Teacher Guide: Kirkos Manufacturing College
Teacher Guide: Kirkos Manufacturing College
Teacher Guide: Kirkos Manufacturing College
TTLM Code:- EIS BEI3 M11 112021v1
his Teacher’s Guide is developed to assist trainers in delivering the BEI Level III training
program. It is usually designed as a resource to support the learning activity.
The BEI III Training is developed to equip the trainees with the required competences in use
The Program is consists of fiften (15) learning modules covering the fiften units of competence
The expected outputs of this program are the learners’ acquisition and implementation of the
following competence in Building Electrical Installation L –III.
EIS BEI3 01 1118 Prepare Working Drawing (CAD)
EIS BEI3 02 1118 Select Wiring Systems and Cables for Low Voltage General Electrical Installations
EIS BEI3 03 1118 Install Electrical System Protection
EIS BEI3 04 1118 Install and Maintain Cabling for Multiple Access to Telecommunication Services
EIS BEI3 05 1118 Trouble- Shoot and Repair Faults in Low Voltage Electrical Apparatus and Circuits
EIS BEI3 06 1118 Perform Maintenance of Electrical Equipment
EIS BEI3 07 1118 Inspect and Commission Electrical Installation
EIS BEI3 08 1118 Work Safely in the Construction Industry
EIS BEI3 09 1118 Identity OHS Hazards and Risk
EIS BEI3 10 1118 Monitor Implementation of Work Plan/Activities
EIS BEI3 11 1118 Apply Quality Control
EIS BEI3 12 1118 Lead Workplace Communication
EIS BEI3 13 1118 Lead Small Teams
EIS BEI3 14 1118 Improve Business Practice
This teacher’s guide covers all the fiften (15) learning modules and it will assist trainers in
delivering the said program and achieving its learning objectives and outcomes. It also provides
information in the organization of the learning guides and assessment packets. The learning
guides are aid to the trainees by telling them what need to do, when and how to do it and the
expectations once the learning activities are completed. While the assessment packet guide you
in developing the tools or instruments to measure trainee’s overall achievement of the stated
competence. Thus it is important for trainer to understand the design of this program and the
mechanics in which it shall be delivered.
EIS BEI3 05 1118 Trouble- Shoot and EIS BEI3 05 Troubling- Shoot
Repair Faults in Low 1118 and Repairing Prepare to trouble-shoot and
Voltage Electrical Faults in Low rectify faults
Apparatus and Circuits Voltage Electrical Trouble-shoot and repair
Apparatus and faults.
Circuits Completion and report
Maintenance of electrical
EIS BEI3 07 1118 Inspect and EIS BEI3 07 Inspecting and
Commission Electrical 1118 Commission Plan and prepare to
Installation Electrical commission electrical system
Installation Commission electrical
EIS BEI3 08 1118 Work Safely in the EIS BEI3 08 Working Safely
Construction 1118 in the Identify OHS legislative
Industry Construction requirements.
Industry Identify construction
hazards and control
Identify OHS
communication and reporting
Identify OHS incident
EIS BEI3 09 1118 Identity OHS EIS BEI3 09 Identifying
Hazards and Risk 1118 OHS Hazards Contribute to workplace
and Risk hazard
Contribute to OHS risk
EIS BEI3 11 1118 Apply Quality EIS BEI3 11 1118 Applying Quality
Control Control Implement quality
Assess quality of
service delivered.
Record information
Study causes of
quality deviations
workplace processes
Lead workplace
Identify and
communicate issues
EIS BEI3 13 1118 Lead Small Teams EIS BEI3 13 1118 Leading Small
Teams Provide team
Foster individual
and organizational
Monitor and
evaluate workplace
Develop team
commitment and
accomplishment of
organizational goals
EIS BEI3 14 1118 Improve Business EIS BEI2 M14 0919 Improving
Practice Business Practice Diagnose the
Benchmark the
In this program the trainees will be given individual learning guide to go through and
accomplish. They will be instructed through this learning guide to accomplish learning
activities as part of the mechanism for transfer of learning from the training situation to the job
situation. For each competence area, trainees will formulate a specific learning plan as a guide
for applying their learning to work setting and for their own continuing self-development. At
this point, your role as the teacher/facilitator is to guide the trainee in preparing and
accomplishing their plan.
Lecture and discussion of the topics outlined in the session plan should be performed first before
the trainees are instructed to go to the workshop. You are also required to demonstrate the
correct steps/procedures and techniques to your trainees before you let them practice. Insure
that they are practicing safely.
Most part of the training activities will be conducted in the workshop for better development of
specific skills. Aside from motivating them to relate concepts and skills to their own work
situations, make sure to provide the necessary opportunity for competence practice and better
internalization of such concepts and techniques. The trainees should also be provided the
opportunity to blend with the actual working unit in the industry.
In this system, it is important to develop a sustained relationship with the trainees through a
continued involvement, where you are to offer support, guidance and assistance as the trainee go
through the learning activities and actual work.
With the mentoring approach, the trainees are grouped in learning teams with one facilitator-
mentor per team. Before learning session or workshop start in the morning, each team and
mentor meets to give feedback regarding their work, or how the group improves, acquire set of
skills for the members to become more effective trainees. You are also to asses them at the end.
Assessment Context
There are two types of evaluation used in determining the extent to which learning outcomes are
achieved. The specific learning outcomes are stated in the modules. In assessing them,
verifiable and observable indicators and standards shall be used.
Summative Evaluation the other form of evaluation is given when all the modules of the
program have been accomplished. It determines the extent to which competence have been
achieved. This will be given in the form of written test for the underpinning knowledge and
demonstration for the attitudes and skills portion. And, the result of the assessment decision
shall be expressed in the term ‘competent or not yet competent’. In this program the summative
assessment shall also serves as the final examination.
These two types of evaluation form part of the training and they are considered as institutional
Evaluation Tools
a) Formative Assessment
Reading and presentation
b) Summative Evaluation
Written test
2. _________is a document. It is a set of rules that control how people develop and
manage materials, products, services, technologies, processes, and systems.
C.Quality policy
D.Quality management
3. ____________defines top management’s commitment to quality
C.Quality policy
D.Quality management
4. --------------- is a logically structured plan or method for achieving long term goals.
C,Quality policy
D,Quality management
Evidence Plan
TVET Program Building Electrical Installation level III
Written Test
The evidence must show that the trainee…
Develop and implementing quality standards
Learning Modules
Batch Class:
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for demonstration
Feedback to trainee:
Multiple Choice
1 Answer: D
2 Answer: A
3 Answer: B
4 Answer: C
5 Answer: D
6 Answer: D
7 Answer: C
8 Answer: B
Student’s Name
Teacher’s Name
TVET Program Title Building Electrical Installation level III
Batch Class
Module Title Applying Quality Control
Date of Assessment
B. Written Test
NO. Student’s Name
NUMBER [Competent / Not Yet Competent]