Junt Lo3
Junt Lo3
Junt Lo3
School LUCSUHIN NHS Grade Level G7 or G8
Grade 1 to 12 Teacher BAYLON P. TESTA JR. Learning Area Automotive
Daily Lesson Log Teaching Date and Time 1 hr. Quarter
A. Content Standards 3.Observing occupational health and safety standards
B. Performance Standards Applies safety practices in the workplace in accordance with OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) procedures
C. Learning Competencies 3CG4; TLE_IAAS7/8OS-0f-3
LO3. Observe occupational health and safety standards
Directions: Select the best answer. Write the letter of your answer rin your Activity Notebook.
1. Manual work must be properly so that workers will not over exert themselves and develop muscle
F. Developing Mastery strain, especially in the back.
A. assigned B. designated C. designed D. resigned
2. Choose tools with an evenly balanced weight and make sure they are used in the proper
A. partition B. position C. precision D. promotion
3. Hand tools should be designed according to requirements.
A. economic B. entrance C. ergonomic D. equal
4. Avoid holding a tool continuously in a reduce muscle pain. Position or gripping a heavy tool to
A. correct B. easy C. .lax D. raised
5.When determining the appropriate height of the work surface, the following factors are considered except
A. the elbow height of the worker
B. the shape of tools and equipment being used
C. the size of the product being worked on
D. the type of work being performed
G. Finding practical application 1. What are the things to remember in our daily works.
of concepts & skills in daily 2. How can you avoid encountering the possible work accidents in life?
H. Making generalizations and Based on the discussions and activities done, What are the benefits in observing occupational health and safety
abstractions about the lesson standards.?
Directions: Below is a puzzle interconnected with one another. Give at least four 4) important guidelines in
maintaining occupational safety and awareness. Use your Activity Notebook for your answers.
I. Evaluating Learning
J. Additional activities for Directions: Answer the following competencies in the column below to assess your knowledge in Maintaining
applications or remediation Occupational Safety and Awareness. Which of the following do you know about? Put a check ( ⁄ ) on the
appropriate lines.
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