Itr-2 (VKS, Q - 1 To 6)
Itr-2 (VKS, Q - 1 To 6)
Itr-2 (VKS, Q - 1 To 6)
Father's Name
Raman K. Mehta
Shyam K. Mehta
ABNPM2312P --------
Date of birth
Addres s
Mobile No.
e-mail ID
10/01/1 972
94A/11 7, Marath wada Street, Pune - 412105 (Mahar ashtra)
raman1 84@gm
-- -
Residen t and ordinar ily residen t (he was in India for 310 days during
Residential status the prev~
year 2021-22)
Return to be filed under
which section
139(1), origina l return -
Name and address of Amar Consul tants, 4/95/1 0, Shiv Street, Station Road, Pune - 412107
employ er (Mahar ashtra)
PAN of employ er AANCA 3219Q
Director in any compan y No
(1-J- 1£!;) irt6 ~
Income from salary (as per Form No. 16 given by employer)
Basic salary
ranspor tallowa nce 1,68,00,000
unch allowan ce 19,200
House rent allowan ce (entire amoun t taxable) 18,000
fr Childre n educati on allowan ce [fully exempt under section 10(14)]
Leave salary (fully taxable)
1, 36,000
Convey ance allowan ce for local travelli ng - 18,000
- Convey ance allowan ce receive d from employ er
- Convey ance allowan ce exempt under section 10(14) / 34,000
Leave travel concession (LTC) - 8,000
- LTC receive d from employ er - f/r1. ~" .2 Lt',._.., 'v-1- c...
- LTC exempt under section 10(5) 58,000
Income from Jwuse property (seif-occupied)(address given above) 52,000
Munici pal tax
Interest on borrow ed capital 68,000
insuran ce/gene ral insuran ce premiu m 2,75,000
from other sources
interest (FD) (net of TDS @ 10%)
ton savings bank accoun t in Yes Bank 9,00,000
on income -tax refund (received on Februa ry 10, 2022 for the assessm 37,410
ent year 2021-22) 9,110
s from gross total income
tion 80CCD(1 B)
tion 80D [for assesse e and spouse : Rs. 16,000, for parents (age : 69
years) of assesse e :
CASE STUDY l • l•.ira ~i9,z
.._'f_ ,,-ct;;-;;;;:o-~11~n:·-e:~-- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --
x- -de-,-,
- By employe r (TAN of <.•mployer : R'J'KA55481C)
• By bank on FD interest (TAN or Yes llonk : MUMY02LIH41 •)
Advn11cc tn.,/scIJ-assess111l'llt /a\ pn11/ 111 ns~essee - -----~---- S(,,<,(1, I 00
1 1,00,0(ll)
• Tax paid on 12/09/20 21 (BSR Code of hank : 000564 J, Chollnn No.: OO(Y.16)
- T ,ix pa id on 30/04/2 022 (BSR Code or bank : 000564 I, Cha llo n No. : Oil 140)
Assets t/dni/s Asset details arc given below (we,lth Lax n•Lun, new•r nlcd) _:_
< -
______ 40,()(J(l
Jeweller y held by assessee on 31/03/20 22 - -~ - - , -1
- Cos l of acquisiti on (when originally acquirt•d in 199J -92)
- Market value as on 31/03/20 22
8 , 9(),(1()()
Self-occ upied resident ial property - '27, I0,000
)-~ - Cost of acquisiti on (when originally acquired in 2002-03)
. Market value as on 31/03/20 22 . 0005) _
8, I0,000
Plot of land held by assessee (address : 305/32, ew anipa 22,70,000
g I- - Cost of acquisiti on (when originally acquired inN < l,
p · l Ron I Delhi - 11
- Market value as on 31/03/20 22 2,00,0()0
Cash in hand on 31/03/2 022 8, 17,00,000
42,000 J
329.2 Case study 2 - Generat e mcome-
. tax ,.e tu u. 1111 from the data gi
·ven below -
Shrinath S. Makhija
Father's Name Ajinkya S. Makhija
Date of birth
Address 24/11/19
44-98, .70Comp Iex, 24th Floor, Bamlra West,
Jatin . Mumbai - 400050 (M<1h,11-.,shtra)
Mobile No. 9654667702 .
e-mail ID
Residen tial status s hrinaths1980@gma r
ril resident (he was .m 1n for 270 days during the pn.•v1Pus
Resident and
year 2021-22 am orl:/;~O Jays during last 4 years)
d 9(l) ·Pinal relurn
I r 13 ' ono· b . 40()()8()
Return to be file unc e d 5086 Mohan Nagar, Bandra (East), Mum ,u .
which section ~ ==]~K~r~i~sh~nia~C~l~1e~m~;ic=a~l(~P~.)~L=t~ .,=='=== === === === === ==
employ er I AANCK8217Q
AN ofandemploye
r of ~/f~~(M~~~a~
No h~a1E:·aj~sil~1!t~r~a);·==============================================1
Director m any company. d
Shareho lding . in unhste
. s Nil
compam e nts helJ by 1
No. of bank accou . 1
time (inc ~ d -
sessee at any
?s O pened/ closecf) during
mg • us year
the prev10 k accounts Name of bank SBl
Deta1·1s of ban Accounl No. 7145762568()
IFS Code SBIN0001422
Type of .account Saving
2/07/202 2
, etai::...::_ ..:::...._ _ _ _
'ls arc g!iven Jx>low
--- --N/6 Ri11c111,y ,;,~,,loycr)
: -_ ==========================t=====
.I"" r,,rm "· ,
•IB 00.0<.'I()
- I'--
Self-occupied H 3,93,<xJO
Income from other sources
,. Bank interest (FD) from Punjab National Bank (net of TDS @ 10%)
Interest credited in saving bank account 28AOO
Dividend from Excel Motors Ltd. (no TDS) (date of receipt of dividend : June 15, 2021) 4,750
Deductions from gross total income -
Under section BOC 1,50,000
Under section 80CCD(1B) 50,000
Under section BOD (mediclaim insurance policy taken on the life of assessee and his spouse) 38,000
Tax deducted at source
- By employer (TAN of employer: RTKA85463A) 12,00,900
- By bank on FD interest (TAN of PNB : DELP26004G) 3,00,000
Advance tax/self-assessment tax paid by assessee
- Tax paid on 9/10/2021 (BSR Code of bank: 0005641, Challan No.: 00062) 98,000
- Tax paid on 30/04/2022 (BSR Code of bank : 0005641, Challan No. : 00084) 2,95,000
Assets details - Asset details are given below (wealth-tax return never filed) -
Jewellery held by assessee on 31/03/2022 -
- Cost of acquisition (when originally acquired in 1985-86) 4,00,000
- Market value as on 31/03/2022 46,70,000
Plot of land held by assessee (address: 5/ A484/6, Shahpur Road, Ludhiana -141001) -
- Cost of acquisition (when originally acquired in 2006-07) 29,65,000
- Market value as on 31/03/2022 9,70,00,000
Self-occupied residential property -
- Cost of acquisition (when originally acquired in 1985-86) 2,95,000
- Market value as on 31/03/2022
Cash in hand on 31/03/2022
329.3 Case study 3 - Generate income-tax return from the data given below _
Mohan Dasgupta
Father's Name
Roshan Dasgupta
28-H/515, Dakshin Dhalkar, Jalpaiguri - 736208 (West Bengal)
8857423236 m
Resi~ent and ordinarily resident (he was in India for 70 days during lhe
previous year 2021-22 and 1200 days during last 4 years)
fi led under which section
139(1), original return
address of ex-employer
Assentus Engineering Solutions Ltd., 86/251, Kali Road, Kolkata ·
700023 (West Bengal)
CASE STUDY 4 • P.uI\.3l9."
PAN of em~l'r
l)irl-ctor in any t'QIUp,my
- AAJC' A'.\O<~K =
No -- -
Investmen t in National Savings Certificates (VII{ Issue) (date of investmen t: March 3, 2021)
(rate of interest: 7.90 per cent)
Tnx deducted nt source
LShareholding in unlisted companies
No. of bank accounts held by assessee
at any time (including opened/closed)
Details of bank accounts
Name of bank
7563258787 l
L'.A~c~c~o~u~n~t_::N~o'.:...- - - - -- - -IPIINRru~~n- - -
TFS Code PUNB00231 LO --
~~~~f~---:t_ _ _ __ _ _lc;s~a~v;;:in~g;-------------
1w PAN
✓ CJl,o pate of birth
I AAN PA1 207N
07/0 7/19 86
C,, ,1 96 !t • 0\"d dres s - 670003 (Kerala)
4-12-78, Railw ay Road , New Stree t, Kan uur
,,,Mobile No. 7116586328
--ri---.9133- 0 e-ma il ID rsana nd@ redif fmai
in Indi a for 310 days duri ng
Resi dent ial statu s Resi dent and ordin arily resid ent (he was
the prev ious year 2021-22)
Retu rn to be filed unde r whic h secti on 139(1), origi nal retur n
Old Utta m Nag ar, Kan nm -
Nam e and addr ess of emp loye r Tata Over seas Com pute rs Ltd., 6G3 /393 ,
670012 (Kerala)
PAN of emp loye r BARCT8824Q
Dire ctor in any com pany Nil
Shar ehol ding in unlis ted com pani es Nil
No. of bank acco unts held by asses see 1
at any time (incl udin g open ed/ close d)
duri ng the prev ious year SBI
Nam e of bank
Deta ils of bank acco unts 71236547945
Acco unt No.
IFS Cod e SBIN0006521
Type of acco unt Savi ng
11/0 9/20 22
Date of filin g
Kan nur
Plac e of filin g retu rn
belo w -
Income details - Inco me deta ils are give n Rs.
Income from salary (as per Form No. 16 given by 86,00 ,000
Basi c salar y 34,00 0
Tran spor t allow ance
Hou se rent allow ance - 20,000
_ Exem pt from tax :)___9,000 V
- By Jagatpur Lottery Authority (fAN : MUMJ52136A)
Self-assessment tax paid by assessee
- Tax paid on 17/04/2022 (BSR Code of bank : 0008610, Challan No. : 00601)
329.6 Case study 6- Generate income-tax return from the data given below -
Name Naresh Kumar Malhotra
Father's Name Ashok Kumar Malhotra
-o Date of birth 22/08/1956
.l'\ ri Address 86/71, New Patel Road, Raja Market, Bengaluru- 560002 (Karnataka)
1f?'I ~~~t-M_o_bil~·e~N~o_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--1t--68_845_2_1_55_O_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---1
'"' 1 e-mail ID nkm12O8@
')f'1r.. Residential status Resident and ordinarily resident (he was in India for 280 days during
,w-1 Return to be filed under which section
the previous year 2021-22)
139(1), original return
Name and address of employer Amar Textiles Ltd., 51-3 Cubbonpete, Bengaluru - 560002 (Karnataka)
PAN of employer BAACA7479T
Director in any company Nil
Shareholding in unlisted companies Nil
No. of bank accounts held by assessee 1
at any time (including opened/ closed)
during the previous year
Details of bank accounts Name of bank SBI
"A:--:c-co-un-:-t:-;N;-o-.-------~8:'.. '.::6~11-2_5_23_0_12_ _ _ __