problems of their lives. Learning is
only makes students smart, but also not able to develop civic knowledge,
has morals and character so that civic skills, and civic disposition
someone's presence in the community comprehensively. For Citizenship
will be meaningful both for the Education does not connect the
individual himself and for others. material with the reality of student
Education and learning are the life or students, not in context,
foundation of human existence, so providing more capacity to remember
one cannot distance themselves from but not to think creatively, critically
teaching and learning to get to and analytically.
superior resources (Jannah, 2015). Education should prioritize the
Humans have the ability to learn and process over the test results because
provide lessons for other humans. this will tend to make students focus
Character and personality only on the results and ignore the
development of students in higher good process (Halik, 2012).
education to become a strategic Meanwhile, character education
vehicle for increasing student requires process involvement to be
competence in learning. Character able to develop cognitive and social
development and scientific values and students' feelings.
achievement of competence in the Furthermore, knowledge is generally
younger generation can be realized in built together by interacting with
a core activity in education is other students or teachers. This type
learning. Integrated character of education will help produce
education in the learning process is students who respect the opinions of
the introduction of values, awareness others even if they differ greatly from
of the importance of values, and the theirs, are able to work in teams, and
internalization of values into the prioritize the ability to make joint
behavior of students in everyday life. decisions. Learning is interactive, the
Teaching materials are one role of language is very influential in
component in learning that plays a the learning process (Kapoh, 2010).
In using language, it must be inviting, Education (Akbal, 2016). Citizenship
a language that respects the opinions or the mission of citizenship
of others, a language that contains education is to shape students to
hopes for progress, and. the like. become smart, skilled, and character
However, what is important to see is citizens as guarantors of the
whether there are educators who sustainability of the nation and state.
because they feel their knowledge is At a good level, the substance of
great, arrogantly use language that is Citizenship Education, the
mocking, demeaning, and difficult. curriculum, the learning process, and
This could be said to be a person with its socio-cultural influences are
a good character flaw in language. deliberately designed to create
Although some human characters are educational programs that focus on
shown through the language they use. building the democratic character of
Not only that, defects in terms of the Indonesian nation. Citizenship
character, intentional or not, can also Education in the era of globalization
occur in the world of education must develop citizenship
hierarchically. For example, if there competencies (Isa & Dewi, 2021).
are many schools in a sub-district that Aspects of civic competence include:
do not pass the national exam, the civic knowledge, civic skills, and the
principal will be given certain nature of citizenship so that it can
sanctions. Then the principal also grow the character of a good citizen.
used threatening language to their Disposition citizenship has the main
teacher. Start guerrilla teacher goal of fostering the character of
prepares his students with so many citizens, both personal and moral
exam questions. And some help character, responsibility, self-
students answer questions during discipline, and respect for human
exams. This is what happens when beings, the dignity and worth of each
education places more emphasis on individual, as well as character. and a
test results. Viewed from the willingness to listen, negotiate, and
perspective of character education, compromise. Citizenship Education
such a process actually degrades the Materials should strongly support the
character of the teacher and becomes achievement of full disciplinary
a bad lesson for the formation of competence (Dewi et al., 2021).
character students. In terms of giving Citizenship Education or Citizenship
answer keys to students, the teacher Education materials can be used in
has sacrificed his idealism for the test dealing with the nation's problems.
results. Truth has been replaced by Citizenship skills include intellectual
justification. Whether we realize it or skills and participation skills. Of the
not, this is a practice that destroys three components of citizenship
educational values and destroys the competence, teaching materials often
pillars that shape the character of face the attainment of component
students. The character of honesty is dispositions for teaching materials
sacrificed for the results in the form that are oriented towards the
of high numbers. development of specific knowledge of
One of the lessons that carry disciplines. Pancasila character values
out the mission of building a good need to be integrated into teaching
civic character is Citizenship materials as the development of
student citizenship. Character, values understand the meaning by
and attitudes are integrated into individuals or groups of people who
teaching materials, it is necessary to are ascribed to social or humanitarian
develop universal values in teaching problems (Medan, 2017). Method is a
materials. Character values as life method used to get results (Sipayung
values are the basic values of life et al., 2016). The data is obtained
which are generally expressed in through case studies, the research
various daily habits (Sudrajat, 2011). focuses on specific cases in good
Teaching materials based on events including individuals, cultural
Pancasila character values are needed groups, as well as portraits of life. A
in the development of students' civic case study is a research strategy in
dispositions. Based on that, the value which the researcher is carefully
of living teaching materials if the investigated within a program, event,
material in it contains facts, concepts, activity, process or group of
principles, procedures related to the individuals (Rohman & Sukaesih,
basic values of life from students and 2018). Participants in this study were
makes a connection between moral students from class 2018, class 2019,
knowledge and its application in the class 2020 and class 2021. Each class
life of a student as a member of the was represented by three students
family, community, and citizen who who were randomly selected by
plays a strategic role in shaping the researchers. Data collection
character of the younger generation. techniques in this study using
Therefore, it is necessary to carry out observation, interviews and
research and development in a simple documentation. Testing the validity of
way to produce a model of Pancasila the research data was done by
Values Education in teaching observation and triangulation
materials that is assumed to develop extension. The processing and
effective student character. This study analysis technique used an interactive
aims to describe the character of the cycle process consisting of data
Pancasila education model in teaching reduction, data presentation and data
and its impact in shaping the civic verification.
character of students. Specifically,
this study aims to describe: 1) the RESULT AND DISCUSSION
Pancasila character model of Pancasila as the basis of the
education in teaching conceptual state, view of life, and philosophy of
material; 2) Pancasila character the nation. This is increasingly being
education values in everyday life in eroded in everyday life, especially for
teaching materials; and 3) the the younger generation, it must be
influence of Pancasila character optimized, understood and practiced
education values in teaching materials by all components of the nation,
on the development of student especially for students. The results of
citizenship research on triangulation and reduced
METHOD from the results of the analysis of
The research design used is a students from class 2018, class 2019,
qualitative approach and the method class 2020 and class 2021 Progress in
used is a case study. A qualitative Education and Humanities, volume
approach aims to explore and 418 Character education is a special
trait that is not owned by others or and responsibility. The Pancasila
accentuates traits or values in character is a character that comes
Indonesian. The values taught must from the crystallization of the noble
be based on the noble values of the values of the Indonesian nation. The
Indonesian nation which are equipped character of Pancasila can be said to
with universal human and religious be the divine character that
values. The values of Pancasila into overshadows the values of humanity,
Indonesian are extracted from the Unity, Democracy and Justice, so that
values, norms, and growth of the Indonesian character education must
wisdom of the Indonesian nation. be based on the condition that the
Indonesian character education must society is fair, fierce, united, humane
be paradigmatic and insightful about and pious to God. The educational
the values of Pancasila. Character aspect must be able to reduce
education has been carried out and Pancasila to a practical guide for
implemented in schools and colleges social relations. Through character
with the aim of maximizing the skills education, Pancasila deconstructed
and cognitive abilities of each can be an interesting study material
individual. Character education is for educators and students. Pancasila
education that involves aspects of can be the basis of distinctive
knowledge (cognitive), feelings character education in Indonesia with
(feeling), and action (action). The a focus on diversity, tolerance and
implementation of the three aspects of social justice Values reflect the act of
character education must be carried gotong royong respecting the spirit of
out systematically and continuously. cooperation and gotong royong
With character education, a child will together to solve problems together,
become emotionally intelligent. build communication and friendship,
Emotional intelligence is the most provide assistance to people
important provision in preparing requiring. The sub-values of gotong
children for the future, because a royong include respect, cooperation,
person's character education will be commitment to joint decisions,
able to succeed in facing all kinds of deliberation and deliberation, mutual
challenges. Education is the main cooperation, solidarity, empathy, anti-
capital of the Indonesian people to discrimination, anti-violence, and
liberate and advance themselves. volunteerism. Integrity values are
Education is required not to forget the values that underlie behavior in an
content of character education which attempt to make himself a person who
aims in addition to building scientific can always be trusted in words,
intelligence, students can also form actions, and work, commitment and
morals and character. Pancasila loyalty to human and moral values
character education is character (moral integrity). Character includes
education as Indonesian Pancasila the integrity of the attitude of
human beings where the sons and responsibility as a citizen, being
daughters of the country are actively involved in social life
intelligent in mind and knowledge, through actions or words that are
and are willing and able to uphold the based on the truth. Integrity sub-
values of God, humanity, justice, values include honesty, love for the
brotherhood, tolerance, independence truth, loyalty, moral commitment,
anti-corruption, justice, responsibility, loyalty and piety, discipline of
exemplary, and individual dignity. worship, love of peace, tolerance,
The character of citizenship (civic respect for differences in religion and
disposition) is a trait that every citizen belief, firm stance, belief, cooperation
must possess to support the between religions and beliefs, anti-
effectiveness of political bullying and violence, friendship,
participation, the functioning of a sincerity, do not force the will, protect
healthy political system, the the small and marginalized, love and
development of dignity and self- maintain a clean environment, used
esteem and the public interest. the environment wisely. The value of
Citizenship Education material nationalism is a way of thinking,
includes three components: civic behaving, and showing high loyalty,
knowledge, civic skills, and civic concern, and respect for language,
disposition. Disposition citizenship environmental, social, cultural,
implies the character of public and economic, political and national
private services that are essential to physics, prioritizing the interests of
the maintenance and development of the nation, self and group interests.
constitutional democracy. Public and Nationalist sub-values include
private characters can be described as appreciation of the nation's culture
following religious values, where this itself while maintaining the nation's
is one of the character values used as cultural wealth, sacrifice, the spirit of
attitudes and behaviors that are nationalism, excellence and
submissive in religion or beliefs held, excellence, love for the homeland,
tolerant of people with different protecting the environment, obeying
beliefs, live and are in harmony with the law, self-discipline, respecting
other religions. The character of diversity, respecting cultural, ethnic
religious values is very much needed and religious diversity. The value of
by students in dealing with changing independence is an attitude and
times and moral degradation as it is behavior that is not dependent on
today. Students are expected to have others and uses all energy, thought,
and behave in accordance with time to be able to realize hopes,
religious provisions. The basic life dreams and aspirations. Independent
and function of religion can be used sub-values include ethical work (hard
as a basis for educational values, work), tough, tenacious, fighting
including character education, so that spirit, professional, creative,
it will provide and give birth to a courageous, and being a lifelong
model of a religious education-based learner. a. Become an independent
approach. The value of religious member of the community, b.
character also includes three- Fulfilling personal responsibilities of
dimensional relationships, namely the citizenship in the economic and
individual's relationship with God, the political fields, c. Respect the human
individual with other individuals, and dignity and worth of each individual,
the individual with the universe. The d. Participate in civil affairs
value of religious character is shown effectively and wisely, e. Developing
in the behavior of loving and a healthy function from being a
maintaining the integrity of God's student must recognize equality,
creation. Sub-religious values are rights and obligations between
humans, love fellow humans, develop education in which all of these
an attitude of tolerance, not arbitrary missions will lead to an attitude of
towards others, uphold human values, love for the homeland and a sense of
like to do humanitarian activities,
nationality (Asrifah et al., 2020). This
dare to defend truth and justice in
carrying out the work. A citizen is makes teaching materials based on the
expected to have intellectual and values of the nation's character to be
participatory skills in the life of the important and necessary, therefore
nation and state. In the end, the educators need more creative
knowledge and skills will form an innovations in carrying out learning.
established character or character, so For this reason, educators are
that it becomes an attitude in
expected to not only transfer the
everyday life. Characters, attitudes or
habits of daily living that reflect the field's cognitive but also in the values
goodness of citizens are religious, that are still good for citizens by using
tolerant, honest, fair, democratic, materials that are rich in character
respecting differences, respecting the values.
law, respecting the rights of others,
having a strong national spirit, and a Sugesstion
sense of social solidarity
Character education aims to
CONCLUSION AND produce students with attitudes and
SUGESSTION behavior in accordance with Islamic
Conclusion law. Teaching materials are elements
In education, civics education used to develop resources to improve
has a central role in shaping the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values
character of good citizens. The that meet student competency
following are some of the characters standards (Wijiningsih, 2017). So that
in the formation of citizen character to the formation of the educational
become part of civic competence character of this research can be used
including: civic knowledge, civic as a reference for consideration and it
skills and civic character or character, is hoped that there will be motivation,
so as to foster good citizenship support (students, teachers, and the
character. Civil character is the most university) to develop and shape the
substantive competence and important character of students..
subject of Citizenship Education.
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